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26 Kenneth S.


ground state is minimum. Thus the optical excitation of orientational polarization implies the deorientation of the
the solvated electron from the ground state to the excited solvent molecules. Thus in the configuration coordinate
state i s followed by the rearrangement of the solvent mol- model the optical excitation is followed by the deorienta-
ecules. In the semicontinuum model12 the optical excita- tion of the solvent molecules.
tion is followed by the expansion of the cavity. On the In the present calculation the effect of the electronic
other hand, in bhe configuration coordinate model, the op- polarization is neglected. This effect will be taken into
tical excitation is followed by the change of the orienta- consideration in our later paper.
tional polarization from Po to PI (see Figure 4). The
change of the orientational polarization from Po to PI
implies the decrease of the orientational polarization Acknowledgments. The authors wish to thank Professor
around the electron (see Figure 2). The decrease of the T. Watanabe and Dr. M. Natori for helpful discussions.

Thermodytriarnics of Electrolytes. I . Theoretical Basis and General Equation

Kenneth S. Pitter
inorganic Materials Research Division of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Department of Chemistry, University of Caiifornia,
Berkeiey, California 94720 (Received May 72, 7972)
Publication cosfs assisted by The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission

A system of equations for the thermodynamic properties of electrolytes is developed OR the basis of theo-
retical insights from improved analysis of the Debye-Huckel model as well as recently published numeri-
cal calculations for more realistic models. The most important result is the recognition of an ionic
strength dependence of the effect of short-range forces in binary interactions. By modifying the usual
second virial coefficients to include this feature, one obtains a system of equations which are only slight-
ly more complex than those of Guggenheim but yield agreement within experimental error to concentra-
tions of several molal instead of 0.1 M . If one compares instead with the recently proposed equations of
Scatchard, Rush, and Johnson, the present equations are very much simpler for mixed electrolytes (and
somewhat simpler for single electrolytes) yet appear to yield comparable agreement with experimental
results for both single electrolytes and mixtures.

The thermodynamic properties of aqueous electrolytes portant insights and support for the greatly improved
have been extensively investigated both experimentally semiempirical treatment proposed below. Indeed it is in-
and theoretically. The monographs of Harned and Owen1 teresting that a key idea can be obtained by introducing
and of Robinson and Stokes2 provide excellent summaries. the Debye-Huckel model and distribution function into
While the detailed nature of these solutions is so complex modern equations relating such functions to the osmotic
that an ab inibio quantum-statistical theory is not feasi- pressure. But first we review the Guggenheim equations.
ble, the data appear to relate to few enough independent
parameters 'to make relatively exact semiempirical repre-
(1) H. S. Harned and 8. 8.Owen, "The Physical Chemistry of Electro-
sentation possible. It is the present objective to develop lytic Solutions," Reinhold, New York, N. Y., 1950.
equations which reproduce the measured properties sub- (2) R. A. Robinson and R. H, Stokes, "Electrolytic Solutions," Butter-
stantially within experimental accuracy, which are com- worths, London, 1959.
(3) K. S. Pitzer and L. Brewer, revised edition of "Thermodynamics" by
pact and convenient in that only a very few parameters G. N. Lewis and M. Randall, McGraw-Hili, New York, N. Y., 1961.
need be tabulated for each substance and the mathemati- (4) (a) E. A. ,Guggenheim, Phil. Mag., [7] 18, 588 (1035); (b) E. A , .
Guggenheim and J. C. Turgeon, Trans. Faraday Soc., 51, 747
cal calculations are simple, which have appropriate form (1955); (c) E. A. Guggenheim, "Applications of Statistical Mechan-
for mixed electrolytes as well as for solutions of a single ics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1966, pp 166-170; here Guggen-
solute, and whose parameters have physical meaning as helm surprisingly abandons the limitation to 0.1 M for validity of his
equations for the difference in ~pfrom a reference salt. A5 is ob-
far as possible. vious from Figure 1 or the figures and tables of ref 4, this is a
In 1960 Brewer and the writer3 selected as the best crude approximation.
(5) G. Scatchard. Chem. Rev., 19, 909 (1939); also in W. J. Hamer,
available system one proposed and applied to dilute solu- Ed., "The Structure of Electrolytic Solutions." Wilev. New York. N.
tions by Guggenkeid with modifications suggested by Y., 1959, p 9.
Scatchard5 for concentrated solutions. While this system (6) J. C. Rasaiah and H. L. Friedman, J. Chem. Phys., 48, 7242 (1968);
50, 3965 (1969).
was useful in providing a simple and compact summary of (7) P. S . Ramanathan and H. L. Friedman, J Chem. Phys.. 54, 1086
experimental data, it did not fully satisfy the other de- (1971).
(8) (a) D: N. Card and J. P. Valleau, J. Chem. Plrys., 52, 6232 (1970);
sired qualities. Recent theoretical advances of Friedman (b) J. C. Rasaiah, D. N. Card, and J. P. Valleau, J. Chem. Phys.,
and collaborators"? and of Card and Valleaus provide im- 56, 248 (1972).

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Voi. 77, No. 2, 1973

Thermodynamics of Electrolytes 269

~ ~ ~ ~ e n h ~ ihard ~ -Equations
" S ~ ~ i , c
Since the Guggenheim4 equations have had consider-
able success, it is desirable to recall them at this point
and to discuss the aspects that need improvement. The 0.4
equations for osmotic and activity coefficients are

o 0.3

-1s 0.2

0 I___

0 0.5 1.0 15

Figure 1. Difference in osmotic coefficient of several electro-

lytes from that of RbN03.

