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H.W. Fow.ern — 0s peixes de ua_doce do Brasil 351 Pimelodella enochi Fow1en. Acude dos Piles, Paraiba, Pimelodella rendahli Aut. América do Sul. Pimelodus quadrimaculatus (Bloch). América, Rhamdia laukidi Bueecen, Brasil. Pygidium fuscum Meyen. Peru. Trichomyeterus Jassli (Steindachner). Rio Songo, Yungas Norte, olivi Trichomycterus santa-ritae (Eigenmann). Santa Rita, em Rio Preto, Bahia, Corydoras juli Sreixpacuner. Espirito Santo. Astroblepus fissidens (Regan). Equador. Astroblepus stubeli WANvoLtECK. Lago Titicaca, Astroblepus theresiae (Steindachner). Andes de Cayendelet, Astroblepus ubidiai (Pellegrin), Andes Ce Imbabura. Otocinclus cephalacanthus Riszmo. Bras |. Otocinclus obtusos Rimetno. Brasil. Ancistrus helerorhynchus Recax. Uruhuasi, Peru. Ancistrus multispinis Hout. Mercado de Bel Microlepidogaster bourguyi Risemo. Lr-“il. Microlepidogaster bahiensis Riwrino. Vila Nova, Sergipe, Brasif (costa). Plecostomus meleagris Mantxt. Sucteste do Brasil. Plecostomus niger Mantxt. Sudeste do Brasil. Rivulus peruanus (Regan). Perim, Peru, Fhodeoides vaillanti Tuoxixor. Bolivi Orestias rospigliosi Exc! » Lago Langui, Peru, As espécies de Orestias nao foram incluidas na tabela por estarem confi- nadas ao Lago Titicaca, com excegao de duas, contudo pe- ruanas. Alfaro cmazonus (Regan). Atmazonas, localidade duvidosa, Poecilia eigenmanni Hexx. Rio Catu, Bahia. Centropomus pectinatus Pory. Pernambuco. Acaronia rondoni (Ribeiro). Rio de Sangue. Aequidens filamentosus (Lacépéde). América de Sul. Aequidens planifrons (Kaup). Brasil. Crenicichla marmorata Pritncnix. América do Sul. INOVACOES Para, Familia Paratrygonidae (= Potamotrygonidae Garmam 1913). Subfamilia Brevoortiinae. Em Clupeidae. Subfamilia Mishinae (= Pellonae Gill 1861), Em Clupeidae. ubfamilia Anchoviinae. Em Engraulidae. Subordem Characoidei_emenda Characinoidet Goodrich), Em Characiformes Rucan 1911. Familia Tetragonopteridae emenda (. 1859). Subfamilia Chilodontinae emenda Subfamilia Anodontinge emenda ( ubfamilia Ctenoluciinae 1 Tetragonopterinae Bleeker Chilodonae Eigenmann 1912). Anodinae Eigenmann 1910). nda (= Ctenolucinae Schultz 1944): Subfamilia Myleinae emenda (= Mylinae Eigenmann 1910, 1912). Familia Stevardiidae. Ordem Siluriformes emenda ( 1 Siluri Bonaparte 1838). ichomycterus taeniops n. s. nero Amaralia. Em Aspredinidae. Ordem Synbranchiformes emenda (= Symbranchiformes L. S. Berg 1940), Pachypops camposi n. Género Pintoichthys. - Em Seiaenidae. m Cichlidae, BIBLIOG! AFIA principalmente a taxonomia dos peix de Agua doce do Brasil. Trabalhos mais gerais, ou especiais, relativos a classi ficagdo, morfologia, aquicultura, historia, ete., poderio ser encontrados nos tr volumes de “Bibliography of Fishes” de Dean (1916-1923), Ou ros devem ser procurados nas bibliografias dos grandes trabalhos faunisticos, como os de Rikeiro, Eigenmann, Allen, Stigchel, Gosline, Tortonese, ete. Os titulos dados abaixo referem- AGASSIZ, Louis, 1829. Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per brasiliam peracto collegit et pingendos curavit Dr. J. B. de Spix. Text: pp. [-1l; 1 ~ p. 38 Plates, pp. | — XVI, I — IL - — 6, tab, A, G5 Tab. T= LXXVI; Anatomie A — F. AHL, Ernst, 1921. Bunocephalus knerii SreiNpacuNen. Blaetter Aquar. Terrar. ( gart), vol. 32, nr. 21, 2 paginas sem numeragio e figura no texto, 1922. Doras spinosissimus E1GENMANN & EIGENMANN. op. cit, vol. 33, nr. 1, pp. 1-2, 1 fig. 1922.” Serrasalmo spitopleura KNen. Op. ci vol. 33, nr. 5, pp. 1-3, fig. (fotografia). 1922. Piaractus nigripinnis (Cope). Op. cit. vol. 33, nr. 12, pp. 1-4, 2 figuras. 1922. Die Gattung Cynolebias Steinpacunen. Op. cit., vol. 33, nr. 14, pp. 1-5, figs. 1-5. 1922. Die ‘Gatlung Mylossoma E1geNMann. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. vol. 19, nr. 12, 2 paginas sem numeragao, 2 figs. 1923. ‘Ichthyologische Mitteilungen. Zool, Anzeiger, vol. 56, pp. 182-185. 1923. Neue suedamerikanische Fische aus .dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, Sitzs, Gesell, Naturf, Freund. Berlin, 1923, pp. 106-109. 1924. Ueber einige neue Fische aus Suedamerika. Zool. Anzeiger, vol. 58, pp. 358-361. 1929. Sorubim lima Buocnt & Scrxeten. Das Aquarium, September 1929, pagina sem numeracao € fotografia. 1929. Beschreibung einer neuen suedamerikanischen Characinidenart der Gattung Mylossoma. Zool. Anzeiger, vol. 81, heft 11/12, pp. 273-274 (Mylossoma argenteum, espécie nova). 1931. Diagnosen einiger neuer suedamerikanischen Suesswasserfische. Sitzs Gesell. Naturf. Freund, Berlin, March, pp, 405-409, 3 text novas: (Gobius boekeri, Serrasalmus doekeri e Metynnis fasciatus), 1931. Neue Suesswasserfische aus dem Stromgebiet des Amazonen-s'romes. Op. cit., November, pp. 206-211, 3 figuras. espécies novas: (Curimatopsis macrocephalus, Curimatus hermanni, Knodus calliurus, Henonemus pan- seri e Apistogramma parva). 1932. Beschreibung eines neuen Characiniden aus dem Amazonstrom. Op. cit., June, pp. 124-126, photograph. (Astynax (Poecilurichthys) poe- tzschkei espécie nova). 1933. Frage und Antmort. Das Aquarium. October, pp. 183-185, 6 figuras. 1934. Beschreibung einer neuen suedamerikanischen Characinidenart der Gattung Poecilobrycon. Zool. Anzeiger, vol. 106, heft 5/6, uma pagina sem numeracdo (P. vittalus espécie nova) 1934. Eine Revision der Zahnkarpfengattung Cynolebias. Op. cit., vol. 108, heft 11/12, pp. 304-310 (C. schreitmuelleri e C. spinifer espécies novas). 1934. Beschreibung zweier neuer Suesswasserfische aus Suedamerika. Sitzs. Gesell. Naturf. Freund. Berlin, December, pp. 238-241, 2 figuras (foto- 354 ARQUIVOS DE ZOOLOGIA Vol. I srafias). espécies novas (Hyphessobrycon armatus e Curimatopsis ma- culatus) 1035, Beschreibung eines neuen Characinide naus Suedamerika. Op. cit., March 19, pp. 46-49. (Opisthanodus haerteli novo género e espécie) 1936. Beschreibungen neuer Fische der Familie Characidae aus Sueda Tika, Zool. Anzeiger, vol. 114, heft 1/2, pp. 19-26. espécies novas rodon leuciscus, Aphyocharax nasutus, Hyphessobrycon maculicauda, H. nigrifrons, Phenacogaster suborbitatis e Myloplus arnold? 1936, Beschreibungen dreier neuer Welse aus Brasilien, Op. cit., vol. 116, heft 3/4, pp. 109 to 11. espécies novas: (Microglanis ater, Heptapterus ornaticeps © Hemiancistrus albocinctus). 1936. Ueber eine kleine Sammlung von Sueswasserfischen aus dem des Amazonas. Mitteil. Zool. Mus. Berlin, vol. 21, heft 2, pp. (Crenicara practoriusi, Apistogramma weisei novas, espécies). 1936. Beschreibung dreier neuer Fische de Familie Cichlidae aus Sueda- merika, Sizs. Gesell. Naturf. Freund, Berlin, August 15, pp. 138-142, 1 figura (fotografia) (espécies novas: Cichlasoma arnoldi, Chaetobran- chopsis bitaeniatus © Apistogramma ornatipinnis). 1937. Zwei neue Suesswasserfische aus Suedamerika, Op. cit. April 30, pp. 445-447 (espécies novas: Hyphessobrycon scholzei e Farlowelta schreitmuelleri). 1937. Zwei neue Fischnamen innerhalb der suedamerikanischen Familie ‘Anostomidae. Op. cit., November 3, paginas sem numeracio (Prochilo- dus eigenmanni ¢ Anostomus pearsoni espécies novas) 1937. Ueber cinem neuen suedamerikanischen Characiniden der Gattung ‘Hyphessobrycon. Zool. Anzeiger, vol. 120, heft 9/10, pp. 235-236. Hyphes- sobrycon pulchripinnis espécie nova). 1938. Ueber einen neuen suedamerikanischen Fisch der Familie Cichlidae. Op. vol. 123, heft 10/12, pp. 246-247 (Apistogramma aequipinnis espécie nova). 1938. Beschreibung cines neuen Characiniden der Gattung Myloplus aus Suedamerika. Op. cit., vol. 124, heft 7, pp. 190-191 (Myloplus schultzet espécie nova). AHL, Ernest, and SCHINDLER, Otto, ebiet 69. 1937. Pyrrhulina macrotepis nov. spec (Pisc., Microeypi Anzeiger Akad. Wiss. Wien, nr. 16, July 1937, piigina sem numera ARNOLD, Johan Paul, ster, Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1909. Girardinus quppui Gv 6 Jahrg., pp. 606-608. 1909. Polycentrus schomburgkii Murtien & Troscurt. Op. cit., pp. 617- 619, fig, 1909. Poecilia heteristia Rea. ca. Op. cit., pp. 695-697. 1909. Poecilia reticulata Perens, die letzte Neuheit des Jahres 1908. Blaet- ter Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 20 Jahrg., pp. 249-253, fig. 1909. Helerogramma corumbae ExceNMANN & Wan. Op. cit., pp. 305-308; Zur Nomenklatur von Poecilia amazoni- 321-324, 3 figs. 1009. Pyrrhutina natterert SrerNoactxen. Op. cit., pp. 427-430, 2 figs. 1910. Ueber die Fortpflanzung von Polycentrus schomburgkii in Zimmera- ‘quarium. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 7 Jahrg., pp. 90. figs. 1910, Heterogramma agassizi ReeaN. OD. cit., pp. 133-135; 149-190, fig. 1911. Geophagus jurupari Hecxen. Op. cit., 8 Jahrg., pp. 105-107, fig. 1911. Plerophyllum scalare Cuvi CIENNES. Op. cit, pp. 165- 166, fig. 1911. Acara tetramerus Hecker. Op. cit., pp. 213-214, fig. 1911. Acara thayeri SterNpacuNeR. Op. cit., pp. 245-247, fig, 1911. Paragoniates microlepis SrerxvacuNen, Op. cit. pp. 429-431, fig. 1911. Erythrinus salmoneus Groxow. Op. cit., pp. 573-575, fig. 1911, Meine Erfahrongen bei der Haltung von Cynolebias bellotit Srexx- DACHNER. Op. cit., pp. 617-619; 634-635, 3 fig: 1911, Macrodon trahira Spix. Op. ‘cit., pp. 686-689, 2 figs. 1911. Poecilia_heteristia RYGAN. Blaetter Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 22 Jabrg., pp. 124-125; 137-138, H.W. Fow.en — Os peixes de agua doce do Brasil 355, 1911, Heros spurius HeeKet. Op. cit., pp. 329-331; 368-369, fig. 1912, Aenocara dolichoptera KNER. Wochenschr. Aquar.’ Yerrar., Kunde, y Janrg., pp. 193-194, 2 fig 191%. “‘Nannucara taenia ‘ecaN; ein neuer Zwergeichlide aus dem Am: zonenstrom. Op. eit., pp. 521-524, fi Girardinus jormosus Giranb. Op. Evorthodus breviceps Git. Op. cit., pp. 685-688, 4 figs, Corydoras undulatus REGAN. Op. cit, pp. 777-712, fig. 1913. Copera arnoldi KeGaX. Op. cil, 10 Jabrg., pp. 245-247, 2 figs. iis. Der Zitteraal (Gymnotus electricus) im Zimmeraquarium. Op. eit. pp. 318-320, 11g. 1913. Corydoras macropterus REGAN. Op. cit. p, 337, fig. 1913. Rivulus strigatus ReGan. Op. cit., pp. 353-355, fi 1913. Anostomus taeniatus KNen und Leporinus fredertci Buocn. Op .cit, Pp. 525-526. 2 figs. 1913. Cichlosoma fenestratum GveNtHER, Op. city p. 621, fig. 1913. Poecilia amazonica Garman. Op. cit., pp. 641-642, fig. 1913. Eleotris species aus dem Amazonenstrom. Op. cit., pp. 723-724. 1918, | Clahlosoma severum (Heros spurius Heckel). Gp. elt pp. 838- fig. 1913. Uaru amphiacanthoides Hecke. Op. cit., pp. 849-850, fig. 1913. Cichlosoma coryphaenoides Hecke. Op. cit. pp. 804-853, fig. 1913. Heterogramma ef. taeniatum pertense var. nov. HaseMAN. Op. cit., pp. 910-912. 1913. Eleotris pisonis Gaetan. Op. cit., pp. 925-926, fig 1914. Weiteres ucber Plerophyllum scatare. Op. cit., pp. 41-43, 2 figs. 1914. Niphorhamphus jenynsii Guextuen. Op. cit. 11 Jabrg., pp. 170-172, fig. 1812. Otocinclus arnoldi ReaN. Op cit., pp. 297-299, 2 Tigs. 1914. Zar Namenaenderung der lebenigebaerenden Zahnkarpfens Op. cit, 11 Jabrg. 1914. vi. Die Gattnugen Phalloptychus, Phalloceros tind Cnesterodon. Op. cit, pp. 533-537, 4 figs. 1914, Vili. Die Gating Gambusia Pory 1855. L. Theil. Op. cit. pp. 795 796, 5 figs. 1914. ix. Die Gattung Gambusia und die Gattung Heterophalus REGAN. Op. cit., pp. 819-820, 2 figs. 1914. Cichlasoma bimacula‘um. Ein alter Bel neuen Kleide. Op. cit. pp. 629-630, fig. 1914. Ueber zwei neue Arten der Gatlung Apistogramma. Op. cits pp 695-696; 705-705, 2 figs. cit, pp. 553-554, fig. annter mit neuem Namen im ARNOLD, Johan Paul, and AHL, Ernst. emlaendische Suesswasserfische py 1592, with 7 pls. and over justrations. 1936, Fi 700 AYR ES, William 0., 1854. A fish from Para. Vandellia cirt usa. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, 1851-1856 (1854), p. 31. BADE, Ernst, 1899, Der Chanchito (Heros fasciatus) als Zicrfisch und seine Zucht im Zimmeraquarium (Berlin), 29 pp., pl. ¢ 7 figuras. 1899. Geophagus brasiliensis Hecke. Blactler Aquar. Terr. Freund, vol. 10, pp. 221-222, fig. BERG, Carlos, 1893. Geotria macrostoma (Burmeister) densis Beno, dos peces particulares. vol. 1, pp. 1-7, pls. 1895. Enumeracion sistematica y sinonimica de los peces de las costas argentina y uruguaya; contribucion al estudio de los peces sud-ameri- canos. Anal, Mus. Buenos Aires vol. 1, pp. 1-120, ph. 1898. Communicaciones ictiologicas. im, Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, vol. 1, pp. 9-13. y Thalissophryne montevi- Mus. La Plata (Zoologica), 356 ARQUIVOS DE_ZOOLOGIA ‘ol. IL 1899. Communicaciones. ictiologi 163-174. 1901. Communicaciones ictiologicas. IV. Op. 1901. Beitrag zu Di unteren Amazor Il, UL Op. vol. 1, pp. 91-97; vol. 1, pr G. Hagmann’s “Aeanthicus hystrix . Zool. Anzeiger, vol. 24, 1901, p. 586, BERTIN, Leén, 1941. Mise au point sur quelques espéces de Clupéidés. Bull. So France, vol. 66, pp. 18: 1944. La distribution mésogéene des Flops. graphie, vol. 21, pp, 1-6, 1 table, Zool. mpt. Rend, Soc. 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Torino, vol. 13, n.0 329, 1898, pp, 1-13; vol. 14, n.0 335, 1889, pp. 14 1900. Description of three new spe bes from southern Bra- zil, Ann. May. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. 5, np. 165-166. 1900. ‘Viagzio del Dr. ‘A. Borelli_ nel Liste des poissons recueillis aU Gorumbi. Boll, Mus. Zool. Anat, 37 1902. to Grosso ¢ nel way. TI, ucum et a Carandasinho. pres de mp. Univ. Torino, vol. 15, n.0 of new fishes and revtiles discovered by Dr. F, Sik South America, Ann. Maz. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. 9, pp. 284-288, 1902, Description of a new eyprinodontid fish’ (Orestias tirapatae) from eastern Peru. Op. cit., ser. 7, vol. 10, pp. 153-15 BRUENING, Christian, 1931. Ichthyol of 300 illu: English, ischer Bilderatlas (Hamburg), pp. 1-192. with upward ions. Printed with opposite columns of German and CAMPOS, A. Amaral, 1941, Con'ribuicdo ao estudo dos clupedides das aguas Brasileiras, Arquiv. Zool. Séo Paulo, vol. 3, arti. 7, Nov, 25, pp. 185-218, pls. 1-9. 1942. Sciaenidae da agua doce. 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Atlas, pls. 1-14. 1870. Op. cit. Tome second. p 353-720, Atlas, pls, 15-26. EHLERS, Ernst Heinrich, 1894. Ueber Lepidosiren. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Leipzig, vol. 4, pp. 32-34, 1894. Ueber Lepidosiren paradoxa Fitzinger und L. articulata n. sp. Nachr. Koenig. Ges. Wiss, Goettingen, n.° 1, pp. 84-91. EHNLE, H., 1910. Pseudocorynopoma doriae. Wochenschr, Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 7 jahrg., pp. 697-698, fig. 1910, Rivulus flabellicauda Recan. Blaetter Aquar. Terrar, Kunde, 21 Jahrg., pp. 341-343, 2 figs. EIGENMANN, Carl H., 189) Notes on some South American Fishes. Ann. N. Y. Acafl. Sci., vol. 7, Feb. 1894, pp. 625-637. (Cryptops género novo, Clupea janeiro, Cyprinodon amazona, Poecilia vivipera parae, P. branneri, Harpe nae- vius, espécies e subespecie novas. 1903. New genera of South American Fresh-water Fishes. and new names for some old genera, Smithson, Miscell. Collection (Quart. Issue), vol. 45, Dec. 9, pp. 144-148 (sio propostos 21 novos nomes genéricos © subgenéricos). The poccilid fishes of Rio Grande do Sul and La Plata basin. Proc. 8. Ni vol. 32, pp. 425-433, — figs 1907, | Fowler's “Heterognathous Fishes” with a note on_the Stethaprio- hinae. American Naturalist, vol. 41, Dec. 1907, pp. 767-772. (Phena- cogaster e Fowlerina novos nomes ‘genéricos). 