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Arranged for individual assignment of Microteaching lecture.

Lecturer : Muhammad Khumaedi

Arranged by:
Name : Arif Setya Kurniawan
NIM : 5201408010
Prodi : PTM S1


School Name : SMK Negeri 5 Kendal

Subject/ Training : Basic Competence in Mechanical Enginnering
Class / Semester : XI / 1
Competency Standars : The Two Dimension Drawing with AutoCad
Basic Competency : - To know the basic use of AutoCad
Using the tool drawing commands
Indicators : - Using the work screen display of AutoCad
very good.
- Applying AutoCad coordinate system as the
first step to draw in drawing area.
- Drawing an object by either using the Draw
Toolbar Command.
Alocation Times : 4 x 45 minutes (2 x meetings)

A. Learning Objectives :
1. Students can open AutoCad program from the
2. Students can understand the AutoCad working screen
3. Students can understand and use the Cartesian
coordinate system and polar coordinate well.
4. Students can draw an object using the image command
via the toolbar menu with good and correctly.
B. Learning Materials :
1. To Know Autocad
2. Coordinate Systems
3. Creating a New Worksheet
4. Drawing Commands Menu
5. Application of Drawing Commends Menu
C. Learning Methods :
1. Lecture
2. Demonstration
3. Discussion
4. Individual Assignment

D. Step - Step Learning Activities

First Meeting
1. Opening (15 minutes)
a. The teacher entered the classroom with
greetings, then allowing one student to lead the prayer as the beginning of
the opening meeting, or the teacher who led the prayers.
b. The teacher introduce themselves to students.
c. The teacher explains what subjects will be
d. The teacher check students' attendance.
e. The teacher said that this meeting you will
learn about basic introduction to the use of AutoCad.
f. The teacher make sure every student gets a
2. Content (60 minutes)
a. The teacher instructed the students to turn on each computer.
b. The teacher explained to students and occasionally ask to the students
about AutoCad.
c. The teacher explain and demonstrate how to open the AutoCAD program
and explains how to create a new worksheet and attended by students.
d. The tacher explained there are two instructions in AutoCad is a command
line via the keyboard and the other way by clicking a floating toolbar.
e. The teacher explains the work screen display and the coordinate system
f. The teacher conduct demonstration coordinate system with cartesian
coordinates principle and the principle of polar coordinates with the
command line.
g. The teacher and students do the questions and answers.
h. The students practice making cartesian coordinate systems and polar
coordinate systems as individually and teacher check the results who made
3. Closing (15 minutes)
a. The teacher refer students to mention the conclusion of the material
b. The teacher guide students to make conclusions from the results of
learning today.

Second Meeting
1. Opening (15 minutes)
a. The teacher entered the classroom with greetings, then allowing one
student to lead the prayer as the beginning of the opening meeting, or the
teacher who led the prayers.
b. The teacher explains what subjects will be taught.
c. The teachers check students' attendance list.
d. The teacher said that this meeting you will learn about the use of the
AutoCad drawing.
e. The teacher make sure every students gets a computer.
2. Content (60 minutes)
a. The teacher conduct a review of the matter before the meeting.
b. The teacher asked the students about the matter before the meeting, then
answer the questions that might arise from the students.
c. The teacher instructed the students to turn on each computer.
d. The students are instructed to open the AutoCAD program and create a
new worksheet.
e. The teacher explains and demonstration to the students about the tools in
AutoCAD drawing command, the drawing command tool in here is the
draw toolbar.
f. The teacher and students do the questions and answers.
g. The students practice what has been described by the teacher.
h. The teacher provide practice to make an object.
3. Closing (15 minutes)
a. The teacher refer students to mention the conclusion of the material
b. The teachers guide students to make conclusions from the results of
learning today.

E. Learning Resource :
1. Media/ Equipment : Whiteboard, makers, LCD Projector and computer
2. Sources : - Drawing of Two Dimensional Using AutoCad
Program Module
- AutoCad Software
F. Rating :
1. Written
Initial test : none
Test in the process : there is, is done by doing exercises.
Achievment test : there is, done with work on the problems of the overall
material that has been given.

2. Observation
By looking at the attitude and the way students in participating in learning.


Arif Setya Kurniawan

NIM. 5201408010
Appendix 1. Material

AutoCad is a package of programs used for design purposes both two-
dimensional images (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) until the design process a
more realistic picture. AutoCad program developed rapidly, ranging from
Autocad R10, R12, 2000.2002, 2004 until saatini AutoCad 2010.
How to operate, if the program is installed, then the general AutoCad can be run
through in two ways:
1. Double-click Shortcut Autocad drawings found on the Windows
2. Click: Start - All Programs - AutoCad 2008, if the program used is
AutoCad 2008.
Once the program is open it will work screen appears as shown in the picture
below. Work screen display contains various information and tools that are used
to design the image.

Display screen work of AutoCad above be briefly described as follows:

1. Menu Bar
There is AutoCad default menu. Consisting of menu: FILE, EDIT, VIEW,
WINDOWS, and HELP menu. These menus contain all the commands in
designing an image.
2. Standard Toolbar
Just like the toolbar buttons in the program Ms. Office such as New, Open,
Save, Print, and Spell, was also there redraw, Undo, and Zoom
3. Object Properties Toolbar
Object Properties toolbars contain commands to modify objects or images
such as color, linetype, and manages layers lineweight
4. Draw and Modify Toolbars
Contains commands and editing images. Such as Line, Arc, Circle and others.
5. Drawing Area
Is an area of the image area. Its size varies depending on the size of the
display elements of AutoCAD and toolbars.
6. Crosshairs
Indicate the position of the depiction in the area of the drawing area.
7. User Coordinate System (UCS) Icon
Shows the coordinate system, namely the World Coordinate System (WCS)
and the User Coordinate System (UCS), both 2D (X, Y) and 3D (X, Y, Z)
8. Model Tab/Layout Tabs
To move the image space of models (drawings) to paper space (layout) space
or vice versa.
9. Command Windows
Consists of line command and histories command.
10. Status Bar
Contains information about the images, crosshairs position and help
commands such as Snap, Grig, Ortho, Polar, Osnap, Otrack, LWT and


To open a new worksheet, click File - New and then select acadiso and than
click open. To copy images of other work, type the command copyclip in the
command line and then select the object to be copied, and then type the
command pasteclip then enter.

There are two types of command in AutoCad namely:
1. Command Line on the keyboard.
2. Clicking directly floating toolbar as draw toolbar, modify toolbar, the
toolbar dimension etc.

AutoCAD provides two coordinate systems is the World Coordinate System
(WCS) and the User Coordinate System (UCS), there is coordinate system
distinguished by the position of the point of origin or reference point (0,0). At
WCS reference point (0,0) is always fixed on the lower left corner and UCS can
be changed as needed.
In the process of drawing both WCS and UCS can be operated using the
principle of Cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates.
1. The principle of the Cartesian coordinates
Cartesian coordinates are determined based on the point of origin (titik0, 0),
at the top left corner bawah.dan on relative coordinates that are calculated
from the previous point or last point of the object image as a point (0,0).

2. The principle of the Polar Coordinates

Polar coordinates, the location of a point is determined based on the amount
of distance and angle. For example determining the location of point that is 5
units and a large angle is 30 °, then it can ditulis 5 <30 (absolute coordinates)
or @ 5 <30 (coordinate relative).

To draw an object can be made through the draw menu. Draw toolbar or by
typing the command name in the command line drawings. The drawing
commands contained in Draw Toolbar is shown in this picture.

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