Here the s u m over M and X cover all positive and nega-

tive ions, respt:ctively; A, is the usual Debye-Huckel coef- the first and second terms on the right side. The first
ficient with N , Avogadro's number and d, the density of term in eq 6 must remain a general function of ionic
the solvent; and I ie; a useful parameter which expresses strength if these equations are to maintain their simplici-
the distance a t which the electrostatic energy for singly ty and utility for mixed electrolyte solutions. We shall re-
charged ions in the dielectric just equals thermal energy. turn later to the question of an improved mathematical
The quantities are constants (at given T and D ) form of this first term. Next we note that, by taking dif-
analogous to second virial coefficients which represent the ferences between the properties of different electrolytes of
net effect of various short-range forces between the M and the same type and at the same concentration, the first
X ions. It should be noted that Guggenheim followed term cancels and we have (for 1-1 electrolytes)
Br~nsted'sg princEple of specific interaction and excluded In Y M ~ -Y In Y M'X' = 2 m ( 0 w y - i ( 3 h f y ) (10)
terms related to short-range forces between ions of like
sign. PWX"- 'FM'X' = m ( @ M y- pMfxf) (11)
We shall not distinguish between direct interactions of These equations (10 and 11) still do not fit the experimen-
solute species at short distances and changes in solvation tal properties above 0.1 M with constant P's.
with concentration since bolh phenomena influence the Following a suggestion of Scatchard,5 Brewer and the
effective interionic potential of average force and thereby writer3 considered @ to vary slowly with concentration and
the second and higher virial coefficients. Likewise the dis- produced thereby a very compact tabulation of the experi-
tinction between molality and concentration will be ig- mental data for pure electrolyte solutions. If the P's are no
nored since tho statistical calculations based upon molec- longer constants, however, the relationships between eq 1,
ular models are used only to suggest appropriate forms for 2 , and 6 and between 8 and 9 are no longer valid. We shall
empirical use and to provide qualitative understanding. return to the derivation of correct relationships corre-
'The advant,age of the molality in practical calculations, sponding to the variable @'s in a later section but here
especially if the temperature varies, is overwhelming. point out in Figure 1 the qualitative nature of the depen-
It is also useful to consider the total excess Gibbs ener- dence of fl on concentration. The notable (and initially
gy (for a solution containing n, kg of solvent) which is ob- surprising) feature is the substantial change in p at low
tained by approprrate integration of the activity or osmot- concentration in contrast to its relative constancy at high-
ic coefficient. er concentration. While the change in @ below 0.1 M is
not large, there is no reason to doubt that the curves
maintain their slope in that region. Thus an improved
r(n.) = (3/X3)[in( I -I- - c (x2/2)1 theory which adequately accounts for these effects at
higher concentration will presumably also represent an
For a single 1-1electrolyte eq 1and 2 reduce to improvement below 0.1 M .
In y := --tA,ml/2/(1 + m1/2)]+ 2 P ~ x m Recently Scatchardlo and coworkers'j have extended
and elaborated the Guggenheim equations in several
cp _- 1 E= -(A,m1/2/3) u(rnlf2)+ P M x m (9) ways. First the Debye-Huckel term in eq E is subdivided
into a series of terms with different coefficients of 1112 in T
Guggenheim and Turgeondb showed that eq 8 and 9 fit- corresponding to different distances of closest approach
ted, essentiallly within experimental error, the data for 1-1 for the solute components. A p p r o ~ ~ derivatives
ia~~ then
electrolytes in water at 0" and at room temperature at
concentrations up to 0.1 M . They acknowledge, however, (9) J N Brqnsted, Kgl Dan Vidensk Selsk Mat Fys Medd 4, (4)
and others have showin that substantial discrepancies arise (1921), J Amer Chem ~ O C44,877
, (1922), 45,2898 (1923)
(10) G Scatchard, J Amer CkLem Soc , 83,2636 (1961)
at higher concentrations. In seeking equations that can be (11) G Scatchard, R M R u b , and J S Johnson J Phys C h e m , 74,
used at higher concentration one may examine separately 3786 (1970)

The Journal of Physical Ghernisrry, Vol. 77, No. 2, 1973

270 Kenneth S. Pitzer

yield correct but very complex formulas for the osmotic the kinetic effect of the hard core. Note that we have as-
and activity coefficients. Secondly, the Br$nsted principle sumed the same core size a for all species of ions but dif-
of specific interaction is abandoned and terms are intro- ferent charges z, and z J in accordance with Debye-Huckel
duced for the short-range interaction of ions of like sign. theory. The usual Debye-Hiickel distance 1 / is~defined
Finally, arrays of third and fourth virial coefficients are
added. On this basis, Lietzke and Stoughton12 were able K~ = (4ae2/DkT)~ I Z ~ ~ C , (15)
to represent accurately the osmotic coefficients of 20 pure and the function
electrolytes; also several systems of mixed electrolytes
have been treated.l[)$J~ This system allows enough terms qJr) = [z,zJe2/DkT(1+ ~ a ) ] ( e - x ( r - @ ’ / r ) (16)
to be included to represent experimental data accurately; In the Debye-Huckel derivation the radial distribution
but the equakions are very complicated and there seems of ions around a given ion is obtained from Boltzmann’s
little promise OC simple physical interpretation of the pa- law with the interaction energy given by the product of
rameters. Consequently, it seems worthwhile to seek sim- the charge on one icn and the average electrical potential
pler equations with fewer and more meaningful parame- surrounding the other ion. Summation over the various
ters. ions yields a charge density which, after approximation by
Also noteworthy is the work of Reilly, Wood, and Rob- its linear term, is substituted into the Poisson equation.
inson13 which ih directed primarily to the process of mix- The solution of the Poisson equation yields an explicit re-
ing of pure electrolytes. Their general pattern of equations sult for the electrical potential. The quantity qLI(r)de-
is similar in many aspects to that presented hereafter, but fined in eq 16 is the resulting exponent in the Boltzmann
these authors did not apply their equations to the numeri- factor for the radial distribution function, which is g L I ( r )
cal expression of the properties of single electrolytes and = exp[-q,,(r)I.
thus did not deal with one of the principal subjects of this The charge density around a given ion t now becomes
Hard-Core Effects in Debye-HCekel Theory
Traditional Debye-Huckel theory of electrolyte solu- In the expanded expression the first term vanishes be-
tions1.2 recognizes the distance of closest approach a in cause the solution is electrically neutral. Since qcl con-
the calculativn 3f the electrostatic energy of the distribu- tains the factor z J , the second or linear term is a sum over
tion of ions hut ignores the kinetic effect of the hard core cJz,2 and does not vanish; indeed, it yields the charge dis-
on the osmotic pressure or other properties. As Kirk- tribution in Debye-Huckel theory. The third term in-
wood,14 among others noted, this hard core effect cannot volves a sum over cJz13 which vanishes for symmetrical
be treated rigorously by the traditional charging process electrolytes and is relatively small in other cases. Thus for
methods of cdculating free energy. Van Rysselberghe and symmetrical electrolytes there is no inconsistency with the
Eisenberg15 did add approximate hard-core terms to the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann solution in retaining the
traditional Debye-Hhckel formulas, but the feature of third term, but it has no effect on the charge density and
particular interest was lost in that approximation. therefore no effect on the conventional Debye-Huckel re-
Recently it has been shown6e16 that there are several sults for thermodynamic properties.
equations which relate the intermolecular potential and Now, however, we wish to include the kinetic effect of
the radial distribution function (also called the pair corre- the hard core by the use of eq 14 which involves the sum
lation function) to thermodynamic properties. Each equa- over c,c,g,,(a). In discussion of this sum we again consider
tion will give the same set of thermodynamic results if the the expanded expression for the radial distribution func-
distribution function is exact, but different results arise tion
from approximate distribution functions. The most conve-
nient equation for a hard-core potential is the so-called gJr) = 1 - q L I ( r+
) Y2qZj2(r) ~ I . (17)
“pressure” equation which yields the pressure of a pure
fluid or the osinotic pressure of a solution. for r L a; g = 0 for r < a, of course. In this case the sum
for the first term is finite while that for the second term is
zero. But for the hard-core effect the third term again
yields a finite contribution. Thus for symmetrical electro-
Where n is the osmotic pressure, c, and c I , are concentra- lytes this third term can be included without any incon-
tions of species i arid .I, c is the total solute concentration sistency with the Debye-Huckel derivation, and its inclu-
2 c L ,urJis the interniolecular potential, and gzJ is the radi- sion should yield an improved approximation for the
al distribution function. The sums cover all solute species. hard-core effect. Even for unsymmetrical electrolytes the
We introduce ihe pot entia1 effect of the third term 0x1 the charge density is small;
hence the “inconsistency” of its retention is small and it
u2/= w, rCa (134 may be desirable to include its contribution t o the hard
uLJ= x,zJe2/Dr, r 2 a (13b) core-effect.
and obtain
n - chT = (e2/BD,l
~ c , c l z , z I g1,(r)4nrdr +
(12) M. H. Lietzke and R . W. Stoughton, J. Phys. Chem., fie, 508
(13) (a) P. J. Reilly and R. H. Wood, J. Phys. Chem., 73, 4292 (1969);
(b) P. J. Reiliy, R. H. Wood, and R. A. Robinson, ibid., 75, 1305
(14) J. c. Kirkwood, Chem. Rev., 19, 275 (1936); J, C , Kirkwood and J.
C. Poirier, J. Phys. Chem., 58, 591 (1954).
(15) P. Van Rysselberghe and S, Eisenberg, J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,61,
3030 (1939); 62, 451 (1940).
Where the second term, involving g(a), the radial distri- (16) T. L. Hill, “Statistical Mechanics,” McGraw-Hill, New York, N. Y . ,
bution function at the outer surface of contact, constitutes 1956.

