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Degrees Granted

Ta45 Students
On August 22, 1945, the Georgia
Sciite College for Women confer-
€r red 45 degrees and awax'ded one Oct. 10. 1945 Georgia State College lor Women, MiUedgeville, Ga.
onna VoLXXI. No. 1.
digloina.. Girls receiving degrees
were as follows:
Bonner To Speak
Bachelor ot Artis*.
Alice Florene Adams, Annie dean's List
At Current Affairs
Distinguished Speaicers Broiiglit To
Laurie Fowler, Beulah Brown
Harper, Elizabetii Muir Odom,
Cioiljr Anne P<3irker, Carmen Sin-
Hames 99 Girls
The Current Affairs Group,
one of the Y interesn; groups on Campus For Religious Empiiasis Weeic
The following gii'ls were on the caunpus, started off its first
^letary. the Dean's List for the Spring Fall Quarter meeting, Thursday Home And McGowan
Badieloii of Science in Educa- Quarter of 1945:
night, Sepi-ember 27, with a ca-
IMary Ajtutie Aiken, Mary Eliz- pacity crowd of 50 girls. Dean
Lead Activities
E. Beverly Burke Adams, Van- abeth Brown .Armour, Marion Taylor was tlie speaker for i,he Religious Emphasis Wedc
nie Lou Jolinson Blizzard, Miftie Barber, Ella Jane Beckham, Bet- evening, discussing whicih will be held here- front
Carmichael, Mary Eiina Cook, Sa- ty Berenthein, Marion Bessent, Postwar Plans. Occoiber 15 trough 19, will b e
rah Etlielyn Council, Margaret Betty Margaret Bowden, Bettjy under tlae combined sponsorship
On October 4, Miss Hilda Her'z of all denominational groups , on
Je<m Cullen,- Margaret Leinbach Boyd, Virginia Ruth Brazel, Bet- spoke on Unemployment Tomor-
Dailey, Agnes Rebecca DeEeau- '17 Lane Brinson, Helen Britt, An- row. October 11, Dr. Bonner' the campus, and the three ma-
gririe, Margo Olivia Flahive, Bue- ne;:'-;e Buckner, Ro?lyn Bynum, will discuss the Minister's Meet- jor campus organizations.
na Barretl". Flemister, Maiiy Jane Annette Hodges Callahan, Mar- Rev. Thomas (Scotiy) McGow-
ing in London. a]i of Norris, Tenn., will be the
Fuller, Christine Brlnkley Goode, ha Carpenter.
Evelyn Jane Hall, Marjorie Bellvy Anne. Carson, Johnnie These meetngs are of vital in- chief speaker of thf week. Dr.
Kines, Martha Harris Lewis, Re- :iyde Claxton, Betty Jane Cog- terest to each girl here on the Herman Home, retired professor
• becca Minor, Catherine Nix, Mary burn, Lois Rebecca Corry, Gar- campus. Any girls who wishes of education from New York
Clark Raines, Elizabeth Sander- land' Crow, Ann Culverhouse, to come may do so by leaving her University, who spoke here l a ^
son, Lena Jo Tabb, Anita Tan- Mary Louise Curry, Eunice Nan- name at the Y Apartment, no spring, will be on the campus for
, ner. ElizabeVi Maxwell Trenlt, nette Daniel, Anne Elizabeth Da- later ihan Wednesday afternoon. personal conferences and discus-
Bessie Dupree Underwood, Lo- vis, Gladys Davis, Mary Dixon, At this time she remits her 20 sion groups. The chaii-man of
rene Rooks Whiddon. Beverly Jean Dozier, Catherine canfs which p'sys for her supper arrangements is Ma-ry Grodibee of
*6re at th.e Y for that Thursd-ny DR. HORNE
Bachelor of Science in Home Anne DuPree, Annice Rebecca Millen.
Dye, Geneva Edenfield, Nancy night. The meetings are held Kev. Mr. McGowan attended
Catherine Everett, Janet Fowler. every Th.ui-sday nigh!- jn the Y school in |Dumferline, Sc^oltland.
Ruth Walker Barwick, Mary Dorothy Gassett, Lawanna God- "r-'-"-ent from 5 o'clock till 6
Louise Bobo, Katiaryn Jackson frey, France Grace Gordy, Hilda o'clock.
Cox, Edith Elene Evans, Sarah Vann Gray, Clair Ellen Gwin,
Blacimta Visits
In the First World War he serv-
