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甲子 H1-E1: Person is overly optimistic, overrates his/her own capabilities, overly

anxious to complete any endeavours that when met with obstacles, becomes weak and
disheartened. His/her physical appearance makes people feel he/she is orthodox and
law-abiding. Distinctive facial looks. He/she has business acumen and good with
socialising. If born in rat hour, prone to have miscarriage or premature death among
offspring. If born in pig hour, prone to have health problem with eyes.

乙丑 H2-E2: Person has strong romance luck, very attractive to opposite sex, gentle
easy-going character, good at socialising, has strong intuition, able to predict trends,
has good wealth management skills, good tolerance of others and has strategic skills.
Also believes in capability, determination and perseverance instead of luck. For female
person, she is likely to go through more than 1 marriage. For male person, he is able to
gain help from spouse in his career.

丙寅 H3-E3: Person has exceptional achievements regardless of field/industry, well-

respected, has authoritive look, enjoys being busy, has strong liking for opposite sex,
has strong sexual desires, charismatic and attractive to opposite sex. When in doing
something, he/she concentrates deeply, has hidden skills and talents. Enjoys high
social status and longevity. Prone to jealousy of others successes.

丁卯 H4-E4: Person is a workaholic who enjoys working, able to have good career
regardless of field/industry, always suspicious, doesn’t trust others easily, always hide
own emotions, a perfectionist, has high expectations of ownself and others, poor human
relations, easily offends others but no ill intentions, open to sex before marriage. If there
is EG in stem, person is prone to health problems due to diet or food poisoning. Prone
to poor health and poor well-being due to overwork. For female person, she is prone to

戊辰 H5-E5: Person is highly independent, solitary, doesn’t take other people’s opinions
into consideration, doesn’t accept alternate views, dislikes to be bound by
rules/conventions/norms, highly motivated and proactive, highly confident, has
charisma, good at socialising, charitable, prone to invite sabotage as too successful.
Overall, a wealthy and noble life which is charitable.
己巳 H6-E6: Person who is born on this day has a “reverse” destiny; if born in a wealthy
family person will end up in poverty in old age; if born in a poor family person will end up
wealth in old age. He/she will use all means to achieve what he/she wants, including
immoral ways. Highly values material wealth, highly ambitious and greedy, able to make
good use of resources to achieve success but jinx spouse. For female person, marriage
is unstable.

庚午 H7-E7: Person appears to be big-hearted, generous and optimistic but has a

calculative character. Appears to be gentle and weak but is actually strong and
domineering. Attractive to opposite sex but has romance entanglements and quarrels.
Easily to gain his/her trust but also easily to lose it. Creative and enterprising, able to
create new things. Prone to piles and rheumatism.

辛未 H8-E8: Person is intelligent, creative but has complicate thought process, has
business acumen, appears to be approachable but is not, has hidden intentions without
revealing them, likes to use undertable means to achieve his/her goals. Low marriage
luck, difficult to get married. If married, prone to be quarreling with in-laws, affecting
marriage. If born in rabbit month, person will be more wealthy than other months. If born
in winter, has higher status/rank.

壬申 H9-E9: Person is intelligent and has deep profound thoughts, prone to disregard
people whom he/she deem to be “shallow”, often deep in thoughts and indepth thinking,
enjoys meeting people but doesn’t reveal personal thoughts to strangers, prone to be
cheated due to greed, strong imitating skills, able to fulfill spouse’s sexual needs.
Marriage is prone to be unsuccessful, recommended to marry later in life. Able to have
capable children. Anxious and active in completing endeavours, prone to overwork and
easily misunderstood by others.

癸酉 H10-E10: Person is good at socialising, highly adaptable to environment, bad-

tempered, physically appears to look younger than actual age, impatient, not a highly-
motivated and energetic individual. Able to have good career regardless of field/industry
More suited to partner who is non-energetic and not hyper-active. For male person, he
is unable to sustain and carry out ancestral business. For female person, she is a
independent but after marriage, domestic life becomes boring and unstable.
甲戌 H1-E11: Person adheres to etiquette and rules, strictly impartial, good-hearted,
values principles but lacks flexibility, thinks everything is clearly defined in “black &
white” with no shades of grey in-between, doesn’t tolerate “grey areas”, if he/she were
to be more flexible and tolerant, he/she would have better human relations. Generally
person has a good marriage; the lesser the IW in the chart, the better the marriage.
Weak affinity and poor relations with parents.

乙亥 H2-E12: Person is conservative, quiet, soft-spoken, rational, quick-witted, mature,

easily content, values the ordinary simple life, enjoys freedom, do not wish to work
beyond one’s limits or abilities, often will miss out good opportunities, law-abiding,
doesn’t like to be restricted/interfered by others. Prone to have an unhappy and
problematic marriage, has to be careful where romance is concerned especially for
female person. Prone to have fatigue and poor health.

丙子 H3-E1: Person loves the beautiful things in life, values sentiments, has distinctive
facial appearance, good-looking, naive and innocent, hardly any caution/suspicion to
others’ ulterior motive, attractive to opposite sex, good at doing business, has good
intuition (try to make good use of it), obstinate. Has affinity with good virtuous spouse.
For female person – after marriage her life becomes easier and she is more able to
enjoy life - but doesn’t get along with mother-in-law. Overall, no lack of material wealth
in life.

丁丑 H4-E2: Person is conservative, has strong invention ability, able to think from
others’ point of view, has great achievements in career, his/her family has ancestral
business, no lack of material wealth in life. Lack of motivation and responsibility to
complete endeavours, laid-back attitude, often goes with the flow of destiny & affinity.
Generally has a good marriage but relationship prone to deteriorate after middle age,
and once it happens, hard to reconcile back with spouse.

戊寅 H5-E3: Person values superficial aspects more than indepth aspects, enjoys taking
risk, lacks intuition, prone to be gullible, highly motivated to do things, very masculine
character (even for female person), able to hold rank and authority, enjoys authority and
doesn’t like to take instructions from others. Overall no lack of material wealth in life,
often has unexpected gains, will be even more wealthy if there is 乙卯 H2-E4 pillar in
the chart. Has high social status, likened to princes, dukes, noblemen in ancient times.

己卯 H6-E4: Person is a genius in artistic fields, has a gifted talent in artistic/literary

fields and able to do well in such industry. Able to grasp good opportunities and gain
greatly from them. Impartial where emotions are concerned, love and hate are clearly
defined. Has a direct approach to anything. Not a lively and talkative person. Has
distinctive looks. Prone to meet with bizarre, strange and unexplained
incidents/calamities. Prone to a quarrelsome marriage over children’s matters. For
female person, she has a motherly love, charitable but prone to be cheated due to
honeyed words.

庚辰 H7-E5: Person has strong romance luck, highly attractive to opposite sex, has
strong benefactors luck, often his/her successes are attributed to other people’s support
(very seldom due to his/her own hardwork), has strong intuition, strong stubborn
character, highly energetic and active. Romantic partners will greatly exhaust person’s
wealth and after separation, bring him/her disputes and quarrels. Has weak marriage
luck, difficult to sustain marriage – best to avoid 庚戌 H7-E11 daymasters people as

辛巳 H8-E6: Person has good human relations, values his/her physical appearances,
spends most of his/her wealth on grooming and worldly pleasures, lacks good sense of
judgment and rational thoughts, easily prone to be manipulated, lacks coordination
skills, prone to confusion and less problem-solving or solution-seeking. Has a major
illness/disease during childhood. For male person, spouse will often be in poor health.
For female person, spouse will prone to commit infidelity.

壬午 H9-E7: Person values material and worldly comfort, values high quality material
products, has a complicated but agile mind, lacks all-rounded thinking (bound to leave
out something), good in finding wealth-making opportunities, often gives a bad 1st
impression but will win over others with his/her sense of responsibility, has affinity with
religion/metaphysics. Person expects a high level of tolerance from spouse. Easily
attracts opposite sex to romance but also easily break up. Overall no lack of material
wealth in life.
癸未 H10-E8: Person enjoys being cared for and taken care of by others, generous,
good at socialising, intelligent and knowledgeable, multi-talented, able to sacrifice own
gains for the greater good and good at literary skills. Has good skills at handling
opposite sex but inevitably will have marriage problems and difficulties to keep
marriage. Overall no lack of material wealth in life, though may not be very wealthy.

甲申 H1-E9: Person is highly temperamental, often will forget ownself and own values.
When in favourable situations, able to thrive and progress. When met with obstacles,
he/she would get stuck and give up. Lacks motivation and perseverance to complete
endeavours. Gives others a friendly and approachable outlook, when provoked can get
aggressive and volatile. If there is 7K in any of the stems, person is good-looking or
beautiful. Prone to romantic entanglements. Overall no lack of material wealth in life,
though may not be very wealthy.

乙酉 H2-E10: Person values actions more than words, likes to hide own true emotions
and thoughts from others, has strong survival and adaptibility skills, is stubborn, prone
to be obsessive with what he/she likes, has achievements in career. Prone to have
serious injury or disability, need to avoid high risk and dangerous activities. Bad
marriage luck, prone to divorces and undergo many marriages. Overall no lack of
material wealth in life.

丙戌 H3-E11: Person believes in freedom of love, temperamental, ever-changing mood,

values respect from others, has foresight in endeavours and likes to interfer with other
people’s matters. Prone to be overly-obsessive to spouse to the point of intimidating
spouse but is actually very devoted and faithful in romance. Need to relax and give
more space to spouse for marriage to work, otherwise he/she will have difficulties
getting along with spouse. If person is born in poor family, he/she will prospers from
middle age onwards. If person is born in wealthly family, he/she will decline in wealth
from middle age onwards. Many princes, dukes, noblemen in ancient times were born
with this day pillar.

丁亥 H4-E12: Person has air of “big shot” or VIP, has strong character, has strong
leadership and air of authority, has great generosity, is a perfectionist, has strong
perseverance in own stand, appears friendly but has a hidden explosive temper which
can shock people when provoked/triggered, appears contented but has great ambitions
and greed, has strong luck and able to do well in own business. Has a string of hidden
plans and strategies up his/her sleeves which are able to execute anytime. Has met
with a great calamity during youth, health deteriorates from middle age onwards.
Overall, a wealthy destiny without worries of poverty.

戊子 H5-E1: Person is highly competitive, always want to win, calculative, selfish,

intelligent, has a childish character, speaks without tact, disregards others’ opinions,
attractive and well-liked by opposite sex, easily jealous, has good benefactors luck. Has
good marriage luck but not in line or supportive of spouse. Do an honest living, able to
have some success from middle age onwards.

己丑 H6-E2: Person is blunt, direct, speaks without tact, easily offends alot of people yet
he/she doesn’t mind, kind-hearted but enjoys criticising and reprimanding others, yet
doesn’t accept criticisms from others, often results in causing unhappiness among
people. Prone to be solitary, for female person, she is good at manipulating opposite
sex. Sometimes he/she is quiet, sometimes very talkative. Prone to unstable marriage,
spouse is likely to commit infidelity.

庚寅 H7-E3: Person is bold and daring, enjoys living a rich materialistic life, is attractive
to opposite sex, prone to romantic entanglements, ever-changing liking for romance
partners, difficult to remain faithful and prone to calamity related to romance. Enjoys
collecting things that he/she likes. For male person, prone to be an authoritarian at
home. For female person, she has weak affinity with spouse. Overall no lack of material
wealth in life, though most of person’s successes are due to other people’s efforts.
He/she often has close brushes with death, likely to meet with great peril during middle.

辛卯 H8-E4: Person is skilled at earning money, generous, has good human relations,
places priority in enjoyment than work, daring and risk-taker, enjoys gambling, derives
pleasure and satisfaction from taking high risks. Has involvement in complicated love
relationships with multiple partners. Easier to achieve success if person is less greedy
and ambitious. Overall no lack of material wealth in life. For female person, after 40 will
jinx spouse.
壬辰 H9-E5: For female person, she is very feminine and charming, able to help
spouse. For male person, he has good business acumen but lacking in wealth
management, receives favour from superior, has air of authority but poor marriage luck,
prone to re-marry, marriage starts to deteriorate from middle age onwards.

癸巳 H10-E6: A very auspicious day to born! For male person, he is highly intelligent.
For female person, she is beautiful, a virtuous spouse but disliked by in-laws, after 40
years old jinx spouse. For both genders, person is popular and well-liked, has strong
survival skills, quick thinking, fast analytical skills, able to grasp opportunities. Overall, a
wealthy destiny but prone to health problems related to drinking and sex.

甲午 H1-E7: Person is serious and stern, opinionated, believes in hardwork to achieve

success, sometimes going round in circles unable to solve a problem, has a serious
approach to romance, will not fall in love easily, once he/she do he/she is faithful and
caring to spouse. Has good health. If born in tiger, horse or dog month, person will be
wealthy. For female person if born in 甲午 H1-E7 year, her marriage will be unhappy.

乙未 H2-E8: Person is willful, enjoys artistic and romantic subjects, has no resistance to
beautiful things, not afraid to show his/her true intentions and emotions even if offending
people. Though person has a strong stubborn character, he/she lacks determination
and perseverance to achieve great success. Spouse is prone to be jealous if person is
on good terms with opposite sex. Has weak affinity or poor relations with parents. For
male person, he is highly ambitious. For female person, she has capable children.

丙申 H3-E9: Person has strong business acumen, tempermental character, impatient,

strong adaptability, scheming, a calm exterior hides a complex personality, very
sensitive and can easily take offence. Enjoys literary subjects but is a jack-of-all-trades-
master-of-none. Both genders have fair complexion. Has affinity with
hidden/unexpected wealth. For male person, he has affinity with virtuous spouse from
reputable family. For female person, she has weak affinity with spouse.
丁酉 H4-E10: An elegant and wealthy destiny. Person has a sense of humour, values
good taste and quality, has business acumen, capability to manage business, excellent
memory, scheming, doesn’t easily reveal true feelings to others, good at socialising but
keeps people at a distance, over-sensitive and suspicious at times. Regardless of
gender, person is very charming and charismatic to opposite sex. Good at sexual
techniques. Has great achievements or already prosperous before middle age (or in
youth). But very eventful life with huge ups and huge downs – extremely good luck
periods followed by extremely bad luck periods. Suitable for consultant or assistant jobs.

