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906 Vol. 41, No.

5 / March 1 2016 / Optics Letters Letter

Polarization modulation for imaging behind

the scattering medium
Applied and Adaptive Optics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST),
Trivandrum, Kerala 695547, India
*Corresponding author: krakeshsingh@iist.ac.in

Received 30 September 2015; accepted 15 January 2016; posted 22 January 2016 (Doc. ID 251085); published 19 February 2016

We propose and experimentally demonstrate a technique, distributions in the near field [15]. On the other hand, statis-
based on polarization modulation, for imaging of the tical approaches offer alternative methods for imaging through
polarization discriminating object hidden behind a scatter- random media and can also be applied in situations where
ing medium. This is realized by making use of the relation microstructural knowledge of the scatterer is impossible or
between the complex correlation function of the randomly impractical to glean [2,10]. Averaging the fluctuating scattered
scattered orthogonal polarization components in the far light through, say, correlation has been employed to image the
field and polarized source structure at the scattering plane. hidden nonstochastic objects. Correlation of the speckle pat-
Full use of a polarimetric parameter at the scattering plane tern, which reveals the inherent “memory” in the pattern, en-
is realized in the object plane reconstruction behind the ables recovery of the object information behind the scattering
scattering medium using a backpropagation approach. To media by optimization techniques, with the help of techniques
demonstrate application of the technique, imaging of
such as guided star [16], angular scanning [17], and iterative
two different objects lying behind the scattering media is
methods [18]. Recently, the holographic principle in combina-
presented. © 2016 Optical Society of America
tion with correlation optics is applied for imaging through a
OCIS codes: (030.6140) Speckle; (090.1995) Digital holography; random scattering layer, and the technique is applied for the
(110.0113) Imaging through turbid media. recovery of complex valued objects and in quantitative phase
imaging, through a random screen [19,20].
http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.41.000906 Polarization is another fundamental property of light which
makes direct impact on the image reconstruction and can have
a significant and nontrivial effect on high-level visual percep-
Imaging of objects hidden in a randomly scattered field is a tion, such as color vision [21,22]. For instance, polarization
long sought after goal, and such situations occur in various vision has special utility in seeing the otherwise obscured
cases, for instance, in biomedical imaging, imaging through object, and some animals make use of patterns of polarized light
fog, and astronomy. Random scattering of coherent light by inho- in the field of vision to perceive certain image features within
mogeneous media has detrimental impacts on imaging, owing the field. Polarization sensory as a sensory modality in the
to distortion of the wavefront. The random scattering of coher- aquatic environment is commonly used for discrimination
ent light creates a complex interference pattern, termed speckle, purposes [23]. For instance, aquatic environments are rich in
which encrypts the object information and makes direct imag- polarized light patterns and create a background polarized field
ing a difficult task [1,2]. Object information is scrambled in the against which objects, which diffuse or differentially reflect
speckle pattern but not completely lost, which can be recovered polarized light, can be viewed. On the other hand, polarization
by reversing the scattering process. A number of methods have selectivity has also been used for interferometric and imaging
been proposed to help one unscramble the object details from applications with the help of a plasmonic platform [24,25]. For
the far-field speckle pattern, which employ holography [3–5], instance, anisotropic behavior of nanoparticles on the plas-
adaptive optics [6–8], nonlinear optics [9], correlation optics monic platform provides high resolution imaging [25].
[10], and others. It has been observed that, with proper wave Polarization discrimination has been used to build the interfer-
shaping, a random scattering medium can work as a thin lens ometer into the microscope so that the two “arms” of the inter-
[11]. Intensive efforts have been employed to reverse the focus- ferometer follow a common path as long as possible. This is
ing effect of the scatterers in random media by effective inver- possible by building a polarization interferometer. For instance,
sion of the spatial distortion with the help of spatial light in the measurement of highly anisotropic nanoparticles, no sep-
modulators. Applications of such methods are demonstrated aration between the two orthogonal beams is required in the
in imaging through random media and bring about a high microscope because one polarization will scatter off of the sam-
degree of control over the scattered light’s spatiotemporal dis- ple, whereas the other will be unaffected [26]. On the other
tribution [12], polarization [13,14], and transmitted energy hand, propagation of polarization light through a rough surface

