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Gas-Vapor Mixtures and Air-


Dry and Atmospheric Air
Dew-point Temperature
Properties in the Psychrometric Chart
Air Conditioning Processes

Dry and Atmospheric Air

Dry air is a mixture of N2, O2, and small amount of
other gases. Normally, atmospheric air contain
moisture (or water vapor).

Atmospheric air = dry air + water vapor

In air-conditioning applications ranges from about –
10 to about 50oC, the atmospheric air can be
treated as an ideal gas with constant specific
heats. Taking 0oC as the reference temperature
hdry air = Cp(T-
(T-Tref) = CpT (14.1a)
hdry air = Cp(T2 –T1) = Cp T (14.1b)

Total Atmospheric Air Pressure
When the mixture temperature is below 50oC, the
water vapor is an ideal gas with negligible error
(<0.2%). Then, the atmospheric air (Dry air +
Water Vapor) can be treated as ideal gas mixture.

The total atmospheric air pressure (PP) is sum of

partial pressure of dry air (P
Pa) and that of water
pressure (PPv):
P = Pa + Pv (14.2)

Enthalpy of Water Vapor

For Air conditioning temperature (-10oC to 50oC),
the enthalpy of water vapor in air can be taken to be
equal to the enthalpy of saturated vapor at the same

(T, low P) ~ hg(T)
(T) (14.3)
and can be expressed as
hg (T) = hg(T=0
(T=0oC) + Cp(T2 –T0)
hg (T) = 2,500.9 + 1.82(T) (14.4)

Specific Humidity ( Z)
Absolute humidity or specific humidity (sometimes
called humidity ratio, Z) is the ratio of mass of
water vapor to mass of dry air.
specific humidity; Z (kg water vapor/kg dry air) (14.6)
mv PvV/RvT Pv /Rv Pv
Z 0.622 (14.7)
ma PaV/RaT Pa /Ra Pa
0.622 Pv
Z (14.8)
( P  Pv )

Relative Humidity ( )
Relative humidity ( ) is the ratio of mass of water
vapor at the specified condition to mass of water
vapor if saturated condition at the same
mv PvV/RvT Pv
I (14.9)
mg PgV/RvT Pg
where Pg Psat @T (14.10)
Then; I (14.11a)
(0.622  Z ) Pg
and Z (14.11b)
P  IPg

Total Enthalpy of Air (Water Vapor
H Ha  Hv ma ha  mv hv
H mv
h ha  hv ha  Z hv
ma ma
since hv # hg then; h ha  Z hg (kJ/kg dry air) (14.12)
Note : Temperature of atmospheric air is called Dry - Bulb Temperature

For an amount of moist air, the mass of dry air is not change but
water vapor may condense causing mass of vapor change. Then
enthalpy of moist air is expressed per unit mass of dry air
instead of per unit mass of air-water vapor mixture.

Example 14.1 A 5-m x 5-m x 3-m room contains air at 25oC and
100 kPa at a relative humidity of 75 percent. Determine (a) the
partial pressure of dry air, (b) the specific humidity (c) the
enthalpy per unit mass of dry air, and (d) the masses of dry air
and water vapor in the room.

(a) I and Pg Psat @ T
Pa P  Pv ....... 97.62 kPa answer
0 . 622 Pv
(b) Z ..........
( P  Pv )
Z 0.0152 kg water/kg dry air answer
(c) h h a  Z h g (kJ/kg dry air)
h # C p, air T  Z h g 63 . 8 kJ/kg dry air answer
Pa V
(d ) ma .......... .. 85.61 kg answer
Pv V
mv .......... .. 1.30 kg answer
R vT
or mv Zma

Dew Point Temperature

Dew-point temperature (Tdp) is the temperature at
which condensation begins when the air is cooled
at constant pressure or Tdp is the saturation
temperature of water corresponding to the vapor
Tdp = Tsat@Pv (14.13)

Example 14.2 In clod weather, condensation frequently
occurs on the inner surfaces of the windows due to the lower
air temperatures near the window surface. consider a house
shown, that contains air at 20oC and 75 percent relative
humidity. At what window temperature will the moisture in the
air start condensation on the inner surfaces of the windows?


