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Axis History Forum • View topic - For Steen Ammentorp RE: ROA Generals from 2006

Rodzaevsky Konstantin Vladimirovich (11.08.1907-30.08.1946), the Russian public figure. Born

in Blagoveshchensk in the family lawyer. In 1925 he fled to Harbin. By profession a lawyer.
With BC. 1930 Head of the All-Russia Fascist Party (Harbin, 1931-1945). Party Rodzaevsky had
little in common with the Italian and Germanic fascism, who wore anti-Christian character.
Rodzaevsky and his associates were Orthodox monarchists, the revered personality of Nicholas
II and saw the future of the country in the revival of traditional Russian autocracy. Rodzaevsky
publish a newspaper, "Our Way" and the magazine "The Nation", published under the slogan
"Russian Russian friend and brother" and "God Nation, Trud.
"The February Revolution, - wrote Rodzaevsky - drained Russia. - October to give Russia an
international Jewish capital. Both of these revolutions were, in fact, two acts of a terrible
drama, whose name - an international revolution, disgusting generation iudomasonov. In
place of the international revolution, we put forward the national revolution, which will be the
victory of Russia over the nation's Judeo-Masonic Internazionale.
By the end of the Great Patriotic War Rodzaevsky recognized the greatness of Stalin's
personality, admired the victories of Russian arms over Hitler. After the defeat of Japan,
despite the opportunity to escape, remained in the territory of China, controlled by the Soviet
Army. He was arrested and detained at the Soviet consulate in Beijing, where he wrote letters
to Stalin, calling him a national leader of Russia. In 1946 he moved to Moscow where he was
convicted and executed.

Grigory Mikhailovich Semenov (1890, pos. Kuranzha Durulgievskoy village Transbaikalian

region. - 1946) - Military figure. Genus. a Cossack family. receiving education at home, in 1911
he graduated from the Orenburg military school. During the First World War, was awarded the
Order of St.. George 4-th degree and St. George's arms in a desperate bravery and luck. At
the end of 1916, as a man who spoke fluent Buryat, Mongolian, Kalmyk language, Semyonov
was sent to the Trans-Baikal area for the formation of the Mongolian and Buryat regiments.
After coming to power of the Provisional Government Semyonov was appointed Commissioner
by continuing to engage in the same activity. After the October roar. Semenova 1917 revolt in
art. Berezovka, setting off a civil war in the Trans-Baikal. Message to the Congress Semenov
villagers Transbaikalia calling for "ruthless struggle against Bolshevism" not found support, and
Semenov was forced to leave Manchuria. In 1918, using the revolt of the Czechoslovak Corps
and help the Japanese troops, Semenov has a foothold in the Baikal region, establishing a
military dictatorship, terror and shooting people. He carried out forced recruitment into the
army, returned to the owners of nationalized enterprises, etc., calling himself against a
powerful guerrilla movement. After the formation of the Far Eastern Republic in May. 1920
Semenov came to power in the Far East, which is supported with the help of the Japanese
invaders. In 1921, under pressure from the army and the guerrillas were forced to emigrate.
Living in Korea, North. China, Japan, Semenov did not stop fighting with owls. regime. Posted
memoir "About Me. Memories, thoughts and conclusions" (BM, 1938). In September. 1945
was captured by the owls. troops in Manchuria and the sentence of the Military Collegium of
the Supreme Court of the USSR was hanged.

Sultan Kelech Giray (? -17.01.1947). Colonel (12.05.1916). Major-General (1918). Member of