ed hi the British Army. In 1922,
he came to America and worktd
Frances Miller, Marion Lee Nel- Evelyn Hall, Helen Hall, Gloria
son, Gloria Louise Stone, Sara Hamilton, Jane Harrell, Maude GSCW League
in coal mines in the Pittsburg
area. He studied lat Yale and
Mae Whelchel,
Martha Mae Harrod, BeHty Sue Hayes, Caro-
lyn Ruth Hendrix, Mabel Louise
Tlie World Miss Frances Blackraon, the Vanderfoilt, and has done gradu-
executive director of the Georgia 'a;te wiork at the University of
Baichelor of Science in Secre. Hodges, Jane Holland, Aileen
jarial Training-: Jackson, Elizabeth Ann Jacfeon,
Elizabeth Thompson Ash^, Anne Blanche Kelley, Floramann King,
This Week League of Women Voters, came Chicago. For the past five years
from the Atlanta office to the he has been pa-stor of the Noms»
GSCW casmpus last week in con- Tenn., Religious Fellowship,' a
Elizabeth Culverhouse, Lillian Mary Ann King, Mary Catherine On October 3, the United States
nec<lion with her visits to all the •dfiimunity church made up'of 20
Floramann King, Catherine Ame- Langford, Harriell; Little, Anna wais choeeen as the headquai'iers College LeagiS.es in Georgia. Miss denominatioas.
li»' Le!^oy„ Nora Davis Moor- Glynn Logan, Gladys Lowder. for (the Uttited Nations World
Blackmon was the guest of, Dr.
head, Claudii-ie Woed. , Peace organizatiom. Di Home, who was a member
Beatrice McCormick, Jeanette Walston during her visit, from
Secreitarial Diploma: of t h e New York Unversity fac
,/*^ McCoy, Kate McLaurin, Mary Thursdaiy until Sunday. While
Elizabeth Nell Phillips. President Truman will seek ulty from 1909 to 1942, has de-
,v.i Nanoy IMaKdn, Miriam Massey, here she not onl<>' held confer-
T an agreement to outLiw the grees from the University . of
Virginia Lee Mathis, Helen Mat- ences concerning the College
use and dCTelopment of the Nionth Carplinte/. Harvard);, and
thews, Martha Helen Millen, Sara League, but also-met with the
Frances Miller, Sara Josephine atomic bombs. He says that, Berlin. .He is a native of Claiy^
Milledgeville League of Women
j )
iVIiller, Many Helen Mitchell, the atooiuc energy should be ton, N. €., and has tiaught 10,'000
Voters, whose president is Mrs.
Maggie Ruth Murrey, Mary Fiaii- used for humanitarian and 3tuden'':.s in his teeching career
Gussie Tabb King, assistant pro-
nery O'Connor, Elizabeth Muir peaceful ijp^rposes. oJ 43 yeans. His books on educa-
fessor of Home Economics" at
Odom, Virginia OLsen, Cicily Anne •'ion have besn translated into
• Fifteen students, who are prac- Parker, Minnibell Powell, Jeanne Soviet Russia sent a demanc' Chinese, Japanese, and Portu-
ro Secretary of State James E. Miss Blackmon met: with the guese;
tice teaching at Peabody for the Power, Bronnie Nelle Price, Caro-
officers of the Colle,ge League on
fall quarter :are as follows: lyn Proctor, Elsie Glenn Reeve, Byrnes demanding that General Friday afternoon, September 28, A schedule for tlie programs of
Elenitentary: Elsie Shreve, Doroihy Branch MacArthur be replaced iiran^d'' and with the Bom-d on . Friday Religiou.s .Emphasis Week has
Kindergarten —. Mrs. Carolyn Smith, Mary. Helen Sperry, Elsie ately as the governing power of' night She gave valuable aid in been• announced as follows;-' '
Cox Davis Japan. Monday; 10:30 a.m., Russell
Standard, Evelyn Stanton, Re- planning the activities of the
Second Grade—Kathryn Yvonne becca Carolyn Strickland, Vir- Auditoriu,m, Tlia S^ar of Life,. ..Dr..
coming year. Miss Betty Calla-
Peters ginia Suitton, Dawn Olive Sykes, 60,000 wonkers struck in Home. 6;li5 p.m., Rujssell. Audi-
