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Streaming Current commissioning guide

This document explains briefly how to commission a StreamerSense system with PID control.

1) Mount the analyser and streaming current monitor in a suitable place, connect the streaming current sensor to the analyser
(Select SCM X.X from the menu page, Options > Connections) and connect the output to the pump (4-20mA or via Modbus card).

2) Ensure the sample to the streaming current is taken from the correct location as this will affect how efficient the automatic
control will be.

3) Power on the analyser and the streaming current monitor. Before the sample is supplied to the streaming
current monitor the reading on the SCM should be around 0. Remove the blanking plug from the raw water
inlet elbow (see picture to the right).

4) Enter the SCM menu by selecting the SCM X.X tile from the menu page, now press gain, change the “Target SC
True Value” to -200.

5) Fill a beaker with raw water (around 500ml) and start to pour the raw water into the inlet, after pouring 100-200ml into the inlet
press start on the analyser, carry on pouring the raw water into the SCM until the analyser confirms the gain has been adjusted,
the “SC True Value” should be close to-200.

6) Re-insert the blanking plug back into the inlet and turn on the sample to the SCM. The value should now start to increase from
-200, if the value doesn’t increase check there is sample flowing through the SCM correctly and check the sample is being dosed
with coagulant.

7) Once the SCM has stopped deviating by +/-5 and looks stable turn off the coagulant dosing to the sample and record the amount
of time required for the SCM to reach –180/-200 (this is the process time, used in step 8 and 9), once recorded turn the dosing
back on and allow the SC to stabilise again.

8) Enter the PID you wish to use for the SC control by selecting PID X.X from the menu page, once selected press Options > Setup
> Control Setup, now enter the following settings: -

• Enabled—Yes
• Start Delay—At least double the process time ( allows control to recover on
• Start Mode—Manual plant start up / power loss )
• Run Mode—Off
• Fail Mode—Off
9) PID > Options > Setup > Process Variable and assign the SCM as the sensor and SC
Value as the parameter, the loop delay should be half the process time.

10) PID > Options > Setup > PID Setup, the settings on this page should be set to the following settings (note the settings below may
change depending on the raw water condition, pH level, chemical dosage strength and pump size): -
Streaming Current commissioning guide page 2
12) Change the manual value (found in PID overview, Menu > PID X.X) to match the current coagulant dosing pump input (you may
need to convert the PID output % into a mA value to do this).

13) Create an SC PID data log and homescreen, select logs from the menu, Create New Data Log > Name - SC Data Log > Interval - 5
minutes > select SCM X.X (SC Value) and select the PID, then select the analyser from the menu, Options > Setup > Homescreen >
Create Homes Screen > Type - “StreamerSense” > Create > Copy the settings below (middle image): -

13) Switch the PID run mode to manual from the PID overview page (Menu > PID X.X) and switch the plant over to be controlled by
analyser, the dosing pump should still be running the same speed, if not switch control away from the analyser and re-adjust
the manual value until correct. Once correct, switch back to analyser control.

14) If needed, allow the SCM to stabilise. If it has stabilised, check the water condition of the plant is acceptable with the operator. If
the water quality is not acceptable, adjust the manual value by increasing/decreasing the coagulant dose until the water
condition improves. This can be done from the SC homescreen (shown in the top right picture) by adjusting the arrows on the
top right (use the up and down buttons to navigate to the arrows), this can also be adjusted in the PID overview page.

15) Once the water quality is as desired, apply a zero offset to the SC by holding the “Zero” button on the homescreen for 2 seconds
then releasing, after a few seconds the SCM value should adjust to 0.

16) Press “Auto/Man” button to switch the PID into automatic control and check the PID output, SC value and dosing pump speed to
ensure the plant is operating correctly. If the PID is reacting too quickly / slowly then you can adjust the update/loop delay
setting to increase/decrease the response speed and adjust proportional/integral gain to increase/decrease output sensitivity.

Flow pacing settings (PID Flow only)

1) Switch the PID into manual control.
2) Enter the PID menu > Options > Setup > PID Flow Setup.
3) Leave the control disabled and select the Flow sensor parameter (this could be named Analogue Sensor if not yet re-named).
4) Enter the nominal plant flow value (this is the flow through the plant when the plant is fully operational).
5) Discuss with the customer the highest and lowest desired output at the nominal flow and enter this into the settings. If
unknown, enter 0% as the minimum and at least double the PID output value at nominal flow as the maximum.
6) Switch the control back into automatic and check the PID output, SC value and dosing pump speed to ensure stable control.
Adding a status signal to use as “Plant Start/Stop” signal
1) If your analyser has a status signal (contact Pi with your service report if you require the signal and do not have it installed) it can
be set up to disable the control and sensor when the plant flow is below a certain value, stopping automatic dosing when the
plant is offline. To do this select the flow sensor input, Options > Alarms & Thresholds > Threshold 1 > Enabled - Yes > Set - the
value when you want the control to turn off > Delay - 00:00:03 >Reset - the value you want the control to turn back on > Delay -
2) Select the status signal from the menu page, Options > Configuration > Type - Parameter Flag > Sensor - Flow Sensor > Flag -
Threshold 1.
3) Assign the signal to the process signal by selecting the PID from the menu page, Options > Setup > Control Setup > Process Signal
- Status Signal.
4) If you would like the sensor/s to stop data recording during plant shutdown assign the status signal to the process signal on the
sensor/s that are attached to the instrument, to assign to a sensor (e.g. SC) , select the sensor from the menu, Options > Setup >
Sensor setup > Process Signal - Status Signal.

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