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Agricultural Marketing Service
Marketing Research Division
Washington, D. C.
This handbook was prepared by planning this handbook, and criti-
the Stored-Product Insects Section, cally reviewed the text. The Food
Biological Sciences Branch, Mar- and Drug Administration, Depart-
keting Research Division, Agricul- ment of Health, Education, and
tural Marketing Service. It super- Welfare, under whose supervision
sedes Circular 720, "Controlling In- residue tolerances for pesticides on
sects in Flour Mills," prepared by raw agricultural products or milled
the former Bureau of Entomology food and feed products are estab-
and Plant Quarantine. The Sani- lished, concurs in the insect control
tation Committee, Association of procedures recommended.
Operative Millers, collaborated in

Page Page
Grain supply 1 Fumigation in the flour mill 10
Why infested wheat is unfit for General considerations 10
milling 2 Protection of personnel 10
How to obtain clean wheat for First aid 12
milling 2 Preparing the mill 12
Detecting internal infestation 2 Fumigation with hydrocyanic acid. 13
Visual observation 2 Open-space application 14
X-ray method 2 Machinery-piping system 16
Cracking flotation method 2 Fumigation with methyl bromide _ 17
White flotation method 3
Grain as a source of infestation in Fumigation with chloropicrin 20
the min 3 Local fumigation 21
Other sources of infestation in the Heat and cold for treating flour
mill 4 mills 23
Stock used for blending pur-
poses 5 Continuous-process heat treatment
Returned flours 5 of milled cereal products 23
Second-hand machinery 6 Insect contamination in milled
Accumulated feed stocks 6 cereal products 24
Infestation from nearby ele- Insect control in the warehouse 25
vators - 6 Sanitation and warehouse man-
Insect population in flour mill 6
Controlling the insect population agement 25
in flour mills 7 Fumigation 25
Sanitation in the mill 8 Bulk flour storage 26
Prevention and control 8 Insect-resistant bags 26
Use of sprays in the mill 9 Infestation in transit 26
Keeping the tail end of the mill
free from insects 9 Bulk transportation of flour 27
Handling choke-up stock 9 Electromagnetic energy 28

February 1958


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington 25, D. C. - Price 15 cents
Scientific Names of Insects Discussed
Angoumoîs grain moth Sitottoga cerealeUa (Olîv.l
Cadelle íenefaroides maurîtankus ÍL.)
Flat grain beetle taemoph/oeus minutus (Oliv.)
Confused flour beetle Tríbolíum confusum Duv.
Granary weevil Sitophilus grananus (L.)
Lesser grain borer Rhyzopettha dominica (F.)
Mediterranean flour moth Anagasta Iciitiniella (Zeil.)
Red flour beetle Tríbolíum castanevm (Hbst.)
Rice weevil S/fophi/us oryza (L.)


By R. T. Cotton

Biological Sciences Branch, Agricultural Marketing Service ^

Producing flour that will meet aim of the milling industry. This
high standards of purity and main- handbook suggests procedures and
taining the flour in that condition provides information on how to pre-
until it reaches the consumer is the vent insect infestation in flour mills.

Grain Supply

To produce flour of acceptable studies referred to show that slight-

quality it is essential to mill only ly over half of the wheat shipments
grain that is free from serious con- reaching the mills over a 1-year pe-
tamination by insects and rodents. riod had some degree of internal
Cooperative studies between indus- insect infestation. The infestation
try and the Food and Drug Admin- tended to be lower in the West,
istration (Harris et al.Y have Northwest, Inter-Mountain, and
shown that a major source of con- Northern States—or in areas where
tamination in flour is the wheat in the wheat is predominantly hard
market channels. The insects that red spring or white wheat—than in
feed within the wheat kernels are of the Central Plains States where
most concern to the miller. Insects hard red winter wheat is predomi-
that feed externally may destroy nant. It was highest in the soft
grain or cause it to heat, but they red winter wheat from the Mid-
are easily removed by the cleaning western and Eastern States.
process prior to milling. Insect infestation in wheat in-
What are the chances of obtain- creased as wheat moved from the
ing milling stocks that are free farm to the terminal elevators. In
from insects that feed internally in market wheat the infestation from
the kernels? The co-operative May to September was low during
^Dr. Cotton retired March 30, 1957.
the marketing of the new crop.
^Harris, K. L., Nicholson, J. F., Ran- The level began to increase in Sep-
dolph, L. K,, and Trawick, J. L. An in- tember and continued to do so
vestigation of insect and rodent contam- through the winter.
ination of wheat and wheat flour. Assoc.
Off. Agr. Chem. Jour. 35 (1) : 115-158. Wheat coming from the field is
1952. practically free from insect infesta-
tions. These occur later—in stor- How To Obtain Clean Wheat for
age, transportation, and milling. Milling
Why Infesied Wheat Is Unfit for Wheat at harvest time is usually
Milling free from contamination by insects.
The ideal procedure for a mill
The grubs, or larvae, of insects would be to buy a year's supply of
such as the rice weevil, granary wee- wheat at harvest, place it in clean
vil, lesser grain borer, Angoumois elevator storage, and fumigate the
grain moth, flat grain beetle, and wheat as a precautionary measure.
occasionally the cadelle or flour Obviously it is not possible for most
beetle burrow inside the wheat ker- mills to follow this plan owing to
nels, and they and their contamina- the limited storage capacity of their
tion cannot be entirely removed by elevators. From 4 to 20 times the
any practical known method. The storage capacity of a mill elevator
cooperative studies showed that in may be required to supply the
16 flour mills the insect fragment wheat needed for keeping the mill
count in flour produced in the mills in operation. Therefore market
was closely related to the infesta- wheat being bought should be thor-
oughly tested to determine whether
tion inside the wheat that was or not it is sufficiently free from in-
milled. The effect of wheat clean- sect and rodent contamination to
ing on the reduction of insect con- be fit for milling. Many methods
tamination varied from mill to mill. of determining dangerous amounts
The over-all reduction was about of internal insect infestation have
one-third, but in individual mills been developed from time to time.
the reduction varied from none to The more important ones are dis-
more than 50 percent. cussed below.

Detecting Internal Infestation

In general it has been found that in samples of grain is by the use of
wheat with more than 0.5 percent X-rays.^ X-ray machines are used
of infested kernels is unfit for mill- to take radiographs of 100-gram
ing. For domestic flour produc- samples of wheat that reveal insect
tion some mills will not use wheats forms within the kernels. Manu-
for their mill mixes that contain facturers have now developed X-
more than 8 internal insects per ray units specifically for this pur-
100 grams. pose. Although equipment and
continuous operation are rather ex-
Visual Observation pensive, the method is being used
extensively by large milling con-
In wheat containing appreciable cerns.
insect infestation there are usually
enough kernels showing emergence Cracking Flotation Method
holes or insect damage that an ex-
perienced grain man can determine Another method of determining
the degree of infestation by look- the amount of internal insect infes-
ing at a sample. tation in grain is the "Cracking
X-Ray Method ' Nicholson, J. F., Müner, M., Munday,
W. H., and others. An evaluation of five
The most accurate and widely procedures for the determination of In-
ternal insect infestation of wheat. V.
used method of determining the ex- The use of X-rays. Assoc. Off. Agr.
tent of internal insect infestation Chem. Jour. 36 (1) : 150-155. 1953.
Flotation Method."* Cleaned which is added methyl chloroform
grain is coarsely ground to release adjusted to a specific gravity of 1.30
the internal insects and is either with refined kerosene. When placed
soaked in a water-alcohol mixture together a definite separation layer
or in boiling water and then mixed is formed between the two liquids,
with gasoline or mineral oil. The the lighter sodium silicate solution
insects are floated off with the oil remaining on top. Kernels contain-
layer in a Wildman trap flask and ing late stages of weevil larvae float
collected on a filter paper and on top of the sodium silicate solu-
counted. In the process of grind- tion ; kernels containing early
ing, some of the insects are broken, stages of weevil larvae and some
but characteristic parts such as the noninfested lightweight kernels are
heads can be counted and the num- buoyed up to the separation level of
ber of whole insects reliably esti- the two liquids; and noninfested,
mated. normal-weight kernels sink to the
bottom. A 1,000-kernel sample is
Whife Flotation Method placed in a beaker of the mixture
and stirred ; as the kernels get wet,
More recent studies by White ^ they quickly separate. If no kernels
indicate that a mixture of two solu- come to the top, the sample can be
tions of different specific gravities
can be used in making a rapid sepa- considered free from serious infes-
ration of infested from noninfested tation. If there are any floaters, the
kernels in a sample of wheat. The degree of infestation can be esti-
mixture consists of a solution of mated by the relation between the
sodium silicate (NaaSisO?) in water number of floaters and the size of
with a specific gravity of 1.160, to the sample.

