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Lab 3 – Periodic Trends and Properties of Elements

Name: Drew Doiron Date: Friday, December 1, 2017

Instructor: Tharnie Vallikanthan
/20 marks

Part 1 – Reactivity of Metals with Water (2 marks)

Well A1 Well A2 Well A3
Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) Aluminum (Al)
Water only (20 drops)
(record colour of litmus) Red Red Red

Water + metal
(record colour of litmus) Blue Red Red

DO NOT CLEAN WELL PLATE! – Please use it for Part 2

Part 2 – Reactivity of Metals with Acid (HCl) (4 marks)

1. Temperature before adding metals? ________________°C

10 drops of 1M HCl Well C1 Well C2 Well C3
Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) Aluminum (Al)
Gas formed? G NG G NG G NG
(circle one) (circle one) (circle one)

If gas formed, Least 12 3 most Least 1 2 3 most Least 1 2 3 most

relative amount (circle one) (circle one) (circle one)
Record final
temperature 41°C 33°C 25°C

DISPOSAL OF WASTES: All solids in large trash can, all liquids in sinks – Clean well
plate now!
Part 3 – Solubility of Alkaline Earth Metal Compounds (4 marks)
MgCl2 CaCl2 SrCl2 BaCl2

Na2CO3 P1 P1 P2 P3



Review Questions (10 marks)

There are two types of questions below – (1) simply circle bolded choices that follow the

questions; or (2) using the symbols of the elements, list the elements in the order requested.

Questions based on data from Part 1 & Part 2

2. Which Group 2A metal was more active according to Part 1 & 2? Ca or Mg

Cite evidence from lab that proves this: Calcium had a higher temperature change (41°C) than
magnesium (33°C)

3. Circle which Period 3 metal is more active according to Part 1 & 2. Mg or Al

Cite evidence from lab that proves this: Magnesium had a higher temperature change (33°C) than
aluminum (25°C)
4. Write the three metals tested in Part 1 & 2 from most active to least active

5. What is the periodic trend in metal activity going down a group (vertical column) of the
periodic chart? Base this on your results from Part 1 & 2.
Increase or Decrease

6. What is the periodic trend in metal activity across a period (horizontal row) of the periodic
chart? Base this on your result form Part 1 & 2.
Increase or Decrease
7. Locate the following metals on the periodic table: Mg, Na, and K. Based on your answers to

questions #5 and #6, lost these metals from most to least active.


8. Litmus paper changes to red in acidic solutions and blue in basic solutions. The
word alkaline is a synonym for BASIC. Why are the two words “alkaline” and “earth” used to
name the Group 2A metals? Go to www.google.ca for help on this one. You won’t find it in

your textbook.

The words “alkaline” and “earth” are used to name group 2A metals because when these compounds are
mixed in solutions, they form solutions with a pH greater than 7 most of the time. Those higher pH levels
define them as “basic” or “alkaline”
Ref: chem4kids.com/files/elem_alkalineearth.html
Questions based on data from Part 3
9. Make a list of the alkaline earth metals that you tested in Part 3 that starts with the element
that had the smallest amount of precipitate first, and the most precipitate last. The metal that
you identify as the smallest amount of precipitate is the one that is the most soluble
(more dissolves in the solution).
Smallest Largest
Amount MgCl2 CaCl2 SrCl2 BaCl2 Amount

10. As you go down Group 2 (vertical column) from Mg to Ba, what happened to the amount of
Increase or Decrease

11. Larger amount of precipitate means more reaction occurred (more insoluble product is
formed). With this in mind, what happens to reactivity as you go down the column for Group 2
Increase or Decrease

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