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How healthy and happy

enough sleep. It not only keeps you healthy, but you will be happier. To be exact,
"getting up early and getting up early can make men healthy and intelligent." So
make sure you go to bed earlier, or you have an alert reminder (cell) if you do not
have a perfect sleep time for any problems. do not worry. Normally, adults need
about 8-9 hours of sleep, while most teenagers need about 9-10 hours of sleep. The
benefits of sleep depend very much on your brain prototype, as it eliminates all
the toxins that make you intoxicated, and these toxins may hinder your happiness or
make you a positive thinker, better than the day before Start a new day Be sure to
relax and relax for an hour before going to bed, as this will help you drift more
easily; read a book, watch TV (preferably not violent, aggressive or even news),
but avoid doing homework or stressful Things that need you to think about,
especially if you are a parent or relative who takes care or is under stressful
Eat healthy food. Avoid junk food, eat fruits and green leafy vegetables everyday.
This will make you feel more energetic and happy. Use a piece of fruit or some nuts
instead of unhealthy snacks such as chocolate bars. Processed foods tend to contain
saturated fats, sodium, simple carbohydrates and sugars, so try to avoid them as
much as possible. Eat apples, watermelons, papaya, grapes and other fruits to boost
your immune system, increase your skin clarity / glow and improve your vision
Drink plenty of water. Water is good for everything in the body; the benefits of
water are amazing. Water helps to keep your skin clear and makes you feel happier
and better about your body. [Water demand] Water itself is just an amazing source
for your overall health. Be sure to be with you anytime, anywhere, whether at work
or study or even during practice. Try to drink 8 cups a day. Alternatively, if you
do not like the taste of water, try flavors or sparkling, maybe add some lemon
slices; of course, you can always have Robinson's pumpkin or something similar.
exercise. Whether it's brisk walking, jogging, martial arts, cardio workout,
cardio, dancing in the room, playing Wii Fit, anything similar will make you feel
strong, happy and immune, and of course, even if you're HIV positive Or the immune
system may be weakened. Obviously, you do not have to exercise every day, because
in the face of it, we do not always have time unless you are an athlete, fitness
trainer, etc. But try to adapt to it a little bit, that is certainly the biggest
difference between yourself. You will notice that your immune system is a great
help in this change.
Please take care of yourself. This means buying shoes you've always wanted to buy,
buying inspirational books from the bookstore, having a lot of reading (type
dependent) technology, good health, discovering strengths, developing leadership
skills, novels, fiction, thriller Story and so on. You can also go to parks,
gardens, or places where you think you can spend some time thinking.
Have real friends Combine with true friends, compliment them and appreciate them.
Always tell them how much you love them and how they are treated. Do not backstab,
always stick together, stick to each other. Do not believe any rumors; Occasionally
go out and play with friends, you will create memories and become closer.
Laugh and laugh. Do not feel bad about trifles, or take any joke that hurts you.
Conversely, if you feel sad, prefer to stay away from that friend, but do not tell
him you do not like him / her. Respect your friends from a good perspective. Do not
be pessimistic overall; you smile and smile, you will be happy; and who knows,
maybe your smile may make someone's day.
Enjoy hobby. This can be art, music, collecting things, or anything that makes you
happy and makes yourself. Try to be proactive and celebrate your accomplishments.
Give gifts, do not expect to receive anything else; keep yourself busy and happy.
Help your family. Help your mom cook, help your father in the kitchen, hoover your
room, or any family that can help you. Not only will this make them love you more,
but even if you moved home twenty years ago and you are a father, you will be
Manage the stress in your life. This will keep you healthy and happy, keeping you
awake, especially during the tense moments of redundancy, divorce and family death.
World famous martial arts legend "Bruce Lee" aptly said this sentence, more comfort
you and

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