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Adi Setiawan Tamzil

D 100 144 006

Gelis River
Kudus city or town known as kretek crossed by two rivers namely river Gelis and Tanggulangin
for Gelis river flows from the mountains of western Tanggulangin muria and the Kudus city. The
existence of this river very much beneficial for the Kudus community.
- Problems

The rate of population growth and the acceleration of development in the various regions in
Indonesia or rather in the sanctuary, not directly proportional to the availability of water
resources, especially water, which is often overlooked, but plays an important role in sustaining
everyday life. The availability of water resources is not just a question of reduced supply, but
also because of the distribution of water resources is uneven with the distribution and population.
On the other hand, various human activities and nature contributing to the contamination and
worsen the quality of water resources, so that humans can not directly use it as clean water. The
Earth has a special area that absorb and store water naturally as groundwater resources.
Based on social survey Kudus city that increasingly memperihatinkan water conditions, provide
awareness and understanding that there is now an urgent need for efforts systematic, planned and
integrated in the handle or manage the water to make it more sustainable. The majority of states
today are very urgent and necessary measures to deal with serious water problems so there is no
problem crises in fear. The condition is quite encouraging considering the factual basis there is a
tendency that people began to realize the extent of damage to water sources and decreasing water
quality and quantity, and the consequences for life.

At the macro level, another impact of changes to catchment system functions or rain catchment
area shifting patterns of the nature and character of the rainy season and drought in Indonesia, in
the last few years this Kudus, weather patterns tend to change. The rainy season that had started
at the beginning of September and lasts until December and then continue with the transitional
season from January to April and are connected with the dry season from May to August; when
shifted into the rainy season in early November to April, continues with a transitional season in
May until July and spliced dry season in August through October. As a result of a shift in
monsoon patterns are changing cropping pattern of rice and other agricultural commodities
cropping pattern, which requires large amounts of water resources at the time of planting started.

- The solution of the problem.

The decline in the quality and quantity of water resources to encourage many parties working to
conserve and protect water resources through a variety of methods and activities, elected
manufacture of reservoirs in the area, Kandangmas, Jekulo for controlling the quantity of water
for irrigation of agricultural land, etc. during the dry season, in addition to controlling the flow of
water when the rainy season due to the confluence of two streams.

1. http://www.kuduskab.go.id/news

2. http://wikimapia.org/22849528/id/Bendungan-Embung-Logung-Rencana

3. http://www.radiosuarakudus.com/tag/embung-logung

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