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Why Going No Contact With Mom Doesn't Solve


Posted Dec 11, 2017

Source: Shootdiem/Shutterstock

When an adult child decides to cut a parent out of his or her life, the culture is quick to criticize,
decry, or condemn the action as that of someone who is ungrateful, impulsive, or difficult;
sympathy resides with the spurned parent, and when sides are drawn, it’s rare that the daughter
or son will be able to count their allies on the fingers of one hand. Over more than a decade of
interviewing women on the subject, I have never met anyone who took this drastic action without
spending years thinking about it. It is a drastic action — and I say that as someone who finally cut
her own mother out of her life after two decades of adulthood trying to find other solutions, not to
mention spending thousands of dollars on therapy.

But it is also true that going no contact isn’t a "solution" in any traditional sense. It’s a last resort,
usually preceded by repeated efforts at setting boundaries or establishing infrequent
communication or “low contact.” It only solves one immediate problem — being emotionally
wounded by close contact and demoralized, torn down and apart, and marginalized — and thus,
presumably, gives the daughter or son some air to breathe and some freedom to think, without
being reactive or trying to pull their self-esteem out of the basement.

Even though it provides momentary relief and feeds the sense that you are finally being proactive,
going no contact in and of itself doesn’t make you heal from your childhood experiences. It
doesn’t fill the hole left in your heart by the lack of maternal support and love. It does nothing to
assuage your worry that you are broken in ways that matter. It doesn’t instantly endow you with a
game plan or strategies to help yourself get happier and healthier. I know that’s counterintuitive,
but it's true.

In fact, some of the painful feelings aroused by your lack of connection to your mother (or father)
often intensify after parental divorce. Why is that? One of my readers expressed it with great
accuracy and poignancy: “Going no contact marks the death of hope: The hope that this can be
fixed. The hope that you can get the love you always needed. The hope that things will be better
and normal and okay.” Among the many things that need to be mourned when someone goes no
contact, the death of hope is one.

Again, even though the adult child may have initiated the parental divorce, it’s normal to have
powerful feelings of loss and even anguish bubble up in times of stress, during holidays or on
special occasions (when the absence of ties to your original family is hugely isolating), and during
moments of crisis. It’s at those moments, even years after the fact, that a daughter may begin to
doubt her decisions and consider reinitiating contact. That was what Deidre did:

"I hadn’t been in contact with my mother for five years, but when my oldest child was
involved in a horrible car accident, I honestly thought that her reaction to me would be different.
After all, my child — her oldest grandchild — had come close to dying and I had it in my head
that with this crisis and my child’s long rehabilitation that things would be different. Well, she
spent the time on the phone berating me for my disloyalty, and never said a word about Steve.
Didn’t offer to come to the hospital, nothing. Foolish of me, because I threw myself in the old pit
and had to start over crawling out."

Another daughter thought that her breast cancer diagnosis would inspire her mother’s empathy;
instead, her mother lashed out at her for “only coming around when she needed something.” That
was 10 years ago, the last time they spoke.

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It’s not unusual for a daughter to go no contact and then re-initiate connection; I did it myself for
20 years. In fact, it’s so common that I’ve actually given it a name: Going back to the well. While
the daughter knows intellectually that the well is dry — that she will never wrest the love and
support she craves from her mother — her hopefulness that this time she’ll find the magic key to
her mother’s heart trumps it all. Sometimes, too, the isolation of being cut off from her family of
origin is just too hard to bear. Other times, the old habit of blaming herself for the failure of the
relationship simply takes over, and she just doesn’t know what to do except try again.

Healing after going no contact

"I honestly thought I’d feel better cutting off, and I did. But then I didn’t. Even my therapist
couldn’t help me somehow. I kept re-thinking the choice, and it got worse when my mother
waged an all-out family war against me, calling me crazy, saying crap to everybody. But then a
bell went off in my head: She wanted me back so she could play more games. That was it. My
therapist and I doubled down."

So if going no contact itself doesn’t promote healing, what does? Adapted from my
book, Daughter Detox: Recovering from An Unloving Mother and Reclaiming Your Life (link is
external), following are four steps you will have to take to get on the path of recovery:

1. Mourn the mother you deserved.

That’s right — not the mother you had, but, the one you would have had in a fair world. This step
is important because it underscores that you were always deserving of love to begin with, and
that not having gotten it speaks volumes about your mother, not you. This is a process, not a single

2. Practice and become adept at self-compassion.

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Again, recognizing the legitimacy of your emotional needs and the pain you felt when they weren’t
met is a fundamental step in recovery, especially if you have rationalized your mother’s behavior
to keep the peace or paper over conflict. Most daughters internalize the critical and mean things
said about them, and having compassion for that vulnerable child and girl is another way of
stilling your self-critical voice.

3. Recognize the predictable fallout.

Going no contact almost always involves the loss of other relationships, especially if the mother
goes on the offensive to assert her truth about her daughter or son and works hard at co-opting
others to take sides. Needless to say, this makes a painful choice — no one really wants to self-
orphan or set him or herself adrift from family — even harder. It’s difficult not to fall into shame,
or old patterns of self-blame: “Maybe it is me; maybe I should have tried harder.” “Am I really too
sensitive? Why don’t other people see her as I do?” This kind of truth makes many people very
uncomfortable, and you need to recognize that it’s more about them than it is about you. Remind
yourself of all the times you tried and failed to fix this, and work hard at exercising self-
compassion and defanging self-blame.

4. Self-mother and build on the relationships you have.

Perhaps the most important thing going no contact doesn’t resolve or fix is what I call the core
conflict. This is the tug-of-war between a daughter’s growing recognition of the toxicity of the
maternal connection, along with its effect on her, and her continuing need for maternal love and
support. Divorcing your mother doesn’t end that conflict inside of you; it can only be addressed by
proactive behaviors, such as learning to mother and soothe yourself in times of stress and building
on the sustaining relationships you have elsewhere in life to fill in that gap. Again, this can be
done in time, but this too is a process (which I explain fully in my book).

Going no contact is sometimes the only choice to save the self, but it’s not a fix; it’s a start and
possible first step to begin to grow and, yes, heal.

Copyright © 2017 Peg Streep

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