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ITEM NO. 75/2017 ‘Subject: Modifications in Chapter-19 (Land Policy) of MPD-2024. (File No, F 3(63/2003-MP/-Vol-I PLIll) > a. Backaround: vil The Land Policy was notified by Government of India vide notification S.0. 2687 (E) dated 05/09/2013 as part: of Chapter — 19 on “Land Rolicy" in MPD 2021. A. copy of notified Policy is annexed (Annexure A). The Regulations for operationalization were approved by MoUD (now McHUA) on 26/08/2015 with some modifications. \While preparing the Regulations, it was felt that certain modifications are required in the: Land Policy. Accordingly, the modifications in’ the Policy were processed under Section 41-8, and after approval of the Authority, were sent to the Ministry for consideration and ‘inal notification on 24/07/2018. Ministry vide’ letter dated 30/07/2018 ‘asked “for, justifications for each and every modification. While, processing justifications’ in.DDA, it was felt thet certain additional modifications in, Policy and Regulations are:required: The. modifications in Policy were processed and considered by the Authority in ts meeting held on 27/04/2016; thereafter public notice was issued on 04/08/2016 for calling, objections! suggestions. ‘The modifications if Regulations were-conisidered end approved in the Authonty meeting held on 17/02/2017; These Regulations are pending for ngification under Section $7 of DD Act 1967. 8 eRe The issues regarding operationalization of Land Policy were discussed in DDA and based on the deliberatidns, it was decided that the proposal already approved by the ‘Authority dated 16/06/2018 and forwarded to, MoUD vide letter dated 24/07/2016, for ‘hich Ministry has’ asked for justification on 30/07/2016, be sent fo MoUD. Accordingly, the justifcation for each proposed modification to Chapter 19 on Land Policy was sent to the Ministry by DDA on 08/03/2017 with the approval of VC, DDA. i. Simultaneously, to operationalize the Land Policy, various pre-requisites were. taken up ‘such as declaration of 89 villages as Urban Villages under Section 507 of Delhi Municipal Corporation Act 1957 (Notified on 16/08/2017), declaration.of 95 vilages as Development Area under Section 12 of Delhi Development: Act 1957 (Notified on 46/06/2017), exemption from Stamp Duty (exempted 1% stage stamp duty. & rejected 2° stage stamp: duty). Revenue Department, GNCTD is processing. the authentication of base maps. na meeting held on 4/5/2017. at Raj Niwas to review the: operationalization of Land Policy, it was decided that alternate options need to be-examined to minimize tand retention period of DDA and that this’ would require: suitable modification in the Policy/Regulations (minutes of meeting given at Annexure B). A number of meetings 157 were held under the chairmanship of VO, DDA to assess the constraints & limitations in the implementation of the existing Land Policy. vil. DDA signed @ Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National institute of Urban. ‘Affairs (NIUAY in June 2017, in which part of the scope is review of Land Policy in order ‘to make it implementable (MoU given at Annexure C) ix, A stakeholder consultation with landowners and developers was convened by NIUA on (06/07/2017 at DDA’ office, to digcuss the. issues and seek thelr suggestions for implementation of Land Policy: x A mesting was held’ at Raj, Nias on 22/09/2017 to discuss the issues of Land Policy, ‘where officers from MoHUA, DDA and NIUA were present (minutes of meeting given at ‘Annexure D). As a follow up, meetings were held with service providing agencies ie. Delhi Transco, Delhi Jai Board and PWD on 26/09/2017, 03/10/2017 and'06/10/2017 respectively to assess their preparedness for development in land pooling, zones (minutes of meetings given at Annexure E), vi. In a meeting held at MoHUA'6h, 12/10/2017, it Was decided that ODA wil now act more as a facilitator and planher as against the role initially envisaged. DDA was further asked to immediately nite spatial and services planning for.the five zones covered under Land Policy so thaf:the ‘policy: could be’ given,.immediate effect after finalization of Regulations (oress release gi Pek. xi A draft agenda lien with iiputs ot the Legal nGe departments of DDA and NIUA ‘was submitted "on 0941 1/2017 13 placing before tie, Authority. The matter was discussed at Raj Niwas on, 23/11/2017. wherein t Was: observed that the agenda needs to be modified to make the policy implementable and’an enabling instrument. xii, A number of deliberations ‘were; he! jeen DA. and) NIUA and the proposed modifications in Land Policy were ‘finalized in a meeting’ on’ 29/11/2017 with VC DDA wherein Director. NIUA; Finance Member, Pr. Commissioner (LM) Land Pooling Policy, Chief Legal Advisor, Corimissioner (Plg.), Difector (Pig,) Land Pooling Policy, Director (Lane Pooling) were present: ¢ xiv... Ina discussion held on 1/12/2017-withi' CEO, DJB regarding. assessment of water ‘availability in land pooling areas, it emerged that in view of the scarcity of water. in Dethi, ‘alterative measures such as aquifer systems, water conservation measures lke rainwater harvesting, natural recharge, recycling, etc. are required to meet the future water demand in fand pooling areas.(Annexure G) 2. Examination: Based on the ‘above decisions, the major modifications and additions proposed in.the Land Policy are as under: i. DDAwill now act as feciltator, regulator and planner. iL ZDPs will-be revised as and when required for: the new development areas, including delineation of sector boundaries. 7 a are 7 Page 2 of B i vi xi ‘A minimum of 70% contiguous land of the developable crea within 2. sector, free, of encumbrances, is required to be pooled for processing of development in a sector. Sectors will be developed :by Developer: Entities (DEs), elther individually or through @ Consortium formied by muitiple DES. Differential fand return in two categories has been replaced with uniform division of land on {60:40 basis. The DE/ Consortium will retain 60%. The remaining 40% pooled land will be Kept by the Developer Entity (DE) for city level services and shall be surrendered. encumbrance free to DAV Service Providing Agencies, as and when required, Each DE will surrender land proportionate to the area of land pooled, irrespective of land uses assigned to their original land in the ZOP. Layout plan of the land available with DE/ Consortium will be prepated by them as per sector plan, notified ZDP and prevailing MPD, clearly indicating the land share! built space under residential, commercial and PSP uses to individual DEs. Considering the scarcity of water’'t rhay 68 Imperative to undertake resource based plenring in land pooling areas to align.the development’ with availabilty of resources. Therefore, the FAR and density norms’ may. be proposed.as.per prevailing Master Plan. Future revisions. in FAR/density may be:based on of infrastructire and resources, especially water. Provision for fraginehted Jans hoi within the sector, the ‘condition it pooled land needs to be delete temoved.