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A. Identitas
Nama Dosen : Rizka Safriyani, M.Pd
Golongan : III-B
Alamat Kantor : Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Sunan
Ampel Surabaya Jl. A. Yani 117 Surabaya
Alamat Rumah : Kencanasari Timur xx/19 Surabaya
Tempat Konsultasi : Ruang Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Jam Konsultasi : Di luar jam kuliah dengan waktu yang disepakati
Nama Matakuliah : Curriculum and Material Development
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Bobot/Semester : 2 sks/ V
Kelas/Waktu : C (07.30-09.10)
Kelompok Matakuliah : MKK (ELT)
Hari Perkuliahan : Rabu


Mata kuliah ini membekali mahasiswa dengan pemahaman apa itu kurikulum, terutama
kurikulum Bahasa inggris yang ada di Indonesia. Mahasiswa juga diarahkan untuk membuat
syllabus Bahasa Inggris dan pendukung-pendukung administrasi pengajaran seperti RPP, PROTA
dan PROMES. Mereka juga akan mengembangkan rencana pembelajaran dan memilih serta
mendesain pembelajaran dengan aktifitas-aktifitas komunikatif.


Mata kuliah ini membekali pengetahuan tentang kurikulum yang ada di Indonesia, pengetahuan
bagaimana mengadaptasi materi dan aktifitas pembelajaran yang berlaku di Indonesia dan
dengan pengetahuan ini bisa menyusun rencana yang tepat untuk pembelajaran Bahasa inggris.


Memahami pengertian  Mahasiswa Dengan
kurikulum, silabus serta bisa perkuliahan dan
mengenali model-model menjelaskan diskusi siswa
kurikulum secara umum pengertian memilki
kurikulum dan pemahaman
silabus tentang apa itu
 Mahasiswa kurikulum,
mampu silabus dan
mengenali mengenali
model-model kurikulum secara
kurikulum umum
secara umum

Memahami tentang model,  Mahasiswa Dengan

prinsip-prinsip dan langkah- mampu ceramah,
langkah perkembangan menjelaskan presentasi,
kurikulum pengajaran Bahasa model diskusi dan
Inggris kurikulum Tanya jawab
bahasa Inggris mahasiswa
 Mahasiswa memahami
mampu tentang model,
menyebutkan prinsip-prinsip
prinsip- prinsip dan langkah-
cara langkah
mengembangk perkembangan
an kurikulum kurikulum
Bahasa inggris pengajaran
 Mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris
Bahasa Inggris
Memahami tentang KTSP  Mahasiswa Dengan
(kurikulum tentang satuan bisa ceramah,
pendidikan) menyebutkan presentasi,
kurikulum diskusi dan
yang Tanya jawab
menggunakan mahasiswa
KTSP memahami KTSP
Memahami bagaimana cara  Mahasiswa Dengan
mengembangkan silabus Bahasa bisa ceramah,
Inggris menyebutkan presentasi,
strategi diskusi dan
pengembanga Tanya jawab
n silabus. mahasiswa
 Mahasiswa memahami dan
bisa bisa
menjelaskan mengembangkan
strategi silabus Bahasa
pengembanga Inggris
n silabus
Mampu membuat silabus Bahasa  Mahasiswa Dengan praktik
Inggris bisa berdasarkan
mengembangk teori-teori siswa
an silabus mampu
membuat silabus
Bahasa Inggris
baik ditingkat
SMP, SMA, dan
Memahami dan Membuat  Mahasiswa Dengan
Rencana Pekan Efektif (RPE), bisa ceramah,
Program Tahunan (PROTA), menjelaskan presentasi,
Program semester (PROMES) RPE, PROTA, diskusi dan
dan PROMES. Tanya jawab
 Mahasiswa serta praktik
bisa mahasiswa
menyebutkan memahami dan
RPE, PROTA, Membuat
dan PROMES Rencana Pekan
 Mahasiswa Efektif (RPE),
bisa membuat Program
PROTA, Tahunan
berdsarakan Program
kalender semester
akademik. (PROMES
Memahami teaching medias  Mahasiswa Dengan
bisa kemampuan
menyebutkan mencari
teaching informasi dan
medias. diskusi
 Mahasiswa mahasiswa
bisa mempunyai
menjelaskan pemahaman
teaching tentang teaching
medias medias
Memahami dan bisa melakukan  Mahasiswa Dengan diskusi
adopsi material/ bahan ajar dari bisa dan praktek
buku-buku teks menyeleksi mahasiswa
materi memahami dan
pembelajaran bisa melakukan
sesuai topik adopsi material/
bahan ajar dari
buku-buku teks
Memahami Communicative  Mahasiswa Dengan
activities yang bisa diaplikasikan bisa ceramah, diskusi,
dalam pembuatan RPP (Rencana menggunakan presentasi dan
Program Pembelajaran) atau kegiatan- Tanya jawab
Lesson plan kegiatan Mahasiswa
kommunikatif Memahami
yang bisa Communicative
diaplikasikan activities yang
dalam proses bisa
peemelajaran diaplikasikan
di kelas yang di dalam
tulis di RPP pembuatan RPP
atau Lesson plan
Mampu membuat RPP Mahasiswa bisa Dengan
membuat RPP mempraktekkan
teori yang ada
membuat dan

