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Source of Light Ministries International

Source of Light Ministries International is an independent, faith mission

that exists to bring people of every nation, language, and ethnicity into a mature
relationship with Jesus Christ and into fellowship with a local church.
SLM is a world-wide, disciple making, church planting mobilization that uses
the medium of Bible lessons for all ages in both printed and electronic format
to achieve its goals. The International Headquarters in Madison, Georgia, and its
Discipleship Training Branches (DTBs), and Associate Discipleship Schools (ADSs),
distribute lessons throughout the world.
Representatives, Missionaries, and Appointees of SLM are available to
present the ministry to churches, missionary conferences, and other groups.
Contact the SLM PR office for scheduling.
For information on any of the ministries of SLM, see
www.sourcelight.org or call 800. 776.1207.

the Reaper
Summer 2010
The Reaper is published by Source of Light Ministries International, Inc. and is sent free of charge to
anyone requesting it. Write or call to be placed on the mailing list.

SLM International Administrative Council

1011 Mission Road Dr. B. Shade, General Director
Madison, Georgia 30650 R.R. Walker, Chief Financial Officer
• Phone: 706.342.0397 P. Winder, Director of Operations
• Fax: 706.342.9072 G. Miller, Director of Field Ministries
• E-mail: slm@sourcelight.org
R.R. Walker, Director of Printing Operations
• Web Site: www.sourcelight.org
B. Hearing, Director of MDS
Board of Directors B. James, Director of Public Relations
D. Lowry, Chairman
E.B. Shoff, Vice Chairman
The Reaper
Dr. A. Cooper, Secretary
Barry Blenis, Treasurer Editor: Billie Will
J.C. Carter • C. Mayfield Graphic Design: Marianne Rosenberger
Dr. G.S. Palmer • Dr. R.J. Sans Director of Publications: Ray Walker
Dr. B.H. Struthers • Dr. Earl Parvin Prepress: SLM Publications
Daniel De Jong • D. Head Production: SLM Printing
M. Stringer
the Reaper
Source of Light Ministries International

Summer 2010

In Honor
of the Men
and Women
serve our
18 Those Nearest Eternity
4 News & Views . . . An Opportunity
5 Observations
11 SLM Materials
14 Help Needed!!
16 Faith Literature Ministries
17 Field Needs
Going Up
17 Destinations
20 Prayer & Praise
21 In Loving Memory
22 S-O-S
23 Subscription Information 15
6 Knocks
“Oh, to go to
8 New
SLM – Staff
Soldiers have a prominent place in Scripture. We see them in both
Testaments and in various perspectives. They are the ones who treated
our Lord in ways that can only be described as sadistic – beating Him
and nailing Him to a cross as they gambled with indifference over his few
belongings. A soldier pierced His side and the soldiers at the tomb “took
large money” to lie about the resurrection.

But we see another side of them as well. Soldiers came in repentance

to the baptism of John and asked his counsel (Luke 3:14). Jesus met a
soldier of whom He said, . . . I have not seen so great faith, no not in Israel
(Matthew 8:10). It was a soldier (Cornelius) who was the first Gentile
convert of Peter’s ministry (Acts 10). And it was soldiers who, chained
to Paul the Apostle, accepted the message of the Gospel and spread it
through the entire Praetorium Guard (Caesar’s private security force).

Not surprisingly, Paul drew many of his examples for the life of the
believer from soldiers. He commanded that we who would follow Christ,
endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:3). He
told us to Fight the good fight of faith . . . (1 Timothy 6:12 ). He referred
to his companions as fellowsoldiers in Christ (Philippians 2:25; Philemon
1:2 ). The faith has always demanded the commitment of a soldier from
those who would live it. It is no different today. It is a life of both discipline
and sacrifice and those who are overcomers, loved not their lives unto
the death (Revelation 12:11).