-Sinice land pooling is restricted :to.retum of land within 5 kr of ‘any Zone, may, be acquired in Any land which is éssentia! for eflectuating land pooling ‘ fall'be bome by the DEsiConsortium of the ‘accordance with law: The cost of acquisition: respective sector, In case of un-pooied land parcels remaining in ny sector, which come forward t6 participate at alater stage, the fequirernent for surrender of land for city. level infrastructure shall be 45% or higher, as decided by.the Authority from time fo time. Provisions for amalgamation and..sub, division’ of city level public semi-public plots & ‘commercial plots is introduced, for ensuring that minimum, area requirements as per norms of MPD are met. Provision for achieving a verlical mix of uses (residential, commercial, PSP) at building level Is introduced New concept of Form Based Codes in’ lieu of segregated land use controls hes been introduced to regulate building and site level aspects of new developments. {50% of the plots éarmarked for neighbourhood level facities for health and education, within (fos residential use (53%) in a sector, to be retumed to DDA for allotment to government agencies/ departments. 5 Clauses have been introduced in the Policy for creation of) a two stage, Grievance Redressal Mechanism within ODA, il) Single Window System facilitated by DDA for operationalization and implementation of the policy, and i) An independent Land Pooling Appeliate Authority Page 3 0f 8 implementation of the Policy, 3. Proposal: : ‘The modified Chapter -19 (Land Policy) is as follows:- 19.0 Land Policy Land acquisition and planned development’ in Deihi.has not kept pace with the increasing demands of urbanisation during. the. last five decades. The prevailing large-scale Land Acguisition, Development and Disposal Policy of Delhi (1961), allows for development of land through acquisition and subsequent pianning.by DDA. Acquisition of land at such large scale ‘could not be conducted in'a time bound manner and this led to a mismatch between the pace of * growth, and the demand and supply for built-up space and other physical, social and institutional infrastructure. Land Pooling is a new paradigm for the urban development of Delhi, wherein the private sector wil play an active role in assembling land-and developing physical and social infrastructure. Unier this concept, owners or groups, of’o¥ners will poo! land parcels for development as per prescribed norms. and guidelines, making them partners. in the development process. For integrated planning of a sector the land’fequired for development of roads, ulltes, greens and other infrastructure shall’ bé made avafable to the ODA\and service providing agencies for development as per approved Zonal Development Plan (ZDP) and Sector Layout Plans. Planned development will increase the value of thelr land through provision’of infrastructure and public facilies. The outcomes are expected {lass ‘sma! and sustainable neighbourhoods, : ity, of water, power and other time, 19.4 Guiding Principles i. » «A Developer Entity (DE) car participate ih the Scherne by pooling land parcels covered under a sector (a5 defined in the Regulations) ae per, Zonal Development Plan. The Developer Entity can be: 2. An individual land owner of one or more parcels of land ina delineated sector, acing up to.a minimum of 2 hectares b, A group of land owners who have voluntarily grouped together for this purpose, through a valid and legally enforceable agreement in a delineated sector, adding up toa minimum of 2 hectares ‘An entity (developerfousiness/corporate entity) representing a group of landowners who have pooled, through a legally binding agreement, contiguous land parcels having an area of 2 hectares or more. Land parcels of any size can benefit from the policy by pooling. The timit of 2 hectares has been set to facilitate consolidated assembly of land, 7 li. In’otder to ensure unified planning, servicing and subdivision/share of the land for in a sector as per Land Policy and Regulations, a minimum of 70%-contiguous land of the developable area within the sector, free of encumbrances, is, required to be pooled for processing of development. Page 40f 8 vil 19.2 vit vil 193 ADE must appiy to DDA. with a minimum pool of 70%. contiguous: land in.a. sector. Multiple DEs may also form’a "Consortium’ (duly registered in. accordance with law), to.collectvely ‘meet this requirement and apply to the DDA as a single legal entity under the Policy. ‘DE/Consortium may apply to DDA for development in more. than one sector, provided that the sectors are adjacent and 70% contiguous land is pooled in each.of the: sectors. Cf the pooled land, the DE/ Consortium will retain 60% and hold the remaining 40% on behalf ‘of DA, tobe surrendered (free of enoumbrances) as and when required to.DDAY service providing agencies for development of cy level physical infrastructure, recreational and publie/semi-public (PSP) facilities as per the Zonal Development Plans (ZDPs) and Layout Plan of a sector. Each landowner/OE will surrender land proportionate to the area of land pooled, irespective of land uses assigned to their original land in the ZDP. ‘The 60% land shall be ullized’ by. the DE/Consortium for development. of residential, ‘commercial, public and semt-public facilities as per the Policy. ‘Adequate provision of EWS housing shall.be ensured in the new development area as per the Master Plan, 7 Role of BDA andlor Gover Ensure smooth and fair implerientation Overall planning with fespécto ZO and tne land tobe ullized by:DDA and service providing agencies for provision of tity level prysica infrasiructute, tecreational and publicisemtpul (PSP) facilities. Jans - % Revision of ZDPs as aiid when:required for new development areas, including delineation of sector boundaries. z ab wees Facilitation of the entire process of, development by DEs/Consortiums through @ Single Window System, for application, veriications, approvals, licenses, etc.” in'e time bound manner. Overall monitoring of provision of reiévant infrastructure for water