Kegiatan perkuliahan berupa presentasi, diskusi dan praktek mengajar sesuai RPP yang dibuat.
Meeting Date Content
1. 21 Sept Course Overview
2. 28 Sept Overview of Curriculum Development in Language Teaching
3. 5 Okt Four categories of language teaching activities
Overview of curriculum components
The relationship among teaching and curriculum activities
4. 12 Okt Need Analysis: Theory
5. 19 Okt Need Analysis: Practice
6. 26 Okt Goals & Objectives
7. 2 Nov Syllabus Design : Types of Syllabus Design
8. 9 Nov UTS
9. 16 Nov Lesson Planning : Models of Lesson Plan
10. 23 Nov Teaching Materials and Equipment
11. 30 Nov The Curriculum Development in Indonesia: KTSP
12. 7 Des PROTA/Program Tahunan, PROMES/Program Semester, RPE/Rencana Minggu Efektif
13. 14 Des English Sylabus Design in Indonesia
14. 21 Des Planning English Lesson (RPP) in Indonesia
15. 28 Des Rethinking Curriculum: Analisa Kebijakan Kurikulum Bahasa di Indonesia
16. 11 Des UAS

4. Assessment:
Class Attendance : 5%
Active Participation : 10%
Assignment : 15%
Midterm Test : 30%
Final Test : 40%
Total : 100%

5. Assessment Tools:
 Assignment : Reading and making a mind map.
 Midterm Test : Practice of student’s needs analysis.
 Final Test : Designing English Syllabus & Lesson Plan.

Brown, J.D. 1995. The Element of Language Curriculum: A Systematic Approach to Program
Development. Boston: Heinle & Heinle
Brown, H.D. 2000. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Pearson
Graves, K. 2000. Designing Language Courses: A Guide for Teachers. Canada: Heinle & Heinle
Richard, J.C. 2001.Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University
-------, 1990. The Language Matrix. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Woodward, T. 2001.Planning Lessons and Courses.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BNPS)
Pusat kurikulum

I. Course Description

This course aims to provide students with a general understanding of the major approaches, theories,
and issues of language curriculum and materials evaluation. Topics to be covered include (1) the
definition and evolution of second language curriculum, (2) needs and situation analysis, (3) different
syllabus designs, (4) curriculum theorizing, (5) curriculum implementation, (6) materials adaptation,
selection, & evaluation, (7) hidden curriculum & morality, (8) curriculum inquiry (research approaches),
& (9) curriculum evaluation. These concepts will be taught by a discussion-based & task-based teaching
method; we will discuss the above abstract topics by connecting them to our own experiences,
conducting research projects of our interests, and examining different English language
syllabus/curriculum/course designs and various kinds of English teaching materials. By so doing, this
course aims to equip students with the ability to critically analyze, design and evaluate a language
program/course and/or teaching materials.

II. Competences
Discern and articulate the need(s) driving the development or revision of a
course, workshop or learning event. 2. Select, use, and justify appropriate
strategies and methodologies for developing a course.
3. Develop or modify a
course or workshop.
4. Determine, select, and use adult learning activities and

5. Develop course curriculum documents.
6. Align curriculum, instruction, and

7. Analyze curriculum design processes and outcomes. 8. Use
professional and respectful communication skills.
2. Thus, after completing the course the students are able to apply the principles of
curriculum development for planning a relevant EFL program for Indonesian students.
3. Objectives

1. Students can critically analyze language curriculum/syllabus/course and teaching materials.

2. Students can critically select, analyze and evaluate teaching materials.
3. Students can articulate and develop their own theories/philosophy of language curriculum
designs & materials evaluation.
4. Students can write a scholarly academic paper presentable at a national or international

Tentative Schedule

(The schedule is subject to adjustments based on needs. Negotiation is possible.)

