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Radiesthesia and Enhancing Intuition

You are getting asleep!

In a scene straight out of a vintage movie, the hypnotist asks his subject to stare
at a small object hanging from a string. “You are getting sleepy,” he intones as
the eyes of this person follow the pendulum's trajectory back and forth. Soon
the helpless subject is under hypnosis.

Despite the movie-house era stereotypes, pendulum readings are becoming one
of the most popular forms of mental readings today. They require a few simple
objects and must be operated with consistency.

A pendulum is simply a small weighted object hanging from a string or wire.

The object may or may not have significance to you. It could be a nut or bolt
you find on the sidewalk. It could be a diamond ring passed down to you from
your great-grandmother.
A small object no larger than an inch in diameter is perfect. Attach a string to
this object. The string should be about a foot long and thin but strong; a wire or
fishing line is great. The goal of the string is to be as invisible as possible with
no chance of breaking.

Once you have assembled your pendulum, practice the art of establishing its
motion. The pendulum should swing across the field of your vision. It should
never go out of sight. Hanging at arm's length from your face, rock the
pendulum back and forth a few times until you find a way for it to arc from side
to side at a slow steady pace.

Foreword – Notes on Radiesthesia

Did you know that everyone has the ability to be highly intuitive? The pendulum
can be thought of as an extension of the intuition, since it is used to gain access
to information that exists at the subconscious level of the Inner Being. It could
be said that it strengthens or amplifies the intuition because it converts the
subtleties of the intuition into a more obvious form of physical motion. When
you ask a question of the pendulum, it is your own intuition that answers it. The
pendulum merely allows you to physically see what the intuition already knows.
As an extension of the intuition, the pendulum can give you information from
the same two sources as the intuition: from your own subconscious mind; and
from your guidance, spirit, or guardian angel. Because of how it operates, the
pendulum can only answer questions that are phrased so that the answer is either
"yes" or "no".
If you can organize your day as such, performing a pendulum reading daily at
exactly the same time and in the same place is a powerful practise. This practise
allows for investigations of a pressing question. If you can perform the practise
daily in a disciplined adherence to the timing, you will find quick and clear
answers arise when you fixate on specific, focused questions at the beginning of
the reading.
The “Yes” and “No” response
Before using a particular pendulum for the first time, hold it in the appropriate
position, and ask, either aloud or mentally, "Pendulum, please show me YES".
Give the pendulum time to respond and observe the direction of the swing as it
responds. If the swing is modest at first, don't be concerned, because it takes a
while for a particular pendulum to begin to vibrate with you. After you have
determined the YES response, ask the pendulum to show you the NO response
in the same manner. Check the YES/NO response in this way, the first few times
you do a session with the pendulum. This is necessary because different
pendulums can give their YES and NO responses by swinging in different
directions. Also, if at any time you feel you are not getting accurate responses,
even after using the pendulum for a while, check the YES/NO response again. It
is a good idea to check the YES/NO response periodically because it can change
as you change and grow. It can also change if you let other people handle your

Questions strong or weak
The formulation of a question in radiesthesia, is like choosing a good password
on Internet, it can be weak or strong and protective. It is appropriate to ask a
pendulum about things that are within your control, about situations where you
have the right to make a choice, or about things your subconscious already has
access to. For example, it is appropriate to ask whether it would be good for you
to marry a particular person, but it not appropriate for you to ask whether he is
going to ask you to marry him, because that is not your right to choose. In the
same way, it is not appropriate to ask if you are going to meet your prince
charming today, because that is not within your control. However, it is
appropriate to try to divine other people's motivations or who they are inside,
because you already know this at a subconscious level anyway. For example, it
is appropriate to ask "Can I trust him? Does he want me for a friend, or only for
what I can give him?"

Correct formulation of the question is of crucial importance

The pendulum can be used for choosing between alternatives in a relatively wide
range of areas. To get an answer from the pendulum, simply ask any yes/no
question about a specific thing that would be good for you, but only in areas
where you have the right to make the decision, for example, anything to do with
health and healing, love or domestic relationships, career. Here are some typical
areas where the pendulum can be used to good advantage:

 Making a Choice of any kind. (Do I want to travel for my vacation? Do I

want to stay home for my vacation?) (Two yes or no questions).
 Figuring out what is best to do. (Would it be better to keep my present job
or look for a new job?) (Again two different yes or no questions).
 Figuring out how you really feel about something. (Do I want children in
the near future?)
 Becoming more conscious of who someone is inside, to know his
motivation, his compatibility with you.
 Determining your probability of success in a situation.(Do I have what it
takes to complete this course?)
 Finding the cause of physical symptoms. (Is my diet causing my
 Determining what foods or vitamins to take. (Would it be good for me to
double my Vitamin C intake?)
 Determining what is causing an allergic reaction. (Am I lactose
 Prospecting for water, oil, treasure. (Is there gold over here?)
 Finding missing people or pets, or lost objects. (Is my key under the bed?)

You can even use the pendulum with a geographical map and charts. As for
maps, put the pendulum over a small area of the map and ask "Is Nico living
here in ………", and narrow it down in this way. Part of the knowledge that
comes with experience in working with the pendulum is learning to sometimes
start with broad questions, and then narrow them down.

Medical radiesthesia
The pendulum can be used to analyse what is going on in the human body. Each
person subconsciously knows everything that is going on inside his body. This
includes not only the physical things that are going on in the body, but also the
mental, emotional and spiritual things. He knows what vitamins he is deficient
in, what diseases he has, and why he has those diseases. He knows whether a
product he is holding in his hand is toxic, allergenic, or useful and beneficial. He
knows why he feels afraid under certain circumstances, and he knows what he
needs to work on in order to grow spiritually. All this subconscious information
can be made available to the conscious mind by learning to tune in to it with the
aid of the pendulum

Readings for others even in absence

Until you have had a lot of experience with the pendulum, do NOT try to use it
to get information for someone else. There are ways to do this but it is difficult
because the information comes from inside the person using the pendulum, and
in order to use the pendulum on behalf of someone else, you have to be very
tuned into the other person. Anyone can use the pendulum for himself, but few

can use it for others. So don't do pendulum readings. Instead, make it a personal
tool for yourself.

An incorrect question gives an incorrect answer

 Poor communication. (inaccurate phrasing) is a bad connection with your
brain for providing the correct answer. The most important thing is how
you phrase the question. For example, don't just ask "Is this water good
for me"?" Be more accurate: Good in what way? The water may have
both good and bad aspects. For example, you may be extremely thirsty, so
the water is good for replenishing your body fluids, but the water could be
tainted and later give you diarrhoea. So state the question more clearly
such as "Will this water serve my highest and greatest good?"
 Asking questions that are too general: Don't ask general questions such as
"Is Nico healthy?" Rather ask specific questions such as "Is Nico's way of
life causing him health problems?"
 Being tired.
 Forcing the situation. Using the pendulum even though the time or
circumstances may not be right.
 Being off Centre: Feeling mentally or emotionally out of balance. You
need to be in the right frame of mind.
 Focusing too heavily on the pendulum itself, and not enough on the
information inside you.
 Being too close to high frequency electrical equipment (operate at least 5
metres from a TV or computer screen).

If you start to work with the pendulum, and you are not getting clear swings on
the answers, then go over what could be causing this. Ask the pendulum "Is
there a more appropriate time?" (perhaps there are children screaming in the
other room), or "Is there a more appropriate place?" or "Is there a more
appropriate way to state the question?" These are always easy questions to get
accurate answers to.

Doing Pendulum Readings for Others

Until you have had a lot of experience with the pendulum, do NOT try to use it
to get information for someone else. There are ways to do this but it is difficult
because the information comes from inside the person using the pendulum, and
in order to use the pendulum on behalf of someone else, you have to be very
tuned into the other person. Anyone can use the pendulum for himself, but few
can use it for others. So don't do pendulum readings. Instead, make it a personal
tool for yourself.

Things that can Cause an Incorrect Response from the Pendulum
 Poor communication. (inaccurate phrasing) The most important thing is
how you phrase the question. For example, don't just ask "Is this water
good for me"?" Be more accurate: Good in what way? The water may
have both good and bad aspects. For example, you may be extremely
thirsty, so the water is good for replenishing your body fluids, but the
water could be tainted and later give you diarrhoea. So state the question
more clearly such as "Will this water serve my highest and greatest
 Asking questions that are too general: Don't ask general questions such as
"Is Nico healthy?" Rather ask specific questions such as "Is Nico's diet
causing him health problems?"
 Being tired.
 Forcing the situation. Using the pendulum even though the time or
circumstances may not be right.
 Being off Centre: Feeling mentally or emotionally out of balance. You
need to be in the right frame of mind.
 Focusing too heavily on the pendulum itself, and not enough on the
information inside you.
 Being too close to high frequency electrical equipment (operate at least 5
metres from a TV or computer screen if they are switch on).

If you start to work with the pendulum, and you are not getting clear swings on
the answers, then go over what could be causing this. Ask the pendulum "Is
there a more appropriate time?" (perhaps there are children screaming in the
other room), or "Is there a more appropriate place?" or "Is there a more
appropriate way to state the question?" These are always easy questions to get
accurate answers to.

Appropriate Types of Questions to Ask

It is appropriate to ask a pendulum about things that are within your control,
about situations where you have the right to make a choice, or about things your
subconscious already has access to. For example, it is appropriate to ask whether
it would be good for you to marry a particular person, but it not appropriate for
you to ask whether he is going to ask you to marry him, because that is not your
right to choose. In the same way, it is not appropriate to ask if you are going to
meet your prince charming today, because that is not within your control.
However, it is appropriate to try to divine other people's motivations or who
they are inside, because you already know this at a subconscious level anyway.
For example, it is appropriate to ask "Can I trust him? Does he want me for a
friend, or only for what I can give him?"

Become a better radiesthetist, remembering the following

 As long as you keep your sights on the fact that you are the pendulum,
that your subconscious mind is really providing the answers, you avoid
making the tool more important than the consciousness behind it.
 Keep your pendulum in a safe and special place to help maintain your
vibration on, in and through the pendulum.
 It is better if you don't allow other people to handle your pendulum. You
want to keep it as much in tune with your vibration as possible. (If you do
let other people handle your pendulum, the worst that can happen is that
you may have to re-establish the yes/no response.)
 The number one reason for inaccurate pendulum reading is vague and
faulty wording of the question.
 The number two reason is your psychological state, the thoughts,
emotions, feelings, images, desires, hope, wishes, etc. that vibrate in and
through your psyche. These things can influence the answer.
 The third source of pendulum inaccuracy is lack of patience. Approach
the pendulum one day at a time. Watch, wait, see and try again.
 Inaccuracy occurs when there is lack of concentration. Practice focusing
on the questions until you are able to concentrate and hold your attention
steady during the time you are working with your pendulum.

 In the beginning there is a tendency to consult the pendulum every time
you have to make a decision. At that point the pendulum stops being a
tool for cultivating intuitive perception and starts becoming a mental-
emotional-spiritual crutch. Do not depend on it to the exclusion of your
own common sense.
 The pendulum is not designed to predict the future. This is because future
events are not set in stone, but are determined by people's free will. It is
only possible to predict the future to the extent that you know what future
choices people are most likely to want to make. A pendulum can help you
predict future events only to the extent that you yourself understand what
the possibilities are. In other words, it can help you select among the
possibilities you are already aware of. But when other people's choices are
part of the possibilities, free will comes in and increases the variables to
the extent that it becomes impossible to predict what people will choose
to do.

Use the pendulum wisely to develop awareness, perception and intuition. These
skills of consciousness are within and only need to be brought out through
repeated use. The pendulum is only one way to help bring them out.

You are intuitive!

People use their intuition all the time and don’t even recognize it. It may be the
way your body felt when you met your new boss, or the curiosity about a long
lost friend who surprises you with a call within a few days.
Intuition comes in many forms. And there are definitely ways to enhance it.
Let’s first take a look at recognizing your present intuition. And then we will
together explore how to expand it.

Physical vs. Intuitive Senses

Just as we have five physical senses, we have corresponding intuitive senses on
the spiritual or energetic level. We know that a typical healthy body has sight,
hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Those same senses are available to us on subtle
levels, and are often referred to as the sixth sense or gut feeling.

Of these five, the typical intuitive senses are generally related to sight, hearing,
and feelings (whether emotional or physical). While some people receive
psychic messages through taste and smell, these channels are rarer.
To determine whether you are more likely to use sight, hearing, or feelings as
intuitive channels, you can begin by observing how you receive and store
messages in the physical world, in your everyday life.
Quiz exercises
On a scale of 0-3, rate your sensory channels. 0 = Not at all. 3 = All the time.

____ When I think of my best friend I can easily recall the details of their face.

____ I speak rapidly.

____ I often look up when I am trying to remember names, words, or


____ I can easily imagine a red apple and turn it, in my mind, so that the light
reflects off it in different ways.

____ I learn better if I listen to a lecture rather than read a book.

____ I can easily remember the tone and quality of voices.

____ I frequently whistle or hum a tune.

____ I am acutely aware of background music or noises.

____ I tend to speak slowly and deliberately.
____ I pay attention to the way my gut feels when I am in new situations.
____ I frequently look down when trying to recall past events.

