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C U L· PEP E R 's


o F


From the Decumbiturc of.' the fick much .Enlarged.

,. Fr:olfJ Aven Ezra bj WdJ of III/rOc/It Tion, 'l.froIlJ Noel Durer by lV,"} oj'Dirc[lioll.

Wherein i~ Jaid down,

The way and manner of finding out the Cxufc, Chauac, and End of the dH~.d~. Al{~., whether rlie Sick be hkely [0 live or die; and the Time I when Recovery or VCJth is [0 be expected,

Wit:. the Sign~ of Life or Dcarh hy the body of the SicJ, p.lfe)', Jccord! ng co che judg ncut of /l1""r.,'rareJ~

'¥bereiwtJ u a.Lled, •

A TJ1)le ofL'J~iftic211 L()glrithlli~~, to findc the eXJlt rime oi rhe Crifh./ltIlJJt.'ol TrJim't.·,hJ upon tI)c: t1rit De .. cunbirure of rhe fick : Ihewm g the fign s & coniectures of rhe dirc:a~~and of life and "dt:arh, by (he good or cvii pofiriou of r're Moon at rheruuc of tIle Par.enrs Jying. down, or demanding che quefh on: Iu.al lible ligns co. know of w'ra t complexiou any perfon is whauoever: .

Wirh a compendious Trear ife of Llrine. .'. ' I

., ..

., . . . ..

. { . "


By N I C H 0 LAS C U L PEP ... E R,GCNI·, .

Studenr ill Ph)Jlc~. IlJIti Ajlrol(~gie. .


Dij'e,Fd iY-t. cadat nClr'),rugfIJ;iql~e [allna. PerCH1S.

---- ----~--------

LJllt/()'t, Prinrcd for N,ltb.bT!J'J~t:~ at the Golden fl.ng::l 011 C)r"bi:J,m:(;rth~ E.xr/)Jfll.'!~· lOSS,






N I C H G LAS C U L pEr E K wifbcth peace dlJd profperit.J in tbi» JVorld:l tl11d eternall bentitsede in that

srbich is to COllie.

oesrc So II IeI',

° °

To you all, and to you efpecially

that heard there Lectures do I de__ dicate them, and prefent them to you, not to look upon onely (for then I had as good have fent you a picture, and as much it would have plcafed your eye.) Man was made not onely for (peculation, but alfo for practice s fpeculation brings onely pleafiire to a mans (elf; its practice which benefits others; And 1 hope I need not tell you that man was

A3 not

Tbe Epiftle.

not born for hitnfclf alone. There R.ules will Ierve (ifheedfully obCerved by the eye o~ Rea~)n) to baIIance your judg. ment In fayhng through the Prognolli .. cal part ofPhytick ,that fo you may freer your courfe by the Card of Truth, and not flo.ir unfetledly upon the waves of Erronr, Ignorance or Opinion. To YOll (rather d.ICO to any ~hat I know) belongs the pr actice ofPhyhck;and that Practice tnay be perfect, J udgement ought to be found ;Jnd to make judgement found is required an exquifite knowledge.Judg~menr is perfected by knowledge) knowledge by cxperience:whence it appe ares

h ' . . k )

t at rne more COtnnlunlcatlVC. now-

Jedge is){() much the more excellent it is. Of all the men in the world]' hate a drone molt , that Iucks the f weetneffe of other mens labours, but doth no good himfelfcvand will as foon teach Phytlck or Afirology to an Oake, as to a creature the ccn fer of whofe actions is terminated in himfelfe. Surely, filrely, Jf God had not made the nature of man communi .. cat ive.he would not have made one man to nand in continuall need of another: bl~t \~~ fee the contrary) and the Cons of \VJ_lJoll1e know how to pick out the l!1Canlng of God fro1l1 it. I


TIJe Epiftle.

1 have give:n you here all n-IY Frog-. lofiications frcrn the Dccurr.bu urc of he [ick r~rty: And alt hough I iI~Jgcnu.lIf1y C onfefle the grcat<:!l- part of. t hem vil] hold true, in a Horarie Que fl Jon e(tled upon the' fight of the Urine_; of which] have now added a compendious Treatift:;yct this is my judge menr at pre,. Ienr That next the Nativity, the DeClI1l1'biture is the fafefi and furefr ground for you to build )'Ollr judgement upon; and you {hall always find it by cxperi-

tn( c. .

Excellent and true was that Motto of Hermes 7rejnJcgijhlJ'. &.!!od 11 ji,p(rill.r~ eft ficllt infcrius; and this will appearc to the eye of (:vcry one that defer ves the naITIC of a rcafonnb lc man, jf he do but confider j That his body is made <:>f the

fame materials that the whole Llniverfe is made of, the ugh not in the fame forrne , namely of a cornpofition of contrary Elements .. There is fcarce a man breathing that knowes his light hand from his left Lur knowes that if you Iet

, . .

bottles of hot water to a mans feet, It

wil rr ake his lead ("V eat; and the reafon j~~t}-~~ mutual harrr ony of one part

ofrl,e bcdy wirh anorhcr s why then as .wel

. Th~'Epiftle.

well Ihould not the actions. ofbne part the Creation produce as wel leffed s in a .. not her , that being alfo one entire body compofed of the fame elements, and i~ as great harrnnny s : Wha:fs the reafon that, a man wit doe more 'for his prather then he wil for aIrranger ? is it not be .. caufe he is formed by the blood of the fame mother.and begotten by the feed of., rhe fame ~ather? Why.thC::1i 'Ihould not the Celcfrial bodies aCt upon the T'erefli; all" they being made of the fame matter; ~l nd by rhe finger of the fame God? He that w il l not beleeve R.earOD., let him bele~v'c Exreri.cnce; .he that will beleive neither, IS' II~tlc better the.n an Infidel, I conf~fTe this way of JudIcature hath been defirecl by many'.; prornifed by ft)n~e ;b~t h~therto.- pe,rfoflued hy' rione; which was themotive caufe I then took the taskeirt hah,a 'lny~ felfe~ which I have ~low,'·enlargc!d. ; In perfonning whereof, 111 IiTany)plac~s I corrected the faylings ot tl1y' Author. What' was frivolous I h;ftOl'tf ,Jfa~ being un willing to blot pa .. ~cr,an~ trouble yo~r brains with impertlnchc~~s: wh.c'rc he was too large, 1 abbreviatcdihim ; anc\ where he was de .. ficient,!I Iuppl ied him both with Pre ..


; -r



Th~ ·Epiftle.

ccpt and example.. If there be any tal .. hogs confider)

." # NefJJ 0 fine crimine vivit.

7hat 11Ia1l nev'r breathed Jet,~or never fball, 'lhat did aD well:,and had no fault at aU ..

:2. My £:1i1ings (if any be) were not ~ntentional,but accIdental; together wirh this AftrologiclIll judgement, I have alfo given you the jUdgement of HippocrateS', and others.The rules whereof are drawn from the perfon of the lick; which although they have been often printed before yet I have com pared them with the origin~\l Copy ~and brought rhem into a pL,incr mcrhod , COl hat. you Inay have your defire at one tingle ingreLfc. If you make ll~C of both thefe wai.es together 'in judglng of the difcafe, without a miracle you can hardly [aile. If any finde fault with the fhor mcitc of 1l1y rules, let them learn to walk worthy of rhofe they have firfijthcir own experience wil bring them more; hes but an apilh PhyGcjan that builds aU his practice upon other mens foundations: Man was born to look ~fter knowledge ~ and in this particul~r you are fet in the way how to finde It:J by one t hat defires to be a friend to all'

honef] and ingenuous Arts .. · .

'A ThuG'

. ,

The Epi.ftle. . ·

Thus have you wha t thav.¢. done; and you know for whole fakes I did it. What now l'C1l13 ins, but that you labour with might and maine for your own good and the incrcafe of your own know lLdg~ to ma ke experience of them ? For as the di~igent hand makceh rich,fo the diligent mirid cncreafct h knowledge; and for my own particular, never feure , but during the t ime I am amongft the living, I {hall never ceafe to doc you good in what I

mayor can.

Spit tlc-ficlJ.f, next rlore t o tb« Rcd-Iyon.

~Tich. culpeper.


~)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~.

THE STATIONER. to the Reader.

Courteous R.c.Hicr,

lor is not U11!zn01,vn 'J1'itb how (grcat an ap-

pl';lIfc this booh .. lvas attended ivbe» it 'IVai . Jl·~ft II/tide pltbliquc. For it ooerc ame the envy o!'maliciollJ tong,1fes lvitb the generall p:.outl

it brouebt , ill cl~rcloling) eoen to »ieo» cspaci» lies the 'ra1'cJi ,11J61 decpcfl' l1Jy/tericJ' oj'phy.fh/zf ,1P/Jich t ill not» were concealed and lock! lip il11tllk!,OlVn L:Ul,~II,f.,<e.r; without the ajJlJI,t}h'C o{'ltlf·.'!,c COI1UJJclId.d;OflS cUlvtll!cing its 0;;"11 re;ut~tion'J aml the rCI~fcl1ion of that

1:lflJI: noble SC;CIICC. rVhich xobcn the A#t/Jor Jmv[.? roc] (l.pproved IJY »ic» of' j/~dgel1JCnt ,he

U',J~ 110t tt little enc()ur",.?cd I 0 t(llv.~' it to a fe· cond rcvicrv, t bat be 1111gbt 110t only rejors« tbe crrours lv/Jicb Ctljlly lJJil!,iJt be overjllpt in tl:« be.it (lfthefirf; cOt"pojurc,bltt sl]« enrich it ivit IJ Anllot(lIiolls & {ldcliti(i1JS of' iJk OW11. BII! ere be could perfOJ'fJJ tbi.r,Dcath 100ft bil# "way" having none to per/etl w/J,d he hdd be,~1111, aJ!d few 2rho with tbat diligence and inc1ttftry e1tdea'uollr~d to be more accfJ1JJplijbe

A ~ either

To the Reader.

either in t be fpccul.u ion or the plt(l{Jiceoj' l~'h.'lt ~)e. Pt:(} fe./I ed. .~ Yr>! being Illlwillillg that

j o ,~ood a work..fboltld die with hi»l, IJeene Irltjlcd l,j~ Papers 2vit!J faille oj bis ncerefl ,1 f/Olds to IJe r"b/ ijl.~ccl witb thoft Experien. I_'CI robicb he W,t.!' [arced to leaue bebind billl. 'r hilt til 1c11,gtb tbry c.tmc to our }Jandt, (Ind 1/0t till.;d lL'1l8th; lr~hich Wd.r the rCll.fon tlJtlt

fin° a t i sre we jhljlrdted 110t ol/ely ONr own proll.lifo.r, l.ut deceived the exped.aio»: o]otbcr »tcr ; Ent t is boped , conrtcous l~ctldcr; IIJ~t 1I0'rf' }'(}II !:..nor., the Cflllje of't bc de/,t),,)OU '1.Jnll c'~/")I grllflt our pnrdon; . and accept ratbcr lat c ; t be» nc'vcr) tlsi s Le .. C!,dCY of a dyin~~ I'JJIlIl,bt.Yjllc,lIhed to you lJp01Z his death-IJerJ ()1t 1/.;(' conJidence of bis formcr pr.iih]« IUld expcricncc,



A Table or Contents oft,he Book.

Brall~m AveR E~fc2 o'r Cd[iCJlI U.lyq, ' bt'ing all

A ftlrrodu8ion co the workc.·. ,~ag~. I

Necc1bry Q!1eilions anfwered abour rite Cnhs III

Difcafcs. ... , p. 7,8

CI'.1pter 1._ •• ' .' ,

The Definition of the word Cdfis,irs ufc:,caul"c, lund~.,

diviCion and diffc:rcnce. p: I4\-

ChJptCT 2._ - ., I , -t-

-rhe way to find out rht:. Criricall days, as alec;> t te

Decumbicure, borh by ancienr and mcderue "';~c~~

ChapUf ~. • .

of the S)'mparhy and Antipathy of the Signet and

Pl.wccs, p. 2S

Cba,tt'Y 4.

The way of finding out [he. Cridcal1 and Indiciatl

Dayes by a figure of eight houfes, p. ~ (

CIMpier S. ,

An EXJl11ple of the figUl'c of eight houfes.and }l!dge-

merit upon it. .. ' .. ,. p. 34

A Synopfis or Joynt,view of [he calcularion. P: 37

A Judge'mcur upon the (.lce of Hea ... en at the Decura-

biture. ' ' p. 41

C h.11'it.' r {" ,

The way to fet a figure of 16. houfes il luflrated by

a Decumbuure judged upon. p. 44· & 47

Chapter 7. ,

How to fer a figure of cwelvc houfe for the Crlfts. P·48 The example judged. p. so elJ 'PUt g.

To find the cxaft time of rhe Cri(ij by a Tabl~ ~f ~o,;: fiiCll1

7he Table. ~iOical Logarithmes and Examples Chapter 9.

Twelve certain precepts premifed before flicks.

p. 59

the Prognop. 73

Eighteen eafe.


Ch.1J>ter r o.

Proguoflicaricns of

the Dif· p. 78

I' 4rt t.

Difeafes each Plane t (jgniti~5.

P flrt 2. what Difeafes difiinftly arc under every figne of the

Zcdiack. p. 89

Part ~.

The paricular parts and members of the body ~very

Planer rules. p. 93


The particular parts of the hody, under the feverall fignes in rhe Zodiack and Houfe in rhe Heavens, p. 98 In all there rhe Errours of Amhers arc corrected by

the Author. - ibid.

C'Japter I I.

How the nature, and kind of (he Difeafe may he found out by the: DcclImbirure laycd - down in 22 ~ phorifrnes,

Cb .pter I 2.

How ro know whether rhe DifcOlfe be in the minde,

or in the body. p. J06

Chapter 13.

How to know what pare ofrhe body is afflilted. p. lea

• -and to know what fide is afili8ed. p. 11 I

- (: h.pter 1.J.

Whether rhe Difeafe fhllJ be long or Ihorr, morrall or

nor rnorrall p. II 2

Part I.

Si~nes - of fhorr Of long fickneffe In So Aphorifmes. . p. 113 P.1r' 2.

~igl1e~ of life at the Decumbirure in -I() Aphorifines.

p. 121


Part ~. . • 44 Apho-

r I .\ at the pccumb, rure so 4

.ell r,nes 0 (~.1l 1 P.JI2

Ilillll.:'. : 'J 'fi upon the tirt[ Dccnmbintre of the

H"{I1J~ll"'Jr11egl r~ . M P 122

~ . t he oon - f

lick by the p,-,1lt1on 0 [ • C 'l' other expert Phy 1-

, . bkrvatlon 5 from .ttt an, p ,?:>

Ccream 0 _ . • :t ~

riJIl\, with .Rl~l,onll1 hG~~~i; b the body of the frck l'rdagc5 ot llt~ and u Y p. 151

l'am:nr. Cbahrf'f I.

\" p. 15 ~

Yrd.lge:.hy(hefolCC r p. 1".~

ltrd.lgc~ by the ~y":l and q~s .. l e d p. I:;C;

PrdJges by the manner of lymg 1J1) • l". 165

l)rda~C5 hy the recrh. ibid

l)rcf.lges by ulcer s and .fCues. [hid

}lrtfl~c5 by the hands, p .• 67

PrdlgC5 hy the h.fLOlth. p •• 68

Prefages by the twear. jlJid

rrefagcs by tulllOfS.' . p. ,59

Prefages by afloHhumcs. ~ p.' a,.l

Prefages b1 dr()pfie~ ill feav~rs., p. 17~

Prefagcs c.f lift: and ~ea.th 11\ [(,\Vers. p. },4

Jlrcfagc~ hy dIe. tdtlcks. . Ibid

)lrefJg(~ by {1ccplflg. t of the helly in (caven.po 17 5 1\c( .. gt~5 by the t"~crcm~n S .n and wom~., . - 'P. 178

\'refolgc:. hy wind l~l the howe s p. \79

l)rd~lgLs by urj uc 10 f~ave:s._ >.~' p •• 11 •

\'refages hy v~nlltl~1g m fcavers. p. 18~._ ... ,-;. ~

r'rc(.lgc; hy f?lt\c to f~J.vers. - -p. 18J· ~ ..

1)ref.'LJ~5 by foeC'Lio~ 10 (~avc~~. p 184

'" f - -iou i n al'ou1ll1ml!s. • 86

PrcIA-'c'; 0 111pPlHil•1 .• ponhllnles.". ,

Prefa \5 by tilt; time'of the l\upnOll'i> in a . 188

r. g f : Onl'1l1111tS aboUt ehe cares. . r· 'b'd

rrelJgc~ O.lp . . I I

»rd-..g-' es of ll'ofihumcs in ~hc !r.:.cr. p lB9

I 1 1 dder III lCJVCrs. •

l'rcfagcs hy t rc ).1 p, 19'

t}rel".tgc~ in fe-avers: p. 136

\'rcfagc!> of the ~1O(ey.: . p. 13'7

.Pr('f",gc~ by rhe l~~ull.. p. 139

\lrefagc5 of vOlUltlng 1\1 feavers- In

7he T"ble.

J~£al~tbk figns to difcern of what ce mpl l\f

per.pn IS. e 'Jon an]

S~gns of a ChoJcrick Melancholy man' P·141.

51.gns of a Melancholy: ChoIerick ma~. p. 142.

S!gns of a Mcld~l choJy man. . p. 14~·

S!sns of Melancholy Sanguine man . P·144.

S~gn5 ora Sanguine Melancholy' P·145.·

S.lgnes of a Sanguine man. man, p .. 146•

S~gns of'a Sanguine Plcgmarick man' Ibid.

S~gns ofa PJegl11uick Sanguine man·) " .. lf7.

S~gns ofPhJcgmacit:k man. • . Ibid.

S!&ns ora Phleemarick Cholerick man' p ..• ~8.

S'gnes of a Cholerick Phlegmarick man·, Ibid.

p. '49.

The Table to theTreatife ofllrin'.,


t' '1

. : .. Chapter. I

. '''01< riffing of Blood. •

h . ChI/pte,. 2.

Ofr e Inflammarion of the: R .


Of h Ch':/,ter. 3

t e fi~nc in the Reins. •

, Chillter. 4.

O(Unl,TJea(urabJe .pi(Jjng.

. Chapler. s .

. ,!'; OrUlcers In the Reines.

Ch '

Of h Ilone i t1pter. ~ r e one In tl)e bladder. .

Of Bl d ChlfJJ_ler. ?

. . 00 curdled in rhe bladd

~ h ~r.

f ff . C dPUr. a.

o In ammanon in the bladd er,

r 1 Ch~ter. 9

o U cers in the h'a d •


Of the StrAngury. ChapUT. ;0.

Cha"ter 11

. OfdllficuI" (U' '¥ • •

~y 0 . nne.

p. 164. p. Jd~. p. i67. P.168. P·170. 1'. i".

-, ~!J",- .

.pag.IS4. p.'SS. p. JS7· p •• 61.

,( ,.

. '

'Ihe Table.

C;hll"er~ 12. oC {lopping of [he Urine.

• Chapter. 11·

o{U1cers in the Yard.

I promilcd a Table. of explanarlon of fome hard words In' one place of the book; but having looked .over the hook, 1 can find none but rhofe at that place which can exceed almoft the meancf capacity.

The words there are thefe three, Uvula, . .

Gargareon, Columella: the fignificatiov. of· ~r

-rhem is all ?ne: I Ihall tell you .'. , .. ..:!"': ... '. ''I,

I. What ItS f ubflance and place ls. . I': ". . . f..

2. What its ufes are. ' ... £ " . J. The Uvula, Gargareon or Colulnella,~,.;· .: · •

chute yoa whether, is a red fpungy piece o~· '::~v.j(: fltlh flicking to the roof of the mouth neare ..... ~w. ;

the throat.

z .Its ufes are

1. To give pleafanmefs to the voice therefore in hoarceneffe this is aftlill:ed. .

2. To flay the air that it palfe- not too faR upon the Lungs: therefore fuch as have gott(A colds, cannot fing well.

~. It hinders drink,an<l fuch liquid things as we cat, from cornming out at our Nofes,

Yours, Nich. CuIptler.

i ,

Reader, There HOf)k..r fo!/owiltg 41'e pri1J;~d for Nath. Brooks;dncl .rr» to be jold at his Jbop at tbe AngelilJ Cornhil,

J'T~nles ~I'cafllry 0:' .J\c"Hit:"Y fDI' Gentry, for their aconpl ithmeu I fl Argllluents of ditcourfe, habit, f .. Ihioru tu mmlng ;lvail in a Ch.tra.:.tcr·ofH\.>1101l1·. by Re.Br{ab~~(ltr E(q. '.

.2. fyl'JYto.J! on the S,lCrJIlY'n::, ln folio. .

., ~. That excel lent pi~cc of P;lyiiognorny and Chll'I..)fI~dIlCY, M'-:5opokopie, the SYJnlnecricall . Proyort1~ns and h~llall Mules of the body; the ft,b)crl: of Dt'C:l:1B: to which is added che art of Memory, By Ri. S,znders. Fol,

4. 'Iheatrton C!,emioml Brltllnnicum' conralni!,g t~v(r'lll··Poetic.d 1 Pieces of ol:r f.!n;Oll S Engll(b Phi lofophers, which have written the Hermct ique Myfleries in their antlent Language. By the truly noble E/';1I11' :1fh'Jn!~ Elc.l-

. 5· ':'hll'oman.cy: oryrlie art ofdivin ingby the LJncs l~,lgrave~ In, the band of man by 1).IIllC natu rr~ III 19 Genlru res.with a learned diLcolll'ic of the (qule (~~ the ,\Vodd,by Geo.TYbllrtoJl E!~I'

~. Catl~olJke Hdlury, coll«tcd and~atheJ.'(·d ~)tlt o~ Scnp!:lIl'(" Counci ls and ancient Fathers, J'l antwer to IJI',VII'Nt' '.I Loft Sbeept: returned home E, E;d}~'~ C~1ijt'}~/hl/e Erg. . _ .' r ,

9· '1ln7om~~:,./{::t, 01', the Geometry of RC1!Ul:lrr., ,aftcl·. a IH:',V muuner-, in Solids; with ufefql} Experim-ncs withnew Ex pcrirnents never bdi..~J·t' c{t in ::,tor G.lIIgil1g, A worke u(ifull for <:11 t.:l H ;11':: t:m;)loYL'J ill tht; Art Metric l11 EJ

':{ 1 r,,, I J I • j

.I'N • .'" y'N~'7, Dr, in Phy lick ,

I') ,\ I A!t~'oI:)gkt! I dircon rf:} wi ds Mtthcmarie . .df

'Bo 0 k..s fold by Nath.~rooks:

aticall DClnonfira,~ions proving the Inftuen~e fthe PLlnns and Fixed Itars ~lpon Elementary

0dic~; By Sir cu, Heyd~Jt ~ntght.

1L1lCJick Afirolovy vindicated by H . JYarren

11 •• t • t"'I r.. d f d- r r

12. An AflroioJ!,ic,\ll JU ~~!ncnt 0 uearcs

1'01\\ the Dccunlbitllre of the fick: alfo the wa.y \f tinding cut the callfe~c.hangc. and end 0.£ a dlc.\le:al(u whether the tick be Iikcly to hve or dye, The Iecond Edition 1l111Ch enlarged by

NI(;/). Cillpeper·

'3, Cdtdjirophc Magnatum, by N.Culpeper. •

1 4Eyhemerides for the yea_l' 16,5 'l.by N.Culptp. 1). [udicial l A,O:rolo~y vludlcatcd,and D~-

monulogy confuted.By ~JI. Ramfry, Gent.

16. The Hifl'·)fY of the Gol~cn Af~. •

17. The Painting of the Antlcnts, The begIn" ning,progl'cf~,& confumating of th~t nobl~ Aft.

Ifr.lcls rcdcmption,ol' the prophetIcall Hlt1:ory of our Sav leurs kingdom on E,lrth.by. R.Ma!ton •

IS.An IntfodllEtion to the Tcutotltck r:h~lofophy being a detCl'nlination of the Original of th~ SOl;l. by C. l-lot}Jam, :Fellow of Peter

houfe in Comb.

19. '!cratolog,ia;or, a difcovcry of Gods ~on-

ders man ifdlrd ill former and moderne times

by bloody R.ain and ~Vaters>~Y 1.S.. -

aoEovs Lachrywarum:or,a tuuntaln ofT~ars~

with an Elegy upon Sir Cb~Lllcas,by 1.!lJ.E!y[es.8 21. Oedipus: or ,j\ Rc{olvcL' 0rSecl'c~s In Nature, & rcfoluclon of Amorous ,. Natural Pro-

blems. By G M. • •

22. The Celcftial Lamp, enllghtnlng f!v~ry

difirdfc{\ foul from the depth of evcrlafhng darkncfs. By 'rho. FettifPlace. 23·


• 1



. ~"()I<! fold hJ Narh, Brooks

~3. No8:ilrnal Cdcubrations.t with Epig, and Epitaphs,By K. ChdHlbrrlllin. . 24. The unfortunate Mother. A Tragedy,

7'ho. Nab!. •. '.

.» ~. The Rebelflon .. A Comedy-By T.R.. .

. 26.THf Tragedy of Meflalina,by NIl.R.ichArds ': ''Zi. 1\'b~eatiCe of Conrenracion, Fit for th '(ad and eroubleforn tittles. By Jo)~1-11lU late B. Exon and Norwicb. 12. 28. The grand Sacriledge of the Church R.ome, in taking away the Sacred Cup froin th Laity ar the l.ordsTable,by Demel Ftft/y D.D'4 2.9. The caufe & cure of Ignorance, Error. &

Prop"''jt)~fs: or,a more hopeful way to Grace &

Salvatiotj. By N. Young.S. .

30. A Bridle for the times, tending to fUll the murmuring, to fettle the wavering, to nay the wandering ~ to Ilrengthen the fainting; by I. Bril1flcJ Minifler at Yarmout-h.

31.Coolforts againf] the fear of deathjwherein are feveral evidences of the work of Grace,by

J.CollillS of Norwich. .

31. Jllcob·s (eed.orjthe cxcel'lency of reeking . God by praycr .. by Jer.BlIrroltghs. Miniflcr of the Gofpel at Stepney and Crip.plegate •

33. Thcf Zealous MagHh'ate" a Sc:ormon,'tJy

Tho. Thrercot. .

" 34. Bdtannia Rediv iva, a SerllJon before die Judges, Au;,. 1649. by J. Sba'w Miqlfier 6f' flull. gs. The Princefs R.oyal,A Sermoa b~f"Ol~. the Jlldges,l\lllrdJ2 4-16 50.by J.Shaw Mioift:.,of' Hul], 36• Anatomy ofMol'ta'lity,in 8 H'e«ds:I.T,he certainty of Death.a.Meditarlon of'Death.j.Pre-

. . paratlons

althe .An1,el in CornhiI •

rations fur lh xth, 4. The r~ht behaviour in

I S ThtCOnlfort in our own dearh.e.The

at 1.· I' . d 1 f fri d Th

t" ,t ap '\ll\fi the eat 1 0 rren s. ,. C

01 'r." . 1 f I d t.:

icc:whcrlin it's lawful or un aw u to .• e.~rc

til. 8.Thc glorious Efiate .. orGods.~~~l5ff~R

. death By George Stroud, : '.

leI.. • r .:t,: • C' •

37. New lnuj:dtm, in a Sermon lor ~~'.f.1Q~~-

oi Afil'ofugers Aug. 16') I. ,

-,g. Mirrour of Complements, fitted for L .. , :> Gcntiewonlcn, Scholars, and St~angers~ ('(;~ f~rms offpeaking, and writing of~~tters oft in falliion, with witty Poems, andAl,Tablc.

lOllth.ling hard EIl~lHh words. '

}'9' Cabinet of Jewcls)difcoverinp t~~,na(!l,re, I~U(" value of pi et ious Stones: WIth 1(i(~lhble ulcs (0 efcape the deceit of all counrerfet, by

. Nicholes.. • .... ~

40' Qlakcrs cal~fc at fecond hearing, ",elng a

11 antwer to their Tenets. . . 41• Divinity no Enemy to Aftrology:, a Ser- 1011 for the Society of Afirologers for tb~ year

6s:,. by ))r. 'Iho; Swadli«, . .

A.~. Hi£lol'ical Relation of the fir(\ p]antlngof \1r.:'I~nJ11j{h in New Englalld in the year 16.~S. 1 " h • 1 ffaaes the yeal' 1653. and all the materia P41 , . .,

'lppcning there. Exa81y per~orn~ed, ..

43. Select T'houghts e or,ChoJce HC.~p9fQr a .. ious (pirit, beholdin~ the excellency ~f her I'd [efus, by 1. Hall, B. of Nor. A.new pIece. 44:The holy Order, or Fraterntty of ~otJrers in Zion. To which is added S?n~s In the light: or, Chearfulneffe under A~h8:~nJ b~ I J. Hslll"BHhop of Nonric:h) A new plece·45. The

~ ..



Book./ fold by Narh- Brooks. -4~. The Art. of MenlOI'Y" a CIU'C for a Memory, ufeful to all perf'ons, from the to the Clownc. A new piece.

~6. Hillory of Bal,/am, and IOHah,and 10bl1 t Baptift, it] Verfe : with other Poems-by 1().H

'V) Efq. A new picCt·. .

47. Re-a(f("nioll of ~racc, Vi1tdici.e EVl1uJ!,elii or,the Vindicarron of r he 001j)(;1.01', a reply M. Ant/JollY Bltrgejl Pmdici~ Legis, and to Rutherford, by Il ol-crt 'lOWN!'. A JH.W piece ..

-48.Alla@o;zrtifis anat orniz ed and filcn.ccd : a Difpurc with M. 1ombJ, by M.loJJ/t Crllgge. new piece.

49.Pra8:ical Divinity: or the grounds of ligion in a Carcchlthca l W~ly: by fool. ClniJIo L9ve. A new ph'ce.

50. The Yl/t-l{jhIYt, S/I1»', or the verrue and of the WattTS in t hc curins; of dtfpt'rate DI fes, ncceHary to be kllov .. . n by all (hat rcpai thither.

SI. That compleat piece called rhe E~:J(t Surveyor Land, fhewiug how to plot all manner of Grounds, ro reduee and divide rhe fame. j\l(() Iruh me afurc, l"<~rl ced to ltngJifh fhru re 1l;t'aj~JI'c, ",r<:fIJI for all (hat ci

fell or purchafe, by t. g" .

S2. Judgcllu:nr fer, Jnd Gcoks opened, Religion t

whether it be of God or r~1(:n, by M Wehffer. '

!~. Milk fer cluldr en, or a plain and eafie Me teaching to Rea,i 'Hld lO WriTe, wit h brief Hulcs for flers to infin:d (;'t'ir Fami lics In, by Dr. Thomas, S4 Cu/fr/('rJ }1;:y(ic:l1 aud ('h', :n:gicaJ Rcmains,or ft" own admired Exper ieuce.n ever ruuliOltd before.now 'lis Wife.

S~ C~/pep(;r,' S,mjlJfi,',1, or his AftroIogical judgemen:

of dlftafCs much (;nJ.lrgtd hy Nicb. CIt/l'(per. r .

FIN I S. '

C U L PEP PER S Judgement ofDifcllfes enlarged ..

A n R A Ii A M A V It N E it R A.; Of Critical DayeJ".

. .. '~

LIn. r,

.. .. . .

n.~I3\~~_~A\. T is a palpable and apparent truth '"~"'T ~~a~ God carries men xo the prin.~ I ~ clples ~fgraceby the Book of the .~ •• qreatures; For this beginning o£

AhrlllJlZlli AV6n,:;:.ra an. ArabiR'; Phyfitian,and a fingular Aftr:-ologer (whom the Pridls of our tlrnes c~1I a Heathen) {a.vour~ch of the things beyond Heathenifrn J for in thli Treadle ofCr:itic;al Dayts'!. he begins thus:,

.. I entreat the Lord God, th~t he would en~ lighten my heart with his light arid tnlth t ,fo long as m~ Spiri~ rernalnes In me~ fOf.his Ught is very dellglitful and.good. for the ,eye of rity ~o~11~ to ~ee ~y; for fo (hall ,~h.e iiighi: be tn':' JJghmed to me as the d.ay i "cuher {hall, the douds. lhadow it; ic ihall ri~t be Iikeehe ,Ilght ~~~e Sun by day. Becau(e it'lliaU not be t}(jud.:.

. B . e~j







'l Culpepper's Aflrological )ftllgelJlcnt ed , nor like the light of the Mo~)n, ~fcal10 it Ihal l ncvcr be: dirninifhed as her hgh,t 15. Gcd hath made thete Ii~hts as he hath nude 111,\11, and he af'pointed the gn:att(, liF)\( to rule tl:c day) and the ldfl'l' to rule the night : Hence It appears) the Sun was nude (0 ru Ie lh.c day , :tild not to give light to it only ,as the Pn~fh affirm; and the Moon was made to 1 u Ie the night) not to give light to it on.ely, as al~pe'\f(s G..t'11. I. becaute (he hath no Ilghc to gIve; aHo he ~ath made the whole hofl of Heaven, the fixed Stars and Planets , and gave them vcrtues , together with the Lumlnarles s but their VCrtlH'S arc nor. {o great as the vcrtues of the Lnminaries , nei ... ther is the vcrtuc of the Moon fo great as the vertue of the Sun, becaufe Ole borrows her light from the Sun; . alto the whole hoft of Heaven, that is the fixed Stars, 010ve all in the fame Spher:, and therefore their diftancc is a~way~s the fame the one f1'On1 the other, and their Iatitude is al wayes the (.1111C; but it is not fo with the planers j for their courfe is various, and ~o is their diflance the one from the other, and to is their latitude; for fomerimes they. are upon the Ec1iptick, fomerlrnes North from it, (?n1erimes South, fornerimes Retrograde, fometlmes direlt , fonlctime~ in conj~lI!aion one ~ith flnothe .. , fometimes In oPPObUO!',~ fomctl",!es In other a(pccts; the reafon of rhis IS, becaufe the Sphere of one is lower then the Sphere of the 0-. ther , and the lower the Spherel~, the fooner dlCY make their revolution. ~,

. The ueeref] to the earth of all the Planets I_ tibe

-. . .

Lib. I. of Diftafls enlllrgrJ. "13 the Moon , and therefore her courfe is Cwiftelt : and betides her difference in longitude and' loatitude there happen other accidents to 'tier which ~rc not vilible (0 other Planets; for (0111- times {he increafcth, (ometimcs decreaferh, 'and fometinlesfhe is Inv lnble 01' faileth in light :.'rhe rcafon why the Planets are not fecn horned. as the Moon, is, bccaufe their d ilbance Is g r C'ltt~r from us; aJl the Planets Ieem biggdl when th"~y arc at their greatdl dHlancc frolll the Sun, 0'" when they are necrcf] to the earth, accordhrgto Copernicus; ~lfo (ometlmes the '~?O'Jl i~' Ecli~fed, but not III the (ante manner as the SUIl ; lor the Sun never Iofeth its llghr, but is onely fhadowed from a particular people ()1~ ~~Rcr; by the bcdyof the Moon; but the Moon Eclipfed t~tally lofeth her light; and the reafon is, diet Suns light is his owne , but the Moon Is a bor .. rowed light.

This being premlfed, confider that al1 things under 'the Moone lI'nivel'fally"," wh·~t.~l.er nl~l~ beath) or plants, are changed, and never rcmalfl in the HUl1c {late, neither art their rhoughts and deeds the fame: take counfel l of your pead,an" It wl llcertlfie you what I fpeak is truejand they arc varied according to the var-ious courfe and difpofitioh of the Planets : look llpon your 01Nh g{'~efis, and you Ihal l find your thoughts moved to -clroler , 10 often as the Moone tranfites the placewhere the body or afpett of Marl was·in your geltdis ; and to melancholy when (be doth the lilt.: to Saturne; "the reafon is, becaufe th~ Moon b-a61rbiIatcd to ~t body of ntQI1 f \\'hot~

.. a ~ "'[teA"

, .

4 Culpepper's .Aflrologictfl judgement vertue Jl5 well as her light increafeth and dimi .. ,~j{heth; for (he brings down the vertue of the other Planets to the creatures, and to man if he Jives upon the earth.

The Sun caufeth heat and cold,day and night.

Winter and Sumnler. When he arrives to the

. houfe of his honour 01' exaltaeion-to wit,Aries, then the trees fpring, living creatures are comforted , the birds Iing , the whole creation rejoyceth, and Iickneffes in the body {hew them(elves in their colours: Alfo when he arrives a his tall, to wit, Libra, the leaves of the trees fall, all creatures are lumpHh, and mourneIlke the

trees in Olloh,r. .

Alfo another notable experiment is, ufil~lIy fick people are fomerhing eafcd from mldnlght to noon, becaufe then th.~ Sun is in the afcendIng part of the Heaven; but they are moft troubled when he is dcfcending, that is, from, noon

to midnight.., '

The ceurfe of the Moon is to be obfervcd in many operations both in the Sea and Rivers, Vegetables, Shel-hfhes, as alfo in the bones and marrow of men, and all creatures j al(o feed fown at the wain of the Moon, grows either not

at all, or to no purpofe, , .'

Alfo wife men have experiences of many ~ues of the Stars, and have left them to poft~ri. ty : and Phyfitians in old time (when lh Were minded to be .hondt) have found out t changes and terminations of dlfeafes by eourfe of the Moon : Wherefore the 7 ~ 1+ C)r 21" 27, 2S. or 29. day~& offickncffes are

j, r.






Lib. T. Df Difea{el enlarged; ,

led Critical DdJlS , which cannot be knowne but by the -courfe of the Moone; for let not our braille refl in the number of the dayes , aufe the Moone is fomecimes fwifter, fomemes flower.