W Date Topic Assigned Reading Assignment

1 09/1 Introduction White 1; Nunan 1


2 09/2 Definition of curriculum Marsh & Willis 1

Evolution of Language Curriculum Development Richards 1, 2

The Origins of Language Curriculum Development

From Syllabus Design to Curriculum Development

3 09/3 Frameworks for Language Curriculum Johnson; Grave 2


4 10/0 Curriculum Planning Richards 3, 4

Needs & Situation Analysis

5 10/1 From Needs Analysis to Goal Setting Richards 5 (120-142) Critique #1

Discussion: Critique 1 Grave 3, 4

6 10/2 Course Planning Richards 6 (145-152)

Syllabus Design (see also Richards 6,
152- )
Product-oriented syllabus
Nunan 3
Structural/Grammatical syllabus

Situation syllabus
Van Ek
Functional-notional syllabus

7 10/2 Proportional syllabus Yalden 7

Communicative syllabus Yalden 6,8

8 11/0 Task-Based syllabus Long & Crooke

Content-Based syllabus Snow et al.

ESP Widdowson

9 11/1 Discussion: Analysis of Syllabi TBA Critique #2

Curriculum Implementation Richards 7

Discussion: Critique 2

10 11/1 Curriculum Theorizing Richards (112-120) Determine the

7 topic for your
Marsh & Willis 4 final term paper
Curriculum Inquiry: Research Methods Short (TBA)


Ramanathan et al.

11 11/2 Materials Selection & Evaluation (I) Richards 8 (-260)

-Selecting & analyzing course books Cunningworth 1, 2

-Hidden Curriculum Sheldon (checklists)

Discussion: Group Project Cunningworth 7

12 12/0 Materials Selection & Evaluation (II)

-Designing communicative course books Cummingworth 10

-Designing ESP materials Cummingworth 11

-Authenticity Breen

-Adapting materials Clarke

13 12/0 -Materials development Edge & Wharton

Teaching English as an International Language McKay ( cf. 廖柏森)
Moral Aspects of Curriculum
Johnston 2

14 12/1 Faculty Development Pennington Outline of your

5 term paper
Or Guest Speaker’s Lecture (TBA) Freeman & Johnson

15 12/2 Curriculum Evaluation Richards 9; Grave 6

Wrapping up

16 12/2 Oral Presentation: Group Project X Project report


17 01/0 Oral Presentation: Final Term Paper X


18 01/1 Final Term Paper Due X Final Term Paper


Textbook &Assigned Readings

Richards, J. C. (2001). Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.


Selective readings can be downloaded from my website.

Ramanathan, V., Davies, C. E., & Schleppegrell, M. J. (2001). A naturalistic inquiry into the

cultures of the two divergent MA-TESOL programs: Implications for TESOL. TESOL

Quarterly, 35, 279-305.

Freeman, D. & Johnson, K. E. (1998). Reconceptualizing the knowledge-base of language

teacher education. TESOL Quarterly, 32, 397-417.

McKay, S. L. (2003). Toward an Appropriate EIL Pedagogy: Re-Examining Common ELT Assumptions.

International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13 (1), 1-22.

Graves, K. (2001). Teachers as course developers. Cambridge: Cambridge University press.

Cummingsworth, A. (1995). Choosing your coursebook. Heinemann.

Nunan, D. (1993). Syllabus design. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

White, R. (1993). The ELT curriculum: design, innovation, and implementation. Blackwell.

Yalden, J. (1987). The communicative syllabus: evolution, design and implantation. Prentice-Hall.

Breen, M. (1985). Authenticity in the language classroom. Applied Linguistics, 6 (1), 60-70.

Clarke, D. F. (1989). Materials adaptation: why leave it all to the teacher? ELT Journal, 43 (2), 133-141.

Sheldon, L. E. (1988). Evaluation ELT textbooks and materials. ELT Journal, 42 (4), 237-246.

