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Green Box Contents

 A medicine cabinet fitted to the Green Box's wall contains a dozen formaldehyde-filled glass jars, each
containing a piece of male human anatomy.

 A 1954 Sparton color television, packed carefully in a cardboard box filled with packing peanuts. If
examined the television is inoperable- significant modification has been made to the internal wiring. A number
of Regency TR-1 transistor radios have been soldered into the basic wiring. If carefully examined, a number of
stange pencil markings in a curvilinear script can be spotted on the back of the television. They are

 A donkey's jawbone.

 19th century gravestone taken from London's Highgate Cemetery

 A bizarre set of dentures made entirely out of stainless steel; it appears to be an attempt to create a real-
world equivalent of the Bond villain Jaws' teeth.

 An oil painting. It is a family portrait, dating from the late 19th century. While the artistry is poor, of greater
concern are the weird deformities of the subjects. The family, posed in a formal setting in a rather posh home,
all share some sort of congenital defect causing enlarged eyes and a hunched-back (to varying degrees, the
deformity increases with age), as well as an eczema-like skin condition and distorted limbs. One woman is so
deformed as to hide her face behind an opaque veil. Furnishings and other signs suggest the portrait was
created in New England some time after 1860. (see p. 83 of "Return to Innsmouth" for more information)

 A VHS copy of one of the agents' sixth birthday party. 1/1d3 SAN for viewing it, because until now the
individual believed there was only one copy of that tape in existence, and that it was tucked away in their
parents' attic; how (or why) it ended up in a Green Box is beyond anyone's knowledge, except A-Cell; they
simply respond "not cleared".

 A one foot tall free form metal sculpture made from shredded aluminum beer cans. The investigator has the
uncomfortable feeling that the sculpture is alive in some way, and time lapse photographs show that it does in
fact change shape over time, but no mechanism or organism can be found to account for this. Attempts to
communicate with it uniformly fail. If it is disassembled it fades away over the next few hours.

 A folded up full-size flag. Though similar to the American flag the fifty stars have been replaced by
swastikas. It is quite sun-bleached and worn, as if by heavy use.

 A carved wooden box containing a mummified squirrel.

 Sixteen party balloons neatly entwined into a large Elder Sign. It bobs eerily by the ceiling in the corner of
the Green Box, but is otherwise entirely harmless.

 A partially burned, black-and white harlequin doll, about 18 inches tall. In sections, the cloth and stuffing
has burned away, revealing a glossy black skeleton of perfect human proportions.
 A cassette tape, the faded label is illegible except for "...ars are dow..." Upon playing the cassette you will
hear what sounds like early grunge rock for a few seconds followed by static for the rest of the tape's duration.

 A small brass cage containing the decomposed remains of some sort of small yellow bird.

 A 15-foot long propeller blade from from a C-130 "Hercules". There are deep gouges along its length, as if
from a trio of claws.

 A two feet tall concrete replica an Easter Island "head". The replica weighs approximately 80 lbs and if
broken apart a polished human skull can be found at its centre.

 An uninflated sex doll that if inflated is revealed to resemble one of the Agents.

 A bootleg music CD. Every track is a different cover version of "Monster Mash," starting with the 1997
punk rock version by The Misfits.

 A plastic evidence bag filled with twenty-two yellow and black casino markers, all with a Yellow Sign in
the centre. [SAN-loss as usual if the Agents haven't been exposed to the Sign before.]

 A very old, slightly rusted military "dog tag" chain with a pair of rusty old military ID "dog tags" on it, with
the name of one of the PCs--who has never served in the military. Also on the chain are two dozen or so small
flat wrinkled objects threaded onto it; closer examination will reveal them to be mummified human ears. 1/1d4
SAN, double for the PC whose name is on the tags.

 A heavy, impact resistant case filled with $1000 dollars in quarters. A plain blue birthday card within reads
"A little something for the arcade fund, Love Stewie."

 A statue of Martin Luther King made out of plastic in full color with individual fibers for hair and clothing.

 A deck of cards with non-standard suits (hearts, knives, robes and altars) and goat-like figures in place of
the standard face cards.

 A hacksaw coated in a woolly greyish mold, of a species currently unknown to science. It is contained in
several layers of vacuum-sealed plastic placed in a taped-shut clear plastic tub. If opened, everyone who
inhales the airborne spores must make a POT 17 poison check or lose 1d4 points of CON permanently, as well
as develop acute symptoms of pneumonia. Those who save against it only suffer from sporadic coughing fits.

 Several massive maggots, each easily the size of a human thumb, preserved in a jar of formaldehyde.

Underneath the jar are four unlabeled folders. The first contains an FDA official statement attributing the
gigantic maggots to experimental bovine steroids; the second is an apparently unsolicited study from an
entomologist (whose name has been redacted) which pokes several holes in the FDA's claims; the third is an
unopened (possibly undelivered) letter to a colleague in which the entomologist claims he fears for his life
after his home was firebombed; finally, the fourth is a Cincinnati PD missing persons report for the still
nameless entomologist which seems to have been left unsubmitted to police records.

 A large plastic evidence-bag containing a branding iron with a tip formed as a strange squiggly symbol.
Judging by the blackened tip it has been used.
 4 wooden cups containing 5 six sided die in each. The dice seem to be hollow and have something inside
them that rattles when the dice are agitated.

 A small refrigeration unit, containing a frozen human tongue in a plastic bag. The bag is labeled
"Sverdlovsk, 1959".

 A ventriloquist's puppet with an uncanny resemblance to someone you knew.

 A small green paper box containing a single "Suzie B." 1 dollar coin. The Apollo 11 mission insignia on the
reverse side has been defaced with some sharp instrument.

 A small cardboard box of items that seem straight out of a Bond film. It includes a Zippo grenade whose 5-
second fuse is armed by the lighter wheel, a (very garish) tie with a carbon-fiber garrote wire stitched inside, a
pack of AA batteries designed to ruin any electronic they are placed in with extremely rapid pulses of high-
voltage electricity, and other examples of prop-department spy gear. At the bottom is a yellowed business card
for a local amateur inventor, now deceased.

 Three carefully made tin-foil helmets.

 A box of cooking matches. There are no matches inside, but there is a recently-removed pinky finger, from
the left hand of a woman. It appears to have been chewed off its hand.

 A fully functional black powder cannon, complete with 1d6 cannon balls. Powder, cleaning tools, and all
other necessary supplies for operation can be found in a footlocker nearby. A note atop the footlocker reads:
"WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE. Not joking! - V, 2014".

 A home-made piece of equipment that emits sound at 14,000 to 100,000 Hz (adjustable). A piece of tape
with an arrow scribbled on it marks frequencies between 42 and 45,000 Hz. It needs a new battery.

 A collection of toy soldiers, circa the Crimean War. All the faces have been mutilated or modified. Some
appear dog-like in appearance.

 A city utilities safety vest. A sizable chunk is missing from the left side...a Spot Hidden check will note
caked-on blood, and that the hole is actually a bite mark nearly as big as that of a great white shark. 0/1d3 SAN
loss from thinking about that too hard.

 A BDSM ballgag painted as a human eye.

 A shrunken head

 A fetish doll of a man in a dark suit with pins stuck in it's groin.

 The Green Box contains a red-and-black stripe 1970 Plymouth GTX 440 "muscle car" with the keys in the
sun visor. Considering the only way to get it in here would be to take it apart and rebuild it inside the Box
piece by piece, the team of agents who did it must have been sophomoric, if patient, comedians...
 An abstract 15" high sculpture made from razor-blades spot-welded together. It looks sort of like a fat
mushroom made of gleaming sharp steel edges. It is hard to move it without wearing gloves.

 Seventy-one silk ties, various colours and styles, knotted into a large ball.

 A Kalashnikov rifle with markings that identify it as from the Egyptian Army of Nasser's day; its receiver
has somehow been pierced through and through by an iron-tipped spear, whose head is still lodged in the side
of the weapon. An attached note reads "All that was left, Outpost 114, 1968-07-31."

 A small wooden statuette of Pazuzu, Babylonian king of the Wind Demons, wrapped in many layers of duct
tape. If unwrapped the statuette seems to be of modern manufacture, probably in India or Vietnam.

 Underneath a dusty tarpaulin ticks a plain wooden grandfather clock. The face's numbers are in no known
language and the dozen or so hands spiral in intricate and unfamiliar patterns. It chimes irregularly.

 A tattered and yellowed envelope containing four tickets for a concert held in 1989, if the date is accurate.
The name of the band is The Ulthar Cats.

 3 sets of cast iron manacles (ankle, wrist, and neck) - these are quite old and rusty. There are layers upon
layers of blood and old skin on the inside of all of them.

 Rusted and pitted cavalry saber with a tag marked "1970 Angkor Wat Incident".

 A cheap-looking imitation rabbit's foot, dyed a toxic shade of green. If a character picks up the rabbit's foot,
the next words he or she utters that could reasonably be construed as a command, wish, or desire come true in
the most accurate and literal sense possible. The rabbit's foot then vanishes and reappears in a random location
somewhere on Earth where it is likely to be found. The character who used the rabbit's foot loses 1/1d4 SAN
upon discovering his or her wish came true, and 0/1 SAN for every time during the next 30 days that he or she
hears about a particularly unusual stroke of fortune someone has experienced since the time the wish was

 A backboard of the sort you'd find in an ambulance's usual allotment of equipment which has been
retrofitted with a very large C-clamp that has a piece of 2x4 crudely affixed to both the stationary bottom and
mobile upper screw-piece. Several loose coils of sturdy nylon towing strap with quick-close ratcheting dogs
and a battery powered power drill with a 1/4" bit are nearby. There are traces of blood on the C-clamp and
cervical collar mount of the backboard.

Yes, this is a field trepanation kit.

 A shoebox with post-it note stuck to the lid reading: "Miniature Black Hole Inside - Do Not Open!"

 Model of a male human left foot hewn from luminous blue Play-Doh. Scarily life-like, it even includes
calluses and toe-prints. Checking the prints find they match a female John Doe washed up on a beach in
Oregon in March 2003.

 An ashtray stolen from the Belle Vue Hotel in Syracuse, NY, containing five blood-stained gold teeth.
They're the remnant of a hip-hop "grill" - since each has a letter embossed. Put in order, they spell "FUK-YO"
 A Flash Drive containing images - many of strange and grotesque forms. Those seeing the images feel a
sense of ancient dread.

Each of the file names follow the same format (Title followed by Username)- a common format for a popular
art website. Searching the usernames, one will not find accounts, but will find comments containing those
names. Most comments are references to artists who had deleted their accounts without warning.

 A plastic box full to the brim with thousands of different types of keys. What they're for, nobody knows.

 A jade dragon, about eight inches long. The crystal appears to have darkened for unknown reasons. Those
that stare at it for over five minutes, can start to see the dark blotches moving.

 The box contains the right rear paw of a black house cat. Attached to it a note that reads: "Look out for
Tripod, he's the only one you'll be able to see."

 A child's dollhouse, no more than two feet high. Everything inside it is in perfect working order; the taps on
the sink run hot and cold water, and the cupboards are filled with miniature cans of real food. There are no
dolls in the dollhouse, but close examination will reveal several half-eaten meals on the dining room table, as
well as a cigarette butt in a tiny ashtray, still smoking.

 A jade elephant, about seven inches long. The crystal appears to have darkened for unknown reasons.
Those that stare at it for over five minutes, can start to see the dark blotches moving.

 A wicker picnic hamper containing a raw, half-eaten civet cat and a lot of maggots. Toothmarks on the
animal's corpse are undeniably human. Tests also conclude the animal was suffering from severe acute
respiratory syndrome (SARS).

 6 1 meter lengths of oxygen-free copper rod 10mm in diameter.

5 are still sealed in their protective packing - the last seems to have been chewed on, with 23 cm gnawed away.

 A 107-sheet (unfinished) house of cards. Whoever made it has meticulously glued the edges together so
that it can be picked up and moved around.

 A 50 gallon poly drum with "MDR 360-39-2112" written on the lid in Sharpee. A little bit of research will
reveal that the initials and number, a social security number, belong to Martin Dhruve Rezard, a former agent
with the National Biological Survey. Evidently,
Martin went missing two years prior while on assignment near Flagstaff, Arizona.

 A finger bone from a T. rex. Fossilized, of course.

 What first seems to be a human eye, is on closer inspection a very good replica of one. The "optical nerve"
is actually a bundle of thin, coppery wires. If the "eye" is split, one will find all manner of electronics in it. An
agent may replace a lost eye with this, simply by putting it in the missing eye's socket. It will sting, and the
agent will lose 1/1d4 SAN, but it'll work perfectly.

 A set of unlabelled futuristic plastic cassettes with connectors unknown to regular technology. These are
Majestic-12 memory blocks containing the digitised memories and personalities of dead scientists and agents,
courtesy of MJ-12s alien "friends".
Unless agents have the corresponding room-sized equipment to transfer these cassettes to a fresh brain (cloned
or overwritten), they are useless. Nevertheless, NRO agents are still looking for them ever since they were
stolen from a lab six months back and will use all force to regain them...

 An engraved leather box containing a set of acupuncture needles. The needles are made of a strange whitish
material. If samples of the needle?s material is examined the investigators will discover they are made from
dinosaur bone.

 A fish tank, filled water that is green and murky with algae. Suspened in the center is unusual scally
severed limb that rotates and occasionally twitches on it's own

 The hand of a Grey alien, dissected with parts of the skin and organs pinned back for study.

 A plastic evidence bag containing a blood-stained titanium pipe, 1/4" in diameter and 1 foot long. One end
has been sharpened into a vicious point, on the other a wooden handle ending in a mouthpiece has been

 A glass container with yellowish preservative liquid in it as well as a human head. It has long hair and a
scraggly beard, and the cut around its neck is ragged. On the side of the container is a label with the text
"HOBO HEAD" neatly written.

 A box full of plaster death-masques, many cracked beyond repair. The intensity of pain and fear on their
cold, dead features is particularly disturbing.

 A series of photographs of the interior of an apartment, apparently captured over the course of several hours
(the sun seems to sink lower in the sky). Photographs show at least three individuals progressively prying apart
the floorboards until they are able to retrieve an enormous glass jar of some murky black liquid.

 A steel surgical tray containing a few bloodied troodontid teeth. Some broken, others ripped out entirely.
Upon examination the teeth appear relatively fresh and can provide tissue-samples of both human and
unknown type. The unknown tissue can be shown to match that of the teeth.

 A device similar in shape and design to a rubix cube, except in appearance it looks to be made of obsidian
or some such material. In place of colors, each tile has a single gilded number, and the device twists and turns
of its own volition. It may be used 1d6 amount of times to decipher a lock combination/computer code/etc,
which the box will then whisper to the user in a child's voice.

 A greasy drawstring pouch containing human infant teeth, black hairs (from a black bear) and half a dozen
feathers (blue jay and barn swallow).

 A fabric travel-suitcase, its handle bound with a baggage-tag showing arrival at Detroit Metopolitan Airport
from London Heathrow in late-1994. Inside the bag is an extraordinarily large and moth-eaten pelt, it's shaggy
gray fur warm to the touch. Unfolding the pelt reveals the animal to have had six legs. Its head has been
removed, which may be a blessing.

(Cthulhu Mythos roll recognises the pelt's original wearer as one of the Gnoph-keh.)
 A fetal pig floating in a full bottle of Luksusowa vodka. The bottle is sealed - and in any case, the pig is too
large to fit through the neck of the bottle.

 An antique silver St. Christopher's medal. Careful inspection notes that the saint's head with a dog's head
(as is it sometimes can be) but that he is standing atop of a pile of corpses. The whole thing is lightly caked in
foul-smelling dirt.

 A ziploc bag containing a single Rider-Waite Tarot card (The Devil) with several bullet holes in it.

 In the corner of the room is a large, reclinable dentist's chair with wipe-down plastic covers. There are
metal braces welded to the arm-rests, as well as a strong strap on the fold-up foot-rest, allowing anyone seated
to be securely restrained...

 A collection of listening-tubes and coffin-alarms of the sort most often used during the mid 19th century
when fears of being interred alive were rampant. All of these alarms appear to have been compromised from

 Two black steel 55 gallon drums with steel lids clamped on, each about one third full of a mixture of prilled
potassium hydroxide and prilled quicklime. The second one contains the same mixture plus many gallons of
foul-smelling sludge and a crumbling, partially dissolved skeleton, 1/1d3 SAN. Noticing that the skeleton is
only vaguely humanoid (Keeper may feel free to add details like grotesque fangs, arms longer than legs,
clawed hands terminating in talons, top of skull secured with brightly polished silver machine screws),
1d3/1d8 SAN. Noticing all the scratches and gouges on the inside of the drum, 2d4/3d6 SAN.

 A large South Korean national flag ("Taegeukgi") starched and folded into a stellated icosahedron.

 A piece of sheet metal scarcely recognizable as the horrendously deformed car fender, punctured multiple
times with strange, star-shaped implements and severely warped, as if from heat. An appropriate roll would
note that the metal in question would require temperatures in excess of a thousand degrees Fahrenheit in order
to bend the way it has.

 A USB Flash drive containing an executable file that, when launched, will wipe the computer's hard drive
and install a program that plays the music video for Rick Astley's hit "Never Gonna Give You Up" on infinite
repeat when the computer boots up.

 An unlabelled medicine bottle containing about six dozen dried rhinocerous' horn pills.

 A big jar full of pickled cow eyes.

 Thirty-two well-scrubbed human femur bones in a mottled laundry-bag. All the bones been drained of
marrow and are curiously flaky.

 A small wooden box containing a german WWII Iron Cross 1st Class.

 An obviously antique and empty armoire, taller than an average man and almost as wide. It is made from a
very dark lusterless wood of a distinctly peculiar grain that feels almost like stone to the touch; the wood is
colored a mottled near-black and deep, bilious green. The borders and lintel are covered with bas-relief
carvings, extremely detailed depictions of graceful, human-like nereids moving among tritons, seashells and
driftwood and various flora and fauna of the ocean floor. However, the bottom and short legs are covered in
carvings of strange, humanoid creatures that look as if they're part fish, part toad. Their heads are upraised,
toothy mouths open, their clawed hands reaching upwards.

 A WWII metal canteen with the Elder Sign etched into both sides.

 A complete length of tongue, ripped out at the root and wrapped in cellophane. You can tell it's human due
to the barbell piercing near the tip. Sanity loss is 1/1D3.

 A series of numismatist's collector's cases, containing dozens of low denomination coins. Examination by
someone with relevant historical skills determines that some are hundreds or thousands of years old, and every
one is from a nation destroyed in war.

A note on the backing of one case reads "SDA will be back for these, but he can't have them. They're ours now,
dammit." signed 'M-cell, 06/06/1987'. Prying the relevant information from A-cell will reveal that that
incarnation of M-cell was wiped out to the last man while on downtime, their acquaintances slaughtered, and
their family trees scoured, root and branch - all murders unsolved, and deemed unrelated.

 A variety of wooden geometric blocks: cubes, octahedrons, dodecahedrons, cylinders, prisms etc. An eye
has been carved into one face of each of them. There are no pyramidal blocks.

 A pitchfork with a propane blowtorch attached below its tines. a note attached to its handle reads, "J- why
use torches and pitchforks? This is the 21st century, be a little more inventive! -K"

It appears to be the result of an inside joke, though incomprehensible without knowledge of the event that
initiated it.

 Dog skull on a stick. Obviously some sort of witchcraft fetish.

 A leather pouch containing hair, teeth, and feathers.

 Several lengths of steel rebar, all bent into triangles of various sizes and types. They are arranged in an
indecipherable but seemingly deliberate pattern.

 A food storage container containing a red/yellow gell. Suspended in the gell is a human eyeball with
attached nervous system tissue.

 A wooden dagger and some sort of ceremonial black cloak.

 A series of tapes of a dirty, and wild-eyed man making a long rambling rant. Occasionally he will address
the watcher as if he knew that they were there and perehaps even provide some insights. After any part of the
tape is watched it is erased for ever.

 A cheap notebook with the familiar black-and-white-blobs cover common to those used in high school. The
first page reads "Aklo For Dummies" in curiously neat and stylized calligraphy. The remaining pages
constitute an introductory self-taught course in Aklo. 6 weeks (2 to skim), 2/1D6 SAN after reading and
practicing the lessons therein.
 A pack of cheap playing cards in a small, worn cardboard box. Opening the pack and riffling through them
reveals that the images on the face cards are all slightly stylized representations of the characters.

 A Glock 17 9mm pistol. A closer inspection shows that all the inner workings, including the half-full
magazine, has been subtly deformed in some unknown way and has partially merged together, making the gun

 A cheap, battered blue cooler half-filled with dark colored wood chips and sawdust.

A note scrawled on the lid in Sharpie says, "It may look like trash, but it's REALLY important. DO NOT
-R Cell"

Even if the current investigators are R cell.

 Inflatable mattress with odd stains; some stains appear to be shaped like ancient runes.

 A leather flying helmet, of the type often used by World War I aviators. It has a small hole just above the
left ear area, a larger hole on the right side, and most of the sheepskin liner is stained dark brown. The leather
is soft, supple and in good condition.

 A dry erase board, upon which a complicated Algebraic Topology theorem has been completed in sloppy
handwriting. A different hand has written "DO NOT ERASE" and for those who can't read, a full plate of clear
plexiglass has been attached, covering the front of the board.

 A large collection of antique surgical equipment, the box shows it to be french in origin.

 A calvarium - the top and rear portion of a skull - which looks humanoid, but is unusually large and
unusually shaped.

 An iron railroad spike. The Hebrew letter 'mem' has been etched into the head.

 Two one gallon glass bottles with ground glass stoppers. One contains sulfuric acid ( 95% purity ), the
other contains hydrogen peroxide ( 30% purity ). Mixed in a three to one ratio, the resulting liquid dissolves all
known organic matter.

 Piece of roughly torn thin white cardboard about 5" x 4". There is a faint dried stain about 3/4" in diameter
on the card; the stain has been roughly circled with a blue-black fountain pen, and a question mark is written
next to the circle. In fact the stain was caused by water from a rain barrel.

 Bizarre art-deco monkey statuettes embodying "See No Evil", "Hear No Evil" and "Speak No Evil" - as
well as a fourth: "Smell No Evil"

 A prepaid cell-phone. There is only one number programmed into it, no name is given. If the number is
dialed, Adolph Lepus answers.

 A ziploc bag containing a thin silver chain bearing a number of small silver symbols: a Christian cross, a
Star of David, a Hand of Fatima, a seated Buddha and a Pentagram. They are all spattered with dried blood.
 A flashlight with an odd symbol acid-etched onto the glass. Bloodstains fluoresce under its light as if it was
a forensics blacklight.

 A pillowcase stuffed with about six pounds of human hair.

 A stack of crude earthen jugs, with strange, leering faces carved into the sides.

 A well-worn Zippo lighter. The front side shows the Rolling Stones mouth logo, but with an Elder Sign
etched into the tongue. Works like any other lighter..

 Several aluminum crossbow bolts lined up end to end on the floor. Their heads are badly melted, as if fired
into something impossibly hot.

 Three dozen flat-packed Amazon.com boxes, all addressed to a fishing supplies store in Branford,
Connecticut. Each box contains a receipt for the purchase of a rare occult or Mythos tome. The buyer of the
books, easily tracked down by her name or credit card details, is meant to be under Delta Green surveillance
but is, due to a bizarre set of unfortunate and surprisingly violent circumstances, currently under the radar. A-
Cell will want the agents to make sure this doesn't happen again...

 A menu for a local Chinese take-out restaurant. A few of the items on the menu are circled, with numbers
written beside them clearly indicating the quantity desired. On the back of the menu, someone has written
"feeds one cell, great for stakeouts and stuff. You won't regret it :)"

Should the investigators order it, however, the person on the phone will audibly panic, inform them that every
time that specific order has been made in the past, the delivery boy who brought it never came back, and hang
up. The restaurant them stops answering the phone for the rest of the day.

 A vhs tape showing about twenty minutes of a performance by a street musician (apparently in Chicago,
circa 1998). The musician is an African-American in his late thirties, possibly mentally ill. He is playing
(badly) a Casio keyboard, singing a mix of gibberish and requests (at $1 a pop). During a particularly awful
take on "The Man Who Sold the World", he pauses and begins a brief rant in an unknown language; the video
taper zooms in on his face, showing his eyes rolling back in his head. The crowd is visibly shaken

 A small refridgerator, shut tight with a sturdy padlock. Inside are carefully dated and segregated glass jars
full of blood, semen, expectorant, urine and pickled faeces - a veritable collection of human byproducts.
Comparing them to DNA databases ties them to Cpt. Douglas Booth Ripley, USAMRIID. He died "during
training" in 2009.

 What appears to be a normal, if slightly outdated, wired computer mouse. However, if plugged in, a small
and well-concealed explosive charge inside will detonate when the right mouse button is clicked. The
explosion isn't strong enough to kill, but it will certainly take off a forearm, and perhaps put some shrapnel in
the user's chest.

 A rusty metal tool box. Empty when opened, but feels and sounds as though something metal is contained
within when carried.

 An unlabeled twist-lid wine bottle full of a smokey black-green liquid and a grainy deposit. The liquid is a
35% strength Pisco - a Chilean grape brandy - mixed with gunpowder. Popularly known as "Chupilca del
Diablo", the mixture is a popular pre-battle intoxicant used to increase aggression, numb the senses, and dull
physical pain.

 A tote-bag with everything needed to go vampire hunting: crucifix, spray-bottle of lightly chlorinated
water, bag of tent-pegs and wooden stakes, a mallet, a cheap Bowie knife, coffee tin full of dry rice, and the
lingering smell of garlic.

 A painted portrait in an elaborate wooden frame. It must be at least a few centuries old. Unsigned, probably
the work of a clever amateur. The subject is a man, sitting. His face is thin, with narrow eyes and an unusually
red mouth who looks to be near 40 when the portrait was painted. He wears rich clothes of red velvet and silk
and the gold chain and square medal of an insigna hang aound his neck. An hourglass held horizontally so as
the prevent the flow of sand from one end to the other is held in his right hand, and his left rests upon an open
book, on one page of which some writing is discernable. On closer inspection of the painting, the insigna on
the medal around the man's neck is a clock face without hands. And the writing in the book is a single line in
French: "J'eviterai plaisir et damnation." ("I shall avoid pleasure and damnation.")

 A one quart mason jar one third full of dead, red ants. It appears that the jar has been through the canning
process because it's tightly sealed.

 A United Nations peacekeeper helmet, bearing the initials and the distinctive light-blue color scheme.
About a quarter of it is missing, and the helmet has a bizarrely porous feel to it, as though it were pumice. Parts
of it come off at the touch and it leaves a layer of dust wherever it is placed.

 A brown cardboard box labeled with the name of a high school in the local area. The box is filled with
confiscated cellphones, CD players and other items. Closer examination will reveal the Yellow Sign has been
painted on two of the CD players with white out.

 A nine-and-a-half inch and terribly rusty iron nail in a cheap plastic display case. A newspaper article is
tucked into the back of the case reporting the theft of a reputed "Holy Nail" relic from a basilica in Mexico.

 A large evidence bag containing a full set of clothes (a blue suit, tie, shirt, underwear and black shoes). The
clothes are blackened on the inside as if something has burned in them.

 The remains of an ancient piece of machinery; a History or Archaeology roll will identify it as a Roman-era
ballista, however all wooden pieces are petrified to the point of appearing to be jade. A Geology roll will
indicate that is not, in fact, supposed to happen.

 A large gray vinyl suitcase. Inside are the yellowing skeletal remains of a large labrador dog. Cursory
examination finds the teeth were removed, probably pre-mortem, and the ribs were broken and allowed to heal
sometime in the past.

 An oil painting, with an ornate wooden frame. It depicts a heavily-bearded madman, clad only in a filthy,
tattered loincloth, his emaciated body covered with dirt and sores, dancing wildly on a precipice between two
massive, metal pillars. His long, gray hair whips about his face in an unseen wind; behind him, beyond the
precipice violet clouds seethe and roil. He seems to be playing some strange sort of wind instrument, like a
flute. The painting is rendered in a realistic, highly detailed style.
 A set of one dozen two foot tall plastic pink flamingo lawn ornaments. If set into any lawn at each dawn
they will be in a different configuration; any record of that configuration always shows the current
configuration, no matter how or when it was recorded.

 A portrait of Hitler with grievous wounds, including at least two bombings.

 Upon entering the greenbox, the characters discover that someone's decorated it for Christmas. A large
Christmas tree stands in the middle of the room and all of the room's contents have been neatly (obsessively?)
gift-wrapped and stacked beneath the tree.

 A set of unlocked black titanium handcuffs; there is no keyhole or any sort of release at all - once the
handcuffs locked, there's no opening them.

 A complete suit of plate mail made of thin, white glass wafers. It includes gloves and a coif that covers
most of the face. Physical analysis shows the material sandwiched in the wafers to be Thallium doped Caesium
Iodide. Resting atop the suit is a DVD labeled "Tin Foil Hat (BUT IT WORKS!)" The DVD is a collection of
IR videos showing soldiers in this mail in a desert at night. They maneuver around and take shots at lights in
the sky, which then move erratically or blink out. At one point a soldier comments "In-fucking-visible.

 A small coffin. It is shabbily made; a ramshackle mess built from cheap pine now half-rotten with age,
barely held together with rusted nails. Someone has pried open the lid. On the lid is a corroded nameplate that
reads "William Deane b. June 4, 1955 d. September 19, 1959". A look inside reveals that instead of a child's
remains the coffin contains the worm-eaten bones of an animal, most likely a dog.

 A wax-paper packet of small candles. (They have been made from human fat.) If burned they produce
nightmarish visions.

 A small handheld device that flashes a repeating series of lights (green, green, green, red) despite no
apparent source of power. If a person focuses on the lights for too long, they go into a trance where they are
unaware of anything that happens until some wakes them up or removes the device from view.

 A smallish human skull with a serif 'V' etched into its forehead. It is missing its jaw. When you hold it, you
begin to question every act of charity you've performed.

 A table globe, in a semi-meridian mount with a half-ring attached to either pole of the globe.
However, the world depicted is not Earth; long, jagged bas-relief mountain ranges cross red oceans, large
portions of the surface have had black oil paint applied with a palette knife, in a scale-like effect, and in each
hemisphere are three or four strangely depicted Zephyrs, thin instead of plump, sexless, long, ashen hair and
cruel looking teardrop eyes. Their cheeks puffed out in their gaunt faces, bursts of crimson feathers being
blown from their pinched lips, their fists ending long, curled black talons.

 Inside this Green Box is a low table, which has several paper and styrofoam containers on top of it, of the
sort normally associated with take-out Chinese food. They contain fried rice, a very spicy chicken dish, fortune
cookies, disposable chopsticks, and so on. All are still steaming hot and apparently fresh, in spite of the fact
that the PCs are (supposedly) the first to enter this Green Box since 1998. The chicken dish is excellent, the
fried rice just so-so.
 Covered up under a canvas sheet is a tall chair, rather archaic in appearance, made from a dark, oily-
looking world. It has a box bottom, solid sides and no armrests. Carved on the oval-topped head is a hand
grasping some sort of trident. Closer inspection reveals the carved hand is scaled and clawed.

 A framed photograph of President Ronald Reagan smiling and shaking hands with Stephen Alzis,
apparently on the White House's South Lawn. If anyone who might have been around when this photograph
was taken (retired Secret Service agents, Nancy Reagan, White House staffers, etc.) happens to be asked about
this picture, none of them remember Alzis ever being around the White House.

 A plastic trashcan containing the broken up remains of an ancient egyptian mummy. A note fastened to the
lid says "Waste of time.".

 A small packing crate style wooden box on which was taped a piece of paper and a scrawled message
'Warning, do not under any circumstances open this!'

 A tentacle made of an unknown crystalline substance. The tentacle absorbs any silver it comes in contact
with and then grows longer.

 A plastic evidence bag containing a small origami flower folded from pale yellow paper. There are several
folds and angles on the flower which seems like they should be impossible to create. Trying to unfold the
flower produces only a torn up mess of paper.

 A small ziploc bag containing a Russian "Saint George the Victorious" 3 rubles silver coin. The obverse
side indicates it was printed in 2008, which is strange as the production of the silver version only started 2009.
The image of Saint George and the Dragon on the reverse side is also subtly different; the Dragon seems
thicker, it's wings larger and it's face sprouts flailing tentacles.

 A plastic bag filled with used 9mm bullets. Some flattened, some fairly intact, but all are covered in dried
blood. There is also a note in the bag saying "Where the hell do we dispose of these!?".

 A human skull wearing a Sikh turban. The skull's front incisors are gold capped and there is a neat bullet-
hole above the right earhole.

 A bridal veil. It is stained with a fine mist of some faded violet liquid, and smells vaguely of raspberries.

 A headless and limbless male Caucasian torso bound in saran-wrap. Its DNA is an exact match for sixteen
different people, all currently incarcerated in Federal penitentiaries.

 A home video in old-fashioned tape reel format, labelled "1600 Penn."

Viewing it in the nearby projector shows it to be a day in the life of President Jimmy Carter, showing him
walking around the White House apparently giving the cameraman/woman a tour. The tape ends suddenly as
someone (seemingly a White House chef) rushes Carter, attempting to stab him with a kitchen knife. He is
subdued by Secret Service agents before he can reach the President, and another Secret Service agent blocks
the camera until the tape cuts out.

 A child's tea-set in an ornate but worm eaten wooden chest. Residue in the little tea-cups appears to be
blood. Amongst the little spoons, forks, cake and sandwich plates are a collection of well cleaned, tiny bones.
Some appear to be chicken bones. A Medicine skill roll reveals others to be from the hands of new-born
infants. Lose 1/1d3 SAN.

 A statuette of a Christian knight placed in a hole in the floor. The symbol on his shield is a 5-pointed star
with a blazing eye in the center, and a faded Post-it note is stuck to the front of the knight's torso that reads
"Don't fucking remove this!".

 A home exorcism kit (King James Bible, holy water in a bottle, candle, bell, silver-plated knife, duct-tape)
in a satchel.

 A picture of Hulk Hogan, autographed with a few words in Cyrillic nearby.

The picture shows a second smaller face beneath Hogan's classic mustache, and repeats endlessly even on a
microscopic scale.

 A glass blob containing several human teeth, including one with a gold filling.

 Someone went to a considerable amount of trouble to chisel a room-sized Yellow Sign into the floor of the
greenbox. A number of chisels worn blunt by the effort were tossed carelessly into a corner of the box. The
hammer is embedded an inch deep in one of the walls. Keeper's decision as to whether or not anything actually
supernatural is associated with this.

 A Tibetan prayer wheel without a spindle. If translated the prayers are all to the 'Emerald Lama' and pray
for the oblivion of the world.

 A sealed 55 gallon drum bearing a large label, "JANITOR IN A DRUM." Opening the drum reveals the
janitor. He has been dead quite some time. 1/1d4 SAN.

 Surveillance video-tapes from various government installations in Washington D.C. (including the Library
of Congress, Hoover Building and White House). All are dated 11 FEB 2011. About fifteen minutes into each
tape the cameras shut down for four minutes before restarting - to show the interior of the wrong building...

It's almost as if the cameras and tapes were physically switched between each other while filming.

 What appears to be a plastic toy magic wand for little girls. It is in fact a plastic toy magic wand for little
girls, and doesn't actually do anything.

 A museum display case, 4'x2'x1', with a broken pane of glass in front. Inside are four dream-catchers, each
with multi-colored feathers. Each dream-catcher has a plaque in the case listing the origins (Bayou country,
Louisiana) and the dates of creation (1926-39). A fifth dream-catcher is clearly missing.

 A Browning Hi-Power pistol without a magazine bearing many years of coral growth on and within it (at
least 300 years if tested)

 A human finger in a wedding-ring box. Fingerprint and DNA are both untraceable.
 Unopened 50ml bottle of whisky. Suntory Yamazaki single malt, aged 12 years. Slight moisture damage to
label and minor tears on the wrapper around the cork The only unusual markings on the bottle are five bloody
fingerprints, too smudged to be matched with any certainty.

 A dried monkey's paw; three fingers are curled up, the other still extended.

 A digital camera that, when photgraphing a shadowy area, sometimes causes subtle but definite ghostly
figures to appear in the image. While this may seem Mythos-related, an inspection by someone proficient in
programming will uncover a very complex and advanced, but otherwise mundane, program designed to embed
these images. Commented into the bottom of the code is a line reading "Gotcha ;) -F"

 After closing the door of the Green Box, you turn and discover that someone has spraypainted a very large
Yellow Sign on the inside of the rolling steel door. Keeper's choice as to whether or not this actually has any
effect other than frightening the characters.

 Ontop of a small table in the back of the room stand Eight red LEGO spacemen. They are arrayed in a
square on the edge of a 16x16 green LEGO baseplate. They are facing in. At the center of the plate is is a
single solid gold 2x2 Brick. It is extremely difficult to remove the brick from the baseplate.

 A Magic Eye picture that forms ten different occult symbols at different angles of viewing. One will deal
1d4 points of san damage; the rest are mere curiosities and not actively harmful.

 A set of false teeth replicating the layout of shark's teeth, but with human incisors.

 A large glass aquarium, the interior so tangled with lengthy clumps of cobwebbing that it is nearly
impossible to see inside...

 An oxy-acetylene welding torch and a contraption that appears to be for holding a limb in place.

 A manila envelope simply labeled "HOUND" in red pen on the front. Inside, there are 1d100 aged pieces of
paper, some more aged than others, all containing erratic, almost impressionist drawings of a canine-like
creature. An agent trained in Craft (Art) may recognize that all the drawings appear to have different artists.

 A mummified human hand held upright by a brass tripod. Each finger is tipped by a small candle.

 A plastic evidence bag containing a crumbled up lump of crushed plastic and metal which can be identified
as the remains of a Glock 17 9mm pistol. A closer examination find what appears to crush-marks from human-
sized fingers. Fingerprints can be lifted but give no hits in the databases.

 An ornate .357 revolver with a snub-barrel inside an expensive looking case with velvet interior. The grip is
engraved with patterns of a vulture gnawing upon a bone. One round is chambered.

 A horse skull with Norse runes painted over it in a brownish substance.

 A large Crookes tube, modified with strange attachments - batteries to power it, and an arrangement of
screens and reflectors.
 A battered, but serviceable, Parker Bros. Ouija board, ca. 1930s. Its surface is readable, but marred by
curious rust colored stains.

 Two pocket-watches. Both of their fascia are cracked and they have stopped at 10.46. If tested, they are
radioactive well above healthy levels.

 A brightly-colored Super Soaker lies on a table; it has been labelled "L.R.I.D." in red Sharpie. Upon closer
examination, a subtitle indicates this to mean "Long Range Intoxication Device".

The tank is filled with a particularly dry blend of vodka martini.

 A six-foot tall slab of half-inch steel plate welded to a wheeled frame at an approximate 75 degree angle
from the ground. A vision slit has been crudely cut into it with a blowtorch, and the entire front of the assembly
bears sporadic pitting as if spattered with strong acid.

 A Shining Trapezohedron keychain, made in Taiwan.

 A shoebox with a collection of photographs from the 60s. They appear to be some kind of lab photographs,
or portraits of individuals in 40s-era finery. Most of the photos are hard to make out, because they have red
marker over large sections of them. An Idea check will allow the PCs to arrange the photographs so the lines
match up, forming the words "Would You Kindly?" over the photographs.

 An ornate, gem-encrusted jade statuette in the likeness of Nicolas Cage. It menaces with spikes of gold.

 A heavy but small cage covered with long dried fecal matter and blood with a plate "Specimen Phi Iota
Catskill" with 2 notes pinned to it, one in unintelligible glyphs, another says "do not release". The cage is open.

 A soft bag made out of pale skin, containing ten finger bones and two smooth, oblong black stones.

 A small pepper-spray bottle, the label of which has been removed and replaced by a taped-on printed Jack
Daniels' label. Predictably, when used it sprays a fine mist of whiskey, useful for instantly discrediting a

 A makeshift idol, constructed of old cans and plastic scraps. It appears to be some sort of squat humanoid
with wings and an octopoid head. The junk it was assmbled from suggests it was made in Brazil.

 A bezoar in an ornate golden box studded with precious stones

 A collection of cardboard boxes stuck together and drawn on with thick, black marker pen to create a dozen
"desktop computers". They've been networked with lengths of twine.

 A small locked safe. Contains a small piece of foul-smelling black paper, if anyone manages to get it open.

 One Stevens Model 67 pump-action shotgun. unloaded and wrapped in brittle plastic tarp. The barrel of the
weapon is severely pitted and corroded as if it had been subjected to extremely powerful acid.
 A Milestone Motorola filled with a blow by blow establishment of the green-box.

From demolition to start that is.

 A Jack-in-the-Box, except that instead of music when the crank is turned the Agents hear the last
conversation they had with each other.

 At first glance, the subjects of this collection of photographs appears completely ordinary; a man riding a
motorcycle down a busy street, a twisting garden path leading to an elegant house, two children in an empty
street in autumn. Strangely the photos are in color, but the era seems to be the early twentieth century. A closer
examination reveals that the flora, fauna, clothing, architecture, writing, and technology depicted are unlike
anything you have ever seen in any past or present culture. Successful history, natural history, mechanical
repair and/or anthropology checks will confirm this. The motorcycle seems to be powered by a small
pneumatic engine. Large dirigibles with underslung cargo can be seen in some of the backgrounds. The
dominant architectural style mixes graceful Art Nouveau metalwork with round roofs and walls decorated with
geometric repeating patterns. The writing consists of a series of small, vertically arranged circles emitting short
lines and curves. Most of the people in the pictures have a somewhat Eurasian appearance, but subtle
differences in their features suggests otherwise. Their clothing is composed of thin multiple layers with
repeating patterns in drab colors. You gradually start to feel something about the photos is off, almost as if you
shouldn't be looking at them - and that you are being watched. Thankfully, the feelings wear off 24 hours after
viewing the photos. (These are photos from an alternate Earth, whose timeline diverged sometime within the
past 8 million years, thus having a different technological, social, natural and even geological history. This
information simply should not exist in this world. Every day an agent views the photos, there is a five percent
chance that a Hound of Tindalos will catch their scent...)

 A small, hovering black-hole about the size of a golf-ball in a glass bell-jar. The lid of the jar can be
removed and objects fed into the black hole where they will be trapped forever. So long as an individual
doesn't touch the event-horizon (which extends about 1/3" beyond the sphere's boundary) he is safe. Touch the
boundary, however, and unless you amputate that body part, you will be sucked inexorably in - and pulped into
infinitesimally small parts. Forever.

 A "Multicam" camouflage pattern bathrobe and bunny slippers. The bathrobe has a subdued "Payback
Enterprises" patch on the left shoulder.

 A glass goldfish bowl full of replacement heart valves.

 Beautifully made signet ring of whitish gold, the face depicts the jaws of a predatory fish.

 A small but heavy lead-lined box containing four small metal pellets. They are spent uranium dioxide
pellets from a nuclear facility and highly radioactive.

 A key chain with a human ear on it. 0/1d4 SAN

 A small aquarium containing a tiny red fish, a few rocks and some sand. A large note is pasted to the glass
with the text "Beware! Spawn of Scylla!"

 A Marshall Island stick chart. The charts represented major ocean swell patterns and the ways the islands
disrupted those patterns. It just appears to be sticks and shells. However, someone who knows how to read it
will recognize that one island is marked as off limits.
 A battered and unlabelled VHS tape, the label has been torn off and the cardboard sleeve simply reads "day
101" in sharpie. If watched it's a silent black&white recording of a crow perched on the picked over remains of
a coyote, the crow picks at the carcass occasionally, and finally looks at the camera before the tape ends.

 A plain wooden box, about 12" x 12" x 6". When opened it there is a very exotic smell. The box contains
bags of dried spices, including: cambodge rinds, cardamon seeds, cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, coriander,
cumin, kokam rind, whole nutmegs, saffron (in a glass jar), turmeric and vanilla pods. A faded stamp inside the
lid names Gopal and Sons, Export & Import, Calcutta.

 A ziploc bag containing a small plier and a handkerchief covered in dried blood. The handkerchief has been
folded around four human molars, one of which have a small crystalline cube embedded in it. Closer
inspection reveals that the cube is cracked and has an intricate web of filaments shooting through it.

 A large plastic Elvis coin bank containing 3 kilos of heroin in small glassine packets.

 A cheap black velvet drawstring pouch that jingles when moved. It contains five gold coins a little bigger
than an American quarter, each of which bears an unfamiliar seal and inscription. A little research will show
that they are one numismatist's or goldsmith's idea of what an Amero (the proposed pan-North American dollar
and equivalent to the Euro) would look like if it actually came to be as a currency.

 A particularly ugly Russian doll (or matryoshka) about the size of a bowling pin and painted like a sad and
bloated old woman. With some effort it can be opened, revealing successively smaller dolls nestled within each
other. It becomes slowly apparent - usually when the opener reaches a doll the size of his fingernail - that the
dolls seem able to continue to open no matter how far one goes, revealing duplicates presumably ad infinitum
(1/1D4 to realise this may be the case)

 A box of expensive Cuban cigars, with a sticky note:

"KGB SELECT- laced with polonium-based radioactive toxin. Be MILES away from the second-hand smoke,
if you know what's good for you. Cheers, M"

 A plastic bag full of offal. A lot of the blood and juices have leaked through and it all smells horrible.
Strangely, no insects will go near it. DNA testing proves inconclusive.

 A genuine lava lamp, straight from the 1960's. The only difference is that it seems to function only when
there are no other lights in the room.

 An empty bottle of Crown Royal. Any attempts to destroy the bottle will be met with failure, and any liquid
stored within the bottle will disappear as soon as the bottle is placed out of sight.

 A hermetically sealed glass bio-sphere - algae, oxygen, water, and a pink octopus that appears to be resting
contentedly at the bottom of the softball-sized globe.

 A graffiti artist broke into the green box, but rather than take anything they painted a huge mural combining
the most visually appealing aspects of a Mandelbrot fractal and cephalopod tentacles. If any of the agents can
read wildstyle spraybomb, the graffiti reads "DELTA GREEN," otherwise it's a beautiful but incomprehensible
 A bleached and varnished skull of some unfamiliar creature.

 A briefcase containing a strange assemblage of leather straps and a steel framework. Nasty-looking steel
screws jut out of the framework at certain positions. A closer inspection reveals that the equipment is probably
intended to be strapped onto some small animal or human, like a medium-sized dog och child. Tightening the
screws will then slowly and agonizingly kill the restrained creature. The briefcase also contains a pair of
surgical gloves and a small tape-recorder. No tape is present.

 An onyx signet ring. At first glance, the seal is a rampant lion, but when you look again, it's a pentacle.

 One foam-lined aluminium box containing a single speaker from a compact stereo set. Taped to the back is
a complex circuit-board, along with a note saying: "Operation Dry-Wipe: Evidence" and "Warning: Do not
disconnect!". If the circuit-board is disconnected from the sockets the speaker will immediately begin hissing
and sputtering a very loud, hideous and high-pitched noise, occasionally interrupted by, apparently human,
screams. It will make unbearable noise continuously, without a power-source, until the circuit is re-connected,
or the speaker is damaged beyond repair (three or four rounds of 9mm HP ammo should do it).

 A tear gas canister, as used by riot police. However, this one is apparently modified, as well as being
painted with the Elder Sign on one side. Upon use, it disperses a large quantity of the Powder of Ibn-Ghazi,
which makes invisible creatures visible and causes harm to Mythos creatures.

