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How do illegal immigrants get jobs (in the US) without any

right to work documentation? How do they get jobs at firms

that participate in E-verify (almost any firm at this point)?

David Grason
Answered Jan 27
This post has turned out to be rather long. Sorry about that. But if you will read to
the end, you will see how it is that Latino labor is so treasured in this country,
even if the workers are undocumented.

I operated a landscape business for 20 years. I had a lot of Hispanic workers in

that time. But my business attorney guided me through the process so as not to
trample the rights of any Hispanic that was perfectly legal to work in the U.S.

I’m not familiar witih E-verfy. For me, I was required to submit the proper tax
forms (W2s, I9s etc) and Social Security information just like I would with any
worker. If the worker was undocumented, his/her paperwork would be bogus. In
about three to four months, I would get a letter from the Social Security
Administration explaining that my employee’s SS number did not match any of
their numbers on file. We called this a “No-Match” letter. I was then to verify the
employee’s SS number and resubmit the information back to the SS
Administration. It usually took another several months for another No-Match
letter to come in the mail. When it did, it was time to have a conversation with the
worker. In the meantime, the SS Administration continued to accept the worker’s
SS payments. I always wondered where this money went if there was no number
for the worker. That’s a mystery. Back in the early 1990s, the SS Administration
would simply legitimize the bogus number and assign the funds to that worker.
This basically made the guy legal. Times have certainly changed since then.

Some things to keep in mind. As an employer, I was not allowed to question an

applicant about his/her legal status unless I question ALL job applicants. I was
not allowed to assume any worker was undocumented. This meant that I was not
allowed to simply walk over to Juan Miguel and ask if he was legally allowed to
work in the U.S. If I did this, I would be guilty of racial profiling and I would set
myself up for a potential lawsuit.

Many of my customers did not understand this concept. I also used to have other
landscapers cross the street from their own customers’ properties to come over
and find out if my people were legal. Even though it was absolutely NONE OF
THEIR CONCERN, it seemed they felt that my having Hispanic workers meant I
was taking unfair advantage of their willingness to work cheap so that my prices
could be lower giving me a competitive edge. But those people had no right
whatsoever to question me or my people. There were times when another
landscaper would get in my face so violently that the police needed to be called.
Interestingly, a lesson could be taken from the police. The cops never ever
questioned my people about their legal status. It wasn’t their job to do so and they
were didn’t want to be accused of racial profiling any more than I wanted it.

Also, here are some other facts of which the general population is not aware:
 Most people in my industry never hired Latino labor at less than the
prevailing wage. We were not screwing Mexicans. The Latinos knew
what they were supposed to get paid and that’s what they wanted. The
reason that we hired Latinos was because they would actually show up
early in the morning, work all day and do a fantastic job.
 The Latinos were always courteous and respectful to my customers. I
did not hire them to save money. Again, I hired them to get the work
 The American workers always put in more effort avoiding work than
it took to just to the job. They stole from my customers. They stole from
me. They did very shoddy work. They arrived late to work and dragged
their butts all day long. They cost me money and lost customers
 As the owner of my small business, it was my job to sell new
landscape designs. In order to do this, I had to have workers that could
be left on a job and be trusted to complete the work in a fine manner.
Latinos always did this and Americans would not. I can’t tell you how
many times I would leave my American crew on a job only to receive a
call five minutes after I left because they were actually fist fighting in the
customers’ yards with each other, or they were hiding behind the garage
smoking some doobage or something else. I never could leave American
workers on their own and this prevented me from meeting new
customers. I would have to stay to supervise my crew until a job was
completed and then there would be no more work because I had not had
the time to line up another job. I would then have to lay off workers and
they would be very pissed. They would retaliate by breaking into my
shop at 4:30 in the morning and stealing anything and everything that
wasn’t nailed down.
 Latinos always wanted to keep working well into the night if I would
let them. American workers were always looking to bail out around
noon and certainly not later than 2pm. American workers demanded
their ten minute cigarette breaks which invariably went for hours at
times especially if I had to leave the job. Latinos didn’t smoke. American
workers would always pour my gasoline cans out on the street so that I
would have to stop at a gas station to refill them between jobs. And of
course as soon as the truck came to a stop, all my American workers
scattered to the winds in order to stretch the break out for as long as
possible. Many times they’d pour the gas out on the customer’s grass
killing it off. They would break my chain saws and other power tools so
that they would have good excuses to stop working.
 My Latino workers always stayed close and took care of everything.
They worked with the firm belief that to care of me and my business,
took care of their jobs.
 Many of my American workers, when I wasn’t there, very much liked
to throw all the tools in the truck and drive off to work on their own
customer’s yards - using my gas, equipment and materials for their
other work. Then they would certainly be ready to collect their
paychecks on Fridays. These bastards darn near put me out of business
on several occasions. Latino workers NEVER did this to me. One stoner
I had was driving my truck down the interstate when a radiator hose
broke. The moron refused to stop the truck because he didn’t want to
have to possibly wait in some gas station somehwere in the heat. He
figured that, if he could just drive the truck on back to the shop, he’d
just take the rest of the day off given that, without a truck, there
wouldn’t be any more work that day anyway. I thought it was pretty
considerate of the truck not to seize until it got his sorry ass back to the
shop. He completely ruined a good truck and he did not give a damn.
That really broke my heart too because I loved that truck. By the time
the mechanic was finished putting in the new engine, I was out around
$2500. All of this could have been saved because the Latinos would have
pulled over to cool the truck off and called me on the cell phone to bring
them another radiator hose. I could have had the truck back up and
running within the hour for less then $20 and the Latinos would have
worked overtime to make it up to the customer.
I need to explain that I am NOT down on American workers. But here in the U.S.
all the good employees are either in school, college or in their careers. The
American worker, in general is a very very good worker. But s/he is also very
educated and on a path that keeps her/him away from the brutal, hot, sweltering
work that my landscape business demanded of workers. Thus, the only American
workers that were available for my type of work were basically the dregs of
American society - the stoners, the laziest of the lazy, the ones that could not pass
a piss test, could not work sober because as soon as the buzz went away, they
found something to drink until the buzz came back and the most dishonest. There
are many thousands of industries in the nation that need workers that are willing
to get hot, sweaty and dirty and work very long hours. If these companies are to
stay in business at all, they need to hire workers that will actually do the work.
For many of these companies, it actually becomes far easier to pay illegal workers
in cash under the table than it is to continually put up with the needless drama
and nonsense of the curs of American society. It is far easier to “launder” cash
wages through petty expenses than it is to put up with the constant crap of the
American worker.