Is it perhaps because of those parallels that some of the greatest and

most effective Christians have been men and women who are also a part
of the military. That is one of the reasons why SLM’s Campaign Stars &
Stripes is so timely and important. We have a great desire to reach our
military for Christ and God has opened some unexpected doors to make
that happen. I believe we will see many join the Army of the Redeemed in
the months ahead. I’m looking for those who will believe with me. (Please
see pages 18-19.)

Through the years of our personal experience and that of Source of Light,
our Lord has demonstrated the precious reality of 1 Kings 8:56, . . . according to
all that he promised: there hath not failed one word of all his good promise. . . .
In our early years, Cam Thompson challenged us to find and claim some of
the 7,487 definite promises in God’s Word. We claimed promises for spiritual
fruitfulness, wisdom, strength, guidance, personnel, equipment, buildings, and
finances, and God has answered (Jeremiah 33:3).
We prayed that God would expand the lessons into other languages. In 1959,
God provided John and Louise Struthers to translate the lessons into Spanish.
In the 50’s, we prayed for a bookkeeper, printer, and organist. Through our
friend Phil Saint, Wes and Dorothy Beam came from upstate New York to meet
all three needs. We prayed for help in Public Relations and Bud and Snooky
Taylor responded to my message on, “What Is That In Thine Hand?” We prayed
for help in administration and grading Spanish lessons, and God provided Earl
and Adele Newell. Many others came in answer to prayer.
Our dedicated staff prayed for thousands of student prayer requests as God
touched lives around the world and answered prayer.
We prayed for God to meet financial needs as the ministry grew from ten to
forty percent yearly, so God answered some years with just half of one percent of
income over expense. Only our miracle-working God could touch hearts to meet
our needs like that. As we prayed for needed buildings and expensive equipment,
our wonderful Lord honored our no-debt policy to provide for us.
God also promised that His Word would not return unto Him void (Isaiah
55:11). Our lessons for young and old are filled with God’s Word, so year by
year we receive testimonies from students who are saved and grounded in God’s
Many have heard of the miracle on the Hudson with 155 airline passengers
lives saved. We want many to hear of the miracle in Madison as a handful of
humble missionaries have been used to see thousands worldwide saved from sin.
We desire to have people’s faith increased as they learn how God has blessed our
total dependence on God to do it all.

by Sika Yawo

(Editor’s note): Many years ago I heard a missionary

present his work in Togo. He coined a phrase and
repeated it over and over again — “Oh, to go to
TOGO!” I don’t remember the missionary’s name
but I have never forgotten about his vision for

Togo is a narrow country in West Africa sandwiched

between Ghana on the west and Benin on the east.
Pastor Sika and family Sika Yawo, a national Source of Light missionary,
has a heart for his people. Sika and his wife, Degbey
Lucie, began their work in the prison in Lomé, the capital of Togo. They were
dismayed to discover three things. The singing lasted for over two hours,
but many fell asleep during the preaching. Most of the preaching focused on
praying for God to get them out of prison and lastly, there was no Bible study.

“The decision was made,” Sika says, “We would

try to reach these abandoned and overlooked
prisoners.” We began to distribute the Source
of Light Bible courses. The prisoners were
delighted. Today they have more than 3,000
prisoners involved in studying the Bible

We noticed a rising number of children in the

Service in the prison
jails for minors. The soldiers told us that many
were there for stealing, and some for
assault and even murder. We decided
to start visiting the children in prisons.
We gave them the SLM Bible courses
and we praise God for the changes we
have seen in them.

As we began to minister to more

children, especially orphans, we
Pastor Sika with prisoners visited a village in the interior and

began to share with the children. As the children
listened, we noticed that their parents and other
adults were listening to what we were sharing.
We asked if there was a church in the area, but
they said no. We went on to visit ten villages
in that area of Togo and four others nearby in
Benin, but there were no churches. The people
were thirsty for God’s Word and many asked
Teaching children us to come and start churches. We decided that
in spite of
our difficulties and lack of funds, we would
start visiting and working in these villages.
To help our orphans, we decided to cultivate
a farm of three hectares of corn and peanuts
to feed them.