supply, sewerage, drainage, power, transportation etc, by service providing agencies in atime bound manner. ‘Acquisition of any land, which has not been offered under land policy and is required for ceffectuating the policy in any sector, in accordance with law, The cost of such acquisition shall ‘be bore by the DE/Consortiums. Ensuring sale of EWS. housing stock handed over by the DE/Consortiun to DDA as per Policy Setting up and operation of a robust and credible dispute resolution mechanism to, adcress: gtievancesidisputes that may arise during the implementation of the Policy. Role of the DE/Consortium Assembly of encumbrance free land as per Policy and surrender of encumbrance free land to DDA and service providing agencies as and when required. > Page Sof 8 161 wi vil xi. Preparation of Layout Plans and detailed site pians for the remaining 60% land as per the provisions of the ZDP and prevailing MPD, through a consultative process involving all DEsflandowners: ‘The development ‘of. un-pooled ‘land parcals that remain in: any sector after licence for development has been granted to @ DE/Consortium, may be allowed subject to: a.» workability of the proposed Layout Pian in terms of accessibility and other functional requirements. b. making 45% land available for city level infrastructure/facilties’ or as: determined by the Authority from time to time. Timely payment of External Development Charges (EDC) to DDA and service providing agencies towards the cost of developing public infrastructure and services, through the Single \Wiridow System and as per timelines specified in the Regulations. EDC shall be payable on the total land pooled by the DE/Consortium. Seeking necessary approvals, inter-alia, of Layout Plans and detailed site pians, through the Single Window System established by DA. = ‘Time bourd development of ioterhal roads and other related infrastructure such as water supply ines, power supply. rain water harvesting, sewage treatment plat, weter treatment plant, and parking, nla provon 6 multevel paring factties wherever required, fling in Its share of the tang, as per Pe icy and Epoueere Bie Time: bound developtientand malilenanee ot tne: entre dovelopment as per approved Layout Plan, including all the‘nelahbourhéed level fatilties: ie. open spaces, roads and services, fill the ‘area: is *handed over to. the concerned Urban Local Body (ULB) for maintenance. The'deficiency charges, if any, shall be borne by.the DEsiConsortiums at the time of handing over of. the services tothe ULB. f: f ‘Time bound transfer. of ‘the share ‘built up. ‘spacefland to: constituent landowners/DEs as mutually agreed in the DE of: Consort agreement Ensure development of tie prescribed built-up’ space/aweling units for EWS: Housing component a6 per Clause 19.4(W), adhering to mandatory specifications and quality standards, as per the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA). . Sell 50% of the EWS housing stock to DDA at a base cost prescribed by the latest CPWD index (plus cost of EWS parking), at the time of actual handing over. The. DE/Consértium will; develop such 0% housing stock as a separate block, and provide all necessary parking, commercial and PSP facilies for this separate housing pocket: Dispose the remaining, 50% of EWS housing stock oily to the residents within the new development, at market ‘rates, to house community service personnel working for the residentsowners. These wil be developed by the DE/Consortium at the respective Group Housing site/premises or contiguous site. The DE/Consortium shall be allowed to undertake ‘actual transferftransaction of this 50% ‘stock to the prospective buyers only after fulfing the requirements mentioned in clause 19.3(x).. Bearing the cost of acquisition of land acquired by DDA as per law for the public purpose of ensuring the planned development of infrastructure in the Zones and sectors where the Land Policy is applicable. ae Page 6 of 8 162 “49.4” Norms for Land Pooling and Development Control Norms ‘The proposed land:pooling and development by DE/Conscrtium shall be based on the folowing norms: ? i. - “The Land Use distribution at the ily level for the urbanisable areas In the, Urban. Extensions adopted for this Policy is as under: © Gross Residential: 53% © Commercial: 5% ‘ © Industrial: 4% © Recreational: 16% (does not include green areas within the various gross land use categories) : “o. :Public & Semi Public Facilities (PSP): 10% ‘2. Roads & Circulation: 12% i. The above land use distribution will spit on a 40:60 basis: A minimum of 40% of pooled land in every sector shall be reserved for ciy level infrastructure (surrendered as and when required fo DDA and service providing agencies for provision’of infrastructure). A maximum of 60% of pooled land in every sector shall be avellable to, DEIGonsortium for development: The distribution of land uses shall be as follows: “Eu Area of Pooled Land Land see, é um 40%, | ‘Maximum’ 60% Gross ReaWiental — : 33% Commercial % [industrial = [Recreational : = PSP, 2 Roads and Greulatigh = = i. Sub-aiision of Gross Resiential areas and provision of faclities (local and cty level) shall be ds per the MPD. Land requirements fr ofovision of neighbourhood level Internal Roads! Inftgstructure! Services ‘(including water supply lines. power supply, rain water harvesting, STP. WTP etc) a8. earinarked~in the Layout Plan-wil be met equitably by all the TandownersiDEs. ive. 50% ofthe plots earmarked for neighbourhood level health and education faciities, within the Gross Residential Use (63%) in-a sector, fo be returned to DDA for allotment to government agencies! depariments. sj ‘Amalgamation and sub-division of city level PSP plots as well a5 commercial plots shall be allowed. On the amalgamated’ subdivided plots, minimum area requirements! norms of Master Pian shall be applicable for development of any use premise..tn such cases, adherence to Master Plan, requirementsinorms shal be mandatory. ‘The DE/Gonsortium. may..also adopt ‘anovative ways for achieving a vertical mix of uses (residential, commercial, PSP) within, a ‘building. Application of vertical mix of uses shall be in acherence to the prescribed Form Based Codes and is restricted to developments under the Land Pelicy. Vi Development controt norms under the Policy are: ‘a. FAR for Residential, City Level Commercial and City Level PSP shall be as per prevailing i Master Plan, Futufe revisions in FAR will be based on availabilty of riteal resources Ike water. b. Net Residential land to be a maximum of 55% of Gross Residential land. : Page 7 of 8 ere 163 “49.5 ° Framework for implementation W . For the purpose of providing EWS housing, the DE/Consortium shail utiize a mandatory FAR of 15% over and above the maximum permissible residential FAR. The resultant increase in density shall be considered over and above the permissible, Density as per MPD: 4d. EWS Housing unit size shall range between 30-40 sq.m, & Adequate parking, shall. be provided. by the DE/Consortium as per MPD. In case of the EWS housing component, a norm of 0.5 ECS/100 sq.m. of BUA shall be followed. ‘The Consortium/DE shall be compensated in the form of Tradable FAR as per conditions specified in the Regulations, fit is unable to utilize the entire allowable FAR within the 60% land. DDA may identify receiving sites for such Tradable FAR, which would be based on availabilty of critical resources such as water, proximity to transport infrastructure, etc. Additionally, specific Form Based Codes (FBCs), to be notified as part of he revised ZDP, Shall also apply for all developments under the Policy. These FECs will regulate building and site level aspects, and promote sustainable environment management systems through integration of blue and green infrastructure in the sector layout plans. The FECs may also provide regulations for achieving veriable intensities of development across sectors. A website, to serve aia’ Siigie Window ‘System., will, be ‘ofeated for the purpose of implementing the Lang: Bolicy. Thi jee ‘Wladow System wil provide the interface between i s/necessary information, and provide the The detailed Reguialiohs for spaalohalel tion of the Land ly including process and timeframe for participation, shall be formiblated in a time bound manner. The Regulations shall bbe put up. in public demain (Gnline “and. through evens) for inviting views of the stakeholders within a period of 36 days ‘A two-stage Grievance Redréssel Mechanism will be constituted’ within DDA, to be overseen ay an independent Land Pooling Appellate. Authority (with, quasi-judicial powers) for dealing with all disputes and anomalies emerging from the implementation of the Policy DDA will create dedicated mult-disciplinary teams for managing the Single Window System based implementation. These teams will be drawn from different divisions/departments within DA and will manage documentation, coordination with other agencies, site inspection, approval of alignments and site layouts, and other matters that will be defined in the Regulations, The option of outsourcing certain pacts of the operations (as required) may also be considered, ‘The proposal given’ at Para 3 above is placed before Authority for approval for issuing public notice w.r.t Modification in Chapter-19 (Land Policy) of MPD-2021 under Section ‘11 (A) of DD Act 1957 for inviting objections! suggestions. RESOLUTION 164 7 ; ce eee : ~ANNEXURE-A .. : “ied 6 who ee-sscago0 : EB ; f r hi EXTRAORDINARY POT TESS 3 ayaa.) 2 : PARETESéstlon 3—Sul-sction (i) ee one aibere erga wh SUBLISAUD BY AUTHORITY \y % 2076) : > No. 2076) . 1 aber : Rat aie ’ : wet e 2 EET dvs @ mtn «gene on at are soar + 4 Brera RENE Pe a ee SN “orgyiter af: > . var = a | : : : oo 23 ooh eg ME EP wae oe wae ae toe 2 setts eh a tobe *L siae: ‘@- [. “ ORE SF ar" G © aie oer tar iy Sun (2); SSRI Ge aoRayser ts remesr abye sitet er we Rap: Zoek aw die disa!ggr | wea sore er Rea, g ante “165 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY’ ae Soret, UR SAC SAAT A MSR a es er cae aera] att Piet dat amet ae La: AR scney, *: % { P 19.0% ampere aon) stares aera ser wel iter Bm hot oe et reat ee MY (eek 11) 8 Set Be eb |e tl wh Cat's cae gel ‘Braise Risrer as fer arcane 19,0 WR NE aye ange re ‘Beret, ene = Re ‘So at tae Hah REL ‘Reeth ape ahaer-2021 et sem area 19/9 mst ah apa & oP Race we aa eae : te . sree At often at arany ae eet aaa a wor Kafer, TO were gate MT RA TER Seer: re OB, _ WR %, Fergal seer ger carat Siar se sentria ante! nfs Gra ater ti Se AGF at ag a UY AST er anal al ay san 20 gee Re uke ae Ear we Bat So BI ae i . Sera at arp we Reva &, oh apt free seomeaier eee B a ot ; ain ir fer ee Re a he YY eve arom eRe aa ce AP mea yar fe . $, *RTADN, rer loenB a, ays GERRY ge. Seal “as A ‘wt WE Tarer Wh) sraar cer Prema FRY pats. ane ftp: Shane a ees haar we, dare at cen Rh mesa 2 stare ara Serie ar ier arch ater er asters: are at atari ety ; e i, eter aera aster aoe sseh). ash. SiS aD Raa Reape “Sebo 0 Rrare ape ge feeret Reenter 3 ener ear werer aaa Heat acai 166 : ea of e Earit—aps 309] Teo TE, = oreNETEE Wajex. shown asateate amr seme ait! 2a enonsioe sre: eet qar Beiorncans eat te feemsr ong YP eer i ee Pn S00 ANE A ee fereqee wi staat ar weice mata re oer Ror at YR are i i 192> ERA. Arene ey 1RRar fis uti & arate eat ot Sifter eer afte ay amenegr aie # awenar ¥ » Pate We Sons wnat ait ex catia doe TNT Sesh Shier caret at ere. B99 Reon wa (BLS.) 6 afer i Ria st gaRE fe ‘a stare er Felecia ar Shenk SRY a amp aqGr or oreo Sr athe glen : 8. Wer Storrs react atte ANG. SRI tage: waite Sart a tae - fol) Fe ABR, ay are a. wae “waalyaiatin’ seeniaruhen - SAS remy ‘Sigal, Reger Snake, acer ar daeoring, sme) war Reo sey ’ @) Riemeratarig ay ASR IFRS GRO eSt rat ons at rata ed A SSI 2 okra Prater ater “Ra Ssiequa yd SRN Sarge at RRL. wtstterany + gaye 48 aa Oe ee ge a ETI gi rere eee “ae Sree ee AAT A, Fe Ege . ee oe ace eee 94 siGt seit Perot 19.4.1 se ee # eee eH 7 ERT, ST < aPtamreimh: 6 WReRT wo S's aeloitrar ed abana gfted: 10 wheter. * owe we wRarem: 12 wie 1904.2. re TE er sender ab. Ree Serer aE Seeeh ATR ae shee Te MeN veiter ata entrar Bg 19.4.3, CR aT cr cer seh ea a ere rah (Rae anon, Feri ay signs aed eral ups HG AY Aohanere we ake ST Ma ATT RRM | Rear one fe ae SO AF ama ae A apr 4 eee TRESS, RE Tey STL ‘Sareis yor ey a pepe Be ge HP ier Ar ar re meer Gs renga S- : i Psawiebt a fre 2, ARTE Rome" 20 are ae ate & IE a JOM 2 FES 8 Bag.20-8reae Sie iett ° it cote ho ra 4) wf © 0 so atte Rem. are 40 feet afr Tk STEAL 168 Cem tae 3¢3 SS “ike At JEiBEscslor aban teeremat ah ore away: 3, ise ae am FE St TEN 5 afer, : Tease Aon | Q-Bert ter-20 Breer dhiaeanien of Rremernatt 2G) Sr ais, a og afRias Re Sth eRe, ana be AM ay Sr Tots : SRerenReRT Br a (Bey wfeterer) far 3 sont: aoe snare 2 tere ai ave rdsieenartacathe ate 5 & ote afr 3884 GEprd. = : : ey — 7 6 »_ THE GAZETTE OF INDIA? EXTRAORDINARY ftps usee.3cin safe samc ah George aia ERT 15% oT BF gic ane TS fare 3: ch see amie fe ay ah: t202 ana ve so aiarall fer 3 se ae eae 2021 “area -ptarmi araetr aes 1OCOT eam uae as xenon aera ata aah fee ay i i "194 Sodas i Ste era ren sere seis he Gm) WIR Sra Ree STENT ane. 400 Peet: ara gE EL a, SSG STE Ar Te grea as. uate Aart EP ane AGT arene arenrhir ore sr faeraT}s Sete for a8 Fee caren athe ae ST Meera, Ole . “aI 250 Gam “Gan afters my water a0%6 ety 1G Sea, wat aren re 15x mean wr Uae Booooo ater ueT: et (7 Ser ener Snarasr Uster ayaa ape wey I : © Ge overt mgt rer ‘areeher Faemeaga as 2 “Ee 100 aot ated ae ash “8 ogee water afer ater fr eh Ten, SweeqeT Rey snare ah HT ate & 0.5 Giese odet shee ty mere we aba ater eT Go ee ier & ager Revie aE. Swarr By worhal-zozr a sepure eer Me Tew 1 Rie wearer wey eet ; af shoe: Aedes sume eat Tar ag ear eB (ait feele wt anaes & agar ar sey reer a fe ane oral Coreg ae oe “shes aw tenie segs Yomi : : i aerer sraria eh & su-uve site gash Gemeler wt oont eae) ay orate Reagsh. 