Tomlinson, B. (2005). Materials development in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University


Edge, J. & Wharton, S. Autonomy and development: living in the materials world (295-311)

Long & Crooke. (1992). Three approaches to task-based syllabus design. TESOL Quarterly,

Johnston, B. (2003). Values in English language teaching. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Widdowson, H. G. (1987). English for specific purposes: criteria for course design. In M. H. Long, & J. C.

Richards, (1987). Methodology in TESOL: A book of reading. Singapore: Harper & Row.

van Ek, J. (1987). The threshold level. In M. H. Long, & J. C. Richards, (1987). Methodology in TESOL: A

book of reading. Singapore: Harper & Row.

Marsh, C. J. & Willis, G. (1999). Curriculum: Alternative approaches, on-going issues.

Johnson, R. K. (1989). Second language curriculum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pennington: Faculty development for language programs

Course Requirements

1 Attendance & Participation 10%

2 Oral Presentation (Leading Discussion) (2 times) 20%

3 Group Project (GP) (2-3 students) (Oral Presentation with brief summary & outline) 20%

Analyze two sets/volumes of English textbooks

4 Summary & Critique (2 pages) (2 times) 20%

5 Final Term Paper (TP) (12-15 pages) on one of the following topics: 30%
(1) Conduct a needs survey with a particular group
(2) Design a language program/workshop/course for a particular group of students
(3) Evaluate a language program or a teacher education program
(4) Other topics
Note that the topic of your term paper should earn the instructor’s permission and that
the final product should be a presentable paper at a national or international

Attendance, Discussion, & Participation

Your attendance, participation, and contribution are highly valued by all of us. We’ll miss you if you miss
the class. Also, you are required to contribute to the weekly discussions by being a leader or participant.
The prerequisite is to actively read the assigned readings and bring your comments and questions to

Leading Discussion

This class relies heavily on cooperative learning with proactive attitudes. In order to practice
professional leading and presentation skills, you are required to lead discussion on (a) types of syllabus
designs and (b) materials selection. The reading assigned to you will form a basis for the discussion. In
the discussion, you will briefly summarize the important points for the class and pose a few questions
for class discussion. A handout for your audience is required. As to discussion methods, you are
encouraged to be creative.

Final Presentation & Paper

This final research project is a like a capstone for your learning. In particular, it aims to cultivate your
professional thinking and writing skills by tailoring to what intrigues you pedagogically. You are required
to write a term paper (12-15 pages) on one of the following topics:

(1) Conduct a needs survey with a particular group

(2) Design a language program/workshop/course for a particular group of students
(3) Evaluate a language program
(4) Explore curricular issues via evaluating two sets of teaching materials and curricula and/or
reviewing literature
(5) Other topics
In order to help you write a scholarly-like paper, you will need to …

(1) write two critiques (2 pages), which will help you search for a research topic.
(2) determine a topic and earn the instructor’s permission
(3) submit an outline of your term paper with relevant document (e.g., references, syllabi, etc.)(1
(4) share with the class your topic, critiques, and term paper.

Writing format: American Psychological Association, 2002. Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association, 5th ed. Washington, DC: Author
Teaching Materials Evaluation

This is a group project that requires 2-3 students to critique two volumes/sets of teaching materials by
using your own evaluation checklist. Oral presentation with brief summary is required.

Academic Dignity

Please note that no plagiarism is allowed in this class.


Brown, J. D. (1995). The elements of language curriculum: a systematic approach to program

development. Heinle &


Dubin, F. & Olshtain, E. (1997). Course design: developing programs and materials for language learning.

Cambridge University Press.

Grant, N. (1987). Making the most of your textbook. Longman.

Hunchinson, T. & Waters, A. (1987). English for specific purposes: a learning-centered approach.

Cambridge University Press.

Ellis, R. (1997). The empirical evaluation of language teaching materials. ELT Journal, 51 (1), 36-42.


TESOL Quarterly; ELT Journal

RELC Journal; Applied Linguistics

International Journal of Applied Linguistics

Systems; English for Specific Purposes

Annual Review of Applied Linguistics; Foreign Language Annals

Journal of Pragmatics; Intercultural Pragmatics

Journal of Second Language Writing; Language Culture and Curriculum

Language Learning; Modern Language Journal

Studies in Second Language Acquisition; World Englishes

Research in the Teaching of English; Second Language Research

Harvard Educational Review; Teachers College Record

Journal of Curriculum Studies; Curriculum Inquiry

Journal of Teacher Education; Teaching & Teacher Education

教育研究集刊; 英語教學; 課程與教學季刊

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