 A wooden crate bearing a custom stamp from the 1930s. Inside is a rock and barnacle encrusted mass with
streaks of greenish-blue metal visible beneath. If x-rayed, the mass proves to be a short sword of unusual
manufacture; the potassium -argon dating says that the metal is over 10,000 years old; the sea-life covering the
weapon can be indentified as native to the Atlantic Ocean off the northern coast of Brazil; lastly the style of
blade matches no ancient human artistic tradition.

 A pair of old fashioned wrought iron manacles of the type in use in New England in the 1860's. They are
well maintaned and in working order but lack a key; upon investigation the key is found to be on a key ring on
the investigator's person.

 Human skull with elongated canines - Red marker on the side says "Van Helsing was here" with a smiley
face next to it.

 A large glass jar containing the severed head, spinal cord and nervous system of a middle-aged balding
man. Examination indicates very little tissue decay, although the head and nervous system are covered in a
film of thin grey slime. Evident on the man's face is a withered but still thickly luxurious moustache. Closer
inspection suggests signs of frostbite on his face.

Attached to the outside of the jar is a small piece of paper, bearing the words "We miss you, Starkie". On the
other side is written "Antarctica, 1933".

 A generic-looking glue bottle. The glue within is an absurdly strong adhesive. Aside from super-glue
polymers, the glue is infused with enzymes that can molecularly bond similar materials. It dries within a
minute of application.

 A severed index finger wrapped in Saran-wrap, covered in blood. Above it, someone scrawled (apparently
using the blood from the finger) "IT DIDN'T WORK ON THE SCANNER, M!"
Below it, in Sharpie, a much more steady hand has written "Of course not, dumbass, it has to be ATTACHED.
Also, that's totally unsanitary. Why is it even still here?"

 Human-leather wallet.

 A cardboard box containing a large piece (15" by 20" by 4") of anthracite coal, split down the middle.
There is a perfectly triangular cavity within the rock, 6" on a side and 1/2" deep. The box bears a stamp and is
postmarked to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, PA. The return address has been

 Rows of jars containing various organs and body parts perserved in formaldehyde. Each jar has detailed
notes recording a variety of measurements and tests, written in a scientific manor. Each has the word
REJECTED at the bottom for unstated reasons.

The only exception is the last jar, which is taller then an investigator and is empty except for a few dregs of
fluid and a few hairs. The accompanying notes are blank except for HE APPROVES.

 A manila file listed "Wilmarth Foundation". Inside is paperwork, but provides no useful information: just
invoices and reports. From a small note within, it seems that a previous agent had acquired the documents, and
wanted to use it as a red herring.

 Ten 36″ x 48″ acrylic-painted canvases that have been removed from their stretcher bars and loosely rolled
up. The paintings depict blurry, fevered scenes and in bright colors, detailed map overlays of Kadath, Leng,
and Carcosa.

 A jack-in-the-box (closed), with a hand-lettered sign taped to it that reads, "DO NOT TURN CRANK."

 A tombstone, fresh dirt still clinging to its base. The name carved into it is vaguely familiar...

 One-hundred dried-out human scalps wrapped in a Union Jack flag.

 A supposedly cursed tiki mask.

 Ringing cell-phone that can be heard ringing from outside the Green Box. As soon as Agents opens the box,
the cell phone within quiets down. When inspected, there is no phone number displayed on the screen, just a
name. The name is of one on the Agents' close relatives, but, upon closer inspection, it is marked as "agent".
The phone can't be used to make any calls or send any type of messages, an emotionless male voice will reply
"Invalid Code". The cell phone will occasionally receive calls. If one of the Agents answer, they will just hear
heavy breathing.

 A set of scalpels, the edges of blades are made of an obsidian-like material. The blades are incredibly sharp
but the edges are fragile and prone to splintering if used roughly. The scalpels are held in a faded leather wrap.

 Pair of incredibley, elaborately detailed fake binoculars made from wood and laquered black so as to make
them look like the real thing. When someone adjusts the focus spring-loaded four-inch spikes will spring out of
the "lenses". Fortunately for any unwary person looking through the Green Box, someone has already sprung
the spikes so they can be seen.
 Eight human skulls in a duffel bag. Their bone crumbles like plaster if handled roughly, as if drained of
their density.

 A sturdy flashlight with no batteries (it takes two AAs). If loaded and turned on, it proves to contain a
blacklight bulb.

 An antique full-length mirror dating from the 1850s. It's hardwood frame - turned black from the grime of
many decades - is carved with scenes from the stories of Edgar Allan Poe. The tomb broken open in
"Berenice" to reveal the corpse of a woman with all of her teeth pulled out; "The House of Usher" with it's
eye-like windows and the crack running down one wall; "The Pit and the Pendulum"; "The Tell-tale Heart" and
others. The silver-backed mirror itself is somewhat murky with veins of black threaded through it where the
coating has peeled away but it is still quite reflective.

 A piece of funhouse mirror, burnt around it's broken edges. Its reflections are are warped in different way
every time you look at it.

 A glass eye that swivels to look at the closest person by itself.

 What at first glance appears to be a power-drill with a fishing reel soldered on, this crude delivery system is
in essence a tiny elevator. The line is tied off to something sturdy on the top side of its track, and the power-
drill's trigger is locked down using a moving metal bar. The drill's spinning motion unreels the line, lowering it
down to the ground; it can be sent back up by simply reversing the drill's direction.

This is obviously not strong enough to carry a human being; its maximum weight capacity is probably around
20 lbs. Its cargo is carried in a small burlap sack tied off to the drill's pistol grip.

 A diaphanous, insectoid wing not unlike what one would expect to find on a wasp or similar creature,
carefully preserved in formaldehyde,. However, this particular sample is so large that is preserved in a clear,
sealed 5-gallon bucket, and is comparable in size to a tennis racquet. 0/1d2 SAN loss for considering what
could possibly yield a wing of this size.

 Approximately 30 feet of 7/8" steel rebar, such as the type used to reinforce concrete. This length has been
bent into an elaborate bear shape, not unlike a balloon animal, by someone or something with immense

 A brown glass bottle in a paper bag. On the bag, written in marker pen, are the words 'Hobo Jack's Private
Reserve'. The bottle is a crude and dangerous mixture of antifreeze, motor oil, cola and milk which has been
lying around for far too long. The consequences of actually drinking this mix are quite obvious.

 An Erlenmeyer flask with a black rubber stopper, sealed with what appears to be Super Glue. The flask is
half full, containing a blue liquid which seems to swirl around.

 An extensively modified lineman's handset:

- 16-button DTMF keypad (0-9, #, *, A-D);
- programmable speed-dial with ten memory banks capable of holding 256 digits total, plus pauses and
adjustable dialing speed (what numbers are already in memory?);
- removable alligator clips with several other tap attachements (including heat coil and magnetic induction);
- redial;
- hookflash;
- a speakerphone mode;
- line in and out jacks;
- a standard talk/monitor/mute switch;
- standard tone/pulse dial selection.

The handset is black and there's a grinning skull sticker on the back of the earpiece. "2600" is scratched into
the handle.

A small box next to the handset is a 20-digit DTMF decoder with a LED screen and a 1024 digit memory.
There are line in/out jacks on the box. The oldest numbers rotate out as new numbers are recorded, so there
may be over a hundred interesting phone numbers, access codes, etc. still in memory. The box runs off line-in
power from the handset, and uses a common 10-year LI watch battery to maintain the numbers in memory.

Instructions for use & parts/wiring diagrams are in a three-ring binder found with the devices. Agents will need
a 1/8" m/m audio patch cord to hook the devices together & decode touchtones picked up via the handset.

 Tins of soup. Hundreds of tins. Every type, every make, every flavor. So many tins. Who needs this much

 A small (15" long) Chac Mool statue made from greenish stone. This Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican statue
shows a reclining human male with the head up and turned to one side, while holding a sacrificial tray over his
stomach. An oddity is that the tray contains an inch-wide dark-stained hole leading down into its stomach.
Breaking apart the statue, or X-raying it, will reveal a strange metallic "seed" embedded in its centre and
connected to the hole. This 2" long oblong "seed" is totally impervious to physical damage.

 A solid gold toilet in 1:19 scale.

 A ziploc bag containing broken light-blue shards of some crystalline material and a note saying: "Think it's
inert now, but keep isolated just in case.".

 A small, well-kept terrarium containing a chameleon. It has an unnerving habit of constant, unblinking eye
contact whenever looked at, and if the investigators take their eyes off of it they will occasionally hear
indistinct (though definitely human) muttering coming from its direction.

 An unnervingly detailed statue of a human being, complete with facial features, fingers, etc. It is made from
tens of thousands of spent bullet casings, and seems to be cringing in terror.

 A lampshade made of human skin. It has the Yellow Sign tattooed on it. It has been mounted on a blacklight
desktop lamp.

 Seven 55-gallon drums are on a wooden pallet in the back of the Green Box. Two are empty, the remaining
five have been crudely sealed with duct tape and roofing tar and a sheet of plywood has been laid on top of
them. "Human Waste Disposal! Don't Open!" has been spray-painted across the sheet.

 A Hand of Glory.

 A human skull that has been fashioned into a chalice. The base of the chalice is brass with sections of gold
inlay. Semi precious stones circle the "brim".
 A small ziploc bag containing an old silver dollar. One side of the coin is skillfully carved to show a
monstrous octopus-like face. Drops of salt-water can be seen on the inside of the bag.

 A strange, grasshopper-shaped miniature drone sits on a shebox-sized metal box. Behind both is a water-
damaged dot-matrix printout of a user manual, which identifies this as a DARPA experiment in autonomous
contraband-detection drones. Simple controls such as on/off, recall, print report, etc. are on the side of the box,
which serves as both a carrier and a recharging station.

Should it be turned on, its faults will be fairly obvious. Not only does it have abysmal pathfinding systems
(easily trapped by furniture, curbs, stairs, etc), but it is also rather overenthusiastic about what it decries as
dangerous: the rat poison left in the corner will register as a chemical weapon, any type of signal
sending/receiving device will register as a possible detonator (including it's own home base), and a pack of
emergency road flares nearby will be registered as incendiary grenades.

 The jawbone of a ghoul (though not recongizable as such unless the viewer is familiar with ghouls; others
will be perplexed). It has been lacquered and silver has been inlayed on the surface; two holes (black wax
residue suggests for candles) have been bored into the masseter.

 A battered VHS tape. It is marked as "Vol. 12, #98." The tape shows a grove of trees standing for what is
marked in the corner of the screen as two weeks. On the 15th day, however, one of the trees appears to uproot
itself and move towards the camera. As it approaches the camera, other trees in the background can be seen
twisting around, as if to watch. The rest of the tape is static.

 Seeing the Light: A neon green, drawstring catalog envelope with the Japan Air Self Defense Force and the
Hamamatsu Airborne Early Warning Group logos. The envelope has been sealed with tape bearing a bar code
and caution that special permission from the Minister of Defense is required to open it. Contents include both
the original shorthand flight log and transcription copies of a Boeing E-767 with an E-3 mission package
flying into the North Pacific on 4 December 2005, 1250 Zulu time. The Intelligence Officer reports the cabin
filled with purple light for two minutes and he felt the urge to open the bay door to attempt to fly away, an urge
his crew mates shared and one attempted to act upon. Post-flight medical examinations and quarantine
observation of the crew show each member reporting the ability to see "strange contours" and "glow" of
varying intensity around them. An MRI caused the captain have a seizure. Eventual consultation with a foreign
ornithologist, Dr. Dominik Heyers from the University of Oldenburg, determined the crew members had
developed physical and biochemical features akin to migratory birds: they could see electromagnetic fields.
And all felt the pull to travel south.

 A large collection of lottery tickets, held together by several rubber bands. All the numbers have been filled
in with strange, esoteric symbols.

 A dog-eared stack of photocopies, containing a portion of Wassermann's "The Occult Foundation" (+2
points Cthulhu Mythos,-1d2/-1d4 points of Sanity to read, 10 weeks of study). Highlighted portions discuss a
theory that the "fabric" of reality is weaker at specific "nexus" points.

 A spiral-bound notebook. It lists the GPS coordinates for about 20 "surveillance devices" scattered about a
nearby state park. Each is accompanied by a short description like "in a spruce" or "between two rocks". The
last entry is a request to contact 'Big Green' if "entities" are observed.

 A shipping crate containing sixty brand new hardback copies of "Microbiology and Organic Chemistry, 2nd
Edition" textbooks from a nonexistent 'Doris & Green Publishing, Ltd.'
The first sentence of the book says that Watson and Crick discovered DNA. Everything past that is subtly
wrong. However, it takes a fairly advanced knowledge of the subject matter to detect the inaccuracies, and
when the reader has caught multiple examples, they realize the author clearly has a doctoral-level
understanding of the subject matter, but is deliberately choosing to subvert and misrepresent certain key facts
about DNA, alleles, heredity, evolution, and similar fields.

The book starts off at a level of detail expected of a high school biology textbook, describing the various parts
of the cell, mitosis and meiosis, etc., all with about 90% validity. However, as it continues, it becomes less of a
textbook and more of an instruction manual, covering artificial creation of specific genotypes and phenotypes,
selective breeding for complex traits, and the like, all while subtly expanding and misapplying the inaccuracies
introduced at the beginning. By the end, it becomes a manual of applied eugenics consisting of completely
false information.

At this point, an Idea roll can be made if the reader has detected the falsehoods of the book; if it is succeeded,
then he or she realizes it has been deliberately written to sabotage anyone who tries to apply its contents in
laboratory eugenics research.

 A plastic evidence bag containing a thin leaflet showing the notes for a short piece of flute music named "In
His House". Some of the notes are not of the regular type.

 What appears to be a hymnbook of classic Protestant hymns at first glance; however, multiple references to
God in the lyrics have been changed to "Yosoth". The final few pages of the hymnal contain vocalise songs
with carefully noted rhythm and melodies. A successful Cthulhu Mythos roll will recognize the songs as
having the same rough structure as the spell Call Yog-Sothoth, though evidently blurred, mis-remembered, and
stylized to the point of (fortunate) ineffectiveness.

 Thirty pages of photocopied, rambling conspiracy-theorist drivel, stapled together and annotated with more
conspiracy-theorist ramblings in green ink. It refers to Mythos entities and rituals at several points, but it's
clear from context that the author knew nothing of these entities beyond their names. Neither san loss or
Mythos knowledge is gained from reading it.

 A collection of a now defunct monthly counter-culture magazine that was published from the early 60's to
the late 70's. Called the 'Monthly Undergrounder' it was a mix of news of the day with a slant towards youth of
the era, oped articles calling for the change of society, anti-war news, new age religion and conspiracy theory.
Since it reported on some odd stuff as well as the what was going on in the world it would make a good
resource for agents looking into that time period. The collection itself is worth something, the magazine was a
niche product and very few copies remain period.

 Instructions for the performing of a lumbar puncture procedure (aka a 'spinal tap') hastily scribbled on
Holiday Inn stationary. The procedure is accurate and correct though it outlines how to use everyday items to
perform the procedure.

 A stack of post-it notes stapled together to form a small book. The 'book' has 665 pages, and a final post-it
note lies just to the side of the rest.
The top note has a small curving line in red sharpie close to the center. The next note has a similar line just
below the first one. If an agent flips through the pages quick enough, the lines form up to make an eye with a
small piece missing.
What happens if the final note is reattached is up to the GM.
 A set of some 50 surveillance photographs of a group of quite non-descript men and women. One picture
has captured the face of one of the Investigators walking by in the background. On the back of the photo
someone has written "Lies within lies?".

 "Sons of Earth" - leather bound manuscript, seemingly hand-typed with corrections and editing notes intact.
No date or author. Rambling discourse on the idea that alien genetic material is shaping the evolution of the
human race. Talks about how interaction with alien 'visitors' is the key to unlocking human potential. Study
reveals potential 'meeting places' that may in fact be Mi-Go monitored.

 A hardback copy of the book The Day Lincoln Was Shot by Jim Bishop. The inside is stamped "Property of
the Texas Schoolbook Despository".

 "Book of Humble Prayers" - a thin black booklet seemingly of children's prayers, circa 1850. However, the
children depicted in the line art drawings seem to have a disturbing otherworldly look, with knowing eyes and
leering faces. Reciting the prayers leads to unpleasant dreams of eating human flesh and scrabbling through
black earth (possible SAN loss on those of faith).

 A coroner's report originating from Orange County, California, which concerns the autopsy of an
unidentified John Doe found on the side of a state highway. The cause of death is listed as cardiac arrest, but
the coroner reports at length the anatomically impossible amount of blood the man's body contained. While
most human beings possess less than five liters, this coroner indicates an amount in excess of twenty was
drained from this corpse. He also notes that it actually spurted from the body with such force as to knock a
scalpel out of his hand at one point, and advises referral of the case to a medical research team immediately.

 A cheap paperback novel by an unknown author, published by an equally unknown printing house, dated
1947 and priced at 50 cents. It is set in a small midwestern town; the characters are local townspeople, all of
whom seem to be sexually involved with at least two other people. After several lurid chapters it ends with a
multiple murder involving most of the characters. Uncannily, whenever the book is read the characters' names
and descriptions match those of the current investigators, no matter who reads the book.

 "A Case for Eugenics, with Historical Antecedents and Modern Analysis", a 1916 work discussing of
specific genetic defects associated with certain New England communities as well as their eradication, with
photos. The book is quite rare. It argues that such defects could be bred out of the population through
vigorously applied legislation requiring the sterilization of their sufferers. One particular case, that of Caleb
Island, ME, discusses the case of a now-vanished fishing village where a large number of inhabitants suffered
from spinal curvature, skin problems, cranial dysmorphia, and hair loss that grew worse with age. Anyone
familiar with the Deep Ones will recognize their traits in the few poorly reproduced daguerreotypes of the
villagers. The settlement at Caleb island is reported to have been abandoned in the 1850s due to declining

 A rolodex filled with numbers, which include local cleaning services (Normal and Crime Scene),
Veternarians, Occult or New Age bookstores, Fortune Tellers or other psychic hotlines, gunsmiths, a small
computer repair company, a hardware store, a locksmith, and an army surplus store. Also listed are several
private numbers, with names or notes under them, which indicate these people to be discreet doctors, money
launderers, bookies, arms dealers, or other useful criminals.

 A black, leather-bound book that has the word "FOOT" printed in every language on Earth--even extinct
languages. The book runs to nearly a thousand thin pages with 500 entries per page in tiny type. On the cover
is embossed the words "Volume 1" in gold leaf.
 An antique copy of Machiavelli's 'The Prince', with all interior typeface inverted as though via mirror-
writing. Judging by how well-centered it is, and the overall quality of the print, it appears intentional rather
than accidental.

 An ordinary recipe book, with file cards detailing assorted mundane recipes. An observant investigator will
discover two of the recipe cards include very exotic ingredients. One card entitled "Traditional Stew" includes
diced human liver as a main ingredient. The other recipe is entitled "Carne Agrippa" cites that grilled human
thigh meat and chopped human bladder should be fried in fresh butter. The investigator should make a San roll
or suffer 1d6 San loss.

 A red brick with silver etchings that when read aloud allows the investigator to cast a spell at random.

 An old, extremely yellowed newspaper clipping that appears to be from a Nova Scotian publication. The
article covers a strange incident at an unnamed office building in which every single person inside inexplicably
climbed to the roof and jumped to their deaths, in the middle of the business day. Eyewitnesses report the
office workers simply stepped off the edge of the roof totally calmly, almost casually, one by one in the order
they reached the rooftop. No explanation is offered by the paper as to what could have been behind this mass

 A safe deposit box containing a series of letters (dated from 1947 to 1962) written to one Elmer Stephens,
the editor of the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier from a Conrad Henried, of Glasgow, Iowa. Henried reports a
series of vague but apparently prophetic dreams to Stephens; most events are local in nature but a few are more
globally significant, such as the Inchon landings. It is unclear if Stephens replied to these letter, but each has a
few newspaper clipping attached to them, indicating when these visions came true.

 A pirated DVD of "Snoop Dogg's Hustlaz: Diary of a Pimp." The case has a poor quality .jpg copy of the
cover and the DVD itself is a generic region 2 disc. The back of the cover has a Google Earth map of San
Fernando Valley with red x's corresponding to various porn producers. On the disc: there's no menu, the sound
is unaltered throughout the production, but 25 minutes into the feature the video switches to 16 minutes of
low-production quality and highly criminal snuff porn. While it's difficult to discern, there appears to be
something vaguely human (albeit with six arms) in the background urging on the infernal rapes, which is all
the more disturbing with Snoop Dogg's continued, stoned rambling. Then, the regular feature resumes: it's a
mix of hardcore pornography and music video featuring rapper Snoop Dogg. The unadulterated video was
originally released in 2002, a year after Snoop Dogg set the trend of mixing his signature Doggytstyle hip hop
with porn.

 A large binder containing a complete blue-print of the Winchester House. On a post-it note on the first page
is witten: "Took 6 months! Not a fucking trace of anything supernatural.".

 A worn yellow legal pad. On it are two texts - one in a very unsteady Urdu and the other a penciled-in
English translation. The text is a portion of an account given by an unknown party recounting his brief visit to
a location he calls 'Azhure Banehpal', an ancient and forbidding ruin in central Asia. For reasons unclear in the
text, he was one of two survivors of the party that reached the place. His discussion of his group's trip there is
detailed enough to allow others to plot repeat his trip.

 A audio casette tape. On the label someone has written "THE THING ON THE SLAB" in bold black
letters. If played it starts off with a man's voice identifying himself as a county medical examiner performing
an autopsy on a hit-and-run victim. The speaker then goes on to give the time and location of the autopsy. The
victim is descibed as female of indeterminate ethnic background. The examiner notes that the victim was
found naked at the side of a road and that her eyes are of different colours. As the autopsy proceeds the
examiner notes peculiarities in the corpse and anomalies which are hard to explain in conventional pathology.
These are noticed at first with surprise, and then alarm, and then it seems as if what the examiner is seeing is
beyond his ability to comprehend. The last heard of the examiner's voice is his alternately calling upon God to
protect him and arguing that "the thing on the slab" is proof that God cannot exsist. The examiner's voice cuts
off aburptly and nothing else is heard on the tape until it runs out. (+1d3 mythos points. -0/1d4 San.)

 An old world geography textbook, circa 1962. It reads as one would expect for a book of that time, except
for about half a dozen instances marked with sticky notes in which the typeface abruptly changes and the
writing shifts to a cryptic, almost mystical style. Successful History and/or Idea rolls leads the reader to believe
they may have prophesied major world events such as the Yom Kippur War, the Challenger explosion, and the
Rwandan genocide. The final prophecy seems unfulfilled, and hints at a great plague spreading across Asia.

 An album of 60 black and white photographs. The photographs, taken in what appears to be an arid
location, possibily in the southwestern United States, are of the tracks of an unknown bipedal creature, larger
than a human. A pickaxe placed next to one of the tracks suggests the creature's foot was over 16" in length. In
one photo an Arizona highway sign is partially visible that places the source location for the photograph to be
somewhere between Ganado and Keams Canyon.

 A lengthy handwritten novella outlining a future for Frankenstein's monster, after the events of the novel, of
a rather graphic erotic nature. The yellowed paper dates back to the 1950s.

 A fragment of 8mm celluloid film, about thirty feet long. It shows a few seconds of a group of technicians
inspecting a large apparatus centered on something that resembles a huge tuning fork. The film is of German
manufacture, dating from the early 1940s.

 A stack of music magazines dating from 1993 onwards, including NME, KERANG!, Music Monthly,
various college rags and numerous home-made fanzines. The only thing in common is that all feature articles
or reviews on a cult New York band called "Charnel Dreams".

A Spot Hidden roll notices that in every magazine, in the background of a picture completely unrelated to
Charnel Dreams, lurks Stephen Alzis. Here he is in the crowd at the Kerang! Awards; over there smiling in the
press-pit at the Brit Awards; right in the corner, impeccable at Burning Man; altogether worth a 0/1D3 Sanity

 A softcover book, THE SPACE PEOPLE-TOP SECRET TRUTHS by Prof. Vance Cragun, published in
1990 by "Truth and Light Books, Inc." 230 pages, with a creased spine and tattered cover. The author claims to
have insider knowledge connecting the Philidelphia incident, Roswell, Shag Harbor, various UFO sightings,
Area 51 and stories of underground alien/gov't bases in the US Southwest together. In the final chapters
dealing with said bases, sentences and whole paragraphs have been highlighted, underlined, circled and
various notations have been scribbled in the margins in pen and highlighter.

 An autographed copy of 'Life, the Universe and Everything' printed in 2003

 'A walking guide to the Fens of England' Written in 1904 by U.I. Penwith.
Further investigation reveals that neither the auther or any of the places mentioned can be found in any
 An unmarked binder containing a handwritten treatise on the connections between bats in ancient
Mesoamerican religions and modern death worship. A section on decapitation rituals hints at unidentified Delta
Green Agents willingly participating in such rituals.

 The heavily revised text of a computer program, written in C.

A computer use roll can identify the purpose of the program is to solve a lengthy series of complex topological
problems. Mathematicians and computer programmers will find the program unsettling, as it somehow solves
paradoxes by creating even greater paradoxes. (Study time: 5 days. SAN: loss 1/1d2)

 An annotated copy of the (rejected) doctoral dissertation "Sky Devils: Archetypical Figures in Native
American Mythology" (University of Indiana, Bloomington; 1975 by Karen Barr). 1d2/1d4 points of Sanity to
read. +1 point Cthulhu Mythos. No spells.

 A collection of dry, brittle and stained notebooks. Bound by a leather strap. Appears to be the lab journals
of a "C. A. Hanse", and documents his dissection of various stolen corpses over a five year period, and his
recombining them into "new, better forms". Final entries talk of an 'Elixir Vitae' that could give these dead
forms a new life.

 A set of manila folders, all stamped with a logo consisting of three squares in an angular construction
pointing up with lines joining them and a dot in the top square. Each is labeled with a name. They include:
Alma Wade, Paxton Fettel, and one that is too smudged to read.
Alma's file is a horrific account of a "telepathically gifted" child being impregnated in an effort to make a
superior human. It states that the first child-"prototype" was a failure, for unstated reasons. The second
prototype was a success, and was the focus of a new project. Alma was then locked in an underground vault for
unstated reasons.
Fettel's file reveals that he was the second prototype. He inherited the telepathic abilities of his mother, and
learned to control an "experimental military deployment". However, a vague event in his past caused the
project to be frozen.
The third file is damaged by fire and water, but what little can be read talks about the first prototype having
enhanced reflexes.
The fourth file talks in detail about Armacham Technology, and its suspected links to MJ-12. This file is
typewritten, with red ink annotations.

 Paperwork relating to adoptions and fostering of Russian and Eastern European children in the local area.
Attached newspaper clippings and police reports show a hitherto unseen correlation between the recent influx
of such children and reports of "flying saucers".

 A map of the local area. Several locations are marked in red ink, and attempts have been made with a pencil
to find a pentagram in the seemingly random pattern. If followed up on, they are revealed to all be locations of
suicides in the last twenty-four months.

 A paperback copy of Rollo Ahmed's "The Black Art", well covered in sticky-notes to mark pages (No
Sanity loss; Occult +5%. No Spells)

 A folding pamphlet for a murder mystery dinner theatre held at the Green Goddess Theatre in Canaan,
Connecticut. According to the pamphlet the show ran for six months in 1972, but research on the location will
show that the theatre burned down in 1969, supposedly because of a wiring problem. The site was never rebuilt
and the forest has reclaimed the location.
 A dog-eared and coffee stained paperback copy of "Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA" by
Richard C. Hoagland. In addition to the usual highlighted passages and underlined phrases that one would
expect of a book owned and abused by a fairly serious conspiratologist or UFOlogist, some pages are also
littered with sticky notes and index cards scribbled with ascension/declination/timing triats of satellites in orbit
and radio frequencies that a little research will confirm as being used by NASA and the NRO for satellite

 A copy of the Book of the SubGenius - ISBN 0070622299 - Normal in every respect (well, as normal as the
Church can get), except that it's mirror-reversed. All of it - covers, text and pictures. So are the Ye Olde
English handwritten annotations...

 A journal seemly written by a serial killer. His M.O. does not match any past or present serial killings (or, at
least those that have been discovered). Agents can make a Know check to realize that several of the described
victims match descriptions of missing persons from across the country. However, contrary to the journals
account of events, the missing people have yet to be found dead or alive.

 The City Life/culture section of the local newspaper dated 1d6+1 days in the future from when it is found.

 A yellowed laboratory notebook dated 1962. Will Brandley,the previous owner, was conducting studies on
a material from a mine shaft in West Virginia. The substance is noted as being, "viscous, acidic and yellowish
in color".

 A large scrapbook with "Where The Bodies are Buried" in red Sharpie on the cover. Inside are annotated
maps, scraps of newspaper articles, and ambiguous jottings on the disappearance (and impromptu burial) of
seven people in the local district over the last four years. Whether this was part of a Delta Green op is left
unsaid, but it's obvious A-Cell likes agents to keep a regular watch on the burial sites for reasons unspecified...

 A black garbage bag overstuffed and abnormally shaped as it contains the body of an unnamed 24 year old
woman who has been missing from a local Tcho-Tcho minority community. If her body is touched she will
inhale sharply causing SAN loss 1/1D6 and revive becoming a witness to the case...

 A small black address book. There are several entries on the first few pages; all of them are womens' names
and all addresses are within 30 miles of the Green Box. Nearly half of the names have a red check mark next to
them. Research uncovers that every name checked off is that of a missing person.

 An NYPD evidence bag for a rape investigation. It contains well-read copies of "Making Out In Korean
(Revised Edition)", Neil Strauss' "The Pickup Artist: The New and Improved Art of Seduction", and
Beneveniste's "Diagnosis and Treatment of Sociopaths and Clients with Sociopathic Traits".

The case does not appear to have gone to trial.

 A thick, worn manilla folder containing approximately 112 pages, all yellowed. Each page is typed, double
spaced, rows of numbers.

 A Mead composition book that was used as a journal. The contents detail the slow descent into insanity of
the author (no name is given) a young woman living in Boston in 1998 (according to the few entries that were
dated). The author, clearly somewhat unstable to begin with, took up residence in a decrepit house, renting one
of the squalid rooms there. Aside from complaining about the filth, the vermin, and the unresponsive landlord,
she soon begins to claim that voices, particularly an old man's voice, keep telling her to harm herself. A pair of
burning eyes also appeared to her in visions. Her writing grows erratic and nonsensical, interspersed with brief
lucid passages. The final one of these is her will, dated August 20, 1998; she bequeaths her few possesions to
her brother Andrew. The last line reads "Must go, knife waiting".

 A labeled sketch-map of Laurel Caverns near Pittsburgh, PA. Several points are marked as "potential
contact locations". On the back the cave's security system is outlined as well as a workable plan to circumvent
it and enter the cave without being detected.

 A sheaf of typewritten pages being held together by a paperclip. The pages look and read like they're from
early drafts from Hunter S. Thompson's "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72". Skimming through the
pages reveals among the material that defintiely didn't make it into the final book, a brief passage that has been
circled in red ink, an almost absentmindedly scribbled question mark next to it:
"We were waiting in the hallway outside the rally when I got The Fear. I thought it might be the speed coming
on top of the ether but my teeth weren't grinding like they usually do. This was something different.
I saw one of Nixon's flunkies standing nearby, giving me the eye, just another young guy. I'll rack any lawyer
with a shot to the nuts if I think it's needed but this one was different. Just another kid in a cheap suit, but with
that Hitlerian air of certainty and righteousness so many of these Nixon Youth carry. It could have been the
drugs, but I swear the bad mojo rose off of this guy like vapors. I turned away to wipe the sweat out of my eyes
and when I looked back, he was gone. Maybe he'd never been there.

Jesus, I needed some whiskey. I went to find the bar."

 One notebook, meticulously filled with the same strange, twisting symbol.

 A stack of ready-made "fill-in-the-blank" ransom notes.

 A very small bookshelf, loaded with books about the supposed UFO crash at Roswell and other such
incidents. The books collected are: "The Day After Roswell" by Philip Corso, "The Roswell UFO Crash: What
They Don't Want You to Know" by Kal K. Korff, "The Roswell Incident" by Charles Berlitz, "Crash at
Corona" by Stanton Friedman and Don Berliner, "The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell" and "Roswell
Revisited" by Kevin D. Randle, "Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the 60 Year Coverup" by Thomas Carey and
Donald Schmitt, "The Roswell Legacy" by Jesse Marcel Jr., "Behind the Flying Saucers" by Frank Scully,
"UFO Crash in Brazil" by K. Leir Roger, "Mexico's Roswell: The Chihuahua UFO Crash" and "The Other
Roswell: UFO Crash on the Texas-Mexico Border" by Noe Torres and Reuben Uriarte, "Cosmic Crashes: The
Incredible Story of the UFOs That Fell to Earth" and "Body Snatchers in the Desert" by Nick Redfern, and
"UFO Crash at Aztec: A Well Kept Secret" by Wiliams S. Steinman.

 A diary that apparently belonged to a 16 year old girl named Miriam in 1994. The contents are inane and
typical, but are written backwards on every other page.

 Copy of "Suffolk's Defended Shore: Coastal Fortifications from the Air" published by English Heritage.
There's dozens of holiday photographs of Dunwich, UK between pages 37 and 38.

 A notebook filled with frantic writing, certain words and designs overwritten multiple times. The journal
repeatedly emphasises that the writer was stalked by an unnatural faceless creature.

 20 reels of Super 8 film that appear to have all been shot in or around New York City's Central Park,
probably in the early 1970s judging by the fashions and other hints. There is no sound on any of the reels and
all of the footage seems to totally random.
 A slim book entitled "How to Legally Wed Your Close Relatives." Poorly edited and apparently self-
published during the 1950s, most of the book is filled with the anonymous author's long rambling opinions on
why family members should only wed other family members and lots of dubious legal advice on how to deal
with "the authorities".

 What appears to be official military documents obviously originating from Nazi Germany. Members of the
party that can read German will see that they are technical documents regarding two chemical compounds
designated V-347-A, and V-347-B. If the translator is knowledgeable in the field of chemistry, they will see
that the documents are instructions for the safe handling of the compounds. The section detailing the properties
of the chemicals have been entirely redacted.

The documents are found in a large wooden crate that seems to have been padded to transport fragile goods.
The documents are the only item within the crate.

 A sealed plastic bag marked "Item 27, J. Winifred Coll.". Inside is a small volume in a worn leather
binding, stamped "Ye odd and lurid beleefs of the common peeple." (sic). The volume appears to have been
printed in London in the mid eighteenth century, although no other record of either author (one Tobias Primm)
or publisher (Folsom Street Binders) exists.

The volume is a lurid account of several odd sects and cults in the vicinity of London of the time. All but one
seem innocuous. (Keeper's fiat what that one actually is).

 A stack of loose graph paper, about 120 sheets' worth; scrawled across each page, in increasingly
deteriorating handwriting, is scribbled the phrase "I DO NOT FEAR THE WOLF FOR I AM THE WOLF",
over and over again.

 40 or so different adult magazines - all from September 2001. These have all been annotated in an unknown
code (actually it's Aklo) - the notes are all detailing out the suitability of the various models (male and female)
as breeding and host material.

 A partial photocopy of the dissertation "William Canning Webb, 1831-1919". The copied section concerns
Webb's visit to western Greenland in 1863 and his study of a peculiar Inuit group who practiced human
sacrifice and worshiped an otherwise unknown deity known as Cout Oul'u.

 A copy of the King James version of the Bible, but with a text that diverges radically from the standard
version. Everything continues as normal until the Binding of Isaac, which ends with Abraham sacrificing Isaac
as a human sacrifice and God awarding Abraham with "favor beyond that of thy fellows." Cannibalism
features prominently--David ritually devours Saul's heart to become the new king, and the Last Supper is
depicted as a cannibalistic feast. The Book of Revelation is also different, depicting the awakening of long-
slumbering ancient gods or demons who then scour the Earth clean of human life in a horrific bloodbath. The
book does not contain any mention of printing date or year or a dedication; the first page is the beginning of
Genesis. 1/1d6 SAN if read in its entirety, 10 weeks to study and comprehend.

 A pocket monograph "Heterodox Polynesian Religion, with particular reference to aquatic fertility rites"
(University of California, Los Angeles; 1985 by Shin Joo-Yoong). 0/1d2 Sanity to read. +1 point Cthulhu
 Alan Baker's "Invisible Eagle: The Hidden History of Nazi Occultism" (+2 Occult; No Sanity loss). A
handwritten German cribsheet of all the salient points has been carefully folded between page 251 and 252 (an
extra +1 Occult; No Sanity loss)

 A stained copy of 'Gray's Anatomy'. Various muscle groups are annotated as "delicious".

 A copy of Robert Anton Wilson's novel "ILLUMINATUS," in which each instance of the word "fnord" has
been highlighted with a yellow marker, with brief cryptic notes scribbled almost-illegibly in the margins each

 A stack of greenbar printout (18 inches wide, patterned with alternating pale green and off white bars, of
the sort that would be run through a very old-style dot matrix printer) containing an autopsy report for one
William Milton Cooper of Apache County, Arizona, pronounced dead 6 November 2001. The autopsy report is
about what one would expect of a 58 year old man being gunned down by police officers (the medical
examiner documented three gunshot wounds consistent with the sort of weapons and shot placement training
characteristic of Arizona police officers at the time). The noted cause of death, however, states that massive
cervical trauma (rupture of the spinal cord running through the C1, C2, and C3 vertebrae) was the actual cause
of death.

 A manga called "My Maid is an Alien Blob", staring a cute looking maid.

Reading the manga, the maid turns out to be a Shoggoth. Anyone who finishes the book with Mythos
Knowledge loses SAN.

 A tome of the DM's choice is in a box at the back of the room. The book has been booby-trapped by a M84
stun grenade. Failure to check the box while cause the stun grenade to fall out and go off. This was left as a
safety measure by the last cell. Whether or not they realize the trap is there is up to the GM.

 A handwritten journal containing only strings of numbers written on every third line. There are signs of
erased writing in the now empty lines. Different inks and writing styles indicate multiple authors over different
time periods.

 A sketch book with a series of nude sketches of two nude models, one male and one female. The sketches
go from artistic to sensual to pornographic to monstrous. Or the other way around. It's hard to tell which side is
the beginning..

 Printouts of every piece of legislation and treaty pertaining to Antarctica, annotated with queries and
clarifications regarding who would have juristiction over an "extra national citizen".

 A run of imported pornographic "manga" comic-books. All fifty-seven trade-paperbacks appear to tell of
plucky schoolkids trying to save the world from a stark and unrelenting tentacle-laden eldritch horror, but the
language definitely isn't Japanese and the last issue is missing.

 A modern copy of "On The Summoning of the Seventy-Two Demons of Solomon", which was first written
approx. 920 BC. It has been translated out of the original Hebrew into English. All of the rituals described are

 A VHS copy of a 1998 horror film titled "Shadowmancer". It is a low-budget direct-to-video piece of
schlock, about 90 minutes long, centered around an evil modern-day sorceror who uses his powers (portrayed
with laughably cheap F/X) to kidnap victims (usually women in revealing clothing). He takes him to his secret
underground lair to offer as sacrifices to the nameless "demon god" he worships and draws his power from.
Only a hardboiled cop (played by a has-been soap opera star) and an occult expert (played by a woman who
wears low-cut blouses and mini-skirts) can stop him. If an experienced and knowledgeable agent watches the
film, they'll note that while many of the "mystic" symbols that decorate the walls of the sorceror's lair are
obviously made up, some of them are Elder Signs. Also, during an incantation at the climax of the film the
sorceror mentions Yig, Yog-Sothoth, Hastur and Ithaqua. Furthermore, tucked into the VHS jacket is a note
from "R" addressed to "J" suggesting that "J" should check into the film's production company, Red Lightning
Films Ltd. "R" writes that of most of the films Red Lightning had produced during the 90s were low-budget
action movies, that Shadowmancer was the company's first and only horror film, as well as the last movie they
ever produced before going bankrupt. "R" seems to think some investigation of Red Lightning might be

 A piece of pink construction paper, on which is drawn, in crayon, a child's rendering of Cthulhu. It is signed
with the child's name, aged 5.

 Box containing hundreds of notebook pages covered with what appears to be license-plate numbers and the
make and colors of the automobiles that carry them as well as lists of items found in various trashcans at scores
of locations and dates, all written in an elegant, almost calligraphic handwriting.

 A 100-page typed script, stapled together. The title is "A Night At the Opera" and it is supposedly by "D-
Cell". It appears to be a Play or TV show, but notes in the margins and corrections with red pen in multiple
handwriting makes it a bit hard to follow. It seems to be an attempt at Black Humor, surrounding the slightly
fictionalized antics of the aforementioned D-Cell as they investigate a cult linked to an opera house. They win,
but not after one of them is eaten "humorously" off-screen by a Shoggoth and another goes insane and decides
to marry a slightly friendlier than normal Deep One. 0/1 SAN Loss. Agents who still have a sense of humor
left may appreciate it. On the last page is a sticky note that says "You realize you can't publish this, right? -D."

 A collection of reel-to-reel tapes, dated 8/15/62 to 9/29/62; twenty-one hours total. Audio is of the
congregants of an unknown church (know or English to identify Appalachian accents) engaged in a pseudo-
Christian service using snake-handling. Frequent mentions are made of "Saint Yig", "the Scaled Redeemer",
and "the Blessed Serpent". 0/1d2 points of Sanity to listen.

 This is an old, yellowed, somewhat ragged-looking spiral-bound notebook, and on the cover is written "P-
CELL WAR JOURNAL, 1989." Within are many pages dated from January to August of that year, in which an
agent PETRONIUS has made many entries, sometimes including little doodles and caricatures of other P-Cell
members. Reading it, you notice that PETRONIUS is sarcastic and snarky, with a bitter sense of humor,
describing the day-in, day-out interactions between the members of P-Cell as they worked out of this
safehouse in 1989. There are terse descriptions of Nights at the Opera--one that February was an operation
against a "New Age" group calling itself "The Noble and Benevolent Order of Our Lady of the Rainbow,"
which turned out to be a Shub-Niggurath cult. There are notes about stakeouts and investigations of other local
New Age groups that turned out to be just New Age groups, and investigations of bizarre local violent deaths
that resulted in the apprehension of a mundane, but still SAN-drainingly bizarre, serial killer, and the
investigation of a group of "Satanists" who, as it turned out, were sacrificing neighborhood pets and possibly
homeless people to something that may or may not have been a shoggoth in a cave in a wooded area outside of
town (killed the cultists, dynamited the cave, don't know if they killed what was in it, but a backpack nuke
wasn't available). There are also hilarious, if uncomfortable stories about doing little mundane favors for local
Friendlies (two words: prom date). Then there appears to be a long dry spell for most of the summer, in which
most of the investigations did not pan out directly, though the cell leader seemed to think there was something
to be gained by what PETRONIUS calls "snipe hunts in the sewers." Last entry, though, is undated--it looks
like the same handwriting, but rather unsteady, and just says, over and over, "they see all and wait betewen the
walls, no, OUTSIDE, and they watch us and wait and they're going to come for us"

 A carboard box containing 87 suicide notes, all written by persons who killed themselves in the greater
Peoria, Illinois area between the years 1979 and 1998.

 A collection of poems printed from the "Sky Journal", a small Seattle based arts magazine. A series of
poems entitled the "Innana clouds" features prominently. There are many allusions to Yog Sothoth or as the
poems states, Yagasoth. There is also mention of a "sky door" or portal.

 A reel of color 8 mm film of 1960s manufacture. It is stored inside a blue metal reel can that has "North
Carolina, 1966" written on a masking tape label; the words 'Project GARNET - 7AE.L51.1' have been stamped
on the can just below the label.
The footage initially consists of a trio of brothers on some sort of holiday in that state. The final exposed
section takes place near Brown Mountain; they are hamming it up around a campfire when one of the brothers
suddenly stands and points away from the camp. The other two (including the camera man) follow. The camera
is trained towards a ridge some distance away where a group of oddly colored lights zig-zag above the
treetops. This activity is captured on film for six minutes, until the end of the reel.

 A file folder bearing the label "Anomaly 6, California". The contents are two publicly available satellite
photos (one from 1992, the other 2004) of a hilly area of Southern Monterey Country, CA, northeast of
Samson. Both maps show roughly the same patch of rolling hills, small farms, and the occasional larger
building with one critical difference. The second map shows one of the small valleys, about 1/2 across, has
been the subject to some sort of significant event. The soil has an ashen appearance while the surrounding trees
have been burned (careful inspection notes a radial falling of trees away from the center of the area) and
toppled. A short report summarizes a few investigatory telephone calls to local authorities who indicate that the
area suffered a small fire during a particularly violent thunderstorm. Whoever complied the notes indicates
they did not believe this story to be true.

 A small, slim English edition guidebook entitled 'A Guide to the Palace des Tuileries' produced by a French
publisher in 1982 as part of a series called Paris Historique. The book contains many attractive contemporary
color photographs and a relatively small amount of explanatory text.

The text has accumulated very few mistakes in the translation into English. It describes the rooms of the Palace
and their contents, and the history of the building until about 1978. After some time one of the investigators
remembers / reads in another book or on the internet / is told that the Tuileries Palace was destroyed in 1871,
during the suppression of the Paris Commune.

 A stack of Penthouse magazines, with every female face pasted over with cut-out photographs of fish-
heads. Their cold, ichthys eyes stare with eerie lust.

 A crudely hardbound copy of the Varo-Jessup papers. Upon cursory inspection this will appear to be a copy
of the actual Varo-Jessup text as described in the Delta Green corebook, but multiple people have added their
own annotations to the text, effectively expurgating any useful information by adding what appears to be well-
meaning but incorrect misinformation.

 Several pages of loose-leaf notes evidently written by a clinically insane man, chronicling his attempts to
figure out if goldfish can live in fishtanks filled with human blood. He describes in graphic detail how he
abducted, murdered, and drained the blood of two prostitutes, but seems to express far more guilt over the fact
that his experiment's subjects did not survive in the blood.
 A leather ziplock bag containing dozens of rolls of microfiche. On the sheets is a relatively comprehensive
copy of the infamous "Grudge/Blue Book 13" on alien crashes and Project Moon Dust. The one the Air Force
say never existed...

 Ten vintage, obviously aged issues of the pulp fiction magazine 'Weird Tales', dating from the late 1920s
and very early 1930s.
The 'weird' thing is that none of the contents of these copies match up with the listed contents of these
particular issues. None of the authors or stories in the table of contents are known 'Weird Tales' authors and
research will show they were never published in 'Weird Tales' or anywhere else. None of them seem to have
The common trait for these copies is that each contains a story by a "Jason Kalavich" who like the other
authors appears to never have existed.
Kalavich's stories and their themes seem strangely familiar to some readers, with their themes of cosmic horror
and ancient entities.
These stories feature titles like "The Sleeper in the Tomb", "The Hour of Cthulhu", "The Shadow from
Outside", "Fragments of a Forbidden Book", "The Parchment of Doom", "The Goat of Mendes", "Beneath the
Black Sun", "The Sorceror and the Nymph", "The Curse of the Mound" and ""Dawn of the Shoggoth".