The Journal of Physfcal Chemistry. Yo/ 77, No. 2, 7973

Thermodynamics of Electrolytes 271

Since the tneory is only approximate, however, there is

no reason why. the exponential expressions for g,, should
not be used, if desired, and Card and Valleausa have
found good agreement between such distribution functions
and their Monte Carlo calculations for 1-1 electrolytes up
to about 1Ad.
For our puiposes i t is preferable to use the three-term
expansion of cq 17 since this allows simpler mathematical
expression of the results while still providing a good ap-
proximation whencmr the general Debye-Huckel solution
i s valid. The osmotic coefficient is found, on this basis, to
la -K J
p - 1 ~ 3-
ckT I == 24nc(l C Ka>

)] (18) -0. I u
48n ( K4a
0.o 0.5

I all ions have charges & z this reduces to Figure 2. Osmotic coefficient for the Debye-Huckel model
(a = 4.25 A, aqueous solution at 25’): the solid circles are calcu-
lated values by the Monte Carlo method,6athe solid curve is from
the present theory with eq 19, the dashed curve differs from the
solid curve by substituting the conventional D-H expression for
the electrostatic energy for the corresponding term in eq 19,
Now K = (4nl)ll%zcl’2 and I = e2/DkT as defined earlier. and the triangles are experimental values for HBr.
In eq 18 and 19 the first term on the right arises from the
electrostatic energy and the second term from the hard with increase in ionic strength in the average radial distri-
core; each has interesting implications. bution function at a comparable radius.
This result for the electrostatic effects differs from the The Debye-Huckel distribution function was also in-
traditional Debye-Huchel formula although it reduces to serted in the so-called “compressibility” equation of sta-
the same limiting law when ~a can be neglected as com- tistical mechanics.6 The result is much more complex,
pared to unit). Such a difference is not unexpected since mathematically, although similar in qualitative behavior.
the distribution functiou is approximate except in the Hence it does not add anything useful for our present pur-
limit of small K. In Figure 2 we compare the alternate poses.
therrnodynaimrc expressions based on the Debye-Huckel While the Debye-Huckel treatment does not allow the
distribution f mctaon with the theoretically exact but consideration of different ionic radii within the same solu-
numerically ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Monte ~ r s Carlo
o m statistical
e treat- tion, we can compare the properties of different solutions,
ments of the Game molecular model ( a = 4.25 A, aqueous each of a single solute with a particular radius sum. We
solution at ‘25”) The new expression, eq 19, agrees, within consider the difference in osmotic coefficient for symmet-
computational. ~ ~ c e r t a ~with n ~ ythe
, Monte Carlo results rical electrolytes with radius sums at and a2 and ion
o ~t~o I = 0.5 M . Substitution of the
for c o n c e n t i ~ a t ~up charge z.
conventional term for the electrostatic effects causes a se-
rious discrepancy. It is also interesting that this theoreti- “Fz - cp1 - 2rr 4-
cal curve of eq 19 (or the Monte Carlo results) fits the ex- c
perimental data for HBr very well.
In view of the approximations of the molecular model,
hOWe~er,we shall regard both expressions for the thermo-
dynamic effect of the charge distribution as candidates for Here the first term inside the braces arises from the elec-
adoption on the basis of success in fitting experimental trostatic effects and the second and third terms from the
data. hard-core effects ( i e . , the same order as in eq 19). The
O f greater interest is the hard-core term in eq 18 and quantity ((p2 - cpl)/c corresponds to the quantity ((p2 -
19. The first term within the brackets, 2xa3/3, is indepen- cpl)/m which was shown in Figure 1 and would be a con-
dent of concentration and was considered by Van Ryssel- stant if the Guggenheim equations were valid. It is appar-
berghe and Eisexzberg.15 The second term within the ent from eq 20 that it will yield the same qualitative be-
brackets, howevei, does depend, through K , on the ionic havior as was shown in Figure l; specifically, the second
strength of thc solution. Furthermore, this expression in term is constant, but both the first and third terms de-
brackets varies with concentration in just the same man- crease from a finite value a t zero concentration to very
ner as was shown in Figure 1 with an initially rapid de- small values as K increases.
crease from the value at zero concentration to a smaller The principal consequence of this section is to suggest
arid relatively consta~ntvalue at high concentration. that the properties of electrolyte solutions can be ex-
This decrease in the second virial coefficient with ionic pressed by an “electrostatic” term plus a virial coefficient
strength arises from a similar decrease in the average ra- series in which the virial coefficients may be functions of
dial distribution function at contact. Thus it is important the ionic strength of the solution. More particularly it is
to note that the inore rigorous statistical treatments by suggested that the second virial coefficient will vary with
the Monte C‘ario method yields a similar behavior of the ionic strength in the pattern indicated by Figure 1 or eq
radial ~ ~ s t r i ~ 9lunction
~ t i ~ n at contact. Furthermore, the 18 and 19. An alternate and probably improved form is
aPrisnnthaa and Friedman? on a model also proposed for the “electrostatic” term.
with a soft repulsive potential show a similar decrease The suggestion of a second virial coefficient which is a

