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BASE of the EAV method


EAV – electroacupuncture by Dr. R. Voll

BAP – biologically active point
BAZ – biologically active zone

MP – measurement point
CMP – control measurement point
SMP – summation measurement point
PSMP – partial summation measurement point
AlP – alarm point
RefP – reference point
AsP – associated point

units – conventional units of EAV measurements (= point of empirical scale)

ML – Measured Level
ID – Indicator Drop value (effect of measured level decreasing)
FB – Finger Breadth (= pouce)
MT – Medication Testing

VNS – vegetative nervous system

CNS – central nervous system
UJ – upper jaw
LJ – lower jaw

CE – cylindrical electrodes
DP – diagnostic probe
PC – a desktop computer or a notebook



1.1. Indications

The EAV application is indicated for:

 integral functional estimation screening of organs and systems of human body with purposes of
prescription, if necessary, the subsequent profound diagnostic examination by other direct diagnostic
 correction of the selecting of homeopathic remedies, their potencies, doses and the other medicinal
means, control of their individual compatibilities at the composite prescription, and the estimation of
their treatment efficiency;
 determination of the meridian systems state, which are the subject of traditional Chinese medical
practice, for the purpose of the developing individual acupuncture regimen of the reflexotherapy
treatment, and estimation of the treatment efficiency.

1.2. Contra-indications
The EAV diagnostics is contra-indicated if:
 a patient has implanted electro-pacemaker, because of a possibility of its work disturbance;
 as well as if there is a skin pathology at the BAP projections.
The heightened sensibility of a patient to impacts of electric current or/and to mechanic pressure may also be
considered as a relative contra-indication.


The EAV method based on the specified features of distinguished points on the human skin which, on the
one hand, are certainly corresponded to definite organs and functional systems of human body and, on the
other hand, have the electric conductivity values that are peculiar only to these points. These are the
biological active points - BAP.
Carrying out the measuring of electro conductivity at the BAP, we are checking the organ response on
impacts of direct current which magnitude is equal to the physiology-biological threshold. In the EAV method
the direct current of 8—10 mA at roughly 1.2 Volts is used for the measurements of the BAP electrical
In case of stimulating of a BAP of a healthy organism with the exact dosage of the stimulating current there
exists an equilibrium between this electrical signal and withstanded electrical potential of the organism. This
equilibrium state could be determined by the stable readings of the connected in the electrical circuit gauge
point indicator (galvanometer) within the limits of normal levels` range without decreasing of the measured
magnitude (without indicator drop - ID).
It is necessary to stress once more, that the EAV measurements determine not the electrical resistance of
organism but, in much more sense, these measurements determine the potential of human body or some its
organ`s response that reflects their reaction on the stimulation current. It is assumed that vegetative nervous
system takes part in the process of conducting the stimulation and reaction on the impact.
In this sense the detected imbalance of the energy equilibrium can be originated not so much from impacts
of outside electrical device, as because of the some changes in the body or its organs` state when they are
weakened in results of pathological processes and not able to provide the proper energy withstanding to the
stimulating current. In result we may see the indicator drop event i.e., the more or less fast moving down the
indicator pointer.
In the case of any acute pathologic process in the organ, which corresponds to the measured BAP, we
certainly notice the indicator drop phenomenon, which value is not changed with increasing of the probe
pressing on the skin.


3.1. Equipment Disposition on the Workplace

On the working table, where the DEVICE, PC and printer are placed, there should be a free space sized not
less than 30 cm in depth and 60 cm in width.
The doctor position should be on the right so his/her right hand can lie on the table. With that position it will
be more convenient for a doctor to work with computer (for lefthander person – vice versa).
A patient should sit on the left side opposite the doctor. To make the measurements on feet BAP it is better to
use a wooden prop. On the table it is necessary to put a small dish with a wet sponge that will be used for
the wetting of electrodes and the DP probe.

The example of the EAV working place disposition

3.2. Basic Conditions of Diagnostics

In an effort to receive trustworthy positive results of the EAV diagnostic it is necessary to follow some definite
regulations. Because the very low current values are applied in all EAV procedures, many outside factors can influence
on the measurement results. So it is necessary to eliminate these influences as much as possible, both from the
environment, and from a patient, which should be taken into account during the measurements.
Outside Factors
It is necessary to provide the conditions in which the room, where the ARM-PERESVET system will be installed,
was free maximum from potential electric disturbing factors. In that room there should not be any X-ray
apparatus, short-wave transmitting appliances etc. Any other electric devices should be disconnected from
the mains during EAV examinations.
It is necessary to eliminate influences of the mains electromagnetic fields. The patient should sit in a distance
of at least 50 cm from any electrical line in or on a wall.
Particular attention should be directed to the floor cover and the wall paint. Plastic floors and walls have the
features to keep static electricity charges.
It is recommended to use wooden or made from natural materials furniture. There should be wooden table
and chairs. The floor should be wooden or covered with linoleum.
It is not recommended to use a room for the ARM-PERESVET system workplace where any TV or radio- transmitting
stations, as well as high power electric lines, or tram or trolley lines are situated at a close neighbourhood.
Rules for a doctor
A doctor could be a source of noise when he/she wears any synthetic clothes or/and wear many metallic
things. During the EAV measurements a doctor should to wear cotton clothing and put on cotton or rubber
(latex) gloves.
Rules for a patient
A patient should to have on his/her hands and feet clean skin, free from creams, powder, liniments and other
A patient should switch off and take out his/her mobile phone and any other electronic devices.
The medicinal drugs can effect on the EAV diagnostics results, so when it is possible the patient should not take any
remedies or drugs before the EAV examination. Sulfanilamides, antibiotics andcortisones can influence the
measurement results for even more long time, particularly when applied in depot form, though their efficiency will be
diminished with durance of cure and excretion of the drug.
Coffee, alcohol and strong tee are also unfavourable to the measurement results.
During the examination the patient should take off all jewellery (rings, bracelets, watches etc., except wedding ring) and
all other metallic objects (hair clips, etc.).
Also nylon and other synthetic clothes have not be taken on, as far as they have direct contact with the skin. And finally,
the patient should be cleared off all things, which tightly fasten onto the body with contracting rubber-materials or tight
bandages (brass, garters etc.).