 A battered copy of Volume XIV of the History of United States Naval Operations in World War II: "Victory
in the Pacific 1945" by Samuel Eliot Morison, published in 1964. The odd part are the handwritten notes in the
chapter on the fighting on Okinawa, 7-13 April 1945. The map on p219 has been annotated to say "deep sea
creatures here" next to the island of Tsugen Jima, on the east side of Okinawa. The text on p220 describes the
fighting on Tsugen Jima. Handwritten notes say that the 234 Japanese defenders killed were creatures from the
deep, and that the naval gunfire was critical to destroying them as they were invincible in combat with the

 An untitled book containing no writing, instead each page is illustrated with images of people with unseen
faces, engaged in an unknown and wild dance. As the book continues the figures start to blend and at the
climax, they combine into a hideous morass.

 Various accounts ledgers stolen from a bookkeeping company in Chicago. Much of it seems to relate to
payments going in and out of an Asia-America air-freight transporter called Tiger Transit.

 A large sized, moderately thick glossy covered paperback book, with hi-tech style graphics and lettering
entitled "Modern Enlightenment -Transhumanism Connections With The Occult" by Avis Lennox.

 A thin and badly glued paperback: "Illuminati vs. The Crown: The Army of the Third Eye", published by a
small neo-Nazi and millennialist press in St Petersburg, Florida.

The text is a synopsis of American Lee Coleman's founding of the Army of the Third Eye terrorist organisation
in Britain, its attacks on British interests, and the eventual arrest and destruction of the group in 1997, all tied
into a racist screed of Anglo-American Jewry, a secret war between Washington's Illuminati and the "Aryan"
Merovingian bloodline, and such. Nonetheless, the facts relating to Coleman and his group are accurate and
pay particular attention to contemporary reports of trepanation and "infestation", though in this case explaining
it in terms of brain-washing...

 A hand-written notebook filled with just the word "ZALGO" over and over again ...
 A set of autobiographies of the local magnate. They are heavily annotated and look like they've been read
over and over again.

 A cookie tin full of New York vacation trinkets: used bus-tickets, maps, stickers, attraction guides. All of
them are dated 1996, but somebody has gone through and whited-out the World Trade Centers wherever they

 Behind a drop cloth is a piece of dry wall. It was obviously cut out of a wall in a hurry. On it is the
instructions for the spell of your choice.

 A sealed folder containing typed documents that have been encrypted in ROT13 - when decoded the
documents turn out to be a dossier on Karotechia movements in Europe from 1999 to 2001

 A 20cm by 20cm chapbook of excellent cotton paper stitched at the spine with catgut. It's a personal journal
kept by noted Russian artist Olga Vladimirovna Rozanova of the Supremus school of painters. She painted the
text in water color, rather than write longhand. Her Cubist/Russian Futurist-like paintings of flattened
dimensions illuminate the text. Of note, an entry from 13 October 1913: "Sleepless, four days: men of many
pale colors and flat shapes stalk me along edges of buildings, rooms, anywhere with straight lines, corners.
Sense them at edge of vision. If my skull were a clear glass, I could see them. Alexi and Velimir mock me, play
at my fear with their cruel nonsense poems." Sharp anthromorphic masses emerging from pub scenes
accompany this entry.

 A slightly dented and creased cardboard box of the sort copier or printer paper comes in. The box is filled
with several reams of single-sided printout of posts from a Livejournal community called "Wikileaks Kink
Meme," and features erotic fanfiction about publically known members and associates of Wikileaks as well as
many and sundry people whom are suspected of being part of the Wikileaks team in a covert capacity. The
fanfic (mostly slash) is about what you would expect, it's all over the spectrum of quality (ranging from claw-
your-eyes-out bad to discreetly-save-it-for-later engaging) and paraphilia. 1/1D6 SAN, four weeks to read the
whole archive, two weeks to skim for the high points.

Most interesting of the whole morass are a handful of stories that prominently feature members of the
(suspected) Wikileaks team engaging in fantastic black ops to gather classified information among the hot and
heavy sex. Friendlies will probably not make head nor tail of these stories but Delta Green operatives may
recognize missions that they were a part of or had peripheral involvement in. These stories are circled with red
feltpen and annotated with such legends as "WTF?!?" and "This is a breach of security! Who wrote this????"
The exact stories so noted are left to the fertile imagination of the Keeper.

 A detailed report from the vivisection of a male in his fifties only identified as "The Agent". The report
notes indications that some unidentified biological entity has been present in the subject's chest-cavity, but is
now gone. The vivisection ends with the subject being injected with a lehal dose of morphine. A handwritten
note at the end of the report says: "Never call me again, you Green fucks!".

 A 16mm film reel in a can labeled "SIRHAN B SIRHAN 1967" If played it appears to be surveillance
footage of Sirhan Sirhan walking about the streets of Pasadena, CA approximately half a year before the RFK

 A hand written account of a visit by three UFO conspiracy theorists to RAF Woodbridge. The account tells
of them driving around the perimeter of the base photographing "MOD Property" notices. It then goes on to
tell of their arrest by plainclothes security officers. The account ends with "then they shot us all and buried us
in an unmarked grave."

 Manilla folders holding medical records of US senators that served in the 1960s with a special focus on
their medication intake. Hand written notes in red ink cover the pages. The red notes make references to a
number of compounds that are not found in any known medical text.

 A small binder filled with pictures of the Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin. A few pictures at the back show
a dilapidated house in the Russian steppes. The final picture shows five men holding machine guns and assault
rifles, and a handwritten caption reads: "Lets see if the bastard can survive this!"

 A manila folder entitled "R. Costas". Inside are 48 typed, single spaced pages detailing the health of Mr.
Robert Costas of Pierre, South Dakota. Further reading will show that Mr. Costas suffered from a degenerate
lung condition unknown to the doctors and staff in his care. By all accounts he was a healthy man of 52. He
was in fine condition, until the summer of 1982. He complained of breathing trouble after a camping trip in the
Oregon wilderness. The last 3 pages detailing the autopsy reports have been blacked out in strategic places.

 200-page file last updated in 1967 . Entitled " "Where Is He Now?" dedicated to Rudolf Hess - which
contains hitherto unseen reports from both Axis and Allied sources on his life, medical history, psychological
profiles, etc . It also contains a series of " aged " photographs purporting to show how Hess would look in
1970, 1975, and 1980 . The pictures bear zero resemblence to the prisoner who resided in Spandau Prison

 A red folder covered with Department of Energy classification notices, FBI confiscation records, and even
a DoD Top Secret clearance. Its contents are incongruous for such a flurry of government activity: crude
sketches of a bizarre, spherical animal which (according to an apparent middle-schooler's description of
biology and nuclear physics) would be able to sustain cold-fusion reactions within its digestive system by
simply eating uranium.

Even a glance should be enough to tell an educated individual that everything about this is incorrect, making
the federal panic seem even more surreal.

 A handwritten copy, in Aramaic, of of what seems to be the proclamation of Ashoka at Kandahar. This is
written on a sheet of paper which appears to be torn from a Federal Supply Service notebook. There are
multiple spelling errors, and an alteration is made to the sixth line which is not present in the original. The
alteration describes the victory of the righteous army against the horde of the great r??k???asa and the
subsequent banishment of said r??k???asa to Patala or the underworld.

 A piece of notebook paper, crumpled up and tossed in a corner, on which someone has quickly sketched out
a rough family tree. Although the male lines are shown, only the females names are written out, from 'Bertrade'
at the top, to 'Gerberge' at the bottom. A successful History roll will reveal that this is the family tree of the
Carolingian dynasty, circa 752 - 987 CE. The name "Hildegard of Vintschgau, 758-783" is highlighted, circled
and double underlined.

 A December 1996 issue of Playboy Magazine. All of the eyes have been cut out of the models and various
words have been underlined or circled.

 A faded postcard sent from Madison, Wisconsin to Birmingham, Alabama. The picture shows a fisherman
standing holding up fish with several tentacles protruding from odd places on it's body. The text on the post-
card reads. "Come back soon Mary. The kids miss you."
 A crumpled piece of notebook paper, reading "The CIA...DEA...EPA...FDA...FAA...all ending in 'A'. Not
coincidence. Never trust the bastards ending with 'A', they run the world behind the scenes..."

The paper is wrapped around an unlabelled VHS tape, which, if played, shows a confused-looking man
stumbling around a public restroom. He seems to be completely oblivious to the cameraman. Judging by his
facial expressions and walking pattern, he seems be heading towards a bathroom stall, suddenly forgets what
he was doing, paces around somewhat drunkenly for a few seconds, remembers, walks towards the stall, then
forgets again in a seemingly unending loop. This continues for fifteen minutes, and then a door can be heard
opening, and a deep voice from behind the camera says, 'Turn it off.'

 A silver CD entitled "Yuggae Slam" (in black text). Contains 6 tracks of weird reggae-style music using
electronic tones. Anyone who listens to the whole thing will invariably picture a twisted tower or helix of
shining globes in their minds. This response is universal and the only sinister thing about the CD.

 A stack of 20 loose notebook pages, bound in butcher twine. The paper itself is very old, heavily smoke-
and water-damaged, and charred around the edges. A small note on top of the stack reads:
I found these in an alley next to your apartment, after the fire. I hope they are still of use.
- RJ"

The pages are covered in writing - in both English and Serbian - and mathematical formulas. The majority of
the work is either smudged beyond recognition or outright indecipherable, but it appears to be a completed
work on a unified field theory. The final page does not seem to be related to the others, but appears to be the
schematics for a hovercraft of some sort.

 A rather standard looking Gideon Bible, of the type found in almost every hotel room in the United States.
Every reference to the Devil has been replaced with a very small (small enough to avoid disrupting the
typeface) pair of stylized glaring eyes. Looking at them makes the reader feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

 A military file on a Mossad operation, written in Hebrew. Players capable of reading it will find that it
pertains to an operation in which agents extracted a purported psychic from a small town in Libya. The psychic
proved to be a fraud, but had valuable information on unknown oil wells.

 A children's coloring book pertaining to astronauts and the Moon; the second half of the book's pages are
covered in hastily-copied technical diagrams depicting both American and French ICBMs, which are almost
certainly classified information.

 A notebook filled with a detailed handwritten plan on how to burn down a particular brand of retirement
homes, and how to make sure no one inside will be able to leave the building when the fire has started.

 A confoundingly convoluted and heavily annotated (with cramped handwritten notes that are variously in
red ink, black ink, and pencil) staple bound monograph claiming to record the "Wisdom of the Hyperboreans
and their Magicks", specifically the creation of "Portals linking places many leagues distant and Higher
Realms" (Cthulhu Mythos: +3, Sanity loss: -1d4/-2d4, Study time: 24 weeks). Requires a read English and
three successful mathematics rolls due to the archaic language and obscure concepts.)

 An Oxford box filled with typewritten pages that seem to reports of surveillance on the routes of various
pedestrians through the city streets, how long to the second they stayed in this or that store or restaurant, and so
 A stack of comic books. Several of them are marked up with pen, random words circled. It is possible there
is a message or code somewhere in here.

 A softbound English language copy of the Chinese "I-Ching", an ancient text on astrology and divination.
Bound to the book with rubber bands are fifty yarrow stalks, three Chinese coins, and a five-dollar bill.

 A Roughly worn 13x21 cm red moleskine journal. The pages are filled with check lists, Poetry fragments,
poorly drawn doodles, sketches of floor plans for various buildings of obviously fictitious origin. The hand
writing is blocky, all caps, and hard to read. The contact details in the front of the book are covered with broad
strokes of permanent marker. The 'return reward' line is visible with '$25' scribbled in.

Closer scrutiny will reveal that the owner is most likely named 'Tony' and he was a third year student at Iowa
University in 2004.

This Journal was gifted to him on his birthday, August 24th, and the last date recorded is June 5th.
The ten last entries are devoid of check lists, doodles, or poetry. His hand writing is much cleaner, and he
speaks of his plans to Leave Iowa U and apply to 'Tintron College of Architectural Design' No such College
exists on record.

The checklists mainly consist of homework assigned through out the year, And club meetings.

The Doodles usually consist of sprawling spirals and squares with no obvious meaning or purpose.

The poetry is free form and of middling quality, Close inspection will show that every 5th poem will be about
a character with same name as the first agent who picks it up. The last poem of this type details the Character's
death at the hands of a angry gorrila, aged 98.

The Floor plans start out as random ideas for a TTRPG John wants to run. It's setting seems to be the modern
day. A very close inspection will show that the floor plans are functionally identical to the childhood homes,
Schools, and other frequented buildings of all agents in the group.

 A large book bound in eland hide, with no identifying markings on the cover. The title page proclaims it to
be "An overview of religion among West African natives". The emphasis is on the more outre cults, including
some which worship entities resembling Shudde M'Ell and Nyogtha. Recognizing the resemblance costs the
reader 1/1d4 SAN and imparts +1 Mythos.

 A hardback of Sarah Palin's biography "Going Rogue" - but the woman on the front cover is not Sarah
Palin. It might be excused as a mix-up at the printers, if it weren't for the fact every photograph in the book -
from childhood to adulthood - is of the woman who's not Sarah Palin. The text is otherwise exactly the same.

 A slim, black book, written in English, cheaply bound and very tattered, with brown pages crumbling at the
edges. On the title page, it is dated London, 1904, and authorship is attributed to someone calling himself
"rother A. Poole, Opener of the Gate". The title of the book is "The New Revelation Revealed to the Elect".
The actual text is quite strange, but boring, lots of borrowing from the book of Revelations and certain nastier
parts of the Old Testament, with other sections apparently based on the works of people ranging from Charles
Darwin to the philospher Jeremy Bentham to spiritualists and occultists like Madame Blavatsky; the result is a
strange and turgid hodgepodge. The final summing up of the hundred or pages is a caution, or rather summons,
to the "Faithful Brothers and Sisters of the Elect" to withdraw from the world and settle together in a
"Secluded Spot" at the first oppurtunity.
 An aged, yellowed pamphlet entitled "Satan's Chariot" which warns readers of the evils of riding bicycles.
It is dated November 13, 1883.

 A small faux-leather notepad containing the real name, address, telephone number, social security number,
family members etc. of eleven Delta Green agents and seventeen friendlies. This includes the reader's own

 The instruction manual to an unreleased flat screen HD TV. It has all the standard set up information, but
also 15 pages on what to do if the TV begins to display strange images, including a chess piece, a green
hamburger, a fox corpse and a bloody pentagram. The instruction for each scenario is simply "Unplug the
device and burn it."

 Collection of confidential reports submitted between January 1963 and December 1990 to various Avation
Safety Boards in the US, Canada, UK and Denmark. A handwritten note reads: "recommend pull files March
2000, DBR" The reports are of unusual observations made by pliots of transatlantic flights while crossing the
ice over northern Canada and Greenland. Most of the reports describe patterns of lights seen on the ground.
(These are the four countries which control the most northerly transatlantic crossings, Greenland falling under
Danish control for much of the period.)

 A flash drive with mp3 audio files. They are mostly recordings of an unknown numbers station, speaking in
Hebrew. The last one is a scientist explaining some salient points of anatomy on an anomalous humanoid.

 A map of a local park with 3 Xs marked by red sharpie ink. If the spots are investigated, they will find 3
dead drops containing a ziplock bag full of cocaine, a cigar box containing 5 %100 dollar bills and a voodoo
doll, respectively.

 A slim handsome leather-bound journal stamped with the name "Jas. Smythe" containing a record of his
travels and encounters, most of which were banal. After the investigator examines it it vanishes the moment he
takes his eyes off of it, reappearing in his pocket, his vehicle, or his current residence, at the Keeper's whim. It
now bears his real name and contains the true version of his travels and encounters. Attempts to destroy or
discard it prove fruitless; it always reappears in his possession and remains so until his death, at which time it
reurns to the Green Box to await its next owner.

 An article ripped out of a national law enforcement journal. It documents a rising trend of arrests along the
nations highways of down and out drug addicts who have heard a rumor that they could get high by finding
and drinking from 'trucker bombs', which are bottles that cross country truck drivers urinate into then toss from
their windows, on the erroneous assumption that most truck drivers are speed or meth users. Although written
in a humorous tone, someone has written across the page, "Italian folk magic/mojo/hoodoo? This bears further

 A decade-old hentai comic book titled "Flush Twice" in a stylized tentacle font. The cover art depicts a
bright white cake with a red candle for every year on the agent's next birthday. The protagonist in the comic is
obviously the agent, who engages in one debauhced sex act after another with all kinds of aliens, mythos
creatures, sculpted scat, food, and anime-cute waitresses/waiters. The comic concludes with the agent diving
down a toilet (see the 1996 movie "Trainspotting") into a fairy-tale underwater city populated by friendly sea
monkeys. The final frame reads, "Life after the flush?"

 A once-white pamphlet, now faded and tinged with yellow, devoid of any other colors or pictures. On the
front is a single word in verdana font: "Skin". Opening the pamphlet reveals nothing inside but the following
paragraphs, again in verdana font:

"Skin Donation: You have been selected!

We of the Love Corporation, LLC., have been in the process of abducting lone travelers on America's interstate
system for the past eighty years. We are the main cause of missing persons in this country, and have held the
championship title for nearly fifty years (save, of course, for a brief period in the 70's when that bothersome
Satanic cult stalked the lovely denizens of Vallejo, CA., and nabbed nearly two-hundred souls. What a

If you have responded correctly to the fear catalyst that we've infiltrated into your vechicle through the air
conditioning system, then you are sitting in a little patch of sand on a service route, just off of I-85. Please stay
right where you are, as a highly trained Love Corporation representative is approaching your location as you
read this very pamphlet, to collect all of your skin. Thank you very much for the donation and have a
wonderful day!

J. G. Waldenfont"

 A seemingly random collection of pornographic magazines dating back to the 1950s, ranging from 50s-60s
era "girlie mags" to more modern softcore magazines and hardcore magazines to magazines pandering to a
variety of fetishes and auidences. Every magazine has pages that have been marked, all pages with
photographs of what appears to be the same blond haired, blue eyed woman. The woman in the pictures is
always the same age, no matter what year a particular magazine was published.. Underneath these magazines
is a collection of men's fitness magazines, dating back to the 1970s. Pages featuring a male model who could
easily be the above woman's brother have been marked. He also appears to be the same age in all the pictures.
When the models are identified and the magazines are of the same year, the man and woman share the same
last name.

 A slim, black book, written in English, cheaply bound and very tattered, with brown pages crumbling at the
edges. On the title page, it is dated London, 1904, and authorship is attributed to someone calling himself
"rother A. Poole, Opener of the Gate". The title of the book is "The New Revelation Revealed to the Elect".
The actual text is quite strange, but boring, lots of borrowing from the book of Revelations and certain nastier
parts of the Old Testament, with other sections apparently based on the works of people ranging from Charles
Darwin to the philospher Jeremy Bentham to spiritualists and occultists like Madame Blavatsky; the result is a
strange and turgid hodgepodge. The final summing up of the hundred or pages is a caution, or rather summons,
to the "Faithful Brothers and Sisters of the Elect" to withdraw from the world and settle together in a
"Secluded Spot" at the first oppurtunity.

 A ripped and stained paper grocery bag containing a large stack of swinger's magazines catering to the local
community. The sections of personal ads in the back of each issue are dog eared and densely scribbled on.
About a third of the advertisements in each issue are circled with red feltpen. Some of the circled ads are
thickly crossed out as well. If the agents decide to investigate the crossed out names, they will be known to
some agents of other cells as having been involved in Mythos-related activities (usually procuring meals for

 A flip-book.depicting a clown laughing.

 A wall map of the world. Even the most casual geographer will notice a number of irregularities: the PRC's
Muslim-Chinese province of Xinjiang is labelled "East Turkestan SSR", Vietnam is shaded the 51st state of the
USA, and much of Tibet and its surrounding lands are simply titled "Leng", among others...

The publisher's mark claims the map was printed by The People's State Cartographical Bureau (International
Dept.) of Gdansk, People's Republic of Poland, 1975.

 A handwritten copy of the Gospel of Judas Iscariot

 A CD jewel-case with a crudely photoshopped cover advertising itself as "The Complete Spoken Word
NECRONOMICON (Unabridged)". If played, the CD actually contains 33 tracks of someone reading extracts
from the neo-Nazi novella "The Turner Diaries". Sounding bored, the reader mispronounces the bigger words
and stops every so often to have a drink or eat something. The accent is untraceable Mid-Western, but
definitely rural in inflection.

 A thoroughly blood-stained photocopy of Yukio Mishima's short story "Patriotism". In the margins,
someone has written excepts of dialog from the movie "Men Behind the Sun"

 The first two pages of a letter addressed to Christie's auction house, London, dated January, 1975. The
unknown author claims to have inherited from his father a rough draft copy of Shakespeare's Henry VI, part 2,
with notable differences from the final version. The villain, Jack Cade, is depicted as having supernatural
powers, and exhorting the populace to rebel against the nobility and, "...return to the worship of the eldest
gods." The man who in the later version kills Cade for a reward on his head is depicted as his accomplice, who
helps him to fake his death. In a grisly scene, the two kidnap and murder a pregnant woman and her husband
during a ritual which will allow Cade to escape to France through a magical portal. The husband's head is later
turned in for the reward on Cade's own. The author claims each of these three sections contain margin notes,
presumably from the censors of the Company of Stationers, saying, "Leave this in at your peril!"

 A folk-art piece depicting the Rapture. Intermingled with figures of angels are several fungi from Yuggoth.
The angels attending God (who is depicted as a swirling golden light) are all bearing flutes while Satan is
three-legged and bears a single enormous red horn. An art historian can place the origin of the painting to the
Ozarks, probably in the early 1970s but the painter is unknown.

 "An original copy of Lewis Carrol's 'Alice's Adventures Underground.' Inside the manuscript, every
instance of the word 'cat' is underlined in red sharpie."

 A handwritten manuscript simply entitled "Service"; if one of the investigators was in the military during
war, he or she will find that it contain details that the author couldn't possibly have known about unless they
had been in the investigator's platoon (or equivalent unit); though the book is written in the first person, there
isn't enough information about the narrator for the investigator to determine which member of his/her unit
actually wrote it; the handwriting, prose, descriptions, etc. are unfamiliar,

 The other experimental notes of Mengele. San damage is at the DMs discretion

 A paperback book: "Genetic Revival: Your Way To A New Body", by Marvandas Yul. The book contains a
30-day program claiming to raise the body of its adherent to the "pinnacle of human evolution". The program
involves ingesting specific combinations of over-the-counter medicines together with the reciting of advanced
"Yogic Mantras", which looks suspiciously like incantations to a suspicious eye.

 A tall stack of very tattered tabletop RPG books. The books are crammed full of wrinkled and torn sheets of
paper, sticky notes, and chewing gum wrappers are used as bookmarks. The margins are, unsurprisingly, full of
scribbled notes. The notes are actually speculations and observations about which of the futures or parallel
worlds might be the most likely future of the human race (in your Delta Green game). Three weeks to skim the
whole mess, six weeks to comprehend the notes and cross references.

If the character makes it all the way to the end, they will determine that the most probable future will be that of
Shadowrun (third edition).

 A DVD it appears to be an episode of 'Breaking Bad' which crosses-over with 'Supernatural.' If investigated
no one associated with either show has any knowledge of this DVD or any memory of working on it. It is a
very enjoyable episode though.

 A box containing videotaped copies of every episode of The Price is Right, up until July 2004, 3 episodes
per tape. Also inside the box is a series of notes, what if anything the person was trying to prove is impossible
to understand.

 Blueprints of a fancy new coastal resort being built in modern day Innsmouth.

An Architecture roll noticed several weird angles and hidden passages built into the hotel.

 A simple leather bound book. Embossed on the cover iais the image of a double headed eagle and the
words "Imperial Guardsman's Uplifting Primer" The book contains various tactical information for an
unknown military

 Dozens of loose pages ripped out of an English-language copy of "Lonely Planet - Kathmandu". Each sheet
has been stamped "DESTROY AFTER READING - NOFORN".

 Half a dozen VHS tapes labeled "Property of Springfield Police Department" and each sealed with
evidence tape. The tape on all six has been cut. If watched the videos contain six hours of uneditted footage
from two different camera men on a film team from the "COPS" television show. Five hours and thirty minutes
into the tapes the team, following a pair of officers, enters an alley after getting reports of a possible crazed
drug addict from locals and finds a man in filthy ragged clothes bent over another man laying on the ground,
When commanded to put up his hands by the offices it becomes clear that the filthy man has been eating the
stomach of the man on the ground. Both officers open fire and one of the camera men flees. The filthy man
staggers but does not fall and hisses something difficult to hear and which causes the tracking on the VHS to
shift. Both officers then turn and being shooting the camera crew, causing both cameras to be dropped and
face, respectively, a wooden fence and a brick wall. Both camera tapes play out for twenty-five minutes and
while the view never changes the sound of dragging can be heard mixed in with city background noise. 2%
Cthulhu Mythos and 1/1d6 SAN for watching the tapes in their entirety.

 A handwritten cook-book detailing several recipes based on Ghoul-meat. Most of them include the
ingredient: "Chili! Lots of Chili!".

 A 2009 undergraduate prospectus for Miskatonic University, Mass.

 Manilla folder containing some newspaper clippings and a couple of faded, dingy flyers. The flyers are
advertisments for the appearances of a band called Scorched Earth at two separate L.A. rock clubs (both now
long since defunct). The clippings are stories from L.A. newspapers about the band's frontman and lead singer
"Joey Gestalt" aka Frank Rodker or rather his mysterious murder back in 1989. His body was found in an alley
behind a Chinese restaurant. While his body was emaciated and showed signs of severe drug abuse what
caught everyone's attention was that the top of Gestalt?s head had been removed, along with his brain, "with
surgical precision". Police detectives speculated it was the work of a serial killer.
Scorched Earth had broken up about a year before Gestalt's body was discovered; they and their occult-
reference flavored sound had enjoyed a very short-lived vogue in the L.A. rock club scene. Gestalt had,
according to several of the articles, been completely broke at the time of the break-up and supposedly been
living on the streets since then.

 A nation-wide FBI BOLO (Be-On-Look-Out) fax for one Johnny Carcosa, a known drug-dealer from
Boston. A pock-marked Hispanic youth, he always wears a yellow bandana over the face. Lisps. Wanted in
connection with a number of bizarre drug-related deaths across New England.

 A small film canister, containing what proves to be a Warner Bros. Road Runner cartoon. The colors are
extremely faded, and noticeably pyramid-shaped rock formations can be seen in some of the backgrounds. Two
and a half minutes into the cartoon, as Wile E. Coyote is chasing the Road Runner along a desert highway, he
abruptly catches the bird by the neck. He comes to a stop and turns toward the viewer. The film stops at that

 The Yellow Pages for Billings, Montana. The Churches and Mental Health Providers sections are defaced
with red permanent marker by large scrawled "LIARS!", repeated enough times to cover the entire pages.

 A dog-eared old paperback copy of J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Silmarillion" with various words and passages in
the text marked in red highlighter. Reading through the text and trying to find a pattern to the selected portions
causes a whanging headache and 0/1 SAN loss.

 A Wisconsin highway map, with a section of highway 33 between Interstate 90/94 and the city of Baraboo
marked in yellow highlighter and an FM radio frequency written in black ink and three sets of call letters. The
second set is circled in red. If a car stereo is tuned to the radio frequency on that section of road there will be
three radio stations competing for reception. The first and third of the call letters are normal radio stations--
one out of Madison and one out of LaCrosse. The station represented by the second set of call letters, however,
is a bit odd. Along with the regular weather forecast, the radiation level is given. The U.S. president is named
"Derzon", and announcements by the Department of Homeland Security are read along with the news,
including a listing of enemies of the state. (Occasionally the names of characters may show up.) None of the
songs played on the station will be recognizable. Additionally, the morning show is sponsored by Studebaker
This station is received less often than the other two, and the reception is frequently poor.

 A printed list of 200 US Military officers, from different branches, cross-referenced against their bank
accounts. A succesful Library Use roll will reveal that they all are in some way connected to confirmed or
rumoured war crimes. A succesful Accounting roll will show that they all received large sums of money,
distributed in several smaller transfers, from classified sources both before and after the atrocities. Several of
them have also died and disappeared in the last few years.

 A dog-eared book containing excruciatingly detailed anatomical drawings of unknown flora and fauna.
Forensic analysis reveals that the ink used is a substance like human blood.

 "A slim book entitled "How to Legally Wed Your Close Relatives." Poorly
edited and apparently self-published during the 1950s, most of the book
is filled with the anonymous author's long rambling opinions on why
family members should only wed other family members and lots of dubious
legal advice on how to deal with "the authorities"."
 A 1989 Seattle phone book, with a relatively large percentage of names highlighted seemingly at random. If
examined closely for any pattern, the only one that can be found is that every person highlighted has the same
letter at the start of their first name as the end of their last name, i.e. "Sandy Stevens", "Robert Baker",
"Norman Brown", "Katherine Nowak", etc.

 A book from the from the apparently benign religious group that is handed out by its members on every
street corner. What makes this copy different is the number of footnotes scribbled in by an unknown writer.

The notes talk about the deeper meanings and dark secrets of religion's practices and beliefs detailed in the
book With each page the secrets becomes more disturbing and writing becomes more unhinged. The notes
sometimes belittle the religion's members as stupid dupes that deserve their eventual fates and at other times
make frantic pleas for the reader to help those in the group.

 A recent model Panasonic Toughbook 31 ruggedized notebook sits atop a cheap beige folding table
connected to a frayed network cable. A successful computer use check will show it is part of a secure DG
subnet hosted by a hacked cell phone tower. The cable connects to a transceiver and directional antennae
concealed in a plastic crate on the facility's roof. The username and absurdly long password have been texted
to one of the cell members by Cell-A. Numerous YouTube shortcuts on the desktop link to a series of truly
bizarre videos titled "Unarius: The Arrival", produced by a Southern California religious group called the
"Unarian Academy of Science".

 An entire giraffe skin inside a plastic box. Appearing to have been cut across the middle, it has the entire
text of one tome (Keeper's choice) written on it. A yellow Post-It note stuck on top of the box reads: "You don't
even want to know. Trust me."

 A ring-binder labelled "DOUBT #23A" containing long-distance surveillance photos of various couples in
sexually compromising positions. Obviously blackmail material, each has the location the photograph was
taken, along with a time-stamp and date.

The first investigator going through the collection stumbles upon a picture of someone looking remarkably like
their significant other performing a graphic sex act on an unknown individual (Sanity loss 1/D2+1).

 Document box containing files from the office of a local psychiatrist. All files relate to patients with fixed
delusions concerning occult or supernatural occurrences. A Psychology/Psyychoanalysis roll allows the reader
to read "between the lines" of the files and determine that the course of treatment in every case has been at best
highly unorthodox and at worst highly unethical and harmful for the patients. Further investigation reveals
several former patients have commited crimes and others have disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

 A 300-page, home-bound, draft-print biography of Jackson Elias, famed pre-Second World War explorer
and occult investigator, who was murdered in New York in 1925. Almost half the book is about tying his death
to the equally strange disappearance of the Carlyle Expedition some years earlier.

Anyone reading the book will get the impression the anonymous author knew a lot more than they were letting
on in the text, as they bring seemingly unrelated events that occurred in China and London to the story yet
leave the reason for inclusion tantalisingly out of reach.

 What first appears to be a normal kitchen knife upon closer examination has a a handle carved from black
stone, and a blade made of pure silver. The edge of the blade seems slightly darker than it should, like it has
been stained with blood, but analysis shows no trace of such.
 A box of shotgun shells that have been opened and repacked. Closer examination shows that the shot of
each shell has been replaced with hand-made iron nails, the sort of kitsch you'd buy at a rennfaire.

 A super-soaker-type water gun, with a tank filled with gasoline and a BBQ grill lighter taped to the front of
it, positioned so the stream of fuel will pass through the flame, making it a makeshift flamethrower

Please note, this is actually a terrible idea. Anyone attempting to use this device will be able to fire one shot, as
per a normal flamethrower, at which point either the heat will melt the plastic and seal the nozzle of the water
gun, or the fire will chase the fuel stream up into the gun and it will explode (Character using the flamethrower
is entitled to a Luck roll to see what happens).

 A black polymer tube, roughly the dimensions of a rolled-up poster, which could be dismissed as a
telescope or container. A small hole in the center of the bottom is revealed to be a muzzle after further
investigation, and the top contains a well-concealed rolling-block mechanism opening up to the breech of a
single-shot weapon which is fired by a sharp smack to the back end of the tube. It accepts a single 9x19mm
round, and half of its 1 1/2 foot length is an extremely efficient suppressor. Combined with its lack of moving
parts, the weapon makes very little sound, but the lack of sights and trigger makes it essentially a point-blank-
only weapon.

 A box of five 12 gauge hollow point slugs. An attached note says simply "Now With Cyanide" followed by
a smiley face. An inspection of the slugs reveals that the hollows in the nose have been filled with something
and the ends sealed with glue.

It is left to the keeper to decide how effective this is as a poison delivery system.

 A pistol that seems to be a standard Colt 1911A1 .45 Pistol. The thing is once used it actually fires a small .
32 caliber round at the user from a hidden barrel.

 Inside a flimsy plastic bag is an extremely crude zip gun made from two pieces of plumbing pipe, a rusty
screw fastened into a metal end cap, and a single 9mm bullet. Dried blood covers end of the thinner pipe.
Known as a "Slap Gun", it is fired by slamming the smaller pipe holding the cartridge into the larger pipe with
the nail. An aura of despair radiates from the thing, as if it had absorbed the feelings of its many suicidal
owners. This particular device was found in the hands of a homeless man, later identified as the missing agent

 A horribly rusted and corroded LeMat revolver, which looks as though it spent the time between the
American Civil War and now at the bottom of a salt-water estuary. Any gunsmith (or layman, for that matter)
will insist there is no way it will function, although it inexplicably does.

 A colorful bag with the text "Happy Birthday!" splashed across in big letters. Inside is a pair of brand new
spiked brass knuckles.

 A cardboard box containing five one liter glass bottles filled with an oily liquid. Each bottle is wrapped
with paper held in place with rubber bands. These are self-igniting molotov cocktails; when ruptured, the
sulfuric acid within the bottle ( combined with motor oil and gasoline ) contacts the paper which is
impregnated with potassium chlorate.

 A powerful recurve bow, plus a quiver holding a dozen handmade wooden arrows. The arrowheads are
made from old silver coins and each has a crude approximation of an Elder Sign cut into it.
 One 8mm Nambu pistol with magazine, loaded. It appears brand new in spite of the fact this make and
model haven't been made since Japan lost WWII. If viewed under a black light, the serial number and other
makers marks glow white.

 A crude iron trident, about 6' long, covered with stylized carvings of squids, sea-horses and clams. It is very
heavy and unwieldy unless used with a strength of 16 or more. The iron in the weapon has a particularly low
amount of sulphur in it, making it very resistant to corrosion.

 A Vietnam-era USMC M2A1-7 flamethrower, perfectly maintained. There are three extra sets of fully-
charged cylinders. A three-ring binder contains a photocopy of the official instruction manual, quick-use notes,
and details for cleaning, maintaining, restocking and long-term storage of the unit. There are eight notches
scratched into the side of the firing trigger.

 A battered and somewhat rusty, but very functional 12 gauge double-barrel shotgun with its barrels cut
down to 10" or so. There is also a carton containing nine of the original twenty-five old all-brass 12 gauge
shotgun shells. Each shell has been loaded with a stack of nine silver dimes instead of lead pellets.

 A handmade wooden box containing a French MAT-49 submachine gun rechambered in 7.62x25mm. The
weapon comes with two 32 round magazines one empty, one loaded with 30 rounds. The box also has US
capture documentation from Vietnam dated late 1967. Any reference to the serviceman who brought back the
weapon has been cut out of the documents with a knife.

 A somewhat monstrous version of an H&K MP5, half cobbled together and half built from the ground up
by a skilled gunsmith who really, REALLY wanted a sub-machine gun chambered in .50AE. Damage is
1d10+1d6+3, but the recoil is almost comically absurd, the magazine capacity is only 14, and the weapon will
fail catastrophically (explosively) on a roll of 94 or above due to the huge pressures involved.

 A rather thick metal ruler; handling it may make the investigator think it is hollow. Careful inspection
reveals a flexible seam around the 9" mark and a well hidden bullet-sized plug at the 1" side which conceals a
gun barrel.

In reality it is a single-shot .32 caliber hidden gun, fired by sharply bending the rear part to the left or right. As
such its range is pathetic and it is essentially one-use-only.

 Wrapped in oiled cloth and stowed away in a long wooden box, you find an 1852 pattern Prussian light
cavalry Saber. Small dots of rust are evident near the base of the blade, but otherwise the sword appears to be
in excellent shape. Anyone with knowledge of such weapons will see that the sword's hilt has been fitted to the
hand of a specific person. Anyone else will find the grip uncomfortable. Engraved near the base of the blade is
the name Vogel, just under the image of an eagle..

 A tesla coil hooked up to a set of batteries. It has been setup to be remotely triggered. Why someone would
go through this much trouble to make a remote activated one is unclear.

 A crudely-forged, amateurish stainless-steel broadsword, with a butane lighter incorporated into the hilt.
Nearby are hastily scribbled and somewhat incomprehensible instructions on how to create a napalm-like
coating to apply to the blade, in order to get a genuine flaming sword.

In addition to this clearly being a terrible idea, a Psychology roll while reading through the instructions, and
the attached printouts of e-mails sent to A-Cell by an agent Ulysses advocating the standardization of this
weapon, reveal its creator, agent Ulysses, to be clinically insane. He evidently began regarding Delta Green to
be a modern day Camelot, complete with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (he begins referring
to himself as 'your Merlin' as time goes by). None of Ulysses' e-mails appear to have been answered, and if
asked, A-Cell will inform the investigators that he became a danger to DG security and had to be terminated.

 A slingshot carved from the bones of a very large animal (an African elephant, if someone figures it out).
Its ammunition resembles some sort of homemade paintball, but when cracked open the balls reveal a live
poisonous spider. It's unclear how the spiders survived inside, since they seem to have been inside the Green
Box for weeks, if not months.

 A knife with a foot-long bronze blade and a leather-wrapped bone handle. Examination by a skilled
investigator will reveal that the bone handle is a human tiba, taken from an adult. The whole thing looks brand

 A heavy hockey stick, with razorblades superglued to the inside of the crook as if someone had attempted
to convert it into a homemade scythe. The razorblades and the crook are somewhat corroded, as if coated with

 This is an old, worn, slightly battered-looking M1911A1 "Government Model" .45 ACP pistol with a single
magazine. The front sight has been removed and replaced with a small brass crucifix, soldered in place.

 Concealed within an oil-stained "Crown Royal" bag, a floppy disk sits besides a FN Barracuda revolver.
The revolver comes alongside three interchangeable cylinders, allowing the gun to chamber either 9mm, .38,
or .357 bullets. However, the firing pin has been shortened ever so slightly, as to prevent the weapon from ever
firing properly. Finding a replacement pin is difficult, but possible, if the Keeper is willing. The floppy disk
contains a text file, explaining that the weapon was sabotaged for an operation performed by B-cell back in the
mid 80's, and should not be used for combat.

 It appears Delta Green somehow came into possession of one of the few XM8 prototype rifles made for the
Army; it lies in an opened shipping crate cradled by packing peanuts, as well as twelve magazines fitting it
(since it doesn't accept normal STANAG magazines).

A note rests on top of the weapon:

"Remember, there are NO SPARE PARTS for this thing. At all. So don't break it, ok?"

 A plastic evidence bag containing a leather bullwhip. Someone has carefully fastened pieces of razorblades
to the tip. It is moderately stained with dried blood.

 This is a Beretta 92fs 9x19mm Parabellum handgun. The markings, and serial numbers have all been
scratched out, though if the wielder was ever enlisted in the military, they may be able to make out the smallest
hint that the weapon bears his units insignia.

When disassembled, the weapon is in pristine condition, and fits back together easily. No matter what sort of
treatment the weapon receives, it will always be this way.

If the weapon is forgotten somewhere, it will appear in the strangest of places, almost as if it were placed there
by mistake, such as a pocket, or nightstand drawer.
 A Husqvarna 385XP gas-powered chainsaw with a 24" blade; 15lbs, low-vibration, quick-start. Despite
being cleaned after its last use, a forensics exam of the chainsaw will reveal specks of human gore and blood.
DNA from the samples will match 10 year old twins missing since 2001; the twins are on the NCMEC list.

 A well-wrought and polished set of brass knuckles. Inspecting them more closely, or attempting to wield
them, reveals that they are very small in size, and the holes appear to be sized for very thin, dainty fingers. It
will also be noted that they are unusually dented, as though used by someone with superhuman strength.

 A museum-grade replica of an ancient Roman "gladius" short-sword. It is made of modern steel, much
better metal than the wrought-iron originals, and is very sharp on both edges.

 What appears to be a regular radio from the late 80's. The inside has been reworked to allow a MAC-10 to
fit inside of it. Holes have been cut to allow the shooter to reach the trigger and the bullets to exit the housing.

 A plain cardboard box with dozens of rolls of toilet paper that have been soaked in human blood, which has
since dried. Each toilet paper roll's cardboard tube core has been packed with Semtex plastic explosive and an
electronic detonator of Czech manufacture.. "BAIT" has been scribbled on the side of the box in red lipstick.

 A Ruger 10/22 semiauto .22 caliber rifle with threaded muzzle and silencer, plus several 10-round
magazines and a few boxes of ammunition, plus thirteen individual .22 cartridges in a plastic baggie--these
thirteen have silver bullets. Neither rifle nor silencer bears any serial number or manufacturer's markings. Rifle
is equipped with electronic red-dot optical sight and mounted in a European-style anatomically adjustable
stock of the sort used in Olympic biathlons and other competitions. Stock has been painted matte black and has
a red Post-It note stuck to the buttstock with the single word "STORMBRINGER" written upon it in felt-tip

 An incredibly primitive axe made from knapped flint, reeds, and a stick, quite literally what one would
expect to see a cave-man use. However, it is clearly extremely new (although not brand new, since the reed
lashings are beginning to rot). Adding to the bizarreness is the fact that the shoebox it rests on contains several
plaster casts of footprints that quite obviously look like they would be left by Bigfoot.

 A mannequin dressed in jeans, a leather jacket and a gasmask leans against the far wall of the green box.
Examining it will reveal it's stuffed full of semtex and wired to a detonator setup taken from a model rocket kit
on a long wire.

 A sizable pick-like weapon, which a History roll will identify as a Lucerne hammer. It is clearly of modern
but capable design, gleams in the light, and when lifted it is far heavier than it has any right to be. From there,
an appropriate roll will determine it is apparently made from a platinum alloy (and is therefore worth a fortune
in raw metal alone).

 A large, aluminum brief case with a keypad lock on it. There is a small readout to display digits which says
ENTER, indicating it wants to set a new key.

Inside the case is a complex device which appears to be lead shielded and has a radiation hazard symbol on it,
along with two locks built into the device, a second keypad and an actual key lock. Anyone who knows
something about physics or explosives can guess this is a tactical "suitcase" nuke. While too small to generate
much long-term fallout, it has enough force to level a city block or so.

After examining it for a time, the agents will realize that there are still handcuffs attached to the handle. And to
a hand. 0/1 SAN. Inside the hand still attached to the cuffs is a key, and a 5-digit password written on the palm.
No handcuff key is present, and it will require a Locksmith roll to remove them.

 A customized Tippman A-5 paintball gun. Inside the canister are 100 paint balls. Inside the paintballs are a
highly acidic solution, that will eat away organic materials such as wood or flesh.

 A bizarre weapon which somewhat resembles an over/under shotgun, sawed down into the classic 'lupara'
design (extremely shortened barrel and pistol grip). Closer examination reveals the top barrel to be chambered
for a 10-gauge shotgun shell, while the bottom is chambered for a .416 Rigby big-game round. Anyone
familiar with antique firearms would perhaps call this a Howdah pistol, but the calibers it fires are simply
irresponsible; shooting either barrel could very easily fracture the wrist of the average person.

In addition, there appears to be a bayonet lug running underneath the bottom barrel, and a sticky, discolored
bayonet is wrapped in a cloth nearby. If anyone were to make appropriate checks, the blade is coated with
curare, a paralyzing poison typically used in blowguns.

There is, in fact, some ammunition lying loose on the floor, but it is clearly as old as the gun, dating to before
the First World War. Attempting to fire them would be either pointless or dangerous, depending on the
Keeper's sadism preference.

 A small lead linked box marked with radiation hazard stickers. Inside is a foam lining containing four (the
lining has spaces for five) rounds of .308 Winchester (7.62mm NATO) ammunition with bullets made out of
depleted uranium. There are no manufacturers marks on the rounds.

 An assorted woman's purse full of shotgun shells with various words, such as "CONFETTI" and "DIMES"
written on the sides with a marker.

 A four inch steel ball covered with needle-sharp steel spikes, which appear to be coated with oil. The oil is
in fact linseed oil, used as a rust preventative. There does not appear to be any way to safely handle it without
damaging it.

 A ziploc bag containing three .45 rounds. The center of the bullets seems to have been drilled out and
replaced by tiny (6mm long, 4mm diameter) cylinders of translucent emerald-green jade.

 A 12-pounder Napoleon cannon from the Civil war, it lacks a limber and is therefore just a slab of metal
weighing roughly 1,220 lbs.

 A thick leatherbound book. Only the first 20 pages can be opened, the rest have been meticulously glued
together. One third of the glued pages have been cut away and changed for several 1mm thick steel plates,
making the book quite heavy and very hard. In capable hands it is probably quite useful for bashing in heads or
breaking limbs.

 A damaged Colt AR-15 carbine fitted with a Trijicon ACOG sight; the weapon has been warped somehow,
rendering it inoperative. The stock is covered with dried blood in an arterial spray pattern covers.

 A STHIL 440 Magnum chain saw with a full tank of fuel mix, a filled oil reserve, and ten bottles of both
mix and oil. On the bar of the saw there are 34 tally marks and the words "Papulu protect you".
 An exceedingly bizarre weapon, which more resembles a straight-handled drawknife than a sword. It
consists of a double-edged blade, but instead of one hilt and one point, it has a hilt on both ends. They are
elaborately engraved in classical Roman style, and each bears one of the two faces of the god Janus looking in
opposite directions. Even more strangely, the weapon (although seemingly authentic) doesn't display a single
day's worth of rust or tarnish.

 A Kalashnikov AK74 type rifle in caliber 5.45x39mm with six spare magazines. It bears no serial number
or manufacturer's markings and in fact the only markings present on it are on the receiver beside the safety
selector: safe is marked "0," semiauto is marked "1," and full-auto is marked with an infinity symbol. A
successful ARMORER roll will tell the player examining it that it appears to have been cobbled together from
parts from different variations of Kalashnikov rifles made in different countries, and even single parts combine
traits not normally seen together: it has a Chinese type side-folding stock with plastic cheekrest, but the plastic
is the dark purplish plum-color polyamide plastic normally seen on Russian rifles manufactured during the
early 1980s, the heat shield inside the handguards is aluminum instead of stainless steel, etc. It is used but well
maintained and currently clean and lightly oiled, ready for use. No ammunition for it is present, however.

 A full-sized British Brown Bess musket, seemingly dated 1818. However, it bears impressive silver
scrollwork all over, and several languages appear on it that have no right to be there. This includes classical
Sanskrit, Babylonic cuneiform, and even the occasional string of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Several other
artistically-executed series of crude shapes clearly resemble languages, but seem to be so ancient as to be
completely unrecorded in modern studies.

 A single fragmentation grenade. It has been wrapped with chicken wire, into which have been wedged
dozens of shark teeth. Every one points outwards, making the grenade extremely awkward to handle.

