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Physics ALE Activity

By: Yee, Ramon 10 – G

What are semi-conductors and integrated circuits? How are these materials useful?
- Semiconductors are things that will some times conduct electricity and some times not. Integrated Circuits are
where they put the wirings like for computer processors. Yes these things are very helpful in technology because
this is what they’re made of.
What is electronics engineering and how is this field useful?
- Electro Engineering is finds out what are the uses of electricity and magnetism. This is very useful because this is
how we get our gadgets today/
How is robotics useful? In your explanation, cite any of the following concepts to support your answer: (a) electro-
pneumatics; (b) programming; and (c) robot components.
- Robotics is very useful in this day and age. Electro-pneumatics is very helpful in the field of medicine because
this helps cure a lot of sickness and helps other people breathe. Programming is also helpful because this makes
most of the things we use today like computers and TVs. Finally Robot Components because they make up the
things in our electronic gadgets with out this they would not work.
How is work, power, and energy important in creating robots?
- This is very important because they would need to how much work to give or tell the robot to do to execute the
amount of power and energy to do the given task.
What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources?
- Renewable resources can be used long term and wont run out while on the other hand nonrenewable resources is
short term and runs out.
How are these energy sources important?
- They are important because they give energy to most of the things we need like electricity to help make our lives
How is electricity produced by a power plant or a system that that utilizes non-renewable energy? In your explanation,
cite concepts about work, power, and mechanical energy to support your answer.
- Electricity is produced by power plants that use fossil fuel by burning the fuel which cause a lot of smoke. They
also use hydroelectric by building dams. There would be a lot of work and power needed to make this electricity.
Car Designing
- I think work and power is related here because you will need to account how much power
the car needs to move and hold all its passengers but before you solve for the power you
would need to know the work first.
Clean Energy Center
- I think mechanical energy was related here because we had to help stop something that
went wrong in the pipes but first we needed to learn what it was about and how to fix.

How are work, power, and mechanical energy concepts useful in the job, training, session, or role
you have experienced?
- This was very useful because I knew how much of work I would need to put also I knew how
other things would work.
How is STEM education related and relevant to the technology used or presented in the
establishment that you have visited?
- The track STEM is related to the things I did because that rack dives into Science & Technology which
is the main things needed in those jobs.
I learned a lot in the ALE like how energy is used all around also how to find jobs and this will
really help me when I grow up. I would put STEM highly in my choices of tracks because there
is no GAS and they said STEM would be the closest to it. This experience also made me like
STEM more because I now know the possible jobs you can get if you enter STEM.

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