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mechanically-readable form without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. This manual and product
could have mark / technical errors and they can be changed without prior notice.

SIP-30 is a model name of SiSS Technology Inc.

Phoenix is a trademark of SiSS Technology Inc.
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Copyright ⓒ 2006, 2010 SISS Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents
1. Installing Phoenix Program ......................................................................................4
1.1 Installing Phoenix ............................................................................................ 4
1.2 Running Phoenix.............................................................................................. 5
2. Using Phoenix Program............................................................................................6
2.1 Create and Save new file ................................................................................ 6
2.2 Edit file............................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Setting view ..................................................................................................... 6
3. Using Shortcut Icons ................................................................................................7
3.1 Input “Text” ..................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Input “Image” ................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Input “Barcode” ............................................................................................... 9
3.4 Input “Diagonal Line” .................................................................................... 10
3.5 Input “Square”................................................................................................ 11
3.6 Input “Round Square” .................................................................................... 12
3.7 Input “Circle” ................................................................................................. 13
3.8 Encoding “Magnetic” ..................................................................................... 14
3.9 Input “IC Chip” ............................................................................................... 15
3.10 External Program Interface .......................................................................... 17
3.11 Input “RF Card”.............................................................................................. 20
3.12 “Configuration” .............................................................................................. 22
4. Using Excel and MDB Data ....................................................................................23
4.1 Creating Excel Data ...................................................................................... 23
4.2 Running Phoenix Program............................................................................. 24
4.3 Adding “Text”Character................................................................................ 25
4.4 Setting inputted “Text” field......................................................................... 26
4.5 Adding “Image” Object .................................................................................. 27
4.6 Adding “Barcode”Object ............................................................................... 28
4.7 Setting “Magnetic”item ................................................................................. 29

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1. Installing Phoenix Program

1.1 Installing Phoenix

* Put the CD placing the printed page face up into the CD-ROM drive.
* If the Phoenix install program is run, the first page for selecting language will be popped up.

[Picture 1.1.1] Selecting a language of Phoenix

* Select a language for installing

(The language supported in Phoenix depends on program version.)

* Enter the folder for Phoenix installation.

[Picture 1.1.2] Selecting a location for Phoenix installation

* If you can see the following screen, Phoenix is completely installed.

[Picture 1.1.3] Completing Phoenix installation

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1.2 Running Phoenix

1. Phoenix 프로그램 설치가 완료되면 가상 드라이버(Phoenix Virtual Driver)드라이버가 자동으로 설치됩니
다. 프린터 드라이버(SISS HODOO SIP-30(Class))는 제공되는 설치 CD에서

[그림 1.2.1] 가상 드라이버(Phoenix Virtual Driver)와 프린터 드라이버

2. “Start => Program => HDOOO => Phoenix Software => Phoenix”

[Picture 1.2.2] The first page of Phoenix

* ToolBox and Uninstall program are installed at the same time in Phoenix Software program.

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2. Using Phoenix Program

2.1 Create and Save new file

[Picture 2.1.1] File

Select new file and start the card design.

2.2 Edit file

[Picture 2.2.1] Edit

It’s used to edit data being editing.

2.3 Setting view

[Picture 2.3.1] View

Select various tools for working on basic view. Also, you can choose a background of card shape and skin.

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3. Using Shortcut Icons

3.1 Input “Text”
-. “Select shortcut icon of “Text”, drag it on card screen and create text outline.

-. If double-clicking input text territory, the window for change of character’s

property is popped up.

[Picture 3.1.1] Input“Text”

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3.2 Input “Image”

-. Select “Image” shortcut icon, drag it to screen and create image outline.

-. Press the “Select Image” button and select image.

“Cam Capture” supports the device supporting Twin Driver.

[Picture 3.2.1] Input“Image”

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3.3 Input “Barcode”

-. Select “Barcode” shortcut icon, drag it to card screen and create barcode outline.