戊戌 H5-E11: Person is very charming and charismatic, has strong domineering

character, has good human relations management, capable, suitable for business
industry, has sharp eye for profits, but lacks tolerance for others, highly suspicious, if
only person is able to fully trust his/her subordinates his/her business will progress,
appears to be generous but is actually calculative. For female person, she is very

己亥 H6-E12: Person has strong character, humourous, motivated to complete

endeavours, values respect from others, talkative, has unique way of thinking,
promiscuous, prone to many romance-related troubles, has strong sexual desires.
Person is more compatible with energetic and sexually active partners. Person is never
considered really wealthy, though has some excess cash. For female person, she is at
odds with mother-in-law and is of little help to spouse.

庚子 H7-E1: Person is innocent, simple and naive, dislikes complexity, is sincere and
honest, a good-natured soul, has good human relation and well-liked, but prone to be
intolerant of others’ stand/opinion. For female person, her marriage luck is bad and
incomplete, has weak affinity with children. For male person, he is a tough bloke but
with generally weak luck, often underappreciated at work.

辛丑 H8-E2: Person is friendly and humble, has business talents, serious about work,
has leadership qualities, open-minded, but is philanderer, enjoys being in love, treats
romance as a game. Has weak affinity and poor relations with parents. For female
person, she is very beautiful.
壬寅 H9-E3: A noble and wealthy destiny! Person has strong auspicious luck, good
human relations, romantic risk-taker, proactive, enjoys guiding and teaching others. Has
affinity with unexpected wealth. For male person, he understands a woman’s thoughts,
has affinity with virtuous wife but she is sickly. For female person, she is highly capable
but has strong ego and prone to look down on opposite gender.

癸卯 H10-E4: Person has a gentle and refined character, well-taken care by elders and
friends, able to stand out in any field, but not an independent individual who is able to
hold the fort by ownself, enterprising, has literary talent, eager to learn, has a thrifty side
but willing to spend alot on opposite sex. Has a blissful and complete marriage. For
female person, she is good at household chores, optimistic, positive.

甲辰 H1-E5: Person has an eccentric character but good-natured, hard to get along with
others, lack a sense of humour, quick-witted but prone to take shortcuts. Ancestral
business fail or deteriorate but if there is Heaven or Moon Virtue, it will cure. Presence
of power and wealth elements will prospers person. For male person, he has affinity
with virtuous spouse. For female person, she is likely to re-marry.

乙巳 H2-E6: Person is physically attractive, every move emits charisma, skilled at

showcasing his/her good points, good at managing human relations, genius at business
management, has gift-of-the-gab, understands human psychology and emotions, but
prone to be philanderer and spendthrift. If the chart lacks water elements in the
Heavenly Stems, person likely to die in metal luck decades. Has poor health.

丙午 H3-E7: Strong luck destiny! Person has very strong physical stamina and strength,
needs a venue to vent out the excess energy, has strong character, passionate, strong
pride, strong sexual desires but person (regardless gender) jinx spouse. Recommended
to choose spouse with strong luck; spouse with weaker luck will have health problems.

丁未 H4-E8: Person enjoys exploring and creating new things, always not satisfied with
present state of things, intelligent, optimistic, daring, values human relations but has
wealth losses due to people around him, well-liked by people. Has unexpected wealth
luck. Has blissful and happy marriage. For female person, she is very attractive to
opposite sex but starts to jinx spouse after around 40 years of age.

戊申 H5-E9: Person is lazy, laid-back, reliant on others, emotionally sensitive, abit

eccentric, impatient, has literary talents, eager to learn, does not easily reveal true
feelings as afraid of being hurt, good in human relations management. Has affinity with
virtuous spouse but spouse is in poor health. From middle age onwards, person has
affinity with children. For female person, she is able to help spouse but hard to please
spouse. Has unexpected wealth luck.

己酉 H6-E10: Person is materialistic, mathematics-person, calculative, has literary

talents, eager to learn, sharp tongue, derives joy from other people’s woes, values gains
than human relations, doesn’t expect losses and failures, energetic, promiscuous, is
attractive to opposite sex, has romantic entanglements with 3 or more partners, prone to
many one-night-stands, often regarded as an unconventional person. Prone to grow fat

庚戌 H7-E11: Person is presumptuous, unrefined, has equal number of supporters and

haters, treats life as a game, has strong sense of justice, has a calm appearance but
aggressive character inside, is a high risk taker, always seeks innovative and new
inventions, prone to have gambling habit, has strong romance luck but marriage has
turmoils and upheavals, recommended to marry later in life. For female person, she has
affinity with less-than-virtuous spouse; difficult to meet a good husband. For male
person, he is able to receive help from spouse.

辛亥 H8-E12: Person is self-asserted, strong character, doesn’t care about others

views, temperamental, values superficial aspects than interior values, will use all means
to get what he/she wants, has strong romance luck but faithful.

壬子 H9-E1: Person has strongest romance luck (“peach blossom” luck) among the 60
pairs but poor human relations, has very strong sexual desires, needs help from
metaphysics or religions to soothe the “peach blossom”, hard for person to remain
faithful in marriage, person easily gives in to sexual desires, tubulrent and incomplete
marriage, likely to go through multiple marriages and be entangled in multiple-party
romances. Overall, a life plagued by romance-related problems and career is adversely
affected as well. If both in酉 E10 hour, person has illegitimate children. For female
person, she has disease related to reproduction organs.

癸丑 H10-E2: Person is good at managing endeavours, has foresight, highly capable,

highly confident, big risk-taker, quiet but good at socialising, active social life. For
female person, she is so active that she dislikes staying at home as a housewife. Her
marriage is unhappy and prone to divorce as spouse is overbearing.

甲寅 H1-E3: Person is responsible and passionate about work, prone to be overbearing

when airing one’s opinions and invite disputes and confrontations, has weak romance
luck, prone to be obsessive in love matters, charitable, cares about the weak and old.
Not compatible with庚辰 H7-E5 daymasters, avoid.

乙卯 H2-E4: Person is clear about love and hatred, when in love he/she is easily
jealous, prone to be self-centred in love, prone to be solitary in endeavours, likely to
have messy and adverse domestic climate when in childhood, prone to have hidden
savings. Marriage is unhappy due to unsatisfaction towards spouse. If any pillar is戊寅
H5-E3, person will be wealthy and noble. For male person, if he is wealthy, he jinx
spouse; if poor, spouse has long lifespan.

丙辰 H3-E5: Person regards superficial aspects more than interior values, loves
dressing up and physical grooming, has high moral values, caring, charitable and cares
about weak and old, passionate and optimistic, good human relations, prone to
preaching philosophy, poor at wealth management but has no worries of financial
problems. Not compatible with壬辰 H9-E5 daymasters, avoid.

丁巳 H4-E6: Person is very vain about looks and physical appearances, has complex
love relationships, desire a dramatic and stirring romance in life, has strong
concentration when doing things, values respect from others, will use all means to
achieve goals yet feels uneasy about it, appears calm but is highly suspicious. For
female person, she enjoys poetry and art. For male person, he is likely to have spouse
of less-than-average looks.
戊午 H5-E7: Person is career-minded, regards career as the centre of his/her life,
opinionated, is a perfectionist, honourable, keeps promise made, values achievements
and recognitions, is faithful in romance, has refined looks, attractive to opposite sex,
strong character yet charitable, has faith in religion.

己未 H6-E8: Person is sensitive, has intuition, values emotion than reason, tolerant of
others, likes beautiful things, has deep appreciation of the things he/she likes, has skills
to enable him/her to escape from (or survive in) adverse situations. For people who are
born on this day, even if met with ghosts, he/she will come out unharmed. Has poor
relations and weak affinity with father. Has unexpected fortune. Prone to re-marry.

庚申 H7-E9: Person is intelligent, good at maths, good with numeric figures, enjoys
talking about himself/herself, career-minded, lacks humour, prone to be too serious,
likes the new and abandon the old things. Be careful of biazzre calamity. Person jinx
spouse. 1st marriage will not last.

辛酉 H8-E10: Person is serious at work, has air and behaviour of “big boss”, has strong
pride and ego, stubborn, innovative, creative, if knew of the one he/she likes doesn’t like
him/her, he would pretend to be unaffected, always plagued by romantic problems.
Prone to a quarrelsome and unharmonious marriage, likely to re-marry multiple times.
For female person, she starts to jinx spouse after 40 years old.

壬戌 H9-E11: Person has a sharp tongue, easily offends others, though is kind-hearted
not well-liked by people around him/her, enjoys being praised, optimistic, has high
expectations of ownself and others. Prone to re-marry multiple times. If chart has戊 H5
without己 H6, person would be more wealthy. Not compatible with戊戌 H5-E11
daymasters, avoid.

癸亥 H10-E12: Person’s luck and destiny is like ocean waves, has huge ups and huge
downs, rags to riches, riches to rags, has literary talents, has weak affinity with blood
family, enjoys travelling, has strong sexual desires, has wealth losses due to
overconfident or greed, 1st marriage will not last likely to go through multiple marriages.
For female person, she starts to jinx spouse after 40 years old.

Deity-sits-on-deity analysis

How to use the Deity-Sit-On-Deity

Deity A sits on Deity B means A is Stem and B is HHS inside the Branch. There are
schools that take the main Qi as the HHS, but there are schools that take the dominant
HHS as B. Dominant HHS is often shortened to DHHS, which is the active HHS in that
specific pillar. How to determine the active HHS is another long story, but this is not
necessarily same as main Qi.

Let's take Jia Yin Pillar, for example. A being Jia Stem is clear. But what is B, or the
HHS to take in the Yin Branch?

- If you always take the main Qi, then the HHS is simply Jia inside of Yin.

- But in the other school, HHS can be either Jia, Bing or Wu, in which case you would
have three different setups of Deity-Sit-On-Deity.
Why three different setups in the other school? Let's say Daymaster is Gui Water,
these are the three different relations between Jia Yin Pillar and DM:

1) DHHS is Jia: the Pillar is Shang Guan sitting on Shang Guan

2) DHHS is Bing: the Pillar is Shang Guan sitting on Zheng Cai

3) DHHS is Wu: the Pillar is Shang Guan sitting on Zheng Guan

At any given time, only one relation 1, 2 or 3 is to be used for Ten Deity interpretation.

The next step for Ten Deity analysis is to look at the relative strengths between A and

- A and B are equally strong

- A is stronger than B

- A is weaker than B.

Strength is usually assessed using Qi phases (Twelve Life Stages). There are three
different Qi phases, and you have to use the correct Qi phase for Ten Deity analysis.
Understanding Qi phases is another long story. I finish my story here, and hope that I
have not bored readers.

Hey Art, IMHO, The Frd sitting on XX series is valid for all pillars. Since the day pillar must
always be Frd sitting on XX, It is the only patter used for the Day. All other series are not valid.
The other series are valid for Hour, Month and Year pillars and not the day pillar. HO sitting on
HO is not a valid day pillar so the HO sitting on XX series is not used.

DO sits on DO = If DO is Useful god, mostly it would bring auspicious influences like person is
responsible, serious in doing things, concentrating in one mind, impartial, rational, full of
leadership, well-received by others, easily gain authority and rank in career. If DO is Harmful
god, person has a rigid cowardly personality, indecisive, alot of hardships and obstacles and for
female person, an unhappy and unstable marriage; worse if meet HO as it will cause marriage to
fail and person have to re-marry.
DO sits on 7K = When in the same pillar, regardless of DO and 7K are Useful god or Harmful
god, it isn’t auspicious. When they are Harmful gods, it is even worse. Person’s life would be
meet with many hardships and obstacles yet few/no achievements. Like doesn’t stay long on any
job, easily prone to other people’s slander, gossips and discrimination, lacks concentration and
indecisive in doing things, procrastinate, overall a hard and toiling life. For female person, she
would have rotten Peach Blossom luck (bad romance), if meet with HO, she is prone to commit

DO sits on DR = As DO supports DR when DO meet DR it is interpreted as True Officer.
Regardless of gender or daymaster’s strength, it is auspicious. Person is impartial, rational,
virtuous, honest, doesn’t bully the weak. As resource element is in branch, person easily gains
“indirect authority” (eg; junior crew but alot of people respect and listen to him/her), alot of
benefactors to help, able to achieve social status and rank and well-respected.

,善于谋略,有着优秀的理解力和创作力,以及对事 物有着敏锐的感受力,在公职或企划或学术研究方面多有
发展。如果正官为命局喜用,那么偏印泄官则以不吉论,为人多有口舌之忧,容易与人发生误会,招致他人 反
DO sits on IR = As IR and DO are of different polarity (one yin, one yang), for a weak daymaster
it is auspicious because IR weakens DO; person is mentally clear and alert, intelligent and quick
thinking, fast-learner, able to strategize, great analytical skills, pioneering ability, great
sensitivity, suitable for academic research fields. If DO is useful god, it is inauspicious for IR to
weaken DO; person is prone to gossips and slander, easily misunderstood and incur other
people’s resentment.

DO sits on DW = As DW supports DO, person gains both wealth and authority. Even better if
they are Useful gods, person is trustworthy, well-respected and has no lack of material wealth. If
daymaster is weak, both DW and DO would be Harmful gods and their positive influences will
greatly diminish; weak daymaster person will have wealth losses, pressure from career and
whole life subjected to financial instability. For male person, romance/marriage won’t be smooth-

原则,善于交际,人缘极佳,富有领导魅力。女命夫 缘不错,但夫星坐偏财,宜注意丈夫的健康,同时也主感
DO sits on IW = As IW supports DO, person gains both wealth and authority. Even better if they
are Useful gods, person is trustworthy, sleek but principled, good at socialising, good human
relations and has charismatic leadership. For female person, romance/marriage luck is not bad
but as spouse star sits on IW, need to watch out for spouse’s health and emotional unstability. If
DO and IW are Harmful gods, their positive influences will greatly diminish; person will have poor
luck in terms of wealth and career, and prone to troubles related to romance.

DO sits on HO = When HO meet DO, regardless of daymaster’s strength, it is inauspicious
especially if HO also resides in other pillars’ stem or DO is Useful god. In person’s life, there will
be numerous setbacks and obstacles, prone to being setup by petty people, prone to
gossips/slander and have lawsuits or loss of reputation. Regardless of gender, romance/marriage
luck will be bad, incompatibility between spouse, spouse’s poor health and spouse’s
death/separation during middle age.

