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Human resources

This group is under pressure of financial constraints and human limination but
haven’t got effective administration and reporting processes. This organization is
facing with the lack of proper accountability, high deficiencies in reporting authority
and lack of communication. Most processes are carried out manually and are
creating extra pressure on a defined group of employees. Human resource allocation
is not reasonable. Allocation of work doesn’t direct to actual performance of the
organization then it has demotivated the good employees. The assignment of
responsibility not clearly lead to no one responsible for adverse consequences. No
unit standards for evaluating job performance of each individual. By using more
effective human resources, this group can increase its present output. By the way,
the organization has strengths in high degree of dedicated and loyal employees.
Human resource used waste and inefficient, and overlap. Reward policy
inconsistency within the organization to not encourage employees to further efforts.
There is very little co-ordination between these different business units. A number of
sections are either built around key personnel or in other instances it has been
modified to accommodate other employees. People work in different working
conditions. In return, this unhealthy situation is having a direct effect on the
organization’s performance.

Human process intervention

We need to interven in this situation to create a new change for the group by using
Basic process intervention:

Individual interventions:

- State the goals and implementation plans for each individual. Each individual shall
have completed the objectives that the organization offers

- identification of strengths and weaknesses such factors as communication skills,

personal style, biases, values, etc

- Encourage individuals to develop the capability themselves and get help from those
around them when necessary
- Encourage positive competition among employees and positive. Given reward if get
good achievements and get purnishment when have not done a good job

- Feedback intervention, especially the feedback valence, can affect people's

working performance. Self-efficacy has a great influence on the effect of feedback
valence. We gave feedback according to the valence, and compared subjects'
performance and working efficiency. Feedback is necessary to keep one's excellent
performance stable.
Group interventions:
- Establishing the purpose, goal of the group
- Building relationship between group members
- identification of strengths and weaknesses should include an assessment of
appropriate leadership behavior such as task group, personal growth group,
advocacy group and of one's own leadership style and its effectiveness
- Problem-solving and decision making
- Setting agenda, timeline, review and testing procedures
- Conceptual inputs and task-related topics
- Encourage team building interventions to help group members enhance their
interpersonal and problem solving skills
- unified perception of organizational members
- organization members must share common view of the environment to permit
coordinated action toward it
- should build standard rules, policies and procedures
- training for staff about communication
building activities to strengthen solidarity among people
- allocate resources more rationally and effectively
- facilitate better work environment
- building a fair payoff mode

- Maintain process notes of the work with the group. Brief descriptions of interaction
with the group and the group's behavior and development.

Human resource intervention

- Assignning specific and proper, measurable goals for employees to ensure that the
final destination is clear to all.

- Monitoring and appraising

- Offerring a reasonable reward system

Human process intervention is more suitable for the organization

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