 A strange device resembling an M72 Light Anti-armor Weapon strapped into a remote turret; this is an
ARGES mine, designed to act as an autonomous long-distance landmine. It can be programmed to strike a
specific target in a convoy, or controlled remotely.

 An exquisite jade box containing a dozen wickedly sharp acupunture needles. These are Tcho-Tcho
matrimonial needles. Base attack is Punch, damage is 1D2+db, and automatically impales. A failed Luck roll
from the victim results in 1d6 rounds of painful paralysis.

 A german zweihander, or two-handed sword. Has the word "SEELE" engraved on the blade. The weapon is
large, and deals more damage than a normal sword, but requires some strength and skill to use.

 A survival knife with hollow storage handle. Searching the handle will find seven male human molars.

 A Tokarev TT-33 pistol spray-painted dayglo orange. A ballistics trace will reveal that it is the weapon used
in two unsolved (non-fatal) shootings in Ohio.

 A large (3' long) hook-like dagger made from sulphur-free black iron. The handle is quite long and weirdly
shaped, as if meant for hands broader than a human's. Finely wrought sea-shells and small octopuses has been
carved into the dagger's metal.

 A painstakingly constructed, fully-functional replica of an MA37 rifle from the popular Halo video game
series. This includes a functional ammo counter and compass display on the top, and a magazine which holds
32 7.62mm NATO rounds. Anyone attempting to fire the weapon should take a small penalty, due to it's
complete lack of iron sights.
 A throwing hatchet that appears to be crudely home-made.

 An Indian-made Zittara bullpup assault rifle. It chambers Indian 5.56x30mm INSAS rounds, and only two
such half empty magazines are present. There are traces of sandalwood paste, vermillion, and some kind of ash
on the stock and the barrel. Forensic examination of the ash reveals it to be cremated human remains.

 Six crude-looking, obviously homemade directional antipersonnel mines, approximately equivalent to US

M18A1 "Claymores," using bank-style paper rolls of old pre-1965 silver dimes as preformed shrapnel,
embedded in blocks of plastique. The detonators and booster charges are also homemade and the fourth one is
faulty; make a DEMOLITIONS roll to notice it while handling it or it won't go off; critical failure means it
goes BOOM when disturbed.

 A vintage USMC Ka-Bar jammed through a cinderblock with almost superhuman force; graffiti beside it
refers to it as "The Sword in the Stone".

Getting it out the obvious way would take 16+ Strength, and have a 25% of breaking the knife. However, it is a
normal cinderblock, and it's certainly possible to chip it away around the knife if the PCs are so inclined.

 Six canisters of pepper spray in a plastic box labelled "FACTORY DEFECT- DISPOSE OF

Use of these canisters on a target results in permanent blindness, not just temporary.

 A handgun (of the Keeper's choice) in a ziplock bag. Written on the bag in permanent marker is the word
'Gun-ade'. The handgun is in fact not a handgun, but an explosive device. When the trigger of the gun is pulled
the device detonates, fragmenting and badly injuring whoever was unfortunate enough to have pulled the

 A knife-shaped carving of ivory, approximately 8 inches long, with no handle or wrapping. Notes indicate it
was recovered during an op, but are very evasive about where or when.

 A single shot 12 ga pistol. There are 3 12 ga shells labeled 'Minnows' 'Cum' and '?'

 Colt Super Match - Factory nickel finish, fixed sights and fitted with factory mother of pearl grips.

One (1) box of .45 ammo. One of the rounds has the investigator's name carved on it.

 An otherwise average-looking woodcutter's axe whose perfectly functional steel bit has been replaced with
a row of vicious-looking shark teeth.

Note that this is an entirely style over substance approach, which actually lowers the amount of damage it does
and raises the risk of breaking it.

 In a corner of the Green Box are two matte-black cases made of plastics and ceramics. The first case is just
over seven feet long, like a long rifle case, and is extremely heavy. Outside is a "WARNING!
ELECTROMAGNETS." sticker. The other case is shaped roughly like it contains a large backpack, like the
more expensive kind for hiking or survival. It bears both a High Voltage and "CONTENTS CONTAIN
RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS" warning. Both cases declare "Property of Rivermore National Labs, inc".
Investigation of the company will discover it was a Defense Contractor based in VA, that went under in 2005,
and no further records exist.

The smaller case contains a heavy black ceramic shell of some kind of back-pack unit, with an inner lead
shield. Inside are two highly experimental Nuclear Batteries, with a half-life of around 75 years, producing
large amounts of electricity. While the case is designed to be very stable and secured, it still carries a risk of
being breached. 1/1d4 SAN is an investigator sees the power-pack be ruptured. It lacks the fuel to reach critical
mass, but is still highly radioactive if the batteries themselves are exposed.

Inside the long case is a 6+ ft bulky weapon, which has a vague shape of a rifle, with an advanced electronic
sight mounted on top. An appropriate skill roll (Or a KNOW if nobody has any skills appropriate) will be able
to tell this is some manner of man-portable Rail Gun, which is very clearly beyond any current technological
level to build. The weapon fires steel cored tungsten jacketed 2mm darts at high velocities, and has a magazine
holding 50 of them. The weapon is long, heavy, bulky and requires the external power-source provided. The
weapon is technically semi-automatic, but requires some time to cycle the magnets between shots. The current
charge strength is displayed on a HUD in the sight, which also features up to x5 zoom. 0/1 SAN if a character
realizes how advanced this is, and how it CANNOT have been built with today's technology, as far as they

The weapon uses the Rifle skill, requires minimum one turn of combat to charge before firing, max charge is at
3 turns. At one charge, it does 2d6+4 damage, and travels with enough velocity to penetrate most basic body
armor. At two charge, it does 4d6+8 damage, and has enough force to punch through any body armor, and most
vehicles, and at maximum charge, it deals 6d6+12 damage, and will penetrate the defenses of any target not
immune to mundane weapons. KEEPER'S NOTE: This is a prototype, and thus has several construction errors
or bugs in the scope software. When ever it is used, roll a d6, and on a 1, the user of the weapon needs to make
a LUCK check or the weapon experiences some error, such as the round not striking the target, not having
enough force to travel the distance or penetrate the target, or having to much force, and the round vaporizing
en route doing little more than shower down-range with some hot metal bits. Also, while someone with
sufficient knowledge and equipment can manufacture more ammunition, after about 100 shots, the rails of the
weapon will begin to deteriorate, which will ultimately result in the weapon being inoperable. This damage
cannot be repaired, and the parts cannot be replaced unless one of them has some PhD level education in
something like Electrical Engineering or Physics, and can get access to some expensive materials.

 A taxidermied baboon, the animal has been dressed up in a tuxedo and posed on its hind legs holding a
silver tray in its paws. Sitting on the tray is a loaded colt 1911 with a spare magazine full of hollow points

 Four M4A1 carbines wrapped in clear plastic sheeting. Upon examination, all of them have suffered serious
jams, none of which could easily be cleared in combat conditions.

A note affixed to one of them says,

"I'm not sure I did the math right, but it looks like the odds of all these jamming at the exact same time are
466,948,881 to one...what the fuck WAS that thing?"

 A small mirror with a stand for sitting on a dresser; however, a sticky note on the back indicates that a small
but still deadly knife has been concealed between the mirror glass and the frame. It is described as perfect for
smuggling a weapon into a hotel or residence, and accessing the knife is as simple as smashing the mirror,
though the note does make a weak joke about bad luck at the end.

 Worn but well-maintained Colt Peacemaker revolver in .44-40 caliber. Serial number has been removed but
a successful ARMORER roll will tell the player that it was made between 1878 and 1900, and remains in
perfect mechanical condition. Box also contains an equally old leather gunbelt and quick-draw holster, with
shell loops for fifty cartridges. About twenty cartridges are present. All are loaded with silver bullets, and each
bullet has an Elder Sign on its point.

 You find a pair of extremely large and old-fashioned revolvers that don't appear to be any known model.
The metal is very unusual, and a character with any smithing knowledge will see that every part of the guns,
from the internal mechanisms to the well-worn sandalwood grips, was entirely hand made. The weapons look
to be very old, but extremely well-cared for, no sign of rust is upon them. Strangely for something so finely
crafted, there is no makers mark anywhere in evidence, nor any sign of where they may have originated. The
guns are loaded with seven rounds between them, which also appear to have been hand made, though without
the same level of skill.

The bullets that come with the gun appear to be a crude copy of .45 winchester, though when the machine-
made bullets are loaded and fired, it just doesn't feel as powerful or satisfying.

 A cracked glass syringe, with the remains of a rust-coloured liquid solidified in the base of it.

 You find a golf club bag containing several single or double barrel(side byside or over/under) sawed off,
12gauge shot guns. Each chamber holds a Dragon's Breath round. Several of the guns were turned in during a
local gun buy back program & reported destroyed. Others were stolen from private collections, after the
owners died. None can be traced. In the pockets of the bag are 2 dozen loose Dragon's Breath rounds.

 A small ziploc bag containing four .25 rounds. A small post-it note on it says: "Blessed!". [No special
effects when used.]

 A Nintendo Entertainment System Power Glove peripheral. For all intents and purposes it looks completely
ordinary, and is in excellent condition, but when worn the wearer will notice that the gloved hand indeed feels
more powerful. Any melee attacks making use of the gloved hand will do an extra 1D3 damage.

 A large children's teddy bear from Build-A-Bear at the local mall. One of the bear's eyes has been loosened
and attached with a thin wire to the pin of an antipersonnel fragementation grenade hidden inside the bear
along with the stuffing.

 An iron mace, probably 18th century, of Indian manufacture. Ornamentation depicts various gods in
pitched battle.

 A Mosin-Nagant 91/30 Rifle shortened to 10 inches in length. Аn inscription on the side reads "ОБРЕЗ"

 A wooden art supply case with an easel attached to the top.

Further inspection shows a Claymore anti-personnel directional mine within the box, aimed at the back of the
box, connected to a proximity sensor. There is a switch near the box handle to arm the device, and instructions
that the user has 10 seconds to get out of range before it's armed.

 A police evidence bag containing a rather elaborate prison weapon. It consists of several spoon-handles
sharpened down one end, affixed onto opposite sides of half an aluminum broom handle with rubber cement. It
bears an extraordinary resemblance to the obsidian maquahuitls used by Aztec warriors.
 A battery-powered electric flyswatter, built into a pink plastic frame resembling a 1/2 scale tennis racket.
The device inexplicably delivers a single jolt equivalent to that of a police taser before the batteries melt.
Afterward, it never functions again.

 An extremely crude crossbow fabricated from a prison-style lunch tray, cut up soup and soda cans, and
several tightey-whiteys' worth of elastic waistbands. Three projectiles lay beside it, consisting of a sharpened
toothbrush, a rubber-cement-hardened stick, and a small sliver of sheet metal. All three of them have been
'poisoned' with human feces.

 A Missouri state police evidence bag containing a crudely-made improvised weapon, which consists of an
extremely jagged pane of broken glass lashed onto a stick with electrical wiring. The entire weapon is crusted
with dried blood, and case notes stapled to the bag indicate it was found in the possession of an insane (and
currently unidentified) man who was found wandering aimlessly in a state park. They go on to report that he
was found completely nude, attacked multiple police officers on sight with animal-like ferocity, and had to be
shot four times with a high-powered rifle before he went down.

 A Rapier, which, upon closer examination, has a blade not made of steel, but wrought iron.

 A large laundry bag containing vietnam era US Air Force uniforms and a Colt Commando assault rifle,
fully loaded. The weapon has a long shoulder strap with five leather loops for magazines. Three of these loops
are occupied with loaded magazines, one contains an empty magazine and the final loop is unoccupied. The
Rifle has an inscription crudely scratched onto the side. "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"

 A ziploc bag containing an unopened Mars chocolate bar and a handwritten note: "Warning! Poisoned with
cyanide!". A tiny hole, as from a syringe can be found in the packaging. The chocolate bar expired a year ago.

 This heavy steel ammo can contains one hundred and seventy-five rounds of 12 gauge ammunition loaded
in dull olive drab plastic cartridges. Each case has "SCMITR" and "AAI INC" printed on its side in black ink,
and the cartridges are headstamped "AAI" and "12 GAUGE" A note inside the can says "Experimental, from
the 1970s"

Opening up a cartridge will reveal that each is loaded with a stack of nasty-looking razor-edged stamped steel
darts in a plastic sleeve. For game purposes, a shotgun loaded with this ammo will have armor piercing
capabilities vs. modern soft body armor and do double damage in living tissue, as well as having 50% greater
effective range--but still won't affect Mythos creatures that are immune to mundane weaponry.

 A small ziploc bag containing a 9mm round where the bullet appears to be made from 18ct gold.

 A strange improvised weapon consisting of a double-barreled 20-gauge zip gun made from pipe and
plumbing parts, which has been welded lengthwise down a steel crowbar. The gun-barrels are fired by pulling
back and releasing one (or both) nails, which are then driven into the shells' primers by a chaotic entanglement
of rubber bands and springs.

It should be noted that this is extremely unsafe, and in the case of a very bad roll, the nails could punch too far
through and reach the powder. In this case, the nails could be propelled backwards into the firer.

 A Chilean 6 Pounder Q.F. canister shot shell, spraypainted with tiger-stripes and a snarling feline face.
 An inch-thick iron rod, three feet long, which has had one end carefully ground into a needle-sharp point.
Along the length of the rod twisting arabic script has been etched into it. It is old arabic, but a translation
would show it to be the An-Nisa verse 78 from the Quran: "Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you
even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!".

 An exact replica of a Photon Torpedo from Star Trek.The casing is hollow, and inside is enough plastic
explosives to level a large building.

 A bear-sprayer, but the pepper spray replaced by a butane can. A Zippo lighter has been duct-taped to the
sprayer in front of the barrel.

 A Smith and Wesson M1917 .45acp revolver in an olive green canvas flap holster. There are 18 .45acp
rounds in half moon clips with the weapon. It appears to be in perfect condition and smells faintly of gun oil.

 A garish, brightly-colored mass of plastic, which upon closer inspection turns out to be a pipe bomb with
dozens of cheap pocket lighters glued to the outside. While this will probably reduce its blasting capability
somewhat, it will most certainly start a small fire wherever it is detonated.

 An M72 LAW rocket launcher with an un-fired rocket. The surface is covered entirely with fine white text
scrawled on with paint, reading the word "Pig" over and over.

 .36 caliber black powder revolver. It is fully loaded. It's grips are wooden and ornate, but well worn. The
metal components have some rust, but the weapon is functioning perfectly. The name 'Eliza' is carved into the
grips. If the weapon is examined, it can be determined that the gun is a Remington Model 1858, made in 1861.

 An antique pocket-watch that conceals a small spring-loaded blade. Pressing an innocent looking button on
the side sends the blade flying outwards a considerable distance. The blade can be replaced to fire again,
though this process is lengthy and complicated. All the numbers on the watch face read "12"

 A rusted Italian Bodeo revolver with a small crucifix attached to the lanyard ring. The grips have been
replaced with crudely hand-carved wood, which carbon-dates to 500 years old.

 An extremely ornate Saiga-12 and a 7-round magazine loaded with FRAG-12 high-explosive rounds.

The stock has been removed and the barrel has been shortened to 8", causing the weapon to resemble an
oversized pistol. "The emperor protects" is engraved on the receiver in illuminated script.

 A WW2 era Thompson sub-machine gun, still in excellent condition. Scrimshawed into the metal is The
Lords Prayer, in French.

 What appears to be an X-Box. However the internal mechanism has been reworked into what amounts to a
claymore anti-personnel mine. To arm it you simply plug it in. It will detonate if the target pushes the power
button on the console or uses a controller to start it. Made for a mission that never came off.

 A crate of 7.62X39mm rounds with Chinese markings on the outside. A note on the outside reads in French,
"One out of every twenty rounds in this container is booby-trapped with a highly explosive powder load
powerful enough to rupture a Kalashnikov type rifle. There is no discernable difference between any cartridges
in the quantity."
 A bottle of silly string with the label thermal dragon taped on it. If sprayed it spews military grade napalm
that deals 2d10pluse 1d10 for 1d6 turns. If the cab is shot, stabbed, beaten, shaken too much or made fun of it
will explode dealing 5d6 to every one in the room, house, wharehouse, or complex, if done outside it only
burns what the keeper chouses to live or die.

 A baseball bat, studded with human teeth in two rows located 180 degrees from one another. It looks very
similar to the Aztec obsidian-studded macuahuitl, albeit...with human teeth.

 A pair of Nazi jackboots with retractable blades hidden in the toes.

 One replica Captain America shield. It is made of high grade aluminum and measures 27" in diameter. It is
covered in a red, white and blue lacquer finish and has leather carrying straps attached to the back. It has two
dents on the front and several smears of yellow blood along it's surface.

 The barrel of an M2HB heavy machine gun. Just the barrel. Judging by the electrical tape wrapped around
the muzzle end, and faint bloodstains all over, it was probably used as a club of some form. If somehow
repatriated to an M2, minute warping of the barrel will cause catastrophic failure when fired.

 A standard military issue footlocker with most of the green paint intact. Picking the lock reveals a Mega
Man cosplay costume sized for a teenager. The costume was skillfully made - the jumpsuit and boots were
hand-sewn and the accessories were carefully sculpted out of rigid foam, plastic sheet, and fibreboard. Upon
closer examination, the jumpsuit has a suicide vest built around four kilograms of C4 incorporated into it. The
gun-gauntlet has another kilo of C4 and two boxes of roofing nails packed into it. The arming and detonation
buttons are attached with hot glue to the inside of the gauntlet, and repurposed IDE ribbon cable connects the
detonators to a fist-sized battery pack built into the belt buckle.

 A nondescript 12-gauge, double-barreled shotgun, with the stock and barrels amaturely cut-down with a
hacksaw. The gun is loaded, one barrel with buckshot, the other with a custom hand-loaded shell containing

 A small, undecorated wooden jewelry-box containing what appear to be nine unsharpened yellow-wood
No. 2 pencils, manufactured by "D&G Industries". If sharpened down, though, a carbon-steel stabbing blade is
revealed immediately below the first layer of wood, making the pencil into an assassin's tool similar to an ice-
pick. Upon the box has been scrawled "smuggle in blunt, grind down sharp. Nasty surprise inside."

 A Uzi msg that is modeled after a human head breathing fire, the gun has an inscription on its grip reading
in manderen and in English "Thai spicy" the rounds fired from the gun have a fire quality and the weirder
tastes the sweetest burning pain in there mouth that can only be described as Thai spicy. The gun dose
1d10+1d2(Fire damage)

 What appears to initially be a crate of flash-bang grenades. However, when used, any light source within
ten meters is extinguished.

 A row of .32 ACP bullets stood to attention, each casing displaying the name of an investigator present. The
paint is gummy to the touch.

 An antique single shot Federal Gas Riot Gun loaded with a tear gas round. The wood stock is scratched in a
way that suggests it was once used to bludgeon someone's head in. When the gun is fired, the faint sound of a
crowd screaming can be heard seemingly from nowhere.
 A chainsaw with a full tank of gas; for some reason, a powerful hand-held spotlight has been mounted on
the side and its bulb has been replaced with a blacklight projector.

 A flintlock rifle in excellent condition. This impressive rifle of the Revolutionary War era measures 72
inches in overall length, with the wood stock measuring 55 inches of the total. The rifle is stamped St. Etienne
on the lock plate. along the smoothbore rifle's barrel is the following inscription, in facny French
longhand,"beni dans l'Avignon, dans le palais des papes" (translation: blessed in Avignon, the palace of the
popes.) The front half of the rifle is entirely covered with dried blood. It is not loaded, though there is a pouch
with 20 balls of shot, an equal number of cloth patches for the shot, and a very large horn of dry, usable
powder. Both the horn and pouch lay on the ground near the rifle.

 A fully-functional, average CRT monitor, with the exception of a shaped charge tucked away into a safe
area of its casing. When the monitor is turned on, the charge is triggered, sending a shower of steel nails (plus
screen shards and monitor parts) directly into its user's face.

 A metal San Francisco Police Department riot shield. A large elder sign is etched on the front.

 Several poison-tipped needles hidden inside normal-looking cigarettes. The poison is highly heat-resistant,
meaning that they can actually be smoked until the point is exposed, then stabbed into the target.

 Two dozen strange-looking hand-loaded twelve gauge shells. Upon inspection, it appears the first dozen are
heavily modified Taser X-REP shells tweaked to deliver a highly lethal shock, and the second dozen are filled
with homemade thermite, functioning like a more lethal version of the Dragon's Breath novelty round.

Taped to the box is a note reading "FOR WHEN BULLETS DON'T WORK". Below, a series of notes left by
previous visitors form a debate on whether or not to include silver bullets.

 A machete (pranga) of African manufacture. A crude representation of a sinuous snake with a single wing
has been etched into the blade.

 An exquisitely-crafted mahogany display case, containing four firearms. Each of them have a beautifully-
rendered engraved name on them. The first, a suppressed SR-25 rifle, is named "THE HUNTER"; the second,
an Arsenal SGL 31-94 model Kalashnikov, is named "THE SOLDIER"; the third, a Luger P08 pistol, is named
"THE GENTLEMAN"; the fourth and final is a short-barreled Remington 870 named "THE BRAWLER". All
four weapons are lovingly maintained, of immaculate quality, and lie in specially-molded velvet depressions in
the display case.

 A cheap Renaissance fair longsword of middling-quality stainless steel. The grip on the hilt has been
replaced with a cleaned and well-sanded but still recognizable length of human vertebrae. 0/1d2 SAN loss.

 An HK P11 Underwater pistol. This weapon has five barrels, each holding a 10cm long dart in a cartridge,
which are fired electronically using a battery in the handle. Once all five barrels are empty, the weapon must
be sent back to the factory for reloading. As far as anyone can tell, it is fully loaded.

 A HK69A1 40MM Grenade launcher, alongside 1d8 smoke, frag, flare, and non-explosive training
grenades. The grenades are completely indistinguishable from one another, and require a 1d4 roll to determine
the effect of the grenade. A note taped to the launcher reads: "On loan from our Al'iikhwas in Riyadh - see
about getting A-cell to ship this back. - F, 1992 ". If A-cell is contacted, they immediately demand that the
launcher is destroyed.
 A dilapidated leather briefcase containing a single-shot break action 12-gauge sawed down to a length of
ten inches, the stock likewise sawed off. One round of standard 00 Buck is chambered, with no spare rounds in
the briefcase. A sealed letter with no outside markings inside. If investigated, the note within reads "Isaac, I
couldn't go through with it. Please forgive me."

 An old M1911 pistol, fires .45 rounds, hold 7 rounds. Oddly enough, there seems to a strange cylinder
mounted, with a cross in front of it. Whatever it was, the attachment is inoperable. In a small bag are several
bullets, all modified. 7 of these are filled with holy oil in their points, and 5 made of silver.

 A cattle prod, complete with a USB charger.

 A chest-high wooden shipping crate. Any mention of the crate's contents have been wiped out with black
paint, but it shows several shipping and custom labels from countries in South and Central America, Eastern
Europe, Asia, and most recently, one to location of the Green Box, in care of a "Mr. Green".

Opening the crate requires a prybar or similar tool, or a STR check. Inside is a GE M134 Minigun, modified to
be carried by a single person, with a rear pistol grip trigger, and the hand-guard from an M60 mounted under
the barrels. On the grip is the sharkmouth art common to nose art on old warplanes, and the word
"Tyrannosaurus" in bright red paint. The Minigun requires minimum 16 STR and 16 SIZ to wield by one
person. The crate also contains a special backpack loaded with a 550 round ammo case, which is already
hooked up to the minigun, and a spare case which can be placed in the backpack when the first is expended.
The backpack also is rigged to hold the power supply for the Minigun, a Car Battery.

 Agents searching the Green Box happen upon a rather large shoulder slung golf bag. However instead of a
set of clubs in the bag they find, in a rather curious parody of what is typically in a golf bag, many different
sizes and types of swords and knives. The arms range from a genuine Marine K-Bar to a huge German
Zwihander (Keepers are free to customize the exact contents as desired). Investigating the arms confirms that
all are of excellent quality, made by professional sword and knife makers. No cheap knockoffs here.

A note attached to the bag states:

"I thought I would loan my spare bag to those in need. Please treat the blades with respect. Don't willfully
damage them, don't mistreat them, and don't sell them. You may keep them as long as needed. However, please
return them clean, sharp, and intact to this Green Box at the end of your mission, so the next group of agents
my use them. Failure to do so will result in me tracking you down and retrieving my property by any and all
means. -R. A. Vandros"

 A burlap sack that, when opened, reveals sawed-off 12 gauge shotgun in vacuum-sealed plastic bag. The
barrels, in an over/under configuration, have been filed down to within two inches of the handguard, and have
become so worn that they have apparently begun to separate. To remedy this, the previous owner wrapped
them with chicken wire and yellow electrical tape. The stock has been hacked off completely save for the grip,
and the wood has dulled to a dark brown. The receiver, however, appears to be in good working shape, its
bright nickel finish still intact. There are two triggers, one for each barrel. A makeshift leather sling runs from
the front of the handguard to the butt of the grip.
Also tied to the butt of the grip is what appears to be an evidence tag that is filled out in Cyrillic letters. If
anyone has the appropriate knowledge (Ukrainian language), they find it reads: "Lviv Police Department -
Evidence Log #7600034-21 - TOZ-34 shotgun confiscated from residence of A. Onoprienko in Zhitomirskaya
by Patrolman V. Kensalo - positively linked to murders in Braktovichi"

 Five slightly rusty but still functional bolt action rifles with slings, filed off serial numbers, no ammunition
and fixed bayonets. One of the rifle's slings is broken, and it bears four deep gouges in the grip. all the
bayonets have dried green blood on them. An appropriate check reveals them to all be world war two era
Chinese issue type 24s.

 A large syringe containing a faintly luminescent and sparkly blue liquid. Written on the side of the syringe
with a felt-tip pen are the words "SHOGGOTH POISON." Note to Keeper: it has no actual effect on

 What appears to be some form of improvised flamethrower; however, closer examination reveal that
several refrigeration coils cover the entirety of the design. The presence of several tanks of liquid nitrogen
nearby suggest this is some kind of hare-brained scheme to develop what could only be described as a

No rolls are necessary to pick up on the wanton stupidity of the idea, but the Keeper is free to suggest it just
might possibly be stupid enough to work.

 A worn Sturmgewehr 44 with 3 full 30 round magazines of 7.92x33 ammmunition. Each cartridge has a
Celtic cross etched on the case; the stock of the weapon has a Celtic knot engraved on each side. The weapon
functions normally unless the firer is of Irish ancestry, in which case his accuracy is increased by 10%,
rounded up.

 An ammunition crate containing a large number of M590 Antipersonnel Canister rounds, for the M67
recoilless rifle. There is, of course, no recoilless rifle present, but an enterprising investigator might be able to
figure out a way to rig them into a booby trap.

 15 feet of Detcord, tied in a perfect noose.

 A Nitrochemie/Rheinmetall DM72 ballistic artillery charge turned into a crude time-bomb by the addition
of two AA batteries, an egg timer and some American Tape. Looks rough and dangerous.

 An old, battle-worn Dragunov SVD rifle that has definitely seen better days. A close inspection of the
weapon reveals many tally marks and writing in several different languages carved into the pockmarked wood
furniture. When picked up, the stock and furniture seem to mold to your body almost as if they were made out
of putty rather than wood and you feel almos as if you've been using weapon forever.

 A cast iron swastika, around a foot across. The ends of each arm have been sharpened into a needle point,
and are coated in (dried, possibly ineffective) curare poison.

 A well-maintained, seemingly new Red Army Pulemyot Maxima PM1910 machine gun on a wheeled
Sokolov mount with a modified gunner shield welded with extra steel plates. The gun and its mount mass at 90
kilos. It's chambered for 7.62x54mm Soviet rounds ("polar bear killers.") The gunner shield has odd, irregular
acid pitting, as well as three 2cm holes burned through cleanly with laser precison.

 A worn hickory golf club, of the style used in the 1890s. The clubhead is cracked and stained with dried
blood; no amount of bleaching, cleaning, varnishing, painting, etc. is able to remove the stains. Despite
appearances it is an effective melee weapon, and never breaks, nor can the user be disarmed of it while

 A 9mm Lanchester submachine gun. Its arsenal markings indicate that it was manufactured in 1944 for the
British Royal Navy and later sold out of military service. In the intervening years, someone covered the stock
and brass magazine housing with fairly elaborate carved scroll work.

The weapon comes with one 50 round magazine containing 11 bullets. A thorough examination would
determine that the bullets are compressed iron filings that have been silver plated.

 A single tranquilizer dart for a veterinarian's tranquilizer gun. It is filled with an alcohol-solution of
Aconitum Vulparia ("Wolfsbane") and Silver-Nitrate.

 A palm sized wireless detonator used in military demolitions with a faded happy face sticker. No explosives
seem to be present, but the detonator is armed.

 A large, funnel-shaped metal device that, upon further inspection, is discovered to be filled with explosives.
The wide end of the funnel is magnetized, and examination shows the explosives make a shaped charge.

The device is actually a hafthohlladung, a WWII-era German anti-tank weapon intended to be magnetically
attached to the hull of a tank. Keeper's discretion as to whether this fifty-year-old-plus explosive still works,
but it must be attached at point-blank range, and is only viable against metallic targets due to the magnets.

 One STEN gun, MKII, with wire stock and five loaded 32 round magazines. The receiver of the
submachine gun appears to be made from plumbing pipe. No serial numbers or makers marks are present.

 A chest rig of wiring, straps, and explosives, quite plainly a suicide vest. However, an explosives expert
examining the vest will discover that the explosives are shaped charges, and the force of all is directed inwards
rather than outwards. The remote detonator next to it only adds to the horror.

 What appears on exterior to be a Yugoslavian-made Zastava M70 assault rifle, a high quality copy of the
AKM; however, its interior is stripped and packed with plastic explosives, wired to a detonator activated by
pulling the trigger. It has been reasonably well hidden, it will take actually disassembly to discover its secret,
though anyone experienced with Kalashnikovs will note the rifle is somewhat oddly weighted compared to a
normal rifle.

 A hand-loaded 12 gauge shotgun shell. It is filled with iron-scrapings and rock salt.

 A m1 grand with 3 spare clips and a bayonet. The rifle has the name "Sonya" etched into the barrel it also
has 1 in' long leather strings hanging from the trigger guard, barrel and stock each barring a tooth, horn or
other trophy,after closer inspection and a significant mythos roll revivals that the trophies are from the rifles
previous kills ranging from deep ones to ghouls to greys. For each new kill a new trophy appears on the rifle,
the trophys can't be taken or destroyed.

 A oddly shaped long sword, the length of a man's height, the end is plat as opposed to being pointed, and
yet light and easy to weld. However, swinging the sword makes it feel "heavier".

A attached tag on the hilt: "Terminius Est, Provenience South America (?), unknown date. Metal unidentified,
make unknown."

While sharp, the size and luster of the weapon would make it difficult to carry openly, and would no doubt
bring unwanted attention, if not attention of the local authorities.
 Several corked wine bottles filled with ash. The ash has a strange tint to it that never the same when you
look at it again. When the ash is sprinkled on something inhuman it begins to slowly burn away even though
there is no fire. It even works under water and in a vacuum

 A Bushmaster AR-15 with a laser/flashlight combination module mounted on a quad rail; it is currently
loaded with a 100-round Beta C-Mag, and 2 30-round magazines sit next to it.

For some reason, someone has carefully and professionally welded a Smith & Wesson Model 500 .50 caliber
revolver to the spot where an under-barrel grenade launcher would be mounted.

 A 9-inch knife, made from a single piece of highly-polished steel. The entire thing is covered in hierolyphs
from the Old Kingdom of Egypt. They're just gibberish if anyone tries to translate them; they don't mean
anything. The knife itself is sharp as sin and very ergonomic.

 An old scratched-to-hell Soviet KS-23 4-Bore shotgun. There is one very large shell in the chamber with
"БАРРИКАДА" written on its side.

 What appears to be a captive bolt pistol incorporated into the point of an umbrella. The umbrella is
decorated with strange, slightly hypnotic patterns over its surface when open.

 A 17th century Javanese Kris dagger (1d4+1 damage) with a weird symbol etched into the blade.

 A large piggy-bank containing a few pounds of plastic explosive.

 A large black umbrella. Along the spine of the umbrella (hidden by the fabric when closed) someone has
fastened a crude 12 gauge single-barrel shotgun fired by a simple trigger on the handle. It is not loaded.

 A cheap looking plastic thermos container 16 cm long and 10cm in diameter. Picking it up, you realize it
weighs much more than it should. Hidden inside are a ring of very strong permanent magnets at the bottom and
a sealed metal cylinder. A wire protruding from the top of the cylinder is attached to a cicuit board with several
DIP switches. On a successful idea roll, an investigator will recognize this as some kind of bomb. A successful
demolitions roll will reveal this to be a copy of a Mossad magnetic bomb used in the November 2010
assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Majid Shahriari. In this incident, the magnetic bomb was attached to
the car door of the target by motorcycle riding assailants and detonated seconds afterwards by remote. This
particular device contains a shaped charge designed to defeat NIJ level IV armored door panels.

 A cheap hatchet of the sort sold at Wal-Mart, spattered with old dried blood, with bits of hair still stuck to
the sides of the blade. Analysis of the blood and hair will result in a DNA match for a person killed in a brutal
ritual slaying in Miami, Florida in 2004. The fingerprints on the handle, however, are a match for those of
long-dead former President Lyndon B. Johnson.

 A box of fifty NATO-spec 9mm cartridges. Close examination reveals that someone has been trying to
engrave an Elder Sign into the tip of each bullet's jacket with some kind of tool. Closer examination, perhaps
with a jeweler's loupe and a successful Mythos roll, will reveal that whoever it was didn't do it quite right.

 A bloodstained bat with nails in it. DNA searches will reveal the blood belongs to three casino owners in
Las Vegas, all of whom died last year (The year the agents open the box) from 'natural causes'.
 A traditional forged katana with a sheath and the fangs of an unknown serpent each as long as a human
hand and smell like sea water, the blade has the name "serpent slayer" poorly inscribed on its blade the katana
deals 2d10 and 1d4 poison damage.

 A plastic evidence bag containing a single 5.56mm rifle round enclosed in bubble plastic. Closer inspection
reveals that the point of the bullet has been drilled out and then re-sealed with lead. A Geiger-counter will
reveal that the bullet is slightly radioactive. [The narrow channel drilled into the bullet has been filled with the
radiocative, and highly toxic, isotope Polonium 209.]

 A wooden box containing five plastic tubes for M720 60mm mortar rounds. These are packed with a mix of
high explosive and white phosphorus known as 'shake-n-bake'. When detonated, the white phosphorus
particles will produce a thick,toxic smoke, start fires, and burn through clothing, flesh, and bone until deprived
of oxygen. The particles are themselves toxic and will re-ignite if exposed to atmosphere. The pain and
suffering caused is almost unimaginable, and use of this type of round against civilians is considered a war
crime. Three of the tubes are empty.

 You see what appears to be a one meter section of an ordinary concrete curb, such as can be found on the
side of any nearby street. Turning it around, you notice that it is an IED; several sections have been hollowed
out and replaced with high explosives, a detonator, and a circuit board attached to a cheap mobile phone. A
yellow note attached to the phone reads "For a good time, call 555-BOOM (555-2662)! Should splatter
anything within 10 meters. Have fun".

 A German executioner's sword, c.1760, replete with stylised gothic German Biblical inscriptions. The
pommel is made of what appears to be a detachable black, magnetic stone.

 A gold-plated AKMS rifle of unsurpassed craftsmanship, apparently handmade by a master gunsmith, and
covered in gorgeously-engraved Arabesque patterns. A small note suggests, "Saddam probably won't miss just
one, eh?"

 A medieval-style longsword which appears shiny and brand new. It turns out the metal of the blade is
composed of pure Rubidium, which explodes on contact with water.

 A sleek black pump-action weapon not recognizable as any commercial model or manufacturer. The only
markings on it are the words "Assassin's Whisper" in small print, engraved on the receiver in Russian, English,
Chinese, and Arabic.

The weapon is chambered in a caseless subsonic round comparable in performance to the Russian 9x39mm,
which when combined with its integral suppressor makes it surprisingly quiet, in addition in the lack of ejected
casing (also obviously giving the advantage of leaving no spent shells) and the manually-cycled nature of the
weapon. Its tubular magazine holds six rounds, loaded one at a time, and it has rails for optics, though none are
attached at the moment. In addition to the six in the chamber, there are twenty-four rounds loose on the floor
next to it; the high-tech and proprietary nature of the ammunition means that finding more will probably be

 A gun display case like one would find in a private home. An evidence tag on it indicates it was seized by
the ATF in the not-to-distance past. Stuck to the the top of the case, with tape, is a yellowing memo that says
"For the love of God, don't loose these! They have the powdered bones of John Moses Browning in the grips."
Inside the case are four elegantly crafted and slightly unique Colt M1911 pistols. There is space for a fifth, but
it is clearly missing.
 A rack of six percussion-cap muskets. They areidentifiable with proper rolls as Pattern 1853 Enfield rifled
muskets, of the type imported en masse by the Confederacy during the American Civil War. They all have
bayonets fixed, and are in remarkable condition. Tags affixed to the trigger guard of each indicate they were (at
one point) in the collection of the Smithsonian.

Powder and shot are included, but closer examination indicate them to be very recent, not from the Civil War
as one might expect.

 17 12-gauge shells - loaded with sea salt, silver, and cold iron.

 A taliban suicide vest, it has undetonated explosive satchels on the front and a small screen with the IED
status in red text, the screen is an old mobile phone with odd wiring that shouldn't make sense.

The oddest thing about it is that the IED status says that the vest has already been detonated.

 A broken katana, and sheath. It's of poor quality, and has phosphorescent paint along the entire length of the
blade. UV scans indicate a strange ichor along the edge.

 A ziploc bag containing a six-pointed japanese "throwing star" (Shuriken). The small weapon is made from
stainless steel and the points are needle-sharp. A stylized etching of a many-headed Hydra adorns its sides,
though the heads are very small and simplified, making the appendages more like tentacles.

 An ancient LeMat Revolver chambered for .44 caliber lead balls. It is found in a small wooden box lined
with velvet. It has clearly been very well cleaned and cared for, with no obvious sign of rust. On one side of
the barrel is engraved an image of the Confederate flag.
No powder or shot is in evidence, and it does not look like this gun has been fired in a very long time.
None of the chambers are loaded.

 A wet floor sign, of the folding triangular-pyramid design (rather like a giant d4). When picked up, it is far
heavier than it should be, and turning it over reveals a homemade explosive device which appropriate rolls will
determine to be a claymore-style directional mine. A cell phone is clearly wired into the setup, with "878-9292
= BOOM" scrawled beside it in Sharpie.

 A Russian ADS amphibious-use rifle, with a powerful waterproof flashlight mounted below the muzzle;
there are one hundred eighty rounds of ammunition for it and three magazines. A note in the box reads, "For
you-know-whats...try to conserve ammo, though, it's hard to find and you don't know how many men had to
die for us to get this."

 A weapon that looks like a crowbar, but feels alien. The metal is a naturally cold to the touch, and blacker
than space. What normally would be the curved ends with a fork base, like that of an Egyptian Was scepter.

Anyone holding the Bar feels more energetic and slightly more aggressive. But no permanent changes occur.

 A small wooden crate marked "Experimental. Use at own risk!"

Inside are what initially appear to be 4 standard issue flash bang grenades. However, if they are used, they
instead engingush
 A slightly worn but lovingly maintained old Colt Python .357 Magnum revolver with two speedloaders and
a partial box of ammunition. The ammunition has silver bullets.

 An Ulu, a traditional knife used by Inuit women for carving igloos. Suspiciously, this Ulu has a handle
made from unidentifiable bone, and provides the user with a strange sense of warmth, as if a large polar bear
had decided to cuddle...

 A plastic evidence bag containing a pale yellow scarf with a stack of four 1 dollar Silver Eagles sewn into
one end, making the scarf a modern version of the Rumals used by the eradicated Indian Thugee-cult.

 A plastic evidence bag containing a three-foot long primitive blowgun made from bamboo, and three
wooden darts. The tips of the darts are covered in a red-brown paste. [Anyone damaged by a dart must make a
CON vs. 16 roll after 1d10 rounds. Success means the victim suffers from slight drowsiness and some
disturbing audial and visual hallucination. Lose 0/1d4 SAN. A failure on the CON roll means the victim is
unconcious for 1d10 minutes and experience horrifying visions. Lose 1d6/1d20 SAN.]

 One Sykes-Fairbairn dagger, pitted as is from acid. This knife constantly emits IR radiation, viewable via
common digital cameras as a glowing white light.

 What appears to be a polo mallet, its head spattered with blood. Anyone familiar with the sport will note
that the head is far heavier than it should be, and the ergonomics of the mallet seem to be more conducive to a
golf swing than horseback polo.

The mallet is painted jet-black, but somebody has inlaid in gold leaf the word "JAWBREAKER" lengthwise
down the handle.

 An "Ivar's Seafood" cardboard carry away food container which holds a single Glock 22 pistol. A shell
casing is jammed in the ejection port of the weapon. The casing has the letter "O" scratched onto its exposed
side. The magazine is in the weapon and the safety is off. If examined the fifteen round magazine currently
contains 10 rounds, each with a letter scratched into its case: B, R, A, N, C, H, I, A, T, and A. A successful
Zoology check will bring to mind the term "abranchiate". A result under 20% of the spell (an "impale") brings
up the term "zeugobranchiata", which refers to abalone and related species.

 Twelve M84 "flashbang" grenades stuffed in a US Postal Service satchel with a piece of paper describing
their "Faye-Werewolf Repellant" qualities. Each grenade has been professionaly stuffed full of a mixture of
silver and iron.

 A set of three glass bottles with standard corrosive warning labels on them. They are identical in use to
Molotov cocktails, but with a powerful acid substituted for the incendiary compound.

 A bizarre piece of machinery that only vaguely resembles a shotgun; inscribed on the wide, rectangular
receiver is "M150 DEMOLITION GUN". The weapon appears to be of falling-block design, but the bore is
much larger than any weapon the investigators are familiar with. The weapon itself appears to be the only one
of its kind, and no information on it can be found by any amount of research.

Next to it are twenty massive shotgun shells, and an extremely plain booklet, which appears to be an operator's
manual. It bears no manufacturer's markings, date, copyright information, and features the same text reprinted
in English, German, Russian, and Chinese. Important excerpts:
"M150 Demolition Rifle- for use against critical machinery including but not limited to: electrical
transformers, communications equipment, storage tanks, railway switches, etc. Ammunition is 6 gauge
proprietary shells, manufacturing specifications included in back. Avoid firing from shoulder, dislocation or
other injury may occur."

 A rusty steak knife. A note is wrapped around its plastic handle, and reads: "Ghost-slayer, brah". The blade
is brittle, but while liable to snap if used for mundane purposes it can - and will - cut through spectral and
Mythos creatures with ease. (Regular damage + automatic impale against ghosts and intangible beasties).

 A flashbang grenade and a fragmentation grenade, lashed together with duct tape for some reason. The two
pins have been strung together with dog-tag chain, meaning that if one is pulled then the other will follow.

 A sawed-off Browning Auto 5 shotgun, in the style commonly used in WWI trench warfare. The business
end of the shotgun is darkly stained and corroded.

 An improvised stun-staff, consisting of a long wooden shaft with a stun-gun duct-taped onto it. The leads of
the stun-gun have been extended down the length of the staff (excluding the areas gripped by the wielder) by
loosely coiled copper wire, and most of the rod's surface is therefore electrified when the stun-gun is switched

This is obviously a horrible idea, and a careless user is more likely to electrocute himself than his or her target.

 A Star Trek Klingon Bat'Leth replica, in stainless-steel and with a razor-sharp edge.

 A home-made device consisting of about 25 lbs of ammonium nitrate crystals in a plastic tub, with an
epoxy-sealed 1 gallon milk jug (rigged with a small impact detonator) filled with water. (In effect this is a very
large "instant cold" pack).

 A simple six-chamber revolver, still fully loaded. Each bullet is inscribed with the name of someone that
the person who finds it once knew.

 An ancient Japanese katana, in the sheath. Drawing the sword from the sheath causes a single leaf to fall
out. If examined, it can be identified as a leaf from plants native to Japan, and can be dated to around the year
1300. The leaf looks like it fell off the tree yesterday.

 A Steyr-Mannlicher M1895 bolt action rifle. There are carvings in the stock in an unknown language and
dried green stains on the butt.

 A homemade particle cannon, cobbled together from the magnetron of a microwave, three feet of
galvanized steel tubing, and about one hundred yards' worth of coiled copper wire. It is powered by a twenty-
foot extension cord. A Post-It note is attached, reading:
"Prototype Mk. IV
note - hopefully we've worked out the kinks this time,
as my fingernails are beginning to fall off.
- M.B."

 A shoe box holding 41 ivory cubes, on each face of the cube is a human face, screaming silently, frozen
open with ridges of ivory stretching off to the sides, as if it were vacuum packed in plastic. A paper taped to the
inside has, written on it, "Remains" and 41 dates.
 Every object in the Green Box, regardless of size, is arranged in precise rows, labelled, and outlined in
chalk or tape to indicate its proper location. Whoever did this seems to be severely OCD, and would likely not
appreciate their hard work to be upset by careless visitors.

 A large ziploc bag containing a blue fountain pen, a pair of surgical gloves, a syringe marked "Paralytic", a
package of razors and another (slightly smaller) ziploc bag with four A4 sheets of handwritten suicide notes.
The notes are all written using blue ink and with the same style of handwriting, but with slightly different
content, as if the writer hasn't quite decided on the best text. They are all signed "Sarah".

 A scrapbook containing three-hundred and thirty-three Polaroid snaps of late-1980s Eastern European
streets. Careful study finds the same 1948 Citreon 2CV in the background of each picture. The numberplate is
British and this year's.

 A set of British Army ECBA (Enhanced Combat Body Armor) in desert camouflage for protection against
low velocity projectiles, in the pockets which would hold strike plates (back and front) for protection against
high velocity projectiles are two hardback copies of Peter F. Hamilton's novel "The Neutronium Alchemist."

 Everything inside have been painted blue, the same hue of blue, eveything is blue

 A large mural of a rather canine looking Joseph Stalin has been painted on the Green Box's wall.

 An accordion. It is covered with a layer of fine ash and has a burnt odor, but is still playable.

 A large glass jar full of smallish irregularly shaped items that look like silver-colored plastic pellets, or
possibly small irregular rounded pieces of metal. A hand-written label says "INSTANT SHOGGOTHS! Just
add water!"

 A shoebox filled to the brim with golden brown fortune cookies. If cracked open, every single fortune

 There is a terrified young woman curled up at the back of the Green Box. Caucasian (ATTRACTIVE 11),
early-twenties, 5'3" tall and naked, she appears to be suffering from PTSD and is almost childlike in her
actions and need for protection. She speaks no known language, does not seem to understand cultural norms,
and has no name. She cannot be traced on any database.

If A-Cell is informed, or within 1D3 days otherwise, the agents will be ordered to bring her to a locale in New
Mexico for "her own safety". There she will be executed by a Delta Green agent from another Cell. No
explanation will be given.

 Six cans, each containing six ounces of liquid, ala canned broth. The labels have been taken off, but a
sticky-note on each says the same thing.

"Special Rations".