way, president of the. College
.' Third Grade—Hilda Allison.. Sleanor Imogene Thomas, Marian the New Yoifc harbor for a orium, Relision and, You and the
League, is; going forward wi'':Ji
Zell Barnes Trawick.
i^ •
W(OTM CmAs, Scotty. McGowan,
30 per cent wage increase. her suggeatioiva,^
* Fourth Grade—Lynette Eason . Mar,y laizabeth Tripp, R^ecca, •9:30, p'm., Dormitory discussions.
Music—Frances Elizabeth Cleve ;Wall, Mary E. Wallace, Florence Tuesday: 8:30a.m. Arte 18-19,
Th« PMlfisop.hy of Reliffion, Dr.
land Slizabeth Waters, Eleanor Louise TO THE STUDENTS Home, 6:15 p.m., Russell Audi-
Instruinents—Elsie Reeve W^a-tson, Marilyn Anita Williams,
After a summer away from the campus it is a joy to torium, Our.CJreatest .Enemy,. Scot-
Second Grade—Nona C. Quinn (Conianued on Page Three)
(ly MdGowan, 9:30 p.m., Dprmi-
• Third Grade—Mary Ella Ever- see all of you back at GSCW. Bright sweaters, raincoats,
tory discussions. , ', .,
ett 18 Exempted From saddJ© oxfords; a n d students rushing from class .to class
W<Bdnesaay: 2:10 p.m., / Rarks
. ilish School: iust make things, .look."right" again.
, Art—JaatKye Hooks Freshman English 24, ChrisUauity ahd Race, Dr.
English—Florrie Jackson Eighlteen girls have been ex- Already-we h a v e tried to tell a n d to shovr you new Horna. 6:15 p.m.,' Russeir' Aiidi-
Business EagUsh-Eraly Cliap- empted- from Freshman -English', s^dents how. happy w e ore to have you twith us.. W e torium, Wlio Are You, .Scbily
3- ^/PcGowan, 9:30 ^p.m., . Dorimtoiy
man iue to.Aeir proficiency in place- tiope that b y n o w you really feel a part.of us, for you ore.
jBnglJiah—Mary Elizabeth An-Lnent teste .given. during tlie i^rst discussion. ' „., ,..
' For the faculty' there's q big, welcome, too. It's good
l^erson , , ., week of school. . Thursday: 2:io p.it^., Educa.Jion
to beback with j p u md to g i e e f n e w members- to our 203, J«su.s' aiid ItemocraAyr ' Dr.
'.Spanisli.—Jane Lindsey . The girls were: Mildred Black,
•"^'.Typin^—RulrH Ellen Peavy" college..: . •.•.; • • '"" •••' Horhe. erlS pirn.', Russ(^li Audi-
.Lois Bowen, ., Hizabeth Douglas
' .Pliysical. Education — Angelpm Benning, Ann Glenn- Carlyle, • . . B y woricing together w e can-, cake this,, a good year., fcarium, Cncators- in d^liaos, Scotty
Glisson" Burnm Smith, Jewel Rad- MoGowto;^ • 9:30 .-• pi.m.,: Dormitory
> . » • • ' . , . • . ( . Peprgianfta-.-S. Glarfc, "Dorothty
• ' ' ^ . afGSCW". We-wouldlike.to thank- you.for your past-inT,
fpi-d.....,..„, ... „, ,..,• ,.,. : j Killebrew, Kathrya • -Louise' -Eic^, discussion^. , .• ..,,,.' ,'.1
terast in'College Governm^int ond^to ask.ior your contin-
•' Three. girlS;, are. , teEiching m Olive Daile-Boline; DorcyCKy Pran- , Friday: 9:30 la.m., Education
»liome ,BeQnoinics 'AE^'preutice Cen-[,'cis.,'Ali6e Virgina' Bradford, Ann ued interest and cobperoUor^. 216, Thq Kingdom of Heaven, Dr. W'
"tei-s. .They are: Here's best w-islies for"ai happy and successful ) « ^ t ' M ) f e '' 10:30 a.m., Russell .Audi-
Wells, .Mariy-'Nellei T^aylo^,•'Mary
"'Gray-^^C!«orgia Harvey , , . .-,'!, ,'.- '.„".,.... .'." •. Slhcefelyv .-your-- torium, VnohanglBff T r u ' t ^ ' V "^
/• Clax"ldn—MaCti^ LU'ei, ilvelyn Ann Jones,'• •Louise --Glrawford, Time' of Oha«*;''S!c'otiy-SfiJl; w-
Martha Goggin, Joan • -Mulheria;
'•Masoh'-' • ' •" •'• ,• •
!,','"",,'"".'1 .'7 ... '' 'proahiie)Bjt»,.,GGA;,:' an. ti'M V> .^I'l.* •'D6riiliitorijr' 'diScusk
'""W[iUeni^MJT.'6ice MfcDtwiMd.' 'iuA ,EY»13«IV Lftjtise,,,,?ff(>K;|nl«^t. .AlafT (;.jii