-. After inputing “Barcode” data, select “Lock” to fix it on the designated position.

[Picture 3.3.1] Input“Barcode”

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3.4 Input “Diagonal Line”

-. Select “Diagonal Line” shortcut icon, drag it on card screen and create slash outline.

[Picture 3.4.1] Input “Diagonal Line”

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3.5 Input “Square”

-. Select “Square” shortcut icon, drag it on card screen and create square outline.

[Picture 3.5.1] Input “Square”

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3.6 Input “Round Square”

-. Select “Round Square” shortcut icon, drag it on card screen and create round square outline.

[Picture 3.6.1] Input “Round Square”

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3.7 Input “Circle”

-. Select “Circle” shortcut icon, drag it on card screen and create circle outline.

[Picture 3.7.1] Input “Circle”

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3.8 Encoding “Magnetic”

-. Select “Magnetic” shortcut icon, drag it on card screen and set magnetic setting page. Magnetic setting is interworked
with Excel data. For the way, please refer to the article, interworking of excel database.

[Picture 3.8.1] Encoding “Magnetic”

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3.9 Input “IC Chip”

Select the location of IC Chip program.

[Picture 3.9.1] “Smart Card” setting

* Please contact manufacturer for detail information of Smart Card program.

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* Flow chart for communication of Phoenix with IC program

Phoenix IC Program

Open Program(0x12345678) Phoenix program calls registered IC


Begin Job (0x12340000)

It sends start command.

Send DATA (0x12341000)

It sends DATA for work.

After Chip Contact On, Phoenix

program sends Chip Contact command.
Chip Contact (0x12340001)
If getting this command, IC program

Return should start. After completing work, it

sends success or failure.

Chip Contact OFF (0x12340002) Phoenix program changes Chip Contact

to OFF.

End Job (0x1234FFFF) Phoenix program terminates IC program

which is running currently.

Close Program (0x87654321)

It closes program and terminates.


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3.10 External Program Interface

External (Smart, RF) Program Interface Commands (Send from Pegasus)
Command Contents Remark
0x12345678 Open Program
0x12340000 Begin Job
0x12340001 IC Contact ON ,RF–Job start
0x12340002 IC Contact OFF,RF–Job end
0x12340003 Inside Antenna
0x12340004 Outside Antenna
0x12341000 Send Data(IC or RF)
0x1234FFFF End Job
0x87654321 Close Program

Return Values (To Pegasus)

Command Contents Remark
0x00009000 Success
0x00009999 Unknown Command
0x00000000 Error

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* Program sample

LRESULT CRFJOBDlg::OnCopyData(CWnd* pWnd, COPYDATASTRUCT* pCopyDataStruct)

// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
LRESULT ret=0x0000;

//Call command from Pegasus program.
case 0x12345678:

//receive DATA from Pegasus program.

case 0x12341000:
char rcvData[1024*4];
memcpy( &rcvData, pCopyDataStruct->lpData, pCopyDataStruct->cbData );

//Select Antana - Inside antana.

case 0x12340003:
AntennaType = 0; //Inside Antenna

//Select Antenna - Outside Antenna.

case 0x12340004:
AntennaType = 1; //Outside Antenna

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//Chip Contact On Command.

case 0x12340001:

//Chip Contact OFF Command.

case 0x12340002:

case 0x87654321:


return ret;

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3.11 Input “RF Card”

RF Card function can program with various ways according to system environment.

[Picture 3.10.1] “Smart Card” setting

* Please contact the Manufacturer for detail information of RF Card Program.

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* Flow chart for communication of Phoenix with RF program

Phoenix RF Program

Open Program(0x12345678) Phoenix program calls registered RF


Begin Job (0x12340000)

It sends start command.

Select Antenna (0x12341003) Select Antenna

0x12341003 = Inside Antenna
0x12341004 = Outside Antenna

Send DATA (0x12341000)

It sends DATA for work.


Job start (0x12341001)

RF Program starts working for RF.