1908, Preliminary descriptions of new genera and species of Tetraonop- terid characins. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 52, n.° 6, Dec., pp. 93- 106. (7 novos nomes genéricos € 37 novas subespécies e espécies por Kigenmann, e um novo subgénero e & novas espécies e subespécies por Durbin). 1910. Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of tropical and south temperate America, | Rep. Princeton Exped. Patagonia 1896-1899. vol. 3, pl. 4, pp. 375-511. 1911. Description of a_new species of Pygidium Carnegie Mus., yol. 7, 1.0 2, pages unnumbered, . barbouri’ pl. 32, Ann. H.W. Fowen — Os peixes de agua doce do Brasil 361 1911. New Characins in the collection of the Carnegie Museum. Op. ci Vol. 8, 1.0 1, pp. 164-181, pls. 4-9 (fotografias) (6 novos géneros e de cricdo de 18 novas espécies e subespécies). 1913. On two new species of fishes collected by ‘Ann. Carnegie Mus., vol. 8, pp. 421-422, pl. 3: 1914, New fishes from Western Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Indiana Univ. Studies, n.9 19, Jan. 16, pp. 1-15. (Ceratobranchia género novo, obtusirostris, Piabira analis and Astyanax hasemani espécies novas). iss Lola Vance in Peru. 1914. Some results from studies of South American Fishes. Indiana Univ. Studies, vol. 12, n.0 1, March 15, pp. 17-48 (Descrigdo de 7 novas es- pécies). 1914. On new species of fishes from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Op n.0 24, Sep. 5, pp. 231-234. (Bryconamericus novae nova espécie). 1915, ‘The Serrasalmince and Mylinae. 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Carnegie Mus., vol. 11, nos. 3-4, Nov. 5, pp. 398-404, text-figs. 1-3, pls. 39-41 (Cheirocerus eques, Doras lentiginosus © Ento- mocorus benjamini espécies novas, 0 primeiro género eo tiltimo sao novos). Description_of sixteen new species of Pygidiidae. Proc. Amer. Phi- los. Aoc., vol. 56, pp. 690-703 (Scleronema e Branchioica generos novos). 1918. The Pygidiidae, a family of South American catfishes. Mem. Carne- gie Mus., vol. 7, pp. 259-398, pls. 36-36, text-figs. 1-39 (Pygidium trigul- fatum espécie nova). 1922, On a new genus and two new species of Pygidiidae, a family of South American nematognaths. Bijd. Dierkunde, Amsterdam, afl. 22, pp. 113-116, pls. 3-4 (Apomatoceros aénero novo, A. alleni e Urinophi- lus erythrurus espécies novas). 1925. A review of the Doradidae, a family of South American Neatogna- thi, or Catfishes. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser., vol. 22, pt 5, Is. 1-27, text-figs. 1-22 (Megulodoras, Centrodoras, Hoplo- doras, Franciscodoras, Scorpiodoras, Anadoras, Hypodoras, Trachydo- ras, Opsodoras, Nemadoras géneros novos; Megalodoras irwini, Hypo- doras forficulatus, Hemidoras morris, Opsodoras hemipeltis, 0.” pu- rallelus, O. orthacanthus, 0. ternetzi, 0. steindachneri espécies novas) . 1917. , William R: 2. Fishes of Western South America. University of Kentucky, Lexing- ton. pp. 1-494, pls, 1-22, 1 map, EIGENMANN, Carl. H., and. BEAN, Barton A., 1907. An acvount of Amazon river fishes collected by J. B, Steer a note on Pimelodus clarias. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 668, 5 figs. EIGENMANN, Carl. H., and BRAY, William L., with 31, pp. 659- 1894. A review of the American Cichlidae. Ann. Acad. Sc vol. 7, January, pp. 607-624 (Retroculus boulengeri e Aequidens genero ¢ espe vie novos 362 ARQUIVOS DE_ZOOLOGIA Vol. I EIGENMANN, Carl H., and EIGENMANN, Rosa Smith, 1888. A list of the American Species of Gobiidae and Callionymidae ‘with notes on the specimens contained in the Museum of Compa- rative Zoology at Cambridge, Mass, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 2, vol. 1, pt. 2, June, pp. 51-78. 1888. Preliminary notes on South American Nematognathi. 1. Op. cit. pp. 119-172 (2 novos subgéneros e 36 espécies novas) . 1889. A review of the edentulous genera of Curimatinas. Ann. N. i., vol. 4, 1887-80, pp. 409-440 1889. Preliminary descriptions of new species and genera of Characini- dae, West American Scienlist, vol. 6, pp. 7-8 1889. Description of new nematognathoid fishes from Brazil. Op. cit. pp. 8 1890. + Aca. Preliminary notes on South American Nematognathi. II. Proc. Calif. ‘Acad. Sci., scr. 2, vol. 2, pp. 28-56. 1890, A Riview of the Erythrininae. Op. cit., pp. 100-116, pl. 1 (Pyrrhu- lina maxima espécie nova) 1890. A Revision of the South American Nematognathi. Oceas Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci., n.0 1, pp. 1-509, text-fig, 1-57 (perfil da denticao). 1919. Steindachneridion. Science, vol. 50, n.° 1301 ,pp. 525-526. EIGENMANN, Carl H., and FISHER, Homer G., 1917, On some species of Rhamdia, a genus of South American Siluridae, in the Carnegie Museum. Ann, Carnegie Mus., vol. 11, nos. 3-4, pp. 304- 397, pl. 38 (Rhamdia microps espécie nova). FIGENMANN, Carl H., and HENN, Arthur W., 1916, Description of three new species of Characid Fishes. Ann. Carne- ic Mus., vol. 10, nos, 1-2, art. 7, pp. 87-90, pl 17 (Hemiodus parna- quae espécie nova). FIGENMANN, Carl H,, HENN, Arthur W., and WILSON, Charles, 1914. New fishes from western Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Indiana Univ. Studies, n.0 19, pp. 1-15. 1914. On nw species of fishes from Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil. Op. cit. n.0 24, pp. 231-234. EIGENMANN, Carl H., and KENNEDY, Clarence H., 1903. On a Collection of fishes from Paraguay, with a synopsis of the Ame- rican genera of cichlids, Proc, Acad, Nat. Sci. Phila. vol. 59, pp. 497-537. RD, David Perkin: MANN, Carl H., MG ATEE, Waldo Lee, and W, 1907. On further collections of fishes from Paraguay. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Vol. 4, n.0 2, pp. 109-157, pls. 31-45 (fotografias) (sto propostos um xe nero © 12 espécies novas). EIG! \NN, Carl H., and MYERS, George Sprague, ‘A new genus of Brazilian characin fishes allied to Bivibranchia {Atomaster velox}. Proc. National Acad. Sci., vol. 13, 0.0 8, August, pp. 405-566. Allen A., ‘0 Paulo, Brazil. Revista Mus. Paulista, vol. FIGENMANN, Carl H., and NORRIE: 1900. Sobre alguns peixes de 4, pp. 349-362. EIGENMANN, Carl H., and OGLE, Fletcher, 1907. An annotated list of characin fishes in the United States ‘Museum and the Museum of Indiana University, with descriptions of new species. Proc. U. t. Mus., vol. 33, pp. 1-36, 8 text figs. (2 no- mes genéricos e 20 novas espécies por Eigenmann, 2 novas espécies por Meek, e 5 novas espécies e subespécies por Eigenmann & Ogle) ational pwLER — Os peixes de agua doce do Brasil 363 EIGENMANN, Carl H., and VANCE, Lola, 1917. Some species of Farlowella. Ann, Carnegie Mus. vol. 11, nos. 1-2, pp. 297-303, pls. 29-31 (Farlowella azygia, F. jauruensis e F. hasemani hovas especies). EIGENMANN, Carl H., and WARD, David Perkins. 4905, |The Gymnotidae. Pros. Wash, Acad. Sciy vol. 7 June 20, pp. 159- 188, pls. 7-11 (Slernarchella, Sternarchogiton e Sternarchorhamphus s¢- heros novos). ELLIS, Marion Durban, 1911. On the species of Hasemania, Hyphessobrycon, and Hemigrammus collected by J. D, Haseman for the Carnegie Museum. Ann. Carnegie Mus., vol. 8, 0.9 1, pp. 148-163, pls. 1-3 (fotografia) (Um género e 11 espécies “novas). 1913, The Plated Nematognaths. Op cit. vol. 8, nos. 3-4, pp. 384-413, pls. 25-31 (Cascadura género novo, C. maculocephala e Chaenothorax ei- genmanni espécies novas). ELLIS, Max Mapes, 1913. The gymnotid eels of tropical America. Mem. Carnegie Mus., vol. 6, 1.0 3, pp. 109-195, 8 pls. 33 figuras, ELWIN, Margery, 1939. Corydoras arcuatus sp.n.. an Amazonian catfish. Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist,. ser. 11, vol. 3, pp. 126-127, pl. 3. ENGMANN, P. 1901. Zur Fortpflanzung von Geophagus brasiliensis im Aquarium, Blaetter Aquar. Terrar, Freunde, 12 Jahrg., pp. 147-149; 155-157 1903. Sind Geophagus gymnogenys und Geophagus brasiliensis eine Art? Natur und Haus, Dresden, 11 Jahrg., pp. 57-63. 1907, Ueber Acara ‘caeruleo-punctata var. latifrons. Wochenschr. Aquar. ‘Terrar. Kunde, 4 Jahrg., pp. 377-378; 389-390; 401-402; 413-4 1910, Ein’ neuer ‘Aquarientise, Polycentrus schomburgkii Mueller und Troschel, Blaetter Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 21 Jahrg., pp. 409-410; 423-424, 1911, Die Cicliden. I. Cichliden der Alten Welt. III. Gichliden der Neuen Welt. Bibliothek fuer Aquarien und Terrarienkunde, 22 Heft, 34 pp. pl, 4 figs. EVERMANN, Barton Warren, and KENDALL, William Converse, 1905. An interesting species of fish [Cyclopium cyclopium] from the high Andes of Central Ecuador. Proc, Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 18, March 31, pp. 91-106, figs, 1- FISHER, Homer G., 1917. A list of the Hypophthalmidae, the Diplomystidue and some unrecor- ded species of Siluridae, in the’ collection of the Carnegie Mus., vol. IL, nos, 3-4, November 5, pp. 405-527, pl. 42, textefigs. 1-5 (Ageneiosus iuudeirensis nova espécie). FITZINGER, L. J. F. 1837. Vorlaeufiger Bericht ueber eine hoechst interessante Entdeckung Dr. Nattere’s in Brasil [Lepidosiren paradoxa]. Isis (Oken), pp. 379-380. FOWLER, Henry W., 1903. Descriptions of new, little known and typical Atherinidae. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., vol. 55, pp. 727-742, pls. 1-3. 364 ARQUIVOS DE ZOOLOGIA Vol. I 1903, New and little kno’ 743-752, pls. 1-2, figs. 1904. Note’ on the Characinidae. Op. cil., vol. 56, p. 119. 1906. Further knowledge of some heterognathous fishes. part 1. Op. cit., vol. 58, September 22, pp. 293-351, text-ligs, propostos 12 nomes genéricos e subgenéricos ¢ 6 nomes especificos e subespecifi- cos novos). 1907. Preceding title. Part 11. Op. cit, vol. 58, January 13, pp. 431-483, figs. 34-60 (sio propostos 11 novos’ nomes genéricos ¢ Stgenéricos ¢ 3 novos nomes especificos). 1910. The proper restriction of Eucynopotamus, Sei p. 7 1913, Fowlerina Eigenmann, a preoccupied generic name. Op. cil new ser. vol. 38, p. 51, 1913. Fishes from the Madeira River, Brazil. Proc. Acad, vol. 65, pp. 517-579, text-figs. 1-25, 1914. Curimatus spilurus Cope, a wrongly identified Cha pp. 673-675. 1915. Note on some gymnotid fishes. Copeia, n.0 15, pp. 1-2. 1915. _ Notes on nematognathous fishes. Proc. Acad.’ Nat. Sci. Phila, vol. 67, pp. 203-243, text-figs. 1-11. 1915. ‘Cold-blooded ‘vertebrates from Florida, the West Indies, Costa Rica, and eastern Brazil. Op. cit., pp. 244-269 (Ceara, pp. 262-209, figs. 3-4) 1918. A new characin from Paraguay [Berloniolus paragiayensis). OD. cit, Pp. 143-144, fig, no texto 1926. Fishes from Florida, Brazil, Argentina and Chile. Op. cit, pp, 249-285. (Brazil, pp. 254-258, text-fig.; Bolivia, pp. 25 1932. Zoological result of the Matto Grosso Expedition to Brazil in 1931. I. Fresh-water fishes. Op. cit. vol. 84, pp. 343-377, figs. no texto. 1939." An interesting South American Tooth minnow Pterolebias longipinnis. ‘The Fish Culturist, vol. 18, n.0 10, June, pp. 7: 1940, A collection of fishes obtained by Mr. Willi Ucayali River basin, Peru. Proc. Acad. Nat. S 219-289, figs. 1-64, 1940. Zoological results of the second Bolivian expedition for the Acade- my of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1936- pp. 43-103, figs. 1-52. 1941. A collection of fresh-water fishes obtained in Eastern Brazil by Dr. Kodolpho von Thering. Op. cit., vol. 93, pp. 123-199, figs. 1-104. Los Peces del Pert. Bol Mus.’Hist. Nat. (Javier Prado, Lima) Univ. n Mareos, aio 5, n.0 17, pp. 218-236, figs. 1-8 (Branchiostomidae to Engrautidae) 1941. Preceding title . Op. cit., ato 5, n.0 18, pp. 363-391, figs. 9 branchidae to Dotadidae). 1941. Preceding title. Op. cil. alo 5, n.° 19, pp. chenipteridae \o Calichthyidae). 1942," An account of two new fishes from Brazil. The Fish Culturist, vol. 22, n.0 1, pp. 1-2, 1 fig. no texto. 1942, Los Peces del Peru, “Bol, Mus. Hist. Nat. (Javier Prado, Lima) Univ. San Mareos, afio 6, n.0 20, pp. 71-91, figs. 35-36 (Loricariidae to As- Iroblepidae). 1942. Preceding title. Op. cit. racidae to Lebiasinae). 1942. Preceding tille, Op. cit., aio 6, nos. (Cheirodontinae to Cynodontinae). 1943. Zoological results of the second Boli ition of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1931 . Pert. 2. — Additional new fishes. Notulae Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., n.0 120, pp. 1-7, figs. 1-4. 1943. A collection of fresh-water from’ Colombia, obtained chiefly Brother Niceforo Maria. Proc. Acad. N Phila, vol. 95, pp. 266, figs. 1-63. 1943. Notes and descriptions of new or lit'le Lnowa fishes from Uruguay. Op. cit., vol. 95, pp. 311-334, figs. 1 1943, Los Peces del Pert. Bol.’ Mus. H jan Marcos, aio 7, nos. 2 Gymnotidae). 1043, Preceding title. Op. cit., aio 7, nos. (Cyprinodontidae to Mugilidae). Mugilidae and Sphryraenidue. Op. cit., pp. ence, new ser. vol. 31, ‘in. Op. cit, vol. 78, ). Morrow ‘in the Phila. vol. 91, pp. (Syne figs, 23-34 (Aue aio 6, n.9 24, pp. 206-222, figs. 39-44 (Cha 0 81, figs. 45-51 is'. Nal. (Javier Prado, Lima) Univ. 5, DP. 96-124, figs. 51-70 (Characinae to H.W. Fow1er — Os peixes de agua doce do Brasil 365. 1944. Preceding title. Op, cit., aio 8, nos, 28-29, pp. 89-126, figs. 76-84 (Sphyraenidae to Congiopodidae). 1944.” Preceding title. Op. cit, afio 8, nos. 30-31, pp. 2 (Trigtidae to Lophiidae). 1945. Preceding title. Op. cit. pp. 1-298, figs. 1-92. (Reprinted from the sections appearing under the above title in the Boletin from 1941-1944). GARMAN, Samuel, 1877. On the pelvis and external sexual organs of selachians with espe- cial reference to the new genera Polamotrygon and Disceus. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. vol. 19, pp. 197-21 1890. On a genus and species of the Characines (Henochilus wheatlandi, gen. € sp. nov.). Bull. Essex Inst., vol. 22, pp. 49-52, pl. 1890. On species of Cynopotamus. Op. cit., pp. 11-14. 1890. On species of Gasteropeiecus. Op. cit., pp. 8-10. 1890. On the species of the genus Anostomus. Op. cit., pp. 15 1890. On the species of the genus Chalcinus in the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology. Op. 1895. The Cyprinodont: 12 pls. 1913.” The Plagiostomia (Sharks, Skates and Rays). Op. cit., vol. 36, Sep- tember, pp. I-XIU, 1-515, pls. 1-75. 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Wien, vol. 5, pp. 65-98, Is. 1-8. 1854, Die Hypostomiden, Zwerte Hauptgruppe der Familie der Panzer- che (Loricata vel Goniodontes). Op. cit., vol. 6, pp. 251-286, pls. 1-5. 1857. Ichthyologische Beitraege. Sitzs. Akad. Wiss, Wien, vol. 26, pp. 373- 448, pls. 1-9 (descricio de 2 novos géneros e 15 novas espécies) . Zur Familie der Characinem, III. Folge der ichthyologischen Bei- iraege. Op. cit., vol. 17, pp. 137-182, pls. 1860. Zur Familie der Characinem. III. Folge der ichthyologischen Bei- traege. Op. cit., vol. 18, pp. 9-62, pls. 1-8, 1863. Ueber die drei Fisch-gattungen Pterophyllum, Symphysodon und Monocirrhus Heckel. Op. cit., vol. 43, pl. 1, pp. 294-303, 2 pls. 18: KOEHLER, Walther, 1906. Zur Nomenklatur von Poecilia reticulata. Blaetter Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 17 Jahrg., pp. 497-498, KUHNT, Margarete, After 1930 (without date of issue), Exotische Zierfischs. Mlustriertes Hand- buch fuer Aquariaver. pp. 1XII, 1-524, with over 450 illustrations. LACEPEDE, B. G. 1798-1802. Histoire naturelle des Pcissons. vol. 1, 1798, pp. I-CXLVIL, 1-8, 1 532, pls. 1-25. vol. 2, 1800, pp. EVI, E-XI, T-XX1, LEXIV; 1-632, pls. 1-20. 