These cans can easily be opened thanks to a pop top, and contain a liquid that looks a lot like beef broth, with
nothing else in it. Drinking this mixture provides someone with 500 calories, and 1/3rd of their daily required
vitamins and nutrients. The taste differs depending on who eats it, but can be summed up as: The best flavor in
the world. Real food kind of sucks compared to this liquid.
 Fragments of a giant clay statue of a man. Where would be the head shows signs of use of explosive or
heavy ordinance. The crate mentions it comes from Prague.

 Three garbage bags, each has been filled with the shattered remains of a human skeleton.

 A well-used Mr. Coffee Advanced Brew 5 Cup Coffee Maker, which seems to make coffee even without
adding water, coffee, or a supply of electricity. The coffee maker secretly contains a self-replicating swarm of
bio-nanites, which help to increase the density of neural connections within the brain. Mechanically, any
character who drinks a cup of coffee from the machine has their INT permanently increased by +1, at the cost
of a SAN check (0/1).

 3.5-inch floppy disk containing 4 nude jpegs of Anna Kournikova and a copy of the 'Love Worm' computer

 Four vacuum-sealed, sterile plastic sleeves of three pre-dosed, one-shot hypodermic syringes with small
gauge needles. "HU-210: anti-anx. and anti-dprss.," has been scribbled on the packs in block letters. The seal
of Hebrew University in Jerusalem is stamped on the back of the packets along with serial numbers and U.S.
Customs and DEA decals (all of this data indicates the drugs are held lawfully by one of the PCs.) Next to the
pile of packets are a bottle of rubbing alcohol, a bag of cotton balls, and a red plastic, pint-sized biohazard
needle disposal container. A post-it note on the container reads,"NO DRUG TESTS!!! = 9 wks."

 Much of the back of the Green Box comprises an intricate and unsettling shrine to Santa Muerte, skeletal
Mexican saint of the dead. A DNA or dental check on the skeleton itself (complete with rainbow robe, blunt
scythe, and gaudy mitre) concludes it's the body of DEA intelligence research specialist Manuel Boaz, who
went missing while on administrative leave in Missouri in 2008. Boaz was a Delta Green friendly - and A-Cell
will be deeply interested in the recovery of his remains...

 1d6+2 tactical communication devices, similar to those used by the U.S. Secret Service. A speaker is placed
into the left ear of an investigator, while an audio receiver is placed on the inside of either a watch/shirt sleeve.
This device allows investigators to communicate with one another over the distance of 1 mile/1.6KM.
Unfortunately, these devices are also possessed by the soul of a teenager, who will attempt (and fail) to seduce
the PC's at the most inopportune time.

 A small white cardboard box (6"x3"x3") inside of which four used condoms all tightly knotted, one torn
open. Holding the condoms upto the light a small thin worm (1") can be seen swiming in the contents. A small
postit note has been stuck to the inside of the box it reads "sample collected from subject SHARON under
duress. Open in BSL2 (Biosafety Level Containment Level 2) conditions or better.

 A 1996 yearbook from a high school in Palo Alto, California. Someone has driven 144 roofing nails
through the front cover of the yearbook, affixing the yearbook to the floor of the greenbox. If the agents
somehow pry the yearbook loose and pull the nails out, they will find that each nail has been driven through
the faces of the photographs of the underclass students.

 A plastic evidence bag containing the complete skin of a human male. A forensic investigation indicates he
was a caucasian in his thirties with brown hair, and the skin was removed while he was still alive using some
sort of very thin and sharp blade. A DNA test give no matches in the databases.

 A glass jar filled with preserved human eye balls.

 When the investigators open the Green Box, they are confronted with a stereotypical time bomb (complete
with genuine Semtex explosive) sitting on a crate right in front of them, whose almost cartoonishly large,
glowing-green digital counter is somewhere between one and thirty seconds and going down. However, when
it hits zero, it simply resets and counts down from thirty again; evidently this was somebody's idea of a
practical joke.

 A manilla envelope sealed with an "EVIDENCE" sticker. If the seal is broken, it contains a half-dozen
passports to various countries, some of which no longer exist (East Germany, etc), all bearing the likeness of
whoever unsealed the envelope.

 a 5 1/4 inch BASF diskette in a thin clear plastic bag. There is a small adhesive label on the diskette cover.
Written on the label in dark blue fountain pen ink are '3/16/86' and 'FWSF - master'. If the disc is loaded into a
computer a strange, swirling abstract pattern will instantly appear on the screen. The pattern has an
inexplicably horrifying quality; anyone viewing it for the merest instant will lose 1-3 SAN. The pattern will
run for 10 seconds only; the computer will then shut down. All data on the machine's hard drive will be
corrupted beyond recovery. The hard drive itself will subsequently be found to be unusable, and beyond repair.

 A set of eight rectangular copper plates (6" by 8"). Each plate is covered in neat etched rows consisting of
the 1/4" high letters "A", "C", "G", and "T". The text appears to be a random mix of the letters, but someone
knowledgeable in medicine may get the feeling it is (part of) a DNA sequence. At each corner of a plate is a
small hole.

 The Green Box is strewn with empty bottles of mineral water, and a lot of the items are damp - as if
someone has been through and "baptized" them...

 A torn apart bullet-proof vest. While it once may have provided som protection to its wearer it is now a
dark-stained mess with several large rips right through it.

 Chemturion model 3525 extended wear Protective Suit, plus external air supply. (Large size). Light blue
suit containment suit, designed for working with extreme chemical and biological hazards. (Nerve agents,
H5N1 influenza, plus whatever MJ12 and the Mi-Go have cooked up this month). There is an integral helmet
which has a very large clear faceplate. There is also a barrel of decontaminant solution, used clean the suit
before the operator gets out. It is designed to be usable for 4-8 hours at a stretch. There is also a manual on
how to use the suit.

 A duffel bag containing an archaeology tool kit (containing brushes, picks, tweezers, etc.), some clothing,
two sticks of dynamite, a ID card, and $1000 in cash.

The ID list one Rose Christopher, a college student who disappeared years ago.

Further investigation would show that she was involved with the Wilmarth Foundation, and was MIA during a
mission on behalf of the Foundation. The bag was found by a DG agent who was sent to investigate the matter.

 A framed, dust-coated poster-sized black and white photograph of a tall, gangling man in half profile
looming over a misshapen dwarf against a featureless background of white and gray. Both men are wearing
stiff suits and Homburgs; the freakishly proportioned thin man, whose long fingers appear to possess too many
joints and whose slim neck seems too long by a vertebrae or two, is wearing rimless black-lensed glasses while
the dwarf is grinning at the camera through a long, forked beard. The photo was likely shot during the
Depression era going by the striations and patina of composition, although identification is difficult due to age
and yellowing. "R. & friend" is scribbled in a corner.

 A room filled with glass jars and bottles supended by fine cords from the ceiling. Each container is filled
with a oily and murky liquid, with mishappen things hidden in its depths.

 A wooden box containing three dozen small plastic animals. Whenever the contents are out of view, the
next time they are looked at they will all be facing in different directions than they were initially. A post-it note
attached to the top reads "DO NOT TOUCH. H."

 An internal computer hard-drive with a red sticker on it that says "Do NOT connect!". If it is connected to
any kind of Linux/Unix controlled hardware a mimetic cryptovirus undetectable by any current anti-virus
software will spread from the hard-drive and turn all data on the hardware to gibberish.

 A black cape, with a small label sewn onto the lining that reads, "If Found, Please Return To B. Wayne,
Stately Wayne Manor, Gotham City".

 The mummified severed hand of a small mammal, one finger extended. Field notes indicate it as no longer

 An issue of Action Comics #1, mint new expect for a large sticker "Property of the Anhenherbe's library"
glued on the cover.

 A battered cardbox box full of cheap plastic Guy Fawkes masks.

 A single silhouette target hangs from a clothesline about three-quarters into the Green Box, bearing
disturbingly large, scorched holes, though no perceptible damage to whatever is behind it. Whatever weapon
was used on the target had the dangerous side-effect of bathing the room in radiation; if the investigators spend
more than fifteen minutes at the Green Box, they'll begin to develop symptoms of rad poisoning.

 A small cloth bag that, when opened, will reveal a pair of large spiders. They both measure about 6'' by 6'',
and are unnaturally heavy. If you allow them, they will latch themselves onto your hands and dig their fangs
into your flesh, making them extremly diffucult to remove. Two back legs secure around your wrist, their
middle four legs lay over your thumb, pointer, ring and pinkie fingers, and the remaining front legs wrap
around on opposite sides of your middle fingers. This configuration grants you a stronger grip, and with
practice you might even be able to climb walls.

 This box contains round envelopes, for circular letters.

 The top half of a well-worn teddy bear, spattered with dried blood. At Keeper's discretion, 0/1 SAN loss
unless PCs are VERY jaded.

 An intricate Voudoun veve to the death goddess Maman Bridjit has been drawn on the floor in a mix of
blood, salt and chalk. A dead black rooster rots in its centre.

 A collection of coroner reports, notes, and photos from the city the Green Box is located it, in a string-tied
red accordion file. The reports relate the details of the deaths of numerous female strippers' and one
transsexual. The official cause of the deaths appears to be "defective" breast implants, but the unofficial, scrap
paper notes end with one conclusion, "something was incubating in the implants, and when it hatched it
hatched hungry." The file also contains an evidence bag with one bloody and shredded implant.

 A 36″x24″x3″ red velvet sheet cake with butter-pecan icing. A 3-D picture of the agents has been applied
with red icing and micro nozzle applicators modded to a dot matrix printer.

 a still-warm bucket of KFC drumsticks.

 An Israeli civilian gas mask with biblical verses written on it. If a demon or otherwise unholy creature
attacks a person in current contact with the mask, the attack dose one die less damage.

 A black, generic case for a Playstation 2 game. Opening the case reveals a pitch black disc, and the game
manual, which has had its cover ripped off. A hand-written note, in English, is tucked in front of the manual. It
reads, "Play the game if you want, but whatever you do DON'T BEAT THE FINAL BOSS!"

Reading the manual or playing the game reveals it to be an English port of a Japanese game set in a rural
Japanese town where people are being murdered by being thrown into TVs, where if they stay to long they are
killed in a most horrific fashion by alien creatures not of this dimension. The main character is a high-schooler
who battles these creatures by summoning various mythos entities to serve him, having been taught these
abilities by in his dreams by a mysterious man with pure-black eyes, while the trying to balance his school and
social life, and is aided by other classmates who gain similar abilities after being thrown in the TV. The game
has a very cheery tone for being so horrific.

At no point is the name of the game or the manufacturer ever mentioned. All instances of it in the manual are
either blank spaces, or have been blacked out. When the game is started, it goes straight to a simplistic main
menu which only says "New Game" and "Continue". Playing the game takes 60-70 hours, costs 1/1d4 SAN
and grants 5% Occult and 2% Cthulhu Mythos. Keeper's discretion what happens if they characters defeat the
final boss.

 A pamphlet, crudely made, several years old.

It purports to a copy of some notes written by one Halpin Chalmers, a 1920's writer. Reading through the
papers, one can crudely gather that the author had some strange theories about reality, a mix of Eastern
mysticism and modern mathematics. There follows a few pages of strange formulas, the only one making any
sense is Einstein's famous "E=MC^2". The last page references a strange experiment, but nothing else is

The last page is covered in dried blood.

 A sealed plastic box full of over the counter medicine and vitamin supplements with a handwritten
inventory splattered with blood. There are also instructions to ONLY take them in a specific order, but no
instructions as to under what conditions they should be taken. The consequences are up to the GM's discretion.

 A dirty, coffee-stained, sealed envelope. If you open it, you will find a sheet of paper with your name, your
date of birth and another date six months in the future.

 Two plastic buckets with lids containing what first appears to be grayish confetti with some minor pieces of
trash in it. On the lids are written "Agent Jonas" and "Agent Jay". A closer inspection reveals that the "confetti"
is not made from paper but some other substance, and the trash seems to be things you may sweep up from a
sidewalk. A lab test will show that the "confetti" is freeze-dried and flaked human flesh.

 The door handle of the green box is slimy and somewhat sticky. Forensic analysis will reveal that
somebody spent way too long licking the doorhandle. Way too long.

 A wooden box with a soft lining which contains several dark rocks made of some kind of ore. An analysis
reveals them to be of extraterrestial origin, probably meteorites.

 A pack of Juicy Fruit chewing gums, with six sticks left. The sticks have been dosed with powderd LSD,
which is not readily appearant unless the gum is perused. Licking the stick will also do teh trick.

 A 10 pound sack of 1930s quarters, they appear perfectly ordinary. However no matter what, they will
always land heads, never tails, ever. and never by force, always by pure circumstance.

 A corrugated cardboard shipping box, roughly one foot by one foot by two feet, filled with styrofoam
peanuts (packing materials). No matter how many peanuts are removed the box remains filled with them. The
only way to stop the flow of peanuts is to open the bottom of the box and flatten it; the moment it is
reassembled it refills with the peanuts.

 A large (12x8 inch) photograph of a high-school class. All faces except the teacher's have been punched
through several times with some sharp instrument. The teacher's face has been lovingly cut away with a

 A shrink-wrapped case of Spam from 1997. 24 12oz cans.

 Thirteen sets of Hall and Rees Submarine escape apparatus, all fully functional in spite of dating back to
1907. They have, however, all been sprayed florescent yellow. A note placed nearby says, "Instant minions."

 WW1-era gas mask.

 Blurry photograph of wolf-like biped with accompanying notes "Savannah, 1987. Investigate further.
Precautions to take: ?" and baggy of course grey hair

 A contemporary map of the Chicago Freight tunnels, printed on 11"x17" paper, folded in half and sealed in
a large plastic bag. A convoluted route from Milwaukee & Kenzie streets to Illinois and Wells streets is marked
in a red felt-tip pen.

 A Ronald McDonald suit from the 1970's..

 Two perfectly identical Zebra statues. However, people looking at it instinctivly understand one is a white
zebra with black stripes, and the other is a black zebra with white stripes.

 A pair of boots finished with human skin.

 A large wall poster, about 2 feet by 3 feet in size. The poster depicts a very photogenic human baby
clutching a .357 Magnum pistol as if it were a teddy bear. The barrel of the gun is in the baby's mouth. The
caption "Honey? Have you seen my gun?" is printed along the top of the poster, and along the bottom is
printed "Always practice gun safety! Keep weapons unloaded and locked up when not holstered!"

 Seven plastic squeeze bottles filled with various lubricants. The bottles always appear to be nearly empty,
no matter how much lubricant is added to them, but never actually run out.

 Glued to the wall are dozens of "tart-cards" - flyers left in telephone booths to advertise a prostitute's
services. These ones recommend "Black Fan Goddess: Masterful Oriental Massages From The Larger Lady".
The contact number is for the Toronto area but the line's disconnected.

 A two foot diameter circular sawmill blade. Strange metallic crystals cover one third of the blade,
deforming part of its surface, seemingly growing out of it. Anyone examining it for some time will notice how
the light refracts strangely around the crystals, making small parts of the surface seemingly disappear now and

 One 16 oz. shampoo bottle with the words "Holy Water" scrawled on it in black paint pen. The bottle is
about 1/2 full.

 A compact picnic-bag containing a nice plate, fork, knife and spoon, as well as a crystal wineglass. There is
also place for a small wine-bottle, but that is occupied by a battery-powered surgical cranium saw.

 An old leatherbound pocket bible. There are several deep stab marks from some sharp triangular implement
penetrating about halfway through it. If examining the pages it can be found that the text closest around the
stab marks have changed into gibberish.

 An altar has been constructed in the center of the Green Box, evidently dedicated to Burt Reynolds. Upon
this altar is a holy book of sorts; if read, it appears that it was originally started as a bit of satire, but as the
writer's mind slowly slipped it became more and more genuine.

 A wedding dress, slightly aged, in a clear dress bag laid gently on top of one of the boxes. It is the exact
size and design as one belonging to either one of the agents or their significant others.

 A plastic evidence bag containing a pair of blood spattered clogs with mysterious runes carved into their

 A leather doctor's bag containing a small collection of four aborted fetuses preserved in jars filled with
formalin. The jars are marked "A", "B", "C" and "X". The "X" specimen is slightly malformed with vestigial
tentacles growing from its chest.

 A sealed file folder labeled "Top Secret", "Eyes Only", "Property of the NSA", and "Destroy After
Reading". Inside are a series of photo booth pictures of an attractive teenage couple, dressed in alterna-teen
fashion, making out in the photo booth. There is absolutely nothing to explain the security classification.

 One human skull. An electric plug has been affixed to the bottom. Visible inside the skull cavity are two
lights, one red, one green. If plugged in, the lights light up in an alternating pattern.
 A blue Coleman cooler, duct-taped shut. Inside are a jumble of commerical freezer-packs (now all room
temperature) and a foul-smelling alkaline sludge. A few human teeth are scattered about inside as well. The
cooler's interior is scored by several deep scratches.

 The room is thick with furry-bodied flies and insects, and there's the rancid stench of decay. Something has
obviously died in here and been rotting away for a long while.

 A large teddy bear (3 1/2 feet in height) that is fully done up in bondage gear. From the collar dangles a
small tag with the letter 'T' engraved on it.

 In a shoe box lies a bunch of cassette tapes and yellowed notes written in a determined hand. The tapes are
of popular songs by various artists such as Bob Dylan, The Clash, The Beatles, Elvis, Johnny Cash, Frank
Sinatra and Britney Spears. The notes go into detailed analysis of how each song makes references to the
Mythos. Up to the Keeper if the notes are accurate enough to invest any Cthulhu Mythos knowledge, or deduct
any Sanity.

 A large Bible (King James edition) of the sort you'd find in a bookcase in someone's home. The Bible has
been hollowed out and contains only a stack of Polaroid instant photographs that appear to have been taken
sometime in the mid-1980's. The photographs depict a boy and a girl in their early teens in several
compromising positions. Even more disturbingly, both teens show unmistakable signs of the Insmouth Taint...
-1/-2 SAN.

 The back of the Green box has been defaced with the message: "We're all in Carcosa Now."

 A plastic bin. Taped to the top is a sheet of notebook paper saying "We're in a hurry. Could the next person
please burn this stuff? DO NOT READ!" in a woman's handwriting. The bin holds a US Postal Service bag
containing thousands of envelopes bearing the return address "Richmond-American Awards Company" and the
addresses of a random assortment of people. They are all unopened. If examind the contents appear to be a
standard form-letter offering a cash prize (of indeterminable size) if the reader calls a certain telephone
number. Interspersed into the regular text are short strange sentences from some occult text. It mentions the
"faceless devourer". (At the Keeper's discretion the text is from Vol. 12 of the Revelations of Glaaki.)

 A ziploc bag containing eight feet of rolled up 1/2" rope ending in a professionally tied hangman's noose.

 A full bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken - strangely the chicken is still fresh and warm.

 2 complete 'Ku Klux Klan' outfits.

 A small bag that contains 3 pills. Upon inspection the capsules are revealed to have been opened, it's
contents replaced with blood.

 A extremely large (5" long) but dead cockroach.

 In the back corner behind some old file cabinets someone has setup a server. The system is has no screen or
input devices. The connections to it were run without the knowledge of the storage owners. It has a backup
power source inside the server that is not evident to those without some skill related to electronics or
computers. Attempts to physically access the system or unplug it will result in the system reformatting itself
and its drives.
This could be used as a DG asset, a government system or a something unrelated. There are more spook shows
going on then DG or MJ12.

 A bell, a copy of the King James version of the Bible, and a candle all in a cardboard box. The handbell is
silver and has a wooden handle. The candle is halfway burned down but appears to have been cut to its
currently length. The Bible has most of the New Testament except for the Book of Revelation ripped out or
defaced with black paint.

 A pack of clasical Tarot cards. If only three cards are dealt, the three will always be Death, The Hanged
Man and The Tower.

 A small cardboard box containing ten origami animals. A closer inspection reveals that they are all folded
from $100 bills.

 A set of two tesla coils and a safety chamber. The cell assembled these as protection from beings that exist
in higher dimensions. Whether or not it works is up to the GM.

 A slightly worn VHS tape with "B.S. or Not?? NRO-DELTA?" written on the label in black pen. Recorded
on the tape are 5 hour long episodes of a conspiracy talk show "Truth Seeking with James Zarella" on Seattle
public access cable during 1997. All 5 episodes seem to focus on interviews other conspiracy theorists
claiming the US government maintains secret underground bases in the American Southwest with the co-
operation of aliens and that US test pilots are secretly flying reverse engineered spacecraft.

 A small cooling box containing stinking water and four blood bags filled with rotting blood.

 A blood stained cardboard folder labeled 'Leak?'. Contents: (1) A DVD of "Underworld: Evolution", with
the words 'NRO-Delta got whacked!' written on the cover in black marker. (2) An 100 page typed document,
which discusses similarities between certain events in the film and a failed NRO-Delta operation code-named
NEPTUNE FLASH which took place 'somewhere in the Balkans'. The report concludes that the similarities are
pure coincidence and recommends no further action. Neither author or recipient are identified.

 The mummified remains of a Delta Green cell which vanished in the late 1980s occupy the interior of this
unit. All are in causal poses (seated at a card table reading a book, resting on a cot, etc.). Additionally, there are
mummified remains of other animals in the green box-- a small dog (one of the agents pet?), a rat apparently in
mid-gnaw on one of the agents, a bird which entered through a hole in one of the walls, etc. In fact, anything
once living in the unit seems to have become somehow instantly mummified. Inside the pocket of one of the
agents is a small, onyx amulet with the Yellow Sign emblazoned on it. (Whether or not the amulet is the cause
is up to the keeper. Agents may not want to stick around to find out for certain, in any event.)

 When the Agents enter the green box, they find a fully-functioning 40-gallon aquarium. The aquarium
contains everything it needs, except for fish. A note is taped to the side of it that says "Do Not Disturb. We'll be
back to pick it up when we have the stuff to drain the water. E Cell." (This note stays even if the Agents are E
Cell) In the bottom of the tank are several cartoonish statues of Mythos creatures or entities, such as Cthulhu,
Deep Ones or Shoggoths.

 A very large X-shaped structure, perhaps eight feet high and finished in slightly smudged black leather with
brass rivets. Sturdy steel eyebolts and rings are attached at various locations around the edge of the structure,
and appear to have seen quite a bit of use. A pile of worn black silk rope was tossed carelessly upon the base of
the bondage device.

 A group of three standard-issue FBI kevlar vests, all three of which have been thoroughly ruined.

Each vest clearly has scorch marks on the outside of it, and one has been penetrated by what looks like high-
powered rifle rounds. If one were to examine the inside of that vest, they would find that it was soaked in
blood at one point. Another vest looks fine from the front, but the back has been partially shredded, it looks
like by long pieces of metal. The last vest is covered in a layer of sand and rock dust, and has multiple scores
where it absorbed the impact of bullets.

 A well-thumbed November 1982 issue of Reader's Digest Magazine, Cover has been defaced by some sort
of acid.

 Wrapped in a tarp is an old neon sign that continues to flicker despite having no power source. What
business the sign belonged too is at the Keepers discretion.

 Box with 10 rounds of .50 caliber Raufoss Mk 211 ammunition with an elder symbol on the box.

 A small pile of bent, misshapen crowbars. Closer examination suggest that they must have been used by an
impossibly strong person against an impossibly strong object, in which the crowbar was the weakest link in the

 In the back corner behind some old file cabinets someone has setup a server. The system is has no screen or
input devices. The connections to it were run without the knowledge of the storage owners. It has a backup
power source inside the server that is not evident to those without some skill related to electronics or
computers. Attempts to physically access the system or unplug it will result in the system reformatting itself
and its drives.

This could be used as a DG asset, a government system or a something unrelated. There are more spook shows
going on then DG or MJ12.

 A small worn, and with dark red stains, leather bag, tied shut by leather strings. it's hiding some kind of
content, as it's quite full, which feels like perhaps small smooth pebbles. when opened and examined it will
show to contain teeth, childrens teeth, a rather large quantity of them, smooth, fine, childrens (primary,
deciduous, 'fall', 'milk') teeth, all in quite perfect condition.

 All corners of the green box are full of spray-on packing foam, and there is a lingering smell of spoiled
milk in the air. There are several items of furniture that appear to have been smashed with a sledgehammer and
burned, but it looks as if subsequent visitors to the box have tried to clean away some of the mess. A successful
Cthulhu Mythos roll, or simply having experience with such things may let an investigator know that someone
has attempted to proof the box against a Hound of Tindalos. Whether they succeeded or not is unclear.

 6 kilos of prepared raw meat. Despite the Green Box having been untended for who-knows-how-long, the
meat is still fresh and cooler than room temperature.
The species of meat is left up to the Keeper's imagination...
 A brown cardboard box labeled "Evidence, Van, Devil's Hill Estate." Inside the box are two half burnt
candles, a pile of plastic dolls in various states of disrepair, and a cassette tape. The tape is a looped recording
of a woman or child crying. The crying itself sounds fake.

 What appears to be a mock-up of an advanced model of prosthetic hand. Even a cursory examination shows
that this is an artist's model and not made to actually function, but the PCs can swear they see it twitch or move
in the corner of their eye, only for it to be exactly as the left it when they look.

 A single diffuser of liquid with a spray applicator with a post-it note: "Spray whole body (including eyes)
and examine if anything turns purple. Warning Highly Toxic. If purple is detected it is imperative that you
contact Alpha Cell, 3 uses remaining "

 A plastic evidence bag, marked "Skoptsi 980722-0023-A", containing the dried up remains of a male

 A length of clothesline has been strung across the Green Box. Slung over it are two dead and hideously
mutilated cats, their tails tied together. They appear to have fought each other to death.

 An aviation chart of the northern half of Ohio, annotated with 89 sets of dates, times, and course data.
Research matches the data set to the MUFON database: every annotation is the position and course
information of a commercial or civil aviation flight that reported a UFO sighting. The dates range from 1954 to
2001. Pattern analysis reveals no discernible pattern.

 A jumpsuit of a gray-black fabric. It is one-size-fits-all, and feels satiny to the touch. When worn, the
profile seems more generic than before, as if it washed away distinguishing features. It does not cover or affect
the wearer's face.

 An old suitcase with a damaged zipper, that makes it almost impossible to open. Inside is a bunch of 70's
suits and apparel. There is a note saying, "Be sure to deliver this to Hunter, at 54 Glebe. Hes expecting them."

 The Green Box has multiple mousetraps scattered around it in improbable locations, including glued to the
walls and ceiling.

Some of them have been baited with human fingers. 0/1 SAN loss.

 A greenish soapstone statue. Statue depicts a humanoid being with a bulbous, octopus-like head, a wreathe
of tentacles around the mouth, and bat-like wings kneeling on a plinth. The being's hands are on its knees, and
it seems to have a malevolent expression. The statue is about 10 cm. high.

 A cigarette holder with four expensive cigarettes.. Inside, on top of the cigarettes, is a note which reads: "J -
Stay out of sight. Remember not to light three to a match. - J"

 A cylinder, of approximately 5cm radius and 11cm height, of 1cm thick lexan clear plastic, holding some
kind of greenish organic-looking thing. It occasionally twitches. The label says "Please wait for death"

 When the door to the Green Box is opened, three fragmentation grenades fall from the top of the door and
land at the investigators' feet, their pins and safety spoons clearly missing. However, none of them explode;
when the shock wears off, they notice a crumpled note also fell with the grenades:
"Stay on your toes, those could have been real. Be Seeing You, F Cell."

 A transparent plastic box containing hundreds of large dead cockroaches.

 A small unmarked carboard box. Inside are 500 grams of lab-grade sulphur (in a bottle marked "Carolina
Scientific"), potassium nitrate (in a similar container), and a plastic jar from the "American Herbals Co." labled
"Franincense/Olibanum". Also inside is a porcelain mortal and pestle.

 A vinyl record of "Wes Montgomery's Greatest Hits". Any investigators who play this record are greeted by
the complete audio recording of the black box recovered from American Airlines Flight 77, which infamously
crashed into the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001. The Keeper should modify the contents of the recording to
best suit the adventure.

 A sizable military insignia hangs from the wall of the Green Box; it is easily recognizable as that of the
Strategic Air Command.

Closer examination reveals it to be made of the same material a normal military unit patch would be. Also, in a
blatant defiance of common sense and rational thought, it has somehow been sewed onto the wall.

 Three syringes in a see-through plastic case.One contains anabolic steroids, one contains blood (Type O
Negative), and the last one contains a neurotoxins. A successful medicine check will tell an agent that all three
of these syringes have been used at least once before...

 A plastic evidence bag containing a soft piece of pale leather wrapped around six fire-hardened bamboo
slivers. There is a faded tattoo (an eagle and the words "Semper Fi") visible in one corner of the leather piece.
The slivers are approximately 3" long, very thin and needle-sharp. Some of them have brownish stains on the

 One DVD-R containing many hours of Japanese hentai pornography. The audio content has been replaced a
looped section of a lecture (in English) about marine mammals.

 An old cardboard box with the name of a 1920s-era Boston Gunsmith on it. Inside are 18 hand loaded 12-
gauge shotgun shells which are loaded with rocksalt. The box has room for 20.

 A cardboard box with "research materials" written on it in black marker,. It contains the following: six
bottles of Maker's Mark bourbon, several issues of "Modern Drunkard magazin" dating from the late 1990s;
"The Disaster Area", a 1992 paperback collection of short stories by J. G. Ballard - the story "Mr. F is Mr. F"
has notes and observations concerning vorarephilia scribbled in the margins; printouts from several websites of
drawings and images involving bondage, extreme torture, cannibalism, and murder, all represented as
consensual and bearing the signature "Dolcett"; several printouts of "furry" art by different artists featuring
graphic depictions of vore; a recipe for something called "placenta stew"; "In the Fog", a paperback novel by
Issei Sagawa (out of print and valuable); a photocopy of an article on "Lesch-Nyhan syndrome", source
unknown; a printout of an article called "Butchering the Human Carcass for Human Consumption", by Bob
Arson; and an empty file folder with "report #3412" written on it. The issues of "Modern Drunkard Magazine"
seem to be there just for entertainment value; reading the rest of the materials takes 12-15hrs and costs 0/1d2
 A small wooden case bearing the Miskatonic University seal. Inside is a dusty glass cylinder package
swathed in bubble-wrap and tape. The cylinder contains yellowed formaldehyde and parts of a very large (15")
insect. The creature can be identified by an entomologist as a eurypterid, an arthropod that has been
(supposedly) extinct for abut 250 million years. The jar bears a worn label saying "Specimen Two".

 A crouching, man-sized effigy of a grinning frog-like creature poised as if preparing to leap, lovingly
crafted out of human faeces and newspaper. The smell is abominable.

 Three rather plain-looking metal urns with screw-on lids. They contain ashes, as well as small blackened
pieces of bone and enamel. Each has a small card with a handwritten note on them. The three notes say:
"Agent Rufus", "Agent Roark" and "Agent Rose".

 A strange glowing orb that makes quiet beeping sound at any person in the green box. If someone knows
binary code they can speak to the orb who's name is odium and may fallow the group because the box is vary
weird odium baleves herself to be human.

 The center of the Green Box has been converted into a makeshift, but very professional looking, autopsy
theatre. While the slab in use is a ping-pong table, all the necessary tools are arrayed out in meticulous order,
and a note attached to them reads "Do not disturb, will need this shortly. Thanks in advance."

True to their word, if the party returns after about a day, the table has been sanitized and the tools have been
packed up and taken.

 A single surgical glove tied up and filled with dead red ants.

 A large sealed jar containing a human heart preserved in formalin. A closer examination reveals that the
arteries were torn off rather than cut. A handwritten note attached to the jar says: "Agent Victor".

 There's a weird static charge built up in the Green Box, resulting in itchiness, frizzy hair and the odd spark.
Anyone touching anything metal grounds the charge - and suffers 2D6 in electrocution damage for their

A Know or Electrical roll by an observant agent should work out how to stop this before it happens.

 The preserved, severed paw of a bear. The type cannot be easily determined, as it is larger than any bear's
paw has any right to be. A small person could sit in it comfortably.

 A plastic evidence bag containing a green sock-puppet with shiny black button-eyes. There are several dark
stains on it.

 A set of photographs representing the Agents in the future, on their leaving of the Green Box (the picture
looks like it's been taken from a security camera, but none are found on the premises).

 A dead cat has been crucified to the wall of the Green Box.

 The corners of the Green Box contain several horrifyingly modified mousetraps. They are all of the largest
size on the market, and have been reinforced both structurally and lethally, with small-diameter steel rebar and
razorblades respectively. They have also been bolted to the floor, and, most disturbingly, have been baited with
what are clearly human fingers and toes.

It is unclear what monstrous vermin these traps are intended to catch; none of them have been triggered, and
there is no sign of infestation if the investigators look for it.

 A cell phone inside of a small padded box. When the box is opened, the cell phone will start to ring. If the
cell phone is picked up, opened and answered the user can hear the sound of ringing, opening and then more
ringing that builds upon itself until it becomes the sound of thousands of echos upon itself. The phone will
repeat anything the user says into it in the same manner.

 A chair set towards the door, with a small table next to it. On the table there is an ash tray with several
cigarettes ashed out. One is still smoking and appears to have been hastily put out. There is no other exit to the

 An original production iPod, very scratched, with headphones. Any song placed on the device plays
backwards and will only play if connected with the headphones it came with. Within the noise of the reversed
songs an agent can hear distant quiet words.

 A large Tupperware container with the words "SMEAR BOX" written on top in ink. Inside are three small
glassine envelopes filled with cocaine, two vials containing rocks of crack cocaine, several copies of
magazines featuring child pornography, a collection of matchbooks from gay bars, some VHS tapes and DVDs
of hardcore gay porn movies, several leaflets, flyers and pamphlets of white supremacist propaganda, a poorly
printed Jihadist recruitment paper, a USB flash drive loaded with Jihadist webpages/e-mails and two well-worn
loaded pistols (a .32 caliber Seecamp LWS and a 9mm Walther P-88) with attached notes detailing the time
and place where they were used in different crimes. All items are packaged in different plastic-bags. Also
included in the box are a pair of surgical gloves.

 A DVD of three hours of confocal laser scanning microscope video. The high magnification scans seem to
be of various tissue types and longitudinal cross sections of some very irregular cells. At the very end there?s a
two second flash of a thing on a gurney in a well lit surgical theater.

 A rubber ball that bounces one inch higher with every bounce.

 A blank DVD box with a bright yellow post-it note stuck between the cover layers is found. On the note is
the following writing:
"Video Evidence-The Heidelberg Case (DGC#/tt0187696) Possible connection with recent incidents in

If the case is opened an unmarked blank DVD is found. Upon closer inspection the disk is burnt and
potentially contains information.If the disk is played on a computer or DVD player a movie file automatically

The movie file starts off with what looks to be a brightly lit professionally maintained forensic/autopsy room,
complete with stainless steel furnishings. Characters who have been through medical school will recognize that
it's a medical school examination and training theater. The camera is fixated on one table in particular. As the
video continues two individuals in full modern surgical gear, who's identities are obscured by masks and
eyewear, bring in a cadaver from off camera and begin to prep it for dissection. The individuals seem calm,
rational and in control of their actions in a manor that seems to be of a standard medical study procedure. Not
much is said during the preparation however a keen ear will detect that on occasion German is spoken.
Characters who know German will be able to identify that anything said is in relation to the procedure and
gathering related data. To characters who went through medical school, this seems like much the same they
had to deal with back in the day, except something is not right; however they can't put their finger on what is
wrong. As the video progresses one of the individuals goes off camera and turns on some music to work by.
The music is extremely upbeat and very positive; a combination of jazz style tunes and light vocals. In an odd
way the music adds a very creepy factor to the setting. After returning, both individuals begin to dissect the
cadaver. People without medical backgrounds or experience with dead people will automatically make a 0/1D4
Sanity roll when the realization that this is an actual procedure and not a staged setup sets in, People with a
medical background are fine, however something continues to be not right. As the procedure goes into a more
in depth study, the characters with a medical background will begin to see what is wrong. The "cadaver" is not
behaving like a dead person should. There are several IVs stuck in the body, and odd movements can be seen.
As the body is opened up and organs removed and examined methodically the true horror hits everyone
watching. The "cadaver" is actually a living victim! To top it off, the individuals performing the operation are
taking detailed notes and data as to how the victim's body is functioning while slowly continuing the brutal
procedure in a cold, calculated scientific manor. At this point everyone watching the video takes 2/1D10 sanity
roll as the poor victim is vivisected and the subject of a gruesome living study. The horror culminates with the
victim slowly waking up and realizing his situation. The combination of extreme torture, upbeat music, cold
scientific methodical research, and hapless victim unable to do anything culminates in a painful scream of fear
that casuses all watching the video to take a further 3/1D10 sanity roll. Promptly one of the torturers tapes the
victim's mouth shut and proceeds at their heinous chore. The victim is awake in panic a good 10 minutes as he
is slowly carved up and studied methodically, scientifically, and with no remorse. Mercifully the video ends
before the final moments of death in a sudden blaze of white noise. However the horror of what has been seen
cannot be forgotten easily.

 A small matchbox filled with childrens milk teeth. Written across the box it says: "BAIT".

 A large cardboard packing box filled with used tubes of lip balm from seemingly every manufacturer. A pad
of graph paper plots some sort of test of each tube. Exactly what was being tested and which tube performed
the best is impossible to determine (and least in part due to extensive blood stains and seemingly random
scribbles across the face of each chart.)

 Tape from a number of VHS cassettes has been strung around the Green Box, looping around the items and
tacked to the ceiling and floor like a spider's web.

 A single gold bar with a WW2 era Nazi eagle stamped on the top

 Bootleg DVD of obscure Japanese anime series called "New Century Gospel." DVD has all 26 episodes
plus the two-hour finale, if in somewhat grainy, highly compressed, English subtitled format. The first episode
or two make it appear to be a fairly conventional teen-boy-pilots-giant-robot-to-save-Tokyo series, though with
a quirky sense of humor, engaging and likable characters, and vastly above-average animation and voice
acting. However, as the series goes on, the plot becomes bizarre and byzantine, the mood gets darker and
bleaker, and Mythos elements begin to appear--an expedition to the Mountains of Madness in Antarctica,
Tokyo besieged by an enormous dhole, the protagonist learns the "giant robots" are actually armored
shoggoths summoned and bound by ghastly rituals of human sacrifice and armed with hyper geometrical
weaponry, etc. All major characters, but especially the protagonist, break down psychologically under the
pressure. The two-hour finale shows the protagonist giving in to despair and committing suicide, and the
remaining characters, not to mention all of humanity, dying in graphically hideous ways as the stars become
right, and the Great Old Ones return and scour the planet Earth clean of all life. Watching the entire thing is
psychologically traumatic: 1d6/2d8 SAN loss, 4% Mythos. Attempting to investigate the stated producers,
animators, and voice acting cast of the series is a dead end: every single one of them committed suicide
between 1989 and 2007.
 A box of moon rocks.

 A black and white photo of six young men in suits smiling and standing together in an old chemistry lab.
"December 15, 1956" was apparently penned on the negative for the photo. Paperclipped to this is another
photo of the same men on a beach. It has the digital time stamp "December 15, 1993." The men have not aged,
although all of them appear to have cataract clouded eyes. One man wears a knitted mitten over his right hand,
which is odd given the men are wearing shorts, short-sleeved shirts, and sandals. "Dr. Joe Ridley - Progeria
Study Group IIa," is penned on the back of both photos.

 A small glass bottle of exotic shape containing a green liquid. It is stoppered with a red wax seal and has a
label saying "Ichor of Zhrothros". A closer inspection reveals the bottle to originally be a massproduced
perfume bottle, and the content turns out to be colored water.

 A large, menacing-looking machine takes up most of the space in the Green Box. Examination by someone
literate in the subject will reveal it to be the stripped-out trash compactor mechanism of a garbage truck, rigged
to an external power source and anchored to the floor.

 A full set of engineering drawings for the 50m Haunebu III flying disc, they appear to be genuine WWII era

 A crude bone flute made from a very long, human-like femur bone. A successful archeology role will reveal
the archaic features of a previously unknown proto-human. Strangely, the finger holes are spread unevenly, and
are too far apart for modern human hands. Holding it makes the agent hear strange atonal melodies just at the
edge of hearing; they seem to be coming from the unnatural and rapidly deepening nearby shadows...

 A stuffed black cat

 Collection of 37 dried human ears (all left) on a string necklace.

 A small plastic box filled with brown recluse spiders. The spiders make a small "Scritch-scritch-scritch"

 Several kitchen knives have been stuck into the inside of the Green Box's door with seemingly superhuman

 A wooden box about six inches to a side and obviously of amateur make. The top is tightly fitted and
requires some effort to open. If opened, the inside is lined with lead sheeting like that used in roofing. There
are no labels or notes.?

 An ornate glass snowglobe with a small bronze plaque which simply reads "dry-88". The 'snow' is gray like
ash, and on closer examination the scene within is a scale replica of the green box itself, current contents
included, perfect aside from burn damage on much of the room and its contents, and two occupied black body-
bags portrayed as being propped against the wall. The snow globe exhibits no anomalous properties.

 A backpack filled with rope. When rope is removed from the pack, it seems to always have more inside it.
Despite however much is drawn out, it always seems to be 120 feet worth.
 A black and white photograph taken some time ago. It shows a shirtless, muscular bald man holding a
weapon, as if he was hunting for something. On his chest a star-shaped symbol. Those with knowledge of the
Mythos would know it to be the Elder Sign.

 Rolled sheets meant to be posted onto a 14' by 18' billboard. The sheets show a "blivet" (in this case a
'Devil's Fork') and the motto "The Impossible Is True- www.daolothtech.com" The website is non-functioning,
but was briefly registered three years ago.

 Drywipe marker board with an Elementary Sudoku grid annotated and overlaid on both transparent map of
Amsterdam's redlight district & an abstract of the European Internet.

 Scorched envelope containing a partially exposed glossy photograph of a man in a robe wearing a crown of
large antlers, of a twelve point buck. The man's face is obscured by shadow except for the rim of one
protruberant eye.

 The severed head of a woman, aged about 30, with medium length brown hair. The head is visibly starting
to decay, and has an unpleasant but bearable smell. Its eyes are closed and the left ear has a simple gold
earring. The right ear is pierced but has no earring.

After the head has been observed for about 30 seconds the eyes and mouth will snap wide open and red smoke
will start to pour out of the mouth for two minutes. The smoke smells both sweet and metallic. It is not toxic,
but if the head is being viewed in a confined space (e.g. if they are still in the Green Box) the investigators will
need to vacate the area because of the volume of smoke.

This process only ever happens once. SAN loss 1-3/2-7 for anyone observing; much more if the head is of
someone known to the investigators (Keeper's discretion).

 You find a roughly 9' pike standing up in a brass base. On the pike is a severed head of a youngish man,
though it's hard to tell due to it being rather mummified and slumped in a frightening, semi-decayed position.
1/1D4+1 Sanity Loss to view for the first time. Forensic analysis always comes up inconclusive, however a
best guess is that the unfortunate individual died anywhere from 6 months to 12 years ago. The pike is modern
make, in a traditional European style. However background checks reveal that it is probably of Indian
manufacture for the reenactor community.

 A UNMIL ID card, covered in long dried smears of blood. It belongs to one Yussef Motahar, a Pakistan
Army lieutenant reported missing from UN peacekeeping duties in Northern Liberia during 2002.

 A small chemistry lab stands in the corner of the Green Box, along with a table covered in various bullets
and bladed weapons.
It appears as though some misguided soul has been coating them in pure cholesterol, as though it were some
kind of stereotypical poison.

 The titles to a house in Centralia.

 In the refrigerator of this Green Box there are several big glass jars containing what look to be partial and
sometimes complete human brains in some kind of solution. Disturbingly, while you know that pathologists
and biologists might store tissue samples in formaldehyde, if you open any of these jars they smell like vinegar
and garlic. Oh, and most of the jars also have bay leaves and little hot peppers floating around in them along
with the brains. The labels don't help your peace of mind, either. They have stickers on the lid that say
"leftovers" and taped to the front of the refrigerator was a note that said "Take all you want but eat all you take.
Love, G-Cell"

 Everything in the Green Box has been pushed to the back of the room and piled haphazardly to free up as
much space as possible. Someone broke into the Green Box in recent memory (not longer than three or four
months ago) and set up a compact, very efficient meth lab on a couple of folding card tables. All of the raw
materials and spare equipment to cook up batch after batch of bathtub crank are neatly stacked near the door.
The burglars don't seem to have stolen anything (if the Keeper is feeling merciful) but also don't seem to have
been polite enough to leave you any of the meth they made.

 A large, psychotic baboon has apparently broken out of a cage within the Green Box, and violently assaults
the first person to walk into it.

The animal is merely infected with rabies, but given the setting the Keeper is free to allow the players
whatever wild speculation may come to them.

 A slightly yellowed antique hand-blown glass bottle, stoppered with a cork, and sealed with green wax.
Inside the bottle are three square nails, a Roman coin, a small red flower, and two human thumbnails.

 An olive branch bearing golf ball sized olives and a printout of an e-mail in modern Hebrew from a Knesset
member's office briefly inquiring to the Agriculture Minister "Per our earlier conversation, WHY would a
single station cost so much? You've got to give me something." The olives are dun-colored, but speckled like
quail eggs. These fruits are unique to a variety of olive tree grown on an agricultural station outside of Haifa.
The olive orchard at the station is a marker for a buried mastaba, which can be accessed through a secret tunnel
dug from a nearby dormitory's basement. The olive trees were grown from pits recovered from the tomb, and
the tomb wasn't built by any known human civilization.

 A brown coin envelope containing a U.S. Kennedy half-dollar coin minted in 1968. The edge of the coin
has been precisely notched with three 3mm wide by 2mm deep scores. The back envelope has a list of four
typed names. The names correspond to three Secret Service agents who were gunned down on April 4, 1969.
The fourth name is of a retired Secret Service agent who lives on a parcel of land near Sandspring, California
(a ghost town on the extreme northern end of Death Valley.)

 This green box contains three hidden compartments, under the floor boards, in a heating duct in the ceiling,
and in the wall behind a refrigerator, constructed years ago by a longtime DG agent suffering from severe
paranoia. For each cache that an agent passes close to, give them one chance to find it at 1/10th of their Spot
skill. Once one has been found, agents can search for the other two at full skill. For the contents of each cache
roll up 10 supernatural items on this generator. The cache contains the one that you think is most likely to get
your agents killed or destroy their sanity.

 One vampire costume, including suit, cape and fake teeth.

 A VHS tape that smells distinctly of burning but displays no signs of damage. Approximately fifteen
minutes remain on the tape where it was stopped without being rewound.

 Six used but clean suits of battledress uniforms in the old US Army "Woodland" pattern camouflage,
complete with six kevlar helmets, six gas masks, six pairs of olive drab cloth gloves, and six olive drab load-
bearing-equipment vests. The only identifying insignia on them are a circular patch on the left shoulder of
each, of dull khaki cloth, showing a stylized Colt Peacemaker revolver logo in black, and, at the top, "MTF Σ
114" (the "Σ" appears to be the Greek letter sigma), and below, "GUNSLINGERS" That unit patch and
designation will be wholly unfamiliar to any PC, even those recently or currently in the US military.