____ I tend to remember the way I felt during an event or movie rather than the
conversation, plot, or details.

Add up your scores in each section. The category that scored the highest is
likely to be your primary sensory channel. While this quiz is in no way fool-
proof, it may give you a hint about which sensory channel may be strongest for

You probably have also scored some points in other categories. You still have
those senses available to you and these can also be developed. However you
may find that using the primary one first will you give you the most immediate
results. The other senses can be strengthened over time.

Come to Your Senses
If sight is your strongest sense in the everyday physical world, chances are it is
also the one that can most easily be developed for use as an intuitive source of
information. People who are visually-oriented have an easier time “seeing”
during guided visualizations, past life regressions, or in psychic exercises.

If your strongest sense is hearing, you will have an easier time “hearing” your
spirit guides and receiving auditory messages. Those of you who sense more
through feelings will have the easiest time with empathy, medical intuition, and
energy work.

As we turn this conversation towards the development of intuition, I would like

to present a couple of concepts for your consideration. Imagine for a moment
what it would be like to be without a physical body.

If you were astral projecting, remote viewing, lucid dreaming, or between

lifetimes, how would you receive information about your environment,
emotional state, or perhaps, others who are present (such as deceased loved ones
or spirit guides)? Would you see what is around you? Could you hear voices or
thoughts? Would you feel, “get a sense”, or “have a knowing” about people or

Just stop reading for a moment, close your eyes, and really imagine that
How do you sense those things if you are not in a body? Where are those
sensory channels located and how do you access them?
We think that our central nervous system relays messages about our
environment, but is there more to it? Is there another way to receive
information? And how does that work if you are not in a body that could access
those nerves?
Fascinating, isn’t it? I will leave you to continue pondering that as we turn our
attention to enhancing your intuitive channels.

Nine Tips for Enhancing Your Intuition

We often hear say:
Have you noticed that sometimes your intuition is wrong? It’s not really wrong,
it’s just we humans mistaking something else for our intuition.

I don’t count on my intuition to make my decisions for me, but if it decides to
help me along, I don’t mind at all.
Primarily I see intuition as a suggestion tool. It hints and nudges you to look at
new things by affecting your feelings and thoughts.
Well, folks I tell you this:
The clearer your mind is, the better you are able to receive intuitive guidance,
inspiration and all those fancy things associated with the mind. I don’t really see
them as something religious or esoteric. They are just tools that help me live my
A lot of people are apprehensive just by the mere fact that it has something to do
with religion or spirituality.
The cool thing is that you don’t have to see it that way. I use these things
because they produce results and they feel good, and scientifically true. With
that said, here are the Nine tips I prepared for you from the point of view of
psychosynthesis by Dr. Roberto Assagioli, MD.
The nine tips
1. Take time each day to practice using your primary sensory channel.
Visualize, pay attention to the voices and music in your head, and notice
your responses to situations that are positive and negative.

2. Use your imagination frequently. Practice creating stories, picturing

objects, or creating music in your mind.

3. Remain curious. As soon as you think you know something, the

curiosity closes down. Remaining open to more and better information
allows you to constantly update your knowledge of reality.

4. Ask specific questions. When you are specific about what you want to
know, it is easier to get specific answers.
5. Daydream. Contrary to what you may have been told in elementary
school, daydreaming is very useful. Daydreaming is a practice in using
imagination, visualization, hearing, and feeling, while allowing a
receptive space for messages to come in.

6. Use an intuitive tool, such as tarot cards or pendulum. Please stay away
from Ouija Boards. Tools can be practical stepping stones to enhancing
intuition, while focusing your mind and narrowing your questions.

7. Set aside your disbelief. While I would advise you against believing
your intuitive hits without confirmation or making important life decisions
based on your intuition until it has been honed and well-tested, being
anchored in doubts and disbeliefs tends to hinder the full exploration and
development of your skills.

8. Attend to your baggage. Intuition, and even consciousness, is restricted

when there are subjects or memories that you are avoiding. Whatever you
are hiding from yourself (character weaknesses, memories, beliefs, or
scary aspects of reality) will create blocks in your life, clog up your reality
filters, and stifle your ability to be fully psychic.

9. Be childlike, light-hearted, gentle, kind, harmless, respectful–to

yourself and others.

Radiesthesia and Self-hypnosis

In theory, self-hypnosis sounds like a pretty easy task: Simply sit with your eyes
closed as for meditation, relax, connect with your breath and guide your
thoughts towards a specific intention.

However, in reality, it can be much more challenging than this very basic
instruction. This is because the conscious mind often has another agenda. One
that involves distracting you with a million thoughts so you’re unable to truly
connect with that all-important unconscious mind.

So when this inevitably happens (especially when you’re starting out), it’s
important to find a way to bypass the critical factor (aka, the conscious mind) so
you can get to “work.”

And one of the most effective (and easiest) ways to do this is to use a pendulum.

Using the pendulum for self-hypnosis – a Proposed Method

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself With Your Pendulum

 Hold the pendulum loosely between your thumb and index finger. Make
sure your elbow is free floating, and not resting on a table or locked in

 Stay relaxed and loose, and start familiarizing yourself with the feel of
your pendulum.

 Start by swinging your pendulum, making large swings and then smaller
swings. Notice how it feels in your wrist, arm and fingertips when it

 Once you become familiar with the weight and the feel, you can then
begin practicing using it as a tool to communicate with the unconscious

Step 2: Clear Your Mind

Start by connecting with your breath by doing some simple breathing exercises
(like you normally would do during self-hypnosis or meditation).

Step 3: Imagine the pendulum moving

“Tell” the pendulum to start moving backwards and forward.

Keep repeating this command, and then start telling it to swing in different
directions, for example, clockwise, counter-clockwise, or back and forth and

Once it starts to move on your request, you can also start to ask it direct
questions that have an obvious answer; depending on which way the pendulum
swings, you’ll know what a “yes” or “no” answer is.

Types of questions you can ask include:

 “Is my name… ?”

 “Is my age… ?”

 “Is my profession… ?”

 “Do I live in…?”

Typically the pendulum will swing forward and backward for a “yes” response,
and side-to-side for a “no” – however, your experience may be different.

It’s a good idea to always calibrate your pendulum so you know what a “yes”
versus a “no” response looks like.

The five unconscious answers

The next step is to have different swings for the Five Unconscious Answers.
These answers will help you get further clarity when you ask a question.

The Five Unconscious Answers include:

 Yes
 No

 Please rephrase the question

 I don’t want to answer that
 I don’t know

It might take some time to get clear responses to each of these, but keep
commanding your pendulum to show you responses until you’re confident with
your signalling system.

Once you’re happy with the above, start asking your pendulum some “truth”

For example:

 Are you going to give me the absolute truth to the questions I ask now and
in the future?

Asking these kinds of questions is important as you’ll always want to make sure
your unconscious mind is committed to giving you the truth before you start any
serious work.

Note: Every time you work with your pendulum, it’s important to reset it or
calibrate it with those “yes” or “no” questions and with the Five Unconscious

Getting at the Root of the Problem

Using a pendulum during self-hypnosis is especially useful when you need to
get to the root of a particular problem.

For example, let’s say you have to give a speech and you feel nervous about
standing in front of a large group of people – and your regular self-hypnosis
practice isn’t working.

To help you dig a little deeper so you can solve this problem, ask your pendulum
a series of questions relating to the issue. For example:
 Did this issue begin when I was a child?

 Was I younger than 18?

 Was I younger than 12?

 Did this issue stem from one incident?

 Did this incident occur while I was in school?

 Did this incident occur some other time?

The trick here is to keep drilling down until you get to the root cause of the
issue. This may take as little as 10 minutes, or as long as a few days of regular

When you discover the root cause, you can then create self-hypnosis suggestions
to counteract it – committing to a 21-day process to give your mind time to work
through the issue.

Additional Tips:
 Keep a record of your questions
 Prepare questions ahead of time

 Learn from past questions

 Work with your pendulum for a few minutes each day

 Never loan your pendulum out or borrow someone else’s (it’s important it
stays attuned to your energy only)

 Have fun with it!

Self-hypnosis and Mental Ability

With a little practice, most people can be hypnotized and can use self-hypnosis.
Hypnosis allows us to experience thoughts, fantasies and images as almost real
(Soskis, 1986). The hypnotized person knows the experience is not real,
however, because he/she doesn't act like it is real. Under hypnosis we may
vividly imagine being at the beach but we don't take off our clothes and try to
jump into the water. Yet, by experiencing a situation differently, e.g. seeing
public speaking as a way of influencing minds, we may act and feel differently
(more positive, less scared).

The mental scenes can seem very real to us but we know it is all just in our head.
It is the same experience as watching a film and feeling we are there, we really
get "into it" and become afraid, inspired, sexually aroused, very sad and so on.
This imagery is something we do, not something done to us. It used to be
thought that the hypnotist gained power over the subject through "animal
magnetism." Actually, there can be no hypnotic experience without the subject's
agreement and participation. Thus, all hypnosis is in a sense self-hypnosis.
Could anyone force you against your will to get deeply emotionally involved in
a good book or movie? No. But you can do it by yourself...and feel wonderful.

No one knows who discovered hypnosis. No doubt a storyteller thousands of

years ago. We do know that hypnosis was used to treat illness long before
Christ. During the Middle Ages, priests used self-hypnosis to make God more
real to them and to intensify their relationship with God. Hypnosis has been used
by physicians and faith healing by preachers to cure people. In the early part of
this century, a Frenchman, Emile Coue (1922)1, popularized the idea of
autosuggestion. His most famous self-instruction was, "Every day in every way
I'm getting better and better."

At first, you are likely to believe that an experienced hypnotist could perform
impressive feats but you couldn't possibly do much. That is a reflection of the
stories you have read and movies you have seen. Research has shown (Fromm,
19752) that some people reach deeper trance states in self-hypnosis than with a

Émile Coué, (born Feb. 26, 1857, Troyes, Fr.—died July 2, 1926, Nancy) French
pharmacist who in 1920 at his clinic at Nancy introduced a method of psychotherapy
characterized by frequent repetition of the formula, “Every day, and in every way, I am
becoming better and better.” This method of autosuggestion came to be called Couéism. An
apothecary at Troyes from 1882 to 1910, Coué in 1901 began to study under Ambroise-
Auguste Liébeault and Hippolyte Bernheim, leading exponents of hypnosis. Although
stressing that he was not primarily a healer but one who taught others to heal themselves,
Coué claimed to have effected organic changes through autosuggestion.

Erich Fromm was born on March 23, 1900, at Frankfurt am Main, the only child of
Orthodox Jewish parents. He started his academic studies in 1918 at the University of
Frankfurt am Main with two semesters of jurisprudence. During the summer semester of
1919, Fromm studied at the University of Heidelberg, where he began studying sociology
under Alfred Weber (brother of the better known sociologist Max Weber), psychiatrist-
philosopher Karl Jaspers, and Heinrich Rickert. Fromm received his PhD in sociology from
Heidelberg in 1922. During the mid-1920s, he trained to become a psychoanalyst through
Frieda Reichmann's psychoanalytic sanatorium in Heidelberg. He began his own clinical
practice in 1927. In 1930 he joined the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research and completed
his psychoanalytical training. After the Nazi takeover of power in Germany, Fromm moved
first to Geneva and then, in 1934, to Columbia University in New York. Together with Karen
Horney and Harry Stack Sullivan, Fromm belongs to a Neo-Freudian school of
psychoanalytical thought. Horney and Fromm each had a marked influence on the other's
thought, with Horney illuminating some aspects of psychoanalysis for Fromm and the latter
elucidating sociology for Horney. Their relationship ended in the late 1930s.[2] After leaving
Columbia, Fromm helped form the New York branch of the Washington School of Psychiatry
in 1943, and in 1946 co-founded the William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry,
Psychoanalysis, and Psychology. He was on the faculty of Bennington College from 1941 to
1949, and taught courses at the New School for Social Research in New York from 1941 to
hypnotist. They have more vivid, richer imagery. Self-hypnosis costs nothing, is
easy to produce, and allows the person to make changes in the procedures so
that they work best for him/her. So, again, an old therapy technique may become
even more effective in the hands of an informed self-helper (Fisher, 1991).
Alman & Lambrou (1991) also provide a self-hypnosis induction method and
specific self-instructions for several specific problems, like self-confidence, pain
relief, weight loss, phobia reduction, etc.
It is not necessary to be hypnotized in order to have vivid imaginary
experiences. Daydreams are vivid. The basic idea of hypnosis and mental
imagery is this: if you want to do something, imagine yourself doing it over and
over. This is also called goal rehearsal. The idea is father to the act. Books by
Lazarus (1977) and Fanning (1988) are filled with examples of visualization
(without hypnosis) serving many purposes.