370 ARQUIVOS DE_ZOOLOGIA vol. 3, 1801, pp. 1-15, I-LXVI, 1-558, pls, 1-34, sol. 4, 1802, pp. -XLIV; 1-738, pls. 1-16 vol. 5, 1802, pp. I-LXIV; 1-803, pls. 1-21. LADIGES, W., 1938. Drei neue fische der gattengen Hyphessobrycon und Hemigrammus aus dem Peruanischen Teil des Amazonas. Zool. Anzeiger, vol. 124, pp. 49-52, LA MONTE, Francesca, 1933. Pimelodus vatenciennis Kr. the type of a new genus. Copeia, p. 226. 1935, A new subgenus of Plecostomus from Brazil (P. (Carinolus)’ carino~ tus new species]. Amer. Mus. Novitates, Jan, 23, n.0 591, pp. 1-2, fig. 2 no texto. 1935. Two new species of Gymnotus. Op. cit., Feb. 18, n.0 781, 1- (Gumnotus coatesi espécie nova). 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LICHTEN: SIN, Martin Heinrich Carl, 1818. Die Werke Marcsrave und Piso die Naturgeschichte Brasiliens, er- Jaeutert aus den wieder aufgefundenen Original zeichnungen, Abhanill, Akad. wiss. Berlin, 1814-15 (1818), pp. 200-222, 1819. Preceding litle. Op. cit., 1816-17’ (1819), pp. 135-177, 1819. Ueber einige neue Arten von Fischen aus der Gattung Silurus Pime- lodus coruscans, P. macropterus, P. filamentosus and Silurus coecutiens. Zool. Mag. (Wiedmann), vol. 1, pl. 3, pp. 57- 1820. Die Werke von Maregrave ete. Abhandl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1820-21, Pp. 267-288, 1820. Preceding tle, pp. 49-65, LIEBIG, Theodor, 1909, Beobachtungen an Geophagus gymnogenys. Wochenschr. Aquar Terrar. Kunde, 9 Jahrg., pp. 635-636. 1909. Von Girardinus caudimacutatus. Op. cit., pp. 646-648, 1912. Aufzucht und Metamorphose des Callichthys punctatus. Op. cit., 9 Jahrg., pp. 506-508, figs. 1912. Hemigrammus (Tetragonopterus) unilineatus Gill. Op. cit., pp. 618+ 619, fig. 1912. Laichakt des Panzerwels (Coryderas marmoratus Steind.). Op. cit., pp. 426-428, fig. 1912. Tetragonopterus ocellifer. Op. cit., pp. 537-538. 1913. Myletes spec. Blaetter Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 24 Jahrg., pp. 421- 423, fig. Os peixes de agua doce do Brasil 371 LIEBSCHER, Alfred, und seine Zucht. Blaetter Aquar. Terrar. 262. WOrbd. Op. ci, 15 Jahrg., pp. 149-150. 1901. Geophagus_brasiliensi: Freunde, 12 Jahrg., 1904. Callichthys punct LINNAEUS, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae, ed. 10, vol. 1, 824 pp. (P 1766. Systema Naturae, ed. 12, vol. 1, 532 pp. (Pisc es, PP. 230-338). » pp. 394-532) LOED 1930. Eine neue Art der Gattung Corydoras [C. melini new species]. Ar- kiv foer Zoologi, vol. 22 A, n.0 5, pp. 1-6, 1 fig. BERG, Einar, and RENDAHL, Hialmar, LUETKEN, Christian Frederick, 1874, Siluridae novae Brasiliae cen‘ralis a clarissimo J. Reinherét in pro- vincia Minasgeraés circa oppidulum Lagoa Santa praecipue in flumi- ne Rio das Velhas et affluentibus collectae, secundum caracteres essen- tiales brevuter descriptae. Oversigt Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Kjoebe- nhavn, -pp. 29-36. 1875. Characinae novae Brasiliae centralis a clarissimo J. Reinhardt in provincia Minas-Geraes circa oppidulum Lagoa Santa in lacu eiusdem nominis, flumine Rio das Velhas et rivulis affluentibus collectae_se- cundum caracteres essentiales breviter descriptae. Op. cit., 1874 (1875), pp. 127-143. 1875. Velhas Flodens Fiske, Et Bidrag til Brasiliens Ichthyologi. Elfter Professor J. Reinhardt Indsamlinger og Optegnelser. Kon Dansk. _Vi- densk. Selsk. Skrift, (Kjoebenhavn), vol. 12, pp. 122-252, pls. 1-5, fics, 1-83; Synopsis, pp. I de MAGALHAES, A. C., 1931, Monographi figs. 1-120. Brazileira de peixes fluviaes (Sao Paulo). pp. 1-260, MARCGRAVIUS, Georgius, 1642. Historia rerum naturalium Braziliae. Liber quartus, qui agit de Pis- cibus Brasiliae, Lugdum Batavorum, pp. 142-181, MARINI, T. L., NICHOLS, John T., and LA MONT Francesca, 1933, Six new eastern South American fishes examined in the American Museum of Natural History. Amer. Mus, Novilates, n.° 618, May 9, pp. figs, 1-3 (Plecostomus niger, P. meleagris and ‘Notropocharax dijfi= cilis novas espécies, ¢ 0 ultimo ‘genero como novo). MARRE, Ernst, 1909. Geophagus taenialus vulgo Heterogramma corumbae? Auszug ats ei- nem Vorlrag “Ueber Geophagus-A Blactter Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 20 Jahrg., pp. 765-766, f 1910. Pyrrhuttina brevis Sie 1910. Ueber Poecilia heteristia Regan. 1910. Gasteropelecus stellatus. Op. cit., pp. 2 figs. 1910. Die Tetragonopterus-Arten. Wochenschr. Agusr. Terrar. Kunde, 7 Jahrg., pp. 331-333, 1911. Crenicichta lepidota, cin Lunter suedameri'anischer Cichlide. Blaet- Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 121-122; 136-137. 1911. Pyrrhulina fitamentosa, der Spritz-saimler. Op. eil., pp. 237-238. 21 Jahrg, pp. 312-313, i 42, er MATTE, Paul, isch. 1900, Ueber Girardinus decemmaculatus, einem lebendig gebaerenden Fi Blactter Aquar. Terrar. Freunde, 11 Jabrg., pp. 29-80, fig. ARQUIVOS DE_ZOOLOGIA Vol. 11 1901, Der Perlmutterfisch_(Geophagus brasiliensis Heckel). Natur unds Haus, vol. 9, pp. 274-276. MAYER, Friedrich, stellatus Kner. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1910, Gasteropelect 570, fig. 7 dJahrg., pp. 5 MEEK, Seth Eugene, 1905. Two new species of Fishes from Brazil. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 18, December 9, pp. 241-242 (Pimelodella eigenmanni ¢ Aniso- frema iwilliamsi espécies ‘novas). MEINKEN, Hermann, MUELLER, Johannes, und TROSCH 1931. Nannostomus anomalus Sieindachner, marginatus aripirangensis n. spec. Wochenschr. Aquor. Rerra weig), nr. pp, (sem numeracao), 3 figs. 1931. Menidia themasii n, sp. Blactter Xquar. Terrai vol. 42, heft n. 377-879, fiz. no texto (de da ‘cosia da Am : 1933. Ueber einige in letz'er Zeit ‘cingefuehrte Fische, II, Op. cit. vol. 44, heft nr. 5, pp. 71-73, 1 fig. (Curimatopsis saladensis espécie nova). Beitraege zur Fischfauna des mittleren Parana. 1. Op. cit., vol. 46, ir. 9, pp. 193-196, figs. 1-3 (Leporinus nigripinnis e L. platycephalus espéeies noavs). 1936. Ucber einige in letzter Zeit eingefuchrie Fiscke. Op. cit. vol. 47, March, nr. 3, pp. 49-51 (Lebiasina intermedia espécie nova). 1936. Precading title. Op. vol. 47, nr. 7, pp. 149-150, text-fig. (Hy drocynus cuvieri (Ag.). 1937. Beitraege zur Fischfauna des mi'tleren Parand. I. Op. cit., vol. 48, heft nr. 4, pp, 73-80, lest-figs, 1-3 (Furlowella hahni, F. paranaen- se’ e Sternarchorhamphus hahni espécies novas). 1938. Hasemania marginata n. spec. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, heft 15, pp. 225-226, fig no texto (localidade nao mencionada). igenmann und enk. (Braunsch- Kunde (Stuttgart), igua doce e salobra 1s MILEWSKI, A., 1912. Acara bimaculata, Wochenschr, Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 9 Jahre. Pp. 47-50, 1913. Accra bimaculata. Blaetter Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 24 Jahrg., pp- 465-466, fig. 1913. Zur Vermehrung der ‘Tetragonopterinen. Op. cit., pp. 1 1914. Leporinus affinis Guenther. Wochen 11 Jahrg., pp. 783-785, 2 figs 1914. _Ergenzendes ueber Monocirrhus polyacanhus Heckel. Op. cit, pp. 807-809, fig. 1914. Weiteres ucher den Blzetterfisch, Monocirrhus polyacanthus Heckel. Blaetter Aquar. Terrar, Kunde, 25 Jahrg., pp. 477-480, fig. Leporinus fasciatus Guenther, “Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 12 Jahrg., pp. 133-134, 3 figs. 1915, Der Keilfleck-Cichlide aus dem Amazonenstrom Op. cit., pp. 157-158, 2 figs. Poecilobrycon unifusciatus Steind, und P. trifasciatus Steind. Op. Cit., pp. 389-390, 2 Tigs. Plecostomus commersoni Lacépéde. Op. cit., pp. 537-539, fig. Die Gasteropelecus-Arten, Op. cit, 13 Jahre. pp. 57-60, fig. 130, fig. sehr. Aquar, Terrar. Kunde ay Noch unbestimmt]. MUELLER, Johannes, 1844. Synopsi: turgeseh. generum et specierum familie Characinorum, Archiv Na- Wiegmann, 10 Jabrg., pp. 81-98. L, F. Hy 1848. Reis yon Richard Schomburg! nin British-Guiana in den Jahren 1840-1844. Ausgefuehrt Fishes, vol. 3, pp. 618-644. H.W. Fowzer — Os peixes de agua doce do Brasil 373 MYERS, George Sprague, 1924. A new, characin fish from Rio de Janeiro (Hyphessobrycon flam- meus}. ‘The Fish Culturist, vol. 4, 1.0 3, Novemberm pp. 330-331, fig. no texto 1924. A new Rivulus from Rio de Janeiro (R. dornij. Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, vol. 13, June, pp. 588-590. Tridentopsis pearsoni, a new Pygidiid catfish from Boli Co Description of a new cheirodontine characin from Rio de Janeiro. Ann, Carnegie Mus., vol. 16, July 31, pp. 143-144, fig, no texto (foto- ), ple 10, e neue suedamerikanische Characinidenart der Gattung Pyrrhu- lina [P. rachoviana new species, from Argertina or Uruguay or Para- quay]. Blactter Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, vol. 37, heft nr. 18, 1 page (sem numeragio). 1926, Eine neue Characinidengattung der Unterfamilie Cheirodontinae Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien (Rhacoviscns crassiceps género e espé- cie novos}. Op. cit., vol. 37, heft nr. 24, pp. 1-2, fig. no texto. 1926. Descriptions of a’ new characin fish and a new pygidid catfish from the Amazon Lasin. Copeia, pp. 150-15 1927. An analysis of the genera of Neotropical ishes allied to Ri- vulus (Rivulichihys, Rachovia e Trigonectes géneros novos, Rivulus compactus, R. dipaphus, R. hildebrandi, R. zygonectes eT. strigabun- dus especies noves), Ann, Ma |. Hist, ser. 9, vol. 19, January, pp. 115-129. 1927. Descriptions of new South American fresh-v by Dr. Carl Ternetz. Bull. ter fishes collected ¥ Zool, Vol. 68, 1.0 3, July, Pp. 107-135 (sio_propostos 7 géneros, 17 espécies e subespécies novas) . 1928, New fresch-water fishes from ‘Peru, Venezuela and Brazil. Ann. ‘Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 10, vol. 2, pp. 83-90 (sao propostos um género 7 espécies novas) 1929. On Curimatid Characin Fishes having an incomplete Lateral line, with a Note on the peculiar Sexual Dimorphism of Curimatopsis_ma- Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist,, ser. 10, vol. 3, June, pp. 618-621 (Curt unzae_eC, pearsoni es $ novas) ions of the type localities of Metzia mesembri Formo- san Cyprinid, and Othonocheirodus eigenmanni, a Peruvian Characin, Gopeia, p. 43 (Othonocheirodus eigenmanni (escrito como sendo do Rio Cayumba, Peru, mas aqui atribuido as Corredeiras de Cayumba, no Rio Huallaga). . Four new fresh-water fishes from Brazil, Venezuela and Paraguay. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 48, February 6, pp. 7-14 (Neofundulus or- natipinnis, Corydoras leopardus [mas isto’ previamen‘e publicado no ‘The Aquarium vol. 2, n.0 8, December 1933, p. 181, fig. - corrigido] Taeniacara candidi descritas como espécies novas, 0 ultimo género como novo). 1936. A new characid fish of the genus Hyphessobrycon [H. innesi] from the Peruvian Amazon. Op. cit., vol. 49, July 3, pp. 97-98 1936. A new genus of Gymnotid ¢els from the Peruvian Amazon [Aede- mognathus exodon). Op. cit, vol. 49, August 22, pp. 115-116. 1939. On the Brazilian Characid fish Notropocharax difficilis Marini, Ni- shals and La Monte, | Stant. Ichth.' Bull, vol. 1, 1.0 3, February $, 88 (=Aphyocharar). 19400” Suppresion’ of ‘some’ preoccupied generie names of fishes (Kessle- ria, Entomolepis, Plerodiscus and Nesioles), with a note on Ptero- phylum. Op. cit., vol. 2, n.0 1, December 23, pp. 35-36 1940. The Neotropical anchovies of ‘the genus Amplova. Pros. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 23, n.© 29, December 31, pp. 437-442. 1941, X new name for Taenionema, a genus of Amazonian Stanf, Iehth. Bull, vol. 2, n.0 3, November 1942, Studies on South American fresh-water fishes. I. Op. cit, voL2, © 4, August 24, pp. 89-114, figs. 1-19. 1944." Rhinobrycon negrensis a new genus and species of Characid fishes from the Rio Negro, Brazil. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 4, vol 23, n° 39, August 22, pp. 587-590, fig. no texto. 1944. Two Extraordinary new blind. nema'ognath fishes from the Rio Negro, representing a new subfamily of Pygidiidae, witn a rearrange- 1935 juroid fishes, 27, p. 8 (Goslinia proposto). 374 ARQUIVOS DE_ZOOLOG: Vol. IL ment of the genera of the family, and illustrations of some previously described genera and species. Op. cil, ser, 4, vol. 23, n.0 40, No- vember 7, pp. 591-602, 1 fig. no texto, pls. 52-56. 1945. A remarkable new genus of sexually dimorphic characid fishes from ihe Rio Paraguay basin in Matto Grosso. Bolel. Mus. Nac. Rio de Ja- neiro, Zool. n.0 32, January 25, pp. 1-7, fig. 1 (Xenurobrycon macro- pus género e espécie novos). NATTERER, Joha A, attung aus der Familie der fis- 1837. Lepidosiren paradoxa, cine neue 2, pp. 165-170. Chachnliehen Reptilien, Ann, Wien Mus. Naturgesch., vol, NICHOLS, John Treadwell, 1913. On two new Characin in the American Muscum (Coelurichthys la- teratis and C. tenuis, probably South American). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 26, June 30, pp. 151-152. 1915. A new Characin Fish from Brazil [Aphyocharar_analis]. Bull. ‘Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist, vol. 34 art, 5, March 19, pp, 127-128, text-fig. 1. 1919. Cascudos brazileiros do gencro Plecostomus do Museu Paulista, Re- Vista Mus. Paulista, vol. 11, pp. 411-426 (Plecostomus brevis, P. la- cerla e P. scaphyceps espécies novas). 1919, Um novo género de cascudos da familia Loricariidae. Op. cit. vol. U1, pp. 533-535. (Pseudotocinclus intermedius new genus and species). NORMAN, John Roxbrough, 1926. A new Catfish of the Genus Celopsis from the Rio das Velhas, Bra- ‘Ann, Mag. Nat, Hist., ser. 9, vol. 17, p. 116 (C. chalmersi espé- cie_n0) 1926. Descriptions of Nine new Freshwater Fishes from French Guiana ‘and Brazil. Op. cit., ser. 9, vol. 18, July, pp. 91-97 (Abramites mi- crocephalus ¢ A. fernetzi espécies novas). 1926, A new Blind Catfish from Trinidad, with a List of the Blind Cave- fishes. Op. cit., pp. 324-331, figs, 1929. The South American Characid Fishes of the Subfamily Serrasalmo- ‘ninae, with a Revision of the Genus Serrasalmus Lacépéde. | Proc. Zool, Soc. London, anuary 31, 1928, pp. 781-829, text-figs. 1-20, pl. 1 (Myiossoma paraguayensis ¢ M. ventriosa espécies novas). 1935. Description of a new Loricari{d Catfish from Ecuador. Op. ‘ser. 10, vol. 15, pp. 637-639, fig. no texto (Lipopterichthys carriont género’e espécie novos). “OSSWALD, Hans, 1913. Yom Polycentrus schomburgkii. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 10 Jahrg., pp. 754-755, fig. “OWEN, Richard, ens [anatomy]. Trans, Linn. Soc. 1839. Deseription of Lepidosiren annec 27, London, vol. 18, pp. 327-361, pls. PEARSON, Nathan E., 1924, The fishes of the eastern slope of the Andes. I, ‘The fishes of the Rio Beni basin, collected by the Mulford Expedition, Indiana Univ. Studies, vol. 11, n.° 64, December, pp. 1-83, pls. 1-12 (as novas formas ‘io: género e 5 espécies por Eigenmann, 4 géneros ¢ uma espécie por igenmann & Pearson; género e 24 espécies por Pearson; uma especie por Pearson e Myers). 1937) "The fishes of the Atlantic and Pacific slopes near Cajamarca, Peru. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 23, April 26 pp. 87-98, pls. 12-13, 1 fig. (5 espécies descritas como novas). 1937. The Fishes of the Beni-Mamoré and Paraguay Basins, and a dis- Cussion of the origin of the Paraguayan Fauna. Op. cit., ser. 4, vol. 23, n.0 8, May 28, pp. 99-114, gua doce do Bra let iLLEGRIN, Jacques, 1899. Poissons envoyées par M. Jaquot d’Anthonay, vice-consul de Fran- ce 4 Manaus (Brésil). Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Patis, vol. 5, pp. 405-406, 1902. Cichlidés du Brésil rapportés par M. Jober!. Op. cit., pp. 181-184, 1903. Contribuition a l'étude anatomique, biologique et taxinomique des Poissons de la famille des Cichlidés. Mem, Soc. Zool. France, pp. 41-399, 42 figs., pls. 4-7. 1904. Mission G. de Créqui-Montfort et sur les Poissons des lacs Titicaca et Poopo. Bull. DE. 90-96 1905. Sur deux poissons du genre Crenicichla de la collection du Mu- séum de Paris, Op. cit., vol. 30, pp. 167-169. 1906. Poissons. In_Neveu-Lemaire, M. Les lacs des hau's plateaux de FPAmérique du Sud, pp. 112-137, pl. e figs, 1907. Les poissons des Lacs des Hauts Plateaux de Amérique du Sud. Mission Scientéfique G. de Créqui-Montfort et E. Sénéchal de la Gran- ge, pp. 1-25, pls. 1908. Description de deu: néchal de la Grange. — Note Soe. Zool. France, Poissons nouveaux de l’Amérique du Sud, de la famille des Loricariidés. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, vol. 33, pp. 124-127. 1908. Characinidés américains nouveaux de la collection Muséum WHis- toire naturelle. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 0.0 7, pp. 342-347 (Chara- cidium brevirostre espécie nova) 1909. Les poissons du genre Vandellia C. V. Bull, Soc. Philomath., Paris, ser. 10, vol. 1, pp. 197-204. 1909. Sur un poisson parasite nouveaux du genre Vandellia [V. wieneri espécie nova). Compt. Rendu Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. 149, pp. 1016-1017. 1909, Characinidés du Brésil rapportés par M. Jobert. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 15, pp. 147-153. 1909. Sur le Prochilodus insignis Schomburgk. Op. cit., pp. 153-156. 1909. Mission géddésique de V'Equateur. Collections recueillies par M. le Dr. Rivet, Description de deux poissons nouveaux de la famille des Loricariidés. Op. cit., pp. 517-519. 1931. Description d’un poisson nouveau de V'Equateur appartenant a la famille des Loricariidés. Rev. Suisse Zool., Geneve, vol. 38, pp. 113- 115, 1 fig. no texto, PERUGIA, Alberto, 1891. Appunti_ sopra alcuni pesci sud americani conservati nel Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor, Nat. Geno- va, ser. 2, vol. 10, pp. 605-657. (Geophagus balzanii, Pimeiodus argen- teus, P. spegazzinii, Chaetostomus aculeatus, Tetragonpterus lineatus, Haplochilus balzanit e Pseudocorynopoma ‘doriae— espécies novas, 0 ultimo um género novo. 1897. Di aleuni pesci raccolti in Bolivia dal Prof. Luigi Balzan. Op. cit., ser. 2, vol. 18, pp. 16-27 (Pimelodus nigrofasciatus, Oxydoras stein: dachneri, Loricarta cirrhosa ¢ Vandellia balzanii espécies novas). 1897. Di alcuni pesci raccolti nell’alto Paraguay ‘dal Cav. Guido Boggiani. Op. cit., pp. 147-150. PETERS, Wilhelm Carl Hartwig, 1881. Ueger vier neue Fische [Pterogoplichthys (Ancistrus) parananus, Barbus strauchi, Leuciscus tincella Cuv. et Val., Anguilla hildebrandti Sitzs. Ges. Naturf. Freund, Berlin, pp. 17-19. QUOY, J. R. C., and GAIMARD, P., 1824. Voyage autour du Monde, exécuté sur les corvettes de SM. “L’Ur: nie” en “La Physicienne” ‘pendant les années 1817-1820. Zoologit Chapitre IX. Poissons. Paris, pp. 192-401, pls. 1834. Voyage de découvertes de “L’Astrolabe”, exécuté par ordre du Roi, endant les années 1826-1829, sous le commandement de M. J. Dumont 'Urville, Zoologie, vol. 3, Poissons, Paris, pp. 647-720, pls. 20. 376 ARQUIVOS DE _ZOOLOGIA Vol. 11 RACHOV, Arthur, 1910. Gasteropelecus fasciatus Garman, Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar, Kun- de, 7 Jahrg., pp. 273-274, fig. 1910. Prochilodus binotatus Schomburgk. Op. cil., pp. 373-374, fig. 1910. Poecilia amazonica Garman. Op. cit, pp. 420-430, fig. 1910. Roeboides microlepis Reinhardt. Op. cit. pp. 497-498, fig. 1910. Tetragonopterus ocellifer Steidachner. ” Bltetter Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 21 Jahrg., pp. 485-487, fig. 1910. Nannostomus eques Steindachner. Op. cit., pp. 053-655, 2 figs. 1910. Zwei neue suedamerikanische Characiniden’ (Leporinus melanopleu- ra Giinth. und L. chalcinus sp). Op. cit., pp. 721-723, 2 figs. 1911, Myletes maculatus Kner. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 8 Jabrg., pp. 74-76, fig. 1911. Pyrrhulina semifasciata. Steindachner. Blaetter Aquar. Terrar Kunde, 22 Jabrg., pp. 119-121, 2 figs. 1911. Poecilobrycon unifasciatus Steindachner. Op. cit., pp. 365-367, fig. 1911. Ueber Acanthophacelus reticulatus Peters (=Poecilia reticulata Pe- ters). Op. cit., pp. 445-446, fig. 1911, Paragoniates’ microlepis Steindtchner. Op. cit., pp. 461-463, 2 figs. 1911. Eine Nomenklaturfrage (Chirodon nattereri ‘Steindachner), Op. city p. 597. 1911. Ueber Petalosoma amazonum Regan, faelschlich Tomeurus gracilis genannt. Op. cit, pp. 789-790, 2 figs. 1912. Plerophyltum scalare Cuvier ‘and Valenciennes. Op. cit. 23 Jahrg., pp. 1-3, fig. 1912. Crenicichla saxatilis Linnaeus. Op. cit., pp. 255-256, fig. 1912. Iguanodectes rachovii Regan, eine neue Fischart aus dem Amazo- nenstrom. Op. cit., pp. 463-464, fig 1912. Mimagoniates barberi Regan, Op. cit. pp. 643-645, fig. 1912, | Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (O. vandelli) Agassiz. Op. cit. pp. 649 46, fig. 1912. Cichlosoma coryphaenoides Heckel. Op. cit. pp. 659-660, fig. 1912, | Zur Systematic der Panzerwelse (Corydoras). Op. cit, pp. 660- 663, 2 figs. 1912. Zur Systematic der “Salmler”-Gattungen Chalceus, Copeina, Pogo nocharay und Pyrrhulina, nebst einer Beschreibung einer neuen Pyr- rhulina-Art (P. vittata Regan). Op. cit., pp.708-711, 2 figs. 1912, Pseudochalceus multi-fasciatus Eigenmann and’ Norris. Op. cit., pp. 723-724, pl. 1912. Cichlosoma maculicauda Regan. Op. cit., pp. 739-740, fig. 1013; Corydoras macroplerus Regan und Sleyophilus maculatus Stein- dachner. Op. cit. 24 Jahrg., pp. 97-99, 2 figs. 1913. Characiditm (Jobertina) rachovii Regan. Op. cit., pp. 113-115, fig. 1913. Poecilobrycon trifascialus Steindachner. Op. cit., pp. 195-196, fig. 1913. Chilodus punctatus Mueller and Troschel. Op. cit., pp. 225-226, fij 1913, Cichla ocellaris Bloch und Schneider, und Geophagus acuticeps Heckel. Op. cit., pp. 481-483, 2 figs. 1913. Serrasalmo rhombus Linnaeus. Op. cit., pp. 745-747, fig. 1913, Ueber die Zahnkorpfengattungen Fitzroyia (Guenther), Tomeurus (Eigenmann) und Pelalurichthys (Regan). Op. cit., pp. 777-781, 5 figs. 1914, Ueber die Salmlergattung Characidium Reinhardt. Op cit., 25 Jahre, pp. 2-5, figs. 1914, Acestrorhynchus microlepis Schomburgk und Ceratochanes ajfinis niher. Op. cit. pp. 25-27, 2 figs. 1914. Zur Nomenklatur unserer viviparen Zahnkarpfen (Poeciliinae) nebst Bemerkungen ueber einige neue Arten. Op. cit., pp. 185-199, 22 figs. 1914. Plecostomus rachovii Regan. Op. cit., pp. 241-243, fig. 1914. Cichlosoma urophthalmus Guenther, C. aureum Guenther und C. frie drichsthali Heckel. Op. cit., pp. 633-636, figs. 1914, Atherinichthys bonariensis Cuvier and Valenciennes. Op. cit., pp. 649-650, fig. REGAN, Charles Tate, 1903. Description of new South American Fishes in the collection of the British Museum, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. 12, pp. 621-630. 1903. On a collection of fishes made by joeldi at Rio Janeiro. Proc. H.W. Fowzen — Os peixes de agua doce do Brasil 377, Zool. Soc. London, pt. 2, pp. 56-68, pls. 7-8 (inelui principalmente es- pécies marinhas). 1904, A monograph of the fishes of the family Loricariidue. Trans Zool. Soc. London, vol. 17, pt. 3, pp. 191-350, pls. 9-2. 1905. revision of the fishes of the South American cichlia genera Acara, Nannacara, Acaropsis and Astronotus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. 15, pp. 329-347, 1905, ‘The ‘systematic arrangement of the fishes of the genus cit., pp. 529-534. 1905. Description of Acara subocularis Cope. Op. ci 158. 1005, A revision of the fishes of the American cichiid genus Clehlosoma and of allied genera, Op. cil., ser. 7, vol. 16, pp. 60-70; 225-243; 316- 340; 433-445. 1905. A Revision of the Fishes of the South American cichlid genera Cre- ‘nacara, Batrachops and Crenicichia. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 1, August’ 10, pp. 152-168, pls. 14-15 (Crenicichla wallacii, C. cincta ¢ C. ornata espécies Nov 1905. On Drawings of Fishes of the Rio Negro. Op. cit, pt. 1, August 10, pp. 189-190. 1906. A revision of the South American cichlid genera Ret gus, Heterogramma and Biotoecus. Ann, Mag. Nat. 17, ‘pp. 49-66. 1906, "Notes on some Loricariid Fishes with Descriptions of Two new Species. Op. cit., pp. 94-98. 1906. A revision of the fishes of the South American cichlid genera Cichla, Chaetobranchus and Chaelobranchopsis, with notes of the American Cichlidae. Op. cit., pp. 230-239. 1907. Descriptions of new Loricariid Fishes from South America. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 795-800, pls. 47-49. 1909. Descriptions of three new fresh-water fishes from South America, presented to the British Museum by Herr J. Paul Arnold. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, vol. 3, pp. 234-235, 1911, The classification of the teleostean fishes of the order Ostariophysi. |. Cyprinoidea. Op. cit. ,ser. 8, vol. 8, pp. 13-32, pl., 2 figs. 1911. The classification of the teleostean fishes of the order Ostariophysi, II, Silurotdea. Op. cit, pp. 553-557, figs. 1-3. 1911. A new poeciliid fish [Petalosoma amazonum n. sp.) from the Ama- zon, with notes on the genera Petalosoma and Tomeurus. Op. cits, DD. 659-660, 2 figs. 1912. Description of a new characitl fish from the Amazon [Iguanodectes rachovii n. sp.]. Op. cit. ser. 8, vol 9, Pp. 682-683. 1912. Descriptions of new fishes of the Family Loricariidae in the Bri Museum Collection, Proc. Zool. Soc, London, pp. 666-670, pls. 7: (Xenocara helerorhynchus e X. multispinis espécies nova 1912. A revision of the South American silurvid fishes of the genus Cory- doras with a list of the specimens in the British Museum (Natural His- tory). Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist,, ser. 8, vol. 10, pp. 209-220, 1912. A Revision of the South American Characid Fishes of the Genera Chalceus, Pyrrhulina, Copeina and Pogonocharax. Op. cit., pp. 387- 395 (Pyrrhulina vittata, Copeina arnoldi, C. callolepis eC. éigenmanni espécies nowas). 1912. A revision of the Pocciliid Fishes of the genera Rivulus, Pterolebias and Cynolebias. Op. cit., pp. 494-508 (Rivulus strigatus, 'R. brevis e Cynolebias melanotaenia éspécies novas). 1913. Descriptions of ‘Two new Fishes from Paranagua, Brazil, presented to the British Museum by Herr A. Rachow. Op. cit., ser. "8, vol. 11, February, pp. 231-232 (Characidium (Jobertina) rachovit and Corydo- ras macroplertis espécies novas). 1913, The Poeciliid Fishes of the Genus Jenynsia. Op. eit, pp. 232234, 5 figs. 1913. A Synopsis of the Cichlid Fishes of the Genus Crenicichla, Op. cit., May, pp. 498-504 (C. notophthalmus ¢ C. lenticulata espécies novas). 1913, Fishes from the liver Ceayali, Peru, collected by Mr. Mounsey. Op. cit., ser. 8, vol. 12, September, pp. 281-283. 1913. Description of a’ new Loricaritd Fish of the Genus Plecostomus [P. rachovi] from Rio Janeiro. Op. cit. December, p. 555. Arges. Op. ‘geulus, Geopha- ., ser. 7, vol. 378 ARQUIVOS DE_ZOOLOGIA Vol. IL 1913. A Revision of the Cyprinodont Fishes of the Subfamily Poeciliinae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, December, pp. 977-1018, text-figs. 168-173, pls. 99-101 (Pamphorichthys e Pamphoria generos novos). new Loricariid Fish of the Genus Cyclopium from Ecuador, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., ser, 8, vol. 18, p. 80. 191 REINHARDT, Johan Theodor, 1849. Nye sydamerikanske ferskvandsfiske. Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh, Fo- ren, Kiocbenhavn, pp. 29-57. 1854. Notits om slaegten Pachyurus Ag. og de dertil hoerende Arter. Op. Cit, pp. 108-112. Steqophilus insidiosus en ny mallefisk fra Brasilien og dens lk ade. Op. cit, pp. 79-97, pl. 1856. Om trende’ formentlig ubeskrevne jaxenes familie, Overs. Dansk. Vid. pp. 49-68, 2 pls. 1851 mae isk af charecinernes eller karpe- Selsk. Forh. Kjoebenhavn, 1866, RENDAHL, Hialmar, 1937. Einige Fische aus Ecuador und Bolivia. [Pacific Slope in Ecuador and Amazonian headwaters in Bolivia.] Arkiv foer Zoologi (Stockho band 29 A, n.0 11, pp. 1-11, 3 figs. (fotografias) . REUTER, Frit, 1913. Monocirrus polyacanthus Heckel. Blaetter Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 24 Jahrg., pp. 617-619, 2 figs. 1914. Cichlosoma festivum Heckel und seine Pflege und Zucht, unter beson- erer Berueksichigung der Geschlechtsunterschiede, nach’ Aufzeichnun- gen des Herrn Georg Bausch. Op. cit, 25 Jahra., 11, 4 figs. 1914. Prochilodus insignis Schomburgk. Op. cit., pp. 257-259,'3 figs. RIBEIRO, Alipio de Miranda, 1902. Oito espécies de peixes do Rio Pomba, Bol. Soc. Nac. Agric. Rio de Janeiro, 8 0. 1905, Genus Megalobrycon Gthr., seu enumeratio systematica hujus gene- ris Chara aru specierain. “Arch, Mus Nac, lo de Janeiro, val, 13, pp. 145-154, 1907, "On Fishes from the Iporanga River, S, Paulo - Brazil, Arkiv, for Zoologi (Stockholm), band 4, 1.0 19, pp. 1-5, pl. 1. 1907. Peixes do Iporanga. A Lavoura, vol. 11, n.0 5, pp. 185-199, figs. 1-2, 1908. Peixes, da Ribeira, resultados de excursio do Sr. Ricardo Krone, membro correspondente do Museu nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Kosmos (Rio “de Janeiro), vol. 5, pp. 1-5, 7 figs. 1909. Fauna brasiliense. ‘Os peixes. Tomo leutherobranchios spiro- phoros. Lepidosiren’ paradoxa, com bibliografia, Arch, Mus, Nac. Rio de Janeiro, vol. 15, pp. 167-186, pl. 1911. Fauna Brasiliense, Peixes. IV (A). Eleutherobranchios Aspirophos. Op. cit., vol. 16, pp. 1-504, pls, 1-54, text-figs, 44-144. 1912. Loricariidae, Callichthyidae, Doradidae e Trichomycteridae. Comm. Linhas Telegr. Matto Grosso ao Amazonas. Annexo n.° 5. Hist. Nat. Zool, pp. 1-31, pl. 1, 1914. Pimelodidae, Trachycorystidae, Cetopsidae, Bunocephalidae, Auche- nipteridae e Hypophthiimidae. Op. cit., pp. 1-13, pls. 1-2. 1915. Fauna Brasiliense. Peixes V. _ Eleutherobranchios Aspirophoros. Physoclisti, 31 pls. ccmprising 61 photographs. (The pages not num: bered consecutively comprise 20 groups of mostly marine fishes with a few scattered structural text figures.) Cichlidae pp. 1-70, 2 pls. Poly- centridae pp. 1-3. 1917. De scleracanthis fluvio “Solimées” anno MCMVIIL a el. F, Machado da Silva duce brasiliense inventis et in Museu Urbis Rio de Janeiro servatis. Revista Soc. Brasil. Scienc., n.0 1, pp. 49-57. 1918, Trés géneros e dezessete espécies novas de peixes brasileiros.. Re- sta Mus. Paulista, vol. 10, pp. 629-646, 1 pl. 1918. Hemipsilichthys Eigenmann and Eigenmann, e géneros aliados. Re- vista Soc. Brasil. Sciene., vol. 2, pp. 101-106, 7 pls. I, W. Fowzen —- Os peixes de agua doce do Brasil 379, 1918. Consideragdes sobre os géneros Brachyplalystoma e Platystomatich- thys de Bleeker, Revista Mus. Paulista, vol. 10, pp. 245-283, 10 pls. 1920, Peixes (excl. Characinidae). Comm.’ Linhas ‘Telegr. Matto Grosso 20 ‘Amazonas. N.0.5, publ. n,° 58, pp. 1-15, pls. 1-17. 1924. Ainda “Hemipsilichthys” e géneros aliados. Bolet. Mus. Nac. Rio de Jan 2 5, pp. 365-361 1937. Sobre parte: p 1939. Alguns novos dado! vol. na ColecaO de vertebrados do Nordeste Lrasileiro, Primeira es ¢ batrachios. O Campo, janeiro, pp. 54-56, figs, 1-3. jologicos dla ‘nossa fauna, Bolei. Biolog. m.s., lay RIBEIRO, P 1943. Dois novos pigidideos brasileiros (Pisces-Pygidiidae). Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, Zool. n.0 9, December, pp. 1-3, text fig. (Pygidium jlorense new species). 1944. Uma nova espécie para o género Bunocephalus Kner 1855 (Pisces ‘Aspredinidae). Op. cit., Zool. 2.0 13, February, pp. 1-3, fig. no texto (B. carvathoi especie nova). Um Pigidideo do Alto Amazonts. Op. cit., Zool. n.0 19, April 30, pp. ig. no texto (Pygidium parkoi espécie nova) 1944. Nova espécie para o género Stegophilus Reinhardt 1858 (Pisces-Py- gidiidae-Stegophilinae). Op. cit., Zool. n.° 20, May 15, pp. 1-3, fig. no texto (S. passarellii espécie nova). 1944. Nova espécie para o género Astyanacinus Eigenmann 1907 (Pisces- Characinidae). Op. cit., Zool. 0.0 29, November 24, pp. 1-3, fig. (foto- grafia) (Astyanacinus goyanensis espécie nova). 1946. Notas ‘para o estudo dos Pygidiidae brasileitos (Pisces-Pygidiidae- Stegophilinae). Op. cit., Zool. 1.0 58, March 20, pp. 1-20, table, pls. 4-7 (fotografias). (Parastegophilus new genus.) SCHNEIDER, Johann Gottlob, ystema Ichthyologiae iconibus ex illustratum. obitum auctoris opus inchoatum absolvit, correxit, interpolavit Jo. Gottlob Schneider, Saxo. Berolini. LX, 584 pp., 110 colored plates. Robert Hermann, 1841. Fishes of British Guiana. Part. 1, The Naturalist’s Lil William Ja trait, pp. 1-79; introduction pp. 1-125; 12 rary Sir e, vol. 39. Memoir of Robert H. Schomburgk, with por- 63, pls. 1-30, 1843. Preceding title. Part 2. Op. cit., vol. 40, pp. 129-214, pls. 1-30. SCHOUTEN, G. B., 1930. Nuevo pez paraguayo Loricaria acuta (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Revista Soc. Cient. Paraguay, vol. 2, p. 260. SCHREITMUELLER, Wilhelm, 1909. Geophagus gymnogenys Hensel, Blaetter Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 20 Jahrg., pp. 749-751, 2 1910. Fitzroyia lineata’ Jenyns (=Jenynsia lineata Guenther). Op. cit, 21 Jahrg., pp. 537-538, Tig. 1912, artiges Benehmen bei Rivulus poeyi Steindachner, R. ocellatus Hensel und R. elegans var. santensis Steindachner. Op. cit., 23 Jahrg., pp. 303-305, 2 figs. Ueber das Laichgeschaeft von Hemigrammus unimaculatus Gill. Op. cit., pp. 415-417, fig. 1912. Pyrrhulina filamentosa Cuvier and Va 676, fig. 1913. Epicyrtus microlepis Reinhardt (=Roeboides microlepis Reinhard!). Op. cit, 24 Jahrg., pp. 353-354, fig. 1914. Anostomus fasciatus Agassiz. Op. cit., 25 Jahrg., pp. 113-115, fig. 1915. Beobachtungen bei der Zucht von Psendocorynopoma doriae Peru- ‘gia. (Hehlkropisalmer oder Drachenflosser). Op. cit, pp. 81-82, fig. 1915. Myletes nigripinnis Cope. Op. cit., pp. 194-195, fig. 1912, lenciennes. Op. cit., pp. 675- 380 ARQUIVOS DE_ZOOLOGIA Vol. It SCHROEDER, Wilhelm von, 1906. Bunocephalus sp. Ein eigenartiger Wels aus Amerika. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar, Kunde, 3 Jahrg., pp. 591-592. SCHUETZ, Rudolf, 1912. Eine Kreuzung zwischen einem Heros facetus Weibchen und einem Geophagus gymnogenys Maennchen. Op. cit., 9 Jahrg., pp. 323-325. 1912. Das Laichgeschaeft von Heterogramma species. Op. cit. pp. 688-690. SCHULTHEIS, Heinrich, 1909. Cichlosoma nigrofasciatus. Op. cit, 6 Jahrg., pp. 559-560, fig. 1909. Geophagus taeniatus. Op. cit., pp. 325-326, fig. SCHULTZ, Leonard P., 1941. The occurrence of the fish Asiphonichthys stenopterus Cope (Cha racidae) near Montevideo. Copeia, n.0 4, November 21, p. 271, SCHULZE, Louis, 1911, Aeuisere Unterscheidungsmerkmale von Poecilia poeciloides, Girar- dinus guppyi und Poecilia reticulata Peters. Blaetter Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 22 Jahrg., pp. 1-2; 17-19, 11 figs. 1911, Pseudocorynopoma doriae, der Fransenflosser. Op. cit., pp. 637-639, 2 figs. 1912, Heterogramma corumbae, ein Fisch fuer klein Aquarien, Op. cit., 23 Jahrg., pp. 369-372, 3 figs. 1912. Polycentrus schomburgki. Op. cit., pp. 579-580, fig SNETHLAGE, Emi 1909. Novas espécies de peixes amazonicos das colecdes do Museu Goeldi (Seguir¥lo os trabalhos do conselheiro Dr. Steindachner). Bol. Mus, Goeldi, Para, vol. 5, pp. 449-555. STANSCH, Karl, 1911, Hemigrammus unilineatus. Wochenschr. Aquar. jahrg., pp. 107-108, fig. 1912. Pyrrhulina filamentosa Cuvier and Valenciennes. Op. cit., 9 Jahrg., Dp. 634-635, 4 figs. 1912. Plecostomus. Op. cit., pp. 634-635, 4 figs. 1913. Monocirrus polyacanthus Mueller and Troschel. Op. cit., 10 Jahrg., pp. 209-210, fig. 1915. Ueber die Zucht von Acara thayeri. Op. cit., 12 Jahrg., pp. 13-14, fig. errar, Kunde, & STARK! 1913. The Fishes of the Ser., Mareh 17, pp. , Edwin Chapin, janford Expedition to Brazil. Stanf, Publ. Univ. 77, pis, 1-15. STEINDACHNER, Franz, 1863. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Sciaenoiden Brasiliens und der Cypri- nodonten Mexicos. Sitzs. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 48, abth. 1, pp. 162- 185, 4 pls. 1868. Die Gymnotidae des K. K, Hof-Naturalien Gabinetes zu Wien. Op. cit., vol. 58, pl. 1, pp. 249-264, 2 pls. 1870. Ueber eine Sammlung von Suesswasserfische aus der Umgebung von Montevideo. Op. cit., vol. 70, pp. 290-301. 1874, Die Suesswasserfische des suedoestlichen Brasilien. Op. cit., vol. 70, pt. 1, pp, 499-538, pls. 1-5 (Curimatus elegans, Prochilotlus hartit and P. brevis new species). 1875. (Preceding title). Op. cit, vol. 71, pt. 1, pp. 211-245, 6 pls. H.W. Fow:en — Os peixes de Agua doce do Brasi 381 1875. Beitraege zur Kenntniss der Chromiden des Amazonenstromes. Op. cit, vol. 71, pt. 1, pp. 61-137. 1875. Ueber einige neue brasilianische Siluroiden aus dar Gruppe der Do- radinen, Op. cit., pp. 138-151, 4 pls. 1876. Beitraege zur Kenntniss der Characinen des Amazonens‘romes. Op. cit., vol. 72, pt 1, 1875 (1876), pp. 6-24, fig. 1876. Tchthyologische Beitraege. IV. Op. cit., vol. 72, pt. 1, 1875 (1876), pp. 551-616, 13 pls. 1877. Ichthyologische Beitracge. V. Op. cit, vol. 74, pt. 1, 1876 (187), pp. 49-240, 15 pls. (ii. Ueber einige neue Fischarten, intesondere Cha: einen und Siluroiden aus dem Amazonenstrome). Die Suesswasserfische des sucdoestlichen Brasilien. Op. cit, pp. 59-694, 13 pls. 1877. (Preceding title.) Op. eit. vol 76, pt. 1, pp. 217-230, 2 pls. 1878. Ichthyologische Beitraege. Op. cit. vol. 77, pt. 1, pp. 379-302. 1879, Uebi ige neue und sellene fisch-arten aus den K, K, Zool chen Museen zu Wien, Stuttgart uni Warschau. Denks. | Akads Wiss. Wien, vol. 41, pt. 1, pp. 1-52, 9 pls. (vi. Ueber einige Arten der Gattungen Loricaria, Hypoptopoma'und Anacyrtus aus dem Amazonen- Strome. pp. 44-52, pls. 1-9 (Loricaria teffeana, L. konopickyi e Hy- poplopoma carinalum espécies novas). 1879. Beilraege zur Kenntniss der Fiussfische Suedamerika’s (i, 3. Ueber cinige von Herrn, Stolzmann in Pera gesammelte Suesswasserfische.) Denks. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 41, pl. 1, pp. 152-172, 4 pls. 1882. (Preceding title.) (ii. 'Besehreibungen von 51 Fisch-Arten.) Op. cit, vol. 43, pt. 1, pp. 103-146, 7 pls. 1882. (Preceding title.) (iii, Beschreibungen von 27 Fish-Arten.) Op. cit, vol. 44, pt. 1, pp. 1-18, 5 pls. 1883. (Preceding title.) iv. 1. Bericht ueber eine Sammlung Fischen aus gem Huallaga in dem Besitze des k. Zoologischen Museums in Dresden. Bericht ueber eine Sammlung von Suesswasserfischen aus dem Rio Fivambo. in lem Zoologischen Museum zu Warschau. 3. Ueber einige Siluroiden und Characinem von Canelos (Ecuador) ‘und aus dem Amazonen-Strome.) Op. cit., vol. 46, pt. 1, pp. 1-44, 7 pls. 1906. Ueber zwei neue Corydoras-Arten aus’ dem Parnahyba und Para- himflusse in State Piauhy. Anzeiger Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 43, pp. 478-480. 1907. Ueber einige Fischrarten aus Catharina bei ‘Theresopolis (Bi 116, pt. 1, Mareh, pp. 475-492, pls. 1-2. 1907, [Zwei neue Arten Yon Suesswasserfische aus dem Stromgebiete des Parnahyba.| Anzeiger Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 44, nr. 10, April 25, pp. 152-155. (Prochilodus iacustris, Loricaria parnahybae, P. lima and L. mierolepidota new species). 1907. [Ueber eine neue Arges Art aus dem Hohen Anden von Cayendelet. Arges theresiae new species. Op. cit., vol. 44, nr, 12, May 10, pp. 228.229, 4907, [Eine neue Coridoras-Art aus dem Rio Preto, einem sekundaeren Nebenflusse des Rio San Francisco, und eine Xenocara-Art aus dem Parnahyba. Corydoras multimacnlatus and Xenocara damasceni new species.) Op. cit., vol. 44, nr. 17, July 4, pp. 290-293. 1907. [UeLer eine in'dem Rio Xingu’ (Brasilien) vorkommende Mugil-Art, Musil xinguensis.) Op. eit. vol. 44, nr. 27, December 19, pp., 480-491. 1907. [Ueber eine in Rio’ Jaragua bei Joinville im Staate 'S. Catharina (Brasilien) vorkommende noch unbeschriebene —Pseudochaiceus-Art, Ch. affinis, sowie weber eine neue Characinengattung und-art, Join: vulea rosae.] Sitzs. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 116, pt. 11 a, heft 7, July, pp. 23-32. 1908. Ueher eine noch unbekannte Art der Gattung Bergietla Eig. aus dem La Plata, Bergiella platana, sowie ueber die Identitaet von Brachy- plalystoma goeldii Eig. Bean (1907) und Plalystoma mucosa Vaill. (1880) mit” Brachyplatystoma (Pimeloeles) filamentosum — (Licht.). Anzeiger Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 45, pp. 110-113. 4908. [Brachyplatystoma-Art aus dem Rio Parnahyba und ueber eine dich kefleckte und gestrichelle Varietact von Giton fasciatus aus dem G wassern von Santos (Stat $40 Paulo).) Op. cit., nr. 9, pp. 123-130 (B. parnahybae ¢ Giton fasciatus (Pali.) var. pantherinis novas). 187. © Cubatio im Staate Santa itzs. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 382 ARQUIVOS DE_ZOOLOGIA Vol. 1 1908. Ueber eine neue Hemiodus-Art aus dem Stromgebiet des Amazonas, Hemiodus fowler. Op. cit., pp. 131-132. 1908. Ueber zwei neue Siluroiden und zwei Curimatus-Arten, sowie ucber eine Varietact von Ancistrus vittatus aus dem Amazonas-gebiete inne- thalb Brasiliens. Op. cit., pp. 163-168. 1908. Ueber zwei neue Fischarten aus dem Stromgebiete des Rio San Francisco, Op. cit, pp. 191-194. 1908. Ueber eine neue Metynnis-Art (Fam. Characidae) aus einer Lagu- ne am Rio Medonho. Op. cit., pp. 326-327. 1908. Ueber sechs_neue Serrasalmo und Myletes-Arten aus Suedamerika. Op. cit., pp. 359-367, 1909. Ueber cine neue Tetragonopterus-Art aus dem Amazonasgebiet (Rio Purus). Op. cit., vol. 46, pp. 172-173. 1909. Eine neue Brachyplatystoma wd eine neue Loricaria-Art. Op. pp. 195-197. 1909. Ueber eine Ageneiosus (Psendageneiosus)-Art im Rio Parnahyba und Rio Puty bei Therezina, waehrend der Brasilianischen Expedition in drei Exemplaren von 18 his 34-8 cm Laenge gefangen: Ageneiosus (Pseu- dageneiosus) therezinae. Op. cit., pp. 341-342, 1910, Bericht ueber eine neue Loricaria-Art aus dem Flussgebiete des Ja- racua und der Ribeira im Staate S$. Paulo und Sa. Catharina, ete. Op. cit, vol. 47, pp. 57-62. 1910, Ueber einige Ageneiosus und Farlowella-Arten, etc. Annal. K. K. Naturh. Hofmus., vol. 24, 1910, pp. 399-408, 4 text-figs., pls. 8-10. (4 parnaguensis, Farlowella nattereri, F. boliviana and F. psendogladiolus espécies novas). 1910. Die Fische des Itapocu und seiner Zufluesse im Staate Sa. Catharina (Brasilien). Op. cit., pp. 419-433, ? fiys., pl. 1911. [Berichtet neber eine neue brasilianische Curimatu semiornalus espécie nova]. Op. cit., nr. 12, pp. 262- 1911. Ueber vier neue Siluroiden und Characinen aus sem Amazonas-gebie- te und van Ceari aus der Sammlung des Museums Goeldi in Para. An- zeiger Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 48, pp. 324-331. 1911. [Ueber eine neue brasilianische Mylews-Art und gibt eine neuerliche Beschreibung von Retroculus lapidifer Casteln.) Op. cit., nr. 16, pp. 342-347 (MI. gurupyensis espécie nova). 1911. [Ueber einige nee und seltene suedamerikanische Suesswasserfi che.) Op. cit., nr. 17, pp. 369-376 (Crenicichla cametana espécie nova). 1915. [Einem vorlaeufigen Bericht ueber cinige neue Suesswasserfische ‘aus Suedamerika.] Op nr. 17, 199-202 (Auchenipterus (Pseude- papterus) hasemani, Pugidium fassli, Pseudacanthicus fimbriatus, Cha- racidium hasemani ¢ C. surumnense especies novas) 1917. Beitraege zur Kenntniss der Flussfische Suedamerikas, V. Denks. Akad. Wiss, Wien, vol. 93, pp. 15-106, pls. 1-13, text-figs. 1-4 (deseri- cdo de 17 espécies e subespécies novas). STIGCHEL, J. W. B. Art: Curimatus 1947. The South American Nematognathi of the Museums at Leiden and Amsterdam, Zool. Mededeelungen, vol. 27, pp. 1-204, tables 2-3, text- igs. 1-2. STOYE, F. H., 1935. Tropical Fishes for the Home. pp. 1-204, pls. 1-167. STRIEKE! 1906. Ueber einem merkwuerdigen Geburtsakt bei, Jenynsia lineata. Wo- chenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 3 Jahrg., pp. 321-322. 1906. Ueber die Zucht der Poecilia amazonica Garman. Op. cit., p. 347. 1909. Erfahrungen bei der Zucht des Girardinus januarius var.? Blaetter Aquar. Terrar, Kunde, 20 Jahrg., pp. 340-341, fig. 1909. Poecilia amazonica Garman. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde 6 Jahrg., pp. 531-532. H.W. Fownen — Os peixes de agua doce do Brasil 383 TORTONESE, Enrico, 1941-42. Ricerche ed osservazioni sui Caracidi delle sottofamiglie Tetra~ gonopterinae, Glandulocaudinae e Stethaprioninae (Teleostei Plectos- pondyli). Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, vol. 49, ser. 4, n.0 117, pp. 1-76, text-figs. 1-8, pls. 1-5 (Astyanax bimaculatus incaicus e Ceralobranchia elatior novas). TRAVASSOS, Haroldo, 144. _Contribuigdes 20 estudo da familia Characidae Gill 1899. I. Chara. cidium grajahuensis n. sp. Bolet. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeirs, Zool. n.& 30, November 25, pp. 1-10, pls. 1-6. ULREY, Albert B., 1894. Preliminary description of some new Sovth Anicrican Characini- dae, American Naturalist, vol. 28, 1894, pp. 619-612. 1895. The South American Ckoracinidae collected by Hartt, Ann, N. Y. Acad. Sei., vol. 8, pp. 258-300, Charles Frederick VAILLANT, Léon Louis, 1880. Note sur le genre Olocinclus, et description d'une espéce nouvelle {2 fobertd. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 7, vol. 4, 1879 (1880), pp. 1880. Synopsis des especes de Siluridae recueillies par M. le Dr. Jobert, a Calderon (Haute-Amazone). Op. cit., pp. 150-159. 1880. Sur les raies recueillies dans PAmazone par M. le Dr. Jobert. Op. cit., pp. 251-252, VALENCIENNES, Achille, 1847. In A. d’Orbigny. Voyage dans Amérique méridionale, vol. 5, pt. 2, folio. Poissons, pp. 1-11, pls. 1-16. WALBAUM, Johann Julius, , 1792. Petri Artedi sueci genera piscium, ete. Pars III. pp. 1-723, 3 pls. WHITLEY, Gilbert, Ichthyological genotypes. Australian Zoologist, vol. 8, pt. 2, June 28, pp. 136-139. 1936. ‘Ichthyological genotypes: some supplementary remarks. Op. cit., vol. 8, pte. 3, June 29, pp. 189 1939. Ichthyological genotypes: Desmares!’s designations, 1874. Op. cit., vol. 9, pt. 3, December, pp. 221-226, 1940. The Nomenclator Zoologicus and some new fish names. ‘The Aus- tralian Naturalist, May, pp. 241-243. 92. WOLTERSTORFF, Willy George, +908. Zur Nomenklatur und Systematik des Melynnis unimaculatus Stein- [dachner, Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 5 Jahrg., pp. 411-412. 1908. Der Formenkreis der Poecilia reticulatus Peters (Girardinus relicula- tus Peters). Eine Mahnung und Bitle. Blaetter Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 21 Jahrg., pp. 626-627; 638. 