As for filch difeafes as doe not terminate in rnoneth (I rneane a Lunar moneth ) viz. the irne the Moone traceth round the Zodiack, hich is 27 dayes, fome odd houres, forne few minutes; you rnufl judge of thefe by the courfe

theSnn: Theday is not called Crlricalybecaufe it is the feventh day from the decumbire, as if the vertue lay in the number 7. but ufe the Moone comes to the Qgartile of

he place the was in at the decumblture, its no Ut(,I' whether it be a dav fooner or later.

When the comes to the oppofition of the lace {he was in at: the day of the decumblture, re makes a fecond Crlfis , the third when {he nes to the fecond quartile, and the fourth en (he comes to the place {he was in at the cllmbitllre, and its well Ole can make fQ


The reafon of the ditTt .. renee of the Moone. on is the difference of her diftance from the rth , for when the center of her circle is nea .. to the center of the Earth-the is fwife in mo; and! hence it comes to paffe that Conlee (he moves more then J 5. degrees in 24~ ures, fomerlmes lefiC then .2. therefore ifllic l\vifc in merion, {he comes to her QWn qqar .. in fix dayes; if Ilow-not in feven J therefore

'Y~l\ judge according to the motion of

:' B~ .~

•. 1 ~ I


• I

6' . Culpepper's AJlrological '],~dgeHJel1t th!!Moon, and not at;cording to the number of

,be dayes, •

Llpon a Cd tical day, if the Moon be well a-

fp~acd 'with good-Plan~ts, !C goes ~\'cll with the fick ; if by ill Planers , l~ goes Ill;. but I know you \yo111d be. refolvcd In one parricu ~ar, which ls, It the Crifis depend upon the motion of the Moon, and her afpeCl: to the Planers, what .h the reafon,if tWO men be ta~en Iick at one and

- the fame tinlc,that yet the Crlfis of the one falls out wel}, and not Io in the other?

I anfwer, The vertue wOl'king is changed according to the divediry of the vertue receivlng, for yon all know the Sun makes the clay hard, and the wax {oft; it makes the cloth white, and rheface black; fo the.n, if one be a chiIdc whofe nature is hot and moifl-rhe other a y(,un~ man and the third an old man , the Crih5 work's dlvcrlly in them all, becauie their ages

arc different.

Secondly, the rimeof t~e ~e~rc ca~ric~ a

r-r~at Ilroke ill this bulinc ,fe; if Jt h; III the Spring-drne , difcafcs a.re mof] ubno~loLJs t(~ ~\ (:hi1dJe~aufc his nature I~ hot and motH; a diteate works mof] vlolrnrly with a cb olcrIrk nun in Sumrncr ; with a 1l1dancholy man in Autlln,n;' with a Hegmarick Ulan by reafon of age PI: conlplexion in Wmrer •

Thirdly, To this J adde , ftlppofe at t.he be~ ginning of a difeafe the Moone was In the place of alllrs, in the gendi!',who~e n~tur~ is hot and dry, if ~pe difeafe be of heat, It mlghuJy ag.,

~r~v~~<;s t~ i' not La. if i~ bt: of cold ~ ~nd~~ll

I. of Di}etlftselllarged. 7

01.tll fddOll".e Iinde two In en that had Mars in one a-id the t arne place ill theil' gendis, fal1 fick t{ gelher, and the difeafe differ neither at the

JII!dd lc nor a t the ell d. '

f:..!·aj:'. rut the cafe the a1-!e of the people', and the (c~don of the year' be the fame, and the dilcaic be the i~lIn~,)would the Orifis be the [ante, ),(J or 110 ?

I anfwert.hus , Their complexions may be diff:nnt, the one hot and dry, the other cold and moifi: If the difcatcs be hot and dry, the dktt \'/411 IHJ[ be fo violent upon a cold and moif] body, as it will be upon a hot and dry; the fire will (ooncr Icizc upon that which is hot and dry, then that 'Which is cold and moW.

2. Imagine the complex ions to be the fame uron both partics l I anfwer,

That is irnpoflible , there muf] be (orne difference upon complexions ; . for though they may c the tame in the unlverfal , yet in particulars here mufl needs be forne difference, by reafon f their different dyer, exercife and climate, un-

cts they be born and brought up altogether un .. one latitude.

3. Let us Imagine they be all alike, yet di-. ers things may intervene and alter the Crlfis s heir nativities Inay nut agree; for example, If he Moon be in the place of Snturne or Mars in nativ lty, the dlfeafc is dangerous: not (0 if be in the place where Jupiter 01' Venus was in . ; or it's pollible Jupiter or Vent« olay hurt the Nativities of Iuch to whofe afcendents they

; \


8 Culpepper's Aflrological JlIdgement ~bey are Inimical or pofited in the fixch or elghth houfcs.

4. Again, Snturne may be Lord of the one .,aativity,and not of the other; and then he may hurt the one and not the other, whol e nativity he is Lord o r , for the Dev il will not hurt his

own: the like of Mers. •

.. ' Jnnunlcrable (l'teh things may be added as

that the one may provide for the Iicknefs bcf~re hand, not the other, btl t j tis needlefs.

Objcll~ But then y(,}l~ will fay, there can be no certainry at all found in the Critis ,?

. I anfwcr, A(holo~ers paffc: judO'em~nt tWo

manner of wny cs in di (cafes. b

The fi,rft_ we ~:lIl qu ivcr fa 1, and fo SntllYitt rules Confumprlons , !vIars Fevers, Venu« over VlOm(;111.\1crCIIYY over Schol lers, &c.

'the Second is particu lu r, and fo the Seventh houCe hath dominion over \VOIl1en, the ninth o· vcr Schol lers, Sec.

Now no part icular call dellroy an univerfal , for example, if Ve;ms be ill Ieared in a nativity' and th~ Lord of the Seven th well feared, we C ' the nauve Ihall gC~lcr~ JJy incur evil by wotncn, rhough [o~e panIclll~r good may incur from .~h~nl;r. r ~nl.lk.e ma~lnel'JlJd~e in this cafe by the ~ende~,~ ,'~gn~~ca~cr$ of ticknefs , ui«, Sa an 't'~~rs.

'. ~~t ~econdly, if you can, pollibly get the natlVlt1C~" you {ball not erre : And now give 1eave tO~ q.~?te one exper lment of my own. ~hc Nativities be one and the fame, the ca

W~~~ ~~ ~~e ';l.~.~ ~~~ (a~~e~: FO,r ex.atnple.1 know

ib.l. of Dife"fos enlarg'cd. 9

hrec Children borne at one and the fame time ali the (v(,J)t proved) at five yeares of age they \\ three had Convlll(ion~, whereby they were

Illhree lame of onc lev, the boyes on the right; .' f

lee, and the girl on the itft; at] 4. years of age, r:,1.';[1'~ . tl{ty dyed altogether in one and the fame day~} ((64'" j'~1 :

ofthe trna ll pox. )~b"·'7\.{ ,

Thirdly, if the Nativity cannot be gonenJ v jew the urine, and ert{\: a ccclcflial Scheme tleon the light of ir, and if yo II have the decurnbi .. ture,COlllparc the dccumblture with the celeflial S(hcme at rhe view of the urine, and yOll may juot!c dearly of the CrHi~.

To proceed to the matter, jf the Moone be

{lron?, when Ihe comes to the <2l!artile , or op- .r: U () l'0fition of the place {he was in at the decumbi- f~ ~ ~?,"& ture,lJiz. in her houfe or exaltation, the Iick re- -(/:.~,. ~, .

covers, if ili~ be af petted [0 no Planer. .

Judhc {hc~ike of the Sun in Chronical dif- * G ~" calls, bur judge the contrary if either of them, Chrt>,,;,t.~:t: be in ihcir detriments or fals s for t here is as much differcnce between thenl as there is be-

tween the Zenith ai.d the Narder e if the Moon be void of courfe at the beginning of a dlfeafe, the figne is neither good nor bad. Look then to

the ligne afcending at the beginning of a difeafe,

and let the Moon alone for a time. "

rf the Moon be angular at the decumbiture~ 4" 4I{.,~,.J·

~ u.- , {

and in the Alcendent, jud~e of her alone , and make ufe of 110 other jignificator; if file be not fo, joyn the Lord of the Afcendel1t with, her in.

yOW' judgement. ' ,

. " ~~


, "I ~ ,Culpeppcr'-s A.ftro/~f!.jctfl 1Hdglllellt

cC f,L)/,.rtC, TJS very dangerous when the M· oon .

'C1 co' I" {- d I . IS

,.M#-_ ~~ rr s'''' C 1 P ( , W H.'n (he com es to the quart lle or

v ~.I"'''' . " , f L

:7~d(' t? !tIOll~) lIl~ pl ace {h:: was in at t he decll

.. ~tllJ:c., to!' 1I Iual ly at fuch a time de .. uh turn

PllyhuOln. S

. 1t;1I rhr begi,nning of fl fickncfs the Moon In a movcab]« flgn, the {lcknds loon J110Vl'S to an end one way or ot hcr : fiXld figns prolonl.l ficknc(~, ~nd common figns Cet a flop to the \\'i~ (tlt Inain III the world.

_ All() this is a certain rule, as fllre as the Sun ~s ~lP at noon day, t hat dift'a[~s .of plcni tude arc vei Y da ngcrous, ~\'hcn a Jl~~Ul I.S taken lick upon a ful I Moon. DJ{t:.afes of faIlIng or emorlncfs arc mof] dangerous, when a rrran is takkcn iick IjpOI~ a new Mo?n.. L('~ me Intrcat yon to ~ive Phyfick f(~,' a difcafe of ernpt iricfs when ale is Ileal' the f ul l. And (or difcafes of fulnefs 'when the ~fo~:)f~ hath Iot] her light.

)Jll.JlIll"f11-a humour when the Moon dl mlnif~t'~h In JIJ~ht: Increafe when (he Increaterh in J ,gilt : F lrgn1 oppo(cth Choler , Melancholy opP?fc!h. Bloud e Tis none of the worf] waycs ~o dlrninifh choler by increafing flegrn , a word

IS enough to the wife, '

'Tis very bad when in the beginning of a ficknefs the Moon is in a fign of th~ nature of

(he humour offending. '

~aturaJly when {he is in a fiery fign, amend a dlfe~fc o~ flegm , ~ut if choler abound, 'ds

k"cry good If (he be In a wa.try fign; you may now by a pClln~ how a {hIlling is coyned.

If theMoon be rn conjunctlon or afpea with any

, 40

ib. I. of Difeafe.r cnidrged. 1 r .

Planet and n cit.hcr of rhern have latitude c.-=~~ /l! ~h

~ Crifis ~i11 be firm : if they differ much in '

e • ... ·1· 'J1b k

iWlll' the C,rJ IS w 1 C wea .. .

l' • n· " lSi

The Moon i 11 CUll JtlHul.on Wit 1 IttllY!'t at t re

-cu1l1bitlll'C Chews long hckncfs; and IfSatrwrn l n.)\V in motion, to much the worfc (and bad { {he bdl) at all tl rues in fuch a cafe.

h S'l1flOn be retrograde when he comes to the ofit iou of the Sun, beware of a rclapfe ..

i Satlli'1ze have Norrh Latitude, be 'nrc the rick is bound Hutch in body. If the moon be ~ l)'yncd to ~ retrograde Planet, the fick vomits

'!' his Phyfick. .' .

VOHH helps more In the Slckncfles of young

en and Wf)l1lCIl, then Ole doth in old.

if the difeafc come of heat, Vt'ltU4 helps more

hen Jupiter; if the difeafe ~onles mor e of ~old, lI*;irfY helps more then VfIlUf. If the difeafe ro~nc~ of Love, there is not a more pclli leut PI.tct in the Heavens then Venia ; then call for hdp of Jupiter: in pcrfeculions. of f\.eligion Ju »ner is little better then the Devl] ; call help ot' VnlJU in fuch a cafe.

l'tIcycur)' occidental and Ilrong, fignHies good

in difeafes,

If Mars caufe the difeafe, Vetil« helps more

then lu;;iter; ~f SafRrne:J then lupiter more then


If in the beginning of a Sickuefs the moon

be in conjun8:ion with any fixed (lars of t~e ~rft _

magnitude, whofe latitude fro.m the Ecl!puck \r is but frna ll; you may fafely Judge of dlfeafes

Py the nature of that Star the is joy ned to : (up-

. - fO~

I ,

12 Culpepper's Aj1l"%,-c:iclll Judgment pore he be of the nature of a Planet good or bad, take him according to his nature.

When the moon is joyned to any planet by body or afpcfr in the beginning of any Sickn('f~) if (be a(pect that Planer; when the comes to the quartile 0.' oppofitiou of the place, the Cri'fis will be finn and H.lbJe,;tnd "(wi) I IllOVC no faller then a. houfc, and 'rwi l uot be altered be it good or bad.

But jf when {he comes to the quartile or oppo .. [iriou.fhe meets with another Planet, be flue the difeate changes either to better or worfe, according to the nature of that Ilar Ihe meets Withal,

And this will appear in the Iick party, or elfe in the Phyfician, or in the courIe of phyfick,

. Sec what houfe the Planets the meers withal! at the Crifis is Lord of in the decumbfturc, and

l"udge accordingly; and fo a lick perfon may lappen to have more wit then an old doting Phyfiti In.

If it be a fixed Ilar of another nature to that fixed Ilar file was withal at the decumhlrure , it will not alre r Co much, or at Ieait there will not be a univerfal alreradon of the difcafe ; and my 'reafon iF, bccaute the fixed fiats arc fo far from the Earth. And tile laft thing is,

Whatfoever is faid of the Moon in acute di{; eafes, will hold as true of the Sun in Chronick pifeafesf·· . . . .. .

!i1~!;"~!11",-~~.~;~-~~~~~~~~;t~~~~~~~~ $.~~

L ~ B. I I.

Aftrologica! 1lldgeJncn_t upon DIS n A ~'ES:

o H.,

Methodical way to find out th: C~ufe) Nature SYUlptomS, and change ofa 01feafe ' togethcr with the parts of the afflilted the exalt time ot reco-

very '0[' diflolurions by thet b~cumbitu r e; Amplified

by Examples. .

laQ\ H E Bafis of the Story was borrow~ ed from Noel DUYlt Cofmographer T~, to the King of. France, and the mo~ excellent Cardinal the Duke of RJob

cbelieu; • d

7isconfc:ft in fome place 1 have abbrevlaee

, in other~ correfted him; let another doc the like by me.: What I have done, I have do~e. and am not afhamed the world fhould fee It. Through the .never failing mercies of God '. '., had all opportunity put into my hands to findll ~hia Co D,uch d~fir(d~ fo long wUhcd-f.Qr W,ork d


14 Culpepper's Aftrologiclll Judgement jf there be any weakn effe in it, it is flly if there be any excellency in it) give God t glory.

. He that writes Ignominie upon the back of an other mans book, never fetting forth an of his own, let the name of Jgnonlfny be bra drd, and n~t. ingrav(llup?n his Sepulcher.

I wou:ld tainIec tilt: pifs rrophets of this a ~1iver fuch a judgement 0 difeafcs by the rrnes he that can doc fo, Erit mib! ml1g1Ztls A \Vhy doe I. trouble my head with the Phy ans whofe Covetoufneffe or lazinelf~, or bot or fometh ing worfe, will not Cuff,'" them ttudy thofe Arts which arc Elfentiall to thei Monorolizcd calling; but I will be iilera, their fall is approaching by reafon. of prlde , if he wrote true that writes, that pri goes before a fall, and a haughty mind bet .deftru8:ion: my Genius is too dull to com my A uthor, or to give him the thoufanth of his. due praife, I ~efir~ to pc cenfirred by Exp~rltllce, Who wil l give [udgmenr wlrhou paruality: and I hope tis no difparagemenr MQnjieur Duret that I deliver hlm in":· my

language. .,


".(ht Definitio» of tbe word Critts, its V[e, C K/~t1s, Divifiolt and Vifferalce. .


C· lti~~ ~tcofdi~g to Gn/cl!,is a (wife'ami n , . '~aln change of an,' difeafe , whecc:by 'th4 fi,kls ehl1cr brought ·to ",oyery t·· or deathj

~ and

ib.z. of Di[e'1jeI enlarged. 15 nd a tick mall can be br ouahr to nothing elfe, ldfe yOll •• :v}1l Ina~c hi!l1 a. beaf] of a man, or (very {WItt and fuddain change whereever h31)pl'n~, whethel' in the Moon o.r the Aire, r lick body> Golen play cs the 111an and calls a rili~, aut! tiorn rh i s Orifis is judgenlrnt given, hcihcr the tick be like to live 01' dye.·

Thv word Crlfis is a Grevke word derived 1"Q r';i i(.f;,(rJ _ which fignifitth to judge 01' dH~ 1"11, or pats fentcnce upon a lhing, therefore

,I i lie., 11 daycs arc nothlns; elfe but dayes .hercin a man may difcern a dlieafe, or give Idgment upon it, be lt good or bad, it matcrs not much, tis taken by a Metaphor from ie judiciall C ourt to the Art of Phyfick, beaute, tis (onlething like to plead a Juans caufe or his life, and to labour acutely under a dl[e to be drawn by inlmlca ll a ccufers before

e judgement Seat, and to run the hazzard Of fe, with a cruel l and hoflil Diteafe, Moreover are three things reiqu ifite to a judiciall ourr, the Accufer, the Perfon indiat'd, and e Jlld~£. So Iikewlfe arc there three things by ich the Art of Phyfick confifteth, and by

hich every cure is perfected: 'J. The Difeafe, 2.

ature, and the Phyfirlan, which is natures fer ... nr, or at lean fhould be Co; and 3, the acclwhich manifeti what the difeafe is, and as wicneffes,

the caufe of the Cri£is is twofold,inward,outI'd, the internal caufe is taken from its own principle.ifyou will belleve HippoC1attS, that is double O!" tWQ£old, ·for either naturc

1·6 Cu1pepper's :Aftr%g;cal ]HdgclJJent ture ]~~()ursto expeJl the humour that cau the dlfeafe, or clte the h umour lc (elf be drawn to a place, and not fit fOI" Excretion its own 'V. e:l!ht or qua liry , burdens na~1 and fo breaks out. Hrppocratrs was but a and I am no more; a rnan , faith he, is bled wh e n he is in a Fever, and the fign is ror, tre mb lings, running hither, and t hit throughout the Micrcconuahis Is one intern caufe

'rhc [econd internall caufo.

Othe!~ there bt)tis no "matter who.that aCed ~he dfic!cnt caufe of the Cr ilis to nature it Cel Natu~'e If {be be fhong; is a good Phyfirian all difeafcs, and concocts the humour whi eaufes the dl(~a(e, and feparates that which j good from that wkic,h is bad, and having (0, prepares that which brcedes annoyances Excretion, and at 1aft makes a {bift to caf] . au~ J

The ext~rnal1 caufe of the CrHis~ is caufed an aIt~ratJon of the Aire, whence' arifeth a]t~ratJonof the breath li'marl draws in,£ c:ou~d to heat, from dry to molft, or the zrarres to then) both.

F~r HjPpocrlttts himfelfc: ih his fix Aphori and 10 hIS TCf!atife de Itatllrlt human~, (peaks down. d~naable language, that heat and ft!lre In the body~moves forward the Crifts:

.dlfeaCes" _fome faith he" come by iJJ Dyet" by the AI(~r we draw in. '

.. So thc~ .~~e Dyet as it breeds fhch and·

umours 10 the body; is internal; bUI the

~, Df Dift"fiJ enlarged. i 7

draw in, is the exreruall caufe of the C.'His.

And now give me leave to leave my Au~ and yet I will not forget hint quite neiher. The lord eternal lin the beginning when made the Creation" made it of a compofirion contraries; difcord makes a harmony as in ficke, if the world be compofed of a COIUPO'" of contraries, various muf] needs be the fpofitiOll of mans life: Hence comes forncimes health, fornctimes Iickneffe, fometimes elancholy, fomerirncs choler to the body of an,and bappy is that man that knows him-


There quaJities til man being altered by the

ious influences of the Stars, the Sphere of the

ne carrying a fwlfrer motion then the fphere the other, then various rnuf needs be the Ipofition of mans body ..

The Luminaries carry the grtatcft flrength the heavens, and fo do the time fervers in the

te; and this needs not be .doubtful to any , if you confider that the found of a Drum ruropet incites a man to valour, and the

nd of a Fiddle to dancing. Befidesjother if eft effe8:s of the Luminaries appeare to r eyes. Who makes hours and dayes, and Ions in the yeare ? is it not the Sun who s alterations in the Airc, in Plants, and living Creatures P what is the reafon that rs are ful ler at tlte fltl 0100n, then at the j To the number of Oyflers, jOyl1~ Crm~ nd Lobflers, nay the marrow in the body of

~ is it not the Moon j Pi. man if he pleafcth

C may

J B Culpepper's ~flrological j"ageNleIl' may fay his right hand is his left,and·a Pddl,nlay preach his plcafure j let.Do per'icncc be jlld~l". Now then we have bro the mutter to this pUl'r~fc, tbat the llnive caufe of the Crltis is the influence of the vens : for the Celeftial bodies either by Ilghr, motion, 01' afpefr, configuration, ~r of them, or (orne of then) att not only III four Elements, but Elementary bodies; for they all: in the one, they ullin needs in the rhcr, and then by confcquence in man, which but comnouudcd of Elcnlents.

The. tal'i.h is a grear lump of dirt rolled \I together, and by an only wife God. han~cd' the Aire: the Stars arc no more, neIther IS Moon; onely what meu le the Sun is made of know not.

If the bodies of men are elementaryycom fed of Fire, Aire, Earth and Water; he m needs participate in one meafhre 01' other of ~heicElcnlents.. The Elements being cone rics, cannot alwayes agree ~ hence conies caufe of'healtb fometlmes officknefs,fometim zleath It (elf, and .Ar;}lo,le was half of n1Y· pion when he wrote rhefe words:From the ra end dew of Heaven both gOQd and bad thi

~rt canted to bud. .. , , .

. The kinds of CiHis are two; Kinds of

onein acute difeafes , and they . fiSe

are ro be judged by the MoOllJ the other in '1 and lafting" .01' chronick difeafes, which are be judged of by the Sun.For thofe Crlfeswh ~Olnc: ii'om their own proper principla,are Ii t

'b, .. t. tlf bJfo~1 ehlatgeclf4 . i 9"

e in~mal eaufe depending onely upon the otions of·.the Moon and her ConfigurGtipn s

d Afpetl:s to the place (he was in at the ·D~.;.

urnbiture. -

But you mull note in acute difeafes , the af~ or radiarions of the 'Moon , to wit) her

rrile 01' oppofirion , are not rakcn fran) the jnn8:ion of the Moon to the Sun, 3R they I'e in Almanacks or EphClllcrides, which is btl t he Father of an Ahuariack) but front the place n which the Moon was found at the Decumlture , as Iha ll appeal' by a few examples heres

There are AClIte and Chronitk difeafes.

Of ACllte difeafes, fome are iimply acute; o~ hers arc peratute, others are very acute, per" te, or exceeding acu tc,

Thote which are fimply acute; are finifhed in .10. II. 14.20.2 I. dayes, .and they are called thly diteafes by fomejand lunary by others, they none of the greateR fools neither, they re terminated in the time the Moon rraceth the 2. Celdlial Signs of the Zodiack, ~hich l~ i." 7. dayes; fome odd hours" and forne odd nutes.

Thofe acute dlfeafes whith fuffer changes br crate, are to be judged of by ail inlperfeB: ; for fometimes . they Increafe, fotrictih1t~ are remitted; they arc-as ficklea~ a wea. tack, according as the Moon meets with the beams either of good or, evil Planets: . and is not all the trick they have neleher, fbf

tUetlmes they change out of Acute di feafes

.. G~ . lli~

N ~tc. in.. a~Ll.t1.. b-u:



'20 Culpepper's .Aflrological 1Hdgemtn,' into Chron~ck difeates , ana Co a continued V('T may change into an Hettick Fewer J or intcrnlitting Fever into a continual Fever ~ rhcfe ~ifearcs terminate in forty days J v~ry ClItC dl(afcs , fuch as are concluded in .,.6.7. dayes, among wh ich is the difeafe the G ca1l7l'fi"?fyle/ f.L0Jl' do, an ir.ftamnlation of the Lun

Exceeding acute dlfeafcs.rhey are fuch wh end in three or four days at furihetl, as Pefiil clcs; Apoplcxie~, Bee.

. Chronick difcafcs follow the motion of Sun, and 'cis about ninety days before the Cr iris aprears;for in that time the Sun cernes the pr()pt'r quartile of the place he was in act Decumhirure , as appears in Hettick Fevers Dropiies : but w hen he comes to his Sexrlle, Trine A(pea of the place he was in at the cumbi tl1l'C,fOnle motion appears whereby a rna ifhe have any guts in his brains, may judge

the CrHis to come. .

It falls out well, if the Sun be well af by good Planets i and worfe if to tvill Planets and this holds true, if YOll confider it from N.1tivity, throughouc all the whole courle a mans life : fOI' drfeafes arc particular at danrs on a mans life) if Doaor EXfcricnce c rrurh.:

. Moreover of the CrlC~s,fome are perfctl:,fi

arc i Olpertclt. .

A perfett Crilis is when the difeafc aVU'I.::':1I !nti_rely }.at~d pcrfeHly to be judged of; an . 1 ~ t(..l~H~tlnles hopeful!) tomerlmes defperate hopdul1 ~. when there is ·great probability

.2a .. ..' Of Diflafor enlarged. 2 J

thand recovery s defperare J when there is tJ

pabl~ figps of deat~~ . . "

An ImpeIfc8: Crlfis, IS when the (lifeafc Is s-. -r--1)

banJ?;cd upon every lig~t o~cafion.; and if ~-_~~-r> r . (l'J Author of the dlfcale , and In a l1gne . ~\.

a: double body, upon my life you tllalJ not: ~:) il, for the Crlfis happens as true as the Wea»


Your.fafefi way then to judge of the difeaf('~'

by the Afpt8:s of the Moon to the Planets: t\1e .Moon meetswlth the inio\ical OF hobeams of SaturH 01' MarJ,have a care of your t : And if you know whae hinders,

the [arne reafon you may know what helps. fitians in former rlmes.when they were wife, minded the common good J and not rheic gain, they dU'\ingui£hed the Crlfis of dif ..

es thus:

Some were f~fc. fome doubtful; fome fit to

judged, and forne not fit to be judged. :

That CrUis is fafe which comes wirhoutgreac pernicious afpeas.

It is .Ioubrful, (ufpicious, I had almofl faid

angerous, which comes with great pernicious


difeafe is fit to be jtld~CKJ!) when Iigns of

colHon COOle the fourth day, and then rer-

ly the Crifis will appear the ninth. The on moves not upon an equal motion; there. you had bdl trull to her motion rather . the days •.

The Sun hath domiulon in Chronlck difea ...

the Moon in acute ~ if you be a. wife tUOlO, your





ib.2. · of "Diflafi:J' enl4rged. !". ; ; ~.,~ 2 ~ n explain thefe te~lns before I gc;> further; a falls fick, tber~ IS the. tlrfi Ccllis , Jet the

te of the'difea(c be what you will; \riu"ti' the comes to the fame degree of the next iigR

was in at the Decllnlh.iture, there Is- 'the :Ju'_ cia} days"; for in tl~at ri me the difeafe {hews it in its.colours,v.,lth bag and baggage·iVJhen e moon comes to her Sexti le, it brings the In· , neal day ~ and fhould mitigate the die .. . ifLhedOtlot, fhe is afpelh:d ro.evdlfPla ..

u; and it Ihe be afpe8:ed to ill .. Plan~s,~ I an 1 Crifis is to be (xpe8:ed,and fo the IJOlltnlr, ~ you {hall never find rhis'farl, " ", .... :!

, ~ .'. I

:2 2 .cu]pepp~es tlj1rolfJg)cII11"dgelJll"':'" your judgtrilfnt QtOlll be as fiire as the SOn"

that never fai ls wirhout a miracle, .,

" In times of yore, when knowledg~ wasfcan' nun went a begging for it; and they that gotten knowledgc.monopollzed it. A (tw'pfes of .Adll';u happlners in Paradifo, 'wh happincfs all the wor ld have been reaching a ever Iincc, .' ."'

Th'cy knew wel] enough the moon movtdfc many degrees jn te> many days: an hril An ~I had alrnofl (aid the ~)l~vil ) perceivlng was want of .kl1?w_l~dgc In 'the world, gots transforms hirnfelt Into il!l Angel of H~hr, ail raugh t men .to COU~1t the rime by days : '~l'ls n ~rt'at rnervatl the !f,.v_y/,ti!!,,£ fllould w~rt11lp Iick and Onyons tor Gocls, when Wt del ChriJhI1lU-d"J)though Ffrhaps'lt, may be cloud

\Vhat I have fpoken, 1 have only fpokm fhew that i~ is the motion of Sun at Mbon tha produceth the CrHi~ in difeafes, and no~· number of days.

I nlul\ return to the place I Intended e ~J.1Y~, fome art! ca llcd by their own name, Criti. ca l lI&lYS;_ other art' called Judicial days and they are io cal It'd, becaufe upon them da~c Na~ ture and her [O!l, DJ'. R('afon would make manlf~ !v,h<lt the ~dc:afc is, and Dr. Experience tel$

Inc us rllJe. ... "

• J\J~other time is cal led Interclderna] ; 'whic~ lS a tln.l~ f;\lIs out berween the Judicial" and ~1'1t1~a~. Llpon rhefe Intcl'cidental·'tJ'\Ys, the ~I(ea!e. IS ulually remitted ; if (o)~th~rl a ~c e .. ~ 9f1~~s nl~?, be e~pc{t~~ S if not, anevlf. I

. "fuaU

• ~ I'

_----..;..._-.----_.....--- ..... ---- ...... - ~ II I ..,

C HAP. I I.;

l.~. .

. . -' . -

wily toji"d,OI4t thr Cr;!;~izU tlayts, (IS Iflfo th" Decumbuure « botls by Ancien» and !vIo'!.

dern If"riters. : .

, :

Ncient PhyIitians ~' becaufe they were Jig" norant of the motion of the Moon, though. of her operation, as 01&111Y of OU1' modern made their account by number of dayes " in fa doing. erred egl'egiouHy : f\nd .a!-:-' gh Duret my Author quotlS ~helr OP1~1!I hold it not worth uirne t.o recite Oleos tal...,' ings i But of the certain term or time when

Crltlcal! daycs beginyl Ihal l quote thefe few


When any notable dlfeafe conlcs,if YOll would

.' . difccrn





Q4 Culpepper's Aft1'%gicAI1uJgelNtIIt difcern whether it tends to Healeh, Death radon, 01' Continuance, it is neceffiJ"Y tha~ begin at the firll puna: of time of the Inv of the difeafe, This Galen fa ith is very if n,-?t impoJlibJe to find; 'tis taken pro that It nlay be eafily known, when a man ta his bed!n his (i~knc{s; ~ut when the beglnnl of the Iicknefs IS, that s the quefllon : For ]ufty !tuut man bears the ditea(e longer) and longer before he takes his bed) then a ~cakly. fic~ly. man is .: a rneer 'fufpition of ~lfkncts wdl ~efld a ~aJnt~hearted man to bed you may pcr1wade him he is Iick, whether he or no •.

Notwithfianding this is moft certain, that mof] acute difeafes, as alfo in many other dif fe_s, as the ~~alling S.i~knelfe, Palfies, Apopl X1e.r.~ PJ.ur~fJ(:S,,&c~ 'ClS an eafie thing to find the beglnning, ·orthe precife cime of the in

on of the dileafe. . .

The common opinion of fuch a~ are in Afil'?Iogy is , and according to .their opin on I afiirrnc, that that moment of trme is to taken fol' the beginning of the difeafe in wh a man fil~ds a rnurrifef] paine or hurt i~ his body : fOI' Jl1fianct", when a man hath goe a F~ ve~~ l.lfilally the head akcs certain dayes before; thls lS not the Fever , but a Melfenger or forenlnne1: of [he Fevcl'.;_ the true begiJining of the Fever is when the difeafe appears fenfibly, or when a .hoJ'cou~ a!' tl'cnlblin~ invades the Sick fl$ d.De:; ufilal!y J!l the begJnnulg of a Fever J fh~~ ls_~h~ t?egulluug of the dJfeafe when the

" .. . ).




ib.2. of DifettJe.l tnlar.ged. 2, "(eafe appeares manifeft to fenfes And this was ~e jud~emS=llt of Hippocrlltes, one of the h?ntflof i>hyfitians :·And you fhall find thiS ales that the more acute the difeafe is; the r~' 111~nifefl the beginning of it is to {rn{e: yea fo nlani£efl, that it. is ~Imoft impoffible that (he beginning fhould he hid from anyone that wants reafon, if he have but fenfe.


Of tbl Sympathy, and Antipathy .Df the Sig'lIs

IlHtl. Planets. .. .

BEfore we come to prognoftick, we . muO: {now that there ~s a Sympathy ~etwe~n CdcHiall and Terrrfhall bodyesa which Will· eafily appear, if we confide~ that the whole creation Is one entice and united body, compofcd by the power of an All wife God~ -of'a

competition of difcords. . ,

Alfo there is friendfhlp and hatred between one fign of the Zodlack and another; for nery (ignes are contrary to watry ~ and noCturnal

to diurnaIl, &c. . . • •

The Planets are 3.1C0 friendly and Jnlmlcal

one to another; but in their fr1endfhip and enmity, what rever the matter is,1 ca~not agrc.c neither with ancient nor modern wrrters, And when I cannot do Co, lie fly to Dr. Reafon .for. ~~vic~),hey hoW. ~ars and V enus to b_friends.

. ., And



~6 Culpepper 's Aflrologic41 Jlldgement And what your opinion is of aU the rodl,y nuy find by Mr, Lillses Introductlon, My epinion grounded upon reafon, is this; that ehere arc cwocaufes of friendlhip and enmity between Planets Eaendall and Accidental.:

Planets are dfcntia1Jy Inimlcall three wayes,

Ficfi, when their Honfes: or' Exaltation s are oppofice one to tbe other, and. Co Saturn is an enemy to both Lnrninacies, Jupiter to Mercury, and e con era ·Mars to Venus.

2. Planets are Inimical one to the other,when their remperarures ior-' qualities are oppolire and fojupiter is an enemy to Saturn, he bdng bot an nioltt, Saturn cold and dry:So Mars is enemy to Venus, he being hot and dry, lbecold and molf].

~! ;~.;PJantti are Inlmlcal when their condition. differ; fo there is enmity . between Sol and Sa~ turn .for on e lovesuhe Coiirq' and the other the Counu'Y, Jupiter is enemy to Mal's, for he loves peace and jufllcc, Mars violence and opprefflons; Mars is cncn1Y to Venus, for he rejoyceth ill the field; fhe in the bed; he .loves to be pu.t\" Jiqu.(':1 the playes Ieaft in fight. And thus you ~ee In cve.'y refpcfr, what a dlfliculr thing it .s ro nuke Mars and Venus ratlonarIy frlcndes,

AccidclltaJI inimlcalneffe to Planers, is when f:hcy arc in fquare or oppofirion &c. the one ro the other. Alfo Inirnica lneffemuil needs be jn the Signcs;for if cold and heat, moitlure and ~rync(fe be lnconfiiiene together in one and th.e fame place, as yOU1~ eyes will' tell you, if you' WI}. bur ~eafe to take a pale, of w~te~ and throw


of Di[eajeJ tllJargeel. :. 27

[ into the fire, then. canahey not be in. Oil, the fnl)lC. place Ill' th~.~eavens .. And If (0:. s is moO true) then 'mull !ignes be " fome tome hot, and (orne moif] : one fign mult

s cherlfh one quaHty more then another:

nd feeing the firfi qualities are advcrfe the one the oth~r, there is a neceflicy, that fonleti~es e muftyeild) and fomccimes overcorne.r ·ud.)

is is the :r~Olfon of the. corruption, gcnera~ L)

uon and viciflieude of xhings. .' . ".~

Morcovtr· the Moon conftirueed in. a. fign~, t' e-~

common.)y Itrjk~s uponthe natl1reoftb~ figne -

file is in: ,as if file be in a. fiery fign, 'he' ftlrs up

Choler; &:c~ . - . . ••

A.lto as every Element hath tWO· quahucs, fo hath every celeftiall fign, the Atreal' {ignes are hot and moifl, the Earthly fignes cold and ~J'y, the Ftery finncs hot and dry, the watr,., fignts cold-and moifh And ~hu$ you fee ,how.· the concords arc made of dlfcords : for Aery . figncs are [oyened to fiery by heat, and eo wa .. try by moiflure: and to earthly by coldneffe ;

the Earthly are joyned to the watry by colde lleifc, and to fiery by drynefle : this is an 014 true maxlme of Philofophers, which I fhalf not

at this time be captious againft.

Betides; the congreffe and contigurature o~· the Planets and fixed St3rS is di llgenrly to .he heeded; of rhefe, forne are obnoxious and hatefall .. a ·Q!J.a~tHe and Oppofition, as alfo the; ConjunCtion of bad Planetse others are hea]th~ ful, as Scxtile and Trine, and Conjnn8:ion o~ aood Plilnt't&)· and Indeed the chiefeQ.part of ~ '. . .' ~~rology




~8. Culpepper s A_ftro/(Jgic41 Jlldgement Aftrology. conliileth in. the due obfervation of ~onfi~uratlons) to~ by. rhefe come ,alcerations In things below, either to better or worfe ac cording to (he nature of the Planets or Star; that Iignifie them. for when two Scars are joy. n~d Wit~l or a{~eaC? t~ one another, they it .. nlln~te tOll1eth!llg 111 Sub-Lunary bodies according to their owne nature; If dlffentlon be between the llan'es, the (perme proves mallet, ous and deflructive, and tumul tuous; even as the 'oppofition of winds, efpecially the North a~d -South \Vi!lds ~ produceth ch under, light .. nIng, a~l~ pc~dc:nt1i\Il vapours; and this we rind never fades, If rhe South-wind prevai It's, and the Moon and Mercuric behold one another.

