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Acta metall, mater. Vol.43, No. 12, pp.

42134225, 1995
Pergamon ElsevierScienceLtd
Copyright ~ 1995Acta MetallurgicaInc.
0956-7151(95)00126-3 Printed in Great Britain.All rights reserved
0956-7151/95 $9.50+ 0.00


and G. GUI~NIN 2
rCRMC2-CNRS, Campus de Luminy, Case 913-13288, Marseille Cedex 9 and 21NSA-GEMPPM,
URA CNRS 341, B~it. 502 20, avenue A. Einstein-69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France

(Received 16 February 1994; in revised form 26 March 1995)

Abstract--The thermoelastic transformation of the CuZnA1 shape memory alloy has been studied in situ
and in real time by synchrotron X-ray topography. The white nature of the beam leads access to
crystallographic relations between crystals in ]~ and 9R phases. From our original method deduced from
the Kajiwara theory the experimental and simulated orientations have been compared and the self-accom-
modating character of the transformation has been shown.

R~sum6--La transformation thermorlastique de l'alliage CuZnA1 a 6t~ 6tudi~e par topographie en

rayonnement X synchrotron. La nature polychromatique de ce faisceau a 6t~ exploitre pour d~terminer,
exprrimentalement, les relations d'orientation entre les phases ,8 et 9R, A l'aide d'une mrthode inspir~e
par le travail throrique de Kajiwara, nous avons simul~ les orientations respectives et montr~ le caract~re
self-accommodant de cette transformation.

1. INTRODUCTION ation are usually calculated for one martensite vari-

ant [4, 5, 8] and exceptionally for two variants [9, 10].
For some years, considerable attention has been In a generalized mathematical model De Vos et aL
given to martensitic transformation and more [11, 12] calculated all relevant crystallographic
specially to alloys of noble base metals, with a certain characteristics for all the appearing variants and
composition range, which transform thermoelasti- especially the relationship between them. Because of
cally from the fl phase (b.c.c.) to the 9R structure the symmetry of the parent ~ phase, 24 variants can
(monoclinic near by the orthorhombic structure) with easily be deduced from one b.c.c, crystal. The 24
a stacking sequence "ABC BCA C A B . . . " . The martensite plates do occur in a self-accommodating
mathematical base theory of martensitic transform- manner, forming six variant groups, each of them
ations proposed by Wechsler et al. [1] and Bowles and contains four cooperating martensite variants which
Mackenzie [2] has been applied in several attempts combine to produce a quasi zero net macroscopic
to predict the crystallographic features of the fl to shape change.
9R transformations [3-5]. Suzuki [6] has developed The experimental verification of the validity of the
a simpler method to calculate these crystallographic self-accommodating process is not an easy task. The
relations assuming the same strain condition (no crystallographic relationships between the transform-
average distortion at the matrix-martensite interface ation variants but also between the variants and
which must remain unrotated during the transform- the matrix must be known. Owing to their great
ation) than the previous attempts. More recently, number, such a characterization on polycrystalline
he has published a revised approach, easily applicable materials is difficult even impossible. Single or large
to any system of martensitic transformation [7}. crystals were mainly studied. The relationships were
Afterwards the Suzuki mathematical approach was determined usually a posteriori optically from the
applied tO the transformation of the fl to the 9R traces of the interphase boundaries at the crystal
close packed structure and analytical equations surface, locally by electron microscopy or by X-ray
for the magnitude of the lattice invariant shear and diffraction (Laue diagrams). Cu [5, 13-18], Fe [19]
habit plane indices were derived by Kajiwara [8]. and Ni [20] base alloys were studied by these
So, the crystallographic properties of the transform- methods.