1908. Weitere Milleilungen ueber den Formenkreis des Girardinus ri tus Peters. Op. cit., p. 659. ula Abstract THE FRESH-WATER FISHES OF BRAZIL By Henry W. Fowler (Arg. de Zool, Vol. VI) Pgs. 12 ‘The present work is intended as an illustrated referene? list of the known fishes found in the fresh waters of Brazil and the contiguous drainage areas. — Its scope therefor: centers chiefly about the vast Amazon basin, ‘and as the myriad sources and headwaters arise in adjacent countries such as are involved are also included. ‘Thus records acs cited for distribution in southern portions of the Guianas, Venezuela, southern Colombia, casten Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and in Paraguay and Uruguay involving the La Plata basin, I have not att empted to stress the faunas of the various drainage areas or their sections, for many are still imperfectly known Eigenmann and Eigenmann list 1184 spe- cies for all South of whict 748 are given as Amazonian. The majority of epecies found living im fresh water are definite intheir habitat, though others of marine distribution frequently occur. All such are listed herein, ir- respective of their usual or normal marine range, for in tropical regions many occur periodically, or some may even permanently reside in fresh water. ‘The difficulty for the distinction of fresh water fishes may also be increased for some only occur as far tidal influence, with the salinity of the, water. only slightly brackish, In order to more readily locate the different species and genera thay are arranged alphabetically in their respective families, No attempt has bren made to place them according to their relationship, phylogeny or taxonomy. In the groups above genera they follow systematically A number of the species I have aid ‘sages th figures, chiefly outlines, and many from my own original published cuts of South ican fisches. " All these have been made as pen and ink drawings and bear my In the case of Cuvier and Valenciennes I have given two page citations, the firs: in wrenthesis refers to the pagination in the second of quarto edition and ‘the citation llowing pertains to the original octavo edition. (Arg. de Zool., Vol. IX) Pg. 40 Subfamily BUNOCEPHALINAE. Genus Amaralia new Type Bunocephalus hypsiurus Kner. Head lower than caudal peduncle. Upper surface of head with bony protuberances. Dorsal fin rudimentary, rays 2. Anal rays 5. Pectoral with spine and 5 rayes, outer edg: of spine entize. Ventral with spine and 5 rays. Caudal rounded. Reaches 152 mm. in leng’h. his genus formerly masquerad:d under the wrongly appropriated name of Bunoce- phalichthys Blecker, which is properly a synonym of Bunocephalus Kner. (Named for Dr, ‘Afranio do Amaral, in slight appreciation of his inter-st in Brasilian natural history) Amaralia hipsiura (Kner). Figure 642. My Uruguay River specimens, from Paysandu, 1932 (Dro F. Felippone) have but Single row of scales below the eye|on the cheek, and the second dorsal and anal are fur: nished with small basal scales, and the snout is nearly subequal in length with the eye Material from Plate River, Montevideo, October 1928 (Dr, F. Felippon: have the infrao- cular scale and those on the second dorsal and anal basally largely missing, though first- named appear to have been biserial. Finally 2 specimens received from th: U. S. Brreau of 386, ARQUIVOS DE ZOOLOGIA Vol. 1X Fisheries as Basalichthys bonariensis are from Nirihwahu, Rio Limay basin, Argentino, obtained December 4, 1903 by J. W. Titcomb, also agree. They have 2 or 8 rows of infraoculat scales, besides basal scales on the soft vertical fins, The figure (3) of Odontesthes perugiae Everman and Kendall, as given by those authors, shows a grea'ly longer muzzle and snout, a Single row of scales cn the cheek below the eye and the basal parts of the second dortal and anal scaleless, Pg. 246 Order Synbranchiformes emended name. ‘Type family Synbranchidae Body eel like, elongated, slender. Mouth borders formed by premaxillaries and par- tly by maxilaries, Gill openings joined in a single transverse slit on under side of head. Gills “usually feeble, reduced, respiration mostly bucco-pharyngeal and int:stinal. Bones without bone cells.’ No infraorbitals or orbitosphenoid present. Scapula, coracoid and pectoral radials absent, No air-bladder. Pectorals present in some larvae, absent in adult ‘entrals jugular when’ present. Fins spineless, vertical fins continuous and caudal, when present, with 8 to 10 rays. Pg. 252 Pachycgs camposi n of gill opening, Preorbital not deeper than eye. Vertical edge of preopercle serrate, First gill arch with lobe pre- trading downward from 15_ upper limb, and the gilrakers extenling along the free Cige 16 limb. ABSTRACT 387 Pintoichthys is proposed as both Biotodoma Eigenmann and Kennedy 1903, and Mesops (preoccupied) Guenther 186 are properly synonyms of Geophagus eckel 1840. (Named for Dr, Oliverio Mario de Oliveira Pinto, in appreciation for his interest in making the present work possible). Pg. 881 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION The great richness in speci:s of the Neo'ropical Region excceds thatof any othor fresh-water fish faunal region of th: globe, Eigenmann and Bigenmann have summarized this comparison by families represented by 126 species in Europe, North America with 587 and Sowh America with 1147, ‘Though these figures fall below those available at pre- sent th:y reflect a fundamental comparison. T give the table below enumerating at least the number of the nominal species and subspecies of South America arranged according to the variouscountries in South Ame- rica, so as to permi: their comparison, with those cf Brazil, Certain of these families are of marine origin, who may ente~ fresh-water here unchstruct:d, or lowland wateds fur breeding requirements, or the eels who mature in tresh waters and move to the sea. Such are: Paratrygonidae, Clupeidae, Engraulidae, Osteoglossidae, Arapaimidae, Tachysuridae, Reionidae, Mugilidae, Atherinidae, Centropomidae, Sciaenidae, Fleotridae, Gobiidae, Pleuronectidae, Achiridae, Tetrodontidae and Batrachoidt- jae. Pgs. 334-7 From the above i* may be seen that Brazil far exe eds all the other adacent or tribe tari darining ecuntries, Even if a percentage of allowance for erroy, misidentification ot ecrfused determinations be admitt d, Brazil with its Amazonian hyd-ographis aerea far exceeds all othed regions of South America. From the above table number of species credited to coun'ry is as follows: Brezil 1334, Bolivia 248 Celombia 397. Paraguay 4 Venezuela 325, Uruguay 105 Guianas 364. Argentina 110. Ectador 118. Chi Peru 503. Various th ories and suggestion as to the probable origin cf the South American fish fauna have been given. Eigenmann sey; 2 it is known that the characins have inhabited South America since the early ‘Lertiary at a time when tropical port of th. e-ntnen ¢ probably consisted of two islands, one occupying the Guianas, the other plateau cf easter Brazil. From ‘his small area and fom the primitive group of Characins inhabiting it, the contin nz ard family grew contemporancou ly to thir present proportions. “They. spread from these ceners ovr the loping ccntinent till they met unfavorable clima'ic conditions in the south, cnd fh mountains or erntestants in the north. They spread southward in decreasing numbers (o and beyond the barren arees cf Arg ntine to the edge of Patagonia, and they spread northward decreasing rapidly, in numbers at Pena ma, only one of them reaching the Uni'ed States thre southen Mexico, an three the Motagua River. In Sou'h America they have always flcurished, theit only competitors iu the vives ofthe grcwing continent being the indigenous fish » contemporan’o-sly developing from similar small rudim nts. They have never been hampered cr affectei! by’ intrusive ele ments, Their territory has from the first been vnapproachable to fore'gn freh-wat r fishes, and the marine species tha have ecclimated themselves hav: not diverged to any extent from their marine relatives. The Af ican section, on the cther hend, came into comp t= tion with emigrants from India, and , according to Boulenger, the 2fiinity of “he endre African fauna with Asia, is much qrecter than with Am rica which is emphasized by the fact that the genera in the two first-ncmed regions are identical, while Ame iza posses ses genera very closely related but not identical with those of Africa. Prof. Pearon states § that the origin of the Paraguayan fresh-wa'er fihs-fysna can be explained by migraticn, It is not neces iry to essume parallel evolit'on to acccunt fo- the resemblanc= of the fauna of the Paraguay to that of the Amazon, The fishes entered South America some'ine during the Tertiary and ercssed the low Amazcn valley and a highland 388 ARQUIVOS DE ZOOLOGIA Vol. IX divide to enter the Paraguay. Other tributaries of th: Amazon in addition to the Rio Gua- é seen to have been migratory paths. The falls in the streams flowing from the high Finds of Mat‘o Grosso seen to be barHers fo frie migration at the present tine: but the netare of the fishes of the two slopes indicate that the barries is of recent origin. Finally Prof. I. $. Myers gives an account of “Fresh-Wat:r Fishes and West Indian Zoogeography”, in which a short discussion deals 4/5 with South America and Aiea w Lepidosirenidae or loalachs are represen'ed by a single species and genus and is known only from the Amazonian and Paraguayan regions. According to Kerr they ate normally sluggish, moving through the dense swamps in the Grand Chaco by using their ventral fins irregulary and al‘ernately. The eggs are laid in underground burrows, the maie remaining curled with them in the nest. The lung fishes are of intere-t not only for their primitive anatomical structure, but also for thir persistence from Devonian time to recent. The loalachs are the only living American representatives of their entire group. The Characoidet reach their greatest development in the Amazonian, with mary greatly numerous and diversified gen:ra. Elsewhere they are represented only in the gre ter part of Equatorial Africa, but not in Madagascar. The African represchtatives, are hi wever, scarcely a fifth as numerous as the Neotropical. Non: of the genera is found on both continents, though several appear similar or possibly allied. Comprising nearly a third of the South American fresh-water fishes fauna the cl. racins are among the most diversified in their adaptations to habitat food and enemies. Thus these three categories show the mudeaters without teeth and a long winding intestine like Prochilodus; the flesh-eat rs with sharp nipper-like ‘ecth as in the dreaded Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus, and others slender pointed teeth and large fangs such as in Acestrorhynchus, Herrings have their analogues in Anodus, Psecfrogaster and Pota- morhina, the salmons in Salminug, gar-pikes in Clenolucius, top-minnows by Nannoz- tomus and darters by Characidium. Though fossil chazacins are scarse, the Tetragonopteridae are now considered the more primitive and generalized characins. Most. are small silvery fish:s, with fla'tened compact bodies with conical or serrated incisor teeth. The Anostomatinae are all Am slender to deed-bodied herbivorous fishes, usually with terminal, small, nonprotractil mouth, The Curimatinae have wide terminal non-pro'ractile mouth, either toothless with thin cr no lips and the mouth somewhat p-otractile and terminal, with thinck lips and the minute teeth labial, The Characidae comprise a variable group with long anal fin, *he longer tha the shortened trunk. In some genera external tooht-like denticles omament the front et for the muzzle. The Acestrorhynchinae arc slender pike-like characins, with more or less elongat:d jaws furnished with canine-formed teeth, also conic teeth on the palate, and the pectoral fin short. With their deep ‘and strongly compress.d bodies the Gasteropele, The thorax and abdomen are expanded as a sharp-edged and party ‘and of the paried fins the long pectoral with their strongly branched rays, and the very small ventral, are distinctive. The flying powers of these fishes, according to Rideword 1813, have developed a flying m-chanism surpassing in its development and mechanism by far that of tho marine flying fishes (Erocoetidat. m ‘The trahiras or Erythrinidae, are large and strong camivorous fishes, with more or less broadly conic heads, without an adpose fin, with a short anal fin and th: palate toothed. They are widely distributed in South America. According to Allen 1942. thoy are said to have “considerable powers cf travel overland... when trapped in pool of wa: ter which is drying up after the close of the rainy season, set out by night in search of some new boby of water, and find it with some d_ gree of assurance by a keen moisture sense. Meanwhile the operculum is kept closed over a monthful of wa'er to keep the gills moist” Among the most noted cf fishes th= piranhas or Serrasalmidae are kold, savage and ferocious so that they render many waters dangerous to man or oth:r animals enterin; therin, Most are short and de:p bobied, some extremely so, with heavy, strong jaws, armei wih formidable and pewerful dentition. With this armature they arc able to bite off the flesh with great rapidity from any victim which may happen to fall into the water. Some ames a piranha caught on a line will he immediately assailed and lit rally eaten alive mal. The herbivorous forns have molar like teeth. All are American, The abdomen is keel ‘ed backward. idae are unique. imicireular disk with a median series of sharp bony plates, the point from each dir good account is found in Allen's resumé The Gymnotoided cr electric eels form a specialized off-shoot of he characin:, hhaving apparently descended from th m in South America, though they range northward to Guatemala. The body may be entirely, or cov red with smnall scales, and the do-sil fin is absent or only present as rudimentary filament. The vent is placed at the throat. An extremely Ieng anal fin is furnished with very numerous fin rays. A small gill opening is present and as in most elongated fishes the ventral fins are undeveloped. Allen has given a ‘good account cf them in the previow'ly quoted reference 2. He believes their cent r of dis- ABSTRACT 389 ppersal is in the more upper regions of the Amazon. In the true ele ric eels cr Electropho- Fidae the body is scaleless, the short hiar with protuded lower jaw, and the eletric or fens on the tail formed from modified muscular Ussves. ‘The second great group comprises the ca'fishes or Siluriformes, They may be identified by the long barbel or feeler, dev-loped from each side of the upper jaw or maxillary, trough the bone usually rudimentary and tcothless. The never scaled body is either naked’ and smooth, or more of less covered with bony plates or buck- Iers. Most all have a spine at the fron: of the dorsal fin and one at the front of each pect oral fin. Th:se spines may be variously modified, from a simple flcxible ray to a strong sharp weapcn with serrated edges and capable’ of causing sever an_ painful Most forms have a small fleshy adipose fin behind the dorsal ‘in a, in most