The EAV diagnostics include two stages:
1. BAZ diagnostics, or Polyzonal diagnostics
2. BAP diagnostics

4.1. Polyzonal Diagnostics

The examination by the measurement zones includes the examination by so called “great” leads, which
embrace the following leads in the EAV diagnostics: “hand – hand”, “hand – head”, “hand – foot”, “foot –
foot”. The measurements in these leads are realized by means of cylindrical electrodes for hands and plate
electrodes for feet and head.
Measurement procedure and interpreting algorithm of the measurements over 7 leads

No. The lead and electric current polarity Correlation with organs and tissue systems

1 Hand (right side) — Hand (left side) Heart, lungs, oesophagus, cervical-pectoral part
(+) (–) of the backbone

2 Hand (left side) — Foot (left side) Heart, bronchi, lungs, stomach, descending part
of the transverse colon, spleen, pancreas,
(+) (–) kidneys, urogenital organs

3 Hand (right side) — Foot (right side) Liver, gallbladder, lungs, bronchi, stomach,
ascending part of the transverse colon,
(+) (–) appendix, kidneys, urogenital organs, pancreas

4 Foot (right side) — Foot (left side)

Urogenital organs, rectum, lumbosacral part of
the backbone
(+) (–)

5 Forehead (left side) —Hand (left side) Tonsils, paranasal sinuses, ears, nose,
cerebrum, cervical muscles, heart, upper
(+) (–) respiratory tract, cervical part of the backbone

6 Forehead (right side) — Hand (right side) Tonsils, paranasal sinuses, ears, nose,
cerebrum, cervical muscles, heart, upper
(+) (–) respiratory tract, cervical part of the backbone

7 Forehead (right side) — Forehead (left

Cervical part of the backbone, cervical muscles,
teeth, tonsils, paranasal sinuses, eyes, ears,
cerebrum vessels
(+) (–)

The measurements in the great leads should be realized for preliminary estimation, interpreting the readings`
deviation from the range 82-86 with terms of the function disturbance in the corresponding part of body.
According to Dr. Voll, the readings in the limits from 82 to 86 are accepted as a normal, the readings above
86 can be a result of an inflammation and/or sympathicotonia, while the readings below 82 can be a sign of
some degeneration processes or parasympathicotonia.
BAZ measurement results interpretation
Measurement Type at nonspecific
Observe at Tonus VNS
level (ML) reactivity

- waiting neurosis Extreme hyperergy

96 - 100 Amphotony
- presence of toxic load (acute stress)

- menses Expressed
92 - 95 Expressed hyperergy
- premonitory period of
infectious disease

- influence (impact) of
electromagnetic fields 87 - 91 Hyperergy Sympathicotonia

- the use of the stimulate

- inflammatory processes in
the organism

- humid skin
82 - 86 Normergy Eutonia
- synthetic clothes
- common fatigue 70 - 81 Hypoergy Parasympathicotonia

- insufficiency energy Expressed

60 - 69 Expressed hypoergy
- after eating
Excessively expressed
- late of evening Excessively expressed parasympathicotonia with
50 - 59
hypoergy sympathoadrenal system
- intake of medicine exhaustion

- degenerative processes in
the organism Protective inhibition of
49 and below Areactivity
central nervous system
- dry skin

In case of presence of any pathological values in any one or two leads it is possible to talk about some lesion
focus existing in the corresponded part of body. Hence, during the following BAP examination it would be
necessary to pay particular attention to that zone.
The information in the Table is correct only in cases when the difference on all leads does not exceed 6 units.