1959. When Fromm moved to Mexico City in 1949, he became a professor at the National
Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and established a psychoanalytic section at the
medical school there. Meanwhile, he taught as a professor of psychology at Michigan State
University from 1957 to 1961 and as an adjunct professor of psychology at the graduate
division of Arts and Sciences at New York University after 1962. He taught at UNAM until
his retirement, in 1965, and at the Mexican Society of Psychoanalysis (SMP) until 1974. In
1974 he moved from Mexico City to Muralto, Switzerland, and died at his home in 1980, five
days before his eightieth birthday. All the while, Fromm maintained his own clinical practice
and published a series of books.

By using hypnosis or mental imagery (without hypnosis) a person can
sometimes produce impressive results. Perhaps the most astonishing is the
control of pain. Many people (not everybody can) have had dental work,
surgery, and babies without pain. One of the easiest experiences to have is
relaxation which can counteract fears and stress. If your behaviour or someone
else's is hard to understand, the key is likely to be uncovering the thoughts and
images occurring between perceiving the situation and responding. Example:
One paraplegic sees only misery, another plans on going to graduate school.
Developing new intervening images and self-suggestions can change certain
behaviours, such as studying and concentration, help control anger and sadness,
build self-esteem, reduce bad habits, and so on.

Development Process
Become familiar with self-hypnosis and/or mental development.
There are several things to learn. First, you need to get a "feel" for what is
involved--some basic understanding. Second, you learn a simple procedure for
inducing self-hypnosis or using visualization. Third, you practice these
procedures several times. Fourth, you make plans of exactly how to use
hypnosis or visualization to change the things that concern you. Only after this
preparation do you start actually trying to use hypnosis or visualization as a self-
help method.
Almost all of us daydream. Our daydreams tend to be helpful re-living of the
past or rehearsing for the future, i.e. useful stuff. Very few of our daydreams are
self-aggrandizing or erotic fantasies. Sometimes they relieve the boredom, but
most of the time they involve some emotion--an important event, a threat, a
frustration, a hope, etc. Daydreaming is like brainstorming, a chance to mentally
test out and practice different solutions. There is evidence that daydreamers
concentrate better, are more empathic, less fearful, more lively and alert, may
enjoy sex more, and generally are more fun to be around (Klinger, 1987). Of
course, obsessions with harming others, using drugs or eating, past or possible
future catastrophes and so on are a serious problem. In most cases, however, a
good fantasy life should be of great value, nothing to be ashamed of.

Most of us know how to daydream, it comes naturally. Perhaps you can

encourage more daydreams and guide your fantasies into more constructive,
fruitful, creative areas, rather than leaving it entirely up to the "whim of the
moment." You might refer to chapter 15 where guided fantasies are used for
insight. Perhaps your re-occurring daydreams reveal some frustrated needs that
deserve more conscious attention. Otherwise, I'm going to assume you know all
you need to know about daydreams and go on to hypnosis.

Most hypnotists start by giving the subject some introductory experience, often
a demonstration of "suggestion effects" or an illustration of how ideas influence
behaviour, called ideomotor action. For example, they will ask you to clasp your
hands together and imagine that your palms are tightly stuck--glued--together.
Then they ask you to try to take your hands apart. Many people find it is
somewhat difficult to separate their hands after the suggestion is given. Other
hypnotists will have you stand with your eyes closed, heels together, and
imagine swaying backwards. Most people actually sway backwards (the
hypnotist must be prepared to catch the subject). In other words, thinking of
some action tends to produce that action if your imagination is vivid enough.

Using the Pendulum

You can have similar experiences by yourself (Soskis, 1986). For example,
make yourself a pendulum out of a small, round object that has some weight to

it.3 A spherical button or glass ornament is ideal, but a medallion or set of keys
or heavy ring will do. Make the string about 25/30 cm long. Then draw a circle
on a piece of typing paper and draw two lines intersecting in the middle of the
circle. Put the paper on a table in front of you. Put your elbow comfortably on
the table and grasp the string at the point where the pendulum is just resting on
the centre of the circle where the lines cross. Now, lift the object off the paper
slightly (about 5 cm) and think of the object moving back and forth along one of
the lines. Don't consciously move your hand or fingers; just think of movement
back and forth in a certain direction. Guess what? The pendulum will start to
move (an inch or so) in the directions you are thinking about. Wow! Then think
of the object moving in the other directions, then in a circle, and so on. Play with
it for a while. Of course, your thoughts aren't moving the object, very tiny
imperceptible movements in your hand are. Most people are impressed.

Another hypnotic experience is extending your arms in front of you and

carefully noting that the palms are facing each other at the same height and
about two inches apart. Then close your eyes and imagine your right arm is
getting heavy while your left arm is getting lighter and lighter. Tell yourself over
and over that the left arm is feeling very light...the right arm and hand is getting
heavier and heavier all the time. Dwell on those images...then add to the
images...a helium balloon might be attached to the left arm by a soft ribbon and
it is gently lifting that arm higher and higher into the air. On the right arm there
is a book strap and several heavy books are pulling it down...further and further
down. After imagining this for a minute or so, open your eyes and see how far
your hands have actually moved. Six inches or more is not unusual but an inch
or two makes the point that thoughts influence behaviour.

Consider some other factors about hypnosis. It should be an interesting

experience and it may be helpful. However, if you have had a bad experience
with hypnosis, you should not use this method by yourself. If you expect
magical, instant, major changes, like a cure for cancer or a new personality,
forget it. Yet, pain can be lessened and new attitudes learned. Also, you can get
started on a diet or quitting smoking, but one hypnotic session isn't all you need.

You may wonder if you will be able to respond, e.g. to a telephone or the door,
while hypnotized or if you will remember what happened. The answers to both
are yes. You can come out of it at any time. Is hypnosis like sleep? No, you
know what is going on (although it is easy to fall asleep while so relaxed). If you
fall asleep, don't be concerned, just take a nap. You won't do anything weird,
From the beginning of my interest in radiesthesia, the author always gave preference to the
original Abbé Mermet pendulum. Or, for charts working on IPad, the Lucy pendulum. It’s
simply a choice.

like with a stage hypnotist, because you are in control. You won't hurt yourself.
Much of the effects of self-hypnosis are due to expectations or placebo or

Decide if you want to use self-hypnosis and what you want to use it for.
Before trying self-hypnosis, you may want to do some reading or talk to a friend
or a professional. But in the kind of experiences I will suggest you try, there are
no more dangers than in using other self-help methods. As suggested under
purposes above, hypnosis is best used with (a) problems that primarily concern
only you, not your spouse or boss or family, (b) recent problems, (c) problems
that involve your feelings (e.g. anxiety), not your performance (take a speech
class if you want to be a more skilful speaker), and (d) problems that can be
helped by new cognitions--thoughts, attitudes or images--not problems requiring
insight or new knowledge.

Do not use self-hypnosis with (a) serious, long-term mental illness, (b) problems
involving a troubled relationship with someone else or if you are a loner with
"spacey" or peculiar ideas, (c) problems that have not responded to professional
help in the past, or (d) problems which you are not willing to devote 15 minutes
each day for a month or so. Also, do not try to uncover suspected traumatic early
childhood experiences, e.g. abuse or incest, or to explore past lives. In fact, don't
try to use hypnosis to "discover the truth" about anything because many of the
vivid "memories" one might have under hypnosis may be radically different
from reality. Yet, mental imagery is used (with caution) to gain insight and new

Prepare a specific method for inducing self-hypnosis.

You may want to be hypnotized by a trained person first; he/she can then teach
you how to do self-hypnosis (Soskis, 1986). Or, you can memorize the general
induction process and give self-instructions. Or, you can put the entire induction
procedure on an audiotape. I'll show you how to do the latter two:

Find a quiet place, sit in a comfortable chair.

Close your eyes and relax your whole body. Repeatedly tell yourself throughout
the relaxation procedure to become more and more deeply relaxed. At the same
time, tell yourself you will remain totally awake and alert, carefully attending to
your own self-instructions. When deeply relaxed all over, tell yourself that you
are ready for a pleasant, effective hypnotic state which will help you help
When very relaxed, say to yourself or listen to the self-hypnosis instructions you
have prepared. Usually, relaxation instructions are all that are needed.

When hypnotized and feeling very comfortable and relaxed, imagine being in a
very safe, peaceful, and comfortable place. Enjoy that as long as you like.

Give yourself instructions for improving (written in the next step).

Wake yourself up by counting from 5 to 1, become more awake at each step.

If you wanted to simply record the whole thing, you might use a script like this:
(read in a clear but slow drawn-out voice, a hypnotic voice)

"You should be relaxing in a comfortable chair with the phone and other
distractions turned off. If you are interrupted, you will at any time be able to
open your eyes and take care of whatever needs to be done.

Close your eyes and concentrate on relaxing all over. Take a deep breath and
slowly exhale...notice the calming effect of deep breathing. Take some more
deep breaths.... Feel the muscles in your body losing their tightness and tension.
As this happens, you will feel better and better.

To increase the relaxation, I will count from one to ten and get more and more
relaxed as I count towards 10. At the count of 10, I will be in a very relaxed,
very pleasant, worry free, completely alert and aware, but comfortable hypnotic
state. One, I will relax my hands and forearms. Think of the right hand, fingers
and forearm, tell those parts to get rid of all their stress and tension. Relax more
and more. Think of the left hand, fingers and forearm. Relaxing deeper and
deeper. Two, I let the calmness spread into my upper arms...into the biceps and
triceps. Very relaxed. Feeling good. Three, my shoulders and neck are
relaxing...deeper and deeper. Four, the top of my head, scalp and forehead are
calming...relaxing...feeling smooth and soft. Five, I notice the wonderful feeling
moving down into my eyes, cheeks, lips, tongue and jaws. I tell the entire head
and face to relax more and more. Six, my chest, lungs and upper back are
slowing and calming down...very comfortable. Seven, I am letting the stomach
relax and settle down...also the lower back and spine...the tension is going
away...replaced with pure comfort. Eight, the muscles in my upper legs relax
deeper and deeper. Nine, the wave of relaxation moves down into my lower
legs, feet and toes. Ten, I am extremely relaxed all over. The last remaining
tension anywhere in my body is melting away...my whole body is calm...very
comfortable...feeling wonderful.
I am now probably in a pleasant, enjoyable, effective hypnotic state, even
though I may not feel certain of that. In any case, I will be able to think clearly
and control my own thoughts. My imagery will be very detailed, very clear and
realistic. I will be able to use this imagery to my advantage. I will remember
everything that happens while I am hypnotized.

I will first use hypnosis to imagine being in a pleasant, comfortable place, a

place where I feel perfectly safe, perhaps on a beach or in my own private place.
I will see all the details... hear the sounds...feel and smell the air...really get into
it. I will talk to myself about all aspects of the scene...and enjoy myself
thoroughly for a minute or so."

Be quiet for a minute, then continue recording:

"At this point I will give myself the instructions I have prepared for self-
improvement. I can open my eyes if I need to look at notes (but it is better to
keep your eyes closed, so the visualization is more intense). If the self-
instructions do not use all of the three
minute break that follows, I will just return to my pleasant scene and enjoy it
until the tape takes me out of the hypnosis or I decide to come out of it."

Note: At this point either record the 3-minute self-instructions developed in the
next step OR be quiet for 3 minutes, during which you can, over a period of
time, give yourself a variety of self-instructions. Then continue recording.

"Now, I am ready to end the session. I will count from five to one and become
more and more alert as I count. Five, I am starting to come out of the hypnosis.
Four, feeling a little more like moving. Three, feeling good with more energy.
Two, my eyes are gradually opening...now, completely open. One, I am
completely alert, feeling good and refreshed. I am done. Stretch a little and get

Turn off the recorder.

Develop self-improvement instructions to give yourself during hypnosis or
while using mental imagery.
The self-instructions may reflect a new attitude towards others or yourself, a
different way of thinking, a post-hypnotic suggestion for a change in behaviour
and so on. Hadley and Staudacher (1985) say that hypnotic suggestions should
(a) be worded simply (focus on one change at a time) but repeated several times,
(b) be believable, obtainable (gradual steps may be needed) and desirable, (c) be
stated positively ("I am relaxed" rather than "I won't get uptight") and for a
specific time (I will study effectively from 6:30 to 10:00 tonight), (d) use cue
words or a key phrase to trigger the suggested reaction (saying "relax" while
approaching an attractive person or "good memory" while studying), and (e)
provide detailed images of the suggested outcome ("I am taking a test...relaxed
and doing well...").