2021 ay arepsire SN : : . Hi erate Sore GME fe 19.6 i) eae uate thane a. ames : wifes ty Sam wa: ange B seu area such ar iar aR SGC 20 Bree Baier Sy uRehsens Be pees aee at web aise Sr apt feomerwe wag ae slater Rea or tear Seater sike ant : a i at FAR ar orgie sigghvereth fear ay set aetier eva ah at ae-yRr . Stee 2 se: Ra “eee eth shone orepher et ao EL wen eT aa Saher aigeRt & aegrer Rare Gee oS fy amare ee) 170 - | gape RG BT: sai 95 ARR Rep MME salen att ve a a Gr wt sar Os Sher ame ae a STRSTR ARR tet Srey AE sayy 7: Diesen et, uRRa Ra ap Sore Sat Renee ae alters gb eypae ‘ ge Nor PAB eon an eae hr et aw Be emeet aoe SUNS SRE Sree 9B 59 Bro 3a . PSR Se mae eit avert eng aneme $2 40 wh shee stn Coat GT ESE ava Teles S096 CeT SENT’ gh tae wae ara & Preeti yaraner safer: ar fare RRC, GTM ar were Gitte) ar Varah Rafe era sone ait feta ahh a SER near eT este RT. SEEM Sar ; a freer, SORE aap ste. % Steaihen tank ‘ea year “oy sifeeat ater Smear: arteraiiLatgre amy iy. sree nny : whistety amen sfewar. as feoe sumer amet Resear, ce area Sprerer: RRL aero reer ek ty TORE, Bare a "area: SRE SR Reteicel arr farar airewint- 12.8 AR ase HEY WS fa ater ; Boat ae oat ae The ae att a arene vray ay” IN. oieleeln canes ren teens “tae: ae re 5 sd ah oath aS ; THE GAZETTE:OF INDIAT EXTRAORDINARY fs Wg, antepht A orepREAER, “Ser orate St terete aisha fl Sirens weghtenen te re atest = Part “Se a0) ie See bt Visossrtinoor-ae-y : . sift et ae MUNISTRY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT 7 © @ani Division) : 1 Rotamicanton : % ‘New Deli the Sth’ September, aod i ‘the Central Government proposed to make dinavy, as:Pyblic Notice’vide S.0: No''990(B) dated!18-4-2013 Uy" the eth? Development’ Autho i sccordance;wit the provisions of Section of the: Delhi Development ActM9S7(G1 SF 1957)nviting j bjections/sngprstions as required by.sub-section @) of Section L1-A of the sal Act thin fry Sve days Ae from the date of the said notice! 5 eee 2. Wheres, objections/snenestions roveiyed wit regnrd t, the proposed modifications have been considered by a Board ef Eriquiry“and’ Hearing, set.up!by Delhi: Development Anithority aind also'approved atthe ineeting of the’ ‘Delhi Dévelopment 3, Whereas the Central Government has, after carefully considering all aspects of the inatter, decided to modify the Master Plan for Delhi-2021. 4, ‘Néwsthierefore, in exercise of the powers confered by sub-section (2) of Section L1-Aiof ‘he said’ Act, the Central Government hereby males the followingodifications inthe said ‘Moster Plan for Dethi:2021 with effect from the date of publication of this Notification in the. Garrtte of India. : a Modifications: i S.No. -| Chapter/Para/ Sub-para of MPD 207k 1. introduction, - Major ‘Highlights of - the Plan, S. No. 20, (@)Eand' Policy ‘ ‘The Innd policy would be based on the ‘Wiodifications “The landpolicy-based da the-optinmum . optimum utilisation of available xesources, botli, public and private in Jand. assembly, " development and -_= Lnousing. public and:-private, in, land assembly, development mid housing to be as per Chapter 19.0. utilisation of available’ resources, both, | ~ z 3,0 Delhi Urban Area; Para 3.2 |. )ee The ‘immiediate-urban extension Gould be in thé zonesof J-to L,N 6 P (U8), The tand -required ‘for. urban a extension, will haveite'be: assembled, for planned development. Considering, the. wa The immediate urban extension could ‘bein the zones;of J.t0,L,N &P Gat). In order to:accomodate'the additional population; {hé-land'requied for urban exdension, Will have to be assembled for planned development as pér the land policy given im Chapéer 19.0. Considering the .. 7 pe fom ame agit MTT VETER sore 9 3. Amow Chapier 19.0 Land Policy is addeilito:theVPD 202% as under: 19:0 LAND POLICY : ‘The large scale Land Acquisition, Development and Disposal Policy of Dedii approved in 1961s, stil in operation, However, land acquisi ionand planned development has not kept ‘pace with thétihere: 12308, development. fared bE the Urbain Hxtensions for-which Zonal Pron Lvve been, Seoilitator with aninimum intervention (facilitate and” of their own ed to as the B sed planning, ost prescribed W Tocnsur inclusive development by adequate provision of EWS and pther housing 8s pot.Sheltcr Policy of the Master Plan, : 192 Role x DDA/Government , ,. ae 4 Deslasation of areas under land’ odling and :ptepmration.of Lay :t Plins-and_ ifiastmuctire, iv, " DDA‘shall:be responsible fox extecnalevetorm | ¥. (Bequisition oftek outland:pocketsinaicne yunid ‘mani {wherever'the-persona are not corhiny ‘forward 'to:"part ‘through Ian. pooling, A Bane ars Paes 2s is g : ‘ 0 a THE GAZETIE:OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY. Pawel Sen' 300) Role‘otthe DeveloperMatityiOE), ; _Assembly and susrender of Jand.as per Ps specified in the Regulations. . got ‘Prépatation-of the layout plans /detailed plans 2s.per the provisions ofMasterPlan | avdithe;Policy. oe ‘ a i ‘Demarcate all-the roads es;per,Layout Plan an ‘Seaton: Bart i ‘verified. fromthe concemed: Authority within. theless fea. and’ Seek.” approval of layout plans/detaiteds sic in the’ presctibed time frameto be | ive supply'lines; power'supl share ofthe land. +5) DE shall be allovied Sieatio ‘of infricticture faoiltigs: Jevel subject to approval of Competent ‘Anthority- “y. Retuan af the preseribed’ built up space! ‘Dveelting, Casts for EWSILIG Housing component to. the DDA‘as per the policy. ee a 7 ify Timely! corapletioniof developmentnd its maintenance witha: fhe neighborhood rosiddparis ete. at city fa jevel facilities 16. ‘perl spaces}zoads:and: servicesitillythiiares'is hhanded-aver to fyb 1 tenipal Corpor? eonberned Tox maintenance, Tie deficieney charges if + gnyy all be bane by: the'DB' at the time of handins\ovsr ‘ofthe services to the ‘Corporation. Ht Q i 39.4 Lapa Use Distribution: . 