4.2. BAP Diagnostic

Dr. R. Voll and his followers determined more than 400 BAP (classical acupuncture points and some new
points that have been opened by Dr. Voll), which can be used for electro-acupuncture diagnostics (EAV). The
measuring points are gathered in groups on meridians, the same way as it accustomed in the classic
(Oriental) acupuncture, and one part of them is used for examinations of human organs functioning (f.i.,
Heart meridian, Kidney meridian), the other part is used for examinations of system functioning (such as
Circulation meridian, Endocrine meridian), and the third part – for examinations of the state of tissue or
metabolism (Connective tissue degeneration meridian, Fatty degeneration meridian).
Classification and abbreviations of meridians

For the EAV express – diagnostics the control BAP (CMP) are recommended. These measuring points are
not included into the classical acupuncture points` group. The CMP points were defined by Dr. Voll, and they
are representative points for the corresponding meridian, hence their measured values are changed in case
of a disorder of all organs or systems which are related to the meridian. Addition into the examination
algorithm the distal points together with the CMP increases sufficiently the results reliability. For the further
enlargement EAV diagnostics it is necessary to add other measurements at other points that are
corresponded the patient`s anamnesis and complaints.
The Program has a detailed atlas with descriptions of localizations and peculiarity of the measurements of
these points.
4.3. Interpretation of the EAV Diagnostics
To reveal any pathology in result of the EAV examination the following parameters should be taken into
consideration: the ML (measurement values), the ID (indicator drop values), the ML asymmetry and the rate
of the maximum ML achieving.
4.3.1. Measurement level
The interpretation of measurements levels by Dr. Voll and the interpretation, corrected in accordance with the
Russian experts` experience, are shown in the following table.
ML Interpretation
Correction of the
ML (units) Interpretation by Dr. Voll

100 Extensive acute inflammation process

99 − 90 Acute or catarrhal inflammatory process Initial signs of inflammation

Sub-acute, focal or local inflammatory

89 − 82

Pre-pathologic dysfunction of organ or tissue

81 − 66 Hyperfunction

Zone of physiologic exertion function of

65 − 52
organ or tissue system
Range of physiologic norm

50 ± 1 “Ideal” norm

Initial stage of dystrophic process, metabolic

48 − 42 Hypofunction

41 − 32 Progressive dystrophic process

Destructive process with incomplete atrophy Expressed hypofunction,

31 − 22
of organ or tissue system cellular structures degeneration or dystrophy
Complete atrophy or malignant degeneration
21 − 0
of organ or tissue system cellular structures

Physician experiences show that it is more correct to interpret the ML that have no indicator drop: only as
hyperfunction, when their values are above the normal range, and only as hypofunction, when these values
are below the normal range.
4.3.2. Indicator Drop
The indicator drop event (slow reducing of readings at the flat horizontal part of the measuring curve) reflects
the decreasing of the electric conductivity initial level. For diagnostics the ID values more than 5 units are
regarded as significant.
As a rule the ID process takes 1 to 3 seconds but in the cases of low ML readings the ID measurements can
take up to 30-60 seconds.
Dr. Voll and the majority of other experts consider the ID phenomena as the evidence of destructive lesions
of organs or systems corresponding to the measured BAP. It is the ID factor that is the main index of the
pathologic processes in the specified by the BAP human organs or systems.
Interpretation of the ID event

ID (units) Interpretation

5 - 10 Latent course of pathologic process with insignificant cellular destructions

11 - 20 Pathologic process with moderate cellular destructions

21 and more Pathologic process with serious cellular destructions

ML interval (units), where ID is present

50 - 100 Pathologic process with possibility of “recovery” reparative function is kept

Dysfunction of vegetative nervous system or neurohumoral regulation

50 - 75 compensatory increasing cholinergic mediation predominance of inhibition
processes over stimulation processes

Pathologic process with irreversible cellular destructions reparative function is

bellow 50
disturbed atrophy fatty or scary degeneration of organ cell

The ID rate is also estimated which correlates with gravity of the disease:
· rapid ID - acute intoxication
· slow ID - slow inflammatory
4.3.3. ML Asymmetry
A difference in ML values in symmetrical points of the right and the left meridians that is more than 5 units
reflects a possible one-sided pathologic process. More often the ML asymmetry happens in cases of
vascular dystonia, trauma, or stroke. However, the similar ML asymmetry factors have been observed at the
Urinal bladder meridian and Endocrine meridian of women of childbearing age in their ovulation time period.
4.3.4. Rate of the ML growth
The rate of the maximum ML achieving can vary from practically instantaneous to several seconds. The
quick growth is correlated with organism intoxication and the low rate could be considered as result of a
chronic pathologic process.
It is necessary to note that is not every pathologic changes determined by EAV examination has an equal
weight for diagnosis. More often for the EAV conclusions the ML changes and elimination of ID values after
performing medication testing are used in doctor`s practice.