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the First World War: an officer in the cavalry regiment of native Cherkassky divisions in the
Russian Army, 1914-1917. Member of General Kornilov revolt, 08-II.1917. The White
movement: detachment commander and the brigade 2-nd division Kuban Corps Lieutenant
General Lyakhov, 03-08.1918. Commander Cherkessk-Terek (Wild) Cossack Division, 09.1918-
05.1920. After the defeat of the Volunteer Army in the North Caucasus was running (05.1920)
in Georgia and later - in the Crimea (06.1920). On orders of General Wrangel organized in the
villages and hamlets in the North Caucasus anti-Soviet Cossack units periodically enters into
conflict with the Red Army, 06-11.1920. After the defeat of the main unit again fled to
Georgia, 12.1920. After the start of the Red Army offensive in Georgia 02.1921 - emigrated.
Emigration: 03.1921-06.1945, France. During the Second World War, 1941 -1945 lived in
Berlin, collaborating with the Germans. Participated in the creation of the Cossack units in the
war against the Red Army, created in the Caucasus troops to fight the Soviets. Was active in
the anti-Soviet activities of white emigration: The Committee headed by the independence of
the Caucasus, as well as a member of the Central Committee of the People's Party
Highlanders, 1922-1945. In 1943, formed a unit (division) of the Mountain Peoples of the
Caucasus, which in 1944-1945. Participated in the fight against Tito's partisans in Yugoslavia.
Issued on 05.1945 British troops representatives of the Soviet Union in Austria, where the
Sultan Kelech Giray 03.1945 fled from the city affaires, Germany. Arrested and sentenced to
death, hanged, together with the general Krasnov, and other issued in 1945, the Soviet Union.
Sultan Kelech-Shahanovich Giray, Kelech Giray (1880, Maikop - 17.1.1947, Moscow), Prince,
one of the highland nationalist movement, Major-General of the White Army (1918). Educated
in Elisavetgrad Cavalry School and the cavalry officer's school. Served in the 12-m Belgorod
Lancers. Participant 1-st world war, the commander of Abkhaz hundreds Circassian Cavalry
Regiment, Colonel. After the collapse of the front in 1917 went to the Kuban. In 1918 joined
the Volunteer Army. In March - Dec. 1918 commander of the Circassian (with 4.11.19181 th
Circassian) Cavalry Regiment. On 8/12/1918 chief Cherkessia division. Acted in the case of the
gene. Lyakhova. After the defeat VSYUR with divisional went into Georgia, where evacuated to
the Crimea. From the Crimea sent to Karachaevsk region, where a volunteer detachment and
fought against local councils. After the Red Army again otstupilvdek. 1920 in Georgia, where
the spring of 1921, after the Bolsheviks there, emigrated to Yugoslavia, and then to France.
One of the leaders of the People's Party of the mountaineers of the North Caucasus, member
of the independent Caucasus. At the same time engaged Jighitovka and dressage horses.
Since 1941 actively collaborated with Germany's command. In 1939-42 commanded Circassian
units (about 6 thousand people.) Gene in the Cossack Corps. PN Krasnov. In 1942, headed the
commission sent to the Caucasus to the establishment of local government units and
organizations to combat the guerrillas. At the end of the war with the mountaineers retreated
to Austria, but in the end of March 1945 - in Northern Italy. Arrested by the British and
handed them in Judenburg 29.5.1945 together with the Cossacks and mountaineers of the
Bolsheviks. As the defendant engaged in the process of gene. Krasnov and others the Military
Collegium of the USSR Supreme Court sentenced to death. Hanged.

Tarnowski Mikhail (1907, Tsarskoe Selo, near St. Petersburg - 18.1.1946, Potsdam, Germany),
one of the leaders of the "Russian Liberation Movement," Air Force Major Conroy (1945). Of

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Axis History Forum • View topic - For Steen Ammentorp RE: ROA Generals from 2006

the nobility, his father fought in the T. White armies. Autumn of 1920 together with his family
was evacuated from the Crimea. Since 1922 he lived in Czechoslovakia. He graduated from
high school (1928), flying school of Civil Aviation (1931), the Paris Air School (1934), Officers'
Course ROA (1943). In 1932 received the Czechoslovak citizenship. Since the summer of 1934
instructor Pilsen Aeroclub. In October. 1937 joined the National Labor Union of the new
generation (NTSNP later - NTS). V1940-41 Technical Supervisor at the company "Lufthansa".
In May. 1941 as the Russian dismissed from service, and in June-July 1941 and interned
Germanic authorities. Since aug. 1941 officer radio propaganda in Berlin. Prepared for the
transfer of broadcasting in the USSR, in 1942-43 radio announcer "Fau". In May 1943, filed a
report on the accession to the ROA, the chief communications Guards Brigade ROA party
battles near Pskov. In sept. 1943 T. mandated the formation of 1-st East aviation squadron,
which was at the center of processing intelligence "Ost" (East Prussia). In dec. 1943, led the
squadron was made to the front of the Luftwaffe took part in battles with Soviet troops. In
January-June 1944 carried out 36 sorties. The summer of 1944 was dismissed from office for
criticizing the occupation policies. Autumn of 1944 took an active part in the formation of the 1
st Aviation Regiment, Air Force Committee of the liberation of peoples of Russia (ACPD), an
officer on the staff assignments for Air Force commander ACPD VI Maltsev. One of the
founders of the Air Force ACPD, commander of the training and transport squadrons.
30.4.1945 with Air Force crews ACPD surrendered parts XII U.S. Army Corps. Extradition
Soviet representatives were not subject (as a non-citizen of the USSR), but decided to share
the fate of fellow soldiers, together with them sent to the Soviet occupation zone (August
1945), where immediately arrested by counter-intelligence SMERSH. 26/12/1945 Military
Tribunal of the Soviet occupation troops sentenced to death. Shot. 22/6/1999 rehabilitated.

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