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vo;. 77, No. 2, 1973

272 Kenneth S. Pitzer

function of the ionic $strength is, of course, implicit in the reduce to

much more complex theory of Mayer.17 The preceding
argument leads more simply to this same type of expres-
sion and thereby should help to clarify the reasons for this
ionic strength dependence as well as suggesting simple
mathematical forms. We turn now to the choice of equa-
tions wbich wi 11 provide improved empirical representa-
tion of the properties of electrolytes. While the discussion
up to this point should help make the following choices
plausible, the final adoption of any particular equation
will be based on its empirical effectiveness.

Let 11s now s~t u p a system of equations for the thermo-

dynamic properties of pure or mixed electrolytes in rather
general form We will later choose the exact form for cer- where v = UM 4- ux. The terms for triple interactions with
tain functions ky comparison with experimental data. The all ions of the same sign (pMMMand pxxx) have been
total excess Gihbs energy for a solution containing n, kg dropped in eq 25 and 26 and hereafter since they seem
of solvent and s,,n,, . . . moles of' solute species i,j, . . . is certain to be exceedingly small.
taken to be From eq 25 and 26 it is apparent that the properties of
single electrolytes are determined by the combinations
(2UMUXxMX UM'XMM 4- ux2Axx) and ( U M ~ M M X
uXpMxx). A similar but much more cumbersome examina-
(21) tion of the equations for mixed electrolytes indicates addi-
Mere f(1)is a function of ionic strength (also temperature tional observable combinations of the X and p functions.
and solvent properties) expressing the effect of the long- The following definitions of the more directly observable
range electrostatic forces; f ( I ) may have the form of the quantities appear to be most convenient. Quantities ap-
first term of eq 6 or the similar form which can be ob- pearing only for mixed electrolytes are distinguished by
tained by integration Qf eq 18; XEl(Z) is a function of ionic the use of greek instead of latin letters.
strength with the qualitative behavior indicated by Figure
1 on the second term 011 the right in eq 18 or 19. The effect
of short-range forces between species i and j is, of course,
the basis for A,](l). We also include a term for triple ion
interaction which may be significant at high concentra-
tion but igncre any dependence of p l l R on ionic strength.
We assume that the X and p matrices are symmetric, i e . ,
A,, = Allr etc.
The equation<; for the activity and osmotic coefficients
follow from the eppropriate derivatives of G e X
CMX* = [3/(uMuX)f/2][uMpMMX-b YXfiMXXI (30)
CMXY = 3hCMX" (31)
@MN = h M N - (ZN/2ZM)XMM (ZM,f2ZNIXNN (32)
~ M N '= d 8 ~ ~ / d ~l M= N -
' ( Z N / 2 Z M ) X M M ' ~-
mi (ZM/2ZN)XNNf (33)
Also we define
f " = Y2V - ( f / I ) l (35)
f' = 1hf (36)
where f = dfldl, h?,' L= dX,,/dI, and m, = n,/n,, etc. In these terms the properties of the single electrolyte
combination of terms for the neutral electrolyte M ( U M ) take the simple form
X ( U , ) yields for its activity coefficient
Cp - 1 = IZMZXlf"-b m(2UMUX/U)BMXP+
In y = I z ~ z x l f y+ m ( 2 u ~ u x / u ) B ~-tx ~
T?Z2[[2(VMUX)3'2/U]CMXr (38)
In the case of symmetrical electrolytes the coefficients of
mB and m2C reduce to unity; m is the usual stoichome-
tric molality.
(17) J. E. Mayer, J Chem Phys, 18, 1426 (1959), arid subsequent
In a solution of the single electrolyte MX these equations work includinq E. Meeron, J Chem. Phys., 26, 804 (1957)

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 77, No. 2, 1973

ihermodynamic,s 04 Electrolytes 273

The expressions for mixed electrolytes become some- y ) throughout eq 44. Although the formuIas for this case
what cumbersome and we will restrict ourselves a t this are more complex, no new quantities are introduced as
time to a few examples. Consider first a mixture of two compared to those for the set of solutions with common
ions of one sign, M[and N, with a common ion X of oppo- ions MX-NX, MY-NY, MX-MY, and NX-NU. Hence
site sign but with unrestricted magnitudes of charge ZM, the measurement of the set of solutions with common ions
zN, and zX. Electrical neutrality requires that provides all the parameters needed to calculate the prop-
erties of the mixture without a common ion. Reilly and
' n X =z I L M / z X I m M + IzN/ZXlmN Wood13a discuss in greater detail the process of mixing
electrolytes with equations whose terms can be related to
The osmotic coefficient for this solution is those presented here. We turn now to the use of these
cp - 1 -- [ 2 / ( r n ~-E.: m~ 4- equations for the numerical representation of experimen-
tal data.
mX)]{If'+ m M m X B M X ' +
NX' -t a M n N ( B M N f IBMN') Single Electrolytes
12'X/ZMf1'2"mX2CMX'' + A comprehensive program is now underway for the se-
lZX/ZNI " 2 T b N m X 2 c N X v f mMmNmX$MNX) (39) lection of optimum functions for f and a,, and the evalua-
tion of constants in B,j as well as Cr, For various electro-
and the ionic s ~ , r e rin
~ this
~ t ~case
~ is lytes. At this time a few initial results will be reported
showing the accuracy of agreement which has already
+ /ZV/zX/)mM + /zNzX/(l +
i %[/Z~Zxj(1 I ZN/ZX/)mNI been obtained. The comprehensive tables of osmotic coef-
If the two electrdyles are symmetric this expression can ficients presented by Robinson and Stokes2 provide the
be readily expressed in terms of the molality m of the experimental data for this initial phase of evaluation.
common ion and the solute mole fraction y of NX. Thus Three functions were considered for f , the electrostatic
for MX-NX mixtures one obtains for the two activity term
coefficients as well as the osmotic coefficient ~DHOQ -A, [P/2/(1 +b P ) ] (45)
(0 - 1 = z2f' + Ti'Z{(L --.Y ) B M $ + yBNX' + fDHc' = -& P'2a(bP'2) (46)
yi?. - Y)(BMN + ~ B M N ' ) ]+
m2{( i - ~ ) C M X+' YCNX' + y(1 - Y)$MNX] (40) f~' =-AP(P2/4){1 + [3/(1 + b11'2Y]\ for b1"' < 2.0
In y M X = Z2p -I- (47a)
nz{h'~x'+ ~ ( B N x-
' BMX' + BMN) + = 1/3A,(21/b)'l3 for bI'" > 2.0 (47b)
r(1 -I :b'fi8MN'I -b m2(@MX' -k y ( C N X ' - CMX' +
YZ$MNX) + Yzu(1 - Y)$MNXI (41) A, = Y3Ay = Y3(2nNodw/1000)1'213'2 (48)