4.4. Meridians and Their Functional Meanings

Lymph vessel meridian
In classical acupuncture there is known only one meridian on the thumb in contrast to the big toe at the foot: that is the
Lung meridian located at the ulnar side of the thumb.
Dr. Voll has discovered and described the point of the lymph vessel at the opposite, radial side of the thumb. This vessel
controls the lymphatic functions of the different organs and above all it reflects the state of the head ENT organs (ear-
nose-throat). ML value changes from normal values can reflect diseases of tonsil, or paranasal sinus, teeth, lungs,
esophagus, larynx, pharynx, heart, thyroid gland.
Lung meridian
The Lung meridian includes into the classic Chinese meridians, however in the Dr. Voll system the end point
of the meridian is located at the medial ulnar side of the thumb (in the Chinese acupuncture - from the radial
side). ML value changes from normal values can reflect a respiratory apparatus, veins and arteries of the
upper extremities pathologies.
Large intestine meridian
EAV points` locations of the Large intestine meridian are agreed with the acupuncture points of the Chinese
classic meridian. ML value changes from normal values can reflect diseases of large intestine, blind gut,
sigmoid colon, rectum, appendix, tonsil, paranasal sinus, elbow or shoulder joints.
Nervous (Degeneration) Meridian
The Nervous Degeneration meridian has been described by Dr. Voll. ML value changes from normal values
can reflect pathologies in different parts of the central, or peripheral nervous systems, such as primary
degenerate diseases, inflammatory diseases of nervous systems and their consequences, abnormality,
Circulation meridian
EAV points` locations of the Circulation meridian are agreed with the acupuncture points of the Chinese
classic meridian. ML value changes from normal values can reflect pathologies of the circular system
(arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels) and also it can be connected with elbow and shoulder joints diseases.
Allergy meridian
The Allergy meridian has been described by Dr. Voll. ML value changes from normal values can reflect
allergic processes in different parts of human body and in cases of atherosclerosis.
Parenchymal and epithelial degeneration meridian
The Parenchymal and epithelial degeneration meridian has been described by Dr. Voll. The measurement
points are matched to the anatomical locations of the target affected organs (f.i., pelvis, abdominal and
thoracic cavities, head) using of nosodes and organ preparations allows defining more exactly the target
organ and the process character.
Endocrine (Triple energiser) meridian
EAV points` locations of the Endocrine meridian by Dr. Voll are agreed with the acupuncture points of the
classic Chinese Triple energizer (Triple heater) meridian. ML value changes from normal values can reflect
pathologies of endocrine gland (thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, mammary, sexual glands, hypophysis,
epiphysis, adrenal glands).
Heart meridian
EAV points` locations of the Heart meridian are agreed with the acupuncture points of the Chinese classic
meridian. ML value changes from normal values can reflect heart diseases: heart valve, myocardium,
endocardium, pericardium, conducting system of heart.
Small intestine meridian
EAV points` locations of the Small intestine meridian are agreed with the acupuncture points of the Chinese
classic meridian. ML value changes from normal values can reflect pathologies of duodenum, small intestine,
spinal cervical part, adenohypophysis, vestibulocochlear nerve, auricle, acoustic duct.
Pancreas-Spleen meridian
EAV points` locations of the Pancreas-Spleen meridian are agreed with the acupuncture points of the
Chinese classic meridian. ML value changes from normal values can reflect pathologies of pancreas gland
(measurements give information about protein, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid exchange and about ferments
that provide these types of metabolism), of spleen (red and white pulp functions are determined), of ankle
and hip joints, of blood and thoracic and abdominal lymph nodes.
Liver meridian
EAV points` locations of the Liver meridian are agreed with the acupuncture points of the Chinese classic
meridian. ML value changes from normal values can reflect pathologies of liver (chronic hepatitis, cirrhoses,
fatty hepatosis), of lower extremities veins, of knee-joints and sexual glands.
Articular degeneration meridian
The Articular degeneration meridian has been described by Dr. Voll. ML value changes from normal values
can reflect joints` pathologies.
Stomach meridian
EAV points` locations of the Stomach meridian are agreed with the acupuncture points of the Chinese classic
meridian. ML value changes from normal values can reflect pathologies of stomach, gullet, of mammary,
thyroid, parathyroid, sexual glands, of ankle joint, knee-joint, of lower extremities arteries, of lingual and
palatine tonsils.
Connective tissue degeneration meridian
Non-classic EAV points, described by Dr. Voll. ML value changes from normal values can reflect of specific
cells of organs or tissue system substitution with connective tissue sells in different parts of body, as well as
existence of polypus or papillomas.
Skin meridian
The Skin meridian has been described by Dr. Voll. ML value changes from normal values can reflect skin
pathology (inflammation, allergy, scars of different localization).
Fatty degeneration meridian
The Fatty degeneration meridian has been described by Dr. Voll. ML value changes from normal values can
reflect pathological changes or destruction of lipid exchange (fatty degeneration of organs, destruction of lipid
exchange in result of endocrine diseases, in particular, disease of thyroid gland or bile excretory).
Gall bladder meridian
EAV points` locations of the Gall bladder meridian are agreed with the acupuncture points of the Chinese
classic meridian. ML value changes from normal values can reflect pathology of gallbladder and bile ducts
system, of marrow, of lower extremities joints, of ankle or hip joints, different parts of brain, of trigeminal
nerve, eye).
Kidney meridian
EAV points` locations of the Kidney meridian are agreed with the acupuncture points of the Chinese classic
meridian but the first EAV point of the meridian is located at tuberositas of the fifth toe and not on sole. ML
changes from normal values can reflect pathologies of kidney, or urethra, rectum, different vagal trunks,
sternoclavicular joint.
Urinary bladder meridian
EAV points` locations of the Urinary bladder meridian are agreed with the acupuncture points of the Chinese
classic meridian. ML value changes from normal values can reflect pathologies of urogenital system, of ankle
and knee joints, of spine, of different brain structures.

