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Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) is a product manufactured using a
cement /
aggregate slurry reinforced through with alkali resistant glass fibres. The mix
degree of compaction, type of cement, and the proportion, length and
orientation of glass
fibres may all be varied to produce a specified product. Methods of
manufacture vary, but
spraying either by hand equipment into a form of the shape and composite
with reinforcing
element randomly distributed throughout the matrix, unlike reinforcing steel is
primarily in tensile stress area.
The potential of using glass fibre reinforced concrete systems was recognized
in Malaysia.
The similar product has been used successfully for the construction of the
above project and
many other jobs.
In this project the GFRC component is for decorative purpose locates
surrounds the
Components will be produced under factory condition and transported to site
for installation
onto the building structure.
5.1 Project manager
5.2 Site Supervisor
5.3 Resident Architect
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proper and safe access shall be provided by the main contractor. The storage
space shall be sufficiently large enough for panels to be mobilized either using
crane. lifting equipment. if required. 8. shall be procured before installation
team mobilized at site. Access Road for Panel Delivery and Identification
Pass Proper access road shall be planned. Schedule of delivery shall be
discussed with main contractor on daily/weekly basis.0 WORK SEQUENCE
FLOW Page 2 of 4 . fasteners. EQUIPMENT AND PLANT All necessary
material / equipment such as hand-tools. discussed and approved for smooth
delivery and unloading of GFRC panels. i. Identification pass shall be
obtained from main contractor for permission of entranced to project site. ii.
This shall ensure smooth installation operation and reduce idle time. the
following matters shall be discussed and coordinated with the main
contractor.METHOD STATEMENT Title : Work Method Statement for
Installation of GFRC Panels Reference : Material Approval Form for GFRC
Panels 6. A plan detailing the access areas/works areas of crane is to be
prepared and copy to the main contractor. mobile cranes. forklift or manually
by workers from one place to another. The main contractor and the installation
personnel shall ensure that there is no obstruction around the building.
Access to All Structure In area where installation works to be carried out.0
HANDLING AND STORAGE OF MATERIAL Prior to the mobilization of the
installation team at site. iii. Good material delivery shall reduce congestion to
the access. 7. On-Site Storage for GFRC Panels Sufficient storage space
shall be provided to ensure panels storage of minimum 3 days’ supply.
welding set etc.0 TOOLS.

0 QUALITY PLAN 12 • GFRC Panel Installation Steps Completed 11 • Touch

up the GFRC panel fnishing with specifed Colour Code • Touch up the GFRC
panel joint between Segments using AUTON Sealer 101A Silicone Sealant.
10 9 • Repeat Step 5 to 8 for Segment 02. • GFRC Panels in appropriate
segments to be selected by Project Coordinator and transported to site using
Mounted Crane Truck 5 4 3 2 1 • GFRC Panels Fabrication at Factory
Reference : Material Approval Form for GFRC Panels Title : Work Method
Statement for Installation of GFRC Panels METHOD STATEMENT . This is to
ensure all / part of panels is installed in accordance to drawings and
Inspection shall be called for in the presence of the main contractor’s
representative on 9. specifications.Segment 01 according to the Marked Area
8 7 6 • Placing the GFRC Panel . • Adjusting and alligning GFRC Panel .Page
3 of 4 and safety belts.0 SAFETY PLAN contractor’s acceptance in writing.
The work done in full / part shall be handed over after the main site. Segment
03 and Segment 04 • Drilling and Installing the Brackets of GFRC Panel using
Statheros Di M12 Drop-in Anchor Bolt System as per Installation
Specifcation.Segment 01 • Painting GFRC Panels with specifed colour code
using Spray Method by Main Contractor • GFRC Panels unloading from truck
to on-site temporary storage using Crane.Segment 01 to the Marked Area by
crane • Identifying and Marking the required Distance and Level at the
specifed area to install the Brackets of GFRC Panel . safety shoes 10. (when
working on temporary supported platforms) 10.1 All artisans performing
installation work shall wear safety helmet.

the welder shall have: 10.3.METHOD STATEMENT Title : Work Method

Statement for Installation of GFRC Panels Reference : Material Approval
Form for GFRC Panels The equipment used for panel installation
shall be inspected / serviced frequently for wear and tear.2 Proper material
handling techniques shall be practiced in performing material
hoisting/loading/unloading with assistants on ground upper/ floor assisting the
machine operator. 11.3 Proper housekeeping at storage and work zone 10.6
Whenever welding is required. 10.1 Adequate space and safety aspect of site
available to perform panel installation. 10.0 ATTACHMENT Attachment 1 –
Inspection Checklist for Installation of GFRC Panels Attachment 2 –
Construction drawing (Plan & Elevation) Attachment 3 – Product data &
catalog Page 4 of 4 . 10. Regular checks to ensure safe usage. 10. 10. Chain
hoist used shall have proper rigging method and hooks used should have
safety chip. 10.1 Full face welding hood with approved UV filter plate and
cover plate.2 Safety glasses under welding hood.3.6.5 Scaffolding erection /
dismantling shall be carried out in a proper manner.2 Clear unobstructed path
if transportation of object is required.3 The supervisor shall ensure: 10.

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