ElJe^.Pendersast,;. ...; -itv.k.i';

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.T" MV •*•',••'•••>>'I». (.^'l•<
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•:rjiM;i-l • " • ' •,»',• '

mmmmmm ";!;)«*•:>:;!';;« S'?.

llios&liae Ivey has been choEei. THE COXOiNNA.KE,
BeesonRoom ':W

Ready For Use

Dr. Liie Compares Army Teaching 10 liil ul"je place rjaacie vacant b„
:.... i,csji;nauun of Mrs. J. Wilson

Refiiious Emplasis leek Oct. 1I-2S Easy chairs, books, and yov.
avo me nxnin interests of Beeson Mhdi h Ihat Of hUk Schools Comer. Mrs.
u<c \...n ner husoand, who is sta-
$3,115,000 BulliEig Pr0irftni
tioned at Daytona t>baca, i-i^.,
Next week is Religious Emphasis Week a1 GSCW. For
those who have never participated in a Rehgious Emphasis
Reading Room.
Lamp light and soft music have
bean added for your reception of
Dr. Harry A. Little, who returns this yeai as head of educa-
tion and teacher training, has h a d an excellent opportunity to

divx wnile tifre, she is designing
original dresses for a shop in
Recommended For (jSClf
Week, this v/ill be a satisiying nev/ experience, especially suci-i people as M. Stalin, General observe army methods of teaching, anl to compare them • to tha: city. Miss Iveji studied at A five-year building program,, costing $3,225,000' has b e e n
if they en1er into all the adivilies v/hich will take place Eisenhower, and Scarlet O'Hara. those employed in public schools. GSCW, Valdosta and North Tex- recommended by the State Legisiati've'Investi(3ating CcJmmittee •
throughout the week of October 14-20. The?e personages along with oth- as S^ate Teachers College, re for GSCW. These recommendations-vv'-sre to-provide for. 2,000'
ers of tjie printed page are ar- An educational advisor to the ceiving her Bachelor's Degree
Religious Emphasis Week is aptly nsm.ed. All activities pupils, while at the present the enr.o.llm.6nt is-only 1,200.
A:-r Corps, Dr. Little found thai:
ranged in 3in1»Eible cow-vpany ioi frotn tke latter She took Iter
a n d pr«grams during the week AVM! he devoted to tke de- ^ I The committee recoinmended'
your convenrence. methods they used were no dif- M.A. degree from Peabody Col-
velopment and furtherance of religious av/areness. No the follewing expenditures: Co'rii-
Bs'en the fashion magazines ferent from -hose of good instru- lege, and has bad teaching exp'' pktion of Peabody High School,
club meetings v,ri]l be held v.rhich v/culd in any way inter- h?.ve bj;!en moved upstsirs, Mad-tors throughout Georgi:^ but -ha rience in Michigan, North Caro- '$17.5,00'0; Science B'uil'din'g, $350,-
fere v;Jth e religious program being held on the cam.pus. emoiselle Vogue. Haroer's Bs- he equi}:ment and greater lina, and Texas. She is a Geor 00(1; Student-Faculty dormitory,.
Two outstanding spec:kers,D r. Herman Kerne anl Rev. zaar are now adjacent to comfor- amount of money to spend gave gian. $'27.'),000; Atkinson. $150,000;
• ublp chairs. ho army greater advan'--ig"' Home Management Houses, $40,-
''Scoth'-'' Cowan, will be here all v/eek tc lead discussions
Poetry and dr?ma have no! over otjier institutions vnd made 000; College' Library, $l'00,Oob;
and lecture to classes, group meetings, and dormitories. possible an acceler-ted pro,?ra;-- MISS HERTZ
••pen sligh'.ed. These subject? DR. KEELER Chapel Hall, '$25,000; Colle^
In oddilion, they w l l be available' for individual confer- havp their place on the Beeson Educators, who have -had experi- •31iss Hilda Herz has been chos- Infirmar,y, $50,000; Terrtll Hal!
ences,-tc dipcuss and answer any questions of religion, ence with the arm.v ]iave .^ten ho- Clyde E. Keeler will be associ- n as assisnt professor of Social
Room tables. The varied in'er- and' 'Annex, $250,000; Bell' Hah"
learning can be qui-'kened v>--v}" ate professor, of Biology, filling Science. Her training includes
ethics or morals that students find perplexing. esrs of GSCW are reflected by the 'arid Annex, $190,000; Ennis Hail,
better visua-I aids, models, ar tihe place which DoC'.or Daniel !the A.B. degree from Skidmore
This is an opportunity for spiritual growth that is not displays. $100,000: Parks ' Hall, $35,000;'
othor equipinent. and wil] nr''^•'^" Jordan left vacant some years 'College, the M. A. degree from Dormitory for 200 students, $20,-
an every day occurrence. Take advantage of it. This is The invi'-'ation and the doors bly demand more of the.^;?: 'n ^'r' ago when he went into the arm- Duke Universii'.y arid additional 000: Adminis'-rative and Business
your chance to reorganise your concepts so thctt your re- are open—come up and lounge future education ••••! vrcrr^vr- ed services. Docor Keeler took graduate work toward the Ph.L Administraltive, $250,000;. FacuKy
ligious life will be more satisfying, more clearly defined, aroun. Rather th-"n accpl^-stirvcr po'-.vc:-' his B. S. and 'M-A. degrees at degree from' Duke. She has ah;: Houses and Land, $50,000; Chang-
and of greater value to you in daily living. students will probably stay i-- Denison University, and his Sc. i studied in the Universi-y oi es in electric.lines/$1-0,000.
school longer because cf 1-i"" D. degree from Harvard. He i Southern • California, the Univer-
DR. LITTLE hss s-:udied abroad as a Guggen- I'-ity of Chici^o, and Colum.bi.