 A very long leather holdall of English manufacture dating back to the 1920's it appears well worn, but
otherwise in good condition. Inside is a 2008 Marlin 336 lever-action rifle chambered for .338 Marlin express
rounds, three jacketed soft point rounds are in the magazine and one in the chamber, and elasticated butt cuff
holds another five. There is also a hand made leather belt rig with an M56 Canteen, a ka-bar fighting knife and
a holster for a M1917 revolver with three ammunition pouches. The revolver, manufactured during World War
One is fully loaded with FMJ rounds, two of the pouches hold two half-moon clips with similar loads, while
the third is empty. The revolver appears to have been recently fired. Also present is a set of Vietnam era tiger
stripe fatigues, including a boonie hat. The fatigues appear to have been custom fitted for a tall athletically
built woman. A pair of 'nam era jungle boots, size eight, are also present. All of the above items appear brand
new. The only item which doesn't is a sheet of writing paper which if examined closely appears to be over
ninety years old, written on it in neat femmine script are the words, "Stephen, I never stopped loving you.

 A snowball from the North Pole that doesn't melt even in a furnace.

 A pane of glass with a strange stick symbol etched in the glass

 Three large magnetic cassette tapes, the type that fit into an older computer from the 1970s (an IBM 5100,
in fact). The tapes contain "problem solver libraries" written in APL language. A note taped to them states the
program will figure coordinates in four dimensions.

 A coroner's body bag, labeled "Hamilton County Morgue." It is empty, but has a faint rancid smell. Parts of
the inside of the bag have been torn, as if something were trying to claw its way out.

 A large suitcase containing several silver tubes and a thin folded metal-netting. To one of the tubes a cable
is attached and then bifurcating into one grounded connector and one 10" iron spike. By screwing together the
tubes, covering the resulting 4'x4'x4' box in the metal netting and grounding it using the cable it is possible to
create a small Faraday Cage large enough for a crouching human.

 A small ziploc bag containing a blackened and slightly deformed silver pendant in the form of a Star of

 This is an USB-stick. It's orginally black, but has faded due to what seems to be prolonged exposure to the
sun. Small, reddish stains can be seen on the casing. If analysed, the stains are rust mixed with bird blood. On
the stick, there's only one file, a short videoclip in high quality, showing a beautiful peacock wandering in a
forest to the song "Ich Will", by Rammstein. If an agent dissassembles the stick after viewing the clip, there
will be no electronic parts inside it, only a small amount of dirt.

 Splotched with dried blood, a lilac coloured envelope has been tidily opened. It's addressed to 1375 May
Avenue, Atlanta, GA, 30316 and postmarked 2.13.2008. There is no return address. Inside is a Valentine's Day
card. Inside the card are 13 local press clippings of goats born in 2007 with notable deformities in Georgia.
Each clipping has an address penned at the top; a few have Polaroid photos of the kids stapled to the clipping.

 A cardboard box, unmarked except for a label that reads "Cyanide" and filled with individual plastic bottles
each containing a single replica of a human tooth. There are three missing from a box of 20.
 Glowsticks. So many glowsticks. Boxes upon boxes, pallets upon pallets of glowsticks. These must have
been tens of thousands of dollars, could most likely illuminate five city blocks, and probably took a forklift to
bring in. Lord knows why anyone would ever want this many glowsticks.

 A white-on-mauve t-shirt reading in tasteful block print 'SOCIOPATH WORLD'. It's in remarkably nice

 A sealed vial containing clear liquid marked with a label saying "Holy Water".

 An icepick. The wooden handle has been carved into a likeness of the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

 A cadavre of a cow turned all grey (as if drained of "life") with a note saying: Slightly radioactive. Don't

 A burned CD of Reverend D.C. Rice's "Complete Recorded Works in Chronological Order (1928-1930)"
The CD is sleeved in a handmade duct-taped and corrugated cardboard case with a crude illustration of an
angel stepping on a the neck of a red cartoon devil. The case is a little too well crafted and precious; it's more
the kind of "authentic" thing a Williamsburg hipster would counterfeit as ironic homage. The music
compilation contains all 20 known recorded performances from the Rev. D.C. Rice, an impassioned country-
blues gospel singer. These are some of the finest blues-gospel recordings of their era. In red grease pen on the
back of the case is written: "Triangle Green, The Lord knows you've done as well as you can. Listen to the
Reverend and take comfort from the protection of His rod and His staff. You may rest easy at the end of your
day to the sound of 'On the Battlefield for my Lord.'In Christ, D."

 A cigar box containing a straight razor and several polaroids of a pair of teens dressed for prom.

 A cardboard box approximately 6" x 8" x 4", sealed with standard packing tape. The box rattles if shaken. If
opened, the box is found to contain the dessicated remains of a gray squirrel.

 A small handfull of grayish rocks. A successful Know roll will reveal them to be pieces of meteoric iron

 A ziplock bag willed with gold dental fillings.

 A copy of the game _ET: The Extra-Terrestrial_ for the Atari 2600. Closer examination of the game
cartridge shows that the casing has been forced open and reclosed, with part of the label used to hold the
halves of the plastic case together. If the agents open the cartridge they will find that someone has crudely hand
soldered an extra chip (an EPROM) to the circuit board. This has ruined the game cartridge by frying the other
PROM and singing parts of the circuit board. Enthusiastic agents probing the EPROM will find that it contains
only zeroes.

Somebody's seen too many bad spy movies.

 A three-tier wedding cake. The little statue of the groom appears to be a deep one.

 A huge volume of soil in a closed container. Notes indicate that the earth most likely contains the ashes of
Hitler, for future use in a resurrection ritual and some sort of respect.
 An opened four-pack of 500ml cans of a high-caffeine energy drink, with three cans remaining.
The package is contained within a resealable plastic bag and "watch out, these things will kill you" has been
written on the outside in black marker. The cans themselves with within sell-by date and show no signs of

If someone drinks more than half of a can, they will have a moderate heart-attack 2d6 minutes later (which
they should survive with medical attention and should die without). If someone drinks two or more cans back-
to-back they will have an automatically-fatal heart-attack in 1d6 minutes.

 A life-sized body pillow depicting rapper and Law and Order SVU star Ice-T dressed in a tuxedo that looks
like it's from the early 1990's. The body pillow looks like a custom job, and is still wrapped in shipping plastic.

 A stuffed dog mounted on a wood base labeled, "Mr. Kitty."

 A ziploc bag containing five bulbs of garlic, a garlic-crusher, an empty test tube and a syringe.

 A new paperback copy of "Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World: An Identification Guide" by Paul Stamets.
A dehydrator contains a dozen reduced, golden-capped mushrooms on its racks. Two airtight kitchen
containers have a dozen more dried mushrooms each. One contains long, spindly specimens with a pinkish
colour, and is marked with an embossed red plastic label reading "PERSUASIVE." The other contains dark
green specimens resembling shriveled golf balls, and is marked with a blue label reading "ENTICING."

 A pair of jury-rigged stilts (made of 2x4s and wood scraps). The bottom portions are stained blue from
some sort of acrid liquid.

 A plastic rifle case, empty except for a notebook containing what appears to be genealogical research
around a specific Massachusetts family descended from a sea captain named Morgan Barlowe. One particular
name, Matthew Barlowe, is ringed with red. Investigation into that name finds that Matthew Barlowe, age 6,
was killed together with two other children two years ago when an unknown sniper opened fire on their

 A laser grid similar to those used by ghost hunters to look for movement.

 Every square-inch of the walls, floor and roof of the Green Box have at least one bloody finger-print on it.
Checking it against the databases shows they belongs to a Marvin Quells, an FBI-agent who disappeared in
1997. The DNA of the blood is not Marvin's though. It matches Mary Roberts, an IRS-agent who also
disappeared in 1997.

 An AN/VSS-3 battlefield searchlight and control box with power supply. Produces a 150 million
candlepower output beam in infrared or visible light.

 Strange luminescent fungi grow along the walls of the Green Box. Anyone touching their pale flesh-like
surfaces will get the feeling they are contracting and expanding, as if they are breathing ...

 A pair of black leather gloves - with 6 fingers.

 There is a wooden pallet holding 5 100kg lead ingots. Each one is inscribed with various invocations,
prayers & spells protecting against demons &/or devils(strange, they seem to focused inward). A note requests
A-Cell be contacted for permanent disposistion.

 Someone's taken the time to wallpaper the Green Box with pages from various Bibles. Their bindings and
covers are carefully stacked at one side of the Box.

 An unnervingly large collection of tapeworms has been preserved in formaldehyde and placed in open-top
fishbowls all around the Green Box. Every now and then, an investigator might see one of them twitch out of
the corner of their eye.

 There's a trapdoor in the Green Box's floor with half-a-dozen heavy bolts keeping it shut tight. Opening it
uncovers a set of stairs leading into a basement below...

 A heavy steel case about 40 x 40 x 30 cm, with a top cover made of thick leaded glass. Inside you see a
riveted steel plate from which emerge three human fingers . Occasionally, the fingers twitch. It cannot be

 A commonly-available Motorola pre-paid mobile phone and compatible wall-charger. The screen is cracked
and completely unreadable. The balance on this phone never seems to expire or run dry regardless of where a
call is placed or for how long, suggesting that the account is still being fed by its previous owner.

 A man has been crucified to the wall of the Green Box. He is gagged and in pain, but definitely still alive...

 An airtight plastic box containing a single sealed vial carefully wrapped in multiple layers of bubble plastic.
The vial has about a tablespoon of grey-white powder in it and is labeled: "Bacillus Anthracis, Ames Strain".

 3 foot tall porcelain doll wearing the clothing of one of the agents (female if possible). The eyes of the doll
seem to follow the agent at all times. when nobody is looking the doll will disappear and the be behind the

 A comfortable Boston Red Socks hoodie. The inside of the hood has a perpetual and very strong smell of

 A box of Christmas ornaments, marked for destruction. If careful studied the players will observe that the
ornaments are not totally wholesome, there are what appear to be depictions of mythos creatures in very
stylized form.

 In the corner of the Green box sits a professionally made refrigeration unit, cooled by liquid helium. The
unit is only large enough to store a human head inside of it, which is exactly what is currently in storage. The
head is from a while male in his late 30's. Even frozen the head gives off odd feelings of dread. It would be
best for everyone if it remained inside the freezer.

 A hydraulic arm from a garbage truck has been installed in the center of the Green Box's floor; it is
controlled by a joystick assembly wired to the wall.

It doesn't seem to have any clear purpose.

 In the corner of the Green box sits a professionally made refrigeration unit, cooled by liquid helium. The
system runs has a series of generators hooked up to it, allowing it to run during extended power outages. The
area is fenced off by chain link fence and has a warning to not mess with the system. Whatever is on ice,
someone spent a lot of time and effort insuring it stays that way.

 A pressure suit from a U-2 spy plane, the suit has several gashes in it as if attacked by some unknown foe.

 A small brown paper bag containing a dozen small audio cassettes - the kind you find in an answering
machine or dictaphone. The cassettes are marked with dates in black pen, spanning most of June 1992 to May
1993. Listening to the tapes reveals that they are indeed from an answering machine - apparently belonging to
one "Mrs. Hargrove". In between the calls from friends and family are long recordings of incessant,
unintelligible chanting - much longer than what answering machines usually record.

Throughout the 1993 tapes, the chanting can be heard in the background of all messages.

 12 liters of blood in mason jars. Some of the jars are still warm.

 One broken engine block to an unrecognized vehicle. It is far too heavy to move, and no obvious signs
show how the engine ended up here. Players who investigate can find a VIN number printed on one of the
parts. Further tracing reveals this engine belonged to the limo used by the Canadian Prime Minister.

 A dead man has been crucified to the wall of the Green Box.

 An acoustic guitar, with blood-stains on the strings at the spots where a person would place their hands, as
if the person who used it had played it until their fingers bled.

 A unicycle wrapped in Christmas lights stands erect in the center of the Green Box, flashing gaudily until
unplugged. A taped-on note claims it is "magic", but does not expound on this theory; in reality it has no
characteristics that differentiate it from any other Christmas-light-wrapped unicycles the PCs may encounter.

 A file containing documents and photos of a Japanese national named "Yasaka Hasta", who appears to be a
young, blond male wearing pants, shoes, and a hooded sweatshirt - all yellow. There doesn't seem anything
strange, though the documents (copies of official Japanese records) were marked as "Likely Faked" in red pen
- notes by the investigator.

Final notes mention that the investigator was found insane, muttering "What a glorious form for the King".

If player character looking through the file seen the Yellow Sign or Hastur, they will lose SAN loss 1/1d6.

 Someone has made a tiny safe house at the back of the green box. It's basically a pair of large shipping
crates, connected and left hollow. It sits in the corner with the wall and back of the storage unit providing
protection for two corners. In front there are several sofas stacked up to proved camouflage and protection. On
the side several sofas lie stacked. However, perceptive agents will notice they are arranged to make a tunnel
large enough for someone to crawl down. At the end of this is a false side which can be removed. Inside is
room enough for single person to curl up to sleep or sit. The crates have been lined with insulation to help
defeat heat sensors. It has a small fan to keep the air clean, in fact looking behind the unit will show there is a
small hose connecting outside or into the buildings ac system. There is also a tv hooked up to a small wireless
camera outside the box. The camera is hidden in the light fixtures or in an emergency exit sign. Whether or not
this works is up to you. However, someone put a lot of effort into their little pillow fort.
 A Girl Scout merit badge for woodcraft, with dried blood spatter on it.

 A black-and-white photograph of an old man with whisker stubble. Anyone who looks at the photo will
recall vague childhood memories of knowing him, but will be unable to recall his name.

 Large Freezer bag with two smaller bags inside, one containing course, thick hairs and the other a 9MM
clip filled with silver bullets. The freezer bag is labeled Werewolf, Atlanta 1987.

 A collection of autopsy photos. The subjects are all women. Stains upon the photos glow under UV light.

 A small bottle of water with a spray attached to it. Whenever used. blood is spritzed out of it. -1 to Sanity
upon first use.

 The inside of the Green Box door has several long claw marks, and parts of it is dented as if something has
repeatedly smashed into it.

 Bandage made of Human flesh.

 One shovel for each investigator. Attached to each is a note addressing them by name and in their own

 A half-empty jar of Vaseline and a spoon. A Post-it note is attached to the jar which reads 'It's delicious. Try

 A pair of high quality red digital binoculars. When held up to the eyes, an attractive red headed woman
slowly begins stripping. Right before her top is removed, several black tentacles tear her limbs off (San loss

 An x-ray of a two-headed snake labeled "Honduras" with a magic marker.

 A small black and white photo of JFK wearing a business suit shaking hands with a "classic" grey alien.
Something is written on the back: "seems legit...?"

 A box of 37 remains - marked Geheimhaven Base 08/15/1936. An island north of Crete that had a Nazi
submarine base on it during WW2.

The remains are mostly ash, some have a few charred bones in them, but some unrecognizable goo is included.
The box, actually the remains, are slightly magnetic and radioactive.

 An old set of Tibetan Buddhist religious objects. A Phurba (ritual knife, three bladed knife), kapalamala of
miniature bone skulls (108 "carved" skulls, close examination suggests that these are actually skulls that have
been shrunken somehow; 0/1 San), a rKangling (bone trumpet made from a human thigh bone which has been
been tightly fitted with leather, and the metal encasing has been enhanced by a turquoise), and thodpa aka
kapala (A cup made from the top of human skull and lined with silver, and fitted with a ruby in the base of the
cup). Antique and worth thousands, these are piled in a bottom crate. No special abilities, save perhaps in the
hands of a Tibetan priest or servant of one of the Dharmapalas.
 An old chinese opium-pipe in skillfully carved as an eastern dragon. It has been lacquered red and has a
small brass bell attached to the end of it. Anyone smoking opium in it will experience wondrous and horrifying
visions of faraway places. An experienced dreamer [used it at least six times] may gain some control of what
places he or she views. But the risk of seeing things you don't want to see is always high. [lose 0/1d6 SAN]

 A small black flash drive, devoid of any exterior markings. The only file on it is a virus, executed
automatically when plugged in. The virus (which can bypass nearly any antivirus software) flashes onscreen a
large Yellow Sign (SAN loss as usual) and the phrase "The Last King Is Come" so quickly that it is practically
read subconsciously.

 A smooth streamlined back pack that has black wires coming from it and connecting to a bracelet. If the
back pack is worn and at least an hour messing with the bracket the investigator can make a luck roll to figure
out the device. If the device can be activated to allow the where to turn near invisible this causes 1d6 SAN the
first time and 1 SAN every time after.

 A stone tablet with several symbols carved on it. The symbols exert 1G worth of force in a cone out to 10
feet and 10 feet across at the end with no corresponding counterforce. It's lying face down in the back of the
green box with a post-it note on top that says "Do not move without proper precautions." 0/1d2 SAN to see
effects of tablet.

 A home-made Mi-Go communication device built out of stage-lighting and multi-colored lenses. The entire
thing is about the size of a DJ's sound-mixing deck, complete with toggles and buttons, but the scanty
handwritten notes on how to convey basic messages, like "greetings", "acknowledged" and "negative", implies
the process is mostly trial and error.

 A computer. If touched, pulls in the person touching it. 1d4 SAN to see this.

 In the top shelf of a fridge-freezer, a Ziploc bag with a note written in permanent marker; "WARNING:
Keep frozen, do not thaw". Inside the bag is another bag, containing an irregular black pebble an inch and a
half across.

If removed from its bag, the pebble maintains a surface temperature ten degrees colder than the surrounding air
at all times. If it is warmed above 80 F, it melts into an amorphous blob of thick black liquid; it does not re-
freeze unless its surroundings are below 50 F. The blob is able to move under its own power, and will attempt
to move towards the nearest source of heat (or away from an extremely cold object). If poked or prodded by an
inorganic substance, it will recoil. If poked or prodded by an organic substance, it will consume it and absorb
its mass, growing larger. If given the opportunity, it will attach itself to an organic source of warmth (such as a
person) and begin to consume it.

STR 02 SIZ 01 POW ??? DEX 04 Move 2 HP 10
Damage Bonus: not applicable
Weapon: Consume 100%, damage 1D2 in the round following successful Attach, and thereafter.
Skill: Attach 20%.
Sanity Cost: 0/1D3 SAN.
??? = passive but enormous POW

If the blob grows sufficiently large, it will begin to adopt physical characteristics of whatever it has consumed;
for instance, if it has eaten a rat, it will grow stubby legs and a tail. As the blob grows, its stats (and sanity loss)
likewise increase. Once its size exceeds 12, it begins to psychically "sing"; humans in its vicinity must pass a
POW x5 roll or involuntarily flee, losing 0/1d6 SAN in the process.

Physical attacks are effective against the blob, but merely break it into smaller pieces. If any quantity of the
blob is reduced to less than a pound, it will dissolve into a tarry and highly caustic, but otherwise inert mass. If
an ambulatory piece comes into contact with the dissolved mass, it will reanimate and reabsorb it.

 A blue bottle-cap bearing the words "Ankaran Cola". When placed in any kind of opaque container, its
temperature increases until it burns through or melts whatever it has been placed inside.

 A large tooth (approx, 3 inches long) on a leather cord. Natural history or similar rolls are uncertain of its
origin but reveal to have characteristics of both Orca and shark teeth. A Mythos roll reveals it to be from a
Deep One, a BIG one.

 A clammy green-black spine, about three-feet long, sticky to the touch, and snapped at its base. The point is
incredibly sharp (inflicts 2D6+4 impaling damage if used as a spear).

A successful Cthulhu Mythos roll recognises it as a tine snapped from the Great Old One, Glaaki. Sanity loss
for this is 1/1D2+1

 A spherical black stone, about the size of a human eyeball, and run through with red mineral veins. If
carried by a human, it will summon and bind a Creature of the Wind - an ice-cold, immaterial and inhuman
monstrosity that rides the ethereal winds. Whenever the carrier sleeps, the Creature will hunt down those who
have upset the carrier, even in a trivial way, and feed upon them.

 A large evidence bag containing a folded up old-style straightjacket. It is quite worn and smells of old
urine, sweat and vomit, but otherwise seems functionable. Someone examining it closer will find strange
squiggly runes sewn onto its inner lining. [Anyone wearing the straightjacket have a 5% chance each midnight
of getting the attention of the invisible (and predatory) Things that exist out of sync with our reality. If this
happens he or she disappears without a trace.]

 A pen that is engraved H.P Lovecraft. If a person picks up the pen there sanity drops to zero as they see all
thing as they are. If a person drops the pen there sanity returns to half normal however if a insane person picks
up the pen they are nolonger insane. Stabbing a monster, or any supernatural thing with the pen turns the being
in to a stack of paper detailing the encounter up until the creatures demise.

 A 'Get Out of Jail Free' Monopoly card.

It is signed on the back, 'Rip in half to use. Good any time. ~S.A.~'

If ripped in half, the agent's phone rings.....

 A badly scratched vinyl record. The label indicates it was made in the 1940's and apparently it contains two
songs by the blues singer Ramblin' John Hastur. On the A side "Rise! Rise! Rise!" and on the B side "In The
Heart". [If played, the first mournful song will make any human corpses within hearing distance rise as a
murderous zombie for 1d10 minutes; the second rattling song, on the other side, will reduce any listeners SAN
by 1d6 every round. No SAN roll necessary.]

 Someone has packed sack lunches for the agents in brown paper bags, writing either their real first names
or their childhood nicknames on them with Sharpie. Each sack contains a lunch that they personally would
have been very happy to get at the age of 8 or 9; 0/1d2 SAN loss to think about who or what would have done
this for them.

 A bronze disc about the size of a quarter dangling from a frayed black silk cord. The disc has a slightly
shaky looking Yellow Sign engraved on it. Wearing the medallion on the outside of one's clothing might make
it possible to pass oneself off as a member of a Yellow Sign cult. Wearing the medallion against one's skin for
longer than 12 hours activates a subtle curse bound into the amulet; for each 12 hours of constant contact with
the amulet (cumulative; taking the amulet off periodically only suspends the curse's effects), the wearer gains a
-1 penalty to not join a Yellow Sign cult encountered later.

 A pair of dog-tags threaded to a silk cord. The particulars imprinted on the metal are unreadable, but
anyone holding them feels a sense of reassurance while doing so. While asleep there is a 75% chance of the
wearer waking up 30 seconds before anything life-threatening happens to them (be it a fire, an assassin, alien
abduction etc.).

 A clay stovepipe. If lit, the smoke casts intricate shapes that appear to be screaming faces. (Sanity loss:

 A heavy metal box, approximately 1' long, high and deep. The box is locked with a rusted padlock, no key
can be found. Anyone managing to open the box will find that it is not possible to see the inside as it seems
filled with an inky darkness. Probing the darkness will reveal that no sides or bottom can be found. There is a
15% chance that any hands (or similar appendages) inserted into the box will be savaged for 3d6 HP as
"something" takes notice of the tasty morsel. Anything dropped into the box will disappear, but will re-appear
close (within 100 feet, but possibly inside a wall or the ground) to the box present location either 1d100 years
before the present time, or 1d100 years after. Breaking the box cause a violent explosion of strange black
flames dealing 4D10 damage to everything within 100 feet.

 A set of spy-plane photographs of what is identified as a Romanian castle codenamed "GRAY SOLSTICE".
It appears to be from the mid-1950s, and handwritten annotations identify what seem at first to be prisoner
transports entering the gates. However, later the commenter becomes convinced they are human sacrifices, and
semi-crazed speculation begins to bloom regarding their purpose. Subsequent analyses by the annotator
identify bizarre photographic anomalies, misplaced shadows, and a general sense of wrongness pervading the

Eventually a set of photos reveals the castle suddenly being leveled by Soviet artillery during what could only
be described by the pilot as a 'localized solar eclipse', and the handwriting becomes both nearly illegible
scribbling and completely unintelligible ranting.

1/1d4 SAN loss if the investigators buy into what they see; 0/1 if not.

 An average gunmetal-gray reading lamp, with goose-neck flexible stand. The power cord has been cut
about two inches from the base, but it inexplicably still works. Agents disassembling it looking for backup
power supplies will suffer 0/1d2 SAN loss, as they discover there is literally no electricity going into the lamp.
Otherwise, it is completely normal.

 A wooden case lined with felt padding and containing two 1" glass spheres (there are spaces for six). Each
sphere is filled with an unusual silvery powder (Dust of Suleiman). There is a label, in French, on the case,
which says "Property of D. Helcimer".
 A palm sized shard of mirror, if viewed indoors it reflects normally. Outside the surface reveals a
dramatically different background, a sky the colour of drying blood filled with burning black stars, tall glassy
trees, buildings replaced with crumbling stygian spires. This costs the 1/1D4 San

 Two matched brooches. If both brooches are worn by different people, each of them will be able to
communicate telepathically with the other as long as they remain with 500 feet of each other. SAN loss 1/1d4
when properties are first discovered.

 A small wooden box containing a brooch made from verdigrised bronze. It is shaped as a stylized butterfly
with swirling designs covering the wings. [The wearer of the brooch become the locus of a probability
crossing, making the results of actions taken more extreme. In practice this means that any skill (or attribute)
roll of 01-05 gives an extremely good result (dealing maximum damage, gaining instead of losing SAN,
convincing insane Cultists to release their sacrifices and surrender etc), but a result of 95-00 gives a
catastrophic result (gun exploding in hand, driving the car straight into a gasoline truck which explodes, losing
twice the maximum SAN for an encounter etc).]

 A black blindfold which, if worn by the target of a firing squad or similar execution, will allow the wearer
to miraculously escape harm. However, the shooters will all believe the target is dead, to the point of untying
and hauling off a hallucinated corpse while completely ignoring the still-living victim walking away

1/1d6 SAN loss to actually survive a firing squad this way, otherwise no loss. Note that while this artifact may
or may not work in battle, it is still a blindfold, and therefore a rather serious tactical hindrance.

 A thin rod, made of what appears to be driftwood covered with strands of what appears to be copper, one
end almost encased in the copper like metal. Anything comming within 4.5mm of the encased end is neatly
incised. This includes flesh, bone, stone, steel... anything. 1/1d3 San loss to witness the effect.

 A large envelope containing a human finger-bone wrapped in dirty rags and sealed with wax. Written on the
front of the envelope: "Don't unwrap this. Use as necessary. And put it back - it's my dad's finger. ~ P"

So long as the seal and wrappings are not removed, anyone carrying the artefact will find doors open as if they
were unlocked, windows swing open at a push, and electronic keypads and swipe-cards will allow immediate

 A black iron fife, roughly eight inches long and one inch in diameter. Attempts to play it reveal it to be
badly out of tune. If played outdoors on a windy cloudless night under a full moon a byakhee will appear and
carry the player to whatever destination he specifies, at a cost of 1d4/1d8 SAN for anyone who sees this for the
first time and 0/1 for each subsequent viewing.

 Surveillance photos of various druidic type meetings being held in the parking lot of a supermarket near the
Green Box. It couldn't have been hard to miss: there are enough cowls and flaming torches, but despite the
dates showing it took place every weekend for a month, no police or newspaper reports talk about it.

If checked out, the leader of the group in the photos is Reggie Cornell, a middle-aged ex-con and deliveryman
who has been tentatively tied to worship of Ithaqua.

 a black bracelet if death is in 24 hours it heats up releasing a small black knife, the knife can heal any one it
pierces if it becomes hot if it becomes cold it can kill anyone instantaneous , the tempeture changes randomly
so use quickly and with caution. The inscribing on the bracelet is ,"i wish this dream never ends i love you" the
previous owners and story is unknown

 A large flat box is on top of something needed in the green box. It will take two people to safely lower it
down. If not properly lowered or if purposely opened, the playyers will find a disk covered in cloth wrappings.
A note pinned to the cloth says "Do not unwrap.Shield of Alexannder the great. It turned two agents to stone
the last time."

 A small octagonal whistle, carved from onyx and engraved with elaborate angular geometric designs.
Blowing the whistle will summon a Hound of Tindalos, characters with a sorcerous bent my use this
opportunity to bind the creature and sick it upon someone. Failure to do so will result it in hunting them down
through space and time.

 A baseball-sized chunk of rock that is obviously granite, which will be backed up by any and all geological
testing. However, it is completely weightless in the hand, and if dropped will fall so slowly as to be
imperceptible; unless recorded via multi-day time lapse it will seem to just hang in the air. 0/1 SAN when
picking it up, 1/1d4 if dropped.

 A Hittite-era copper bowl looted from Mosul Museum, Iraq, during the 2003 invasion. It's been recently
defaced with sigils allowing it to be used for the spell Send Dreams.

 A stone sarcophagus. Inside is an atrophied human cadaver, its skin flaking, rippling with green fungus, and
suffering from a huge hole in its chest.

 A basket-ball sized egg-shell hued sphere. In good light its mottled plasticky exterior seems to flicker with
an interior light, rippling through an undercurrent of translucent veins. If queried on its existence, A-Cell
reports it was recovered from a segregated public swimming pool in Nevada in 1953. No other information is

This is actually a Traveller's space-craft (as described in the Delta Green scenario "Puppet-Shows and Shadow-
Plays"). It is impervious to all known damage, and currently beaming a tracking beacon into the cosmos -
guiding more Travellers to Earth.

 A piece of pottery that seems to show one of the investigators worshipping a vast, toadlike thing. That
investigator suffers 1/d6 SAN loss.

 An antique music box. This dark blackish-gray box is ornately worked pewter, measuring 8" long, 5" wide,
and 5" tall. The carved relief on each side depicts the sun halfway clear of the horizon, but there is nothing else
in the reliefs that reveals whether it's setting or rising. There is a small yellow post-it note stuck on the flat,
featureless lid. "DO NOT WIND TWICE IN A ROW !" If the box is opened, a plain looking figure will arise.
It is very simple, and could be either a male or female. Once the box is wound up (20 turns of the key) and
opened, the figure will emit bright light as it spins to a haunting tune; the brightness being equivalent to that of
a 60 watt electric bulb. If wound to its maximum, the box will function for exactly 4 minutes, 37 seconds. If it
is wound a second time or more, it will function exactly as before, but anyone within 50' will begin to suffer
the same cognitive effects as becoming intoxicated. Each time it is wound and played after the 2nd time
doubles the effects, the severity remains at the GM's discretion.

 A mirror that isn't actually a mirror. It's like looking at someone else - you're not inverted. Harmless, a
curiosity, but a tiny bit creepy. (0/1 SAN loss).
 Three 500 mg vials of golden tan powder, the black shiny labels read "Turrandy" and are marked with
skillful and flourishingly elaborate calligraphy using a golden paint marker. The glass screw-on caps are
marked with a plainly visible and fully charged Yellow Sign against the same undulating black label material.
The Carcosan sigil will bloom like a golden lotus, sprinkling the minds of stunned observers like the lyrical
alien poetry of a forbidden cloud of glowing pollen. Any insanity connected to the powder or Carcosan
madness may well manifest in a maddening urge to dose oneself with the Turrandy Powder.

Forensic and Scientific analysis of the label will reveal the paint to be rather normal, but the label material will
be partially identified as an unknown species of reptile, probably a serpent. If the powder is immersed in water
it coagulates into clear cubes of gelatin, each with a tiny gold snake in the center. This costs 0/1 SAN to
experience. The source of the powder itself will be revealed as the roots of an African herbal plant known as
"Devil's Claw." However, the powder also seems to include various unidentifiable alkaloids.

Anyone who ingests the material in whatever form will immediately lose 1/1d3 SAN and experience 1d6 mild
Carcosan hallucinations over the next few days.
They will also have all math/physics skill rolls count as "easy" for double skill.

 A jar containing the preserved remains of a minor unspeakable servant. Sanity and Mythos rolls are at DM

 A white Cleveland Indians pennant covered with intricately-interlocking occult symbols relating to various
elder gods, all of which subtly draw attention to the center where a stylized depiction of Y'golonac seems to
reach out towards the viewer. 0/1 SAN if the viewer does not recognize the imagery, 0/1d4 if they do.

 A lacquer box, with jade inlay. The inside of the box is filled with a scrawl of Chinese characters that
anyone who passes an Occult or Mythos check can guess is some kind of ward or containment.

Also inside the box is a small piece of rock, roughly the size of a human eye, that is not so much black colored,
as it absorbs all light that touches it. Any living creature that comes in direct contact with it is instantly killed,
with no apparent cause of death. If they handle the object indirectly, such as through clothing, or protective
gear will take 2d6 damage every round while the hold it, which ignores all forms of protection. If the examine
the skin under the area where they touched the stone, they will find it necrotized and black, like some extreme
cases of frostbite. Non-living but organic substances, such as leather, organic fibers and wood will decay
rapidly in contact with the stone, and appear on analysis to show extreme effects of aging. Even non-organic
substances are eventually worn down by touching the stone.

A PC who can read Chinese characters can study the inside of the box for two weeks, then make and INT x 5
roll to learn how to copy the warding symbols. If they succeed, they are able copy the characters onto another
object to ward it. This requires the spending of 1 point of POW and an INT x 5 roll (POW is spent regardless
of if the roll passes or fails) to etch or paint the characters onto an object, such as a glove, bag or other
container, which then becomes shielded to the stone's effects.

 A plastic ziploc bag containing a folded up piece of parchment and a small plastic box with lid. The box
contains a brownish powder. The parchment seems to be a single page from an old 16th-century german book
and describes (in german) how to protect oneself from "The Burning Ones" by making a protective circle using
"The Ash of Ah'Zid". [Using the brownish powder a 6' diameter circle can be created which keeps Fire
Vampires at bay.]

 An attractive mid-19th century fiigree locket, entwined with painted roses and sinuous vines, all bound in
yellow insulating tape.
The locket contains a miniature gate about the size of a human thumbnail, leading to the swirling nuclear abyss
of Azathoth's throne. If peered into, the gate gives a direct glimpse of the Blind Idiot God itself (SAN
1d10/1d100). Thankfully the gate's small size should stop anything coming through...

 A wrought iron Celtic cross, about three feet high, warped as if exposed to high heat. Each of its four ends
is caked with a smooth violet substance that will not come off.

 A plastic evidence bag containing a 6" long iron rail spike. The spike emits a faint bluish glow which can
be seen in darkness. Touching it with bare skin brings a tingling feeling which spreads through the whole body
and then fades away. [Whoever touched it has now had his or her DNA subtly changed and will no longer
match any previous samples. Extended exposure may cause cancer.]

 A mill stone. When not being rotated it appears to be a regular mill stone. However, when rotated it shows a
story related to the cult of Shub-Niggurath. San damage is up to DM.

 A Garmin dashboard-mounted GPS navigator which, when plugged in, will automatically map a route to a
nearby recent murder scene (although never quite recent enough to allow capture of the murderer).

 A skittering pile of spiders, cockroaches and ants. Brushing them aside reveals the remains of a plastic
evidence bag and a sealed test tube containing a milky white liquid. [The test tube contains Mother's Milk, a
substance associated with Shub-Niggurath. It is highly mutagenic, and will greatly increase healing, growth
and fertility in any living creature it comes into contact with, plus some slight side-effects like insanity and
deformity ...]

 The hand of an adult human male with candle wicks in place of finger tips. If all of the wicks are lit they
shine a 20 foot radius of stable light around the hand, far much more light than small candle fires should be
able to produce. When lit, the hand also emits a strong smell of burning flesh. The hand is an actual human
hand, not one made of wax and the fingers do not melt, catch fire or otherwise become damaged by the flames.
SAN 1d2/0 on first use.

 A pewter locket, one designed to carry small pictures of loved ones inside. If a picture of a human is placed
within, any time the holder squeezes the locket in their hand, the object of the photo will be compelled to think
about the locket holder, regardless of distance or recognition (possible SAN loss for repeated use up to the
Keeper). If the locket holder is foolish enough to put a picture of themselves inside and squeeze, they will have
a panic attack (SAN cost 1/1d3).

 Three empty bottles of microbrew cask ale called "Mother's Olde Peculiar". Imported from Severn Ales, of
Clotton, UK, its unlisted secret ingredient is the transformative Milk of Shub-niggurath...

 A pair of glasses with cracked lenses. When worn the world looks fractured and split. Sometimes people
split by the cracks don't appear all that human.

 A Yithian Temporal Communicator, fashioned from random junk. It appears to be broken, but a set of
successful Electrical and Mechanical repair rolls will allow it to be turned on to contact the target Yithian.

 An ornate 16th century jewelry box containing a small silver needle. A bloody post-it note attached to the
box reads 'DONT LOOK' in a rushed, uneven scrawl. A subject that touches the needle with their bare hands
will make it disappear. The needle will reappear the next morning floating a few inches away from the waking
subject's face. Trying to grab the needle will only make it dart away, always returning to the same place. No
one else can see or touch the needle. Every day, the needle draws ever so slightly closer to the subject's right
eye causing SAN loss of 2/1D6 per day. The subject knows they must claw out their eyes or an extremely
painful death will occur in ten days. No marks will be left on the body and the needle will reappear in its box.
An autopsy will reveal the cause of death as cardiac arrest due to extreme psychological trauma.

 Brown hard-acoustic guitar case. The first time it's opened, it is empty. Every subsequent time, a different
guitar is inside.

 A lantern, when lit, reveals the true face of anyone (or anything) caught in its glow.

 A ring that fits easily on the thumb of anyone who tries it on carved out of some kind of bone (Keeper's
choice). The ring beras an enchantment such that the wearer will go unharmed by the next attack from
whatever creature whose bone was used to make the ring before shattering and becoming useless forevermore.
For example, if the ring was made from a human thighbone then the wearer would miraculously avoid taking
damage from the next attack from a human being; the ring would either take the hit itself or 'accidentally'
shatter as a result of the near-miss.

 A fragment of black coral, carved into a humanoid shape in a plastic baggie. The bag is half-filled with sea
water. If the carving is dried off it will slowly 'perspire' more salt-water until it is wet again. Only keeping it in
a heated environment like an oven will keep it dry - and it will still inexplicably cake with salt.

 Near the front of the storage unit is a box that used to contain printer paper. Inside protected by old
newspaper is a glass sculpture of an octopus crawling along the sea floor. The octopus is made of green glass
and the sea floor is made up of pieces of marble. Studying the sculpture will reveal it is actually a lamp, the
parts roughly matching what would be available in the 20s. I'd take some work but a handyman or electrician
could get it working again. It doesn't light up a room and appears to just be a decorative piece. However, those
who sleep in the same room with it on, have a higher chance to receive dreams from Cthulhu. This is the
original function the item served. Searching for the history of this lamp will return nothing, it was hand made
by some unknown artist.

 A small spool of 550-lb parachute cord, color construction-vest orange. Although it looks to be around 300
feet of cord, any attempt to unwind it all the way will fail; at some point or another, more cord somehow
appears on the spool without anyone noticing.

No SAN loss for normal use of the line; however, if someone deliberately tries to unspool it to the end, or to an
amount large enough to clearly notice it isn't running out, SAN loss is 1/1d4+1.

 An unmarked disc placed within a Roadwar 2000 (Strategic Simulations, Inc., 1986) case. If inserted into
any machine that displays images and has multiple controls (including a remote), a video game will appear on
the screen. The game's controls will be mapped to the machine's controls, disabling any functions those
controls had for the duration. If played, the game (different every "use") will represent a current event and
allow the user to decide the event's outcome. This outcome will come about within the next few months
exactly as portrayed. If the game is not completed for any reason, the event immediately worsens, resulting in
large-scale loss of life.

 A small metal bottle covered in small semi-precious stones. It is sealed with wax and contains a foul-
smelling concoction which will for a brief time (1D10 minutes) grant its imbiber a +20% bonus to the
following skills: Swim, Sneak, Track, Hide, Listen, Jump and Climb. A laboratory analysis of the liquid shows
it to contain alcohol, unknown plants and human DNA, specifically brain matter.
 A storage crate captured from the Nazis at the end of World War 2. Inside is a whole collection of effigies
of Cthulhu in a lot of styles, matters and crafts, coming from most parts of conquered Europe and the colonial
French empire. San damage is at the gms discretion. However, due to the volume effigies it would probably
not be wise to stack San costs.

 A handful of coins bearing the colorful sheen of anodized niobium plating, marked by age to varying
degrees. The obverse of each features a stern man with bristly hair and the value "21 Zhai", and the reverse
bears a bird rising from a sunrise or sunset.
If flipped, the coins will only ever come up heads, despite being balanced enough to stand on-edge.

 A jam jar filled with screwed-up bits of paper. Paper removed and unravelled reads, in typewritten text,
either "Innocent" or "Guilty" depending on the individual's guilt or innocence.

What "guilt" or "innocence" the paper actually measures is unknown, but it is 100% accurate. The jam jar
never runs out of paper.

 A small, weathered pocket Gideon's Bible. The inside is hollowed out, and has a lock of red hair wrapped
around a strike-anywhere match by a length of red ribbon. If the match is struck, the character will
immediately lose 1d3 Sanity, but be immune to suggestion, hypnosis, or mesmerization of any kind for 24

 A sealed jar full of a yellow milk like substance. It has a bio-hazard sign on it. This is the Milk of Shub-
Niggurath. Drinking or even touching it should have interesting and perverse effects.

 A metallic rod that turns any flesh it touches unnaturally black. The blackened flesh,while still functionial
causes immense and unrelenting pain.

 A small (2" diameter), and slightly pitted, iron sphere covered in strange swirling symbols. There is a
chance (15%) that anyone within 3' of the sphere may experience strange light flashes, though mostly if in the
dark. [The area within 3' of the sphere is filled with a continuous stream of heavy cosmic radiation, much more
than is common this far inside the earth's magnetic field. Long-term exposure may lead to radiation sickness
and/or cancer.]

 A ouija board constructed out of newspaper clippings glued to the back of a ceral box. Seems only to
communicate with a dead (though friendly) Toledo, Ohio, car mechanic named Frank, who died in 1979 and
knows very little about life outside mundane Mid-West America.

 An old AN/PRC-77 combat-net radio transceiver as used by US troops during the Vietnam War. On the side
of someone has painted the words: "Gung Ho!" in white paint. It seems functionable, but the batteries are long
dead. Anyone replacing the batteries will have a hard time receiving a stable signal. No matter how much
adjustments are made the signal seems to drift into white noise after a short while. [Someone listening to the
noise for more than 5 minutes and failing a SAN roll will start discerning faint transmissions in it. It is hard to
hear exactly what is said but listening closely (and losing 1d4 SAN) makes it clear that the messages were sent
during the Vietnam War. Someone losing 3 or more SAN can hear that they all seem to circle around a set of
particular coordinates deep in the Vietnamese jungle. An investigation into the coordinates find no official
information on any US troop movements in that area, though the area for some reason was targeted with an
ARCLIGHT carpet bombing.
 A small silver locket, containing the face of a young girl and an older woman, presumably the girl's mother.

Whenever this locket is picked up, the next time it is opened it will display the person holding it instead of the
mother. If the holder has never killed anyone, the other frame will be blank; if they have, it will be a picture of
the person they most recently killed, their expression locked at the moment of death.

Seeing this is 1/1d2 SAN loss (if no victim is displayed) or 1/1d4+1 (with a victim), with additional penalties
tacked on for bringing up any specific trauma concerning the event.

 A Brunton Mil-Spec compass. What makes it unique is that it no longer points north. If used it will point
you straight towards an area favorable to contacting Yog-Sothoth.

 A set of normal-looking surgical tools, including scalpels, hemostats, retractors, etc. If used in an actual
surgery, the patient will always die horrendously from general organ failure some hours later, without fail. No
autopsy or medical examination will concretely connect the tools to the death, or show any tangible signs of
malpractice or sabotage by the surgeon (unless there actually was malpractice or sabotage), though obviously
the fact that surgery recently occurred is suspicious.

 You have found an offcut of rough old wood 4" by 4" by 3/4" thick. A cleanly severed human tongue has
been nailed to it using three very new flat-headed nails, whose points protrude from the other side of the
offcut. The tongue appears very new; it is still wet with saliva, and there are traces of unclotted blood at its
root. A small (1/2" diameter circular glyph has been scratched carelessly near each corner of the upper side of
the piece of wood. The tongue stays fresh and moist indefinitely. The whole object is completely fireproof.

 A series of various sized and colouered glass lenses held in an over-complex contraption made of burnished
copper. Looking at written texts through the lenses will reveals hidden meanings, though the veiwer will not
consciously understand or remember them. The user can still glean esoteric secrets from the painful after-
images that torment them.

 A plastic evidence bag containing a small chinese puzzle box made from black wood with silver details.
The details show dragons, cranes and strange flower-like creatures that a succesful Mythos-roll will identify as
stylized Elder Things. Anyone managing to open the box, through force or skill, will find a small piece of
folded-up parchment upon which a swirling Mandala is painted. Looking at the Mandala will make the
watcher _temporarily_ lose 1D100 SAN as he or she suddenly gains a horrifying insight into the real nature of
the universe. The lost SAN returns at a rate of 1 point each hour as the insight fades into a distant dream,
unless the total SAN loss exceeded the character's remaining SAN in which case the "negative" SAN is
permanently lost, and the same amount of Mythos-skill is gained.

 One highly magnetized glass sphere, 3 cm in diameter. Anyone inspecting it and making a physics or
chemistry roll loses 0/1 point of Sanity.

 A Hex sign of Pennsylvania "Dutch" manufacture on a joined series of wooden boards. It looks to have
been cut from some larger structure and consists of a red twelve pointed star inset with a circle. The sign will
accurately predict the weather, with the color of the inset circle changing to reflect the next days weather. The
correlation between the sign and weather can be understood by anyone studying the pattern of changes over a
few days who can make an idea roll. The color will change only when the sign is not observed.
 A finger bone from a T. rex. A successful forensics or natural history will tell an agent that the bone is not
fossilized. In fact, it's rather fresh...

 A pair of red and black kidney-shaped divining blocks linked with a piece of red twine. Used by Peranakan
(mixed-race Singapore Chinese-Malaysian) diviners, these blocks are known as 'pak puay' and the way they
fall signifies a "yes" or "no" answer to a question.

Each time this set are actually used someone close to the diviner will die.

 25 feet of barbed wire spooled on a hickory stick carved with hobo signs. The signs indicate the wire is a
deadly animal sent from God. They also convey the animal makes a safe home or shelter from devils. If strung
from hard points, the wire will animate, snag, and entangle mythos creatures passing within three feet. The
wire turns white hot and inflicts burning damage until a creature can untangle itself from the constricting coils.

 A small wooden case containing three sealed glass vials with a sulphur-yellow powder in them. The vials
are marked with hand-written notes in arabic, which in translation means something like "The Soothing Sand".
Inhaling the powder will temporarily increase the subjects SAN with 2D10 points as a feeling of safety,
warmth and contentment washes away the worries of the subject. The gained SAN points disappears at a rate
of 1 point each hour.

 A small round (5" diameter, 1/2" thick) obsidian mirror framed in silver. The frame is formed as a stylized
snake biting its own tail. [Looking into the mirror while letting moonlight fall on it will, after a brief
disconcerting moment when the mirror's surface seem to give off smoke, reveal a brief glimpse of the
immediate (24 hour) future. The vision usually focus on life-threatening (to the viewer) events, but a strong-
willed viewer may roll against his or her SAN to force a vision of a specific time and place (within 24 hours).
Doing this costs 1d6 SAN.]

 A pair of mirrored sunglasses in a felt carry-case that make the wearer completely unmemorable and
physically indistinguishable. It doesn't affect video recordings, fingerprints or DNA, however.

 A poncho. Should anyone wear this faded poncho and sleep during daylight hours, they will enter into a
deep sleep, envisioning themselves as a hawk, osprey, or similar bird perched on the shoulder of their sleeping
form. They can then move about freely in this dream-form, and the world they perceive is precisely the same
as the real one, save that the bird is non-corporeal and does not exist. After two hours, the dream ends.