We also learned that many preachers were Baptism of female prisoner

afraid to go into the garrison to preach to in Lomé prison
the soldiers because of the long-time strict dictatorship in Togo. We gradually
began to share the Gospel with soldiers through SLM courses. By the grace
of God even some officers were saved. Today 489 soldiers and 76 policemen
are involved in the Bible courses. They have
now begun to evangelize their friends and
colleagues. We have also been able to send
the Bible courses to the high commissioners’
offices. Since these booklets have our contact
information on them, we have received
invitations to go and explain more about Jesus
to some of the officials.
Giving Bible lessons and Bibles
to the soldiers
Today, the ministry of SLM — TOGO grows
more and more, with many pressing needs. Probably the most urgent need is
that of obtaining a reliable vehicle. At present, our
team members are forced to travel by motorcycle,
which makes it very difficult to take clothing, food,
and other needed resources to the churches.

Pray for our ministry here in Togo. Pray for the

churches, orphans, policemen, and those who are in
prison. Praise the Lord for the 123 Associate Schools Bibles for the Women’s
with 1,867 active students. prison

by Joe & Penny Homotowski
We praise the Lord for His call to
Canada and missionary apprenticeship
at Source of Light Ministries
International in August 2001. We have
Joe & Penny Homontowski now been in Canada for five years.
We are praising God for how He has
worked in our lives and the lives of our family through this calling.
We were sent here to open an SLM Discipleship Training Branch,
making it possible for Canadian churches and organizations to
order the Bible course materials easier. We spent three years on
deputation and many churches and families were led to support
our ministry. We appreciate each one who God has led to sacrifice
part of their income monthly to help us stay here in Canada and
proclaim God’s Word throughout the country.
We have a great opportunity to spread God’s Word with
sound Bible studies going into many homes in almost all of
the Canadian provinces. Joe has spoken with many pastors and
lay leaders about how they can use
the Bible study material in their
ministry. Since we have been here,
nine different churches have begun
to use the Bible study materials in
various ways.
Since we have been in
Saskatchewan, we have partnered with
Western Tract Mission. They provide
us with office space and a place in
their basement to store the Bible
lessons. Penny works as the director of
the correspondence school at Western
Tract Mission. She grades lessons and
corresponds with over 100 students
all around Canada. There are seven other ladies who come in once
a week and grade their students’ lessons. We currently have close
to 500 active students learning God’s Word through the lessons.
Two years ago Penny took
over for the Good News
Express editor and is now
writing the newsletter
each quarter for students
ages 4-18. This small
four-page newsletter has
a devotional on the front

Our graders

cover, challenging the

students to follow the
Lord daily.
We are able to set
up our display at three
colleges and five church
missions’ conferences
in Saskatchewan each
year. People are given the opportunity to see what they can do
with the Bible study materials and tracts, or whether God wants
them to work with SLM or
with WTM in any way. We go
into these mission conferences
with much prayer, lifting up
each individual before the
Lord, asking that He show
them which of the many
ministries in the conferences
that He may want them to
join in His service.
Stockroom for our Bible Lessons Please pray for Canada.
It is a country that is set in
its ways and it is hard for us to find a way to reach them with
the Gospel message. As in the United States, many churches are
changing their way of evangelizing. Discipleship is not high on
their list. We have to find open doors of opporunity. We have a
great relationship with WTM and are praising God for leading us
to them. We are working together to proclaim the Good News of
the Gospel of Christ throughout the country of Canada.
by Bill Shade

Several days ago I stood

inside the new elevator —
installed and ready to go.
What a thrill. I remembered
so well the day we met in my
office. We knew the elevator
was the next element needed
for the building, but the price
was over $42,000. I simply
said to our men, we have no
recourse but to pray — so we
prayed — and two days later the funds came from completely
unexpected sources.

