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Group 7
Beijing Introduces Tough Smoking Ban

Beijing of China’s capital city has been apply a ban on smoking

supported by WHO that coincides with world tobacco days. The ban
has anti-smoking laws around the world. This prohibition is applied
in all public places as restaurant, workplaces, and public
transportation. Restaurant will have a big part to play in
implementing the ban. And anyone who violates will be punished in
the form of a large fine.

WHO rewarded special prize to Beijing’s leadership in making a

ban on smoking in the world tobacco day. China still has a long way
to go to get its population to stop smoking because China is the
world’s largest tobacco producer and consumer. There are around
300 million smokers in China and more than one million chinese die
each year from smoking-related diseases.
1. What do you think about smoking problem?
- In the long time, smoking can interfere with the health of
someone who consumes it

2. Will there be a punishment for smoking people in Beijing?

- yes, there will

3. What is the consequence for people smoking in public

places in beijing?
- there will be subject by hefty fines for anyone lighting up
indoors in public.
4. Do you think people will stop smoking because of a
heavy fine?
- No, I think some people will stop smoking and others
not except from the consciousness of the person

5. Can you think of one effective way to make people stop

- I think often provide health education about the
dangers of smoking to families and consumers and
provide support to reduce the consumption of smoking
Objects Sentences

Smoking Smoking is contaminating the air around us with toxic chemicals.

Merokok dapat mengkontaminasi udara sekitar kita dengan zat
Ban Smoking is banned in the college’s area.
Dilarang merokok di area kampus.

Capital City The number of smokers in capital city was increased.

Jumlah perokok di ibukota meningkat.
Toughest The toughest moment of her life is when the doctor diagnosed
her about lung cancer.
Momen terberat dalam hidupnya adalah ketika dokter
memvonis bahwa dia terkena kanker paru-paru.

Public Transport There are a lot of passengers smoking in public transportation

Banyak sekali penumpang merokok di transportasi umum.

Heavy Fines The heavy fines should be imposed to those who smoke in
public places.
Hukuman berat harus dikenakan kepada mereka yang merokok
di tempat umum.
Objects Sentences
Encouraged Anti-smoking campaigns was encouraged and motivated
smokers to stop smoking.
Seminar bebas rokok telah mendorong dan memotivasi perokok
untuk berhenti merokok.
Rewarded The smoke-free environment was rewarded by the regent.
Daerah yang bebas rokok akan mendapat reward dari bapak
Applauded All of the audiences were applauded in order to support the anti-
smoking campaigns.
Audient bertepuk tangan atas seminar yang diadakan tentang
bahaya merokok.
Determined The doctor determined that smoking may increase the chances
of getting lung cancer.
Dokter telah memutuskan bahwa merokok dapat meningkatkan
kesempatan untuk terjangkit/terkena kanker paru-paru.
Leadership Smoking is not allowed in her leadership period.
Tidak diperbolehkan merokok selama periode kepemimpinannya.
Smoke-free The smoke-free policy was applied in some public places since
Peraturan bebas rokok telah diterapkan pada beberapa tempat
umum sejak kemarin.
Objects Sentences