 A 1914 Magnavox desk-telephone. Though disconnected and unpowered, if lifted from the cradle the
receiver rings a drug-store in Lynchburg, Tennessee on a random day in 1927. Sometimes someone answers...

 Unmarked bottle containing blue viscous fluid. (It's one ounce of fluid retrieved from the body of a victim
of an attack by a Hound of Tindalos.)

 A scuffed tuning fork. When struck and placed on an object you can hear voices whispering. The voices
gives you information about the object but its not always useful.

 A stone tablet with a crude outline of a man with bear-traps in place of hands, as if drawn by a child.
Engraved above the man is the name "Aidan". The tablet is covered in various liquids, the only identifiable one
without passing an Occult check is human blood. Passing an Occult check allows you to identify the other
liquids as inhuman entrails of who knows what. Touching the object causes an amount of Sanity loss, TBD by
the Keeper.
 A rather handsome-looking black leather pouch held closed with a length of rawhide and a bead. The
contents of the pouch are a handful of unassuming-looking black stones, definitely glass of some kind. If
placed equidistant from one another in a ring the stones form a magical ward that makes the location they
demarcate a less attractive site to commit violence (POW vs. POW of 12 to think about committing violent
acts inside the ring, POW vs. POW of 10 to cross the ward and start a fight). Note that creatures outside of the
ward do not necessarily have to know it's there, the reaction is instinctive.

 A large blue-red conch-shell with an intricately wrought metal mouthpiece and receiver attached. Its
provenance is unknown, though its style has similarities to that of certain pre-19th century South Caribbean

If blown at an expanse of sea-water during high-tide there is a 50% chance 1d3 Deep Ones will appear within
1d3 hours.

 An ornately carved canine tooth from a large animal, suspended in a silver pendant on a silver chain.
Anyone who wears the chain has dreams of flying blindly through total darkness; the dream always ends upon
landing. (Sanity loss 1/1d4 first night, 0/1 each subsequent night). If the wearer grasps the tooth while standing
atop a high hill or building on the night of the full moon a nightguant appears and carries them off to Carcosa.
(Sanity loss 1d6/2d8 for onlookers, 2d6/4d8 for the person so carried).

 A two-meter wide by one millimeter thick, rolled up black piezoelectric disc with a built in microphone and
transmitter. Unfurling the disc and walking in a circle on it transfers sufficient kinetic energy to power the unit.
The microphone picks up the slightest sounds to transmit strong radio signals into space. While transmitting,
images of bursting nebulae coil and twist under the feet. A page ripped from an archeologist's field notebook
indicates this was recovered from a tomb in Jordan, listing specific GPS co-ordinates. The tomb had been
sealed for at least 3000 years.

 A leather pouch containing a small (3 inch) monkey carved from black wood (presumably Ebenholz). It
seems quite old and worn, but it is still possible to discern its leering features.
[Anyone sleeping within 10 feet of the monkey will have horrible nightmares of a black stalking creature
creeping closer and closer. SAN loss is 1/1d4 each time. If reduced to zero SAN in this way the victim also
suffers 5d6 of damage as his or her flesh is torn as if by invisible claws.]

 An iron collar with a heavy lock on one side, sized to fit a human male of average build, and a key to same.
If placed on a subject and the lock is closed, the subject enters a trance state where they are highly suggestible
and will follow all non-suicidal orders without question, no matter who gives them. The collar can only be
opened by the included key or by cutting it off.

 A green soapstone carved in the shape of a seven pointed star. No matter what the ambient temperature is it
is always covered with frost; anyone touching it with their bare skin takes 1 point of cold damage per round.

 A box of "Lucky Charms" breakfast cereal, but with Stephen Alzis's maniacally grinning face on the box
where Lucky the Leprechaun's should be. Close examination of the box shows that it was, in fact, printed this
way. The contents of the box are magically delicious.

 A .357 SIG round with a copper jacket. Engraved on it is some very small writing and some cryptic
symbols. If examined the writing turns out to be the players name. As long as the player has this bullet in their
possession they cannot be harmed by gunfire.
 An 8 1/2" soapstone carving of a tentacle-faced man-thing. Those versant in the Mythos recognise it as an
impression of Cthulhu himself. Hanging around the statue for too long has been known to cause nosebleeds,
headaches, tinnitus and, in some cases, cerebral edema.

 A cobalt blue glass vial containing approximately 1.5 liters of a clear liquid. It is stopped by a cork whose
top is painted with black lacquer and an unidentifiable red sigil. The vial sits inside a wooden pail that has a
larger version of the sigil painted on the inside bottom.

Anything placed in the pail and bathed in the liquid will dissolve entirely at a rate of 1 point of SIZ per hour.
While this occurs, there are no detectable byproducts, and the volume and weight of the liquid does not
change. Any liquid spilled or poured outside the pail will dissolve quickly, and it does not appear to be
poisonous if ingested. Small animals forcibly kept in the pail decompose five times slower - making the
process extremely difficult. Parts of larger animals and humans placed in the pail while still alive effectively be
confined long enough for the process to work, although it is mildly painful to the subject.

Chemical analysis of the liquid reveals a mindbogglingly complex organic structure. Successive attempts to
analyze it will yield different, yet no less intricate, formulae. Any attempts to recreate the chemical end in
combustible, if not outright explosive, failures.

 A massive tire, nearly the size of a man, suspended by chains from the walls to keep it from touching the
floor. A pilot or other similarly knowledgeable person would recognize it as being from a Boeing 747's front
landing gear.

It is splattered with a faintly shimmering gray-green mold of some sort; anything that touches it begins to
dissolve as though from powerful acid, including another tire, although this tire shows absolutely no signs of
damage from hosting it.

 A Mi-Go brain cylinder. There are no communication devices available, but someone has managed to jury-
rig a one-way interface with a bunch of copper, electrician's tape and a light emitting diode. If attached to the
cylinder, the light will begin to blink in morse code. Once transcribed, it's clear that it's just a long unending
line of profanity and ranting.

 A small statue representing an unknown deity - looks like Shiva but something is off (not the right number
of arms, head slightly larger, etc.).
On the statue, a post-it reads: 'DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH'. The post-it looks like it will come off at the
smallest gust of wind. The effects of touching the statue are left to one's appreciation.

 A large (1'x1'x3") Star-Stone of M'nar in a velvet lined, wooden presentation box. Whether it works as
advertised is up to the Keeper.

 A pair of antique glasses, brass framed with round glasses. Tiny latin lettering can be seen if examining the
frames closely, indicating some sort of incantation. Wearing the glasses in daylight gives a slight headache as
the world seems to grow vaguely distorted. Wearing them in moonlight and/or starlight makes the distortion go
away and everything within sight can be seen as if affected by the Powder of Ibn Ghazi. But there is one great
danger ... watching the full moon through the glasses will let the wearer see a monstrous multi-lobed Eye open
on the surface, making the wearer instantly lose 1d6/4d10 SAN.

 A thick bundle of moth-eaten blankets. Unravelling them reveals an immaculate steel tuning fork. If struck
against something solid, it produces a perfect C# note, and will not stop unless pressure is applied by human
tissue. In the third round the note is allowed to ring out, everyone in audible range will start experiencing great
discomfort and ear pain if they are not wearing ear protection, but with no lasting damage. In the fourth round,
solid inanimate objects (walls, floors, ceilings, furniture etc) will start vibrating, and stopping the fork by touch
will cause the individual 1d4 points of burning damage on contact with the metal. In the fifth round, everyone
in audible range without ear protection will begin bleeding from the ears as their inner ears begin rupturing, for
1d6 points of damage. In the sixth round, this increases to 1d8 points of damage for those unprotected, and 1d4
for those with ear protection. Nearby structures will also begin to split and crumble. What happens in further
rounds is the decision of the Keeper.

 A VHS tape which, when played, turns out to be footage from a police dashboard camera. The officer is
driving quickly on dark backwoods roads, with lights and siren on, and can be heard saying he is responding to
some call. He turns onto a gravel driveway, and a burning home comes into view at the other end.
Suddenly, a massive black form lurches into view, and a black tendril-looking shape smashes down on the
hood of the vehicle, almost flattening the engine block through sheer force. As the vehicle cuts out, the officer
can be heard screaming in terror, and several gunshots (by their volume, evidently being fired by the officer
from inside the vehicle) seem to do nothing to stop the colossal beast (recognizable to those versed in the
Mythos as a Dark Young). The camera eventually cuts out, but not before showing the officer being torn limb
from limb by the monster.

SAN cost: 1d3/1d10; CM +4

 A simple white ceramic bowl, filled with dried-up red stains. At closer examination, the bowl appears to be
a common soup bowl, albeit lacking any maker's marks, and the stains inside it seem to be dried-up chili or
other reddish stew. If tidied up properly, scrutiny will reveal that the inside of the bowl is decorated with a few
slight indentations that fashion the bowl's appearance into what can be seen as a frightened face. Furthermore,
if the bowl is filled with water, and one concentrates on examining the face beneath the surface, visions that
may or may not be beneficial hints towards a mythos-related issue at hand may be gained. 0/1d3 sanity loss for

 A bronze breastplate, covered in gold leaf. Beside it is a sheaf of papers, which describe the unearthing of
the object in a Roman burial in the mid 20th century dig, but also the research indicates the object to be of
Greek origin, from ~330-320 BC.

While worn, the breastplate deflects all non-magical weapons that attempt to hit it. Melee weapons simply
bounce off or stop short, and missiles will either miss the target (as if deflected by an unseen force) or bounce
harmlessly off. Carefully aimed attacks can still hit areas not covered by the plate.

 A computer. Anyone who touches the screen is sucked inside. 1d10 SAN loss for anyone who witnesses

 A plastic evidence bag containing a heavy silver ring, with seven small deep-violet stones set into it.
Something like sea-weed has been engraved around the ring. [Anyone wearing the ring has an increased
chance (+10%) of being spotted by Mythos-creatures, or zero SAN cultists. The required MP's to cast a
summoning spell is also reduced by 1 for the wearer.]

 A locked metal container 1'x2', slightly cold to the touch. If forced open, the container is revealed to
contain a large symmetrical white crystal. The crystal is several degrees below room temperature. In fact, the
crystal is an Elder Thing artifact, and contains 12 magic points for those with the ability to harness its power.

 A duffel-bag with internal dimensions much larger than its external dimensions.
 A long-distance/international telephone card for an Indian telephone company. If its prefix code is entered,
no matter the number dialed, all calls are immediately picked up - free of charge - at the other end.

 A Tillinghast Resonator has been manufactured out of junkyard material and currently takes up much of the
Green Box. Starting it up would, naturally, be a very bad idea...

 A series of carved chess pieces: a knight, a rook and a bishop. If the investigator stays in the presence of the
pieces for longer than 4 hours, they will first begin to whimper, and then scream with the investigator's voices.
1d4 san loss.

 A chair made out of fragments of unknowable and alien skeleton. The skulls are particularly inhuman, more
insectoid than man. Sitting in it is uncomfortable (and may cost 1 HP if done for too long) and evidently not
designed for human ergonomics. Seeing the seat for the first time costs 0/1D3 sanity loss.

 A jet-black cord of about 7 feet, ending in a hangman's noose. Anyone hanged in this noose will remain
mentally aware of their surroundings, though exhibiting all physical signs of death, for weeks, until they
eventually lose mental faculties entirely from their brain literally decaying to the point of uselessness.

 A collection of six-sided dice which, without any visible or otherwise tangible means of tampering, always
come up in whatever result the owner currently desires. Should they be used in the presence of a psychically
receptive individual, though, that person will be shocked to see spectral, demonic-looking hands drifting up
from the floor and altering the roll.

 3 vials containing a clear fluid. The fluid is an experimental muscle relaxant developed by Majestic-12.
Once injected, it allows the user to perform incredible feats that only a profesional gymnast or contortionist
might be able to manage. The user can easily climb and jump onto roofs, stretch their limbs to a limited degree
or fit into small places (+35 to Jump, Climb and Dodge). The drawback is that it is developed from Mi-Go
technology, and is created from microscopis bacteria. For every incredible feat, the agent must make a Luck
roll. If he suceeds he manages the feat unharmed, but if the roll fails, he suceeds in doing in his aims, but the
fluid consumes 1 point of Strength.

 A collection of six small urns containing a blue-grey foul-smelling powder. Each urn is marked by the
roman letters "I" to "VI". These are essential salts, unfortunately someone have used at least two of them as

 A dried wax seal of a symbol unknown to anyone, regardless of roll. Breaking the wax seal will summon a
basketball-sized stone of hail to fall from the skies, which will then attempt to land atop the nearest person to
where the seal was broken. A failed dodge roll will result in 2d6 damage, and the hail will melt away within
1d4 minutes.

 A small leather pouch containing a fine, grey, ash-like powder. The powder rapidly decays anything it
touches, regardless if it is living or not. Only the pouch is immune.

 A digital camera with a dead battery and a full memory card. All pictures are of the agents between the ages
of 7 and 12.

 A clear glass canister, seemingly empty, with a cork stopper. However, if opened, it will begin to draw all
the air from the room into itself, as if it contained an infinitely large vacuum. If not eventually resealed, it
could conceivably consume the atmosphere.
 A typed copy of chapters 5-8, 12 and 15 from von Junzt's "Unaussprechlichen Kulten." A post-it note is
affixed on the front that reads "J, I HIGHLIGHTED THE GOOD PARTS FOR YOU, JUST LIKE YOU
ASKED. -M." Anyone opening it will find that the "good parts" are all of the descriptions of the depicted cults
most horrific rites and practices. However, reading everything but the highlighted portion can prove
informative without being quite as psychologically damaging as normal. Sanity loss 1d6/1d10 (1d2/1d6 if
ignoring highlighted portions), Cthulhu Mythos +11 percentiles (+6 if ignoring highlighted portions), average
16 weeks to study and comprehend (10 if ignoring highlighted portions). GM's discretion as to spells.

 A copy of the film "Dirty Harry," with a video rental listed for Port-Au-Prince. At the 56 minute mark,
someone has replaced the footage with a shaky mobile phone video of strange dark creatures shooting across
the sky in a woodland scene. There are several people running around trying to shoot the creatures. The
accents of the people are Caribbean, and a knowledgable investigator will recognise the language as Creole.
The video ends when a claw appears and grabs the filmers head with a sickening crunch.

 Seven full rolls of rather rough looking toilet paper. Someone has unwound them, filled both sides of every
sheet with extracts from the book "The Revelations of Glaaki" in tiny, spidery handwriting, then rewound them
onto the cardboard tube. (Average 28 weeks to study and comprehend; Cthulhu Mythos +8%; Sanity Loss

An empty cardboard tube is nearby. Written on it in black ballpoint: "Sorry. Didn't know what it was til after I
went. ~ F"

 Three photocopied versions of the John Dee Necronomicon. The copies are of very low quality - perhaps
not the first generation of copies made. Only about 10% of the original text is in the material, and much of it is
illegible. 0/1d5 Sanity loss, +5 Mythos. 3 weeks to study.

 A roughly two hundred year old carved oak box containing an unbound fifty page illuminated manuscript
in 13th century French, written in mirror writing. Reading it (assuming the investigator can do so) costs 2/1d6
SAN and gives 1d2 Mythos; it describes a process by which the reader may summon a creature "from beyond
time and space" to attack his enemies.

If the investigator should be so unwise as to hold the manuscript up to a mirror a Hound of Tindalos emerges
from the mirror and drags him into it.

 Wrapped in butcher paper and bound with twine is a manuscript for a book entitled "BEYOND THE
VEILS OF SCIENCE" by "Dr. Harlo Y. Patten", dated 1971. It is actually a tattered photocopy of a low-quality
dot-matrix printout. The author's name is an obvious pseudonym (and an anagram of "Nyarlathotep"), and little
or nothing can be found out about the book's true origins.

"Dr. Patten" presents a philosophical reflection on the meaning of modern physics, much like 'The Tao of
Physics' or 'The Dancing Wu Li Masters', but informed with a sinister and oppressive Mythos sensibility. The
book discusses the implications of relativity, quantum mechanics and non-Euclidean geometry as a way of
thinking about the world, and demonstrates that human notions of morality and ethics are meaningless in the
face of an empty universe ruled by random chance.
Characters becoming temporarily or indefinitely insane as a result of reading this book will usually manifest
their disturbance either as a chokingly deep and pervasive depression, or as a variant of Quixotism: "referential
mania", the belief that everything that happens, no matter how small -- the blowing of a dead leaf across the
street, someone slamming a door, the shapes of clouds -- has a darker, hidden meaning.
(SAN Loss: 1D6/2D6; Cthulhu Mythos +11%; spell multiplier x1, study time: 7 weeks, recommended spells:
Create Gate, Call/Dismiss Azathoth)
 Seventeen sheets of tracing-paper, each page containing strange curvilinear script rubbings. No other
information is provided, but a successful Occult roll recognises the symbols as similar to those on the infamous
Eltdown Shards. (A suitably versed investigator with a very high Cthulhu Mythos skill might also realise it is
written Yithian).

The pages are rubbings of a "metal-plate" version of the Eltdown Shards proper, and if translated offers
everything the original Shards did - spells and all.

 A worn copy of Computers for Dummies, 1989 edition. On the inside front cover it is stamped "Property ot
T. Danforth". Written neatly into the margins and blank spaces throughout the book in red ink are instructions
for building and operating a complex electronic communication device. Should these instructions be followed
the resulting device will contact the nearest group of Mi-Go, with unfortunate results for the operator(s) and
anyone else nearby. Should the book be destroyed or damaged it vanishes, reappearing intact 2d4 days later in
a randomly chosen library.

 A copy of Robert Chambers' "The King in Yellow." When first opened, every page will bear the text "IT IS
SAN loss 1/1d6, or 0/1 if the agents have seen the Yellow Sign before. If opened again, all the pages are
heavily water-stained and illegible.

 A collection of police reports attempting to interpret a series of bizarre deaths among insane asylum
patients as the workings of a serial killer. In all cases the killer somehow entered the victim's cell without any
breaches of security, brutally mauled the victim like a predatory animal, and fled without being seen. In some
cases, DNA was found not belonging to the victim, but a strange blue-gray resin seemed to have been applied
to intentionally contaminate any samples.

Should an investigator familiar with the Hounds of Tindalos read the documents, they will undoubtedly
recognize their handiwork, and lose 1/1d4 SAN. Otherwise, an ignorant reader will only lose 0/1 SAN due to
the mind-boggling nature of the cases.

 Blurry, second-generation pages photocopied from an unknown book and stapled together. The opener is
headed "Chapter VI: Occult Crime in Western Europe, 1850-1945" (0/1 Sanity to read. +1 Cthulhu Mythos. No

 A series of twelve home-made pornographic film reels shot in 1932 by a wealthy land developer named
Donald Cardiss, featuring his friends, a nephew and his daughter. The films were made in Cardiss' home for
distribution among a close-knit circle of 'cinema enthusiasts' in semi-open defiance of the authorities while he
was awaiting trial on an obscenity charge.

The contents wouldn't be considered particularly racy by today's standards, being spliced together from scenes
of unattractive naked people staring at the camera in drink- or opium-befuddled complacency, or having
unenthusiastic sex in twos and threes. The most interesting moment is when one girl who's sampled too much
of Cardiss' inducements over-balances and slides right off her partner, knocking herself unconscious on a
coffee table.

The bumping and grinding in the foreground is just a distraction, though. Set up behind the participants and
carefully framed in every shot are a series of canvas dropcloths crudely painted with erotic symbols. The
symbols are texts, disguised by a simple substitution code which protects them from casual viewing but
wouldn't pose a challenge to anyone familiar with the basic concepts of cryptography.
The texts are spells, more than a dozen of them, in haphazard order. Many of them mention Y'Golonac. Most
simply don't work, but a few are genuine.

Cardiss himself appears only once in the entire work, at the start of the first reel. He is fully clothed and looks
directly at the camera, mouthing what could possibly be a long poem. None of the reels have sound or subtitles
but a lip reader could, with difficulty, make out a chant calling on the viewer to 'make a weapon of the flesh'.

It isn't clear who Cardiss was trying to pass his knowledge on to, but the making of the films contributed to his
conviction on the obscenity charge, and during a three year prison sentence he appears to have had a change of
heart. He spent his remaining years before dying of a heart attack in 1938 trying to re-acquire and destroy all
the reels.. There were too many copies made, though. Some still existed though, like these dozen found who-
knows where before being stored in the Box,
San loss: 1/1D6
Mythos knowledge: +1%
Study time: 4 weeks
Spells include: Shrivelling, Hands of Colubra, Wither Limb, Wrack, plus six incomplete and three that don't
appear to have any purpose.

 "Ils Papyri d'Ylarnec", 1822 French translation of the Ilarnek Papyri (-1d2/-1d3; +3 CM)

 A first edition copy of the novel "Blindsight" by Peter Watts and a Baretta 9mm pistol in a thickly
bloodstained plastic bag. It seems that the book has been read only a small number of times judging by the
wear and tear done to the spine and pages of the book (bloodstains excluded). If the magazine of the pistol is
extracted it is found to contain bullets but is short four or five rounds.

The flyleaf of the book bears the following inscription: "Whenever I find my will to live becoming too strong,
I read Peter Watts." --James Nicoll

The corruption surrounding this copy of the book is subtle but inexorable: the story, while well written and
researched, is also incredibly depressing as it makes an excellent case for the nonexistence of free will as we
know it. The last several people who read this particular copy of the book shot and killed themselves with the
same pistol in the same way. With each suicide the curse grew slightly stronger until the pair of book and pistol
became a threat to life, limb, and sanity. If the Keeper is feeling merciful, 1/1D6 SAN.

 Type-written notes with instructions for the spell "The Black Binding"

 A blood-spattered plastic binder holding a photocopy of the Revelations of Glaaki, Volume III. The copy
seems to have been made in haste and is of poor quality.

 "The Vikings, Greenland and the Cult of Taranis" - a badly edited paperback, with pencil underlining of any
occult portions of the text. Describes a Viking settlement in Greenland that was destroyed by what seemed to
be a hours long lightning storm. Contains diagrams of complex runes that if correctly researched and
reproduced, can attract lightning to the object they are carved into during storms.

 A second-hand copy of "Wine For Dummies" where, on the inside front cover, someone has doodled a
complex "crop-circle". If made to a suitable size (90 feet or larger) and set alight during a cloudless full-moon,
the procedure automatically casts Contact Greys
 An 8mm film containing incontrovertible evidence of an otherspace.San dmg and Mythos skill are up to the

 A beautiful and ornate hardback book entitled "The Ocean War: America's Seizure of the Samoas, 1903."

A History roll will indicate none of the events (covered in extensive detail) in the book actually occurred;
furthermore, there is no record of an Admiral Francis Buffby, the listed author. In fact, no record of this book
can be found.

If the reader happens to flip to the last page, they discover a horrifying image: a coat of arms bearing the
dreaded Yellow Sign has been painstakingly inscribed on the inside of the back cover in pen and ink; above it,

SAN loss for seeing this as appropriate; further sanity loss if a good part of the book has been read, as the
investigator realizes he or she just read a piece of history as it exists in the tangled timeline of Carcosa.

 Surveillance video from a 'Kum & Go' gas station in Iowa. The grainy video, with a P.O.V. of the main
entrance, is a series of still images with one picture being taken every two seconds. The footage is initially
normal, showing the arrival and departure of perhaps a dozen late night customers. Suddenly a minivan
swerves into view, colliding with a car parked at a nearby pump. Two men dressed in suits can be seen running
from the minivan and towards the store entrance. As one man reaches the door the other turns and begins firing
a pistol at an unknown target. General havoc ensues. In the final few images something violently shoves the
van out of frame and causes the canopy over the pumps to collapse. If paused the thing can be seen only
partially and then in only two frames. It is well over man-sized, and is a bipedal creature with a long trunk of
ropey cables terminating in two or three tenticular limbs. Those who believe the tape is genuine (Idea roll to
disbelieve) lose 1d2/1d6 points of Sanity. The date stamp on the tape is June 20, 2001. No unusual events or
deaths can be uncovered in Iowa on that date.

 A leather-bound book with the title: "Per Viam et Clavis". While it seems to have been printed in the 19th
century no author or printing company can be found. The text is in badly written Latin and anyone reading it
will get the general idea it is some sort of religious text about wheel-shaped angels being gates to other
spheres. [After a few pages the reader must make a POW vs 16 roll. Success means the reader can continue to
read the rather rambling text unhindered. After two weeks of study the reader gain Mythos skill +2%, and lose
0/1d3 SAN. A failed roll means the mesmerized reader starts to read the text aloud, and then shout it. If not
stopped within 4 rounds the reader suddenly fades away and is replaced by a random previous reader who
failed the POW roll. This new arrival disappeared 1d100 years ago, and has lost (1d6+ number of years lost)
SAN. Anyone returning from such a disappearance can only describe his experience as "freezing cold and grey

 A worn, dusty scrapbook. The red-orange faux-leather cover is cracked, and the corners have peeled
showing the cardboard backing. The 25 translucent pages contain large well preserved sections of human skin
covered in tattoos. Many of the tattoos are variations on the same theme, a red and white snake wrapped
around a skull. The preservation is perfect, the tattoos are colorful and vibrant, and the flesh looks almost alive.
Touching the skin causes SAN loss 1/1D6 as the edges of the cold flesh squirm and ripple. A successful library
use or history roll to trace the skull and snake theme will lead investigators to a series of newspaper articles
regarding the 'Corpse Corps' motorcycle gang that terrorized the area in the early 1970s. Elderly locals are
extremely hesitant to speak of it, but on a successful fast talk roll they will whisper the story about the night
long ago when old man Harvey ran screaming into the local bar, foaming at the mouth and gibbering about
worms crawling under the biker's skins, and how he shot them over and over again but they wouldn't die...
 A large cardboard box full of mould-stained books, half-completed ledgers, and crumpled loose pages. It
takes 1D3+1 hours to sift through the collection, but there is a 10% chance of finding a single Cthulhu Mythos
tome (Keeper's choice) at the bottom.

 A handwritten 1927 autobiographical text by Albert N. Wilmarth, folklorist and assistant professor of
English at Miskatonic University. It tells of his investigation into the strange events following that year's
historic Vermont floods...

[Keeper's should give investigators Lovecraft's story Whisperer In Darkness. Cthulhu Mythos +4%, Sanity
Loss: 1/1D4+1; Includes spells: Contact Mi-Go)

 An 8mm film entitled "Lost Spaces". There is a typed note inside a small manila envelope taped to the
outside of the film canister. The note explains that the film was produced in 1954 in Santa Barbara by a film
student named Charles Duransky. The black and white film depicts a young woman (credited as Wilma
Thomas) being followed by a figure in a white cloak. The cloaked figure is always shown behind the young
woman as she travels across various landscapes. In one scene the figure reaches for the girl, the girl turns to
face it and stretches out her arm to rebuke the cloaked figure. A close up of the girl's hand shows that her palms
have been painted with stylized eyes. Once shown the "eyes" the figure turns from the girl and leaves. The film
ends with the girl staring into the camera. There are no film credits . If the investigators research the director
his records show that he was committed to a mental institution in 1965. Duransky died while committed in
1972. Wilma Thomas, the actress in the film, is now a retired grandmother living in Florida. If contacted about
the film she will laugh and recall Duransky as a paranoid art school boy who drank and smoked too much
marijuana. She will explain that Duransky felt the film would become the first in a series of "messages" to the
world. She has not spoken to him since completing the film and is unaware of his mental breakdown and
death. If the investigators make a successful occult roll they will discover that the "eyes" are simple warding
devices. A week after viewing the film, the PC's will be haunted by dreams of being followed by a cloaked
white figure.

 A copy of the transcript of a lengthy debriefing of 'Rosemary S.', a student at a California music school,
dated March 3, 2003. Her interrogator, apparently an FBI agent, focused questioning on the activities and
whereabouts of Dr. Curtis Korman, a professor of Music and the interviewee's academic adviser. Great interest
in taken in Korman's creation of an elaborate "musical performance piece" for a show consisting of hundreds
of electronically controlled tuning forks and other tone producing devices in a 3 dimensional space. Korman
called this "the Device" and, while forcing the interviewee to assist in its construction, he refused to explain his
increasingly odd and paranoid demands. He was following notes written by someone named "Quantrill"
though Ms. S. is unsure of who this is. She claims not to know of Dr. Korman's location, the location of his
family, or of two other students and states that she was visiting a sick family member the night of Korman's
show (at which there was an unspecified "accident".) Review of her discussion of "the device" can allow an
attempt to assemble one, if an electrical repair, a mechanical repair, and a music skill roll are made. 0/1 point
of Sanity, teaches spell "Summon Angel of Music".

 A VHS videocassette; something in cramped, illegible letters is written on the lable in green ink. If played,
the grainy tape begins with a group of young people (late teens through twenties) gathered in a poorly lit room.
A middle-aged man is talking to a frightened young woman, attempting to convince her that the body is not
real and that no actual harm can come to her. She timidly repeats his assurances as she lays down on a mattress
in the center of the room. The others in the room are chanting softly in some strange, guttural tongue. The
older man places a revolver in the woman's hand, and she continues to mumble to herself as she works up her
courage. Then she fires a round into her head. The chanting stops.

After a few moments, the man grabs the woman's limp form and begins kissing her. On closer inspection, it
appears he is actually breathing into her with great physical effort. Finally he backs away, exhausted. Within
moments, the woman opens her eyes and rises from the bed, grateful and astonished to be unharmed. However,
it is obvious that she still bears the grisly wounds of her ordeal, and the look in her eyes is disturbingly glassy
and remote. Abruptly, the tape ends.

(-0/1D3 sanity; +1 Mythos; Spells: none; one afternoon to study and comprehend)

 Several coroner's reports on a series of deaths in Trenton, New Jersey, between 1989 and 1992. All of them
list the cause of death as prolonged lead poisoning, although the coroner is unable to provide a good
explanation as to how it occurred between these individuals.There are no recurring factors between the
individuals, as they all come from different neighborhoods, ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, ethnicities, etc.

Penned into the margins of several are what appears to be a somewhat deranged attempt to connect all the
deaths in a singularly Mythos-aware fashion; however, even with the extent of the author's knowledge, no
good explanation can be reached. A last page has been affixed to the packet, upon which is written only

While no information can be gleaned on the cases themselves, the disjointed theories of the editor can be read
for +1 Cthulhu Mythos.

 A handful of laminated pages in a cheap loose-leaf binder. Each page describes a minor ritual:
1. Makes the caster more attractive to crows; they will follow him around, and may potentially pick up and
return dropped items or harass attackers. Does not grant direct control; requires seven feathers from sever
different species of carrion birds, a cup of the caster's blood, and a simple circle of wax.
2. Dispels a recurring mundane nightmare. Has no effect on magical nightmares. Requires a largish vial of
human cerebrospinal fluid (no more than a single body's worth), some objects relevant to the nightmare
(underwear for showing up at school naked, empty bullet casings for war flashbacks, etc.) and a simple salt
3. A ritual for looking impressive. Requires five colors of chalk, four colors of candle, magnesium powder, and
a large flat space to draw the circle. When performed correctly, everyone present at the ritual will come to
regard the caster as an immensely powerful and puissant wizard, including the caster himself. Wears off after a
few days.
4. This page has been rendered illegible.
5. A short phrase that, when spoken, lights the speaker's hair on fire. Labeled as causing small changes in the
ambient temperature.

 Xeroxed copies of extensive notes in English, detailed instructions about the chemical preparation of what
appears to be some sort of spirit (and a potent one at that); and a coniderably larger sheaf of paper written in
what is discovered to be an obscure form of cuneiform.
Anybody taking the time to transcribe the cuneiform sheaf will discover a lengthy alchemical treatise on the
preparation of the self for travel between the celestial and ethereal spheres, the strange dangers involved in
such travel, and on such denizens as may help or hinder the dedicated planeswalker.
San loss: 1/1d4
Cthulhu Mythos : +3%
Study time: 20 weeks to translate and comprehend
Spells : Brew Space Mead, Summon/Bind Dimensional Shambler

(The original papers were found by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents who raided
what they thought was a large, illegal moonshine operation. Instead they found a building empty of everything
except a sophisticated distillation set-up assembled from expensive laboratory glassware. The absence of
anybody to arrest was particularly annoying and troublesome to the agents, since the building had been staked
out for days, and nobody could have left the building without being seen. But all evidence pointed to the
raiders having missed them by minutes. The only other evidence were the original papers found on a desk and
a single remaining flask containing a small amount of a potent, golden spirit.)

 An un abridged version of the necronomicon discussed as a teenage girls diary with rainbows unicorn
stickers. Braking the seal of the book summons a demon keepers choice.

 A file folder containing black and white contact sheets of a series of photos of frost on the inside of
windows appearing to be in the same house. A magnifying glass will reveal writing scratched into the
windows. The writing is mostly the ravings of person apparently held captive and tortured for a very long time,
but it ends with "My soul takes its leave now, snatched up in the gelid talons of heaven," then relates the spell
Summon/Bind Nightgaunt.

 "Cognitive Science and the Writings of Abd al-Azrad" - An obscure book that was one of the few titles
published by a small press named Human Horizons Press, which closed when its offices burned down in the
early morning of May 1, 1983. Research will disclose that the book's author, Jonathan Stellare, was arrested in
connection with the fire, but committed suicide while in police custody. This book never actually went to the
printers before the fire, but bound galleys were sent to several reviewers.
Stellare appears to have had access to a mostly-complete copy of Dr. John Dee's English translation of the
"Necronomicon" in the preparation of this work. He draws parallels between the rituals that Abd al-Azrad
describes and algorithmic descriptions of computer programs. Pseudocode and fragments of source code are
included from one of Stellare's attempts to electronically re-create a worship service of the Outer Gods; a
competent computer programmer who learned the spells from this book might be able to construct a program
to aid in their casting (Keeper's option).
Unfortunately, Stellare does not appear to have truly understood the significance of the "Kitab Al-Azif" and his
explanations and descriptions are fragmentary, confused and heavily adulterated with New Age mysticism.

Book stats: English, SAN Loss: 1D3/1D6, +5 Cthulhu Mythos, spell multiplier x2, recommended spells:
Contact Nyarlothotep, Summon/Bind Hunting Horror, Summon/Bind Servitor of the Outer Gods, Study Time:
8 weeks)

 A three-ring binder labelled "Surveillance Photos". The contents of the binder actually change every time
they are viewed; they always depict the exact location the binder was opened at, exactly six hours prior. The
photographs are always accurate, and change even by merely opening and closing the binder.

1/1d4 SAN loss upon realizing that the binder's contents have changed without rational explanation.

 A cheap paper folder with the Johns Hopkins University seal containing 1980s era computer print out (dox-
matrix) of a lengthy text in English purporting to be "an invocation to Saddogowah", with phonetically spelled
portions supposedly from Ojibwe. The text is obviously incomplete. (It is a partial copy of the spell "Contact

 A VHS video tape. "The Fire Dancer" is written in blue ink on the cover. A printed A4 sheet folded into the
case details the specifics of where and when the tape was located and how it came to be in The Green Box.
(The exact details are up to the Keeper)
If played the tape shows an outdoors scene shot at night. A naked woman is standing by a large campfire, she
is apparently Caucasion and appears to be in her late twenties and is slightly plump. She exchanges some
words with the person operating the camera, these are not distinguishable. A drum track, probably taped, starts
up and she begins to dance. The dance lasts approximately five minutes the womans movements becoming
wilder as the dance goes on. As the dance goes on the fires burns brighter and brighter. Suddenly the woman
stops, looks towards the camera, then she turns and sprints away into the night. The camera turns around
quickly, and a dark mass fills the screen - the recording stops aburptly. (+1 mythos point, 0/1d3 SAN to watch
through.) If a more detailed analysis is carried out, probably using specialist equipment it will be possible to
identify the language spoken on the tape, possibly regional accents as well, and identify the drum music being
played. Enhancing the final images is also possible. (+3 mythos. 1/1d6 SAN if so done.)

 A copy of Roger Ainsley's rare "Dreams and Fancies"; see the scenario of the same title from Kingsport for
more information.

 A Marshall Island stick chart. The charts represented major ocean swell patterns and the ways the islands
disrupted those patterns. It just appears to be sticks and shells. However, someone who knows how to read it
will recognize that it carries a message. Deciphering it will teach the player a tribal version of Contact Cthulhu.

 A 5" diameter transparent glass sphere. On the inside of the glass swirling text in an unknown language has
been etched. Anyone attempting to read the text must succeed with a POW vs 16 roll to break away from the
sphere or be trapped in a trance-state until passing out from dehydration a day or two later (or until someone
removes the sphere from sight). Entering the trance-state also increases Cthulhu Mythos with 1% as some
information about Yog-Sothototh is imparted.

 A modern reprint of Francis Barrett's "The Magus". Penciled on the inside of the front
cover are instructions on how to cast "Bind Nightgaunt".

 A collection of badly printed dual-language Bibles with faded leather covers, their alternate pages in
terrible English. The first person to read one cover to cover - taking 1D6 weeks -, and succeeding at a POWx2
roll will be able to permanently understand that language fluently, though not speak or write it (realising this
for the first time costs 1D3+1/1D6+2 Sanity loss).

Copies in the set includes: Traditional Chinese, Dutch, German, Latin, Swedish, Korean, and a language that
may be written Deep One...

 A leather document case full of notes concerning the translation of a treatise on metaphysics written by
Marquis De Sade, a copy of the original text is included. Starting as a scholarly examination but degenerates
into chicken scratch notes about gates, possible other dimensions, and contact between the real and the realer
still. The last few pages are composed of neatly handwritten instructions for a complex origami pattern.
(1d4/1d8 San points if read entirely, +5 mythos points) the pattern is actually a set of instructions for a spell
that calls a small group of outer being dwelling a maze-like other dimension.

 A badly scorched and torn photograph of a humanoid figure seated in an armchair in a studio setting. Close
examination reveals the figure to be other than human.

Any viewer who correctly recognizes the figure as a ghoul loses 1d4/1d8 SAN; each night thereafter that
person sees shadowy figures following him. No others can see these figures; if he attempts to confront them
they disappear into the shadows. He loses 0/1 SAN every night; when his SAN reaches 0 he disappears, never
to be seen again.

 A dusty book entitled Things To Do In The Dark: A Fun and Sinister Book For Enjoyment. The book's
pages are entirely blank until the lights turn off upon which reveal instructions for a summons, a seance, and
constructions of portals. The name of the author of the book is no where on the cover.
 Wrapped in black silk, a beautiful gemstone-inlaid cover binds a 16th century heretical interpretation of the
Islamic Quran. The text is in Classical Arabic and equates Allah with Tulzscha. (SAN 1/1D3+1 - double for
fundamentalist Muslims; +3 Occult; +3 Cthulhu Mythos; +1 Arabic; Spells: Contact Tulzscha)

 One large capacity memory chip for a digital camera; the contents are a hastily taken set of photos of
Gantley's "Hydrophinnae". The photos are of marginal quality having been taken with a flash and in some
haste. Careful examination reveals a flashlight and a gloved hand in one shot. A time stamp indicates that these
images were recorded a few months previous. The text is in Latin and is otherwise as per the Keeper's

 A folder filled with crime-scene photographs, apparently a murder quite literally in the locker room of a
Dallas police station. Around the body, crime-scene tape has been carefully and expertly arranged into the
Yellow Sign, so that anyone viewing the photos will suffer its effects.

Along with the photos, the only other thing in the folder is a simple sticky note: "Investigation halted for now;
do not let this happen again. -A"

 A pair of extremely thick manila folders, which, upon examination, appear to be semi-scientific
experiments into devising a form of body armor useful against heat and electricity based weaponry, ostensibly
used by the authors' "enemies". The original conductors of the study are unnamed (though it seems to be
someone other than Delta Green, apparently more a survivalist-style militia), and any reference to their identity
has been blacked out as much as possible without making the dialogue transcripts confusing (i.e. "J------, M.L.,
Dr. F-----, etc.). Most of the tests in the first folder focus on modifying already existing items, like firemen's
bunker gear, electrical lineworkers' safety equipment, radiation suits, etc. The second folder seems to be a
compilation of attempts to create a proprietary personal protective suit from scratch, and some of them show
signs of being designed by individuals with genuine scientific talent, but all of them appear to have lacked the
funding to ever make a functional prototype. Scrawled on the inside of the rear flap is a note in red marker:
"J-----: this ain't X-COM. -Lt. N-------".

 An unlabelled audio cassette tape. The A-side contains a bootleg twenty-one minute taping of the Dead
Kennedy's live gig at the Deaf Club in 1979; the opposite side contains fifteen minutes sung from the Dhol
Chants in a long dead language that seems to seep right into the listener's brain (Sanity Loss to listen
1D2/1D4+2, Cthulhu Mythos +3)

 A blocky, ill-defined mimeograph scroll of the "Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan" printed along the back of a
roll of wallpaper. Written in Classical Chinese and effectively complete (Sanity loss -1d4/1d10, Cthulhu
Mythos +11%) the spells are unreadable.

 A VHS tape labelled (in Russian) 'Men from Beneath'.

If played, it shows a large group of soldiers with Kalashnikovs (their uniforms indicate they are Tajik Border
Troops, but it's unlikely the investigators would recognize those). They advance slowly and cautiously across
flat, sandy ground, weapons at the ready and pointing in every direction. At first, nothing can be heard or seen
to justify this apparent paranoia, but suddenly the camera turns, and a large plume of sand (looking as though
someone or something is digging frantically) is seen a few dozen yards away. The soldiers start shouting in
Russian and fire wildly at the sand column. Instantly, several humanoid forms charge towards the group, and
as they get closer they can be heard shrieking at an impossibly high pitch. An investigator well-versed in the
Mythos will recognize them as Sand Dwellers.

Language: Russian. Sanity: 1/1d6. CM: +2%.

 A paperback copy of the Young Adult book "City of Night" by Katherine Chance (as per The Unspeakable
Oath, issue #16/17). Inside the front cover is a library card from Nathan Hale High School in Seattle,
Washington. It has been checked out numerous times, most recently three years ago. (Book stats: English, +1%
Cthulhu Mythos, 0/1d2 Sanity, x2 spell multiplier, Spells: Receive the King's Dreams. Created by James
Holloway and Phoebe Kitanidis)

 A wooden shipping crate containing an Cape Buffalo skull and tanned hide, there's a note on the hide
reading "if you're reading this we managed to get it out of the country, keep it hidden." The hide has
Dusseldorf's "Unaussprechliche Kulten" inked on the underside. The shipping manifest says it was shipped
from Tanganyika in 1947.

 A Kentucky State Police evidence box containing: a paperback copy of Carol Mason's "Killing for Life:
The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life Politics", thirteen 7.62 FMJ bullets in polythene wrap, a wooden-
handled kitchen knife, a list of pro-life organisations and spokespeople in the Indiana-Kentucky-Ohio tri-state
area, and a well-thumbed copy of Joachim Ferry's Notes on the Cthaat Aquadingen (Sanity Loss 1D4/1D8;
Cthulhu Mythos +6%).

The previous owner of the items is currently serving a 56-year sentence in Kentucky Correctional Institute for
Women for the attempted mass-murder of a Michigan family visiting Louisville last year. Claims the family
was of "tainted blood" didn't go too well with the trial judge.

 A wooden box containing a 1' long Tibetan prayer wheel made from rusted black iron. The wheel has not
the traditional Om Mani Padme Hum prayer written on its outside but instead a strange swirling script
unknown to mankind. [Anyone mounting the wheel on an appropriate spindle and spinning it in the clockwise
direction will get visions of the darkness between the stars, and the ancient beings living there. Lose 1d4/1d10
SAN and gain 1d4 Mythos. Spinning the wheel in the counter-clockwise direct the attention of these beings to
the one spinning the wheel and Summons either a Dimensional Shambler, a Byakhee or a Nightgaunt who
drags him or her off to meet the beings in person.]

 A college textbook, which seems at first glance to be a typical pre-owned Geology 101 book.

The geologic timeline in the front of the book has been annotated with the truth of the Mythos. Notes such as
"3.8 bil yrs ago (early Archean): Settlement of Tsathoggua into caverns of N'kai" and "350 mil yrs (early
Mississippian): Cataclysmic surfacing of R'lyeh, arrival of Cthulhu from Xoth".

Other points are outlined in the margins of the book, but no spells or practical information other than pre-
human history. 1/1d6 SAN, +3% Cthulhu Mythos (if believed; it is, after all, scribbles in a college textbook,
the investigators could easily dismiss it as an obscure fantasy setting)

 A nearly new paperback copy of Cole Morton's "Is God Still an Englishman?: How We Lost Our Faith (But
Found New Soul)". Careful annotations are penned-in, many of them long and rambling. Tangential to the text,
most are about personal experiences with god, miracles, Anglican doctrine and the immortal soul, as well as
ways of opening oneself to direct communion with the divine and angels.

A successful Occult roll and 1D6+1 days of reading learns the spells Bless Blade, Candle Communication and
Contact Great Race of Yith

 An old-style floppy diskette. On it is a .txt file containing a binary read-out of the Mythos tome Ocultus
Deus in English translation. (Sanity Loss 1/1d6+1; Cthulhu Mythos +4 percent. No spells.)
 A scroll with instructions for casting the spell Summon Star Vampire.

 "Sideshow Freaks" - a 1984 picturebook of black and white photos from sideshows stretching back a
hundred years. Disturbing in the conventional sense, investigators with sufficient Mythos knowledge may also
recognise a ghoul, a Tcho-Tcho, and a Deep One (all in carnival dress) amongst the human freaks.

 A map of the local area. Comparison with another map of the same place reveals this map isn't correct;
however, if one attempts to follow this map they will arrive at the destination this map says, even though all
other maps disagree with it and say they should be somewhere else.

At some point along the way, the investigators have slipped into Carcosa, and cannot find their way around
without the map. 1/1d8 SAN for realizing this, and 1/1d6 if the map is lost after that.

 A series of photographs of the walls of a room. The once white walls have had words either scribbled on
them in blood or etched in them with a sharp instrument. The rambling text is filled with obtuse, deranged, and
often downright vague references to the Magnum Tenebrosum, Cynothoglys, Byatis, and, most disturbingly,
Y'golonac in a rather disturbing form.

(SAN Loss: 1D10/2D10; +8 Mythos; Spells: Call Y'golonac, Call Cynothoglys, Call Magnum Tenebrosum,
Contact Byatis; 14 weeks study time)

 Fragments of papyrus in a plastic envelope. Written on the papyrus, which dates from about 500 BCE, is a
prayer to "The Dweller at the Gate" in period Egyptian hieroglyphics. The prayer is a fragmentary version of
the spell "Contact Yog-Sothoth".

 Wrapped in heavy green paper and tied with butcher drawstring are 270 unbound, typewritten pages.
The document is labeled "Drums and Shadows; Georgia Writer's Project, Work Projects Administration; Mary
Granger, District Supervisor; Savannah, Georgia; October 13, 1940; DRAFT."
In addition to copy edits in red pencil, someone has penned in three spells: Snare Dreamer, Bind Soul, and
Compel Flesh. The text itself provides +1% Mythos, +1% Occult.

 A copy of "Howard P. Lovecraft's Guide to New England Architecture," published by Miskatonic Press in
1950. The text covers architectural peculiarities of a number of New England towns. The author bio indicates
that "Howard P. Lovecraft" is an architectural critic of some note, and was apparently alive when the book was
published. Searching the Library of Congress or other database will find no record such a book was ever

 A series of 8 X 10 color photos taped together on a wall, showing a large Native American petroglyphs of
unknown origin. Numerous post-it notes identify figures and symbols, sometimes uncertainly (such as "3
prayer sticks" or "Aldebaran?"). A large figure of a bent or broken-boned humanoid is simply identified as
"Him". Careful study might allow this image to teach the spell 'Summon Hastur'.