Here are some specific suggestions (mostly from Le Cron, 1964, and Hadley &
Staudacher, 1985), modify them to fit your situation:

1. Studying and concentrating:

"I will start studying tonight at 6:30, right after the news. I will remain
alert and concentrate fully on my reading, except for taking a 5-minute
break every half hour. If other thoughts intrude, I will quickly re-focus on
the studying. If friends try to get me to do something else, I will tell them
that I definitely intend to study for three hours. Nothing can change my
mind. I will quickly understand what I read and will have a 'good
memory,' remembering the material well for the exam.
I will start on time and stay on schedule, including 5-minute rest periods
every half hour. My mind will attend only to the text; it will absorb the
big and important points; it will take the time every two or three
paragraphs to repeat (recite from memory) what the author has just said.
As I do this, I will feel really good about studying so effectively and
learning so much. I will remember the material well for the exam on

2. Weight loss:
"I can feel very relaxed and I can change my eating habits. I see myself as
becoming thinner and thinner, in better and better shape. I will allow
myself to lose weight. I will change my poor eating habits into good ones.
Imagine a table filled with the high-fat food and the junk and sweets that
make me overweight. These foods harm me and interfere with my life;
they might even kill me. I won't eat them anymore. I'll shove this food off
the table. Now, I'll place good, healthy, low-fat, high fibre food on the

Imagine slowly eating--only when I'm hungry, not when I'm upset—small
amounts of the good food. Delicious. My hunger is satisfied and I am
really pleased with my self-control. I see myself as thin, in good shape,
healthy, beautiful, and coping. When I'm bored, I'll call a friend. If I'm
tense, I'll meditate. Instead of eating lunch with friends, I'll play handball
with Joe. If I ever get two kilos over my limit, I'll immediately cut my
calorie intake and increase my exercise for several days. I feel wonderful,
full of energy, proud, attractive, in charge... I eat nutritious food but only
as much as I need. Keeping in shape by eating right and exercising is a
source of great pride for me."

3. Stress reduction:
"I am very relaxed...very relaxed. I can see that pressure comes from the
outside world but feelings come from inside me. I can control my
feelings. The feelings I want, I can keep. The feelings I don't want, I can
discard or discharge them...get rid of them. I am a whole person with
many feelings. I am aware of all my many feelings, but I can chose which
feelings I want to keep and which to get rid of. I choose to be peaceful
and rid of stress. I feel good... at ease... calm... composed.

Furthermore, I can build a shield against the outside pressure. External

stress will just bounce off me. In this way my shield will prevent the
pressure from producing upsetting emotions inside. I will be protected all
day from tension and stress. No matter how many demands there are
outside, I will be calm inside... protected by the shield and by my decision
to get rid of unwanted emotions. When people expect too much of me or
when they are critical, I will stay calm... protected and in control of the
inside feelings. When I need the shield, it will automatically be there or I
can call on it by simply saying, 'the shield' or 'relax.' I am very relaxed,
strong, and in control of my feelings. The shield will shelter me for the
next four hours. I am safe."

4. Fear reduction:
People have overcome fears by watching others conquer the same fear.
They even imitate others seen in a film mastering a fear. Just having
vivid imagery of someone handling the fear we face may be enough to
provide a new model of behaviour for us to imitate. Also, hypnosis or
imagery can be used to create a very relaxed feeling and then to imagine
confronting the frightening situation.

Other fantasies may also help reduce fears: imagine you are a powerful,
important person and the other person (who scares you) is your
subordinate; imagine the woman/man you want to approach will say "no,
I have a jealous boy/girlfriend" (making rejection less upsetting); imagine
a pleasant scene to calm yourself when scared in any situation.

5. Pain reduction:
One procedure involves numbing your hand (or making it cold or
changing it into wood or stone) and then transferring the numbness to the
part of your body that hurts. Thus, reducing the pain. Another procedure
involves first experiencing the pain as movable, say from the back of the
head to the back of the neck, then continue moving the pain until it is
finally out of your body. An example: "Even though I'm very relaxed, I
can feel the pain I have been having. Focus on the pain (describe it). Now,
notice that the pain is fluid...it can move within my body. As this fluid
moves, it carries the pain with it. (Very gradually move the pain from its
source towards the right shoulder, down the right arm and into the right

As the pain enters my right hand, the fingers tighten into a tighter and
tighter fist... When the fist is very tense, I can simply open the fist and
throw the pain and tension away. Now, throw the pain away...completely
gone. (Repeat if needed) Appreciate the relief...notice the peaceful calm
that remains. I still have feelings where the pain was, so I will know if
anything is going wrong... I will move, feel, and react normally. The pain
is gone... drained... and I will be able to use this technique over and over
again if the pain returns." Read Hilgard and Hilgard (1983) and/or Wall
and Melzack (1984). Obviously, a continuing or repetitive pain must be
examined by a physician immediately.

6. Building self-esteem:
"While remaining very relaxed, think of the labels that have in the past
made you feel down or slowed you down. Imagine those labels on a
blackboard. They are negative words and criticism from others and from
you. Now wipe them off the board...wash them away...they are gone. Go
to the blackboard, and in place of the negative labels, write positive
labels...strengths that describe you... Capable... Caring... Sensitive...
Good... Willing to help... Able to learn... (Add other major strengths you
have and/or want to develop more).

Now, stand back from the board and think of these positive traits. (pause)
I am a good person... I'm fine. I am proud of myself. I am able, I have
some talents. People see me as a good person. I feel comfortable
interacting with people; I am as good as they are. I share my ideas and
experiences with others. They are interested in me. I am positive and
pleasant to be around, tactfully asserting myself, self-assured, and looking

for ways to help others. I say to myself, 'I can handle this,' 'I look nice,' 'I
have lots of energy,' 'I am unique, like a snowflake,' 'I'm in charge'...

I fill my mind with these positive ideas, I look for my good points, I
pursue my goals, and I see my life as a wonderful adventure."

Write your own instructions for any desired change, e.g. if you are not
motivated at work or at school, write self-suggestions about being able to
change, becoming a successful person, deciding on your major goal and
putting minor goals aside, seeing the importance of the goal and the
wonderful possible outcomes, having the drive and determination to
succeed, imagining yourself resolutely plodding on day after day, dream
of the eventual success and the fantastic consequences for you and others
around you.

Lazarus (1977) reports using unpleasant fantasies to reduce unwanted

feelings and behaviours. He asks the compulsive person or cigarette
smoker to imagine the awful consequences and stress of continuing the
behaviour. Similarly, he had a physician, who often gave women
unnecessary vaginal exams, imagine getting arrested, losing his practice,
and people in the community thinking he was a "sick pervert" or
"dangerous man." The doctor quickly gained more self-control or will
power. Note, however, that it is not a good idea to tell yourself that
chocolate will taste awful if you are a chocolate addict, because you won't
believe it. Hypnotic suggestions must be believable, e.g. chocolate will
make you fat.

Get prepared and have the experience daily.

Find a quiet, private place. Don't schedule anything for 20 minutes. If you are
interrupted, you can answer the phone or the door, but it may be better to turn
off the phone and ignore a knock. Have your self-instructions prepared. Go
through the entire routine, just as you planned it, even though you don't believe
you are truly hypnotized or deeply into the visualization. Try to develop a
routine so you will have the experience at the same time each day. Be patient, it
takes time to learn any new skill. Measure your progress.

Time involved
A couple of hours will be needed to plan and prepare the procedure you want to
use. Since the effects of hypnosis and visualization are frequently short-lived,

you need to schedule a 20minute session every day. To give self-hypnosis a fair
trial, expect to use it daily for at least a month.

Common problems
As with meditation, some people expect too much too fast from hypnosis or
mental imagery. So, guard against premature disappointment or excessive
expectations. Likewise, some people wanting instant "magic" resist having to
write a script and make a tape. Such people should seek a hypnotist.
Occasionally, you may become so relaxed that you fall asleep. No problem. In
fact, if you feel you have lost control for any reason in self-hypnosis, simply
relax and wake up using the counting procedure or just go to sleep and wake up

Effectiveness, advantages and dangers

The evidence for the effectiveness of hypnosis is mostly in clinical reports.
Clinical cases make it clear that some people are helped, but it is hard to know
what percentage of the general population would respond satisfactorily to
hypnosis. Soskis (1986) estimates that only about 10% of us are able to use
hypnosis to avoid intense pain, as in surgery or childbirth. The fact is that the
effectiveness of self-hypnosis suggestions, such as those given above, has not
been objectively evaluated and compared to other methods. You will just have
to try it and find out how well it works for you. Be objective.
An additional problem is that scientists have not yet separated the effects of
hypnosis from the accompanying suggestion or placebo effects. If we think a
method will work, it probably will. For example, Theodore Barber (1969) has
found that a simple request without any hypnosis can produce remarkable
changes, e.g. making one hand warmer and the other colder or changing heart
rate. It isn't clear how the body does these things but it can be done without
hypnosis. Perhaps it doesn't matter what the real cause is; we just shouldn't be in
awe of hypnosis or a hypnotist.

My main criticism of one person hypnotizing another person is that the hypnotist
tends to become a superior-feeling, controlling "master" while the subject
becomes a helpless, unthinking, submissive "slave." That doesn’t seem healthy.
Many people are intrigued with hypnosis; they want to use it with friends and at
parties. I suspect they want to be seen as a comedian, a great healer, or a
powerful controller. If you are not a trained professional (and qualified to treat
the problem with other methods), you should not be using hypnotism for helping
another person. You shouldn't remove a symptom that still serves a
psychological purpose. And, you should certainly avoid using age-regression
and probing for traumatic experiences; that could possibly cause panic and lead
to a serious situation (MacHovec, 1988). Likewise, hypnosis should never be
used as a form of party entertainment. You are dealing with a human life; don't
demean a person by making him/her look foolish or by arrogantly playing
publicly with his/her private, intimate concerns.

Self-hypnosis is easy to learn, it lets you be your own master, and it can be used
whenever you need it with many self-improvement projects. It is interesting to
most people; that helps us maintain our motivation to make difficult changes.
Most experienced practitioners say self-hypnosis is not dangerous as long as it is
used for these simple purposes and with the cautions mentioned above.

A book the author strongly recommends:

Self-Hypnosis – The Complete Manual for Health and Self-Change (Second
Edition) by Brian M. Alman, Ph.D. and Peter T. Lambrou, Ph.D. (ISBN 978
0 285 63136 6) Souvenir Press.

Abbé Mermet, pioneer in radiesthesia working with maps

How to use Radiesthesia Techniques for Searching
on Google Maps using an IPad
Dowsing and remote viewing using Google Maps is a convenience tool for
finding your target and further reconnaissance thereof.

From the perspective of this chapter, I assume that the reader already knows
how to do distant viewing. If not, then here’s a quick course hereby before you
hit Google Maps.

The quick course

You have to learn how to alter your consciousness at will, so you can easily slip
in between mid-delta and low-theta rhythms at any particular moment; this is
where we establish contact with a universal intelligent data field that is lovingly
called “the matrix” by radiesthesia practitioners.
The best way to learn radiesthesia we know is with guided meditation and
brainwave entrainment.

There are such courses and brainwave entrainment programs. One in particular
which is a guided meditation course that includes brainwave entrainment is from
the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing4. I give this course
honourable mention because the purveyor of ARVARI5, Gerald O’Donnell has


From the probable future website: The Remote Viewing Academy has been teaching
Remote Viewing techniques since 1997 through the web (one of the first 6 sites addressing
Remote Viewing methods in 1997). We were the first institute worldwide to teach students
how to reach the deep Theta brain level in order to receive information from the Universal
Collective Mind. The applications are innumerable. In 2002 we introduced the Remote
Influencing advanced course, which allows students to reach with full-consciousness the Deep
Delta brain levels and Influence Reality (Manifest Reality) from the level of the very High
energy and awareness of the One Sourcing Mind of ALL. These courses are highly trans-
formative and bring one's consciousness into a level Of Oneness with ALL. On our website
we offer many interviews, teachings, and messages covering our probable future as humanity
especially regarding the period until 2019. Our Mind Development Tools & Teachings are
acclaimed to be the most powerful ones available on the planet today. The countless
testimonials on our site have been newly categorized by subject. They are living proof as to
the deeply transformative nature of our training & the wide gamut of results that can be
achieved across all spectra of life. Tap into an infinite stream of life-changing power,
awakening your deepest self & becoming the architect who builds the life of your dreams. To
had much success with his students and we tend to share the same perspectives.
For your convenience, the sample mp3s at his website teach you how to achieve
“mental level delta” at will.

The other way is a brainwave entrainment shortcut. If you already have psychic
gifts and you feel you don’t have time to spend on a full blown RV Course, then
you may only need to be entrained to the necessary state of consciousness. In
that case, you could try a Remote Viewing6 entrainment session that you play as
an mp3 on your computer while you use Google Maps.