The self-accommodating process consists in the 2. EXPERIMENTS

grouping of four martensitic variants in order to 2. I. Crystal preparation
cancel the stresses resulting from the transformation
The appropriate alloy composition CuT~Znl6Als is
and to obtain a zero net macroscopic change. All
obtained by induction melting of electrolytical Cu,Zn
experimental methods cited previously were not able
99.96% and AI 99.99% in an evacuated chamber
to display these stresses. On the other hand, owing to
under a nitrogen rich atmosphere. Cylindrical ingots
the reduced observation field of the electron micro-
were obtained by in situ pouring of the liquid alloy
scope, it is difficult to obtain information on the
into molds. The preoriented single crystals of /~
nucleation centers. These are generally localized in
Cu-Zn-A1 were obtained by a modified Bridgrnan
the thicker part of the sample. The relations between
method. Homogenization was carried out at 1123 K
the crystal structure of the parent phase and the
in evacuated quartz tubes subsequently quenched in
transformation variants are unexplored. For
water. In order to simplify the crystallographic analy-
example, no information is available on the relations
sis, the atomic order is not taken into account: /~
existing between the nucleation, the variant growth
phase is supposed b.c.c. (instead of DO3) and the
and the crystalline defects of the parent phase and on
martensite is supposed 9R (instead of 18R). The M~
the formation and the growth out of a self-
martensitic transformation temperature (M~ -~ 263 K)
accommodating group. Since some years ago, the
was determined by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
thermoelastic transformation has also been studied
by X-ray topography with conventional X-ray gener-
The lattice parameters of the/~ and 9R cells are the
ators [21]. Two difficulties have made impossible the
following [26]:
in situ study of the transformation: a very long
exposure time ( > 24 h) due to the low intensity of the
X-ray beam and the impossibility, resulting from the b.c.c./~ phase: aft = 0.2923 nm
monochromaticity of the X-ray beam, to record monoclinic 9R phase: a = 0.440 nm
the diffracted beams of the low temperature phase. b= 0.2670 nm
The in situ and real time Synchrotron White Beam c= 1.913 nm
X-Ray Topography (SWBXRT) technique is well fl0 = 1.54235 rad (88.37~
adapted to the study of the evolution processes of
bulk crystalline materials submitted to various treat- The fl and 9R terms are systematically used in this
ments. Its possibilities were used in several studies: paper to designate the parent and martensitic phases,
recrystallization [22], growth from the liquid phase respectively.
[23] and solid-solid phase transition [24]. It has been Disk-shaped specimens of selected orientation for
shown in a first paper that this technique should be X-ray diffraction were cut from the crystal ingot by
applied successfully to the in situ and real time study a diamond wheel cutter, mechanically polished with
of the thermoelastic transformation of the shape fine grinding paper and finally electropolished. The
memory alloy [25]. disks have a diameter of 10 mm and a thickness of
In addition to the high flux of the beam which 0.1 mm to provide the conditions of good contrast on
reduces the exposure time to 1 s allowing the in situ topograms are approached.
study of the transformation, two fundamental prop-
2.2. Synchrotron beam
erties of this method have been exploited: the white
beam nature of the X-ray beam which allows one to The white synchrotron beam characteristics are
record simultaneously, on a same film, the diffraction 4 x 1 0 - 2 < 2 < 4 0 x 10-2nm with 2max= 1.6 x 10 -l
diagram of the two phases during the transformation when the power of the D C I t ring is 2.9 x 10-1o j and
and the property of the topographic method which the intensity 3 • 10-I A. The cross-section of the
visualizes at once the crystalline defects of the crystals beam is circular with a diameter of 10-2m. The
either in parent or transformed phases and so allows diffracted beams can be recorded using either a TV
one to establish the relations existing between them. camera or films or nuclear plates. In the latter case,
This last method has been used to study in situ and the exposure time is the order of 1-5 s.
in real time the thermoelastic martensitic transform- The large sections of the incident beam is an
ation of single crystals of Cu-Zn-AI shape memory important property of the synchrotron radiation. In
alloy. The results are presented in two papers. In this opposition to the one of the electron microscope, this
paper, the crystallographic results are discussed. The beam allows the study of the whole crystal submitted
nucleation and the growth of the self-accommodating to the temperature cycling.
variants have been analyzed by means of an original
2.3. Experimental technique
method derived from the Kajiwara theory. In the
second paper, the topograms are analyzed in order to Experiments were made in a regulated ( + 0 . 2 K )
show the connections between the crystal defects Peltier cell whose temperature can change from 233
structure during the fl to 9R transformation. to 323 K. To avoid the water condensation, during
the temperature variations, the cell is put inside a
tL.U.R.E. Bat. 209 D. 91405 Orsay Cedex. chamber with a primary vacuum of 10-1 Pa. This cell

