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6 TUESDAY, DE~CEMB8R 19 ' 1944

' .

Ann DeWitt LeadJs Hunters On Goose Chase? HARBOR RAMS BREAK JINX·
It see.ms that a small hunting
Pep Meeting Dec. 8 party '
has been spending its las t
two Sunday afternoons for the
25 - 15
Anne DeWitt w.as in charge
. th t h ld goose chase. Anyhow for the On December 4th the Harbor
th e P ep M ee t 1ng a was e
F n'd ay, D ec. 8 In · th e A u d't .
1 onum
P,6'l St two weekends they have ONE ·OF HARBOR'S Ram~ lost two games. Pellston's
f th h · h h 1 started out for a hunt down at PARATROOPERS first and second teams vtere the
The Ig t~c
0 00
· d b Menonaqua. There must be some victors, but only after two hard
e mee mg was opene y a .
se1ec t wn romf th e b an un d er
d I attractiOn near there. by one of fought games. The score of the
th d ' t' f M B. kh t the hunters because It sure looks first team was 31 to 27.
e Irec wn o .r. bIC M' ar . f"IS h Y w h en th ey d on 't come h orne
Sh or t t a lk s were given y ISS . , The Rams first team lost an-
D It M I · h P-" L d until dark and haven t any game. other game on December 8, to
a on, rs. ns , 1C. eonar Th e mora1 of th e s t ory IS · th e
K osequa t and B ob F ower. 1 Th e . , Mackinaw City by a score of 31
. 1nnd of deer they hunt can t
c h eer 1ea d ers 1e d th e group In a to 24. The Rams were 18 points
have tags put on them. Maybe
f ew ye 11s, th en th e b an d accom- behind at the start of the final
· d th t d t b d . . because they are two legged deer quarter. They managed to score
pame e s u en o y m smg- h h? ·
ing the High School Alma Mater. u · 12 to Mackinaw's 1 point during
The meeting was concluded by the final period. The second
"a number by the ~and. JUNIOR CLASS team emerged victorious after a

. -SHksus-
en1or :. etches .. .
well fought game.
The Ram's first team was un-
able to break its losing streak at
· g ·
The S a111or Ir1 or f th · k
IS W•?.e ~_ The Junior Class ordered their
Alanson December 12. The lo-
write-up is none other than that class rings this year from . The
cals were beaten 18 to 16 in 'a

blonde, who is always slaving (?) Herff Jones Co. of Indianapolis,

close and rather exciting game.
over short-hand, Lillian Troup!! Ind. The rings are gold and they
will be set with either white or The second team vanquished the
She was born May twenty-sec - Alanson five by a large margin
ond seventeen years ago. She black stones. They ·also have an
of 24 to 8.
has gone to this school all of her insignia and date on top of the
school life and still likes it. stone, and · have three initials Friday, December 15, the Rams
LEONARD KOSEQUAT showed a marked improvement.
L 1'll Ian
' "IS
· f'Ine f eet f.Ive Inc
· h es j the inside •
, Both teams were v ictorious. The
;,an a?d .~er favorite . movie ~s I -HSHS- L eonard , K-osequa t was h ome '
second team won a close game by
Gaslight . He;r favonte movie PAUL VAN DEUSEN ON last week as you all know· If you the score of 31-14. The first
stars are Denms Morgon and
don't know who he is he is who team won by a score of 25 to 15.
Bette Davis. NINE-DAY BOO-T LEAVE gave the talk last Friday at the The first quarter of the game
She part icipates in many sports
her favorite b eing skating, -ten- Paul Van Deusen was on boot pep meeting. Leonard was a seemed to be much the same
nis. and swimming. leave last week. member of the class of 1943, be- story. The Charlevoix team
She has been in the. band seven Paul enter ed the Navy in Sept- ing a very act ive person. He went started off and were ahead of the
years and plays the coronet. I ember, and he says he likes it out for football, basketball and Rams 10 to 2 at the end of the

am told she can get the piano to very ~uch, but he got kind of j ba~eball all three y ears he was in first quarter. In the ·second quar-
let out with a little music now , homesick. '! high school. He also was class t er the Rams began to whittle
and then too! When he got back he was to go officer in one year of high school. the lead down, until just before
Believe it or not her favorite on to advanced school to become · Leonard is a p aratrooper now and the half ended, the Rams were
subject was Lat in! and her fav- an electrical engineer. . . I
has made five jumps. H e had to put in the lead when Fowler
orite teacher was Miss Balgooyen. ~He went back last Fnday, Dec. I leave last Tuesday for camp. He made two free throws. This was
He~ on.e disli~e in the way of I 1::>. \ gave a litt~e talk- in Physics class the first time the Rams had been
food 1s fish which she says she 1
-HSHS- Dec. 7 tellmg us how to blow up in the lead all season. The half
hates! ' brid ges and all about parachutes. 3)

