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Salmonellae are a family of bacteria that produce diseases in humans. They are
transmitted by fecal-oral route, through food, water or contaminated objects. They
produce intestinal infections and, in some cases, other organs. Salmonella enteritidis
and Salmonella typhimurium are the most frequent in our environment. Salmonella
typhi and Salmonella paratyphi are responsible for typhoid fever, a more serious
disease but rare in developed countries.
Salmonella are bacilli that affect only humans, although there are many animals that
act as reservoirs of the bacteria: birds, domestic animals such as dogs and cats,
reptiles ... The reservoirs do not suffer from the disease but transmit the bacteria
through their feces, contaminating the environment or food, such as eggs in the case
of poultry.

The first manifestations appear between the first 12 and 24 hours after the ingestion
of water or food contaminated with the bacteria. Since acid stomach juice is a
defense against it, not all people exposed to the disease. For this reason, people
who have a less acid gastric juice, either naturally, because of their age (infants and
the elderly) or by treatment with antacids (omeprazole, ranitidine ...) have a higher
risk of infection. They are also at risk, as in the rest of infectious diseases, those who
have an immunodeficiency or chronic diseases, especially decompensated. In these
groups, moreover, the complications of the infection are more frequent.
Bacteremia, which consists of the passage of bacteria to the blood, occurs between
1% and 5% of children who suffer from it, and can precede the infection of other
organs: bones (osteomyelitis, arthritis), heart (endocarditis), kidney (pyelonephritis)

On the other hand, the treatment of salmonellosis in most patients is symptomatic,
since it is a generally self-limited infection, with remission of fever in 72 hours and
subsequent improvement of diarrhea until its spontaneous healing in a few days. It
is important, therefore, the treatment of fever, discomfort and pain with analgesics
and maintain the best state of nutrition and hydration possible through oral
rehydration serums. Only in patients who are in a risk group of the aforementioned,
in cases of severe infection or in patients with chronic salmonella diarrhea, antibiotic
treatment is indicated. In healthy people and with spontaneous resolution of the
infection, antibiotic treatment may increase the risk that this person will be the carrier
of the bacteria and, therefore, of transmission of the disease.


Diabetes is a disease that is characterized by an elevation of blood glucose (sugar)

levels. If these levels are very high or very low, they can lead to acute complications
that must be resolved quickly.
High blood levels maintained for a long time cause damage to the arteries throughout
the body, and in the long term deteriorate and alter various organs, especially eyes,
kidneys, nerves, heart and other blood vessels.


• Urinate a lot
• feeling of thirst execiva
• Concern and drowsiness
• Reduction of visual acuity

Weight loss is the key factor in reducing the risk of diabetes in people at high risk
and overweight. Without having to reach an ideal weight, a moderate reduction of 5-
10% can be very beneficial for the control of diabetes.
Dietary control, avoiding refined sugars ("sweet" and derivatives), smoking
abstinence if you are a smoker, and physical activity are other essential measures
to reduce the risk of complications.



High blood pressure, high blood pressure, high blood pressure or simply
hypertension is a chronic disease characterized by the blood moving through the
arteries at a higher than normal pressure.
It is usually considered that there is hypertension when the value of the systolic
pressure equals or exceeds 140 mm Hg or the diastolic pressure equals or exceeds
90 mm Hg
It is a disease that at first does not have its own symptoms. Among them we can
 Headaches.
 ringing in the ears.
 Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet.
 blurred vision.
 dizziness, dizziness or nausea.
 tiredness


• Cod Liver Oil for Hypertension

• Garlic for hypertension
• Cucumber smoothie for hypertension
• Onion, Garlic and Lemon for High Blood Pressure
• Ginkgo for Hypertension
• Infusion of Angelica, Tila, Horsetail, Birch and Fennel for High Blood Pressure
• Hawthorn infusion for high blood pressure
• Infusion of Hibiscus and Cinnamon for Hypertension
• Infusion of olive leaves for hypertension
• Infusion of rosemary for hypertension
• Lavender for High Blood Pressure
• Ginger Tea, Cinnamon and Cardamom for Hypertension
• Green tea for hypertension
• Cat's Claw for Hypertension
• Eggplant Juice for High Blood Pressure

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