is built in such a way to allow the incident and the X-ray source, the diffraction diagrams of the fl
diffracted X-ray beams crossing. and 9R phases are recorded simultaneously on the
Due to the high flux of the incident X-ray beam same film. In Fig. 2(a) (262.7 K) a single transform-
in situ and real time studies are possible. The exper- ation variant is present; in Fig. 2(b) (262.5 K) a
imental technique is such that, when the first nuclei second variant appears; in Fig. 2(c) (262 K) four
of the low temperature phase are detected, the tem- variants are present. The diffraction spots of each
perature is slowly decreased in steps of 0.2 K. To phase are easily identified: the spots of the fl phase
follow the crystal structure evolution and the marten- (initial state) are circular while the spots of the 9R
site plate growth, topograms are recorded at each phase, given by the martensitic plates, are linear.
step on films or nuclear plates. The reverse transform- Moreover, in the fl spots, the white trace (lack of
ation is studied in the same manner as the direct one. diffraction) corresponds to the part of the fl crystal
A computer program (Orient Express) has been which is transformed into 9R phase, therefore it is
used to determine the crystal orientations from the possible to localize the nucleation of the plate and its
experimental Laue diagrams and conversely to simu- interactions with the fl structure. This fundamental
late, from the crystallographic data, the diffraction point will be treated in the second paper. Figure 2(d)
diagrams of crystals in 9R phase. (261.5 K), at a further stage of the transformation
(however, less than half of the crystal is transformed),
3. RESULTS shows the complexity of the diffraction diagram.
3. I. Diagram description This paper is restricted to the crystallographic
study of the transformation.
Figure 1 shows the diffraction diagram given by the
disk-shaped fl single crystal of CuZnA1. This diagram
is in fact a Laue diagram with the following 3.2. Experimental results
peculiarities: the Laue spots have the size of the cross From the crystallographic data (structure and size
section of the incident beam which has been limited of the unit cells), experimental parameters and coor-
to the size of the disk-shaped crystal with the aim to dinates of the diffraction spots, it is possible with the
obtain in the diffraction spot information on the assistance of the computer program "Orient Express"
structure of the whole crystal. According to the fact to determine the crystal orientations. With the same
that the synchrotron beam is a parallel beam, as a software, the validity of the solutions can be checked
matter of fact each diffraction spot is a topography. by the simulation of diffraction diagrams and their
In Fig. 2 a succession of Laue diagrams is shown comparison with the experimental ones. This data
which is recorded in the vicinity of the martensitic processing is easily applied to the fl phase. In Fig. 3
start (Ms) point. According to the polychromatism of the stereographic projection of the fl parent single

Fig. 1. Diffraction diagram given by the single crystal in 13phase.


Fig. 2. Diffraction diagrams realized during the /~--*9R transformation. This sequence displays the
appearance order of the transformation variants.

crystal is given. The determination of the orientations topographic results and the theoretical work of
of the 9R martensitic plates is not so easy. In the Kajiwara.
direct beam, it is difficult to determine what part of In Fig. 3, the stereographic projection relative to
the incident beam has been diffracted by the marten- the orientation of the crystal in fl phase and the
sitic plates. This difficulty is increased by the fact that photographic enlargement of the 231 reflection have
the trace of the direct beam on the film is surrounded been placed together and positioned in order to
by a diffusion blurring (see Figs 1 and 2). The respect their relative positions. In the 23T reflection
resulting dubiousness in the determination of the the traces of the transformation variants are clearly
coordinates of the fl diffraction spots involves an visible; they are parallel to the intersections of the
uncertainty in the orientation determination. This habit planes of the variants (V~ . . . . . V4) with the
difficulty has been overcome by development of an surface of the sample. The habit planes in the 9R
original method using together the experimental structure are close to the { 110}/~ planes therefore the
{011 } poles corresponding to these habit planes must
tThe traces of V3 and V~ are practically parallel and be close to the direction of the normal to these traces.
apparently intermixed on this topogram. It is seen in Fig. 3(b) that the direction of the normal

