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The Undeniable Proof That The Fallen Angels,

The Sons Of God Ravaged Humanity!

Written by Malkiel Shalom Melech On 1/21/18

Isn't it interesting that there is so little included, within the 66 books of the
Bible, about the fallen angels? For the longest time I always believed that fallen
angels were just the faction who followed Satan when he was cast out of Heaven,
like sympathizers. I did not realize that a specific faction consciously decided to
leave of their own accord... 200 specifically.

The terms fallen and fell, when you look

carefully at the Scriptures, don't
accurately depict the events that
ravaged humanity.

In fact, the term fallen angel does not

appear in the Bible. The Apostle Kepha
(Peter), in his second letter, says...

“...they sinned and were cast down to

She'ol where they are bound and
awaiting judgment.”

The word sinned is much better suited to the truth. Every one of them,
including Satan, made a conscious decision to REBEL in either their lust for
power or human flesh.

You won't find much detail in the 66 books of the canon. It's not that the books
included in the Bible are wrong or incomplete. They are just as they are. Each
has a purpose.

There are at least 16 direct references to fallen angels in the 66 books of the
Protestant canon, but the majority speak directly of Satan (the devil) or are
associated with him.

The sons of Elohiym (sons of God/aka fallen angels) are mentioned only a small
number of times in Bere'shyth (Genesis), Iyov (Job), Yahudah (Jude) and 2
Kepha (Peter).

So where do we find detailed accounts regarding these fallen sons of Elohiym?

Well, the other side of truth is that there were a number of books removed and
hidden, for a period of time, that contain these details.

One of those books is the first book of Chanok (Enoch)... a book that, in my
opinion, is VERY important in reference to the day and times we are living in.

The Book of Chanok gives us clear detail in regard to the fallen angels... detail
that we don't find in any of the books included in the current 66 of the
Protestant canon or the 73 of the Catholic canon.

In Bere'shiyth (Genesis) chapter six, after the fall of human-kind, we get the
“CliffNotes” version of the story, but that's it.

Starting with verse 1 we read...

“1 And it came to be, when men began to increase on the face of the earth, and
daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of Elohiym (God) saw the
daughters of men, that they were good. And they took wives for themselves of
all whom they chose.”

For the most part, Chanok (Enoch) chapter 7 starts the same way...

“1 It happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days, that
daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful. 2 And when the Watchers
(angels), the sons of heaven/God, beheld them they became enamored of them
saying Come let us select for ourselves women from the progeny of men, and
let us beget children.”

In Bere'shiyth chapter 6, by the time we get to verse 7, the entire story of the
fallen angels and their interaction with humans has been summed up and their
judgment rendered.

At this point of the story in the Book of Enoch, we get exquisite detail in regard
to the rebellion of the Messengers, their impact on humanity and their eternal

While yes, the Bere'shiyth account is an accurate (although very abbreviated)

depiction of the story... it's not the whole story. Of all of the books I've read
outside the 73 canonized (including Jubilees and Jasher), no other has provided
as clear an account of the fallen messengers as Chanok does.

(If there are, and you have read them, please contact me and let me know what
they are!}

The challenge with this book is that the credibility regarding it's content has
been questioned for so long that most Christians believe that it's not valid. I
believe it's valid and inspired, but only you can decide whether or not to accept it
as truth.

The topic of fallen angels is one of great interest. At the

writing of this article more than 27,000 people per month
are turning to the Internet to learn more.

When you enter the term “fallen angels” into the the search box on Google or
YouTube, though, most of what you'll find is conjecture and best guesses in
regard to detail...

… or you'll find references to the Book of Chanok.

Why do you suppose that so many people are searching for information on this
topic right now? I believe a lot of it has do with “end times” research.

A simple search via Google for key phrases like fallen angels and artificial
intelligence provides a wide array of information including blog posts and
Youtube videos. Topics of these videos include CERN, d-wave, AI (artificial
intelligence) and transhumanism.

The fallen sons of Elohiym are responsible for teaching humans sorcery,
antimony, making weapons and even the creation of jewelry and makeup. (See
Chanok 7, 8 and 9)

Technology is something that the enemy will use to kill, steal and destroy during
these last days too. If you are not familiar with CERN, and are interested in
learning more about fallen angels, that may be a topic of great interest to you.

As a child of the Most High Elohiym it's important to know the truth so we can
share it with those who are seeking it. Deception through doctrine and false
teaching is rampant in the churches, synagogues, temples and kingdom halls. A
big part of the reason for that is because books like Chanok (Enoch) have been
removed and hidden.

It's amazing, once you know the truth, how much has been translated from the
books we do have as “best guesses”.
The Book of Enoch will certainly answer your questions regarding the fallen
angels. It will also give you clear insight into other topics including what
happens to you when you die and the return of our coming Mashiach (Messiah)!

While there are a variety of translations of Chanok available individually, not all
of them are translated the same. There are a handful that don't even read like
the same book.

The Cepher Publication Group has created a translation of the Divine Book
(Bible) that has restored all of the original biblical texts, including Chanok. It has
also restored the true names of our Father and His Son.

If you're reading this post, right now, looking for answers that the 66 books of
current canon have not answered for you, consider the eth CEPHER.

In His service!

Malkiel Shalom Melech

(Rex Harris)

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