In Y N X -I z2fr + A,, is the usual Debye-Huckel constant for the osmotic

iTL{BNxY"b (1 - Y ) ( B M X ' -BNX' + coefficient and all three forms reduce to the usual limiting
law a t small I. The first form, DMQ for "Debye-
&N) f y(l - y)lBMN'] -$. m2{C N X Y + (1 - y ) ( CMX' - Huckel-osmotic," is that derived above, eq 18 and 19, by
CnxP -$. YZ$MNX) + Y 2 ~ ( 1- Y)$MNX) (42) use of the Debye-Huckel radial distribution function in
the "pressure" equation of statistical mechanics which
This formulation shows clearly the quantities B and $ yields the osmotic pressure directly. The second form,
which mise foi mixtures in contrast to the other terms DHC for "Debye-Huckel-charging," is the familiar result
which can be determined by the properties of the pure obtained by initially calculating the activity coefficient
NIX and NX solutions. It is interesting that 8 and 0' show from a charging process and subsequent conversion by the
different coniposition dependence in eq 41 and 42 but the Gibbs-Duhem equation to the osmotic coefficient. The
same dependence in eq 40. third form is one recommended by Glueckaufl8 which
The mixture MX-NY where there is no common ion goes smoothly from the limiting law into a cube-root de-
yields more complex equations. pendence on I at high concentration. The parameter b is
to be optimized separately for each form.
Two forms were tested for the second virial coefficient
Br' = p ( 0 ) + [P'"/(l + ,P'Z)Z] (49)
Brr*= pi01 - Pi11 exp( - - & / 2 ) (50)
The first form is suggested directly by eq 18 and 19 while
the second is considered because it is an especially simple
form having the same general properties, namely; (a) fi-
nite value a t zero ionic strength, (b) rapid change linear
in 11'2 at low ionic strength, and (c) smosth approach to a
constant value at high ionic strength. Although in princi-
ple all three parameters a , p i * ) , and may be adjusted
for each solute, it was hoped that a: might remain the
same for broad classes of electrolytes and that there would

(18) E. Glueckauf, Proc. Roy. SOC.,Sei. A, 310,444 (1969)

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 77, No. 2, 1973

274 Kenneth S. Pitzer

TABLE Parameters tor Thermodynamic Functions for Dilute

Aqueous Electrolytes at

Electrolyte pc01 @!I I 103

HCI 0.1802 0.2753 0.6

LiCl 0.1575 0.2811 0.8
NaCl 0.0781 0.2659 0.7
KCI 0.0460 0.2186 0.4
CSCl 0.0320 0.0273 1.5
NaN03 0.0059 0.1714 0.7
NH4N03 ---0.0143 0.1045 1.5
RbN03 -0.0663 -0.0623 1.9
Ca(C10.4z 0.5789 2.5883 1.1
MgClz 0.4869 2.1062 3.3
CaC12 0.4162 2.2324 1.6
Na2CrO4 0.1 186 1.8765 2.1
Na2S04 0.0428 1.3491 1.6