That has been the story of this entire project. Each step we
take, God has met us with His provision — never so much that we
can assume, but always enough that we can keep moving forward.
The drywall is on and being prepared for paint. After painting,
the floor tile and carpet must be laid. We still need and welcome
volunteer work teams — they have been our greatest asset in
moving this project to completion.

Last time I told you about the heating units. They are the last
large item for the downstairs. We need eight units at a cost of
$2,900 per unit plus about $1,000 more for duct work, installation,
etc. Please join us as we cry out once more to the God who is our
only Resource that He will once again show His mercy and grace
in the supply of our need. Then we will be able to join together to
praise and glorify Him.

BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS is a course on great
Bible themes. This study is more advanced
than many of our popular level courses and
may be used for older teens and adults.
Mature believers will find it helpful, as will
newer Christians. These studies are doctri-
nal in nature with great foundational truths,
leading to more serious Bible study.

Book 1 REPENTANCE • Called Unto Repentance

Book 2 FAITH • The Evidence of Things Not Seen
Book 3 REGENERATION • Created in His Image
Book 4 JUSTIFICATION • Accepted in the Beloved
Book 5 ADOPTION • Sons Not Servants
Book 6 PRAYER • Master Secrets of Prayer
Book 7 SANCTIFICATION • Called Unto Holiness
Book 8 GLORIFICATION • Called Unto His Eternal Glory
Book 9 HOLY SPIRIT • The Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit

KNOW & GROW is a basic course for new

Know believers. It is ideal for new convert classes
& Grow Book 1
and for all believers who have not had exten-
sive Bible study. The detailed exercises help
the students as they learn to pray and study
God’s Word. There are three booklets in this

Beyond the Bible Lessons for all ages for
which SLM is most well known, there is a
whole special Department of Bible Studies
called Advanced Studies. In the world of
Advanced Studies, you can take up to thirty-
three college level courses through the WW
LIT Department, or get a complete three-year
Bible Institute Education through the World-
Wide Bible Institute. Let me challenge you
to look into this tremendous opportunity for
Biblical and Theological education. Contact:
wwbi@sourcelight.org or call: 706-342-0397
ext. 165. You may also look us up on the web
at www.sourcelight.org. The link for Advanced
Studies is: http://www.sourcelight.org/wp-

The entire Christian Experience from Salvation to Sanctification to

Glorification is set forth in picture form in the Tabernacle. This CD includes
five one-hour PowerPoint studies, Leader’s Scripts that accompany each
slide, and Student’s Notes for each session. You can now have this
tremendous tool for your students at a cost of just $15.00 plus postage.
That’s five complete sessions with every major spiritual truth clearly
recently revised and with a new look,
is an excellent course for discipleship
for teenagers and adults. It uses sports
themes introduced in Paul’s writings in
Scripture along with illustrations from
popular sports figures. This course,
will especially appeal to
those who are sports-
minded, and to those
who are involved in
athletic activities. It may
be used as a first series,
or fit in later. Scripture
Book 2
quotations are from the
lessons three + four

New American Standard


Order/Information Request Form

q Basic Bible Truths $ 6.75 per course (9 booklets)
q Know and Grow $ 1.65 per course (3 booklets)
q Winning the Race of Life $ 1.65 per course (3 booklets)
q The Tabernacle in Power Point $ 15.00 per CD
q Please send the Literature Information Packet
q Please send information about WWBI Advanced Studies
q WW LIT and The Ezra Institute
Preferred minimum order is $10. Please add 30% for Shipping & Handling.
Name _____________________________________ Phone _____________
Address ______________________________________________________
City _______________________________ State ______ Zip ____________

by Phil Winder
When I think of our staff needs here at Source of Light I am reminded of
the staff needs that Moses had. Remember the story in Exodus 17 where
Israel was fighting Amalek? There are five distinct people who had a
vital part in securing the victory for Israel. There were the chosen men
(warriors) who were chosen by Joshua. There was Joshua, who was the
commander; there was Moses, the leader; and there was Aaron and Hur,
who held up Moses’ hands.

