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Geographic I 6. Geographic Information Systems

Part B 6
Norbert Bartelme

6.1 Architecture of a GIS ............................. 145

Before addressing the diverse functionalities that
6.1.1 Information and Data ................... 145
can be found in Geographic Information Sys-
6.1.2 Geographic (Geospatial)
tems (GIS) today, a definition of a geographic
Information................................. 147
information system, its purpose, and its general 6.1.3 Geographic Information System
architecture shall be given. The different forms Definitions .................................. 147
of GIS that are found in today’s ever-expanding 6.1.4 Classical GIS
range of information technology tools will there- and Recent Modifications .............. 148
fore be discussed in Sect. 6.1. The core of each GIS
is constituted by analysis functions. They are the 6.2 GIS Functionality .................................. 149
6.2.1 Categories ................................... 149
reason why a GIS is created in the first place. The
6.2.2 Data Capture Functions ................. 150
last section in this chapter (Sect. 6.2) contains a list
6.2.3 Update Functions ......................... 152
of the most common GIS functionality categories.
6.2.4 Structuring Functions.................... 153
A few typical examples of such analysis functions 6.2.5 Transformation Functions.............. 155
are described in more detail, to explain what ge- 6.2.6 Storage, Checking, Archiving,
ographic information (GI) is all about and how its and Data Transfer Functions .......... 156
digital form can be utilized to solve problems of 6.2.7 Data Request
geospatial nature efficiently, to gain insight into and Retrieval Functions ................ 158
the processes of geospatial nature that influence 6.2.8 Analysis Functions ........................ 160
many aspects of our life, and to arrive at decisions 6.2.9 Design and Presentation Functions 172
that are sound, explainable, and repeatable.
References .................................................. 174

6.1 Architecture of a GIS

6.1.1 Information and Data connection with – and sometimes identically to – digital
data that are becoming ubiquitous in today’s world. The
Before it is possible to provide a definition for a Ge- Internet, for example, can be seen as an ever-expanding
ographic Information System (GIS) or, using a term resource of digital data, much of which is geographical
that has become increasingly popular, a geospatial in- data. From this pool of data, we seek to retrieve informa-
formation system, we must first clarify what informa- tion that will answer the questions or satisfy the criteria
tion means in the sense of information technology (IT) that made us search. The crucial difference between data
and how and to what degree it specializes into geo- and information is already visible. Any source on the
graphic/geospatial information. Basics for this discus- Internet, any database, can only contain digital data –
sion can be found in the introductory chapter of this much of which is geographic data. Information results
book, where modeling and encoding are dealt with in in our brains, when we interpret the data for the sake of
detail and within the broad spectrum of information our questions or problems to be solved. The Latin root
technology, therefore being also relevant for geographic of the word is informare, which literally means to give
information technology (Chaps. 1 and 4). The reader form or shape and this is usually extended into to give
may wonder why we place such importance on the defi- form to the mind as in education, instruction, or training.
nition of the term information, since it is used widely in In contrast to data, information can be seen as an answer
146 Part B Geographic Information

to a question (even if it has only been implicitly posed) (information). A third and still higher level on top of
Part B 6.1

that heightens the level of understanding of the inquirers data and information would be knowledge: a concept
or makes them capable of reaching a goal. that extends the concept of information into compar-
Figure 6.1 illustrates data, being pixels or points, ing, remembering, and learning. If one recognizes the
lines, and areas, from which we retrieve the information city shown in Fig. 6.1, one has crossed from informa-
that these data describe part of a city, with streets, a river, tion to knowledge. Also, in the routing example just
and other topographic landmarks. If we utilize a web given, a knowledge engineer would combine the collec-
tool for route planning, wanting to go from street A to tive memory of typical route users, such as taxi drivers,
square B, such services usually answer with maps and and use their experience, which is sometimes difficult
textual descriptions of the recommended route. Exam- to model, about typical recommendations for times of
ple data are the characters in a string of such text, or day, seasons, or vehicle types to arrive at a complex
paragraphs, or the whole text. Data can also be individ- knowledge system that becomes smarter with every use.
ual pixels, or chunks of pixels, or a rectangular array of Knowledge is dealt with in Chap. 5.
pixels constituting the map. Information is what we re- Returning to the difference between and blending of
trieve from the text, including its meaning for us: the data and information, we arrive at a point that is crucial
recommended roads, turns, and routes. Information is for information technology, for any information system,
also what we see on the map image. Our eyes regis- and therefore also for geographic/geospatial informa-
ter pixels (data) but our mind registers the best route tion technology being implemented in GIS or – in a web-
enabled environment – in GIS services. One of the things
that information systems have to do is the transport of
information from system A to system B or from user C
to user D, yet all that can really be done is transport of
data (Fig. 6.2, Fig. 4.1 Chap. 4). This means that infor-
mation in the sending system has to be decomposed into
chunks of data that can be – and must be – transported
to the receiving system, where they can be reconstructed
into information. The last and most relevant, reconstruc-
tion step has to be taken by the user sitting in front of
the screen in reading and interpreting text or a map. It
is clear that this process, going in opposite directions at
both the sending and receiving end, can only in theory
result in equivalent information content on both sides. In
all practical cases, information loss has to be taken into
account. The more elaborate the information construct,
the greater the danger of information loss. Information
Fig. 6.1 Data (points, lines, areas) and information (streets, that is highly interconnected in a network, information
rivers, etc.) that is highly structured, and information carrying strong
application-dependent semantics will be especially vul-
System A System B nerable in such a sequential stream of basic data entities.
Information Information One of the most relevant consequences for the design
of any information system is therefore the necessity to
place great importance on the ways in which users are
assisted when performing this reconstruction of data
Decomposition Reconstruction into information they need. Of course, data may also
show a structure, for example, a sequence of value pairs
carrying some common attributes. Reading the attribute
values River and Danube and noting that the value pairs
Data Data are given by real numbers, we interpret this data as the
River Danube. Likewise, a linear concatenation of blue
Fig. 6.2 Transfer of data and (implicitly) of information pixels on the screen may spawn the same interpretation,
(Fig. 4.1 in Chap. 4) leading us from data to information.
Geographic Information Systems 6.1 Architecture of a GIS 147

To sum up, the difference between information and application domains has – high-brow as it seems at first

Part B 6.1
data relevant for GIS is characterized as follows: sight – some very practical consequences for the design
of a GIS. The more straightforward the geospatial inter-
• Data is what is stored and transported, such as pretation, the clearer the modeling of the geometric and
strings of characters or pixels, or defined structures topological properties of such information. For land use
thereof. and cadastre, well-known geometric entities exist, and
• Information is a result of the interpretation when this is also the case for roads and intersections in traffic
visualizing or analyzing data. and transport. However, the geospatial extent of a di-
alect in linguistic GIS applications requires a different
6.1.2 Geographic (Geospatial) Information approach, since this extent is fuzzy.
To sum up, geographic (or geospatial) information
Having clarified the concepts of and differences be- is characterized as follows:
tween data and information, we can proceed to geo-
graphic information, or geo-information, or geospatial • Location, extent, and coverage are aspects of prime
information. The term geo-information is mostly used importance for such information.
in German-speaking countries. Geospatial is a term that • However, geometrical concepts may – depending on
successfully tries to bridge the gap between geograph- the application – be concise or fuzzy.
ical information in the strict sense, for example, digital
terrains, and spatial information, for example, a model 6.1.3 Geographic Information System
for a three-dimensional (3-D) structure, a building, or Definitions
a bridge. In a widened perspective, this term denotes
not only things that exist (or are being planned) on some Let us now cite some definitions for the essence of a GIS.
location of the Earth’s surface, but also events such as There are scores of definitions from which to draw. We
traffic congestions, floods, and yes, also events in ev- prefer some of the older definitions, because they pertain
eryday language, such as an open-air festival. For the to the still-existing traditional GIS (in contrast to newer
rest of this chapter and for the sake of simplicity, let paradigms such as geospatial web services). The refer-
us assume that the terms mentioned are all synonyms. ences to older publications can be found in the references
All these examples share one basic aspect: they exist or of this chapter, followed by more recent publications of
happen somewhere on the Earth’s surface and they have the mentioned authors. Also, the choice of definitions
a spatial extent; in many cases they also have a tem- used here reflects the fact that each of the following cita-
poral aspect, a position in time, and a temporal extent. tions carries a flavor that distinguishes it to some extent
We can therefore speak of a four-dimensional (4-D) from the other definitions.
continuum (three spatial dimensions and one tempo-
ral dimension) that characterizes geographic data and • It serves for capturing, storing, analysis, and visu-
geographic/geospatial information. alization of data that describe a part of the Earth’s
At this point of the discussion, we may stop and surface, the technical and administrative entities, as
consider what types of information are nonspatial or well as findings of geoscience, economics, and eco-
nongeographic, in the sense that they are independent logical applications [6.1, 2].
of where and when they are relevant. Strictly speaking, • It is an information system with a database of ob-
there is hardly any such information that is totally void servables of spatially distributed objects, activities,
of any geospatial context. This context may not always or events, which can be described by points, lines,
appear in the model of such information, but it is inher- or surfaces [6.3].
ently there. In cases of land use, traffic and transport, • It is a comprehensive collection of tools for
climate, agriculture, and economics, the spatial aspect capturing, storing, retrieval, transformation, and vi-
is evident and in many cases also modeled. In other sualization of spatial data of the real world for
cases such as linguistics, philosophy, and literature it special applications [6.4].
may be less evident and it is seldom modeled. At the • It is an information system containing all spatial
end of the range are laws of mathematics, physics, and data of the atmosphere, the Earth’s surface, and
chemistry, which are almost independent of the location the lithosphere, allowing the systematic capture, up-
where their validity is tested. This seemingly philosoph- date, manipulation, and analysis of such data, based
ical discussion about the extent of geospatially relevant on a standardized reference frame [6.5].
148 Part B Geographic Information