Fig. 3. Stereographic projection of the single crystal in fl phase and 231 reflection. The relative positions
have been respected and the normals to the variant traces have been drawn: (a) 23]" diffraction spot;
(b) stereographic projection.

to the VI, 112 traces [Fig. 3(a)] are close to the (10i) tested in this study. With the crystallographic data
pole and for V3,V4t close to the (0ii) pole. given in the previous chapter, the direction cosinus
of the habit plane normal (h.p.) and of the shear
3.3. Theoretical analysis
vector d parallel to this plane have been calculated.
In this paragraph, the results of the theoretical They are h.p. VA: X =0.133, y =0.673, Z =0.727,
analysis of the crystallography of the/~ to 9R trans- dVAX = 0.022, y = -0.134 and z = 0.121.
formation of Kajiwara [8] will be applied to our It is seen that the (xyz) habit plane is close
experimental case. The crystallographic orientations to (011)~ for the VA variant. Using the symmetry
of the transformed variants from the/~ single crystal properties of the lattice, the three other self-
will be calculated and their diffraction diagrams accommodating variants, VB, Vc and VD, around the
simulated. The results of this simulation will be (011) pole can be determined. They are (Yyz)VB,
compared to the experimental diffraction diagrams. ( x z y ) V c and (Yz)')VD, then ( - 0 . 1 3 3 0.673 0.727)VB,
All the orientations of the 24 variants will not be (0.133 0.727 0.673)V c and ( - 0 . 1 3 3 0.727 0.673)V D.
calculated but the research will be limited to the two dVB, dV c and dV D are calculated in the same
groups of four variants for which habit planes are manner. (0.022 - 0.134 0.121 )dVA, ( -- 0.02 -- 0.134
close to the (10T) and (01i) poles of the/~ phase. 0.121)dVB...
The Kajiwara treatment allows one to calculate From Kajiwara, with the matrix MA relative to the
the crystallographic characteristics of a variant, VAt variant VA, it is possible to index in the initial fl phase
for example, with respect to the /~ parent phase. any lattice plane of the 9R martensite
The 9R unit cell is taken as an orthorhombic cell.
This treatment has been applied to the /~ to 9R (hkl)~ = (hkl)gR[MA]. (1)
martensitic transformation of the CuZnAI alloy Therefore, if the (001)9R, (100)9R and (010)9R planes
of the variant VA are positioned with respect to the
tin VA 9I'D, the A ... D subscripts are used only in the initial orientation of the crystal in/~ phase, the relative
theoretical approach while the a ... d subscripts are positions of the two unit cells (/~ and 9R) will be
relative to the experimental results. known.
Table 1
(10i)a Va Vb Vc Vd
y x f y s f z x fi z s f
(0019R)~ 6 w 91 ~ 99 91 91 99 6 91 99 6
(0109R)# 99 ~ 9 w 2 9 w ] 99 w 2 99
(oii b vc vr vg vh

(0019R)# ~9 6 91 99 6 w w w 6 99 91 6
(0109R)# ~ 99 9 2 99 9 ~ 9 99 2 9 99

The MB, Mc and MD matrices which give the to be grouped either around the (10T)B or (0]'T)~
relative orientations of the orthorhombic unit cells of planes. Using the previous results, the (001)9R and
the VB, Vc and VD variants with respect to the same (010)9 R indexes of the planes of the four self-
initial /~ cubic unit cell are obtained from the accommodating variants around (10i)~ are calculated
symmetry operations previously described. in order to calculate in fl phase the poles of these
Such a mathematical approach can be generalized planes. This is done keeping in mind that indexes xyz
to the self-accommodating variants groups around correspond to the (011)~ plane. Using the relation (3)
any {110}/~ plane. the corresponding numerical value has been
attributed to these indices (Table 1).
3.4. Application The indexes of the four self-accommodating vari-
The numerical values of the matrix [MA] are the ants grouped around the (0Ii)p determined by means
following of the same method are given in the same table.