ab = 1.20, 08 = 2.00, C'O = 0, range 0-2 M

TABLE I I: Par<amdersfor Thermodynamic Functions for Aqueous
Electrolytes ai 25" from I) to 6 Ma Figure 3. Radial distribution function at hard-core contact as a
function of ionic strength from Monte Carlo
Electrolyte p") e,+ a x 103
HCl 0.25503 -0.00059 1.7
well established even though its physical interpretation in
NaCl 0.26495 4-0.00122 0.7 terms of molecular quantities is not simple.
KCl 0.20887 -0.00082 0.4 Lietzke and Stoughton12 fitted the osmotic coefficient
CSCl 0.01336 -0.00049 1.5 data for several electrolytes to the four constant equation
NaN(33 8.17964 -0.00067 1.4 comprising the conventional Debye-Wiickel term fDHC "
KN03 0.04939 +0.00660 12 with adjustable distance of closest approach and second,
RbN03 -0.01 736 4-0.00528 1.0 third, and fourth virial coefficients, each taken as a con-
stant. While the respective calculations of Lietzke and
a b = 1.20 and N = 2.00 throughout. Stoughton and the present research are not precisely com-
parable, the new results of Table I with two adjustable
be a systematic relationship between p ( 0 ) and p(1).In spe- parameters for each substance fit the data up to 2 M as
cial cases, however, the form of I39 can be modified or well or better than the earlier work with four adjustable
terms added without affecting the simple form for most constants fitted to data ranging up to concentrations from
solutes. For this initial test the third virial coefficient C@ 3 to 6 M . Likewise the results in Table HI with three ad
was omitted. justable constants compare favorably with those of the
The six possible combinations off' and B,+were tested earlier equation using four adjustable constants.
systematically with the osmotic coefficient values up to 2 More definitive results for 1-1 and 1-2 electrolytes as
M for the 13 electrolytes listed in Table I, by varying b well as calculations for higher valence types will be pre-
and CY independently but holding each the same for all sented in a subsequent paper.
substances The best general agreement was obtained for Comparison of the @(Ol and p(1) values in Table I shows
fDHO and B,," with b = 1.2 and CY = 2.0; in this case the a generally parallel trend but substantial individual varia-
over-all standard deviation was 0.0015. The other combi- tion. In order to understand the difference between p ( 0 )
nations of f and * gave standard deviations about and p(1) it is desirable to consider the relative values of
twice as large and not significantliy differing one from an- the radial distribution functions at contact for hard cores.
other. Figure 3 shows g + - ( a ) and g++(a) = g - - ( a ) as a function
Table I shows the values of p ( 0 ) and p(1) for each sub- of concentration from the Monte Carlo calculations of
stance with f D H o ' o and BII* equation and the standard Card and Valleauga which were for a 1-1 aqueous electro-
deviations for each solute. Since osmotic coefficients are lyte with a = 4.25 A. The results of R a ~ ~ ~ and a ~ h a ~
ordinarily reported to only 0.001, it is apparent that the Friedman7 for soft-core models show the same general
agreement it3 .well within experimental uncertainty in trend but are not as directly interpretable. The curves on
most, if not all, cases. Figure 3 show clearly that the short-range interaction of
With this choice of form o f f " and B,+and these values unlike charged ions becomes relatively much more impor-
of b and CY the third virial coefficient C,+ was restored to tant at low ionic strength. At high ionic strength the
eq 37 and data for several electrolytes were fitted up to 6 short-range interactions are weighted approximately 3.5 to
M. The experimental data are from Robinson and Stokes2 1 for unlike and like charged ions, respectively. This ratio
with recent revisions for NaN03 and KN03 from Bezbo- increases to more than 10 to 1 at low ionic strength. Since
ruah, Covington, and Robinson.19 The results, given in it is the sum of short-range interaction effects in eq 27
Table 11, show excellent agreement within experimental and 28 which constitute the B,+ and %I? functions, it is
error. It is also significant that p ( 0 ) and p(1) have not clear that the principal contribution to @ ( I ) will come
changed much with the addition of the third virial coeffi- from the short-range interaction of unlike charged ions
cient and the extension to more concentrated solutions. (19) C P Bezboruah, A. K Covington, and R A. Robinson, J Cham
Thus the second virial coefficient expression appears to be Thermodyn , 2,431 (1970).

The Journal of P t i y s i x i i Chemistry, Vol. 77, No. 2, 1973

Thermodynamics of Eiectrolytes 275

while the nnteractions of like and unlike charged ions will

both contribute to @o) in a proportion given by the mag-
nitudes of g+ - ( u ) , g++(a), and g - - ( a ) at high concentra- 0.03
tion. With multiply charged ions the short-range interac- -
tion of like-charged ions will be less important, of course, I.
and may be negligible even for p ( 0 ) . 2 0
It is apparent f ~ o mTable I that the ratio of p(1) to p ( 0 ) +
for 2-1 electrolytes is much greater than for 1-1 solutes. =.
0” -0.03
This is in general accord with eq 18 where the two terms
in the brackets correspond to the two terms in B+‘. In the
limit of zero conceutration the ratio of the second term to. -0.06
the first is (L2/2a21 for 1-1 electrolytes and (2P/a2) for 2-1 0 I 2 3
solutes. Since 1 = 7.1 A and a is frequently near 4 A, ratios
Figure 4. Parameter for the difference in short-range interactions
near 1.5 and 6 would be plausible for p ( 1 ) / p ( O )for 1-1 and of like charged ions as a function of molality. Data from Harned
2-1 solutes, respectively. While the values in Table I show and Owen’ for mixtures of HCI with the sait indicated; the sizes
too much variability to give much meaning to this com- of circles show their estimates of experimental error.
parison, nevertheless, it seems likely that this increase in
as compared tlo /3(O) arises from the increased ionic It is desirable to estimate theoretically the expected de-
charge as it affects the last term in eq 18. pendence of OMN on ionic strength. Equation 32 shows
Since the electrostatic interaction function f was not that this term is a difference in second virial coefficients
changed for individual solutes, the Bp function also in- for ions of the same sign. Figure 3 shows that g + + rises
cludes a correction LO f for the effective distance of closest from a very small value at zero concentration to a value
approach. Eqlation 20 and the accompanying discussion somewhat larger but still much less than unity at high
describe this correcl ion which will contribute to both p ( 0 ) ionic strength. Thus we expect BMN to increase from a
and p(1).If the effective distance of closest approach for a smaller value at zero concentration to a relatively con-
particular solute is less than that implied in f , this contri- stant value at high concentration.
bution to /Yo) and kY1) will be negative. Hence the small The best test of this picture is the extensive array of
negative values in Table I are understandable. galvanic cell measurements which yield the activity coef-
In conclusion of this section the chosen forms of‘f and B ficient of HC1 in mixtures with LiCI, NaC1, KC1, and
are summarized for excess Gibbs energy and activity coef- CsC1. Harned and Owen1 summarize this work and ex-
ficient as well as osmotic coefficient. The subscripts are press the results in terms of coefficients a12 and a21 which
omitted since the alternate forms will not be used further. are given in our terminology by the equations (where y is
the solute fraction MC1)
f“ -A“ [P”/(l + bP’2)] (51)
p = --A+[ P a/(l -P bW2) + (2/b) In (1C b1112)] (52)
In YHCl = In YHCIO - 2.303tu12my (574
In YMCI = In ~ M C I O - 2,303azlm(l - y ) (57b)
pG” = -.A’ ( 4 1 / b )111(1 + bP’2) (53)
5”c pco, + p e - a P ’ 2 Here -y~clOand YMClo are the activity coefficients of the
(54) pure electrolytes at the molality m.
gr = 2p(O) $. (ap(l)/*zn x Comparison of eq 57 with 38, 41, and 42 indicates con-
[I - exp( - a F ) ( I + ,PI2 - Y2a21)] (55) sistency provided the terms my(1 - ~ ) I @ M andNMm2y(1

