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People nowadays are living in an information age dependent upon digital

Information. Digital information is electronic information, the result of computer

processing. Every type of job relies upon getting information, using it, managing

it, and relaying information to others. Computers enable the efficient processing

and storage of information.

Management Information System (MIS) is basically concerned with the

process of collecting, processing, storing and transmitting relevant information to

support the management operations in any organizations [1]. According to

Heidarkhani et al. Management information system is a kind of organizational

information computer system that takes internal information from operating

processing system and summarizes them to meaningful and useful forms as

management reports to use in performing management duties.

Presently, schools and universities are having great difficulties when it

comes to handling their students’ grades and records for it is still done manually

in most cases. This is also one of the problems that Ramon T. Diaz National High

School is facing nowadays. It usually takes more time for the students or parents

to get the Form 137, good moral character certificate. From the Registrar’s

personnel end,they find difficulty to process the requested document because

they search for the grades manually. They look for the data from a number of pile

of folders which sometimes worn-out, old or dusty already. Series of problem

have been encountered as a result for these manual transactions of grades

which lead to inefficient Information management. As a result of human error,

there is loss or damage of records in many cases. In other words, the difficulty in

searching for the records is associated to inefficiency in handling grades and

records in the said institution. It is due to the time consuming information


This study aimed to develop a computerized student grades management

system for Ramon T. Diaz National High School, Gandara that will manage

systematically the transactions of grades and records in a much faster and

efficient way. This system is important because it can help the personnel of

Ramon T. Diaz National High School to make their transactions faster yet


Purpose and Description

The purpose of this study is to design and implement a Student Grades

Management System of Ramon T. Diaz National High School, Gandara that

serves as computerized assistance to the personnel who handles the records of

students. It is deliberately developed to manage, save time, lessen the flaws as

well as hardships that were commonly encountered on manual processing. It is

intended to hasten the transaction in getting grades by providing manageable,

organized, and accurate information to the students or parents.


Student Grades Management System of Ramon T. Diaz National High

School, Gandara is developed to provide functions that only authorize

administrators or users to manage. It can print Form 137 and Certificate of Good

Moral Character of a student and can accept scanned records from the previous

school year asarchives. Student Grades Management System of Ramon T. Diaz

National High School, Gandara can also accept grades directly from excel into

the system.


This specifically aims to achieve the following:

1. To develop a systematic and accurate grade recording system;

2. To generate Form 137 and Certificate of Good Moral Character; and

3. To accept existing records as archives.

Scope and Limitations

Before attempting to design or create the system, the researchers

identified the boundaries and circumstances of the system and its limitations.

Aside from handling grades and information of a student, the system can also

print the Form 137 and Certificate of Good Moral Character of a student who is

and was enrolled in Ramon T. Diaz National High School, Gandara. The System

can accept grades directly from excel. It can also accept scanned records of

historical data of students who enrolled before in the institution. Equally-

significant is that the system has strong security features with regard to system


The proposed capstone project is a stand-alone system. It basically

focuses on its functionalities as an information system.It is not a network system

which means it cannot be accessed through different computers. This system

has no password retrieval. Thus, once the admin forgot the password they

should contact the developer of the system for the retrieval of the password.

Definition and Terms

Administrator–Theoretically, one who administers especially business,

school, or governmental affairs [2]. Operationally, it is a person who is

responsible for administering the system.

Archives – Theoretically,it is defined as the documents showing the

history of a place, organization or family or the place where these are kept [3].

Operationally, it refers tothe place where the information is kept.

Database -A database is an organized collection of data. It is the

collection of schemas, tables, queries, reports, views, and other objects. The

data are typically organized to model aspects of reality in a way that

supports processes requiring information. [4]. Operationally, this holds all the

records of the Student Grades Management System of Ramon T. Diaz National

High School, Gandara.

Certificate ofGood Moral Character- It is a written document thatattests

behaviors whether the applicants have been involved or not in any derogatory

activity that would cause moral turpitude [5]. Operationally, it refers to an

attestation that a certain individual exemplifies a good moral character and

personality that is beyond reproach or worthy of praise during his past

years in the school.

Grades –Theoretically, a degree or step in a scale, as of rank,

advancement, quality, value, or intensity [6].Operationally, this refers to the

evaluation that the teachers give to the students at every end of the exams.

Information System -Conceptually, it refers to an integrated set of

components for collecting, storing and processing data and for delivering

information, knowledge, and digital products [7]. Operationally it refers to an

innovative advancement used by the researchers to provide solutions for the

Student Grades Management System of Ramon T. Diaz National High School,

Gandara programs existing problem.

Print–Theoretically, to produce (a text, picture, etc.) by applying inked

types, plates, blocks, or the like, to paper or other material either by direct

pressure or indirectly by offsetting an image onto an intermediate roller

[8].Operationally, a form of which a necessary document is printed from the


Records-Theoretically, to keep information for the future by writing it

down or storing it on a computer [8].Operationally, it is an input data to the

database of the system.

Student- Theoretically, a person engaged in learning, especially one

enrolled in a school or college [9]. Operationally, it is a person who is and

was enrolled in Ramon T. Diaz National High School.

Systematic – It means asdata presented or formulated as a coherent

body of ideas or principles [10]. Operationally, it describes the ideas of how

the Student Grades Management System of Ramon T. Diaz National High

School, Gandara was developed.

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