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Teachers, Students See Texting Lingo Popping Up in School Writing

Step 1: Describe some common abbreviations you use. Why are they helpful?

Step 2: Marking the Text

→ Underline EVIDENCE of the advantages of code switching.
→Annotate EXPLAINING how it can change language and society.
→ Highlight EVIDENCE disadvantages of code switching.
-->Annotate EXPLAINING why you think it can be dangerous to language.

Annotate Teachers, Students See Texting Lingo Popping Up in School Writing Annotate
Advantages Disadvantages
By Chuck Fieldman

Chicago Sun Times, September 24, 2012

1. Many middle and high school teachers would agree with Hinsdale
Middle School eighth-grader Audrey Pound.

2. The increased use of communication via text messages has resulted

in a language full of abbreviations, something that at times has
crossed over to the world of academics. The abbreviated words that
often find their way into text messages also have been finding their
way into papers students write for classes.

3. "It's like you have two languages in your head," Audrey said.
"Sometimes, the language you use for texting bleeds into the work
you do for school."

4. Rebecca Gemkow, a Lyons Township High School English teacher,

said she believes it is crucial for teenagers to recognize the
difference between social and academic writing in order to be
successful in the real world.

5. "I feel that all of the online opportunities and the time spent with
such opportunities puts students at a deficit when it comes to
producing sophisticated writing," she said. "In result, there is a much
greater responsibility put on teachers to help rectify the situation so
that students will be prepared for the rest of high school, as well as
post-high school writing."

6. Jeff Sledz is an eighth-grade language arts teacher at Hinsdale

Middle School. He said that as the age of cell phone users has
gotten younger over the past few years, the improper use of
language in school papers has increased.
7. "It's really not that students are using texting lingo like `lol' (laugh out
loud) in their papers," Sledz said. "The problem is with the improper
use of punctuation, lower casing letters and shortening words."

8. Sledz said the most common misuses by students are using a "i" as
a stand-alone word, using only the letter "u" instead of the word
"you," using the letter "r" in place of the word "are" and not using
periods where needed.

9. "It's independent of intelligence," Sledz said. "The problem is the

inability to recognize it on your own. If I'm texting, I'll shorten some
words, but I know that isn't appropriate for other writing. A lot of
students don't make that distinction."

10. Marie Gillespie, a theater and interpersonal communication teacher

at Lyons Township High School, said it is important for students to
be able to use different types of communication at appropriate times,
a skill referred to as "code switching."

11. "We actually discuss with students the concept of code switching as
a desired skill to be developed," Gillespie said. "Students must be
adept at many communication codes and understand when it is
appropriate to use each one and have the skills necessary to easily
switch from one code to another"

12. Gillespie said the term code switching originated to describe

switching back and forth between one language and another, such
as English to Spanish, which led to Spanglish; or between one
dialect and another, such as African-American vernacular English
and standard American English.

13. "I believe there are great advantages for all of us in becoming adept
at new codes, like text lingo, and retaining skill with former codes,
such as formal writing, reading and speaking skills," she said.

14. Sledz and Mary Kalsbeek, a Hinsdale Middle School sixth-grade

language arts teacher, said rough drafts of papers turned in by
students is where they most often see texting language used by

15. "We talk about it," Kalsbeek said. "It's a constant process of
reminding them."

16. Alex Pineiro, a Hinsdale Middle School eighth-grader, said it takes a

conscious effort to not use texting language while writing papers for

17. "It is kind of a different language," she said. "When I do an essay, I

sometimes spell things like I would when I text because I text too

Step 3: Comprehension Questions

1. Which statement best expresses the central idea of this article?

2. The ability to use different types of communication appropriately is


3. The author cites the opinion of several school authorities. List a few.

4. According to the article, what are some of the most common texting phrases (usage mistakes) used in
formal writing?
5. What does the author recommend about the use of texting and formal writing styles?

Step 4: Summarize
Summarize the selection in a few sentences. The sentence frames can help you.
According to the article "Teachers, Students See Texting Lingo Popping Up in School Writing," some of the
problems teachers are seeing include _______________________________________________________.
The concept of "code switching" originated from ________________________________________________.
Code switching is now _______________________________________________________.

Writing Prompt Section:What are the advantages and disadvantages of code switching between
formal writing and the slang language used by many in text messaging?

Writing a Claim (This is similar to a thesis statement)

Do not begin your claim with "I think" or "I believe." Readers will know these are your thoughts
and beliefs, since you are the author. Your claim should clearly state your opinion -- based on what
you learned from the reading -- about whether or not sarcasm is a necessary tool for communication.
For example,

Example: There are both advantages and disadvantages to "code switching" including

Reason (This is similar to a topic sentence and supporting sentence squished together. It might
define the term or provide context for the quote to come)
Provide reasons why you believe your claim.
It's crucial for teenagers to realize ______.
However, teachers are seeing ______.

Code switching has ______, which could mean ______.

Provide evidence from the text to support your claim.(HINT: USE YOUR HIGHLIGHTING)

Reasoning( This is similar to analysis and explanation sentences)

Explain how your evidence connects back to your claim.



Counter Argument Section Include at least one good reason why others might disagree with
your claim or provide a different point of view.
Writing a Claim (This is similar to a thesis statement)
Do not begin your claim with "I think" or "I believe." Readers will know these are your thoughts
and beliefs, since you are the author. Your claim should clearly state your opinion -- based on what
you learned from the reading -- about whether or not sarcasm is a necessary tool for communication.
For example,

Example: Teenagers like code switching because ____, but they may not realize ______.

Reason (This is similar to a topic sentence and supporting sentence squished together. It might
define the term or provide context for the quote to come)
Provide reasons why you believe your claim.

Provide evidence from the text to support your claim.(HINT: USE YOUR HIGHLIGHTING)

Reasoning( This is similar to analysis and explanation sentences)

Explain how your evidence connects back to your claim.

Regardless of ______, the evolution of language is here to stay. So, ______

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