Our EduQtieii, Our Responsibility

tildiiis lip Frssi! smaller number of jobs.
The teaching prore?"i-'^n. •v^l-
h^:- r:-n underpaid one-. h"S .-
open to women. Elementary "
•ci^chers now receive as high pay
heim Fellow, and under other
tr^jveling scholarships, and has
• Universii-y • DR. FULLER
Donald C. Fuller, who has been
• Miss EiiKahcth .Knowfes, a B.S..
i'vadiiate of GSCW in this year's
class, has toeen elected, as instruc-
done considerable research in
We Are Beginning Again
Some of us are here for the second, third, or four-ii
Pmm\s Gl's View brighter future for those who
choose it 2? their I'fe work—siv-
a.- thofe ;n nigh schools. Here at
GSCVv, Dr. Little's educational
program seeks tc (1) Improve
zoclogy and genetics. He is a
member of Phi Beta Kappa. Lasft
Rosa Lee Walston has accepted :
the position as head of the divis-
ion of Lanuguages and Liera-
selec:ed as chairman of the Di-
vision of Business Administra-
-or in Physical .Ed.uca'tion for one.
year. She will succeed Miss
"Please read Up Front by Bill dpnts from GS-CW, who were tion. He holds the B.S. degree Belty Lippman, who has resign-
time. Over 500 of us are here lor the first tim.e, as fresh- training of ^^achers; (2) Extend year he taught at Wesleyan. ture andcof the English Depsr".-
\r.-uldin. It Surely brings ou: :^lRced in positions la.=t year re- and the MJV. degree from Boston ed to teach in the Deparfimeiit-of.
men. the college services to better t^ie me.n^-. Her most recent position Physical Education for Women' a-t
tbe G.l.'s point of view. I think ceived about .$1500 a year, which
whole stste, and (3) To do re-
MR. MCDONOUGH was with the Social Security University, and the Ed.D. degree ihe University of. Wiscojisin. •••
ir. will do you good to read abou'. is as high as niost office workers
We, a s freshmen, h a v e left behind us the years of com-
what happened. It's the crutb search in better ways of further-
TrT-pc V. MftDononifh has been Board in Washinp--on. hvi befor-:^ from Harvard. His dissertation
make, and higher than son.c. Hoberta Moms Ryan has been
pulsory educaton. W e did not h a v e to come to college.
as far as i can see."
seleoied as chairman of the divis- that i'iroe, she held pood position? for the doctorate won 1944 Re-
many other white collar job?, ling education. ar'-c'ed to he Library staff. (Mrs.
W e ctre hero because w e want to be. ion of Fine Artis. He took his in a number of Sou-hern in3t.itu- search Award of the Delta Pi Ep- DEAN'S LJST
Ryan holds the .^.B. degree from
W e Are On Oiu Own Tha- is what one overseas vet- Woman's College, in Due Wesi,
'-..B.-degree and M.A. d-egree in tions. She holds the A.B. degree silon, a national gi'adua'.e frater-; (Contin'ued • from Page One) '
eran thinks 'about Bill Mauldin's Fine .Arts, magna cum laude, from Hutington College, the '\1.A. nity in business education.. Hii. Sibyl Williams, Eugenia H. Wil-
From now on, our education s our own responsibility. S. C, a,nd ;he B.S in Library from Princeton, anh an M.A. de-
newest book, Up Proiu. While
&-;"enre from Peabody College. inn Educai-lon from Birminghan^ latest posii'.ion has been in the son, and Emily Jeanhette Win--
If we choose to fail in our studies here, v.'e v;ill have to ad- 2'Te from the Univer.=:ity of P'ttF-
tho book contaiis inan^- of ilie ^
She has also done graduate work Southern, the M.A.. in English i-onnsyivaaia State College. gate.
mit the fault is ours. If w e are detennined to succeed, to cartoons of Willie and Joe, which burgh. He has had a year 0^ fron Columbia University, a-'-'
in the University of Chicago, She of graduate S'tudiy at Har\'ard.
get the most out of college, to prepare ourselves in the made Meuldin famous, ihere aix t'ht Ph.D. in Bn^lish from Duke.
^''•••' ^3d ^^^y ev^Wencp m
be?^: Vv'oy possible to-earn a living and at the some time more than ZQ,m words in the '^•- 'he completion of a publica- She is a member. of Phi Bets
pcj-;ro cur fellcvf-beingft well, a successful college life is
T-xas, SWrlei^ CoUege, .Rome,
tion now under way, Princeton If s Nearer — Ifs Better ~ Ifs Cheaper
and comes to us from the Univer-
University will automatacally is.appa.
almost ours. Add to that deterrr^ination a lot of hard Bill feuldin was in Italy sity of Virginia. '
confer on him fhe Ph.D. degree
Go Tc
thioug-hout ;^he Italian campaign.
work and perseverance, and our four years here will not
V/hen France was invaded, )v
in -Art and Archaeology. PIGGLY . WIGGLY SUPEE MARKET
only b e the best we have ever spent, but they v.nll have
w<a.9 there. He is a veteran COT>'.
provided a good foundation for the years to come.
bal infantryman. He didn'^i yj.r DOW'T FORGET GIFTS FOR TO GET FSST REF5ULTS H12TPV on "Downl •
• _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ J
'••'Ok at .Jftis war. J-Ie wa."; in i1 y) BHmr- VOUR CAMERA B^^ Ymj At
lite COLONNADE His stor.j is noi. jitst his story.
It's '.he story of your n-,an in ser-


T 0 MMI E ' S
Member of Associated Collegiate Press vice.