4.5. Differential Diagnostics

After EAV examination of BAP it is possible to determine more exactly the target organs localization and the
pathologic process character with the help of nosodes and organ preparations tests. In this case only the
BAP with readings higher or lower of the norm range are used (See “Medication Testing” chapter).
Nosodes and organ preparations pertain to so called isopathic remedies group which are used both for the
diagnostics, and for the therapy. Nosodes (from Greek `nosos` - illness) are the medication substances
prepared by homeopathic methods from tissues of affected organ of human body, from infectious vaccines or
ecological vaccines, or from any patient pathologic discharges. Unlike nosodes the organ preparations are
made from healthy organs and tissues of young cattle or pigs.
It is possible to demonstrate the remedies application for diagnostics on the following example.
During a patient EAV diagnostics the readings ML=85 / ID=12 was recorded in the measurement of the renal
pelvis BAP that is reflected some inflammation process. In result of the Bacterium coli and Streptococcus
haemolyticus nosodes testing the readings at the same BAP became ML=65 / ID=2. Hence, toxins of these
causative agents provide the inflammation process in the renal pelvis.
Selection of the nosode`s potency is made on the base of the ML values measured at the BAP. The changed
in result of the organ preparation influence to norm ML is the evidence of the probability of the target organ
lesion, and the nosode`s influence reflects the probability of this or that pathologic process. As to eliminate a
probability of diagnostics mistakes it is necessary always remember about the possibility of human organism
cross-reactions on the nosode and organ preparations influences.

Correspondence of nosode and organ preparations potencies with measurement level value

ML (units) Nosode potency Organ preparations potency

100 D3 D30

99 − 90 D4 D15

89 − 82 D5 D12

81 − 66 D6 D10 − D8

65 − 52 D6 − D8 D6

50 ± 1 − −

48 − 42 D8 − D10 D5

41 − 32 D12 − D30 D4

31 − 22 D30 − D100 D3

21 − 0 D100 and above D2

4.6. Hypothalamus BAP

One of the most important EAV measurement points is the control hypothalamic BAP. Here are the supreme regulating
centres of the autonomous nervous system of organism.
The measurement values of the hypothalamus, contrary to the values of the acupuncture meridian points, constitute the
summary value for the energetics condition of the homolateral half of the body.
Readings higher 94 on both sides witness the cases of:
1) infectious diseases;
2) strains by chemical toxic substances as insecticides, plumb, mercury, arsenic;
3) strains by physical influences as X-rays, radium, or radioactive burdering, at sensitive persons: lunar
influences, geomagnetic disturbance, geopathogenic loads, as well as effects of an industrial and consumre
sources of electromagnetic fields.
Chemical-toxic burdening is characterized by a bouncing indicator deviation. The indicator dashes at once to the zero
margin of the scale.
For a diagnosis evaluation, the hypothalamic values have to be always compared with the peripheral measurement
values. High hypothalamic ML values and peripheral ML values at hands and feet differing by more than 20 from each
other can mean the disturbing irritations, affecting directly the hypothalamus. in all cases such kind of the irritation
should be exactly defined by use of the medication testing.
The lower hypothalamic measurement values with relatively high peripheral values at hands and feet give a
reason to suspect some degenerative processes in region of oliencephalon. The lower hypothalamic
measurement values on both sides can be registered in case of the cerebral sclerosis or of the excessive
misuse of sedatives and soporifics, particularly of the drastic barbiturates.
The unequal hypothalamic measurement values arise from the fact that head focus processes, whether they are of
odontogenous, tonsillogenous or otogenous origin, cause exclusively unilateral increased measurement values in
hypothalamus. The reason is, there exist no rami communications between the ganglia cervicales superior, medium and
inferior as in the case of other autonomous ganglia of the human body. In fields of disturbances of the abdominal region
or the small pelvis the hypothalamic measurement values of both sides are increased because the left and the right side
ganglia of the abdominal and pelvis region have transversal (cross) interconnections.

4.7. EAV Diagnostics of Focus Pathology

The Dr. Voll method devotes much attention to the focal infection diagnostics. By focus, is understood a
located inflammation process which is evolved in result of an accumulation of some toxins (bacterial, viral,
chemical, etc.). The focuses can be located in thoracic or abdominal cavities and their organs, but Dr. Voll
devoted greatest attention to focuses which are located in the head. It can be Waldeyer-Pirogov`s
pharyngeal lymphoid ring tonsils, paranasal sinus, teeth, ears, eyes structures
The focus either has no any effects or it is characterized by different pathologic manifestations and impacts
as on the whole organism, as on the certain organ corresponded to the focus. Direction of the focus` remote
impacts depends on its localization and the energy interactions with the organs which are based on meridian
energy interactions that is used by traditional oriental medical practice.
Directions of Pathologic focuses` remote impacts directions

UJ 4-5, LJ
TEETH 1-2 3 UJ 6-7, LJ 4-5 8

tonsil of
TONSILS pharyngeal palatine laryngeal lingual

SINUSES frontal sphenoidal labyrinth, maxillary cavernous sinus
nasal cavity

kidney, urinary bronchus, stomach,
heart, small
ORGANS bladder, rectum, liver, gallbladder large esophagus, spleen,
intestine, intestine
genitals pancreas

adrenals, mammas, thyroid,
GLANDS gonads, hypophysis neurohypop adenohypophysis
epiphysis parathyroid

knee-joint humeral,
knee joint
(posterolateral part), humeroradi temporo-mandibular, humeral,
JOINTS coxa, ancle joint al, knee-joint (frontal humeroelbow,
(upper-backward- radiocarpal, part) sacroiliac
part) great toe
disks, coccyx

