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Mr Turley

English 1

17 October, 2017

Narcissistic Love

There are many types of love that revolve around us, such as platonic (love of friendship),

romantic (two lovers), familial (loving family), Unrequited (One-sided), and religion (love of

spiritual being). But, the focus is on narcissistic love, the love of the internal thought trajectory.

Narcissistic love is when an individual love themselves more than their peers.

When you love yourself a lot, you have high expectation about what you think about yourself,

which can be a selfish thought towards your friend or family. Everyone is narcissistic in such

ways in their own imagination, which really depends on what they excel in.

Society today, is filled with numerous narcissistic creature lurking to catch a viewer's

attention. This is due to the invention of the internet, which creates a vast hierarchy of people

doing their things.

Probably, the most narcissistic things people are using is the creation of social media. Social

media such as Instagram and Snapshot really does create the ideal definition of narcissism.

People would take elaborate picture of themselves and literally post them, so million of

audiences would revue through them and comment about the image. The most narcissistic part is

when people are not happy about the way they view themselves; the obvious solution is

photoshop, which creates the ingenious exaggeration of themselves.

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Well, the fact that almost everyone craves this love of social media; it's actually not all bad

things, since it expresses a person's life and what they are doing. The narcissistic part about this

concept is that citizen compare themselves to the other individual.

Modern society, creates a straightforward environment for anyone willing to test themselves in

the web, which are being stalked by million of customers.

Romeo and Juliet have a vast narcissistic organism that have a prestige mindset; about

themselves. The famous story depict many characters that are narcissistic about themselves

except for Mr. Benvolio.

The most narcissistic people are definitely Romeo and Juliet, due towards the fact that they only

think about themselves and not the people around them. When Romeo was depressed about

Rosaline, he cried many time and doesn't think about how it affected other people too; such as

his family or friends. Juliet was self love when she decided it was a good idea to commit suicide;

with a dagger, because her beloved lover Romeo accidentally made a big mistake by drinking the

deadly potion.‘’Yea, noise? then I'll be brief. O happy dagger!

Snatching ROMEO's dagger! This is thy sheath (Act V, Scene III)’’. That of course affected the

people who cherishes her.

When an individual love their life too much and especially their lover, it creates a sense of

desires to do the daring. Of course leads to a longer extension of depression for their caretaker,

due to a material that was once healthy; but sadly, vanishes to the hand of the people that also

love that material.

Romeo and Juliet is a story that captivated the human mind to do the unthinkable, because their

personal desires is worth more than another million soul. It does have some drawbacks as well;
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these mistaken fortune of our soul neglected, forever be depressed due to the action of a mindless


Narcissism in modern society is completely different from the adaptation of Romeo and Juliet.

The only real difference is the time period; being involved in and how it changes the situation

being pursued. In Romeo and Juliet it involve two lovers actually showing narcissism physically

and emotionally. During, the modern age its millions of people taking selfies showing it in a non-

contacted concept; by showing elaborate picture of themselves and the lurkers will preferentially

judge them.

Well they have the right substances to create a element; which is narcissism, in a certain degree

applies all the aspect to value the ideology about the subject being processed. It gives two

universe expressing the same concept, between Romeo and Juliet adaptation and the modern

depiction. It shows narcissistic behaviour by having to show one's desires’’they are manipulative

and easily angered, especially when they don't receive the attention they consider their birthright

(Psychology Today)’’.

Two world, one extravagance meaning of narcissism being applied in a star-crossed manner.

Romeo and Juliet and the modern age, really empathizes the involvement between the period

expressing the same meaning but in a different perimeter.

Narcissism comes and go in various form, it captures the mind of a person. This mind react in

certain ways; due to the environment and period, as well as the individual intention.

A narcissistic person can impact lives of others negatively or positively only due to what their

main interest is about. Everyone has a certain self love inside of them; when they have the

opportunity to show it, it could be expected or unexpected depending on the viewer's digest.

Anyone can be narcissistic, their personality trait says otherwise about the character.
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When you think of narcissism, usually it's how the brain function in various form. It can be a

sense of pride for one's being or the ability to manipulate its subjects. Romeo and Juliet; as well

as the modern era, really does do a excellent job at showing this profound nature.


Rebecca. “Narcissism.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 5 Sept. 2016,


Firestone, Lisa. “Self-Esteem Versus Narcissism.”Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 6 June

2012, www.psychologytoday.com/blog/compassion-matters/201206/self-esteem-versus-narcissism.

Jeremy. “The Complete Work of William Shakespeare.” Romeo and Juliet: List of Scenes, The Tech,

1993, shakespeare.mit.edu/romeo_juliet/index.html
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