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Kyle Otterbacher

Mr. Ratica

October 17, 2017

Computer Apps

African Clawed Frogs

An African Albino Clawed Frog is a very unique amphibian species. Albino frogs are

really no different than a traditional frog. African Clawed Frogs, also known as “Xenopus

Laevis”, are quite fascinating and unique, but the Albino feat makes the frog special (“African

Clawed Frog”). The frogs are commonly used as pets. In Africa, they can be referred to as an

invasive species. Their diet is very complex as they will eat nearly anything(Robinson). These

frogs are also very daring and brave. Unique is a proper way to describe these frogs.

African Clawed Frogs are defined by many odd characteristics. The clawed frogs are an

amphibian, as all frogs are. Though the frog is albino (which means it has a skin pigmentation

defect), the frog is just as capable of doing normal things as a traditional African Clawed Frog.

Male and female species are different in weight and length (Robinson). The female frog is bigger

than the male version. A female is about two-hundred grams in mass (about seven ounces) and

around 150 millimeters in length, respectively, a male is typically only sixty grams (roughly 2

ounces) and nearly 50 millimeters in length (Robinson). These frogs can live in any type of

freshwater or saltwater. These frogs can also be held captive as pets. Characteristics differ very

slightly with these frogs living in captivity. This species of frogs are very vast and widespread,

but are mostly found in South Africa, Kenya, Congo, Uganda, Cameroon, among others

(“African Clawed Frog”). Contrary to popular belief, these frogs do not hibernate. Along with
not hibernating, the frogs typically do not migrate, not even locally. The characteristics of this

species of a frog are rather disperse. Commented [ER1]: Citation?

Commented [KO2R1]:
Structurally speaking, Albino African Clawed Frogs are very weird, if you will, but still

very unique. Most frogs have webbed feet, but this frog only has webbed feet on two of its four Commented [ER3]: Run-on
Commented [KO4R3]: Fixed
legs. The front legs or arms just have claws, no webbing on its fingers of its hand or foot. The

frog’s hind limbs are webbed (“Clawed Frog Details”). The frog actually lacks a tongue. Not

having a tongue, the frog also does not have any visible ears (Wilmette Pet Center 2). Eyes of the

frog are located directly at the top of its head. Eyelids are not attached to the eyes, therefore, the Commented [ER5]: The
Commented [KO6R5]: Fixed.
frog does not have eyelids or a tongue (“Clawed Frog Details”). Skin of this frog can be Commented [ER7]: The
Commented [KO8R7]: Fixed
described as smooth and slippery. The structure of a frog is designed to be very adaptive


Albino African Clawed Frogs can live in many different habitats. The frog can be

supported in nearly, if not all, aquatic environments (“African Clawed Frogs”). This family of

frogs can be found in rivers, streams or creeks, lakes, ponds, and even oceans. These frogs have a

very tolerance for change, thus making adapting to different climates and environments rather

simple (“Wilmette Pet Center 2). Most frogs cannot live in environments rich in high salinity, on

the contrary these unique clawed frogs can. Finding a habitat is relatively easy for these four

legged creatures.

In conclusion, these frogs are very, very special. The body structure, habitats, and other

characteristics a simply unique. Qualities of being able to adapt allow the frog to survive and

strive at that. Their diet is very complex also helping make life easier. For these frogs they are

truly blessed with the many great feats they carry. Albino African Clawed Frogs are

unreasonably unique. Commented [ER9]: EXCELLENT WRITING AND STRUCTURE!

With that said, include in text citations please!
Commented [KO10R9]: Added.
Works Cited Commented [ER11]: Match font- turn off autoformating
and watch indents (see me if you need help turning off
“African Clawed Frog - Xenopus Laevis - Details.” Enc
Commented [KO12R11]: Fixed.

yclopedia of Life, 2016, eol.org/pages/1038993/details.

Robinson, Paul. “African Clawed Frog Care Sheet.”

African Clawed Frog Care Sheet - TheAmphibian.co.uk - Xenopus Laevis, Pipidae,

Frogs, Care, Breeding, Feeding, Facts, Housing,


“African Clawed Frog.” African Clawed Frog, allaboutfrogs.org/info/species/clawed.html

“Wilmette Pet Center-African Clawed Frog.” Wilmette Pet Center-African Clawed Frog,
pp. 1–3, wilmettepetcenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02

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