Tuesday, December 19, 1944 THE REVIVAL Page Two

Senior.Sketches ... Stop In
Sponsored by the Senior Class
Our sketch this week is on one
Published Everyother Tuesday Arthur Kaltz. Art is 5 feet 10 After School
Editor - Bob Fowler inches tall and weighs about 165
pounds. He has taken active for a
Ass' t. Editdr - Art Kaltz part in all class activities. As for Malted
Social Editors - B. Moser, F. Wilcox plays he was prompter in last.
year's play and played the part
Sport Editor - Tom Newman of Alec in this year'3 play, en- CLELAND'S
Bus. Mgr. -Doug Jardine titled "As the Clock Strikes."
He is president of the Senior
Single Copy Sc class this year. This is his f i r s t - - - - - - - - - - - - - . :
class office.
Art likes dancing, food women
"GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP ALWAYS" 1nd skiing. He has played foot-
ball and basketball for four years For The ·
now, winning two letters in foot-
Most of the student body know what the word ball. As yet he has received no Best Of
sportsmanship means, but after the Pellston game re- letter for basketball.
cently it was called to our attention that some do not.
The Art Of Writing ,.,
There were many uncalled for boos: HARBOR SPRINGS
A Revival Story
When our team came on the floor did anyone hear
In writing a Revival story, im-
any boos from the Pellston section? We don't believe portant steps must be taken.
anyone can truthfully say they did. \ First, you must get your as-
signment. Second, you must
The decision of the officials should always be con- track down your story or the
sidered final in everyone's mind. At one time or another
person your story concerns. This Our Studios
often includes tracking them
't here has probably been a question in all of our minds down on foot over rough terrain, Will Be
I sometimes made more dangerous
regarding a decision in sports, but please let's keep them by wild animals--namely, wolves! Ope~ All Winter
to ourselves and not make a display of our poor sports- Third, you struggle with adverbs,
adjeCtives, punctuation, facts,
~anship as a few did the other night. Remember kids it's
nouns, and everything else the TROUP'S
just a game. We can cheer our team on to victories that fiendish minds that conceived our STUDIO
are theirs without saying and doing uncalled for things. English language could think of
until you have some semblance
of a story. The fourth and final =----------.---..;
Sure w~ know that everyone doesn't see anything
step is to type your copy, either=--------------:~~
exactly as you may see it. We all know the referees are using the orthodox method or the
calling them as they see them. They see some things much superior "hunt and peck"
that the spectators do not see and of course we must You then respectfully approach
realize they are only human. your editor, and from a distance
worthy of her position you hum-
In the past Harbor High has often been compliment- bly submit your story with a.
prayer on your lips and a hope
ed on it's sportsmanship. Every one of u.s realize that in your heart that it won't be re- ·w
this can be spoiled for all of us because of a few. Let our turned stamped with that one
horrible word "Re-Write.'' AND CASSIDY


~----------------~ i
COMPLIMENTS School , Bumping - Repair WorL Always
Supplies ~', '~
Ignition Parts - Batteries I
OF , Mechanical Repairing
at Harbor High
GUY INGALLS The Drug Store on the Corner
J. N. Shepherd Prop. STORE

i ~-----------------~ ~ ~------------~ ~-------------

Page Three THE REVIVAL Tuesday, December 19, 1944

(Continued from page 1) VINCENT BENDIX'S HELICOPT.ER
ended 12 to 11 in Harbor's fav-
In the second half the Rams
were able to score 13 points to
the opponents' 4. The locals
~howed a good defense, and a
• J '
much better offensive. There was
a noted improvement in the pass-
ing and teamwork. As the game
was rapidly drawing to a close,
Coach Woodruff put in three
new substitutes. There were nine
players who were used during
the game. lfin~-e~~ B~ndix~ P.re.sideni of Bendix Helicopter, Inc., has completed engineering on the
-HSHS- above model of his new helicopter limousine. The company, which is not affiliated with Bendix
! Aviation Corporation, will go into production within a short time on the new machine which has
A young couple asked the a top speed of 140 miles an hour and a cruising speed of 120 m.p.h. using 75% of the power of a
preacher to marry them immedi- ) 300 horsepower radial air-cooled engine.
ately following the Sunday morn- The four passenger model shown above will have a minimum rate of climb of 600 feet per
ing service. When the time minute and with the n9rmal low pitch possible in the Bendix exclusive design and. construction,
came, the minister arose to say: the safety feature of automatic autorotation is present at all times. The cost of the machine ia. ex•
"Will those who wish to be unit- ()4'-Cted to be about 25% higher than the finer motor cars based on quantity production. ·•
ed in the bonds of holy matri-
mony please come forward."
There was a great stir as twen-
ty-three women and one man ap- in between times we do some
proached the altar. studying too. FOR
This week we hope to regain
Scout News the spelling ban'n er but will we Quality
The Girl Scout meeting of De- ever have to work to do it!
Shop At
cember 11 was held in the Scout Joe Davert's hobby is drawing
room at the school house.· The planes. We've enjoyed looking
scrap books for the hospitals are through his note book which con-
to be ready for Monday, Decem- tains some really good drawings.
ber 18. It was decided that two Kenneth Bester was first to re- GRAPHIC * PETERS
people would have charge of the turn his report card but James PUBLISHING
pr~gram in the gym from now Snively was right at his heels.
on. The meeting was adjourned -HSHS-
and all went to the gym for BUY MORE WAR BONDS! .
Fourth Grade
By Arnie Brager-Larsen
For ... Call for your
and Mabel Davis
TRUCKING Upholstering Needs
We have been very busy sell- Awning of
ing Christmas Seals. Our sales and
amounted to $7.89. We are also
busy with other Christmas work.
HAULING Repairing
We are learning some Christ- ADAMS'
mas poems and songs. HOUDAY DRAY LINE LAUREL A WNIN·G and
Harbor Springs Sc TO $1 STORE
We have traveled from the UPHOLSTERING
Congo Valley across the Sahara
"·~ ~
m u
Desert. It is the largest desert in
the world. Our trip on camels -------------a--~---------
~ ~~ ~------,---. ~
., -----,--------------------------------------
~,jll" .!" ~