It took all five of those groups of people to pull off the victory for the
Lord. This is also true with ministry; it takes many groups of people,
many skill levels, and many personalities to accomplish the tasks. Not
every one can be the leader; not everyone can be an arm holder; nor
can everyone be a warrior. We are all part of the body of Christ and all
parts are vital to the ministry.

Here at SLM we have various staff needs that are vital to the ministry.
Many of our staff have drooping arms, and they need to be encouraged,
strengthened, and edified. They need people (just like you) to come
along side and help to hold up their arms in victory.

I am often asked what the staff needs are at Source of Light. We have
a myriad of tasks that you may be able to assist with. In the Print
Shop we have a need for several apprentices. We need secretaries,
Braille transcribers, shipping clerks, lesson graders, data-entry clerks,
receptionists, ministry hostess, airport shuttle driver, field workers,
accounting clerks, order clerks, and maintenance workers, etc.

As you can see, we have a big variety of staff needs at different skill
levels. Maybe you are at a time in your life when God is leading you to
serve Him in full-time Christian service. God isn’t looking at your skills,
education, or experience. God is looking for people with willing and
joyful hearts, and obedient servants to step out and obey Him. He will
do the rest.

God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called.

by Jim Tilson
For some, opportunity comes
knocking when least expected injuries received as the
and much later than expected. Viet Cong attacked
Since 1972, John Cranmer has his landing craft (LCU 1624). Petty
been faithfully Officer Cranmer was also involved in
serving the Lord the Battle of Hue in February 1968,
here at SLM and was later issued the Presidential
headquarters. Unit Citation for that action.
When John first
For thirty-nine years, it all
arrived at SLM,
seemed to be distant memories.
his brief experi-
In 2009, John joined The Military
ence in graphics was put to use;
Order of the Purple Heart, Chapter
however, his attitude was one of
531, in Northeast Georgia. Little
“wherever I’m needed.” Conse-
did he know that just a few months
quently, his time was divided among
later (February 2010), the Lord
the graphics, printing, and shipping
would open up a new ministry as
departments. Eventually, he was
Chaplain. What an opportunity to
moved permanently to shipping
share Christ outside the walls of
because of the great need and
SLM!!! His duties include opening
continued serving there until 1990.
and closing meetings in prayer,
Due to a physical problem attending funerals, comforting
diagnosed as fibromyalgia, the grieving families, and being
shipping work became impossible available 24/7 as members have
to continue; thus, John moved to the spiritual needs. When opportunity
Madison Discipleship School and avails itself, he will introduce
eventually became its supervisor appropriate SLM lessons to help
in 1999. In 2006, “the greatest fellow Purple Heart recipients and/
need” moved John to the Print or their families meet their spiritual
Shop to become the Shop Clerk. needs. Only the Almighty God
In the world’s estimation, John’s life knew how He was going to take
would be one of insignificance, but four years of military service and
as Paul Harvey would say, “Now for nearly forty years of service for the
the rest of the story.” King of Kings in order to create
After graduating from high this unique opportunity. WHEN
school, John enlisted in the United OPPORTUNITY KNOCKED JOHN WAS
States Navy and served two tours READY AND ANSWERED THE CALL.
of duty in Vietnam from 1967 to How prepared will you be when
1969. In September of 1967, he God produces a call for you to
was awarded the Purple Heart for answer?
by Albert Watkins
I was saved in May of 1974, and God led me and my wife, Rebecca,
to Source of Light (SLM) Ministries for a Bible study course. In the
meantime, I was distributing Gospel tracts and other Christian literature.
This early involvement in giving out Christian
literature and my introduction to SLM, was
what God used to point me toward a Bible
correspondence ministry.
In 1977, SLM approved Rebecca and me
as Associate School directors. Our school is
known as Faith Literature Ministries, Inc.
There have been many rewarding years for
God’s work. However, along with the spiritual fruits came serious sickness
for both me and Rebecca. Nevertheless, we have presented our lives before
the Lord and in the process seen many come to Christ for salvation with
hundreds studying our materials to become better disciples for our Lord.
Over the past 32 years, thousands have been reached through these
ministries. Our sincere thanks to SLM Ministries for their faithfulness
to produce outstanding Bible study course materials and other Gospel
literature that has allowed us, with God’s blessings, to accomplish so
much. The leadership and all the wonderful staff members at SLM have
been there in every way possible to serve God and our school. We count
it an honor to be associated with such a fine Christian organization. We
now have 600 active students.
As we finish up these last days, we think about our Lord’s return, as
He has promised in John 14:1-3. No one knows when He will return,
(Matthew 24:36). Signs that His return may be near are everywhere. May
our Lord continue to bless us with extra portions of His grace and mercy
to finish His work before the Rapture.
SLM’s Associate Discipleship Schools are a key means of ministering to
untold thousands of needy souls and hungry hearts around the world.
You too may be a part of this vital band, using the Bible study courses
with those with whom you have contact, to reach the lost and disciple
believers. To receive information on how you can do this, contact Ray
Walker at: rwalker@sourcelight.org, or write to the Order Department for
an introductory packet of materials.
Here are some needs of our Foreign Branches
that you can supply through your giving.