Grain as a Source of Infestation in the Mill

Of the many sources of insect in- Grain-cleaning machinery now in
festation in the flour mill, the grain use does not completely remove in-
stream is usually the most import- sects from the incoming grain.
ant. Grain coming to the mill is Figure 1 shows that samples from
often infested, although the degree the wheat elevator boots, which
of infestation varies with the loca- handled the wheat after it was
tion of the mill and the source of cleaned, had a high average insect
the grain. Mills in the spring- population. As cleaned wheat is
wheat region and in the Pacific not a preferred food for the grain
Northwest have fewer insect beetles, it is believed that they are
troubles than mills in the South- introduced into the elevators with
west, where as many as 30 different the wheat stream. These insects
species of grain-infesting insects spread all through the mill and are
have been found in grain arriving an important source of infestation.
at the mills. The fact that many Previous investigations have
mills find it necessary to draw wheat shown that some insect forms can
from man}^ sources to meet their re- pass uninjured through the entire
quirements often complicates their system of rolls. Adults of the con-
insect problem considerably. fused flour beetle have passed un-
harmed through the first three
^ See footnote 2, p. 1. breaks, and partly grown larvae
^W^hite, G. D. Studies on Separation have survived passage through the
of W^eevil-Infested from Noninfested first three middling rolls. Eggs of
Wheat by Flotation, AMS-101. 10 pp.
March 1956. this species are so small that many
chine, or to a vault where they can
be fumigated. If one of these pro-
cedures is followed, treated screen-
ings fed into conveyors or trans-
ferred to the tail end of the mill will
■■n not serve as a source of contamina-
tion to the flour-producing section.
Grain screenings should never be
allowed to accumulate in the mill or
in the flour warehouse.
Centrifugal force can be used to
advantage in the mill to destroy
infestation in both dry and tem-
pered wheat (fig. 2). The machine
Ei3 fLM CR»,N fl£ TLE W^ CiOELLE
consists essentially of a rotor with
^ GR.m «EEV,tS 1=) t?SSé"/eîre
a series of hardened steel impactor
AMS Heß. ii321-57(7)
posts mounted on it perpendicular
to its face. The rotor is mounted
Figure 1.—Average number of insects per 8- directly onto the shaft of an elec-
ounce sample and proportions of different tric motor, and is enclosed in a hous-
species found in 2,367 samples from the
different milling streams of 17* flour mills ing. The grain is introduced near
in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri during a the center of the rotor, which re-
1-year period (1934-35). volves it at a high speed on a hori-
zontal plane, and hurls it by cen-
of them survive passage through the trifugal force against the impactor
low-grade flour rolls. When these posts and the housing. In the op-
eggs hatch, infestations may quickly eration, free-living insects are
reach serious proportions in all killed and some of the infested ker-
streams of the milling unit. nels are broken open so as to expose
Figure 1 also shows that wheat the internal infestation. A scour-
screenings from the elevator are er-aspirator removes dirt, debris,
usually heavily infested. In many and insects dislodged by the impact.
mills the cleaning machinery is In treating dry wheat a slow-
placed close to the milling units, and speed unit (1,750 r. p. m.) is lo-
often the screenings are spouted to cated beyond the receiving sepa-
a collecting sack near the milling rator in the cleaning section. This
machinery or stored finished flour. unit destroys and removes most of
Any insects crawling from these the external insect life and removes
screenings have easy access to the foreign material from the grain.
milling machinery or finished flour. In treating tempered wheat a high-
Grain-cleaning machinery should speed unit (3,500 r. p. m.) is lo-
be segregated in a smut room at one cated just before the first break rolls
end of the mill, and grain screenings and serves as a final cleaning opera-
should be disposed of immediately tion. At this speed infested ker-
by spouting to a screenings ham- nels are broken open and the in-
mer-mill, a centrifugal-force ma- ternal infestation largely removed.

Other Sources of infestation ¡n the Mill

Aside from the grain stream, flours, second-hand machinery, ac-
there are a number of other sources cumulated feed stocks, and nearby
of infestation, such as blending elevators.
stocks from other mills, returned
Figure 2.—A mechanical bulk-flour centrifugal machine.

Stock Used for Blending Purposes ing cloth and then through a treat-
ing machine using centrifugal
The demand for blended flour by force, as a precautionary treatment
large baking concerns necessitates to remove or destroy any insect life
the use of large quantities of clear that might later start an infesta-
and low-grade flours that mills may tion. The overs should also be
obtain in part from their own ware- treated with centrifugal force be-
houses and in part from other mills. fore being spouted to feed.
Usually these flours have accumu-
lated over a period of time and, Returned Flours
since they are highly preferred by
the insects, are frequently infested. Returned flours are always a
Stock intended for blending problem to the miller because they
should first be examined to deter- invariably constitute a serious
mine whether it contains insect con- source of infestation. Formerly
tamination. Insect excrement in these were fed back into the mill
flour cannot be removed by any and incorporated into one of the
many blends required by modern
practical rebolting process, and markets. If, as was usually the
flour that contains an appreciable case, these flours were infested, the
infestation of insects is considered same difficulties were experienced as
unfit for human consumption and are described in the preceding sec-
should be diverted to feeds. tion when infested clears are used
Flour intended for blending for blending.
should be run through a sifter Returned flour that is infested
clothed with number lOXX bolt- should be sterilized by heat, treated
by centrifugal force or by some machinery should be fumigated in
other accepted method, and diverted an atmospheric vault, under a tar-
to feed immediately. It should paulin, or in a railway box car be-
never be stored even temporarily in fore it is set up in its new quarters.
the mill or flour warehouse.
Mills that deliver by truck en- Accumulated Feed Stocks
counter the problem of providing
for the return of infested flours The practice of storing certain
during their regular delivery trips. feeds in the mill or flour warehouse
If freshly milled flours are placed during periods when such feeds are
in the same truck with infested accumulated is exceedingly com-
flours, they are likely to become in- mon. It is difficult to produce feed
fested also. Not infrequently, in- that is entirely free from insect in-
sects crawling from the infested festation, owing to the impossibil-
products are delivered to customers ity of sifting it through fine enough
along with fresh stocks of flour. If mesh to remove insect life. If
returned flour products must be feeds are stored near flour or mill-
picked up in the course of a deliv- ing machinery, insects are sure to
ery trip, provide the truck with a migrate from the feeds.
separate compartment into which Feeds can be treated by centrifu-
these products can be placed, thor- gal force in such a manner that all
oughly clean the truck between insect life is killed, but unless mills
trips, and burn or otherwise treat are equipped for this, the feeds
the sweepings so as to destroy the should be stored in a separate ware-
insects they contain. Feed and house as far as possible from the
flour should never be delivered in mill and the flour warehouses. Of
the same truck. course, warehouses should be kept
Second-Hand Machinery
Infestation From Nearby
Used machinery occasionally is Elevators
purchased from mills that are be-
ing dismantled. All milling units Many of the insect pests of stored
are likely to contain some infesta- grain and milled cereal products are
tion, and machinery that has been strong fliers. During grain-clean-
lying idle for some time is almost ing operations it is not uncommon
sure to be heavily populated with for insects removed in the process to
insects, because they thrive and re- be blown out into the open air.
produce rapidly in undisturbed ac- Many of these insects will fly from
cumulations of milling stock. Un- elevator to flour mill, where they
less proper precautions are taken, will start infestations in elevator
used machinery may introduce in- boots or in any milling unit into
sects into a mill. Infestations of which they can crawl. The red flour
the Mediterranean flour moth are beetle and the flat grain beetle are
known to have been frequently car- the two species most likely to come
ried from one mill to another in this from such sources. Insects removed
way. in grain-cleaning operations should
If possible, second-hand milling be destroyed immediately.

Insect Population in Flour Mill

The insect population of a flour sect-free flour is closely related to
mill is of vital concern to the miller, the absence of insect population in
because his ability to produce in- the milling streams.
Information relative to insect 30 species, were found. The relative
populations in milling machinery abundance of the 6 species occur-
at different times of the year, and as ring most frequently is shown in
affected by different methods of figure 3. The flour beetles {Tribo-
milling and insect sanitation, has Zm77i spp.) were predominant. The
been obtained through monthly col- relative abundance of insects in the
lections of samples of stock from a various milling streams, as shown
number of mills over a period of in figure 1, is attributed to the rela-
several years. Of 2,367 8-ounce tive attractiveness and nutritional
samples of stock taken from eleva- value of the various milling frac-
tor boots or purifier conveyors dur- tions. The heaviest populations are
ing 1934-35, 80 percent were found found in low-grade flour.
to be infested (fig. 1). In these The Mediterranean flour moth
samples 74,175 insects, representing was formerly the most troublesome
pest of flour mills, owing to its
abundance and the habit of the
larvae, or worms, of spinning silken
threads wherever they crawled,
webbing and matting the flour
particles together and clogging the
machinery until operations had to
be shut down. Although this in-
sect is no longer a serious pest in
mills that fumigate annually, it is
still common in some mills.
Any species of insect that attacks
grain may be found in a flour mill.
These insect pests of stored grain
are described and figured in U. S.
Department of Agriculture Farm-
AMS Neg» l4322-S7(7) ers' Bulletin 1260 (revised 1955), a
copy of which may be obtained by
Figure 3.—Percentage of different species of in- writing to the Office of Information,
sects taken in milling streams of 17 flour
mills in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri IT. S. Department of Agriculture,
during a 1-year period (1934—35). Washington 25, D. C.