• It is a system for decision support which integrates information system is application dependent. The de-
Part B 6.1

spatial data in a problem-solving environment [6.6]. gree of dependence varies for the different components
of an information system. The data will often lend
Further definitions of GIS may be found in [6.7]. De- themselves to more than one purpose. This is also ad-
pending on the point of view, a GIS can be seen as visable for reasons of practicality, efficiency, and cost.
The functions will depend more heavily on the applica-
• A collection of spatial data plus the corresponding tion that is envisioned. Typically, a GIS offers functions
functions for storage and retrieval for storage and retrieval, query, visualization, transfor-
• A collection of algorithmic and functional tools mation, geometrical and thematic analysis, and more
• A set of hardware and software components needed (see also the next section for more details). Even if
for the handling of geospatial data these functions are more or less available in every GIS,
• A special type of information technology their specific form depends to a large extent on the ap-
• A gold mine for answers to geospatial questions plication. As an example, visualization in a cadastral
• A model of spatial relationships and spatial recon- application will have prerequisites that are quite differ-
naissance. ent from those for a 3-D city model. The same holds
also for the other types of functions.
6.1.4 Classical GIS and Recent Modifications The traditional setup of a GIS has been modified in
several ways, due to the arrival of new technologies and
In the classical sense, an information system consists new concepts. The arrival of the Internet, of web-based
of a database representing the inner core of the sys- service approaches, tools, and applications, has greatly
tem, being managed by a database management system influenced and modified the whole IT arena. The sec-
(DBMS), and of an outer shell of tools that can be ond boost has been initiated by mobile technology and
utilized by the user for manipulating and analyzing the miniaturization of hardware components. Therefore,
this data (Fig. 6.3). This definition, taken from [6.8], also the paradigms of GIS have changed, and the archi-
is one of the earliest and best known. Chapter 3 is de- tecture of a GIS nowadays is quite different from what
voted to databases; the reader is invited to check further it was a few years ago (Fig. 6.4). Data are no longer
details there. Here, we concentrate on the impact of restricted to the user’s primary domain of interest and
databases on GIS. Taking the definition just given, tra- control, but they can in principle be imported from ev-
ditional GIS conform to this concept. While in the early erywhere, anytime, and to any device. Often, a normal
years of GIS technology the database usually followed browser can perform GIS tasks, even if this is nowadays
a standard relational database approach, this concept restricted to simple GIS functions such as displaying,
has in the sequel been expanded to an object-relational zooming, and panning.
database management system (ORDBMS) to enable We talk about ubiquitous geographic/geospatial in-
geospatial data types and geospatial predicates, as well formation as the universal availability of geographic
as the means to deal with the ever-growing volume of information as seen on mobile devices such as cell-
geospatial data collections by supplying methods for phones, where maps, satellite images, positioning,
organizing, searching, and retrieving large datasets. routing services, and even 3-D simulations are gaining
There is no such thing as a general-purpose in- an ever-larger segment of the consumer market. (For
formation system. Data are abstractions of reality. An location-based services on mobile devices see Chap. 21;
abstraction process can lead to different results, de- for ubiquitous geographic information see Chap. 18.)
pending on the view of the abstractor. Therefore, each Also, in contrast to earlier times when a GIS consisted

GIS Client Layer Viewer Mobile Desktop Browser

(Web Server)
Application 1 Database
(Functions) Application Layer Application 1 Application 2
(Data/Map Server)
Application 2 (DBMS) Data
... Data Layer Database Maps

Fig. 6.3 GIS in the classical sense Fig. 6.4 GIS in a client–server architecture
Geographic Information Systems 6.2 GIS Functionality 149

of a well-balanced combination of hardware, software, built around the core database. One step in this direction

Part B 6.2
and data components, today the borderlines between has already been explained in the previous paragraphs.
the functionality of an ordinary Internet browser and Object-relational database management systems relieve
GIS functionality is often fuzzy. Likewise, content is the outer shell of many typical definitions of data types
displayed that may, via web services such as web as they are needed in geospatial applications, as well as
map services (WMS), be composed on the fly, com- many typical operations that conform to such data types.
ing from different sources but having the appearance However, they are still based on the relational con-
of a combined dataset, whereas in many cases the data cept of tables, with rows (for the objects) and columns
themselves are not transported but are rather visualized (for the attributes of such objects). In addition to the
on the fly. The data remain at their various home local- pure relational elements of a table, a geometry column
ities, which is an asset as far as currency and lack of comes into effect, which takes care of the geospatial
redundancy is concerned. aspects mentioned. Object-oriented databases go one
The question of whether a cellphone can be seen as decisive step further: they are no longer based on re-
a GIS is a rather theoretical one and certainly does not lational tables. Instead, object classes take over the role
interest the general public. However, these new devel- of principle building blocks, adhering to principles of
opments have opened new user segments. They do not data abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, polymor-
replace traditional GIS users in the domains of public phism, and inheritance. Object-oriented GIS have up
administration, utility companies, and communities in to this point gained no wide acceptance in the arena of
the diverse domains of science that are deeply rooted in GIS products; however, they carry great promise since
models of geospatial nature. However, these new web- GIS – in contrast to many other information technology
based and mobile amenities have become important domains – characterize structures that are often more
additions to the core elements of GIS technology, espe- complicated and less unified. As an example let us look
cially since they lend themselves to more user-friendly at the way a building as an object can be constructed of
handling that is less dependent on office hours and strict many different components (base area, walls, roof) that
work protocols. To be able to work from home, to per- can again be decomposed into still simpler objects. Each
form part of the job requirements in different places, level of this decomposition can be seen as a different ob-
or to integrate via web services the strengths of other ject class. In contrast to this GIS domain, the books in
experts or other systems greatly enhances the value of a library constitute a rather flat structure with compo-
geographic information and the associated technology nents that are uniform. An information system dealing
as a whole. with entities from this domain lends itself more easily
Another change to the concept of a GIS, less spec- to a strictly relational database management approach.
tacular than the web-based and mobile aspects but still To sum up, the modifications that have in recent
very important, was introduced with object-oriented years been transforming classical GIS into newer forms
modeling and the corresponding methods in program- of geospatial analysis tools are as follows.
ming and database structures. Object-oriented methods
bridge the gap between data and functions by the defini- • Web-based and service-oriented approaches have
tion phase, prior to the insertion of data. Also, for each led to a client–server architecture.
class of objects, the appropriate functions are defined. • Mobile technology brings ubiquitous GIS to hand-
Object-oriented methods have bridged the gap between held devices, opening a whole new market.
data and functions. For each class of objects an individ- • Object-oriented concepts have partly entered via
ual and particularly suitable function may be defined in object-relational databases.
order to serve for data capture, storage, and retrieval. • Traditional GIS also use benefits from mobile and
This relieves the burden on the functional shell that is service-oriented technology.

