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Skenario 1

1. What is the correlation between thr braces and

excessive saliva ? ( 8 )
2. What is the mecanism of saliva secrtion ? ( 3 )
3. What is the compocition of saliva ? ( 2 )
4. What is factor of excessive saliva ? ( 4 )
5. Is the excessive saliva is dangerous for the health ? (
6. Whether age and gender affects saliva work ? ( 6 )
7. What is saliva ? ( 1 )
8. Whai is the effects of less production of saliva ? ( 11
9. How could she felt uncomfortable ? ( 10 )
10. What is happen in the abnormal reaction ? ( 12 )
11. What is the function of saliva ? ( 5 )
12. How to reduce saliva ? ( 13 )

1. What is saliva ? ( 1 )
 Saliva is the complex liquit secretion that has a
fungtion to protect our oral cavity
 Saliva is produc by 3 payers of saliva major
gland : ( parotit,sub-mandibulla,sub-lingual
and saliva minor gland )
 Healty Person 0,75-1.5/day
 Normal ph saliva is 6-8
 Parotit gland produc saliva and the result is
serous ,sub-mandibular gland……serous or
mucous,and the sub-lingual seros or mucus
 Saliva is an exocrine

2. What is the compocition of saliva ? ( 2 )

 Organic material ,inorganic material and 95%
water and then in organic componen has the
highext consentration is natriun and kalium
and than the main organic material is protein
and mucin also found are lipid glucose
,aminoac ,urea and vitamin
 Saliva also contain ptyalin enzim ( amylase
salivaris )
 Saliva also contain tirosin ( milon test )
 Anti bacterial compound example thiocianat
,hydrogen peroksida ang imonoglobulin A
 The function of amylase salivaris to change
glycogen in to smaller polisakarid
 Saliva also anorganic componen exemple :
bikarbonat and fosfat
3. What is the mecanism of saliva secrtion ? ( 3 )
 Kemoresptor – respons of food pressure – the
impuls start at fiber aferen nerv - information
to the center of saliva at medulla ( batang otak
) - at the center of saliva send implus otonom
extrinsif otonom nerve – secretion of saliva
 Parasimpatis stimulation → have a dominan
role – produc liquit saliva large quantities and
countain a lot of enzim
 Simpatis stimulation ( stress ) – smaller
volume viscouse saliva ( mucous ) – decrease
secretion saliva
 The speed of saliva secretion is different.the
secretion of saliva is reach minimum if there
any stimulation and maximum when there is
not stimulation.average of saliva fluid is 20
ml/hour while rest ,150 ml/hour while eating (
0,6 ml/menit ) and 20-50 ml/hour while sleep
 When chew some food the secretion of parotit
gland will increase.
4. What is factor of excessive saliva ? ( 4 )
 Saliva gland are too active
 Beels palsy blast .
 Gaster acid disease
 Swallowing disorder
 Consume certain drug
 When dental practice done

5. What is the function of saliva ? ( 5 )

 Process of food digestion
 Setting water balance
 Maintaining tooth integrity
 Anti bacterial
 Buffer and role oral health
 Self – cleansing
 Major protector of the tissues and organ in the

6. Whether age and gender affects saliva work ? ( 6 )

 Age : no But it effects composition of saliva
 Gender : no
7. What is the correlation between thr braces and
excessive saliva ?
 2 reason
 1 braces feels food
 2 braces there is food inside of it

8. Is the excessive saliva is dangerous for the health ?

 no
 yes because that can change the structure of
ion in the saliva

9. How could she felt uncomfortable ? ( 10 )

 Braces will give a pressure to the teeth

10. Whai is the effects of less production of saliva ?

( 11 )
 Halitosis
 Xerostomia

11. What is happen in the abnormal reaction ? ( 12 )

 Bleeding
 Kalkulus
12. How to reduce saliva ? ( 13 )
 Consume nutrisional food and tooth brassing

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