Controlling the Insect Population in Flour Mills

Insects will breed in any location tions of certain types of sifters. A
where accumulations of flour, grain, certain amount of stock remains
or other milling stock remain un- undisturbed in these milling units.
disturbed. The miller must elimi- Redesigning milling equipment
nate su(îh accumulations or treat or replacing it with more modern
them with fumigants. machinery will do much toward
Double floors or walls provide eliminating insect breeding places.
harborage for insects making them A pneumatic conveying system for
difficult to eliminate. Poorly de- mill stock solves many of the prob-
signed milling units also create lems of keeping a mill clean and
problems. Danger spots are eleva- sanitary. Pneumatic lifts require
tor boots ; conveyors for flour, grain, far less floor space than elevator
or dust; conveyors on reels and legs and can be located alongside
purifiers; dead spouts and convey- the walls. The space formerly taken
ors ; dust-collecting systems in gen- up by elevator legs can be used for
eral; and the bottom and idle sec- additional machinery.

Conveyors on reels and purifiers dling machinery, or that leaky mill-
should be replaced by hoppers. ing units are repaired; that the
Dust-collecting systems require floors and hard-to-reach places are
constant attention. Many are poor- kept clean by the sweepers ; that un-
ly designed, quickly become choked- used machinery, lumber, and other
up, and allow infestations in the materials likely to collect dust are
stock in these systems to crawl back disposed of; that dead stock does
and infest all milling units. Sys- not accumulate under milling units
tems in which settling chambers are or other stationary objects, on
eliminated are preferred. Enclosed beams, ledges, or other places ; that
stocking-type dust collectors that insects are not breeding in elevator
permit rapid effective fumigation boots, conveyors, or other machin-
are highly desirable from the stand- ery where dead stock occurs; that
point of insect control. The system dust-collecting machinery is func-
must be cleaned out regularly. tioning properly and is not choked.
Elevator boots should be changed A more mechanized system of clean-
to the rounded-bottom type raised ing flour mills is highly desirable.
above the floor. This will eliminate A proper combination of vacuum,
most of the excess milling stock and mechanical floor sweepers, and ju-
prevent insects from crawling from diciously used compressed air jets
one boot to another. must be used if sanitation in the
In modern concrete mills with milling industry is to become more
concrete floors and walls, the prob- effective and economical in com-
lem of mill sanitation is not so dif- parison with other industries.
ficult as in an old wooden mill.
Every effort should be made to Prevention and^ Control
eliminate dead spaces in walls and In spite of every precaution some
floors where dust and flour can ac- insect infestation will show up in
cumulate. Double, hollow walls every mill. Conditions in the flour
and partitions should be eliminated. mill system are ideal for insect de-
If floors are of wood, all cracks velopment, so that an active control
should be filled. Old wooden floors program must be established and
or badly worn concrete floors that maintained in every mill to hold the
are difficult to keep clean can be insect population to negligible pro-
renovated by application of quick- portions at all times. The follow-
setting plastic over the old surface. ing program, if adhered to, can be
Surplus flour-handling equip- depended upon to give satisfactory
ment, and all other unused machi- results.
nery likely to harbor insects, should A general fumigation with
be disposed of. methyl bromide, hydrocyanic acid,
or chloropicrin once a year during
Sanitation in the Mill July or August, supplemented with
A good sanitation program the local fumigation of milling
should be followed in every mill. units every 2 weeks, and the bi-
One man should be designated to weekly removal of milling stock
see that the mill is kept clean and with a heavy-duty vacuum cleaner.
sanitary and to study ways and If it is impossible to adhere to
means of eliminating trouble spots. this program during periods re-
Daily inspections should be made, quiring continuous operation of the
starting with the mill elevator and mill, considerable relief from infes-
continuing through all floors of the tation may be obtained by regular
mill and flour warehouse. Care use of the heavy-duty vacuum
should be taken to see that there cleaner in cleaning out dead stock
are no leaks in grain or flour-han- in milling units during short pe-

riods of "down" time for necessary inspections and repairs, remove the
mill repairs. This operation will lower sifter socks first, and place
not require the amount of time a close-fitting metal cap over the
needed for local fumigation. Cer- sock connection with the slide spout,
tain heavily infested individual ma- until repairs have been completed
chines can be stopped long enough and sifter sections have been thor-
to vacuum-clean them. oughly cleaned.
If infestations are allowed to
Use of Sprays in the Mill build up without restraint in mill-
ing units in front of the main bolt-
Insecticidal sprays are a very use- ers, the danger of insects getting
ful part of any mill sanitation pro- past the bolters by the avenues men-
gram, but their use must be care- tioned will be increased. When
fully controlled as it is mandatory insects are abundant in any part of
that no insecticidal residues appear the mill they will migrate, and if
in the milled products. Synergized flour conveyors are of wood or not
pyrethrum or allethrin are effective entirely tight, insect infestation
as contact sprays against mill in- will result from the entry of these
sects and can be safely used inside migrating insects or their progeny.
and outside milling machinery. The introduction into mixing con-
When stock is removed from mill- veyors of clear, low-grade, and re-
ing units by vacuum cleaning, many turned flours from rebolt reels is
millers follow up with pyrethrum also an important source of infes-
spray. Many formulations are tation in the tail end of the mill.
available commercially and they Such stock should be given a pre-
should be used as directed by the cautionary treatment before it is
manufacturer. It is suggested that used for blending purposes.
other insecticides used as residual Sweepings should be directed
sprays on walls and floors be lim- through a "shoe" or small sifter to
ited to those approved for use on remove foreign material and then
or around grain. treated by centrifugal force before
being introduced into feed.
A centrifugal force machine (fig.
Keeping the Tail End of the Mill 2), used alone or in conjunction
Free From Insects with sifters, will j)rovide added
protection against infestation in
The main bolters act as a nat- finished flour. One of these ma-
ural barrier against insect infes- chines can be installed directly in
tation entering the tail end of the the top of packer bins, or outlet
mill, as the sifter screens through spouts from it can be directed to
which all flour must pass before it one or more bins as desired.
enters the flour-collecting convey-
ors are clothed with silk bolting
cloth fine enough to remove all in- Handling Choke-up Stock
sect life. Occasionally, however,
breaks in the silk bolting cloth al- Clean choke-up stock fed into the
head of the mill, usually into first,
low insect infestation to pass into second, or third break, is picked
the flour-collecting conveyors. up in sacks and may be stacked
Furthermore, whenever sifter sec- temporarily next to sweepings.
tions are opened for inspection or This stock should be directed
repair, infested tail-overs may drop through a "shoe" or small size sifter
into the flour spouts and into the and then treated with centrifugal
conveyors unless the sifter socks are force before being fed back into the
first removed. When making these mill.
Fumigation in the Flour Mill
At times all mills become so in- age may be great enough to prevent
fested that simple sanitary meas- an effective concentration from ever
ures are insufficient and more effec- being attained.
tive treatments, such as fumigation Before starting to fumigate,
or heating, are necessary. notify the local police and fire
departments as well as security
General Considerations organizations in writing. In most
large cities a permit must be ob-
The fumigation of flour mills and tained. Search the entire mill to
warehouses is a specialized opera- make certain that no visitors or
tion, the success of which is depend- workmen are still on the premises,
ent on the care and skill with which lock all entrances, and put up
it is accomplished. Owing to this warning signs. Adjoining build-
fact and also because the fumigants ings, if any, should be vacated.
used in the work are highly toxic to After the fumigant has been
humans and dangerous to handle, introduced, post watchmen to
it is usually best to have general prevent the entry of people who
mill fumigation done by profes- do not know the building is under
sional fumigators. Keliable fumi- fumigation.
gating concerns are usually avail- At the end of the exposure
able in all parts of the country and period, ventilate the building
on reasonably short notice, and thoroughly by opening doors,
render good service for a moderate windows, and ventilators. This is
price. Some of them specialize in usually accomplished by men
mill fumigation and are particular- wearing gas masks, although
ly well equipped for it. For certain sometimes doors and windows
types of fumigation large concerns can be opened from the outside.
may wish to keep a corps of spe- In all fumigation operations it is
cially trained workers. well to have men working in pairs
Success in the fumigation of any so that in case of accident, one
building depends on the proper man may be able to help the other
preparation of the building itself, and perhaps even save his life.
the choice of the fumigant, its Watchmen must be particularly
proper application, and favorable vigilant to prevent bystanders or
weather conditions. Since insects workmen from entering until all
are more susceptible to fumigants danger from the fumigant has
when temperatures are high and been removed.
fumigants are correspondingly
more active and efficient, better re- Protection of Personnel
sults will be obtained when the tem-
perature is 75° F. or higher. If Every precaution should be tak-
possible, conduct the fumigation en to avoid exposure of the opera-
when there is little or no wind, as tors to heavy concentrations of
a heavy wind will cause the fumi- fumigants. If the operators must
gant to drift over to one side of the expose themselves to the vapors,
building, leaving an inadequate or must enter a building being
concentration at the other side. fumigated to open it up for venti-
It is desirable to obtain the maxi- lation or any other purpose, they
mum concentration of a fumigant must wear gas masks.
in a building at the earliest possible Always have an adequate oxygen
moment. If the concentration resuscitator available in case of
builds up slowly, the natural leak- emergency.