49:41. | The Land Useidistibutionabthe ‘ity level for she urbanisable arcas in the urban. + extension adopted foxthis policy 3¢ agrnders! “28 8 4 terion ot esidential-53%.,(For. every. 1000,tiaof Land pooled, thebgross residential distribution, provides “approximately, 50,000°DU's for EWS housing.) ; : : Conimercial : 5% ndustiial : 4% © Recreational ‘Tie Recreational LandUs¢ does not. fl Jand use categories. ay bs i A 1943 _ The shacoof eityjevel temunecativesland to.be rea ‘he catopories/sizé of land. pooled amder this policy, Jond shall-vary-between: 110%, Commercial Lait shalt & entire Industrial” ra ‘of 4% shall be vetained*by DDAY 495. - Norms for Land Assembly/Eand! rootinges | i Eee the Land Pool, Model proposed for‘land‘assemblye: fe: “development, with Developer, * Entitids are as follows: vene twio catGgorics of land pooling, are Catogory, for: 20vFis aixt:above end Category I for 2 Fia to Tess than 20 Ha 7 ered returned to Developer Entity (DB) in Cotegsry 1 (20 Ha and above) will be 60% dad land rétained by DDA 40%. i 174 El aici DE (608%) tadetaot ana Use in Sategory (Grois tésidesitiar; 2% City’ ‘Level Pabli&/Scini-Public an Level Commereist."Thio.distribat min on of lend retuned to DE (4896) in ierms of | Tand‘use! iit’ Category-1i wity be 43% as Gross ‘residential, 29 Ci + Level Public/Semi-Public ind 3% City Levey Commercial, } DB shall be‘returisit land: within San radius of peoled land subject 1 49 other planning:tequirements, 7 co Pl ' : {Table19didtand Assembly & Pooling Model * [SS sea a ined bape ay oi” ar scutes” fRoterea [icenca] Bun oon grey ree [trae rg co ky evel ey Laveh ae ‘omiersat Tana Wad TouR|tand Youn] * Ti Te Pavel aa] Febove~"} ony: ‘onde | OS6HR 20 em flay 3a a, sar 2 [ogi |0a [eae ase ~Lendl-Pocted fort Category i, he tlstrative' roe escent tand asin. Ber'aPo-202%nernis of3'sam ber person forltctiics, 19.6 DevelopmenContvet:Norns, * : a DevelopmentiContrdt ‘Nonm’ under te policy are: to. be applicable « 1 net SUOFAR resected fo. WS maaximinn ‘of 38% ‘of oss provided: iv. iv. vi vite “THR GAZETTE-OF INDIA? EXPRAORDINARY: ‘Pir t-Se03), eencntigeicer ti evel) shall be as per “Laval level facilifiesito‘commens ste with. the density specified “Tyndale FAR is allowed-for development. However ieadable FAR-can:only.be! ‘having approvalilicence of i inveadejof residentialruse, -thejsame plabiaing Zones ferred. to anothes.DE in: -projeots more then 20 Fa, Oiker terms andconditions ‘Land Pooling to"bell vxban; extension for ny hich “Zonal Plans - have.-been: development along TOD:corid 5 areas willbe Jerse of fragsnentes » planning Zone, land shatlsbe'retarsied ‘within the. same zone Tf:there:is 20, ‘category due to site -as:per this policy in. the-urbonisible areas of entize. shortfall 1 vasiati conditions, the DE will ‘that ‘category on the ‘A to DE maybe lesser: JEWS Housing unit size'to1 50% of he EWS Ho rosed only to the Service Personnel, ( Ibe entitied to the-entire-built up area jand retumed, even thous than-dve to him: ¢ ‘peranging between 32-40-5970: shill te retained: rwméns, af maticet riesy"to! house ‘Community’ (CSP) working for the’ Residents / Ovmers.of ‘the: Group. Spo developed by DE at the respective. Group Housing Housisig. These wil Remaining 50% of DUs developed by 1 So\d-t0 DAY Local jndext of 2013 (plus cost'of BW: as per CPWD escalation, developed by DE at'anc facilities shall algo-be provided by the DE for. “The EWS housing! comporient ere: aszurance checks,” as~prescribed janding/taking’ over of this’ assurance requirements. ‘The DE shall be allows component: under" its“ ‘prescribed land asi ‘Extemal Development’ DE to be'soléiteiDDAsfor EWS hovsing. dies’ at HasefGostloPRs: 2000/ pets of piaeinig) ivinichshall-be ei ‘hanidiig over aad”ean"be “gmmézeial anil PSP jndex at the time of" ated by ‘the! DE: in’ this tegard’by ‘corpsnentt shall'be subject to hall be: subject to ‘quality GoviJDDA, The ‘final fulfiing the quality eatto undertake actual tennsferftsansaction of saleable ‘the piospestive buyers ot ‘Jhanded over to the DDA. £éChaigesandiany’otherdév the city infraétructre shal ‘sharefownership to ;elogment charges incurred for Il be payable by the DE on actual cost incurred by DDA. Car aes 3(4) RR ISA. = OTRATOT, 419.8. Framework for Implementation of the Policy : i The detailed ‘Regulations. for operationalisation. of the Land Pooling, Policy __ including process and timeframe for participation shall be framed separately ina fime Douind manner. In order fo inlee the Polioy people. friendly aud tr-aspavent, “ie detailed Regulations shall be put up in Public dorsata for jnviting views of the Seksholders giving 30 days time in the newspapers and website since involves development through participation." * Creation ofa dedicated Unit in DDA for dealing with approvals of Lax‘ Pooling applications. The option of outsourcing of the sorutiny for legality of applications ae and online submission offbuilding plans to experts nuiy also be considered, ii, [No. J-13036711/20¢°-DD-¥] » ABHINT BAKSHI, X y. Secy, ing? Real, Majepu, Now DanFTIO0G ‘Publications, Deti-110054, OTE. TRE, AE Reet +4 10002 - i) prs 014 - 29378518 Date! (osieo17 File No: F.3(63)/2003-MPrVolll i ll a Subject: Circulation of Fecord note of discussion of the meeting taken by: Hon'ble L : Delhi Chairman-DDA at 2:30 pm/on 04.05.2017 {0 discuss the priority actions {Sf eperationalization of Land Pooling Policy within DDA? i ae ae “Tain directed to enclose: front Copy ‘of the record ote, of discussion: of the - meeting held on 04.05.2017 taken by Hon'ble L.G. Dethi, decisions taken during themesting f Encl.: As above yo Se : Bes. 2Rajesh Kumar Jain © Ditector (Pig) MiP & Le for taking nécessary‘action on the lena Commlssioner (Planniig) Gis) UTTIPEC 4 ect (Pk an : Be ites MIP &DC/ Land! reals Policy. ene) 178 ‘feecit fore snftrerer asufirte fi ORR iter, Rare tae ‘SHE. FT, eRe, AE Reet - 110002 Aa 011 = 23378518 Date: 19/05/2017 Manship of Hon'ble LG Delhi Chaitman DDA at Raj rity actions for operation: ization. of Land DDA attended the eating, besides 1. Vice Chairman, DDA 2. “Engineer Member a 3°, Principal:Commissiéner.(Lar 4. Principal Commissionér (Land: 5. Finance Member / Chief Acco 6: Commissioner (Plannin 7. Additionial'Commissioner (PI 8. Director (Planning), 9." Ditéctor.