was very interesting. Camels are I~

such useful animals to the des-

ert people. Before coming to the HOLLYWOOD SHOP AT
desert we stopped a while with QUALITY
the Negro people of the grass- SERVICE The Singing
These people are more civil-
ized than the other people we - Grocer's
visited in far away countries.
Distributor Of
In arithmetic class we are WAGER'S
working hard on long division. Texaco Products ALLAN'S GROCERY
Sixth Grade MEATS
We're busy ' making our room
look like Merry Christmas and
Page Four THE REVIVAL Tuesday, December 19, 1944
the King Cobra patrol at John ·~ Inquiring Reporter •
Birthdays ... Canada's.
The Pine Tree and Moose Pa-
J essick, Louis-Dec. 22. trols had meetings at Wayne
Chellis' and Dick Elliott's.
Kishigo, William-Dec. 19.
Two more boys, Kenny Bester
McBride, Foster-Dec. 12. and Joseph Pl~cia. .Joseph is a
Pisarcyk, Jean-Dec. 5. Tenderfoot and Kenny has been j
Bosma, Vivian-Dec. 15. studying his Tenderfoot require-
Brubaker, Edward-Dec. ments.
Burns, Patricia-Dec. 29.
The following are ansrvers to
Cease, Betty June-De<;. 14
the question "What Are You Go-
Ettawakeshik, Lewis-Dec. 21 ing to do Xmas VacatioR."
Gleckler, Audrey-Dec. 2. Jr. Wilcox: Eat, sleep and grow -
Holland, N ellies-Dec. 24. fat and lazy.
Jardine, Douglas-Dec. 25. Darwin Davert: Keep the wo-
Terpenning, Shirley, Dec. 19. men happy (Faye?), skii, learn
Buerge, Thomas-Dec. 27. how to play basketball and
Ten members of the Wetoma- sleep.
Haase, Marjorie-Dec. 5. 'Mo' Brown: Eat, sleep, skii
chick Camp Fire group, and their
Hoover, Helen Lee-De?. 21. guardian, Miss Geraldine Wolff and wolf-mostly the latter.
Hemmes, Alfred-Dec. 26. were · entertained at a three- Bob Fowler: Work and when
Plocica, Joe-Dec. 14. course dinner by Allene Stolt I'm done work, I'm going to do
Schwertfeger, James-Dec. and Olive Davis at the home of some first class loafin'.
the former's parents, Mr. and Tom Newman: I am going to
Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Harrison st., Chicago to spend most of my va-
on Tuesday evening, Nov. 28. cation.
The table was decorated with Art Kaltz: I'm going to skii
red and white candles, and a when there's snow on the ground
FOR centerpiece of ivy. Place cards and when there isn't I'm going
THE FINEST were in keeping with the Thanks- to loaf and hav.::__a good time.
giving season. Following the din- Doug Jardine: Eat, sleep and
OF FUELS be merry, loaf, etc., skii, h1t1nt and
We had a Scout meeting Wed- ner. the girls wrote letters to
Nellye Ruth VanEvery, a former very little work.
nesday, December 6.
The dinner was planned, pre- Frances Wilcox: sleep (period)
Jim Snively and Alex Kishigo
FRIEND FUEL AND passed their Tenderfoot test and par ed and served by Allene and Betty Moser: Stay home and

SUPPLY CO. I got thier pin which they had to

wear upside down until they did
Olive. This is one of the require-
ments of the third rank of Fire
cure my cold.
a good deed. Maker, on which these girls are LEARN THIS!
There was a patrol meeting of working. We've got a school,
Guests were: Patsy Hartung, We've got a yell,
Joyous Terrian, Mabel Davis. We've got a team that fights iil~e
Joyce S'a nderson, Norma Myers: Rickity, Rackety, Russ
Patsy Marshall, Darlene Barkley We're not allowed to cuss,
Real Estate Diane Sutherland, Bunty Good~ But nevertheless, we must confess
rich and Benita Aldrich. There's nothing the matter with
Insurance Clothing Needs Olive Davis, Scribe. old H. S .


Come One . . . Come All
Ask For The New Mode

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