C5, C6, C7,

L2, L3, S3, S4, C7, D1, D5, D6,
VERTEBRAS D9, D10 D3, D4, L4, D11, D12, L1
S5, Co S1, S2

So, for example, the frontal sinus` chronic inflammation can be a cause of relapsing infection of urogenital
organs and occipital migraine; the chronic inflammation of maxillary sinus – gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach
ulcer, etc.
For the focuses diagnostics are used corporative head points additionally to hands and feet BAPs. The main
criteria of the focus existing are pathological ML of corresponding BAPs and, the first of all, ID values.
It is possible rather easily to carry out diagnostics of the remote influence. For obviousness we show the
following example. Let us suppose that during a patient examination some suspicions arrived that cause of
the vascular imbalances is pathology in the dental region. To approve the conclusion the measurements of
artery points on the Blood meridian and points of lymph outflow from upper and low jaw of the Circulation
meridian have been made and got the readings ML=86 / ID=10 and ML=75 / ID=8 respectively. Then the
electrotherapy of the teeth points` session has been made to obtain the 50 units level. After that the repeated
measurements of the point on Blood and Circulation meridians show the readings ML=55 / ID=0. This result
shows that the focus in the dental area causes some pathologic impacts on the artery vessels. That is why to
successful treatment of vessel pathologies it is necessary to provide oral cavity sanation. To do this all EAV
medication remedies store is used. There is another possibility for the focus determination – to test the teeth
diseases nosodes. For example the Kieferostitis D3 nosodes change the measured teeth points from
ML=86 / ID=10 to ML=50 / ID=0. In the results the readings at artery points decrease up to ML=55 / ID=0 that
approves the preliminary conclusion.

With help of the Dr. Voll`s medication testing personal selection of homeopathic, allopathic remedies, as well
as tests of allergy substances, ecological toxins, etc. are provided.
The medication testing consists of the revelation of changes of the BAP electric activity when including the
medication remedy into the measurement circuit of the passive electrode. For these purposes the serial
connection of the special medication container with testing remedies is used.
EAV Remedies Classification
General remedies
Origin (Initial product) Main producers

Classical homeopathic Staufen-Pharma, Heel, Wala,

Plants, minerals, animals
remedies Weleda, Pascoe

“Diseases products” (blood, lymph,

Nosodes gland humor, tissues of pathologic Staufen-Pharma, Heel, Pascoe
organs, etc.), pathogen toxins

- potentiated infection
Pathogen toxins Staufen-Pharma, Heel, Pascoe

- nosodes of diseases Pathological changed cells, organs,

Staufen-Pharma, Heel
(hetero-nosodes) tissues

- potentiated chemical Exogenous ecological toxins,

Staufen-Pharma, Pascoe
toxins endogenous toxins, metabolites

- potentiated allergens Allergens of plant, animals, etc. origin Staufen-Pharma, Heel, Pascoe

Organs and tissues components of

Organ preparations Wala, Weleda, Heel
healthy animals

Allopathic remedies (antibiotics,
Pharmacological Staufen-Pharma, Heel
hormones, etc.)

Metabolites and catalysts of Krebs

Potentiated Catalysts Staufen-Pharma, Heel
cycle, quinons
Combinations of above substances Heel, Wala, Weleda, Pascoe

The main features of these remedies consist of that they are made in accordance with the classical rules of
homeopathic remedies preparation in the way of subsequent, as a rule with the tenfold dilution and
potencies. As it is seen in the Table each of them prepared from natural products. Their origin and their
preparation technology are specified their unique features and, hence, their application methods.
Testing of homeopathic remedies has been developed in detail at greater length. Now it is developed the
technology of testing of the homeopathic remedies electronic copies which are included into electronic
Selector of the PERESVET â device. To make the selection of homeopathic remedies easier it is proposed
remedies` combination that has a wide range of effect on determined pathology. After the choice of the
remedies combination based on its features it is possible to select the proper mono remedy.