HAITI Earthquake Relief

CHILE Projector that was stolen $ 1,226
PERU Personal monthly support needed $ 1,300
ROMANIA Pavel: Computer & Copy Machine $ 1,950
LIBERIA Funds to replace items lost in house fire
GHANA Office Building in Muslim area $ 19,500
IVORY COAST Laptop & CD Duplicator $ 1,863
INDIA Dodla Wilson: Visual Aid materials $ 3,248
Christudas Earla: Office Building $ 3,784
PHILIPPINES Headquarters building project Phase 1 $ 36,300

Please send a separate note with your gift indicating how you want
your gift to be used. Thank you for your prayers and participation.

Bill Shade
June 28-July 2 – IFCA International Convention,
Springfield, MO
July 30-31 – Grace Leadership Conference, Quentin Road
Bible Baptist Church, Lake Zurick, IL
August 19-21 – South Regional ANAM Conference,
Scripture Memory Mountain Mission, Emmalena, KY
August 22 am – Little Carr Bible Church, Little Carr, KY
August 22 pm – McRoberts Baptist Church, McRoberts KY

Robertson McQuilkin wrote:

When all has been said that can be said on this issue (of the lost), the
greatest remaining mystery is not the character of God nor the destiny of
lost people. The greatest mystery is why those who are charged with rescuing
the lost have spent two thousand years doing other things — good things,
perhaps — but have failed to send and be sent until all have heard the
liberating word of life in Christ Jesus. The lost condition of human beings
breaks the Father’s heart. What does it do to yours?

In his closing benediction, Dr.
Donald G. Barnhouse used to pray,
“for the soul that is nearest eternity.” returning a card designed especially
Dr. Oliver B. Greene was even for Military personnel. The course
more forthright. He would pray, offered, Winning the Battle of Life,
“for the soul that is nearest hell.” was written by Dr. Hap Struthers, a
Both of those prayers expressed the retired military chaplain and long-time
understanding that there were some member of SLM’s Board of Directors.
who were a shorter distance from Using his own Bible knowledge
the door of eternity than others, and his military experience he has
and both expressed the importance written a course that clearly presents
of those people coming to Christ Christ as the only Source of both
immediately. salvation and victory over sin. We
are planning to produce a quarter
If I were asked, what one group of
million invitations and distribute
people have the greatest likelihood of
them to service personnel through
entering eternity sooner than others, I
every avenue possible.
would unhesitatingly respond — our
military. Our men and women that You can help! — How? If you,
wear the uniform have a far greater or your church, know of service men
than average chance on a daily basis and women you would like to see
of meeting death than any other single introduced to Christ, or helped along
class of people. in their spiritual lives, you can order
a quantity of cards from us and send
Those facts have long been a
them directly to those you love and are
concern to us here at Source of Light.
concerned for. Secondly,
We at SLM have reached a large
adult civilian population, a
great number of children,
an almost amazing number
of incarcerated, but we have
done little to reach this most
vulnerable of all populations,
the military. Now, that is about
to change!
Beginning July fourth, SLM
is initiating a new thrust known
as Campaign Stars and Stripes.
We have created an invitation
to the military to receive free
Bible lessons from SLM just by
you can pray. It is only as we lay hold experience would tell us that the
of God in believing prayer that this response will be much greater than
effort can succeed. Finally, you can that, running as high as 6 - 7%.
help bear the expense of this effort. The
This is a large step of faith, but I
total cost of sending the invitations,
believe in the coming months, with
the Bible course and ministering to a
your help, we will see thousands of
student through our Correspondence
our nation’s finest start a relationship
School is approximately $15.00 for
with Christ that will change their lives
each student. If only 1% of those who
now and for eternity. Will you believe
receive the invitations respond our
with me?
costs would be $375,000, but recent