6.2 GIS Functionality

6.2.1 Categories eventually have to arrive at a sequential setup, whereas
many functions interact with each other in a manner
The list of GIS functionality categories can be arranged that corresponds to a network rather than to a sequential
in many ways. There is no ideal arrangement, since we list. However, a list is a way of ordering chunks of any
150 Part B Geographic Information

matter that is easy to grasp for our minds. Our list, be- in the following sections; for example, a utility com-
Part B 6.2

ing simple, follows the lifecycle of data from creation pany providing power supply to households throughout
via structuring and storage and eventually to analysis a province may periodically need to analyze the total
and presentation. Each GIS will contain representatives power consumption, the statistical distribution of peaks
of the groups listed, although in different quantity and in consumption, the typical breakdown rate of power
quality, depending on the respective application range. supplies during storms, the capacities of long-range
In fact, GIS can be categorized by the degree of impor- connections, the overall flow capacity of a network, and
tance they allot to the different groups, giving rise to others. Also, such an analysis system needs to some
categories such as extent tools from the data capture, administrative, and
presentation domains.
• Data capture systems
Finally, a presentation system, as we know it from
• Administration systems
many Internet applications that provide only the final
• Analysis systems
graphical visualization of a given setup, conforms to
• Presentation systems
what has been said about the four categories of systems.
A data capture system will put greatest emphasis on the Certainly, normal Internet users cannot interact with it
first phase in the lifecycle of geographic data. As an ex- any more than zooming in or out, panning, and selecting
ample, let us consider a topographic mapping authority and deselecting layers. However, behind the web bar-
in any given country that is in the process of convert- rier, also such a system needs some data capturing for
ing large quantities of paper maps into digital form, editing geospatial data, and it needs administrative and
and not only in a graphical pixel-based form such as an analysis functions to a certain extent.
electronic image. For instance, road features shall be ex-
tracted from this image and their geometry and several 6.2.2 Data Capture Functions
semantic attributes are to be stored in the database. Such
a job usually requires semiautomated preprocessing in- Chapter 9 is exclusively devoted to data capture in its
cluding scanning and image processing, and subsequent different forms, describing for each category of captur-
interactive editing. This system, even though data cap- ing techniques the requirements, the current state of the
ture is its prime purpose, will also need a certain amount art, and the results. Also, data capture depends essen-
of administration for the data that have been captured. tially on the model of reality to be reached. Modeling
It will need some analysis function (for example, to is extensively discussed in Chap. 1. Therefore, at this
find out whether all road segments indeed connect in point, we can restrict considerations to the conceptual
a topological way, and if not, to perform the creation of characteristics pertaining more or less to all data cap-
topology). Certainly it will also need some presentation turing techniques, as well as their impact on the essence
and visualization tools to assist the operators in their of a GIS and on the expectations that can be built on
job, giving them feedback on what has already been such a system.
done and what still needs to be done. So, these other Bringing geospatial data into a GIS is one of the
three categories of administration, analysis, and presen- most challenging tasks among all the functional cate-
tation play a role, albeit minor compared with the data gories explained in this section. First, it has to encom-
capture role. pass a large number of capturing technologies such as
An administration system puts the main focus on
long-term storage of data, keeping them in shape and
• Global positioning systems (GPS) and geodetic sur-
up to date. Here, examples include land information
systems with cadastre that have to keep such data avail-
• Laser scanning
able for years and decades. They administer the data.
• Photogrammetry and satellite-based remote sensing
Occasionally, though, some minor data capture is nec-
• Any other technology
essary for updating purposes. Analysis functions and Second, the quality of all subsequent processes to which
presentation functions help in the maintenance of such these data are subject depends to a great extent on the
administrative systems. So again here, we have a main amount of care and attention paid to the capturing pro-
focus and three subordinate interests. cess. To put it plainly, any output cannot be better than
In an analysis system, there is a corresponding sit- the original input. No matter how clever and intricate
uation. These systems put the main emphasis on one the subsequent editing functions, the transformation and
or several of the types of analysis that are discussed structuring functions, or the analysis and visualization
Geographic Information Systems 6.2 GIS Functionality 151

functions, they cannot undo a careless or sloppy way of the real world may be considered in a multitude of

Part B 6.2
of getting the primary input. So, while all other func- UoDs, since it can be seen as a parcel of public prop-
tions described in this section can in principle be redone erty (geometrically an area), a connection in a traffic
if it is decided that they do not work in the intended network (geometrically a line), or a combination of in-
way or that they produce poor results, this easy way dividual features which in their combination make up
out does not apply to data capturing, for several rea- the publicly accessible spaces in a city. At this point
sons. It is one of the most costly tasks in the lifecycle of in the discussion it becomes apparent that each UoD
data, involving a large amount of manpower, organiza- eventually needs to be mapped to a different conceptual
tion, and preplanning. Therefore, in many cases the data data model, leading to different data structures in a GIS.
are acquired once and for all. This is especially valid This, in turn, tells us that there is no such thing as a uni-
for data being captured by surveying methods, be it tra- versally applicable data model. Instead, each applica-
ditional, as for example using a theodolite, or be it by tion requires its own data model, its own data structures,
satellite-based methods. In any case, fieldwork is nec- its own geometry, its own semantics, and its own accu-
essary. Second, the original setup may be lost. Consider racy requirements. Of course, this will not be practical
a remote sensing campaign giving satellite imagery or and also not financially feasible, let alone the problem
also airborne techniques. Such capturing methods rely that many future applications may not be foreseeable at
heavily on the season of the year because of foliage, the time when data are being captured. So, in practice,
draughts, precipitation, or weather conditions. Third, a compromise must be reached between theoretical pre-
data may already be in use by several applications, so requisites and practical restrictions. However, it is im-
it may not be possible to simply renew the data without portant to stress this fact that basically every application
risk for these applications. needs – before it can be successfully used – a lot of spe-
Another aspect that pertains to data capturing in cial considerations with respect to the data available and
general is the fact that it can be seen as a process that the techniques used during their capturing phase. This,
maps the real world to a digital representation of the real by the way, is an essential ingredient in all arguments
world (Fig. 6.5). Often it is argued that not the whole about the importance of metadata (Chap. 12), since
real world is mapped, but rather only a Universe of Dis- metadata can be used to render – among other things –
course (UoD), constituting the subset of the real world a detailed report on the lifecycle of data, especially the
around us that corresponds to a specific application in conditions under which they were born (i. e., captured).
mind. As an example, in land cadastre applications, we Data capturing will create digital data constitut-
talk about parcels, usage, property, survey points, etc., ing a mapping or partial replica for an application-
while in route planning applications we talk about start dependent subset of the real world. It cannot be a replica
and end points, via points, routes, road segments, in- in the strict sense. It is rather an approximation to re-
tersections, toll roads, traffic regulations, etc. A third ality. The real world is characterized by an infinite
example is given by a municipal authority that adminis- number of aspects, only a finite number of which can
ters the situation, infrastructure, and make-up of streets, be taken into account. The quality of the resulting data
such as the number of lanes, the sidewalks, lampposts, will greatly depend on the way this subset is chosen.
gutters, paving, and sewage system serving this part This pertains to all aspects relevant for the information
of the street, etc. This example shows that any street involved.
For an example, let us consider a mountain road that
shall be mapped into GIS data (Fig. 6.6). Apart from
Real world the fact that an information system database is finite,
several other choices need to be made. The data geom-
Universe of
etry will in most cases be 2.5-dimensional, observing
the fact that north and east have far more importance
Conceptual than height, even for a mountain road. While the for-
data model mer are mapped to a two-dimensional (2-D) coordinate
system, the height is often carried as an attribute. This
disparity between the importance of the first two dimen-
sions and the third one is signified by the value 2.5. Of
Bits & bytes
course, such a strategy can only work if any given line
Fig. 6.5 Modeling in the resulting geometry does, for each north and east
152 Part B Geographic Information

To sum up, any data capturing technique must, for

Part B 6.2

the maximum benefit of resulting data in a GIS, adhere

to the following principles:

• Suitability for given or envisioned applications.

• Reduction of the richness of a UoD by just the ap-
propriate amount of simplifications.
• Observing best-practice quality criteria.

6.2.3 Update Functions

Creation of data and their insertion into a GIS will

many times be followed by amendments, corrections,
Fig. 6.6 Modeling the geometry of a mountain road updates, and deletions. Almost any information sys-
tem and therefore also a GIS will be created with
value, only have one height value, so that there can be long-term usage in mind. The data capturing process
a unique and invertible mapping between a 3-D surface is characterized by the requirements of high geomet-
and a 2-D plane. Such an assumption makes sense for ric and semantic quality as well as stable and suitable
mountain roads, but it does not make sense for subway structures. This, for example, includes the structure for
lines, for example. features and for topological networks. See the previ-
Having taken care of the third dimension, we still ous section for more details on data capturing and the
have to decide upon the remaining two dimensions. following section for more details on structuring. The
A road is a general surface in reality and now we have consequence of all this is the well-known fact that data
reduced it to a plane surface. In most cases, the mod- capturing in general is a costly task. Costs arise partly
eling process will further reduce it to a line, being the due to the sheer volume of data and partly because of
center line or axis of the road, and again taking care time-consuming capturing tasks that involve a consid-
of the second dimension by an attribute which is the erable amount of manpower. If data are found out to
width of the road at certain points. So, the second di- be erroneous, ill-structured, or incomplete, it is seldom
mension has the same fate as the third dimension before: advisable to capture them anew; rather they should be
it ends up in attribute values, leaving the geometry of the subjected to amendment and update procedures.
mountain road as a one-dimensional line. Such meth- This sounds simple, but if those amendments are
ods can be seen as simplifications of the real world. The done carefully and in a user-friendly way, this task may
art of modeling consists of simplifying without over- turn out to be quite difficult. Any primary input is far
doing this. The last simplification step would be the easier to handle than subsequent amendment processes.
selection of certain points along the road axis to rep- In the initial data capturing phase, data usually arrive
resent the road in its digital replica. It is impossible to en bloc in the database. Consider as an example the in-
choose infinitely many points of course, and it is not rec- sertion of data that model road geometries (Fig. 6.7),
ommendable to choose too many points (because this since we have used this example also in the previous
would make the data volume explode), neither to go to section. As outlined there, in most cases the geometry
the other extreme (if there are not enough points, the in- of a road segment going from one intersection to the
formation about the cumulative presence or absence of next will consist of a sequence of points denoting the
turns, being a very poignant characteristic of a moun- axis of the road, while the road width at each of these
tain road, will not be available). So, again here the art of points is modeled by an appropriate attribute value. In
modeling and the art of capturing just the right amount the same way, the height value is handled. This pro-
of data at just the right places will determine the success cedure is straightforward if the whole road segment is
of any further applications built on that dataset. inserted into the database in this way. Now consider the
The previous discussion provides a short insight case that an additional point has to be inserted, or one
only. However, it can easily be transferred to other do- point has to be eliminated from the sequence. While for
mains such as sensors in photogrammetry and remote the user it is clear what has to be done, this cannot be
sensing and other air- and space-borne sensors as well so easily achieved by the system, because any insertion
as to mobile mapping systems in general. in the middle of the sequence has to be handled differ-
Geographic Information Systems 6.2 GIS Functionality 153

