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NOTES 1579

ethylene. It appears that propylene is not formed from

Table 11: YieldB of Ethane-CI4 and Ethylene-Cl' from
the Radiolysis of Methane-Cld a t 100 mm. Pressure
ethylene during the radiolysis.
in the Presence of Added Ethylene Acknowledgment. The author wishes to express his
appreciation to Dr. Richard Holroyd for helpful dis-
Aboorbed cussions on this study.
dose (e.v./g. C?(C'4eHs),
% CaH, of CHI) molecules/ C""I4/ C'4sH4 (cor.)/
added X 10-19 100 e.v. C"sHa C14rHs (17) If a value of 2 is assumed for the yield of ethane in methane
radiolysis and if, as is suggested by the methane-ethylene-Cl4
0.17 2 0.66 0.98 0.98 results, one third of the ethane observed is produced from ethylene
then the initial yield of ethylene calculated from its relative yield is
0.06 4 1.7 0.57 0.84 1.3 molecules/100 e.v. which is in agreement with values (G = 1.4
0.05 2 0.83 0.85 0.85 and 1.5)suggested previously10 in studies of the irradiation of methane
0.04 9 1.2 0.71 0.99 in the presence of added propylene and acetylene, respectively.
0 . 04a 43 1.9 0.07 1.16
0.03 2 1.1 0.91 0.91
0.03 2 1.7 0.76 0.93
0.02 2 1.5 0.66 0.86
0.02 2 0.85 0.73 1.14 Dissociation of the Bisulfate Ion1
a The 1 mc./mmole sa,mple of methane-c" was used in thiei

experiment. Other experiments listed here employed the 2; by H. S. Dunsmore

mc./mmole sample.
Chemistry Department, The University, Glasgow W . 8, Scotland

and G. H. Nancollas
ane-C14 radiolysis (G = 1.5). However, it is not un- Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory,
reasonable since, as demonstrated by the results of Upton, New York (Received November 8 , 1963)
the methane-eth~1ene-C'~radiolysis, some ethane is pro-
duced from ethylene. (The yield of unlabeled ethane
produced from unlabeled ethylene was not measured The second dissociation constant of sulfuric acid,
in the ethylene-methane-C14 radiolysis.) Using the K z , has been the subject of extensive study and dis-
value of 1.2 for the yield of ethane-CI4, the initial cussion. The bisulfate ion is relatively highly dis-
yield of ethylene is then 1.1 molecules/100 e.v.17 sociated and in calculating the therniodynainic equi-
Other labeled products obtained in the radiolysis of librium constant, which may be approxirnated by
methane-C14 in the presence of unlabeled ethylene
included acetylene, propane, propylene, and isobutene.
If propane is considered to be singly labeled as suggested
by the results of the methane-eth~1ene-C~~ experiment,
then an enhanced relative yield, (CHgCHZC14H3/
C142H6) = 1.6, is obtained. Assuming complete much depends upon the choice of parameters, B
labeling, the yields of unsaturates also appear to be and C, in the activity coefficient e x p r e s s i ~ n . ~I n~ ~eq.
enhanced: L e . , (G1'12H~/C142H6)= 0.1 ; (C1'&&/ 1, I is the ionic strength, and A and B are the usual
C1d2H6)= 0.2; and (i-C144H8/C14zHB) = 0.08. (These Debye-Huckel constants.
yields are approximate and could be in error by more Some of the earliest work on sulfuric acid was that
than SO%.) The yields of propane and unsaturates of Sherrill and i?rTogre~,~who combined transference
are expected to be high, however, due to the relatively number and conductance data and obtained a value
large quantities of added ethylene present during the K z = 0.0115 mole 1.-I a t 25'. Assuming the first
radiolysis. hydrogen to be completely ionized, they expressed the
The present study clearly demonstrates that both degree of dissociation, a,by the equation
ethylene and propylene are important products in
methane radiolysis. Ethylene appears to be a primary
(1) Research performed in part under the auspices of the u. S. Atomic
nlolecular product with an initial yield of approxi- Enerm-" Commission.
mately 1.1 molecules/lOO e.v.; however, a significant (2) V. 8. K. Kair and G . H . Nancollas, J . Chem. Soc., 4144 (1958).
fraction of the ethylene produced is converted during (3) w. J. Hamer in "The Structure of Electrolyte Solutions," w. J.
the radiolysis to ethane and propane. Propylene Hamer, Ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York N. Y . , 1959, p.
was produced in the Of pure methane and
(4) M. S. Sherrill and A. A. Noyes, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 48, 1861
in radiolysis of methane ln the presence of added (1926).

