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ELOVED, let us sit down and commune together.
Why do you fear? Why do you feel lack? Why
do you worry and fear to make use of that thou now hast,
for fear it will be exhausted?
Look around you on God's abundance of vegetation,
sunshine, water, the air we breathe, great forests, wells of
oil and vast supplies of coal coming out of the earth. These
things came not by chance, but by the spoken word of
God, to prepare the planet for the habitation of the animal
and human kingdom. After these things had been pre
pared, then God created His Masterpiece — Man — endow
ing him with power like unto His own, to also speak the
creative word, and to think the creative thought to bring
forth all he needs for his comfort and progressive develop
ment on this planet. And see what man has wrought,
through this creative power of the Spirit manifesting
through him since God first fashioned him in the barbaric
state. In the few short years he has lived on this planet
he has mastered the land, the sea, created great cities to
house manifold activities, and is now learning to conquer
the air, through airships and radio. And the end is not
Conceive if you can of the vast universe, with its many
worlds and its many civilizations, countless numbers of
them, probably, in advance of this tiny planet we live
on. On this little globe of ours, civilizations without
number have arisen, then decadence set in to make room
for higher phases of development, on a higher spiral of
evolution and Universal Consciousness, and this is no
doubt true of many other planets.
The Inexhaustible Reservoir 23

Thought forces are things, and once put into motion

cannot be lost, therefore all that has been thought or
created or visioned in the past on this planet, and on all
other inhabited spheres, by those who have preceded us,
are mighty tangible forces swinging back and forth in
currents of their own, according to the energy back of
them as they went forth. These thought forces all go to
make up a vast Reservoir upon which we can draw at
will. "Like attracts like" is as true of the etheric planes
as of the physical plane, and these visions and structures
(our thought-forms) which have been builded mentally,
are waiting to come forth into tangible expression out of
this Inexhaustible Reservoir of wealth and power; of
Wisdom (the Wisdom of the Ages) , of invention, of
art, of beautiful homes, of love and joy and gladness, of
every possible thing the mind of man can conceive of, and
as much of this is ours as we can attract to us from this
great Reservoir, which is free for all to dip into increas
Would you know how to attract these things to you?
Sit down each morning for a few minutes (at the same
time each day if possible) , and commune with God.
Think of His Inexhaustible Reservoir, and consciously
draw from it that which you desire. You may want to
write a scientific book and, if so, consciously draw from
this reservoir the scientific knowledge and data you are
interested in, and ask that light be given you, and the
particular knowledge you need to put it into practical form
may come to you. Meditate and concentrate on that one
thing you desire, keeping in mind the Inexhaustible
Source, and all the Minds that have lived before you (and
now living) who are pouring forth their creative thought
and vision on that very subject, and ask that you may be
receptive to catch that particular vibration. You will
surely attract to you, if you are patient and persistent,
forces both visible and invisible to help you carry out your
desire. If your motive is universal, and that which you
desire is for universal good and betterment, you will more
24 Life Abundant for You
surely attract to you higher forces to help you put it into
The above is only one example, and whatever one
wants these same principles may be applied. If you desire
love and happiness in your life, meditate on the great love-
force that has been and is now being constantly poured
into the Inexhaustible Reservoir, and know that from out
of it you are attracting your own, the friends, the mate,
the children, and the conditions to make your life com
plete and happy. Vision just what you want, and then
bring yourself up to that ideal so you will be a real comple
ment to the one you attract, and be a help to the friends
you wish to associate with.
If you desire wealth, think of all the wealth that has
been created, imagined and visioned, and feel that you
are a magnet attracting all you need from the wealth that
is being continually poured into this great Reservoir.
Know that there is abundance for every living Creature.
If God sees to it that there is enough sustenance for His
inanimate creation, and for the animal kingdoms He has
created, He has surely seen to it that there is enough and
to spare for the human creation, and to make it doubly
sure He gives us the power to create for ourselves that
which we need. A few souls have learned to do this
out of the air. Others have learned to speed up the process
of Nature, so that in case of necessity it could be used.
A friend told us that some years ago she saw with her own
eyes an Indian Swami take some grains of wheat (that a
friend of hers had bought an hour previously from a local
grocery store) scatter them in a little earth that was placed
on an ordinary platter, water it, and in about three min
utes those gathered around saw the shoots beginning to
break through the earth. In about ten minutes the wheat
stalks had grown several inches high and had blossoms.
Then he gave the platter with the growing wheat to one of
the ladies, and she took it home, gently slid it off the plat
ter into earth she had prepared in her garden, and it went
on maturing, and she and her friend later ate the wheat
The Inexhaustible Reservoir 25

that developed from these stalks. If one person can per

form such a feat as this, the time will come when the
race will be able to do it.
If there is some particular work you desire to do, re
member that from this Reservoir you will attract to you
souls who will be glad to help you consummate the task
they have been unable to complete. If you wish to bring
pleasure to people through literary effort, songs, games,
plays, or anything to bring greater joy and diversion to
the race, then meditate on all the joy forces that have
been liberated into this Universal Reservoir, and daily
draw on it for what you desire.
You will need to get quiet and concentrate, or put your
mind on the particular thing you want out of this Reser
voir, but if you keep your mind fixed on that one thing
you will become a magnet to attract it.
You must not forget, however, that many other things
are stored in this Great Reservoir also. All the hate, anger,
jealousy, worry and passion forces which the mind of the
world has let loose are stored there also, and if you think
in like channels, you will just as surely attract your own
to you, for "like always attracts like" from this Over
flowing Reservoir.
Concentrate for those forces in your life work, which
you want, and you will never lack any good thing. This
Inexhaustible Reservoir is free to all who learn to contact
it, an overflowing fountain from the heart of God.
Sit down daily and clearly vision all that it contains.
Breathe deeply and draw from it Life, Vitality, Strength,
Health and Energy. Visualize all the creative thought
that has been poured into it through all the ages, and
then breathe in its Wisdom. Think of all the wealth and
abundance that God has created, and that man through
the God-power in him has also created and brought forth,
and draw to yourself abundance from this Inexhaustible
Fountain of Life, Love, Joy and Power. Do this daily,
and you will find your life expanding in all directions and
you will become a magnet to attract God's blessings in
26 Life Abundant for You
creasingly for a life of fullness for every desire, and enough
to spare for others who have not yet learned of the Inex
haustible Source. Pray for knowledge and wisdom to
use all that comes to you wisely to better both your own
conditions and the lives of those needing a little help over
the stepping stones of life.

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