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So far we have considered matters which are legal, theoretical or which refer to basic matters.
In this unit there is no study text, but we seek to recall the matters dealt with so far.

The assignment is by way of a question paper, typical of those that might be asked in the
Diploma Examination. The questions are set out in the same way as the examination paper in
order that you gain experience at answering a paper of this type. You will already have had
some experience of this format as it is the same as has been used in previous assignments to
this course.

The results of this test are for your benefit only and are not taken into account when you take
the examination proper. Use it wisely. Do not refer to previous assignments, or the course
texts, but complete the assignment paper it as if it were the examination. In this way you will
not be fooling yourself as to how well you are doing and it will serve to highlight those
matters you need to revise.

If you have not already done so, you are advised to set yourself a revision regime so that you
regularly go over the matters previously covered. The more you visit the matter, the more you
are likely to remember it.

Good luck with the assignment.

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