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antioxidants like vitamin E can protect brain cells from damage caused by the
consumption of large amounts of alcohol?

2. a human lung contains about 700 million alveoli

3. there are more bacteria in your body than the number of cells in your body? There are
an estimated 75 to 100 trillion cells in the human body.

4. a study shows that blind people understand spoken words quicker than sighted

5. scientists from the University of Cambridge have discovered a gene that controls blood

6. the adult human body contains 5-6 quarts of blood? An infant has about 1 quart of

7. about 2/3 of the body is water?

8. over half of the bones in your body are located in your hands and feet?

9. scientists have produced bone from skin and gum tissue?

10. vitamins E and C may protect against dementia

11. there are an estimated 1 billion neurons in the human brain?

12. spontaneous movements of the body can occur after brain death?

13. the brain produces a chemical called CART that induces behavioral changes that are
similar to those exhibited by cocaine and methamphetamine users?

14. people with a high degree of professional training and education have more synapses
in their brains?

15. you lose about 1/2 liter of water a day through breathing

16. scientists estimate that almost 400,000 cases of cancer in the U.S. could be prevented
solely through changes in the diet?
17. scientists have discovered the 3-D structure of the survivin molecule? This molecule is
thought to play an active role in inducing cells to become cancerous

18. capillaries are so small that red blood cells can only travel through them in single file?
19. when carbon monoxide is inhaled, it combines with the oxygen carrying hemoglobin of
the blood to form carboxyhemoglobin? Once combined with the hemoglobin, that
hemoglobin is no longer available for transporting oxygen.

20. the average life span for a stomach cell is two days? A brain cell on the other hand,
can live for a lifetime.

21. coffee may help prevent Parkinson's disease?

22. children are more likely than adults to survive a cold coma due to their smaller volume
to larger surface area ratio?

23. dental X-rays may warn of a pending heart attack or stroke?

24. scientists have discovered the gene that is responsible for total color blindness?

25. each cell in your body has an estimated 6 to 8 feet of DNA?

26. researchers find that dreaming helps us remember and learn from experiences?

27. the body is in a continual state of hunger, which is intermittently relieved by eating?
The hypothalamus regulates food intake and controls feelings of hunger and satiety.
28. driving can increase the size of the posterior hippocampus of your brain?

29. researchers have discovered that the enzyme plasma kallikrein, which is involved in
blood clotting and maintaining blood pressure, plays a crucial role in the development
of fat cells? It is hoped that these findings could lead to the development of new drugs
for reducing fat.

30. scientists have developed an eyechip that may allow those suffering from retentitis
pigmentosa to see?

31. researchers have discovered the signaling protein that triggers stem cells to become
either fat cells or muscle cells?
32. memories of fear are stored in the part of the brain called the amygdala?

33. researchers have found that fetuses are able to learn and recognize sounds while in
their mother's womb?

34. identical twins have identical DNA but not identical fingerprints? DNA does not control
finger skin patterns


36. researchers have found that consuming fewer calories can improve the health of your
brain and decrease the chance of developing diseases such as Alzheimer's and

37. the first heart transplant was performed by South African surgeon Dr. Christiaan
Barnard in 1967?

38. drinking water with fluoride can reduce a woman's risk for hip and vertebrae fractures

39. research has shown that guilt may damage your immune system by lowering your
immunoglobulin levels?

40. studies suggest that watching horror movies about demonic possession can bring on
symptoms of hysteria in some people?

41. researchers have found that the nutritional environment of an embryo immediately
after conception could determine its health for life

42. studies have shown that foods high in monounsaturated fat, such as nuts and
avacados, can improve your health and can help you lose weight?

43. the human heart beats about 40 million times a year?

44. researchers have discovered the molecule that is responsible for heart formation in
Zebra fish embryos? This discovery could shed light on how the heart forms in

45. scientists have deciphered the genetic code for human chromosome 22

46. researchers have discovered a gene in humans that is believed to encode for a
pheromone receptor in the nose

47. scientists claim to have located the part of the brain that is responsible for humor
48. doctors can now detect possible stomach and intestinal problems with the use of an
ingestible endoscope (endo-, -scope) that contains a small light, a camera and a radio

49. newborns can only see approximately as far as their nose

50. the only jointless bone in the human body is the hyoid bone in the throat?