An add to radiesthesia you already practice

Radiesthesia, let us remember, refers to the theory and practice of dowsing, the
actions of locating subtle time / space / mass / energy harmonics by interaction
of resonant lines using one’s own living system as an objective, directional
locator consisting of its own sympathetic resonant structure. Read my
publication, “How I Operate”, by Abbé Mermet (Satsang EBook Publications)
In essence, the living body is an antenna capable of sensing all sorts of energies.
Most people don’t sense subtle energies on the conscious level because of the
energy cathexis caused by decadent culture and life-negative technologies.
Fortunately, the subconscious still latches onto subtle energies. Within the
context of this article, the sense we use to key the subconscious for dowsing is
nostril breathing.
For those of you who have studied Intro to Chi Kung and Ha-Tha Yoga
Breathing Exercises7, you have discovered that it is a veritable wealth of
information. If you have practiced the exercises contained therein, then you
know how to dowse using nostril breathing.
As a reminder, I include the following excerpt:
“In the ideal world, we would be able to latch onto our psychic impressions
immediately and consciously. Unfortunately, this is not an ideal world. Most of
our psychic knowledge remains buried in the subconscious mind.
By its nature, the subconscious mind is more in tune with the etheric body (the
superconscious mind is networked to astral reality) where a lot of data lays and

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whither. Through meditation and self-hypnosis, we can get in touch with the
subconscious, but at the price of being unable to record the data. Nostril
breathing, being a form of radiesthesia or ‘dowsing,’ removes that problem. This
form of psychic impression is very different from ‘dowsing’ for ley lines…
Nostril breathing is the most exact form of psychic ‘dowsing’ in divining the
LIVING World. When a question is asked, the subconscious mind, which knows
the answer, will try to get into contact with the conscious mind (i.e. gut feelings,
The conscious mind, however, is too busy or discursive to listen to the answer
and gets lost in the noise. There are nerves which do listen to the subconscious
and respond. Under normal circumstances, we do not notice this response
because the messages of these nerves, like that of the subconscious, cannot get
through. These nerves create minute muscular responses and create well defined
patterns in the autonomic functions of the body.
Try this experiment. The next time you visit a friend and you do not know if he
will be home, place your fingertips beneath your nostrils and breathe normally.
If your right nostril is dominant, your friend will be home when you arrive. If
your left nostril is dominant, he will not. The same thing is true of anything
involving an element of chance. Yogis say that if your right nostril is dominant,
the venture will be successful, but if the left is dominant, it will not…
Radiesthesia and Google Maps
Narrowing by State
Go to Google Maps on the web. Let’s assume that you have a general idea of
where the target is located like somewhere in Europe. (Google maps defaults to
whatever country you reside.) A target can be a person, place, or thing.
Remember all of your first psychic impressions; this is key. First, we’re going to
narrow the area by state. Here’s the guideline:
 Have a clear picture of your target in mind.
 Circle your cursor slowly clockwise around the entire continent.
 Take note of when your right nostril is dominant; this means you’re
moving in the proper direction.
 When you notice your right nostril is dominant in a certain sector, draw a
slightly smaller circle in that direction.
Follow the above procedure slowly and progressively. As you keep circling your
cursor in smaller and smaller circles, you allow yourself to go into a trance.

Breath in harmony with each slow, progressive concentric circling of the cursor
until you’ve narrowed your search down to a state.
Narrowing by City
When you have narrowed your efforts down to a single state, plug that state into
the Google Map Search, so you only get that state in your navigation window.
About this time, you start remote viewing to get mental impressions of
landscape, the lighting, the temperature, the air quality, and even the types of
sounds. All of these clues help to guide you to your target. At the same time,
you need to keep circling your cursor around the state while dowsing with
progressively smaller circles.
Here’s a little trick in combining dowsing with remote viewing: Since the left
brain determines the meaning of symbols and the right brain determines quality,
we have to adjust our nostril breathing to coordinate with our mental
Examples of symbols are landscape layout (shapes of cities, roads, etc.),
language, and writing. In these cases, you want to be left brain dominant,
therefore, right nostril dominant to interpret symbols.
Examples of quality are landscape quality (paved or dirt, lush or sparse,
etc.), types of sounds and temperature. In these cases, you want to be right
brain dominant, therefore, left nostril dominant to interpret qualities.
More importantly, you have to be able to dowse while you’re in “mental level
delta;” this combination of dowsing and remote viewing takes some practice, but
you will get the hang of it. Here’s the basic guide as you narrow your options by
city in Google Maps:
Keep circling your cursor around the state while dowsing and remote viewing.
Take note of landscape layouts first as you get your mental impressions.
Use your right nostril breathing to make sure you’re moving in the right
Keep matching the landscape layout to your mental impressions as you draw
smaller circles to narrow the area.
Repeat the above procedure until you’ve narrowed down the area to a particular
city. Go into “mental level delta” with left nostril dominance. Take note of the
qualities in the surroundings of your target, the temperature, lighting, air quality,
sounds, etc.

If you feel that your target is outside, then open another browser window and
type in “real time weather report: (city, state).” For example, Wunderground8
provides real time weather data. If you’re qualitative impressions are correct and
you feel the target is outside, then your impressions should match the weather
Location determined
When you’ve narrowed your efforts down to a city, plug that into Google Maps,
so it’s in your navigation window. Follow the same procedure as in narrowing
by state.
This time you have to be even more detail oriented with your impressions
because your target’s environment could be complex or simple, calm or violent.
You may have to dowse even slower in pin pointing your target.
Think of the procedure as the progressive movement of hands on a clock: When
first searching the entire continent, your cursor action was probably fast like the
second hand as your looked for little details. When you narrowed to a state, it
was slower like the minute hand as you looked for more precise details. Now,
you’re moving slowest, as the hour hand to scan for the most extreme detail.
When you drill down all the way to a road, for example, you want to make sure
that you’re extremely meticulous with your dowsing and remote viewing or else
you will miss your target altogether – especially if it’s moving. Let’s assume
your dowsing and remote viewing efforts land you at a road, for example:


You can pull up another browser window and search for “real time webcam:
(road, city, state)” to see if there are any city web cams installed for public
access. Therein, you can verify your impressions of landmarks if the webcams
are well placed.
Use your right nostril dowsing to make sure you’re going in the right direction.
Use your left nostril dowsing to get impressions of light quality like if you’re
going towards or away from the sun.

As you follow the path during remote viewing, you may remember from the
back of your mind a persistent symbolic impression. For example, this could be
a fork, like a fork in a road, an “L” shape, the way the road bends or an obscure
shape like a building or some other landmark. When you reach that persistent
symbolic impression, use the zoom feature in Google Maps:

Let’s say you happen to find yourself at a building. You see that little yellow
humanoid icon on the zoom feature? Pull the humanoid with your cursor to a
road around that landmark. If the little humanoid does not want to stay at your
chosen point of reference, then zoom out slightly until you see the surrounding
roads, streets, or freeways.
Pull the humanoid with your cursor and float it around until you see the nearest
highway highlighted in blue, then drop your little humanoid there. You will have
to adjust the direction and angle of the perspective, so you can see your
landmark. That’s as close as you can get using Google Maps:

And there we are
Make sure you have a clear picture of the target in your mind, then go into
“mental level delta.” If your target is within an enclosure, you should have been
getting impression from within exactly this enclosure all this time. Using left
nostril dowsing during remote viewing determine the qualities of the
surroundings. Using right nostril dowsing, you should be able to determine inner
structures, the residents, and the essence of conversations.
If your target is outside, then this is easier. Your first hand impressions should
match the environmental conditions of your target.
This process can take several hours or even several days; it’s a last ditch effort
to find a target when all else fails.
When you train using this process, experiment with small familiar items first
that you can have your friend hide locally. Tell your friend to please don’t keep
moving it around, because you need to keep getting positive feedback to
improve your discipline. Take baby steps to keep getting positive feedback –
every little bit helps.
To further improve, ask a friend to show you a picture of a person, place, or
thing of which you do not know the whereabouts, then take it to Google Maps
and time yourself.
In reality, we naturally use dowsing during remote viewing. What I’ve provided
here is an exact process of combining right brain/left brain dowsing with remote
TIP: Remote Viewing is not astral projection as some people assume. During
remote viewing, you’re an objective observer of physical reality regardless of
space / time barriers.
May I recall the very words of Abbé Mermet in his book “How I Operate” 9,
(page 6) which is also the point-of-view of the author of this EBook, religion
according to today’s scientists, and occultism obviously spiritism being the
invention of men, and not of a supreme entity in the cosmos. Religion and
occultism is man’s brainwork, in history governmentally to create fear and
obeisance. They were and are still murderous we do experience at the moment
with the Islamic State.


Abbé Mermet:
Among radiesthetists, I have observed two tendencies. Some, endowed
with a really scientific temperament, see and seek in Radiesthesia a new
branch of the physics of waves and radiations. Others, possessing psychic
and metaphysical tendencies, attracted by the wonders of occultism, aim
at linking up Radiesthesia with phenomena of abnormal hyper sensibility
or Spiritism.
Personally, I must make my own position quite clear. I regard
Radiesthesia as being purely scientific. If it had not been so, should have
given it up long ago. All the facts I have observed, whether explicable or
not, appear to be purely natural and the mystery associated with them is of
the same kind as that characteristic of luminous, calorific and Hertzian
waves. Hence my endeavours have always been to discover the points of
contact between these branches so closely akin to the same science and I
hope that those more learned than I will continue to investigate on the
same lines.
My own conviction is that those who try to associate Radiesthesia
with occultism are doing a great deal of harm to it. I formally decline
any solidarity with them, any responsibility for their theories and
explanations and terms they use. Of course, one cannot stop anyone
calling himself a radiesthetist but it would be most unfair if the
misconceptions of some misguided enthusiasts should bring discredit
to Radiesthesia.
(That’s plain enough)
Stephen Hawking about the non-existence of God
Stephen Hawking has stated that he is "not religious in the normal sense" and he
believes that "the universe is governed by the laws of science". Hawking stated:
There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority,
[and] science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win
because it works.
“The universe can create itself out of nothing,” declares Stephen Hawking, “and
God is no longer necessary.” Hawking’s first argument against God can be
summarized by saying that God is simply unnecessary; that the idea of a Creator
has historically been substituted for true knowledge about reality, but today we
know better.
Hawking said: "Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God
created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation."

Hawking writes, “Ignorance of nature’s ways led people in ancient times to
invent gods to lord it over every aspect of human life.” This is the “God of the
gaps” contention, which states that science has now filled past gaps in human’s
knowledge of how the universe works and any remaining holes in that fabric
will be mended by future discoveries.
Hawking and others are right in that the removal of various false deities behind
the actual forces of nature was a step in the right direction for better
understanding our world and the universe in general.
The God of the Bible who may have performed miracles, which is something
Hawking believes cannot occur, the more that we know religion is man-made,
simply brainwork for political reasons yesterday and today as in the Islam.
Religion creates fear and therefore obeisance. Instead he believes in the
“concept of scientific determinism, which implies that … there are no miracles,
or exceptions to the laws of nature.” Hawking believes that natural laws cannot
be “violated” in any way, and thus the God of the Bible who is reported to
perform miracles cannot exist.
"The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break
the laws”. In an interview published in The Guardian, Hawking regarded the
concept of Heaven as a myth, believing that there is "no heaven or afterlife" and
that such a notion was a "fairy story for people afraid of the dark". In 2011,
when narrating the first episode of the American television series Curiosity on
the Discovery Channel, Hawking declared:
We are each free to believe what we want and it is my view that the
simplest explanation is there is no God. No one created the universe and
no one directs our fate. This leads me to a profound realization. There is
probably no heaven, and no afterlife either. We have this one life to
appreciate the grand design of the universe, and for that, I am extremely

Never Forget
Intuition is associated with instinct, and innate knowledge, and is linked to
ethics and knowing instinctively the ‘right’ and the ‘wrong’ way to behave. It is
another of the new ways of knowing, and like faith is controversial, with some
people believing that it isn’t a valid way of knowing, but is only a combination
of other ways of knowing such as memory, emotion, and sense perception.

Knowledge questions linked to intuition must start with whether it is indeed a

valid way of knowing, in addition: To what extent does intuition provide us with
reliable knowledge? What makes some people more intuitive than others? How
important is intuition in ethical decision-making?
What are the ways we can Enhance our Intuition?
In order to enhance ones intuition, the individual needs to listen to what the
brain is trying to communicate. Here are some ways to improve the ability to
listen to one’s intuition.
1. Have Fun-Enjoying one’s self with laughter and being silly. When an
individual is very rigid they cannot hear the signs being brought to them.
By releasing the stiffness and becoming loose with laughter this helps to
be “light” and also able to hear more signs.
2. Relax-By taking deep breathes one is able to relax and focus more.
3. Be in the Present Moment– Look around and notice your surroundings
and environment. By taking note of what is around helps to work on your
keen senses.
4. Be Grounded or Centred in one’s Body– Taking time to be in nature
and putting your feet in the grass and taking care of your “root self.” A
“root self” is your primary needs of eating, drinking, safety and home.
Also, eating grounding foods such as potatoes and carrots help to ground
your body as well.
5. Take care of Self-Be kind and gentle to yourself. Don’t use negative
words or things to hurt one’s self. Negativity attracts more negativity and
blocks your intuition and hinders the positive flow.
6. Believe-Having faith that you can enhance your intuition! By believing
you can empower your self is what you will attract! By being positive
attracts positivity!
By using these techniques to enhance your intuition, you will start to see things
differently in your world. The use of your intuition will begin to heighten and
things will be easier to decipher. Many things that you thought were hard to
distinguish will now be so easy to interrupt. Your intuition will not only be
strengthen but your life journey will become easier too with another tool to
combat it!