人命局中有财星透出转化时,也为吉论,主其人平易 近人,温和乐观,有着良好的人际关际,职场上,左右团
结,同心协力。女命夫缘不错,阳日干之人宜注意丈夫之健康以及感情的问题。如果日主根气弱,那么官星 食
DO sits on EG = If daymaster is weak, DO’s and EG’s suppression & weakening of each other is
auspicious. Generally speaking, it is more auspicious for yin polarity daymaster as person would
have achievements and fame in life. For yang polarity daymaster, if there is presence of wealth
element (stem or branch, it didn’t specify), it changes the situation to favourable; person is
gentle, optimistic, good human relations and able to gain cooperation from colleagues in career.
For female person, her romance/marriage luck is not bad; if daymaster is of yang polarity, she
needs to take note of her spouse’s health and emotional issues. If daymaster has weak rooting,
then DO and EG would be considered as Harmful gods, their suppression & weakening of each
other is inauspicious instead.

友拖累,职场上竞争大,一生之中宜防色情之灾;身 强时没有比肩劫财透出,多主权柄,但易遭小人陷害。如
果日主根气弱时,劫财助身为用,但正官盖干压制,纵然想帮助也难以尽其力,正官再通根得生的话,则兄 弟
DO sits on RW = If daymaster is strong, presence of RW or Frd is generally inauspicious. Person
doesn’t get along well with siblings, when outside he/she is also prone to be dragged into trouble
by friends, at work there is intense competition with colleagues and overall prone to problems
related to romance. If daymaster is strong, absence of RW or Frd means person is able to gain
rank/authority but prone to being setup by petty people. If daymaster’s rooting is weak, RW will
be useful to help but due to DO’s suppression, the help is minimum. If DO has strong rooting,
among person’s siblings will have legal entanglements.

于律己,细心谨慎,有自知之明,且具有领导和管理 的才能。女命日主中和或稍弱也吉利,淑和温柔,配得良
DO sits on Frd = As DO suppress while Frd supports daymaster and they are of opposite polarity,
generally speaking it is considered auspicious. Person is honest and sincere, righteous,
disciplined, merticulous and careful, awareness of self’s limits and has leadership capabilities. For
female person’s day pillar to weaken is considered as auspicious too, person is easy-going and
gentle, has affinity with good spouse, supports her family. But if daymaster is strong, presence
of Frd means female person is stubborn and competitive, lack of benefactors and likely to jinx


沉冷漠,偏激极端,求事多磨,进退失据,压力大而 多烦恼,他柱如果有财星透出,男命易因钱财或女人而招
灾;如果七杀居于时柱,则易为子女的事情而烦心。女命身旺尚可,但不免感情波动,纷争冷战;身弱则易 因
7K sits on 7K = Regardless of daymaster’s strength, this is inauspicious; especially worse if
daymaster is weak. For strong daymaster, 7K attacks daymaster and it is bad for health, person
easily changes mood to become depressed, extremist, lots of hardships and obstacles in life,
often in dilemma, pressurized and lots of mental troubles. If other pillars have wealth element,
male person easily have financial issues or romance-related problems. If 7K resides in Hour
Pillar, person is prone to be worrisome about his/her children’s matters. For female person, this
is not so bad but still not spared from problems and cold wars involving romance.

论之。另外,命局中如果身旺杀弱,而他柱再有食神 透出时,则七杀受制太过,其优点则会大打折扣,为人变
得外刚内却,优柔寡断,喜欢幻想,人生之中多成多败。如果是女命,则夫缘薄弱,婚姻感情发展难以顺心 称
7K sits on EG = Seven Killing is liken to authority but is suitable and favourable for strong
daymaster. For weak daymaster, it is subjected to its negative suppressing effects and its
positive influences will be minimum. If daymaster is strong but 7K is weak and other pillars have
EG, 7K will be overly suppressed and controlled; thus diminishing its positive influences, person
will be having a strong confident exterior but weak character, indecisive, prone to day-dreaming
and lots of failures/setbacks in life. For female person, weak affinity with spouse, romance is
hard to blossom to marriage, a turbulent rocky romance path.

7K sits on IR = As 7K and IR supports each other, person’s life will have lots of ups and downs,
charismatic but elusive and odd character, calculative, solitary, enjoys travelling and venturing
overseas. If other configurations of the birth chart is favourable, person is likely to gain
prosperity overseas. For female person, regardless of daymaster’s strength, to be interpreted as
per, though it is unfavourable to have HO in other pillars.

固守信用,讲究原则,多受他人提拔,经营工商或从 事文职行政多有成就,易掌权柄。男命可得到配偶相助,
女命可配良夫,丈夫资性聪明,能在社会中出类拔萃,博得名声。但是如果身弱,七杀坐财则不以吉性论 之,
7K sits on DW = If daymaster is strong while 7K is weak, it is auspicious to have wealth
elements around as they support 7K or when 7K is actually Useful god. As DW and 7K are of
opposite polarity, it is an auspicious combination. Person is trustworthy, principled, receives
grooming from people, would have achievements in business/commerce jobs and easily gain
authority/rank/promotion. For male person, he receives support from spouse. For female person,
she has affinity with good spouse who is intelligent and has exceptional achievements and gain
fame. But if daymaster is weak, it is inauspicious for 7K to sit on DW as 7K drains DW and
attacks daymaster, resulting in unfavourable influences to person’s well-being and financial
aspects, he/she is also not trustworthy, poor in investing and often have monetary problems.

杀居于年月两柱更明显。身弱用劫财者,最不喜七杀 制劫财,自己求谋多磨,不易成功,也不利兄弟手足健康
7K sits on RW = It is auspicious for strong daymaster, especially when daymaster is of yang
polarity, RW is Ram Knife star and 7K suppresses it; person would gain authority/promotion but
would bring legal troubles to siblings; especially worse if 7K resides in Year or Month pillar. For
weak daymaster, it is inauspicious for 7K to suppress RW as it means lots of hardships and
struggles in life, and doesn’t benefit siblings’s health. If there is another 7K in month branch (“月
令” is month branch), it is likely to have a death among person’s siblings. For female person and
strong daymaster, her romance luck is bad and prone to be dragged into misfortunes by her

损失,特别是七杀居年月柱者更明显。身弱者用比肩 者,七杀盖上压制比肩则不吉,为人处事心有力而不足,
7K sits on Frd = It is auspicious for strong daymaster, person would gain authority/promotion
but would bring legal troubles to his/her siblings or loses concentration due to his/her siblings’
matters, losses in business ventures/partnerships, especially if 7K resides in month pillar. For
weak daymaster, Frd would be beneficial but is suppressed by 7K, thus it is inauspicious; person
lacks capability/ability in endeavours, at the same time siblings/friends would be of no help or
loss due to death, especially worse if there is another 7K in month branch. For female person
and strong daymaster, her romance luck is bad and she would sacrifice/toil much for spouse.

,不屈不挠,决断力强,勇于突破困境,开创新局 面,同时内心中也是多愁善感的一面(印星的影响)。不论
男女,聪明智慧,在文职或工商性质行业之中都能博得地位,获得成就。同时,女命除自己豪迈过人之 外,也
7K sits on DR = Regardless of daymaster’s strength, it is an auspicious combination. 7K
represents military/martial arts, DR represents intelligence, hence person would be proficient in
both martial arts/sports/military fields and literary subjects with a strong sense of responsibility,
perseverance, strongly decisive, courageous to overcome difficulties, pioneering spirit, at the
same time having an emotional/sentimental side of him/her (due to DR’s influence). Regardless
of gender, person is intelligent and knowledgeable, able to gain status/rank and achievements in
career. For female person, she has an exceptional ability and has affinity with good spouse who
has achievements of his own.

。如果身弱,则财生杀旺为忌最为可怕,在年月主父 缘薄弱,也主钱财破耗,身心多疾病,谋事三心两意,不
易成功,会因为金钱或女人而影响事业,特别是影响信用。女命多会受丈夫或父母受拖累(在年月者比较明 显
7K sits on IW = It is auspicious for strong daymaster with weak 7K, person receives support
from opposite sex and able to make use of wealth to work for himself/herself. When oustide,
person has many benefactors to help and receives grooming from them. If daymaster is weak,

官星,祸端最大。同时,官杀重逢,一正一偏,一柔 一刚,会使其人的内心世界经常出现矛盾,优柔寡断,精
神不易集中,做事魄力与决断力不足,即使外表坚定,内心也是空虚。对女命来说,七杀坐正官更不合适, 感
7K sits on DO = Due to DO and 7K are of the same type, this combination is impure. Regardless
of strength of daymaster, it is not very auspicious, especially worse if daymaster is weak. At the
same time, the union of DO and 7K is of different polarity, thus it brings emotional conflicts and
dilemmas to the person, resulting in indecisiveness, lack of concentration and determination in
endeavours. Even if person is confident in appearance, emotionally he/she has confusions and
instability. For female person, this is also unfavourable, she is prone to be two-timer in
relationships, romantic entanglements, re-marriage and commit infidelity.

,多为非常之命。然而身弱者却不相同,七杀攻身, 伤官盗气,克泄交加,最为麻烦,恐有官灾是非之忧,容
7K sits on HO = Regardless of daymaster’s strength, it is inauspicious, though not so bad for
strong daymaster. As 7K suppress while HO exhausts self element (to release the strong
energy), person achieves fame and wealth by own efforts, plus with presence of Ram Knife star
or DR, it is an exceptional destiny. However for weak daymaster, it is the reverse fortune; 7K
attacks while HO exhausts the already weak self element, it is double whammy! Person is likely
to have legal troubles and easily conned to lose wealth. For female person, regardless of
daymaster’s strength, it is unfavourable for marriage, especially worse if other pillars have
another HO or DO, it would bring unstable romance path.

逢异性贵人相助或提拔。如果身弱,则财生杀旺为忌最为可怕,在年月主父 缘薄弱,也
别是影响信用。女命多会受丈夫或父母受拖累(在年月者比较明 显)而压力重重。

7K sits on IW = It is auspicious for strong daymaster with weak 7K, person receives
support from opposite sex and able to make use of wealth to work for himself/herself.
When oustide, person has many benefactors to help and receives grooming from them.
If daymaster is weak, IW supports 7K is a frightening sign. If this is at Year/Month pillar,
person’s relationship with father is weak, has wealth losses, poor health, fickle-minded,
hard to gain successes, will affect career and trustworthiness due to romance/money
issues. For female person, she is prone to be dragged into troubles because of
spouse/father (if at Year/Month pillar, this would be more severe) and subject to
pressurizing situations.


RW sits on DO = A mix of good and bad fortunes but for female person, it is
inauspicious. For strong daymaster, person has verbal talent and socialising skills and
able to gain prosperity. For weak daymaster who use RW as favourable element, RW
would be “broken” by DO, hence person’s offspring will be unfilial and unable to help
much. Person will not get along well with subordinates, there will be wealth loss, serious
illness or retrenchment/loss of job. For female person, she will be abandoned or abused
by spouse.


RW sits on 7K = Only applicable to Year and Month pillars. Among person’s siblings,
there are few with premature death, serious illness or handicapped, especially worse if
RW is a favourable element. Person’s life will be subjected to alot of ups and downs,
even if he/she is ambitious or capable, it is hard to gain recognition and would be
underappreciated and leading a miserable life.


RW sits on DR = For weak daymaster, it is auspicious and more favourable for this to
appear in Hour pillar; person is able to gain support/help from his/her offspring and
subordinates, and after hard work, there will be success and fortune. For strong
daymaster it is inauspicious; person has an elegant disposition but not materially rich
and prone to be dragged into trouble or snubbed due to other people’s affairs.

RW sits on IR = For weak daymaster, it is not-so-harmful or almost neutral effect. For
strong daymaster, it is inauspicious; person is solitary, acts on blind impulse, life’s is full
of hardships/obstacles, unsettling life, unstable difficult career path and eventually end
up in poverty and family separation.


RW sits on DW = Regardless of strength of daymaster, it is an inauspicious formation;

especially worse for strong daymaster which would jinx spouse, loss of wealth, career
failure, lots of ups and downs in life, hard to accumulate great wealth, prone to meet
fraud or loss of wealth due to other reasons.


RW sits on IW = Person enjoys philandering, easily incur losses due to romance

problems, generally a life marked by numerous wealth losses, hard to accumulate great
wealth. For male person, he has affinity to marry divorced women and prone to
bankrupt and family separation due to divorce/mistress.


RW sits on EG = Due to EG’s gentle and soothing effect on RW, this is RW’s only
auspicious match. Person’s character would be like a strong exterior hides a gentle
soul, he/she is also able to receive grooming/support from benefactors and elders,
occasionally able to receive unexpected opportunity or material gift, able to enjoy an
abundant material life and build a happy and blissful family. Another interpretation is
that for female person, her 1st marriage will end in divorce and after re-marry, her 2nd
marriage will be blissful.

配置者,每都目無法紀,違規越法,身敗名裂,女命有妨夫敗夫之虞,男命 現於時柱則
,傷官再與日刃同在一柱者,其人衝動莽撞,有勇無謀,做事反 覆,言語惡毒,唯利是

RW sits on HO = RW and HO is an inauspicious combination as RW will support HO,

and in a way, intensify HO’s [negative] traits. Under this, generally person would be a
lawless individual who will violate laws and commit crimes;- a ruined life of broken
reputation. For female person, she has the likelihood of jinx husband. For male person,
only apply to Hour pillar,


RW sits on RW = If this is Ram Knife star, it is out of its sheath [and ready to kill]!
Person is a very ferocious violent individual, solitary, unscrupulous, jinx father/spouse,
toiling life with hardships, indulges in gambling and investments. Person’s father/spouse
is prone to poor health; if it is severe, jinx spouse, lots of poverty and failures in life.
Overall, it is an extremely inauspicious configuration even if daymaster is weak (ie; RW
is a favourable element).


RW sits on Frd = An inauspicious combination. Person has confusing thought process,

disorderly manner when doing things, contradictory actions, has few/no successes in
life even after hard work, family and marriage will be rocky. Often dragged into troubles
or hardships due to his/her siblings/friends’ affairs but doesn’t receive any


Frd sits on DO = For a strong daymaster, it is a mix of misfortune and fortune. For a
weak daymaster, it is inauspicious; person is prone to be involved in “undertable” power
struggles, gossips and slanders, he/she is likely to be unorthodox/evil but receives
support from people around.