(Plannirig), ctor. (Sunvey’& Coordination) 14 Assistant,Director (Planning);Master Plan 16." Assistant Director (Planning),'Land Policy The, Planning ;Department.made: a. presentation on various issues: that! requires priority. actions for operationalisation of Land Pooling Policy which were.deliberated in detail and following actions were agreed upon:- 1: Modification: in: Master Plan‘-202: Applicability of TOD Norms in Land P. It-was' explained’ that” Land Po proposed for urbanizatio pment contro! in d holder will get #88. assigned "to their"land in’ the Zonal Development Plan (ZDP),with minimum displacemént"; whereas TOD is basically an incentivize redevelopment almost on the same land. ln case of TOD Policy ‘the approval ‘of the MRTS corridors “and 500m wide influence zone on both sides is a° pre-requisite. : 179 Page 1 of & | Pe geuppere In:view of above submission, applicabilit ‘hajor modifications in MPD 2021 ‘and eon 'y of TOD in Land Pooling areas will need responding regulations. Focessing for inclusion of un-acquired land of Zone.P-l in-Land:Pool ‘Thé proposal regarding *Allowingecl "2 leveloomentiof;unacquired land measuring about 3500 fia out of which approximate, s00:ha.-vacantijand, in'Narela-sub‘city: (Zone. P- sdsio:the Authority, Mesting; AG: ctirig.§ ppralsaof" aa . ite 3. Prepdration: of base maps a ‘ones: records in coordination with:Gisiunitand: iIt was’ explained-that DDA' is prepi platfof falling in: Lantl Pooling Atez of it, 21 have been sent to Reventi (Rohihi) hasiauthenticated a/sticH villak : ‘ By lb Sante “piegees {twas decided to follow up the matter with revenue:ceparlinentio NCTDAThe work regarding, preparation -of base: map:for-temalninaspilladeseshouldsbolstaken. priority: and: completed. in. a’ time;sboupel sfixistimes: Copies: correspondence with:GNCTD -areto’t rary to... Morteiane issue |with concerned department. : be provided iInistrative' Unit: J. {Requlrement-of Man : Page 2 of 4 ' Il. Development of software, for inviting and; processing of application at vall'stages:- TAs fi ; The processes. of inviting. applicatidn, land retum, sanction of Layout Plans ‘ shall be through online system. In. this regards various SOPs and Software have to be developed. it was decided that the matter willbe taken up by the concemed Head of the, Departments with the. System Department of DDA on top priority. Action: EM, FM, PC (LM), PC (LD), Commissioner (System) Nl.” Public awareness. programme with the help of identified, agencies for ensuring, maximum: participation on. opening ofthe. scheme. twas informed that the, process for hiring the agency, who, will assist DDA in public awareness programme for maximum participation of DE on opening of "the scheme was initiated in Apri: 204, itis’on hold. It was opined that the ss it‘ Was ‘notified’ in September 2013, alley will be operationalised, the same, can be fi igi modes, by. Public. Relations FS and « y is from other,departments: advertised. through Newspat Department based ofthe inp 'V. Appointment of. Consullancy ‘firm for Information’ and Communication Technology. Enabled Services for processing’ of’ Land Pooling applications till issuances of Oceupancy Cértific: “As discussed,in Para II above; this iil be. dealtsinshouse, Land Management Wing: 7 iS Various actions have to be. initiated for: protection: of land relained by DDA as per the approved Layout Plans:til the, same is.dispased/ utilised. Further, after declaration of development area under section 12-of DD Act 1957, DDA will be responsible for watct & ward. to check any development in contravention of Master Plan / Zonal Davelopment Plan, The matter was discussed, considering the. past, experience it was observed that this involves'large manpower with in DDA and therefore this needs to be reviewed. Thus, it was-decided that DDA should act. as.a'Regulator/ Facilitator and should not involve itsetfin protection of land for a longer period. : Therefore, it. was decided that that an alte minimize.tand.retention: period by Policy, this may require sui ‘ative options could be examined to y DDA. Since it will be.a major shift from the notified table modification in: Master’ Plan, 2021 and the action for: preparation. of suitable land actions for.Pianning & Designing of the larid luse ‘need to be worked out by Engineering/ regulations. This will involve ‘simultaneous. disposal policy for facility. plots, Further, under resideritial and commercial land Architecture Wing. Action: EM, PC (LD), Comm.(Plg), Chief Architect Page 3 of a ATEN ee ment of Project: Management Consultant (PMC) for i for various inffastracture works to'be executed4 Process forappointiientiof Project lots for vz ig | » P JAfteMSiScussion it Was" obSenisel NEIHIS Héeds OVEN ‘by the‘Enginéering Wing as | / the/Extemnal/Services'cari'be' provided by Sorvies: Providing ‘Agéiiciés like DJB, Dill Transeo ete. The Internal development wil be the responsibilty of Developer Entity. e ye Action: EM 7. Land Dispogat Wii See) : Tews) infofined that the” arie Dishésal Wifig'will:preparé"SOP:forvétum of land to, Developer entity: Vatigus iésticstreltedtt cispésaror and of pooled tani and Paliey taking'over oF EWS Hows Finnee'Wings 99 97 9 se Se oe < ‘ib wae ekplaitiea that the: shall: Be levie'on DE ting fenced: Initially sématmoney!tiag to! bé"alldcateu trom thé central'funds of DA. All tfi6.money/taken’as EDC “shall be ‘put’ in'/an’ Estrow account for further expenditute, for which finance department will make SOP to deal with, “and the-entiré project shall be “8 Retion: FMICAO thie" proposed Urbanizable is, “sector, designing, internal roads, facilities, etc.) ae Hon'ble" tt ‘overiior. ‘suggested ‘that: the ‘LayoutPldni’ Sector’Platr'tiéed’ to be ie avidity’ sujsttivity'on the part-of DDA tiallétting land i Planning’ Officers ‘explainéd:that Zonal Develo Central Government.and thus’ land uses:have already been freezed*The regulation provides “policies ‘to “iitlifiizé sucty: Subjectivity. in’ allotment” by“graiiting priority number: allotieni‘ef land:with'minimuin:displacementéte::~ Lape doa Addl:Commissioner (GIS &SUTTIPEC) informed ‘that ini the Gis’ layout plans can be prepared simultaneously. mint Plans have'beénnotified by the BEMIS, the broad ‘The meeting ended'with.thanks-to the-chair. i - -EAITOOOOOGOOK - Action: Addi. Commissioner (GIS&-UTTIPEC) Page a of 4 Ceitcate No, Cotticats Issued Dats Account Reterance Unique Bos. Fsference Purchased by. Description of Document Propenty Description Gondiceration Price (Rs.) First Pary Second Party Stamp Dury Paid By Stamp Duty Amounts.) MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING INDIA NON JUDICIAL Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi e-Stamp 2 INOLS27s99sazdea92P : 18-Jun-2017 02:01 PM + IMPACO (IVy.al833409/ DELHW/ DL-DLH + SUBIN-DLDLegS4086421509149000F DELHI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BDA. Anlicie § General Agreement 