(hkl9R )~ = (hkl)9 R 3.5. Simulation

-0.434839 0.051786 -0.498906 The method used to simulate the diffraction
x -0.017931 - 1.09026 -0.097539. (2) diagram of the self-accommodating variants is
illustrated for the lib variant.
-0.112577 -0.007375 0.10314
(1) In the stereographic projection relative to the
Then we are able to index in fl phase the (001)9 R initial orientation of the single crystal in fl phase, the
and (010)9R planes. However, to simulate the theoreti- position of the (0019R)~ and (0109R)~ planes of the Vb
cal solutions found, we must enter in the "Orient variants have been indicated, Fig. 4(a). Indexes
Express" program indexes with "integer" lower than of these planes are respectively: ~ 99 w and w 2 9
100. The values are normalized in such a way that the (Table 1).
greatest is equal to 99. Then (2) By means of rotations, the poles of these planes
(0019R)# = (-0.112 -0.007 0.103)a # (99 ~ 91)a are respectively led to the center and to the intersection
of the y axis with the sphere of the stereographic pro-
• (0109R)a = (--0.017 jection. With the conventions indicated in the Fig. 4,
X = 80~ Y = --33 ~ and Z = - 5 8 ~ [Fig. 4(b)].
-- 1.090 --0.097)B ~ (2 ~9 9)p. (3) (3) With the Orient Express program, the stereo-
graphic projection of the 9R unit orthorhombic cell
The validity of the numerical values of the matrix
is simulated in such a way that the (001)9 R and (010)9R
[MA] can be verified. From the phenomenological
poles are, respectively, positioned at the center and at
theory, it is known that the (114)9R plane is parallel
the intersection of the Y axis with the sphere of the
to the (011)a plane. Then, if (1T4)9R is indexed in/~
stereographic projection [Fig. 4(c)].
phase by means of the matrix [MA], the (011)~ plane
(4) The superposition of the Figs 4(b) and
must be found
(c) shows that the (0019R)p and (0109R)/~ poles are
(ll4)gR[MA] = (0.00246 1.00897 1.009006)a respectively superimposed with the (001)9 R and
(010)9R poles.
which is very close to (011)a. The angle between the
(5) The relative positions of the 9R and/~ unit cells
two planes is given by
in this experimental study are found in submitting the
cos(011)~(1149R)t~ = 0.999998. unit 9R cell, which orientation is given in Fig. 4(c),
to reverse rotations to the upper ones. The orien-
In our experiments, it has been shown that the 9R tation of the lib variant given in Fig. 4(d) has been
habit planes of the transformed variants are supposed obtained after reverse rotations Z = 58 ~ Y = 33 ~ and
X = - 8 0 ~ The orientation relationships between the
t l f the numerical values of the indexes are exact, their two phases are given by the superposition of the two
algebraical sign can be wrong. Indeed, during the differ-
ent crystallographic operations (x to x, y to y . . . and
stereographic projections [Figs 4(a) and (d)]; the
rotations), the modifications of the reference axis have 0"14)9R'~ plane is superimposed to (10i)~ and (001)9 R
not been taken into account in Table 2. basal plane is close to (0ii)p plane.



1 Y>O

a b


C d
Fig. 4. (a) Stereographic projection of the initial single crystal. The (0019R)# and (0109tt)t~poles have been
added. (0019R)# = ~ 99 w and (0109R)# = w 2 9; (b) stereographic projection of Fig. 4(a) after rotation
so as to (0019R)# pole should be at the center of the projection and (0109R)# at the periphery. X = 80~
Y = - 3 3 ~ Z = -58~ (c) stereographic projection giving the orientation of the unit orthorhombic cell
with (001) pole at the center and (010) pole at the periphery; (d) stereographic projection giving the
orientation of the Vb variant in accordance with the fl parent phase. Habit plane has been indicated by
a star.

(6) The crystallographic orientation of the Vb the (10T)p pole and Fig. 6 is relative to the self-
variant known, its Laue diagram has been accommodating group which habit planes are close to
simulated and compared to the experimental the (0TT)p pole.
diagram to verify the validity of the solution In Figs 5 and 6, Figs 5(a) and 6(a) give the
found. experimental orientation of the parent crystal of fl
Each variant (Va . . . Vd and Ve . . . Vk) has phase, Figs 5(b) and 6(b) give the simulated stereo-
been studied in a same way. The results are gathered graphic projections of the self-accommodating vari-
in Figs 5 and 6. Figure 5 is relative to the self- ants and Figs 5(c) and 6(c) give their simulated Laue
accommodating group which habit planes are close to diffraction diagrams.
4220 JOURDAN et al.: T R A N S F O R M A T I O N OF A C u - Z n AI SINGLE C R Y S T A L - - I

- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~176 ~ ~176 ~ ~
~ ~ ". ~ . 9 . ~ ~

9 . . . . . - : "o~"
: . : - - ~"o~:
- "": ~ ..":~.
": ".2"t~'r~
" a . r .". "
.... " " : ~ - '-:" k;-" "" .o'
9 .. "'- .eli-s,.. 9 -
" " " " 9 001 ....... ::7"-.. ~ ':.:..-'-'...'-'-
. . . . . .~ 1 7 6 . . ... -" ' . "~- . -~
9 - -
114 + 9
9 9 1~- . 9~ .-- , , - . ~. ,~ .. . . ~ ."- . - ..'- .. . ' :" %. ~L ~ .7 ."
- _ .- .::..::-...: ..-- ~,,

9 . ~ ~ ~ .~149
9 ~ . ~
. ~ r.

9 . .~

:. .:i - . .-
-.-.-'.. ! -_.:3-"
- . . 9 ~. "'. 9 .~e--"
9 " ~ 1 7 6 1 7 6 1 7 6~114499 1 4"9 ~ ...

i'14 +
111 r
1, 9 . ~ 1 7 6 1 4a 9. ~ 1 7 6 ~ , %~ 9

% 9 ....;.,.-- - \
- . . ? - \

110 ~t

9 9

~ 82
9 -o......-"

k. Q Q
0 OO



9 9

O go

114 ~ 9
~t .... ~"" ( ~ ~ 1 7 6 . N ~ .....

- X
OO0 9 9 -'" .-" \ .
Fig. 5. Simulated results relative to the Va, lib, Vc and Vd variants grouped around the (10i)p pole.
(a) Stereographic projection relative to the orientation of the single crystal in/] phase; (b) simulation of
the stereographic projection of the self-accommodating variants grouped around the (101")~ pole, Va, Vb,
Vc, Vd; (C) simulation of their diffraction diagrams.

b c
9 o 9 ca4 9 9 9 41 4# 9 ~

e e o e e 4 e ~ o ==~6~ ~ ~ ,%~
e'~ ee e~ ~eee 9 oj 9


.. : - ' : . . . . " .

,0 9 114
-\ ,.

./ ,,

ve o.
9 o

9 ~176 ~ 9 9

9/ - ~

- ".'."-"..::.':'"- t .- -.
. - .o . ' . % o .
"-. .,-- ":" . ' , P ." - ' - : ' 2 - "
9 . . - ...:::,, ..,,,.
: 514 9
- :.'-:..-:" . . . .'.-':---
or .-. -. ~ ; .- . . - . ~
* . ;.;. %. % . t 4 t .." ~ ' . " 9176
. -. ... "~ ! -...'.." ...
101 ~ ~ o .. ~176 9 ~ .9 .- -.

~ . ., .


4 ~'- ~ 9
9 .

. .

9 ~ . | ,- . 9 ~

oo~ o]1-~"" 9 r .9 "

~o~ _ ~ ~o
9 0

~ \ / O0 ~

:i:7-'::'.:-".. 9 . oo,

9 9 9 9 9 9 q /
W'!" ..............
". . . . . o
~ . 9

"-- .. Z"
". " - 2 ...... ' " @ "" .,-.-!~
""-.";:'7!:::-.-...':" :.: : :

. o . ,
9 t :'~ ~-.
.. * o'. ". " ,

o . 9 # "-o
. . . . '. 9

Fig. 6. Simulated results relative to the V~, Vf, Vg and Vh variants grouped around the (0]T)~ pole.
(a) Similar to Fig. 5(a); (b) simulation of the stereographic projections of the self-accommodating variants
grouped around the (oIr)~ pole. v~, vf, Vg and Vh; (C) simulation of their diffraction diagrams.

Fig. 7. Topograms in white beam realized during the fl---~9R transformation: (a) 262.7K one
transformation variant; (b) 262.5 K two transformation variants; (c) 262 K four transformation variants;
(d) 261.5 K.