Thus y<?u ~ec a reafon, if you know bur what ~ ~eatu~ IS, or ever heard of Iirch a thinJ!) why difeafes H} the body of 1111n are elther ezafperared, 01' remitted, according to the good or evil! meeting of the .Planets,

Of the Af~1Ca~)Oppofition is the worn of all nc;>t by ~!ly c?tltraricty or dive~'lity of natul'; ot t~t! SIgns III which the oppolirions fall out; but 111 r~{p( a?f the Planets chemfelves oppov !il~g) .whlch bl:Jng at grearefl ditlance arc: IlloR Inlmical}, they bein~ in a pofture to outface one another, and this is the mof] principall

caufe of enrnlry, .

A ~artile is Inlmical l , becaufe, the Stars fo aq~eaed. be in tigl~cs ~lf contrary. nature. as Sol III Aries,. Luna 1(1 Cancer, the afpe8: is hatcful l, bc~ante Aclesis hot and dry, Cancer C;Qlq and .nloUt ; I\ncs J:n~f~Qline, C'lJ1~r ferni-


.1. 0/ Difeafit cnltfrgetl. 29

I cAries diurnall,Cancer noau,malJ.

n d'now by the leave of my Author, and alfo n great pto!o"'J hlmfelfe , an~ of all.th~ fons Art this day livin~, who build their' Judge .. upon 008:01' Tradition, and n?t l~pon found principles of Do~or Rea{on,lfthls be e odginall of the enmity of a (quare afpea:

is agreed upon 011 all fides:

Then v.Thy doe they hold that a Qyartile in

Si~ns of long ~fce_nti~ns is requivalent !O a Trine: and a T'rine m Signs of fhort Afcentlons as prenicious as a Square 1 put the reA of the non-fence into the bundel, andwhcn you have done, locke upon it a Iittel while, and when you have viewed it a little, tell me I pray; Doth the longne{fe or Ihormeffe of the afcent.ions adde or rake away any thing from the quality of the

Signes? •

Is not this the way, the one1y way tobring

the Art into a Labyrinth, if not into a con~u-

flon? in truth, in my opinion it is. ~his I Will confdfc,and give you I?lY reafon for It when I. __ ./~ have done; oneSquare 15 not (0 bad as another, t..-~-V 3S from Aries to Cancer is worfe then from

Cancer to Libra, becaufe the Signs Canc~r a~d

Libra arc in better harmony; as agreeing In

pafflve qualities namely) nloHlurt", whe~eas A-

ries and Cancer difagrec totally. By rhis rule

yon may find out the reft.. .

.." Alfo this I affirme, and WIll prove It when 1 have done, that (orne Semifexriles are worfc then fome Q!!artiles: foy Plfces is more ini!,,~cal to Aries then CaprlCOmCj firfi becaufe It IS




~o Culpepper's Aftrologica/. 1NdglJJen, the twelfth Signe from hint: i. bffades

~rcc:s m,ore in qualities. . .

A Sextile Afpelt is good, becaufe the Si which are in Sextl le the one to the other a both ofth~ fame atHvc quality, both of a ftxc both of a time, for example Aries and Gemi are both rnafcu line, both Diurnal] ; Tauuu and Cancer are both cold, both Femlnlne both No8:urn:,l.1 ; ~l~t becaufe they differ a II i~l pal. fi~e quahtles,.lt IS. not altogether fo fr'cindJy as t~lne afpelt IS, for that confifis altogether of ~lgl1es of the farn~ nature, fexe, quail ty and time, and are correfpondent the one to the other

nery way.

A Conjunfiion or Synod Is the ftrongefl of all, and cannot properly be called an afpett. A

. ConJur;ltion of .gc;>od Pla!1et~ with good, is cxce~d!ng g?od,lt IS good In the higheftdegree; A ConJunlbon of bad Planets with bad Planets Is as bad" as the form~ was good; A conjunll:i .. on of good Planets wleh bad is no ways com. mendable. I travc now done, if you will be Plea.; fed btu to take notice, that the conjunttion of

~ all Planets with the Sun is bad, becaufe the Sun who gives then) their efficacy; takes it a,'Way at fuch trmes. I could be Crlrlcal! at this 1:>~, IlbalJ forbear it at this time. J

• ,.. II





way of finding out the Criticfll and Illdici~ll da)'es by II Figure of eigbt hOllfes.

5 is the method ofH;ppocrlltes, and f~ot11 him Galen ufed, and it is to be done in this

anner.. ..

J Make your fcheme of eight: equal parts.

2 Search out the Sign!»Degree and Minute the on was in at the beginning of the fickneffe.

3 Place che figne.degree &: minute the MOOD 5 in at the beginning of the ficknefTe upon the ufpe of the firfl houfe as though that were a~"

ding at the rime. -

4 Add forty five degrees to this;yot1 need not I'd the latitude of the Region, for it is of no' in Criticall Figures, but take the degrees arely from the Ecliptick, when you have adforty five degrees to the place of the Moon the decumblcure s the point of the Zodiack: ble to that Ihal l make the cufpe of the


, Forty five degrees more added. to that, wil

bring you to the Cufpe of the-chlrd Houfe , to' which when the Moon comes" {he comes to the <l!!_artilc of the place fh e was in at the decumbi .. ture, and this makes the fir(\ Crif;s.

6 Forty five degrees D10re added to thb,makes the fourth Houfe J +5. degrees more added. to· that


g~ Culpepper's Aftr%._C!,icifI1uelgmell, that points out the place of the true oppofid of the Moon to the place (he was in at the cumbirure, and this makes the fecond C The fecond quartile of the Moon to her place at the decumblcure.makes the third And the fourth is when ale comes to the fa fig", degree and minute that Ille was in ae decurnbiture,

The rime 01' houfes noted betwixt the Crl are called the judiciall times , or fuch ti wherein OJ. man lnay judge what the difeafe or what it will be; remember this all along fuch kinds of judgement ; and do not forget n to number the tlrne by dayes as the ancien did, for they were either Ignorane, or Idfe of the courfe of the Moon; for the comes too the judlclall or Criticall days rlrnes fooner, Iomerimes latter) as fhe is el f"wifter or flower in motion.

Now the time called Critica'l, is alwales becaufe of the C'or1trarict)' of the figne the is in then to the fign the was in before, or contrariety of her nature to the oppofite E]a At filCh a time there arifcth a conrroverfie batrarle a!t it Were between the difeafe and -eure, the Moon mainra ins nature in acute difea.

Ies , And now you have the reafon why, that if the be afHi8:ed upon a Crleicall day by tht bodies or ill beams of Saturn or Mars, or the f .. ord of death, (which is alwaies Lord of the eighth Houfejand fornetimes I .. ord of the Houfe, w Il {('IVe the turn, if he be it maleVolcmt beca.ulc he fignj6cs cbc g(~v(",) tho deCcafe


lb.e. of'Dije,i[es enlarged. 3 ~

ncreafcth, and f0rl?etim~s the Iick dies: But if he Moon ~U' the trrne of the CriJJS beholds the of the Afcendent or the fortuns fort unar ly, lth cnfircsi f01' the malady is vanquifhtd and utcd in the conflh't.

If the difeafe rcrminare not upon the firfl Crifis; how the Moon is conligurared on r hc 1l r.:und lis, and judge then by the fame n,U]~F.

If it terminate not then neicher; as fiu)\{ t irnes eh a thing happens, view the third Crifis, and

udge by that the tame Y"ay; if your judgeent ballauced by reafon , and the forJ\1c'r iles, certifie you the difeafe wilt not end one ay nor other) neither in heahh nor dcarh ; fee at you can fay to the Moon when fl1C reurnes to the place (he was in at the dccurnlrilire, which is about twenty Iev« n day-s dght: ours, and fomc few nlinut<'s; and fcc how the

.v"", .. " is then Ieatcd; and to what Planers file is figurarcd then: Anti this of ncccfliry mutt be ~

he end of all acute difeates.

Thus you fcc an acute dlfeafe 'can laf] but a ieth at longt1t; not one in a hundred lafiuli lunge not one in twenty Iaflerh above hulfe

long~ " . :

If tllc dlfeafe end not then, the acute difcafe turned into a Chronicle difcafe: And all renick difeafcs mufi be judgt'd of by the 8bn,

e rules of judging of Chroulca l] difcafes by' 'r. Sun, are (he fame by which We judge 014

Ute difeafes by the Moon. ,. '. As for judiciall days .which fall our jnft in midfi betwlxrc tbe Critlcall dayr:s, I ih.aJ.l

b r=~'




\ (.

of DifettJei tiJla,.geei. ~,

When you have done Io, it is no more buc is :

Fidl, Seek the time when the Moon comes

Taurus 10. 19, and you Ihal l find it comes rhe.rp of Ian. about eight of the Clock


Secondly, View s.n the face of heaven, fe- ~ Idly the pofition and configuration of the

mets one with another a.t the fame rlme.

34 Culpepper's Aflrologicalludgemenl pa(fc them by at this time, becaufe I fancy not this way of judgenlcnt by a Figure of eight houCes; yet I {hall not fo p~{fe them L)y, but that 1 {hall rcnlcnlbcr them in ths T'rearlfe,


7'be former yules illuj1rated by an example.

r.Acertaine man fell Iick of an acute di(ea(c at p,lris it FYIlHCe,Anno 1641.11111.12. eight of the clock in the afternoon, at which t'irne the Moon was potited in Aquarius" 10. 19· This I place in the Afceudent.

To this Aquarius 10. 19- I ad de forty five degrees; the produa is pitces 25: 19. which makes the. !irfi judiciall timet

To which adding forty five degrees mor.

it 'will bring you to Taurus 10. 19, to whi place when the Moon arrives file C01l1(S to t exa8: quartile of the place {be was in at decumbiture, and makes the fira Crlfis.

Adde forty five degrees to that, and it p elucerh Gemini 25- ) 9. which is the Iecond

judiciall time.

If you would know when the fecond Cri-

lis comes aboutsit is but only Adding 4) de~r('es to that, and you wi 11 find the refult to be Leo IO.19:1u(t the pl.ice oppofite totbeMo at the decurnbdrure. The remainder are £ OUt in the fame manner.




, ... -~.-~.. .





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~8 ~~lJ~~prer~s .AjlrDlogica11,ulgelHtllt

The: Hillory of this obfervation is of a taine perf on , who by reafon of great Wear ndfc in a journey , was furprizcd with a F at the time before mentioned ; together w his Fever-he had a Cough and a Plurifie:

Fever carne to a TflTttIO~U.j,. I never read of name in Gn/cn,as I remember ; I take it by Mounfieur Duress dcfcription ~ and alfo his Figure of !::1eaven, to be the vt;ry fame whi

Gillen calls )(.cr.UI1O~. ,

Thyu·igin;;J.l of this diCcafe is Choler put 6~ wl'fh_.b.~ood in the velnes , and is the violent of all Fevers. The night after the cumbiture theFever appear-d, although on third day al l Ihaklng left hirn , yet felt not t Patient the Icafl Intermlffion.rbc Moon being Aquarill# 10. 19. Aquarim bciru; alfo a Iigne infirnlity, the Moon being in Sexti le to apply ing to VCUlIS and Soturne; ¥arJ aflli the Sun with a Ql!artiJe,as alfo Jilpiter and cury. who were in combuflion,

The't6. day of the fame moneth of JII11 the di[~a.(e Increafed, at which time the

.came to a Semi-quadrat making the firtljudi al time. And meeting then. with never an (pea, the CrHis could be expc:lted no other doubtful and unfortunate.

'The' 19. day of the faille monerh at eight the clock in the afternoon, the firACrifis abour, (orne little fweat the difeafed had. if I may be bold to leave my Author for a I time, if YOli view the prefages of Hippocra which you (hall find at the latter end of

·'qok. . ..

ib, ~. of Dife4JeJ enlarged. 39 The words run thus, or to this purpofe: It very hOilcful when a Ulan Iick of a Fever eats upon a Critical day ; however my AuconfdTes, that both his Cough, and his ne in his Iide left him, though his Fever Rill emained,nJY incrcafed,by rea ton of the ~ar,. Icof Mars and VeHUI at the fame timc,Mercl.r,

eiug Lord of the Afcendent at the Decumbl• 1\1(0 it is worth noting, that the Moon

lng in Aquarius at the Decumbiture , and , s to Taurus at the filft Crifis, both Tauus and Aquariu:t are Iignes of infirrnity , yet Oll fee the Plurifie left him , the Moone be-

g {hong in her exaltation, though void of


I pars by my Authors lnfirmiries in this and

rhcr things.

JI1IJUllr) 23. When the Moon by tranfit made {c.(ond judicial time, {he was afllieted by the

rinc of Snturne, which prognoO:icates caufe e ..

Igh uf fear in the fecond Crifis. .

Iflllu,lry 27. at ')-50. in the morning.the Moon me to the true oppofition, to the place {he was at the dccumbiture, (he being then without aA!i'c8:,cithcr good or evil; this brought no

opes to the rick man of cure at that rime , and ndced the fick was at that> time very bad; yea~ bad that his Phyfitians were in doubt whcer he would live or die,

Ial1ullry the 30. at 3- houres 44' minutes after noon, comes about the third judicialttlme, at ich time the Moon was in Trine to lupiter~ hlch gives fironm hopes that a healthful and


. \


) "


40 ~~lpepper~s Aftrolo.g;cal l~/dg~JJl8H" i?ropitious Orifis would enfue, and fo it

for upon' t •. ,

February the fccond at nine a clock noon, the Moon comming to 10. degrees 9 nures of the Scorpion , where file made the cond Qi!artile to the place fhe was in at" the cumblture, and the third Orifis {be applyed the Trine of beautiful Vcnus ; his Fever b t,o leave him, and he began to attain to his fiine health.

, By this one example yon IT\ay fee the w derfull harmony and confent of difeafcs the motions of the Heavens, which that it appear more cleer, and be vifible to all it be to fuch as are fo blind they will r:ot my Author adjoynes a rational Figure of Dc~unlbiture, and gives his judgement u

,',on It.

I .

of Diflafel e1II4"geJ~ . :t.-

A Rationall figure upon the Decumbiturev

An aft,ro[ogiclIll I11tlgtm~n upon ,h~ /A.ce of Ht"9t uen a' the De,umbiturt.

.., .

THe chief Signi6cators of this Figure are the Afcendent and Mercury Lord of it, R.etrograde in Capricornc, a mo~eable. Signci in the,S th Hou(~ of the 6eavc~, ~nd l~ the

llou{e of Saturne, . . . , . a.... .

The 6 th houfe ana his Lord !lturne ill Aquarius) in the 6.th. ~q(e ~oP8 and, pOT':

... .," .-



-:4'2 Culpepper's Aftrologic.1

The Moon in the 6th houfe upon the cu of it; Sol in the 5th Haufe with {he Lord the eighth afflicted by the OJ.!artiJc of Mars a fiery Signe; this plainly Ihewes a difea[e Choler.

Jupiter in a moveable Signe in the ~ Houfe, who rules the Sromack Liver and Si combufl and In ~artile to Mars, ftirred u Plurlfie, and Mercury afllifrcd (hewed a Cough. Hence it appears that MOllnfieur was no Phyfician; tor if he had, he would caul have known that a Plurifie never comes withour a dry Cough; the moll: excellent of nun nl,IY have fafHngs.

The 1.10011 in J\quadus applying to Saturn ~t the bCEinnin,Q, ot the difeafe, Ihows the Ji. tea[£ ~onles of wearincife : according to the Doctrlne both of Hypccr ates and Hermes ; but J.cre arlfes another que/HOB; Shall the difeafe be long or fhorr, This is anfwered chusrthe fixed Slgne upon the cuCpe of the 6th Houfe Ihews

J ength of rh e difeafe, .

~Jtul'ne in the 6th. Houfe thews J1Q If;ifc, but

rels the farMc talr. .

Againe Sarnrnc lord of the 6th. flronctr . then the Lord of the Afccndcnr, [hews a vIo-

lent Increafc of the difeafe, .

Se~ing. Mars in a fiery figne afllUls both LUDU1l3rlCS, the Sun by a ~artile and the Moon by .. ~ SextiJe; hence we may Iafely gather, t~at Sa~}l?e and M<\rs are .t\uthors of the dl{ea(c,anH to part ftak~s between themj t~c one made it violent, the other condnulng,

~ G~

ib.~. of Difeafes enl~rgetl. ·4·~

Give me leave n~w a. little to paffe nlY ement upon rhls FIgure .. : when fira [ c!cd the- Figure, upon the firfi blufh I adred the man Ihou l d live, the Lord of the ccndent being com~~~) & applyed to the n Mars catting Anutclon to the Sun, the U~l upon the Cufpe of the 6 the cum mubis aliii; The onely reatons that I could finde of

the life were ,here; •

1 S.tturne and Mars are both firong, and nei-

ther of thelll Lord of death, though both of

\ .in t11l':W thClllfdves like potent enemies, that ~:.~ able to hurt their foe, but fcorne it; though they arc enemies to life) yet they are bOllorable

<:ll(mies, becaufe firong. '

The Moon apblies not Immediately to Sa~--.-

d f IlJlV4I"'" I· L d '1'"1 t\ 14-! •

rurne but to the 0 y 0 uA'fNl£¥, W 10 IS or

of th: 10. which {hews the difeafe might be Cll

by Phyfick if a wife Phyfician had it in hand. 3 There is a Reception between the Sun and Mo.r~ which tyes the Sword of Mars front kill-

ing. . .

. 4.Venus beautifieth the fignificatIon of th~ 6th

houfe, alrnofl as much as Sacorne deforms It.

S Neither Satl1rne nor Mars behold the A ..

fcendr nt,and rhats good. .• •

6 The dlfeafe carne by the mans own n,,(guI-

ding hinlftlfc,bccallfe the Lord of the ll. and

Afccndent are togethe,·. •

7 The Moon applies to a fortune 'Vl~lCh ha.lh lri plicitie in the p .. fcendcnt, though 1IL an 111


S.1 am confident the man [ournycd again fo Joon

, .

44 CuI pepper's Aflro/iJgiC4! Jllaglllelit Coon as he was well; Firf], beeaufe Mal"s of the end, is neer the Houfe of jotJrnyes at dccumbitllre; Secondly, becaufe the Moon plies to the Lady of the third Houfe at the cumbiture, which is Venus.

C H An. VI.

7'he ,.,lty~to fit It Figure of 16 Houjes.

THe way of fc:tting this Figure, differs no. . thing from the former, fave onely tbal the Heavens are divided into twice as many parts. The manner of erc:8:ing it, is this) the

. true place of the Moon being taken at the decu~biture, place that upon the cuCp of the Afce~dfnt, as though it were afcending at the time, to which adde 22. degrees 30 minutes,

and you have the 6rft Intercidental] time, 22. 30 being added to that (be\\r the fira judicial tiolr:as many more being added to that Ihew the fecond intercidentiall time, and asmany add-

. ill to them brings about the lirfi CriIis'; this thaI be clearly (hewed in this Example.A Figure

of Cdfis In 16. '






, . --"

'46 Culpepper"s ogic41

The Hlflory of this fecond obfervation is ofa cerraine religious perfon, forne monke or F er a hundred to one elfc, who in J~40 Dece ber the ninth,flilo 110VD, was taken with a F and fhivcrin g at eight of the Clock in the m ning, the next day the lhivering left him, th Feaver remainiug, The Feaver feeming like Hemitr'itser , or double tertian, or a Cau(os which is a contihuall burning Feaverj which of them foever it was,this is cerraine, it arofe from

'otnc cholerick matter.. -

The fecond day it had another acceJte" and the third a worfe then that.

The place of the Moon at the decumbirun .. vas in a preteritcd trine of'Saturne. The Moon applycd to the Sexrile of Mercury, Venus and

Jl'lpiter. .

The Fifchreenth day of the fame month o( December appcares the firf] Crlfis , and though to fweat well many medicines were applycd, and thofe powerfull; yet thet Feaver gave not tv:.ty an Inch, becaufe the Moon applyed to Mars, and the Sun to Saturne, though by good afpeas, nither was it mitigated till the elghceenth dayjat which time the Moon applyed to M'ercury,Vclllls and Jupiter.

Here was that Aphorifme of Hippocrates ratified,Chap. S.Aphor I). thar if the Moon be not affiiacd at the decumbirurejyec iflhe be with the beames of the Malevolents at the Crifis» 4 . .good Crifis is not to be fxpctted .. but health will be

ftjvcd of. . ,


of Difeafes In/arged.


rationalJ FIgure upon the Decumbi ture ,

D. [-I. ~1. Decem. 9. 8. o. A. }\tl.

Sci 10 novo. 16+0.

a c: 11 ad ~ *' PolL ~8. CiO.

An Ajlrologicllll Iudgement upon the Fig"re. Confeffe in this judgement my Author is very faulty; he is dead, and. I ~all not ma~e nown his faults: however this 15 true; In rhis re Capricorn is upon the cufpe of the afcenent; and it is a moveable figne, therefore the ifeafe is likely to be fhorc.

2 Saturne Lord of it, is very potent and flroPI

. ; "

48 Culpepper's Ajit"o/(Jgica11I1elge1JJe1J': ftrong in his owne houfe, and fwift in courfc eher's a Second Argument.

; Both fortunes in the afcendenj; ma.y make up a third.

+. The Moone applying tJo the fortunes up a fourrh , this is enough; only the .' ..... _.11 of the Sun and Mars Ihewes the fickndfe

Ier, '

I could give you mine owne obferv upon ch,is difeafe, if I would; but, J let it al and' leave every manto hV owne heureres,

.. ' ~ ..


.~.of hiflafd tlilargeJ., - : ~) 4~

nutc on the a~cend~nt, and thirty degrees to

ar:, and the fame d('gree .and minute of the c Iigne *ill be upon the Cufpe of the (econd ou{ej th: worke is as eafie as' walk1ug IIp-''anct e without a {tall. as - I {ball by and bi ake appeare by an cxanlple.. . ' ~ Then be pleated t9 take notice, that the 61lj ouic is the decurnblrurejthe fecond the judicia! me, the third (he intcrcidcncal; Which \vtwd ,phage of Z.lidl.J1lrjl inSlIffr«,in his BO'Ok called; ""till ~l.'()t(JYI'111 fo 1illily rranllares Mart4!s;

Hlaking rhc word C.edo to kill" for Cario t~i II: wherein the n131l mofr egregioufly lbew~d! deficiency, both in Scholfer-Ihlp and Pby.J ck: yet this commend arion ~Ie give him, - fiist rt was more free to do good then his bl'aineJ

as abl~. ,

The fourth .-hQ.Ll~e bdrlgs the ura Criiis a-I' t: and wh~n, y'Oll .are com.e' to that" be~iJ1 a l be as you did before: you ~:llay fee the .W~t khour a palre of fpeflacles by the d('cu,D.)ln~J (.hac I have quoted: you may take ic pro C~H-

0, If yon pleafe , t~at I have many decui1it)i"'; by me : BUI: I want time to inferr them, or. did Ilut,' would not blot paper with them •. ' Be pleafsd to accept of this one in lieu of aU'!

edt. .. " ,

C HAP. V I t,

HD.", f.b fit It Figllre of twelve HCtufes for the

THjsfcdns to me to be the moll rarionall ~ll the reil; and it is the mof] eafily ~eadllr done; a!1d it may be that's the my Author left It OUt, though he promifed i And indeed the ways of God are all eafie