There are two general types of against organic vapors such as car-
gas masks. One has a facepiece bon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride,
and a supply of oxygen or com- chloropicrin, ethylene dichloride,
pressed air provided from a pres- and methyl bromide; a yellow can-
sure cylinder carried on the oper- ister, against a combination of acid
ator's back (similar to those used gases and organic vapors ; and a red
in "skin-diving"), or from a re- canister against a combination of
mote source through a hose line. gases. A list of gas masks of dif-
The other, which is most frequently ferent makes that have been ap-
used, has a facepiece and a canister. proved by the U. S. Bureau of
Gas-laden air is drawn through the Mines is given in Bureau of Mines
canister and the gas removed by fil- Information Circular 7636, and is
tration. The facepiece of rubber available free from their Pitts-
or rubberized fabric can be adjusted burgh, Pa. (Zone 13) office.
to fit tightly across the forehead, Before using a canister-type gas
along the cheeks, and under the mask in fumigation work, the op-
chin, and is connected by a short, erator should realize that it has cer-
flexible, noncoUapsible tube to a tain limitations. (1) A mask of
sheet-metal canister containing ab- the type described above cannot
sorbent materials. A light harness be safely used in an atmosphere
or knapsack is provided to suspend seriously deficient in oxygen. A
the canister from the shoulders or gas mask ceases to be adequate if,
to strap it to the chest. The face- in the presence of an excess of a
piece is provided with shatterproof simple asphyxiant gas, the oxygen
glass eyepieces and with a check content of the air falls below 14
valve through which exhaled air percent, even though it removes any
escapes. At the bottom of the can- toxic gas present in the respired
ister is a check valve, which opens atmosphere. Not enough oxygen is
only to admit air. available to support life. (2) The
Some canister types of masks ordinary gas mask does not af-
have the facepiece reduced to a ford protection against heavy
mouthpiece and a nose clamp. The concentrations of a fumigant
wearer breathes through a rubber such as might be encountered in
device inserted and held in the a grain bin or atmospheric vault
mouth. This type does not pro- under fumigation. Most canis-
tect the eyes from irritating gases ters are designed to protect against
and is not recommended. concentrations of less than 2 per-
For each of the gases likely to be cent of toxic gases in the air. In
encountered in fumigation work, a ordinary mill fumigations, concen-
special canister is available. Most trations heavier than this are not
canisters are charged with mate- usually encountered. (3) The life
rials intended to absorb only a lim- of the canister is limited ; it can
ited number of closely related gases, absorb just so much gas and then
although the all-service canister is must be changed. A good prac-
designed to afford protection from tice is to discard canisters after
a combination of gases. A color one-half hour of actual use in air
code has been adopted by the Bu- containing a toxic gas. Each can-
reau of Mines whereby canisters de- ister should be marked to indicate
signed for different gases are as- the total period it has been used.
signed a specific color, e. g., a white Unless a gas mask fits tightly,
canister gives protection against is free from defects, and does not
low concentrations of acid gases leak, it is useless. Before enter-
such as hydrocyanic acid and sul- ing a gas-filled room, an operator
fur dioxide; a black canister, should be sure that the mask is care-
fully fitted to the face and head, possible and continuing for 20 to
that it is securely fastened, and that 30 minutes in mild cases and as
there are no leaks. On first enter- long as 1 to 2 hours, if necessary,
ing a gas-filled room while wearing will be helpful in gas poisoning
a gas mask, he should make sure or asphyxiation.
that there is no odor of the fumi- 5. Keep the victim lying down
gant. If any odor is detected, he so as to avoid a strain on the
should leave the building immedi- heart; later give him plenty of
ately and determine the trouble. time to rest and recuperate.
It must also be realized that
fumigants can be absorbed di- Preparing the Mill
rectly through the skin. Do not Sealing
take for granted that the wearing
of a gas mask will afford com- The effectiveness of a fumigation
plete protection. Heavy gas con- depends largely on the tightness of
centrations are particularly dan- the building. Instead of each floor
gerous, and care should be taken being fumigated separately, the en-
to avoid exposure to them, even tire mill should be considered as
though a mask be worn. one unit, because inspection and ob-
servation after fumigation have
shown that many insects can sur-
First Aid vive in the sacking or other mate-
In case of poisoning by toxic rial used to plug openings running
gases or asphyxiation due to lack from floor to floor. All windows
of oxygen, a doctor should be should be tightly wedged or sealed,
summoned as quickly as possible. and any broken panes should be re-
Forbes and Grove ^ suggest the fol- placed. Loosely fitting window^
lowing treatment : sashes should be sealed with paste
1. Remove the victim to fresh and paper, or "puttied up" with
air as soon as possible. flour and oil mixed to the consis-
2. If breathing has stopped, is tency of putty. For stripping
weak and intermittent, or is pres- window frames that are only slight-
ent in only occasional gasps, give ly loose, several types of material,
artificial respiration, preferably such as masking tape, strips of
by the prone-pressure method, newspaper smeared with grease or
until normal breathing is re- pasted with flour paste, or rolls of
stored or until it is definitely be- unsterilized adhesive tape, can be
lieved that the heart action has used. When it is impossible to
stopped. tighten a window by the ordinary
3. Aid circulation by rubbing method of sealing or stripping, it
the limbs of the victim and keep- is necessary to seal the entire aper-
ing the body warm with blankets ture. For this purpose car-lining
or hot-water bottles. paper can be used.
4. It cannot be emphasized too Small doors leading to the exte-
strongly that inhalation of pure rior of the building can be tight-
oxygen or 5 to 7 percent of car- ened with any of the materials used
bon dioxide and 95 to 93 percent for the windows. Large sliding
metal or wooden doors that fit im-
of oxygen, beginning as soon as perfectly can be calked up with the
^Forbes, J. J., and Grove, G. W. Pro- flour-and-oil mixture or with a
tection against mine gases. U. S. Bur. paste composed of 4 parts of asbes-
Mines Miner's Cir. 35, 52 pp., iUus. 1954. tos to 1 part of calcium chloride
(For sale by the Superintendent of Docu- mixed with a little water. Either
ments, U. S. Government Printing Office,
Washington 25, D. C. Price 55 cents. ) of these mixtures will form an effec-

tive seal yet can be easily removed 3. Clean out suction trunks, con-
after fumigation. veyors, and dust-collector sys-
For sealing ventilators on the tems.
roof, use laminated paper, three 4. Examine settling chambers of
thicknesses of heavy paper covered dust collectors and clean out all
with sacking or canvas and well accumulations.
pasted and tied, or covers made of 5. Open dust collector, back drafts,
plastic film. Wherever possible, main trunks, and hand open-
remove the mushroom-shaped cap ings.
of the ventilator and replace it with 6. Loosen all sifter doors to permit
a metal cap, which fits the cyclone entrance of gas during fumiga-
exhaust pipe snugly. tion; remove sieves and stack
same on the floor.
Cleaning Operations 7. Clean out accumulations from
bottom section of the bran
Before Stopping the Mill duster.
1. Shut off feed (wheat) at mix- 8. Remove covers of all conveyors,
ing bin. making certain that all dead-
2. Continue running all machin- end spaces are readily accessible.
ery until material is emptied 9. Thoroughly clean all conveyors,
from spouts, elevators, rolls, including dead-end spaces.
sifters, reels, purifiers, feed 10. Remove adjustable feed gage
dusters, suction trunking, and above grinding rolls and clean
dust collectors. out accumulations above rolls
3. Remove elevator-boot slides and feeders.
and station men along the boots 11. Leave every machine open ; also
to keep stock pulled out where all hand openings to spouts, ele-
belt cups will not carry it up vator legs, and similar places.
in its natural course. 12. Give special attention to the
4. Meanwhile, hammer elevator cleaning out of dead spouts or
legs, machinery, frames, tubu- conveyors, especially the cor-
lar dust collectors, and spouts ners.
with a rubber mallet or other 13. Remove accumulations of stock
device that will not bruise or from elevator boots.
injure the equipment. 14. Remove to the fumigation vault
all infested materials accumu-
After Stopping the Mill lated in cleaning the mill.
1. Start the entire clean-up crew 15. Remove all bags or other ma-
at the top of the mill and work terials used to plug spouts.
downward. 16. Seal roof ventilators or replace
2. Open all machines, conveyor mushroom-shaped caps with a
boxes, and flour bins. tight metal cap^