51. during a lifetime, your kidneys clean over 1 million gallons of blood?

52. the aorta is the largest artery in the human body? Its diameter is about the same as a
garden hose.

53. the femur is the longest bone in the human body

54. a protein found in saliva, secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor, helps to heal wounds
55. people with a condition known as aphasia are better at detecting when a person is
lying than people with healthy brains
56. most of the bones in your body are about 3/4 water?
57. researchers have harvested stem cells from the brains of cadavers
58. the liver is the largest gland and the second largest organ in the human body
59. the brain produces natural stimulants that cause people who are in love to experience
feelings of euphoria

60. the surface area of the lungs is about the same size as a tennis court?

61. there are about 2 million sweat glands in the human body
62. a study from the Indiana University School of Medicine indicates that men and women
process language differently? Men listen with the left side of the brain, while women
use both sides.
63. a study from the Indiana University School of Medicine indicates that men and women
process language differently? Men listen with the left side of the brain, while women
use both sides

64. scientists believe that mitochondrial DNA could be a combination of maternal and
paternal DNA? Previously, mitochondrial DNA was only thought to be inherited from
the mother.


72. breast feeding mothers may influence the menstrual cycles of other women?
74. there are 600 muscles in the human body
75. researchers have concluded that lesions on a region of the brainstem known as the
pons can cause musical hallucinations?
76. neuronal fatigue can cause your eyes to play tricks
77. researchers have discovered the gene that is responsible for night blindness
78. researchers have discovered the gene that is responsible for night blindness
79. obese individuals have fewer dopamine receptors in their brains than normal weight
individuals? It is speculated that obese individuals over eat in an attempt to stimulate
the release of more dopamine
80. research has shown that happy optimistic people live longer than pessimists
81. people born without arms or legs can feel sensations in their missing limbs
82. researchers have programmed people to have the same dream
83. Human Genome Project researchers have discovered that all humans are 99.8 percent
genetically identical
84. there are more red blood cells in the human body than any other type of cell
85. scientists have discovered that adult humans have retinal stem cells? It is hoped that
these cells can be used to cure several eye diseases
86. scientists believe that they have located the genes responsible for schizophrenia?
87. researchers have reported that damage to the parietal lobes of the brain and intense
emotions can cause a person to have paranormal experiences
88. research studies show that the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for self
89. on average, a person spends about 122 days out of a year sleeping

90. the smallest bones in the body are found in the ear?

91. smoking causes wrinkles? Research has shown that cigarette smoke interferes with
the body's ability to renew skin and causes premature aging

92. smoking can impair the intellect, particularly later in life

93. an adult human has 26 vertebrae? A child has 33 vertebrae. As a child grows, some of
the vertebrae at the bottom of the spine will fuse together reducing the number to 26.

94. a scientist from the University of Rochester has developed a system to improve
eyesight using adaptive optic techniques developed by astronomers

95. researchers have located the gene responsible for the taste sensation of sweetness on
chromosome 4

96. there are about 9,000 taste buds on your tongue

97. the popularized taste map of the tongue is incorrect? All regions of the tongue can
detect different tastes such as bitter, sweet, salty and sour.
98. researchers have determined that neurons in the brain react to several types of taste
signals received from taste cells on the tongue