0146-9592/16/050906-04$15/0$15.00 © 2016 Optical Society of America

Letter Vol. 41, No. 5 / March 1 2016 / Optics Letters 907

or random media is also common in practice, and random scat- 2π
tering of polarized waves generate spatially inhomogeneous E p r 0   ˜ exp −i r˜ · r̂ dr˜ expikz r̂z
E p r
polarization distributions, which cloak the information bearing  
distribution, which is useful for imaging. For retrieving 2π
× exp i r 0 · r˜ dr̂: (2)
useful information from temporally fluctuating random fields λf
[27–31] emanating from random media with dynamics, tech- Here, λ is wavelength of the coherence light, k z r̂ 
niques such as depolarization, polarization gating, and polari- q ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

zation discrimination have been widely used in the background

λ 1− f .
of applications in imaging and sensing. Similarly, polarization The orthogonal polarization components further propagate
fluctuations also exist in the spatial domain. In spite of its prac- down to the random scattering plane, and complex field is
tical importance and common occurrence in nature, this area given as [34]
(extracting information bearing components from speckle pat-  2 Z  2
π r̂ πr
terns), shrouded as it is by fluctuating polarization patterns, E p r̂  exp i E p r o  exp i o
appears to have attracted very little attention. In situations λf λf
in which the scattering process is approximated to have ran-  

domness only at its spatial evolution (i.e., when its temporal × exp −i r o · r̂ dr o ; (3)
evolution is deterministic), one can fall back on wave shaping
[13] to answer the fluctuating spatial distributions originating where r̂ is transverse spatial coordinate at the random scattering
in random scattering. In this, it has been proven that polariza- plane as shown in Fig. 1. Scattered field at the Fourier trans-
tion modulation can also be used for focusing spatially random forming plane of the lens is given as
scattered fields [32]. If such “wave shaping” can be realized by Z  

tailoring polarization, polarization modulation is also expected E p r  E p r̂ expiφp r̂ exp −i r̂ · r dr̂; (4)
to play a major role in the imaging through a scattering λf
medium. where r is the transverse position vector at the Fourier plane, f
Our objective in this Letter is to demonstrate the role of is the focal length of the lens, and φp r̂ is the random phase of
polarization modulation in depth-resolved imaging of objects birefringence-free scattering medium, i.e., φx r̂  φy r̂.
hidden behind a random scattering medium without using a Assuming spatial stationarity and ergodicity in space for the
guided star or wavefront shaping. This is realized by detecting speckle field and noting that r 2  r 1  Δr, correlation of
the polarization modulation of light at the scattering plane and the orthogonal polarization components at the Fourier plane
backpropagating it using the wave-propagation approach [33]. is given by [34]
Averaging the fluctuating orthogonally polarized components
light through, say, spatial correlation is employed to recover the W xy Δr  hE x r 1 E y r 1  ΔriS
polarized source at the scattering plane. The polarimetric param- Z  

eters at the scattering plane are obtained by taking the inverse  E x r̂E y r̂ exp −i Δr · r̂ dr̂; (5)
Fourier transform of the complex correlation function [34]. λf
The experimental implementation of the proposed technique, where h·iS are spatial averages as a replacement of the ensemble
along with detailed theoretical explanation, is given below. averages. The term E x r̂E y r̂  I r̂, which is the image-
Consider illumination of an object by coherent light at a dis- bearing component in the polarization modulation at the
tance d (f  z) from the scattering plane as shown in Fig. 1, and scattering plane and is retrieved by inverse Fourier transform
the complex field at the object plane is represented as of a complex correlation of Eq. (5). Importantly, Ir̂ is a com-
    plex quantity composed of the product of complex amplitude
E x r;
˜ z ˜ iφr˜
Ox re
 : (1) distributions of the orthogonal polarization components.
E y r;
˜ z Oy r
Therefore, the technique can be used for depth reconstruction
The object is considered to have polarization-dependent behind the scattering medium for certain class of polarization-
transmittance O P r;
˜ z (p denotes orthogonal polarization discriminating objects. For this purpose, we consider an object
components x or y) at z ≠ 0, r˜ is transverse spatial coordinates.
Ox r o e iφr o 
The polarimetric phase φr
˜ and amplitude Op are considered function , i.e., it is ensured that one of the
to be deterministic. The complex field E p r 0  at the (x, y, polarization components of the light remains unmodulated
z  0) plane is given as even after passing through the object.
Let us now turn attention to the imaging of an object lying
at a certain distance behind the random scattering plane. The
experimental procedure employed can be understood by the
schematic diagram shown in Fig. 2. A 45° linearly polarized
He–Ne laser (632.8 nm) is filtered and collimated by spatial
filter assembly (SF) and lens L1. The collimated beam splits
into two by a beam splitter BS1. The reflected beam, called
reference, enters into a triangular Sagnac interferometer com-
posed of a polarization beam splitter (PBS) and a telescopic lens
system. The PBS in the triangular Sagnac interferometer splits
the beam into two counter-propagating orthogonal polarization
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram illustrating the imaging problem. components, and the mirrors M1 and M2 provide different tilts
908 Vol. 41, No. 5 / March 1 2016 / Optics Letters Letter