Population The number of Indonesia’s under 15 years old smoking

population was increased in this year.
Jumlah populasi perokok Indonesia yang berusia dibawah 15
tahun meningkat drastis di tahun ini.
Disease Smoking bans reduced the risk of coronary heart disease
Larangan merokok telah menekan resiko terkena penyakit hati
Cancer Smoking restrictions may help Indonesia citizens away from the
chances of getting mouth cancer.
Larangan merokok dapat membantu masyarakat Indonesia
terhindar dari resiko terkena kanker mulut.
Pregnant Women Smoking cigarette during pregnancy is dangerous for both
pregnant women and her fetus.
Merokok sangat berbahaya terhadap ibu hamil dan janinnya.
Furne The fume of cigarette can cause respiratory track infections.
Asap rokok dapat menyebabkan infeksi saluran nafas.
Cigarette Butt Please do not throw your cigarette butts on the ground!
Jangan buang puntung rokok sembarangan.
Objects Sentences
Dark Lips Some of smokers are having dark lips.
Beberapa perokok memiliki bibir hitam.
Chemical One cigarette contains a deadly mix of more than 4000
Satu batang rokok mengandung 4000 jenis zat adiktif yang
Addicted there are a lot of young adults nowadays who addicted to
smoking cigarette.
Terdapat banyak remaja masa kini yang memiliki kecanduan
terhadap merokok.
Package Warning message on cigarette packages deliver important
information to smokers.
Peringatan bahaya merokok pada bungkus/kemasan rokok telah
menyampaikan pesan penting kepada perokok (komsumen).
Tobacco Cigarettes are made from dried tobacco leaves.
Rokok terbuat dari daun tembakau yang telah dikeringkan.
Smell The smell of cigarette smoke is harm to the environment.
Bau asap rokok menganggu di sekitar lingkungan .
Wastefull Addicted to smoking is a wasteful habit.
Kecanduan untuk merokok merupakan kebiasaan yang boros.
Objects Sentences
Stop Smoking Stop smoking and get a healthier life.
Jagalah kesehatanmu mulai sekarang dan berhentilah merokok
mulai sekarang.
Habit Restaurant smoking restrictions may help young adult stop from
being habitual smokers.
Larangan merokok di restaurant dapat membantu remaja
berhenti dari kebiasaan merokok.
Turn Off Your Turn off your cigarette before it kills you!
Cigarette Matikan rokokmu sebelum rokok mematikanmu.
Asthray Please put cigarette butts in the ashtray.
Buanglah putung rokok pada asbak.
Cigarette Ash The cigarette ash is dangerous for health.
Abu rokok yang menumpuk di dalam asbak tidak baik untuk
Death Tobacco use increase the risk of death from many disease
including cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
Penggunaan tembakau dapat meningkatkan resiko kematian
akibat beberapa penyakit termasuk kanker, penyakit hati, dan
Results from the survey
Based on a survey conducted, in the S1-4B class with a total of 54
students said 21 people chose diseases, 17 people chose self-
awareness, 8 people chose smoking ban, 5 people chose warning
label on cigarrette packs, 1 person chose advices, 1 person chose
health promotion, 1 person chooses leaflets and nobody chooses
The survey, supported by a journal entitled "Knowledge of the
Negative Effects of Cigarrette Smoking on Health and Well-being
Among Southern Nigerian Youth" written by Catherine O.Egbe, Inge
Petersen and Anna Meyer-Weitz and published in 2016 says that
awareness of people to stop smoking caused by illness or health
hazards that will arise, such as cancer, cough, tuberculosis, heart
problems, cyst problems, hypertension, glycoma, and others.
Now a days we can see more children being a
smokers. Firstly, they just try it, until they become
addicted with cigarrete without they know that
its contain more than 4000 harmful toxins to
their body like nikotin, tar, acetone, amoniac,
methanol, etc.
Smokers devide into 2 type, the first is active
smokers and the second is passive smokers.
Smoking should be done in a smoking area, not
in a public places because it will be disturb other
The Danger Of Cigarette Smoke For Body Health

Smoking is one of lifestyle factors which can affect to our health.

According to data published by demographic institutions faculty of
economics university of Indonesian, Indonesia is the third highest
country inhabitants who smoke after china and India in 2012. The
content in cigarettes can cause come diseases, such as heart
disease, lung cancer and impotence.
Cigarette smoke in smokers can damage the walls of blood
vessels. Nicotine contained in cigarette smoke will stimulate the
hormone adrenaline that will change the metabolism of fat and HDL
levels will decrease. Adrenal hormones can cause stimulation of the
hearts work and constrict blood vessels. The adrenaline hormone
will cause platelet grouping so that simingly simple cigarette smoke
can also cause illness. In addition to heart disease, other causes of
lung cancer.
Lung cancer can easily attack active smokers because the content
of cigarettes such as nicotine, asenic and others can enter the lungs
and trigger lung cancer. The content in cigarettes can also cause
Impotence is a disease of sexual function in men. Impotence
causes males can not ejaculate and inhibite sexual activity. In
active and passive smoker have a high risk of impotence
because the same is often exposed to cigarette smoke.
Based on the above essay, it can be concluded that smoking
is bad habit that can harm smoker and people around him. The
bad habits can lead to diseases such as heart disease,
impotence and lung cancer. It can also lead to death. There
fore, love us and those around us by stop smoking from now.
Smoking causes a blockage in the blood vessels.
Smoking can caused cancer of the tongue and dental caries.
Smoking can interfere with the
growth of the fetus, can damage
fetal organ, and can also cause
premature birth.

Lung cancer is the number

one effect caused by

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