, . ry eafie, Tis the wayes of then that ar-e cr

~~~and difficult. ,

J f!!alJ lira of a1J_lhew you the way how doe It; feco~dly give you an example of owne upon It.

Firfi of all if you would know how to .

Cuch a critical figure upon a decumbl ~ake y~u a Figure after the vulgar forni; th !10te what figne, degree and minute the Moon j In at the decumbiture ; fet that figne degree .

, .


; . . , .

: / .. J


• -/r. • "':r

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· :.."- ' .... ~

St* Culpeppef' • .AflrIJlogital


.2.' .: .. gfDl"fo;tfol mi~J. Ii

her dlfeafe lay hld, or at leaft very obfcure .. plainly lignified by Co many planets being

der the cafth. .

That Ihe procured' her, owne difeafe, becaufe Lord of 6tb. is in the twe1fthJ As alfo befe the Lord of che afcendenc is cifpofed by a

et in the 12th. .

Plfces is the CnCpe of the 6th. Her difea~ by wet tak.to at i he fe~". Jupitel' in VJr~o

e corruption lit b lood; and Infirmides in the Is; with what they were, more anon. Venus with the Scorpicns heart 'filCWS a vi~ Feaverj neither proved it to be any Jeat- •. he Sun and Mar.s in the Fourth .houfe wltlt Dragons- lay 1 in Q94rtile to.rhe.afcendenr, violence in the dlreafe, danger of foyf.on

an illend ofi(i her Phyficlan is ft~njficd by ,,'hieb. was a French-quack which lay in.

houfe, ahd .he was as Iike Mars in Cq>d~~

as a Pomewarer is to an Apple. "' .. t,

He was alfo troubled With: (ore ey~s, a man) Iorne fortunes. view the pofition of Mar."

you (ball eafily fcc the reafon wlrhoue a'

ok (pcctacles.· ,

potirlon of Mars in the Fourth cunlbuft~ the Diagon~ tay I, and in the ·(hlartile, of

atcendenr; .Flrfi', cloadcd hJs'judgeUlel1t t; y, corrupted' his pralticf;'l'hlrdly, (et .

for her life.' '. . .

Tls a'Cad-thing when the Lord of death nl~ft~ the .PhyLiciGn In the diCfaH-. ". difeafe was the f ma'l pO~' in which b~iIY& gly.I)~.l~nd in body, llP~gpJnfJro ftq~

E:2 ~ in

D~:H. M. Decem.

" 11. I 1. S 8. p. Jr.) • b 0 1647. old fiilc.-.

a'*¥ ad t! * lJ A¥t!

,Poli. 'i1.~4

TtHiS unhappy creature 'being un marched with an unnatural! h ...... LI' ....... came up to Londolt and lived Ina [el "ice: and hen. fervictl was filrprifed \Yitb . a (ur;oul di at the time, and under the face of heaven

noted. ...

Ilhall firfl give a ratlonafl judgement of.

Ftltllre, and afterwards treat .. of tlte Crlfis.

The perfon of this yong woman httglrlUJfC by Venus in Sagittarius: and truly I.JCJc~c.n r:c,w was an jpright dealing creature. That ~h~

•• 1

::: ...

.... ' .

. ,2 Culpepper's Aftrologicttl JU

in a week tor,ether and above, he applyed ~11 that rime with ih'ong purges) (oh acute

fif..~~an!) never one of th ern wOl'king·nor fo as cooling from her ,though there was S 'tie in every one of them, that had not t Co as I knew ofit perfwadcd her ~ude to give a glitter cV~I·y d~y,·{hc had abfo lurely peri her purges incr~ating her feaver, and poyfon her body) and this I am confident was the {O!l, both oi her being Co much disfigured her- difea(e, and of her Aches and fwel the knees (for Mars was in Capricorn e) continued upon her unail l her dying day, followed about a year and a halfe after.

Neither was her Drs.judgment one jot j to hls praCtice; for in the begtnningofthe cafe, viz. the next day after (he fell fick, I accidentally to the houfe, and found all houfchould weepinge everyone that could an ~gge fhed a reare. A joyner was bufie pull down the bed tlcds, the whole houfhould parlng for a flight with bag and baggage.

And what was the reafon thinkc you] Dr, had paired.l wf lde piece of Non-fence, fhe had got" the peftllence, and ·,vas full of tokens; up run I to fee. the Creature: I her in a firong Feaver.thats true; but] could no tokens, unleife twere tokens of the ignorance. I demanded the time of her fa uck, which {he 'Vcry cxaaly gave m~: And vi ng taken the paines to eret\: the figure, I' what J' could to cherifh up her fpirits.1 told nly judgnlcnt was that the \vouldliv~:1 . .

. .

ih.!l. of Dlje,ljts elllitrgeJ. ' '! ~5-a

houfhollld that {he had no fuch dlfeafe as e pcflilence, much leffe any tokens: And thus

oever loft, the joy ncr he gOt money by the rgaine OJ) both hands: Firft, pulling the bedaTld tables to peeces, and tor fetting rhcrn ther againe: And thus. yC)U fee tis an ill

JJ1d that blowcs no body no profir, .

I have bueewo quefl lons to anfw er-, and then

. come to the C rHis. .',

1 Wil the live or dye? ,

2 Wil her fickneffe be long or fhort l

To the 6rfi of rhefe I anfwer, That MJ.I'S is of death , and alfo an atRia ill'g Planet, in

ne to the Lord of the Sixth, and in Sexrilc to Moon; he with the Sun arc inO!!artHc to the tceadcnr, this is all the Signs of death, that' is cfides the great figne ('ZJiz)h~,' doctor (wore file

uld die, and could not pofllbly live, hang, as the Cox· COAlb (aid, not to much-of cr lungs left, as '~lnollnted to the quantity pf rce of her tingcl's; a likely tale fOrlooth, \\'2.5 .

) .

t not. . ..

. I was a diligent obfervcr of (very. pa!f.1'gc in

his uckndfe9 and' found it always true, th,at ring her fickndfc .. , r.he Moon by .rranfir to the y or beanies of Mars affiilh·d her Cordy. r

Bu t not ,0 to the b ea Illes of Sat u rue, tClI,tli)1t ely poif('fed .. her body with co ldncfle .ai'H.1

Indfe. .. . .

That (he fhould live, is vcry cleer , the Moon with the Sextile of J l1~iter, and the LO"d e Afcendent no way affiiUcd favc only by

Scorpions heart. .



54 CuI pepper' s.Ajir%gicII11Hdgemm,' . To the Second Q!,!dlion, namely;' -her difeafe fhould be long or Ihorc,

The Angles being all Cardinal, and Moon (wife in motionjand In Sextile to Ju . {hew a Ihore fickncffi; The LOI-d of tile A dent, and the Lord of the, Sixth being

ftatlonarygprolong the difeafe. " ,

And indeed though the dlfe.fe taken der the notion of acute, were long, y~t ·tak according to reafon, it is fhorter then could,

Imagined, .'

ofDire4e$·tIlJ4r~td. 5~

The fir{\ judicial rlme is .~hen the .m~0!l mes to Sagittarius) 10.4°. It S called a JUdl(l-

o time,bec·au{e at that rime the difeafe appears his colours, that a man may know what ~t

to. ..,

The fecond rime which you may 'find. up-

the thil'd Houfe in the Critical Figure, is cald tntercidmtal~ becaufe it fals b~~w.ecn j~did- 1 and Critical nmesi and upon thIS Inrercidentime, there. is ufually forne remiflion of the lfcafe that (0 nature may have time to rally p her' forces a gai.l.P.1'. her encoun~cr wi~b the

teafe on her Crl~ And according as It falls lit upon the intercidcDta] time. either to good bad, fo a good 01' bad CrUis may be expect. But to returner the Moon comes to Sagitta-

S,IO. 40: upon "the 1.4. of Dtcen!btr, about Ife an houre after fix III the Mornln~. If you eafe but to fer the figure, you (hall find fheIs !lilupon the Cufpe in the afcendenr, newly ferated from the body of Venus, and the <ll!arile of Jupiter: now the {mall pox carne out, nd not till now.

The firft intercide'l1tol time happens when the comes to 10. degrees 46 minuts of Cacorn, the place where Ma,~s was a~ the Deunbiture, and now {be appljes to his body, laving newly left the Trine of Jupiter. If you

leate to fet the Figure, the time was Vecentber '6. t hour, 24 rnlnuts, P. M. Saturn is upon the fpc of the afccndente about rhls time file got

old. "

And I am of opinion, that the afcendent and


, .


'[he figl:l~e of the Cri{iJ:


:5~ Cul pepper's Aftrologicdl JHdgehJt1JI 'fixtHou(c being earthly fi~nes at this time the 1\10011 in Conjunct ion 'V Irh ltI.lrs in an ~th earth ly Iian, doth clear-ly fhew he r being bo in body. This day which (hould have llliti~. her diftaft·, lncreafcd it; and now her Dr· 'nlay call hlrn to without a Solsecifm) bceins play rheancique .. 1 had a luu.fl (aid the mad Now he exercifech his purging faculty, and) his 'wits abed and aflcepe wirh his ban 1\-liftrcffi:. Sure 1 am, a Phy Iiclan would ad to hcare Scammony ~i\'en to a Creature had the fmal l pox comina Oll t upon her: conclude, a vcr~ ill CrH~{] 'threatncd, .

TIlt: fidl CrHJs cr-mes :lAtOllt upon the 18,:

December; three quarters of an hour pan I I a nlghc e the face of heaven is not much alte .from whitt it was ctl: the, Decumblture, Moon teparates fron1 the Sexti le of Venus

:of the afccndcnr, and applies to the <lHartllc Saturn; and had Dr. DlIJ.1Ce onely [udged, would have dyed 110\\'., as indeed he did, n1i~ht have been p.udouecJ, although he ha fail'd, but a las, he p.nOI· t11JIl had little skit rimes and tcafons ; his sk i1 W'3~ i rnployed know a woman tr om a 11l3n, when he had

her in bed. '

• r • I:Je did not onely fav, but alfo fwore , that

.woulcl dye about-the iutercidental time, thou fucb a thing be Icldorne Iecne in it mans a but let us to our Art> and let the Doll:orsig ranee alone.

You !hall finde jf you pI cafe to ret the pofit on of Heaven) the Scheme ahnoft the faille wi th

.2. 'of Difea.fes enlarged~' 57 of the Decumbiturc; the moon carries the of the Ladle of the afcendent to the Quaf·~ of Saturn. The Sun and l\'1al".s call hurtfl:111 mes to the afcendent: and indeed Illy own nlon i~, that had .the Mo?n applied to Mars, s [he did to Saturn, It had ktld her.

How(oever, the prenlifes confidered , it i~ ar that this is likely to bc the time of greateR ang~r in all her ficknclfe; and Co indeed it was.

OW mufi the difcafe needs be fh-ongefl, n~tul'e akcfi1 and if this ti~le be patfed? the bltter{fe of death is pafl:. Indeed at this ,ume, the' ombate was fore, {be diflr a Etcd) (enfeleffe, the 11 pox began to fal] down; and withall,

rength almof fpentrbut above all ,the DoCtOl' , (he could not 1 ive while morning. R.ationall·· hopes of her life are the ~ignltie! Saturn in the afcendenr, but erpec.ally the

rlne of the Sun and Jupiter upon that day. It

$ the oplnion.of the learned in this Art, that ~c.t /

e SignHlcators of life or death be (~atl'd,o~ dtf- t..~~-=-~ o{l_:d as badly as they can be; yet if'the Sun pC! ~ n Oonjuncrion or good afpc8: with Jupi tcr,the

fick will live; and truly to did fiw,alilloft to ad~

miratlon, ' '

But Iome wlfl aske- and tis a gneflion worth the a'nfw~fing; drat if the Sun and Jupitc.r· r(~ ferve life, as you fay~ when they are Io fearedr what's the r cafo n men dye at that tirueZ fox:

We fee nU'11 dye daily. . .'

To th is I anfwer briefly, that truly in thepativity of Iorne people, Jl1pitc,' is the killing Planetuand in the fickndfe of fuch tick per(ons~

~ Jupittr '

~8 Culpepper 's Aflro!ogic41 ]udgemp", Jupitel' wil as foon kil as Saturn and Mars: very planet mull do his Office: I ptoceed. The fecond jltdicial rime COfl1CS 'about the 2 of December , at noon, or a very little after: which time frIars is Lord of the afcendenr, and in his exaltation. .. The Moon halting left the Sextlle of the applies to his Sexrile. The face .of heaveu is qui and clean altered from what' It was ·at the Dc. ~unlhitllre; a nl1nifeR liglle of fome ~hange.,Bt .. fides, though Saturn be In ehe: a(ctndent,and Mars ill the loth HOllCe: yet lu'pUer 19 in tfte 6thl therefore {cine good may flo hoped: I do f10t know that it Is betides the rule 'of Art, if) thould affi'nlc that as l\1ars in the 4th 'Houfe of the D~ cumblture kept her Dofrora (yolt'tflay call it)

. (ol1y, 01' madn~lkC which yOd pl~ate) cl_rl(t') (0 now in the loth houfe revcales It, Now, and not till now d.id I know of her Do~ors fralltic~ courfe of Phvtick, and ofhcr)lot·go~ng to fioo}: from this rime fI1C took a G Iiffer every day till

Ihe amended. .

The fecond Crifis comes about Upon the Sun. the 26 of Dec CUI. about one hour after noon: at which t irne tllte Moon is ilrong in her own exaltation, and app lycs to the Trine of the Su"', and l\1crcllry; at this rime her Feaver Ide her-and (he began to recovers And upon the third Crllis, which hapned upon the firft of ]1111l1ar)', Ihe went abroad.


.. . .....


.... ' .,,~




. - .'


, •

. .

find, th, .. :~:tllll tinu of th6 Cr;fi$ by II T lib Ie DJ'

~ift;caU Logaritbmtl. . .

'uwl~lIG. that many are unskilfull in ·fifti4fn~. 1culadng the true time of the Crifis

the Decumblture J I have in this Edition erted a .Table by which i~ may be calify lJer, if the fojlowing Rules be duely ol)fe(ved(andifthey 6e not, I can~~t help it.)" '.,"

In the head of the Table IS placed the ~4 houres of the natural day, whlch alfo (trve for degrees, as occafionferveth, In the little ~olume to the left 'hand is placed the minutes, "as

Is ufhal in ather Tables: ia the greater OoIum&..:\ are placed the Logifticllll Logllritbl1ls of loy ~OU'L' • ~

and minute of the natural day,Sec. .. I

When youwotlld finderhe Logijli+.{t f&p .. rit.hme of an! hOtll',a'l~ mlnute , or DegC~ an~ rmnute, fc~ the houre or.. degree 'in tllc Scad, • and'tllt nfiAUtes in the fid., and at the angle of

m~~ing you..ftcfY'e thCJial'8e..... o!

J .,

. ,

" " .

Example ..

; ...

, .

I wonldknew' the Logi.J12iill L(JgarithJllt'o~' houres and 40'tllinutes, lJe~k for ,. at 'the l1:ea4 of the dexter paBe, andieI" 40.,J.ll the fide,» and at

6e Culpeppcr~$ ·Afl,."1""i~41 111t/geHltlll at the angle of meecing.I have 12859- the Log; Logar. thereof.

When you have a LDgllrith;,,~ '-';-and woul know the hours and minutes belonging there leek the fame or the neerefr th~reto (for th wif reeve very weI) in the Table, and at head of that columne where you.finde it ,:>y have the houre , and then caft your eye to t little colurnne on the left hand, and you h~ (he minutes.

.. .<'

":" . ....~

, 'p

, - "

• lit. e , "

.. ;,.

• ",,-1

,,'",''' ~. ... ..


. ~. ... -

MI 0
;; intin;,
J 7272~
2 65792
, ,..,GI-- ~ 62~27
4 58861
S 55834
6 S4806
7 S3367
8 $1930
9 S0814
- -
17 44409
lei 43820
.l) 19 43393
1.~ 2-:> 42767
~J 4229
~ .., zf"t.814
23 41~79
", 24 ';'0943
-- - I

2827a 2.
~8182 2
80"6 :2
78~8 2
2 2~ 2. 2




I·S68 13863 65653 13835 1562 138v7 15587 13780 ISSS 1375:0

A 'tabll sf Loglftic4U f,..~g4r' III'~. 3
·6 ' ; .
0 I I 2 I :3 I 4 J S I

- 27'l~6 2~618 19253 16,40 1473J 1306
3839 2761~ 225S1 1920S 16703 14703 l~o37
,8067 2?506 22485 19158 16666 14673 13011
37764 'j,'J399 2242 19102 16629 14643 12986
37460 27291 2~3S 19964. 16593 146)3 12960
~717 -1 27186 19018 J6SS6
3688 27c80 18971 141S19
36513 26997 21S 18925 16S84
36~48 26874 22068 18879 16448
36c9 .2677; 2203~ 18833 J6412

18?88 16376 1443S 12802
18742 16341 14405 12784
18697 16;05 143,6 12759
186S2 16~69 14~47 1~7~S
18G07 16234 14318 11710
14289 l68S
14260 12660
142~1 r26~
14202 12611
14113 I:1S87
1414~ 12$62
14106 1254~
1408a 12S1
14059 1:l489
14031 1246S
15854 14003 12441
~.., 15820 1397S 12417
15787 1~947 12393
157 S;' 13919 123~9
"5720 13891 12345
lS'S6 l386~ 12121 6




.2fl,V)14$ ~7 ~97.72 2 28 ~940a. 2

~."" 'is.? 2

244·P 20520 17711 15S21 1372S ~4361 20466/17671 154g 13698 24281 20413 17630 1·545 13670 24204 20359 17S9° 15423 1364., 2.~126 20307 17550 15391 13616

20794 17917 2OJ~9 1787 20684 17835 20629 17793 20S7S 177S2



2404 20254 17509 15358 13589 2397 20201 17469 15326 13562 23896 20149 17430 1529 13S3S 23~J21 20097 17390 1526 13509 2374 2G045 17351 IS 13481



23672 19994 17311 23597 19943. 17272 2352 19892' 17233 234$1 198.tI!1719 23375 1979~ 17156

2~s07 19741 1711' 23237 19691 17079 23J66 19641j 17· 23096 19592 17002 23026 19543' 16964

29S, 1949$1 Hj~27 288, 19~4SI 158~ 282~ ·J93971 J68~2 "'7·$2 193oW116trJ 4 ~6~ ~9~pl\ J6777

1 S 198 134H lSI 13428 1512$ 13402 IS 103 1,37S 150'.2 ) 3349


IS041 13322 I SOl 13296 14978 1~270 1494' 13244 1491 13218

14886 13191 1481$ 1'3166 148;:4 IjI4° 147· !\, 114




, .


, .

.A'J"ble· of Log; ieaU LiJga,.ill.'IIIer.


M ? 'I

3Cr 11631 ,I 116c9

32 u 587 H 11 565' H 11 543

bleof l.'ogl ;(40 LQgil""tlilll~'.t • '6'
.- _ ,,' - . - ._ .
8 # 9 '~ to fJ III ~ 12 r I s , t4
10~80 9268 8267 7 s s"1 ~J S"2'3 S 7 S 4 ~.o~
10-;60 92S0 82-;6 734:!6SII S741 SC2
10,4~ 923'2 823$ i2:8 64~7 S7t!9 SOl
IO;ZI 9215 8:.!19 'i314 6483 $716 Seos
Ic:.3C';z ~298 82yj 7:299 0'170 5704 S993
1(');82 918c 8188 7z8S 6·~S7 5692 "198Z
10z63 9163 &172 7~7° 6444 5080 4970
~ ~~4 ~ 9'14{') 8156 7256 64~0 5668 4S1S>'
IO;2.} 9IZ8 81..;4 724~ 64i7 S ~'5 S 4947
1.:'.05 9 I 1 I 812$ 7227 64~4 564~ 49~6
10186 909,t 8lC'9 7213 6391 ,631 4925
10166 9(J77 8C-94 719S- 6378 $619 49'3
10147 9059 8078; 7185 6364 5607 4902
10128 9042 8062' 7170 63S I '594 4891
10109 902$ 8047 7156 633B SSB2 4819
I ?09C 90('.>8 8031 7f4~ 632(; S570 4858
IvO/' 8 ~/9 ~ f 8016 71~8 6:;12 55,S 48!7
1005=: 8974 8001 71!4 6299 5546 48·lS
IOO~~ 89~7 7965 7099 6;.86 5S~4 4831-
1')014 8940 ?~nO 7085 6273 5542 4823
99,9~ 89~'3 79$4 7071 .626c 'SSI0 48(2
$r.9 ;: oS R909 7939 7oS7 6:!~"7 5498(4800
99S'7 8889 7923 7043 6234 ~H86t4789
9939 837~ 7908 ?o'}.9 6221 5474~4778
992:) 8855 7893 701 t'! .6~u8 5,~62 4767
f~oI 88,S 7878 1..:>C) I 6195 54$Oi47SS
983, a8~1 78 s: 69t:7 6182 S4,S(4744
9864- 88c5 7B4'1 6S-i3 6',Q9 5426 473~
9845 8788 7832 695)- 6157 5.114472:2:
9~27 877' 7817 6;45 6144 5-102 4711
- - -
98c8 d7 s sl 7801 0" ~l 61:P. S37.J147('!O
';1 • 13 I I~ 61~ J S3~O 61ig S~" 61()~ ~365

6093 ~3S4 6080 S342

4 1 6

$ I ~~ol lo9~h 9"] 6 8672 7726 68"'2 606, S3~1 6 12179 10862 9698 8eSS S 77 It 6848 I 6:>$4 S319 7 r a r S6 10841 9679 8639 '7696 683 S 60.p S~o, B 121~, 108H 9661 86~2 7681 6821 60:29 S29S 9 11109 10800 9643 8606 7666 6B09 6010 S28~

t c 1~(',8~iI0780 962S 8589 76S1 6793/ ~6004: S272 ·11 l:06~ 107$9 9607 8573 7636 6779 S991 S2~O 12 J 2040 10739 9588 8S57 76~H, 676S $978 S248 ;'3 12~17 10719,9S70 8S40 7606'61$2 $966 S:;36 14 1199~ 10699 9SS2 8S24 7S92 6738 S9~3 S22S

lSI 1970 JO~'7ff 9S31 8S08 7S77 672S S940 S21J 16,1194710658195168491 'lS?2 6712 S928 S201 17 ]J9~S 10638 9498 847S 7S47 6698 S.91'SI90 18 11902 10618 9480 8459 7S32 6684 S903 5178 19 1187910598 94628443 7518 6571 S890. SI66

~o I1BS6 10')78 9445 9427 7S03 66S7 S8i8 SISS! 21 118~3 loSS8 9427 8411 7488 6644 S86S S141' 22 11811 10$38 9409 8394 7474 6630 SBS3 5131 23 11,88 lOS 18 9391 8378 7459 6617 S840 5120 24 11766,10498 9373 8~62 74446504 58:8 Sl08

I 2~ 11743 10478 93S6 8346 7430 6~9oS81S S097!

/26 11721 J04S9 9338 8~~o 741S 6S7?5803S08sl 27 11698 10439 932~f!'8314 7401 6S6} 5791~01'l!

j 2e 11676 ]0419 9303 8298 73ij6 6SSo ~778 $062! 29 n6S4 )0399 928S18::84 7372 6537 S70t"i SO$OI

30 rt6~1 1038019268 8267~73~f7 6S23~S7'4 so~;J

,5 1lS2J P 1149, ~': 11477 38 11455 ;9 1l'~33

4 Il.p~ .p 1I 390 4: 11)68 4~ 11347 .H lIPS

4~ (l~04 ~6 11282 47 II ;;!;)I 48 II :l39 49' 1 121 a


51 11175

5211154 Hi III B 5-}i II (I 2

..... ~--,

S S 1 J 09 11 S~ 11070 ~. 11049' S3 11028 S~ 11007

----- ---.---- F

2(0 ~c~

'96 18$)


SS8 20~4 153 S-19 :02S 1 ~z8 2$40 2017 15:2 5 ~ I ,,20~g lSI t 522 :;:000 lSO~

175 r6a 16l 15·t 47

Sl~ '199J '49S 504 1983 1487 ~:9S 1974 147 486 1966 147 J 477' 957 14~3

, S71 J 4<> ~64 l~~ 100? SS'l 1126

1000 S49 119

992 542 112


469 1949 t4SS19~4 S3S IO~

007 460 19 1447 977 527 98 98 '245i 193 1419 969 ,2:), 91 88 2442!1924 14~1 961 ,13 - 84 2979 2433 I~l ~I 1 42'~ 9S4 '06 77

~970 212 1997 1415 946498 ?O Z960 2.p 5' 1898 1407 938 491 63 2951 12497 1890 J 399 9~ i 48.f 56 2942}2~c.8 1882 l;yI 923 476 49 '29=3 2 . 2 ~ 8 9 U3 ~ 3 I 383 9 I 6 469 4 2

~--'~'--~ ~'~--~~-+---~--I

;497 :.292~ 2380 1865 13"/5 90S' 462 ~S 3488 ~914 2:s71 18~ 1:,67900 455 28 3478 :!90S 2352, 1848 13 S9 893 447 21 3468 2895 23S4 ia4 1351 88S 440 14 3458 2286 2'34~ !IBIJI 13+4 87S 433 07

---..j~344i~ 28771233~,t 182~ 42Sr)? 0


'_ . ,;'

68 Culpepper's Afirfl/ogicdlJudgl1ltHt Having the houre and rnlnure of theDecu blrure.finde the p laces of the PJ;ar~tts, for th time. In the Ephemerla you have ,their p

every day at noon. .

\Vhrn Planets are d i rca, fi.bllra(t thclr pI the day precedent frorn their place the tIdY fu fequenr, and you have their diurnall motions but when they are retrograde ~ . (ubfirelct thei place the fubfequent day from their place th precedent day) and you have Ilkewlfe their

urnal motions, '

Unto the LogijlicaU Logaritbm of the h and mirrutes afternoon of the Decumbitu ftvcrally the Log,iJhca/l Logarithm of the PIa diurnal morions , and the ftllifs fhal] be the f.iJlicall Lognritbm of the proporrional! de or minute e which when Planets al'cdir<8:

Sun and Moon are alwaies (0, if you call (elfe to remembrance ) rnufl be added to 111ace the day precedent; but when they are rrograde , it Inuit be iubftra(ted from place the day precedent, and then tl~ejr a ~ate 01' remainder wi!: be their true place at Dccurnbirure.

Having found the Moons place at .the D( blturc, by adding 4S dc!!l'ct's thereto, you It her pla~e at the tid} judicial rime , by add three figns to her place at the Dccumbitu you .havc.her place at the iii'll CrHis; and Co a conrluua l addition of 4C; degrees I the Mo place at the Crrfis and judicial. dales is f as is fhewed Chap. S

Obfervc in the 'Ephemerides. _ w.~~t

of D/flafo.l cnfa;'ged.·.' · r "-', 69

s place is next 'ldfc 'then her place' at the rili~, 0:' jndicial d.1Y, and note the difference; IJ alto n<.)re the diurnal motion' that day. hen from the Logifiic,!1l Logllrirhm of the diffee.of the Moons place at noon that day, and er rJace at the Crifis , filbllraft the Loeijlicilil 1},.~lrt:ill;m of her diurnal motlon , and the re-

"rHt~T wi! be the Logijf. Logar. of the time rnoon,of the Orifis or .judlcial day.

. . Exnmpte,

A man fell fick of a Fever 1652• November 7. ein~ Sllllday,a t 8 & 10. minutes at nlghr, At ich time he was taken wirh a great horrour, nd with fi1aking, as in a violent aguc,&c.

Tn my Epht11lerh for that yeer you wil finde if you look) the planets places upon' the 7'& 8 .l~CS of that monerh as fol.Ioweth ,.

/0,}) IT], ¥ (J' "2 r ~

,"'- ...,_._ -. ,- I , 1-'--

~s 47~oTI311~ 2'11 450 47,12 30,18 34

I nl I I Q. I :t I ~ *

.; -s 28 -+ $ 4 1 3 3, I I 37 I. 23 I 4 ~ 8 2 8 ~ t


.Then fuba.1a8: their places the of-day from eir places the 8 day, becaufe they are all di-

It,anu the dlurna ll motion wll be of .

I ~I \ i; I i-; I ~;; I ~61 0 ~~81 I ~38

The Logiflicall Logarithm ofS houres 10111iu. is


_. -


, ,. - ..

70 ~ CuI pepper·'~ ~.ft,."I()gitallHdge1Ne.t i~ ·JO'}8P.which addc~ unto the L~/!.ift;c"ll Log". rtt/un of the Planets drurna l nlOtlOns) the work wil be as in the following examples;

{I J 0 diurnal mot. ~ 161 Logift. Logar. of 8' 'JO time afternoon. 10780

• 0 2 I to be :added. ~~

hi h u 'd 1 239

to 21). 47. -w rc WI pro uce ® p ate in lYl.

~6 degt'ees and 8 min.

Lib.a- II! Di{eafc.I enlarged. 71

{IO 16 the difference 8491

L~gift. Log",. of 12 27 the dhrrri.rnor, ~S6J

19 48 the tune t 928

1flcrnoon rhat the til fi [udiola l day falleth on, t'IZ. the 11 day at 7 and 48 .. in the tllOl"lling.

The firfi.Crifis happeneth when }) commeih to 2). 8 rre. 011 the 14: day, » placd is in ~ J 9. H.' and wanrerh of 25 8. 5 . 24: her diurnal motion is J I. 55-

.{ ') 24 the difference 14916

gift. L.o . .:>."l1r.of 1,1 s t) the ~iurn. mot. '00 I

__. 10 -) 3 the tune 791 S

rernoon of the firft Crlfis, viz. at 10 a clock and S3. min at nighrjthe 14 day of NoVtl"her.

The fecond Crifis wil be when; 1> commerh o25.8.of -t.the2·I.day, l>"pI~cc .. is J+ 50 1: and wanreth of 2-) .8. (the place at the Hi~)JJo. 18. and her diurnal mocion is 12

4°' '

{ 1<3 18 the difference 84S9

ogift. Logar. of 1'2 ~o the d.iurn.tnot. ~

. 19 31 the tune $o!>8

the Iecond Crtfis afternoon, viz. at halfe an r afl er '7 ill the morn ing the ~ 7 day.

The like method ufcd in the other-as-in there amples; the Moons' pI ace, and tinH.>, &c. w il . as in the following Synorfi$~ ~


(13 3 ~ d iurna l mot.» $116 l,.ogifl.Logar. of -< 8 10' rime aft. noon. _1_~780

. (.. 37 to be added 164~

to 20 II 31 » place the '7 day, which wll make 2. I} degrees 8 min. in n, her place at the Dc~

cumblture, .. .. ,."

If yon deale after the fame manner with the rdl of the Planets, as in there two examples of the Sl1Jl and Moon, their places at the Decumb'irure wil be

®TTtll>III12.st1 ¥Vj'Id'~t2~It]nt

2608 2so8 I~02 ;-;-:w 0 ~9 9 ~2 ~

Then the firfl judicial day wi) be when ) comrneth to 10 -. 8. of st. on the 10 day of the fame moneth, l> place is ~9. S~ $ ~ beiltg the next lelfe, and wanteth of 10. 8 in Lt., 10. Ii, and her diurnal motion is 12.27-

.. i, •.


2 ...,~
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Q ..; ~ c-i. c-t ron No. :;.~ ib.2 •.

of Diflafoi. enlargetl.:

• Ar.



Cert4liJlt precepts premifed bef9re the

frognoftic~'I .

fi of :\11, take notice that the Signi6cators of Di{e~{esal'c to be caken under there two ·OIlS. r , G€n~ral,or more principal. 2. Par,01' Idfeprincipal : The general or more 1 are thefe, the Sun, the Moon~ and tho . ,; of thefe the Sun is moil principalto be lookt UpOl1 In c;,hronick difea(es, the

loon in Ac~lte. . . 1 . •

Significators p"rticular or lclfe principal are


r. The Lord of the M~CDde~t.

2. The fixth Houfe-

;. The Lord of the fixth Houfe.

4- The Planets in I the Afcendent . or flxth fe.

~. Saturn and Mars ;. for they naturally hurt

he bod y, whatfoever the matter is.

z. The fixrh Haufe I and its Lord , and the nets in it, if th ere be any there, betl defcribe nature of the dffeafe ufually, nay alwayes (they affiia either of the Luminarles , or the

of the Afcendenr. .it

3. The AfpeB:,s of the Moon to she planets. re alwayes to be noted ; for.they fiill £foduce fomething rorhe fick, butf;fpcciaUy upon Crl-

. dcal





14 Culpepper '!gAjir(JlogicAI JlIdgelJJtlll

"".,./ tical and Judicial dayes s for you Iball find a certain truth, even as certalne as the Sun he never fai les wirhout a miracle j That w the MOOl! pa ffes by the bodies of Jupiter Venus.,_ or rheir Alpe8:s, efpecially their'

c' . ones, If they be not Lords of dearh ,remits

::=' ~ moil defperare (y mptomes in r a fickneffi: an gives the tick fome eafe" . as alfo the bodi~s; a~y AfpeCt of S~aturne 'or' Mars ~xarperateS difcafe , and (pQ~les the nloft hopefull 1,

ton1('S. . .

4. Here then you have one way' todoe

{elves good. ;

/.. Phyfitian is natures h('Jptr, or:at leaR he fhQuJd. be fo} whofoever'wo~lId htJp 'natutr, mull of neccfliey be welt aaquainted with her: a JJttle.communication between them wiU In. firua: him the way a.n~ manner which ~J~Jghty G~d hath -:llot«d her to governe the world by; wifedorne Infiru8:s her Children: in the1knov.. )~dge:of tin!e; for there is an appointed- tiiilC for every thing under the Sun e jf then' 'when 3 dlfeafe feems cxtream dangerous , you would make an ctfay to relieve languilhing nature doe it at the rime when the Moon palfetb by th~ bo?y~ or go.6d afpea .~f Jupiter or Venus, then JS nature In a capabdJty of recelvlna help· YOll may before lift up a Iivlngman with one finger then a dead man with both hands· a Bini w~illlfhe hath wings. can fly ; but cn~ off htr wmgs, and hang a cOl~ple of mill-flonts (UJ her legs, {he cannot : Fveh Co the bodies, ami good a(peas of JupIter and Venus are like:


ib; '2"'. ()f Ilift4fll enlarged. '·1:

ings to carry a man fronl ficknafsto health. The bodies and af peas of Saturne and i , are like Mill-ftClnes to weigh him to his-

One thing.more let me tell you, and He ttll

but the truth; th~y fay if Saturne afflia~ Ipitcr helps more then Venus; but if Mars af. I ft, Venus helps more then Jupetcr J lee: them (0 Rill; but: if you will be rU led by me~ ufe of that fortune whicbt is firongcft , a' ch friend m4Y relieve your waurs , a poore'

cannot, he may wUh you well and fo' ' rtb : But ~u)ppofe you dare not. aay while Moone come to the good afpea of Jupiter Venus, admlnifter you medicine when Ihe is the place where one of ehem was at the deumbkure ; jf you dare not flay that time nel ...

,for delay is dangerous in ac:.utc dlfeafes, be ure you place one of them 'two In the Afcend. nt when you adminUler the medlclne z Put all hefe t8gethe~, and it will cell you 'in words at ength and not in' ligures, Tha t a Phyfitian lthout Aflrology, h like a pudding without'

5. That place and fiate of the Planet (ro~ . lch the Moon is feparated at the decumbland the condition of the Planet alfo (for ts are of'dUFerent conditions' as well as

, Come good ~ and forne bad ') is to be

I(YOll pleafe to obferve the Rate of that fame Planet, by it you may know the Rate of the lick" and what the caufe of his ficknefs is.


'16' Culpepper's Ajir%gicaI1I1dgelHtHt"

\-Vhe." you have done (o,it is your wifdt way tb confider to what Planet ~be M~on ~ppli~sj and then do .but fo much as view wHat {lgn th~t Planet is in , what his conditions be , wh~thcr he be benevolent 01' malevolent , whether he be Mafculine or.Fernininc, Diurnal or Nol\urflal, hot, dry, col..l or maift: what pal't of the booy he governs, and what dlfeafe he gpverns.

7'. Confider whether the Planet the Moon applies to, be in an Angle, ill a fucceeding , or in a cadent houfe j and when you have done fo,do but fo much as confider what the Houfe hejs in figt1ifies, and what members of the body it go. vernes , and then take but a little notice whether the Planet joy in the Houfe Or notjthar YOII may not be miftaken herein, I will cerrifie you hlWh~t Houtes every Planet takes his dcljght,as being confident even amongftAfltologcrs, more

are ignorant of it then know it. ' ,

J. The Sun delighterh Inthe fourth • ninth,

and eleventh lroufes, .- ,

2. The Moon rejoyceth in the third andfe-

venrh houfes, '

3· Saturn rejoycerh in the Afccndent"eighJh

and twelfth houfes. ';' "

4' J uplrer rejoyceth in the fecondjnlnch J 'and eleventh.

5· Mars rejoycerh in the third, fixth, and tenth.

9· V enns rejoyceth in the fifth and twelfth. . 7· Mercury rcjoyceth in 'the Afcendent and

fix [h.' , ' ..

HCl'C·S hut a few words, 'yet fo figt:lifica~t,tha~ the

ib..-'l .. · Of Dife4ts enlargetl.' , 7 '7 t nature and condition, the SympAthy and

ntiplthy of the Planers, andby confequencu the Crca~tion) may be known from ir , 'Tis my ,prd~.nt fcopc. to .cell you wf!ich way 5 t your 'WltS upon It, and they WIll be tI~~ rpcl'.. " ..' I " 8. Confider wherhe thePlaner lh~ Moo .. ap. lies to be d i rfa: or retrogradej , fWlft or flow motion, ()riental,Occidcinal, or Cornbufl,

hethcr fortunated or infortunaccd by other

lanetss "

9. And when you. have done. Co. it is your wi .. d1 way ta confider whether the threatning PJabe in his own Houle or Exalracion, or other nrial dignities, whether he be in Planets of terms 01' <. vil l s for if it good Planet have ottcn an ill Planet in his Term, he wl II order ;111. To winde up this in one word , confides: 'hether the rhreaming Planet have power to execute his will 'o,r not; for fomecimes a Cli~,a: cow hath Ihort l1orn~~ ,

10. Do but fo much as note what configurat~ons the Lord of the Afcendrnt,fix and eight Houfes have one with another: And arnongf] the rdl, doe not forget the lord of the {even rh and twelfth Houfes, and Ile give you _my reafon why : The feventh, becaufe it oppoferh the AIcendenr , he a{fallJts life openly, and is not a-. "lamed of what he doth: he pJayes the parr of Ajllx) goes to'c with down .. rigllt blowes wic.hOU[ policy. The fixth.eigbth, and rwelfih Hourei have no affinity· at all with the ACcendfl1t : hn,d they have more of Vbffos ill them ,hell .A-


·.~.. 't"Of l)ift~·e1J14t'&M/: :,_;') 79~· .If the forenamed : qgDiw:ator~ be well dif- • ed, ana not ilfll~~d.,. the feare ~f death ·is

then the harme. .'. ,! . s : ' ."_

A Benevolellt.PJanet in the 'filGth, cures the

{(~ wit,hout the helpe of a Phyfirian. ' ,

S. A Maltv.olent'Plailet .there caufcaba:Ch'Jngc (he di(e-.d:e~ and ,,(hally f1"On1 bctteero worte, 6. An infortune in the feventh 'hews but a !try Phyfician, though he be a CoUrgiate.A

tUlle there, the contl·ary. . .

A fortune in the tenth Ihewes proper phy.

who ever gives it •. I A . r : ~. "

8 A fortune in the fourth brin{!s the difeafe to good and fpecdy end ( unleffe he be.Lord of

eight.) Every man mult do his office ;and as

cafe may be ordered, Jupiter may kill' a

as.foonas Satul..ne.' .

9. Jupiter helps moll In cold difcafes, Venus in

or. . . . . ' ,

10. The bodies ofjupleer and Venus foon cure he fick; their Trines and' Sextiles wtl riot be h ' behind hand in the bufin~{fe: And to tal

ou my own opinion wltlronr any compfe-> t~; The Q:.!al"tile and Oppolition ofJnpiter Venus is better then the Sex cl le an T t Ine