Job end (0x12341002) It terminates job related to RF.


End Job (0x1234FFFF) Phoenix program terminates all RF job

which is running currently.

Close Program (0x87654321)

It closes program and terminates.


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3.12 “Configuration”

[Picture 3.11.1] “Configuration”

* Working order can be changed according to user’s work content. The following work order is recommended.
1. RF Job
2. Smart Card Job
3. Magnetic Stripe(MS) Job
4. Printing Job

* Log saving saves all contents related to card work.

* “Continuous Spooling usage” is used when using normal printer driver.
* “Card hopper repeating number” appoints repetition of card hopper.
* “Card PrePosition” starts to work after loading a card and moving it to designated position.

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4. Using Excel and MDB Data

It explains a sample document interworking ID card with excel data.
The following image is a sample of ID card using excel data.
The way to input data of “Text”, “Image”, “Barcode”, “Magnetic” is explained
in the sample document.

[Picture 4.1] Using database

4.1 Creating Excel Data

It creates as writing printing data to excel data.
(It is saved as sample.xls in sample document.)

[Picture 4.1.1] Excel Data

Notice) The first cell is for data field so, please use the first cell for field name.

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4.2 Running Phoenix Program

Run Phoenix program

[Picture 4.2.1] The first page of Phoenix

If the Phoenix program runs normally, open the excel file(Book1.xls) clicking “Connect Database” button in the right

[Picture 4.2.2] Open Data(Excel)

If the excel file works normally, the first cell value of cell data is showed in the right.

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[Picture 4.2.3] Interworking Database

4.3 Adding “Text”Character

Click “Text” shortcut icon of left and open text window.

[Picture 4.3.1] Adding Text Character

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4.4 Setting inputted “Text” field

Double- click “Text” outline and input “%KOR_NAME%”in the font property page.

[Picture 4.4.1] Setting “Text”

Reference) In case of interworking with excel data, if you add “%”to front and back of field name in each object,
interworking with excel data is possible.

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4.5 Adding “Image” Object

Click the left “Image” shortcut icon and open image page.

[Picture 4.5.1] Setting “Image”

Add “%” to front and back of excel data field name for file name and select folder
of real image. For the sample of picture, select the image in
“C:\etc\%picture%.bmp” folder. Namely, Select the image of designated folder as the
field’s name of “Picture” of excel data.

Fixed rate makes the image interworked to set-up image territory extend and print.

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4.6 Adding “Barcode”Object

Click the left “Barcode” shortcut icon and open barcode page.

[Picture 4.6.1] Setting “Barcode”

The sample document is an example to set the barcode to be printed with adding “10000000”in front of number filed of
excel data.

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4.7 Setting “Magnetic”item

Click the left “Magnetic” shortcut icon and open magnetic setting page.

[Picture 4.7.1] Setting Magnetic

Magnetic encoding function is used binding excel data field name as “%”per a track. If you want to use only track No.2,
set the other tracks as empty. Then the empty tracks will be ignored.

Function Item Instruction

Quality LOCO Encoding data with Low Coercivity status
HICO Encoding data with High Coercivity status
Verify OFF Verifying off after encoding
ON Verifying on after encoding
Direction Forward Reading data with forward direction
BackWard Reading data with backward direction
Direction function is applied to Verify action and if Verify setting is off, Direction works regardless of Verify.

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5. Printing
Start the document edited with Phoenix.

5.1 Start printing

Phoenix program supports two type’s printer driver.
A. Virtual printer driver
B. General printer driver

Virtual driver is possible only in Phoenix program. In case virtual printer driver, printing status can be seen more detail.

[Picture 5.1.1] Setting Virtual Printer Driver, General Printer Driver

Virtual Driver can be used only in case of using local USB printing. In case of printing with Ethernet or “Printer Share”,
please use general printer. Also, IC and RF work are impossible on general printer driver.

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5.2 Job Processing status

[Picture 5.2.1] Job Processing Page

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