Although the book is nofi; in-

tended :0' be humorous, it ha.' Select our Sterling Pattern From Our
Published even/ other vQ^&Bk during the school year except hinv.or. Bill Mauldin wrote abou
during holidays and examination periods b y the students WELCOME Complete Stock h\r
v.'haK he'Si-jw. II that harppene:
of the Georgia State College ior Women. Milledgeviile. 1o be humorous, it was included
Q'Dfham. Towle... Heed-Bart'on. Lunt,
Georgia. Subscription price, $1.00 per year. Ent-esed as in his bool:..' If it was grim, i To AH Old and Smith, In,ternat!o'nal
second class mail matter, October 30, 1920, in this post was included, t."o, becawse tba't's
office. Milledg^vffie. Ga., under the Act of r<fiarch 3, 1879. hovj :hings were Mew. Students
Rv.'sd Bill Eauldin's Up Front ','
ii w'tM do you good. You will
Editodal Staff f)~:6 ii: in the Rental Libra2";y.
_, . . , ©E.'3«U1RE, INC., ,o.,a JOINEB'S MARKET
June Jones Morgan Editor-in-Chief Reprinted from the October issue of Esquire
Betty Bartlett A.ESociate Editor «(He inn't only rfemobiK«t<l-;ic's immobilUed'*
Nell Daniel • Managing Editor- Distdbizle Education
Catherine Leathers • Mev.7s Editor Club Elects Officers ODORLESS
Helen Matthews , Feature Editor The Disuibutive Education held CLE A H E R S
Jo Shivers Art Editor i's fii'St meeting on Tuesday, Oc- '*&even points which the reli- The Skyscraper, Mudelein Col- —NONE BETTER-
Dorothy Maincr
Martha Giles
•. .Exchange Editor
tober 2, -in Chapel Hall.
The nev,; officers elected for
giMis forces of i'he land ?javt
agreed upon as a basis for our
legt'., Chicago.
j '*So long as we liavt v/aa'S, we
Cive nev; beuuly to your fingcrnaile
hi;; year were; Presidenrt. Lois n'a'tional policy in organizarsg the 'cao sptak of the imperfection oi
Editorial Assistants: Joyce Arrington, Betty Benning, Ellen with Dura-Gloss, the nfiil polinh of ptirfeclion!
Co)Ty, Union Poin'':, Gfl.; Vice- coming peace, as c-ufiiJieC. bjv'i •'•!* jm.an. The greatest boon thai.
Guin, Mildred Johnson, Betty Jones, Edith L&W:E, Uary pi'o.?id.ent^ Ktinor Dozier. Thorr- Dura-GloB8 ie like liquid jewelry, lis beawty
Rev. S. J. Conway, S. J.; The I can come to mankind is for ti)«
• Cobb, Helen Matthews, M«ry Patricia Ridley, Gwendo- spn, Ga.; Secre^apy, Nanne'-te moral iMi r-nist govirn world or- j people ci he v^'orid to work to- ( ¥here You Go^When You Want And briUkincc come from iChryetaDvne,
lyn Ritch, Betty Rivers, Margaret Stovall, Dawn Sykes. Daniel, Griflin, Ga.; Trea'Srin-er. drr: the rig.b',s of the indi-\*i.c'.ual ; tether and strive for elimin,a(tion n special ingredient in the Duia-Ocss fonntik.
Dr. James C, Bonner Faculty Advisor VirgiriiaHOciCl, Decatur, Ga,: Pu'b- mu.v.t be •asiaired; the righi; of the of v.?ar. We must believe the
iiiiy Manager, Sairice Scott, Se-