I sure am glad that this is all behind me no

When I was 4 years old, my sister was half my age. Now my sister is
12 years old. How old am I?

Well I wasn’t going to answer until I saw several incomplete and/or wrong
answers. 42 answers and not one got both the trick parts of the question, only
3 got even close. Worse yet 1713 Answers Collapsed lolz. I didn’t have time to
read all of them but looks like they also are all wrong or collapsed for being
rude too! That means somewhere around 1755 answers and none right?
(although most are partly correct) Are you kidding me? It’s the ultimate trick
question and so innocently so! This would be worth answering.

Notice how the wording changes from “half my age” to just saying 12 years old
(but not the days past the birthday). This is what makes it a trick question.

So the answer is 14, or 15 depending when birthdays land and what day of
the year you ask. (or also 13*, but only if we cheat with a leap year fudge

You can never 1/2 a number equal to or greater than 4 and get a number less
than 2 the answer is 14–15 and does NOT include 13, because you will be at
least 2 years older and up to 2 years 182 days older. That 1/2 year will make
you potentially 15 if it passes your next birthday. So you’ll always be either 2
years older or 2 years for part of the year up until you reach your next birthday
and for a short time 3 years older. You’ll never be 1 year older.*

*Now you can’t get the other way to work where her birthday comes first
without cheating a bit. She could be born February 29th and you born on
March 1st two years earlier. when you reach 4, she would be 1/2 your age but
with a birthday prior to yours in February instead of March. Since leap day
babies celebrate their birthdays on February 28th in non-leap years, 10 years
later for 1 day you might be 13 while she was 12. It’s cheating a bit, but it could
be conceived as such.


Edit to add: It has come to my attention another way to cheat and get 13 is by
international dateline or a space-time warp.

2nd edit to add: It has come to my attention that Chinese count age in years
different than the West! Chinese ages add the time in womb so they generally
add 9 months to the birth age and or start with 1 yr at 1 day! When a Western
baby is having its 1st birthday party, a Chinese baby is having it’s year 2
birthday party! This could throw the whole thing off ! Then it would be
backwards from all I just said above! Sheesh, what a can of worms I just

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Charita Byndoor, Student in Yr 7

Answered Oct 18


This is a “hard” question!

Just Kidding, the answer is 14.

Do you know why?

Do you know why I bolded that sentence up there? ⬆

Because your sister is minus 2 of your age, therefore, if ?=x

x-2=your sister’s age


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