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Chemistry I Memorandum for Test 1 March 2017


1.1 What is the correct order of the steps in the scientific method:
A Ask a question, analyze results, state a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, draw
conclusions, develop a theory
B Make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze the results, make observations, draw
conclusions, develop a theory
C Make observations, state a hypothesis, test the hypothesis by experimentation,
develop a theory
D Make observations, draw conclusions, state a hypothesis, test the hypothesis,
develop a theory, verify the theory by more experiments

1.2 An experiment that tests only one variable at a time while all others remain constant, is . . . .
A a controlled experiment
B an independent variable
C a dependent variable
D a theory

1.3 A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a

known fact is a/an . . . .
A law B hypothesis C theory D experiment

1.4 Which of the following statements is a qualitative observation?

A Gold metal is a conductor of electricity.
B The freezing point of water is 0 °C.
C The density of cork is 0,22 g/cm3.
D One mole of carbon atoms has a mass of 12,011 g.

1.5 What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?

A A hypothesis provides an explanation for a phenomenon, but a theory does not.
B A theory provides an explanation for a phenomenon, but a hypothesis does not.
C Both a theory and a hypothesis provide an explanation for a phenomenon, but a
theory has been upheld by experimental observations.
D There is no difference.

1.6 Complete the following calculation using the correct number of significant figures:

2,34 – 1,293

A 1 B 1,0 C 1,05 D 1,047

1.7 Complete the following calculation using the correct number of significant figures:

(8,41 x 2,873) + 4,77

A 29,0 B 28,97 C 28,9 D 28,93

Chemistry I Memorandum for Test 1 March 2017
1.8 The chemical symbol for potassium is …
A Pt B P C K D Ps

1.9 Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?

A Sand and water B Brass C Salty water D Soda water

1.10 The correct way to name P2O5 is …

A Diphosphorous pentoxide C Phosphorous pentoxide
B Phosphorous(V) oxide D Phosphorous oxide

1.11 An atom of sodium has atomic number of 11 and a mass number of 23. Which of the
following statements is correct?
A An atom of sodium has 11 protons, 11 electrons and 11 neutrons.
B An atom of sodium has 11 neutrons, 11 electrons and 12 protons.
C An atom of sodium has 11 protons, 11 electrons and 12 neutrons.
D An atom of sodium has 11 protons, 12 electrons and 12 neutrons.

1.12 Complete the following sentence:

Different isotopes of the same element have …
A the same number of protons, but differing numbers of neutrons and electrons.
B the same number of neutrons, but differing numbers of protons and electrons.
C the same number of protons and neutrons, but differing numbers of electrons.
D the same number of protons and electrons, but differing numbers of neutrons.

1.13 In his gold foil experiment Rutherford discovered the following about atomic structure:
A Measurement of the charge of the electron
B An atom is composed of electrons interspersed within a positive cloud of charge
C An atom has its mass concentrated in a tiny central core that he called the nucleus
D Different samples of a pure chemical compound always contain the same proportion of
elements by mass


2.1 How many significant figures are in each of the following measurements?

2.1.1 34,6029 kg 6
-3 3
2.1.2 0,022 x 10 m 2
2.1.3 0,003048 moles 4 (3)

2.2 Do the following calculation. Make sure that you use the correct number of significant
Chemistry I Memorandum for Test 1 March 2017
500 grams of sugar occupies a volume of 0,315 L. What is the density of sugar in g/mℓ? (2)
Density =
500 g

315 m
 1,59 g/m

2.3 Two liquids, A and B, have densities as follows:

A = 0,75 g/mℓ and B = 1,14 g/mℓ
When both liquids are poured into a container, one liquid floats on top of the other. Which
liquid is on top? (A or B) (1)

2.4 Would 10,0 mL of water at 10 °C have the same mass as 10,0 mL of water at 25 °C? Explain. (2)

Mass = density x volume, and the density of the water will differ at different temperatures

OR Although the volume of water is the same, the mass will differ because the density
will differ.


3.1 Compounds A and B are colourless gases obtained by combining sulphur with oxygen.
Compound A results from combining 6,00 g of sulphur with 5,99 g of oxygen, and compound
B results from combining 8,60 g of sulphur with 12,88 g of oxygen.
Show that the mass ratios in the two compounds are simple multiples of each other. (4)
Mass ratio S:O for Compound A Mass S: mass O
Mass ratio S:O for Compound B Mass S: mass O
6,00 g: 5,99 g
8,60 g : 12,88 g


3.2 Boron (with an atomic mass of 10.811 amu) consists of two isotopes: 10B with isotopic mass
of 10.013 amu and 11B with isotopic mass of 11.009 amu.
3.2.1 Based on the average atomic mass of boron, which of the two isotopes is more
abundant in nature? (1)
3.2.2 Calculate the percentage abundance of each isotope. (6)

Chemistry I Memorandum for Test 1 March 2017

Atomic mass = (Abundance of 10 B)(Mass of 10 B) + (Abundance of 11B)(Mass of 11B)

10,811 u = (x%)(10,013) + (y%)(11,009)
x y
10,811 = ( )(10, 013) + ( )(11, 009)
100 100
= 0,10013x + 0,11009y. . . . . . .Equation 1
Equation 2: x + y = 100, therefore x = 100 - y
Substitute eq. 2 in eq. 1:
10,811 = 0,10013(100 - y) + 0,11009y
10,811 = 10,013 - 0,10013y + 0,11009y
10,811 - 10,013 = -0,10013y + 0,11009y
0,798 = 0,00996y
 y = 80,1 % of 11B
x = 19,9% of 10 B


Consider the following outline of a periodic table:


4.1 Indicate the dividing line between metals and non-metals on the periodic table. (1)
4.2 Which of the elements indicated by A, B and C will be a gas at room temperature? (1)
4.3 What name is given to the group of elements in Group I? (1)
Alkali metals
4.4 Classify the following elements as metals, non-metals, or semimetals: (3)
Element Metal/Non-metal/Semimetal
Se Non-metal
As Semimetal
Ti Metal

Chemistry I Memorandum for Test 1 March 2017
5.1 Write formulas for the following compounds:
Compound Formula
Manganese(IV) oxide MnO2

Potassium cyanide KCN

Lithium dihydrogen phosphate LiH2PO4

Ammonium dichromate (NH4)2Cr2O7

Mercury(II) perchlorate Hg(ClO4)2

Chromium(III) sulphate Cr2(SO4)3

Sodium thiosulphate Na2S2O3

Dinitrogen tetroxide N2O4

Sulphur trioxide SO3

Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 (10)

5.2 Give systematic names for the following compounds:

Formula Systematic name
FeCl2 Iron(II) chloride (or ferrous chloride)

AlH3 Aluminium hydride

Na2O2 Sodium peroxide

Ti(SO4)2 Titanium(IV) sulphate

Pb(ClO3)2 Lead(II) chlorate

P4O6 Tetraphosphorus hexa-oxide (hexoxide)

S2F2 Disulphur difluoride

ICl Iodine chloride (8)


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