database. This road network has been checked for con-

Part B 6.2
Removal of
end point sistency, in both the geometric and topological sense.
When another layer of GIS data is added to the system,
containing roads that belong to another administrative
hierarchy, say a road maintained by a local township
administration, it is likely that the combined network
of provincial and local roads will have a topology that
is more detailed and will typically contain more inter-
Removal of an sections (topologically speaking, they are called nodes)
intermediate point
than the provincial network. An update function in this
general sense, merging two datasets that each had their
own special lifecycle, quality measures, and applica-
Insertion of an
intermediate point tion domains, and thus creating a new combined dataset
where all these criteria need to be harmonized, requites
Fig. 6.7 Updating geometry and topology quite a bit of effort in both the database shell of the GIS
as well as the human–computer interface shell.
ently from an insertion at the beginning or at the end. To sum up, update functions can be characterized in
The problems can be overcome, but the challenge is far the following way:
bigger, since the user interface shell of the GIS must
reckon with a score of different situations that can arise • They are much more complex than the original input
due to erroneous inputs. functions.
While such questions arise at the microscale, i.e., • This is true for the database shell, but even more so
for individual features inserted or updated, there is also for the user interface shell.
a macroscale problem that has to be analyzed so that • Update functions cover geometric, semantic, and
eventually ways can be found how it can be dealt with. structural corrections on the microscale (for any fea-
GIS have been designed to provide a long-term basis ture).
for geospatial analysis. GIS data will have a long lifes- • They also cover the macroscale when different
pan. Cadastral data are a prominent example, but also datasets need to be merged.
many other geospatial data describe objects or phenom- • Different time scales (real-world and GIS-insertion
ena in the real world that have existed for a long time, times) complicate the process further.
and whose existence is likely to continue into the fu-
ture. These long lives of all the individual GIS features 6.2.4 Structuring Functions
did not all start at a common big bang. Rather, their life-
cycles meet and overlap on the real world axis of time in Data enter a GIS in a more or less basic structure, as
an unforeseeable manner. Additionally, we have to ob- points and lines for vector-based applications and as
serve yet another time axis, corresponding to the time pixels and images for raster-based applications. Such
for a real-world object or phenomenon that its GIS data basic data are the building blocks for more complex
replica was inserted into the GIS. To add yet more com- structures that are needed to model the real world in
plexity to the problem, we have to consider the fact that a way that can be put to use for typical GIS applications.
GIS data originate from many different sources at dif- These functions assemble basic entities into more com-
ferent times. This is a great bonus, a great strength of plex structures. Let us again use the illustrative example
any GIS, but also one of the main causes of problems of road geometries that has been used in previous sec-
arising during the update process, due to incompatibility tions. Starting out with individual points that are being
issues. When different data collections from different captured by GPS methods, by digitizing points from the
data sources have to be merged, this can be seen as an screen, or by some other method, it is necessary to con-
update process at the macroscale. nect two adjacent points, forming a line. This may seem
All the aspects mentioned will add to the complex- self-evident at first glance, but it is not. Let us explain
ity of GIS update functions. Let us again make use of the difficulty by looking up at a starry sky on a cloudless
the road example. This road may be part of a provincial night. What we see can be considered as points – the
road network that has been digitized at a certain point A stars. Forming clusters that correspond to signs of the
in time and since then has been present in the GIS zodiac and then – for each sign – connecting the stars
154 Part B Geographic Information

in an appropriate order is not an easy task. Should such may be formed out of either points or lines. If the
Part B 6.2

a structuring process be done in even a semiautomated points from our starry sky example denote the corners
way, the difficulty becomes still greater by several or- of buildings that shall be modeled in a map-like two-
ders of magnitude. Similar things can be said for the dimensional way only, i.e., neglecting heights, storeys,
interactive and semiautomated structuring of GIS data. etc., it will be necessary to arrange the corner points for
It takes a lot of experience and a concise set of rules – each building in a closed ring sequence. The simplest
some of them pragmatic or based on experience only – form of a building in this two-dimensional projection
to make this process work. The order of points form- will be a rectangle. Again there will be rules that have
ing the axis of our example road can in many cases only to be observed as in the previous case, where we did not
be guessed, unless we have additional information that allow figure-of-eight shapes. We also have to consider
can be used, for example, a digital terrain model. Ambi- other topological rules of adjacency, nonoverlapping,
guities may be avoided by using some assumptions that etc., and there will again be restrictions based on ex-
make sense, for example, that a road is more likely to perience. As an example, we can rule out buildings with
follow the terrain than to go up and down in a zigzag an extremely elongated shape or buildings that would
manner. Often, a decision can also be made easier if have an area of negligible size.
we consider topological rules: a road may not cross it- With each dimension added, the complexity of struc-
self; a figure-of-eight shape is usually considered to be turing increases. Three-dimensional structuring, as is
a topological error; undershoots and overshoots need to the case, for example, in 3-D city models, represents
be corrected; ambiguities for nearby points need to be the most complex form of geometric structuring. We
resolved by averaging them, etc. Structural deficiencies can begin the structuring starting out from points in 3-D
have to be eliminated (Figs. 6.8, 6.9). space as they originate from surveying or laser scanning.
Once the order of sequence has been determined, the Those points will typically be the ground corner points
whole road can be structured, like forming a string of as well as characteristic points of the building fronts and
pearls. What has not been decided yet is the geometric roof. Points can be structured into lines, for example,
form of the connecting lines. They may be straight lines a roof line or a base line. Lines again may be used to
or curves in the real world. For the case of a mountain form a two-dimensional structure such as a house front
road, curves are more likely. If we consider streets in or part of the roof. Then all these components can finally
a US suburb, straight lines are more likely. If we create be assembled into a 3-D structure. This structuring fol-
a model for rivers instead of roads, then straight lines lows an approach that considers only the outer cover of
between adjacent points are almost unthinkable. This the building. There exist several alternatives. For details
shows the vast range of considerations that have to be on 3-D city modeling, we refer to Chap. 10.
included in any structuring process. Structuring is not restricted to geometric and topo-
In a similar way to the one-dimensional structuring logical aspects. Also the semantics as well as time will
of roads, rivers, etc., two-dimensional (2-D) structures often give rise to structuring. An administrative area
that is built up from several topologically independent
patches is one example, as is the mainland of the USA
together with Alaska and the Hawaii Islands (Fig. 6.10).

