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The Anxious

Sofia Flores
Butterflies in your stomach ?
× A frequent nervous stomach may be a sign of anxiety
× Most people experience this feeling at some point in their

Social Butterfly
× Social anxiety disorder. (social phobia) this is when you feel
overwhelming worry and self-consciousness about everyday social
× Fixate about others judging you or on being embarrassed or ridiculed
Why this is important to me
● Anxiety is very common and there are lots of
stigmas around the topic, wanting to spread
awareness of factual information to be able
to educate people.
● People maybe not being aware of the
seriousness since it's not “physical” illness.
Different types of anxiety
● Panic disorder. You feel terror that strikes at random. During a panic attack, you may also
sweat, have chest pain, and feel palpitations. Sometimes you may feel like you’re choking
or having a heart attack.
● Social anxiety disorder
● Specific phobias. You feel intense fear of a specific object or situation, such as heights or
flying. The fear goes beyond what’s appropriate and may cause you to avoid ordinary
● Generalized anxiety disorder. You feel excessive, unrealistic worry and tension with little
or no reason.
Addressing anxiety inequality
Anxiety isn’t just a single word representing a single concept. There’s a lot to it, and that’s good news
for those of us who live with it.

Anxiety can be crippling or motivating.

Anxiety can makes us prisoners or safe.

Anxiety can induce paralysis or a healthy case of the jitters.

Anxiety can cause our thoughts to race uncontrollably or stimulate our thoughts enough to

Most Common Anxiety Stereotypes

× “Attention seekers”
× “Drama queens”
× Always negative
Advocates for this topic
Dr. Jason H Bennett Selena Gomez
Psychiatrist, MD
● Celebrity
● Mental Health
● Psychiatrist and psychotherapist
● Anxiety & Depression
● Influenced by the unique biological, psychological and ● Rehab
social aspects that contribute to emotional well being
and/or suffering of an individual person.
Anxiety Stereotypes

Advantages & Disadvantages of Anxiety

National Institute of Mental Health

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Anxiety & Depression Association of America
Questions ?

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