Frd sits on 7K = Regardless of strength of daymaster, it is an inauspicious formation,

especially worse for weak daymaster. There will be impairment or poor health among
person’s siblings, worse if this occurs in Year/Month pillar. Person and siblings/friends
are prone to have disputes, fights, frauds and disharmony in their relationship. Person’s
life is full of hardships, disasters and illnesses.


Frd sits on DR = This is auspicious as DR represents Nobleman star. Person receives

help/support/grooming from benefactors and would have great gains from
business/career. An indirect hint to growing prosperity over the years but we need to
look at whole chart.


Frd sits on IR = For a weak daymaster, it is almost harmless or neutral. For a strong
daymaster, it is inauspicious; person has poor relations with elders/parents/superiors,
lack of benefactors to help, waste of efforts & hard work due to few/no gains, prone to
be changing jobs/career/residential, overall an unsettling life. Marriage is rocky and
unstable, a lukewarm unconcerned relationship with spouse and weak affinity with
spouse (due to divorce, death or separation). If Frd and IR are many in the chart,
person is prone to be ruthless, heartless, selfish and low tolerance of others.

Frd sits on DW = It is inauspicious more for strong daymaster; hard to accumulate great
wealth, has hints of “broken prosperity”. [For weak daymaster?] due to difference in
polarity between Frd and DW, Frd cannot directly control DW. Hence, its negative
influences would be minimal; person would gain wealth from business/commerce,
endeavours would be smooth sailing with progress, has affinity with good spouse and
prone to wealth loss due to robbery.


Frd sits on IW = Person has disharmonious relationship with his father (who has poor
luck on his own and prone to having short lifespan). Worse if this occurs in Year/Month
pillar;- numerous hidden wealth losses, has misfortunes/entanglements related to
romance or having career affected due to issues with lover/father or corruption at


Frd sits on EG = This is auspicious for strong daymaster as EG releases some of the
strong energy; person is practical, gentle, easygoing, has good human relations,
smoothsailing in endeavours, no lack of material wealth and comfort, has enterprising
spirit and capable to single-handedly manage a business. (Not mentioned for weak


Frd sits on HO = This is inauspicious for weak daymaster; person has romantic
entanglements, gossips, slanders, getting himself/herself into misunderstandings due to
helping other people without receiving thanks/repayment, unstable & rocky marriage
and family life. Person’s own affairs also affect and implicate family and friends, hence
he/she also face discrimination from them. (Not mentioned for strong daymaster.)

Frd sits on RW = This is very inauspicious for strong daymaster; person has a
quarrelsome disharmonious relationship with spouse, person’s spouse is also prone to
poor health or early separation. If Frd element is alot in the chart, it affects luck of
person’s father too, person also has weak affinity with his/her father, lots of quarrels and
fights with siblings, partnerships and ventures discontinued halfway and prone to
numerous wealth losses due to family and friends or fraud. (Not mentioned for weak


Frd sits on Frd = This is inauspicious for strong daymaster; person has weak affinity
with his father (in terms of incompatibility, separation or death), his/her relations with
spouse would be lukewarm, If this occurs on the Hour Pillar of strong daymaster’s chart,
person is likely to be born in a poor family, prone to wealth losses due siblings/friends
and has poor human relations. If this occurs on the Hour Pillar of strong daymaster’s
chart with weak wealth element/s, person would eventually end up with career failure
and miserable plight after middle age and offspring would not be filial. (Not mentioned
for weak daymaster.)

诚实守信,忠厚憨直,交友广阔,做事认真负责,重视人情和谐,有统合意 见与调和各
的机遇。正是逢印看官,官印相生十有九贵,必主未来发达。女 命端庄贤惠,是相夫教

DR sits on DO = As DR supports DO, regardless of daymaster’s strength, it is

auspicious. Person has an elegant and refined disposition, has good academic
performance in mechanical studies, has deep insights, honest, reliable, trustworthy,
loyal, has wide circle of friends, serious at work, responsible, values human relations,
able to integrate different opinions/aspects, receives grooming/favour from superiors
and has rare opportunities to perform well to gain promotions. When interpreting this,
persons would mostly gain prosperity and rank (9 out of 10 persons who have this) in
near future. For female person, she is virtuous and able to perform the duties of a good

掌权力。同时,印居杀地也利于母亲的健康和寿命。对女命来 说,可配良夫,夫资聪明

DR sits on 7K = As DR supports 7K, regardless of daymaster’s strength, it is auspicious.

Person has strong sense of justice and responsibility, courageous, has a majestic air
without being being angered, honourable, perseverant, honest, trustworthy, devotes in
self-improvement, a risk-taker, has some lucky opportunities to prosper, have progress
in pioneering/enterprising endeavours, has capability in martial arts/sports and literary
fields and easily gain rank/promotions. At the same time, this also benefits the health
and longevity of person’s mother. For female person, she has affinity with good spouse
who is intelligent and has fame/achievements in his own right.

印生之,更加强日主外在的行为方式,表现出优异的外交和随机应变能力, 口才优秀,
主晚来荣华,诸事顺心,且子女发达。如果身强见之则大打折 扣,反主人生多破耗,易


DR sits on RW = For a weak daymaster, this is very auspicious as RW is not just

representive of a single aspect, it also represent another hidden side of daymaster. As
DR supports RW, this reinforces daymaster’s exterior traits like strong socialising skills
and adaptability, verbal talents, persuasiveness, excellent human relations, courageous,
good career luck and has benefactors to help. This is most favourable to occur at Hour
pillar as this means person has luxurious life from middle age onwards and his/her
offsprings would be prosperous. For strong daymaster, all these good influences would
reverse; person would have poor wealth luck, plagued by numerous wealth losses and
easily gets into trouble due to siblings/friends.
体现,正印生之,更加强日主旺盛的独立自主意识的体现,为人正直刚健, 有自知之明
出,不仅晚来荣昌,而且子孝贤顺。而身强者见之,也无妨,多 主因人际交往而破费钱

DR sits on Frd = For a weak daymaster, this is very auspicious as Frd is bright and
single-minded. Person would be independent, has self-awareness, self-esteem,
righteous, knows his/her limits, optimistic, diligent, excellent human relations and loves
helping others as DR supports Frd, thus reinforcing these traits. It is more favourable for
this to occur at Hour pillar, as not only this means a prosperous old age but also having
filial offspring. For strong daymaster, it is almost harmless, person incur wealth losses
due to socialising.


DR sits on IR = For a weak daymaster, this is auspicious as it implies person has strong
enlightening/analysing skills and planning skills. For strong daymaster, it is almost
harmless but DR and IR are of different polarity which results in lack of concentration in
person, he/she is prone to let thoughts drift out of focus and indulges in fantasy, lacks
motivation to complete endeavours, indecisive and having an emotional side. For
female person with strong daymaster, she has weak affinity with offspring or prone to
have more daughters, at the same time, the resource elements exhausts DO which
doesn’t spell good for her spouse’s health/career.

阳干生人者上下暗合,互相牵制,不论男女,不论身强身弱都不是尽善尽 美,其人优柔

DR sits on IW = Though DR sits on IW would be a controlling relationship, due to the

difference in polarity, for yang daymasters there is hidden harmony thus regardless of
gender and daymaster’s strength, person doesn’t put in 100% effort in endeavours,
indecisive, hesitant and often incurring losses and defeats. Whereas for yin daymasters,
regardless of gender, this is auspicious; person has good human relations and good
career luck.

强身弱多以吉论,其人生性善良,通情达理,胸怀宽广,精神和畅,才艺优 秀,大智若


DR sits on EG = Due to difference in polarity, regardless of gender and daymaster’s

strength, this is auspicious. For yang daymasters, person has both good fortune and
longevity. He/She is kind-hearted, understanding, big-hearted, good well-being,
talented, intelligent, well-respected and receives grooming from superiors at work. For
yin daymasters, the positive influences as mentioned are lessened and there would be

人佩服。而命局伤官为喜用神者,不论身强身弱,多为不宜,其人精神压力 大,易有压

DR sits on HO = If HO is Harmful god, DR can suppress HO and it is mostly auspicious;

person has weight in his/her speech, understanding and gains admiration from people
around. If HO is Useful god, regardless of strength of daymaster, it is mostly
inauspicious; person often suffers from great mental pressure, prone to depression,
often feels underappreciated, lacks capability, life is mostly fraught with difficulties, great
losses and gains. If resource elements are present in other pillars, person would be a
late-bloomer in terms of intelligence and comprehension skills are quite bad.

大忌。财星破印,印星无力,是贪财破印之象,家无宁日,在年月柱出现者 多主父母不
力,多有波折起伏,事倍功半,岁运再遇财星时,易为健康而因 忧,或因财而滋祸,贪

DR sits on DW = If daymaster and DR are strong, when wealth element controls

resource element, it comes off as beneficial/[auspicious]. But if daymaster is weak and
DR is Useful god, DR sitting on DW is an extremely inauspicious sign; DR would be
broken and weakened by DW, person would incur losses due to greed and having a
chaotic domestic climate at home. If this sitting occurs at Year/Month pillar, person’s
parents would be quarrelsome and disharmonious among themselves, his/her spouse
and mother would have such quarrelsome too, thus leaving person in a tight spot. At the
same time, person lacks capability in his/her pursue of prosperity, often would meet with
obstacles and difficulties, with unsatisfactory results. If in annual/decade pillars, there is
wealth element, person should be concerned with health or trouble related to wealth like
corruption. For female person with weak daymaster, wealth element will damage
resource element which means person would have no affinity getting a good virtuous

人斤斤计较,宁可人负我不可我负人。而身强见之也无妨,只不过印过旺会 侧重精神方
视金钱,以致常常遭遇失败,生涯多劳。女命印旺耗官以及克制 食神伤官,更宜注意丈


DR sits on DR = It is auspicious for weak daymaster; person would be quiet with few
words, knowledgeable, kind, charitable, calm disposition, generous and rather be bullied
than to bully others. If daymaster is strong, it is almost harmless expect if DR is strong,
person values emotional enjoyment, conceited, aloof, solitary, indulges in impractical
thoughts/fantasy, doesn’t highly regard material wealth and often meet with failures and
hardships. For female person, strong DR will exhaust power elements and suppress EG
& HO; she needs to take note of spouse’s health and offspring’s upbringing.


偏印坐比肩: 八字身弱者偏印比肩皆能帮身,以吉论之,多得贵人朋友相帮,但由于偏印
以吉论之,偏印比肩为忌,一生之中难得他人之力,更易与长辈或朋友发生 矛盾,甚至

IR sits on Frd = For weak daymaster, both would be favourable and thus is considered
quite auspicious; person would receive help/support from friends but as IR and Frd are
of same polarity with daymaster, it is considered as “emotionless pairing” this means
help/support rendered would minimal or forced to help under circumstances. As it is not
of their own will to help, its effects would be limited. For strong daymaster, this is
inauspicious as both are unfavourable elements; person would have lack of benefactors
when in need of help, there would be conflicts and fights between person and
friends/elders, a toiling life fraught with hardships and difficults, and person is not
suitable to be own boss. For female person, she has a stubborn personality, solitary, a
gentle disposition hides a strong character and prone to abuse spouse; more favourable
for weak daymaster while unfavourable for strong daymaster.

偏印坐七杀: 杀枭相生为无情之生,偏印化杀力不从心,不论八字身强或身弱,均非吉象
得不到好报,更易遇朋友反目相害。八字命局中假如有天德月德或天乙贵人 相临,则能

IR sits on 7K = The supporting relationship between both is considered “emotionless

support” which lacks effectiveness. Regardless of daymaster’s strength, it isn’t
auspicious at all. Person is shallow, has an elegant air but without material riches,
unable to manage own finance and if set up own business will make losses than gains.
Overall a life fraught with numerous losses & failures but few/no gains. Person is also
easily manipulated by other people without being aware of it. In human relations, person
is easily misunderstood, receives no thanks/repayment when helping others and will
experience betrayal and sabotage from friends. In the chart, if there is presence of
benevolent stars like Heavenly Virtue, Moon Virtue or Heavenly Nobleman, it can help
to lessen the negative influences.
偏印坐正财: 正财约束偏印,偏印对命局的作用受到牵制,八字身强用财者多以吉论。偏
者,则不以吉论之,偏印为喜为贵人,受财星制之,有贵人被劫之象,主贵 人欲助无力


IR sits on DW = DW suppresses IR and IR’s influence on the chart would be hampered.

For strong daymaster (wealth elements are Useful god), this is auspicious as IR is
suppressed, daymaster receives the positive influences from IR instead;- person
receives favour/grooming from elders/superior, and if other pillars have another wealth
element, person has affinity with fame and recognitions, especially in
art/research/design fields where he/she would have exceptional achievements and
gains. For weak daymaster, as IR is favourable element, it is inauspicious; IR is liken to
benefactors when subjected to DW’s suppression, benefactors are “suppressed” in a
sense. Hence person has poor benefactors luck and living a life fraught with hardships,
obstacles and difficulties.

偏印坐正官: 在八字中,偏印盜泄正官,身強用正官者不吉,身弱喜偏印相生者吉,但相
飾自身,加上善于盜泄代表修身榮身的 正官星,故其人外在華麗,內在空虛,虛有其表

IR sits on DO = In this combination, IR weakens DO. For strong daymaster, it is

inauspicious. For weak daymaster, it is auspicious. However for female person, DO
represents spouse and regardless of daymaster’s strength, it is a mix of good and bad
fortunes. In charts where DO is weak, it is the most inauspicious; person’s husband has
poor career luck and poor health. If other pillar has another HO or DO, she will do some
things that will let her husband down, thus hurting her husband in the process and ruin
person’s relationship with her husband. IR originally is good at concealing itself plus
weakening DO (which represent self-cultivation), hence person is an elegant disposition
but lacking capability/substance or material wealth. If person engages in
business/commerce, he/she would look wealthy but in actual fact is not. If person holds
official position, he/she looks to have authority but lacks the capability to sustain it.
偏印坐食神: 枭神夺食,不论八字身强或身弱皆非吉论,尤其是身强以食神泄秀者,此配

IR sits on EG = As IR triumphs over EG, regardless of daymaster’s strength, it is

inauspicious. For strong daymaster it is worse due to EG’s weakening; person is
gloomy, depressed, extremist, suffers from depression, often hampered by
parents’/superior’s interferences, always felt restricted, difficult to act according to own
wishes, often in dilemmas, lots of ups and downs and seldom finishes what he/she
started. As EG is also a tool to grow wealth, IR’s damage to EG will mean person is not
suitable to be own boss or involved in business due to high possibility of failure and
closure. For weak daymaster who uses IR as favourable element, it is inauspiciousness
hidden among auspiciousness; hard to determine if person would be wealthy. For
female person, she has tendency to jinx her offspring or difficulty in giving birth.