Fig. 6.8 Structural deficiencies in linear topology and how Fig. 6.9 Structural deficiencies in area topology and how
to amend them to amend them
Geographic Information Systems 6.2 GIS Functionality 155

geospatial aspects. Bringing together different worlds

Part B 6.2
of data is only possible if the spatial references of all
data are resolved so that they can be transformed onto
each other. This signifies that coordinate transforma-
tions are really at the core of any GIS. Mostly such
processes are triggered implicitly, without waiting for
an explicit command from the user. However, in order to
be able to discuss the benefits and also risks of compar-
ing or even combining disparate datasets, it is necessary
to acquire a basic understanding of coordinate transfor-
mations and the reference systems and reference frames
on which they are built. Geodesy deals with this, and
consequently it is discussed in detail in Chap. 8. Coordi-
Fig. 6.10 Structuring according to semantic criteria (US
nate transformations are not only necessary in the inner
core of a system, where they largely go unnoticed by
the user unless they fail to work properly. Also on the
So far, we have only discussed structuring for user interface level, any zoom or pan involves aspects
vector-type GIS data. Considerations for raster GIS data of coordinate transformations, and therefore they are to
are just as important. Let us, for example, consider an be discussed in a comprehensive list of GIS functions,
image stemming from an airborne campaign and let us even if such zoom and pan functions are considered as
assume that this photo has been subjected to rectifica- very basic and hardly worth mentioning. However, it
tion processes, yielding an orthophoto. The human eye is not difficult to find an example where zooming be-
can differentiate on this photo visible features such as comes slightly more complicated: large-scale maps are
rivers, roads, and built-up areas. If we now try to let typically presented in a plane coordinate system that is
a GIS structuring function do this, at least in a semiau- rectangular, without too much loss of accuracy. In con-
tomated way, many of the above-mentioned questions trast, regional or state maps usually have to take the
arise also in this context. Grouping the pixels of the Earth’s curvature into account if they are not to look
photo into clusters that belong together can be seen as awkward. So it can very easily happen that GIS users
a classification process. There are many pixel-based and notice the relevance of choosing a coordinate reference
object-based methods and tools to perform such struc- system that better suits the current zoom.
turing (Chap. 10). Coordinate transformations are not the only GIS
To sum up, structuring functions can be character- processes that are modeled by transformation functions.
ized as follows. Another important representative of such functions is
the conversion between raster data and vector data
• They assemble basic components stemming from
(Fig. 6.12). These two modeling strategies leading to
data capture into high-level application-friendly
two different types of data structures have in the past
often led to two different, and to some extent incompat-
• Geometry and topology as well as semantics and
ible, worlds. Often, a GIS was seen mainly through the
time give rise to needs for structuring.
vector-type lens, the raster world only being present as
• Structuring must adhere to application-dependent
a backdrop image. In recent times this has changed dra-
rules and often to informal knowledge (experience).
matically. Not only is raster imagery becoming increas-
ingly available and – despite its volume – manageable,
6.2.5 Transformation Functions but also a large number of image-processing functions
can be put to good use for GIS data. Let us just cite
The term transformation in a GIS environment is widely one example. Cartographic generalization is one of the
associated with coordinate transformations (Fig. 6.11).
An essential benefit of using GIS is the opportunity
to bring many different types of geospatial data to- UTM 33N
Latitude 15°26'16'' East 533260
gether under one roof, enabling their comparison in Longitude 47°04'15'' North 5213150
terms of their identical, overlapping, or nearby loca-
tions and coming to conclusions about interactions of Fig. 6.11 Coordinate transformation
156 Part B Geographic Information
Part B 6.2

2 1



1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
1 1 3 3 3 3
2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 2 2 2 2 2
Points Lines Areas
Fig. 6.12 Vector and raster data

key issues in the area of visualization. Image-processing • Transformations between vector- and raster-type
techniques lend themselves easily to generalizations data are increasingly taken from image processing.
based on raster data. It is therefore desirable that – at • Tools from mathematics, approximation and inter-
least temporarily – vector data are transformed into their polation theory, and adjustment theory can be used.
raster counterparts. Of course the inverse techniques are
also needed. We will not go into detail here, because all 6.2.6 Storage, Checking, Archiving,
this has been successfully used for many years in im- and Data Transfer Functions
age processing; the reader can find ample coverage in
the literature, for example: Pavlidis [6.9], Rosenfeld and In Sect. 6.1, we defined information as an answer to
Kak [6.10], and Gonzalez and Woods [6.11]. a (sometimes implicitly posed) question that height-
In this section dealing with transformation func- ens the level of understanding of the inquirers and/or
tions, it must also be noted that other GIS functionalities makes it easier for them to achieve a certain goal.
can also be brought into this discussion. This in- For a GIS, the metaphor of an engine or a vehicle
cludes interpolation and approximation functions and that brings us nearer to the solution of a geospatial
adjustment theory, computer-aided design (CAD) con- problem is therefore appropriate. Any vehicle needs
struction functions, as well as transformations in image an infrastructure it can run on, for example, roads,
and raster data processing (Chap. 2). railroad tracks, waterways, etc. For a geospatial prob-
To sum up, transformation functions can be charac- lem solution engine, geographic data provide such
terized in the following way. an infrastructure. Roads, railroads, and waterways are
essential for the functioning of modern society and
• In their form as coordinate transformations, they are therefore considerable investments are put into their
ubiquitously present in GIS and of overall impor- maintenance. Likewise, a geospatial data infrastruc-
tance. ture needs to be well maintained, since it provides
Geographic Information Systems 6.2 GIS Functionality 157

a basis for current and future GIS technology, for Another important category of functions to be men-

Part B 6.2
geospatial solution engines in a wide range of potential tioned in the context of this section is checking and
implementations, and therefore represents a consider- validating. Let us again take up the metaphor that
able value. Effort, time, and cost have been invested compares geographic data infrastructures to roads and
in creating it (Chaps. 14 and 30). It will have to be railroads. Periodically, such an infrastructure must be
available for a long time to come. Thus, proper main- scrutinized in all its aspects, for example, in terms of
tenance is necessary. There are scores of functions desired geometric quality, topological consistency, and
to make data fit for long-time storage, for lifelong semantic and temporal validity. Additionally, the struc-
checking on consistency and other quality parame- turing rules need to be checked for compliance. Such
ters, and for interoperable use of geographic data functions may include small corrections that shall be
including transfer and services. The metaphor we have done automatically or under user surveillance. Con-
invoked has in recent times become widely used due sider, for example, a regional directory of emergency
to initiatives for geographic data infrastructures on services. Any new entries and also deletions and up-
a global (Global Spatial Data Infrastructure, GSDI), dates call for interaction by the authority responsible for
national (National Spatial Data Infrastructure, NSDI), keeping and providing the directory. Changes in some
and regional level. The European Infrastructure for attributes, such as the update of a telephone number, can
Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) initiative be traced automatically and therefore also be corrected
that is evolving into a framework of harmonized na- without needing interaction.
tional laws supporting interoperability (Fig. 6.13) can This leads us to the last group of functions that
be seen as falling in between the global and national need to be discussed in the context of this section: those
levels. More information on geospatial data infrastruc- dealing with the transfer of geographic data and ser-
tures and interoperability can be found in Chaps. 14 vices. Historically, the transfer of geographic data from
and 30. one system to another was one of the main challenges
The range of GIS functions that shall be mentioned of GIS technology. The need for interface standards
in this context starts with all database operations that are spawned interdisciplinary and international standardiza-
available at the user interface level. Database insertions, tion initiatives, for example, on the CEN and ISO levels.
updates, and deletions are often implicitly invoked with- CEN/TC 287 Geographic information and ISO/TC 211
out needing an explicit command from the user. This Geographic information/Geomatics paved the way for
is the case, for example, when data capture or update many advances in standardization. The Open Geospatial
functions are executed. When users manipulate geo- Consortium (OGC) put the term interoperability on its
graphic data on the screen, they can safely assume banner. The ISO/CEN and OGC developments together
that all their actions at the user interface level are mir- provide some essential steps further, beyond the sim-
rored by appropriate functions at the lower level of ple data exchange paradigm of the past. Interoperability
database management. However, there are cases when denotes the capability of different systems to work to-
users explicitly need to invoke storage and archiving
functions. This is comparable to a desktop office envi-
ronment where periodically the current state of progress Client 1 Client 2
is archived, while the user at certain stages of the pro-
cess may explicitly want to trigger a save or even an
archiving function. While the former simply saves a cur-
rent state in order to be able to document it or to
safeguard against system failures, the latter provides
a means to keep track of several states in time, a time Server 1 Server 2 Server 3
machine as it is called in some systems. Geospatial ap-
plications are often characterized by the need to keep
track of past situations or situations that have become
obsolete or historical. Think, for example, of cadastral
applications, where not only the current ownership sit-
uation is of interest, but also the history of a parcel and
how it has evolved over time, including all partitioning Fig. 6.13 Interoperability ensuring standardized access to
and merging operations in the past. different servers
158 Part B Geographic Information
Part B 6.2

Thin Client Service Medium Client
or Appliance or Application

Appliance Specific Network

Catalog / Metadata Service Proxy Application and Service Registry

Device Transformer (Name Space Registry)

System Configuration


Coordinate Geomatic
Geoparser Gazetteer Geocoding
Data Service Transformation Service
Service Service Service
Service Broker

Web Yellow
Navigation Web Map Other Service
Feature Pages
Service Server (as yet undefined)
Service Service