Compare yourself with a human psychic vampire10
Enhanced Intuition is the ability to be able to make impulsive decisions that in
the end will turn out how the beholder wishes. Any human psychic vampire with
this gift doesn't see the future. They simply are given more highly detailed
instincts and feelings to be able to decide whether a decision they are making is
wise or something they should avoid. A human psychic vampire with enhanced
or boosted intuition is usually very apprehensive and narrow-minded as a
human. They would have often relied more on their 'gut-feelings' then their
mind, most likely being right as well.
Brain working
Enhanced Intuition works throughout the mind, it is brain work. Any human
psychic vampire with this ability can figure out whether a decision they are
making is a good one. The results are often conjured, coming up as feelings and
thoughts. If this gift is intensified and improved they can eventually include a
group when it comes to this decision. Since human psychic vampires are always
making decisions this can sometimes be very confusing and painful at the same
Strength or weakness
A human psychic vampire with this gift of strength will often times be able to
keep themselves out of the fight and live past the new born stage simply because
they are able to make decisions that most new-borns at a young age couldn't
Weakness as a gift as well, is used in battle, could prove valuable to a coven
leader who wishes to wage a quick and easily-planned war again a another
coven and group. It is never something that should fully be relied on but the gift
has not been fully explored and therefor the few human psychic vampires who
are able to utilise this skill of another or themselves for their coven or family
may not always be fully correct when running into something.
Tuning in to your sexual intuition
Sexual behaviour is very important for an healthy mind and body. Everyone
needs sex in one way or another. Have you ever wonder why you are attracted
to the wrong people?
I do all the time. And unlike fine wine, I am not improving with age.

Blood vampires belong only to movie stories and legend to amuse or terrify. And yet, I had a friend licking
human blood after scarifying someone, as he did to me. He died in 2009, March 28 after a short but painful

I also wonder why I have a fear of intimacy, and yet am perpetually lonely but
in need of sex. And I’ve been there — where I sense someone I like wants to go
“to the next level” — but not sure how to get there.
At last I arrive where I want to be. We all have an innate sense that picks up
sexual cues, sends out sexual signals and opens the door to more intimacy and
passion in our lives. It’s called sexual intuition.
Here are five ways to tap into your sexual intuition and enhance your sex life,
Much like your gut reactions or hunches, sexual intuition gives you another way
to feel the hidden attraction between people — the unspoken language of sex or
Use it to turn fear into love
If you’re afraid of intimacy, try this. Pick a social situation that fills you with
fear — say, going to a party or a night bar alone. Instead of focusing on your
discomfort, look around until someone makes eye contact with you. Smile at
them and introduce yourself. Try to feel what’s coming from the other person —
not how you feel, but how they feel. Are they nervous, or happy and at ease? Do
they smile back? Does the exchange feel easy, or forced? Notice what happens
to your fear when you make real contact. That’s a beginning. The more you
practice, the better you’ll get at picking up others’ and your own subtle body
signals. Your sexual intuition can lead you out of fear so you can explore new
Let it warn you away from danger.
Have you ever gotten a “creepy” feeling from someone? Perhaps they greeted
you with a kiss, even though you barely knew them. Or they stood too close, or
physically touched you during a conversation with too much familiarity. If you
feel repelled or slightly violated, that’s your sexual intuition raising the red flag.
If someone or something feels invasive or predatory, heed those feelings and
walk away.
Allow it to play matchmaker.
Your sexual intuition can help you find your true love or play mate, if you listen
to it. Let’s say you’ve been contacted by several online prospects in response to
a profile you posted on a dating site. Whom do you write back? Get in a quiet
space and take a few deep breaths. Now, read an online suitor’s reply. What
immediate sensations did you notice in your body? Were they pleasant or
unpleasant? Do this for each potential match and see if your sexual intuition
provides a clear choice for you. This takes some practice, but it’s usually very

Use it to make better choices of partner
If you consistently end up with Mr. or Ms. Wrong, there’s a reason: You’re not
paying attention to your OWN sexual intuition. When the person is a good
match for you, this registers in your body as a feeling of “rightness” or balance.
A good match still feels exciting, but that’s different from the thrill of danger or
reckless abandon we feel when we meet the wrong person. Let your sexual
intuition lead you and you won’t go wrong. Even in S/M when you look for a
Master or Slave, depending who you are.
Surrender to it and deepen existing bonds
Are you uptight when you’re physically intimate with your partner, whoever he
or she is? Do you feel inhibited or embarrassed? Sexual intuition is the cure.
Close your eyes, try to still your thoughts, and focus only on your hand, their
skin, and their hand. If you can stop the noise in your head, you will feel a
charge, like an electric current. That’s your sexual intuition connecting you with
your partner. Watch how much more enjoyable it is and how much closer you

Be always Creative
There is no age to be creative. Enhance vision, inspiration and imagination.
Creativity is one of our most powerful characteristics we possess, as it can be
the knight in shining armour whenever we face a dangerous situation or the
source for the ideas and concepts that help us to earn a living. Creativity has
helped brilliant thinkers, geniuses and ordinary people to discover fantastic
theories and concepts, encouraged the arousal of exciting ideas and allowed
people to find solutions where pure logic wasn’t sufficient enough. The
amazingly positive characteristics of creativity are the reason why it feels so
painful and awkward whenever we experience a lack of creativity, especially if
one is dependent on his creativity, e.g. in one’s job. A lack of creativity is an
uncomfortable sensation as the fascinating ideas that would normally start to
arise are beyond a veil of unimaginativeness. Luckily there are some really great
ways that can help you to boost creativity.
Many creative people such as authors, musicians and artists are known to (ab-)
use drugs and alcohol in order to enhance their imagination and to stimulate
their creativity, whenever they lack creativity or - in very special cases -
whenever they need to be creative. For the author Aldous Huxley it became a
routine to start writing whenever he had used drugs - which is why he became
addicted to drugs. In fact: creativity is a mental process that is highly dependent
of routines. Normally, our normal routines would help us to discover new
concepts and let creative ideas arise, however once a person starts abusing drugs
for the purpose of enhancing his creativity he is mostly rewarded with
creativeness, that starts to replace his “regular” routine to become creative as it
seems easier and more effective. This person is more apt to repeat the drug
abuse until he cannot even be creative without the stimulation. Therefore, I
highly recommend you not to use drugs or alcohol by any means to enhance
your creativity.
Enhancing creativity – Needing distraction
Whenever I lack creativity I noticed that I'm stuck in a routine, e.g. I'm
continuously staring at a blank paper, hoping that fantastic ideas start to arise
without having any inspiration to start writing at all. These routines can be found
wherever a person uses the process of creativity to create something, e.g. the
painter stands in front of his easel without the inspiration on how to colour the
white paper and the musician is not “in the right flow” to mix vocals, rhymes
and beats to a masterpiece. Something that helped me tremendously to break this
unimaginativeness is distraction, particularly with inspiring activities that enable
me to enhance my creativity. Whenever I face a lack of creativity I break the
routine, sit down on a chair, put headphones on and turn on some music. [You
can feel free to do the following with or without music, as some might get too
much distracted by music]: I close my eyes and try to let go of all my thoughts,
especially thoughts that revolve around creativity, such as:

Why don't the ideas start to pop up right now?”

“Where are the cool ideas I normally have?”
“I´ve got to get started now!”

It is my aim to solely focus my mind on my own breathing or (in case I’m

listening to music) on the colourful pictures that start to arise in my mind,
created by the different sounds of drums, beats and voices. It definitely takes
some time and exercise to reach the point of inner silence, but from then on
something amazing happens: an idea pop’s into my mind like a flash of light in
split-second. Sometimes really brilliant ideas arise, however most of them are
just thoughts that I start spinning around and - if they are great and excite me -
evolve into ideas or whole concepts. Not every idea that arises in these moments
is fantastic and brilliant, some of them are totally random or not good at all,
which is why it is important to let them go. Needless to say that this little
method figuratively boosts my creativity into new spheres, whenever an exciting
idea pops up.

Know your creative moods

Scientists have shown that the brain processes the events of the day when we
sleep. I have discovered for myself that my brain does not only processes events,
but also starts to slide into a very creative phase before I fall asleep, which is
why I placed a notepad on my bed stand to capture ideas arising out of these
phases. It can pay off to know everyday situations when you are in a creative
mood and to make some efforts to capture and evolve ideas that arise out of such
a mood. These creative moods occur especially in situations where you do not
get distracted, which allow your thoughts to wander.

Ideas are situational

The huge majority of ideas pops into my mind in everyday situations, when I’m
showering, cooking, eating, talking with someone, exercising, bicycling, or
driving in my car. Some of my very best ideas have arisen out of conversations
with different people that inspired my creativity. You see, there are techniques
to figuratively “force” ideas to arise, however most of your ideas will arise in
everyday situations, especially when you haven’t thought about the topic of the
idea at all. I heard a story that a painful steel spring in a mattress inspired a
person to use wire for his light bulb, a century ago. I might be mistaken and do
not remember where I heard that story, however many other brilliant ideas arose
all of a sudden, without someone forcing them to do so! This is why the next
part is going to be very important, as it focuses on ways on how to catch these

Capturing Ideas

The best ideas will arise totally unexpected, sometimes in the most inconvenient
situations, which is why it is important to have made some preparations to catch
these thoughts as well. Here are some ways to capture the little bits of genius
that occasionally arise and would disappear within a couple of minutes:

Basically, it all comes down to the method you prefer to write ideas down, from
small notebooks, notepads, mobile and smart phones or audio-recorders. If you
prefer the old fashioned approach to write ideas down on paper, then place a pen
and a notepad on your workstation, your bed stand and try to have a piece of
paper and a pen everywhere you go. Same goes for small tape recorders, digital
recorders and smart phones that you should have around whenever an idea

Whenever I have a flash of genius I immediately try to write it down, either into
my mobile phone or on a notepad and - in case I’m driving in my car or are in
any other situation that makes it impossible for me to write it down - I try to
remember as much as possible by creating associations. When I’m having a
great idea in my car I try to associate it for instance with the warmth feeling of
the sun on my skin or the grotesque look of an abandoned house. As soon as I
found something where I can write my idea down I only need to re-think about
my associations and the idea comes back into my mind.

Stimulation of Creativity
I already mentioned that meditation, concentration, self-hypnosis, and trance is
for me an amazing way to stimulate my creativity with the variety of images that
arises it in my mind. Variation in general is a fantastic way that helps me to
enhance my creativity, as it supplies me with a lot of new experiences, feelings,
thoughts, ideas and insights. You can increase creativity by discovering new
places and areas, plunging into new societies when travelling around, listening
to new sounds and inspirational conversations with your friends or people you
just met. It isn’t required to spend thousands of euros to start travelling around,
just make sure to break out of your everyday routines (especially those that were
barriers for your creativity), habits and mix the inspirational sensation of
variation into your life. Routines can be a barrier for innovation and
creativeness, which is why I recommend you to implement activities that have a
positive impact on your creativity, such as painting, learning how to play the
guitar or simply by writing a poem. By implementing variation into your life
you activate especially the right parts of your brain that is responsible for
inspiration, creativeness and intuition.

The creative potential of brainstorming11 shouldn’t be underestimated and can
be beneficial for your creativity. These tools help our brain to establish
associations and integrate different ideas with each other. A brainstorming
session can help you to generate a dozen of new ideas, concepts and
Evolving ideas
Living in our modern society means that we have to accept the fact that many
secrets have already been unhidden, theories constructed and many ideas
discovered, often even before we could have thought about them. However,
whenever I have an interesting thought or idea I try to evolve the idea until it
starts to develop to an interesting concept/theory/etc. This process allows me to
find new ideas as a result of already existing thoughts. Sometimes it can also be
helpful to look at an idea from a completely different perspective. By changing
your point of view you might discover some really fantastic new ideas.
“Think outside the box”
The ability to think outside the box is a fantastic characteristic creative people
have discovered for various aspects of their lives. Many people struggle with
thinking outside the box, often because it is not clear what it really means.
Therefore I’d like to give you a great example what it means to think inside the
box, by quoting Charles H. Duell12, Director of the United States Patent and
Trademark Office in 1899:

Brainstorming combines a relaxed, informal approach to problem solving with lateral
thinking. It encourages people to come up with thoughts and ideas that can, at first, seem a bit
crazy. Some of these ideas can be crafted into original, creative solutions to a problem, while
others can spark even more ideas. This helps to get people unstuck by "jolting" them out of
their normal ways of thinking. Therefore, during brainstorming sessions, people should avoid
criticizing or rewarding ideas. You're trying to open up possibilities and break down incorrect
assumptions about the problem's limits. Judgment and analysis at this stage stunts idea
generation and limit creativity. Evaluate ideas at the end of the session – this is the time to
explore solutions further, using conventional approaches.

He was born in Cortland, New York, the son of Congressman R. Holland Duell (1824–
1891) and Mary L. (Cuyler) Duell (1822–1884). He graduated A.B. from Hamilton College in
1871, and from Hamilton College Law School in 1872. He married Harriet M. Sackett (born
1854), and they had several children, among them State Senator Holland S. Duell (1881–
1942). He was in private practice in New York City from 1873 to 1880, and was a member of
the New York State Assembly (New York Co., 13th D.) in 1878 and 1880. He moved his
"Everything that can be invented has been invented."