偏印坐偏财: 偏財破壞偏印,偏印在八字命局的影響力減弱,命局中以偏印克制食神傷官


IR sits on IW = As IW damages and weakens IR, IR’s influence would be lessened in

the chart. And if IR is there to control EG & HO or weaken DO, it is mostly inauspicious
as it brings failures and losses to person. But if IR is a Harmful god and its weakening
brings auspiciousness like harmonious family, ability to turn adversity to favourable
situations, receives favour/grooming from elders/superiors and likely to achieve fame
and success.

偏印坐伤官: 不论八字身强或身弱均不以吉论之,身强者用伤官泄秀,伤官为智慧,为生
偏印伤官的组合,对丈夫子女多为不利,他柱再透出伤官或 日主坐下伤官者,一生多有

IR sits on HO = Regardless of strength of daymaster, it is inauspicious. For strong

daymaster who need HO to release some of the strong energy and as a tool to gain
wealth, IR’s damaging effect on HO is most inauspicious which brings obstacles,
difficulties, gossips, slanders, misjudgments, unexpected troubles which causes wealth
losses to person. At the same time, domestic life at home is turbulent and
disharmonious to point of difficult to salvage. Person is also not suitable to start own
business as it will incur losses and failures. For weak daymaster who need IR to
support; for yang DM it is inauspicious as Useful god is being weakened, while for yin
DM, it is almost harmless. For female person, regardless of daymaster’s strength, it is
inauspicious as she would jinx husband and offspring; if other pillars have another HO
or daymaster sits on HO, person’s life would have numerous troubles due to speech
and person has lack of verbal tact.

偏印坐正印: 正偏印混雜,八字身弱者遇之為吉,其人聰明智慧,喜歡思考,有著優秀的


IR sits on DR = For weak daymaster, it is auspicious as person is intelligent, enjoys

mental activities, has exceptional talent and good academic results, strong
comprehension skills, has traditional thinking and individual style and is suitable to
venture into research/pioneering/design fields. For strong daymaster, it is inauspicious
as person is fickle-minded, prone to random thoughts, entanglements/dilemmas, enjoys
indulging in impractical fantasy/thoughts, lack concentration, indecisive and seldom
complete what he/she started. For female person, as resource elements exhaust power
and output elements, if there are weak power and output elements in the chart, it is very
偏印坐劫财: 劫财能受偏印的阴阳调和,故能尽泄偏印的元气,八字身弱用劫财者,尚可

IR sits on RW = RW will absorb IR’s soothing (and IR weakens), for weak daymaster
who use RW as Useful god, it is not so bad as person is intelligent and mentally agile,
good at adapting and act according to situation, able to quickly adapt and survive. For
strong daymaster, it is very inauspicious, RW would be strong which means person has
strong unpredictable character, is arrogant, impulsive, highly competitive, enjoys
gambling/risks, hard toiling life with many obstacles, not suitable to set up own business
or venture into partnerships as it will mostly end up in neglect, unhappiness and closure.
Regardless of gender, person’s marriage and romance path would be turbulent and

偏印坐偏印: 主生活不安定,辛苦奔波,易遭盗贼火灾,易患暗疾。若偏印多更不吉。偏

IR sits on IR = Person’s life is unstable, toiling and hard, prone to meet thieves and fire
calamity, prone to hidden illnesses/diseases. If IR are many in the chart, it is even
worse; offspring is likely to be more females than males, if meet IR again in
annual/decade pillars there will be great losses. If there is presence of wealth element
to suppress the resource elements, it would lessen its negative influences. Parallel
element can also help in this regard.


DW sits on DO = This is very auspicious for strong daymaster; also considered

auspicious for weak daymaster with rooting, but for an extremely weak daymaster
without rooting/resource/follow-chart it is inauspicious. Generally speaking, DW
supports DO means person has good morals, righteous, refined disposition, receives
support from subordinates & others, receives trust/favour/grooming from
elders/superiors/clients and overall smooth career path. For strong daymaster, when
meet DW & DO combo again in annual/decade pillars, person will gain career promotion
or windfall. For female person, DO represents spouse and DW supports it, she is
intelligent, kind and has affinity to marry good husband, overall a fortunate and blissful


DW sits on 7K = It is inauspicious for weak daymaster as the strengthened 7K attacks

daymaster, this means person will live a toiling life full of hardships and hidden
illness/disease. For strong daymaster with weak 7K, this is most auspicious as DW
nurtures the weak 7K; person is able to use wealth as means of manipulation to gain
personal benefits, has benefactors to help/support, business ventures will be profitable,
able to gain respect among colleagues/subordinates and receives favour/support from
elders/superiors. For female person, presence of 7K strengthened by DW means she
loves her husband very much and receives help/support from her husband, she is also
faithful to him and his career would be successful. But [for female person?] if weak
daymaster doesn’t have rooting or there is presence of DO (DO & 7K will be “mixed”), it
is inauspicious.

星破印,主凶灾,与母缘分薄,自小家庭有破败迹象,自身感情婚姻不顺, 而且妻子与
以致心愿不能实现,在事业上也不能得到长辈的爱护与支持,在 生意上更常因大意而招


DW sits on DR = Regardless of daymaster’s strength and person’s gender, it is

inauspicious especially if DR is Useful god as DW suppresses DR; person has severe
calamity, has weak affinity with mother, in early years family is prone to break up,
person’s own marriage is also rocky and spouse’s relations with mother is
unharmonious. DR represents benefactors and when subjected to suppression by DW
person’s life would be fraught with obstacles and things not going as per wished, in
career person won’t receive elders’/superiors’ favour/support and prone to series of
calamities due to own mistake made in business.

*Weak affinity with someone means, including but not limited to: severance of
relationship, incompatibility, poor relations, physical separation due to work/travel or
even death of that someone.


DW sits on IR = Due to difference in polarity, there won’t be direct clash/damage

between DW and IR. On the contrary, this combo is auspicious (even more auspicious
for strong daymaster). By DW’s suppression of IR, it can get rid of IR’s solitude
character while enhancing IR’s comprehension and analytical skills; person would be
suitable to venture in fields related to invention/pioneering/design. In terms of
socialising, person is also able to make friends and has good human relations.
However, IR has a hidden side; person’s character have certain oddity, double-
standards, dishonesty, impatient (not suitable for negotiation jobs and often gives up


DW sits on DW = For strong daymaster, it is extremely auspicious; person is honest,

trustworthy, practical, able to withstand hardships, suitable to be own boss as it would
be prosperous and profitable. For male person, as DW represent wife, he has affinity
with beautiful virtuous wife and his marriage will be happy and blissful. And if this combo
occurs at Month pillar, person’s parents would have good fortune. And if this occurs at
Hour pillar, its positive influences would be lesser but it means person’s offspring would
have good fortune. For weak daymaster who needs resource element as favourable
element, it is most inauspicious; person would jinx mother, worse if this occurs at Hour
pillar as it denotes person’s old age would be difficult and prone to do things against
moral ethnics. For female daymaster who has weak EG, she has weak affinity with her

*Weak affinity with someone means, including but not limited to: severance of
relationship, incompatibility, poor relations, physical separation due to work/travel or
even death of that someone.


DW sits on IW = For strong daymaster, it is auspicious; when person is in business

industry he/she would be stable yet flexible, enjoys expanding own business, often
would be profitable but person is very generous, forthright, easy-going and hence prone
to wealth losses due to socialising. And person is a philanderer, has changing
preference for different sexual partners and hence likely to have a messy domestic
climate at home. For weak daymaster who needs resource elements as favourable
elements, this is inauspicious; this hints at losses due to romance and opposite sex.

合从事研究、商务会计或写作之类的工作。身强者发富之象,人际关系良 好,为人稳重

DW sits on EG = As EG supports DW, this combo is extremely auspicious; person is

faithful to spouse and has great fortune. For weak daymaster, person has a special
talent/skill, attentive, agile mind, great adaptability, suitable to be own boss and overall
a smooth-sailing life without serious calamities. Romance wise, person has good
romance luck and good marriage luck, able to receive help/support from spouse. For
female person, this combo is also very auspicious, she has affinity with good spouse
and good offspring.

DW sits on HO = As HO supports DW, for weak daymaster, it is inauspicious; person is

plagued by troubles related to gossips and slanders. For strong daymaster with weak
wealth element, it is auspicious; person has smooth easy wealth flow and luck,
unexpected gains, able to gain wealth through other people’s efforts or loss. As HO is of
a star of unstable nature, it brings turbulence; person uses undertable means to gain
success. As DW is of stable nature, it brings dilemmas and contradictory thoughts to
person, in endeavours person has changing warm and cold attitudes and his/her life will
also be prone to many ups and downs but eventually will have success.


DW sits on Frd = DW and Frd won’t have direct clash/damage due to different polarities.
Generally speaking for weak daymaster, it is quite auspicious; this is a sign of wealth
gain, person has good wealth luck and has easy money gains, when decade pillar meet
resource elements, person’s career will progress greatly, likely to become millionaire
and romance luck is very strong too. For strong daymaster with weak wealth elements,
it is neutral; also hints at troubles and losses related to his/her siblings/friends. However
as Frd suppress DW, losses won’t be too great. For male person, as DW represents
wife, it denotes spouse won’t be virgin or prone to commit infidelity. It is more prominent
for yang daymaster as Frd indirectly combines with DW.

现在年月时,则其父事业不顺或身体欠佳,尤其是阴干生人, 重者有早別之象。

DW sits on RW = As both directly clash and damage each other, regardless of

daymaster’s strength, it is inauspicious. DW receives damage which denotes person’s
life would be fraught with wealth losses, difficulty to save money and not suitable to start
own business. And person’s spouse would have numerous illnesses/calamities or prone
to do things which are against morals [infidelity?]. If other pillar has another RW, person
is prone to be separated from spouse due to spouse’s death. If this combo appears at
Year/Month pillar, person’s father has poor health or poor career luck, especially for yin
daymaster who is prone to be separated from father.




IW sits on DO = If IW and DO are favourable elements, this combination is auspicious;

person has benefactors to help, smooth-sailing career, agile and intelligent mind,
responsible and able to receive help from father. If IW and DO are unfavourable
elements; person has poor wealth management, toiling life with numerous obstacles,
prone to slander/sabotage by petty people which results in lawsuits.



IW sits on 7K = For strong daymaster with weak 7K, due to IW supporting 7K, it is
auspicious; person has pioneering capability, able to make use of resources to
accomplish goals and his/her business ventures will be profitable. But if IW and 7K are
unfavourable elements [for weak daymaster], it is inauspicious; person is a spendthrift,
prone to be prodigal and will incur losses due to opposite sex. For female person, she
has a mismatch in marriage and prone to divorce and re-marriage.


IW sits on DR = Regardless of daymaster’s strength, it can be considered auspicious.

Person is gentle and rational, able to receive help from benefactors, has harmonious
family and blissful marriage. However for strong daymaster, the positive influences are
greater than for weak daymaster.



IW sits on IR = As both IW and IR are of opposing nature, it brings unstability and

negative influences to the chart (and person). Person has contradictory messy thoughts,
lacks decisiveness and judgment, only has small gain after lots of hardships and toil,
prone to be implicated by others and incur losses as a result and person also has weak
affinity with father. But if there is presence of EG to support IW’s controlling of IR, it
would then be auspicious. Only fear to have presence of Frd to damage IW as this
would bring imbalance to the chart.

*Weak affinity with someone means, including but not limited to: severance of
relationship, incompatibility, poor relations, physical separation due to work/travel or
even death of that someone.


IW sits on DW = If wealth element is a favourable element, it is auspicious; person has

excellent wealth luck, has ‘Midas Touch’ and business ventures will be extremely
prosperous. Overall, a wealthy and abundant destiny. But if other pillars have DW or IW,
person would appear rich but is actually financially empty. If wealth element is an
unfavourable element, person has many wealth losses, easily incur losses due to
romance, complicated romance life and unstable marriage.


IW sits on IW = For strong daymaster, person has ‘Midas Touch’, strong social and
networking skills, has many distinguished friends, even if person venture overseas he
would have unexpected gains/wealth. But if IW is Harmful god [for weak daymaster],
person is a spendthrift, philanderer, cunny, unscrupulous and his/her life is fraught with
many failures and losses.



IW sits on EG = For strong daymaster, it is extremely auspicious; person is easy-going,

gentle, strong social and networking skills, excellent human relations, intelligent and
quick thinking, has clever means to gain wealth, generally a smooth-sailing life and
wealthy destiny. Has good career luck and suitable to be own boss as it would be
profitable. (Not mentioned for weak daymaster, I guess it would be the reverse



IW sits on HO = For strong daymaster, it is extremely auspicious; person has good

verbal and communication skills, good social skills, intelligent, has strong business
acumen, has clever means to gain wealth and able to gain from other people’s
losses/failures. For weak daymaster, person has negative thoughts, prone to commit
crimes and prone to have losses or family chaos due to opposite sex.



IW sits on RW = As IW is most incompatible with parallel elements (Frd & RW),

person’s life is fraught with failures and losses and career path is prone to failure. For
male person, he would have upheavels in his family due to romance problems, for yang
daymaster, his father would have failure in career too. For female person, she has
affinity with bad spouse who is not prosperous, her marriage would be prone to changes
and calamities.



IW sits on Frd = Regardless of strength of daymaster, it is inauspicious; even worse for

strong daymaster. Person’s father has poor health or poor luck, has generation gap or
incompatibility with father, person’s father also prone to live a wandering aimless life or
even worse, death in a foreign land and also prone to lawsuit due to legal battle over
assets. For male person, also prone to have romantic upheavals.

TPY is right and "sitting" must be within the same pillar.

Finally completed! This is also good revision for me as it forces me to recap and
reinforce bazi concepts I learnt 12 years ago.


