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“Gheorghe Banea” School November 2013

Summative English Test 7th grade A

Name: ______________________________ Mark: ______________

A. Complete the sentences with the following particles after the verb GET or GO. Some particles are
used more than once!
away – down – on – over – through – together – up
E.g.: These steps are dangerous. Go down them carefully.
1. He got ___________ his operation very quickly and soon back at work.
2. The prisoners try to get _____________ by a boat.
3. I have always got ____ well with my sister.
4. Although it started raining, the boys went _______________ playing football.
5. I haven’t seen you for ages. We must get ________________ and catch up on our news.
6. The children want to go _____________ their song before they sing it for their parents.
7. Mr. Jones went _______________ in 1989 and he has never come back.
8. I can’t walk up to the seventh floor. Let’s go ______ in the lift.
9. I overslept this morning and didn’t get ___________ until 10 o’clock.
10. I tried to phone you last night but I couldn’t get ______.
B. Rewrite the sentences using the linkers in brackets:
E.g.: He was born in Scotland but he doesn’t speak with a Scottish accent.
(However) He was born in Scotland. However, he doesn’t speak with a Scottish accent.
1. They got a taxi but they still missed their train.
(Although) __________________________________________________________________________________
2. She felt ill but she did the exam.
(In spite of) _________________________________________________________________________________
3. She invited James to the party but he didn’t go
(However) _________________________________________________________________________________.
4. They have a lot of money but they never look happy.
(Despite) __________________________________________________________________________________.
5. They are good dancers but they didn’t dance at the disco.
(Although) _________________________________________________________________________________.
C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Tenses (Present Simple, Present Continuous,
Present Perfect simple):
Dear Michelle,
Sorry I _____________ (not be) in touch for such a long time. I _________________ (write) this on the coach
to Scotland. I’m on my way to Edinburgh to stay with my grandma. I __________________ (usually visit) her once a
year. She _____________ (live) in a village outside Edinburgh. I __________________ (not see) her since last
August. We ____________________ (speak) on the phone once a week and I often ______________(tell) her about
my problems. I ____________________________ (always get on) very well with her. I _____________________
(never be) on a holiday on my own without my parents before so I ____________ (enjoy) the freedom!
How are things with you? Give my love to your parents and write me soon.
Love, Kelly
D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past Tenses (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past
Perfect simple):
It was pretty late in the autumn of the year, and the evening sun ______________ (shine) through the
clouds which _____________ (cover) it all day. The sun was looking brightly down upon me as I ______________
(walk) through the glorious countryside. I__________________ (never see) such beautiful nature before in all of my
life. Eventually I____________(find) a little pub, where I sat down and _____________(take) a drink, before I left
to continue on my journey. After a few more hours night______(start) to come. I______ (get) lost somehow and I
had no idea where I was. I _____ (walk) in the direction I thought was correct, when I suddenly ______ (hear) a
noise behind me.
10 x1=10
Teacher: Liliana Gheorghe
| November 2013
E. Complete each sentence with the correct part of speech from the verbs in brackets.
E.g.: We were pleased to hear your news.
1. We got a _______________ (frighten) when we opened the door.
2. I was __________________ (horrify) to find that all my money had gone.
3. He was ________________ (shock) to see how poor they were.
4. It will be a ________________ (please) to help you.
5. They were __________________ (amaze) to see us.
F. Circle the more appropriate verb.
Lynne: It’s my birthday next week. I will be /I’m being eighteen. I’ll/’m going to have a big party. Can you come?
Peter: I’m sorry, but I will/won’t be here then. I will go / am going to Paris on business tomorrow.
Lynne: Oh, that’s interesting. We might/will go to France for a holiday next year. We haven’t decided yet. How
long will you be/are you being there?
Peter: About a fortnight. I will work / am working at the university for ten days, and then I am having / may have
a holiday in Italy. I have already booked my flight. I want to see some friends who live near Milan. I will / may
stay with them but I am not sure. Ehen I get back I am giving / will give you a ring. Have a nice party.
Lynne: Thanks, we might /will.
G. Complete the sentences by making comparisons with the adjectives or adverbs in brackets:

1. Travelling by plane is _____________________________ (safe) way of travelling.

2. This year at college is much _________________________ (difficult) than last year.
3. I’m sure you don’t cook _________________________(bad) as I do.
4. She can’t run _____________________ (fast) than her brother.
5. I think younger people drive ____________________________ (dangerously) than older people.
H. Complete the sentences with one of these uncountable nouns and the present simple form of the verb in
brackets. accommodation – furniture – knowledge – behavior – information – scenery – weather – money –
luggage – work – traffic.
1. What ___ (be) the ____________ like here today?
2. Your ______________ __________ (look) heavy. Are you going away for a long time?
3. The ____________________ of bees _____ (be) very interesting to study.
4. I’m afraid this _______________ about flight times ___ (be) out of date.
5. Her ___________________ of art ____ (be) excellent. She knows about the lives of the great painters.
I. Write about an event that happened to you (100 words) or you can continue the story that begins like this
(+ 75 words):
Everyone else in the family had gone out to the cinema, but I
had decided to stay at home. It was about ten o’clock and I
was watching TV when………