5.1. The Medication Testing Principles

The amount of the tested remedies must be minimum. At the increased number of measurements BAP becomes
stimulated, therefore the consequent values at the same point will be grow up.
Prior to the medication test realization, it is necessary to represent the whole possible spectrum of remedies and to start
the testing since those of them, which have the medical pathogenesis the most similar to the disease, by your opinion.
In case of successive testing of a number of remedies, it is necessary to connect the DP probe and passive electrode to
each other after the finishing previous remedy testing and before the starting the next one.
You should take into account the expansion speed of the BAP reply reaction when including a remedy into the
measurement circuit. The allopathic remedies and potentiated ones of low dilution degrees require mote time (up to 3 –
7 seconds), whereas high dilution degrees react almost instantly.
After the remedy disconnecting from the measurement circuit, the after-effect phenomenon up to some dozens of
seconds is observed quite often, especially in case of the remedies similarity. This is to be taken into consideration to
avoid the superposition of one remedy effect onto another and, consequently, the incorrect interpretation of the
medication testing result. For that about 3 to 7 seconds must pass after the each remedy disconnection. At the secondary
measurement it is necessary to make sure in the initial values` restoration.
After the determination of the quantitative similarity of the remedy, it is necessary to start selecting of the optimum
potency and the minimum necessary dose. The potency is selected by the successive testing. The application of the
potency balance is often more justified, as any pathological process has simultaneously several components of
pathogenesis with different degree of energetic activity, which require the own standard of dilution.
In case of testing in the potency series one heads for that one, which compensates the BAP in the optimum way.
The test starts from the potencies D6 or D8, then one tests successively in the direction of increase and in the direction
of decrease of dilutions.
After the potencies have been chosen, it is necessary to select minimum of necessary dose of the remedy in number of
ampoules, tablets, granules or in number of drops per one taking.
Medication test allows to determine the one-time dose only.
Increasing or decreasing successively the number of measurement units of the medicinal form, one determines the very
minimum quantity, which compensates pathological values in the BAP in the optimum way.

5.2. The Medication Testing Results Interpretation

The sign of the medicament absolute similarity is the complete normalization of values in the BAP of all meridians, i.e.
the device indicator position on the value of 50 without its drop.
In practice, more frequently the signs of the medicament relative similarity are found, which is the tendency towards the
normalization of the readings:
1. The alternation of the stable values. For example, the value of the large intestine CMP is 35 units; the placing of
Lycopodium D6 into the resonator changes the value in the direction of normalization – 45 units.
2. The elimination of the indicator drop. For example, the value in the coronary plexus point is ML=80 / ID=30 units;
the placing of the Nosode Grippe gives the result of 80 units without the indicator drop.
3. The alternation of the indicator drop depth.
4. The reduction of the indicator drop speed.
The value alternation by 2 to 4 units during the medication testing realization is unconvincing and is not considered as
the similarity sign. In case of successful remedy effect the difference in the measured values should be not less than 10
In case of chronic diseases it is necessary to draw up the personal management program dependently on the reactivity of
the disease separate levels.

5.3. Approaches to the Remedy Selection for Testing

There are several approaches to the homeopathic remedies prescription.
I. Majority of classic homoeopathists is disposed to prescription only one remedy for the treatment. In this
case the testing is carried out after the classical repertory procedure, result of which are determination of a
narrow set of homeopathic remedies that demands the differential diagnostics. This task is solved in the
medication testing results
II. In case of multiple pathology some physicians consider more expediency the prescription of 3-4 remedies
that effect on the main chains of the pathologic process with consideration of the remedies interaction
(antidotes, supplementing, subsequent remedies)
III. There is another approach that is based on the pharmacological composite formula use. There are
different groups of remedies included into these formulas: homeopathic remedies, nosodes, organ
preparations, potentiated pharmacological remedies, catalysts, etc.


It is necessary to workout the EAV conclusion at the finishing of the patient examination. In the conclusion
the main determined changes of measurements should be included (for example, the stomach CMP ML
decreasing by 10 units, the gallbladder CMP ID elimination by 15 units), and it should be written the nosodes
and organ preparations testing results (f.i., the stomach CMP ML normalization has been detected with the
Gastritis-nosode-Injeel testing) as well as medication testing results (f.e., normalization of the six lower ML
has been determined with the Nux vomica HA remedy use). In the final part of the EAV it is necessary to
workout a conclusion about the EAV examination results and clinical diagnostics conformity (f.i., the
recognized by EAV diagnostics changes are conformed to the changes characterized by chronic gastritis). In
the recommendations it is necessary to determine some direct methods of examination which are need to
confirm the EAV diagnostics.

Dr. Voll methods provide possibility of therapy with the help of low frequency pulse current (0.1 to 10 Hz). For
the electrotherapy a fixed frequency as well as “swing frequency” (when the frequency changes in series) are
used. The most interest is the fixed low frequency use. In results of many years studies, Dr. Voll has defined
empirically the frequency that provides maximum therapeutic effects for the different human organs and
systems pathologies.
Low frequency pulse current use for human different organs and systems treatment

0,1 Autoimmune diseases

0,7 Dermatitis, eczema

0,9 Asthma, liver toxic and infectious lesions (hepatitis, cirrhosis)

1,2 Autoimmune diseases, tachycardia, knee weakness

1,6 Arthritises-arthrosises

Acne, abscess, hypotension. Dermatitis, parodontosis, sympathicotonic effects,

furunculosis, eczema

2,2 Fatigue, pustular eczema

2,5 Sleeplessness, vegetative depression, hypermenorrhea, headaches, related with

paranasal sinuses diseases, hemorrhages, contusions, traumas, menorrhagia,
myoma, edemata. Liver toxic and infectious lesions (hepatitis, cirrhosis), parodontosis,
sinusitis, injuries, eczemas

2,6 Virilism, hemorrhoid, headaches related to liver and intestine diseases, dermatitis,

2,65 Periostitis

2,8 Nephritis, nephrolithiasis, renal colic, nephrosclerosis, uremia

2,9 Rhinitis (sinusitis)

3,3 Arteriosclerosis, hypertension, otosclerosis, liver toxic and infectious lesions (hepatitis,
cirrhosis), nephrolithiasis, renal colic, nephrosclerosis, uremia, nephritis, furunculosis,
hypertonia background of atherosclerosis

3,5 Cholelithiasis, melancholy, nephrolithiasis, renal colic, nephrosclerosis, uremia,

nephritis, furunculosis, hypertonia background of atherosclerosis.