Fumigation With Hydrocyanic Acid

Hydrocyanic acid has been used Hydrocyanic acid gas kills with
extensively as a fumigant for flour great rapidity; therefore, notwith-
mills for many years. It is particu- standing the fact that all the gas
larly well adapted for this type of may be lost in a short time, a nearly
work because many mills are not perfect kill may have been obtained.
built to hold a gaseous fumigant for Several methods of fumigating
any extended period and only a gas with hydrocyanic acid have been
that acts quickly can be effective. developed, all of which have their
application. Of the various meth- ing is often installed. Either brass,
ods of generating the gas, that of copper, or certain plastic piping is
vaporizing liquid hydrocyanic acid recommended. Iron piping is less
is used most extensively. expensive, but because of its tend-
Liquid hydrocyanic acid (96-98 ency to rust and cause clogging of
percent HCN) is marketed in cylin- the spray nozzles it is less desirable.
ders ranging in capacity from 30 A flexible copper tubing %-inch in
to 75 pounds. There are several diameter costs about 13 cents a foot.
ways in which liquid hydrocyanic Since it can be readily bent, elbow
acid can be used, all of which are fittings are unnecessary, and com-
effective. pression couplings can be used, ex-
cept at the main inlet, where the
Open-Space Application cylinders are connected.
In normal times most mills can
The method by which liquid hy- be piped with copper tubing at a
drocyanic acid is most commonly cost of 25 to 30 cents per 1,000 cubic
used in the United States consists feet of space, including cost of ma-
in forcing it into the open space of terial and installation. Brass tub-
a flour mill through a system of ing costs several times as much as
metal piping equipped with spray copper. Commercial fumigators
nozzles. The cylinders containing are usually equipped with sufficient
the gas are attached to a manifold reinforced rubber hose so that they
on the outside of the building and can introduce the liquid hydrocy-
the fumigant is forced into the pip-
ing system by means of compressed anic acid through hose if a piping
air (fig. 4). system has not been installed. The
hose is laid on the floors of the mill
Piping the Mill and spray nozzles are connected in
In mills fumigated by the liquid whenever desired. A line of hose is
method a permanent system of pip- run from each floor to a point out-

Figure 4.—Liquid hydrocyanic acid being pumped into a flour mill undergoing fumigation.

side the building where it can be that the liquid does not spray
connected to a cylinder of gas. his clothing. Operate the pipe
In large mills with several floors, wrench with the handle above the
where numerous branch lines are connection instead of below it, so
used, each floor should be provided the material will not run down
with a separate riser. At least one the handle onto the arms and
spray nozzle should be provided for clothing. If in doubt whether
every 10,000 cubic feet of space, and the spray has reached the cloth-
it is generally advantageous to use ing, or if the liquid has run down
more than this. The piping system the arms and possibly onto the
should be so arranged that the pres- shirt or coat, remove the clothing
sure of the gas will be approxi- and wash the hands and arms
mately the same at all nozzles, thus before removing the mask.
insuring an even distribution of the
gas. Each riser is connected with a Applying the Gas
special inlet pipe leading through Each cylinder of liquid hydrocy-
the outside wall of the building. anic acid is supplied with an inlet
Piping plans are usually designed and an outlet valve. The outlet
by an employee of the fumigating valve is attached to a steel tube con-
company after he has surveyed the nected with the bottom of the cyl-
building. Should blueprints of the inder. The inlet valve leads di-
mill or rough sketches and measure- rectly into the top of the cylinder,
ments be forwarded to one of these and through it air is pumped by
companies for making piping plans, means of a compressor, until a pres-
be sure to show offsets and whole or sure of about 100 pounds is ob-
part partitions. Note any other tained. The outlet valve, which in
special condition, such as heavily the meantime has been connected
infested machinery, rows of pack- with the inlet pipe to the building,
ing machines, or other places of is then opened and the liquid is
heavy infestation, so that an extra forced into the building. The pres-
spray nozzle may be added at this sure must be maintained until all
point if it is thought advisable. the liquid has been blown through
There should not be more than 10 the pipes into the building. The
spray nozzles to each riser. Where pipelines are then blown clear and
grain or flour bins are piped, a the inlet pipes capped.
separate riser for these bins should
be used. Removal of Spray Nozzles
Reinforced rubber hose is used After the fumigation and after
to connect the cylinders to the the building has been well venti-
piping system. This hose must lated, the spray nozzles should be
be kept in good condition, since removed for storage and the pipes
there is always some danger that should be capped. While remov-
the weakened hose may burst ing spray nozzles the operator
under pressure and shower the should take care to prevent any
operator with the deadly fluid. liquid, which sometimes remains
Before applying the material, in the pipe, from dropping onto
take care that all connections out- the face or other parts of the
side the building are tight. body. He should never stand di-
Should a leak develop where the rectly under the nozzle while re-
hose from the cylinder is moving it. Should any liquid
attached to the piping, the con- hydrocyanic acid be lodged be-
nection can be tightened with hind the nozzle, a decided cooling
reasonable safety if the operator effect will be noticed while the
wears a gas mask and is careful nozzle is being unscrewed. It is
best to use a gas mask in this
Special pressure nozzles which do
not clog and need not be removed
are now on the market.
Dosage Rate
The dosage will depend on the
construction of the mill and the
degree of penetration desired. In
general, 8 ounces of liquid hydro-
cyanic acid for each 1,000 cubic
feet of space will give excellent re-
sults. Ordinarily the gas is evenly
distributed on all floors, but a larger
quantity should be used on floors
that contain more machinery than
Experimental work has shown
that if the mill is of modern con-
crete or brick construction much of
the labor of preparing the mill for
fumigation may be avoided by in-
creasing the dosage to 16 ounces
per 1,000 cubic feet of space. Aside
from sealing up the building and
opening up the machinery accord-
ing to directions, no other prepara-
tions are necessary. The extra gas
introduced will ensure the penetra-
tion of stock in the various milling AHS Neg. U323-57(7)
Figure 5.—Method of piping machinery in a
flour mill for fumigation with liquid hydro-
Machîneiy-Pîpîng System cyanic acid. Cleaning house.

A refinement in the fumigation

of flour mills with liquid hydrocy- As is the case with the open-space
anic acid consists in applying the system, the gas is applied from out-
liquid fumigant directly into the side the mill. A considerable say-
milling units by means of a series ing in cost is effected by using this
of pipe lines (figs. 5 and 6). By method, as a much smaller quantity
using spray nozzles that open when of gas is required to produce a very
a uniform pressure is obtained high concentration in the milling
throughout the system, equal quan- units, where most of the insects in
tities of fumigant are supplied to the modern mill are to be found.
each milling unit. The spray noz- Furthermore, by this method it is
zles are so constructed that when unnecessary to dismantle and clean
the pressure is removed a flexible out the machinery. It is estimated
diaphragm recoils, the holes in the that the saving in labor and shut-
diaphragm through which the fu- down time, together with the sav-
migant is discharged being closed ing in fumigant required, will al-
by a central pin. This prevents low two fumigations for the same
foreign matter from plugging up cost as one by the open-space meth-
the nozzles between fumigations. od. It is considered that enough