- Y)$MNX may be neglected. On that basis one obtains
B”x -- p(O! i-
(Z@‘l!,/’dI)!r)lb .- exp(-aP2)(1 + aP”)] (56)
OH,M + (m/2)$H,M,Cl = -(2.303/2)(0(1~-I- a211 (58)
The superscript G x indicates the form for the excess
Gibbs energy; the value b = 1.2 has been selected for use
- BMCI“+ ~ ( C H C -~ CMCL“)
BHC~’ ’
with all substances sit 25” aqueous solution; also the value (2.303/2)(a12 - ( ~ 2 1 ) (59)
a = 2.0 waa found to be satisfactory for the 1-1 and 2-1 Figure 4 shows the values of BH,M + (n’b/2)$H,M,Cl ob-
electrolytes listed 11 Table I but a may be adjusted for tained from Harned and Owen with the size of the circles
each substance if desired. indicating their estimates of experimental error. Since the
second term will be negligible in dilute solutions, we may
Mixed E ~ ~ ~ ~ ” r ~ ~ y ~ @ ~ interpret the curves below 1 M with respect to BH,M. It is
The therinodynamx treatment of isopiestic data for clear that the general nature of these curves corresponds
mixed electrolytes lias been simplified considerably by the to the argument given above; the decrease in 0 at low con-
use of equations which clearly distinguish the effects of centration corresponds to the decrease in radial distribu-
mixing from those of the pure components. This is further tion function at hard-core contact for pairs of ions of like
facilitated by analytical equations representing accurately sign.
the properties of the pure components. Recent papers of In the more concentrated solutions the slope of the
Rush, Scatchard, and others11920 offer excellent illustra- curve for CsCl-HCl indicates a significant value of
tions. For mixing solutions of equal ionic strength with a $H,cs,CI. For the other curves the corresponding term is
common ion, e 3 40-42 show clearly that any nonlinear ef- very small.
fect arises only from interactions of ions of the same sign One can also compare, in accordance with eq 59, our
either as pairs in OMN or in combination with one ion of B” values with the differences (0112 - ,211 from Harned
the opposite sign in $MNX. The linear terms for the activi- and Owen. The agreement is satisfactory for the constants
ty coefficient (but not the osmotic coefficient) also include
BMN and $hmjt as well iaS functions for the pure compo- 120) Y. C. Wu, R. M. Rush, and G. Scatchard, J Phys. Chem., 72, 4048
nents. (1968); 73, 2047,4433,4434 (1969).

The Journal ofPhysical Chemistry, Vol. 77, No. 2, 7973

276 Kenneth S. Pitaer

These values determined from the mixtures with a com-

mon ion suffice, when combined with values from Table I1
for the pure electrolytes, to calculate A y m for the
A NoCl- No NO3 mixtures without common ion. The equation for mixing
O.O!j 0 KCI -KN03 MX with NY, which follows from (43) and (33) and with
ONaCI-KCI the omission of O', is
[Ap,/my(l - y)] = [ O h m + OXY +
( ~ / ~ ) ( + M N x $MNY + $MXY -+ lk~x~Pl+
[BMYV B N X V - BMX@- B N Y ' +
m(CMY' c N X @-GMX' CNY')] (61)
It is notable that all terms in the first brackets remain
unchanged if M and N (or X and U) are interchanged
whereas all terms in the second brackets change sign.
Thus the sum of [Apm/my(l - y ) ] for mixing MX--NY
and for NX-MY is just twice the first brackets and is ex-
0 1 ~----' I i
actly the sum of the four corresponding quantities for the
2 4 6 mixing processes with a common ion. This last equality is
m just the cross-square rule of Young, Wu, and Krawetz,23
Figure 5. Difference in osmotic Coefficient of mixed electro- although it is more commonly applied to heats or Gibbs
lytes From pure components at the same ionic strength. The energies of mixing.
curves for NaCI-Kr1O3 and KCI-NaN03 are calculated by eq 61 Figure 5 shows the experimental values of Apm for mix-
with parameters from pure electrolytes and mixtures with a com-
mon ion ing NaCl-KN03 and KCl-NaN03 together with the
curves calculated from eq 61. The fit for the NaCI-KNO3
of Table I (through 2 M ) or those of Table 11. system is almost perfect. For the KCl-NaN83 mixtures
Since we find BH,IM to vary with ionic strength, 0H,M' the agreement is less perfect but appears to be within ex-
cannot be zero. The resulting nonlinear term in eq 41 is, perimental uncertainty. If the data for the mixtures with-
however, very small and within experimental error at 0.1 out a common ion had been included in an adjustment of
M . This effect might have been detected at higher con- all parameters, a better fit would doubtless be possible,
centrations, especially in HC1-CsC1 solutions, but the ap- but it seems preferable in most cases, and much easier, to
propriate measwements were not made. Hence there is no evaluate parameters from the simplest systems to which
conflict hetween our interpretation and available data. they are related.
We consider next the change in osmotic coefficient for The agreement shown on Figure 5 suggests that the
mixtures MX-NX with a common ion. From eq 37 and 40 cross-square rule is satisfied for this system whereas Bez-
one obtains boruah, Covington, and Robinsonls concluded that the
difference probably exceeded experimental error. These
A p m = y( I -Y)171(6~N + l0MN' + m$'MNX) (60) authors did not compare the A p of mixing quantities di-
It is of interest to consider a series of systems with the rectly but rather calculated AG of mixing instead. This
same pair of ion4 of like sign, M and N, but with different calculation of AG involves the integral of (Aym/m)dm
common ions X, X', etc. In this situation the O M N term from zero to the molality of interest. It is evident from
must be the same throLghout but #MNX will differ with X. Figure 5 the curves we predict in the very dilute region
We considered the series NaCl-KCI, NaBr-KBr, and are quite different from the lines one might draw through
NaNCQ3-KN08 for which osmotic coefficients have been the points without reference to other information. Appli-
measured by several investigator~.~S~~1~Zz It is found, how- cation of the cross-square condition directly to A(pm av-
ever, that the hromi es differ so slightly from the chlo- oids this difficulty and appears to me to yield agreement
rides that little is gained by their inclusion. The data for within the uncertainty of experiments. It should be em-
the chlorides and nitrates are shown in the middle of Fig- phasized that our present, approach and eq 61 predict
ure 5 . Actually there are many points for the system much more than the cross-square rule; they predict the
NaC1-KCl; the two shown define the straight line which two individual curves for the systems without a common
represents all the points quite well. ion instead of predicting only their sum.
It is apparent from Figure 5 that the data for systems Although the point24 has been made previously that an
with a common ion cain be represented by straight lines. ion pair interaction quantity such as # M r J must be the
But there is so iietPe information at concentration below 1 same regardless of the ion of opposite sign, most experi-
M that one cannot determine whether there is curvature mental data have been interpreted without considering
in that regiop. I n view of the theory and the data on the this limitation. An exception is the very recent work of
HCI-MCI systerns given above one would expect curva- Scatchard, Rush, and Johnson11 where it is shown that
ture toward zero in p m in the dilute region. Since the this limitation can be imposed without difficulty for the
values of [A(p,/my(Z -- y ) ] for mixtures with a common various mixed electrolytes formed from NaC1, NazSOa,
1011 are small, this unct?rtainty from possible curvature in MgC12, and MgS04. This point was also recognized by
the dilute regioc is also small and we can omit the terms (21) A. K. Covington, T. ti. Lilley, and R. A. Robinsan, J. Phys. Chem.,
in 9' from osmotic coefficient treatments until such time 72,2759 (1968).
(22) R. A. Robinson, J. Phys. Chem., 65, 662 (1961);R. M. Rush and
as improved ex~ier~merital accuracy justifies their inclu- R. A. Robinson, J. Tenn. Acad. Sci., 42. 22 (1968).
sion. On this basis we find BN%,K = -0.012, B(Cl,N03) = (23) T. F. Young, Y. C. Wu, and A. A. Krawetz, Discuss. Faraday Soc.,
, $N~,IK,CI -0.0018, +(Na,K,NOs) = -0.012, 24, 37, 77 (1957).
(24) ti. L. Friedman. J. Chem. Phys., 32, 1134 (:960):"ionic Solution
$4Na,Cl,NIO3) =: $(K C3,NOz) = -0.0060. Theory," Interscience, New York. N. Y:. 1962.