characins. ‘The Ageneiosidae are distinguishable chiefly by having only the masillary barbels developed. ‘The mouth is wide, with ths movable premaxilaries extending to its angle. Body naked. Air bladder much redue:d and well enclosed in the bony extensions of the cervical vert: brie. The Auchenipteridae differ Lom the preceding family chiefly in the presence of both rurillary and mental berbels. ‘The Doradidae are known by the row cf bony plates arranged along each side of the bony, rather small mouth and each ventral fin with seven zest family of Scuth American catfishes is the Pimelodidae. ‘The nasal barbel is absent and the others ave in three pairs, teeth in_villiform bands, nostrils remote from one another. They range northward to Central America and Merico. The small family Hedogenidae differ from the proceding in the spineless dorsal, median in positicn and followed by a small adipose fin and situated above the long anal fin, having 40 or more rays. ‘The Hypophthalmidae differ in having the mouth tooth- less, infere-lateral position of th: eyes, very wide gill opening, long end numerously rayed anal fin and in having the ventsal inserted before the dorsal. Their greatly redi air-bladder is fozmed as 2'small sacs, cach within a bony capsule with a lateral ning beneath th and Wirth vertebrae and ¢ skin, formed by the parapephyses of the four by ‘the upper limb of the supniclvicle. The Prichompcteridae ar: naked, moderately jongate, with short spineless dorsal, no adipose fin and short or morerately long anal ‘The monstrils are r-mote, the anterior sometimes with a barbel, teeth in the- jaws villiform or incisor like, and the opercles and interopercles. armed with spines. ‘They are mostly small species, ‘living in mountain streams, many at high altitudes. Allen has given an aceount and tabulation of the candirit and carero the Cetopsidae the opercles are unarthed and a single maxillary barbel is pres:nt on cach side. The Aspredinidae hove a long slender toby, a long anal fin, and the fe- male carries the a'tached eggs on the outside of the belly, with spongy tentacles to which the erus are attached. AFer the breeding seascn the skin again b-comes smooth. ‘The Callichthyidae, which may be celled the plated or shielded cats, hav. the body armored with two series’ cf overlapping bony plates or shields. All are of small size ‘The Astroblepidae are a group of small, naked or scaleless cats, living in the streams of the high Andes. The mouth is on the lower or under sid: of the head and is furnished with a a cuch expanded lower lip and *he teeth are in a narrow bicuspid band in each jaw ‘The armored cats or Loricariidae comprise a large and diversified family with the back and sides covered with bony plates, the small air-bladder in a small bony capsule and th: small infe-ior mouth furnished with thick, broad, fringed and papillate lips. ‘Their Tony armature and appearance is suggestive of marine agonids ‘The Cyprinodontijormes are represented by several families. The kilifishes cr Cyprinodontidae aie ovipaous and are widely distributed in the Western Hemisphere, extending from the ncr'hem United States southward to Argentina, In th: Esstern Hemis- phere they are represented in Africa and in southem and eastern Eurasia, Of ‘he three sub- families only the Révulinae and the Anablepsinae are found in Brazil. The Orestiinae fare most all natives or Lak Titicara, with but few in Peru. The remarkable Four- hes cr Anablepsinae are surfece swimmers, having protruding periscope-like eyes divided horizontally so that the upper section is adapted for vision in the air and the lower to vision in the water. Two species are from upper tropical South America and one is from southern Mexico and Centr: am rica. The males are righ's or lefts with scaly conieat gouopedium having a terminal opening. They are apparently nearest in affiliation with the Fitzropidae. The Poeciliidae are live bearers and all are Americen. | ‘They ore widely distributed in South America and range northward to the southern United States, All are of small size and sexually dimorphic, the males having an extremely modified gono~ ium. 1 ‘The Synbranchid eels or Synbranchiformes are renresen‘ed by only on family or the Synbranchidae the singl> genus and species widely distributed in tropical Sout America, from th: Rio de la Plata to Cuba and Mexico. 390 ARQUIVOS DE ZOOLOGIA Vol. 1X The Cichlids or Cichlidae are largely African, though also with a good representation in South Amecica. They range northward to Texas and Cuba. In general appearance, als» color, size, habits, and food value they bear a striking trough superficial semblance to the fresh-water sunfishes or Centrarchidae cr the eastern and central United States. The various species of fresh-water Brazilian fish's may by means of the numezals arranged in the following columns so that their dis'ribution according to genera may tito be seen in a ntimber of the more oulstanding watercourses Pg. 351 evident that In summing up the number of species for each stream it becomes quite for the vast arezs cf the upper Amazons, such as the Tocantins, Xingu, Tapajés, Negro, Je puri, Jurud, these rivers are barely known. Future exploration and collecting’ will surely yisld many’ times she numbers now so scantily indicated. The Peruvian Amazons are her intended to embrace all upper drainage azeas inclusive of the Napo, Marafion, Huallaya, ‘Ucayali, ete. Likewise the Paraguay is group:d with the Parana, Pilcomayo, ete. The number of speci s are as follows: Amazon 609 ‘Tocantins 100 Rio Grand: do Norte 26 Xingi 46 Sio Francisco 124 ‘Tapajds 30 Paraguessti 19 Madeira 336 Jequitinhonha 24 Negro 218 Mucuri 21 Japura 50 Doce 89 Jurud 50 Rio de Janeiro 126 Peruvian Amazons 505 San‘a Catharina 41 Pari 196 Rio Grande do Sul 99 Parnahyba 90 Uroguay 99 Cari 74 Taraguay 443 In preparing the above table a number of species wer comitted. This was necessai'v as they were without any difinite drainage area or locali'y, or that such data as has been given is cith r obscure or not ascertained. Other species are only known from drainage areas not indicated in the table for want of rocm, and are the-efore also mentioned below. Astyanax hastatus Myers. Southeast Brazil. Bryconamericus astictus (Ulrey). Brazil Bryconamericus calliurus (Ahl). South “Amer'ca. Hemibrucon erythrostigma Fowler. Brozil Hemigrammus erythrostigma Fowler. Brazil Hyphessobrycon maculicauda Ahi, Central Brazil. Phenacoguster suborditalis Abi, Eastern Brasil. Cheirodon meinkeni Ahl. Brazil, Cheirodon troemneri Fowler. Brazil. Megalaphodus heteresthes (Ulrey). Brazil Prochilodus brama Val niennes. Bahia. Characium timbuiensis Travassos. Maranhio. Characium grajahuensis Travassos. Rio Timbui, Espirito Santo. Apareiodon itapicuruensis Eignmann an Henn. Also Rio Iapicuri in Maranhao INDICE INDICE Acanthicus oe Acanthopoma Acaronia ... Acaropsis .. aceroides, Cichlauras acestrichthys, Farlowella Acestridium .... . Achiropsis .... Achirus oe achirus, Achirus . acipenserinus, Hemiodontichthys acoupa, Cynoscion aculeatus, Pterygoplichthys s, Crenicichla . 298 Corydoras... 31 acutus, Loricariichthys see 101 adloffi, Cynolebias . adspersus, Pachypops adustus, Ophioscion . aeneus, Co Aequidens aequifasciatus, Symphysodon oe affinis, Callichthys ... affini na, Plecostomuas alatus, Plecostomus .. albifasciatus, Pterobunocephalus albocinetus, 'Hemiancistrus albopunetatus, Plecostomus albus, Orestias .. sssnee 288 aleuropsis, ‘Bunocephalus . . AL Alfaro 234 alleni, Apomatoceros 10 almeida, Strongylura lata alternatus, Trichomycterus .... 23 alternifasciutum, Chaetostoma .. 146 alternimaculata, Fitzroyia e 233 ultispinosa, Crenicara .. 297 Amaralia . aaeae 40 amazona, Cyprinodon 217 amazona, Farlowella 82 amazonae, Helogenes 1 amazonica, Strongylura . 214 amazonica, Thalassophryne 330 amazonicus, Trichomycterus 93 amazonicus, Mierop! amazonum, Loricaria amazonus, Alfaro. ambiacus, Corydoras. ambloplitoides, Apistogramma ., 274 amoenus, Apistogramma 274 amphiacanthoides, Uaru ....... 318 amphibelus, Corydoras . 52 Anableps 5 anableps, Anableps "211! analis, Hypocolpterus |. . ancistroides, Plecostomus - Ancistrus. . . ancylodon, Macrodon angepinnatus, Plecostomus ..; anguilla, Glanapteryx angulicauda, Delturus | angustirostris, Trichomyeterus | anisitsi, Homodiaetus . anisitsi, Plerygopliehthys .. annectens, Acanthopoma - anus, Loricariieht! apeltogaster, Lori Apionichthys Apistogramma ...! ‘ Apomatoceros 22.00.01 areifer, Corydoras arenarius, Hemiani areuatus, Corydoras ....! argenteus, Eucinostomus Arges. : Aristommata 5 armatus, Corydoras arnoldi, Otocinclus asphyxiatus, Achiropsis Aspidoras ....... aspilogaster, Plecostomus sper, Callic Aspredo aspredo, Astemomycterus Astronotus Astroblepus 3 atochae, Pygidium 2.0...) atratus, Rivulus atropinnis, Plecos aurantiacus, Parancistrus auratus, Plagioscion .. aurofrenatus, Corydoras. 1! auroguttatus, Plecostomus ...... australis, Chaetobranchopsis | australis, Dysichthys . awani, Aequidens azygia, Farlowella bachi, Hemiancistrus . badius, Euctenogobius Baeostoma . bahiensis, Microlepidogaster - balzanii, Geophagus . balzanii, Rivuliehth ys balzanii, Vandellia . barbatum, Sturisoma 231 232 163 175 136 251 176 153 304 ARQUIVOS DE ZOOLOGIA barbatus, Corydoras .......... 55 barbatus, Pseudancistrus - 202 barbatus, Pterygoplichthys 205 barbouri, ‘Trichomycterus 24 barrae, Pterygoplichthys 205 barvatita, Trichomycterus - 33 Basilichthys .... coe 23 Batrachoides .. 329 Batrachops .... 281 batrachostoma, Gyrinurus 10 beni, Rineloricaria ..... 112 beniensis, Rivulus bertoni, Branchioica .......... bertoni, Corydoras ana bicarinatus, Chaenothorax .... 49 bifidus, Bunocephalus . : AL bimaculatus, Cichlaurus - 290 Biotodoma : 316 Biotoecus 283 boekri, Gobius 323 boliviana, Farlowella . 82 bolivianus, Ancistrus - 136 bolivianus, Plecostomus ....... 177 bonariensis, Basilichthys bonariensis, Pachyurus .. borelli, Apistogramma . borellii, Plecostomus . borellii, Trichomyterus - Boridia ..... boulengeri, Astroblepus «... bourguyi, Microlepidogaster Branchioica .. brachyurus, Geophagus 309) brachyurus, Hemiancistrus 156 branneri, Poecil 240 branhickii, Chaetostoma 146, brasilianus, Eugerres . 260 brasiliensis, Geophagus . 310 brasiliensis, Guavina . 321 brasiliensis, Melaniris 245 brasiliensis, Mugil .. 242 brasiliensis, Rivulus . 220 brasiliensis, Trichomycterus .-. 24 brevipinnis, Ancistrus ........ 136 brevirostris, Parasturisoma .... 110 brevis, Chaetostoma .. 146 brevis, Hemiancistrus - 156 brevis, Plecostomus 177 brevis, Tridensimilis « 17 Brochis 46 Brontes ..... 72 broussonnetii 324 bufonius, Ancistrus : 136 Bunocephalus : 4 butantanis, Plecostomu: 188 eacerensis, Rineloricaria 112 eadeae, Rineloricari 113 caelatus, Callichthys . 48 Calichthys 47 callichthys, Calic + 47 Calophysus <.. 6 calmoni, Pareiorhaphis . 172 cambevae, Trichomycterus 31 eameroni, Pareiorhaphis . 172 eametana, Crenicichla . . 2 298 -eamposi, Pachypops cs) canaliferus, Otothyris candiru, Hemicetopsis Canthopomus ..... caquetae, Astrobiepus - caquetae, Corydor: eaquetae, Hemiancistrus’ caquetae, Rineloricaria caquetae, Spatuloricaria . Caquetaia .. carachama, Monistiancistrus - carinata, Loricari carinatus, Oxiropsis carinatus, Plecostomus Carinotus . carinotus, Plecostomus carrioni, Lipopterichthy earvalhoi, Bunocephalus . carvalhoi, Harttia ... carvalhoi, Plecostomus carvalhonis, Eleotris . Caseadura cashibo, Loricariichthys .... catamarcensis, Rineloricaria . cataphracta, Loricaria . Cataphractops .-. . caudimaculatus, Phalloceros - Centropomus . . cephalacanthus, Otocinclus -- cesarpintoi, Parotocinclus Cetopsis a chacoensis, Chaenothorax. .. Chaetobranchus Chaetostoma mee Chaetobranchopsis ..-.....- chanjoo, Loricariiehthys chalmersi, Pscudocetopsis « chapare, Plecostomus Chonophorus «.....-+ Gichla .. Cichlasoma Cichlaurus cincta, Crenicichla . cirrhosa, Vandelia .. cirrhosus, Ancistrus Citharichthys clavipinna, Loricaria cisternarum, Phreatobius Gnesterodon - i Cochliodon .. cochliodon, Cochiiodon - cochliodon, Panaque . ichla . coecutiens, Cetopsis ....... coeruleus, Brochis ... Colomest 8 commbrae, Apistogramma . Plecostomus commersonoides, Loricaria ... compactus, Rivulus compressus, Rivulus constanciae, Cynolebias coracoideus, Bunocephalus ... Corydoras . . coryphaenoides, Gichlaurus .-. cotylephorus, Piatystacus . crawfordi, Orestias .. INDICE 395, Crenacara .... 297 Crenicara ......+ 297 Grenicichla .. LL 208 clenodus, Calophysus | cubatoensis, Rineloricaria 114 curema, Mugil ....... 242, cuvieri, Orestias ..... 230 eyanonotus, Batrachops 281 Coetopinm 72 cyclopus, Astroblepts 73 yynolebias 214 Cynoscion . 250 Cynopoecilu: 217 Cyprinodon ... 217 daemon, Geophagus .. 312 damasceni, Xenocara . 211 davisi, Trichomyeterus - Decapogon .. decem-maculatus, Cnesterodon x Delturus .... dentex, Panaque . depressa, Reganella .... depressicauda, Otocinclus .... depressinolus, Microlepidogaster 166 depressus, Bunocephalus .... 42 depressus, Calaphractus . derbyi, Plecostomus - derbyi, Rineloricaria . Geemorkynchum, Chaetostoma . 147 Dianema 30 Dianema ag 68 Diapterus ie 259 dibaphus, Rivulus .. 221 Dicrossus 309 dipterus, Brochis 46 discus, Acestridium 81 discus, Symphysodon . 318 dispar, Trichomycterus . . 3 doceanus, Microlepidogaster .. 166 dolichopterus, Ancistrus ...... 138 dolichurus, Bunocephalus ...... 42 doriae, Bunocephalus 42 Dormitator .... 319 dorni, Rivulus 221 dorsigerus, Aequidens 262 dorsocellaia, Crenicichla 299 duodecimspinosus, Geophagus . 312 duseni, Parciorhaphis .. duopunctatus, Aequidens . Dysithys edentatus, Hypophthalmus ... 2 edentulus, Hypophthalmus .... | 2 elegans, Orestias .. 226 eichorniarum, ‘Trichomyeterus. 25 eigenmanni, Chanotorax 49 eigenmani, Fitzroya . 233 eigenmanni, Phalloptychus 238 eigenmanni, Pygidianops ..... 8 eigenmanni, Trichomycterus .. 34 eimekei, Plerophyllum ....... 316 elegans, Corydoras ............ 56 edontulus Hypophthalmus 2 Eleotris .....- 320 ellisae, Corydoras . 37 emarginatus, Plecostomus 181 ensiferus, Centropomus . 247 episcopi, Corydoras .... eptingi, ‘Chactostoma . eques, Corydoras erocro, Pomadasys errans, Achirus . etentaculatus, Peter erythrurus, Plectrochilus Euacanthagenys Eucinostomus Euctenogobius ... Eugerres evansii, Loricaria . facetus, Cichl: fallax, Loricariichthys Farlowella .. bennielg fasciolatus, Phallotorynus -... 239 fassli, Trichomyeterus 36 felipponei, Rineloricaria 115 festae, Astroblepus . 4 festivus, Cichlaurus 293 filamentissima, Harttia oo! 88 filamentosa, Rineloricaria .... 115 filamentosus, Aequidens + 263 filamentosus, Lamontichthys .. 90 filicaudatus, Hemiancistrus ... 157 fimbriatus, Hypophthalmus ... 3 fissidens, ‘Astroblepus ........ 74 Fitzroyia 232 flavescens, Chaetobranchus ... 285 flavilabris, Aequidens + 264 flavus, Chonophorus ......... 322 flexilis, Otocinclus . 129 florensis, Trichomycterus 26 fourcroi, Pachypos ..... 253 francirochai, Otocinelus ...... 129 francisci, Pachyurus .......:. 255 freniferus, Aequidens . 2 fulva, Xenocara . fureatum, Chaetostoma . fuscum, Pygidium . garbei,’ Corydoras -- garbei, Hemipsilichthys gabrieli, Trichomycterus - garmani, Achirus ....... garmani, Plecostomus .-. geayi, Aequidens Beayi, genibarbis, Chanthopomus genisefiger, Pseudancistrus .... 