Duell’s statement - fantastic example for thinking inside the box at its best - is
especially remarkable when keeping in mind that it was made in 1899. Another
characteristic of in the box thinking is the acceptance of the way the things are
how they are, in short: accepting the status quo.
Thinking outside the box can sometimes be different as it will require you to
approach things completely different than you would have and it often takes the
willingness and openness to view things from a new perspective. For me
personally, thinking outside the box also means that I do not stubbornly persist
in my opinion, whenever another person presents me facts that prove me wrong.
The attitude of a creative person
Creativity is definitely something that can be easily acquired by training oneself
one creative characteristic. It is more a mixture of different characteristics and
attitudes, mind-sets and abilities that allow a person to develop creative
thoughts, concepts or masterpieces. What are some attitudes and characteristics
that creative people have in common? Or maybe even more important: what are
attitudes that non-creative people have in common? Let’s start with attitudes and
characteristics of non-creative people:
Stubbornness, In-the-box-thinking and following instructions
I have been working my whole at a travel agency, which felt like it was the least
creative place in the whole wide world. Every employee had to accomplish his
very own tasks by following meticulous instructions and guidelines, always
having the laws in mind that were pointed out in the legal text. I had varied tasks
every ten years promotionally , however for nearly all of them I had to follow
guidelines on how to approach tasks. My working experience in this job allowed
me to find some insights about some of the least creative people: they are

practice to Syracuse, New York from 1880 to 1898. In 1898, he was appointed as the United
States Commissioner of Patents, and held that post until 1901. In that role, he is famous for
purportedly saying "Everything that can be invented has been invented." However, this has
been debunked as apocryphal by librarian Samuel Sass who traced the quote back to a 1981
book titled "The Book of Facts and Fallacies" by Chris Morgan and David Langford. In fact,
Duell said in 1902: In my opinion, all previous advances in the various lines of invention will
appear totally insignificant when compared with those which the present century will witness.
I almost wish that I might live my life over again to see the wonders which are at the

stubborn, follow instructions as precise as possible and feel uncomfortable
whenever a situation requires to come up with own solutions.
What are the attitudes of creative people?
Individuality and Uniqueness
Creative people have many characteristics and attitudes; however their
individuality is something that makes them unique. Just think about favourite
musicians and how everyone of them was a unique individual. Their
individuality is the main reason that creative people are often considered to be
“ahead of time” and why they come up with completely new ideas on how to
address problems.
Unconventionality and individuality are two characteristics of highly creative
people and both of these have a lot in common. Galileo Galilei is such a creative
person who was amazingly unconventional. Unconventional people tend to do
whatever they believe is right, even if it means to swim against the flow. Galileo
by contrast had to figuratively swim against a whole storm surge with his
revolutionary but true statement that the earth evolved around the sun.
Curiosity is another characteristic of highly creative people. A person that is
curios discovers and experiences a lot more than other people would, simply by
questioning things and by searching for suitable answers for his questions. I’ve
written an article on how to develop curiosity and the reasons curiosity is so
important, feel free to have a look at it as well.
How to develop curiosity?
Don´t be prejudiced!
One of the most important aspects that helps you to develop curiosity is to be
open-minded towards everything that is new in your life, may it be a question, a
task or any other situation you are facing. Being biased will only decrease your
curiosity as you start to separate something into “boring” and “interesting”,
which means that you might lose fifty percent of the opportunities or challenges.
Be willing to learn something new, invest some time to discover something that
interests you and start to pursue new opportunities.
Question things!
People often take everything in this world for granted, from the learning
material in school up to the business concepts of successful companies without

even thinking about it or question specific decisions that were being made. Well,
do you think Albert Einstein became so famous because of his extraordinary
ability to study what his teachers taught him? No, definitely not! It was rather
his aspiration to question things and to come up with own ideas that allowed him
to develop his special theory of relativity.
Be enthusiastic!
Enthusiasm will allow you to be by far more interested in a certain topic than
without it. You can become enthusiastic by associating fun and joy with the
tasks you have to perform, rather than expecting them to be a waste of time or
irrelevant for you. Another excellent way to become enthusiastic is to spot
challenges in your tasks and to make contests with your friends or co-workers.
Set up some challenges and you will become eager to win those contests!
Avoid boredom!
By being bored you steadily decrease your curiosity until it reaches its anti-
climax. In order to increase your curiosity you will have to avoid boredom by
any means. Boredom accrues when you aren´t interested anymore in new topics
and when you accomplished all goals that you wanted to reach! In order to avoid
boredom in your life you need to be continuously interested in new topics that
you really want to explore and learn more about. Inform yourself about new
trends, read different books from other industries or learn a new language.
Whatever you do, be sure to add variety to your lifestyle and make it
Avoid Routine!
The number one enemy of curiosity is routine. Routine makes us do the same
things day after day, sometimes for many years, which causes boredom. So
instead of having fixed routines you could add some variety to your life. It
doesn´t have to be some major changes to your daily routine, you could for
instance begin by brushing your teeth with the opposite hand or exploring a new
route to your workplace.

Explore the world!
You can increase your curiosity by exploring the world, from your
neighbourhood to nearby cities or trips to different places in the world. Discover
new countries and let yourself getting surprised by the curiosity to learn more
about the place and the people that are living there.
You can develop curiosity by making your life an interesting challenge, without
boredom and too many routines, which helps you to add variety to your life!
Learn to be nice to yourself.

There is Power, Improving your Sex Life
The G-Spot
The G-spot, or Grafenberg spot, named after the gynaecologist who first
identified it, is a mound of super-sensitive sponge like tissue located within the
roof of the vagina, just inside the entrance. Proper stimulation of the G-spot can
produce intense orgasms. Because of its difficult-to-reach location and the fact
that it is most successfully stimulated manually, the G-spot is not routinely
activated for most women during vaginal intercourse. While this has led some
sceptics to doubt its existence, research has demonstrated that a different sort of
tissue does exist in this location.

Sex. The word can evoke a kaleidoscope of emotions. From love, excitement,
and tenderness to longing, anxiety, and disappointment—the reactions are as
varied as sexual experiences themselves. What's more, many people will
encounter all these emotions and many others in the course of a sex life
spanning several decades.
But what is sex, really?
On one level, sex is just another hormone-driven bodily function designed to
perpetuate the species. Of course, that narrow view underestimates the
complexity of the human sexual response. In addition to the biochemical forces
at work, your experiences and expectations help shape your sexuality. Your
understanding of yourself as a sexual being, your thoughts about what
constitutes a satisfying sexual connection, and your relationship with your
partner are key factors in your ability to develop and maintain a fulfilling sex
Talking to your partner(s)
Many couples or group find it difficult to talk about sex even under the best of
circumstances. When sexual problems occur, feelings of hurt, shame, guilt, and
resentment can halt conversation altogether. Because good communication is a
cornerstone of a healthy relationship, establishing a dialogue is the first step not
only to a better sex life, but also to a closer emotional bond. Here are some tips
for tackling this sensitive subject.
Find the right time to talk
There are two types of sexual conversations: the ones you have in the bedroom
and the ones you have elsewhere. It's perfectly appropriate to tell your partner
what feels good in the middle of lovemaking, but it's best to wait until you're in
a more neutral setting to discuss larger issues, such as mismatched sexual desire
or orgasm troubles.
Avoid criticizing
Couch suggestions in positive terms, such as, "I really love it when you touch
my hair lightly that way," rather than focusing on the negatives. Approach a
sexual issue as a problem to be solved together rather than an exercise in
assigning blame.
Confide in your partner about changes in your body
If hot flashes are keeping you up at night or menopause has made your vagina
dry, talk to your partner about these things. It's much better that he know what's
really going on rather than interpret these physical changes as lack of interest.

Likewise, if you're a man and you no longer get an erection just from the
thought of sex, show your partner how to stimulate you rather than let her
believe she isn't attractive enough to arouse you anymore.
Be honest
You may think you're protecting your partner's feelings by faking an orgasm, but
in reality you're starting down a slippery slope. As challenging as it is to talk
about any sexual problem, the difficulty level skyrockets once the issue is buried
under years of lies, hurt, and resentment.
Don't equate love with sexual performance
Create an atmosphere of caring and tenderness; touch and kiss often. Don't
blame yourself or your partner for your sexual difficulties. Focus instead on
maintaining emotional and physical intimacy in your relationship. For older
couples, another potentially sensitive subject that's worth discussing is what will
happen after one partner dies. In couples who enjoy a healthy sex life, the
surviving partner will likely want to seek out a new partner. Expressing your
openness to that possibility while you are both still alive will likely relieve guilt
and make the process less difficult for the surviving partner later.
Using self-help strategies
Treating sexual problems is easier now than ever before. Revolutionary
medications and professional sex therapists are there if you need them. But you
may be able to resolve minor sexual issues by making a few adjustments in your
lovemaking style. Here are some things you can try at home.
Educate yourself
Plenty of good self-help materials are available for every type of sexual issue, as
for the Master/Slave relation. Browse the Internet or your local bookstore, pick
out a few resources that apply to you, and use them to help you and your partner
become better informed about the problem. If talking directly is too difficult,
you and your partner can underline passages that you particularly like and show
them to each other.
You must be sexually aroused to be able to locate your G-spot. As for women,
try rubbing your finger in a beckoning motion along the roof of your vagina
while you're in a squatting or sitting position, or have your partner massage the
upper surface of your vagina until you notice a particularly sensitive area. Some
women tend to be more sensitive and can find the spot easily, but for others it's

Give yourself time
As you age, your sexual responses slow down. You and your partner or partners
can improve your chances of success by finding a quiet, comfortable,
interruption-free setting for sex. Also, understand that the physical changes in
your body mean that you'll need more time to get aroused and reach orgasm.
When you think about it, spending more time having sex isn't a bad thing;
working these physical necessities into your lovemaking routine can open up
doors to a new kind of sexual experience.
Use lubrication
Often, the vaginal dryness that begins in perimenopause can be easily corrected
with lubricating liquids and gels. Use these freely to avoid painful sex—a
problem that can snowball into flagging libido and growing relationship
tensions. When lubricants no longer work, discuss other options with your
Maintain physical affection
Even if you're tired, tense, or upset about the problem, engaging in kissing and
cuddling is essential for maintaining an emotional and physical bond.
Practice touching
The sensate focus techniques that sex therapists use can help you re-establish
physical intimacy without feeling pressured. Many self-help books and
educational videos offer variations on these exercises. You may also want to ask
your partner to touch you in a manner that he or she would like to be touched.
This will give you a better sense of how much pressure, from gentle to firm, you
should use.
Try different positions, and create variation
Developing a repertoire of different sexual positions not only adds interest to
lovemaking, but can also help overcome problems. For example, the increased
stimulation to the G-spot that occurs when a man enters his partner from behind
can help the woman reach orgasm.
If you can't easily locate it, you shouldn't worry. During intercourse, many men
and women feel that the G-spot can be most easily stimulated when the man or
the women enters from behind. For couples dealing with erection problems, play
involving the G-spot can be a positive addition to lovemaking. Oral stimulation
of the clitoris, the anus and cock licking and sucking combined with manual
stimulation of the G-spot can give a man and woman a highly intense orgasm.

Write down your fantasies
This exercise can help you explore possible activities you think might be a turn-
on for you or your partner. Try thinking of an experience or a movie that
aroused you and then share your memory with your partner. This is especially
helpful for people with low desire.
Do Kegel exercises
Both men and women can improve their sexual fitness by exercising their pelvic
floor muscles. To do these exercises, tighten the muscle you would use if you
were trying to stop urine in midstream. Hold the contraction for two or three
seconds, then release. Repeat 10 times. Try to do five sets a day. These exercises
can be done anywhere—while driving, sitting at your desk, or standing in a
checkout line. At home, women may use vaginal weights to add muscle
resistance. Talk to your doctor or a sex therapist about where to get these and
how to use them.
Try to relax
Do something soothing together before having sex, such as playing a game or
going out for a nice dinner. Or try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing
exercises or yoga.
Use a vibrators, dildos, etc.
This device can help man and woman learn about their own sexual response and
allow them to show their partners what is liked.
Don’t give up
If none of your efforts seem to work, don’t give up hope. Your doctor can often
determine the cause of your sexual problem and may be able to identify
effective treatments. He or she can also put you in touch with a sex therapist
who can help you explore issues that may be standing in the way of a fulfilling
sex life.
Maintaining good health
Your sexual well-being goes hand in hand with your overall mental, physical,
and emotional health. Therefore, the same healthy habits you rely on to keep
your body in shape can also shape up your sex life.