We are delighted to introduce to Shortly after graduating from Christ

you the newest member of the SLM College in Bangalore, she served in
family, Miss Suzaan Nair. Suzaan was the Church ministry as an Admin-
born in the state of Kerala, South istrative Assistant and later in the
India. She is a second generation office of Accounting. In 2007, she
Christian, her father transferred to Bob Jones
having been a high University in Green-
caste Hindu before his ville, South Carolina,
conversion. where she earned her
MBA in 2009.
Suzaan grew up in
the midst of minis- Suzaan is presently
try. Her father is the filling the roll of Ad-
founder of Peoples ministrative Assistant
Baptist Church and to Dr. Shade, and as-
Peoples Baptist Minis- sisting temporarily in
tries that has founded both Human Resources
two major colleges and Accounting De-
for training Christian workers, and partments. Please pray for Suzaan as
planted over 1,400 churches since its we work with her toward obtaining
founding just thirty-three years ago. a visa appropriate to her ministry
When Suzaan was just six years old, roll. Please also pray for the remain-
she sensed her own need to know der of her support needs. Suzaan still
the God of her parents and was lead lacks about $700 a month in person-
to trust Christ as her own personal al support. You may contact Suzaan
Savior by her mother. at snair@sourcelight.org and become
a partner by sending your support
Suzaan immediately longed to
to SLM marked “for the support of
have a part in Christian ministry.
Suzaan Nair.”

u The Madison Discipleship School u In the midst of the devastation from
is launching a project to reach our the earthquake in Haiti experienced in
military for Christ (please see page January, many souls have come to know
18 – Campaign Stars and Stripes) as Christ as Savior, as reported by Art and
a part of the Million Card Campaign. Becky Spalding, SLM Discipleship
Pray for the funds needed and that this Training Branch directors. They were
will result in spiritual fruit. also able to help with many physical
u Source of Light is praying for and material needs during this time.
twenty new workers in the year 2010. u The Alternative Media Department
Many inquiries and applications have is thankful for the progress made in
come and are being processed and getting the Know and Grow Bible
some new workers have arrived. As course ready for the Internet. They
the Missionary Appointees launch into have also had an increase in enrollment
their Pre-field ministry, pray that God in the Braille Bible courses.
will quickly supply their prayer and u Dr. and Mrs. Bill Shade participated
financial support so they can begin in the 30th Anniversary celebration of
serving with us. the PhilSOL Discipleship Training
u SLM Ethiopia’s Director, Haile Branch in the Philippines in April.
Tefera, requests prayer for funds to u SLM Indonesia Discipleship
complete the multipurpose building, Training Branch Director, Purwoko
which includes the office, a medical Arsito, is praising God for the first 50
clinic, a training center with dormitory students taking the New Life in Christ,
rooms, and housing for their family. course 1, in this newly established
u Sampson Hinneh, SLM Liberia, Branch.
lost everything in a fire in his home in u Sanya and Bosun Dosunmu,
December. Funds are needed for him SLM Nigeria Discipleship Training
to have adequate housing for his family Branch Directors, thank God that He
and he also is in need of a vehicle for has doubled the number of Associate
the ministry. Discipleship Schools they have and that
u Pray for Guillermo and Vicky a new church was started in Omu Ekiti.
Salazar, our SLM missionaries in u Aloni Mwisaka Wandeeka, SLM
Chile. Their home and office were Uganda Discipleship Training Branch
both damaged by the earthquake. Pray Director, is thankful for the dentist who
for the provision of $1,700 needed to came and took care of 150 patients in
repair the office in Temuco. a ten-day period, giving opportunity to
minister to the people as well.
Gifts received in Honor of:
Luther & Sarah Ashley – An anonymous gift for the
Building Fund in the amount of $10,500 was received
in honor of their many hours of dedicated volunteer
service to Source of Light.
Order Department Staff by Associate Discipleship School,
Faith Literature Ministries, Inc.
Sherrill & Shirley Campbell by Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Price
Herb & Sylvia Pollard by Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mitchell