Tdp = Tsat@Pv
Pv = Pg@20C
Tdp = 15.4oC

Adiabatic Saturation Temperature

Relative humidity, and
Specific humidity, 

( = Pv/Pg, = mv/ma = 0.622 Pv/Pa)

dew point temp.
˜n™oµ¦¼o Pv  „È‹³®µ ŗo

(Tdp = Tsat@Pv)    
¨³‡Îµœª–®µ ¨³ ŗoץŤn¥µ„

—³Šœ³Êœ˜o°Š¡¥µ¥µ¤®µª·›¸„µ¦®µ   ¨´   ×¥„µ¦ª³—

„³ž¦·¤µ–š¸Éª³—Šnµ¥  Ánœ T, P

Consider an Adiabatic Saturation Process
MassBalance : m
 a1 m  a2 m a (dry air)
and :  w1  m
m  f m w 2 (Water & Vapor)
or :  aZ1  m
m  f  aZ 2
thus : m
 f  a (Z 2 - Z1 )
Energy Balance : SSSF Q 0, W 0
m a h1  m
 f hf m
 a h2
 a : h1  (Z 2 - Z1 ) h f
devided by m h2
(C p T1  Z1hg1 )  (Z 2 - Z1 ) h f 2 (C p T2  Z 2 hg 2 )
C p (T2  T1 )  Z 2 h fg 2
which yield, Z1 (14.14)
hg 1  h f 2
from (14.11b) for state 2, where I 1.0 ,
0.622 Pg2
Z2 (14.15) So, just measure T1, T2
P  Pg 2 and Ptotal, we can get 1

Wet-Bulb Temperature (experiment)

To make exit stream saturated, it need a very long
channel or spray mechanism. At normal
atmospheric Wet-
Wet-Bulb Temperature and Adiabatic
Saturation Temperature of air and water vapor
mixture are approximately equal.

Example 14.3 The Specific and Relative Humidity of Air

The dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures of atmospheric air at

1 atm (101.325 kPa) pressure are measured with a sling
psychrometer and determined to be 25 and 15oC, respectively.
Determine (a) the specific humidity, (b) the relative humidity,
and (c) the enthalpy of the air.

Solution Tdb=T1 ; Twb=T2 ; Patm = P2

C p (T2  T1 )  Z 2 hg 2 Pg1=Psat@Tdb
(a) Z1 0.00653 kg water/kg dry air
hg1  h f 2 Pg2=Psat@Twb
Z1 P2 hg1=hg@Tdb
(b) eqn.(14.11a) : I1 0.332 or 33.2%
(0.622  Z1 ) Pg1 hg2=hg@Twb
(c) h1 ha1  Z1hv # C p T1  Z1hg1 41.8 kJ/kg dry air

Properties in the Psychrometric Chart

1. What is a dry bulb temperature?

It is measured with an ordinary thermometer.

It is independent of moisture.

It is located on the “X” axis of a psychometric


0oC dry bulb temperature 50oC

2. What is absolute humidity

(humidity ratio)?

It is the ratio of the weight of moisture contained in 1

kg of dry air.

It is the kg water / kg of dry air.

It is located on the “Y” axis of the chart.

It is also called Humidity Ratio or Specific Humidity


3. What is the saturation curve?

It includes the wet bulb and dew point temperatures.

It completes the psychrometric chart outline.

Saturation Curve

“X” Axis

4. What is the wet bulb temperature?

The temperature at which an equilibrium exists

between an air-vapor mixture and water.

It is dependent on moisture in the air.

Values are on the saturation curve.

The lines slope downward to the “X” axis.

300 “ Y”
250 Axis

“ X” Axis

5. What is dew point?

It is the temperature at which condensation occurs

as heat is removed from an air-vapor mixture.