Saturn or Mars in this cat"', unltlft they be of the ~(ccndent. And / by the rime you YC been acquainted with Dr. Experience but lfe 10 longe as 1 ha-ve been, hec'I'make you bewe that what I fay Is true,

I [ A Ma]c\,oJent in the afcendent threatens death] and makes the Iick as croffearalned as '~zC't the Turkifh Emperour whenhe W.lS in

Iron Cage. ,- 1 a Good.

,8 CuI pepper's .AJIr(Jlog;~AI J"Jgelll.6111 i jdXS they take a way a mans life when hee·, 'ilcc:p, or elfe when he knows nett how.

I J. Parrile af~as are far more ftrong

·prevalent then platlck, .

. 12. Be[Ieafed but to confider, that the Houfe an his Lord fi~nifies the lickneff'e:

The~,,'feventh the Phyfitian: the eighth Dea the tenth the Medicine: the fOllrth the end ( the Difeafe: and when you have done (0-, I have

done w uh this point., ,

Thefe things thus prernifed, when you have

"cad rhern.you fhall find 1 urft carne to '-




Geuernll prognoJlic4tiolls oj the Dift4ft.

F:dl of all (quoth my Au~hor) The Hou(e of Heaven is of 00 ore force then the Slgn, and res very like; and the Signe then the planet; and the planet then the tix(d Har he is with: nut Doltor Reafon told me, the Planet was of more force then the figne, becaufe he was nearet to the earth.

2. If the afcendenr, and the lun.inariesJ and their Lords be affii8:ed by the Malevolent, or by an ill Houfe, or by the Lord of death, ( its no great matter what fia~ it is) and the benevoIencs lend no aid, tis Ihrcwdly to b~fu(pea(d the lickndfc drags death at·s taile; he·s ,\:wifc

Phytirlan that can cut the cord. '


/f/ /

80' CuI p~pperi~ Afo%gic.IJudglllfllt

• J 2 Good fiars in bod places, aftUfl 'the

mourrhey governe: They qpe the like if t be aft\iC\:ed ~ith ma~evolent; was hever any you that reads thefe Jines abufed by honea I,Ie? " " ,

13 Theconjunll:ion of eheMoon and M ry is as conilant· as a weather-cocke thedi firlon of Mercury is very v arious according his pofition and afpe8:: with the Fortunes he better then either'; He's jl1f1likc the people this"Nation; he followes the fwinge ofthe;tinle~.

J 4 The Moon in conjunftion with the IIpon a crh,icall day" alwa~es portends . chlefej and lay J told YQu of It; 1)0 afpc8: IS[O propitious to the Moon as the Trine and Sex. tile of the Sun. Noth ing fo hateful to the fqua. rnifh Virgin as his Conjunction ~artile and

Oppoiition. .

1 S. If the 1\10(~11 upon a Critical day apply to a malevolent, you'1 fay that is but a '{curvy {iAne : I am hal f of y OlU' opinion: yet it is good to be Wi(ef and that.you n13Y be fo, fee which (if them is Hrongdt, the Moon, 01' the, Malevolent: if the Moon be firongdl"fhe'l make a handfornc f11ift with him : if (he be.weakdt,you knew the old proverb) 7"he well~ft gO" .. s to tfle JYlllill and (he lick is like to be forced to make ufe of ~

winding Ihcet Inllcad of a feather bed. . .

J6. If rhe Moon upon a Critical day be with the bodies of Sol, lYlars, or Saturn: and which uf them Ihee's withall, be Lord of the eighth" Houle, away trots life to Ieekea new habieatlon: for lhet·s weary of her old Houfe,

. ' 7.If

ib~ ~ .. ". oj Diftifei' ~1I1it,.ge~.· . ~ · ! • "') 81, 17.1£ the.Mdon on a Cri,ti(!ltl,da), be lIrong' in Haufe 01' exal tatlon, though ;l{peaed to no net at alt!lhec'l play her part fioutly (for all is a woman') that fhe'1 reflore the Iiek to ,his fllne health, if the were not too too much af(ted at tht: J )~·Ctllllbi ture,

18. If the Moon be not at all aflli[tcd at the cumbituref as filch a thing nlay be) yet if the affii8ed on the Cr'irica l .dav, a guod Crlfis nnot be expelted ,: Slcknefle keeps his old lie:, nnlcfle death dilroffifie hirn , 'This in gcrah But he that WOIi III go the wi fdt way to orke in ludging of'dlfeates, mull corne,tetpar'" rs.The thing I promlfed yQU in this CnapWas gcnel'al P"ognufiications of difeafes ~ ich t!lat I. nlay rnak e lucidly appearc to you6 r you thall not find one of phllrno/)s Taskcatlel's of me, to fer you to make Bricks, and ou no Hraw;) Be but pleated (crioul1y to ill the Ballance of It.eafon, thefe parricu ..

I: Firfi ofall, \Vhat dlfeafes every Plane, of

felfe difiin8:1y cau{eth.· . :~;. '.'

2. \Vhat difeafes difiin8:1y. are uuder- ey~~y'

ll Iigne of the Zodiack! ~ .. .: .. , '), .

\ Vhar particular part and member of the

,every Planet v,ei)~rally ruleth, ,t",

\Vhat parrlcular part and member-of ~hc , is under the Influence 'of (very figne ofth e k, and houfe of the heavens in a CClCldli-

Scheme. .

5· \Vhat part of the botly every Plahee'ral~la~Jy rules.according to his rranlir th~QQt',

It hgnc.. G ..,f








I. Tfle Sun cauferh Pimples &: Burles in

~ t'~- face, ~flliajon~ o~ the hea.rt; Ht:-rtbu

\'- l. ... ~ ing Trembhngs, F.lI11tlllgstTlnlpanles,

_ Ey:S) an'd difcafes of the mouth er,amps~

[~r:CJ vulfionS}a1l d'ifeafes .of t!le Heart and .Bra] their .it"dndants, tllC. ene Nerves and

-- ~ ~ 1J"'1f ftlhkillg hreath~atharr·s, rotten Feaver~1 Autho'rs. And If any aske why I rnenuon more,tcll rhem here's more then is true. to the pUfpofe.

. FirO, Of all T'impanies are under the

I have known the Sun give a fiery difeafe , nev:~t a waery .

. i. Cranlps and C~nvulfions are under M001\ ~ and (0 are nIl dlfeafes that often N as Agues doe: you {hall finde the fame in therAphortfm afterwards; and ).lthou~h Author cOlitradi& himfelf, I doe notc:t~~ght

imitatie him in that ("port. ~'_ r(:·;.·

3- The head, bra ln, and nerves, .'rel1ot derthe Sun, as you {hall heare here.fter.

. 4. Oatarr's are under elther Mtrc14'!1fN J


I -:

. " .... ,. df Jife'4fl}~' 1!:,jld~,JJ! J') ffi or boih j (a,ke,'h'I,s" for a ;M;fx~tPedfttl~th, fay I tol~ yon fd! ': A Planet ftiUhg a rart rhe hod},'!> ifhe be 'weak- 'in the ~endjs, that

of the body Is naturally.weak- :ll'co~fdTe'1 now nor wherefore Art \V3.S made bitt tb.help, ure rhe eyes _ are under t~h~ 1:utn~1JI:'i~s; Id whofoever harh rhern weak Ind1'th'\lC1lelt~; athbut weak fighr, The LUf1_gs are lInd·"r Ju-. ; MtrCNYJ is the oppoflre fll:ihet to JIIPirtr:

then, ifJllpiter be weak , he is nor able,to: r,thcn (he Lungs as he Ihouf d ~oe; jf Mer~ Iry be the aftli8ing Phmet ; he weakens die gs by oppoficion : If you have btu Wit ~~ h to know by a penny how' a :thj'Ulng~s

, .' . 1.

13 ~ Cut pepper~'s.vf ftrlJlogicaljfldgmetd ~

Of all thefe ln.Order, and in thefame tbey are fee ~~W.11 ;.and if) f11~uld happen be a little critical asainft my AUthor, wh

helpe it ? . "

.. : '

P .At\. T. V.

Tbc difenfes tbe Plllnftsjignijie.

Sen.(rb1tshiC imis . (ytt no~ eft plltvn )i'epolle.

, " .. ;

Afford thefe Iiltes Ie- pillce amit?jl JOlhft1rftr, And be IICJrguL'd by jpec{O!ff P~t~c:~~·e~. .

, have now Ieaped from the Sun :to the:~<.1on, lhe (~hey fay) caufeeh ApopJexiee,P.1Uies,

olick, ~elJy .. ach)dift·~fcs in ~he. Stones, BI:'d ... · ~ -3 & ~ ) and ulllnjnlen[~f 'Generation; ftopplng

overflowing of (he Terrncs in WOll1en~ .

" Fluxes, all cold and Rhumatick di- ..f:-

,~~ i*qont) Sclaeica , \\Tormc:sin tJ.te Belly; '* ~~ o· humes, and hurts in the Eyes, ~urfeits., 1'0[-

Conghes , Oonvulfions , ~al hng.fickneffc,

inss·Evil; ApofiHfltnts',I(mall'Pox,and \\1e.1{)es_;.

I coagulate aud-crude-humours in any part

(he body, ·terhargie!, and all difcafes of

e;thns my Author. G 2 amongft.


~4 Culpepper's Ajiro/o.f/,icd!]udgmtlll

<' ,.Among" ,thc1~ I except ~".aina. . . f ,

I. Apq~'t"¥ies, and you Ihal l finde. I\l¥' within a quartef of an hour , 'ullldfe youifall

[leep wi rh . rca~ln~. "I" '.

2. Dite~(c:s rn the Inllruments of Generaj]

for they arc caufed by VeJlII~ and ~1arl; by [ one by Sy mparhy, by the other by Anti 3. The GOllt is caufcd by SIlIIlYHt.~i,

knowes but that's the reaton why he moves

Uo\vly ? . ; \1i,' .'

, Now rnuf] I Icavc the Moon, and mount u

Siuurne; for Lam Jik e the world, never in a

don. ,

, Llridcr S.,tUYJIC fay Authors, are l'H:ffifH~1H*. 'Tooth-ach, Ol!art.tin Agues j aJ d which come of Melancholy, cold and drln Leprotic, Hhurnes, Confiunprions, Black-.J dlfe , Palfies, Trembflng, vairt-feares, form

r ble fancles of &\ HobgobIing;Dl'op1ies, Gouts

u.~;r :' all forts ; ~Dog-likt:-hunger, Hemorrholdes l~~ v o"r, broken Bones, and Dlllocatlons, Deafneffe, pain

in the bones) Ruptures if he be in Leo or Scor or in an ill afpect to VeJtIH.: Hiack paflion cough , ~Catharr's, pa i ns in the Bladder; al long difeafes , all lu&\Jue1fc chat comes of Iancholy.fcar, 01' gdcfe.

If you V.ll1J .give me leave (after I have been lidl a little Orltlcal) J will be (fecondly.) a t Ie infil'ull;ive.

J. J CXCC})t. againfi Apoplexies; and jf you would Iearne wby; you lhaU fo foon jlS have learned a little patience. 2. I except ~gainfi Dropfies,for they are un

the Moon. " 3.

•• " , : I

ib.2. of Diflttfll clI,,,,.geel~ , 81'

3 ... except againft Catharr's, f?~,~~cy arc lin ..

er Jilpittr or NlerctlYy, or both. , .. ,_ , ,

4- '1 (xccpt'ag'linIl Dog-like hUhg~r, for it's.

nder t.Jd~.i ~ '. ' . 11, .

A few i~~'rhtH(}ns: wou ld r Vsiy ''Yill ~~9Iy~ ivc you, : It I, thOtlg~lt you ~vo111~ ~to \~J(e to, . dtttil.';· I had as goodJ!tV~ them you under lii;~ as under another Planer, .ll wl Il .not ih~tl1 you .unde,' c'f(c11PJ~Ul~t} 'tl. ~ca,ilf~ hee's

fo_?~fb'\ MuticiftQ; ih~~,\ ~,a~ps ~al~~~~:s on one.

l~. .

"'AJP(~rtet'taufe~h'difdires: " ~.:, 'III

, I' • 'By;Sympath".J.! '; -1.) . ' ,) ."

f ,. I J . ,., t., :

2. By: Antipat~y~; t, f,f( • ~ I ~ . ' . , " I

And,a~ ~~e caflf~ i~; t'o' n_1~la t~e'c.tre. ~e, u~-l dfeyoi1'~~I.Jl'db,e'a~.S.to~gJ~~g dl,~ ,IUnKc hlrn'

at ff~s!. il~Xt' rOi~: •. ;~w.a~lfc van?~h~r abufes

OU.' '. "', '.

Thefe dlfeafes 'Siltltrlle caufeth by Slnlpathy ,: ooth-ach, broken bones; the r eaton is becaufe e rules the bones. Deafnelf'e he caufeth beufe he rules the eares," Melancholy and all lleafcs of the Ipleen by the (ame argument,

2. Al[o"he aflUcts all the parts of the body at are under the Moon by antjr~lthy; and kcwife he playcs the f • rmc tricks with thole at are under the Sun; you Ihal I know what are by and by. The great wlt'edome of a yfitian is to know whether Saturne caufe the ltcafc by Sympathy or Antipathy, and then ke notice, that as I he caufe is, fo is the cure, mpathet lca] , or ~ nripathetlcal r and wirhat e not forget, that fyn1p;.uhctical cui cs

fircn~th( n

86 Culp~,p~t.',s Ajlrll('!S,ical 'judgel1l.CII~ ilrcngt\lco nf\t~re: ~ntlp~thctica.l cures, in degree or another weaken i,~; And qpw' y own mother-wit (ifYOll have any) will t you that A-ntipathctic<tl Medicins are not to ufed , ,unlc(Js_ to fuch Patients whom Dofrorl norance or Doflol' Carclc{nelfe' hath, had Iong i~ hand, that ~ymp3.the~ical.H~;,t9t r-' the turne, To bring aU this to the point hand that fq ~t may: ~~; M{t=f~l,: .'fSat'/r~~:'· the difcaf~ l>YI.~ynlpathy, C!~rb~~ QY t~e~l!1 thetlcal hearbs of Suturn«, I·r he caufe the (eafe by Antipathy, note W~~th~ci.ti?F.a·

. thy to Sun or Moon! or if if, h~p~,,~~,~c flrl1nl~nts of generatron , be (hfCl ~t: 'f lly! , }lathy to VtNIII.. Make: ~f~ of ~h~, $y~t~etical ~~rps of tl1of~: rlaf'e~. ,~~(ir.caiv)eJy,fOl"CUre yo~ !hall not .l've tI!C a8~. 9 .~ littl,Cf 6t\1.~. J gwe you rational JnRl'u<!\:loris for them all: I

r~o'N leave; SJlrUfl/e. ~1l4. come a J~~le '

to t. . , ,

lupiter. II.piter they fay' cau Ieth tHl'9l3~n", all Infirrni ti esof the Liver a~4 Veins,; . rlons of th e Lun g', Plurifies, and other A humes about the Brea~ and Ribs, .11*di proceeding of putrt:faaH~n,o(bloo~ ~~Id wi quinfies, feavers ~ and others difeafs:s; ,Wh Authors either for want pf. wit, or fuper-a dance of IgnQ-ran~e .arc pleated to, atrribuce

him. ..

Againll.thcfc I excep~ ,

I. Againfi Apoplexies; for i(; cannot about that all the Planets fhould caufe plexies ; if (o~they would be more frequent t they art'. 2.Aga

Lib.,. ., ~ pf Pifeilj~~ f14li1r~f~. 87 . .

2. Again{\: cOI'rnptioJ'l,of;blbod! For. Silturll ruptS th~,b]ood by melancholy , and M4~·S

cholet'. • .

Mau. Difcaf"s ~111(!(Jl: M;rs 31;e. ~cllllences,

urning feavel'S, 1 ertran andqnotJ~ian a:g.~cs ~~'4 iOl,CaJbun(:les and~a~ufJ fores ~ awrll:lng' {~ t..-., . iug, R.ing ... wor mes, .BlIfiers,Ph.renfie,Fur,'

re-brainea , i (lJddul, (;\lile~pers .. 111 the head

ruing of heat: yellow-JaundIce ~ Blo_ody:",

FHtula'S.. All· wouml~ wbalf~.'11 r»-

iii the IlltlrulUfn rs 0{ generadon ': the

in therelns,and bladder : fears a.ndl pock ..

in tho face : all huns b)'!h·oQt~nd i~~:.the gld:~.llillg .~el(Jlc~, Ca~erttlll'(St ~ ·A".,. ..,. ..,t·.~' ([. irs fire:; 'all dl(ea(ts(:QJ}}mulg ofc~lel!,an'"

,or paii'OI)., ' .' ". : I, , iii ) 1) ( , .' Amongft all there I can ~ Juftly crJlCepb :~t a .. . one ~J and rhat is .. the 'falling' !fi,kl1l:Be~ lch is under the Moon. And YOU1' felf will of my opinion lf yoii Rleafe' but to tak-e uothat thofe hidious fits·ufually coma dt CCDll-

n8:ion, oppoficlon, and quarci le of the Moon

rhe Sun,: ,l.;,~::.

Vent«, Difeafes under Vent« are all dlfeafes the wornbe whaefoever, ilS) Suffocation, !P"e-

pirarlon, dHloca tion,: &tt.: AU diCea(es i?cito the members of gen.era.dol~., . th~ ,Reines Navel , as the running o{the· Reines ,: ~he.

nch Pox, Sec, ·All d.He~fc6 co~~mi~: ]!l" ~........Jv i-

nate love or luft, pnaplfuulS, It'np ay"n'_IjJ(1O'

a8: pf generation,brllptur~s of aU ~o~:; Al~. ( ~r· u7

es belonging to the urrne , as ~l(ul'la~ 1[- tf,' ~

ia and Stral1guria,lliackd"paffion,Dlabetcs,~c. ~ . A&J.lllft

S8 <?u)perpc~'s AftrollJ~i&Al Judgel1ltlli

Agalnfi thete J tKCt'F't ;' '-, '

I. IrnporencyIn the at\: of generation,

that's .\~a'urnr. •

2. R.ufuu·(s:, fur he hath a f}jai'~ in

...... alfc:. . .'.

3. Dlfeafcs of· the Urine, for 'tHcy-ar~

M IZT i.": ; . . , , ' '·n .

4- The: Illack paHlt:n, which is, ninder

f .. I I

cur'- " {' , I . i('

J'. ~ I .. '\, • -.: .~ , ~ ,. ,

1rlrrcury. tfndcr.;MtycurJI ire a-fmotl all dift:aft:s of the brailt'e :J" as Vcrtogo'ls, 'Made ~c. aJl d ltcafes of the Lungs, as Afihlrir, Phth ficks, NC. Ad} ir~lpt"rf~ajoLls of the ff ongue /~i

0. ? <& ,f-:.." Starumcring; LHpinl!,:&c. Hoadhlfli, Cough!'

"'!'" '.. Snl'lf1ing in I he I)(~fe ~ a_lIo.d('fe6b~ :of the Mrl11o:

b \4_"'''-? . "Y' qUL1t ~ iloJ;.p.lng of d,le .head·f .F?u1l1Ii)ln", fuUy-~~)(;I-h":lpholty, (~he Epidemical dif~{fJ <-f'dlt: I trtne) 1 and whatfoever ,hurts the ihtd;

leflu;tI Iaculry, ( ,,' '. '

A,:.ih"ltt.lhefe I ~!5(}('Pt. "': !' I ,

:'1.: A~.luntl the ddtic.t~ of the 01(n10ry) for S

tllr.l;e·Jlalh a ~J{'at.fhJ.re)11 that. ,.'

2. ~bainll the Gour, for S,ztllrn whoHy ruin

that. ':, ,I. J ' • ' .' '

, . ,

rl1~ve IJO~ done with this part,' andd{ any you~J!Hersaske why. J have nor given ,3' Reafon tor all) have.fpok.cn'J:' Tell then) the Heaton is .C_ll~~·e in thtItnactt:r ~ . and he that is not able to 'ceo Jt." Is.as unfit to ~ive Phy lick. ,A bll nd nun oa 11 nut &e the Sun-ill'i\ cleer day when be is up"

on the Muridian. ' fl" '!


'of'Difeafos 'e"lttrge6(1 -.» 8'9

. . ~

, :'1',' '~,' \,' ., . " . ~

• " J

___ ----_....- _---- ........... _ ',". ' ,k . ' , ) "

r • i. ~ J lh'"

J> A l\. T .. II.,·~">:I·. 'Jm h41 diftl1ftS diJlhtfi/y are ultd~verJ'figne of Ih~

r~UIlI/' .L, ~, , " ,', ,·t, .•

.tWttliU~, ' .' .. ( .• . - '.

I,,' :' i "'I"J,')II, ... j~"'):l')'

"II ,. . . I ..J... " .

:r'T-Ndrr Ariu are all pl1lh~s!) :-~h~lkC!~;.and '.l.A~pitllples, freck les and St.'i1~bYr.Al"'1\ In~tha c; the (n~all· FC,k .a~d, ·",!ea~es,,,"P.ohr~ 'O~ i.n« ta"f..tre J aU dJ Ieafes In ~heHea~ J.' as

ead-ack of all forts J Vertigo,FI'cmzy,l.uha1J4t IFo~~~tft~n('fIi", C3ta~epfie, ,A p'oplexy ", diad le~ 'Oon13, falLi ng SlckndfeJ,( OOI1Nullions; tnps,'Madndre,Melanc~oIY1 Cir~mbnllg. r. ' .: ~

J\mongit all there 1 can JufltY' except but) ~.a+. r,&iJ'lltone, wliic~ is fin~!l Pox' ~nd. Meafler .. : 1

2'. Under 7'lIur"~ all dl(tafes'l1nCldent to,- the Thrbat :I as Kingt:-evil, O!1infi~~~r£orcThroat~:

Weh~itJ the Reck, Flux ()f,dtt1n,eln·thq~broatl.l

~. 3i Difeafes under G,»ISHi are ft~lfu~b at arcI incldent to the hands, arlnes:and-filoulders,wtteof: dl'c1" th'ty come l'eall¥ or by 3.ccidc~u:,as fra6b.1t(s dill ... crtlons, and (uch as tome by blood-l~tting, corruption of the; blood, 'wind,nelfe In 'tho_, blood ;, and indeed I have often found by expe-. iience, that Gtmi"j Iignifieth wiude in the blood more then any other tigne, 1 have now dOI!~ wnh Gemini, after I have told yo~ O'Y own dpt .. nion, which is, .that the upper part of the Ihoiil-. del',llamely that wit&.'which we carry burthens .. ' is under 1 aurtlS:t which is the,E\nbleme of Ia .. bour, arid not under Gem;ni', as dM: common received opinion is. ~.Undcr



f~ Culpel"pep.·s .Aflrofogi,f4 judge;'.1

4. LInder Cancer are all inlperfeltions of breaft, 1talUilck ~ _.01' Liver whatfoever as wbadoever are inc ident [Q the bl'calls' of men, as Canc~r'.thero~ ailcl·tlUlt inflamma Whi~h ~nleu xommonly c:,U the Ague In brdb plurdies, want of appetite to via:uals~wa of digdHon of vjllllaJs, coldncffe and over":me ftornld< , dropfies ~ coughes I )r0at lrida;' 0UIf' .bo, 'FetlJ' y~Ul' i'RlvCtJlf I the ndeIl

plaiuas the .nofe in a t\laA1sf~~, . . : : '

. 'S .. ) trt1dDt JJtP. aloe al] .p~lfl¥>.n$ qf the heart; it

ec!JIri1ilflQns'faieb m~ A\ltbor. ,~ .: "'\\,

"·.Ib t_.iflnta.y make (0 bold ~ .. s to d,jgl'~~atlh~ ,}~llhaU. ~ol)y..Qu,.~d proveie tQe when J ~~ .. dune $ ,ltat, coBvulhons are not" di(eaCe ~ :U1'

heart, but- of dle·.,brain~.' ,-; , , '.:

The·'truth is, ,it isone Qf old A"iflQtl~fopiiu't oDs" ·whlcbcrcipt In'o ll}$·noddle ,.as he \tiS ~riri. "!Ilft>,~.philofophy 4 The Nerves b".e ~C!ir'od'gill.n'fro~ tb~ bn\iut t convulfion is. pluck1in~ or t!1Vit~hitltlOf the Nu'ves" Erg~, l~ is a dlfeafe of the braine.and noc ofth~ heart .1·

- ,. . , ...

But to' rctu,rn~ to my purpofe j undee ~D·tie .u dlfcafes~ the heare Qrba&:kis. f'tlbj~~to~ '~s q~~]mt's and p~iong,palpi~ti~ a~ trenlbling at the h~~rt', ;vloJ.eut bti_rnJJ1~feavcrrs, ·fore eyes, the yellow1i\l1nd1ce, and ·aU dlfeaf~$'of choler, and filch diteafes as come of aduftion of 1>10od as the pdtiltnce; and I am afraid Aoita(Jic will iindc this tOO true fo fOOn3:6 utttt4r.n. comes into U~." pray God A1itfgate,tPtis'e,ilinftumcct~

ward them at that time. ' ~ .

: ·',~l. Under ~Yirgo are 'all:dif~a((s' incident' to '; .' , .' . . the

~. .: "O<'f Difedfos\~la'8u.L. '. '" ~ I • ,") g ~

bowql,tt the me[crai~~vejncs, the qlncnwm diaphr,agftla, [picen. " Take a 'IVfIIl'~!!ls:es this pal"cJd11al'.; worrnes winde ~ ;~)ic: gUts., ~ruruon~ ~ thcr chq\i~~ and I~ia~~_ J, pa'll~"$. nc;f\e of . the .fplcq~", bYP9.n"fl~~ ·.mlrlan",

;I,{h,ppr: L_i.b~~ ar~ . Gti,afcs of th~ ,\'~~~~.Ol" \jneyes, ,wluch you pleafe ; for 1;W;;f18J1Jfi~~,..

. ~ thcword~ arctJle fame;.) ~~f¥:d9f a:ba4. tints in WOIUel1, whlch fonlctJ.~~": ~"fetb. ill ~~a.i1c, ll,l~ny times ~qufti~n ~ ,,1- C$" b~l'd labour i tbc; {\one . or- grr41ve1 in the Ahd now l~t me teach YP" 4.' l~~le ~, rtf

a,s ( ~6njfi~ator of tJAe ,difeafe" aMd In V ;"g~i ~ is the wlnd-cholick, whhour appearfJl~e ti- ~

o(gra.~el or ftone~, I .• ,>: . '" ~J -: ~

Ha~~a' care of you a; Ratient , leAR ie .tnrne to

gravel in t.h~k1dneY~:lwhm hecome,all1toLi-r ~, bra, and to tl1c: flo~,ef pf ,be bla~de(', when h.

,omes into abe .ScDrpiQJl,. I, .] . " ,'. '

Byyqur own iagenu.ty ~ if you ,h ... v;e any, YOli ~u;ly by this- example finde out- tw.enty

1· r •

morc, I~C to· It •. , 'd, • ) " r ,

Latlly, under Lihra are all difeafes , coming

of \V ia~~e.. and. 00l· r uprions of blo(;)d... .. ""

8. Lluder the Scorpior~,are gravel ,ami {l:QrlC ,/

in. the bladder, inflamntatlons and "~.~

all difficulties of urine whatfoever I aU im~r.

fcEtioll~ of tPe u).'in~.l!upt\lr~s,.fi{\Ul-".h~o"'"

rhoids, . the frelJGh PQ¥ , .runnlng pfdt« reiM',

priapi(IJlUEi; all difl=afcr,:d~t.infea che ~ivitio.

of men or women.' , . '.,

9. AU ~ljfeafes of the wombt, of which more



iJj.~.' . :.of Difliifel en!a,.geJ~ . .':iiU,-) ~~' .allinity:JPiJcts holds ,wJth AI;'I(s .;{ ~~ll '~lll; 1 Lee ,a,. reaf on WJ1Y' wet. t~~en .~~ ,~I}e Jcet

ikes {ofpeedily up tp thehe~d.;· ! .-.- y:n-:t.

As for ~he houfes pf ~he heavena , ~h4Y - have ftlmc fignitic;.ltions with the fign~s ; ~ ~~ fir~ ouic \\ht,.Arits, the fecond with 7J~'ffa~' and Allalogkally till YOl, ~onl~ t~ the. twelfth oule , which hath the fame IlgnJ6~~tJons that

I/Ce'$ h.uh. , 1

I have now done wlrh .. ris part, only be

cilfcd (0 take notice t~lat t!le, fierY'!agnes ftir "-r' 0

p difc~fcs of choler, au-y fignes drfeafes of -'

me; tignes ot{doublt L-~odic~ftifea{es of luix. <2'.~ r1I' oJ'

mou rs, r '

And rhus much for this part, the paines of \\ has been mine, (he benefic {hall be yours, fyOll wi 11 turne but id IC'-lcile out of Doors, d place Ingenuity in his "00111.

P A J\ T • .I I J.

be particular parts t111d A'I~mbtrs of tbe "sui.! J which tbe pllllCe~s g(lte,..Uy rNle •

. t

HErein 1 mnfl either a ·little be cl'itical, 01' clfe part from my lovin~fricnd I>oEtor· Heaton : I am loth to doe the latter, and there .. fore mutt make bold wich, the fornler. ."

1 •. S4t1lYlle lay Authol·~,. rules in the body of man the fpleeu , and rhere.he keeps )~i.s CA1urt : the right Eare , the B]addc,', the Bones, the Teeth, the retentive faculues throu~bollt the

. bod,



'4 Culpepper's .Afi""/()git;lll j,JdgelJlthl1 bod, ;. 'vJbicb what it . is, be pleaCed" to fee fbort Tteatife of humane yertt'~s )' In ehe la end Qfmy Ephelnerides, for Anno·~riS51. you fhall findenot onely what it I is, but at what it ii gdod for. '

Againft all this I excepebut agetnftonly which is tb~ Bladder, for that is under the

minion of the Moon. '

2. ~hey (~y I14pittr rules t~e lungs, ri tides, Iiver, vemes, blood, the d.gdHve faCl\!ty the natural vertue of ulan whi ch he rules a;

Lawy~rs call it, toto &- in folido. )

• Bcbdt"s Authors fay~ he rules the arteries and feed; but ~ow they can br ing it about I know not_,nor I rhinkrhemfelves neither: why lhould IUI'tty rule the arteries, when the Sun rules the

heart? . I

He that ca~ give a reaton erit '",ihi magnm A. p~lIo, and as Iirtle reafon can be given,and that's JItt.Ie e!l0ugh, why !lIpittf' fhould rule the feed, ~lllCfllS dame Vom," iher fee-fimple 5 furcIy the Planets will not rob one another) though men ~oe; ho~oever IuPifty feemes to keep his Court I~ the LIV~r;an~ ,if you Ire minded to fircngtmn hIS operations III your bodies, begin there.

3 •• Mars rules!n the body of man :; the gall, the renres, theveines, the fecrers, the left earer thus Authors: And there is but two true word; in it, . whith is the gall and .ehe Iefe eare. the !nuh IS~ he rules the apprehenfion, and that's th.e reefon 'that cho lerlck mien are (0 quick-

~Jtted. '

't Ci1, a man ~ a mean apprehenfion when he h


ilu~.: " ''''f~.pIfi"ps 'rill"".. . '. 91 ~lgt]") ~il! mak~ k·qujtk~J"piUtenlic;;ti .in ings LatJsfy log :h18, filry ~cn ... n·d" aqulc. apprehthfion bath when he is plC2fed.An .. 1ulnm'ohs up aU the fOltret1s :oflthe OOdy and e to revcn~e·wr()bg~ though Jit be but1jmp tlary. And then again, M .. , .rbJt, d14l: "ctulcy which incites 'OKn to valdtn~ ~ h4'fnakca man a Souldier every ~ncl, ofhitn~' M hbrd" s the fmel l s and that.'s tnt reafon Martl~1l1 res h.we fo good Cmels, a. dogs.,&c. : :

[ut very little r~afon)' or nont-at all I uilidli will J,Jlike a reafon of u"adition, who d~ rives his p(dj~~e l~ther fl'OtU ,r..r~Cor.t·uI!dol1) then Doftor Reafon:,\Vhy, Mars fhould rule the VdnesJCedng Jupiter ru lcs the Liver , If Iupittr rule dle fountain (hal he bc'dcni-d the (lreanls;-' arid then the R.eynes and Secrets are under V~ m,s,aFld that's apparant without ·any more dtf ... puce ofrlle flo,·v.

4. VCIln5 l"ules .. thc \Vonlbe, TIf{Ucl~s, V_rd. & alJ the infirummts df Oenetrati()n,the l\eynes or Kidncycs, the Throat, Wunltng breafls, ,anti Milk contained within rhemsthe feed and Liver., . But by nry AUllbor~ f;lvonr,:} can ~ive no o-

ther reafon why V.chUS fhould l'ul~ the Liver, j lll"lidfe , thonld giveth-is fora reafon s becaufe IUplt't Role the f«d from her before, fhe to quit fcores with hlrn , Iterales away- ·theLiv~r rrold

him. .

~. lInder the dominion of Mtrcury is the ~rain~, efpecially the rational p~\'t of it; the Imafl,in8'tion, the- tongue, haude., ,and feet; the

motional part of hlatl. l. r


~- _- --'" ....

,~ CulpePJJ'er.~Afl"o'()gi~1 JUtlglllelJl.ri ib:~~':~'J ~"i}DifoKfo\~)J_~~~J:" . ~ 1):) 9; ." And·that1s~fihe·nafOh.M"cu'i"llV;jl$ (if, ./VI~I'.Io_, lcfr e~'e (Ja man, the .-ight eye ~a ~'Oinan : cur» be ftrong:) arc (u fwife ir_:motioris, fo flU. teem ofhortes cannot draw 111e'tO ~hcve that

entof'fpeech .•. ~ - . I,..· • "., he Moon rules ~hct3fie.:. . . ~

1.: .He gives aqulek apprehenfionj a arongima_ If you pleaie to perufe nly Trcarife of hug;n,.t.ion andconceited ; he makes a good Pm. JJ\C venues, at the Iattcr.cnd of Illy EphcrnclllRn.~· andOirs up that faculty 'in man whldi des fer AmiCI 165 .. 1 think you ihalll1_ndc there

caufcrh a rhlrfr.' after knowledge; he is IH Iupiter rules it: and h~yycal,-?n titr H:_"lay

fickle in his difpofition , andthal's that that be Iound. BeJldes I have fOlllethlllg frOl11

makes men fo fick1e-headed;., ,:. [tor t~XP{,1 iCIlCC, tor it, IUY 0",'11 tafle, bcJng

If $atllrlleVou'~l{afe.hhn a friendly look, he ('(dill~ good, ,,~nd yet the Moon exc~dlJlg

i~vtry. conflane I' otherwife , .. i.fy.onlook upon ak 'in my Cctit.'h~; , , '

a . Weather-cock, you may fafely , draw .hh Being in a Cadent hohfe and in G"min;, a

Pianre ,. andno djfp~lJ'ag(Jnent to his perron e which in nly opinion more affiilts the

neither. then Capricorn», .

': 6. .The Sun gov(rn~, ify.ou \VilI believe Au. I confdte Mr. LiUy affirmes Gem;,,; to be a.

thors, the braine and nerves, the.heart and.ar- noble tigJlC.~:' hut I dare fcarce believe him,

teri~SJ the fight,_ the eyes; and in the eyes, ,the is the mofl prlnclpal of all the £ignes; Gc-

l'ight eye of'a man, the left eye of a woman. A., is cadent from J.4,.ies. Er:~o, Sec, But not

gaiufi thefe ) except, againfi the braine and ow to entcr mto a contel] "'iLli thattanlOqs.

nerves, the bulk ofwhith is under the Moon. . ') to whom this Naciouis to much behol-

Their operation is under Mercury; now then ng. . -. ':', ' ,

jf Mercury afHia: the braine, the failing is in the Be pleated to take riotlce , th a' .. the t l.velft~

eperarion, oUlc is .nlou· i!lin~i~~l to tI~e a!ct'ndep,t then

If the Moon, in the-bulk or body ofrhebraln revtnth; which It lo,thCIl IS the Moohniore

or nerves, he that is a Phyfitian knowes what }ted in Grm;lI;:t1tcn in Cppnr.lirtt".

the operations of nature are: and then he

k nowes what I fity is truth, and the foundation

of it built upon a Rock. He wlf l efleem it as

a Jewel.

It is the property of a fool to carpe at what he cannot imitate.

7· tInder rhe Moon is the bulk of the brain, the fiom~ck, the bowels, the bladder, the taRe, the

... . "",

,S Culpep.per:If~.Jlrt!log;&''V.Hdg'III'''' ~'?) .. ;,';:)I~ 4DJfo4j,} tlll,,"ged. ~ 99

,. :, '"" ' 01 d'.tl~al·s the reaf9~ (y,ch as ~aytlt,lt~i 1igri~ aC ..

.... __ ........... --.~! -__,.,---...,,- ..... w..;,.-...1 ......... C;,ll~·llg in th(jr:a':;F'~f;!lS Me~lch.,~ .. ~cdy CI;Jtel'.s.

,'~ ), ,: i j" I oU- t.hac·arc J\llrologers, and have rhe Nau-

~ ~R:I~· IV. , , . / . ily of Iuch perf oris in your hands _ you know

, " ' /'! Y words are truth., '

'-the pltrti~II/~t 'parls'ofthe "~J.1, tinder. the ft, ~rld ifih aN1tivity; the prevalency of other

//g~tS of the Zod~Jck..z "ltd tbe !loufes in •• , tkatots Ihould happen to con tradi fr it,

Vl'!S in a Cel8fluz/ ~cheme~." . r ' ! uti know the old prove:rbe, one Swallow

es not a SUn,nlCl'... , .

6. Llnder V,irgo is the: belly and bowels., tlie 'i 1 and tpleen~ die ontenrura , and all their

ppl1rtenanc~~" !te. . " '. ,_' .' . .'

This is that (he I'ules, and fhe blds rou tiy my

to be chal]. - : ,

• Under the Ballance fa, Authors, are the loynes, and kidneycs, between which hi jud~emen.t ~ is as much dl ffer'l\cc as is b~';' eIght pence and two groats, Under L~ rlt betides they fay', are the harns , butt~ck'~ adder ~ and navel s thus Authors •.. And ~ oted it onely to this end, that young Stumay fee what a monller tr~aitioft is; and ay avoid being led by the nofe by it. as Bear~s led to the Rak(". You know wel l enough Jf blind lead the blind, what wil] become of both: Let every one that defires to be led by the name of Artift, 'have his wits in s head ; (for th~t's the, place ordained fo,:

) and not in hIS books. !

The hams are under Capricorll , the hJadder ~ Scorp!o, the navel under Virgo; ask Doltor -- ~ n,and fee ifhe tell yc;>u not the, fame ta~e.

I. l.fnde~ $f~'_';P"O the fecre~. of both Sexes;

n ~ , it

J • UNder .Arits is the head, .~nd w.hateV~r

'lougs to.lr, as its bones, the face, h aire, beard, eyes~ cares, tlofe, tongue,:

Sec. whatfoever in man is above th~,firft V

of the neck. . , '. '"

2. lInderTaurlH Is the neck, throat, the V eebre of the neck , which are in number t The cha nel bone; the Ihoulder blade,

to my opinion. '., . .'

Alfo 'TaurUf hath again figntficatioCl 'voice ~ for he will roare like a BuU. .: r ~. 3. Under Gemini are the {boulders, bones, A:rmes, hands; 6ngers~ together \

their bag and baggage. . .

_ " 4. Under Cancer is the breafl ~ rlbs , pleura , the ventricle of the Hornack, .. ~.n"'VII brealls, the liver, fpIcen, &c. and yet &J''''''''-' Reafon told me the orher'nlghr that rhe

was under Virgo. ,

S. Under Leo is the heare, the back, and Vertebr:e of the breafl , which, are in twelve; The PeYicardiufII.s fome Authors the ftonlack is nnder'Lt'o,bot I can fcarce bel it: I am perfwaded the appet~te is under


looCu\pepper9s Ajfr()'ogic~lJHelg1lle,,' of DiflafilNl/llrgeJ. I.'; JOI

1t. is not very fitting for me to name them rrow in both bonesj fort- there arc tWQ of

alfo the fernlnal veffels; all the veffels dcal.~:la.IJ"'" J which Chirurglons becaufe th~y would

ted 1;0 the generation of man, the bladder you ~~ ignorancc,~callcd Focile majll~:Q-

fundarncnt t and therefore though Ardfts 111jnl~h or if you wiJ1, tibilf. 6-ftbllla. They

out fo much againft the Scorpion for a f&tlfe, ow whac the bones are ,. but a quarter of

ceicful, treacherous, rnifchlevous, violent, em arc not able to::_give you a reafon why lhe'

fonfome fign; let them look back to the cs ~re (0 called. Pray take notice of this in

fronl whence they arc hewen e It tllay be g'fbQl;lt to "lake Ilaves of you) they have

{ball fee the r eafous of (orne of their v fools of themfelves,

fpeccbcs againll Illy felfe. A word is' en J2. L~filY,PifCts clain .. es the feet and ancles,

to wife men. Let them not freak' evil ofw anti! all the bones .. To write like ~ fchoUer~

they know not. ", s ta''fu111IetlltlUflU, and the bones of the toes.

This is Illofi certalne, f1"0111 thofe parts of es alt.Q the skin o~the foor , thefic(h and

body under the domlnion of ScorpIo have all 5 betwlxe the skin and the bones •.

men ann women in general the Infiochce For though the fign be the weakefl in the

their propagation.' i'C is nnwiIling altogether to leave you

Ani.i ip them take they theil' grc~ltc.ffiplca. I~ht but skin and bones. .

fl~re; all~ thus have I fpoken fonlctllil1g fo'r Al(o forne Authors hold an opinion that the

Signe which everyone (peaks againft. carry the fame fig~lifieatiol1 in order that

9. Time will not flay , therefore I nltlfi hoofes.ofheaven doc, and that Aries fhould

'brlefc : under SngitfarilU arc the thighes , Hie life; Taurus eflate ; Gemini brethren and

bone cal led Os jacrum ; which whether jufHy journeyes j you know the ref]. Trnly,My

called, or unjaflly, I know not. It 15 R opinion is, many Authors invented whim-

,Jewj~ filp,c:rfiition or WOI'[C': The rump- ICS, and when they bad done, fer them downe

'[he rhlgh- bone, together with all theappu 0. poHerity· for truth; who taking them u~

nances belonging to the thigh. .ithout tryal,cloathed Tradition in Plufh.and

Some Authors fay the hams are under S 01" R.eafon to goe in Rags. An Au~bor

t arita ; but then they are befide the Cuthlon. Io j. Ergo tis true, right or wrong. '.

10. Linder Capricorne are the knees ,:'h I take thlsro be one of that generation, and I

and what belongs unto rhern. '-I, .t',~ love it thus e By this account Cencer fhould