the speckle. The polarization modulation recovered from the

inverse Fourier transform of the complex correlation function
is used to digitally backpropagate the complex field at the object
plane lying behind the scattering media with the help of propa-
gation kernel expik z r̂z.
Experiments were carried out for two objects, and their
phase structures are shown in Fig. 3. Figure 3(a) is the helical
phase structure with accumulated 2π phase variation around a
singular point. Figure 3(b) shows an object with phase profile
“IIST” and binary phase variation π and −π. The object is
loaded onto the SLM, which is equivalent to manipulating
the polarimetric parameters of the reflected light.
In both cases, the phase object displayed on the SLM (Pluto)
is located at the distance 200 mm from the ground glass plate.
The interference patterns of the randomly scattered fields for
Fig. 2. Experimental setup of proposed technique. HWP, half-wave
two different cases of the objects are shown in Figs. 4(a)
plate; SF, spatial filter; BS, beam splitter; SLM, spatial light modulator; and 4(b). Small portions of the interferogram marked by a rec-
PBS, polarization beam splitter; CCD, charge coupled device; M1, tangle in the figure highlight fringes over the speckles.
M2, mirrors; L1, L2, L3, L4, lens; GG, ground glass. Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show interferograms at the camera
plane for vortex and IIST, respectively. Amplitude distributions

to the polarization components coming out of the interferom-

eter. The Sagnac geometry used in the experimental procedure
generates the orthogonal polarization states with different spa-
tial carrier frequency, and this provides a single shot measure-
ment of the orthogonal polarization components of the field.
The transmitted beam from BS1 passes through the beam split-
ter BS2 and illuminates the reflective-type spatial light modu-
lator (SLM). The SLM is from Holoeye (PLUTO-VIS) with
1920 × 1080 resolution and pixel pitch of 8.0 μm and is
used to display and input the phase object to the beam.
Consequently, the object information is transferred into one Fig. 3. Object displayed on the reflective type SLM (Pluto) and
of the polarization components of the light. The beam prop- (a) phase mask of vortex with topological charge one (b) phase mask
of letters IIST; circle highlight region of illumination of the object by
agates further down to the scattering media and is randomly
coherent light.
scattered at the Fourier transforming plane of the lens L4.
The distance between object plane (SLM) and ground glass
is 200 mm. In the experiment, the static ground glass (GG)
simulates a nonbirefringent scattering media that scrambled
the polarized light into the speckle pattern. The direct record-
ing and reconstruction of the object information is not possible
due to the scrambling of object information in the recording
plane. The scattered field from ground glass and the reference
beam coming from the Sagnac interferometer are combined us-
ing beam splitter BS3 and superimposed at the focal plane of
lens L4. Referring to Fig. 2, the interference of the scattered
field with the reference beam produces an interference mesh
that is captured by CCD at the Fourier plane of lens L4.
The CCD camera is from Pixelfly-qe with 640 × 480 pixels
and a 9.9 μm pixel pitch. The interference mesh is composed of
the interference of the orthogonal polarized components.
Desired tilt inserted into the orthogonal polarization compo-
nents creates a spatial frequency multiplexed interferogram
to distinguish the Fourier spectrum of the speckles of the
polarization components. The spatial frequency multiplexing
is crucial to retrieving the complex fields of the orthogonal
polarization components in a single-shot recording of the scat- Fig. 4. (a) and (b) Interference of the randomly scattered field with
tered field. Complex orthogonal polarization components of polarized reference beam. For object (a) vortex with 2π phase varia-
the speckle pattern at the CCD plane are retrieved from the tion; and (b) IIST phase structure. (c) and (d) Normalized amplitude
interference mesh. Correlation of the orthogonal polarization distribution of the correlation function of the orthogonally polarized
components is obtained from the spatial averages, and these random fields at the Fourier plane for object (c) vortex with 2π phase
are considered the same as those from ensemble averages of variation and (d) “IIST” phase structure.
Letter Vol. 41, No. 5 / March 1 2016 / Optics Letters 909

is based on the use of correlation of the orthogonally polarized

components of light, which also carries with it the information
pertaining to the object. Experimental demonstration of the
imaging behind the scattering medium is presented, and the
role of polarization encoding in achieving depth-resolved
reconstruction behind the scattering media is brought forth.
The presented technique is expected to play an important
role in “time-reversal” imaging through the scattering medium,
in which polarization discrimination of the light would play a
major role.

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