2 Not Appléatle “AUTHORITY DOA’ 2 OF URGAN AFFAIRS Nia OBITY ODA i This Memerehaum of Understanding cerca on te Lt gay o tho month of June Palhi Development Authority, (heroinalter raietred to 26 “DE Usless repugrisnt of the context or meat BETWEEN ." whioh sxoression shal 8 thereo! be deeined io mean and inchide ts x wih ges 183 (2) “Applicable Laws" means the laws and any other instruments having the farce of Jaw in India as, they. may be;Isayed and inforea; from tn (2) “Parly" means. the DDA or the NIUA, _ both of there: fatime; ns the case may be, ant {g) "Services" méans ine work to be performed by the NIUA wae hes 28 descrived inthe Technical Proposal (Annexure “A’)hersio; {hy "Thee Party” eneans any person or entity other than the DOA an the NIVA, Alters ane words not defined herein shel, unless the context otherwise roxulres have the meering assigned to therm nt MoU. 8. The following documents with allacdenda issued thereto shall be deemed to forn and be read and construed 28° integral patis of this MoU and in ‘case’ of eny:§ contradiction between or among thetn the ory in which @ document Would” Provail over another would be as laid down, below beginning from the highest priority to the lowest priority {@) Memorenclum of Understanding. () Annexure‘ of emoransium-of Understanding (Technical Proposal} ©. Relation between the Parties Nothing herein contained shall be construed as establishing a relation of master: ‘and servant or of agemt and prificipat as belween the DDA and the NIUA. The NIUA shall, subject to this MoU, have complete charge of #s Personnel performing, the Services and shall be fully responsible for the Services performed k sia ce their behalf hereunder. ae ‘The Parligs have agreed fo pursue their collaboration with objectives nd: methods a eseribed hereunder, anc! enter into this Memorandum of Understanding hateby agrating as folows: : 1. Scope and objectives 4.4 The purpose ofthis MoU is 16 establish a colahoraive errengemsnl belween the Parties so that NIUA can take up the Work of preparing the Master Plan for Delhi 2044 given by the DDA and carry out ail the necessary tasks thereunder. 1.2 This MoU provides @ basis af cooperation for the activities ee per the Scope of ‘Work and Broad (Methodology given in’ Annexure ‘A’ to this MOL, which may be finalizes into the necessary Contracts / Work Orders from time to Gime upon agreement to the Parties. Bagh vi ‘These are underlined by the. need for ¢spitel investments, land resources and GIS.besed planning to-ensure. projects pianned-by the-city duing the Master Plan get realistically implomanted curing the plan petlod. A robust yot flexible Iramework for monitoring & evshuiation i also needed to-enable course corrections for the city agencios given the tong, ©. perad of plan implementation NILA understands these compiexities trom its work nationally and globally and i therefore equipped-to undertake the MPO 2041 process with the broad understancing to developing @ realistic reform besed plan for Delhi and assist ODA on formulation of various’ tend: ‘elated poliies. 2 2, Szope of Work: “The broad scope of project cavers: + Proparetion of the MPD 2041 a8:an enabling Sifalegic pla oF CeIn © Understencing'the review of te tFadtonal-ntasterplsnning,pracess for Delhi end Forring stakeholder Groups ge Eee Formulate panning icles andabits ecrots the ity, © Coordinating wit ‘ect! iy «gue thie mapping ‘petorm frat Lae ‘rou realty. Presenting periodically the findings “and next steps. ‘al various ‘pudlic platforms to: receive feodback end refine the planning prises ; © Beveloping 5 year monitoring and evaluation tramework to understand the progress. J plen implementation | Dovetoping 8 management framework to creating; operating and preservation of city oo “Aijing tha MoUD's Notional Smert Giy Liveabity Index ta the MPD - 2044 exercise “In Deli and track outcomes relating to duality of i oval Arca Plans and policy for the ereas which are not covered under land pooling policy © Developing capacities within the-locel bodies (municipal corporations) to develop Jocal ares: plans ia partnership with the communities. “Page 160023 Review of the lend pooling policy fer Delt © Developing a land pooling ‘and 2 capital investment plan for the 20 year time petiod, © Develop value capture frameworks to incantivizs land pooling mechanisms. Policy for privately held lands in Dela ‘Any otha? policy issue related to tand and implementation of MPD. © 3. Methodology: “Approach: {+ NIUA's suggested approach for this projec! consists of 4 phases, nelther exclusive nor ‘Sequential; yet very distinet to one another. : © Baseline phase: This wil Involve building a baseline quantitalive understanding on Delhi both at focal and regicnal level. This quantitative understending wil be gathered from historic dat, secondary data from. DOA and other ity agencies and some primary data collection, The data witl be overlaid ona GIS platform to understand linkages acroos various devetoprnental theres In the city The werk of preparation of base layer for Master Plan- 2041 on GIS platform needs ta be, ‘undertaken by DDA in-house to avoid the cifculles of aullénticating the same in future by DDA, NIUA wil work vith ODA-to access the Delhi State: Spatial Data Infrastructure (OSSOI) and build the base layers forthe process. © Programmatic Sector Phase: The quantilalive understanding In the haseine phase will be’ complemented by a qualitative understanding of the issues through ‘2 stakeholder consultaon across. other government -agencits,. parastetss, academia, sector experts, community aroups and. civil society organizations. The outcome of this phase will be @ fremiework for overall ely vision, sectorel planning principles, identified’ areas of. depravation, recommended’ Interventions “and intended impact ‘of city investments within the ‘sector: “About 10-12 sectors combining traditional (housing, twansportation, eeoriomiy, "infrastructure, Placemaking, environment, solid waste management) and emerging. (culture, heritage, digital empowerment, inctusion, renewable energy, ~ disaster menagemien!) programmatic areas will be studied across stakeholder groups to dovelop an implementation and outeom= map for Dei tit 2041. © Enabling Phase: The enebling phase of the project will look at the rollout strategy ‘for neighbourhood redevelopment throught developnient conirol regulations, land use, laind-pooling, slandutiting, local area planning. and: governance and coordination required to enable the implementation of the plan

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