Exercice, exercice, exercice (bene, bene respondare)
Physical activity is first and foremost among the healthy behaviours that can
improve your sexual functioning. Because physical arousal depends greatly on
good blood flow, aerobic exercise (which strengthens your heart and blood
vessels) is crucial. And exercise offers a wealth of other health benefits, from
staving off heart disease, osteoporosis, and some forms of cancer to improving
your mood and helping you get a better night's sleep. Also, don't forget to
include strength training.
Don't smoke
Smoking contributes to peripheral vascular disease, which affects blood flow to
the penis, clitoris, and vaginal tissues. In addition, women who smoke tend to go
through menopause two years earlier than their non-smoking counterparts.
Use alcohol in moderation
Some men with erectile dysfunction find that having one drink can help them
relax, but heavy use of alcohol can make matters worse. Alcohol can inhibit
sexual reflexes by dulling the central nervous system. Drinking large amounts
over a long period can damage the liver, leading to an increase in oestrogen
production in men. In women, alcohol can trigger hot flashes and disrupt sleep,
compounding problems already present in menopause.
Eat correct and healthy
Overindulgence in fatty foods leads to high blood cholesterol and obesity—both
major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. In addition, being overweight can
promote lethargy and a poor body image. Increased libido is often an added
benefit of losing those extra pounds.
Use it or lose it ladies
When oestrogen drops at menopause, the vaginal walls lose some of their
elasticity. You can slow this process or even reverse it through sexual activity. If
intercourse isn't an option, masturbation is just as effective, although for women,
this is most effective if you use a vibrator or dildo (an object resembling a penis)
to help stretch the vagina. For men, long periods without an erection can deprive
the penis of a portion of the oxygen-rich blood it needs to maintain good sexual
functioning. As a result, something akin to scar tissue develops in muscle cells,
which interferes with the ability of the penis to expand when blood flow is

Putting the fun back into sex
Even in the best relationship, sex can become ho-hum after a number of years.
With a little bit of imagination, you can rekindle the spark.
Be adventurous
Maybe you've never had sex on the living room floor or in a secluded spot in the
woods; now might be the time to try it. Or try exploring erotic books and films.
Even just the feeling of naughtiness you get from renting an X-rated movie
might make you feel frisky.
Be sensual
Create an environment for lovemaking that appeals to all five of your senses.
Concentrate on the feel of silk against your skin, the beat of a jazz tune, the
perfumed scent of flowers around the room, the soft focus of candlelight, and
the taste of ripe, juicy fruit. Use this heightened sensual awareness when making
love to your partner.
Be playful
Leave love notes in your partner's pocket for him or her to find later. Take a
bubble bath together—the warm cosy feeling you have when you get out of the
tub can be a great lead-in to sex. Tickle. Laugh.
Be creative
Expand your sexual repertoire and vary your scripts. For example, if you're used
to making love on Saturday night, choose Sunday morning instead. Experiment
with new positions and activities. Try sex toys and sexy clothing if you never
have before.
Be romantic depending what you are up to as differently in S/M
Surprise each other with flowers when it isn't a special occasion. Plan a day
when all you do is lie in bed, talk, and be intimate. The most important tool you
have at your disposal is your attitude about sexuality. Armed with good
information and a positive outlook, you should be able to maintain a healthy sex
life for many years to come.

Is it always safe to follow intuitions?
We often use mental shortcuts (heuristics) to make decisions. There is simply
too much information coming at us from all directions, and too many decisions
that we need to make from moment to moment, to think every single one
through a long and detailed analysis. While this can sometimes backfire, in
many cases intuition is a perfectly fine shortcut. However, intuition is helpful
only under certain conditions.
The most important condition is expertise. If I am a novice mountain climber,
then my intuition on whether or not a given route is safe is not going to be
accurate – I have no previous knowledge on which to base that decision.
Similarly, if a financial history professor is making an investment decision, his
expertise in financial history does not automatically extend to financial
investments, thus she should not rely on intuition for those decisions.
It takes a surprising amount of domain-specific expertise to develop accurate
intuitive judgments – around ten years, according to the research. And during
those ten years, repetition and feedback are essential. For example, a TV show
producer, in order to develop accurate intuitive judgment about new TV shows,
would need to repeatedly engage in making decisions about new TV shows and
receive rapid and accurate feedback on whether those decisions were good ones.
Eventually, this repetition and feedback becomes embedded as intuitive learning
and can be used to make fast and effective intuitive decisions about new shows.
Learning can also happen subconsciously over time (also called “implicit
learning”). For example, a factory foreman spends every day scanning the
factory environment, ensuring it is safe and workers are productive. After many
years of this, the foreman learns to recognise the most important signals or
patterns of activity, ignoring irrelevant information. Thus the experienced
foreman can respond to conditions on the factory floor in a rapid, accurate, and
intuitive way.
The second condition relates to the type of decision you’re making. To be
conducive to intuitive judgment, the problem should be unstructured. An
unstructured problem is one that lacks clear decision rules or has few objective
criteria with which to make the decision; for example, aesthetic judgments
regarding whether a new movie or art exhibit will be a success, or political
judgments regarding the best way to get a new initiative approved, or human
resource judgments regarding the best way to resolve a conflict between
The types of problems that do not benefit from intuition are ones that have clear
decision rules, objective criteria, and abundant data with which to perform an
analysis. In making a medical diagnosis, for example, computer algorithms tend
to be more accurate than an experienced medical doctor’s judgment. This is
because the computer can calculate the probability that a particular set of
symptoms indicate a particular illness while also factoring in the patient’s age,
sex, and other relevant factors. The human brain, when faced with such a large
amount of data, must use heuristics, and those mental shortcuts can be
imperfect. With hundreds of possible symptoms and illnesses, it would be very
difficult for any individual doctor to develop the depth of expertise required to
make an accurate intuitive judgment on a particular illness.
Of course, most decisions lie somewhere between the aesthetic judgment and
computer algorithm. In buying a new car, you can feed data into a computer
algorithm to calculate the most efficient and economical model for your needs,
but the final decision will be influenced by your reaction to the look and feel of
the car – something a computer cannot assess for you. Likewise, the decision to
sell your product in a new market can be analysed quantitatively, but the final
outcome will be affected by the new customers’ feelings about the product –
something a computer cannot predict. Nonetheless, if there are clear decision
rules that can be used to create an algorithm, if relevant data are available, and if
the decision will be assessed with purely objective criteria (i.e., not aesthetic
judgments or feelings), then an analytical approach is likely to be more helpful
than intuition in reaching the best decision.
Finally, the third condition is the amount of time you have available. If you only
have a small window in which to decide, intuition can be helpful because it is
faster than a detailed analysis. This is especially true when there is very little
information with which to make the decision. When information and time are
scarce, using heuristics such as intuition can often be as effective as a rational
approach. However, lack of time by itself is not necessarily a good reason to use
intuition. As much as we want to believe that our intuition is telling us
something meaningful, it is still a shortcut that could lead us down the wrong
Intuition is essentially a feeling, and we do not know the source of that feeling.
It may be that our aversion to a particular option is reflecting a hidden
nervousness, insecurity or fear of the unknown. If so, then our intuition will lead
us to reject a perfectly good option. At the same time, research has found that
feelings are relevant – even essential – to decision-making; a study of patients
with a tumour in the emotion area of the brain found they could generate
alternatives but were unable to choose one.
Ultimately, it may be that we should use both intuition and analysis. There may
be times when intuition helps narrow down the options, which can then be
analysed in a logical and rational way. Or the reverse: an initial detailed analysis
may identify a few options that seem equally good, and intuition is needed to
single out the right one. But before you decide to trust your gut, ask yourself:
Am I an expert? Is this an unstructured problem? And how much time do I have
to choose?
How to hear intuition when you do not know what to do?
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the
answer. Sitting in my desk in my study room, I stared at the email in front of me.
My heart sank deep. All energy and joy left me, to be replaced with confusion,
anxiety, and a deep sense of frustration. As adrenalin rushed through my veins,
one question engulfed my mind leaving little room for the answer.
What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? I just didn’t know.
The email was from a religious contact before I became an atheist end 2010.
Someone who I had shared pastoral work with for a long time. Someone who
wasn’t listening to me. Someone who was causing me unhappiness, like many,
many did.
And as I re-read the email, I knew I had to make a definite decision. Could I
deal with this any longer? The demands, the lack of control, the sharp tone that
always seemed so unnecessary.

Or did I have to stick it out? Put up with those feelings, just get on with the work
and do the best I could? What should I do? What should I do? What should I
And then, in that one moment in time, it became clear exactly what I needed to
do. I needed to step away from the computer for a few hours. I needed to get
outside. And I needed to breathe. So that’s exactly what I did.
Twenty-four hours later, I was on email again explaining to the stupid that I
didn’t feel we were right for each other anymore. Finished is finished. That we
needed to bring things to a definite close. That it was time for me to move on to
better more sure shores, and enjoy my old age as I do writing, etc..
And move on I certainly do, religion no more, stupidities no more..
That day when I stepped outside and went for a walk, I found peace and quiet, a
sense of calm understanding, and most importantly, a moment of absolute pure
My intuition spoke. And I listened to her.
I realized that I had to remove myself from the situation that was always causing
me so much distress since my ordinations in 1974. Forcing myself to continue
was no longer an option; it was not what my body and mind needed. Instead, I
needed to follow my heart, the only way to happiness.
And so, I let go of that stupid one along with all those negative feelings. And I
created space. Space for new people. New places. And new experiences even if
old age limits me. And do you know what? Once I made that decision, it was
like an enormous weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
My energy and joy returned to me in abundance, and I knew with absolute
certainty that I had made the correct decision. Once again, my intuition had
guided me. And she hadn’t let me down.
Tuning into your intuition during troubled times can be difficult. With so much
noise, information, and clutter within the world, our thoughts can often be
clouded with distractions. However, there are lots of ways that you can help
your intuitive voice find its way to you. Just follow the tips below.
Step away from the situation without remorse. I say to yourself “I
have no past.”
I’ve found that during these times the best thing you can do is allow yourself
some breathing space. Stand up and go for a long walk, head out into the
wilderness, browse some antique shops, meditate, sit with a coffee and watch

the world go by. Whatever you love doing, whatever calms you, now is the time
to do it.
Find some quiet space to let your mind wander, and your intuitive voice will
have a far greater chance of being heard. Be always honest with yourself. It can
sometimes be very easy to ignore your feelings and push them away.
We might push those gut feelings aside and take what may seem like the easier
option because we’re afraid of failure, changing direction, and saying no.
However, ultimately this is about your happiness. And if something doesn’t feel
right, then maybe it’s time for a change.
Be honest with yourself and acknowledge those unsettled feelings; they are there
to guide and support you. Listen to them. Turn even to your journal. I have
found writing in a journal to be an incredible method for tuning into my
Acting as a safe space to release emotions, work through problems, and process
your thoughts, it can allow for greater self-discovery and understanding.
Next time you are having difficulty making a decision, pick up a pen and some
paper and let the words flow out of you. Reflect on the situation, explore those
feelings, and consider the bigger picture.
This free-flowing use of personal writing can be a wonderful catalyst for
removing blocks and letting your intuitive voice lead the way. Just let the words
pour out of you. The intuitive voice is a powerful one, but it often needs a quiet,
calm, reflective environment to find its way.
Learn where you can find some peace, go there when times are hard, and listen
with all you might to what your heart and mind are telling you. Your intuition
wants to guide and support you. So give it the space to be heard.

From the author and editor of this EBook:

Faith and doubt! These are like the North and the South Pole. Unfortunately, a
man of faith is quite often misunderstood. We are apt to call a man of faith as
something “a fanatic”. Here we make a deplorable mistake. A fanatic hates
reason and ignore the reasoning mind, whereas a man of faith, if he is really a
man of faith, will welcome reason and accept the doubting mind. Then his faith
will help the doubting mind to transcend itself into the infinite “Vast”, into
something eternal and immortal as long as it is remembered according to the
teachings of the Psychologist Carl Gustaf Jung, the “Archetypes” in the

“Collective Conscious.” Let us be wise, and constantly keep our inner fears and
doubts under perfect control.
It is also my own conviction that those who try to associate meditation, self-
hypnotism, trance, affirmative self-talk, radiesthesia, psychosynthesis
(psychology) with religion and occultism are doing a great deal of harm to it. I
formally decline any solidarity with them, any responsibility for their theories
and explanations and terms they use. Of course, one cannot stop anyone calling
himself, for instance, a radiesthetist but it would be most unfair if the
misconceptions of some misguided enthusiasts should bring discredit to
Stephen Hawkins said: “”I regard the brain as a computer which will stop
working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken
down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark,” he added.

You are getting asleep! 2
Foreword: Notes on Radiesthesia 3
The “yes” and “no” response; questions strong and weak; correct 3
formulation of the questions is of crucial importance; medical
radiesthesia; readings for others even in absence; an incorrect
question gives an incorrect answer; doing pendulum readings for
others; things that can cause an incorrect response from the
pendulum; appropriate types of questions to ask; become a better
radiesthetist, remembering the following…
You are intuitive! 9
Nine tips for enhancing your intuition 11
Radiesthesia and self-hypnosis 13
Using the pendulum for self-hypnosis – a proposed method 14
Self-hypnosis and mental ability 17
How to use radiesthesia techniques for searching on Google Maps using 32
an IPad
Abbé Mermet quotation 40
Stephen Hawking about the non-existence of God 40
Never forget 41
Compare yourself with a human psychic vampire 43
Be always creative 46
There is power, improving your sex life 55
Is it always safe to follow intuitions? 62
From the author and editor of this EBook 67
Contents 69

© January 2017 – Satsang EBook Publications, Ghent, Belgium

(Non-commercial/Free download everywhere on Internet)
Owner: Philippe L. De Coster, B.Th., DD (Copyright)


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