oppressed, weak or '.lolonial p&c- world emerging •from this war ' the Best For Service Thafs; )t driee fast. Its emoothnees will (K^tiglit you.
noia, Ga. ilO^ pluti tox
ple5'. must be pro'ectert; the rights
Business Staff Other iiJtere.'-i'-rnK ,i'nd iiopor- -.f ir'inori|Jo£ must be fieeured; in-
will be betl-er. We mnsi'' hove
i::iitb or we cannot r&mn: oiir Whether It's Always Dependable
Jamie BaiCfwell ' Business -Manager ian'; phases of the tneetinf; were •ierneiicnal institution.*; fo main- idf.rlF..^ Thi.'i v.'ns the most glo-
Virginia Cox .',... Assistant Business Mcmacier jihcns lor the initiation and planr. iain peaice with, justice 'must be bal wari^bl all: • evcr.yone has - Cwkiei - Cakes - Pl^^ Count On
Ann E. Davis Circulation Manager io:' t8je aetiviitiy of th«. clii» this .irjyiinii'.eii; ifttei'national eoonomic been •.ouched, .And the pepce
•B,uHirtess Assi(^;lc5j^lB; Ivce G, Adams, Pecjcry Boll, Dorothy, j»ear. coQj>ei'atiion rn'osl. be developed, a win be as t^lobal 'm this' present
£,- E. BELirS
, 'Cooper, MnrtJhr' Arin, Dimn, Ocxra "Mae Kail, Cqtherine The ciulD consists of 46 ivi«m- juMt socia»l ordfci'', iwithin each war b«c|,Tf)e.'-'—Ratibi Vmih J.
•Luther, Audrey Mcbloy. bRi's. slate inust Ibc achieved." — Fi'cm Cftshdiifn Of -Des M(5i;ttefi
• baring'Snaf'Week^
members of Rec Board visiv.ed
J For lliese M ArilctiH i M
Kg Sisten Guide Freshmen the various dormitories and Town
Girls and discussed with them the
skill clubs sponsored by the
During FirsI Weeiu Of College RecTfeaiiion Association.
Bei'ma Smith, president of Pen-
O n September 17, amid- shouts of joy and last minute in-
structions of loving parents, the new "Jessies" arrived.
guin, announces thatt preliminarj'
tryouts were held on Monday
evening,. October 8, at 7 o'clock,
Soon after arriving most of us First, she came around and in- and that the finals will be held
. iseolizeci we didn't know where troduced herself to each of her in two weeks.
. anyUiing was, what ws were little sisiers. She offered a help-
There will be no meeting of
Bwtpposed to do, or. anjthing a': ing hand to each bewildered girl.
Cotillion Club until furthei' no-
eil ctbout this new lift- A minor Sh'J took us on tours of the cam-
pus, introduced us to other stu-
tice. Notebooks — Paper — Pencils — Erasers
Tivave of panic swept over each' Tryouits for Modern Dance
i-n&v "Jessie." "What shall I do?" dents, as well as to faculljyi mem- Club are to talce place soon. The Stationery — Pens — Ink
VfQ each moaned. berp. She even offered an under-
Who came to our rescue, but ^ standing shoulder for the home-
time and place will be announc-
ed. I
iriend, wise in all the ways of sick little sister to cry on.
, Each big sister—tliere are 21 According to Bcith Hart, presi-
'h6t Alma Mater. Yes, the Big dent, Tennis Club met on
Sisters. What wrould , we poor of them—is the guide and guar-