Gifts received in memory of:

Rev. Clifford Chapman by Connor, Hubbard & Company
Louis Crank by Mrs. Frances L. Crank
Duane A. Darrow by Mrs. Barbara M. Darrow
Rev. Norman Hirschy by Mrs. Berdine B. Hirschy
Mary Jacobson by Mrs. Helen Jacobson
Milo Jacobson by Mrs. Helen Jacobson
Eileen Loeks by Mrs. Helen Jacobson
Harry & Neva Matheso by Mrs. Helen Jacobson
Paul Olson by Mrs. Helen Jacobson
Bill Orr by Mrs. Hilda O. Orr


For Appointees and everyone desiring to explore
the challenge of Missions.
Inquire at: snair@sourcelight.org

Prisoners, single parents, soldiers,
and children who are rarely ex-
posed to church have something
in common: like tens of thousands
around the world, they are en-
rolled in SLM Bible correspon-
dence courses. These students discover salvation,
find help and comfort, and are discipled through
our courses.

There are, however, instances when students find it cost

prohibitive to continue the lessons. To meet this need, we are intro-
ducing a scholarship program called Sponsor One Student or S-O-S
for short. For $15 a month you can personally invest in a student’s
life. That’s around fifty cents a day, which completely cov-
ers postage and course materials. These days, fifty cents
won’t buy a cup of coffee or a bottle of water, but what
a great investment to make in someone’s life!

In the book of Acts, Philip asked the Ethiopian eunuch,

Understandest what thou readest? The Ethiopian’s re-
ply is the heart-cry of many of our students, How can
I, except some man should guide me? (Acts 8:27-31).
As our discipleship school grows and recruits new
teachers, we invite you to join
our team. This is the day of salvation;
we cannot afford to wait. Please prayerfully con-
sider Sponsor One Student; for fifty cents a day
you can change a life forever!

Please send your gift to SLM International and

mark it S-O-S, or donate on the web at www.
sourcelight.org/sos — a scholarship for one
of our students.
We trust that you are enjoying the articles, the pictures and
the information you receive in The REAPER. We want you
to know we enjoy communicating with you in this way.
The REAPER is our major means of staying in touch with
you about all the exciting things God is doing through the
ministry of SLM here and around the world.

We want everyone of our friends to continue getting

this FREE Publication as long as we can continue to be a
blessing – but as good stewards we need to know that you
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the Reaper Summer 2010

Source of Light Ministries

International reaches the
people of the world


Permit No. 33

through Christ-centered and
time-tested materials which Nonprofit

result in evangelism,
discipleship, and church

Providing the Tools to Finish the Task

SLM International
1011 Mission Road
Madison, Georgia 30650
Phone: 706.342.0397
Fax: 706.342.9072
E-mail: slm@sourcelight.org
Web Site: www.sourcelight.org

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