The comparison with the experimental results in unambiguously. The crystallographic relationships
Fig. 7 indicates that it is possible to make the connec- between parent and transformed martensite plates are
tion between the experimental and simulated results. deduced from Figs 5 and 6.
The transformation variants are grouped by self-
Figure 7(a): Vl is similar to Va [Fig. 5(c)] accommodating pairs. Indeed, the habit planes of V~
Figure 7(b): V2 is similar to Vd [Fig. 5(c)] and V2 are close to the (10i)a plane and the habit
Figure 7(c): V3 is similar to Vg [Fig. 6(c)] planes of V3 and V4 are close to the (0ii)8 plane. For
Figure 7(d): V4 is similar to Ve [Fig. 6(c)] convenience in the discussion to verify if the vari-
R e m a r k : To detect easily the diffraction diagram
ant-variant and variant-parent crystallographic re-
given by a same variant in Fig. 7, the diffraction spots lationships found in our experiments and if their
given by other variants have been masked. Therefore morphologies are consistent with the previous obser-
in Fig. 7(c) the diffraction spots relative to the V1-V 2 vations, in the standard stereographic projection of
variants have been masked to display the diffraction the fl phase (Fig. 8) which reproduces the notations
spots relative to V3. Their visibility is also increased by used by Saburi and Wayman [13], the numbers 1 ~
the crystallographic indices. To highlight the variant specify the parent close-packed planes which generate
considered the center of the diffraction diagram has the basal planes of the martensite variants. Each
been intentionally shifted [Figs 7(c) and 7(d)]. number can appear with or without prime symbols
when the transformation variants have a common
4. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS basal plane but opposite transformation shear-direc-
tions. The positive or negative sign differentiates two
According to the cross-checking of the experimen- crystallographic equivalent habit planes [13, 14].
tal and theoretical data, the crystallographic charac- A self-accommodating group has habit plane
teristics of the fl to 9R transformation can be given normals clustered about one of the six {110} poles of

~. 5+ 6"-

5"-4~ 4~- 6 -
0"1~ ~ i - Gall 2+ "- !OlO

". 101, ' 4 . /

Fig. 8. Standard stereographic projection of the single
crystal studied. The habit planes of the transformation
variants have been noted with the Saburi notations. The
arrows indicate the microscopic deformations induced
by the transformation variants after Schroeder and
Wayman [16].
Fig. 9. Diamond-shaped diagram applied to VI-V2 trans-
formation variants.
the parent phase [16]. Among the four variants in
a group, there are three types of twin relations
tered around the (i01)a (or 10i)t~ pole [141 (Saburi,
which are well described by the diamond-shaped
Fig. 3, p. 981) in which the 2(+) and 6 ' ( - )
self-accommodating plate group [16]. experimental variants appear.
From the phenomenological crystallography the-
The variants Ve and Vg have been studied in a same
ory, the (xyz) indices of V A variant have been calcu- manner. Only the results are given
lated. They are respectively equal to (0.13, 0.67, 0.72).
Then the (yxz-) habit plane indices of the V, exper- h.p. Vo: (xyz)=O.13, -0.67, - 0 . 7 2 ) - - , 4 ' ( + ) - - * V4
imental variant are (0.67, 0.13, - 0.72): Table 1. The
h.p. Vg: (x~f) = 0.13, -0.72, -0.67) ~ 6 ( - ) ~ 1/~.
comparison of these indices with the habit planes
indexes for 24 martensite variants, relative to parent 4 ' ( + ) and 6 ( - ) belong to group III with their
phase given by Saburi [13] (Table 2, Saburi, p. 18), self-accommodating habit planes grouped around
shows that the Va variant corresponds to the 2(+) (011) (or 0ii) Fig. 8. (10De and (110)/~ (or i0i and
variant. In a same way the indices of the Vd exper- 110) are the basal planes of 4'(+) and 6 ( - ) , respect-
imental variant which are (0.72, -0.13, -0.67), ively, which is in agreement with the experimental
indicate that this variant is the 6 ' ( - ) variant of observations. The diamond-shaped diagram relative
Saburi. These two variants 2(+) and 6 ' ( - ) belong to to group III is given in Fig. 10.
the same II self-accommodating group (Table 3, From these diagrams, we can foresee the mor-
Saburi, p. 19), with their self-accommodating habit phology of the variants and their crystallographic
planes grouped around 701 (or 107), Fig. 8 (Table 1, relations.
Saburi, p. 17) gives the original basal planes of the The diamond-shaped diagram is divided in four
2(+) and 6 ' ( - ) variants which are respectively, parts labelled A, B, C and D. When the variant A (or
(011)# (or 077) and (110)~ (or 770). These last D) appears, it is followed by the nucleation of the
results are in full agreement with our experimental variant C (or B). These variants are in twining
observation where Va = Vl and Vd = V 2. position, the twining plane being the symmetry plane.
Figure 9 shows the diamond-shaped diagram rela- A spear morphology characterizes the A C or D-B
tive to the four self-accommodating variants clus- pair. Our observations indeed confirm these phe-
nomenological approach. Vl, //2 are the variants 2
and 6 or D and B and their morphology, Fig. 3, is a
Table 2
spear morphology. They are twin-related with respect
Experimental Habit plane 9R Close to to the (T01)r plane (or 10i).
variants close to basal plane {011}~
A similar analysis applied to V3, V4 variants shows
V~ (10I)#//(114)9 R * (001)9 R (01]')#
V2 (10I)6//(114)9a (001)911 (110)# the presence of the C-D pair. This result confirms the
V3 (0iT)a//(11_~)9 R (001)9 R (110) 8 difficulty found in their differentiation from the fl
V, (0I'T)B//(114)9a (001)9a (TOT)a diffraction spot because, in the wedge morphology,