Application (Geomatics) Services

Fig. 6.14 Services according to ISO 19132 Geographic information – Location-based services – Reference model

gether, to make use of each other without interfering 6.2.7 Data Request and Retrieval Functions
in internal procedures of the individual systems. This
leads straight into the modern paradigms of GIS ser- Information is an answer to a – possibly implicitly
vices that can be invoked on the Internet (Fig. 6.14). posed – question, as was outlined in the first sections of
The traditional geographic data exchange is one special this chapter. Web-based search engines are information
kind of service, but many other services (for example retrieval tools in wide use, giving answers to questions
WMS) function without needing to exchange basic geo- about content. For example, searching the Internet for
graphic data. A route finder is an Internet-based service information about clock towers, we may retrieve an an-
that is even better known to the public. The result of such swer that a clock tower is a tower showing one or more
a route query is not achieved by transferring geographic (often four) clock faces, usually being part of a church
data of roads to a local system and invoking a routing or municipal building such as a townhall, but that can
function there, but rather by transferring a map-like rep- also be free-standing. If we seek an answer not only
resentation that can be visualized by a simple browser. to the what but with equivalent importance laid on the
For further reading on interoperability and GIS services, where, geographic/geospatial information will result.
the reader is referred to Chaps. 13 and 14. We may find out about the Westminster clock tower in
To sum up, data storage, archiving, checking, and London, the Zytglogge in Berne (Switzerland), and the
transfer functions can be characterized in the following Uhrturm in Graz (Austria), as well as many other ex-
way. amples worldwide. It would be nice to see a world map
with pinpoints of clock tower occurrences or even find
• GIS data infrastructures with long-term stability call such examples that are close to home – provided that
for best practice in data storage and checking. the search engine can (and should) be informed where
• Archiving of geographic data meets the demand for home is. For planning a weekend trip, we may even want
time-machine-like capabilities of a GIS. to search for clock towers that are within a distance of
• Standards on data transfer and interoperability pave a 3 h drive, assuming average driving habits and average
the way for web-based service architectures. traffic flow. We soon get into details of a GIS search and
Geographic Information Systems 6.2 GIS Functionality 159

query, combined with topological GIS analysis func- be accessed, the time it takes to go there, and the best

Part B 6.2
tions based on road networks and possibly including route depending on the means of transportation are all
route planning facilities (Sect. 6.2.8). Knowing where necessary to give us the information of whether it is
things are in relation to our current location satisfies feasible and advisable to visit this sight – in the sense
a basic need, since hardly any action we plan to take, of the term information described in Sect. 6.1 – as an
hardly any decision we have to make, is independent of aid to help us make a decision. Up to now, we have
location. We humans try to place and pinpoint ourselves discussed information retrieval for features that can be
as well as our points of interest in space. pinpointed, meaning that their location roughly corre-
Computations often become an essential part of in- sponds to a point on the Earth’s surface. This holds
formation requests, as the example of driving distances for our example of the clock tower, even though such
and driving time shows. Searching for a coffee shop a tower is not a point in the geometrical sense. How-
that is not farther away than 5 min by bicycle requires ever, its mapped replica in the GIS is a point feature,
some computing, as does the query function about sight- tied to the point location of its center point or its main
seeing locations that are not farther than 5 km away entry. For line features, area features, and 3-D features,
from a vacation trip route or a mountain bike track that each category adding yet another geometry dimension,
stays within given limits as far as horizontal distances as things become more complicated. Evaluating the dis-
well as summed-up vertical distances are concerned. All tance to a line feature such as a mountain road will
these examples show that GIS functions for request and be more difficult than it would be for a point feature,
retrieval could also be listed as query functions under even if we use the 2-D distance only and do not take
the heading of GIS analysis functions. However, typi- into account any 3-D information or any obstacles on
cally such a geospatial search and query question and the way, such as a river or a steep slope that cannot
its answer decompose into two parts, one operating at be crossed. Projecting the current standpoint orthogo-
or near the user interface level of a GIS (dealt with in nally onto all intermediate points of the road axis and
this section) and one operating in the analysis engine of also computing the distance to its start point and its
the GIS (dealt with in the next section). We first have end point and finally choosing the road point having
to formulate our question, and this shall not only be the minimum distance may answer the question satis-
done via character strings. Introducing search methods factorily. However, there may be ambiguities if we ask
that are based on semantics as well as geospatial con- for the nearest road point. Adding yet another dimen-
cepts brings considerable challenges. Searches based on sion and asking about distances between 2-D features
ontology and semantic web concepts are becoming in- will naturally be even more complicated, as for example
creasingly important. For example, an ontology-based the distance between housing complexes with detailed
search would not necessarily presuppose the user’s abil- geometries.
ity to provide the string clock tower, but rather be able The distance between the Mississippi River and
to use hints coming from the user, who may not have Colorado River is a question that cannot be answered
expertise in posing formalized questions. The search satisfactorily. If we compute all possible distances from
would – as in a detective’s work – combine several parts any point on the Mississippi River axis to any point on
of a puzzle and let the final form of the search query boil the Colorado River axis and choose the minimum, then
down from concepts such as building structures, histor- the likewise procedure for the Mississippi River and the
ical landmarks, sightseeing, medieval city centers, etc. Missouri River would yield a distance zero, since at one
and what they have in common. This is also a typical point the two rivers join. But is this a satisfactory an-
task of a knowledge engineer leading to a knowledge- swer? The same problem arises when we ask for the
based system, as an advanced form of an information distance between America and Europe. Yet another de-
system (Chap. 5 for more elaborations on knowledge gree of difficulty enters the discussion if the delimiters
and Chap. 15 on the geospatial semantic web). of spatial features are not precisely defined. Examples
The geospatial aspect of the question we have in are given by the question of the distance between Bur-
mind adds yet another challenge. The question where gundy and the Alps or between the Rocky Mountains
may be too fuzzy in terms of the capabilities of the sys- and the Great Plains. All these aspects influence the
tem we intend to use. The geographic coordinates of way we have to ask a question and therefore the sys-
any clock tower are of little use to the general public. tem capabilities that should help us ask the question in
A simple display on a map may be more informative, an efficient way, as well as the way the GIS answers
but if we really plan to visit the tower, the ways it can the question. Also for the latter, the GIS needs to be
160 Part B Geographic Information

equipped with facilities that are far more intricate than analysis requirements ranging from urban planning and
Part B 6.2

a simple map output with pins and/or mileage numbers its effects on flood disaster management to agriculture
displayed on it. Due to the approximate character of and geomarketing simulation models. Another essen-
typical GIS queries, methods and functions must be pro- tial segment of GIS analysis is constituted by statistical
vided to assist the user in determining the appropriate functions, for example, ranking, regression, trend sur-
answer out of several choices. faces, prediction, and filtering. We will discuss a few
Performance issues are also part of the discussion line interpolation and surface interpolation techniques
about GIS request and retrieval functions. GIS typi- such as digital terrain models (DTM) which are stan-
cally have to handle very large amounts of geographic dard in a GIS. For other statistical functions we refer to
data. Efficient search algorithms have to be used to al- Chap. 2.
low for fast access and retrieval, not only because of Data request and retrieval functions that were
the large volume but also because of the imprecision discussed in the previous section usually appear in com-
and multidimensionality of query predicates, which de- bination with analysis functions, but deal with the way
scribe the query condition. The time a system takes to a typical query is handled and supported by the user
answer a question should roughly correspond to the dif- interface of a GIS. The current section highlights the
ficulty the user allots to it, on an intuitive scale, and not different aspects of the analysis engine that operates
specifically to the data volume stored in the system. For somewhere below the user interface level but interacts
a problem where the user has to put a larger effort into with it in a symbiotic mode.
formulating the question and interpreting the answer, it
is tolerable if the GIS query function needs more time. Geometrical Analysis
However, the size of the data volume stored in the sys- For geospatial data, the geometry of features is of prime
tem will not increase the user’s patience. Care has to be interest. Many – if not all – GIS analysis functions con-
taken that the answer does not exceed the time span of tain a significant portion of considerations on geometry.
the user’s attention. If this attention is diverted due to ex- The location of a feature, also compared with the loca-
cessive waiting, the usability of the GIS suffers greatly. tion of other features, is a basic ingredient of geospatial
To sum up, data request and retrieval functions can information. Two or more sets of features may have to
be characterized in the following way. be overlaid and their geometries intersected. Ranges,
neighborhoods, and buffers will be evaluated. This met-
• They have a big impact on the user interface.
rical part of geometry, being tightly connected with
• Semantic and geospatial aspects of the query need
measuring and rendering distance measures and even-
to be formulated and to some extent formalized.
tually coordinates, will in many GIS applications have
• Likewise, the resulting information must be struc-
to be complemented by topological analysis rendering
tured in a way that suits the user’s needs.
network-like connections, adjacency, and containment,
• Performance criteria are important.
which are, conceptually speaking, independent from
distances and coordinates. These topological aspects
6.2.8 Analysis Functions and the corresponding analysis tools will be discussed
in the next section.
This is by far the largest group of GIS functions and Two-dimensional Euclidian geometry serves as
also the hardest one to confine or categorize. The num- a first intuitive approach to geometry. It is built on the
ber of special GIS applications is growing fast. Many concept of an idealized flat surface, which serves as
such applications may appear as newly added features a good approximation for many purposes, including the
in information technology domains which can be quite purpose of this section, being geometrical analysis of
distant from a GIS in the strict sense. A typical ex- geospatial information. Another assumption that is rea-
ample is given by routing and guidance applications sonable will be an orthogonal coordinate system with
which nowadays appear in many web page presenta- axes pointing east and north. Extensions towards 3-D
tions of companies and organizations. Typical subtypes Euclidian geometry are straightforward. When we move
of GIS analysis functions deal with geometry (for exam- on to still higher dimensions (as an example, taking time
ple, proximity analysis, overlays, and intersections) and as the fourth dimension), our imagination – in terms of
topology (for example, network analysis as in routing an image – will not stay with us, but mathematically it
and guidance). Simulation and planning is another quite is possible and it is also being done. Non-Euclidian ge-
essential topic, introducing a wide arena of models and ometries are not that far-fetched. Consider, for example,
Geographic Information Systems 6.2 GIS Functionality 161