The answer is read on the saturation curve

horizontally to the left of the point where the dry bulb
andwet bulb meet.


65 ï


How to Find Dew Point Temp. ?

6. What is relative humidity?
‰ It is the ratio of actual pressure of water
vapor in the air to the pressure if the air were
saturated and with a constant temperature.

100% 20%

7. What are enthalpy lines?

„ Enthalpy is a thermal (heat) property.
„ It is the heat in an air vapor mixture.
„ Lines are parallel to the wet bulb temp. lines.
„ Values are in kJ per kg dry air.

kJ per kg 60
dry air 50

8. What is specific volume?
„ The volume occupied by 1 kg of dry air.
„ It represents the m3 / kg of dry air.
„ The values are read below the dry bulb readings.

0.80 0.84 0.88 0.92

Specific Volume = m3 / kg of dry air

Psychrometric Chart
The psychrometric chart has seven lines.

Example 14.4 The Use of t he Psychr omet r ic Char t

Consider a r oom t hat cont ains air at 1 at m (101.325 kPa)

35 oC, and 40% r elat ive humidit y. Using t he psychr omet r ic
char t , det er mine (a) t he specif ic humidit y, (b) t he ent halpy
(c) of wet -bulb t emper at ur e, (d) t he dew-point
t emper at ur e, and (e) t he specif ic volume of t he air

Solut ion

= 0.0142 kg water/kg.da.
h = 71.5 kJ/kg.da.
Twb = 24 oC
Tdp = 19.4 oC
v = 0.893 m3/kg.da.

Human Comfort

Human wants:
Not hot, not cold, not humid, not dry Î
just COMFORTABLE Î Air-conditioning.

Typical comfort conditions:

22 – 27oC and 40 – 60 %RH

Air motion also effect human feeling (body heat loss).

Air-Conditioning Processes
Maintaining space desired temperature and
humidity requires “ air-
air-conditioning processes”
including simple heating, cooling, humidifying
and dehumidifying.

Air-Conditioning Processes
The processes are normally considered as SSSF process;
* mass of dry air remains the same
* water vapor added/removed
* 1st law treat dry air and water vapor separately.
MassBalanc e for dry air : ¦ m a ¦ m a (14 - 16)
in out

1 - in and 1 - out m a1 m a 2 m a
MassBalanc e for water : ¦ m w ¦ m w (14 - 17)
in out

1 - in and 1 - out m w1  m f m w 2
or : m aZ1  m f m aZ 2
thus : m f m a (Z 2 - Z1 )

Air-Conditioning Processes
Energy Balance : SSSF
Q cv  ¦ m h W cv  ¦ m h (14  18)
in out

if, W 0 : Q cv  m a h1  m f h f m a h2

Simple Heating and cooling ( = const.)

air mass balance : m a1 m a 2 m a

Water mass balance : m w1  m f m w 2
or : m aZ1  m f m aZ 2
but m f 0 m a (Z 2 - Z 1 ) Ÿ Z1 Z2
Energy Balance : SSSF WHY change and HOW
Q cv m a ( h2  h1 )

Heating with Humidification ( = increases)

Control Volume Heating Section

air mass balance : m a1 m a 2 m a
Water mass balance : m w1 m w 2 then Z1 Z 2
Energy Balance : SSSF Qcv m ( h  h )
a 2 1

Control Volume Humidifyin g Section

air mass balance : m a1 m a 2 m a
Water mass balance : m w1  m w 2 m w 3
then m w 2 m a (Z 3  Z 2 )
Energy Balance : SSSF Q cv m a ( h3  h2 ) 0

Example 14.5 Heating and Humidification of Air

An air-conditioning is to take in outdoor air at 10oC, and 30%

relative humidity at a steady rate of 45 m3/min and to condition
it to 22oC, and 60% relative humidity. The outdoor air is first
heated to 22oC in the heating section and then humidified by
the injection of hot steam in the humidifying section. Assuming
the entire process takes place at a pressure of 100 kPa,
determine (a) the rate of heat supply in the heating section, and
(b) the mass flow rate of the steam required in the humidifying


