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Object 2

Should a Mosque be Built at Ground Zero

By Frank Kaufmann
August 15, 2010

One can only be concerned over the politicization of the controversy surrounding
plans to build an Islamic center and mosque near the site of the World Trade Center.
Elected officials have gone on record opposing the development of a mosque two
blocks from Ground Zero.

45 Park Place in Manhattan

Photo: Gryffindor – CC by SA 3.0
I am surprised.
I am not surprised that the Sienna College poll shows that 63 percent of New York
voters oppose the project. Voters have no obligation to be familiar with the
Constitution of the United States (though it wouldn't be a bad idea if we were). But I
always thought that elected officials and those formally entrusted with political
leadership were supposed to be familiar with the constitution of the United States.
So far as I know, the first amendment to the US Constitution has not been been
repealed. For those hearing about either the US Constitution, or the first amendment
for the first time, here is a little background. It is the first part of what are called the Bill
of Rights. The first amendment was ratified December 15, 1791. It reads "Congress
shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of
the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of
grievances." A few years before that, some of the same folk responsible for these
radical ideas also penned something called The Declaration of Independence. There
we discover that the United States of America was founded on other similarly nutty
notions like: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Americans have agreed to live in concert with these views for over 230 years. The
ideas are not new.
Again, though not a lawyer, I believe it is legal to be Muslim in America. How is it then
that people who enjoy the trust of citizens to have authority over us and to lead us
according to the laws of the land are taking positions against the US constitution?
Do I like Islam? I like some things about it. Does that matter? No. The rights
guaranteed Americans are not contingent upon whether I like people, or their
religion. Do I think a mosque near Ground Zero is a good idea? I happen to like
places of worship. And as I've said in prior writing, it would be nice for Muslim families
who lost their loved ones who had gone to work in the World Trade Towers on 9/11 to
have a place to pray in their memory. But does it matter if a mosque 2 blocks from
Ground Zero is a good idea or not? No. The Constitution of the United States was not
written to be ignored when people don't like something, or when people have bad
ideas. It was written to guaranty what the framers agreed are inalienable rights. I am
disappointed when elected officials are willing to ignore and violate the constitution
of the United States, even if a given elected official happens to dislike some other
American's religion.
Now. What if preachers in the mosque spew dangerous teachings and hatred of
America. Well, curiously enough the very same amendment (the very first
amendment) also guarantees American citizens freedom of speech. Sadly our
wonderful country is full of people inciting hatred against our great country and its
people (many of whom have died protecting the rights of these ingrates to say what
they like). This is an enormously challenging part of the first amendment, but for some
reason (indeed for the noblest of reasons) we have chosen to uphold this right for
Americans for the past 230 years. It is really a bad idea to chose to stop now, even if
you don't like somebody's religion.
So. "Is building a mosque 2 blocks from ground zero a good idea?" is not the right
question (at least not the right question if one is trying to decide whether or not it
should be permitted). The right questions are these: "Is it legal to be Muslim in
America?" and "Has the 1st amendment of the US Bill of Rights been repealed?"
Frankly I am a little afraid when elected officials are willing to ignore or violate the US
Constitution. What if tomorrow someone doesn't like my religion? And the day after
that the governor doesn't like your religion? Want to block the development of a
mosque at 45 Park Place? Zone the area so that no places of worship may be
permitted anywhere within a two block radius of Ground Zero. Oops, what are we
going to do with St. Paul's Chapel, opened in 1766, Manhattan's oldest public building
in continuous use - a place where George Washington worshiped and 9/11 recovery
workers received round-the-clock care. Part of the Episcopal Parish of Trinity Church,
St. Paul's is a center for worship and the arts, a community of reconciliation, and a
place of pilgrimage for all people. For me one of the most glorious buildings in
America. I think it would be great if the mosque leaders outdid St. Paul's in love and
pride for America. That would be wonderful, but wonderful or not, it's not a condition
to be protected by the the Constitution.
So far we Americans get a little touchy when people bomb us. That's understandable.
But it is bad enough that the lives of our precious brothers and sisters were lost, and
our buildings burned to the ground in the villainy on 9/11. Not our constitution now,
In 1988, Congress passed and President Ronald Reagan signed legislation on behalf
of the U.S. government, which apologized for the internment of Japanese Americans
in 1942. The legislation stated that government actions were based on "race
prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership". Over $1.6 billion in
reparations were later disbursed by the U.S. government to Japanese Americans who
had either suffered internment or were heirs of those who had suffered internment.
Stalwart leaders faithful to our Bill of Rights is our true badge of honor and of courage.

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