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Daniel Barella

Ms. Trotter

Senior Literature

01 February 2018

My Heroic Journey: Magical Weapons

I took a test about my strengths and skills. There are 120 questions and the test shows you

what your major strengths are in order from 1-24. My top 5 strengths and skills are perseverance,

honesty, kindness, love, and teamwork. The two strengths and skill that will push me the farthest

into my future will be my perseverance and love.

Right now perseverance is helping me alot because in my head I hate school and hate a

lot of the things that I have started but because of my perseverance I am forcing myself to finish

things through especially school. Love is the main thing that is helping me right now because

back in July 2017 I was going through a very hard time mentally. I was becoming very depressed

and I wanted to end my life because of it and it wasn't healthy. I had stopped eating and stopped

going out but one day my family texted me and asked me if I would like to go to the movies and

for some reason I said “yes”. It was the best decision of my life. That day I started the best

relationship I have ever had and my family grew and is now the most important thing in my life

and I have grown to love them and without that love I would have fall back to my old thoughts.

Without that love i would have ended my life and I wouldn't be graduating in four months.

Perseverance is going to help me a lot in the long run because as soon as I start something

I am going to be forced to finish it and I don't start anything that wont better me or my family. I

want to do into highway patrol and I am very determined to get there and once I do my

perseverance will help to complete the academy and rise through the ranks. Love will help me

the most in my future because I will and forever will have love in my life. I will have love for my

family and my significant other. And without love I feel that I will lose my mind because of my

anxiety and daily struggles that go along with my future job. Just having someone around that I

love and care for will get my mind off of things and they will be there to talk to and they will be

there for the best times of my life.

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