1. Loosen sifter doors (except Wolf
sifters) slightly to allow circula-
tion of gas into all sifter sections.
2. Eemove accumulations of milling
stock behind feed gates or puri-
fiers and either tie or block open
the feed gates to allow passage of
gas into slide spouts that carry
stock into the purifiers. Seal
purifier ventilator doors with
kraft paper.
3. Adjust dividing gates, or tips,
below the cant boards in reels and
purifiers so that they are vertical
or so that half will open one way
and half the other way. This is
essential in order that there may
be equal distribution of gas into
all the conveyors. Eemove stock
accumulations in reel and puri-
fier-conveyor ends beyond reach
of the flights, as well as any
packed accumulations. Reel and
purifier-conveyor housing covers
should be kept closed.
4. Remove accumulations of stock
above the roll feed gate, clean
housings, block open the feeder
gates, and close all housing doors.
5. Raise hand levers of Buckley
AMS Neg. U32li-^7(7) grinders, thus compressing driv-
ing springs and separating
Figure 6.—Method of piping machinery in a grinding surfaces to permit pas-
flour mill for fumigation with liquid hydro-
cyanic acid. Mill house.
sage of gas through the mecha-
gas will escape from the machinery 6. Splitter valves on slide spouts
to care for any insects that are in should be placed on center to
the open space of the mill. In old eliminate possibility of dead-air
wooden mills the woodwork often spaces.
harbors large numbers of insects, 7. Before fumigation, apply air
not all of which are reached by the pressure to the piping system and
gas when it is applied by the ma- examine each spray nozzle to see
chinery-piping system. For this that it is working properly.
type of mill the open-space method Leaky connections should be
of fumigation would probably be tightened. The care expended in
more satisfactory. keeping the lines and nozzles
Additional Preparations clear of deposits will be a big
Before the mill is shut down the factor in the success of fumiga-
preparations noted previously tions by this method. Lines
should be followed; however, it is should be blown clear of the
not necessary to open up the ma- liquid fumigant after each fumi-
chinery. In addition: gation.
Applying the Gas created by the transfer of the hydro-
cyanic acid from the shipping cylin-
When the liquid hydrocyanic acid der to the applicator to escape into
is introduced into the various mill- the manifold, thus facilitating the
ing units the gas must be forced filling of the applicator.
into the fumigation lines with suffi-
cient pressure to ensure a uniform Dosage Rate
distribution. As the standard hy- Liquid hydrocyanic acid is forced
drocyanic acid cylinder has too into the various lines at the rate of
small an aperture to allow this, it is about 8 ounces for each spray noz-
necessary to employ a special appli- zle. Some fumigators prefer to use
cator consisting of a small steel tank a heavier dosage, but this is rarely
holding 35 pounds of the liquid and necessary.
capable of withstanding a working At the end of the fumigation the
pressure of 200 pounds. The gas- mill can be ventilated in the manner
outlet valve on the top-central part employed in other fumigations.
of the cylinder is connected with a Workmen wearing gas masks
i/^-inch copper tube extending to the should open all doors and windows
bottom of the tank. This tube is to allow air to circulate through the
larger than that used in the hydro- building. Eoof vents should be
cyanic acid cylinder and permits the opened as soon as possible to allow
gas to flow as rapidly as required. the gas to escape from the machin-
Gas-inlet valves (%-inch brass) and ery.
a pressure gage are also located on To avoid accident from small
the top-central part of the appli- quantities of fumigant left in the
cator. From the tank connection of system, compressed air should be
the gage a bypass of i^-inch copper forced through all fumigation lines
tubing, supplied with a valve, is long enough to ensure a complete
connected to the gas-outlet line be- removal of hydrocyanic acid. This
tween the gas-outlet valve and the should be done during the ventila-
manifold of the piping system. tion process and before workmen
This bypass allows the pressure are allowed to enter the building.

Fumigation With Methyl Bromide

For the fumigation of modern, air. It is obtainable commercially
tight, concrete, stone, or brick mills, in liquid form in 1-pound cans or
methyl bromide has been found in cylinders containing 50 or 175
highly efficient. It is not recom- pounds net. The natural pressure
mended for use in mills of wood, of the gas is sufficient at room tem-
or of frame and sheet-metal con- perature so that both cans and cyl-
struction, owing to the difficulty of inders are self-emptying when
holding the vapors long enough to opened. The pressure in the cylin-
obtain a satisfactory kill. A spe- ders, however, is increased slightly
cial technique, ordinarily too costly by the manufacturers to facilitate
to be employed, is required for mak- the rapid removal of the gas.
ing this type of building tight Methyl bromide is relatively in-
enough for methy bromide fumiga- expensive at the dosages required
tion. for fumigation, highly toxic to all
Methyl bromide is a colorless al- stages of insects including their
most odorless liquid that boils at eggs, noninflammable at concentra-
40.1° F. At ordinary room tem- tions used in commercial practice,
perature it is a gas, in which state it and can be used successfully at
is more than 3 times heavier than comparatively low temperatures.

It has remarkable powers of pene- 150 pounds. The cylinder or cvl-
tration and is undoubtedly the most inders are then connected to the
efficient fumigant known for the manifold of the piping system on
treatment of warehouses filled with the outside of the building. After
bagged commodities. Lacking a the valve is opened, the pressure
distinctive odor, this gas is but forces the fumigant from the cyl-
faintly noticeable in small inder into the fumigation lines at
amounts, a feature that creates a the rate of about 10 pounds per min-
hazard not present with some of ute. In cool weather the pressure
the rapidly toxic gases that pos- in the cylinder must sometimes be
sess distinctive warning proper- built up with compressed air a sec-
ties. ond time to speed up the emptying
Methyl bromide can be applied of the cylinder and the application
through a piping system in much of the gas. A 3-way connection be-
the same manner as that described tween the cylinder, the manifold,
for liquid hydrocyanic acid or by and the air compressor will facili-
releasing the gas directly into the tate this operation. For large
open space from cylinders placed mills, where this method of apply-
at strategic points in the mill. ing the gas is best adapted, the
Each cylinder of methyl bromide is 175-pound cylinders will be most
equipped with a siphon tube so that convenient.
it can be emptied without inverting Small mills that do not have pip-
the cylinder. ing systems can be fumigated by
If the gas is to be introduced into distributing the requisite number of
a mill through a piping system, the cylinders uniformly over the several
pressure in the cylinders should be floors and releasing the gas by open-
increased with compressed air to ing the valves (fig. 7). The 50-

Figure 7.—Applying methyl bromide in a flour mill.

pound cylinders will be found most from floor to floor, opening the
useful for the purpose and will valves of the cylinders by hand and
enable the fumigator to distribute discharging any 1-pound cans re-
the gas uniformly over the building. quired. Two men wearing gas
One-pound cans can be used to sup- masks should work together and
plement the dosage and are particu- should release the gas as rapidly
lary useful for treating small rooms as possible so that they will not
that are cut off from the regular mill be exposed to a heavy concentra-
space. Each floor of the mill tion of the f umigant, which might
should be provided with large port- be hazardous even though they
able fans, which should be operated are protected by masks.
for at least 1 hour after the gas is A dosage of 1 pound per 1,000
introduced, to ensure a proper dis- cubic feet of space is adequate for
tribution of the gas. the fumigation of well-constructed
In applying the gas, the fumi- mills.
gator must be careful not to ex- An exposure period of from 16 to
pose himself to the concentrated 24 hours should be allowed, after
vapors, and for his protection he which the building may be opened
should be supplied with a gas up for aeration. The same precau-
mask equipped with a black canis- tion should be taken in ventilating
ter designed to protect against the building as when hydrocyanic
organic vapors. If the gas is ap- acid or other toxic gas has been
plied from the outside of the build- used.
ing it is not necessary to wear a gas Workmen entering the building
mask unless the manifold or cylin- to open the windows and doors
der connections are leaky, although
the mask should be kept handy for must wear gas masks equipped
use in case of emergency. Where with black canisters. Under ordi-
the cylinders are discharged di- nary conditions, a mill that has been
rectly into the open space of the fumigated with methyl bromide
mill, the fumigator, starting from will air out rapidly after it is
the top of the mill, should proceed opened up.

Fumigation With Chloropicrin

Chloropicrin has been used for improbable that anyone would will-
many years for the fumigation of ingly enter an atmosphere contain-
flour mills. It is nonexplosive and ing an appreciable quantity of
nonflammable as ordinarily used for chloropicrin.
fumigating purposes, and is ex- A full-face gas mask supplied
tremely toxic to insects as well as with a canister designed to
man. protect against organic vapors
It is a colorless or slightly yellow- should be worn while applying
ish liquid a little more than one and the fumigant or in transferring
a half times as heavy as water. It it from cylinders to vessels used
has a boiling point of 233.6° F. and in dispensing it. Care should be
on exposure to air evaporates slowly taken not to spatter the liquid on
forming a mixture of gas and air the hands or feet or other areas
that is slightly heavier than air at of the body since blistering of the
the same temperature and pressure. skin may result.
It is disagreeable to handle owing to Chloropicrin is available in two
the lachrymatory properties of its forms, with or without a propellant.
vapors; however, this can be con- The propellant form is available in
sidered as a safety factor since it is 50-pound containers of a 30-70 mix-

ture of methyl chloride and chloro- piping system is installed of %-inch
picrin. o. d. polyethylene tubing. Copper
When the valve is opened the jets for discharging the gas are
methyl chloride propels the chloro- spaced 20 to 30 feet apart. One jet
picrin from the applicator in a fine should be allowed for each 1,000
mist that vaporizes rapidly. A cubic feet of space, with not more
plastic or copper tube extension can than 3 jets to a line. The jets are
be fitted to the outlet valve so as to rigid copper tubing 18 inches in
release the fumigant in the upper length connected to the polyethyl-
part of each floor of the mill. Place ene tubing with a brass tee. The
the container in Üie approximate free end is pinched shut and is sup-
center of the space to be fumigated, plied with a i/ie-inch orifice drilled
and adjust it so that there are no through both walls 1 inch above the
obstacles (particularly belting) pinched end.
within 12-15 feet of it in directions Each floor of the mill or ware-
in which the fumigant will be dis- house should be provided with one
charged. Cap and plug the end of or more lines fastened to the ceiling
the extension tube leading from the and extending to the outside where
cylinder and bore a hole in each side they can be connected to a cylinder
of the tube so that the fumigant will containing a mixture of chloro-
be discharged horizontally in two picrin and methyl chloride pressur-
directions. In cold weather, store ized to 100 pounds. A dosage of
the containers in a warm room for from 114 to 1% pounds of the mix-
at least 12 hours before they are ture should be used per 1,000 cubic
used. This will increase the pres- feet of space depending upon the
sure in them suiRciently to insure a quantities of machinery in the mill.
satisfactory discharge of the chloro- If the chloropicrin is used with-
picrin. out a propellant, it can be sprinkled
If condensation on the floor is ex- on empty sacks spread on the floor
pected, spread empty burlap sacks or poured on a pile of empty sacks.
on the floor 10 feet on each side of A minimum of 1 pound of chloro-
the point of release. picrin should be used per 1,000 cubic
The fumigators, wearing gas feet of space. The required quan-
masks, should open the valves one tity of chloropicrin for each floor
full turn, and be careful to stand should be distributed in handy con-
so that they will not be sprayed tainers before the fumigation.
by the discharge. They should After an exposure of 24 hours,
work rapidly and leave the mill the mill should be thoroughly aer-
as soon as possible. ated before milling operations are
In some cases a semi-permanent resumed.