100. humans can taste temperature

101. capillaries are so small that it would take ten of them to equal the thickness of
a human hair
102. researchers at the University of Washington have discovered that ultrasound
beams can be used to stop internal bleeding
103. researchers from NASA have concluded that playing video games can actually
improve your health
104. scientists believe that violence is associated with a reduction in the size of
brain nerve cells in the prefrontal cortex
105. scientists have found that it is impossible to tickle yourself? The cerebellum, a
region in the posterior portion of the brain, warns the rest of your brain when you are
attempting to tickle yourself
106. the human body contains about 26 feet of intestine? The small intestine is
about 21 feet long and the large intestine is about 5 feet
107. researchers have developed a fat wrist watch that determines the percentage
of fat in the body
108. in a healthy adult, more than a gallon of water containing over an ounce of
salt is absorbed from the intestine every 24 hours? For more information see the
Digestive System
109. women naturally produce less alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme in the
stomach that breaks down alcohol, than men? After consuming similar amounts of
alcohol women will have a higher blood alcohol level than men even when size is taken
into account
Increasing Your Intelligence
Have you ever wondered if you could improve your IQ? A study suggests that a person can
improve one aspect of his or her IQ through memory training. IQ tests measure two..
110. What is the Golgi Complex?
The Golgi complex or Golgi apparatus is responsible for manufacturing, warehousing and
shipping certain cellular products, particularly those from the endoplasmic reticulum
111. Adult Stem Cells Repair Damaged Tissue
Researchers have discovered two important pathways that control stem cell function.
One pathway signals cell repair, while the other inhibits cell repair. When cells get worn
out or damaged, certain biochemical...
The earth free-floats in space (Job 26:7), affected only by gravity. While other sources declared the earth sat
on the back of an elephant or turtle, or was held up by Atlas, the Bible alone states what we now know to be
true – “He hangs the earth on nothing.”

Modern Science In An Ancient (ICR)

Creation is made of particles, indiscernible to our eyes (Hebrews 11:3). Not until the 19th century was it
discovered that all visible matter consists of invisible elements.

All About Atoms (Jefferson Lab)

The Bible specifies the perfect dimensions for a stable water vessel (Genesis 6:15). Ship builders today are well
aware that the ideal dimension for ship stability is a length six times that of the width. Keep in mind, God told
Noah the ideal dimensions for the ark 4,500 years ago.

The Ark’s perfect dimensions (Answers In Genesis)
Safety investigation of Noah’s Ark in a seaway (Answers In Genesis)
Noah’s Flood and the Gilgamesh Epic (Answers In Genesis)

When dealing with disease, clothes and body should be washed under running water (Leviticus 15:13). For
centuries people naively washed in standing water. Today we recognize the need to wash away germs with
fresh water.

-Why do I need to wash my hands?

Sanitation industry birthed (Deuteronomy 23:12-13). Some 3,500 years ago God commanded His people to
have a place outside the camp where they could relieve themselves. They were to each carry a shovel so that
they could dig a hole (latrine) and cover their waste. Up until World War I, more soldiers died from disease
than war because they did not isolate human waste.

The First Book Of Public Hygiene (Answers In Genesis)
Modern medicine? (Answers In Genesis)

Oceans contain springs (Job 38:16). The ocean is very deep. Almost all the ocean floor is in total darkness and
• If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months, and 6 days, you would
• produced enough sound energy to heat up one cup of coffee.
• seems worth it.)

• A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.

• (In my next life I want to be pig.)

• Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

• (Still not over that pig thing.)

• Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for
• (Is that why Flipper is always smiling? And why isn't the
• included in this list? Maybe 30 minute orgasms aren't as
fun as I
• imagine...)

• On average, people fear spiders more then they do death.

• The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.


• A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.

• The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times
its own
• weight, and always falls over on its right side when
• (From drinking little bottles of....? Did the gov't pay for
• research?)

• Polar bears are left handed.

• (Who knew? Who cares? Did the gov't pay for this too?

• The flea can jump 350 times its body length. That's like a
• jumping the length of a football field.

• A cockroach will live 9 days without its head before it

starves to
• death.
• The male praying mantis cannot copulate while it's head is
• to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the
male's head
• off. (Hi, honey. I'm home. What the...?)

• Some lions mate over 50 times a day.

• (In my next life I still want to be a pig.
• Quality over quantity, you know?)

• Butterflies taste with their feet. (Oh, jeez!)

• Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.

• An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

• (I know some people like that.)

• Starfish don't have brains.

• (I know some people like this too.)


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