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FORM TP2010139




Paper 01


(os JUNE 2010 (a.m.))


I. This test consists of 45 items. You will have 90 minutes to answer them.
2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet.

3. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items
in this test.
4. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you
are about to answer and decide which choice is best.
5. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having
the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look atthe sample item below.

Sample Item

Which ofthe following metal atoms is present

in a haemoglobin molecule?

Sample Answer
(A) Calcium
(D) Iron
The best ans~er to this item is "Iron", so answer space (D) has been shaded.
6. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice.
7. When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. Ifyou
cannot answer an item, omit it and go on to the next one. You can come back to the omitted one
later. Your score will be the total number of correct answers.
8. You may do any rough work in this booklet.
9. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale.
10. The use ofnon-programmable calculators is allowed.



· All iights reserved.

1. Which of the following bonds between the Item 4 refers to the chemical structure of
molecules enables water to exist as a liquid the molecule shown below;
rather than a gas at normal room
temperature? H
(A) Ionic
(B) Covalent I ~H
(C) Hydrogen I
(D) Hydrophilic 3 , I ~ H
H N 0
I /'-
ctt-c-c H
Item 2 refers to the diagram below which ' I ~
shows a ring structure of glucose. N 0

H/ "H
4. The molecule represented in the structure
above is a
H. H
(A) tripeptide
(B) triglyceride
HO OH (C) triphosphate
(D) trisaccharide

5. Triglycerides are excellent sources ofenergy
2. Which of the following indicates the form of for the body because of their
glucose and the molecule in which it is
present? ' · I. large size
IL ability to insulate
Form of Where III. large number ofC-C bonds
glucose present IV. insolubility in water

(A) a Cellulose
(A) I and III only
(B) a Starch (B) I and IV only
(C) II and Ill only
(C) p Cellulose
(D) II and IV only
(D) p Starch

6. In chronic rheumatoid arthritis, cartilage of

3. Carbohydrates are transported in plants joints is thought to be digested by hydrolytic
MAINLY in the form of enzymes found in the

(A) fructose (A) nucleolus

(B) glucose (B) ribosomes
(C) lysosomes
(C) sucrose
(D) starch (D) Golgi bodies

7. In microscopy, the term 'resolution' is used 11. A plant cell is placed in a solution with a
to describe the less negative water potential t,han its cell
sap. This results in the cell becoming more
(A) magnification by the eyepiece lens
(B) magnification by the objective lens (A) flaccid because the solution
(C) the degree to which the specim,,E.n diffuses out of the cell
under observation is magnifiea· (B) flaccid because water diffuses out
(D) the ability ofthe microscope to clearly of the cell
distinguish between points on the (C) turgid because the solution diffuses
specill1en into the cell
(D) turgid because water diffuses into
the cell
8. The molecule that is also produced during the
formation of a peptide bond is
12. A scientist who wanted to identify the tissue
(A) water that transports the products of photosynthesis,
(B) oxygen exposed the plant to radioactive carbon
(C) hydrogen dioxide. After some time a section was cut
(D) earbon dioxide through the root of the plant and it was
examined for radioactivity. Which area on
the dicotyledonous root shown in the diagram
9. When viewed with the aid of an electron below would show the MOST evidence of
microscope, the cells in a specimen were radioactivity?
found to have closely packed mitochondria
with cristae that were very close together. It
is likely that the MAIN function ofthese cells

(A) secretion
(B) moveme;nt ~~---1,+1--- (B)
(C) photosynthesis
(D) protein synthesis -==/,/../-----11-H-- (C)

10. Which of the following diagrams BEST

illustrates the effect of temperature on the
rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction?

Ul_ (A)

le=-~ (C) (D)


Item 13 refers to the diagram below which shows a plasma membrane.

High concentration
AAA~Jlf\A AA Concentration gradient

~ ~ ~\_) v~ ~ ~ Low concentration

13. The figure above BEST demonstrates

(A) diffusion
(B) exocytosis
(C) active transport
(D) facilitated dilfusion

Item 14 refers to the diagram below which represents the activation energy
for an enzyme-catalysed reaction and an uncatalysed reaction.

----------l -------,; -
~ ~

Energy ------------------ -------------------i---

Progress ofreaction (Time)

14. The activation energy for an enzyme-catalysed reaction is

represented by the region labelled.