Local Fumigation
The treatment of an individual The proper use of local fumigants
machine in a mill with a fumigant will keep infestations at a point
is referred to as a local fumigation. where they will not be a serious fac-
After a general fumigation to elim- tor. This is particularly true in
inate ^ the insect population of a modern concrete mills where in-
mill, it is only a matter of time be- sects cannot find refuge in old wood-
fore some of the milling units be- work. Some mills rely on periodic
come reinfested from individual in- local fumigations instead of an oc-
sects surviving the fumigation, or casional general fumigation, but
through one or more of the avenues insects that are established in the
by which insects enter the mill. woodwork will not be affected by
local fumigants and will continu- dibromide, or methyl bromide are
ally reinfest the machinery. Local used extensively for this purpose.
fumigations can be conducted on Dosages of three commonly used
weekends or any night after the formulations are given below as a
mill is shut down. For best re- general guide. For the many other
sults they should be given every 2 formulations available, follow the
or 3 weeks. Chloropicrin and mix- directions on the manufacturer's
tures containing carbon tetrachlor- label, but be sure to use a material
ide, ethylene dichloride, ethylene approved for this use.

Ethylene Ethylene
dichlorid e-carbon dibromide
Milling Unit Chloropicrin tetraohloride 15 percent in a
(3 :1) chlorinated

Fluid ounces Fluid ounces Fluid ounces

Elevator boots 8-10 12-16 12-16
Reels and purifiers 16 16-20 16-20
Sifters (each section) 2-3 12 12
Conveyors (per linear foot) }i 2 2
Rolls (each side) 1 8 8
Dusters 5-6 16 16
Bins (per 100 cu. ft.) 1 10 10

These dosages are general, and unit through a small hole made for
individual mills and individual ma- this purpose.
chines may require more or less The points of application will
fumigant. vary in each mill and will have to
Prior to the application of local be determined by experience. In
fumigants, the mill should be run some mills application to the ele-
until empty. However, the milling vator system has been found suffi-
stock should not be removed until cient. The fumigant is applied at
after the fumigation. All vents three points—one in the head, and
from milling machinery to the out- one in each leg on the back side. In
side should be closed. Dead spouts most mills, sifters and some of the
and filled suction lines should be milling units will require individ-
cleaned. ual doses. By checking results in
The fumigants are applied by each milling unit after a fumiga-
workmen wearing full-face gas tion, one can soon discover which
masks equipped with proper can- unit will require individual doses.
isters. Starting from the top floor The fumigant should be applied
of the mill the liquid fumigants are to units on the lower floors first, the
poured, sprayed or dashed into the operators working up towards the
individual units. Care should be top floor. This is the reverse of the
taken to keep liquids off pobshed usual method of applying local fu-
metals such as rolls. migants. Since it is a machinery
When chloropicrin is used, run- fumigation the mill can be well ven-
ning the machinery for 2 or 3 min- tilated during actual application of
utes after application will aid in the fumigant. This mixture is
the distribution of the vapors. also available in small cans contain-
Some manufacturers of local fu- ing just enough of the liquid to fu-
migants provide automatic appli- migate one unit. The contents of
cators that will measure and inject a can are poured through a funnel
the desired dose into each milling into the milling units through the

same holes used in treating with the removed from fumigated units with
automatic applicator. This method a heavy-duty vacuum cleaner after
can be used when an applicator is fumigation so that dead insects will
not available. not add to the insect fragment count
The mill should be thoroughly in the finished flour. This opera-
aerated after fumigation and be- tion can be completed before the
fore milling operations are resumed. mill is restarted, or on the follow-
Kesidual milling stock should be ing weekend.

Heat and Cold for Treating Flour Mills

The effectiveness of heat in the from steam pipes. To be success-
control of insects infesting flour ful, temperatures of from 120° to
mills has been known for several 130° F. must be maintained for
decades. The cost of superheating from 10 to 12 hours.
mills compares favorably with that The opening up of mills during
of fumigation ; however, the length a period of subzero weather to kill
of exposure required and the dele- insects by freezing has been a prac-
terious effect of high temperature tice used occasionally in the North-
on some milling equipment has re- ern States and in the Prairie Prov-
sulted in the abandonment of this
method by all but a few mills. inces of Canada. It is not widely
Where it is still employed, air practiced in the United States ow-
drawn over the steam coils of unit ing to the uncertainty of the weath-
heaters is blown through the mill. er. During the exposure period it
This method is superior to the old is necessary to drain all water pipes
method which relied on radiation to prevent damage from freezing.

Continuous-Process Heat Treatment of Milled

Cereal Products
Milled cereal products too coarse higher temperatures. Insects that
to permit sieving to remove any in- might be found in milled cereal
sect life that might later start an products can not survive exposure
infestation must be given some pre- to a temperature of 140° for more
cautionary treatment to gain this than 5 minutes; hence, raising the
end. Continuous-process steriliza- temperature of the product to 140°
tion by heat has been found most or slightly higher and maintaining
satisfactory and economical and is it at that level for about 10 minutes
more commonly used than any other will produce satisfactory steriliza-
treatment. tion.
Many concerns heat their product Figure 8 illustrates a procedure
to temperatures of 160° F. or for heating and cooling a cereal
higher. The important point is to product that, according to Chap-
make certain that the product is man,^ is highly satisfactory.
uniformly heated. The maximum A number of machines on the
temperature that can be employed market have been designed for heat-
will depend on the product and use treating milled cereal products, the
for which it is intended. Flours to heat being derived from steam, hot
be used for raised bread or pastry air, or electricity. In many, pro-
cannot be subjected to temperatures
^ Chapman, R. N. Insects infesting
above 170° with safety. Cereal stored food products. Minn. Agr. Expt.
products, however, can stand much Sta. Bui. 198, 76 pp., illus. 1921.





i \V ■■""■♦-*••••.

130 1 Teaçeratur© Fatal to Inaecte

*^" .^^



Time In Minutes
10 11 12 13
AMS Neg. 1*325-57(7)
Figure 8.—A satîsfacfory temperoture range for cereals during the process of heating and
packing. (Chapman.)

vision is also made to prevent loss veyed in a similar manner through

in moisture content of the product the entire series of cylinders. In its
during the treatment. To be satis- passage through the various cylin-
factory for the purpose, a machine ders the product will be gradually
should heat the product uniformly. and uniformly heated, until it
Heat-sterilized cereal products emerges at the bottom at any desired
should go directly from the steri- temperature. With a series of three
lizer to the packer to prevent rein- cylinders operating at a steam
festation before packing. A steri- pressure of 100 pounds, the temper-
lizer of simple construction consists ature of a cereal product can be
of a series of steam-jacketed metal raised to 160° F. in 5 to 6 minutes.
cylinders or drums placed horizon-
tally one above another and con- The heated product should then be
nected so that corn meal, farina, or sifted through a 20-mesh screen to
any other milled cereal product remove any material that may have
introduced into one end of the top been caked by the heat, and should
cylinder is conveyed to the other end be packed while still hot. Different
of the cylinder by a screw conveyor, combinations of heating cylinders
where it drops into the cylindCéT be- and steam pressures can be used to
low. The cereal product is con- suit individual situations.