Volume 68, Number 6 June, 1964

1580 NOTES

a (A + AT - AH)/(AH + Aso,) kg.-I. Mixed acid cells in which X = HzS04 do not

suffer from the disadvantage of secondary-ion associa-
AHSO, = (A - AT - a h s o , ) / ( l - a )
tion and two such studies have been made.2r‘0 The
where T is the stoichionietric transference number, derived K Zvalue is markedly dependent upon the choice
and for the sulfuric acid solution, A is the observed of parameters in eq. I ; assuming B& = 1, all the data
conductance and AH, Aso,, and AHSO,are the equiv- have been recalculated using the computer programmed
alent conductances of H+, Sod2-, and HS04- ions, to yield the C value for zero slope of Kz us. I plots, a
respectively. The dissociation quotient K,’ ( = [H+]. least-squares procedure being used. The results are
[Sod2-]/[HSOd-]) was calculated at each ionic strength, summarized in Table 11. Although Monklo had sug-
and Kz was obtained by extrapolation on a plot of log gested that, using C = 0.2, there was a definite change
Kz’ against Ill’. Kerker5 has extended the calcula- with ionic strength in the Kz values obtained by Yair
tions to other temperatures and to ionic strengths as and Nancollas, it is quite clear that a common C = 0.36
high as 4.43 M . The method, however, is open to yields self-consistent K z values for all the available
serious objection since it is impossible to correct for e.m.f. data. The use of C = 0.3 in the Davies equation
ion pairing in such concentrated sulfate solutions with
any certainty. In addition it was assumed that the
equivalent conductances of H + and s04-’ ions could be Table I1 : The Dissociation Constant of HS0,- a t 25”
obtained from HCI and KzSOd data at the same ionic
Davies, Jones, and
strength as that prevailing in the sulfuric acid solution Monka Nair and Nancollas
under consideration. Using a high-speed DEUCE elec-
Best C value 0.36 0.36
tronic computer we have recalculated the conductance
Mean K2 X l o 2 1.020 i 0 . 0 1 3 1 . 0 4 6 f 0.009
and transference number data for concentrations below
0.05 m. The Kz’ values are in close agreement with a See ref. IO. * See ref. 2.
those obtained by Kerkerj6 although the calculated
AH SO^. given in Table I, show marked differences. AH
and Aso4 a t each concentration were interpolated from for activity coefficients has already been proposed by
ionic strength plots of HC1 and K2S04 conductance DavieslI in the light of recent activity data. When
data. The steepness of these curves made estimation X = HzS04,plots of Kz against I for different C values
difficult at I < 0.01 M and, taking this into considera- give a series of converging curves with the best C
tion, the best extrapolated K z = 0.0104 mole kg.-’; showing zero slope. For the sake of comparison, the
Kerkerj obtained 0.0102 mole kg.-I. computer program was then altered to set C = 0 and
vary B&. Another series of convergent curves of K Zus.
I was obtained, with B& = 1.59 giving zero slope and
Table I : The Dissociation Constant and Equivalent K z = 0.0102, again by a least-squares procedure. This
Conductance of HSOa- a t 25” leads to a value of 4.8 for & and extrapolated Kz values
ranging from 0.0109 for B& = 1 to 0.0092 for B& = 2.5.
MH28Oax loa 5.00 6.25 12.50 2 5 . 0 0 50.00
This is shown in Fig. 1. Hamer observed nonconver-
102Kz’(this work) 1.67 1.75 2.06 2.55 3.36
A ~ ~ ~ ~ ( t h i s w o r k4)1 . 7 41.6 40.2 39.0 38.0 gency of log K z us. I plots of his data (X = YazS04) when
102Kz’(Kerker) 1.69 , , , 2.09 2.53 3.38 various & values were inserted in the activity coefficient
AH604 (Kerker) 46.8 .., 45.3 39.8 38.7 expression, but he omitted using the same parameter in
the calculation of H + activity as he used in the calcula-
tion of SO4+ activity. Recalculation of Hamer’s data
A number of electromotive force studies have been ~ ~~

made in cells without liquid junction of the type (5) M. Kerker, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 79, 3664 (1957).
Hz, PtlHC1, XI AgCl, Ag. Hanier,G using X = Na2SO4, (6) W. J. Hamer, ibid.,5 6 , 860 (1934).
obtained K, = 0.0120 mole kg.-I which was in poor (7) I. M. Klotz and C . R. Singleterry, Theses, University of Chicago,
agreement with 0.0104 from ~pectrophotonietry.~ 1940; quoted by R. A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes, “Electrolyte
Solutions,” Butterworth and Co., Ltd., London, 1959.
Moreover, the temperature coefficient led to a heat of (8) K. S. Pitzer, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 59, 2365 (1937).
ionization, AH” = -2.2 kcal. mole-I, very different (9) C. W. Davies, H. W. H . Jones, and C. B. Monk, Trans. Faraday
from the calorimetric value, -5.2 kcal. mole-’, of Soc., 48, 921 (1952).
Pitzer.8 Davies, Jones, and NonkQhave recalculated (10) C. B. Monk, “Electrolytic Dissociation,” Academic Press,
London, 1961.
Kamer’s e.ii1.f. data with allowance for the forniation (11) C. mi. Davies, “Ion Association,” Butterworth and Co., Ltd..
of KaS04- ion pairs and obtained K z = 0.0102 mole London. 1962.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry

NOTES 1581

Table 111: T h e Dissociation of HSOd- a t Higher

Ionic Strengths

I 0,100 0.250 0.750 1.53

102K2'(ref. 12) 2.57 3.62 5.64 7.36
1O2K2'(eq.2) 2.70 3.70 5.60 7.41

-- Bd = 1.5
It is clear from the above calculations that the best
value of K z is 0.0103 f 0.0001 mole kg.-'. Conducto-
- Bd = 1.59
metric, spectrophotometric, and potentiometric values
all fall within this range showing very good agreement
for such a highly dissociated ion.
Lietzke, Stoughton, and Young14 have calculated the
dissocjation constant of the bisulfate ion from solubility
determinations of silver sulfate in sulfuric acid a t tem-
peratures between 25 and 225'. Although the method
is least precise near room temperature when the dis-
sociation is greatest, they give the same value, K 2
= 0.0103 mole kg.-' as the best average at 25'.

Acknowledgment. We wish to thank Dr. R. W. Dod-

0 1.0 2.0
I x 102.
son for valuable discussions.
Figure 1. Variation of Kz with I when various Bd values (12) J. .M.Austin and A. D. -Mair, J . P h y s . Chem., 6 6 , 519 (1962).
are used in the activity coefficient expression. (13) W. L. Reynolds and S. Fukushima, Inorg. Chem., 2 , 176 (1963)
(14) M. H. Lietrke, R. W. Stoughton, and T. F. Young, J . Phus.
using consistent parameters and a,lso allowing for Chem., 6 5 , 2247 (1961).
SaS04- still shows that for this cell there is no
convergency. The data of Nair and Nancollas2 at
0' were also recalculated varying Be, and zero slope
was obtained with Bd = 1.6. This value was used The Conductance of Tetra-n-butplammonium
to obtain Kz a t all the other temperatures. A least- Picrate in Chlorobenzene at 25'
squares method then gave AH = -5.3 kcal. mole-'
and A S = -27.0 cal. deg.-' mole-', which may be
compared with the uncorrected values, -5.6 kcal. by J. B. Ezell and W. R. Gilkerson
mole-' and -27.7 cal. deg. -l mole-', respectively. Department of Chemistry, University of South Carolina,
The agreement with Pitzer's values,* AH = -5.2 Columbia, South Carolina (Received Sovember 18, 1565)
kcal. mole-' and A S = -26.3 cal. deg.-' mole-', is
very good, but is not so satisfactor,y with those of
Austin and Mair.I2 The limiting equivalent conductance, ito, of a salt
Recently, Reynolds and F u k ~ s h i i n a 'have
~ redeter- may be much smaller due to the "FUOSS" effect' in
mined K2 a t various ionic strengths using a spectro- solvents of low dielectric constant (less than 7, gener-
photometric method. Their data, when plotted accord- ally) than one would estimate assuming the Walden
ing to eq. I, show an appreciable curvature with an product for the salt, AOVO,where 7 0 is the solvent vis-
extrapolated Kz = 9.4 X IOp3 mole l.-'. These au- cosity, to be independent of solvent. If so, this would
thors, however, assumed K2 = 0.0102 and expressed greatly affect values of the ion pair dissociation con-
its variation with ionic strength by the equation stant of the salt, K , reported in the literature. h
report2 from this laboratory indicated low values of A.
10gKz' = -1.991 + 2.041"2/(1 + 1.7OI"') + 0.03141 (as much as 50% below the estimate based on the
(2) Walden product) for tetra-n-butylammonium picrate
Experimental and calculated values are compared in
(1) R. M . Fuoss, Proc. 'L'atl. Acad. Sei. U . S . , 45, 8 0 i (1959).
Table 111, and it is seen that deviations are appreciable ( 2 ) W. R. Gilkerson and I?. E. Stnmm. J . A m . Chem. S o c . , 8 2 , 5295
at the lower ionic strengths. (1960).

Volume 88, -\-umber 6 J u n e , 1,964

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