(A) I
(B) II
(D) IV

Item 15 refers to the diagram below which Item 18 refers to the diagram below showing
shows the effect of increasing substrate a segment of a strand of DNA.
concentration on the rate of an enzyme-
catalysed reaction.

I ~--'


18. The base Xis

Substrate concentration (A) cytosine

(B) guanine
15. Which of the labelled curves BEST represents (C) uracil
the presence of a competitive inhibitor? (D) adenine

(A) I
(B) II Item 19 refers to the diagram below which
(C) III shows a cell at mitotic anaphase.
(D) IV

.. .,. I \ ' '..,

16. Which of the following types ofbonds holds

together the two strands of nucleotides in a
DNA molecule?

(A) Carbon
(B) Peptide
(C) Hydrogen
(D) Glycosidic

17. The copying of a DNA strand to produce a 19. The haploid nwnberof chromosomes for this
strand of mRNA is organism is

(A) translation (A) 2

(B) transcription (B) 4
(C) gene duplication (C) 6
(D) gene reshuffling (D) 8

20. Which of the following statements are true 23. Meiosis contributes to heritable variation as
for chromatin but NOT for chromosomes? a result of

I. Contain DNA I. random fusion of gametes during

II. Contain protein ll!i· fertilization
III. Compact, tightly coiled structures II. independent assortment
IV. Loosely coiled, long threads III. crossing over
IV. homologous pairing ofchromosomes
(A) I and II only
(B) I, II, and III only (A) !only
(C) . I, II and IV only (B) I and II only
(D) II, Ill and IV only (C) II and III only
(D) II, III and IV only

21. fn meiosis, chromatids separate by splitting

at the centromeres during Item 24 refers to the following information.

(A) anaphase I Restriction enzymes cut DNA molecules

(B) anaphase II only at specific target sites with particular
(C) telophase II base sequences. The target sites for some
(D) metaphase II restriction enzymes are shown in the table

22. Which ofthe following combinations correctly Target site
represents the chronological order of the
events occurring in meiosis? G GATCC
I. Chromatid pairs line up at right angles G AATTC
to the equatorial plane. Eco RI
II. Homologous chromosomes are
pulled apart by spindle fibres. Hpal
cc GG
III. Chiasmata form between GG cc
chromosomes ofthe bivalents. GTT AAC
IV. Individual chromosomes migrate to Hpall
v Chromosomes shorten and thicken
A small piece of DNA is shown below.
and appear as pairs of chromatids.
(A) I, III, IV, II, V
(B) III, V, II, IV, I
(C) V, I, II, III, IV
(D) V, I, III, II, IV
24. Which restr·iction enzyme(s) can be used to
cut the DNA?

(A) BamHI, Hpall only

(B) EcoR!only
(C) Hpal only
(D) HpalandHpallonly

25. The function of DNA ligase in genetic 28. The phenotype of an organism is BEST
engineering is to explained as those visible char<1Cteristics that

(A) catalyse the formation of cDNA (A) provide a description of the overall
frommRNA appearance of the organism
(B) join plasmid DNA and inserted (B) are due to the impact of the
DNA environment in which the organism
(C) fragment the DNA extracted from lives
the cells (C) reflect the genetic make-up of the
(D) cause the cloning of recombinant organism
DNA (D) reflect the interaction of the genetic
make-up and the environment of
the organism
26. Which of the following statements 1s
INCORRECT? Mitosis is important in
29. Both Pinus radiata and Pinus attenuata
(A) development of a new variety ofpest occupy the same habitat. However, Pinus
resistant plants radiata flowers in February while Pinus
(B) germination of seeds to produce a attenuata flowers in April. What type of
seedling isolating mechanism does this exemplify?
(C) large-scale production of potatoes
from tubers (A) Seasonal
(D) the regrowth of a lizard's tail after a (B) Ecological
piece has broken off (C) Mechanical
(D) Behavioural

27. Self-fertilization between F 1 plants produced

an F 2 generation in which one plant had red 30. Some types of genetic mutations can result
flowers, two had pink flowers and one had iq a frame shift. Which of the types of
white flowers. mutations listed below are MOST likely to
result in a frame shift?
Which of the follqwing does this experiment
demonstrate? 1
I. Substitution
II. Deletion
(A) Monohybrid cross III. Insertion
(B) Incomplete dominance IV. Duplication
. (C) Epistasis
· (D) Sex linkage (A) II and Ill only
(B) III and IV only
(C) I, II and III only
(D) II, III and IV only