6 ( - ) have a (001)9R common basal plane with oppo-

site transformation shear directions. It can be sup-
posed that local crystalline heterogeneities have
activated these opposite shear directions. As soon as
1/3 has nucleated, the self-accommodating process
starts also round the (oTT)B pole. This remark
indicates that the apparition sequence for V3-V~
must be II3 followed by V4. The result is the division
of the single crystal in two parts with different
self-accommodating groups.
The role of the crystalline defects will be discussed

100)/3 in the second part of this paper.


The /3 to 9R transformation of a single crystal

of CuZnA1 has been followed in situ and in real
time by synchrotron X-ray topography. The white
nature of the beam permits one to register, on a same
film, the diffraction diagrams of the fl and 9R
phases and leads access to different crystallographic
relations (variant and parent phase and vari-
Fig. 10. Diamond-shaped diagram applied to V3-V4 trans- An original method deduced from the theoretical
formation variants. work of Kajiwara has been used to simulate theoreti-
cally the diffraction diagrams of the four transform-
ation variants clustered round each of the two {011 }a
the two variants are joined side by side. They give, in poles. The comparison between the simulated and
the fl diffraction spot, a single trace, Fig. 3. In the experimental diagrams has permitted one to deter-
opposite way, the 9R diffraction spots are well separ- mine unambiguously the crystallographic orientations
ated, Fig. 7. A careful examination of the diffraction of the transformed variants and to show that the
diagrams does not allow one to determine with transformation proceeds by nucleation and growth of
certainty the apparition sequence: V3 followed by V4 self-accommodating variants associated by pairs.
or V4 and I/3. These variants are related with respect From previous works [13, 14, 16], it has been
to a plane close to the (011)~ (or 0T1) plane. shown that when a single crystal is fully transformed
The four variants observed do not belong to the in low temperature phase it is divided in several
same self-accommodating group but they are clus- regions. Inside each region a self-accommodating
tered by pairs round (T01)~ and (011)~ poles. If the group is prevailing. In this study, it has been shown
scheme of the microscopic deformation, indicated how the first variant can activate a self-accommodat-
through the rotation of a vector during the defor- ing group in one region of the crystal and another
mation [12-16], is drawn for each pair of V,-V2 self-accommodating group in another region. The
and 1/3-114 variants, Fig. 8, we see that for V~-V2 or role of the crystalline defects of the parent phase must
V3-V4 the compensating rotation of the (100) axes be taken into account in this action. This last point
illustrates the self-accommodating character of each will be discussed in the second part of this study.
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