HO sits on DO = Regardless of strength of daymaster, it is extremely inauspicious and
ferocious. Person is always dissatisfied and discontented with current status, has a
sharp tongue, enjoys scolding others and subject others to his/her verbal abuse, prone
to gain gossips and slanders and generally a life fraught with twists and turns, ups and
downs. For female person, her marriage has tendency to end in divorce or separation.


HO sits on 7K = Generally this combination is very inauspicious (even if it is “HO-rides-

7K” chart category), it brings more negative than positive influences. Person leads a
harsh toiling life, lots of hardwork but with little/no gains and often subjected to other
people’s criticism/slander/gossip/wrongful verdict with unspeakable difficulties. Person’s
marriage would have tendency to end in spouse’s death, especially worse for female


HO sits on DR = Person has difficulty gaining credit/wealth but only to lose it easily
someday, often plagued by gossips/slander and his/her spouse doesn’t get along with
his/her mother. For female person, she doesn’t receive favour/liking from her parents-in-


HO sits on IR = Person doesn’t get along well with elders/superiors, often subjected to
their misunderstandings yet unable to defend, generally a life plagued by gossips and
slanders, person also needs to watch his/her tongue to prevent inviting trouble and
disputes and also needs to watch out being implicated into misfortunes caused by
elders/superiors. All of person’s career and ventures are prone to be incomplete and
imperfect; any success is met by a failure.

HO sits on DW = For strong daymaster, it is extremely auspicious. Person has good

business acumen, intelligent, has clever means to gain wealth and able to gain success
from other people’s loss/failure.


HO sits on IW = For strong daymaster, it is extremely auspicious. Person has an agile

mind, intelligent, has tact, good wealth management abilities and has tendency to gain
great prosperity. Only negative influence is to be wary of problems related to romance.


HO sits on HO = An inauspicious and ferocious combination. Person is stubborn and a

rebel, opinionated, solitary, career failing, a life full of hardships, physical body has
chronic illness and won’t enjoy prosperity for long. Worse if this occurs at Year pillar as
it implies person has a broken family and abandon it. If this occurs at Month pillar,
person is subjected to sibling’s betrayal and abandonment. If this occurs at Day pillar,
person is subjected to spouse’s and family’s despise. If this occurs at Hour pillar,
person’s offspring won’t be filial, won’t have good health or worse, person jinx offspring.


HO sits on EG = Though person is good in verbal communication skills, but prone to

gossips and slanders, often has conflicts with elders/superiors due to different opinions.
But if person is humbly willing to accept opinions from elders/superiors, he/she gain and

HO sits on RW = Person’s career and pursue of wealth will be via unscrupulous means,
prone to invite gossips and slander. For male person, he does not select spouse based
on character and virtues, but select based on wealth, unreasonable, tyrannical, often
avoided by others. Overall a life full of wealth losses, hardships, weak affinity with kins
and partnerships/career ventures would be given up halfway.


HO sits on Frd = This is inauspicious. Person has messy thought process, lacks
decisiveness, has an unharmonious relationship with kins & family, has difficulty gaining
favour and recognition, person has a distrusting relationship with spouse, hard to
confide in spouse and overall an unhappy marriage.



EG sits on DO = Generally speaking it is auspicious, though more auspicious for strong

daymaster. Person has good upright character, an air of elegance and refinement,
dutiful and able to gain everyone’s trust. For female person, she has affinity with a
dignified and prosperous husband and able to have a complete and blissful marriage.


EG sits on 7K = Regardless of daymaster’s strength, it is inauspicious. As 7K suffers

from EG’s suppression, person has difficulty exploiting his full potential and as times
goes by, it accumulates to frustrations and bad temper. Person is also a trouble-maker,
his/her career path is fraught with unexpected obstacles and neverending difficulties.
Such misfortunes will be an endless cycle in person’s life that he/she eventually ends up
in poverty, hardships and failures.


EG sits on DW = Regardless of daymaster’s strength, this is auspicious. Person has

good verbal and communication skills, able to continuously enrich his/her skills, a
capable honest trustworthly individual, able to gain benefactors’ support, smooth and
prosperous career path.


EG sits on IR = As IR cuts EG, this is an extremely inauspicious and ferocious

combination, regardless of person’s gender, it would jinx his/her offspring. Person’s life
is fraught with gossips, slanders, disputes, being framed for crime he/she did not
commit, often has conflicts with elders/superiors and being hampered by them and
overall a life with many illnesses and pain. To relieve and lessen the negative
influences, it is required to have presence of benevolent stars (eg; Heavenly Virtue,
Moon Virtue or Heavenly Nobleman) OR having IW in adjacent pillars (ie; to suppress


EG sits on DR = For strong daymaster, it is extremely auspicious; person has an agile

mind, clever means of doing business, has strong family values, concerned about
spouse and offspring, able to receive favour/grooming from elders/superiors, able to
gain support from customers and overall a destiny of good fortune and longevity.

EG sits on IW = For strong daymaster, it is extremely auspicious; person is passionate,
good social skills, able to gain customers’ trust, intelligent with good business acumen,
is very good in earning wealth. Overall a very prosperous destiny.


EG sits on EG = For strong daymaster, it is auspicious; person is gentle, refined, big-

hearted, no lack of material wealth, contented, suitable to be own boss as it will be
profitable. But the only disadvantage is EG may be too strong that it hurts DO, if it does,
person is not suitable to be in official positions as it will invite gossips, slander or


EG sits on HO = For weak daymaster, it is inauspicious. For strong daymaster, it has

more positive influences than negative ones. Due to difference in polarity between EG
and HO, person is fickle-minded, prone to inviting gossips when projects are on-going
halfway and thus giving up halfway. For male person, this would jinx offspring. For
female person, this would jinx husband. Overall a life fraught with failures and troubles.


EG sits on RW = Generally considered auspicious because its positive influences are

gained from misfortunes. It implies “a blessing in disguise” kind of meaning, person will
find fortune/opportunity/gain in a seemingly adverse situation.


EG sits on Frd = This is auspicious, person is independent, has business acumen, has
benefactors to help/groom, has affinity to suddenly become prosperous due to adoption
by wealth family. Person treats siblings, friends and kins well, overall person has good
affinity with wealth and romance.

Repost images due to photobucket no longer free (and to consolidate all information in one
single post and without any criteria)! Uploaded to Fivearts Forum server.
1st part of my english translation:

Alot of introductory text but the important contents are....

Ghost Valley sect says, if House of Conception:

- has salary star/wealth, person is born in a wealthy family.
- has Heaven Void (kong wang), person is born in poor family.
- has Nobleman star, person has inheritance from family.
- clash with day/year pillar, person has a life of hardships.
- and hour pillar’s nayin are supportive, person has a long lifespan.
- and hour pillar clash with each other, person has a short lifespan.
- and year pillar’s nayin are destructive, parents of person has short lifespan.

Use of House of Conception:

- As it is foundation of Four Pillars, it is not favourable for it to clash with any pillar. If it does,
the kins as represented by that particular pillar will be inauspicious.
- If it clash with day pillar, person has a life of hardships.
- If it contains auspicious stars, like Heaven Virtue star, it is greatly auspicious.
- If its elements are supportive with year and hour pillar, person has blessings from ancestors
and has long lifespan. If hour pillar clash with HC, parents’ lifespan are short.
- Any of four pillars’ nayin are not favourable to clash with HC’s nayin, if there are 3 or more
pillars’ nayin clash, person is born in poor family, weak affinity with parents or orphan.

House of Conception Aura: (HCA)

- Its stem is derived by the stem that combines with day stem, while its branch is derived by the
branch that combines with day branch. Eg; Bing Zi day pillar’s HCA is Xin Chou.
- HC represents innate aspects, HCA represent acquired aspects. HC is primary while HCA is
secondary influence.
- HC and HCA should not clash as it would be inauspicious. Each of their elements should be
supportive to be auspicious.
- HC and HCA originates from some itinerant website’s “Direct Interpret Chapter”, belong to a
fortune-telling sect’s terminology. Blindman sect places great importance on them and regards
as “trade secrets”. Although they have certain level of influence in fortune-telling, in most
traditional sects they regard HC more than HCA. Itinerant fortune-telling methods regards House
of Life, House of Conception and House of Body (Body palace) as the 3 most important ones, but
place less emphasis on HCA.

English translation:
- HC meet clashes = person has a difficult youth and poor health.
- HC meet Heaven Void = person has poor health and spending alot of money.
- HC clash year pillar = One of person's parents might have short lifespan.
- HC is the same stem and branch with year pillar = person's parents are improper.
- HC clash with yin branch = person's mother adopted her sibling's son
- HC clash with yang branch = person's father adopted his sibling's son
- HL or HB has Heaven Void = person is a low profile individual, has few successes in life and is
- HL or HB has clashes = person has a toiling life, likely to have surgery or accident.
- HL or HB has combinations = person receives help/grooming from benefactor.
- HL, HB or HC clash with each other = person has a toiling life, tend to be travelling around
(last 3 points I'm not sure of the terms used.)

和接触的朋友、后天风水,以及后天接触的其他的事 都不看,就是纯粹的你就叫胎元。纯粹没有被污染的你生
What is House of Conception? It is the beginning, original state of the person. [Think of
it as You version 1.0] That means your innate character and traits – whether you’re good or bad,
kind or evil, regardless of later education/influence you received, regardless of your
environment/fengshui – that is what the House of Conception pillar is all about. The pure original
you, in yet unpolluted and unaffected state, that is what the House of Conception pillar
represents. But alot of people now are no longer their original self, after being in contact with
society. Technically speaking, House of Conception doesn’t represent the current you and the
current you are no longer represented by that pillar. All due to being “polluted” by society.

[No wonder most ancient masters preferred to live in the mountains, as a hermit, away from the
common crowd and their “impurities”.]

那么什么叫命宫?你这个命和这个胎又有什么关系呢?是决定你一生事业大小的一个宫位。你有 没有事业,以
实学到最后这八字很容易的,只不过不 点破你永远不知道。但这块我也先不点破,你们先去慢慢悟。这是命宫
Then what is House of Life? And how is it related to House of Conception? It is to determine
generally a person’s career; how great or small the career will be, the general career
path, all depends on House of Life pillar. Just the 2 characters [stem & branch] of House of
Life pillar would suffice, no need to see the whole chart. Hence after learning this, everything
becomes clear and easy. But without knowing this, you will never know. It would be disclosed
later for now, just remember House of Life is all about a person’s career.

身宫也很重要。身宫是什么?你这人一生当中财的 大小多寡全都在身宫体现。你这人趁十个亿还是没有钱都在
身宫这两个字体现出来了。就这两个字就够了,但实际上还要看他的天干地支相互的作用。那么这个身宫 决定
House of Body is also important. What is House of Body pillar? It represents how much wealth a
person will in life. Worked so hard still lacking money? All is seen through this pillar and just this
pillar is enough. But technically, still need to look at other pillars’ interactions. House of Body
pillar determines wealth of a person and what does wealth represents in metaphysics? The
source of life. [Very true because without water the fish dies, without wealth human dies.] Are
you unable to continue living without wealth? You can say you’re spiritual and don’t need money,
even how spiritual you are, without wealth you can progress and live further. Even if you’re a
hermit living in the mountains/forest, you will eventually quit it. Even if you don’t, you will find
ways to get money to buy food. Can’t do without money. It is the source of life, so House of
Body pillar represents the source of life, while House of Life pillar represents career.

会,尤其是大都市,北京、上海,深圳这样的城市,或 者去国外那样的大城市,他的灵魂都会慢慢慢慢的变化
House of Conception is the original you and what is that exactly? It is your soul. Where is it
headed? Look at House of Conception pillar. Many people when they enter the working society,
especially in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen or foreign big cities, their souls slowly
changes and vanishes; they eventually lost their original self. Bazi will let you find your original
self, your soul and the pure you. In the past if you are unaware of Bazi, in this life you would
lose direction, hence you must know your bazi (destiny).

所以孔子说了四个字,“乐天知命”。他这个命不是讲的八字,那时候 还没有八字呢。是宋朝的李虚中才研究的
研究人的命却不研究活生生的内在灵魂,血肉又何存?我们的中 国也有中国的灵魂,所以叫中国魂。
Which is why Confucius said, “Know your destiny and be contented.” When he spoke of destiny,
he wasn’t referring to Bazi because at his time, Bazi wasn’t invented yet. It was during the Song
dynasty, Li Xuzhong began researching about Bazi. Its earlier form was only “Liu Zi” (Six
Characters); only of Year, Month and Day pillar. Some time later, the Hour Pillar was then added.
Hence Confucius was not only referring to human’s destiny, he was referring to a kind of unseen
force. Practitioner of Bazi must understand and know about the inner soul of a person, in
psychology, it is called “inner spirit”. If practitioners of destiny doesn’t know about inner soul,
how would flesh and blood come into place? Our country also have a soul, it is called “China

[No wonder practitioners also use Bazi and ZWDS charts to plot the destiny chart of a country.]

人穿得 特别好,可是你一旦了解他之后你发现他没有钱,他就是一个假充大爷那种。他没有钱,拿那个包也特
Houses of Life, Body and Conception are a person’s innate traits. What does that mean?
We’ll come to that later and you’ll understand. For example, you’ve always noticed a certain guy
who is always well-dressed but when you get to know him, you discovered he is actually in
poverty and he was merely keeping up appearances. Such person are aplenty. At this point of
time, you can see directly via those 3 houses despite how well-dressed he is; his House of Life
denotes poor career, his House of Body denotes poverty, you’ll know it’s all obviously made up.
There are also people who are dressed ordinarily, but in actual, they are wealthy, their House of
Body will show the same. This is what set people apart from one another. There are also people
who dressed according to their actual wealth status but such people are getting lesser.

House of Conception Aura’s generic interpretations:

- Basically, its stem is derived by the stem that combines with day stem, while its branch is
derived by the branch that liu he (Six Combination) combines with day branch. Eg; Bing Zi day
pillar’s House of Conception Aura pillar is Xin Chou.
- House of Conception represents innate aspects, House of Conception Aura represent
acquired aspects. House of Conception is primary influence (main), while House of Conception
Aura is secondary influence.
- House of Conception and House of Conception Aura should not clash as it would be
inauspicious. Each of their elements should be supportive to be auspicious.
- Both originated from some itinerant website’s “Direct Interpret Chapter”, belong to a fortune-
telling sect’s terminology. Blindman sect places great importance on them and regards as “trade
secrets”. Although they have certain level of influence in fortune-telling, in most traditional sects
they regard House of Conception more than House of Conception Aura. Itinerant fortune-telling
methods regards House of Life, House of Conception and House of Body as the 3 most important
ones, but place less emphasis on House of Conception Aura.