Monday afternoon, October 8,
,dian of appi-oximately 20 fresh-
f*e§hmen do withoui; them.
man girls. They are elected by
the "Y", and they serve the
and will be able to accept about
10 or 12 hew persons as members FROSTY PALACE
some time during the following
Saniprd Plans freshmen for the first two quar-
ters, after wliich time the fresh.
Social Schedule men are expected to kinda know
Social functions a't , Sanford their wa,y around. The "Big
T;"youts for Tumbling Club
took place Tuesdaiy, October
Welcomes GSCW Girls!
9. at 6:15, according to Anne L.
Hall this feU will include tile Sister" is her group's YWCA
sponsor and they meet with her Rogtrs, president.
following enifcericainmehts:
October 14, there will be coffee every Monday night. Remember, points toward a
bonoring tlie new faculty mem- Rec Emblem and a blazer are
bers, with Lois Corry as chair-
njan of this this affair.
The Big Sisters are: Ann Car-
son, Patsy Hodges, Meb Brantley,,
Jare Whitehead, Jenelle Poss,
earr.ed thi-ough participaition in
skill clubs. Frosly Malts Our Specially
On Ociober 20, a game party Rosa Malone, Virginia Hood, Er-
- will be held with Virginia Bra- nestine Pi-escott, Isabelle Mur-
• zeU as t2ie chairman. pliy, Miriam Collins, Or.a Spivey, See That New'Stock
The Senior Dance will be given Nad^ Street, Elizabeth Mallard,
• Oft November' 3, with Iris Young Betty Lane Brinson, Sally Welch,
serving as chairman. Marianne Armstrong, Pvose Varn,
Jackie Biirtbii will be chairman Barbara Puvall, Virginia Nichols,
of Stationery at At Your Service
of the formal dinner to be given Naomi Mizelle, Ruth.Ellis. Their
On November 14. *. ''•-'• Sandwiches — Candy — Cigareties
The .Christeiias Informal Dance
supervisor is Helen Akin, STORE
Big Sisters, we saluite you
will take piatfi: on December 9*
and love you for taking a: real
witfj Patey .Ingle in charge.-.
interest in us, and for being "a
friend in need."
NEW-WAY It Takes lewelry to Complete Your
Be Among the Best We Specialize in Ensemble!
Dressed oim Campus! s o YOU'LL LOOK ifOUR

Sweiitdris at ' Babb's Beauty Shop Cleaning
THE VOGUE SHOP To Get Best Results k'
H. A. Snyder, Mgr.
Shoes and Ladies' Ready-tp^Wear
tlMPliS THEATRE of Meats at
Hallowe'en Will Soon
B e He?«a!' • ALL YOU "lESSIES"
ThbifeaiLifeStbr]^^ Be Prepared With
'• ^ •' '^\y, Of Your^G.,Ii|oe}? ;,. ' Candy« Masks, and
Lanterns from
it If 11

For Those Late Sunday Morning

WMh Biirgess Meredidi Compliments of
HALL MUSIC B^eaMasts—Com^ by
Sam's Southern Kitchen
Have You l^een By
Our Beauty Shop?
Sets -- Shampoos
"Better) Hian Most" aHDUDG&TTS^P? A T i , , . r
' • . . * •

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'..•.•;.^..*.„';..r.«,;*.,i,. .">,„• •j,-j.,.*«i.i'..WiK.'J'.'.!.l,iii:,i;T.„i.

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