10 points BONUS

Teacher: Liliana Gheorghe

| November 2013

Summative English Test 7th grade A

Barem de corectare

A. Complete the sentences with the following particles after the verb GET or GO. Some particles are
used more than once!
away – down – on – over – through – together – up
E.g.: These steps are dangerous. Go down them carefully.
1. He got over his operation very quickly and soon back at work.
2. The prisoners try to get away by a boat.
3. I have always got on well with my sister.
4. Although it started raining, the boys went together playing football.
5. I haven’t seen you for ages. We must get over and catch up on our news.
6. The children want to go away their song before they sing it for their parents.
7. Mr. Jones went away in 1989 and he has never come back.
8. I can’t walk up to the seventh floor. Let’s go up in the lift.
9. I overslept this morning and didn’t get up until 10 o’clock.
10. I tried to phone you last night but I couldn’t get through.
B. Rewrite the sentences using the linkers in brackets:
E.g.: He was born in Scotland but he doesn’t speak with a Scottish accent.
(However) He was born in Scotland. However, he doesn’t speak with a Scottish accent.
1. They got a taxi but they still missed their train.
(Although) Although they got a taxi, they still missed their train.
2. She felt ill but she did the exam.
(In spite of) In spite of feeling ill, she did the exam.
3. She invited James to the party but he didn’t go
(However) She invited James to the party. However, he didn’t go.
4. They have a lot of money but they never look happy.
(Despite) Despite having lot of money, they never look happy.
5. They are good dancers but they didn’t dance at the disco.
(Although) Although they are good dancers, they didn’t dance at the disco.
C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Tenses:
Dear Michelle,
Sorry I haven’t been (not be) in touch for such a long time. I am writing (write) this on the coach to Scotland.
I’m on my way to Edinburgh to stay with my grandma. I usually visit (usually visit) her once a year. She lives (live)
in a village outside Edinburgh. I haven’t seen (not see) her since last August. We speak (speak) on the phone once a
week and I often tell (tell) her about my problems. I always get on (always get on) very well with her. I have never
had (never be) on a holiday on my own without my parents before so I enjoy (enjoy) the freedom!
How are things with you? Give my love to your parents and write me soon.
Love, Kelly
D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past Tenses.
It was pretty late in the autumn of the year, and the evening sun was shining (shine) through the clouds
which had covered (cover) it all day. The sun was looking brightly down upon me as I was walking (walk) through
the glorious countryside. I had never seen (never see) such beautiful nature before in all of my life. Eventually I
found (find) a little pub, where I sat down and took (take) a drink, before I left to continue on my journey. After a

Teacher: Liliana Gheorghe

| November 2013
few more hours night started (start) to come. I got (get) lost somehow and I had no idea where I was. I was walking
(walk) in the direction I thought was correct, when I suddenly heard (hear) a noise behind me.
10 x1=10
E. Complete each sentence with the correct part of speech from the verbs in brackets.
E.g.: We were pleased to hear your news.
1. We got a fright (frighten) when we opened the door.
2. I was horrified (horrify) to find that all my money had gone.
3. He was shocked (shock) to see how poor they were.
4. It will be a pleasure (please) to help you.
5. They were amazed (amaze) to see us.
F. Circle the more appropriate verb.
Lynne: It’s my birthday next week. I will be /I’m being eighteen. I’ll/’m going to have a big party. Can you come?
Peter: I’m sorry, but I will/won’t be here then. I will go / am going to Paris on business tomorrow.
Lynne: Oh, that’s interesting. We might/will go to France for a holiday next year. We haven’t decided yet. How
long will you be/are you being there?
Peter: About a fortnight. I will work / am working at the university for ten days, and then I am having / may have
a holiday in Italy. I have already booked my flight. I want to see some friends who live near Milan. I will / may
stay with them but I am not sure. Ehen I get back I am giving / will give you a ring. Have a nice party.
Lynne: Thanks, we might /will.
G. Complete the sentences by making comparisons with the adjectives or adverbs in brackets:

1. Travelling by plane is the safest (safe) way of travelling.

2. This year at college is much more difficult (difficult) than last year.
3. I’m sure you don’t cook as bad (bad) as I do.
4. She can’t run faster (fast) than her brother.
5. I think younger people drive more dangerously (dangerously) than older people.
H. Complete the sentences with one of these uncountable nouns and the present simple form of the verb in
brackets. accommodation – furniture – knowledge – behavior – information – scenery – weather – money –
luggage – work – traffic.
1. What is (be) the weather like here today?
2. Your luggage looks (look) heavy. Are you going away for a long time?
3. The behavior of bees is (be) very interesting to study.
4. I’m afraid this information about flight times is (be) out of date.
5. Her knowledge of art is (be) excellent. She knows about the lives of the great painters.
I. Write about an event that happened to you (100 words) or you can continue the story that begins like this
(+ 75 words):
Everyone else in the family had gone out to the cinema, but I
had decided to stay at home. It was about ten o’clock and I
was watching TV when………