The 3 houses not only have interactions with the main 4 pillars (year, month, day, hour); they
also interact between one another.

The 3 houses clash with each other = person has a life of toils and hardships, often
travelling/moving/changing jobs.

The 3 houses “chuan jue” with each other = person has poor health and many illnesses.

The 3 houses are at odds with each other = person has poor health and many illnesses.

The 3 houses are harmonious with each other = person is highly intelligent.

– yr – mth – day – hr
壬子 癸卯 壬寅 丙午
H9-E1, H10-E4, H9-E3, H3-E7
胎元 Conception:甲午 H1-E7
命宫 Life:戊申 H5-E9
身宫 Body:庚戌 H7-E11
House of Conception clash Year pillar = parents of person are incomplete.
House of Life has Travelling Horse star = person is impulsive, venture overseas.
House of Body has combination (with chart?) = person receives help from benefactors.


– yr – mth – day – hr
丙戌 己亥 庚寅 己卯
H3-E11, H6-E12, H7-E3, H6-E4
胎元 Conception:庚寅 H7-E3
命宫 Life:辛卯 H8-E4
身宫 Body:辛卯 H8-E4
The 3 houses have combination (with chart?), person has excellent benefactors luck and wealthy
destiny (become own boss).


– yr – mth – day – hr
辛亥 甲午 辛酉 戊戌
H8-E12, H1-E7, H8-E10, H5-E11
胎元 Conception:乙酉 H2-E10
命宫 Life:辛丑 H8-E2
身宫 Body:癸己 H10-E6
The 3 houses have combination with each other = strong career woman, highly capable,
intelligent and polite.


Ghost Valley text: If House of Conception pillar:
- has Prosperity star, person is born in a wealthy family.
- has Heaven Void, person is born in poor family.
- has Nobleman star, person has help/grooming from people.
- clash with Day/Year pillar, person has a toiling life full of hardships.
- ...’s na yin (melodic element) and Hour pillar’s na yin are of supporting nature, person has
- clash with Hour pillar, person has short lifespan.
- ...’s na yin (melodic element) and Year pillar’s na yin are of conflicting nature, person’s parents
have short lifespan.

1. 胎元的吉凶断法
House of Conception analysis laws:

1. House of Conception is the 4 main pillars’ foundation and root. Therefore it is not favourable
for them to clash with House of Conception. If any of the 4 pillars do clash with House of
Conception, the respective kins as represented by the pillar is inauspicious (has negative

2. It is most unfavourable for House of Conception to clash with Day pillar, person’s life will be
toiling and full of hardships.

3. It is most auspicious for House of Conception to have auspicious symbolic stars. For example,
if auspicious stars like Heavenly Virtue, Moon Virtue or Nobleman resides in House of Conception
pillar, person will be very protected with good fortune.

4. When House of Conception’s stem & branch elements are of supporting and harmonious
nature with Year and Hour pillars’, person will be blessed with longevity by ancestors. If clash
with Hour pillar [Typo error? I think should be year pillar?], person’s parents have short lifespan.
5. The na yin elements of the 4 main pillars should be not of conflicting nature with House of
Conception’s. If there are 3 pillars [or more] which do, person is born in a poor family, parents
have short lifespan, person is prone to be orphan and his/her family is very poor during his/her


Look at House of Body:

1. Using Day pillar to determine Heaven Void, if House of Body has Heaven Boid, person’s life
would be generally in poverty, poor wealth luck, wealth comes and goes, even if there is wealth
gain, it is due to other pillars’ influence.

2. House of Body has clash or “chuan jue”, person’s wealth luck for whole life is unfavourable.
For Heaven Void, to be interpreted separately.

3. House of Body’s deities/elements are favourable and Body’s stem supports daymaster, person
will be very wealthy. If Body’s stem and daymaster’s elements are of conflicting nature, person
has huge wealth loss.

4. House of Body’s elements are unfavourable and Body stem supports daymaster, person’s
wealth luck is unfavourable. If Body’s stem and daymaster’s elements are of conflicting nature,
person has huge wealth loss.

5. House of Body’s stem is a favourable element while branch is unfavourable element, Body
stem supports daymaster, person is wealthy. But if Body stem and daymaster are of conflicting
nature, person is an average joe.

6. House of Body’s stem and daymaster are involved in a combination, person has good wealth
luck for life.


Look at House of Life:

House of Life is bazi’s most influential aspect and soul of the chart. If we think of bazi as a
person, House of Life is his/her house. Hence, to look at moving or sale/purchase of house, we
must look at House of Life.

命宫带有华盖和空亡, 并且有孤辰寡宿, 特适合学艺之研究,成就也大. 为人雅洁高致, 财业自微, 故应主名不主利

. 此格主孤独, 虽贵少子, 六亲亦属无情, 可能将以沙门终老.
If Arts star and Heaven Void reside in House of Life, together with Solitary star or Lonesome
star, person is especially suitable to venture in research field and there will be great
achievements. Person has an air of elegant, refined, has good wealth luck but prone to solitude,
has few/no offspring, weak affinity with kins and prone to live a solitary life.

命宫带羊刃, 且命旺无依, 性情刚烈, 易于冲动, 应注意流年与命宫支相冲克, 以防意外灾祸. 如八字清纯不杂, 七

杀化印相生且驾刃,则胆略才干, 堪负方面责任, 延誉四方, 无论创办新事业, 或任重大之职, 皆能举轻若重.
If Ram Knife star resides in House of Life, person has a strong, impulsive and aggressive
character. Be wary if annual pillar and House of Life’s branch clashes, prone to have accidents. If
the 4 main pillars are free from clashes and penalties, and 7 Killing & resource elements are
present to control Ram Knife star, person is capable, responsible, well-respected, regardless of
industry or job requirements, he/she will do it whole-heartedly.

命宫有驿马, 必远走他乡发展; 命支座财星, 主发财快速, 事业有成, 每可聚获横财而富. 命支座七杀, 可能成为外

If Travelling Horse star resides in House of Life, person will venture overseas. If wealth element
resides in House of Life’s branch, person achieves prosperity rapidly, has achievements in career
and has affinity with windfalls. If 7 Killing resides in House of Life’s branch, person is like to
become diplomat or government official sent for overseas assignments.

The rule is: If House of Life pillar clashes or combines with decade/annual pillar, in that 10-year
or 1-year period person is prone to be moving house or building a new house. If House of Life
pillar is the exact pillar as decade/annual pillar OR stem clash with stem & branch clash with
branch OR stem combines with stem & branch combines with branch, the influence has higher
chance of coming true.

House of Life’s 2nd clever use: To see when person’s death is imminent or person is on verge of
death. To use House of Life for life-and-death issue is the most clear-cut way. If House of Life
clashes completely with any of main 4 pillars (both stem & stem clash, branch & branch also
clash) OR House of Life pillar is exact pillar as any of main 4 pillars, in that period as represented
by that pillar, person will likely have a possible death year.

[“天同地同” (“same heaven, same earth”) meaning the exact same pillar; same stem same

[Year pillar = age 1-15, Month pillar = age 16-30, Day pillar = age 31-45, Hour pillar = age 46-
60. Basically each of the main pillar represents 15 years of person’s life.]
Let’s look at the following examples:

– yr – mth – day – hr
辛丑,乙未,丙寅,辛卯 (male 男命)
H8-E2, H2-E8, H3-E3, H8-E4
House of Life = H2-E8
House of Life is exact pillar as Month pillar and also clashes completely with Year pillar. In years
between 16-30 years of age, person will have a possible death year. He died at age of 18,
decade pillar = H1-E7, annual pillar = H5-E7.


– yr – mth – day – hr
癸巳,乙卯,辛丑,己亥(male 男命)
H10-E6, H2-E4, H8-E2, H6-E12
House of Life = H2-E4
House of Life is exact pillar as Month pillar. In years between 16-30 years of age, person will
have a possible death year. He drowned at age of 19 , decade pillar = H4-E2, annual pillar = H3-


– yr – mth – day – hr
乙卯,戊寅,甲辰,庚午 (female 女命)
H2-E4, H5-E3, H1-E5, H7-E7
House of Life = H2-E10
As House of Life’s stem is same with Year pillar, only branches of both pillars are clashing (E4
clash E10), she shouldn’t have any dangers in age 1-15. But unfortunately, at age 3 it is in
decade H6-E4 which clashes completely with House of Life; decade stem clashes with Life stem
and decade branch clashes with Life branch. Hence, she died at age 3 due to illness.


Hence, as long as any pillar is:
1. exact pillar as House of Life (applicable for 4 main pillars only)
2. clashes completely with House of Life (applicable for 4 main pillars, decade pillars and annual
...person will have a possible death year.

1. as above.
2. House of Life’s branch clashes with day branch = poverty, poor health or short lifespan.
3. Death star or Robbing star resides in House of Life = poor health or short lifespan.
4. For male person, if House of Life’s branch is E4 or E10 AND has bad stars residing, person has
changing affinity with spouse.
5. If House of Life has Flower of Romance star, person is a lecherous philanderer. Has Travelling
Horse, person ventures overseas.
6. House of Life’s branch is wealth element, person has a strong source of wealth. [Strength of
daymaster not mentioned, I guess not required.]
7. House of Life’s branch is exact branch as month’s branch, person is decisive and intelligent.
8. House of Life has Nobleman star with Birth/Attire lifestage, person is knowledgeable.

Additional text from Master Ghost Valley:

Ghost Valley sect says, if House of Conception:

- has salary star/wealth, person is born in a wealthy family.
- has Heaven Void (kong wang), person is born in poor family.
- has Nobleman star, person has inheritance from family.
- clash with day/year pillar, person has a life of hardships.
- and hour pillar’s nayin are supportive, person has a long lifespan.
- and hour pillar clash with each other, person has a short lifespan.
- and year pillar’s nayin are destructive, parents of person has short lifespan.

Use of House of Conception:

- As it is foundation of Four Pillars, it is not favourable for it to clash with any pillar. If it does,
the kins as represented by that particular pillar will be inauspicious.
- If it clash with day pillar, person has a life of hardships.
- If it contains auspicious stars, like Heaven Virtue star, it is greatly auspicious.
- If its elements are supportive with year and hour pillar, person has blessings from ancestors
and has long lifespan. If hour pillar clash with HC, parents’ lifespan are short.
- Any of four pillars’ nayin are not favourable to clash with HC’s nayin, if there are 3 or more
pillars’ nayin clash, person is born in poor family, weak affinity with parents or orphan.

- House of Conception meet clashes = person has a difficult youth and poor health.
- House of Conception meet Heaven Void = person has poor health and spending alot of money.
- House of Conception clash year pillar = One of person's parents might have short lifespan.
- House of Conception is the same stem and branch with year pillar = person's parents are
- House of Conception clash with yin branch = person's mother adopted her sibling's son
- House of Conception clash with yang branch = person's father adopted his sibling's son
- House of Life or House of Body has Heaven Void = person is a low profile individual, has few
successes in life and is solitary.
- House of Life or House of Body has clashes = person has a toiling life, likely to have surgery or
- House of Life or House of Body has combinations = person receives help/grooming from
- House of Life, Body and Conception clash with each other = person has a toiling life, tend to be
travelling around often.
(last 3 points I'm not sure of the terms used.)

Simplified "Chuan Jue" table:

和接触的朋友、后天风水,以及后天接触的其他的事 都不看,就是纯粹的你就叫胎元。纯粹没有被污染的你生
What is House of Conception? It is the beginning, original state of the person. [Think of it as You
version 1.0] That means your innate character and traits – whether you’re good or bad, kind or
evil, regardless of later education/influence you received, regardless of your
environment/fengshui – that is what the House of Conception pillar is all about. The pure original
you, in yet unpolluted and unaffected state, that is what the House of Conception pillar
represents. But alot of people now are no longer their original self, after being in contact with
society. Technically speaking, House of Conception doesn’t represent the current you and the
current you are no longer represented by that pillar. All due to being “polluted” by society.

[No wonder most ancient masters preferred to live in the mountains, as a hermit, away from the
common crowd and their “impurities”.]

那么什么叫命宫?你这个命和这个胎又有什么关系呢?是决定你一生事业大小的一个宫位。你有 没有事业,以
实学到最后这八字很容易的,只不过不 点破你永远不知道。但这块我也先不点破,你们先去慢慢悟。这是命宫
Then what is House of Life? And how is it related to House of Conception? It is to determine
generally a person’s career; how great or small the career will be, the general career path, all
depends on House of Life pillar. Just the 2 characters [stem & branch] of House of Life pillar
would suffice, no need to see the whole chart. Hence after learning this, everything becomes
clear and easy. But without knowing this, you will never know. It would be disclosed later for
now, just remember House of Life is all about a person’s career.

身宫也很重要。身宫是什么?你这人一生当中财的 大小多寡全都在身宫体现。你这人趁十个亿还是没有钱都在
身宫这两个字体现出来了。就这两个字就够了,但实际上还要看他的天干地支相互的作用。那么这个身宫 决定
House of Body is also important. What is House of Body pillar? It represents how much wealth a
person will in life. Worked so hard still lacking money? All is seen through this pillar and just this
pillar is enough. But technically, still need to look at other pillars’ interactions. House of Body
pillar determines wealth of a person and what does wealth represents in metaphysics? The
source of life. [Very true because without water the fish dies, without wealth human dies.] Are
you unable to continue living without wealth? You can say you’re spiritual and don’t need money,
even how spiritual you are, without wealth you can progress and live further. Even if you’re a
hermit living in the mountains/forest, you will eventually quit it. Even if you don’t, you will find
ways to get money to buy food. Can’t do without money. It is the source of life, so House of
Body pillar represents the source of life, while House of Life pillar represents career.

会,尤其是大都市,北京、上海,深圳这样的城市,或 者去国外那样的大城市,他的灵魂都会慢慢慢慢的变化
House of Conception is the original you and what is that exactly? It is your soul. Where is it
headed? Look at House of Conception pillar. Many people when they enter the working society,
especially in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen or foreign big cities, their souls slowly
changes and vanishes; they eventually lost their original self. Bazi will let you find your original
self, your soul and the pure you. In the past if you are unaware of Bazi, in this life you would
lose direction, hence you must know your bazi (destiny).

