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1. Static call VS Dynamic call

2. How can you tell a CALL is static or dynamic just by looking at the code?
3. If a COBBAT program is calling COBBATDB program, how many plans would be there?
4. What are the ways you can pass values to other programs?
5. What are the ways you can get vales to a program?
6. What is the use of REPLACING clause in COBOL program against copybooks?


1. Catalog tables?
2. PLAN_TABLE - what are the values you will look in the table for optimization?
4. If a program is running for a long time which ran very minimal time yesterday,
what are all could be the reason?
5. SQL codes: 904, 903, 904, 811, 803, 530
6. Why cursor?
7. I know my query will return more than one row but I don't want cursor what
should I do? -- provide FETCH FIRST ROW ONLY
8. What is 305? NULL indicator not handled properly.
9. What are the ways to handle NULL indicator?
10. DB2 utilities REORG, RUNSTAT
11. There is a student table where a student can have more subjects and marks
secured in that subject. Now want the complete details of student who appeared for
more than 3 subjects.
12. UNION, UNION ALL which will give a distinct result? --- UNION
13. What is the difference between GROUP BY and ORDER BY?
14. COMMIT and ROLLBACK --- how will you secure opened cursor from COMMIT? Will
ROLLBACK close all the opened cursor?
15. SYSIBM tables?
16. How can you get the number of rows impacted by the last executed query? -
17. Isolation levels? CS, RR, UR
18. I am compiling my DB2 with CS will it lock the table though I use simple select
on a table?
19. What are cluster and index?

Company name : HCL

1. How will you build an internal array in COBOL program --- OCCURS clause
2. How will you create a dynamic internal table? --- using DEPENDING ON clause.
3. Do we need to declare the depending on clause variable in WS? -- NO
4. Dynamic and Static calls? How will you identify just by looking at the program?
5. How will you pass values to the other programs? Via Linkage section, MQ, Files,
TDQ, TSQ, Channels & Containers
6. Why we should use TSQ, we can use TDQ instead right?
7. What is Binary search? What is the default ordering of Binary search -- ASC.
8. What is executable PLAN or Package?
9. What is Subscript and Index?

Company Name - CTS

1. Static VS Dynamic calls

2. Subscript VS INDEX -- which is better? Why it is better?
3. Search VS Search all?
4. What is COMP and COMP3? How much space will 9(4) COMP occupy?
5. What are isolation levels? What each will do?
6. What are cursors? Why we need cursors?
7. Explain a simple program which involves DB2 like how will you declare cursor,
fetch, close etc.
8. Explain DB2 program compilation process.
9. Explain CICS-DB2 program compilation process.
10. Questions on Redefine like can WS-A X(100) can be redefined by WS-B X(200) wise
11. Different file open MODES and their purpose? - INPUT, OUTPUT, I-O, EXTEND.
12. Few DB2 SQLCODEs 811, 530, 803 like most frequent.
13. Later I was asked to write few queries by given few sample tables -- which
involved JOINS, SUM (*), Group by etc.,
14. What does BLOCK SIZE IS ZERO means while defining the file in COBOL: program?

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