 1 points for appropriately beginning and ending

 4 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
 3 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
 10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
 1 points for a balanced structure (introduction, content, conclusion)
 1 points for the general impression

Teacher: Liliana Gheorghe

| November 2013

Şcoala gimnazială „Gh. Banea” Măcin

Str. Florilor, 30
Tel.-Fax 0240571004
e-mail: scoalagheorghebanea@yahoo.com

Test iniţial Limba engleză

Clasa a VII-a
Testul iniţial (predictiv) are în vedere verificarea nivelului de pregatire al elevilor (se anexeaza o
copie a acestui test). Prin acest test s-au verificat concepte operationale precum: timp verbal, tipuri de verbe,
tipuri de adverbe, substantiv, adjectiv.

Au fost totodata verificate cunostintele gramaticale ale elevilor prin cererea elevilor, la anumite
puncte, de a alege formele corecte ale verbelor în context diferite, prin indicarea elevilor de a pune verbe la
timpul Present Continuous/Present Simple,Past Simple/Past Continuous, Present Perfect Simple/Past
Simple sau de a allege forma potrivită a unui adjective în context.

Testul a vizat de asemenea si capacitatea de exprimare liberă în scris a elevilor prin cerinţa de a
elabora propozitii pornind de la anumite întrebări date şi de a redacta o scrisoare unui prieten.

Obiective operaţionale

O1 - să ofere informaţii despre sine despre activităţi şi evenimente;

O2 - să recunoască noţiunile/structurile gramaticale învăţate şi să le aplice corect;
O3 – să utilizeze corect timpurile verbale învăţate;
O4 – să folosească corect ajectivele şi gradele de comparaţie;
O5 - să redacteze o scrisoare informală.
Descriptori de performanţă :
1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
x Nu oferă informaţii  Oferă foarte puţine  Oferă paţial informaţii  Oferă integral informaţii
clare despre sine; informaţii clare despre sine; clare despre sine; clare despre sine;
x Nu recunoaşte  Recunoaşte foarte puţin din  Recunoaşte partial din  Recunoaşte integral
noţiunile/structurile noţiunile/structurile noţiunile/structurile noţiunile/structurile
gramaticale învăţate; gramaticale învăţate; gramaticale învăţate; gramaticale învăţate;
 Utilizează foarte puţin  Utilizează parţial corect  Utilizează corect
x Nu utilizează corect corect verbele la timpurile timpurile verbale timpurile verbale învăţate
timpurile verbale învăţate; învăţate  Utilizează corect
învăţate ;  Utilizează foarte puţin  Utilizează parţial corect ajectivele şi gradele de
x Nu utilizează corect corect ajectivele şi gradele ajectivele şi gradele de comparaţie;
ajectivele şi gradele de comparaţie; comparaţie;  Reuşeşte integral să
de comparaţie;  Reuşeşte foarte puţin să  Reuşeşte parţial să formulize enunţuri logice

Teacher: Liliana Gheorghe

| November 2013
x Nu reuşeşte să formulize enunţuri logice formulize enunţuri  Redacteaza o scrisosare
formulize enunţuri  Redactează cateva logice integral şi corect .
logice ; cuvinte/propoziţii dintr-o  Redactează parţial o
x Nu reuşeşte să scrisoare. scrisoare.
redacteze o scrisoare

Rezultate obţinute:
NOTA 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
NR.ELEVI 12 8 3 1
PROCENTE 70% 16.5% 12.5% -

 S-a observat o creștere a competențelor de folosire a timpurilor verbale, elevii reușind în număr
mai mare decât la testul initial să știe cum sa le formeze si cand sa le foloseasca.

 Se constată în continuare de asemenea ca unii elevii au probleme la formularea

enunţurilor/propozitiile în limba Engleza si la redactarea unor paragrafe.

În ceea ce priveste limba cele mai multe dificultati sau greseli intampinate sunt:

 Vocabular destul de redus la unii copii

 Nerecunoasterea unor cuvinte/sintagme din limba Engleza
 Exprimarea în limba engleză destul de timidă
 Necunoasterea regulilor de conjugare a verbelor, formele verbelor neregulate, sau folosirea
verbelor auxiliare la formarea unor timpuri verbale
 Folosirea partial corectă a verbelor frazale

Astfel, in urma rezultatelor partial nemultumitoare, se vor lua următoarele măsuri:

 consolidarea cunoştinţelor din anii anteriori ;

 Exerciţii de exersare scrisă pentru forma timpurilor verbale; adjective&adverbe
 Fise de lucru pentru dezvoltarea/consolidarea compenţelor de exprimare în scris;
Teacher: Liliana Gheorghe
| November 2013
 Utilizarea dictionarului pentru insuţirea de noi cuvinte şi exerciţii de vocabular.
 Exerciţii de redactare de paragrafe scurte si de scrisori pe un plan dat.

Profesor Gheorghe Liliana

Teacher: Liliana Gheorghe

| November 2013

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