所以孔子说了四个字,“乐天知命”。他这个命不是讲的八字,那时候 还没有八字呢。是宋朝的李虚中才研究的
研究人的命却不研究活生生的内在灵魂,血肉又何存?我们的中 国也有中国的灵魂,所以叫中国魂。
Which is why Confucius said, “Know your destiny and be contented.” When he spoke of destiny,
he wasn’t referring to Bazi because at his time, Bazi wasn’t invented yet. It was during the Song
dynasty, Li Xuzhong began researching about Bazi. Its earlier form was only “Liu Zi” (Six
Characters); only of Year, Month and Day pillar. Some time later, the Hour Pillar was then added.
Hence Confucius was not only referring to human’s destiny, he was referring to a kind of unseen
force. Practitioner of Bazi must understand and know about the inner soul of a person, in
psychology, it is called “inner spirit”. If practitioners of destiny doesn’t know about inner soul,
how would flesh and blood come into place? Our country also have a soul, it is called “China

[No wonder practitioners also use Bazi and ZWDS charts to plot the destiny chart of a country.]

人穿得 特别好,可是你一旦了解他之后你发现他没有钱,他就是一个假充大爷那种。他没有钱,拿那个包也特
Houses of Life, Body and Conception are a person’s innate traits. What does that mean? We’ll
come to that later and you’ll understand. For example, you’ve always noticed a certain guy who
is always well-dressed but when you get to know him, you discovered he is actually in poverty
and he was merely keeping up appearances. Such person are aplenty. At this point of time, you
can see directly via those 3 houses despite how well-dressed he is; his House of Life denotes
poor career, his House of Body denotes poverty, you’ll know it’s all obviously made up. There are
also people who are dressed ordinarily, but in actual, they are wealthy, their House of Body will
show the same. This is what set people apart from one another. There are also people who
dressed according to their actual wealth status but such people are getting lesser.

The 3 houses not only have interactions with the main 4 pillars (year, month, day, hour); they
also interact between one another.

The 3 houses clash with each other = person has a life of toils and hardships, often
travelling/moving/changing jobs.

The 3 houses “chuan jue” with each other = person has poor health and many illnesses.
[*Finally found the meaning of “chuan jue”, see table at end. Had to split table as photobucket
will auto-resize.]
The 3 houses are at odds with each other = person has poor health and many illnesses.

The 3 houses are harmonious with each other = person is highly intelligent.

– yr – mth – day – hr
壬子 癸卯 壬寅 丙午
H9-E1, H10-E4, H9-E3, H3-E7
胎元 Conception:甲午 H1-E7
命宫 Life:戊申 H5-E9
身宫 Body:庚戌 H7-E11
House of Conception clash Year pillar = parents of person are incomplete.
House of Life has Travelling Horse star = person is impulsive, venture overseas.
House of Body has combination (with chart?) = person receives help from benefactors.


– yr – mth – day – hr
丙戌 己亥 庚寅 己卯
H3-E11, H6-E12, H7-E3, H6-E4
胎元 Conception:庚寅 H7-E3
命宫 Life:辛卯 H8-E4
身宫 Body:辛卯 H8-E4
The 3 houses have combination (with chart?), person has excellent benefactors luck and wealthy
destiny (become own boss).


– yr – mth – day – hr
辛亥 甲午 辛酉 戊戌
H8-E12, H1-E7, H8-E10, H5-E11
胎元 Conception:乙酉 H2-E10
命宫 Life:辛丑 H8-E2
身宫 Body:癸己 H10-E6
The 3 houses have combination with each other = strong career woman, highly capable,
intelligent and polite.

Ghost Valley text: If House of Conception pillar:
- has Prosperity star, person is born in a wealthy family.
- has Heaven Void, person is born in poor family.
- has Nobleman star, person has help/grooming from people.
- clash with Day/Year pillar, person has a toiling life full of hardships.
- ...’s na yin (melodic element) and Hour pillar’s na yin are of supporting nature, person has
- clash with Hour pillar, person has short lifespan.
- ...’s na yin (melodic element) and Year pillar’s na yin are of conflicting nature, person’s parents
have short lifespan.

1. 胎元的吉凶断法
House of Conception analysis laws:
1. House of Conception is the 4 main pillars’ foundation and root. Therefore it is not favourable
for them to clash with House of Conception. If any of the 4 pillars do clash with House of
Conception, the respective kins as represented by the pillar is inauspicious (has negative
2. It is most unfavourable for House of Conception to clash with Day pillar, person’s life will be
toiling and full of hardships.
3. It is most auspicious for House of Conception to have auspicious symbolic stars. For example,
if auspicious stars like Heavenly Virtue, Moon Virtue or Nobleman resides in House of Conception
pillar, person will be very protected with good fortune.
4. When House of Conception’s stem & branch elements are of supporting and harmonious
nature with Year and Hour pillars’, person will be blessed with longevity by ancestors. If clash
with Hour pillar [Typo error? I think should be year pillar?], person’s parents have short lifespan.
5. The na yin elements of the 4 main pillars should be not of conflicting nature with House of
Conception’s. If there are 3 pillars [or more] which do, person is born in a poor family, parents
have short lifespan, person is prone to be orphan and his/her family is very poor during his/her


Look at House of Body:
1. Using Day pillar to determine Heaven Void, if House of Body has Heaven Boid, person’s life
would be generally in poverty, poor wealth luck, wealth comes and goes, even if there is wealth
gain, it is due to other pillars’ influence.
2. House of Body has clash or “chuan jue”, person’s wealth luck for whole life is unfavourable.
For Heaven Void, to be interpreted separately.
3. House of Body’s deities/elements are favourable and Body’s stem supports daymaster, person
will be very wealthy. If Body’s stem and daymaster’s elements are of conflicting nature, person
has huge wealth loss.
4. House of Body’s elements are unfavourable and Body stem supports daymaster, person’s
wealth luck is unfavourable. If Body’s stem and daymaster’s elements are of conflicting nature,
person has huge wealth loss.
5. House of Body’s stem is a favourable element while branch is unfavourable element, Body
stem supports daymaster, person is wealthy. But if Body stem and daymaster are of conflicting
nature, person is an average joe.
6. House of Body’s stem and daymaster are involved in a combination, person has good wealth
luck for life.


Look at House of Life:
House of Life is bazi’s most influential aspect and soul of the chart. If we think of bazi as a
person, House of Life is his/her house. Hence, to look at moving or sale/purchase of house, we
must look at House of Life.
命宫带有华盖和空亡, 并且有孤辰寡宿, 特适合学艺之研究,成就也大. 为人雅洁高致, 财业自微, 故应主名不主利
. 此格主孤独, 虽贵少子, 六亲亦属无情, 可能将以沙门终老.
If Arts star and Heaven Void reside in House of Life, together with Solitary star or Lonesome
star, person is especially suitable to venture in research field and there will be great
achievements. Person has an air of elegant, refined, has good wealth luck but prone to solitude,
has few/no offspring, weak affinity with kins and prone to live a solitary life.
命宫带羊刃, 且命旺无依, 性情刚烈, 易于冲动, 应注意流年与命宫支相冲克, 以防意外灾祸. 如八字清纯不杂, 七
杀化印相生且驾刃,则胆略才干, 堪负方面责任, 延誉四方, 无论创办新事业, 或任重大之职, 皆能举轻若重.
If Ram Knife star resides in House of Life, person has a strong, impulsive and aggressive
character. Be wary if annual pillar and House of Life’s branch clashes, prone to have accidents. If
the 4 main pillars are free from clashes and penalties, and 7 Killing & resource elements are
present to control Ram Knife star, person is capable, responsible, well-respected, regardless of
industry or job requirements, he/she will do it whole-heartedly.
命宫有驿马, 必远走他乡发展; 命支座财星, 主发财快速, 事业有成, 每可聚获横财而富. 命支座七杀, 可能成为外
If Travelling Horse star resides in House of Life, person will venture overseas. If wealth element
resides in House of Life’s branch, person achieves prosperity rapidly, has achievements in career
and has affinity with windfalls. If 7 Killing resides in House of Life’s branch, person is like to
become diplomat or government official sent for overseas assignments.
The rule is: If House of Life pillar clashes or combines with decade/annual pillar, in that 10-year
or 1-year period person is prone to be moving house or building a new house. If House of Life
pillar is the exact pillar as decade/annual pillar OR stem clash with stem & branch clash with
branch OR stem combines with stem & branch combines with branch, the influence has higher
chance of coming true.
House of Life’s 2nd clever use: To see when person’s death is imminent or person is on verge of
death. To use House of Life for life-and-death issue is the most clear-cut way. If House of Life
clashes completely with any of main 4 pillars (both stem & stem clash, branch & branch also
clash) OR House of Life pillar is exact pillar as any of main 4 pillars, in that period as represented
by that pillar, person will likely have a possible death year.

[“天同地同” (“same heaven, same earth”) meaning the exact same pillar; same stem same

[Year pillar = age 1-15, Month pillar = age 16-30, Day pillar = age 31-45, Hour pillar = age 46-
60. Basically each of the main pillar represents 15 years of person’s life.]

Let’s look at the following examples:

– yr – mth – day – hr
辛丑,乙未,丙寅,辛卯 (male 男命)
H8-E2, H2-E8, H3-E3, H8-E4
House of Life = H2-E8
House of Life is exact pillar as Month pillar and also clashes completely with Year pillar. In years
between 16-30 years of age, person will have a possible death year. He died at age of 18,
decade pillar = H1-E7, annual pillar = H5-E7.


– yr – mth – day – hr
癸巳,乙卯,辛丑,己亥(male 男命)
H10-E6, H2-E4, H8-E2, H6-E12
House of Life = H2-E4
House of Life is exact pillar as Month pillar. In years between 16-30 years of age, person will
have a possible death year. He drowned at age of 19 , decade pillar = H4-E2, annual pillar = H3-


– yr – mth – day – hr
乙卯,戊寅,甲辰,庚午 (female 女命)
H2-E4, H5-E3, H1-E5, H7-E7
House of Life = H2-E10
As House of Life’s stem is same with Year pillar, only branches of both pillars are clashing (E4
clash E10), she shouldn’t have any dangers in age 1-15. But unfortunately, at age 3 it is in
decade H6-E4 which clashes completely with House of Life; decade stem clashes with Life stem
and decade branch clashes with Life branch. Hence, she died at age 3 due to illness.


Hence, as long as any pillar is:
1. exact pillar as House of Life (applicable for 4 main pillars only)
2. clashes completely with House of Life (applicable for 4 main pillars, decade pillars and annual
...person will have a possible death year.

1. as above.
2. House of Life’s branch clashes with day branch = poverty, poor health or short lifespan.
3. Death star or Robbing star resides in House of Life = poor health or short lifespan.
4. For male person, if House of Life’s branch is E4 or E10 AND has bad stars residing, person has
changing affinity with spouse.
5. If House of Life has Flower of Romance star, person is a lecherous philanderer. Has Travelling
Horse, person ventures overseas.
6. House of Life’s branch is wealth element, person has a strong source of wealth. [Strength of
daymaster not mentioned, I guess not required.]
7. House of Life’s branch is exact branch as month’s branch, person is decisive and intelligent.
8. House of Life has Nobleman star with Birth/Attire lifestage, person is knowledgeable.

Bazi may need to be renamed as Bazhu (Eight Pillars) because all 8 pillars are recommended to
be plotted for full analysis. Or else you’ll feel that something is missing. Bazi is a method which
really “need to see whole chart”, unlike Ghost Valley, OLKA and 27-Constellation. While at it,
why not see the full whole chart which is 8 pillars?

House of Conception’s melodic element is of harmonious nature with Hour, Month and Day
pillars’ = person enjoys longevity, maybe that’s why he survived Gui-Si decade pillar though it is
same pillar as House of Life (implying a possible death year in that decade). According to a bazi
book I read before, a person having lived past 60 years of age is considered as having longevity.
Why? Because he/she has lived past all 4 pillars.
House of Body stem combines with daymaster = person has good wealth luck for life.

More on the additional 4 pillars...

House of Life = DO sits on RW: If daymaster is strong, presence of RW or Frd is generally

inauspicious. Person doesn’t get along well with siblings, when outside he/she is also prone to be
dragged into trouble by friends, at work there is intense competition with colleagues and overall
prone to problems related to romance. If daymaster is strong, absence of RW or Frd means
person is able to gain rank/authority but prone to being setup by petty people. If daymaster’s
rooting is weak, RW will be useful to help but due to DO’s suppression, the help is minimum. If
DO has strong rooting, among person’s siblings will have legal entanglements.

House of Conception = DO sits on HO: When HO meet DO, regardless of daymaster’s strength, it
is inauspicious especially if HO also resides in other pillars’ stem or DO is Useful god. In person’s
life, there will be numerous setbacks and obstacles, prone to being setup by petty people, prone
to gossips/slander and have lawsuits or loss of reputation. Regardless of gender,
romance/marriage luck will be bad, incompatibility between spouse, spouse’s poor health and
spouse’s death/separation during middle age.

House of Body = DW sits on HO: As HO supports DW, for weak daymaster, it is inauspicious;
person is plagued by troubles related to gossips and slanders. For strong daymaster with weak
wealth element, it is auspicious; person has smooth easy wealth flow and luck, unexpected
gains, able to gain wealth through other people’s efforts or loss. As HO is of a star of unstable
nature, it brings turbulence; person uses undertable means to gain success. As DW is of stable
nature, it brings dilemmas and contradictory thoughts to person, in endeavours person has
changing warm and cold attitudes and his/her life will also be prone to many ups and downs but
eventually will have success.

House of Conception Aura = DW sits on RW: As both directly clash and damage each other,
regardless of daymaster’s strength, it is inauspicious. DW receives damage which denotes
person’s life would be fraught with wealth losses, difficulty to save money and not suitable to
start own business. And person’s spouse would have numerous illnesses/calamities or prone to
do things which are against morals [infidelity?]. If other pillar has another RW, person is prone
to be separated from spouse due to spouse’s death. If this combo appears at Year/Month pillar,
person’s father has poor health or poor career luck, especially for yin daymaster who is prone to
be separated from father.

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