I J. lInder Aquarim are the legs and le the Fathers; but experience tels us, that an

(oevel' belongs unto thern , even from the Planet in Cancer in the Genefls threatens e-

ward skin called Cuticlda':t to the mtdfl to the Mother, but in Leo to the Father. - A

, word

~ oj; J,jfo.fo'~ ': B,,14,.g~J~: : ; · ' .. ~ .O~ ly ; aerlfigrlC~s .d~~~fes ofb~~~'trl.ti~ ode; wat~yJigncsJ d:lfea(cs of wati_Y ~~~ faIt

. t'By the. Planet. th~~relvcs '; and: ~h~r' as . A 11 this I fhal! make cl~er,by th,s (obCe-

dilcour(e, 'before which I fha.ll'-pr~rnife ere following' Ap~ori.rmes : .. ~ " !f S~t"~, '!glfie the difea Ie, 't.s [Ike to conemue long egh, ifrrot coo long: 'y~t'i(he be with bene«

le;ltS it t'n1tigates, if with tflaI~ole'l\ts' it entech th~ nil. ');.Sattlrne InLee , or:Cttpri ..

ne with the pragons head: or tape,~ ~r with 'ttl"! ~ombuR~or with. ~10,rcp_t ~.x(4' na~~'i'c! flirs peftilence~ or other, pet'hicloUS fca\ttl-I·that little better.' ~.' Slltll.,rtl, alone In ~ery (ignes heaick feavers, ,::: . ; ';' ._ I: ",' ~ . "

4. In W~~l~' f1g~~ :-~~~~e~s or. ~ll't~,.}lU-: rs, Th~' difeafe come~ Of grolfc and .r~u:)us

humours, which will corrrirrne long with condnual fluxes and cout trembling!.' _"....

5. Stlttlrne In 1110veable {ignes ·(bew:~~.ftu~ ~ hUllionrsin all pa~t~ of'the body.; Inl~~lne the Dropfie or other difcaf(s :IJke to It: and y~t..lt isfo-ne q ueftJon co me . Whe't1\e1'" 'S a.rt!t~: ta~r~ Oropfics yea orno, urrltffe airttled by 'tilt M~oll

in fi~n tfication ~' f I ~ ; ~ .' ",_ ,

6. Sat~nt In common fig!,,:~ gtves c.o~pound dlfeafes, andfuch as run put of onedl(ettfe i~to another, and yet they pa£fe'leaCurely out, of one difeafe into another to; yon may aIm'6ft w~ip a r.l~ile a-s faft,you may e:iiily'fee i t bcfQ~~.lt come

if your eyes-be in your head. . . ..' •

7. Saturne in fixed fignes, If In Leo « gives

, hcai~uc

.02 CulpePPCi"sA'pr~/otic.,':Jl!'dg1Jltm:

word is enough to a w Ife'lt1an. ' . '

Alfo there Is ~not"er' figni~c~ti~n of Planers according to the ~Cpeaive fign~s are in ; Every Planet maklng his At-it'S in own ~pri{e" 1 forbeare it here r Firft· of all caufe it ~Ot1dllc~th not much t9 'ttil'Y ..... _ ..... (~ope; for exampleya Uriri~ cameeo me year~ agee ~ ~ercllry ~a~ the afHia4~g' and In Ant's; according to this 'ra'te RU~"."""" rules the It'g~ an~ privitiei; but 'the man dUeafc~ in his head, for he Wa'~ mi(t,," .

I gave you a Table bfit in tny ~i(lefor men: and'J am ., lo~; to wrleeone ~v.:ice,_ asyo~ are topa)' for one'thlng tWi((. this win not content Y9U; you ar~' (0 hard be plea fed that I {hall not undertake' to P YOll, bu t to pleafe my' (tlfe ; and in [0 aoing am confident to ple~~e fo~t body elfe,

9HA P. ~I"

flow the HAture anti, I1J1!M ()f tk' ai/e_fo mil) /dNnJ otu by 'he fig~r~ 0/ th~ ~tcltmbitHrt.

'''THe n.tUre o{th..e; d~feafe is to be fou . out three wayes : Firfl, by tbe houfes hel1,:C!n,o~ which the fixth, {eaven~h~nd twel

. ftgndie difeafes, ; " '. .

2. By t~e nature of the fignes , of which fi?ns figndi(: choler and difeafes 'thence dln~; earthl,. figne$ {igni,fie thedifeafes of Ian

l04' Culpepper's Afiri(~gi(41 JHt{~e1Jlelfi _oJ_ .", Df Difea{et 'e"IArge4': ", 10.1

bclHqu~Jeavers, .• p ot;be.r fi"~~Lftgl~squar ~ill tn all prdbability Iaft longer then YOll

agl~,.gOtlts, Ieprofies, an~qth~r ~Hfeafes ULIM .... IlJI ld willi~Jd:y have it" ' .

Ray 1on~~r then they are wclcom-t. 16 'If the Sun be afflicted in the fame man-

~ 8. If'up)t~t caufe,th~J"!f(!~re " Iook to the by Mars ~ . th.~c~~~fe.is choler ! the merion

vel', fo .. ' that s. "'1lJi~('d., tile ~~A~ft~on is had the dlfeafe lS as fWJfs as the wlnde , and ~

blood ,f\bAupds Fi~h(,l' in qua~t.ity., <;>1' quality [olent as the whi.~lwinde. '. •

+ ;.; (,.,"~,L 'I' a,thollca~l~ tp_pne jfi~ be Q~~ t9Q,~Pt.' 17. IfVt1tUl ~c Ill .. affeacd to ~he 6c;:k"the dl-

JI~: /~3 #-f;I("k.,. 9· Illp1trr JO fiery .~g!les bdtow~~ \lpOn men fe comes of Intemperance. either one way

\"·~;t~~~+.~',· (uc~.f~~vcrs ~~. fq\T3t; .of blood W!(f},ollt another; perhaps with drtink~ng, ~rh''p9

F,'t." >.J..H'/·tt f~lbqn,fuch,a,s ~hf!.qJ"t:e.ks call S.I!1'i!IIH, 'Ion p~~ venereal fports, what ere the caufe, b~

tri.a:~,:,t~~y )~~\ but ~ \{Cry little. Wltjl_~. " fe parts of the body fignlfied by, VenlH fuffor

, '19·, 1./tlrs give,s violenr (e~v~p'Wi~~ putre- .. .

f~~t~OP.~i ;t~~ the ~t~9:giyc;s no 9tln~J:t;'(!' 119; VrnU!f in fierY,' fignes caufeth one day'rea ..

~J I~ 'fyou 6~clc ,2\!,,~s.j~ ,a fjerN, !igq" judge ; but ifMa~s.joyne with her in ~gnU,icati~

the QJ(c~~c:: ~1th~~ ~. bu .. ning i~f:'V~r 'cCJ.llrd ,. the feaver ' is 't;?ttcn and proceeds fronl

"~utrg., or elfe the pdUltnc~ _; it S'Iltllrlle 'brare

CJ .Qlfl~.~,i,? :fJgn.ificariHrt.,~'ith, hi~;J n~elan~holy 19. 'If Myc Infortunate and caufe the

br:al~~ ~ rtia.f~~9r e!(e.aq~a c:h~rer~'W4.iRf)is DlQ,re lfeafe he that the infirmity lies in

y(tJaI~, .: I'" I ',;., " bl';ille, ' lI1aqneffe or fa.lingfick.,

(JI yftlq-:'J(' i 2.~1I1Y.J i~~onl~lon)('Sn,es va'r~~s die di(caffi or it 'nlay be the man dreames waking.' .

1;~kel ,,,~~, oi·,.a re,lapfe,;, the c.ri~u ~s.as certain 20. If Mt~cllry 'jbyne in fignific~tion ~ith

n cu. .rd. a~j" \~·ic:atber.<;oqc ;,. (0 ~xcecdjng l~~ift and lild:- Man, you, may be confident the cllfeafe IS a

9[ 11, v~·l!l.t~l(·y ~orpc,. ~~f{l as. (witt as the wjn~q frenzy. ,

l,lqt ... W~~.~lg th~ ~pns lea(ure :, .In -{ll~l a cafe e r, The Lord of the ninth' fA the ~xth~ y'~\1 Lf,ll3.Y .n'~r~ (4cfy~~ j'l.dg~, f?y ~ql! ;lfp~as 9~ witchcraft is to be feared , or elfe the dlfea{e the Moon ro .the Plan~ts then' by ~h,~ ,C,,·His. lies very cculr s I doubr my A~thor is miftak~: _. 'a .. A;1ars II) Lt>o,affi,~"1~ th~ht:a,I;t~, ,tAc dif(~{e furely it Ihould be the Lord of the twelfth 1~ rs a fe~~f'I", and the cal]fc ofit c;:hol~:~ 1: ,', the Iixth ; for the Lord of the Il.inth fhoubd ra~ .• 1 4~~ Alw&lye~ ~.hf"1 !y1,/rs ~gnl~s~ .qlfeaft, ther occalion the difeafe about forae wbimfies

~t J~,'fcry:lhort hut extn'cttn.eaClltc. , in Religlon, '.' • I. • '

, 15, If t.h~SlJn at the d~Cltmp.u~Te q~ a.fflil\:cd 22. The Moon itl Aries· In the, eIghth affi,l8:$

~v the body or q~'ltrtiI: oppolJ.t,ioliiy Antifi.i)1\ the head with a difeafe too hot for it to beare, of Sllt/~nu'~ ~hC~l(('afe 18 SJttllr:1tI1I~ melancholy, whether the difeafe lie in the minde or in the

, and body. CH A P.

~. ~"

. . ' ~

I '): : C Ii A ·~.~1{:I·".i . -,

. "/I?' 11-,

llow to /tnow whtth~r tbr 'iJip'~fo~' in, th~ ~;n~

. 'in the hatlJ. " .. '.' , I

. \ . ~ .

I .,. ,"_". 1- - ~.,. ~ . _"

~t\" u. the, AI·)horifn1C~s·. 0.( n~y Allt~Q'r ,UPOD

. : this, quc~i~n are got (0 dt:cply, tqg~~:bcr b, ( le cars, aHd In Iuch a hubbub, that l kuuw..not ~n the world which .way. to g9~ ab~c fq ~c~9n. -;ile' them ~ eXfry following 4pb9J.'~ti!.lA .ttl~~.(C him thar goes before r, in one. he ath~l1l~ due ihe Sun, MOOli, and afcendenc rule the. body,

aud thelr..Lords the min Th.e; ve~Y'.~itXt

Aphoritn,,: a,ffl~'nlcsth~ i ; .Iqoll q(WJl

~olltradi~ OtlF another. hicleous o.l ••

ner ,t~at I was forced to .. ~on~p~nj~,

and fearch other Aluho.rs r pnof

c.hts point; and they conclude, .Sun,

Moon, and Afcendent lignifies the by, and their Lorda.rhemlode J~ and if thls 'J.Ilao' be tal$ql for . ~ruth ~ the ~i~e,8:i~c:, J\pllor~fi"es. art

r.,lff c :. .: .'. . ,'; . i I ~.

'. '~'. 'the Sun) Moon~ '3n~/Lprd of the·ACetn. (tent irnpedleed, and their Lords faf(,{he\ycs the dlfeafe lyes in the body and no~ ill the minde .. · 7.: If their Lords be impediredjand tb..oy Caft', the ditC-lCe lye, in the nliud<!" and nut In-the

body. ' ' ' .. '.' . "}

3· Ifboth Sun, Moon, and the ACcdKkntand thdr


• ~~ "~j~ hI D;'follfoi e"'.r~etI: ~' 10", r lords alfo be Impedited , or the greateR of thc'V, both body and m~nd('ar~ difca~ ed s and thIS I ~onf~(fe is f~methlng rarlonal •

4' S"tUYllt genera)!y fign!"es of I~lelancholy" lid by confequence alienation of min de , maddTe, Sec. and therefore alwaye~ when y?U 6nde him to be fignificator of the difeafc, .0': In the Afccndent, or in the Iixth houfe aftblbng the Lord of the ,,("cc;nd~nt, or.either of the ~~ min aries, the fick is alli8:cd wirh care 01" grld~ or fonlcthing elfe that~ as "ad;, be (ua:e ~h~ minde fuffers for it.

S. If lupner be fignificator of the difeafe, ~~ licp in the b()dy~·if it lies any where; for lu~ ur never eroublea the mlnde ~ unle~ it be tha~ MOlliler which men call R.eligion.

6. It were a good thing when a man is troubIrd in minde , if an ArtiLl could tell the caufc of this his crouble , that you may doe. fo, make ufe of rhefe two or three rules; thCI:'C_IS enough. of themthough there be but few, if you haye but wit enough to know by a penny how a {htl·

ing is coyned ; they are tll~fe: . .

~.If the Sun be Author of the diftemper, as be may be if'he be Lord of the houfe ACccndent~ lixth or twelfth houfes , the "iftemper comes

,th.1ough pride, ambj~jon, v~in.glory. ..

2: Ifit be ]upittr,tt comes through rellgion, fome idle Prien hath fcar'd the l.loor creature OUt of his wits.

;. If it be Yellz«, Iove, Iuxurlous expence, or Iomethlng elfe of like nature is the caufe,

1:. If frl,rc14Y.J be the afHifling Planet, t,* flc~ IS

-108 Culpepper's Afir%gilal]I'ei&e!Me/# is peflered 'with a pa!-cd, ,of. firange inl~ginati~ ons, and as, many v~\Jr~<if~~res attend hhn·gre~t vexation or fhidy, 01' both is the cau·{e. ,,'

.13~ rhefe you may fil1d~ ou t.U the. re~ ,

this IS the (nlll o,ft\1e~"{n,dk. .

THat this may be known, for 9tis not onely poffib le, but: aJfo prob:\ble ) be pleated CO confider ,":'

I.lfthe{i~ne the LOI'd of the Hxth poU'dfeth efpccially ifhc an infortune , Of a fortune')n! fortnn:ttcd. And then,

?~onfiderwhat part of the bodyehe lignc he IS In ~overne~, as Aries governes the head 7'altrNl 'the neck and throat, &c. and be fU~ that p:tl't is afflict-cd. '

• 3: Confider what parts -of the body the sffllthng,Planet rules, w~ich are under thatIlgn, at,nd you need not queftion bitt that·s 'a:ffli8:(t"; for example, Vt>IIIY though the rule many part! 0t.tI~e.bbdy _ yet in Scorpio fhe-rules only the prrvrues.

• 4' Saturn,. ,Lord of the li~th and in the tenth, In T '!UYlU afH18:s the body univerfalfy but c.

(pcclalJy the lefe fide. ~

5. S,tltlYnI

'.'2; 'OfDifi~E;'en!itrg~J: '",. 'l69 ,

~. Sart/rite Lord· of. the bxth In the taft degrees 'Gemini, ' ~r Jin tile -firf] degree 'of ,ClJnctr~ Ieth paine in the left fide, as though an awle

ere run into it. ~; , II ': ' ,

" Saturne Lord oflthe- frxth in Leo in tbe fchoufe,caufeth pains in the back and heart, original of which faith Illy Author, is , but I Ihould rather think it Mdan-

I ;

7.Yif he be in JTjrgo in thetwnlfth houfe,fi~'lie~ paille in the head: If he De in Scorpio orital and flow in mosion , lir,nifies dlfeafes in e.reins.as the r,ravcl,ttone,a,ul pilling blood. I lTe I can' ~ive 110 reafon for all this.

$. If S,dl4rlte be Lord of the dlfeafe and in qUJrilU, the difca(e comes by rr.ivarle.

9. M,JYS Lord of the Iixth and ill the fifth:t ill Scorf;:J~ives an internal pain in a 11 parts the body; if it b~ a WOlll~l1,a.le is n~t wel I .

11 her wombe ~ the Illndfe ot whlch afth4s at 1 body, ~fpcchdly her he .. td, by reafon of that, it-able «;ongruity bttwixt th:'t pa!-:t·all~ l~r , •• n.n'n' .. ·; kinde women take Douce ot 1t 1 tor it IS as true as that the Sun is up when he is upon the meridian. All Cephal ick medicines help the wombe and remedy Its g"iefe; I am confidept you defire a i-eafon of it: you lhall not fail of your dcfires, It is becaufe Aries and Scorpio are both the houfes of l\-lars.

10. If Mars ~e.Fetro~adc in Scorpi« and in the Afccndent, thejwhole body is univcrfally at .. fliB:ed, but externally, ",;z. the Ulan breaks out in boils and ulcers, or itch, pCl'b.1psit is the


, .. ,,'



How. it "t~J hi /tnown whnt part of the b()dy httf

jl,[ltd. ... -

, .'

i ~ 0 cui pepper-s ttAjltJogiii.l(. . (maU pbi: or -moaArs .'/Jf:Jf...,. fit ."I=ward mifchicfe, the ~rench pox)·U· fiu-~dly ·tG

ft fi .Q._,..J. •. ~ .' .

u peL;(cu. ,.' ,\ . " .. ' c ," • " I

II. If MIlYJ be Lord of the fixrh ih l:,e6>, fick is' ~xtrf!athly pcUlkd 111 hiJ -l>uk;in this

need never feare failing. . . , .' ~ ", "i

12. If Mil's be Lord of the fixrh h~ Virg" - Author faith it will lye in the Iefe fidej- or legge; Bu t after t had had halfe an houres with Doaor Experience, he proved to me was alwayes ehe Colick, and heat in the els; take heed ,it conies not to the gravel in kidneyes , when !flay, comes in to Lib,,, : a to the.Bone In the bladder . ., when At/ars 'come to Scorpio. . He that: is a Phyfician, knowes as \Vdl how to prevent a dlfeafe before it conte'., as how ~o remedy it when. it is come. ..1:. "

I~ .. The Moon In the Afcendem aftlia,d by, SAturn, or Mars; beftowes difficulty ofbrca· thing, and infirmities in the lungs upon a man, 1 Cftnftlfe J can give 00 reafon for it. '

. 14" VIIlUl Lady of theJl1tfh and infortunitld by MArs,givC!s fufpitions .enongh of the Frmc~

pox.. . i. , .

Here is enough to teach you more; 'It;t, noi: all your wlrs lye in your books; be diligent and ftudlous., or elfe you may hap~n to dye fools ~ let not all your wits lye in youI' books, but forne in your head" it is that within you, and not that without you mult doe Y.QU good,

" A$ for the fide of the body aftli&ed, my Au.'

ikor bath Idt a few rules to know i, , ivhicb I will declare to you, and leave them tQ the ape FrobatiOJl

'4.-'s)~\(,'f{Rif.UflI.,*I"rg" j'.: il1:~ 'Ii / bltiO~ or· (~probadOD of·i)oftor '&pe-

e;l~rf~~t'L~;d ~}e~h; . fi'~t'h' h'otJJ~c' ti~ :dlliac~

ave the earth, and in a diurnal,li,,,e,thejjck~ eire is in the right fide of the body; and In-the

ppcJ' Pfl,ft ot it. . '_"". .-

2. If the Lord of the fixth be under the earth; in a no8urhal Jignc, the 4tckneffe Jyet in e infcriour parts ottlle body, and on the l.-:fc

• , , t-

3: Whether be be under Or above ebe eaeeh itt diurnal, the fickneffe is the forepart of the y, imagine dl.e forehead, face) bceaft. bel~ feme other vibble part. ' .': .: ~

4' If it be in a..nOCturnal fi~il, the dif~are li e! tbe back part of the body ~ or -elfe .In fORle re chat lies invifi~lf~.as the bowels; &Ie. .or the difcafe lin oceule.r.for ,..ke thi.

a gm~ral rule, the difeafes are' more hid the ~y¢s Qf your underftanding, when t:h1I ificators of them arc in IlGCtUfnal igls,then.

arewhen they;tre' In diurnal, . " " ..

S' If the figni6catQrs be corrupted byoth~r anets, and a difference In thef.rules betWCtrf fignlficator and the Planet ~ &h'ac: corrupts them, the Patient is afHi~edboth wa,,';nanlc!~ according as he fignlfies, and according· as

P Janet corrupting fignifies.' .

6. In fuch a cafe view diligently which of them is moll affiiCt(d : and YOUl' reafon; if yOU' haye any~ wi~1 tell you that the m~· part of tht' malady hts ID tb~~ part of .th6 bOdy fisnifiefl

dlc-Planet wbich i, rooft .. ftliB:ed. ~ t


'.2 CulpepPer,'s Afl~g;ttJ'1*dglilmj' , :' '7. To wintle up all in ,a Wo~M~fcuIihe PI nets denote the rlghe fide -of the body, Feml tho left, all of rhem 'a ftU a: that part·of the bod which they governe,

, . .

C H A I). XIV.

tl'hetlln: the jjfe~fo, lhaU he long or foort) or , thr It JhIlU end 111 Life or DelltlJ~

DOr judging of this, take a feW ~allti()~lS by I'theway.

'~. Confider if the Sun, Moori, A(c~ndent and their Lords be much or Iircle aflliltcd ..

2. Confider the ag~ of the fick party 5 for old age brJngs longer fickneffe then youth.

, 3· Confider the rlme of the year; for Autumn and Winter bring longer ficknclfes thm Spring and Summer.

4- Confider the complexion of the patietlt; for amelahchpJyman Is more fubjeft to retalu a licknclfe then a cholerick,

5· Confider the Planet afHi8:ing , for SlttNffl' produccth longer fickneffe then Mars.

6. The {>Janets generally and briefly order t~e Iickneffes they give in this manner ; Satllrt11 giVe'S long ficknelfes, the Sun and ]tllit,r fhorr, Mers !hurter then either of then); but acute ;J'c. HUf n~eane, Mereury variou~ a'~d uncon~ant, .~ c::ordlng to the Planet he rs Joyned wIth· or r (petted to. The Moon gives filch fttkocsa.·()('


ib.2 of'Difl"fis' enlarged. 1t~

rettu'ne, as tlgnes,falling Ilcknefle, Sec. And ~r(fore therlirellion of [he Moon to the body, r of afpeft ~fSattlrHe wl ll foorter caufe a fa I. n~ lickndfc then the dire8:lon of any other

llifi~ator. '

Thefe are the cautions, and according to d~ cau rions to underflaud thefe foI hnvJ ng "horifincs which you Iha l l findc marfhal le d 'r,-) [here rhrce d i v i (ions; Firf], Signes ofIoug lh:>r'[ ii,:~ndf.: ;St'(:',)n~!11JSjgncs of recovery; 'iirdly, Slgll~s ot dL'~ll,l.

PAR. T. t.

Si{,llcs of Iong. or £hort fickJ.1C'fle.

[r{l, the Iixth houfe being po(fc{fed by a fixed fign, a"rgtles length in tht!'dileafe; if figne that poffi:lfeth the C,lI( pe of the fixth e moveable) the difeafe will be 1110rt; if the,

n be common " the difeafe will either. be e in refpeCt of lengrh ~ or elfe a change of e difca{e, or a relapfe is to be feared. . , 2. If the latter degrees of a figne be upon the rpc ot the fixth, the di Ieafe will quickly end

rhe'" one way ovanother. ' :

3. A fixed figne on the Cufpc oftbe flxth vcs tough and ' hard humours to be the aufes of the difeafc, and fuch as 'arc hard to be cllcd, they ,flick to the bQ~y like birdli~tl

, t 4·Sa~

J J 4 Culpepper~"Aftrologic,,1 j,ldgellle", 4. Seturne Lord of the fixt~ Ihewcs long fcafes ; Jupiter, ~1(1r.s a nd the Sun [horr, Me fuch as arc as conflanr as the 'weadtcrc{)ck.

5. If the Lor-d of (he Iixth be ttJ'ul1ger then th Lord of the Afcendenr .the [ickm He gets fi aga.infi nature: ifY~L~ fin~e it to upon a figu jn urine, judge the ditcafe increafeth,

6. If the Lord of (he fixth be weaker then Lord of the Afcendenr, nat urc gets firc:ngth the difeafe, and will at Ian PUt hlm to a ton

rout. , .

7. COlnnl011 Iignes (hew the difeafe will

in one fiate, as Iong as a Cat is eyed to a P ding.

8.The Lord of the Iixth, if he be a Malev it is an ill omen j if he be a bellevole,nt; y need not fo l~luch as feare a long fic~~dfe , the difeafe wi l l be cured both (peedily and fily; unJeifc the {aid benevolent be ~ocd alfb. the el~hth. f

9. If the Moon apply to the Lord of the the difeafe will be encreafed till it has put to its trumps.

If the Moon be Lady of the Afcende.At,ill ·was the caufe of it; perhaps a furfeit by king.

JfYenlu be Lady of the fixth, 'tis women, it may I.e {ports and pafllmes, or filch as Vent« delights in : you know how to , of the cell: of the Planets according to their

veral natnres. .

10. If the Lord of the fixrh applr to C4tartile or Oppoiition of' he LQ1"~ of the

of DifeMje~ tHla~.getJ."' - i J ,

t the difeafe encreafeth ~ and is not yet

e to' his beight. . ~. .

I confeffi this, and many other Aphorlfnl~S reabolltS -' belon~ .not at all ~~ the de~umblres, but to quefh0!1s upon l[rlne_,. a~d m,~ff them', ifnor all of them ~ will hold true rn alto.

If. The Lord of the fixth in the ~ight~ j ~ Blit! kurvy un lucky {~g l!e_, ~!",d Ihewes the _flCklll {ft! "11 end in death: Jt It be 111 [he fourtbjit Ihcwes

'(ickndfe will end in the grave~ ,

'~12. The Lord of the '{ixth in the t\~e~rt~;~ry,~~ loud that the Patient oppofetJl, filS' owne

" ,

ill. ~

13' The Lord of rheelghth in the"fi"t~,a~Q Lord of the fixth ih the eighth, ,if they be III

Iy afpe~, the lick foon r~co,:er~. ,'." ~ .

14- 1 confelTe the former A'pJlorJfme ~e~lts it radox to me; I Ihould rather th.rik f~c~ne~e death had made a match together' ,':to take

y the life of the Parlehe , and lh,;tl~~,dd.e (0

lJ,tilll have fpoken with Dollar ,~xpcrlenf;e

tit., . ' ., •. • .' .' .

1~. If there be an Opp-~htI,?n ~ S~1ttlle:t. or rine between the Lord" of the Ilxth arid I"/,Iter, e fick foon recovers; for Iupir.r . wtll' handle mwlthour mitrons , and 'cis vet'y~robable tH:k will not come much behind 'them in the !findfe. ' ~. " . h 16. If in fueh a'" c.tfe; Iupfter be in tlt~ nlnt oule ',the Iickneffe comes by reafbn ot forne yfi;k fQrmeHy taken, which 'w~~'l '~t lall ~h' c.shduce to the' Paclents healtfi, ..

J .a. '<1


• 16 Cu\pepper's.Aftrol~&icarJudgme"t I do~bt[lly Author .niRook the ninth for 'the tenth; did I fayI doubtedcir ? nay) know it •. . It is the 'tenth houfe, that is tht: houfe of lick, and not the ninth. 17. A 'malevolent in the Iixch, is an ill fign but a benevolent there is as good a one for that.

18. The Lord of the twelfth in rh e fi fhewes Witch-craft, or poffdTion by the Devi that·s as bad: and jfhe be a malevo lent ~ yo may take ~t for granted, 'tis as firre as a club.

19.The Lord of the afcendent in the fixth the Lord of the ·fixth in "the atccndenr ~ Ih long dlfeafes , and fuch as will continue ti one of rhern , if not till both of them make

exit our of the figne he is in.· .

ao.Jf ln fuch a cafe the malevolent caft ll] pclt to her sbid her Phyfitian ufe his wits as as he-can, for the fear of death is not fmal],

2 I. The L01·d of the Afcendcnt and houfe, in Quartile, Oppofirlon , 01' Conjun on, 111 Iuch degrees as Artifis call Azem;n;, in Angles, threatens fuchperpetua l pain, wh none: but Do8:or death Islikely to cure.

, 2l. The Lord of the Iixth in the Alicen[Jrnr, Ihewcs the dlfeafe will. continue long cops nay longer then 'tis welcome; but it doth 1ignifie the lick mufl needs dye; for that b

to the eighth houfe .aud .his Eord, ..

2"3. 'Tis no good fign of quick """~"''II'~'''U

the Lord of the fixch houfe is a rna '"'.""'101"." 24' If the Sun, Moon,;&nd LordQft~

. of- Diftafll enla;'ged. I 17

t be free from ill beames of'ill Planetsj and' y to"fortnnes tharare any thing fh'ong and e (0 doc good, the cure wirl come as foon as can in r eafon hope £(/1' it •

25. 'Tis alwayes bad when the Sun, ,Moon, LOl'd of the atcenden t apply to the Lord of tixth, eight, 01' twelfth houfes;and 'tis not a it better, 'if they be Lord of thofe houfes,

26. Ir is an exceeding good figne at 'he beg of a fickndfe,if neither the Lord of the dent,Sun or Moon behold the Lord of the or eighth houfcs.

'J.7' Its very ill when the Lord Offli~ Afcen-

is atRia-ed ~ namely ifhe be retrograde or

an ill houfe, in his derrlmenr or fail,. or be-

by malevolents. J:\1I houfes·wbith benot the Afcendcnts are ill houfes 5 nanlely, fixth_, eight, and twelfth. I will rake no no-

at all of the fecond in this cafe,becAufe it is

. ng to the lira; but the 7th {hal notfcape ufe it oppofeth the·Afcendents:itis very when the Lord of the Afcendent isthere.

28. In filch cafes 'tis true the dlfeafe may ily be ct"ued,.if good courfes.be taken; but

lIT a relapfe into that difeafe is to be!f'eared, elfe the difeafe is fubjcft to a change out ot\. difeafe into another as bad ~ whereby the ~ . is in dangerof death, unleffe iJl the meane on the Lord of the Afcendent growes firon·

: for, ehe flronger heis, the better able he is

prcfcr.ve .llfc, . , .

29. The Lord of the Afcfndent Infortunated theLor4of~the'hxth\, though hebe but in

'_""U"- .J his


1.18 Culpepper's.AjlrlJlogical j'ldg111t""


h~s ternl_e,. prolongs the fickneffe, .

3~. 'If rhe Lord of the Afccndent be riated by the Lord of the eighth,if gives feare nough , that none but death can end the q rei between tlac lick and th e fickneffe,

3 J • If the Lord of the Afcendent be flow motion, the 6.cknelfe will be as flow in the ring , and flower jf Saturn» be Lord of the fcendenr : bUJ:,if the Lord of the Afcendent f\Yift in: motionjaccordlng to the hafle he fuch fpted, you may ex pc;tt of the difeafe,

3'2. The Lord of the Afcendent angular ~h'oDg)'a~ no way impedired.ler the difeafe never fovlolentjrhc feare of death is more

the bar~e. . . . . _ ,_

33 .. :T~Cf.Lo~d, of the Afcendenc t:11 • apot,hc:r: fign, though i~, be out of hls own iuc;o al~PtJlerJP.rovid'(tditb.e not iIJ.,(o the of the Lord of the Iixth, eighth, or twelfth, ,~il<:~e.:fQ91) ends ill health; if it be Into houfe of the Lord of theeighth, the fick dyes the tia~le; jf it be into the f1011fe of the Lord the fixth, the Iickneffe is encreafed , jf into houfe of the Lord of the twelfth, tbe fick ei keeps i:lJ.~yet,ol" is unruly, or is mad': in

~,cafe he that will nor be ruled by reaton,

Ibe ruled by force. '

. ~4·.f' the Lord of the _ A(cefl~en1; me weak bindel,f, yet ifhe joyned to a fortune, the very, will be very {pee~ily; for if the fortune any thing firong, he will he1pe it forward tooth and naile, ,.' . ' '

'3.5· The Lord oftbeAfcend~l)t~ the Suit;

of difeafl.r, . Enlarged. li9

Moon jOYI1~d to an Inforeune, prolongs t~e c s and the weaker they are,the longer JS

, "oIIR I a '

edi(eafe like to au. .' •

36• If the fignificator of the di {cafe. be In a

of rhe nature of the difcafc e for example,

e rhe difeafe proceeds of lT~clal1c?oIy, if L- _ ~:; ificaror be in an earthly flgnc, It exceeproJong~ t~e difeafe e [udge the like by

rdt of [he humours, in Iuch cafes the cure is eding difficult: vii unit« fortior •

. If the fignUicC\tor of the Iickneffe be an rmnb , and applyed [0 the Lord of the Ait mightily retards the cure; you fee. need there is the Phyfitian be an Aftrolo .. ; I know not how a man fhould help naunldfc he know it.'

,8. If the Moori be w!th t~_e Lord of the A .. enr or applycd to hlm,die cure comes ~al!y o~ , jf Ihe be fwife in motion; but jf file flow in motion, {he hales the cure back-

39. 'ir the Moon, decreafe bc:th in light .and

ion and be wlth the Ol!arule,Oppofiuon, body of Sl1tllY1U, the dHt-a_fc is exrreamc , for e ncxr rime {he comes to h is bodyor oppofi-

, unlfffe you can cure the ditcafe bcfo~e~ d he is a Phytitian indeed that can doe It,

h takes poffc11ion of the breathlelfc Corps

he Patienr. ·

'40• The Moon, or any o~her fignificat?~ ?f fickjoynedro a Planet dlre8: and fV1!fc III osion fhewes but.a Ihort fickneffe , But If the

anet bt retrograde or flow,the cure will be as

-to a haire, -41• If

I ao Culpepper's Aftr-ologicitl J"dgcnJcnt

41. If Scorpion afcend , the ftck is the caul of his own fi.:knclfc; bccaufe then _4ricl is upo the Cufpe of the Iixth houfe and tJne Planet Lord of both places; and if he' be in either both thofe houfes, it is Co much the worfe, he will addc fire to the fuel, and blow the

lowes too. '

42• Both the Luminarlcs in Cadent houf and their difpofitors together with the of the A(cclldent affli8:ed, Ihcwes a difeafe dangerousjthat the Phyfitian hath need euou to look about him.

~3' If in firch a cafe the benevo lents fet their helping hands, the difcafc will be prol and for acute become chronick ; yet if the bene .. volent be fiJ"ongell, the difeafe will at laR be cured beyoud all h.ope; If rhe malevolents be Ilrongefi , 'tis fhrewdly to be feared that d muf] turnc Phyfitian when all comes to' all.

44- Suppote Mars be Lord of the Afcendent, and in the Iixth , yet jf he L>c in any afpect to V CHlI!) -ris not defperaecly bad, becaufe (he miLigat{s his evil.

45. The Lord of the Iixth in the eighth af· fliEtcq by So-Write or h-lllrs, if he be weak , VI;', J'etrogr"tde or combufl, or in his detr irncnr, the dI{~a{e will continue till death cures it.

46• The Sun, Moon, or Lord of the Afccn .. dent with a fortune, and that fortune they are with retrograde, promifeth cure ~ but together with the prornife comes a rhrcatning ofl~nglh

of the difeafe, .

4~7. The Moon in a bad place of the heavens prolongs

ib.2. of Difeafes enlarged,; J 21

ongs the difcafe if {he be in a fixed figne, ith('tlt any further dltpute of the flory.

fS, Nevcf forget this genet~l nile, the Urour the Moon is at the Decumb'iture 7 the better, is for the fick j the weaker fhe is at that time~, worfe.,

49. It were ~ ,?ood thing and very commen .. dable if the nauvuy of the fick could .b~ procured: for if Saturne be Lord of the n.atlvl~y., t~e tick may live though the Moon be III With his body, or oppoHtioo at the decumbiture.

SO. Judge of the lengt~ or f!10rtne~ ?f the difclfe according as the difeafe IS: for It IS not to be o~pu9:ed that a feaver fhould Ian (caven ycare::. and it is as little to ~e hope~ that a Con .. tumprion fhould be cured In ftl day,


PAR T. l I.

Sigues of hfe at the Decumbitur«,

F1dl, Jupiter, Veme ; the Sun and Moon in the Afcendcnr, nor affliCting nor beholding the Lord of the eighth, nor being Lord of the eight ihemfelves , take away not only the feare of

death, but alfo promife a fpeedy cure. .

2. The conjunftion of the Moon .,,-:ith Jupzter

is alwayes prof perous: moll propltlOllS If It be in Cancer: if doubtful at all, it is when they are in Capricorne. > becaufe in t~ one they are both dignified: in the other both 'Cadent from their dignities: And yet Iet me tell you but .

, thus

" -


I ~ :l Culpepper's .Afl,.,,~gicaI1ugde ........ -Lib. 1. of Dife-fes e1Jl.rg~". - 12~

~hus much) Iupiter is Iupiter fiill, behe where he lev'oh~nts' at the clecu~bitl~re , and withall it· will. - they behold the Moon, the Afcendent , or his

3. The Moon in an angle wcltderpofed in Lord, they ~ronljfe recovery. The Malevolenrs good tcrmes, and free from the body or beamn may threaten har~)&c. bue the benevolenrs will of SltturHe 01' MaYs, it r dlorcs the lick to health, nay the deadly blow.

and (cernes to be beholding to atuy of 10. If the Moon be feparated front a weake

a11. . malevolent, and applycd to a firon~ benevo-

4. The Moon ~ppJying to the Lord of tile lent, the fick is eafily recovered ; foe the weakeft

A{ccndcnt, unleffi (be carries' the beames of the alwayes goes to the wall. . -'.'

Lord of death ~() hlm, doth the like. 11. If SlZturne be fignfficator of the ftcknelfe>.

5. The Moon cncrcaHng in Ii~~~ and Cwift in oriental ofjhe Sun, the difeafe cooling of cold, morion, and not poficcd in the fixtb, eight, nor &c.ocddental of the Snn, the defeafe coming of '" rwelfrh houfes, applying to the Sexrile, Trine) heat,fcldo",e kills ~ My J\llthor may be fomeor Antifcion of the Lord of the Afcendene, thing queflloned for c;h,is; yet this I'le cafily though the Lord of the A(ct'ndent l'-e. a rnalevo- grant him, that Saturn, Is not fo fubje8: to take,

lent,i c matters not, Co he be direCt, and not ill- away life in fuch a lifs as in the cont:ra~. ...~9""

fortuna ted by houfe.nor impedlred by another J dare not be poficive Inthe thing, becaufe I

Jna]cvo]rnt, neither in his d~ri",cnt nor fIliI, have not (p()~en with D.r ~!,perience about it.

it promifeth recovery. 12. Mars IS not fo formidable when he is OC-

6. If the Moon be void of courfe at the de- cidcnt~l as when he Is oriental.

cumbiture , if on the Cdtici\l day Ihe hehuld a 13. MIlrs aftli8:eth the.Mqon more when {he is

~ood {ta.r ~ there is no qu~(\ion of recovery te be oriental then he doth when the is occidental,

made, 14. A receprlon between the Lord of .rhe A-

7- If o~ a Oddcal day the, Moon be in her fceudent and the Lord of the eighth, if they be

own houfe or ex~altation , though the be 'Void benevolene.or if the l?encvo/cnce lend them aid"

(,t.collrle., the feare of death Is more then the {hewcs recovery. ,/ -

h.um c, f(l), the Iick will recover. J 5. Alfo my Author fllith, that jf the Lord

R. 'The Sun, Moon, and Lord of the A{ccn- of the eighth receiveth t~e Lord of the Afcen.,

den t f. ee front (he beanies of S-d,uY'ne, Mars or dent without the mallcioue beames of. ill for-

thto' toni' of death at: the decambieure , there tunes, the lick will efcape , even when there is

cannot be to- much as- a bare fufpition of: no hope of life. ' -

dt'Hh. I knownot!he truth of-it • .becaufe- as yet I

~ 9J• If ch c benevolents be flronger thenthe ma- know not,the judgemene of~oaor Experfence

Ievolents In


l ~4 Culpepper's Ajir%gica.lJIle/geNlellt in the thing; but Doaor Reafon is of opinion, that it is fill' better that the Lord of the Afcen .. dcnt difpofe the Lord of the 8th, then that the Lord of the 8th dj{pofe the Lord of the Afecl.l-

dent. j !

Is it not bctccr'rhat life difpofe of death then that death dilpo{c of life? Indeed this he told me, That if the Lord of the Afcendent do dif .. pofe the Lord of rhe Sth; the fick will take fuch a courfe as will be for his own prejudice,', and the hafining on of his end.

. But if Iick people wi 11 not be ruled by faire meanes, they nlull be ruled by foul; and that is