202 Geophagus fe 809 gibbiceps, Pterygop! 205 gibbosus, ‘Otocinclus 130 gilsoni, Orestias . 230 gladia, Farlowella 83 gladioia, Farlowella 83 Glanapteryx.... 8 gobio, Hemipsilichthys . 162 Gobioides 324 gobioides, Pseudocetopsis 4 Gobionellus <4) 928 Gobius 323 goeldii, Trichomycterus 26 goeldi, Trichomycterus . 27 gomesi, Plecostomus ... 182 goyazensis, Plecostomus ..... 183 gracilis, Trichomycterus . 33 396 ARQUIVOS DE ZOOLOGIA Vol. IX z grandirivi, Bacostoma granosus, Neoplecostomus grixalvii, Astroblepus gronovii, Bunocephalus ....... grossidens, Boridia .......... guaporensis, Aequidens Guavina eg guavina, Guavina : guentheri, Oxyropsis guentheri, Hypoptopoma guentheri, Sturisoma ... guianensis, Potamorrhaphis gula, Eucinostomus gulare, Hipoptopoma guntheri, Micholepidogaster .. aymnogenys, Geophagus ..... gymnorhynchus, Xenocara Gyrinurus ... hahni, Farlowella Harttia sees hasemani, Farlowella ... hasemani, Heterandria hasemani, Otocinelus ..°"..: hasemani, Trichomyeterus ...: hasemani, Vandellia hastatus, ‘Corydoras hauxwelli, Loricariichthys Helogenes’ hematophaga, Vandellia . Hemiancistrus ....+. Hemicetopsis Hemiodontichthys .. hemiphractus, Callichthys Hemipsiliehthys Henonemus . henriquei, Farlowella’- henselii, Rineloriearia’ <<<... herberti, ‘Triehomyeterus ercules, Aequidens .... hermanni, Plecostomus Heros heteracanthus,, Heterandria = heterorhynchus, Ancistrus ’.: histrix, Pseudacanthicus dens hochnei,-Rineloricaria . hollandi, Parapoceilia - Homodicetus a hoplogenys, Ancistrus Hoplosternum hoppei, Otocinelus s horridus, Plecostomus -... 0... hydrostaticus, Pleurophysus |? Hygrogonus .. Hypoclinemus. Hypocolpterus Hypophthalmus Hypoptopoma au jostietus, Astronotus . Hypostomus hypsiura, Amaralia hystrix, ‘Acanthicus iguapensis, Kronia iguassuensis, Crenicichla Lasiancistrus 328 134 7 43 259 266 321 321 110 125 123 213 259 125, 166 313 212 10 125, 279 174 40 135 245, 300 iheringi, Trichomycterus - 27 iheringii, Banocephalus +43 iheringii, Plecostomus . + 184 Hyodon "0.00.2... 217 immaculatus, Trichomyeterus .. “28 imperialis, Uaru a incae, Orestias ... incae, Trichomycterus - incilis, Mugil insidiosus, Stegophilus 15 intermedius, Henonemus : il intermedius, Pseudotocinelus .. 134 interruptus, Plecostomus irregularis, Cynolebias itaiara, Promicrops .. itatiayae, Trichomyeterus jacundus, Phallotorynus rensis, Crenicichla ibensis, Plecostomus ius, Phalloptychus . jaraguensis, Rineloricaria ..... jauruensis, Farlowella . jenyn jheringl, Pseudothyrina johanna, Crenicichla Trichomycterus jubata, Loricai 8 a julii, Corydoras . pari, Geophagu jussiei, Orestias .... knerii, Bunocephalus knerri, Farlowella knerii, Pygidium knerii, Trichomyeterus konopickyi, Rineloriearia kronei, Harttia . . kronei, Rineloricaria . Kronta Kronichthys labialis, Ast labialis, 1.0 y lacerda, Plecostormus .. lacustris, Crenicichla lacustris, Rivulus . juscila, Pseudoloricaria lamina, Loricaria .... Lamontichthys ..- lanceolata, Rineloricai Jangui, Orestias ... japidifer, Retroevlas , Bunocephalas ancistrus 2... lateralis, Calophysus laticeps, Loricaria laticeps, Trichomycterus latifrons, Xenocara : 212 latirostris, Plecos'omus - 184 latirostris. Renelo~iearia 117 fisoma, Farlowella . 85, Gorydoras 60 a 235, z 250, lenticulata, Crenicichla ....... 320 lepidota, Crenicichla 303 Ieucofrenatus, Olocinelis” 130, INDICE iene HO Evvssay 186 sare 8 185 levis, Rhinelepis lexi, Plecostomus. lima, Rineloricaria - limosus, Plecostomus lineata, Fitzroyia ..... 2. 233 Tineolatus, Ancistrus 2 140 lineopunetatum, Chaetostoma . 148 Lipopterichthys seeeees 165 Liposarcus 2 203 lituratus, Pterygoplichthys ...! 206 littorale, Hoplosternum = a0 longibarbis, Dianema + 68 longiceps, Astroblepus ! : 76 longifilis, Astroblepus + 16 longipinnis, Pterolebias’ --- 218 longiradiatus, Plecostomus . 136 lophophanes, Microtepidogaster 166 Loi 91 loricariformis, Harttia : 88 Loricariiehthys : 101 lucius, Crenicichla 304 Iuderwaldti, Pseudancistrus ... 202 luetkeni, Piecostomus 186 lugubris, Crenicichla . 304 luteomaculatus, Plecostomus ... 187 lyra, Sturisoma nioxs “WBA machadoi, Plectrochilus 2.1... 19 maciliense, Apistograma 278 mancoi, Astroblepus 7 Macrodon ....... +. 951 macrodon, Loricaria macromystax, Loricaria macrophthalma, Crenicichla . macrops, Henonemus ... macrops, Plecostomus macrops, Loricaria . macropteronema, — Pseudoceto- 96 maeropterus, Corydoras. macrospilus, Otocinclus maerostoma, Microphilypnu maculata, Fitzroyia maculatum, Chaetostoma .. maculatus, Dicrossus maculatus, Dormit: maculatus, Loricariichthys maculatus, Parastegophilus |... 14 mactilicauda, Parotocinelus maculocephala, Cascadura | maculus, Pseudostegophilus madeirae, Plecostomus margaritifer, Plecostomus mareapatae, Chaetostoma marginatus, Hypophihatmus mariae, Aequidens toss mariae, Olocinelus |. 11.1) marmorata, Crenicichia marmoratus, Helogenes marmoratus, Synbranchus marmorescens, Chactostoma mattogrossensis, Ancistrus . megalostomus, Ancistrus melampterus, Cataphraetops Melaniris : amelanisti s, Cord melanops, Tridens melanotania, Cynopecilus melas, Bunocephalus meleagris, Plecostomus .. melini, Corydoras mentalis, Achirus Mesonaui microlepidogaster, Fie. cees Microlepidogaster.! mierolepis, Anableps - Microphilypnus microphthalmus, Achirus mierops, Chaetostoma microps, Corydoras microps, Harttia 5 microps, Pareiodon .. microps, Plagioscion microps, Strongylura ::: micropunctatus, Plecostomus .. ropus, Rivulus : minimus, Cynolebi minor, Pamphorichthys . minutum, Scleronema minutus,’ Aequidens minutus, Bunocephalus . Miuroglanis - monacanthus, mollinasum, Chaetostoma . 1 Monistiancistrus Monocirrhus montanus, An miontebelloi, 'Canthopomus ie Rineloriea- montevidensis, ‘Thalassophryne morrowi, Rineloricaria .... Mugil ! multimaculatus, Corydoras multipinis, Ancistr multiradiatus, Pterygopi ichthys wersi, Petenia Nannacara hassa, Acaron ‘Achi Corydoras Farlowella Thalassophryne | nemopterus, Batrachops Pscudostegophilu Neofundulus Neoplecostomu niger, Plecostomus Trichomycterus niveatus, Parancistrus normani, Achiropsis notatus, ‘Otocineius nudiventris, puiela oe obscurus, Rivulus obtusus, Otocinclus obtusirostris, Plecostomus 398 ARQUIVOS DE ZOOLOGIA Vol. IX oceanicus, Gobionellus occidentalis, Ancistrus occloi, Ancistrus ... ocellaris, Cichla ocellatus, Astronotus ocellatus, Batrachops . ocellatus, Rivulus Ochmacanthus oculeus, Panaque Odontesthes oligospilus, Hemiancistrus olisthostoma, Diapterus oliveirae, Farlowella opalescens, Cynolebias opercularis, Biotoecus operculatum, Scleronema ... Ophioscion ........ orbicularis, Chaetobranchopsi orbiculatus, Astronotus Orestias : ornatus, Rivulus |. 00.2.) oroyae, Trichomycterus . ortmanni, Apistograma Osteogaster me Otocinelus Otothyris oxyptera, Paravandelli Oxyropsis oryrryncha, Farlowella .. oweni, Orestias Pachypops Pachyurus paleatus, Corydo Pamphoria S Pamphorichthys «..+.-++++20++ Panaque panzeri, H paolence, Pygidium paraiae, Plecostomus papariae, Pseudancistrus ..... paquequerensis, Trichomycterus Parabranchioica ........+--++ Paracanthopoma parae, Poecilia parallelus, Gentropomus paraguayense, Iyodon paraguayensis, Aequidens .. paraguayensis, Hypoclinemus. - paraguayensis, Neofundulus paraguensis, Rhinelepis . parahybae, Delturus .... paranaénse, Farlowella Parancistrus . Parapoecilia Parastegophilus Parasturisoma pardus, Trichomyeterus pareiacantha, Rineloricaria Pareiodon oh Ws & Pareiorhaphis : parkoi, Trichomycterus parnahybae, Loricaria parnahybae, Loricariichthy parahybae, ‘Rhinelepis . Parotocinclus..... parva, Paracanthopoma . 323 141 141 287 279 282 222, 13 169 244 138 259 85 215, 284 83 251 284 281 2 229, 33 276 31 128 133 18 109 227 252 254 64 236 237 168 12 30 191 203 30 13 18 241 247 217 267 328 217 210 154 86 170 237 14 110 33 119 172 30 98 106 210 133 18 parva, Rineloricaria .... Paravandellia .. : passarellii, Stegophilus : paulensis, 'Pseudostegophilus - paulinus, Otocinelus .........- paulinus, Plecostomus pearsoni, Tridentopsis |. Peckoltia ... : : Peckollichthys 154, peetinatus, Centropomus |... pedimacula, Centropomus pellegrini, Ganthopomus ....... pentlandi, Trichomycterus pequeni, Orestias perforatus, } perpunetatus, Cichlaurus : pertense, Apistograma ........ peruanus, Astroblepus - beruanus, Rivulus ....00.- Petenia petleyi, Rineloricaria Phalloceros........ Phalloptyehus Z Phallotorynus phoxocephala, Rineloriearia Phreatobius phrixosoma, Plecostomus piauhiae, Loricaria pictus, Lasiancistrus petus, Trichomyclerus ..... 01. Pintoichthys é piracicabae, Loricaria <2... pisonis, Eleotris .. Plagioseion plagusia, Symphurus planifrons, Aequidens platanus, Mugi Plataxoides platyeephala, Loriearia platycephalus, Hemiancistrus platycephalus, Miuroglanis ... platyrhynchus, Hemiancistrus plecostomus, Piccostomus Plectrochilus : Pleurophysus pleurotaenia, Farlowell plumbeus, Pseudocetopsis - Poecilia poeyanus, Trichomycterus .... Pogonopoma mt polyacanthus, Monocirrhus .... polystictus, Gorydoras ......2.) Pomadasys ........ popoi, Plecostomus . porosus, Cynolebias . portalegrensis, Aequidens . Potamorrhaphis praeliorum, Astroblepus Promicrops props, Trichomycterus . Pseudacanthicus Pscudancistrus . . INDICE 399 Pseudocetopsis .. aa 4 rogoaguae, Rivulus .. 228 pseudogladiola, Farlowelia.... 87 rostratum, Sturisoma . 125 Pseudoloricaria .........006. UL rudolphi, " Rhinelepis 21 Pseudostegophilus ..... 14 rugosus, ‘Bunocephalus |: 45 Pseudotocinchis 134 sabalo, ‘Astroblepus 79 psilogaster, Hypoptopoma salathei, Bunocephalu: rr Pseudothyrina : salgadae, Ancistrus . 142 psittacus, Cichlaurus . sanguineus, Plectrochilus 19 piittacus, Colomesus santae-ritae, Trichomycterus 35 terobunocephalus santaremensis, Crenicichla 306 Pterolebias ses. ...0 x santensis, Rivulus ............ 223 Pterophyllum cesses S16 Satanoperea 0. IIIT) 309 Pterygoplichthys .. 203 saxatilis, Creniehla 020. ...... 306 puganensis, Rineloricaria 121 seabriceps, Agmus 38 pulcher, Hemiancistrus ....... 160 scalare, Pierophyllum ........ 316 punctatissimus, Parancisirus .. 172 scalpridens, Pamphoria 236 punetatissimus, Trichomyeterus 31 eps, Plecostomus 194 punctulata, Crenicara . 297 hynehus, Hemiancistrus 160 punctulatus, Batrachops + 282 searificator, Peseudostegophilus 15 punctata, Pseudoliricaria . 1 schomburukii, P: axe 256 punetatus, Corydoras ........ 65 Sehreitmuclleri, Cy 216 punctatus, Henonemus 12 chreitmuelleri, Farlowella 87 punctatus, Plecostomus ....... 192 leromustax bt punctatus, Pterygoplichthys 208 Seleronema 37 punctatus, Rivulus . 223 scoltii, Batrachops 283 punctifer, Achirus 327 Selene 249 puni, Orestias 0.000000 ..00.2 281 semifasciatus, Batrachops 283 puruensis, Panaque ..1....... 170 Stegophilus 15 Dusarum,’Plecostomus ........ 193 Semifasciatus, Chaetobrane! 286 pusillus, 'Trichomycterus + 9 semiscutatus.” Chaenotorax 49 Pygidianops .....eeeeeeeeeee sericeum, Chaetostoma 131 Pygidium : severus, ‘Cichlaurus ....: 295 pygmaeus, Silurns .....: . Hoplosternam |. > 70 pyrineusi, Cochliodon D153 Crenicichla......icss. 307 quechuorum, Trichomycterus . 34 heleri, Cynolebias 216 Querimana |... err simillima; Loricaria . 99 rabauti, Corydoras + 66 Siturus ‘ 3 rachovii, Plecostomus ........ 193 smaragdus, Gobionellus 323 raimundi, Corydoras 66 smithi, Farlowella . 87 ramosus, Pomadasys 250 snethlageae, Ancistrus 143 Reganella . 112 Soleotalpa : 327 regani, Pareiorhaphis 173 soporator, Gobius .. 323 regani, Plecostomus . 194 Spatuloricaria 122 reinhardti, Trichomycterus 31 spectabile, Petenia 315 reinhardtii, Ochmacanthus .... 13 pilopterus, Citharichthys 325 reticulatus, Batrachops. ...... 283 spilosoma, Plecostomus - 195 reticulatus, Lebistes .. seg OE spilurus, Plecostomus . 195 Retroculus ....-.... 2 3i7 spinosissimus, Plecostomus 195 retropinnis, Bunocephalus .... 44 spinosus, Pseudacanthicus .... 201 Rhinelepis” ..--.. 209 spizii, Hypophthalmus .....1.1 2 Rhodeoides “.. 2 235 spixii, Loricariichthys se 106 rhombocephala, Harttia ....... 89 splendens, Corydoras 66 rhombeus, Eugerres s+ 260 splendens, Cynolebias . 216 Rineloriearia VII a2 squamipinnis, Pachyurus 256 ritense, Apistogramma, ....... 276 squamosissimus, Plagioscion .. 258 rivulatus, Trichomycterus ..... 32 steindachneri, Cynoscion 251 Rivulichthys i evainoms 1219) steindachneri, Hypoptopoma 126 Rivulus rer + 220 steindachneri, Rineloricaria ... 121 robinii, Plecostomus .. | + 194 stenocephalus, Corydoras 67 robustum, Sturisoma + 124 stewarti, Loricariichthys 107 robustus, Chaetobranchus ..... 286 stigmaticus, Ancistrus 143 rondoni, Acaronia ... 2 261 strigabundus, Trigonectes 225 rondoni, Apistograma .... 276 Crenicichla 307 rondoni, Plecostomus .1)...... 194 ticeps, Plecostomus ...... 195 rondoni, Rivulichthys ........ 219 strigatus, Rivulus ......11111) 223 Tochai, Aspidoras ............ 246 strigilata, Rineloricaria ....... 121 400 ‘ ARQUIVOS DE ZOOLOGIA~ Strongylura .... ery ZLB stollei, Aequidens .... 22. 268 tubeli, Astroblepus ........... 79 turisoma wevtcceeeeres 123 Stygogenes ... ti. 72 subocularis, Aequidens ....... 269 Supramollis, Astroblepus ...... 79 surinamensis, Batrachoides ... 330 gurinamensis, Geophagus ..... 314 Symphurus 328 Symphysodon : 2 318 Synbranchus 126 syspils, Aequidens ... 2. 269 tacniops, Trichomycterus ..... 36 faczanowskii, Astroblepus ..... 80 faczanowskii, Chactostoma .... 151 jaczaniowskii, Trichomyeterus » 33 faeniatum, Apistogramma . 276, faeniatus, Rivulus : taiasica, ‘Chonophorus taiosh, ‘Chaenotorax .. tamboensis, Ancistrus faunayi, Ancistrus ... feaguci, Parabranchioie teffeana, Rinelorieari femensis, Cichla terominckii, Ancistrus . ternetzi, Plagi fernetzi, Plecostomus ternetzi, Typhobelus . tetramerus, Aequidens . Thalassophiryne 4. thayeri, Aequidens " Aheresiae,"Astroblepus ....- Hoplosternant Hypoptoponta .- thrissoceps, Rineloricaria ..- tibicen, Aspredinichthys Hetensis, Plecosto tiraquae, Pygidinm a « tocantinsi, Trice treitlii, Corydoras . Frichomyeterus ridens....... ridensimilis Tridentopsis trifasciatum, Apistograma’ .. 11! trifasciatus, Pintoichthys ..... Trigonectes trimaculatus, Acaroni Tylosurus -... Jepbtobetes _ typus, Loricariiehthys - tschudii, Orestias Vara : ubidiai, Astroblepus ucayalensis, Hemiancistrus . ucayalensis, Loricarii unae, Plecostomus - undecimalis, Centropomus . unicolor, Apionichthys .. ynicolor, Plecastomus .. Upsilodus uranoscopus, Gobius |. ; Urinophilus urophthalmus, Rivulus urostriata, Dianema uyunius, Orestias vagum, Chactostoma vaillant vaillanti, Rhodeoides xanceae, Astroblepus Vandellia... variipictus, Phe varimaculosus, Plecostomus variolum, Chaetostoma variostictus, Plecostomus - arferreirai, Homodiaetus ventralis, Pseudocetopsis .. vermienlatus, Trichomyeterus. « verrucosus, Bunocephalus verrucosus, Bunocephalus vetula, Lorieari vestitus, Otocinchis. . vietori, Upsilodus.. virescens, Cynoscion vitlata, Crenicichla villatus, Acquidens ... 0. vittatus, Hemianeistrus 5 viltatus, Olocinclus villatus, Trichomyeterus Selene ms ipara, Poeeilia 2 Plecostonms wertheimeri, Pogonopoma weyrauchi, Pynidium tei, Cynole! eneri, Vandel wolfei, Rinelorieari wolterstorfi, wuehereri, Pleeostomus nthonotas, Rivulus Kenocara eROMYSUUS ve eee zamorensis, Ac:quidens zebra, Asttono!us zingiberinus, Cynol-bias zonatus, Trichomyctert: zygatus, Corydoras zygonectes, Rivulus ...,

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