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Lipids in Skin Barrier Function

Andrea TH Lam, DVM
Veterinary Skin & Allergy Specialists
Veterinary Referral Center of Colorado
3550 South Jason St.
Englewood, CO 80110


Skin is a remarkable organ in which its primary function is to form a barrier between a living organism and its external environ-
ment. Protection against physical and chemical insults as well as the penetration of allergens and microbes is provided by this barrier.
The epidermis also plays a key regulatory role in the transcutaneous movement of water and solutes, essential for homeostasis. The
stratum corneum (SC), or uppermost layer of the epidermis, is likened to a “brick and mortar” model in which the corneocytes,
flattened, anucleate cells, act as “bricks”.
Corneocytes derive their strength and mechanical resistance through the formation of a cornified cell envelope, a rigid structure built
upon the cross-linkage of filaggrin, a filament-associated protein, with keratin fibers.1,2,3 These corneocytes are embedded in a rich,
non-polar lipid matrix or “mortar” which constitutes the permeability barrier.

Corneocyte Lipid Matrix

spinosum granulosum corneum

TEM Processing
Stratum Stratum

Diagram of the Epidermis


The precursors of the SC intercellular lipids are formed in the upper spinous and granular layers of the epidermis. Lamellar
granules are prominent in the granular layer and contain stacks of lipid lamellae composed of lipid precursors such as phospholip-
ids, free sterols and glucosylceramides as well as β-defensin.4,5,6 As cells in the stratum granulosum differentiate, lamellar granules
fuse to the plasma membrane and extrude their contents into the intercellular spaces through exocytosis.1,2,3 Hydrolysis of sphingo-
lipids and phospholipids generate ceramides and free fatty acids respectively. The major lipids found in the SC interstices include
ceramides, free fatty acids, and cholesterol.1,3,5,7
Ceramides are a complex group of sphingolipids which contain a sphingoid base (such as sphingosine, phytosphingosine, or
6-hydroxysphingosine) linked to a variety of fatty acids.8,9 They are the most common SC lipid constituent, accounting for 30 to
50% of SC lipids.1,3,10 At least nine different classes of ceramides have been described to occur in human SC. Ceramides A and
B are covalently bound to cornified envelope proteins and aid in cellular adhesion. This, plus the tight, lateral packing formation
of these ceramides achieve limited permeability of the SC. 2,11,12,13 Other functions of ceramides include regulation of epidermal
growth factors and keratinocyte differentiation.14
Free fatty acids in the SC are synthesized within the epidermis rather than derived from dietary sources.14 They are responsible
for creating an acidic environment at the surface of the SC. 14,15,16 The role of cholesterol in the SC has not been entirely
elucidated; however, it is thought to act as a stabilizer of SC structure during temperature fluctuations.17,18 It is the combination
of all three of these lipid substrates that the integrity of the multi-lamellae lipid structure in the SC interstices is preserved.
Skin Barrier Dysfunction in Dermatoses:

D isruption in skin barrier function can be caused by stripping of the naturally occurring lipids in the
SC by detergents, organic solvents and surfactants, or through genetic deficiencies. Impairment of
barrier function has been linked to both altered lipid composition and organization.10,19 It has been
well documented that ceramide deficiencies have been linked to increased transepidermal water loss
(TEWL) which in turn leads to a reduction in epidermal hydration. Xerosis and other barrier defects
can trigger immunological reactions that both perpetuate and sustain skin disease. This has been
described as the outside-inside hypothesis.20,21 Alternatively, inflammation of the epidermis caused
by allergens, irritants, chemical or physical trauma, autoimmune or neoplastic disease may trigger a
secondary barrier anomaly. This is known as the inside-outside hypothesis.20,21
In humans with atopic dermatitis, it is known that an innately impaired SC lipid barrier is present in
both lesional and non-lesional skin. Filaggrin mutations have been linked to increased TEWL and
decreased epidermal hydration and has been well documented in humans with atopic dermatitis.22,23,24
Changes in epidermal lipid levels are also believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of atopic dermati-
tis. It has been hypothesized that a decrease in the ceramide to cholesterol ratio may be partially TEM Processing
responsible for the functional aberrations in patients with atopic dermatitis.10,25
Dogs with atopic dermatitis have also been found to have an increase in TEWL in lesional26 and non-lesional skin.27 Ultrastructural
evaluation of skin from atopic dogs has shown that intercellular lipid lamellae are disorganized and markedly heterogenous when
compared to normal skin.28,29,30 There is a widening of intercellular spaces as well as abnormal release of lamellar bodies33 that is
exacerbated in lesional skin after specific allergen challenge.30
Various other dermatoses in humans, like ichthyosis and xerosis, have been traced to underlying lipid barrier dysfunction.


A side from addressing immunological factors that contribute to clinical signs, such as pruritus and inflammation, in diseases of
impaired skin barrier function, one might also consider the value of using topically applied materials to improve the appearance and
function of diseased skin. Many products in use today are moisturizers implying a water retaining property. However, many
moisturizing agents, such as urea, propylene glycol, and lactic acid not only function to hold water in the SC, but also promote
desquamation.14 Recent studies in topical therapeutics for the treatment of human atopic dermatitis have suggested that ceramide-
dominant targeted lipid-replacement therapy may be useful in not only ameliorating clinical signs, but also reducing usage of
concurrent treatments.32
Yet another approach would be to topically deliver lipid precursors to diseased skin in order to encourage ceramide synthesis either
directly or through delivery of substrates used in ceramide biosynthesis pathways (like phytophingosine). More research in this
area is still necessary.


The lipids in skin barrier function are essential in maintaining homeostasis by aiding in structural integrity as well as regulation of
water permeation. Disruption of lipid synthesis will cause an increase in TEWL and an alteration in the ratios of ceramides, free
fatty acids and cholesterol. By targeting these specific changes, it may be possible to ameliorate the clinical signs associated with
these conditions.

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