all rhar I can' fay unto it. .

16 .. If good Planets be in the Afcrndent or Mid-heaven at the Decumbirure , and rretty 1trong witha l, they will fi.tnd to their tackling floutJyto maintaine life, though the' fignifica .. tors of it be never Co much aftiicted.



Sig1Jts' o/1JeatlJ.

L I.~" ~ F1rfi'of all ihe Lord oftQ-e A{cend~ntaffiiacd

,':h'''~) in the 8ch ; the Patient is more mad to be

apud i1Jjeros,thcn death is to have him ; The man will dye, and his 1 lfe will be cafl away abfoJutely with evil guidance.

2~lf at the Decumbiture you find the Lord of l'l'''; _. t. the Afcendent combufl in 'the Afcendenr, paffc

:... . the fame judgment with the former. .

1.. ~ ... '.; .: .... ; 3, If the ~Qrd',?f the 8th houfe be in ehe.mld .. r. ; .. :. ,,,. ,.Il~av(ns) and aftila the Lord of the &fcendcnt~ the

2. of Diftlifol enlarg·eJ. . , . 12 ~

Ph},fick. will·be ~t1'a !hr~wd miflake, and in-

of cUfln~ go neer to klU. ..

Liftell to t£lis, 0 Colledge o~ P~yllt1an~ ; let. intrc:at YOll to learn the principles of your ; and I befeech yon no longer mlftake arice for wit and honefly,

;. The Lord of the.8dI very: Hrang in the j\fenc,givcs you faire warning that death 15 a

ming.. . . 5. A conjunfcion between the !,--ol'd of the

and the Lord of the Afcendenrjis as mortal

fign as the heavens can (hew.

6. 1 t is a very unlucky ii~n when the Lord the Bth houfe is Lord of [he houfe at the Dembiture. And not much better if the Lor'd the houfe at the Decu mbicure be afll.ll.ted by theLord of the 8t.h -; efpecial ly if the Lord of

e 8th be a malevolent. '

Such ill heglnningof a difcafe ufual!~ proves hral at the latter end, unleffe the Phyhuan be a

vrry able man. '

7.lfthe Lord of the Afccnd~nt fall ret~ogl'.ade frum the body of the Lord of the Sch , ~t gives you a timely warning of death at thelr next cunjunction, unlefs the Lordot the Afc~nden,t meet with the Sun before he meet With the

Lord of death again. .

8.The Lord of the 8th in conjun8:ion,fQ.uare, or oppofidon to the Moon at the Declllu!->ltUre, threatens. death; unldfe there be a reception between them. If the Lord of the 8th be retro~rade or iofortunaced , you ulay tbe more conbde in his judgment.

9: The

L I I;. ~ 'o" 1. s·

._ :,' ... >:o· ...... ~ .( ~ .

L ~ .l -, 1 PI- . -:, " -, :, • " ( .. I}_

L I : .... ,.., • .1 '~. •

, .... 1.;. . ')';-. ...

- "

... ~ ",.

o • ( ~ .;. ... ~,

() . .;.. ... ,., "",,0 '-.

J 26 Culpepper -8 Ajir'oiiJgicAl p,dgelJltNJ 2, ~f Di{e4JeJ enl"~ged. _ r ~,

• 9. The Lord of tile eight in an angle, y a(pra, the fick will probably live; and that

clallt the weflern angle, the Moon and I f(."fnember,l told you before. But the fick-

the Afcendentbelng in cadent h~ufes" or will be long and tedious, ahd~the ~ffea:s

flitted by male\'olents,death may be feared,and it lye long in the body, and that I neVer told

that i.uft1y to; ef~ci~lly if a malevolent be in 011 till now. /' .

the clghth,or Lord of that houfe. 1.4.. The Moon with Saturn and ~lllYs, or the

10. The Moon with both Satllrn-e ahdlllpiter with the onegand the Sun with the other'

profits not the fick at all,unlefTe Iupittr be lnuc': either of them with one, and the Lord of th~

fironger then Snturne or with the Lord of the cendent with the other, or the Lord of the

Afcendentthen either of them, cendcnt with both, gives Ihrewd fufpitions-,

In fuch a cafe medicines under the influence t (he Iicknefs is but the Pradromu« or ulherer

of lupher, will doe good:.bccaufe his body is af- ofdearh. -

fliB:ed by {() fotcht an adverfary. 15· The flower in motion the affiiaing infor-

. This had from iJo8:or .cafon ~ neither is is, the worfe iWs; for then the Moon meets

It barely to (yfienlc truth; - btu a foundation to again npon die Critical day.

build other tru ths upon; a rule for practice; * J6. The Lord of the a Icendent in the Ieventh

key to open the clofer . of practlce , an hcurct~ fourth houfe, and there atHiaed~ gives war>

to finde other .tluths by. to the tick man that his ditfo!ufi.,n is at

i I: The Lord !>f .the Afc~nd~nt in the a(pea~, .

or WIth the antifclon of an Infortune in the 17. An infortune upon the Cufpe of the Ho-

eit¥'th, threatens death, unleffe the wltolfome , bids the: fick provide for a change •

b~ah)es of Illpiter and VenlM help; which if,thtre 18. Fixed fiar~ of a violent nature" 1peaks the

wIll be a ftrong conrefl between nature aud the fame language, if they be upon the Horotcope.

dlfeafe, 19. Thofe fixed ftars are (aid to be ofa vio-

The fortunes ftrive to maintain nature, the: lent nature, which are of the-nature of S aturna Inforrunes to dellroy then) • In fuch a cafe look or Mars; as Lan» Allj1ralis, the Bu 1 s eyes:J 'he which is ftrongeft, and p:lffe [udgmenr upC:n the &orpiolls heart, &c. and forne which are of the end of the dlfpuee accordingly. nature of the fortunes, if Authors miflake not

12. If you finde the Moon in like tafe in an Ihe~l' n~tures, ~s Algol, or the head ofM4duJtt. acute difeafe, or the Sun in a Chronidal pafs ~ll1c,h J.S placed In the Buckler of per!'eUf· The "he Iame judgment. - '"an Allrolof:?;ers (all hint the Devils head J If there be a reception between the Lord of and yet all the Aijrologers hold I upirlt and V t!the .-\fceudent) aha the Lord of ehe eighth by "iIi~tQ have: a fhare in his natura. Let it ~ffice.

any tha,

R J" ,,. ~ ~ 't .. \. ,_.-, tJ

,co .. t.k." .

~ /6 h J"o ·~r t'_ ••• ' ! ), ~.\ ~,

, - ,It 'j ... I~ , ''11 l~ t.~; .~ J ~ '1 ,,_,. y _ .. _ ~, .;, ,.~-.

l I :... • ,., 1" ...

,;/'~-fl .

f.-"~ : 1( }. L·a.',' ,. \1' ,.:'It,) .... • f;'} ..it......,.,., -


~18 Culpepper is AflrologicAI JHagment' 2. ' . 'of Dift"fo.le~14rged: J I,

that all hold, and Doctor Experience him is wife that can anticipate .them,

certifies, that his conditions are as bad as 26. The Moon In the fourth houfe. with the

is worft, Neither fhall he come befl'ind any n ..... _"n (quare; oppofiti~n or a~ltifci?J1 of Mars,

of the fixed ftars in doing mifchlefe, brings a man to his lail: Inherltance, the

20. If the Moon be void of courfe at the ; {he threatens it, iflhc be then; no way

ginning of the fickneffe and yet affii8:ed upona , unlefle {he. be very f\,'ong. . .

II \Ju. "t· critical day, a ~ood Crlfis cannot be hoped; 27. As I have judged by the Moun, Co judge

ill C,-j.0s nlay jullly be fearedjand that not wit hIllrs if YOIl find hi Ill; for if he being tht:l'C

out grounds fran) fober rules of Art. ve any dignities in the l\fc('ndciltr~ JIC will

21. The Lord of the Afcendenc in Leo or A a man as f .• ll to his grave as ever Ilcep ur-

~~'!'f'._' }."v,~, qllarilH impedired by the body of the Lord him to bed. '

'_ .'" . ~. the 6th 01' rath houfes , fignifies danger 28. S"tur)1 oppoficc to the Lord of, the 8th

death. r, threatens danger enough to the fick. .

o ~t. oj .s ..-v •• : 22. Both the Luminaries afili8:ed under the '1.9. The.Moon inConjunltion with MIlr5 iIi

"~r';··"'.· earth, carry the (ante fig'nified tion. fourth houfe will fend the fick "to take a

~ 3. It is evil if the Moon be in her detriment l\PPCl' in another worldgthough both their fOl~':'

-r ,A'/ or fall at the Orlfis , though (hebe not aflliaed Iland and look upon hlm, '

at all;the rlrne of the Cdfis is the time of a com- The Moon in the Afcendenr-1 if you will

bate between nature and the difeafe, vc Authors, alwayes hurts j and they give

And if the Moon be weak, (be is not able to e [hew of reafon of it, becaufe there fhe hath

maintain nature in the combate, POWCl' over the body of the Iick, '7

'4- The Sun affiifrcd by the body, Square or Ytt mine own opinion, for the: prefent j~_,that , : I ,. v Oppofition or Antifdon of a rnalevolenr-it tels file be there; and in Cancer or Taurus.. lhc .. ,. " the Patient the difeafe will be IODg and tedious ill rather help then hinder the fick, If'thc

if not mortal; and bids him provide himfelf do hate the Afcendent,as Authors fay, I

fuch a Phyfician as knowes how to do fome- ofe the reafon to be becaufe SatllYli loves it.

thing elfe betides only to tell mony. then !he hates the S th and rath houfes by

u,.. {'J4J- I; ~ ;_ • 25· The Moon oppofed to the Lord of the fame rule, And if you will call your wits

V·t ~ 1" .c.·c-~ Afcendcnt at the beginning of. Iickneffe, if the to examination, they will tell you it is. true

Lord of the Afcendcnt be, alfo retrograde or gh.. .

combuft, fhewes bitter accidents will fall out to 31. If the Moon be in the Afcendent, and the the fick dur-ing the time of his fickneffe s He afcendiflg of a contrary nature ~o !-,ei, it'i9 is a wife Phyfician thar can remedy them; but undred to one that th~ fick dye: not.of that

he fe, .. 'K Ao"

r. :., .t ..:... II r>'

. " • _' _: '.' .. ,,'/( , ,,'t,

CI ,~. J. ~"'I':'" :>;~ ..... ~ .. , .

; •. ,<1 L ~.

l~ I,

. ,;

l. ,,, ,I' - ')

• •

,'" s· -

(t. /"", ;~ ..• ' ,'J ~. ~\ -.~.

, -- .....


I . _

II ~,·""~·r,.\.·,,· ... · ........ ~

L I .-) . ,1

I ~o Culpepper S Ajlrbt"gic41 1u(igelJlt1lt ib. 2. of Difell[es enl'g,J. ' 121

And here-my Autbor {poke Iomething to ndk,8cc. you may ma~e this ufe of it.,. that

'FUf}1ofe ; If.~he former Aphorjfm~.nlade ad care fit.to make Phyficians, butfuch as are

.:ord'in yo~r brain, 'this jf rightly ndmate1y acquainted with Madana Naturr,and

will r'~dtlce them to a Harmony, - er elden fan Dr.Heafon,

, 32~ The M~~n applying to ~he body ~f 37.lc is extream bad when the Moon applies

Sun within twelve degrees at the Decurnbir any fiar in the eighth" ~s bad a~ w~cn {he: ap- \.._- ,;~I

the lickndTe comes not fa much to terri fie y to the Lord of the t"lghth huntdf. •

body,as to give you warning of your end. 38. The Moon combufi in the eighth in LfOj

And the ncerer the Moon is to the body atcns death, fayes my Author; and fo the ({ ... ,~ ~' ... t

the Son,;the fpeedier difpatch will death m th is {he doth, if (he be combufl in any othcc

of the body of his ca privc. ue or Iigne, unleffe {he feparate from the

33. The M001~ bcfieged by the ~odies of yof the Sun.

malcvolents pohtcd ~et\ve~tl the Sun and 39. The difeafe wil appeare little otherwlfe

of tl1em;thc hopes of Iife are very fmalljor n the fore-runner of death) if the Moon be [ill

at all. ,~and [up,iter ~nd. Venus in conjun8:ion; bq

34' . Authors fay, that if a man or worn uknows any thing In Phyfick that he fhould

fall Iick when the Moon is going out of ,kno\vs the reaton weI enough. '

fiion, their fickndfe wiI encreafe till (he . 40' The Moon with the Pleiades, and Ithe ~,~

'to the oppofidon of the Sun. And if then ldibaran, or with any other violent fixed Har;

'n.n~~t wirhan ill Planer.the tick recovers, ifn s danger of death. I, .

they die; For mine own parrlculare I fptak 41. The Moon applying to her (;)\VI1 Nodes, ~ .. '.I"\' ,'\ U·

more then I h;tve found by continllnlt exp )y~ the head and taiJe of the Dragoo, is

ence , I have often found this falfe , and, bad, but not 10 bad if Ihe feparate fl'Oni

true~ Ill.

35.lf the Suo and Moon be Lord of the hou 42. It is very bad when Saturn is in iiis Perl- ; rp" ,.._.

at the decurublture, and behold the l;ord of , or ncer it, if the dlfeafe come of rctcn ..

i'lghth, the ticknefs is (ent to proclaime .

approach of death. 1-3. Judge the like by Mars, if the difeafe be a

36. It is very bad when the Moon carries cr, or proceed of choler; anti here you have:

light of rhe Lord of the afcendenr to the cr inHl'u8:er to reach you knowledge;

of the elghth , it threatens de athj but. it neerer a Planet is to the earth, the more

not Co in all difeafes neither: for example, tly wil he maintain and encreafc the hu ..

fuch as come and goe by fits,as Agiles;FaJ .nu. ... " he governs.

122 Culpepper's Aflrolog;cl. }"dgemt",

44- It is a very bad Iigne, if not defperate there be an Ecclipfe of ei rher Lun"inary \1 ' a critical day; and if it miffe a day of it, it break no fquares in filch a cafe: the tlme oft Eccllpfe hath to my knowledge anticipated t rtrnc of the Crilis a whole day natural, an proved morral l too,as I have had experience Eflex,in the latter en d of Oitober 16+9.

IIerl1Je.J' Trifillcgiftll-S upon the fir Decumbiturc of the tick:

Shcwin,?, thc.fi._{{lIc.r and COH jcl1ttre of the fCd[c,4nd oJ'life or destb ; by the good evil poplion of the Moon at the time tbe Patients firft lying dOJvn!) or dCl1l ding the qu~/tjf}".

"IT Tflofoever !hall take his fick bed, VV Moon in Aries. decreafing in light a mution, and afflicted by the C()}ljtfftl1irn , tile, or OppofitiDn of Snturn , the fi~tt origi the difeafe is frolll a cold caufe, with heavin of the head, weakneffe or dulneffe of the with diftellation of humours from the 'into t~e.Brea(l ; the throat, and wind-pipe fl:

IJed with flegnle, the pu Ife weak and in nate, more affiilted by night then by day; Inward parts very hot, but outward parts (hi v("l'int; with cold , a Ioathing in the: Ilomac


.21 .f Di(eaje.l·tN/4f1ged.. I 2 ~

rh fwollnings, and Inordinate fwearlngs : gs that. heat and rnolfifie , and looie the lv, are convenient; blood .. letting is unpro-. ble e if the Moon apply to none uf (he For-

nes, withollt doubt the fick wi 11 die; bur if frloon apply [0 the fOI'[UIU'S_, the fick (hall reer , 01' at Je:4ft he ihalf return from one dlfe to another.

l\Joon i" Anes, 11/J11l1ed of l\tf,lrs_, by COI/jll/h'-

Iwn,9<!!.llyule, OY Oppoji,iOII. .

·Irs ami B:ing, the Moo» in .I1rlts,the difcafe

's ofiginallv h'orn. foaie diftempe .. in the me,d)fanCS.or pellict'.s t.)f the brain) with continual Fcvers , the tick tak ing no fell; their month and tonzue extrearn hoc,dt'y,alld thiray~

a hot Liver-or illtlalllnlation therof, with a dry ... neffc in the bl'eal1; hi~h pultes;: keeping no Ot'" der; a phrcnfie, or alienation of mind Inay jllllly be feJred: Bloodletting, and (uch things

3) lefrigcr1lte and mitigace, are convenient ; jf Luna yt<X:1aftCl' her fcpararlon 6'0111 Mars, apply n to an HI ~fpe.~ of Saturll,yiz_. ~oHjunction, fr2!~/rrtilt, or OppoJitt01l, rhere IS Imal l hopes of lite; but if Ole be with, or apply to a good affect of thcfortllllcs,the fick fhall recover,

The [trfo,u ill Tauyur, lfJJ1ictcd ofSatllrn, by Con .. jWll:tioJt, ~artile, orOj>pofition.·

The dlfeafe pr'oceedeth from much r. uxury, Surfeitsjor ~oo much repletion, caufing FcveL's pro ..

, 0./ 4iflafl~~- E"I"t'g~J. _ .: i~,

Fever, the pain' all ~vcr '"the body ,~ut nloft in . joynts and arrerres t after the third day the {eai'"ewil eilcfe'a(e to the 30.illclincs,tP a Con ... ption, wuh pulft;Jare and {iRall., frequent eating and palll of the fpIccn, worfe in the ht then in the day.. I!' Mars do alfo ilfBill--th, ,~he fick wil not hv~ above tan daies, ex ..

a good afp~a: of Iupite~· or V~nlH Intervene, (hen after a Iong rime the lick party ma~


r.lIJe Moon !" TIl,cr/~~ nfJlicted of Mars, iJy CQNjn)tC'" -,' '

.. uon, ~ilrll"', or C?ppojitioll. 1ke Moon in Gelt,iHi, afJIicted of M,ars, b). COlliu,,~

'\ tion ~tartdt:, or Oppo{ttion~' ""

The di(eafeproct>cdcth of too much ill bioQd ' '

with ~o,!dQuall F,:vers, the whole body ob~ A MoR vl olcnr, and d.lngcrou$ Fever , much

nruae~, Infiamll1atlOnS of the l'ie,ck,throat,and ubftruCtion, very high,alold diforderly put-

hinder part of the head, ach of the bonesv j tc~; ~lo~d~ letting is good for fli~h .• :, ..u +'111.

ordinate watching, a detire to- drink water an h.we no ,,$fiaoce from the foreunes, . a~d~y

ecole things ; bloodlet~i,?g,:Uld things tha; ro an ill ;I(pea: of Snturn « the fick wi] hardl1 c. •

~ool, exttlll1.a te. and nu tlgate ,are conven icnt : (c~pc: bu t.if /..uHa Ihall be Irradi ated by thp •

Jf that the violence of ~11lrJ be not repelled by fortlll1fs,they {hall recover, .r . .'. ;,.

{orne. of the fortlln~~,the .Iick wit hardly live \' .. -

the riinth day; but If the Nlo(J}1 be with either Moo1t i" Cancer afflicted of Sa.urll~ bJ CQni.Ilnt.~

the fortunes, ex pea: rccov<.ry after the 11 tion, fj(gart#e, or OppOjitiOltft .'

~ay. . .

I 24 Culpepper's .Aflrol"gicaI1~gdell1ciU proceedi~.g ~rom obHruCtion.s an~ di!ttmpcrs of t?e precor diack s, and AL·CCl'lCS,wllh.lufillmma .. eron of the whole body, and exulcerarion the lungs? the puJfe is high ~ and inordinate· b!oodlctt'n~! and {He.h medicines as purge 0: dlffolve ~roHe humours are good; if the r..l0'~ be not helped ~Y (ome goo~ afp{'8: of the fortll.nc~,thc rick ~ll hardly efcape, but if as afore .. (aId In goud alpeCts,judge the conruary,

Tl.lt it/SOil i~t Gemill;,njJlicttrl of Sllttlrll)hy COlljunc. t~01t, ~artde, or OppoJition.

1"~ f.-JUt. t:/i. ,I{I The o.:igina 1 ()f the fick nem:· fi· t,

r'''~/u •• -:r'' - (Ii f · dvbv overbur I~ 10m wean

4rJ' " "1 ~f.",eft, ne {~ ~!n , y ove .. burdening the fame wlt

'~,.,.. ("'H-C I t+/t. mu ~!phCl~Y of care, or bufineffe , or' by fom

}.-I t r ,~~11n(;lfe In travel, 0,:" over-warching j a (01


W.. Hofoever is takcll fick, L'IIIIJ '~eing in Cancer infortunaced by Siuurn u(llally the difeafeis caufed by a vehement cold taken, much aftli8:ed With n~clancholy ,~liat_tcr; or with Hegme, and difHilations unto the breafl, abundance of moyflure , Catarrhs, Hoarfi~, the paffagts . ~re ob{b:u~e4, FcverHh ; arrd jf, fAte MOOA IlMve no help fl'Q~thc; fortu~es ~ nat~li

., .. {h

. , .

. ' :'Y THen at the Decumbiture thf,M""1t is i

- V V L,;o,' afHiCted of 8litllrlt" -the caufe of

t~~;p)'1 ./' fi~~ndrc' jsabilnda~ce,of,~a~;bIoocf; the Patitn l.!t !f-T' "t _- "",:11 be Ol?prc{fe~ wah hc~t . about the breit, wit

.I(JJ: .",'1 s. Y'lolelH ~ evers, ~rollblc d pulfes, ~reat heat, bot

. Inward and outward: things char gently !tcn·and heat, and mitig=\te are go6d'l\vhtn Moon comes ~o the, 0Pl'0Jitio1tt,of ~"t1tY1f, if lupl .and VeJlIH allJll not,ll(ualJy rhe Iick IJart.Y is ove

l come of the dlreafe, ' .~. -:-. the MOOIJ in Vir"o,ofM"rs~oppreJled by Conjll':c ..

'j v. 'ion, ~ar';lj~ or 0ppofltio~~

TlJC Moon in Leo, ill C0l1jun8iol1, fi!.!!.nrtilt ~r

,?ppofitiolt of NIllrs. ' THe dlfeafe is from fretting and exulceradon

, , of the Inteflines , wlrh a flux of the belJy,

. WHen the ~{f)Y1t- is :af!li8:C'd of Ma'~ ~I.l u. [mall Fevers, the Romack loathing and abhor, (xpea: abundance of blood,' caufi ing meats, pulfe little, evertion of tbe ventricle: ; ··ft~·yJ)g Feavers, very weak pulfes, and ........ , .... things that obftru8:, and repel fharp humours


THe caufe of the~itlemper is raw cruditit~ r"t;t-rt~ ~ and evil digefllon iof the fiomaok;' much vif. ad/.. (C. cons flegrne doth obfiruB: the bowels. and inte .. ,vp' t~· ~ nines, head-ache, and pains under the ribs, in- t1~.s {c/'Hf.''J'. ordinate Feaverss rhings that doe ca Ii fie, mollifie, and diffolve;·arq·convenient; if ,.the Mool" be not adiuvat~d by the fortunes, the Iick wit be in danger about the 14 (Jay; but if (he be! in cq,,:' figuration ~ith Iupiter and VhUH ,"aftc,l' a.Io·ug time you ulayexpefrrecoy-ery.

'J 26 Culpepper's -f4jir%!.,;call,ldgmo" '

{han .be overcome of the d ifeafc, .'.

ib.2. of DifMfls enla"ge4~ 121 liriu01) no appetite, heavinetfc over all the

, • • e bod~ ~ with drowtineffe and deep fleep,

Tbe,MoOI! in Cancer, l1.fflicted of Mars,by C· ngc:r of a Confunlption, an~ many and gr~~t

, " 1'1011, ~Ilrt ile or Oppcfition, ' j(tcOlpers of the ~eart. . Things . t~at are refr i-

_, _, ative and atlrtngent are medicinab!e ; the

THcfi:k,·.~1ath taken ('Oln,c ft.J;-fcir, m~ch fur .... _ olljrlllCrign and OpeoptiO!l of MaYS to. the kloon, is

Hq;fl?t.lfl the ttum.\ck,) much blood, OI"e to be feared In this fi~n then In:a:ny.oth~ .,

~\I( .h._:n 0." tu .. nir:~ of thevenrridc; To vomit the Zodiack; ufually withoar the anllcabIe •

~C)od, ;t~ alfo fhjll~s rhat rt'fdf!~ .. ate and coole alpc8:s of the fortunes) the llck dieth about the

jf the i~looll be d(:cl't"Jfiqg in light' and -mor day. ',; and have no hel P fi"O In Iupiser or VCI1Uf;) the

wil hArdly ~fc<11H.'. ' .

J.' .'1/he M()~"l jll~ Leo; ill C;o~jlOll1icN) &2!.~q.rti~() or , '. Opfoflt i01Z oj 5fatUY11. "



1heM~on iH V;rJ!_o,-0f.Sllturn, o,preled by C01t~

, junction, ~art.lle,or 0ppofiti()"~ .

, .

, .

., ' '.

J 28 Culpepper's 4flr()l()gic~/1"dgllJe", are good : you may: e~p~6t death Within

daies if the fortunes help not, • • 1be b1001t i,! .Sc~rpJo, afflicted by Sllt.",rns ~aoll-

, , ' junctiOlt, ~artll~J or Oppojiflon. .

7'he Moon ill Librlt, opl'rtjfttl of S/tturll "J ..... .' 5 kH,.....· ... ftf

COJljuJtclioH,!i2.!!artil~)or Oppofition. He difeafe 15 exulcerations, or bubo s, neere ~l'~31-U:' ",,-

the tecrecs , or in ano aut puJendo: If the ~l'P(_;"''''IIJL~r £, t ~ h\if. GI_utt~ny, (ul'fd.ts of Winet?r l~1C'at5.not IU1 ... laon incl'eafe in light and motion, and be ill t;l/'~tH'1'

I ~ 2~ 19f '. . ty digefled , IS -tHe .caufe of tbe di_feafe pclt wirh Jupiter ~ VeHU()~he fick Ihal recover •• J~;~ ~jJ~;a(.

~i,.r j ~;,,~( romerlmes too, much venery s ) (ho, bce..ut· . vr l1th~r~·

£jt~t1, I·A.&- pained, and alto the hcad ; no appetite tQ,tat, 1he Moon in: Scoryio, a!flicted. by M~rs his Con ..

fi/lt~' ":~ Ioathing in the Ilomackjnighrly Feaversjcou jUl1CllolI, !l2.!!.artzle, or Oppojitlon.

tn-[' ~''f t hoarfn(a-~, diftillation 'of Rhcumes , pl,l.lfes

t l ,,'E- rtI'Y'~ roUTe. Things that c:allie'.and hc)tt..-<- proper n at the Decumbiture the MQf»J is af-

if the Moo» at the fame rime be cornbufl , and fli8:ed of Mars in Scorpio) the difeafe doth

","\It nohelp fl'om the f0iltUfl,es, QfAth ltla1;be d from ferne ulceration, or impoftuma-

f~B.n~q.,' .PlQfR efpecia;Lly~f!'M4r.~ ciQ(t,1tJ40 i-fflilt .the Pox,Hemorroid$,Pefiilence,or the like;

the,Moo", .;;; ~ :. ~);I! l~:' . ' ; .. in childrcn,GoJlorrheas,8cc.do afflia the


tile Moon in SagitarilH., a.fJ1icted by Saturn~ COli ..

junction~~artil"Dr ()ppofition. ' : .

THe fick is much opprefled with- a defluxion , of thin, {harp, and fubtile humors , pain in the jOJnts and Arteries, fear of a Fever, ext~cmitles of heat and cold, and fornetimes the fick hath Fevers with double acceffe, Things that mitigate). heat and moyflen, 'and a{fwage, arc gocd.if they be given when the Moon is in afpelt

with the fortunes, ' .


Of vifellfol eulargetJi.

,I .. I'

Zh, Moon;n Llbr~~ oppreped of ltll1r~h.J ,Con. juncfion,£l!J"rtile;t'''0l'pt/iri",,"* t • 1..

, I " . ; , . , • r " •

JII)·'· ~~llf-

MU~h.blood offends the fick,caufingJpttnfc . Fevers, wjtlllhigh pnhes , much waking, and the whole body. in flaDl~s ; ·~hings caufing fleep, and blood-letting are good: without the help of one of the fOl:UlriBS ',. .the lick wil be in great danger \vh,en,the.Moon.cosnes to the body

'of Mar»,

. ,

••• J •

, :1. .. " J ~be

. I, ;.. . ' .....

, ~ L. , I'

, ,

.. 1~ c.!, '. r ,

~. l , .




, .


<. .

130 Culpepper's Afir%gic"I]lIdgcIJJellt

7'he Motn in S Ilgittariw"; of Mars. qJJlicted.

THe opprrflion of rhe MOOlf in Sagittarius Mars, declarcth the Pat icnt to be vexed w a mofldetperare fickneflt-:originaljy from Gill tony, Iurfclt ing, 01~ overmuch repletion; ha high Fevers, comrning of choler , a flux of belly, the puJ(c wcuk , Things that coole a obflrul\: are ~ood: if the Moon be not beheld the favourab le afpetts. of Iupiter or Vent« 5 t [ick \ViI hard Iy dC;1pe the 7 d.1Y, but having that day .there is hope of rccovc r y.


" The 1\100;1 ill Cl1pricorfl)ofSattlrn a!J1;~ted by Con-

, jlmclio", 2!.!!tlrti!e, or 0PP()fitiOlt.

THe dile~fe is. fi:om ~ cold caufc. with fubti an d dun diflll larion s , Itca"'JJle{fe of Breall, and the Lungs oppreffed with difficu of brearhing.much.r r oub led with the Cotlf,!h,ill the night cime.with intended Fevers. Medlci that moderately heat' and rn oiflen , al e co

.mendable :.if the Moon be -not hel ped by the forrunes, the hcknelfe wi l be fong,but not mortal,

7he jtylo?" ij, ,Cllpr_~corJt ofhldr.$) afflicted by elm.

juncuon, :-Jt!.!artile,or OfpoJition.

THe Iick it; prone to vornlr, caufcd by choler.i~k an~ Bilious martcryor ~vil dlgefllon: the dlfeafe IS v~J'y d.angerous,a!llllappctcncy 111 the Ilomack, a hvelhng of the hnews, a fluK


tb. 2, 0/ Dife~fe; enla'rgecl. .. __. t ~ ~

e belly follows, a ch~lel'ick hU~,lOl1r, offends he joynts, Qf fingers, with 111~eyanon : the pules are rcnli{fc'and {low ;'lncdlCJneS that arc obuEtive and afl..ingent arc convenient: _ if the doe not apply to the fortunes, the lick ilial when the Mooll comes to. Mars his Oppofition ; if the viol~nce of Mdrs be reprefftd by Iupior VcnlJJ~ after 7 dales health Chall.bc reflored

rothc Iick.

The ltfoOil in AqllJ1rillf of Sllrurlt,ajJ1icted b)' Con-

i unc iion ,!i!.!!. artzl~,or oppojitioll.

THe occafion of the Iicknefle is from much labour, wearineffi-, or watching,~r for want (Ifdnc refrethmcnt of nature; the grtcfe, taketh the party unequal with rClnifiiotland i.lltcnfi on, until the Moon have paired her place m the Decumbitufc;then being adjuvated by the fortunes,

health wil be rdtored. . ,

1be Moo» ill AqrlnrilM of fJyl.fr.r ,afflictrd by COH-

jU1lCtioll, ~'4rtile, or Oppofition. .

If' the fo.-loon be decrcafing in light and motion, and unfortunated of Nlars,at any ones De.cumbirure, the infirmity p!occeds frot~~ a m<"!fi (harp and violent caufe, taking the patient with !1'0£t vehement paflions . any good Planet cafllng a favourable afpca t'o the Moon,at her f!!._U_IIrtile or O/,pojilio1t to her place in the DCCll(~lblturc) the fick pJ'tf~ntly recovers after 20 dales.


r:th~ M~o.n ill Pijees ofS_"turn JtjJ1icte_d bJ C~1t.

JHnct~on)~lIrt,/eJor 0lpojilion.

T· t!e difiemper is ~aufcd from cold difiil nons, the party 18 Dlolefied with cant" Fevers , often fighings; pains under the brefh

exrenfion of the pl'ecoraiacks and hear

firings. Things that doc heat a~d olitigate convenient: if the Moon be not helped of the for. tunes, the lick wil die when the MOOlt cometh to the l!ppojitio,! of her place In the Decumblnn-, but If {he be 111 a good afpet\- of Jupiter or Vt1tUf the lick llJilJl r~cov~r after a long time , but tb~ fickllcffe Ieaverh pam and ach in the joynts and nerves.

. .


orTtt1inillg certain Obflrvatiom t~ ont of Cardan,al1cl olh~ expert ph.Jjlc;,tns.

1ht fitfl ohfoyvateon ;s from Augerius Pererlus, Doub le Tertlan invaded oneA'llto I ~47. April 2 3. at fix in the morning j at which me the Moo,z 'Was in ConjUtlC,;on with Mars; the 6 d;,lY having taken a pur~c .the fever left him, the ~artile of the Slm and Mosn that day was not much: confidcrable~, becaufe thc), had h~ afpc:fr at the Decumblture-

rhe~1';28:,and 29 dales he Ieemcd perfeaIy cured, nothing of the Fever appeared perfetHy It'Ill.lining' The 30 day the ~arlil' of lrlars excited a cortdnued fever , with dangerous accidmusJor (J)n ,llat daylhe began to rave and pull Iht.be.d-cloat·hs,&c. but becaufe the Moon in the brginning . of the dHeafe feparated from the Wtjll1tcti_C!_1t of !dar!. to an a!pefr of Venus; all the fymptomes became .rfDliffi: and free from dan~c:rlhefix~hday of May, which was the 14 day from the D(cumbitu~, at which rime Luna. was in Trtne to Veme ; neither could the Oppofition of tuna and Mars, the 8 of Mil.} prejudice, becaufe Lun« fepararing from Mars applied' to Il1pittr and Venzu; for it is certain that the fortunes doe help with what afpefr foever they behold the Malevolcllts, or the Moon.

.' A

'rhe Mt)~1J hl,Pi[ccJ of Mars, oppre./red h} COIt~

Jllilctlon,~llrtllt, or Oppojition.

T" He body of the fick is full of gra1fe humors, .. caufed by too much gluttony; and drink .. '1ng,or much repletion; the difeafed is moll mo. JeUed in the night, phrenfie 01" a dtllrfum follo~ lbarp fevers, vehement thjrlt~ and a defire O! drink : B).ood-letting is good in the beginIllng of the dlfcafe : if the Moon be not helped by a good afpe8: of theforrunes, in the next Stxtilc to Ma~s,expelt death, but if {he have any afpeCt t.o .1up'/tr,ol· Velltls~.rccovcry is ilt hand.

en AP.

13 4 Culpepper's .Aflt:~/oglcal judg11len;, • 2. of Difl"fir e"/"rgeJ. . I 3 S

The {tcQlia ohftrVII tion from Cardan.

A Rational figure ali the Decu~.bitllre. ·Oh" Antol#J)f Cllmpion (faith Cardae ) being

----·-----~__:_--=--------I. about 30 yeeres of age, fe ll uck,occafion(d by

18. 7 0 4 Houfe journey: until the foutfh day he f~erhe? little {fed, becaufe Luna \Vas in [~xtllc: with Ve ..

.and they in reception; Mercury is aJfo in own dignities, and Luna being Ilow in Ino-

I ,~ 2 0 I S HO~fe. ~ the difeafe encreafed but {lowly, for {he three dales and I g hoares ere the came to 25 degree of Geminijwherein Ihe was In Iexto Jupicer and Mars , (who are in d ) and

I ~ 16 0 6 Houfe fixed Hal's of molfl natures.. which. caufed t ardour and turbulency in the ur ine.which to ap~ear the,) day.The 7 day the Moon

reafon of her flow motion ~ beinl! nor come the Qgartile of her place .i_n the Decurnblure, but onely to the beginning of Leo, he be. very ill, becaufe fhe mer with Jl'O good af, but was with the Antifcion of Sol in the

th,and ~ in the 8. The difcafe encreafed the 8( 9 daies , becaufe Luna was In Conjrin8:ion juplrer and Mars,anlong moifi fi;{rs;he did fweat; for heaewlth molfhrre caufeth (w('ar,

much urine, which he alfo made, The rr. he did (weat,but with much diffjciiTty, for was not yee fl'ee from the Oppofirion of , to which fircceedcd a fexri'le ot Venus, 12 day lie was exceeding ill and raved ch, .~ut yet there did feem figns ofColicofHin the urine. The 1-3 day he was no wo r re,

twithA:anding Ventls's SextHe (who was in it to the afcenden~)b.(,c9.u{e there was a tento health. The j 4 he (wear again and ewhat better, the Moon having occurfe

L to

10 Houfe

7 0 =

11 Haufe ~ 0 *
Venus in 29 S~ )(
Jupiter in 7 35 Y
12 Haufe J6 0 'Y'
1501 in . rI S6}~
~crcury m 20 ~5
tat,d. 'I:J in 0 6 II
[Afcendenr 3 o IT I
IMar'lin 27 28}'d
,Luna 27 30 II
12 Houfe I 0 $ I

r Houfe '9 0 $

o I' Houfe .

6 Caput 66

·1 :--SI--209- 8 Hoy';

YJ Saturn

9 Houfe

11 Houfe



'(9 in

3 Houfe Saturn


\~ =




'b. 2 •. ' of DiflaJ;J' ehlllrg~~& i 31-

1he tbird Ob{trvlltioll is nlfo from Cardan, .


~.s m


---1-0 _,.-

afcendant .,.

.if ratiollll[ figure OH the 3 Decumbitllre) which 15S3. May 'he 23- at 3. P. M. .

10 llouf«:


11 Houfe

12 Houfe

l> is in


2 Houfe

14 :t

3 Houfe

1 :: h~l\.(C \ 2~ Vi'

'(J It. an 2 2~ ~

\ S h~l~fC 29 ~

11 It. an 16 41 )(


6 houfe 26)(

~'" r

I ; horife \ IJ 'tS

I (i) is in 11 28

;hollfC 114 n

9 is in S 2

"the fourth Obfervation;s from the- [itmeiCardan •

Aptift C Ilrdalt ( a klnfman 6fCardaus) was .un through the ann December 19. 1';52• at 4~i 32. afternoon when he received this wound whereof he diedjhe was 60 yeeres of age. When he was wounded Mars was neer tjA , and Luna neer ~, ann applying to the Oppofirion of Ju. pitcr unfortunate, and to. the Conjunaion o~ Saturn; yet he was not immediately much op-

prdfcd, bee,lure the Moon is applying to a fexille of Mercury, the wound being in the arm. The >4 day he was ill by reafon of Q!!artile Sol,

but yet without a fever, becaufe no maleyolent did opjJofe; from hence to the 10 day he was fowelr:-hat he arofc from his bed: The II day, at the third houre of the night, ~e was gr~at1y opprdfed" when the Moon drew nlgh to anOppotition with the ~lln,who was ~n~~ta,) ~ becaufe Lordi of the' oppofite place of ~be Moon) {he Moon and Mercury were alfu in Oppofition. The 14 da y fron] the ti Ole of the wound, he was

II takc;n with a f~v.~r, which was ]an.2. The 3. of Jail. whert the Moon came to the body of Mars he died. Thus CaYdan. Here, are verified the 70• and71. }\phorifpts,and others.

(-- -


r 40 Culpepper' s .A ftr()l()g~c}'1 j~dgfdtlli'

A'fl1ational figure on rhefourthOof .

, lcrVatlOh.

" fb' h:::o:::ur.:fje~~1-;6~*-:-:----;----"':'"":-: l~~'-~--- 14 ,l,oufe ',~ ".11

f S ~o~(.

f . •• ! •.

'1 .

[2 }loufe

, I" •

--. lSS2 .. ~~ v . Dec. 19 day 4 11.~~


, ,

, ) ,

r IT.

,f •

J . _ - f I P

afcend. ,. 8 f:> ' I

1 . . . J



, ~ in ' i 'to £8S1.

Q is in

o . 5t,


,Lib •. 2. . of Dil!~I!.I.e_1Jltt.rgeJ. 14 r

7'ht fifth ohfl:yvation is from B:74erilH.

IN the yett' 1 ~~,;.(faith Bodtrim) I being mu~h wearied with a Diurnal] fcve r , togclhu.'wh.h heavibdle of my: breaft and ,hypocolldiacks, took liiy bed, 011 ~l . .e_day and houre hcreafcer Il1tl1tioncd, the Moon having (epaJ:~t«i froln 2 8{ t), and in the midft between the b~_:Ji(s of