3,6 Inflammation, tearfulness, irritability

3,8 Allergy, hemorrhoid , spasm of different genesis

3,9 Neuralgias, sleeping disorders (falling asleep stages)

4,0 Adiposogenital dystrophy (obesity), asthma, Virilism, hemorrhoid, hypermenorrhea,

endocrine headache, vertigos, hypophysis disturbances. Impotence, climacteric,
menorrhagia, pancreatogenic disturbances

4,6 Parathyroid gland function disturbances (influence on calcium balance)

4,9 Virilism, meningeal headache, climacteric, menorrhagies, obesity, neck stiffness,

furunculosis, menoalgia

5,5 Vascular headache

5,8 Otogenic headache, depressions

5,9 Spastic paralysis

6,0 Hypertension, headaches with liver diseases, neck stiffness, extrasystole, systolic
6,0-10,0 Ergogenesis

6,3 Headaches related to cerebral angiospasms, neuroses, irritability, brain concussion

6,8 Myalgia, muscles spasms

7.5 Brow-ague

7,7 Spastic paralysis

8,0 Headaches related to intestine, asthma, allergic bronchitis

8,1 Diuretic action (diuretic, potassium and natrium balance), nephrolithiasis, renal colic,
nephritis, cystitis (pyelocystitis)

8,5 Sleeplessness

8,6 Fractures, duodenal ulcer

9,2 Hypertension, otogenic headache, nephrogenic headache, gout, diastolic

hypertension, dermatitis, spastic paralysis, nephrosclerosis, uremia, furunculosis,
eczema (including kidney`s functioning disturbance consignify), diabetes

9,3 Atonic paralysis

9,4 Adnexitis, obstructive bronchitis, hypertension, gastrogenic headaches, duodenitis,

impotence, edema, parastesias, paresis, prostatitis, stenocardia, erythema nodosum,
furunculosis, cystitis (pyelocystitis), eczema, endometritis, parametritis, gastric ulcer.
Ulcer-necrotic endomyocarditis

9,45 Follicular tonsillitis, asthma, tonsilogenic headaches, adrenal gland functioning

disturbance, spastic hypertonia

9,5 Hypertension, vascular headaches, climacteric hypertension, laryngitis, parodontosis

9,6 Arthritises, arthrosises, Bekhterev`s disease, depressions. Spinal injuries,


9,7 Arthritises-arthrosises, lumbosacral radiculitis, gout, nephrosclerosis, uremia,


9,8 Liver toxic and infectious lesions (hepatitis, cirrhosis)

Besides the frequency the other current parameters (intensity, waveform, polarity, and time exposure) have
significant meanings. The therapy subjects are BAP and BAZ. When there are the BAZ used then the
electrodes either a patient takes them in hands, or put them under feet, or the electrodes are placed on
patient`s body.
For the sedative therapy (when ML values more than 65) low intensive positive or bipolar pulse current is
used during short time of exposure (from a number of seconds to 1-2 minutes).
For stimulation (when ML values lower 50) it is necessary to use high intensive negative or bipolar pulse
current and time of exposure should be sufficiently longer – up to 10-20 minutes. The therapy verification
provides with the repeated EAV measurements after the therapy session.
Patients, who withstand badly the classical acupuncture treatment with the real needle, in particular, children
and aged people, now have the possibility to receive the valuable and non traumatic treatment by the
electrotherapy. The electroacupuncture is very effective and takes short time for sessions.

1. Voll R. Topographic positions of the measurement points in electro-acupuncture. Vol. 1-4. ML-Verlags, Uelzen, 1997.
2. Voll R. Interrelations of odontons and tonsils to organs, fields of disturbance, and tissue system. Uelzen, 1978.
3. Leonhardt H. Grundlagen der Electroakupunktur nach Voll. Ein Laitfaden zur Einfuhrung in die Elektroakupunktur.
Uelzen, 1997.
4. Yanovsky O.G. Facilities of the computerized electropuncture diagnostics according to the R. Voll`s method in
therapy by reflexotherapy and homeopathy methods. Methodical recommendations No. 98232. The Institute of
Traditional treatment methods attached to RF Ministry of Health, 1999.
5. Samokhin A.V., Gotovsky Yu.V. practical electropuncture by the R. Voll`s method. “Imedis”, Moscow, 1997.
6. Samokhin A.V., Gotovsky Yu.V. electropuncture diagnostics and therapy by the R. Voll`s method. “Imedis”, Moscow,
7. Kornienko V.V. Medication testing in the Voll`s method. Moscow, 1994.
8. Rolik I.S. The homeopathy method and electropuncture by Voll in the rehabilitation treatment of diseases of the
osseous-muscular system and internal organs. MMSI, Moscow, 1997.

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