 A smoke-damaged but otherwise legible first-edition copy of John Horace Tobin's seminal 1920 publication
on the supernatural: "J.H. Tobin's Spirit Guide - Being A Compendium of Gods, Ghosts, Spirits and
Manifestations from Outside the Normal Realms of Existence" (1D2/1D6, Occult +5%, Cthulhu Mythos +4%,
Spells: Contact Ghost)

 A rewritable CD with a single 15 minute .AVI video file ripped from a live broadcast by the Saudi-owned
"Al Arabiya" news channel. The on-the-ground footage shows violent crowds during the Egyptian uprising of
2011. A group of two or three dozen young men appear to be praying and chanting in a manner completely
separate to the other protesters, however; and their words seem to cause consternation among the crowd, which
around the ten minute mark turns on them. A miniature riot breaks out within the broader violence before the
video suddenly ends.

Viewers fluent in Arabic will be able to hear the group of young men chant not to Allah or freedom, but to the
flaming god on Formalhaut, Cthugha...

 A Roman lance, carbon dated to about ~28BC.

Has been demonstrated to penetrate all known forms of armor, including steel, ceramic, composite (chobham-
type), carbide nanoweave and [REDACTED]. Use on living subjects results in immediate and apparently
irrevocable death.

Most individuals in close proximity to the object report feelings of dread and a low hum emanating from the
object, which has not been corroborated by sensor data.

 A masterfully-forged bronze sword, appearing to be of pre-Alexandrian Greek design. An inscription runs

the length of the blade in ancient Greek, reading along the lines of "Death to all the enemies of the one who
bears me."

If it is picked up and carried, the inscription will gradually alter itself over a period of days or weeks,
becoming more and more specific and personal to those currently seen as 'enemies' by the wielder. As an
example, one day it might be directed at bankers and taxmen, with whom the wielder has been having issues;
the week after it might concern the specific IRS agent who authorized the recent tax fraud investigation
concerning the wielder. Even if the wielder itself does not know this information, the sword seems to find out.

Naturally, as the inscription changes, so does the attitude of the wielder. What might have started out as a
general vindictiveness towards the IRS refines itself into a psychotic vendetta against that specific agent, and if
not stopped, the wielder will eventually seek out and slaughter that specific 'enemy'.

 A crude dagger made from a black, obsidian-like material with one end wrapped in yellow cloth to make
the handle. Symbols appear on the blade when fresh blood touches it. Those who see the symbols will be
imparted with unearthly knowledge and a manic need to see more.

 The passenger door of a white pickup truck, evidently very old due to its hand-crank window and overall
appearance. Roughly scratched into the outside with a key or nail, over and over again, is everyone's favorite
catchphrase "CTHULHU FHTAGN".

 A 3 foot staff of silvery metal with a softball sized sphere at one end. While it can be used as an effective
club, it also emits a droning sound in the presence of Deep Ones that affects their nervous system to make
them dull and slow-witted (halves all their normal skills) when within 30 feet of the staff. Unfortunately it
needs to be re-charged after 10+d10 rounds use by bathing the sphere in at least 1 liter of human blood or it
will cease working.

 A green thermos, duct taped shut, wrapped in plastic, and marked with a BioHazard label. If opened, it is
found to be full of a foul-smelling grey liquid containing a proto-mater slurry. Anyone coming into contact
with the liquid will die a very painfully death from an unknown hemorrhagic disease in 1d4+1 days. Someone
has written "do not touch!" in marker on the thermos itself.
 Two small boxes of the type used to hold hand-loaded, match-grade ammunition. One contains 20 .308win
rounds, and the other, 12 .50BMG rounds. The bullets in each are painted with a fine, intricate scrawl of
interlocking symbols that cannot be rubbed or scraped off.

Attempts to closely examine the symbols result in the examiner losing 15 minutes of time, (0/1 insanity if they
notice) after which the scrutinized rounds will have returned to the boxes of their own accord, re-assembling
themselves to do so if necessary. Possible improved function against unusual threats is left to the Keeper's

 A large automatic pistol which somewhat resembles the Mauser C96, but cannot be recognized as any
specific model or design. There are no manufacturer's markings anywhere on the weapon; certain elements of
its design, like the box magazine and stripper clip feeding, suggest the early 20th century, but it also features
materials like space-age polymers and titanium alloys in its construction.

The first investigator who picks it up feels a voice in his or her head, whispering "I'll never leave you...never
betray you...always protect you..." over and over again. After about thirty seconds, this fades, and the weapon's
properties begin to manifest:

So long as the investigator is alive, anyone besides him or her that attempts to fire it will always find it misfires
or malfunctions. This never occurs for the owner. In addition, if the weapon is ever confiscated, it will reappear
in a hiding place easily accessible to the owner within a few hours, which causes a 1/1d4 SAN loss if it were to
do so in a way that would be impossible through normal means. Should the owner die, however, the weapon
returns to its original state, swearing loyalty to the first person who picks it up.

The weapon appears to be chambered for the .30 Carbine round, but the rounds that come with it are literally
filled to the brim with powder. No matter how hot-loaded the ammunition fired from it is, it will never rupture
or malfunction, implying an incredibly strong construction.

 A Colt M1917 .45 ACP revolver in very poor condition: the muzzle is caked with what appears to be dried
blood and gray matter, the original blueing has given way to a patina of rust, the front blade sight has been
sheared off, and the words "DI DI MAU" carved roughly into the wooden grips. The cylinder catch refuses to
budge, meaning the gun cannot be unloaded nor reloaded.

Anyone who holds this pistol feels a slight compulsion to put it to their head. If they lose focus while the gun
is in their hand, they will eventually realize that their hand has raised and the muzzle is now pressed against
their temple. This is accompanied by the faint, far-off sounds of men screaming in a shrill Asian language that
only the wielder can hear.

Even though the cylinder is stuck in the frame, it can still spin. If inspected, it is revealed that there is still a
cartridge in one of the chambers. If the trigger is pulled, there is a one-in-six chance the gun will fire --
regardless of if the bullet in the cylinder has already been fired or not. Once fired, the bullet will always strike
the nearest person to its point-of-aim in the head; without fail, and regardless of the firer's skill or aim.

 A plastic evidence bag containing a human femur intricately carved with squiggly runes. (A succesful
Mythos-roll will identify a tenuous connection in the runes to Yog-Sothoth) The Bone feels heavier than it
should be and turns out to be of approximately the same hardness as titanium. Striking a living creature will
shatter any bone in the area closest to the hit (in reality a small amount of bone-marrow explosively vaporizes),
dealing 3d6 damage (in addition to any STR bonus. Armor is ignored and Impales are applicable as bone-
splinters cut into nearby organs). The Bone also extracts 2 MP from its holder each time this effect occurs. If
the bone is used to strike a killing blow it instead extracts all the victim's MPs, using them to strengthen the
bones of its wielder (increase his Hit Points with 1), as long as he is no more than 10 feet from the Bone. This
effect is cumulative with futher kills. If the Bone is ever more than 10 feet from a wielder whose Hit Points
have been increased in this way TWICE the amount of gained Hit Points are permanently removed as his
bones turn brittle like glass. Regaining the Bone will not return these Hit Points.

 A 1938-vintage Mosin-Nagant M91/30 rifle, mounted with a telescopic scope. Any person seen through
this scope will be perceived as dying horribly, torn apart by machine-gun fire, slowly being crushed to death by
a fallen statue, screaming in terror while cradling their exposed intestines, and the like, and all the while a
voice seemingly belonging to the rifle's first owner soliloquizes about the horrors he saw at Stalingrad. The
shooter feels an intense urge to put the person in the crosshairs out of their misery with the rifle.
1/1d6 SAN loss when seen for the first time, and 0/1 SAN loss when used again. A note on the inside of the
rifle case indicate it is infested with several human, and one distinctly non-human, spectral presences.

However, use of the scope doubles one's impale chance, from 20% of skill to 40% of skill, if one speaks
Russian, due to the whispering spirit of the Soviet sniper choosing to serve as a spotter in battle.

 An unremarkable .32 semi-automatic pistol. The last person to have held it, however, will haunt it as a
ghost when they die. The current ghost (a young suicidally-depressed woman named Sandra Blewsky) has
haunted the gun for some 24 years and will use her ghostly powers either to get the next person who touches it
to kill themselves or otherwise die, possibly by distracting them during a gunfight. If Sandra manages it, she
will be able to pass on to wherever ghosts go. The recently deceased agent will then serve as Sandra's

 A traditional Nepalese knife or Khukri, in its holster. Once unsheathed, it enters its "active state" where any
holder gets a 20% boost to DEX and a 60% higher change of doing CRITICAL damage. The weapon can only
be returned to its holster after it has drawn blood. If the holder attempts to sheath the weapon without using it
in combat, he has to make a POW roll. If it fails, the holder's hand moves as of its own accord and inflicts a
small cut on the opposite forearm for 1 HP worth of damage, before automatically returning the knife to its
sheath. Lose 1/1d6 SAN once the holder realises what's happening.

 A six foot long trident made of a strange gray metal; the haft is engraved with strange writing and scenes of
what appear to be lizard men fighting Deep Ones. It is razor sharp and functions normally, except when used
against Deep Ones, whom it strikes unerringly. The weilder loses 1/1d3 SAN if he recognizes the figures on
the haft and an additional 1/1d4 if he realizes the weapon is intended for use against the Deep Ones.

 A plastic evidence bag containing a heptagonal crystal, 1' long and 2" in diameter. One end is blunt, the
other one pointed. The crystal is semi-opaque with a violet tint and feels slightly warm to the touch. Along the
sides of it strange three-dimensional signs fades in and out of existence. [By spending 1MP the crystal's
wielder can activate it for 5 rounds. During this time anything touched by the crystal's tip will separate to a
depth of 1', creating a rift that widens 2" each round until it is 24" wide, and then closes by 2" each round until
the rift no longer exist. Disappearing material is "folded" into another dimension and reappears unharmed.
Living creatures subjected to this are also physically unharmed, though the shock of existing in several
dimensions more than usual makes the victim lose 1D10 SAN and become unconscious for 1d6 rounds after
returning to his or her normal state. Witnessing these effects cost 0/1 SAN if done on unliving materials, and
1/1d6 if done on a living creature. Not so much a weapon as a Mi-Go hyper-dimensional tool.]

 A lead pipe with strange symbols burnt into the sides. Anyone hit in the head by the pipe (no matter how
lightly) will die from a brain tumor within a year, so long as nothing else kills them first,
 A vintage fireman's axe from the 1900s. Carefully etched in the surface of one of the faces is an active elder
sign. While it keeps entities from seizing or moving the axe, it does no extra damage, nor does it have any
properties as a supernatural source of damage.

 A sealed blue envelope made of a heavy plastic and containing an oily substance. If opened, neither the
plastic nor the oil resemble anything the investigator is familiar with. If the sealed envelope is exposed to a
temperature of zero degrees centigrade or less for twenty four hours any creature whose exposed skin touches
it will freeze solid in a matter of seconds; this effect lasts for twenty four hours, after which the envelope
returns to room temperature and becomes inert. It may be reused indefinitely by refreezing it.

 A Ruger P-85 9mm semi-automatic pistol inside a wad of greasy McDonalds burger wrappers. Examination
reveals the magazine is sealed into the gun and there is no ejection port, but the pistol has a limitless amount of
ammunition. However, each trigger pull costs the shooter 0/1 Sanity loss.

 A single shot .22 derringer, about the size of ones palm. Covered in strange symbols, the gun will fire
normally. however, the user will be instantly killed, while the one hit with the bullet will go through the pain,
but take no damage. The Shooter's Autopsy will find the .22 bullet located wherever the bullet hit the victim. 0-
1d6 sanloss

 A padlocked metal box used to store radioactive material. It contains an organic flesh-like orb glistening
with oily colors. This is a Deep One shoggoth controller. If removed from the lead-lined box it begins to attract
any shoggoth within twenty miles to the bearer, and they'll probably be upset when they get there...

 A twisted punch-dagger made of some unidentifiable coral. It's ergonomically weird, seemingly made for
inhuman hands, and deals an extra 1d6 in damage with each successful punch. It deals 2d6 if the user has Deep
One blood...

 An American Civil War-era Model 1860 Light Cavalry saber. Still sharp but with strange yellowish stains
along the blade. Anyone cut by it or who touches one of the stains with an open wound will contract a
mysterious disease that slowly rots away the victims skin. This has no cure and the victim will permanently
lose 1d3 APP and 1d3-1 HP (due to additional infections) each week.

 A single 7.62 FMJ bullet. If touched, the next time it is out of sight the bullet vanishes - apparently
permanently. However, if the person who touched it is ever killed by a firearm, the autopsy will find the killing
shot was inflicted by that very same 7.62 slug...

 A ziploc bag containing a single 12 gauge shotgun shell and a post-it note saying "Emergency Use Only!
Danger!". Anyone opening the shell will find several thin layers of strangely shaped metal foil separated by
glyph-covered papers filling the top of the shell. The metal foils are a mixture of silver, gold, palladium and
lead.Separating the foils make the shell useless. [Firing the shell will create a 12' cone of collapsing non-linear
space ahead of the gun, dealing 10d6 of damage to anything in the cone (also ignoring armour). Unfortunately
a similar, though weaker, cone will extend 6' in the opposite direction, dealing 5d6 to anyone behind the gun,
including the shooter.]

 A dagger made of a metal of an unusually green hue. Can be used to damage non-corporal beings, ie.

 A black sheathed katana with Crimson runes etched on its blade, sits on a alter willing all who see it to
wield it for good or evil. Once the blade is drawn it must tast blood or force its weirder to kill or commit
suicided. The blade dealers 2d10+4+db, this blade is also sentiment and can communicate with its welder
according to the rulings of the keeper.

 A metal baseball bat that has been covered in eldritch symbols, including an elder sign on the head. Does
2d6 damage to supernatural enemies, but lowers dexterity by 1.

 An elegantly crafted Elephant Gun, with gold and silver engravings along the barrels in strange, almost
hypnotic patterns. The stock of the weapon has some kind of inscription, also in gold, in no known language.

Shells fired from this gun do no physical damage to the target, but rather call for an Opposed POW roll
between the wielder and target. The one who fails the opposed roll looses 1d6 Magic Points. If a target is
rendered unconscious by the gun, the wielder regains 2d6 magic points.

 A US diplomatic bag containing a small (5" tall) crystalline pyramid shot through with metallic filaments.
There is also a ziploc bag with a blood-stained notebook in it. The notebook contains a sketch of the Pyramid
and a rambling description of its history from 4000BC to present day. It also describes how to activate the
Pyramid through a complex series of gestures and MP expenditure. [Activating the Pyramid costs 8MP and
1d6 SAN. The Pyramid will then become insubstantial and sink straight down 33'. Three rounds later it will
pulverize all inorganic material in a flattened sphere 60' wide and 30' high around it. This usually leads to a
massive collapse of the overlying area, leaving the end result looking somewhat like a large sinkhole.]

 A sub-machine gun similar to the MP-40, stamped with the Nazi war eagle on both sides. However, instead
of a normal 32-round rectangular magazine, there is a bizarre mass that twists back upon itself almost like a
Klein bottle in ways that should be geometrically impossible; 1/1d4 SAN loss upon first seeing the weapon.

The multi-dimensional magazine essentially never runs out of ammunition, but costs the user 1/1d2 SAN after
they fire 1d100+20 bullets and realize it has yet to run out.

Unfortunately, this was only possible by cutting a deal with inhuman allies; whenever this weapon is fired in
anger, a Star Vampire will arrive 1d6 rounds later, hostile to all parties. A note hinting at this is taped to the
weapon, scrawled in German.

 A 17th century Turkish dagger, well-maintained and wrapped in a plain leather sheath. So long as the
weapon's edge is covered in warm human blood once a week, it will remain surgically sharp and shine
brightly; no other efforts will condition or sharpen the blade.

 A 19th-century rapier that shimmers oddly in the light. It is completely incapable of cutting through living
things, and passes through inanimate objects without interacting with them, but it can deal damage to
incorporeal entities.

 A short baskethilted broadsword with a cloudy crystal blade and organic seeming guard. When swung it
produces the sound, just audible, of a basso profundo singing without words.

 A large police issue evidence bag containing a pair of iron Tekko-Kagi hand claws which have been
chained together using two pairs of handcuffs. The claws are covered in dried blood. [Anyone removing the
handcuffs and putting on the hand claws must succeed with a POW vs POW 16 roll or go berserk, attacking
the nearest living persons until the claws are removed or 1d6 victims have been killed. The claws do 1d6
damage and the wearer gets two attacks each round.]
 A rusty, unidentifiable revolving grenade launcher similar in design to the Milkor MGL, though apparently
constructed sometime near the turn of the 20th century. It holds five large brass-cased grenades containing the
Powder of Ibn Ghazi. Once the rounds are fired, they are almost impossible to reproduce due to both the
unique design and the esoteric payload.

 a large claymore blade rests solemnly on a shattered jade and stone pillar, the blade is black and scarlet like
smoke on the morning sea, red etchings on it read ex oblivion. the blade deals 4d4+db if a creature is killed by
this blade it is transported to a extra planer space where nothing exists except you. sanity lose by seeing this
happen is 7/4d4.

 A large (7") curved knife with a bone handle of modern manufacture in a Denver Police Department
evidence bag. If touched, the knife will cause sanity draining nightmares unless it is soaked in human blood
each day. The knife can be positively IDed as belonging to a Colorado man responsible for 5 deaths (by
dismemberment) in 1982.

 A plastic evidence bag containing a 4' long piece of black iron chain. The 1 1/2" long links are quite crude
and obviously hammered into shape by hand. A closer examination will show tiny star-like shapes etched into
the links. [Whipping someone with the chain will deal 1d6+STR bonus damage. Wrapping the chain around
the fist and lower arm will enable the wielder to punch for 2d6+STR bonus damage, as well as doubling his
chance of parrying close combat attacks with that arm. BUT in this last case there is a great risk involved. If
the chain wrapped around the arm is used to kill someone it will absorb the MP of the victim and use it to meld
with the arm of the wielder, making it impossible to remove without serious surgery. Each midnight thereafter
it will feed on the wielder, absorbing 1d4 CON. CON lost in this way is not returned as long as the chain is still
melded to the wielder. At zero CON the wielder dies as a shriveled mummy-like corpse and the chain drops

 A long wooden chest containing an ancient, but extremely well-preserved, egyptian Khopesh. The 24"
sword is made from bronze and has a full metal grip. Along the hooked blade egyptian hieroglyphs and
imagery show warriors surrounding and attacking a tree-like monster (a Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath for
those who succeed with a Mythos roll, or has met one before). There are iridiscent stains along the blade and
on the grip. [The sword does 2d6 damage, plus any STR bonus, even to Mythos-creatures who normally take
only minimal damage from physical weapons. The drawback is that anyone touching the sword with their bare
skin for more than a few moments will be infected with an incurable wasting sickness, losing 1 CON each
week, as their metabolism shuts down, until they die at zero CON.]

 A peculiar rosewood staff, carved with what appears to be ivy. While not a particularly impressive mundane
weapon, it nevertheless inflicts regular damage on any supernatural creature - including ghosts and Mythos

 A foam-lined attache-case containing a weather-beaten, unloaded WA-2000 rifle, chambered in .300

Winchester Magnum. Its wooden stock is engraved with the word "SERAFIN" in simple script. Mounted is a
telescopic sight constructed of unpolished dark metal. Casual examination of the sight-picture would suggest
that the scope is inoperative, showing nothing but pitch-blackness and lacking a reticule of any kind. When
aimed at a living creature, a magnified silhouette of the target appears consisting of bluish-green wisps of fire,
despite whatever obstructions should block line of site. When fired, the target is struck in a lethal location with
the mundane ammunition, regardless of range, with the trajectory appearing to alter of its own accord to strike
however many victims are inside the sight-picture, through whatever cover they are sheltered behind..

Disassembling the scope or separating it from the rifle render it completely inoperable and irreparable. The
rifle, however, is fully functional so long as it is maintained adequately, even with the scope removed. The
means by which the scope and rifle operate together is a mystery, but one can determine under close scrutiny
and after trial-and-error that the range of this device has no discernible limitations, besides a permanent 18x
zoom, nonadjustable due to a distinct lack of dials on the device.

 An obsidian knife, all of one piece with the handle wrapped in leather and all placed into a canvas bag tied
with a piece of string. Old stains cover the blade, which is of average sharpness for a blade of its type. If used
against another creature of human size or smaller, however, match the wielder's POW against the target's. If the
wielder wins, all defensive actions taken by the target against the knife (and only the knife) are at half normal
strength. If the target wins, all offensive actions by the wielder using the knife are at half-normal strength. This
penalty remains in place until either the wielder or the target changes their POW score, in which case a reroll
occurs. Finally, if the knife is used to kill a sapient being, the wielder gains a point of POW, to a max of 25.

 A Yithian lightning gun - made from landfill electronics junk.

 A small obsidian dagger, roughly 10 cm long and 3 cm wide. The haft, roughly 5 cm long, is wrapped with
red leather; the blade is etched with several strange symbols. (Said symbols state the weapon is sacred to
Nyarlathotep; realizing this costs 1d4/1d10 SAN).

Stabbing someone with the dagger inflicts no actual damage; the blade penetrates but no blood is shed. The
victim suffers excruciating pain and must make a POW roll to do anything except writhe and scream in agony.
Once the dagger is removed the pain instantly stops; both attacker and victim lose 1d4/1d8 the first time this
happens, with 1/1d4 for each subsequent occurence..

 A medieval broadsword of the type used by the crusaders during the first crusade. The hilt is wrapped in
coarse leather. The blade is engraved with the text DEUS VULT. The sword is magical and will deal damage to
non-corporal beings, e.g. ghosts.

 A talwar sword of Afghan manufacture, whose hilt glows faintly with a blood-red aura. Taking up this
sword in anger creates a psychological, and perhaps even physiological, change in the user. The user slowly
becomes obsessed with revenge against a specific enemy (real or perceived), and forgoes all normal human
needs as he or she hunts down this individual; exhaustion, starvation, dehydration, disease, hypothermia, blood
loss, etc. seem to have no effect on the wielder, and he or she is spurred on by inhuman rage in this vendetta,
ignoring all but the most lethal or disabling of wounds.

However, once the enemy has been slain (invariably with the sword, it seems absurd to the wielder to use any
other weapon), all of these ailments crash down all at once, probably lethally.

 An M2 Carbine with a mounted M3 infrared sniper scope and backpack carrier for the scope's power
source. Included are two 30 round magazines, a 50 round box of 30 carbine ammo, a flat metal box, and a
yellowed piece of paper.

Inside the metal box is a filter designed to clamp over the IR spotlight part of the scope. The filter appears to
be an iridescent blue piece of glass set in a plastic ring. However, touching the filter reveals it to be a yielding,
gel-like material. Anyone who touches the filter with bare skin for more than a few seconds will experience
powerful waves of nausea. Prolonged exposure will cause the handler to be prostrated with vomiting and
chills. Scientific examination of the filter will reveal nothing noteworthy about the filter's properties or place of

The piece of paper is dated May 1951 and is a typewritten set of instructions for the weapon It indicates that
the filtered spotlight is the primary means of damage against the subjects [subjects are GM discretion] but
burst-fire from the rifle is the most effective means of compounding lethality and producing fatal injury.
Furthermore, it is stated that the filter will not affect the scope's low-light vision capacity, but reduces its
accuracy to inside 100 meters.

Beneath the typed instructions is a nearly illegible hand-written annotation: "Warning: This weapon's receiver
may be faulty. Sustained automatic fire could potentially damage the carbine's abilty to fire, or cause an open-
breach explosion. D. - November 3, 1970."

 One silver .38 special round engraved with twisting symbols. If fired it will hit its target and do double

 This is a speargun engraved with glowing blue runes. It is damp at all times and comes with three similarly
engraved spears. When a spear strikes a target, it does 1d6 damage before summoning a white whale to
swallow target whole.

 Inside a foam-lined gun case is a Desert Tactical Arms SRS chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum. Attached to
the top of the weapon is a black box which looks like some kind of advanced electronic sight, except the front
of it has no opening. Looking through the scope, however, reveals a black, shadowy landscape where living
things are illuminated by some kind of inner light. Anyone who knows anything about the concept of Auras or
Aura reading might call it an "Aurascope"

Inanimate objects are nothing but dark outlines, with living beings being highlighted by a unique colored glow.
Plants or fungi radiate various shades of green. Native Earth creatures glow blue, with humans, and oddly
enough dolphins, if anyone cares to check, glowing the brightest, an almost electric blue color. Alien creatures,
such as Mi-go or Greys have a pinkish, almost violet color. Summoned mythos creatures, like Byakhee glow
bright red, and humans tainted by the Mythos (Such as Cultists or Sorcerers) have a sickly, yellow-green color.
Keepers may also give other entities not mentioned specific colors of auras. Looking at something that doesn't
have a normal Green or Blue Aura for the first time costs 1/1d4 SAN. The scope normally provides a view of
the area of approximate dimensions of the space you can see with one eye, but has a dial on the side which can
be used to increase the zoom up to x10. The Aurascope can be removed from the SRS with some tools, and
placed on a different gun, though the using it on any other weapon incurs a 10% penalty to the user's skill, for
some reason. The box itself can even be disassembled with a screwdriver, which reveals it to be nothing more
than a cheap hard plastic casing for a series of crystal lenses of various sizes and materials. It can be put back
together and will function, so long as all the components end up in exactly the same place. The design cannot
be copied however, and even perfectly mimicking the size and substance of the crystal lenses will produce no
results. In addition to being useful for finding non-humans, any firearm equipped with the Aurascope gains an
interesting property. The bullets coming out of the gun, while not having their ability to harm expanded in any
way, will penetrate any mundane or magical defenses the target has, striking them directly. Creatures which are
intrinsicly immune to mundane weapons are still unharmed.

 A highly polished Colt Peacemaker revolver which wouldn't look out of place in the hands of a Western
movie protagonist. Like a Western protagonist's gun, it will seemingly move of its own accord and aim itself
for any difficult trick-shots, such as shooting a gun out of an enemy's hands or severing a hangman's rope.
0/1d2 to observe this tendency enough to rule out statistical anomalies, and 1/1d6 to feel it literally twist itself
about in the shooter's hand.

 A BB gun loaded with 5 pellets. When fired, the pellet will pierce any armor, from Kevlar vests to tank
armor, but will only do 1d4 damage against living flesh. Trying to remove the pellets or reload the gun cause
the weapon to become inoperable.
 A somewhat rusty, but still sharp sickle (18th century manufacture) with a well-worn grip. Careful
examination will detect small flecks of dried blood. (It has had the spell 'Bless Blade' cast upon it.)

 A samurai sword wrapped in duct-tape so as to be sealed into its scabbard. Anyone managing to draw it
suddenly believes themselves to be a 17th century samurai, and randomly attacks anyone nearby while yelling
in accurate Tokugawa-era Japanese. This continues until either the sword is removed from their sight or they
are killed. Curiously, the weapon is a rather poor quality demonstration piece made in Nagoya in 1994.

 A revolver of indeterminate make. Its design incorporates elements from several models, which may lead
anyone who knows anything about firearms to guess this is a custom-made weapon. The frame of the revolver
has a dark, gunmetal gray color, with a dull finish. The most unique part of its look, is the grip and cylinders,
which are a lighter color, and almost look like some kind of ivory, or bone. Strange swirly glyphs and symbols
are etched into both. Normally such material would break when used, but anyone who grasps the grip of the
pistol instinctively feels like it'll fire.

If opened up, it is found to be chambered in .357 magnum and have six shells present. If dumped out, a
random number of shells are spent. If the gun is emptied but not reloaded, next time a player looks at the gun,
they will discover a random number of chambers loaded with live rounds. 0/1 SAN for this event.

When fired in combat, the weapon will always be loaded with a random number of bullets, though the wielder
may need to fire a couple times to find a live round. These rounds appear in the gun at random times and in
random amounts, and will do so even if shells are still left in the gun. When drawn by its owner in need,
however, a live round is always ready. 1/1d6 SAN once someone realizes this.

 An unadorned iron mace, wrapped in bloodstained newspaper from three years ago. This weapon can be
used to hit creatures immune to regular weapons, but will remain bloody for a number of days equal to the
points of damage it inflicts thereafter. There is no evident source to the blood, which simply beads on the
weapon if observed long enough. Examining the interior with X-rays, or physically splitting it reveals nothing

 A beautifully balanced medieval broadsword, with a double-edged blade of pattern-welded steel and a hilt
of leather-wrapped brass with small gemstones set into the pommel. When this weapon is within seven yards
of a Mythos creature immune to mundane weapons, even if the creature is on the opposite side of a wall or
otherwise invisible the gemstones in the hilt may be seen to glow dimly. Also, if the wielder of the sword wins
a quick contest of POW vs. his Mythos opponent, this sword will inflict half damage to Mythos creatures
normally immune to mundane weapons--at the price of draining one point of POW from the wielder for every
hit point inflicted in this manner (and failing the quick contest means the sword is ineffectual against such
creatures, though the gems will still glow in their presence). Striking the killing blow vs. Mythos creatures will
return d6 times the hit points inflicted by the last blow to the wielder as POW, however. Realizing what's
happening is 1/1d4 SAN loss for observers, 1d4/2d6 for the user.

 A mi-go lightning gun. It looks a bit like a large fleshy walnut trailing three green vines, but if picked up,
the vines wrap up the holder''s arm and telepathically recognise when he wants to fire. The first time this is
done, SAN loss 1/1d3. For subsequent uses it's 0/1d3. When seen in the Green Box it's being held in a slightly
transparent toolkit normally used to hold drill bits. A stapled bundle of papers nearby (apparently written by a
doctor or botanist from the terminology used) explains the general principle behind the weapon''s use, but
seriously recommends leaving it alone due to an unspecified "physiological reaction" in test subjects.

 A brown cloth which covers a long spear. The spear is long, and barbed, with runes etched along the shaft
and blade which glow with faint violet light. Analysis of the weapon shows it appears to be made from bone,
possibly of a fish, but no species of fish are large enough to make the spear from. A History or Occult check
should draw comparisons to Cu Chulainn's Gae Bolg, Odin's Gungir, and the Lance of Longinus.

When wielded, the spear will always unerringly strike the heart of the target, reversing causality (It creates an
"effect" then changes reality to find the "cause"), where it deals 1d10+DB damage, ignoring all forms of
defense or armor. Then, on half DEX, the wielder may rip the spear out of the target, using the barbs, for an
additional 1d6 damage. Each use of the spear costs the wielder 1d6 Magic Points. The spear can only harm
creatures with hearts, or similar organs. 1/1d6 SAN once its effect is realized. 0/1 SAN to see the spear make a
particularly mind-boggling strike.

 Two dozen unmarked silver aerosol cans filled with argotypoline, which can be used as an accelerant. A
notecard is left next to them indicating the contents. It adds, "If you need something to burn very, very hot and
very, very fast, then this is just the juice." There's also a few unlisted, arcane ingredients in the mix, which add
a 20% chance per can applied of summoning fire vampires which will completely consume whatever is coated.

 A magic wand in the style of the Harry Potter series. If broken or cross sectioned it will lose its powers. It
will also reveal that it has some Mythos creatures part inside of it. Rather then the part of some fictional
magical creature. If it can be used by a PC it would help in spell casting. However, it offers no San protection.
Nor would it shield the user from the effects of the spell. Doesn't have to be useful because after all: the wand
chooses the wizard. No member of the party may qualify.

 A wooden harpoon with a wrought iron head, of the type in use in the 1860s whaling industry. Still in
excellent condition, it is perfectly normal except when it is within fifty feet of a Deep One, when it begins to
vibrate. Should the wielder attack a Deep One with it the harpoon unerringly misses.

 A trapdoor set into the Green Box floor leads to the Dreamlands.

 The body of a large gray earth worm measuring 27 feet long and 4 feet wide. It is labeled Mongolian pet
worm, there is also a conch shell that when blown the worm looks up and begins to act like a normal worm

 A small dropper bottle of black liquid that moves like mercury. Certain mythos creatures [up to GM
discretion which ones] will attack living beings tainted by the the liquid.

Comes with bundles of notes on the dark methods used to create more

 A plastic storage bin sits in the back of the Green Box. Inside there is a warning on top to not open it. If the
players open the box it will reveal a standard car battery. If removed from bin the battery will disappear and
reappear at random, at the agents' place or work and at home. And in the oddest locations, it will continue to
haunt the agents until it is returned to the bin or used in a vehicle.

 An ancient locked steamer trunk, opening it will show it contains a heavy wrought iron cage with a
mummified human hand in it. The hand will scuttle around in the cage and snap at anyone who places their
fingers near it. If provided with paper and a pen it will write out portents of the future.

 A human head, perfectly preserved in a jar of some clear, viscous liquid. The liquid does not stick to flesh,
and if the head is removed, none will cling to it. However, if removed, the head will open its eyes and begin
shrieking at the top of its lungs. It can only be silenced by putting it back into the liquid or by high amounts of
damage. SAN 0/1 to see the head, 1/1d6 if pulled out.
 A single, and uncharacteristically large, Russian Matryoshka doll, which has been glued shut. Any
investigators who successfully open the doll will discover a finely ground powder. Analysis of the powder will
determine that the substance is, in fact, the processed remains of the body of one of the PC's. Carbon dating
proves ineffective in determining the age of the doll, suggesting it has been made in the future....

 As someone opens the Green Box a vaguely greenish cloud of noxious gasses drift out. [Anyone caught in
the gas (Dodge roll to avoid) takes 1d4 HP damage and loses 1d4/1d6 SAN as horrifying visions of being
dragged down to the ocean floor and devoured alive by tentacled monstrosities flash through their brains.] A
small roman amphora can be found broken inside the Green Box, images of octopuses covering the ancient

 The inside of the Green Box is frozen solid, as if the temperature has dipped well below the freezing point
for an extended period. This may well have destroyed some items in it (especially things containing liquids).
As the Box is opened the inside of it will slowly thaw.

 The Green Box is haunted by a ghost. Whether it's attached specifically to the Box or to something in it is
up to the Keeper.

 A weird white spider-like creature, about 1" across, in a jar of formaldehyde. No information is provided
about the creature (a brood of Eihort) but the jar (for Matthew's Lemon Curd) can be identified to be of British
manufacture, probably from the early 1960s.

 A wooden sundial, about six inches in diameter, with time marked out in an unknown language. Anyone
attempting to use it for its intended purpose will quickly discover than the sundial's gnomon casts no shadow.
0/1 SAN.

 A small round metal disc, about 3 cm across and 1 cm thick, engraved with an intricate pattern. The metal
appears to be silver, but is harder than steel. If inserted into a sealed container it appears to temporarily stop all
decay processes in the container. However, if it is removed the contents of the container rapidly decay (at ten
times the normal rate) into useless debris and/or slime. Anyone who sees these effects loses 0/1d2 SAN.

 Everything in the Green Box has been neatly arranged on long wooden tables and labelled...in Aklo.

If the investigators recognize it as such, 0/1 SAN loss.

 A pair of shock paddles that have "Boo Doo People Murder People" engraved on the handles that when
used cause a random corpse in a 100 feet radius to be revived but in doing so makes the user sleep for 2 days

 As the Green Box is opened sea water rush out of it, as if it has been filled to the brim (for large Green
Boxes this may well be a painful experience for whomever opens the Box). The water is filled with (dead)
deep-water fish and rotting crustaceans. Somewhere in the mess left behind can also be found the thoroughly
dissolved tome responsible for the manifestation.

 A small metal strongbox, of the type sold in hardware stores in the 1980s, for storing valuables. The box is
unlocked; whoever opens it first finds its key inside. As long as he is alive and retains the key the box behaves
normally for him, but anyone else opening the box finds it empty. Any items they place in the box vanish the
moment it is closed; where they go is left to the imagination of the Keeper.

 A freshly cut rabbit's foot. Upon further inspection you will find out that it is the back left foot.
 The complete print of the original cut of Fritz Lang's Metropolis, including the "lost for ever" scenes.
Including an unreleased scene where a ghostly figure in tattered robes overlooks the fall of the city. The figure
is coloured in yellow on the film itself and will appear on the screen in yellow. Despite the film being black
and white.

 A card board cut out of chuck Norris.

 A Cambodian-style fetish necklace, made of dried human fetuses. Known as "smoke children," they protect
the wearer from any physical harm. One has to doubt the sanity of anyone who chooses to wear it, though.

 A small glass cylinder, with a cork placed in it tight. A note next to it says "Caution: Contains Screams".

Any Agent inexperienced or dumb enough to try the vial by opening it is treated to the most blood-curdling
and ear-splitting scream they've ever heard or will hear in their life. The scream continues as long as it is open.
All within earshot lose 1/1d4 SAN. The person holding the vial also needs to make a POW x5 roll, or drop the
container. Should the container be dropped, and the vial shatter, the scream reaches a mind-shattering
crescendo before dying out, inflicting 1d3 damage on anyone who can hear it. Double this damage in confined
spaces or areas with good acoustics. Characters exposed should also suffer penalties to listen checks. If the vial
is recorked, and opened again, to see if it works twice, they agent is once again met with terrifying scream.
They expect it this time, so only 0/1 SAN loss on all future openings, and not dropping the vial becomes POW

 A package wrapped in stained brown paper and string. As someone opens the Green Box a decayed human
arm wriggles free from the package and attacks the nearest target. [The Arm has 4 HP and its horribly strong
fingers squeeze for 1d3 HP, Impaling Hits apply as the fingers find something painful to grab onto. It has 25%
chance to hit, but cannot move faster than walking speed except for short (2m) bursts once every three turns.]

 A small canvas bank-bag filled with some number of soft and flat things that appear to be scraps of fabric.
In the crate next to it is skinning knife/gut hook that has traces of blood on it. Scrawled in marker on the bag is
"Don't Look!" (Inside are 39 scraps of human skin, each tattooed with the Yellow Sign - there is evidence that
attempts have been made to burn them with no success. They are indestructible, and this fact will net an
additional 1/1-2 San loss in addition to seeing any of the various Yellow Signs)

 An iron cage, 2' high. Inside a ratlike creature squats and watches whoever opens the Green Box with
malignant intelligence shining from the eyes in its shockingly human-like face. It will not speak. The cage and
the area around it is quite dusty, pointing to it having been there for months, if not years.

 A tightly-sealed jar containing two liters of fine blueish-grey dust. If sifted through, it will be found that the
dust is nearly frictionless and none of it remains on the fingers. If anyone thinks to cast Resurrection on the
dust, it reform into a famous figure from history (GM's discretion as to whom). There is a 10% chance that
some of the dust has already been taken and that an attempt at Resurrection will instead summon up "onlie the
liveliest awfullness."

 A small drawstring Nike bag, containing a portable black hole. Anything placed within the bag cannot be
retrieved. Realizing the existence of such a contained phenomenon is a 0/1d4 SAN check. If informed, A-cell
will request that the bag be mailed to Dr. Pappu, A DG friendly at the University of Texas in Austin.
 A mannequin whose face resembles one of the agents. Which one is up to the GM. If the agents leave the
mannequin in the green box and later come back, the mannequin will be wearing identical clothes to the agent
it resembles. San loss at the GM discretion.

 A heavily modified 8mm video camera. It has a variety of lenses, filters and supplemental lights for the
aperture. The films shot bear almost no resemblance to what the investigators would see, showing odd
geometric patterns with stars moving before them, and occasional tentacled things swirling about, instead of
(for instance) the safehouse.

 On a neatly desk located in the middle of the room is a square box wrapped in tin foil measuring roughly 8
in" long 8in" wide and 4 in" high, placed on a bundle of newspapers. On the box is a yellow sticky note with a
hastily etched warning "do not open for any reason". If the box is opened there is a lone 3 by 3 photograph
placed face down. If flipped over and looked at by any living creature there soul is ripped out of there body,
leaving behind a paper thin husk of what the creature previously was, additional any creature living or non
living loses 50d100 sanity( this includes elder gods and great old ones alike, at keepers discretion)

The stack or news papers report the photos property's and 3 husks in varying stages of decay( non of which are
human keepers discretion) players lose 5 sanity per husk.

 A compass whose needle appears to change randomly throughout the day and night. If studied, it will be
found that it is always pointed in the direction of the star Aldebaran.

 The Green Box contains a hungry Ghast.

 One full aerosol spray can of SPF 20 sunscreen. Any attempts to apply the sunscreen to naked human flesh
results in 1d3 acid damage. Anyone who has been sprayed with the sun screen hears the voice of the Can,
begging people to spray it, and must make a 0/1 SAN check upon first hearing the Can speak. The Can never
runs out of spray....

 3 Class II Tactical Armor Vests (2 Medium, 1 Large) in Black - shot to hell, the large is scored by huge
claw marks and blood stains.

 A large plastic evidence bag containing another, slightly smaller, evidence bag. There is also a post-it note
on the larger bag: "Yes, it's the fucking evidence bag!". [Anything, including living flesh, touching the inside
of the smaller evidence bag start to rot/rust/corrode at a rate of 1d4 HP each minute (even if removed from the
bag) until destroyed or the d4 rolls a 1.]

 A human hand and portion of a forearm (wearing a broken handcuff), re-animated with Dr. West's formula.
It will attack anyone who opens the Green Box. The thing is slightly stained with a bluish color and looks to
have been ripped from the original corpse. The thing has crawled about the interior of the Green Box, leaving a
sticky trail behind. The other half of the handcuff can be found attached to a pipe or other fixed point.

 A large Tibetan mandala is drawn out in the middle of the Green Box's floor in multi-colored sand. In front
of it someone has spelled out in the same sand: "NO BREAK CERCLE"

So long as no one enters it, or alters the circle's integrity, the mandala manages to contain the very angry
Flying Polyp swirling within...
 A Polaroid camera. Regardless of what the camera is actually aimed at, all pictures show the same view: A
landcape of blackish rocks covered with some sort of blue-green mold or grass, under a purple sky with two

 A black body bag containing a set of burned skeletal remains. A Medicine or Forensics check identifies it as
near-human, but not human. Mythos check will identify it as Ghoul remains. 1/1d4 SAN

 A small glass jar with a plastic lid containing a clear jelly-like substance. If the jelly is rubbed on an object
it becomes impervious to attack by Mythos creatures; if it is rubbed on a living being it renders them
impervious to attack by Mythos creatures, but does 1d4 damage to the creature until it is removed (it can
simply be wiped off with a cloth).

 Fluttering about the top of the Greenbox are several small iridescent blue butterflies measuring from 7/8 - 1
1/4 inches. Any natural history or biology related skills can be used to ID these as Xerces Blues. The species
went extinct in 1941; a positive ID will cause the investigator 1/1D4 san loss. If attacked the butterflies will be
killed easily as they are quite delicate. If left alone they will continue to flutter at the corners of the ceiling

 A crudely made and heavy set of metal plate armor with an accompanying literal bucket helm. It would
take a strong person to wear it, and it limits vision.

Those who do put it on find it renders the wearer completely immune to any physical attack or hazard that hits
somewhere above the belt. Between the old bloodstains and numerous divots on its surface, the scratched
letters "KELLY" can be made out.

 A poorly-preserved paw from a monkey of some kind. When an Agent sleeps while holding the paw, one or
more of their wishes will be granted, but in a dark and twisted way to the Keeper's discretion.

 This apartment's kitchen has a deep freezer, and in the deep freezer, underneath a pile of microwavable TV
dinners whose freshness dates expired some time ago (safe to eat, but stale-tasting), is a very heavy glass jar
with a heavy stainless steel lid screwed down tightly. Within the jar is a pinkish object covered with frost;
whenever observed in a frozen state, it appears to be have the shape of one of the Platonic regular solids--a
tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, or icosahedron, different shapes on different occasions, though it
never changes when viewed directly. A note taped to the lid says "DO NOT OPEN! DO NOT ALLOW TO
THAW! NOT KIDDING!" It's up to the Keeper to decide what it actually is. It can't be a small shoggoth
because those don't freeze, but beyond that, well, one supposes that if it were to thaw and escape it would be
mobile, hostile, and very, very hungry--and possibly immune to mundane weapons.

 Strange squiggly signs cover the walls, floor and roof of the Green Box. They seem to have been drawn
with some milky white substance which is more resistant to liquids and physical harm than it first appears. If
the Green Box is of the walk-in type anyone entering it is unable to leave (when moving to the exit it appears
to be farther and farther away (Lose 1/1d6 SAN). If the Green Box is of the storage box type items in it
(including the signs) are always out of reach for those outside it (Lose 0/1d4 SAN). The only way to break the
effect is by destroying at least one-third of the signs (this may have to be done by destroying the walls itself if
you're on the outside of the Box). Of course, there may be some good reason for the signs to have been put
there for the first time ...
 A blister pack of 12 glow sticks. When cracked, they do not seem to emit light, so much as absorb the dark.
Tendrils of shadow seem to peel off of the surroundings and snake towards the glow stick before disappearing
into it. Each stick lasts 30 minutes. According to the package, they are of Malaysian make.

 A rolled piece of linoleum. If examined, there are two concentric circles with a diameter of 3 and 4 feet
respectively in the middle, of some dark substance. Between the two circles are a number of Arabic words and
letters and a number of wax blotches. The whole thing stinks of sulfur and looks to have been peeled roughly
from a wooden floor.

 A clay vial, which is market "Dragon Blood" in German. Undoing the wax seal and examining the contents
reveals a substance which looks like blood, only is bright red, does not coagulate under normal circumstances,
and is several degrees higher than human body temperature.

There is enough in the vial to soak one body part such as an arm, or the chest, or the back, in the blood. If done
so, the area covered by the blood will experience a stinging, burning sensation, and be permanently stained
with a reddish color, and become immune to all damage from mundane weapons. However, should the blood
be drunk, or otherwise enter the body, the person will rapidly heat up and burst into flame from the inside. But,
if poured on the tongue of a person, they will gain the ability to speak to Birds, as if speaking their Native
Language. Realizing you can speak to birds is 1/1d4 SAN. Actually talking to one for the first time costs 0/1

 An eleven-foot long, oak pole. It's charred and chipped, but remains strong. If an agent holds the pole, he
gains an innate sense for detecting ambushes and traps: if one is forthcoming, he will smell burnt wood and
have a headache. The pole itself is indestructible; no mortal being could ever break it, and immortals would
have an extremely hard time as well. At the base of the pole, in small, neat lettering, is the following: "The
only memory I have of the Old Times. Treat it well, traveller, for it has treated me well. Signed, G."

 A heavy oak coffin, chained shut with 3/8" steel chains and secured with multiple padlocks. Occasional
thumping sounds can be heard from the inside.

 Against a wall lies a old mattress. When moved aside it reveals an opening to anouther room. Problem is
that room can't exist( the wall's other side is a hallway). How was the opening created & what is inside can be
an adventure in itself.

 The bleached and varnished skull of a Deep One.

The Green Box and everything in it, except for a small empty area, is covered in a thin layer of translucent slime.
The slime smells vaguely of chlorine and is slightly radioactive (which may lead to some trouble for Agents
touching it and then entering areas monitored for radiation). It will evaporate if exposed to sunlight only leaving a
low-level radioactive patch behind. The empty area in the Box indicates something approximately skull-sized has
been removed from it.

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