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1. Student´s name: Rosa Maria Frade Ruiz

2. Topic: Past events

3. Title: A night at home

4. Level: Basic

5. Lesson Focus: Listening and Speaking

6. Objectives:

 Students will be able to use the simple past of regular verbs.

 Students will be able to talk about things they did last night.

7. Key Expressions:

 Affirmative Statements: I played a video game, You studied math, He watched a movie, She

wanted to stay home, We cooked Italian food, They chatted on line

 Negative statements: I didn´t play, You didn´t study …

 Question: What did you do last night?

8. Materials: PPT, English Text Book, flashcards, graphics, CD, recorder.

9. Special Notes: Create a friendly atmosphere to reduce stress and reach the students is

Presentation Greeting: PPT Slide in on the blackboard
Teacher: Hello, (pick 1 student) how are you today?
Student: I´m _____thank you and you?
Students pick another pair to ask the questions. Pass
Today we are going to learn how to use simple
the question around until everyone has answered.
past of regular verbs to talk about past events.
Presentation: Ask the students to think in the
differents activities that they do during the day and
which of them are interesting and boring
Time: 10 minutes
Practice: The teacher ask to student to think in
different activities they did last night, then write in the
blackboard several regular verbs in past and show flash
cards about activities related with the verb written.
Teacher: Look at this picture. What did he/she do last
Students begin to work with the language night?
In this activity students will focus in different Student: "He played a video game". (It´s important to
regular verbs in past according to showed in make sure students are using the regular verb in past
the flash cards. time)
After a few minute present the new flash card. Repeat
the questions and answer response.
In this activity students need to listen and to
read a conversation at least two times to Tell the students that now they will listen a
complete sentences, the objective is to conversation about the flash card showed
improve their listening.
1.- Listening the audio at least two times.
2.- complete the sentences with the correct regular
verb according to the audio.
3.- Comparing the answers with their pair.
Time: 10-15 minutes 4.- Checking the correct answers.
Activity: Review with the students, the question What
did you do last night? and simple affirmative past
statements like: I played __________, You
Production: studied_______, He watched a ______, We
cooked_________. And simple negative past
statements like: I didn´t (verb), You didn´t (verb), He
didn´t (verb) etc.
Student internalize and produce language Activity instructions:
In this activity students will use different simple
past statements to talk about past events and
identify the most popular activity. 1.- Organize the students in pairs.
Time: 20 minutes 2.- Make five true sentences about last night.
3.- Tell your classmates. What are the most popular
evening activities?
Congratulate them, and give specific feedback on what
Assessment/Extension Activities: they did well "Good job speaking naturally the verb
In this activity the teacher reinforce the Ask the students to write what they learned today and
students dominate of the lesson objectives. checking they are using today´s new vocabulary.
While the students are writing, walk around and
Time: 5-10 minutes estimate their work.

Moonasar, D (s.f.) Present, Practice, Produce. Using PPP Lesson Format to Create Effective Lessons
Through Task Bases Learning. Gimcheon University. Retrieved from:


McCarthy M,. McCarten J,. Sandiford, H. (2008)Touchstone. Student´s book. Cambridge University Press.

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