Insect Contamination in Milled Cereal Products

Flour shipments used in blending At least 1 percent of the bags taken
operations, in mixes, or specialty at random from each carload of
products, or by bakers, should al- flour should be sifted.
ways be examined for both insect For the detection of insect frag-
infestation and insect contamina- ments in milled cereals, which may
tion. The presence of living infes- be present but are not detectable
tation can be determined by sifting. by macroscopic examinations, pro-
cedures have been published by the Chemists. Essentially, the process
Food and Drug Administration, consists of digesting the sample
The Association of Official Agricul- with pancreatin or hydrochloric
tural Chemists, and the American acid, making gasoline or light min-
Association of Cereal Chemists. eral oil separations of the extrane-
Recommendations relative to use- ous material, and identifying the
ful procedures for the examination separated material.
of food products for extraneous ma- A method for detecting insect ex-
terials that will also be found help-
ful to analysts are contained in the creta in flour has also been pub-
Eeport of the 1945-46 Committee lished in "Methods of Analysis" of
of the New York Section of the the Association of Official Agricul-
American Association of Cereal tural Chemists (5th ed., p. 715).

Insect Control in the Warehouse

Sanitation and Warehouse able size, in piles at least 12 inches
from the walls and far enough
Management apart to allow inspection and clean-
Under modern methods of flour ing. Pallets should be inspected
manufacturing, freshly milled flour regularly for infestation, cleaned
stocks can be considered free of in- with compressed air, and the under-
sect infestation when they enter the sides sprayed with a residual spray.
warehouse. However, in flour Information regarding sprays de-
warehouses every precaution should scribed for use in the mill will ap-
be taken to prevent the develop- ply equally well for the warehouse.
ment of insect infestation in stocks Stocks of flour longest in storage
awaiting shipment. Sources of in- should be moved first as the sales
festation include the following : In- demand. Broken bags should be
fested accumulations of dust, feed, disposed of immediately. Floors
and flour in difficult-to-reach places, should be regularly swept and all
such as between double floors, walls, accumulations removed and burned
and partitions, and in unused ma- or fumigated. Whenever a pile of
chinery or bins; crpss infestation flour is shipped, the floor beneath
from infested feeds, old stock, it should be thoroughly cleaned.
broken bags or returned goods ; and The use of a heavy duty vacuum
invasion from nearby elevators. cleaner will be found invaluable.
Many warehouses are of modern Mechanical sweepers with attached
construction and can easily be kept vacuum have been found to be effi-
clean and sanitary. If necessary, cient and economical.
warehouse construction should be
improved, double hollow walls and Fumigation
partitions eliminated, and cracks in
The fumigation of flour and feed
floors filled or the floor renovated warehouses is frequently practiced
by laying quick-setting plastic in connection with mill fumiga-
preparations over old ones. Food- tions. Observations indicate that
handling equipment and all ma- in tight concrete or brick ware-
chinery or dunnage likely to har- houses hydrocyanic acid, chloro-
bor insects should be removed un- picrin, methyl bromide, or mixtures
less it is in constant use. of methyl bromide with ethylene
Flour should be stored in rooms dibromide can be used at the same
separate from feeds. It should dosage recommended for mill fumi-
also be stacked on pallets of suit- gation. Fumigation must be re-
stricted to empty warehouses since for residues in manufactured foods
no tolerances have been established resulting from fumigations.

Bulk Flour Storage

Where there is a bulk flour system with a centrifugal machine as a
care must be taken to prevent the precautionary treatment to remove
buildup of insect infestation in the insect life that might later start an
flour-handling equipment as well as infestation.
in the bins. In addition to frequent The type of storage bin is of con-
cleaning of conveyors, elevators, siderable importance. Riveted
and all other parts of the system, a metal bins are most desirable, con-
centrifugal machine should be used crete bins next best, and wooden
to give the flour just ahead of the bins least desirable. Metal bins, if
handling equipment a precaution- welded, often crack at the joint due
ary treatment. to stress and strain. Riveted seams
Flour going from bulk storage to should be calked with an inert plas-
packers or to bulk cars or trucks tic capable of retaining its resilience
should be rebolted and treated for several years.

Insect-Resistant Bags
Unless flour is properly packaged through the walls of substantial
and protected from insect invasion paper bags. They can and do, how-
in storage and transit, much of the ever, enter through needle holes
effort expended in the manufacture where the bags are sewed unless the
of a clean product may be wasted. holes are protected in some way.
Insects that attack flour are found All seams of paper bags should be
wherever foodstuffs are stored or cemented, and sewed tops should be
merchandised, and are frequently protected with strips of gummed
found infesting transportation fa- tape or other covering.
cilities. The use of an insect repellant
A mechanical barrier is the best impregnated in the outer wall of
protection against invasion by in- multiwalled paper bags offers ex-
sects. Fabric bags afford little pro- cellent protection against insect
tection from insect attack since the invasion for many months. A com-
insects can penetrate or lay their bination of pyrethrins with a Syn-
eggs through the mesh of the fabric ergist, piperonyl butoxide, has been
or through needle holes along the used successfully as a repellent, and
seams or end closures. Paper bags bags so treated are now available
have largely replaced fabric bags commercially. They are somewhat
and offer considerable protection to
flour from insect invasion if they more expensive than untreated bags.
are properly made and sealed. For specialty flours or pre-mixes
With the exception of the cadelle a tight-wrap carton offers the most
and the lesser grain borer, most satisfactory protection against in-
flour-infesting insects cannot cut sect infestation.

Infestation in Transit
Flour products leaving the mill to bakeries, other warehouses,^ or
or warehouse do not usually go di- grocery stores for distribution,
rectly to the consumer, but must be During this period of transit they
transported by truck or railway car are subject to invasion by insects.

Studies have shown that the rail- and when compressed tightly be-
way cars used to transport flour hind wooden linings fills the void to
have in many cases also been used the exclusion of any other material.
to carry gram during the rush of Many railroads have equipped test
the grain-harvesting season. The cars with fiber-glass pads in the end
ordinary car is so constructed that linings and have demonstrated the
waste grain, grain dust, or milled value of this treatment.
cereal products become lodged in It will probably be many years
cracks and crevices in the wood- before more than a token number
work and behind linings. Conse- of such cars are available for flour
quently, insect infestations difficult shipments. Until that time the
to eradicate by ordinary clean-up following procedures for treating
methods become established in cars railway boxcars to be used for flour
used to carry grain. As soon as shipments are recommended : Thor-
fresh flour is placed in infested cars, oughly sweep cars, and blow them
the insects are attracted to it. They out with a jet of compressed air.
crawl over the bags, thrust eggs Spray with a residual-type spray
through the mesh of fabric bags, at least 12 hours before papering
and enter them wherever they can. and loading.
The time of greatest danger from Sprays of DDT, TDE, methoxy-
infestation in transit is during the chlor, pyrethrum, or allethrin are
summer after the cars have been safe to use. The first 3 chemicals
used for carrying grain or feed. At should be used at a concentration
this time, also, large numbers of of 2.5 percent in the form of emul-
insects of many kinds, including sions or wettable powders, and the
species that infest grain and flour, last two at a concentration of 0.5
are in flight and enter the cars be- percent as emulsions. They should
fore or during loading operations. all be applied at the rate of about 1
Lights used in loading cars may gallon per 1,000 square feet of sur-
also attract many insects and, al- face area. A power sprayer is de-
though they may not be important sirable for speed in application and
pests of stored flour, their presence to obtain good coverage. The ab-
is annoying and often causes cars sence of odor from the spray used
to be rejected on arrival at destina- is essential. In general, water
tion. emulsion sprays are less likely to
One of the best ways to prevent leave odors than other forms.
the establishment of waste grain Sprayed cars should be lined with
and niilled products behind car lin- a heavy kraft paper to a height
ings is to install pads or blankets above the load. This lining will
of fiber glass behind end and side protect the flour from spray depos-
linings. This material is resilient. its on the floor or walls of the car.

Bulk Transportation of Flour

Bulk transportation of flour of- handled according to the recommen-
fers fewer opportunities for insect dations given for bulk flour storage.
contamination than previously used The sanitary condition of bulk
transport, provided the seller and flour cars, tote bins, and bulk flour
buyer accept their fair share of re- containers is essential. The shipper
sponsibility for the inspection and must inspect all such equipment be-
care of equipment. fore loading. If inspection shows
Bulk shipments of flour are pre- infestation or some residue of pre-
sumably free from infestation if vious loadings, steps must be taken
to put the car in acceptable condi- commodity should assume the re-
tion for loading. sponsibility for complete unloading
Upon receipt of the bulk com- (leaving no residue) and the im-
modity by the buyer and after un- mediate closing, locking, and seal-
loading, the empty container must ing of loading hatches and unload-
be inspected. The receiver of the ing ports.

Electromagnetic Energy
The use of radiant energy for the ant energy ; however, at present, the
treatment of grain and cereal prod- high cost of equipment, upkeep and
ucts has received considerable at- operation, together with limitations
tention during the past few years. in capacity, make it doubtful
Eadiant energy includes electrical whether radiant energy can compete
energy of various wave lengths, with other methods of insect con-
such as radio, infrared, gamma trol now in use. Continued research
rays, sound waves, and energy from may result in the development of a
electrons. practical method of using some
Many workers have demonstrated form of radiant energy for treating
that insects can be killed with radi- grain and cereal products.


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