J & e, and in ~. [O·¥.~· ,Although F~e~ri~icf I daies were: fortified w,ith conv~niellt a~et'~r6~' y,ct tht:y did notTeduce me to health; the fignificators in TJ'opicall Iignes , the dlfeafe very often doth exceed a monet h. 1 was troubled with thelc diftempers Ieven weeks, and then they' turnen to a qllart~in feaver, which bc~d \11C about tWO yeet's, the d of 0 & c.;: did portend, fuch a fickndfc; for C! caufeth accute difcafes, and @ Cronick , the '}) being in 0 .wi~h t~enl didadde very much to the length of the dtfeafe; many at that rime were much troubled with the like difeafe, of .\vh01l1 th ey 'that were hi yeeres fell into dropfics: all this bclng dudy confidcred,. I had the advice of many Phyficions, who unanimoufly affi,'n,cd I would bc'hydropical: nature began (0 be fomcwhat ralfed,yctfor pr,cvcJltioll I prepared a deco8:ion of Li.l'''11~ Snnctus « con .. trary to the advice of the Phyficians, of which I drank ten da ks,and bCf!:tn to be bettered by le, and with in a few moneihs after nlY,body;which was ni?,h [pent with thefe d~[ca(cs,grcw hCOlltby

and perfeHly amended-

This one thl11g was unknown to mt', that <:5

(i) & ~ Ihould l)Ortend quanahl fc;vers, chiefly ) being in d or afpeft with rhern, Thus Boden~ ~ 1"h.is

'42 Culpepper's .AjlrlJltJgical '1ugJe1JJe"

This is indeed a remarkable DCcllll1biture;and ~any have admired It / did not end. in death tudd~n}Yl~r d' & 0 ~ith J) quickly terminate the d ifcafe rn ddlru81on; but being ')j, Lord the Horofcope was fafe a~l(1 powe,'f~ll in~his own houfe, and angu Jar, beholding the'Lumi· naries joyncd to <1 with a 6, he would doubt, IdTe preferve the patient from dearh , but not wirhour a long fickneffe : it was fo that 12) who was the caufe of the quartane was mirigared by

2. Saturn In the afccndcnt caufeth long fick neffes alwaies.

__ .~ _!i~e of the fifth Obfervatlon,

vo houfe ' I ~. ~hoU1e--l-r~-

II houte 29 ~ I ~4S.
-- -- Aug.
-_ -- 2. ho,
12 houfe IS m 20:m.
-- P. M.
11 in S 3. :t
afcend. 6 :t-
--- --
¥ in 22 17 :{:
6& in ~ 0 VJ>
:1 houfe ~ VI J houfe '9:=:


6 houfe IS ~
7 houfe 6 n
____ "1_
'(J in ~ 0 $
--~ --
8 hOLlfc; ~ $
-- _.-
~}in 6 8}~
6 28 ~
9 hou{c 19 5),.
i! .
)) liR
0 'the flxlh ohftr~llt·;o1j ';$'jrfw."~ f""U"·B'OJe~;Uf· j.

'" • I

. . - ,

Certain Priefl fell fi~k' of a dlurnal! fever 1551• Auflll}l 30~ the Moon in 17 Vi'rgo~ not one degree [eparated fi~Om._ the .~~.n : about a month this difeafe much t~oublcd and moldlcd Him: (hen rb is diurnal fever turned to terriall,and afcerwards into a quananc; at lad: ving brought up E' uch by fPittO!h . J 2 dales before,thc quartC\ne eft him, In bri e, we mar gather thus much,.t ~t t~e . Moon .ing.withha ~ ray es cornbufl-did Indtcate a malIgnant, but

not a mortal ffckneRe. ; . -, , .

Certainly we nluA ackpowlt;!Ige ~~is p~cu&mr biture to be a very. dang~OUs' on, t ~~~\lc:filaC' that Luna was combuft 0 Sol; wikhin-one dc~

grcc; o.f Longi. (~hJch i judgetn~nt might a~ tone feern fuffi(:icJlt 1;0 de roy.~s,~ppiai~Jl?' th~ S5.Aphor.) both tlie Luminaries - 'w~re~ll,. a8li8:ed by the Op~6ti9n of sat1rn Lora ot the ~fcendent, arc' ~he S'n.~d· Nf on i" dr~ 8 houfe, agrteable to the 7b Aphor. ButJuplt~ being very firong, and afpclling tbeLu!!li~ •. rie~ with a Sexrile , and Vitls alfQ;~ffOrae(1 :~~ aifubnce to the Hor9{co by a'Seitile, itW~ thelefle to be admired t at after long fick- '

ntiIC the Parlentdld recover." Th 'Moon VI., feparating frotn the Sun ~ and ha North·lautude, which made her to be more occidental by three degrees, which is very worthy conftdera-

don. .


_s B!,o3n to' be fick ((;.lith he) of a -quarcalne

tev~r, under this policlon of hcavcnyin which urn,' author of the difeafe , and Lord of the nt was in the fix rh, and the Moon f-epang from a Q!.anile of Mars , and (extl le of

e Sun,applied to a textile of Jupitel' her dif-

nor. By this Ligll(" (uight a long [ickncfle be rned, but - to rerrni nate in ht-alth-·at -laR: : that e(pecia]]y becaufe Jupiter as radically rnllted, a{p~cd _Saturne with __ a Tr~ll~'. ~1 nd the Sun in my Genelis. who is ~prorog~~u~:,qf life, is dit:.:lted ;to the 'Tr-ine of Saturn-in • r .. 20 Leo, and afterwards to the Antifcion of Venus, and Trine of Mercur'y, In the figure of'tb e DC,cunl_biture Sol h; lnoppoficion to Sacurn pn .. he R.a .. dix , Saturrr-not; being far foon1 the Sun, as may be Icen in my Genefis ,.-in· out Tablets of direction,' being: 1555. June 14th• 6·57· P.l\J. I was freed' f.·OIIl this quartane whct) the Sun eJUlC to the ~9 degree of S.tgittadus> being -the oppofite place of Saturn at the beginhing of the direa.fe~at1d notfa; from the fextile of Jupiter, at the Decumblrure ; and that on the 11. of De_' cernber the .farne yeere, for then I had nly lafl;fit, neither was lever; after Ienfibleof it~ for-on

the 14 day:of the fame monerh.when I ~pe8:cd my fit,th'cre appeared nothing of it. The Sun ,va, then in oppofition t~hiscadiulplace,and


A rittifllltiifipre 0" t'~ t6 Decumbit'lrrj-which

, '5,)1,. Auguft ,h, 30• lit 3. P. M. .

. .

I.', 'I~ ~r Houf,.

.~tlo':Jr~' n . S m: "

, , '

..• ! . 1t


p,'H~:e" ; :2- I ' S Houfe

: 12 .HQ~fc, " j9. .. ,:t. 6. ,Houfe , -, 9 II

'~f£tlJ.:e~ii ~"1<lI ' , ',;; r ~ "ouCe. $

.r . .,j,d l' 't' I -I -

, '('~~~;~, II,~:~ ,~: . I ' " ~ ': ~~fe--: i' ~:,:~,$

~ _,{r1!\ "'J ," , . I . ' ~'~-

"!: .. • rt: " r , ,i"'}' ~ " 6 0

, . I.! . ','. ,r,' 1)' '17 "

. :J.··~~·~J!fJ i.:...'-~' I" ,.

, *~H'6tJi:ct~ ;21) 'i~ - '. ~-L-R-o-u-rc- 2, at

~ . - .. ; I· ( .J i Jj~ 1t:! ,. ._; , .) •• . I

;, 'r' . r '1' , • '/" ," , .: .

, ~ I' ". - .

, . ,

.. ~-, ''''''('''''.,."''; II- ..... , ,..., -_. I ---

1. I ' • J' I cr: '1.' .. ~

• I : ,i ' .' 1 ;' ' .. ::'~ {in ~ ~~ i~j~

e fevcnth 'Obfcrvati'on is the Decumbiture 'of John Antonio ltlltg,;ni'~, an eminent

/Yl11' lJetHa_ tici 1111.

'4~ Cl1lpepper~s Aftrological jflag»!tll, the Moon in 18 Sa~ittarhu, fcparating frem U!Jartile of Venus, and applying to a Scxtilc the SUll,nccr her place in the Decurnblture,

A figure of the feven th Obfervarionjbelng IS

S'Pt'~4. Jay, ~ bor, 1+ mm, ,.M.jJU.nDv.

10 houfe:

II houfe



s '4:

1) in .,6 t

~ houfe 19 r


, , •• ', ., e'

, afcend,

2 houfe

i ,

I, VI'




_4_"_O_Ufi_t:_116 ~ . S 11

S Houfe

6 Houfe 2~: n

q i9 128.. II

I -; !louf" ;9 $

8 in d~: I O. 2 Sl. -

8 HOlllfe' ~ ~

9 Houfe JI, in

of Difeafel enlat'ged.

, .


The' eighth Gbfervation is of the Decumbture of John Bapfift- 7:riandtl/It,one of Veron.

THis is a -very remarkable obfervation, .for , whi]fi this unfortunate young man (being :.8 yccrs of a~e) was a fiudent at pildua, he received a dangcrousW'ound in his right knee., bY' means of which wound at )en~th his whole Ic.S was amputated; and rhough he was moll grlvouOy afRiA:cd, fo that Phyficians did often de(paire of his lite; yet notwithftandh!g he recovercd and lived about tWO yeers, gOIng upon a

wooden leg. '.

Whether therefore you take the Sun or Moon

to be do minators of the afcendanr , it matters not much, for they are both aft\iaed by malevolents , the Moon by Conjunllion of Saturn, and the Sun by Conjun8:ion of Mars; alfo the Moon by the Quartile of Mars, an,d • the SUIl by theQ!!artile of Saturn, (0 that It 15 not to be admired that this young man was fo much opprdfcd under fo unfortunate a pofition of H~avcn,which did not yet dellroy hlnl,becaufe b~th the fortunes confpired to help thr; Lumluanes to their hlutual antifcions, Venus affilling the Moon, and Jupiter the Sun, did fomewhat repre ffe the force of the nlalevolents: of the progrdfe of the cure,and the tiOle of recoyer~, I am ignorant, for I was more follicitous to ice ho';Y the nari yes ~el1itl1re did prcdi~ fuch an acc~dent. The Native was born 1')54. die lr'Iartu,

June 12.3'5 min. after Sun fetting.


14B Culpepper 51 Aflro/bgic.l 'jitdgcl!lt.1it..

In this Genicurc there is no diverfion of any . - r'· h t Ob£ i

fignifier in rhe Ecl iprique agreeable to 'this a e. A R.ational figute O[~ :t_~~ ,CIS t l' ervat on.

cidene, vi :.I •. the wound; for we cannot take the _ .. -----------:---:---;-~__:_r_ Horofcope to the 'Trine of Mars, becaufe that will make the Geniture precede- the tifiimativo __ rime halfe an hour.which is not probable. .

\Vhtrelorc directing the Horofcopc to tha ~al'tile of Mars in the Equator (according ta, ... our ufua] manner) it anricipares the time dti. rnacive but 10 min. and the event doth very wei anfwer hereunto, the ~artile of Mats f.,llclh in 331. 2i. and mcctcth with the Horofcope in the Ecliprique, with 10& 26. Aquarlus.the ark of diverfion being 27.2 '5. which Isequiva lent to 27 yceres and ., rnoneths, according to the

common opinion. .'

That Mars was anthour of the event, wll appear clearly, jf \VC confider Ierionfly his nature in this place, being encornpaffed with many fix~d {tan; of violent natrn-e, as the Hyades and fiars of Orion ~ with which he defcenderh ; he is al(o in *wi(h Sarurn,he lived twoyeers after the wound,ancl then died a n a tur'al d~"th(bejng aged 29. yf't'TI: ) when Luna the prirnarp giver 01 Ilfe was direltcd to the ~artilc of Saturn In the Equacorywhlch hapncd in :69. ')~. thereof; the Moons circle or po6tion is almolt ~4. and her oblique afccnrion 240. 22. which {ubllraaed froln the forcnl£llcioned Q!lar.cile, leaveth the ark of direction 29. 3 I. The Sun .ICo ap· plied to a [excl le of Mars at the dille of cJcath.


. :

houfc .8 r I 4 houie' ;8 2i:.
- - : :
I :s 81. :, :
- .. I No'Yem.' S Iloufe i
'houfe 19~'d 3 Jay. 19 111
• - 9 hour. -
- &~'n 19 SO~
16 min.
• P. M. ,21 6 nt
9 . .2.2 42
~ 1 ;19· 4 +
. ,
6 houfe I _~ .
- - ·3° :f
houfc 30U ~
~~ Xtin !}vp
r 2:1
- a$$ 7,hpufe 28 VI
I -
_- .. -
- -
- 8 houfc . 19 ,......
l houfe J~ 5\. MN
- ·\n:
- 19.42 j=

: 22 18
I - \ ; houfc
-. 10 )(
',~ houfe 10 I1.l!
7 1 i I

A Figure of theGe,nc;fis t.o the 'eighth O'bfena
don appertaining.. .
lolloufe 6 2~ nt 4 Hor.(e 6 2~ ~
- 15 S4.
D is in 24 m June:
- 12rh -
Ii Houfe 26o"m. 8 hoc. S Houfe: 26ro ~
-- 18 mi. -
P.M. (i)~ 220}
3 29 n
. 1 2
i2 HouCe ·I~:' 140 n
°1" o 16}oCt:'
c;. an , OJ:J
I,szv.r -
afcendcut , HOUle 7 ~2 $.
~in 12 I VI I ~ in 12 I' $
-_. -
2~Hourc: I 7 ~ t>~:::: 8 Houfe: 1705t
'hin r9~ ¥ !in 26 ~61i
-r-c- -
3 Hou(e soy 9 HOilfe So :!!I
, So ~ 161

PrtfH&IS (Jf.life lint! death) ~j tb« btu],o/the P"tiellt heingjicl<:. .

o wales did the famolls HippocrAtes itayc potlerity, for the judging of the life and

rh of lick people: one by the Celc.A:ial aCs of the Planetsyand ~be other by the Sy mpof the body of the man lying fick, The ter of ehefe muft fl.-a be perforrned s the pro·

of whlchsfor tis good for fomething , accorng to H;ppocrlltes,is firU the credit of the Pifs ; tira of all,.hc hence avoids defamation, evil hes and reproaches; the world Ihal l nevcr &y he is a Dunce.

J.. It wil Ilctter his own knowledge , he need apply living medicines to a dying man. dly,for the profit of the fick , hereby you give them warping of death before ic mes.and they wi! the more confidently com-

it thernfclves to the hands of a Phyfitian en they know he kl10WS fomcrhing;

If the credit of Hippocrates may paffe for flarprotefts that what I here write.was con·'in all his -pr-aaifes in Etbitipiit ,·LybI42 '"rihrHia,the Ule of Delos, Scbyrhill,and 1t~g. And he that diligently obtervcs rhefe , and pares them with the aipclts of heavenly

dies, can never without a miracle faile ill his ent upon difeafes. For nly own part. I Are commend the greateft part of rhem for au" ick,though I have not made tr ial l of thCIU ; yet 'tis very probable, fet the antiquity of

N the

162 Culpepper's Afl.rDlogiclil·_ludgement the AuthuUf atide, thut the mcanetl of them C , ... ·cl he~l"d)rlla}' make a-more infalliQle·judr.e rncnr \ip()u 41 di1t:af(', then a whdle tub full u

Phy Iic ians-

'I haV4f.ft:,lr~lC\\·hat inY~r~f4, Hippocrnte» order ana my rS:~clh)Jlw"s, ~('C;&l~e I would brin~ bufiuefle into one fingl.c in~n.fIc)and nla,kc th as plain to-the meanctl capacf .y as a pike-Ita and if they cannot llll{Jq'{\alld then), as I hav COI1Hl1i[t('d. rhern to pc(lcriry ~ the fau.lt is the dulue(fc of rhcir own wits, and there let

rdl. ,l' ,

llipl'ocritfS divides them into three books" -ijl that I wi l fvJJow h irn (0 a ha ire, The fidl book J Ihal 1 divide into rhefe parts

prefaaes of d i (cafes. ' ,

1 The face. _

2 The eyes and 1 ips.

3 The manner of lying.

4 The teeth. "

S Ll lcer s 01' I1r~es.

6 The Hands.

7 The breath,

S The fwear.

9 Tumours and Apoflhumes.

" ,


4 S .="=-14

CH.AP •.. I .. -.

prefllges by the P4C~.

IF' in a Iick ~ody the face look. as it d!d in the he rirae -ot health) or ~u:~ Iittfc d~tfcr~,t ; lh, hope of rccO_'Icry is not fmal l; tigns ofdr~ul~l

in the race of a Iick body, are rhefe : .

1 The nofhils are extenuated aud very Iharp, 2 The eyes arC hol low. . . 3 The skin of the fore-head or eye-brows,

hard, dry, and loofes and looks as though it

were tan .<1. . .

4- The Eal'es arc cold,fhrunk,and almofl dou-

bled.. .'

1 The face is black, pale, .. ~~;rwarthy) or de-

formed; he looks but il.favoun:dly.

If there, or 1110Jt of rhefe .appe~re . (be not t.o9 rafh neither, for rafhneffe is the daughter of 1&norance ; but be 1l)bcr~ Inil1d.r;;d7~tld)fil fienquil'c whether the Patient have n~~, f<l(\..cl much ~ .. or wanted [leep, or had a flux-a lOJ}g "thllf:Jf,~ltere, or any of there. h~d not ~ being l,l~for~ [~l,C [~~ ndTe,the danger of death is to he teare. ,~~,,;:: ~

If the {ic\<.n~rrt; have been fuJ.,t,.. 01' t1.~c: 1~les, before you' fee the{c ~ylllptQ_n~~.t they)' ~~.~ buc the harbeugers of death )a.l.d ll.~ foHow;s ,t\.~~ll at

the tail.' i, ,t' .I~

N ~


;1-,6; .

C H P A. II.

I'rrfllgts by t be eYls lind/ips; prefagts b),t" ml#lIne' oll.1ing in Bed.

1.STgnes of death by the eyes are; if they b IT is belt whdy'men lie tk Btd Inrhat fo~"'1l'''''

.leprived of fighr, or weep againO the pat ticknefs as they 'did when they;Werc,jn'h~J

enrs wi1. luortal figns are hl·ft. ;,rJ "': ii, , ',1

2 If tiley fcem as though they would faU I. When th~ neck, hand~~ and feet are extcn·:

of his head, ' ded ftiff and ir,tleXlb'lC",oott,-ibe moved. '!

3 When one of the eyes become Ieffe then th ~ Suddain Harting up out of-the bed.·' '. ... '

other. bc3.Cafiing th~~! ,~.ead down to the feet of ,h~

4 When the white of the eyes become redifh, d

~ When they areblear-ey'ds or dim-ey'd.and " ... Sleeping with their ~o~~ open~ cODtrar~

tlot ufed to be fo before. to former cuftome.

6 When they are very moveable, galhful, fta ~ Touting and tumbling ,or throwing him-

rtng up and down,or funk deep into the head. {elfe from one end of the ~ed to the other,fhew.

(; When the fick grows fquirit-ey'd , and the ~a!, in a tcrri!>le conditioD,if not in ... dyin,

Co efort", and Hares up and down as though he condition. ' , ",.:

.was frighted. - 6 To Ileep with the bel1y~ downward, CQit~

8 When the Parlene n~("ps with his eyes open, uary to cu~m. thews aches of the belly,. O~.

ahd was not fo accullomed to do. little ldfe th oladneife., ' ,

Then ,enquire if thefe comenot by 6ux, , 7 If the d fire in ficknefiC be to ~o f;l~t of one

laxative mcClicines'; if not J theyare.fignes room Into another, miffake the room 'fora

death. world.

9 When the Eye .. Ilds.Nofe and Lipssare ...... ,..1'\.- 8 He that is impatient and Iorcethhlmfelf to

ked,or drawn in to one fide. ' rife upon a CritiGal day, puts himfelfe in greas

to If the lips are thin"coJd,pale,and hanging danger: if the difeafe be violent and touch hi' down,and the nofe very fbarp,it denotes death. L\Wgs~the Crltir;a~ ~ay may prov.mo.rcal.



,.-~---- "_' --------' ,_";,,.- -~ -- ---

Lib. 2' o.f Dije,,[ei enlarged. ' ' 157 tlH' be.l-cloarhss or pull in~ tlraws , ifhe could t "rI . the rn, ~ rhoufand to on e jf he Jives the age rfal tIe tiili. Tudt:!c the l ike.if hc take violent hold t"cht·bcd-cloaths, feeling 01' wall. .

C~lA P. IV." ..

• ~. Prtfdf,c's;l bJ.th,·,'1~t.".:, .


'lf~N'~ (piI1g, of t"~1t 'in a f c:v~f)'; :i,f not nattr,

· \ti:r~lll~Jy,is iII~~lgcr.o~~ Iign •.. ~.~ , ,

~ it w ,th.t11 he be ({r{'rlved otl)1S fcnces , and

llh,ji.ckn( {rc on<t\¥i ~f.FcMcr, not, a .Frentie, and gna(hin~~li$ tC~lh~;.bc cal.lsIorrdearh ~and he

wil quickly Cu"ll~~ '. ;~ ,,: r.

, "

. : .JJ .. '

rrt"[a£ts hy t'e Breath ..

By the breath is bdl, :l1dgen\cn~' gl,v,cn upon

ie fIji r i ts.hearr ano h.,'g..;. .

l~'a dite.1ft' have inv.\d.,d the (ph"its (and that is the q'lickdl,\V,lytu k iJJ il Ill.lll) carry -a Urinal ftlll (fPHI<' to thc'D'_H~tor, and 11." wi'l fay h;: ay lcs nothing; the reafon is, there is no dl-edlicn found in the UI inc; bccaufe the drteafe ieilcth not the body. bur the {pid ts, 'l\ man is troubledin wind, his WIfe and chi ldrcn do not pl('~(c him, being troubled, is lick for ~.ldndrc:; his wife, as bad at {he is,lqves him.and wi t CatTY h's Pi at' to the Dofro{:; 'he looks IIp'On it, and t'iink s the man as \vdas hiInit.-lfc .c.a!~d that is brd enough) only his troub.1e is (0 grc.H, he. knows as much .by·h;s miue , as j f he had looked into ;l CI'OWS ndl; he hath no more skil in AllroI()gie, .then J hive in mak ing of Can1h:s ; the man fpeak .. out all the wit at oncl',and faith her husband ails nothing; it 111ay be ·he ~Jes nothing, but only to be. out of thc \vorld ~ ,the

drift' of this ducourtel S on ly to {hew -you forne d:[c:~fcs [deeth on I y HI on the fplrits, others 00- ~y UpOIl the body. To this purpofe.' . '

, 1 The

• " .. ,. I J) ...



-r:1£·iJ,~. '.' ,e:1f.f:!4_ r-, IV~: ,I ~~J"

.. '-!. ~

· !Lj l i,',:' ", '·tJ'rtf4g~.f')b'y 1{'ker~ lind-Ifill's.. "

~ ; ." " • ~'. t... .".' .,\. •

IP'\3lfick pctfcltrhavi~h·tl~er -or Ilfue, whe." .h~l" i . t: canl~ bdo~:~ fthc {ickl1~(fe, or with it 1 (there' ~s not·~ ha1f-.r(".rl~y to choor('~, and i.t dry up .r1d become grcen,Hla:ck, or-fwarthy , If the Patient become worfc and worfe"Do8:ordeath is cofilming co cure' him,

· 'i., ..'


. ,. ... I ~, ,,~ .

f~ff;Jees hy the h"nd~.,_

-I~I~' in F(:vel's;or any other acute dir~afts,Fr &1~ cxcepicd. the tick by pedling or pI


, ib. 2. of Di{eAfol enlarged. . .6,

es 'ds but a bad fign at the beG.

3 'If he f~!=l g!"cat moti0!ls and pul(ati?ns in one of hig fides,tt prognofticates great pain and deprivation of his fenfes,

4 lfwith his pulfatiQ"t_ his eyes move fafter -----------··----~'!!"!""~~-.thcn they {bould doe, the Patient is in danger to

C H .A P. VIIl. fall into a frenzie,if not to mlfchief himfclf.

rrefflgts h.J ["eat. 7'''' 111ft chapter of Apoflhllmts.

THore kind fweats which happen upon Jud 1 The ColleB:ion of an ApoRume in bod.

cial or Critical dales, are wholCome, ..-1"'0. .... __ fides in a burning Fever,h more dangerous then rnendable.and good)for they are fent by if it had been but upon one fide; for tWO men

Health. 'wit fooner kill a man then one.

Iffweat be uni~erfal::,us excellent ~ and if 2 'Tis more dangerous on the left fide thea

Fa~ient mend by his fweating, -tis a fore-run 'on the right. ' r

of a Cure, ., ~ Ifit continue 20 dales, and the Fever cea-

~ Mortal fwe~ts are 6rft of .til cold. ((th not, neither the Apoftumes dlminifherh, it

4 Onely in one part of the body, u(ually wil come to maturation.

the forehead and face; if the Patient aftUtl:ed 4 If there come a FJ.u~ of blood .througb the

fuc~ fweats die not, his dlfeafes wll conrln nofe upon the tirO erielcal day ~ It eaferh the

longer then he would have ito '. ~atient; only he wil be pained in his head, and troubled with dimneffe of tight at noon day, chiefly if he be about thirty, or thirty five yeers of age.

~ When the Apoftume is foft) and wid~ pain

when Ids handled, it requires a lon~er time t~ CUre then the former did, but not halfe Co dan. gereus,

. 6 Such a one may contil\ue tWo months b~

Fore it comes to be ripe.

7 That A~oftume that is hard, great, a-' painful, if it be not IDQrtal.1 am (ure it is danllS gerous.,· _. -- 8,Apo~


l'refag.s b.J '1"IIIQUr;o

~.IF the Patient that Beth lick of a Fever, Ieth neither pain, inflammation" tumou nor hardneffe upon or neere about his ribs; 'ti

a v~ry good fign. . . "

. ~. If any o~ thefe be thert) and upon

1370 Culpepper's Aflr%gictil JHt/.gmellt

8 Apofiumes of the belly are ·never fo grea as they th at grow under the midrife; and _ ..... ru.lI~~~~~-."'~~fj)t)'~ .. .m,~ ~ ~~r..:",~~~?thofe th-at ~ r ow under the Navel are lcjfe t - ?T(~·~" '1J1'I ~ ~* ~ ~ ... -.-O~~..,

thcy."lnd ufual lv come to fitppurar ion,

9 'Tis a good 'l~'n when th. y purge by a F'u I.}C Secolld Boot. of the Prcfages 1).(:"

ofblo(:ld. in the nuHdh. J '\. 'J

10 Some Ar'oitumf:Sf purge en ely ourward. Hippocrates, you [hall fincle mar»

and they are little, rorrnd , and Itt.t.rp r.0intcd fl>;JttJtecl in t}J,"'i,s order. . - f,

and they are rnoft healchful,J{'{f morra . .-

II Such as arc large, groUt', or round) but ' '

flat, ace moft danae r o us, ; .' IF' [rfl of Ill!, Prej;tges by Vropjies ilJ Fevers,

12 Thofe that purge, and break':-within the 2 L.fe ana D" .. th in Fevers, '

belly, and ~Jla~e t~lmOUI'S 0Iltw3rdly~are as bad I'DY ,h. X .. yd ""d1<Jliclts. ' ,J

as the Dev i l ~lJ.ndclf, o~ Robrn Go'&dlliJow, and ~ B) SI"tpbJg a11J Dreumin;,. •

,arc ,VCJ'Y pernrcrouss thole that mak e norum, :Ur ~. By ,be Excrements In tl'~ Bowels',

-outwar'df y excel rhem as £.'1" as the .Ihor of a 6 B).fJ'i1{d in lJ)e Bow«~. '\'. :

.Canon doth that of a Pltlol. 7 BJ Vdne. , .~ ,

13 The matter which comes out of the Irn- 8 ~J vomitfingi . " ,.,'

poflumcs.bcing whire.and not unfavoury,is very 9 B) Spittle. " '

good and healthful, . , 1, . .0 By SHfe_zing.· " :

14 The more the colour diffel'S -fcomwhlre II D) Suppuration or !m.poflumes. .the worfe it is: and; thus much for, the brn 12l*rQJn tlJetim,ofbrtakj,zg. ,

Book, , i • '3 By pllfJions of the Lung), Ii By ApoJlumcs in,tlJe feet.

~ 5 By t~" Blildt/,e.r .4nd: Fevers,



of Difedfei'enlarge« .:


i. 1_


.~. of Difellfol enlArg~J. I'~

got a dry eough , and he knows not how ----to helE tt; I\e (pits but very !ittle, and wifhca

could (pit more; the belly IS very hard, and ifhc g~cs to ftool, ·ds wit~ n~ore pain then ~c would will ingly endure; his feet fwell there 1$ tUmours, inflammation in his fides, fometlrnes

they diffipatc,and fomerimes they fwel again.

17 2 Culpepp~r -S AflrologieAl judgelJllld


Pre[lIges 11} DropJies tnFe.vtrJ.

FlrR, all manner of Dropfies in Fevers .are . dangerous.if not mortal: I know you would fain know a reafon : Ile tel you ~ a Fever pro. ceeds of heat, Dropfies of cold: a nd as fire ~~ water agree,fo doth a Fever and a Dropfie ; ana what you give to mittigate a Fever, encrcafeth a Droplie s a Dropfie and a Fever agree like fire and water; the Sun having drawn up a fierj\ quality from the earth , and Inveflopeded it round with a cloud of Snow, thencecomes lightning and thunder, and terrifies the people; and as wei doth a Fever and a Dropfie ags;ee in Microcofms, as fire and water doth in the Region of the aire j many .wen' know there is a middle Region in the aire »' but few know what it is, and as little where; only a few fons,whoiu mother Wifdom hath inftrutted in it.

21f the Dropfie and a Fever meet tn one body, they wi! play reakes (as fomerimes they doc) though not often) the Liver pays all the fcore, 3 ft aflUas the "'t"" /,OuIt,and D10ft common-

~Y the guts themfelves; the legs are prefently . torment~"and the)' cannot march haridfornly s a flux follows, and the (welling In the belly is Dot a whit leffncd by it.

4 If the Liver be molt aftliltcd) the P~tient

- _. _., - hath



Prt!ages of Life and DeAth in Fevers:

I.WHen the Pdtient h cold on his head or

face, or hath cold fweals there . alfo if his hands and feet be cold, but his belly and fides hot and burning, the cafe is exrrearn dangrrolls, and is a Iigne that death hath taken poffeffion of the houfe and clay where life for-

merly dwelt. .

:lIt is a healtbful fignc in a Fever; when all

the parts. of tJte. body are equally hot, though they be fomethlng hotter then they Ihould be. 3 The body heavy, the nailcs of a leaden {warthy colour; the difeafe wi! be cured by death,and not by Phyftck.

4 Indurlng of a fickneffi' without anguilh, Chews ftrength of nature; and (0 long as {be balds up her head.there is fome hopes.

-s Let every one that views a Patient., if he would a8: the part of a wife man, enquire after the cuflome of the: mans body when be was in health;


174 Culpepper's Aflrd/ugical'judgelllelJl .2. ' ·of ~iftafeJ enl"yged. . J7S

hta Irh ; and if his fpettlc,ilct!p,or excrement ........... _lovely hopeful figl\ of' recovery .to the fick; the

be as they were when the budy w.as in h rcyncs of.guvt:nuncllt .are not y~t foreed out of

recovery is comminu, an f it comes apace , tht' hands Qfd3tllC nature; and {he" if {he be not

wit fp('~dily be with the fid< for his comfort. hi,dJ'(!d by Inre mperance ~ or other lmpedi ..

The 1l10l'C rhete fign~ diff.;:r in {ickne{ft",f. n~ents,govcrns prudently.

what ~hcy were in health" the 1110re is the 2 Altholl~h it be not altogether wholfome

gcr. '. toO«('p from break of day till dght or uine of

6 By rhefe Iigns yOll mvy alfo know in ferne the clock in the morning s yet it is more cornmeafure, what part of the body is afHtlh:d, and mendable to Ilccp then, . then any other time of

by what hurnour , if you can but underfland thed.ty.. .

their langur;e ; if yon cannot, ~oe to the [chool 3 Continuall watching is· ex.tream dangeof dame Nature , {he is an excellent School. rom)and. cries aloud that deprivation offences

Mifh is. is at hand, if it be not already come,


Prt'f'£~es bJ the Trjih-/u,


"tT THen the Yard and Tefllcles are Ihrunk V V in , and apparently d lmtr.ifhcd agdinft nut ure, it Iignifies great pain andangtlifhand dca rh fol lows rhern at the heelcs as fwift as the


--- ------_... -

C 1-1- A P. IV.

rrefages of Sleeping.

"LtIdl of alJ,. when the fick Ilceps in the night, .1.' and keeps walking in the day,this 1s u!ually 'I

C HAP. V: .

PrfJ~/ges by t'Je excrements of the belly ill Fevers,

F'dt. of. a.ll:> the mof] commendable Iigne is, when he that is furpr izcd wlth a Fever, rc. rains the fame cuflome in avoyding his excrements which be ordinarily ufed when his body was bdl in health.

2. Alwaies in excrements you nnil] regard the quality and quantity of the dyct; for take this for a certain ru le, and you {hall finde it never vary without a miracle, how much the excrements are-different from that,fo much worfc

is the fign.. ..

3. Laudable excrements are neither too thick n~r to thin, yet it' is worfe that they be tOO' thlck, then too thin; for afirlngency in a ~ever is

176 ' Culpepper's !fprDusicAI1"g"e~e;"

is naughesand not to be allowed. He is fitter make a Hangnlan then a Phyfician,lhat, takes care that his Patient goe orderly to ftoole.

A loofneffe in a Fever proclaimes to th world that the Patient kept jJl dyct before. 4. It is exceeding good that the colour of excrements be according to the food taken.

S It is very good that the patient go to without pain, for if nature be troubled to expel natural excrernencs ; {he wil find a harder pull of it to expell the difeafe.

6.lf the excrements be llquld.v.e. if the man that is lick of a Feaver have a loofneffc, 1lnd what comes from him, come without violence, pain or wind, it is a hopefull fign , fo~ ~a,~ure hath fuund OUt a way to turn out the difeafe at the "ack~door.

7 Y et I beteech YON take notice of thls : f~e. quent goin~ to flool weakens (he fick , fpod~ the digcfiioo,mars the retentive faculty,makc, the fick froward and faint.

8 Worms corning forth of the body with ex .. eremenrsj, at the end of the malady, is a good fign and bopeful; but at the beginning of the fickndfe ·tis detperate j the poor worms know when nature is a aecaying,and therefore leave the body before it is breathleffe. ..

Here's a flt-ange thing, that the wormci have as much knowledge as a Phyfician.

9. ~It's very good in every ficknefTe,. when the belly is foft,and not puft up with wind: wind is an aB:ive creature ~ and playes reaks in the body of man when it gets where i~ !hould not b~. ,. 10 The

ofdifoa]iu~ EnlArged. " i77'

.." ..

10 The excrements .when they arc. very wa-

ry, white, or very red or frothy, they an: very

ngcrou~. ./

-Bue by the leave of Hip/,ocrllteJ, not alwales

r.l J. .

11 Excrcnlcncs bl ack, grt"cn:J ur flimy , give (Ill fair ,\r.lrnin~, if ~\ny warning w i l Ierve [he rI11 th~tt the rliteafc may end in death, and

';.; moll probable: • ,

JZ Mlxrhre of (h.c forcllanll'd colours IS no ift' danP.erou~, but Ihcws longer c:.onuinulln<:c (be diLea(c ! ill the [ortller the tick r uns to .hts ve as hard as he can drive \' In this he walks

the fame place,' as though he cold his fieps •. : 1~'\Vheh Ilrrle skhrs, like the peditl~ of gu.tS c forth of the eiCl'tt11CIlCS ~ rhe-dffeafe .IS .•

IlgeroLJ!:. This fyolptome was ordinarily fqtll that Epldenlical dileafe in Londo,t 1649.' ich fo puz led the Colledge of P.hyficians~) c their learned ignorance was fo t~'r. ff0111 ng of it ~ that they could nottdl~w~at ia :

-.' ,

t • ~ _ • f . •• I:: j .. " .'_'. l

. ' .

FOl' . Mr. GaUtn (fu.,· they know nor where)

me nature the .mosher of Phyficians dwels )

8:ed them in 'no firch.prlnciples. .' '. .;

Mine own' fon, about three yecl's of.age was; ttl of the fame difcate, .n1Y (elf p~rig' ih the ountry ; whenrhe hop~s of life were but' final was fene for up : 'what carne from hIm (and· wasonce in an houre) was wrapc.round in·

. ,.

uts.! ,;' . .". ,

I cured: hirrrby only boyJin~ Mallows in his' nk:and:co nlanifeft my thanktulllcifc toOod.

() fur

~ ,

~ I ~ .. \ .

------- ---------.-~

C HAP. vr,

Lib..,2 • of biflitfli eitlarged. I", certifies all the compan, that, eafe was a com-

Dling. •


1'78', Culpeppet·s .AflrologicAZ 'Jlldge~nt fer fo great a mercy, I here declare it t~ the

world. / •


, , r

·"4 •

l'r~fng~s b} 'l»iHd. ill tbe Bowels and lYomb. Prtfnges bJ ,me Vril'~ in'", Fever.

FJrfl of all, wind HIlling forth f!cntly and vo- F'rfi of all,lf (he lIrine in a F\ Ver,Qr any 0-

-luncarrly , is the bd\ and mofl wholf thcr fickn<:fs,havc refidcnce nr er the bottom~

ngn. ' ' in colour white~jn form like a Piramld, '

'2 Wor(c then that when it comes forth wi 2 So much the. more the Llrlne- differs fi·on1

pain and gri ping.· thislo much the worfe it is. " .

3 Worft of all when it i,IJ retalnedgand cannot 3 Grolfc rc(ohuJpus, like dun or branIn thd

come our at all,but caufes fweflings ohert', bottom of the Udah18 a very (."'.11 fign.

4 Swellings of the wind in the b'dJy a ' But 'cis worfe then that when they ate like

ding to HippfJcJ"ntes,arc belt cured by e~pul {caiGS of nih. ' ',;,:, ,"

downward, or by Llrme J rhusmy Author. ,+ The Urh1e whitt and cIear,fignUies rnelan ..

I care not greatly if I rel arerhe cure done choly,and isvery bf",bfonif rhereeenttve fac~lt..y

fuch a cafe,by one of. the wifdl Phyficiane be caufed by md~qc.holy" the dlfeafe is :lika

ever the Sun Ihon upon in Englalld, DJ~ .• Butler enoLllth to hold.long,for mdaneholy wil retain

GIl"!b,;J~,. A Genclernan was poffiffi'd wi as wei whatit thoufd llo(,aS what·h fhould, '. wind in his belly; a great inftanu.tiollthere wa ) A cloud hanging_lti· the, Llrlne fignifies there, The Doa:or comes to him.and percelrln health if it be white; if it be black, 'tis dange ... the original of it was wind, for he was a m .. n rous , and then yQl;l.r mother wit wH tell }'OU~ penetrating judgement, calfing fot a rollinu_un the blacker ir is, it is the marc: ~ngcroui' ,

pin; The man was never filbjell: to CGVt 6 The Urine yeriow, very cleare, anafubtile.

ndfe,and as little to pride: Down turns he t the fickndr¢ wil conrlnae longer then the

cloaths from the bed: up he gets boots and aJ fick party WQlJ~' willingly bti1.Y'e it I . c .. udity not regal-ding the Hofland-Iheets s and f ... ls. and~dljQh b~ taken oecsfion to {boulder

roll ing the mans belly with a 'RdwUng-pUl QQ~ b~th. ..:"', :., , .. '

the Patients fundament founds an alarm,.t a 'I In fuch a ,are tb~c: j$ feartj aild thai: ;--.ot ~

. certif Q i 'litd~1


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