31. Which ofthe following methods ofasexual reproduction is INCORRECT, either by its definition
or its example?

Type of
Reproduction ... Definition Examples

(A) Binary Fission Splitting into two daughter cells of similar size Amoeba

(B) Fragmentation Splitting into several pieces, each of which re-grows Flatworms

(C) Budding Producing an outgrowth from the parent, which Hydra

breaks off and becomes a separate individual Yeast fungus

(D) Spore formation Produces small, lightweight spores, to assist air Hibiscus
dispersal Flamboy~t

32. Which of the following structures is NOT Item 35 refers to the diagram below which
involved in asexual reproduction? shows an anther.

(A) Stamen ,..-----!

(B) Bulb
(C) Tuber
(D) Rhizome

33. In some plants the androecium matures

before the gynoecium. Such plants are
described as

(A) dioecious
(B) monoecious
( C) protandrous
(D) protogynous

35. Which of the numbered structures produces

34. When the pollen grain alights on the stigma the gametes?
and starts to grow, the first action is that
(A) I
(A) a double fertilization takes place (B) II
(B) the zygote divides to form a row of (C) III
cells (D) IV
(C) a male nucleus fuses with the
endosperm nucleus
(D) the generative nucleus divides to
form two male gametes
' .

Item 36 refers to the diagram below which 38. The. role of Y is to

shows a mature pollen grain.
(A) fuse with a male nucleuno form
the endosperm
(B) fuse with a male nucleus to form
the cotyledon
(C) fuse with a male nucleus to form
...___ ~r---r--1;;----11 the embryo
-..L.--111 (D) support the position of the ovum
and disintegrate after fertilization

Item 39 refers to the following diagram which

illustrates a section of the human female
36. The part of the pollen grain which allows easy reproductive system.
identification of different species of pollen
grains is labelled

(A) I
(B) II
(D) IV

Items 37 and 38 refer to the diagram

below which shows a longitudinal section
through an ovule of an aqgiosperm.

39. Which of the following correctly identifies

the structures labelled P, Q, Rand S?

p Q R s
(A) Oviduct Cervix Mvometrium Endometrium
(B) Ovarv Cervix Endometrium Mvometrium
(C) Ovarv Uterus Endometrium Myometrium
(D) Oviduct Uterus Mvometrium Endometrium

3 7. After fertilization, the region labelled X will

develop into the

(A) pericarp
(B) seed coat
(C) fleshy part of the seed
(D) . fleshy~ of the fruit

- 10 -

Item 40 refers to the diagram below which 42. Which of the following hormones is directly
shows a simplified version of the structure of responsible for the release of the ova from
a mammalian testis. the ovary?

(A) Oestrogen
(B) Progesterone
(C) Luteinizing hormone
(D) Follicle-stimulating hormone

Item 43 refers to the graphs below

summarizing the hormonal changes during the
menstrual cycle ofa woman.

40. Spermatozoa are stored in the region labelled Blood levels

of pituitary
(A) I hormones IT I
(B) 11
- ___ ,../I'------------
(D) IV
Blood levels Progesterone
of hormones , ....- - ... '
Item 41 refers to the diagram below which from ovary Oestrogen
,, '
, I,
, ' '
shows the stages ofspermatogenesis that are
visible in the transverse section of a 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
seminiferous tubule. End of Menstruation Days

43. When will ovulation occur ifthere is a surge

ofLH and FSH on day 12 of the cycle?

(A) Within 24 hours of the surge.

(B) 36 hours after the surge.
(C) 48 hours after the surge.
(D) Before day 12, LH and FSH have
no impact on ovulation.

44. The role ofhigh-dose progesterone-only pills

is to

41. Follicle-stimulating hormone acts directly on (A) dire-ctly cause lysis of sperm
the cells labelled (B) promote a build-up of the
(A) I (C) promote thinning of the cervical
(B) II mucus
(C) Ill (D) completely inhibit follicular
(D) IV development and ovulation
- 11 -

Item 45 refers to the figure below which is a simplified diagram

showing early stages ofhuman embryonic development.


45. The part that is responsible for the mechanical protection of the
embryo is labelled

(A) I
(B) II
(D) N


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