The Journal 01 Physical Chemtsrry, Vol. 77, NO. 2, 7973

Ab lnifio Calculations for Thioformaldehyde 277

Wood and Smith26 in making their very convincing case of equations for the thermodynamic properties of electro-
that tbe heat of mixing of 1-1 electrolytes with a common lytes is developed which appears to represent experimen-
ion arises primarily from differences in the interaction of tal behavior to much higher concentration than any previ-
pairs of ions of the same sign and consequently disproves ous system of comparable complexity. Numerical parame-
Brfinsted's principle of specific ion interaction. ters and comparisons with experimental data are present-
ed for the osmotic coefficients of several pure electrolytes,
Summary for the activity coefficients of a series of mixtures HC1-
Et is shown from an improved statistical treatment MCl, and for the osmotic coefficient for all possible
based upon the Debye-Huckel ion distribution function mixtures of sodium and potassium chlorides and nitrates.
that the effect of short-range forces between pairs of ions, A much more extensive treatment of many particular sys-
i.e., the second virial coefficient, should depend also on tems is in progress, and it is expected that a very compact
the ionic strength. Numerical calculations on more realis- summary can be given of the extensive array of experi-
tic models confirm this general effect in which second vir- mental information on aqueous electrolytes.
ial coefficient9 for pure electrolytes decrease rapidly with
increase in ionic strength in the very dilute region yet be- Acknowledgment. I wish to thank Mr. Guillermo
come nearly constant a t higher concentrations. This pat- Mayorga for carrying out some of the numerical calcula-
tern of behavior was known experimentally and seemed tions. This research was sponsored by the U. S. Atomic
puzzling heretofore. Energy Commission.
By including the appropriate ionic strength dependence
in the second vjrial. coefficients a relatiely simple system (25) R. H. Wood and R. W. Smith, d . Phys. Chem., 69, 2974 (1965)

b Initio CallctilPations for the Ground and Low-Lying Triplet States of T h ~ ~ f ~ r ~ a ~ d ~ ~ y d

N. Colin b i r d * and Jerrald R. Swenson

Photochemistry Unit, Department of Chemistry, University of Western Ontario, London. Ontario, Canada (Received June 5, 7972)
Pub!icafion costs assisted by the National Research Council of Canada

The bonding, energetics, and geometry for the ground, 3(n,7r*), and 3(?r,~*) states of thioformaldehyde,
H&S, have been investigated by ab initio molecular orbital calculations. The calculated C-S and C-H
bond lengths of 1.631 and 1.090 A, respectively, and the calculated HCH angle of 114.6" are all in good
agreement with the microwave structural results. In contrast to formaldehyde itself, the cr and 7r bonds
are predicted to be polarized in opposite directions in H&S. Carbon-sulfur bond distances and excita-
tion energies are predicted for the 3(n,7r*) and 3(a,a*) states of H2CS by calculations with and without a
3da orbital on sulfur.

Introduction simulated by a linear combination of three Gaussian-type

Th~oform~ldehyde is the smallest thio ketone, a func- orbitals according to the STO-3G expansions of Pople and
tional group whose photochemistry has recently attracted coworkers.5 All integrals required were evaluated using
considerable iaterest.2 Since the relative stabilities and subroutines from the POLYATOM system.6 The energies
the equilibrium geometries for the excited states of a mol- of the triplet states were evaluated from the ground-state
ecule influence its photochemical behavior, the energies wave function using Pople's formula7
and C--S bond feaigths for the excited states of thio ke- AEij == C j - ci - J3j
tones are of interest. Although semiempirical calculations
on thio ketones have been ~ e p o r t e dno
, ~ study of the ge- where EL is the eigenvalue of the occupied molecular orbi-
ometry changes that occur upon excitation has been
made. We report here ab initio molecular orbital studies (1) Publicatiorl No. 57 of the Photochemistry Unit.
of the geometry, bonding, and energetics in the ground, (2) D. R. Kemp, A. H. Lawrence, C. C. Liao, A. 0 . Loutfy, P. de Mayo,
A. A. Nicholson, and S. Paszyc, Pure Appl. Chem., 367 (197'1).
Z(n,r*)?and 3(s,a*) states of thioformaldehyde. (3) J. Fabian and A. Mehihorn, Z. Chem., 7 192 (1967); {bid.. 9 , 271
etails of the Calcdations (4) C. C. J. Roothaan, Rev. Mod. Phys., 23, 69 (1951).
(5) (a) W. J. Hehre, R. F. Stewart, and J. A. Pople, .I. Chem. Phys..
All wave functions have been determined by the closed- 51, 2657 (1969); ( b ) W. J. Hehre, R. Ditchfieid, A. F. Stewart, and
shell SCF-LCAO-MO method of Roothaan.4 A minimal J. A. Pople, ibid., 52, 2769 (1970).
(6) Available from the Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange. Indiana
basis set of Slater-type orbitals (STO's) was used to ex- University, Bloomington, Indiana, as QCPE 47A.
pand the molecular orbitals. Each s and p-type STO was (7) J. A . Pople, Proc. Phys. SOC..London, Sect. A , 68, 81 (1955).

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 77. No. 2, 1979

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