(a) = 673 kJ/min; (b) = 0.539 kg/min

Example 14.6 Cooling and Dehumidif icat ion of Air

Air ent er s a window t ype air condit ioner at 1 at m, 30 oC, and

80% r elat ive humidit y at a r at e of 10 m3 / min and leaves as
sat ur at ed air at 14 oC det er mine t he r at e of heat and
moist ur e r emoval f r om t he air . (a) = 511 kJ/min; (b) = 0.131kg/min

Solut ion

Evaporative Cooling
• –
°µœÊε Á¥Èœ­µ¥  šµÂ°¨„°±°¦r– Á¥Èœªµ

• œÊεĜðŠ—·œÁŸµ ®¦º°Á®¥º°„—·œÁŸµ  Á¥Èœ„ªnµž„˜·

• ¡´—¨¤œÊε  Ä®o¨¤š¸Á
É ¥Èœ„ªnµ¡´—¨¤›¦¦¤—µ

• Evapor at ive cooling pr ocess: As

wat er evapor at es, t he lat en heat of
vapor isat ion is absor bed f r om t he
wat er body and t he sur r ounding air .
As a r esult , bot h of t hem ar e
• Evapor at ive cooling pr ocess ~
Adiabat ic sat ur at ion pr ocess:
T wb ~ const , and h ~ const .

Example 14.7 Evapor at ive cooling

Air ent er s an evapor at ive cooler at 1 at m, 35 oC, and 20%

r elat ive humidit y and it exit s at 80% r elat ive humidit y
det er mine (a) t he exit t emper at ur e of air , and (b) t he
lowest t emper at ur e t o which t he air can becooled by t his
evapor at ive cooler . (a) 21.3oC (b) 18.9oC

Solut ion

Adiabatic Mixing of Airstreams

•Many air-conditioning applications require
the mixing of two airstream.
•ie. Fresh air + Return air.
•Normally Q very small, no work, and KE
and PE =0
air mass balance :
m a1  m a 2 m a 3 (14.21)
Water mass balance :
Z1m a1  Z 2 m a 2 Z 3 m a 3 (14.22)
Energy Balance : SSSF
m a1h1  m a 2 h2 m a 3 h3 (14.23)
Elminating m a 3 :
m a1 Z 2 - Z 3 h2 - h3
m a 2 Z 3 - Z1 h3 - h1

Example 14.8 Mixing of Conditioned Air with Outdoor Air

Satureated air leaving the cooling section of an air

conditioning system at 14oC with a rate of 50 m3/min is mixed
adiabatically with the outside air at 32oC, and 60% relative
humidity at a rate of 20 m3/min. Assuming that the mixing
occure at 1 atm, determine, the specific humidity, the relative
humidity, the dry-bulb temperature, and the volume flow rate
of the mixture.


3 = 0.0122 kg/kg da,

3= 89%;
Tbd3 = 19.0oC ;
V3 = 70.1 m3/min

Wet Cooling Tower

•Power plant, large A-C system, some
industrial process need to reject a large
amount of waste heat.
•A wet cooling tower ~ semi-closed
evaporative cooling cooler.
•Type of cooling tower: Mechanical draft
(Induced, Forced), Natural draft
•Other cooling method: Spray pond, Cooling

Example 14.9 Cooling of a Power Plant by a Cooling Tower
Cooling water leaves the condenser of a power plant and
enters a wet cooling tower at 35oC at a rate of 100 kg/s. Water
is cooled to 22oC in the cooling tower by air that enters the
tower at 1 atm, 20oC, and 60% relative humidity and leaves
satureted at 30oC. Neglecting power input to the fan, determine
(a) the volume flow rate
of the air into the cooling tower,
(b) the mass flow rate of
the required makeup water.

Solution (a) Va = 81.6 m3/s, (b) mf = 1.80 kg/s



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