Fig. 6.15 Fig. 6.16

Part B 6.2
Spherical trian- Euclidian met-
gle with a sum ric (distance =
of angles greater 5 units) and
than 180◦ Manhattan met-
ric (distance =
7 units)

the surface of a sphere, as it would be an approximation Euclidian space and the Euclidian metric seem to be
to the Earth surface. On a sphere, in spherical geom- straightforward (in the double meaning of this word).
etry, triangles can have angles whose sum is greater However, in GIS this often needs to be modified. The
than 180◦ (Fig. 6.15), which is not possible in Euclidian Manhattan metric – even though, as a metric, com-
geometry. Just think of going north from your current plying with the three rules postulated – takes another
position until you arrive at the North Pole, then going approach (Fig. 6.16). The distance between two street
south again on another meridian, traveling the same dis- intersections in a city with a rectangular network of
tance as before, and finally moving along the parallel of streets can not only be measured in the Euclidian way.
latitude towards your original position. This way, a tri- A more realistic measure in this case would be the num-
angle results that has at its base two angles of 90◦ , plus ber of blocks you have to wander east (or west), plus the
the angle at the North Pole. Spherical geometry is not number of blocks going north (or south). The Manhattan
the only alternative to Euclidian geometry. There are metric is important in raster-based applications where
many others. raster cells correspond to the city blocks in our exam-
In 2-D Euclidian geometry, the distance between ple. However, also for traffic and transport applications
two points is given by the square root of the sum of that are vector based, this strategy is in certain cases
squared coordinate differences. This is the famous for- nearer to real-life requirements for vehicles and pedes-
mula of Pythagoras, since the distance line and the two trians than the Euclidian distance, which would rather
coordinate difference lines form a right-angled triangle. model a bird’s flight. There are several other exten-
The distance between a point and a line will be given sions and/or alternatives to Euclidian metric that serve
by the length of the orthogonal projection of this point a good purpose in GIS. Using time as a distance mea-
onto the line. The distance between a point and an area sure may in many cases be more realistic than mileage.
will be the minimum of all distances from the point to Also, since geospatial data are always finite, even when
any of the circumference lines of the area. Line–line, using Euclidian metric in general, we must allow for
line–area, and area–area distances are defined by appro- modifications. For example, the fact that line features
priate extensions. Mathematically, a space allowing the are finite means that distances cannot always be re-
measurement of distances between its elements is called alized by measuring orthogonal projections, since the
a metric space. Any distance measure must conform to projection points may be outside the range of the line
the rules of a metric space. The first rule says that a dis- feature.
tance will always be greater than zero, except for two Having defined the framework upon which geomet-
elements that are equal, in which case the distance will rical analysis needs to be built, we can now proceed
be zero. The second rule says that the distance must be to some protagonists of such functions. A good start to
symmetrical, i.e., it is irrelevant whether you measure this list would be a nearest-neighbor search (Fig. 6.17).
the distance from the first to the second element or vice The question sounds simple and we might surmise that
versa. The third rule, called the triangle inequality, says also the answer is. The problem arises in standard sit-
that, if you do not go directly from one element to an- uations during interactive work. The user points the
other but take a detour through a third element, the total cursor to some feature on the screen, with some ques-
distance will not be shorter than the direct path. tion about the feature in mind or with the intention to
162 Part B Geographic Information

plication dealing with environmental protection zones

Part B 6.2

for wildlife, vegetation, etc. They can geometrically be

modeled by 2-D polygons consisting of points on the
circumference of each polygon, adhering to a speci-
fied order and connected by straight lines. Typically,
Fig. 6.17 Nearest-neighbor search for one or several points
the polygon circumferences will follow some natural
and for corresponding features
form of boundary, for example, topographic landmarks,
rivers, or forest edges. In Fig. 6.18, we have used sim-
pler shapes (ellipses) for their complex geometry. These
polygons shall now be spatially compared with admin-
istrative areas such as counties or municipal districts, in
order to assess the area percentage of protection zones
per administrative unit. Two meshes of polygons have to
be overlaid, the intersection points have to be found, and
their coordinates have to be computed. The resulting
mesh shall have all original points plus the new intersec-
tion points, and the new tessellation will often be finer
than either of the original ones, and never coarser. The
Fig. 6.18 Polygon overlay and intersection new intersection polygons must then again be correctly
formed by putting their circumference points into the
use this feature in one of the next analysis steps. It will appropriate order. The polygon intersection answers the
hardly be possible to hit any point stored in the database question of where environmental protection zones pos-
precisely. A search must therefore be initiated, start- sibly interfere with the agenda of a municipality, and
ing with the cursor position and retrieving candidates which municipality has to find a balance with which
that are nearby. This search must deliver a result very protection zone. Also, areas can be computed, both in
quickly, no matter how large the database is. Any delay km2 and as percentages, and this can be done for each
would be criticized, since users intuitively equate the individual administrative unit, for each individual pro-
tolerable waiting time with the difficulty of the ques- tection zone, or in total for the whole set of data.
tion posed. This expectation is of course not correct, The overlay of lines and polygons (Fig. 6.19) is
but such an argument is not acceptable either. Another done in a similar fashion. Consider again the protection
problem may arise due to ambiguities, when the compu- zones and a road network being overlaid. The ques-
tation of distances to candidate points does not render tion is which road segments fall into which protection
a unique result. In this case, a spiral search of near- zones, where those road segments enter a zone and
est, second-to-nearest, etc. points is advisable where where they leave it, how long those road segments are,
the user is asked to decide. This is not theoretically and what would be the total length of roads running
difficult to achieve, but it puts more burden on a user- through protection zones. It is important to note that
friendly interface. Finally, let us mention a conceptual there may be a number of special cases. A road segment
aspect that often causes another kind of complication. running along part of the circumference of a protec-
Even though points are at the base of geometric struc- tion zone leads to a discussion of whether it is to be
tures, and identifying structures on a higher level will
often be achieved by identifying their points first, some-
times users consider another approach to be natural.
Take a map of the USA. When users are asked to iden-
tify one state, they will place the cursor somewhere in
the middle of a state and not to any border point (which
would be ambiguous anyway). So, it depends on the
given situation, and again a good user interface should
know what is the appropriate action and reaction for this
Polygon overlay and intersection is another protag-
onist of geometric analysis functions. Consider an ap- Fig. 6.19 Overlay of lines and polygons
Geographic Information Systems 6.2 GIS Functionality 163

counted or not. Even more special is the case when

Part B 6.2
a road touches the circumference of a zone only at
one point, say, a road junction. Such situations must
be reckoned with and dealt with in a consistent man-
ner. Also, the accuracy of computational geometry is
of interest. Taking into account that the geometry of
geospatial data depends to a large degree on the ac-
curacy achievable during data capture (Sect. 6.2.2) and
that geospatial data that are submitted to a geometri-
cal analysis may originate from different sources with
different accuracies, we are bound to run into a few
geometrically unfavorable situations where imprecision
and sometimes even ambiguities result. Consider a road
that touches a protection zone at one point. Due to im-
precision, the system may arrive at an answer that there
are two intersection points (when the road, due to im-
precise coordinates, erroneously runs through the zone,
instead of only touching it), or no solution at all (when,
for similar reasons, the road stays outside of the zone).
Such inconsistencies may in most cases be overcome
by setting fuzzy tolerances. This means that point lo- Fig. 6.20 Performance and recursive spatial filters
cations being closer to each other than a set value are
considered to be identical. In this case, we can, for ex-
ample, compute an average or weighted average of the the more suitable it will be. Spatial operations in gen-
coordinate pairs. Note, however, that the problems dis- eral and geometrical analysis tools specifically will gain
cussed are inherent to information technology and GIS considerably in their performance if several such fil-
technology and cannot be totally eliminated, due to the ters are applied in an appropriate sequence (Fig. 6.20).
fact that imprecision is part of the game. Each data The sequence of a coarse filter followed by a fine fil-
capturing technology has limits on the accuracy achiev- ter is a good example. A coarse filter would be given
able, and also data capturing costs would explode if we by a simple approximation of a feature or a collection
tried to push the limit of achievable accuracy higher and of features, in most cases a rectangle ranging from the
higher. lowest to the highest coordinate appearing in the fea-
At this point, it is necessary to delve a little into per- ture or the collection, in both east and north directions.
formance issues. In a polygon overlay scenario where This is called the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR).
a few polygons from one dataset are compared with When comparing two datasets, as in the polygon over-
a few polygons from another dataset, the results will lay example given above, we could first compare the
be available in almost no time at all. However, the MBRs for each of the datasets and intersect them, arriv-
volume of GIS data is huge and the tendency for fur- ing again at a (smaller) rectangle. The filter will discard
ther increases is steep. Therefore, comparing thousands all elements that are outside this rectangle, while the el-
of polygons, each possibly having thousands of edge ements contained in the intersection will need further
points, will become noticeable, up to the point where it scrutiny through a second filter. This filter may be more
interrupts the workflow and the user’s line of thoughts in complicated to apply, but it only has to deal with a small
a very annoying way. So, we have to think about means fraction of the original data. Such a strategy may be
to alleviate the effects of large data volumes. In the case applied recursively. In this way, performance can be sig-
of polygon overlays, this can be done by a special kind nificantly improved, because rectangles are much easier
of spatial filter, or rather a special combination of such to compare than the original geometries and because
filters, that is applied to the datasets involved. A filter – a lot of unwanted elements can be eliminated by this
we can also call it a sieve – can be seen as a device that simple method.
retains a few gems and lets go of a lot of unwanted junk, A byproduct of these findings on the value of spatial
as if one were looking for gold nuggets. The simpler filters is the concept of a range query. In GIS appli-
a filter and the more it can get rid of unwanted things, cations, we often need to compare a dataset against
164 Part B Geographic Information

a rectangle. As an example, any display on a screen and Fig. 6.22 Buffer

Part B 6.2

any selection of geospatial data that should be drawn on analysis

a paper map will make use of a range query, since both
are rectangles. Apart from this, range queries serve as
quick and convenient tools to obtain preliminary results,
and not only in geometrical analysis. Note, however,
that a range query may contain results which in a sec-
ond, more detailed geometric query may be discarded,
known as false hits. A query for cities in Austria will
in the first range query – among many correct answers
such as Vienna – also retrieve the city of Munich, which protection areas, perform a transformation from vector
must be discarded in a second, more detailed geometric to raster (Sect. 6.2.5). For example, each administra-
analysis of a point-in-polygon test (Fig. 6.21). tive cell receives a number signifying the administrative
From this arena of geometrical analysis tools, unit to which it belongs, and likewise this is done for
yet another type of spatial query, a buffer analysis the environmental cells. Depending on the accuracy to
(Fig. 6.22), is very common to a score of GIS applica- be achieved, these raster cells, being needed only tem-
tions. In contrast to the methods described earlier for porarily, may be rather coarse in their spatial resolution.
setting a comparison filter, buffers typically use a line However, it is essential that both datasets result in the
feature playing the role of an axis for a buffer whose same resolution, having the same origin. Now, all the
width may be specified. Let us assume a line feature individual cells from both datasets can be compared,
representing a road and that we want to define a buffer in a cell-by-cell fashion. This results in a large num-
that extends for a given distance on both sides of the ber of comparisons; however, they are extremely simple
road axis. We may want to find all agricultural areas to perform. If necessary, the results can then be trans-
that are within a 500 m distance of the road axis or cities formed back to the original vector world, although in
that are more than 10 km away from a railroad line. Of many cases the answers that were sought can also be an-
course, a buffer around an area feature or – much sim- swered by counting and summing up the findings from
pler – around a point can also be defined. In the latter all individual cells. Raster technology methods can also
case, it will be a circle. All these variations on buffering be utilized in many other areas of geometrical analysis.
may be simple queries – or they may be part of an in- A buffer can, for example, be described by first trans-
tersection overlay, aiming at a result that will reduce the forming data into raster format and then inflating the
original dataset to features (wholly or partially) inside central axis pixels by a given amount.
the buffer zone. To sum up, geometrical analysis functions can be
As a final remark on these geometrical analysis characterized in the following way.
tools, let us point out the possibility to solve any of
the problems listed above by temporarily moving to an- • They are at the core of many analysis processes,
other world – the raster world. Taking the first example since geometry is a basic aspect of geospatial data.
of overlaying two sets of polygons, we can for both • Polygon overlay, intersection, range queries, buffer-
sets, i.e., the administrative areas and the environmental ing, and nearest-neighbor search are examples.
• Spatial filters in special arrangements help boost the
performance of geometric operations.

Munich Vienna Topological Analysis

Topology is a branch of mathematics dealing with spa-
tial properties and relationships that are left intact by
continuous deformations such as stretching. A balloon
Graz metaphor is often used. Imagine a balloon that has
a map of Europe drawn on it, or a road network. If you
inflate the balloon, the geometry changes while adja-
cent countries will remain adjacent, the tiny state of San
Fig. 6.21 Range query including false hits to be discarded Marino will still be inside Italy, and roads connected
in a detailed point-in-polygon test to each other via a junction will remain connected. The
174 Part B Geographic Information

Let us focus on another question that directly ad- we compare the traditional graphical appearance and
Part B 6

dresses the overlap and conflict between the two worlds the traditional legends of symbols, line types, hatch
mentioned: the question of visualized texts. Strictly styles, etc. with the means of present-day computer
speaking, any visualized text belongs exclusively to this graphics, including animation, pseudo 3-D, and the
second world of portrayal. Its counterpart in the first introduction of sound, it may seem advantageous to
world, the geospatial world, is in most cases an attribute introduce some of these new technologies so that vi-
value. Consider, for example, a database of municipal- sualizations of geospatial data can benefit from them.
ities in a certain country. The class of municipalities However, occasionally there exist standards and rules
shall have an attribute called name. The instances of this for such symbol catalogues that cannot be neglected.
attribute will be Alpha City, Betatown, etc., and these A bigger argument still is the fact that human experi-
instances will be visualized in the portrayal, displaying ence, human habits, and expectations will never change
the text at a position near the reference point of a mu- as fast as technology. The overall goal of visualiza-
nicipality, using a text font reserved for municipalities tion will always be to minimize the loss of information
and choosing a text size that corresponds to the popu- as data are transported from the person conceiving an
lation size, which is another attribute value of this class application and its visualized form to the person re-
of municipalities. Also, any GIS application could in ceiving it and retrieving as much information from it
principle refrain from showing text at all, since with as possible. Sometimes adhering to old but approved
a mouse-over effect we could always find the value of and familiar ways may be preferable. More on issues
any attribute, in this case the name of the municipality about visualization and cartography can be found in
under the mouse pointer. However, cartographic texts Chap. 11.
are something that we have become accustomed to, ever To sum up, design and presentation functions can be
since we first learned to interpret maps in school. This characterized in the following way.
is why cartographic texts are sometimes treated not only
as aspects belonging solely to portrayal, but as a special • They deal with portrayal data different from their
kind of geospatial feature. counterpart geospatial data.
This leads us to a final discussion point here. The • Preferably these two worlds are linked.
question arises of how much we should cling to old • Portrayal is often the end product in a lifecycle of
traditional ways of displaying geospatial data, the most geospatial information.
appropriate example again being the topographic maps • However, visualization increasingly extends to the
to which we have become used throughout our life. If core of GIS analysis, offering a sandbox scenario.


6.1 N. Bartelme: GIS-Technologie: Geoinformationssys- 6.6 D.J. Cowen: GIS versus CAD versus DBMS: What are
teme, Landinformationssysteme und ihre Grundla- the differences?, Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sens.
gen (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 1989), in German 54, 1551–1555 (1988)
6.2 N. Bartelme: Geoinformatik: Modelle, Strukturen, 6.7 D.J. Maguire, M. Goodchild, D. Rhind (Eds.): Geo-
Funktionen (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2005), in graphic Information Systems (Longman Scientific,
German Harlow 1991)
6.3 K.J. Dueker: Land resource information systems: 6.8 C.A. Zehnder: Informationssysteme und Daten-
A review of fifteen years of experience, Geo Process. banken (Teubner, Wiesbaden 1989), in German
1, 105–128 (1979) 6.9 T. Pavlidis: Graphics and Image Processing
6.4 P.A. Burrough: Principles of Geographical Infor- (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 1982)
mation Systems for Land Resources Assessment 6.10 A. Rosenfeld, A.C. Kak: Digital Picture Processing
(Clarendon, Wotton-under-Edge 1979) (Academic, New York 1976)
6.5 W. Göpfert: Raumbezogene Informationssysteme 6.11 R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods: Digital Image Processing
(Wichmann, Heidelberg 1991), in German (Prentice Hall, New York 2007)

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